Thesis Proposal
Thesis Proposal
Thesis Proposal
According to the UA Graduate College, you should choose your thesis topic and select your
committee by the end of your second semester in the School of Journalism masters degree
program. That means you should start thinking about your topic almost as soon as you arrive on
campusthese two years will fly by. Generally, masters students develop their theses proposals
in conjunction with JOUR 589: Survey of Research Methods, which you should take in your
second (spring) semester.
The thesis generally comprises several chapters that include an introduction, literature review,
statement of hypotheses or research question, and explanation of research methodology, all of
which are part of the School of Journalism thesis proposal. The remaining chapters to be
completed following approval of the thesis proposal include discussion of your findings and a
conclusion, followed by a bibliography. A completed thesis usually runs fifty to one hundred
pages long and can be for three to six credits. Students should register for JOUR 910: Thesis.
The first step in the thesis process is to complete the online Masters Plan of Study (MPOS),
which must be signed by the Journalism director of graduate studies and your proposed
committee chair (major advisor) and filed with the Graduate College. This two-page document
is essentially a contract among you, the School of Journalism, and the Graduate College
specifying which courses you will take to fulfill the master's degree requirements. It also requires
you to state a thesis title and find your committee chair.
The Plan of Study identifies (1) courses the student intends to transfer from other institutions; (2)
courses already completed at The University of Arizona which the student intends to apply
toward the graduate degree; and (3) additional course work to be completed to fulfill degree
requirements. The Plan of Study must have the approval of the student's major professor and
department head (or chair of the Graduate Committee) before it is submitted to the Graduate
College. The Graduate College will charge your student account when you file your MPOS. All
deficiencies must be satisfied before the Plan of Study is approved.
As stated by the Graduate College, each student is responsible for developing a Plan of Study as
early as possible during the first few months in residence, to be submitted to the Graduate
College no later than the second semester in residence. The sooner the Plan of Study is
submitted, the sooner the student knows whether the proposed coursework is acceptable under
Graduate College policies. Students who wait too long to submit the Plan of Study sometimes
unexpectedly have to alter their coursework late in their degree program and may have to take
additional courses. You will not be able to graduate without a Plan of Study that is approved by
Journalism and the Graduate College. More information is available here:
Click on My Grad College, log in, and click on Forms. Scroll down to Master's/Specialist
Students and click on "Master's/Specialist Plan of Study. Fill it out online, including all past
and planned coursework; it will generate a two-page document. One page lists your coursework.
No signatures are necessary.
The other pages require your chairs signature in two places: Under No. 7, which certifies your
thesis complies with all Responsible Conduct of Research regulations, and under No. 8a, as
Major Advisor. You must check to see whether your research will need approval from the UA
Institutional Review Board. See Professor Shahira Fahmy, Journalisms IRB representative, for
help with this process. More information is available here:
You sign at the bottom. Bring both signed pages to the Journalism director of graduate studies to
sign. He or she will make copies and deliver the MPOS to the Graduate College.
Changes to an approved MPOS may be submitted to the Graduate College in three ways: (1) on
the Change of Program form (downloadable from the Graduate College website); (2) by e-mail
directly from the major advisor to the degree auditor (if acceptable to the degree auditor in the
Graduate College Degree Certification office); or (3) on the Completion of Degree
Requirements form submitted when students defend their theses.
The MPOS should be completed by the end of the second semester. Generally, a student will
work on his or her thesis proposal over the summer and defend it the following fall. If approved,
the student will write the thesis in the fourth and final semester.
Thesis Committees
You should consult with faculty with expertise in your research area as you begin shaping your
proposal. Think about which faculty member you would like to work withand who has the
background and skills you will need to complete your thesis. Besides the faculty member who
chairs your committee, you will need to ask two other faculty members to serve on the
committee. Your chair usually is someone you have had as a professor.
The UA Graduate College requires that master's committees include at least two tenured or
tenure-track faculty members. If the third member is not tenured or tenure-track, the School of
Journalism director of graduate studies must submit a Special Member Request form to the
Graduate College. One committee member may be from outside the School of Journalism.
Occasionally, a committee may have four members. Dual-degree student committees must
include a faculty member from both programs.
Tentative title
The main title should be catchy, while the subtitle following a colon should describe your topic
more specifically. The title should be clear enough that your audience knows what to expect.
Examples are: Picturing Afghan Women: A Content Analysis of AP Wire Photographs During
the Taliban Regime and after the Fall of the Taliban Regime or Access Attitudes: Measuring
and Conceptualizing Support for Press Access to Government Records. You may revise your
title as you refine your thesis, but a well-considered title will help keep your focus on the main
idea of the thesis.
The most important part of the introduction is a clear, coherent statement of purpose. What is
your topic? Why is it important? The introduction should contain a brief overview of the thesis
topic, possibly including any important background information. An anecdote that segues into
the broader topic you plan to address can be an effective way to introduce a topic.
Literature Review
This is the lengthiest section of your proposal and provides the theoretical background for your
research. Theoretical frameworks will vary and may include approaches such as agenda setting,
framing analysis, survey methods, or experimental methods. Often running more than fifteen
pages long, the literature review has several purposes: it demonstrates that you have informed
yourself about the topic, are aware of what works on your topic already exist, and allows you to
demonstrate how you intend to contribute new, original information on the topic.
The review is more than an annotated bibliography. Besides synthesizing the main arguments in
scholarship relevant to your thesis, you must analyze their strengths and weaknesses. The final
section of the review should identify gaps in the literature that your thesis will attempt to fill.
Research Methods
Explain how you will conduct the study. Describe your methodology: Framing analysis? Cultural
historical research methods? Content analysis? Legal research methods? Explain the steps you
will take to answer your questions or test your hypothesis. When and where will you conduct
your research? Set parameters for the scope of your research and justify those limits. Parameters
may include certain time periods, demographic populations, geographic regions, or type of mass
Proper and full citation of sources is crucial in scholarly research. Citation styles differ according
to discipline and methodology. Your advisor will help you select the most appropriate citation
style. The most common citation styles are:
University of Chicago style as explained in A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and
American Psychological Association Manual
Bluebook for legal research
Modern Language Association
The bibliography should formally cite sources you intend to use in your final thesis as well as
those discussed in your background section. Discuss with your chair which of several
bibliographic styles is most appropriate for your thesis.
Set deadlines with your committee chair for when you will submit outlines, drafts, other
preliminary work, and finished pieces and include them in the proposal. Note that even drafts of
all work should meet professional standards: spelling and mechanical errors are unacceptable in
graduate-level work.
not limited to plagiarism and fabrication, will receive a failing grade and the student will be
removed from the program. You can download the handbooks here:
Thesis Defense
Schedule a date and time and reserve a room with the main office for defending your thesis to
your committee and other interested members of the school. The defense involves a twenty- to
thirty-minute presentation of your thesis, followed by questions and comments from the
committee. Be prepared to answer questions about how and why you made decisions about your
Your chair fills in the defense date and whether you passed or failed the exam. The committee
usually requires some revisions even when it approves the thesis, which will be noted on the
form. Any changes in your course work from the MPOS should be listed in the space provided.
At least two committee members must sign and date the bottom of the form. Your chair will give
the completed form to the DGS or school director to sign and submit to the Graduate College.
Keep a copy. The dean of the Graduate College will certify completion of degree requirements.
To graduate, all other course work must be completed and your cumulative GPA must be at least
Final Grade and Transcript: When the chair receives the final, revised thesis, he or she will
replace the JOUR 910 K grade with a P for pass or an S for superior. The Graduate
College must receive a copy of your official transcript with all final grades by the semester
graduation deadline.
Thesis Formatting
If you opt to submit your thesis to the university, The Graduate College has specific
requirements on the formatting of theses and filing them either electronically or in paper form.
You can download the guidelines at:
Thesis Submission
Submit your final, revised thesis to the Graduate College according to the Format Check Process
described at:
Journalism faculty generally are unavailable for thesis defenses during the summer except under
exceptional circumstances approved in advance. If you do not finish your thesis in the spring
semester, plan on registering and paying tuition for another three credits of JOUR 910 or JOUR
930 the following fall.
Commencement Information
University commencement ceremony information is available here:
For more information about School of Journalism academic policies, or advice on and help with
completing any of these forms, contact Linda Lumsden, director of graduate studies, at:
*The School of Journalism Graduate Committee would like to acknowledge that some of its
recommendations are based on similar guidelines it reviewed from the School of Journalism and
Mass Communication at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the School of
Journalism at the University of Missouri.
These guidelines are in effect beginning with the schools 2009-10 masters program cohort.