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Tool Uses

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The key takeaways are that students will begin invoking elemental, zodiacal, and planetary energies through ritual work as they advance through the grades, with the goal of progressively balancing their psyche and energetic body. Regular performance of the invocational rituals is emphasized.

The main requirements are to review the guidance notes, follow the prescribed ritual regime, and create or acquire the appropriate tools for each grade. Students must also submit monthly reports to their tutor and request the password for advancement when ready. Regular performance of the rituals is important for exposing oneself to the corresponding energies.

The minimum required tools are the two banishing daggers from Neophyte grade. Other tools like wands or pentacles can be created or purchased for each grade's elemental energy. While making one's own tools allows for personalization, purchased tools can still be empowered through regular use.

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

outer order of the

Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega

Dear Student,

Congratulations on passing your theoretical exam for entry into the first of the
elemental grades, that of the 1=10 grade of Juniorus. From this grade onwards, you
will notice a change in the focus of the work that you have been doing so far. You
are now ready to begin invoking magical forces. There will be emphasis on
invoking elemental, zodiacal and planetary energies.

Astrological magic picks up where astrology leaves off. Magicians are not mere
passive observers of the stellar forces, but over time become the master of them.
Magical invocation will systematicly, grade by grade, awaken the elemental and
astrological forces in your Sphere of Sensation. As these forces are integrated, your
psyche and energetic body shall become progressively more balanced.

These notes are intended to help you plan your studies through the grades from
Juniorus to Philosophus, advising you of the ritual requirements as well the
expectations of your Tutor.

Please also remember that there is a members forum for questions that may arise
with regards to your studies. By posting them on the forum and having it answered
there, it will aid other students who may also have the same question. You will also
have the opportunity to receive feedback on a number of occult topics such as
Theurgy, Astrology, Tarot, Qabbalah and more, from other students sharing their
knowledge. We also have weekly on-line lectures in the virtual classroom area of
the members forum to participate and learn. As a working magical Order, unity in
our efforts is important.

I wish you well in your studies and hope you enjoy working within the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn.

Fraternally in L.V.X.

G.H. Frater D.e.D.I.

Praemonstrator Ordinis


G.H. Frater. L.E.S.

Chief Adept and Archon Basileus
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,
Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega

"Ex Deo Nascimur,

In Christi Morimur,
Per Spiritum Sanctum reviviscimus"

Getting Star ted

The first thing that you should do after passing your examination and are
authorized entry into each of the elemental grades is review these Guidance Notes.
You may, however, familiarize yourself with them beforehand.

Below you will find information on the ritual regime that you should start to
follow, along with details of the Tools that you should create / acquire in each of
the grades. If you cannot make a tool, they are effectively personalized through
frequent use.

The most important aspect that you will have to learn is the discipline needed to
perform the new invocation rituals in the pattern described below. This will
gradually expose you to the various energies that you will be experiencing so that
you can start to assimilate them into your Sphere of Sensation.

As with the Neophyte grade you should start to prepare a timetable of study for
your theoretical work, as well as reviewing the ritual requirements needed to
advance. There is a lot more information in the elemental grades to review and
understand, but the most important work is the regular performance of the
invocational rituals as these expose you to elemental, zodiacal and planetary
energies which is needed to balance the corresponding energy within your aura and
The necessary rituals for each of the elemental grades will be sent to in electronic
form as you progress through the grades of the HOGD. Please remember that no
sashes are to be worn unless you have received the appropriate initiation.

Tools of the Trade

In the 0=0 Grade of Neophyte, the only two implements that were required, were
the two banishing daggers. The rituals that you will now be learning will involve
the invocation of elemental, zodiacal and planetary forces. This means that you will
require a different set of implements. Please bear in mind however, that the most
important "tool" in magical workings is a magician's will. Sincerity of intention and
right attitude are considered more important than trappings in the Great Work.
Such items as matching incense and altar cloths are nice to have to create
atmosphere if one so desires, but not necessary. There are a minimum of required
tools but also some viable substitutes.

Each of the Elemental Grades has its own elemental weapon or tool. It must be
mentioned that elemental tools are optional, but there must be items on the altar
that represent each element. There is also the use of three specific wands; The
Lotus Wand, Phoenix Wand and Chief Adept's Wand. Two of these wands, the
Phoenix wand and Chief Adept's wand are considered optional as they are primary
used as Second Order implements. The Lotus wand will suffice for Outer Order
magical operations if the other two are unable to be acquired. A simplified
"Rainbow Wand" can also be used. It has the same color bands as the Lotus
Wand, but without the flowered head. Below is a list of each of the tools for the
grades, and the three wands with brief descriptions of utilization:


Juniorus - Earth Pentacle

Theoricus - Air Dagger
Practicus - Water Cup
Philosophus - Fire Wand


The Lotus Wand or Rainbow Wand - used for Zodiacal Invocations

The Phoenix Wand - use for Planetary Invocations (Optional) - If not available, the
Rainbow Wand, due to the bands on the wand, provide an acceptable substitute for
the Phoenix wand.

The Chief Adepts Wand (Ur-uatchi) - use for Elemental Invocations (Optional).
The Rainbow Wand can also be used in place of this.

Below is a description of each of the tools listed above. More information will be
given at the appropriate grades. Further information can be found in a number of
books on the creation of the magical tools.
1=10, Juniorus

The Earth Pentacle

The Earth Pentacle of the Golden Dawn is used in all magical workings pertaining
to the nature of Earth. It is a symbol of the synthesis of the elements in Malkuth
and is inscribed with the hierarchies of Earth.

The Lotus Wand- ( Rainbow Wand if not available )

The Lotus Wand is specifically used for Zodiacal workings, as each of the bands is
associated with one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. This wand is the most useful
tool that a practicing magician can have, due to it being able to be used in
planetary and elemental invocations, as well as the Zodiacal ones to which its main
focus is attributed. This is because the bands can be attributed to the sign that the
planet Rules, and also to the concentration of elemental energies within a sign.

2=9, Theoricus

Air Dagger

The Air Dagger of the Golden Dawn is used in all magical workings pertaining to
the nature of Air. It is inscribed with the Hierarchies of Air.

The Phoenix Wand

The Phoenix Wand is used when performing Planetary rituals, as each of its
bands relate to the seven planets. This wand can be created in the 2=9 Grade of
Theoricus as that is when the student beings planetary invocations. However, this is
entirely optional as it is not technically needed until the Second Order.

3=8, Practicus

Water Cup

The Water Cup of the Golden Dawn is used in all magical workings pertaining to
the nature of Water. It is inscribed with the Hierarchies of Water.

4=7, Philosophus

Fire Wand

The Fire Wand of the Golden Dawn is used in all magical workings pertaining to
the nature of Fire. It is inscribed with the Hierarchies of Fire.

Chief Adepts Wand

As stated above, the Chief Adepts wand is a composite of the elemental energies
plus the equilibrated force of the Spirit, so it could be used instead of the
appropriate elemental weapons. As this is a Second Order implement, the use of
this in the Outer is optional.

Monthly Recordkeeping
The completion of the Monthly Report takes on a new emphasis in the Elemental
grades. Now that you are working with Invocational Rituals, your insights and
experiences will need to be recorded more fully for these rituals in order for you
and your Tutor to see how well you are progressing. The reports will hopefully
show that you are assimilating the energies of the rituals and that you are
integrating the elements into your psyche.

From the Juniorus Grade, you will also be expected to perform Skrying, which is
the ability to extend your consciousness into an energy plane and to document your
results. The term energy plane is used to describe a state of energy that has a
unique frequency, such as the Elemental Plane of Earth or the Zodiacal Plane of
Capricorn. These are not objective realities but states of being which are associated
with a particular energy type. The section below will describe a simple technique
that will allow you to Skry to a Plane.

Due to the difference in workings, there is a new Monthly Journal Form, which
incorporates sections for completion based on observations and effects for
invocations. For each invocation, you need to write a paragraph or two pertaining
to each invocation completed, but not limited to that amount. You may record
more if you deem it necessary to do so, so long as it is not a personal diary with
superfluous details that have nothing to do with your magical work. Keeping on
topic will allow for better review not only for your tutor while assisting you in
identifying notable events and areas of growth.

As normal, you will be expected to forward a completed report every four weeks to
your Tutor. Daily banishings need not be reported on, but any omissions should be
documented. Irregular submission of reports will delay your progression as your
tutor will not know how well or what you have been doing. Please remember that
Tutors are volunteers to the Order and have a limited amount of time for
reviewing reports. They are not expected to chase after them.

At the end of the Guidance Notes is an example of a Magical Journal Report with
notes on what should be incorporated. If after reviewing this you still have
questions on the completion of them, you should initially discuss it with your
assigned Tutor.
Ritual R equirements

Now that you are working in the Elemental Grades, you will notice that the ritual
work undertaken is greatly different to that which you have been used to in the
Neophyte Grade. The main reason for this is that you will begin to start
Invoking certain types of energies into your ritual area and also into your Sphere
of Sensation.

These Invocations are focused on balancing the energies within your psyche, as
until you have full control of the energies within, you will not have true mastery of
the corresponding energies without. This is part of the whole process of the Outer
Order, to balance, assimilate and understand these energies within your Sphere of
Sensation, Consciousness and Psyche.

Regarding the schedule of your Rituals, due to the type of energies that you are
invoking, it is best to follow a specific "plan" so that you are exposed to them in a
tailored fashion. Below is an example of the rituals that would be performed in the
grade of Juniorus and Theoricus. Not only do you have to construct or acquire
your Lotus or Rainbow Wand, but you have to learn the technique for Skrying and
constructing a Talisman for each of the Rituals.

Juniorus Grade:

GIRP for Earth - performed to consecrate the Earth Pentacle if one is

made/acquired (otherwise for general familiarization).
GIRP for Earth - performed to Skry to that area.
GIRP for Earth -performed to consecrate an Earth Talisman.

GIRP for Capricorn - performed to consecrate the band of the Lotus Wand.
GIRP for Capricorn - performed to Skry to that area.
GIRP for Capricorn - performed to consecrate a Capricorn Talisman.

GIRP for Taurus - performed to consecrate the band of the Lotus Wand.
GIRP for Taurus - performed to Skry to that area.
GIRP for Taurus - performed to consecrate a Taurus Talisman.

GIRP for Virgo - performed to consecrate the band of the Lotus Wand.
GIRP for Virgo - performed to Skry to that area.
GIRP for Virgo - performed to consecrate a Virgo Talisman.

Theoricus Grade:

GIRP for Air - performed to consecrate the Air Dagger if one is made/acquired
(otherwise fro general familiarization).
GIRP for Air - performed to Skry to that area.
GIRP for Air -performed to consecrate an Air Talisman

GIRH for Luna - performed to consecrate the band of the Phoenix Wand if one is
made/acquired (otherwise for general familiarization).
GIRH for Luna - performed to Skry to that area.
GIRH for Luna - performed to consecrate a Luna Talisman.

GIRP for Libra - performed to consecrate the band of the Lotus Wand.
GIRP for Libra - performed to Skry to that area.
GIRP for Libra - performed to consecrate a Libra Talisman.

GIRP for Aquarius - performed to consecrate the band of the Lotus Wand.
GIRP for Aquarius - performed to Skry to that area.
GIRP for Aquarius - performed to consecrate an Aquarius Talisman.

GIRP for Gemini - performed to consecrate the band of the Lotus Wand.
GIRP for Gemini - performed to Skry to that area.
GIRP for Gemini - performed to consecrate a Gemini Talisman.

The reason for this format is due to the nature of the energies. It is best to learn to
feel and understand the pure element of that grade, so in the above cases by first
doing the Greater Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram for Earth and Air while in the
respective grade.

Each of the Triplicities of an Element is unique due to the Quality (Quadruplicity)

and the Ruler. That being the case, it is best to go through them in the most stable
order i.e. Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Each of the Zodiacal signs will have the
undercurrent of the element that it is related (that's why you do the Elemental
Invocations first) but will be "flavored" by the Quadruplicity and the Ruler.

The reason that the rituals are grouped into three is so that you are feeling one type
of energy over a period of time, which allows it to saturate your aura and start to
be assimilated (you have to remember that part of the process of the elemental
grades is to control that element within and this can only be done by familiarity and

The last two rituals in the groupings are Skrying and the consecration of an
appropriate Talisman. Skrying will be a new concept to most people who enter
1=10, as in the Neophyte grade you are just asked to perform generic meditations
where the emphasis is internal. Skrying involves the projection of your awareness
into a specific energy plane. A simple technique for performing your first skrying
can be found in a later section.

The construction of a Talisman is where you create a focus for the energies of that
particular ritual and then, by performing the Invocation, focus the energies into it.
The Ritual Magic Manual has a description of the various Talisman Templates at
the beginning of the book.

On reaching the 2=9 Grade of Theoricus, you start to work with planetary energies
as well as the Elemental and Zodiacal. The Planetary Rituals can either be left until
after you have completed the Elemental and Zodiacal rituals, or performed as a
balance after the Elemental Rituals before the Zodiacal rituals due to the functions
of the element and planet. For example: Elemental Air represents "thinking" and
the Luna represents "emotions". Both deal with the subconscious processes. As
both are attributed to the Sephiroth Yesod, they are both invoked in the Theoricus
grade. One could reasonably do invocations of one entire set following the other
and then the Zodiac rituals as the zodiac signs reference specific qualities. In
essence, the pattern is going from the most broad to the more specific. Or they can
be invoked with the element first, zodiac in the middle, and planetary last. Both
approaches are valid. It is a matter of personal preference.

Due to the nature of these rituals it is suggested that you only perform one GIRP a
week. This allows the energies to be assimilated in the aura. However, you can, at
your discretion, speed this up a bit.

As well as the above ritual work, you will also be expected to perform your normal
daily rituals and meditations. As example of a weekly schedule is below:

Day Ritual Requirement Objective

Monday LBRP, LBRH, MP, LBRP Perform Meditation
Tuesday LBRP, LBRH, MP, LBRP Relaxation Exercise
Wednesday LBRP, LBRH, MP, LBRP Perform Meditation
Thursday LBRP, LBRH, MP, LBRP Relaxation Exercise
Friday LBRP, LBRH, MP, LBRP Perform Meditation
Saturday GRIP [depends on above schedule]
Sunday LBRP, LBRH, MP, LBRP Relaxation Exercise

There is a large shift in gear from 0=0 to 1=10 and the sooner that you can get
yourself in to the appropriate schedule the quicker you will reap the benefits of
performing the rituals of the grade.

The word skrying comes from the old English word descry meaning to see or to
observe. Skrying is a form of clairvoyance that usually uses mirrors, crystals, a
bowl of water, or other skrying devices. In the Golden Dawn Skrying is often
performed by using a painted symbol-such as a tattva or elemental symbol. But it
also performed using tarot cards, planetary symbols, and Enochian Pyramids. The
magician performing astral work, such as skrying, is sometimes referred to as a
seer or skryer.

Exploration of the astral realm is very important in magical work. Through astral
work, the magician learns to contact higher spiritual realms, examine their
landscapes, and bring back information. What we are talking about here is controlled
astral visions-meaningful and intense experiences that are completely understandable.
In these visions, the skryer maintains complete control and all of his or her powers
of choice, will power, and judgment.

The rituals that you will be working with in the elemental grades give you an
option to skry to that quarter. As part of the ritual regime you should attempt to
do this and see whether you can gleam any information back from your visit. The
art of skrying is not an easy one to develop as you are working with subjective
levels and can only learn to distinguish true realizations from your unconscious with
experience. This is one of the reasons why there is so much symbolism to learn
through out the curriculum, so that you can use it as guides in your travels. Before
attempting any skrying for the first time, please review the section on this subject in
the.pdfs that you have received from our order.

Elemental I niti ations

Hopefully, by this point you will have received your 0=0 Initiation, but if not then
you can request that both the 0=0 and the 1=10 Juniorus Initiations be scheduled
together. This allows distance members to schedule their initiations together to
reduce the number of trips that they have to take. This process is allowed
throughout the elemental grades, so that a student could have passed entry into the
3=8 grade of Practicus and then request the initiations for the 3=8 grade of
Practicus and the 2=9 grade of Theoricus.

Obviously, it would be more appropriate to have the ceremonies performed after

passing the test for entry into that grade but we try to accommodate the fact that
we are now a worldwide organization and have to allow for our distance members.

In order to request your elemental Initiations, contact admin@golden-dawn.com.

You will be directed to the closest physical Temple. The presiding Hierophant of
that Temple will then contact you to discuss arrangements for your Ceremony.

Again, we cannot overemphasize the benefits that the elemental Initiation will have
on your psyche. If there happens to be no physical temple within a reasonable
distance from you, requiring a long drive/ flight and overnight accommodations,
which pose undue financial difficulties, you may contact admin@golden-dawn.com
and inquire about having more than one initiation done simultaneously at one
temple visit. There are also circumstances where other members can also be of
assistance in this area.

Questions and Answ ers

Q. How do I contact my tutor?

A. Upon joining the Order, you were automatically assigned a tutor who should
have contacted you within the first month after joining. If you then submit two
monthly reports without receiving a reply from your tutor, please direct an enquiry
for help to admin@golden-dawn.com <mailto:admin@golden-dawn.com>.

Q. When should I send my reports?

A. As a student, you should send reports to your tutor every 4 weeks. Include
details on the areas that you have studied along with the rituals performed. Please
bear in mind that it is a report, not a diary.

Q. How do I get my elemental Initiation?

A. This can be requested by contacting admin@golden-dawn.com. You will receive

a response directing you to the Temple with the earliest available opportunity for

Q. When can I request the password for advancement?

A. When you feel that you are ready and have covered the grade curriculum, you
should e-mail your tutor with a formal request for the password. If your tutor feels
that you have completed the requirements for advancement, he or she will provide
you with the appropriate password. If your tutor feels that you have not met the
requirements, he or she will advise you of the topics and/or rituals that you need to
review before the password will be released to you.

Q. Do I have to make my own Tools?

A. The creation of your own magical tools is an important task and one that should
be attempted as it allows your own energies to be infused to the implement prior to
its consecration. However, it is realized that some people either dont have the
ability or the talent to create their own tools. That being the case, a student can
purchase their tools and there are a number of sites that create Golden Dawn Tools.
For details please review the links page on the main site. Remember that it is the
use of the tools that empowers them, so even if you cannot make your own, by
regular use of the tool purchased you still end with a charged tool.

Sample Journal Report


Studen t Name :
Mo tto :
Grade :
Mon th:
Dates: mm/dd/yyyy- mm/dd/yyyy

Summar y of daily ritual Work/ observations ( At least 1 paragraph) :

Rituals missed/ excluded.

Observations/ Effects of each elemental, zodiac, planetary GIRP. (At

least 1 paragraph for each completed):

Additional observations/ visions/ asynchronous events:

Meditation subjects:
Area of curriculum studied:

Areas observed for personal growth:

Questions :


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