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Study of Composite Sandwich Structure and Bending Characteristics - A Review

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International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN 2277 4106, P-ISSN 2347 5161

2015 INPRESSCO, All Rights Reserved Available at http://inpressco.com/category/ijcet

Review Article

Study of Composite Sandwich Structure and Bending Characteristics

A Review
G.R. Rayjade* and G.V.R. Seshagiri Rao
Mechanical Engineering Department, BMCT College, Indore, M.P. India

Accepted 20 March 2015, Available online 23 March 2015, Vol.5, No.2 (April 2015)


The use of sandwich structure is increased rapidly in various fields which uses many applications ranging from
satellite, aircraft, ships, automobile, railcars, bridge construction and many more the purpose of following review
paper is to provide general introduction to sandwich structure and discussion on structural mechanics including
types of loads acting, failure modes observed in sandwich construction and typical three point bending analysis of
sandwich structure.

Keywords: sandwich structure, honeycomb core, failure modes, defects, bending analysis.

1. Introduction higher fatigue strength and better acoustical and

thermal insulation. Honeycomb cores have numerous
1 Over the last few years, the science and technology of advantages over the foam or wood based sandwich
sandwich structures and materials has gained an structures due to their high crushing strength and
impressive momentum, and the use of such structures stiffness, fatigue and moisture resistance Sandwich
and materials in a variety of products covering the panels have a variety of applications in aerospace,
range from sporting goods to satellites is on the automobile, sports and marine industry. In aerospace
increase. Advances in materials processing and industry the parts of the aircrafts like ailerons, flaps
fabrication techniques including digital manufacturing and rudders, have been manufactured from
are leading to novel applications. As the range of honeycomb sandwich panels. (U. Farooq et al 2013) a
applications expands, particularly in the area of marine typical sandwich assembly consists of two thin exterior
structures such as high speed craft and structures face sheets and one thick lightweight cellular core
resistant to blast loading, there is increased need to placed between them. These three components are
understand the behavior of sandwich structures under forced to act as a unit by means of a joint method. The
a wide range of loading conditions and environments. core has the most important contribution to the
This poses special challenges to experimental performance of sandwich structures. Its role is to
mechanics in characterizing the loading and stabilize the exterior face sheets, to keep constant the
deformation and failure response of sandwich distance between them and to resist shear forces along
structures. The characterization of mechanical its thickness. (Marian N. Veleaa et al 2011).
properties of sandwich structures poses special
challenges due to their heterogeneity and considerable 2. History of Sandwich Structures
mismatch in properties between core and face sheet.
Sandwich composite structures offer a very high
stiffness-to-weight ratio. A sandwich composite panel Noor, Burton. And Bert state that the concept of
is composed of high strength composite skins sandwich construction dates back to Fairbairn in 1849.
separated by and bonded to a light weight honeycomb In England, sandwich construction was first used in the
cores or foam. A sandwich panel enhances the flexural Mosquito night bomber of World War II Feichtinger
rigidity of the structure without adding substantial states that also during World War II, the concept of
weight. Also an increase in the thickness of honeycomb sandwich construction in the United States originated
foam cores provides higher stiffness and strength of with the faces made of reinforced plastic and a lower
the panel at the minimum addition of weight Sandwich density core. In 1943 the Wright Patterson Air Force
structures in several applications have shown to have Base designed and fabricated the Vultee BT-1 5
fuselage using fiberglass-reinforced polyester as the
*Corresponding author: G.R. Rayjade; G.V.R. Seshagiri Rao is face material and using both glass-fabric honeycomb
working as HOD and balsa wood core. The first research paper
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G R Rayjade et al Study of sandwich structure and bending characteristics A review

concerning sandwich construction was written by orientated in the panel to take the best advantage of
Marguerre in 1944 dealing with sandwich panels this attribute.
subjected to in-plane compressive loads. Early Stiffness: Sandwich structures are frequently used
theoretical work was all restricted to uniform lateral to maximize stiffness at very low weights. Because of
loads, and simply supported boundary conditions. the relatively low shear modulus of most core
During the early post World War II period, the USFPL materials, however, the deflection calculations must
was the primary group in the development of analysis allow for shear deflection of the structure in addition
and design methods for sandwich structures. (Jack R to the bending deflections usually considered.
Vinson 2001). Adhesive Performance: The adhesive must rigidly
attach the facings to the core material in order for
3. Constituents of Honeycomb Sandwich Structure
loads to be transmitted from one facing to the other.
A honeycomb sandwich structure consists of two thin Suitable adhesives include high modulus, high strength
face sheets attached to both sides of a lightweight core materials available as liquids, pastes or dry films. As a
(see figure 3.1). The design of sandwich structures general rule, a low peel strength, or relatively brittle
allows the outer face sheets to carry the axial loads, adhesive should never be used with very light
bending moments, and in- plane shears while the core sandwich structures which may be subjected to abuse
carries the normal flexural shears. Sandwich structures or damage in storage, handling or service.
are susceptible to failures due to large normal local Cell Size: A large cell size is the lower cost option,
stress concentrations because of the heterogeneous but in combination with thin skins may result in
nature of the core and face sheet assembly. Component telegraphing, i.e. a dimpled outer surface of the
mounting must therefore use potted inserts to
sandwich. A small cell size will give an improved
distribute the point loads from connections. Sandwich
panel face sheets are commonly fabricated using surface appearance, and provides a greater bonding
metals like aluminium, steel or graphite/epoxy area, but at higher cost.
composite panels. The core is typically fabricated using Cell Shape: Normally supplied with hexagonal cell
a honeycomb or aluminium construction. shapes, a few honeycomb types can be supplied with
rectangular cell shapes.

3.1.2 Skin Materials

Skin considerations include the weight targets,

possible abuses and local (denting) loads, corrosion or
decorative constraints, and costs. Facing material
thickness directly affects both the skin stress and panel

3.1.3 Adhesive Materials

For honeycomb sandwich bonding, the following

criteria are important:
Fillet Forming: To achieve a good attachment to an
open cell core such as honeycomb, the adhesive should
Fig 3.1 Honeycomb Sandwich Structure flow sufficiently to form a fillet without running away
from the skin to core joint.
3.1 Material Selection Bond Line Control: Every Endeavour should be
made to ensure intimate contact between the parts
The honeycomb sandwich construction consists of during bonding, as the adhesive needs to fill any gaps
unlimited variety of materials and panel between the bonding surfaces. Adhesives are often
configurations. The composite structure provides a
supplied supported by a carrier cloth, for the purpose
wide range of core and facing material combinations
of helping them to remain in place where the parts are
for selection. The following criteria should be
considered in the routine selection of core, facing, and squeezed particularly tightly together.
4. Failure Modes of Honeycomb Structure
3.1.1 Structural Considerations
Designers of sandwich panels must ensure that all
Strength: Honeycomb cores and some facing materials potential failure modes are considered in their
are directional with regard to mechanical properties analysis. A summary of the key failure modes is shown
and care must be taken to ensure that the materials are below:
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G R Rayjade et al Study of sandwich structure and bending characteristics A review

4.1 Skin compression failure 4.5 Skin wrinkling

The skin and core materials should be able to The compressive modulus of the facing skin and the
withstand the tensile, compressive and shear stresses core compression strength must both be high enough
induced by the design load. The skin to core adhesive to prevent a skin wrinkling failure
must be capable of transferring the shear stresses
between skin and core.

Fig 4.5 Shear Wrinkling of honeycomb plate Intra cell

Fig 4.1 Skin compression failure of honeycomb plate 4.6 buckling

4.2 Excessive deflection For a given skin material, the core cell size must be
small enough to prevent intra cell buckling.
The sandwich panel should have sufficient bending and
shear stiffness to prevent excessive deflection.

Fig 4.6 Intra Cell Buckling of honeycomb plate

Fig 4.2 Excessive deflection of honeycomb plate
4.7 Local compression
4.3 Panel buckling
The core compressive strength must be adequate to
The core thickness and shear modulus must be resist local loads on the panel surface.
adequate to prevent the panel from buckling under end
compression loads.

Fig 4.7 Local compression of honeycomb plate

Fig 4.3 Panel Buckling of honeycomb plate
5. Defects in Sandwich Honeycomb Structure
4.4 Shear crimping
Generally the defects or the damage emerges in the
The core thickness and shear modulus must be sandwich honeycomb structures are due to the skin
adequate to prevent the core from prematurely failing problems, core defects or due to the delamination in
in shear under end compression loads. the core and the skin. So the practical types of the
damages in honeycomb structure are as follows:

5.1 Debonding of Honeycomb structure

In this type of defect of honeycomb structure the

contact between the skin plate and the honeycomb
core cut and then at that position the section becomes
weak and there is irregular frequency distribution
finally results in crack in the structure. This generally
Fig 4.4 Shear Crimping of honeycomb plate occurs due to intra cell buckling or panel buckling.
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G R Rayjade et al Study of sandwich structure and bending characteristics A review

5.2 Delamination in Honeycomb structure: (Jeom Kee Paik et al 1999) This theory is based on
these assumptions:
This type defect is incurred due the change in the
temperature conditions and the impact load on the 1. The beam bends in a cylindrical manner with no
specific point. Local compression may lead to the curvature in lateral plane.
delamination of the skin or adhesive contact between 2. Cross-sections which are plane and perpendicular to
the core and the adhesive. the longitudinal axis of the beam remain so when the
bending takes place.
5.3 Core crushing in Honeycomb structure 3. The sandwich structure is assumed to act
In this type of damage in honeycomb structure the
sudden impact may result in the inner part of the
honeycomb to be damaged by getting crushed at some
parts. Maximum deflection, local compression and
shear wrinkling may result in the crushed core.

6. Bending Theory of Sandwich Structure

This section deals with the elastic analysis of sandwich

beams in three-point bending in order to evaluate the
stresses in the core or skin and hence the applied loads
are corresponding to various failure mechanisms.
Fig.6.2.1 Simply supported sandwich beam and its
Consider a simply supported sandwich beam
cross section
(Fig.6.2.1) of span length a, width b and central load p.
Each skin has thickness tf and the two skins are
separated by a relatively thick core of thickness hc. It is
assumed that all three layers are perfectly bonded
together and the face material is much stiffer than the
core. (Jeom Kee Paik et al 1999)

6.1 Standards for Testing

ASTM Standard C393-62, in which a sandwich beam is

subjected to 3-point and 4-point bending. From the
load values and the mid-span deflection
measurements, and the beam solution including
transverse shear deformation, one can calculate the Fig.6.2.2 Honeycomb-cored sandwich panel
flexural stiffness D and the transverse shear modulus
of the core, GC. For instance this is very useful for
assessing the quality of manufacturing, from the mean
values obtained from several beams and the standard
deviations obtained. (Jack R Vinson 2001)

6.2 Three Point Bending Of Sandwich Panel

A simplified method is adopted for the analysis of

bending behaviour for the present sandwich panel. A
simply supported honeycomb sandwich panel
subjected to a line load at its mid-span is considered as Fig.6.2.3 Idealized distributions of bending and shear
shown in Fig.6.2.3 showing stress distribution at the stresses in sandwich beam.
mid-span cross section of the honeycomb sandwich
beam. It is assumed that the facing plate carries only Considering the rotational restraints between facing
bending stresses f When the thickness tf of facing plates and core, the distribution of shear stresses tc is
plates is small, the variation of bending stress through assumed to be uniform through the core depth hc.
plate thickness direction may be ignored. It is also formula of the mid-span deflection for the sandwich
supposed that the honeycomb core carries only the beam in the linear elastic regime as follows
vertical shear stresses c. The stresses and deflections
in a beam of this type may be found, to a first
approximation, by the use of ordinary bending theory.
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G R Rayjade et al Study of sandwich structure and bending characteristics A review

Where are modulus of elasticity and moment The future for sandwich construction looks bright
of inertia of face sheet respectively. While indeed. Sandwich construction will continue to be the
are cross sectional area of honeycomb core and primary structure for satellites. In aircraft, sandwich
average value of elastic shear modulus of the construction will be increasingly used particularly for
honeycomb core cell respectively. The first term of the large aircraft, such as the Global Range Transport.
right hand side in Eq. (5) is due to bending effect alone Many countries are using composite sandwich
and the second one account for the shear effect. It is constructions for their navies' ship hulls. However one
clear that the shear stress related effects brought on by
of the largest uses may be for bridge constructions.
the honeycomb core cannot be neglected. A simplified
formula for predicting the critical value of applied
loads is also studied. Considering the assumed stress
distribution shown in Fig.6.2.3, the bending moment of
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