The Angelical Alphabet PDF
The Angelical Alphabet PDF
The Angelical Alphabet PDF
e a f d g c b
Characters therefore are nothing else than certain unknowable letters and writings, preserving the
secrets of the gods, and names of the spirits from the use and reading of profane men, which the
ancients called hieroglyphical, or sacred letters, because devoted to the secrets of the gods only.
For they did account it unlawful to write the mysteries of the gods with those characters with
which profane and vulgar things were wrote. [-Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Book III,
Chapter 29]
During the five brief years between of 1582 and 1587 CE, the famous Elizabethan
scholar and mystic Dr. John Dee recorded a new and mysterious language in his private
journals. According to Dee's records, this was the Tongue of Angels- as we see
mentioned by St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:1. With the help of a medium known as Sir
Edward Kelley, Dee performed a series of evocations of Angelic intelligences who
endeavored to teach the men their Celestial Speech. The result was a book entitled
Loagaeth (the "Speech From God") written in the enigmatic language, with very few
words translated; forty-eight poems written in the same language, with full translations;
and several words and phrases scattered throughout Dee's journals, some with
translations and some without.
During their very first meeting, Dee learned that Kelley had a knack for
mediumship that he himself lacked. Dee performed an invocation to bring Angels into
his mystical shewstone, and Kelley was able to see, hear and speak to the Angels with
ease. Thereafter, the two men formed a years-long partnership dedicated to a series of
Angelic seances. The seances effectively ended by 1587, and the two men went their
separate ways by 1589 CE. The journals have survived loss, fire and other perils for four
hundred years, waiting for us to discover the linguistic primers left by the Angels through
Dee and Kelley.
Not only did the Angels claim this was the native Tongue of Angels, it was also
the original language of Eden, with which Adam named all things in existence. The
Archangel Gabriel explains at length:
...whereby even as the mind of man is moved at an ordered speech, and is easily persuaded in
things that are true, so are the creatures of God stirred up in themselves, when they hear the words
wherewithal they were nursed and brought forth: For nothing moveth, that is not persuaded:
neither can any thing be persuaded that is unknown. The Creatures of God understand you not,
you are not of their Cities: you are become enemies, because you are separated from him that
Governeth the City by ignorance.
[Adam] in his Creation, being made an Innocent, was also authorized and made partaker of the
Power and Spirit of God: whereby he not only did know all things under his Creation and spoke of
them properly, naming them as they were: but also was partaker of our presence and society, yea a
speaker of the mysteries of God; yea, with God himself: so that in innocency the power of his
partakers with God, and us his good Angels, was exalted, and so became holy in the sight of God
until [Adam] lost the Garden of felicity, the judgment of his understanding. But not utterly the
favour of God, and was driven forth (as your scriptures record) unto the Earth which was covered
with brambles.
Where being dumb, and not able to speak, he began to learn of necessity the Language which
thou, Edward Kelley, callest: [1: Hebrew]. And, yet, not that [2: Hebrew] amongst you. In the
which he uttered and delivered unto his posterity, the nearest knowledge he had of his Creatures.
And from his own self divided his speech into three parts, twelve, three, and seven: the number
whereof remaineth, but the true forms and pronunciations want; and therefore is not of that force
that it was in his own dignity, much less to be compared with this that we deliver, which Adam
verily spake in innocency, and was never uttered nor disclosed to man since till now, wherein the
power of God must work, and wisdom in her true kind be delivered: which are not to be spoken of
in any other thing, neither to be talked of with man's imaginations; for as this Work and Gift is of
God, which is all power, so doth he open it in a tongue of power, to the intent that the proportions
may agree in themselves...
Thus you see the Necessity of this Tongue: The Excellency of it, and the Cause why it is preferred
before that which you call Hebrew: For it is written, Every lesser consenteth to his greater. I trust
this is sufficient. [-A True and Faithful Relation... p. 92-3]
At the time Dee lived, Hebrew was considered the primary Sacred Language of the West.
It was a dead tongue at the time, and therefore not subject to change. It was the language
of the Old Testament, spoken by the Prophets themselves, and it was thought to be the
language spoken by Angels.
What Gabriel suggests above is that Angelical is the true Primordial Tongue, the
original upon which Hebrew itself is based. By telling Dee that Angelical is preferred
before Hebrew, Gabriel is suggesting that Angelical is the true Sacred Language of the
West. Given the profound influence the so-called Enochian language has had upon
Western occultism (through the Golden Dawn, Thelema, Neopaganism and more), I feel
there is very good reason to agree that Angelical is the great Western Sacred Language.
These letters represent the Creation of man, and therefore they must be in proportion. They
represent the workmanship wherewithal the soul of man was made like unto his Creator. [-Five
Books of Mystery, p. 373]
In this light, let us take a look at the Perfected Angelical letters, as recorded by Edward
Kelley at the end of the Book of Loagaeth. The following chart contains the letters, their
Angelical names and their phonetic values in English:
The Angelical Alphabet
Graph Un Or Gal Ged Veh Pa
e a f d g c b
E A F D G/J C/Ch/K B
n q p l h i/y m
N Q/Qu P/Ph L H I/Y M
t s u z r o x
Like Hebrew- and other Semitic languages- Angelical runs from right to left. In
the above chart, Pa (B) is the first letter and Gisg (T) is the last. Of course, when we
are writing the words in English transliteration, it is common practice to write them from
left to right. (The same is done with transliterated Hebrew.) It is only when written in
Angelical characters that the words must run in the older right to left direction.
Another trait Angelical shares with Hebrew is the fact that each letter has both a
phonetic value and also stands as a word on its own. For instance, the letter D in
Hebrew is called Daleth- but the word Daleth also translates as Door. The letters of
the Angelical alphabet work in a similar fashion- though with some key differences. For
instance, the Angelical letter D is called Gal, and it is certain that Gal is a proper word
with its own translation. (This and several other letter-names appear in the text of
Loagaeth as individual words.) However, unfortunately, no translations for the Angelical
letter-names were ever offered.
Meanwhile, unlike Hebrew letter-names, the word Gal does not begin with the
phonetic value of D. (As we can see in the previous chart of the alphabet, few of the
Angelical letter-names reflect their phonetic values. Pa = B, Tal = M, Drux = N,
ACAM = 7699 GA = 31 OP = 22
AF = 19 MAPM = 9639 OX = 26
CIAL = 9996 MIAN = 3663 P=8
CLA = 456 NI = 28 PD = 33
DAOX = 5678 O=5 PERAL = 69636
DARG = 6739 OB = 28 QUAR = 1636
EMOD = 8763 OL = 24 TAXS = 7336
ERAN = 6332 OS = 12 UX = 42
As we can see in the above list, there are always as many letters in the Angelical
as there are numbers in the translation. This suggests that these letters are not the
Angelical words for their numbers (as the English for 33 is Thirty-Three). Instead,
the letters would appear to share a one-to-one relationship with the numbers. For
instance, in the letters CLA (456)- the character C could represent 4, the L might represent
5, and the A represent 6.
However, we find little consistency in this relationship between the letters and
numbers. For example, note how the letter O appears to represent 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 at the
same time. Also note PERAL, which uses P, R and L to represent 6. No one to date has
discovered the mystery behind this inconsistency.
The bottom line is that the Angels never suggested the existence of an Angelical
numerology or Gematria to Dee or Kelley. Whenever the men did employ such arts in
the journals, it was always of the type found in the Qabalah or the works of Trithemius
and Agrippa- simply applied to the names and words revealed by the Angels.
This does not mean that an Angelical gematria does not exist. (In fact, it would
surprise me if Angelical letters did not also represent numbers, as this is a common trait
of ancient languages.) It only means that such a system was never mentioned by the
Angels nor (as far as we know) ever developed by Dee himself.
Finally, Angelical differs from Hebrew in its mystical division of letters. As there
are only 21 Angelical characters, they can not be divided into 3, 7 and 12 like Hebrew.
Instead, they were divided by the Angels into three equal sets of seven. Of this three-fold
division Raphael says, The number of perfection, one in three. This is likely one of
many references within Dee's system to the Holy Trinity, reflected in the multiplication of
the perfect numbers seven (the Days of Creation) and three (the Trinity Itself).
I also assume this 3x7 division is intended to reflect both the Book of Loagaeth
and the Heptarchic system- which are both based upon a seven-fold scheme. The 22
letters of the Hebrew alphabet would not mathematically fit the Angelic system
revealed to Dee and Kelley.
Unfortunately, the Angels never provided astrological (or any) correspondences to
each Angelical letter, as we have for Hebrew in the Sepher Yetzirah. We might note that
the Alphabet begins with the letter "B" (Pa)- which may be taken to indicate "Beginning"
or the Hebrew Berashith (In the Beginning). Berashith and the Seven Days of Creation
(i.e., the first chapter of Genesis) do play a vital role throughout Dee's magickal system.
(Note the Pa inscribed at each corner of the Holy Table, likely representing the four
Horns of the Altar in Solomon's Temple.)
We may also take note that the final letter of the Alphabet is "T" (Gisg)-
mimicking the final letter of the Hebrew Alphabet- Tau. Tau indicates the Cross, and Dee
used the symbol of the Cross as an end-mark upon his version of the Seal of Truth.
However, these are strictly speculations on my part, and were not mentioned by the
Angels or Dee in his journals.
We might doubt whether Angels, since they be pure spirits, use any vocal speech, or tongue
amongst themselves, or to us; but that Paul in some place saith, If I speak with the tongue of men,
or angels. But what their speech or tongue is, is much doubted by many. For many think that if
they use any Idiom, it is Hebrew, because that was the first of all, and came from heaven, and was
before the confusion of languages in Babylon, in which the Law was given by God the Father, and
the Gospel was preached by Christ the Son, and so many Oracles were given to the Prophets by
the Holy Ghost: and seeing all tongues have, and do undergo various mutations, and corruptions,
this alone doth always continue inviolated. Moreover an evident sign of this opinion is, that though
each Demon, and Intelligence do use the speech of those nations, with whom they do inhabit, yet
to them that understand it, they never speak in any Idiom, but in this alone.
Also consider the following excerpt, taken from the Third Book, chapter 24 (Of the
Names of Spirits and Their Various Imposition...):
But the masters of the Hebrews think that the names of angels were imposed upon them by
Adam, according to that which is written, the Lord brought all things which he had made
unto Adam, that he should name them, and as he called anything, so the name of it was.
Hence, the Hebrew mecubals think, together with magicians, that it is in the power of man to
impose names upon spirits, but of such a man only who is dignified, and elevated to his
virtue by some divine gift, or sacred authority.
The above is quite harmonious with the mythology Dee's Angels expounded in relation to
the Celestial Speech. Adam imposed names upon all things (supposedly using the
Angelical Tongue), and therefore those who have obtained a certain sacred authority
are likewise able to impose names upon spiritual creatures.
Agrippa dedicates several chapters in his work to the generation of Divine names
and characters. (See the Third Book of Occult Philosophy, chapters 23-30.) Of course, he
utilizes Hebrew to illustrate his methods. However, he also affirms that the letters of
every tongue have in their number, order, and figure a celestial and divine original.
Therefore, one might also use Chaldean, and Arabic, Egyptian, Greek, Latin and any
other language with the methods of gematria and mystical name-generation he
I suspect Gabriel, in Dee's journal, was referring to Agrippa's teaching when he
stressed that Angelical is preferred before that which you call Hebrew because every
lesser consenteth to his greater. Therefore, Dee's holy characters were intended for use
beyond the Book of Loagaeth, and I believe that most of Agrippa's methods of name-
generation can (and were always intended to) be used with them. In the following, we
will explore three simple techniques that lend themselves especially well to the Angelical
alphabet- found in Agrippa's Book Three, Chapters 26, 27 and 30. Of course, where
Agrippa uses Hebrew in his work, I will use Angelical characters below:
From the operations of the Sun, they made an image at the our of the Sun, the first face of Leo
ascending with the Sun, the form of which was... [Three Books of Occult Philsophy, Book II,
Chapter 41]
From the operations of Mercury, they made an image at the hour of Mercury, Mercury ascending
in Gemini, the form of which was... [Three Books of Occult Philsophy, Book II, Chapter 43]
Returning again to Book Three, chapter 27, Agrippa explains that it is possible to
use these very same astrological indications to create a horoscope and "decipher" the
name of an Angel from the stars. That Angel- also called an Intelligence- will be the
particular governor of the magickal work that will take place at that time- be it a magickal
image, talisman, evocation, etc.
At the same time, Agrippa suggests we might use this technique for any magickal
operation. It does not matter whether the astrological conditions are prescribed by a
spell, or calculated by the individual practitioner. It only matters that one takes the time
to draw up a zodiacal chart, making sure that it is well-aspected toward the goal of the
work. (Thus, if one is working with Angels of Mercury, one must make sure Mercury is
strong and well-aspected in the chart. Etc.) If the chart turns out unfortunate, then it
must be scraped, a new time chosen, and a new chart created.
Once the time and horoscope are satisfactory, Agrippa outlines several processes
for "decoding" the name of the ruling Intelligence. Each process is more involved than
the last, and his descriptions of the advanced techniques are unfortunately very obscure.
However, the first and simplest method is easy to understand, and is likely the best place
for us to start.
It is first necessary to calculate the degree of the ascendant. The heavens
compose a circle of 360 degrees, and the ascendant is the first degree of the first
astrological House- resting directly upon the line of the eastern horizon.
In that ascending degree, place the first Angelical letter (Pa). Then, continue to
write the alphabet in proper order all the way counterclockwise around the chart. Each
degree is assigned a single letter, and the direction follows the natural course of the
twelve zodiacal signs. When the final letter (Gisg) is reached, simply begin again with
Pa and continue until degree 360 has been assigned a letter.
From there one only needs to interpret the chart as normal, making distinctions
between the Planets with strong and fortunate dignities and those with weak and
unfortunate dignities. The concept is to focus on the specific Planetary forces one needs
for the work at hand. One can simply ignore the weaker and negative aspects of the chart
and "compile" those forces that are necessary to the magickal goal.
Each degree that contains a desired Planetary aspect now has a letter assigned to
it, and these letters are gathered together to formulate the name. It is here that Agrippa
offers several methods, some of which are hard to comprehend. The simplest is to start at
the ascendant and move around the chart counter-clockwise. The first desired aspect one
reaches becomes the first letter of the Intelligence's name. Then, moving onward
counter-clockwise, the next required aspect becomes the second letter- and so on
throughout the chart.
A slightly more advanced method seems to involve gathering the letters according
to the strength of the Planetary aspects. Though uncertain, I recently received the
suggestion that the strongest (or most desired) aspect of the chart should become the first
letter of the name, and the second-strongest the second letter, etc. Thus, if one desired to
create a talisman in the hour of Mercury, Mercury ascending in Gemini, one could take
the letter assigned to the degree of Mercury as the first letter of the name.
Agrippa does not say one should consider only positive aspects in this method.
However, it may be implied, as gathering letters for all aspects of the chart might make
for some unwieldy names.
Agrippa goes on to describe the Qabalistic practice of appending the gathered
letters with one of the names of God El or Yah to create an angelic name. However, as
we are using the Angelical alphabet rather than Hebrew, there should be no need for this
convention. The Angels who are unique to Dee's journals most often lack these suffixes-
such as Nalvage, Madimi, Bornogo, Befafes, Illemese, Mapsama, etc.
Finally, the name of an "evil Angel"- who opposes the work at hand- can also be
derived using a similar process. It is merely an inverse of the previous instructions, using
the same horoscope used to find the good Angel. However, in this case one must
calculate the degree of the descendant- that is, the degree in direct opposition to the
ascendant (degree 180, which is the first degree of the seventh House), found on the line
of the western horizon. The first letter (Pa) is placed there, and the alphabet is written
around the chart clockwise- now going against the natural order of the zodiac.
To find the letters of the evil Angel's name, one begins with the same Planetary
aspects used for the good Angel. Then, find the degrees on the chart in direct opposition
to those aspects. The letters assigned to those degrees of opposition will form the name
of the evil Angel. The letters may be gathered beginning at the descendant and moving
clockwise around the chart. Or, gather them according to strength of dignity, beginning
with the opposing degree of the strongest dignity and progressing to the weakest.
I originally wanted to show you an illustration of a zodiacal chart with the
Angelical alphabet written around it for both Good and Evil Angels. However, for all
720 letters to be visible, the graphic would have been too massive to fit even across two
facing pages. Therefore, I have settled for the following tables, which you can use to
look up the letters for each degree of the zodiac:
First House Second House
Degree Good Evil Degree Good Evil
Angel Angel Angel Angel
ASC b q 1 h d
2 c p 2 l g
3 g l 3 p c
4 d h 4 q b
5 f i 5 n t
6 a m 6 x s
7 e e 7 o u
8 m a 8 r z
9 i f 9 z r
10 h d 10 u o
11 l g 11 s x
12 p c 12 t n
13 q b 13 b q
14 n t 14 c p
15 x s 15 g l
16 o u 16 d h
17 r z 17 f i
18 z r 18 a m
19 u o 19 e e
20 s x 20 m a
21 t n 21 i f
22 b q 22 h d
23 c p 23 l g
24 g l 24 p c
25 d h 25 q b
26 f i 26 n t
27 a m 27 x s
28 e e 28 o u
29 m a 29 r z
30 i f 30 z r
Third House Fourth House
Degree Good Evil Degree Good Evil
Angel Angel Angel Angel
1 u o 1 e e
2 s x 2 m a
3 t n 3 i f
4 b q 4 h d
5 c p 5 l g
6 g l 6 p c
7 d h 7 q b
8 f i 8 n t
9 a m 9 x s
10 e e 10 o u
11 m a 11 r z
12 i f 12 z r
13 h d 13 u o
14 l g 14 s x
15 p c 15 t n
16 q b 16 b q
17 n t 17 c p
18 x s 18 g l
19 o u 19 d h
20 r z 20 f i
21 z r 21 a m
22 u o 22 e e
23 s x 23 m a
24 t n 24 i f
25 b q 25 h d
26 c p 26 l g
27 g l 27 p c
28 d h 28 q b
29 f i 29 n t
30 a m 30 x s
Fifth House Sixth House
Degree Good Evil Degree Good Evil
Angel Angel Angel Angel
1 o u 1 d h
2 r z 2 f i
3 z r 3 a m
4 u o 4 e e
5 s x 5 m a
6 t n 6 i f
7 b q 7 h d
8 c p 8 l g
9 g l 9 p c
10 d h 10 q b
11 f i 11 n t
12 a m 12 x s
13 e e 13 o u
14 m a 14 r z
15 i f 15 z r
16 h d 16 u o
17 l g 17 s x
18 p c 18 t n
19 q b 19 b q
20 n t 20 c p
21 x s 21 g l
22 o u 22 d h
23 r z 23 f i
24 z r 24 a m
25 u o 25 e e
26 s x 26 m a
27 t n 27 i f
28 b q 28 h d
29 c p 29 l g
30 g l 30 p c
Seventh House Eighth House
Degree Good Evil Degree Good Evil
Angel Angel Angel Angel
DSC q b 1 b o
2 n g 2 c x
3 x c 3 g n
4 o b 4 d q
5 r t 5 f p
6 z s 6 a l
7 u u 7 e h
8 s z 8 m i
9 t r 9 i m
10 b o 10 h e
11 c x 11 l a
12 g n 12 p f
13 d q 13 q d
14 f p 14 n g
15 a l 15 x c
16 e h 16 o b
17 m i 17 r t
18 i m 18 z s
19 h e 19 u u
20 l a 20 s z
21 p f 21 t r
22 q d 22 b o
23 n g 23 c x
24 x c 24 g n
25 o b 25 d q
26 r t 26 f p
27 z s 27 a l
28 u u 28 e h
29 s z 29 m i
30 t r 30 i m
Ninth House Tenth House
Degree Good Evil Degree Good Evil
Angel Angel Angel Angel
1 h e 1 u u
2 l a 2 s z
3 p f 3 t r
4 q d 4 b o
5 n g 5 c x
6 x c 6 g n
7 o b 7 d q
8 r t 8 f p
9 z s 9 a l
10 u u 10 e h
11 s z 11 m i
12 t r 12 i m
13 b o 13 h e
14 c x 14 l a
15 g n 15 p f
16 d q 16 q d
17 f p 17 n g
18 a l 18 x c
19 e h 19 o b
20 m i 20 r t
21 i m 21 z s
22 h e 22 u u
23 l a 23 s z
24 p f 24 t r
25 q d 25 b o
26 n g 26 c x
27 x c 27 g n
28 o b 28 d q
29 r t 29 f p
30 z s 30 a l
Eleventh House Twelfth House
Degree Good Evil Degree Good Evil
Angel Angel Angel Angel
1 e h 1 o b
2 m i 2 r t
3 i m 3 z s
4 h e 4 u u
5 l a 5 s z
6 p f 6 t r
7 q d 7 b o
8 n g 8 c x
9 x c 9 g n
10 o b 10 d q
11 r t 11 f p
12 z s 12 a l
13 u u 13 e h
14 s z 14 m i
15 t r 15 i m
16 b o 16 h e
17 c x 17 l a
18 g n 18 p f
19 d q 19 q d
20 f p 20 n g
21 a l 21 x c
22 e h 22 o b
23 m i 23 r t
24 i m 24 z s
25 h e 25 u u
26 l a 26 s z
27 p f 27 t r
28 q d 28 b o
29 n g 29 c x
30 x c 30 g n
Agrippa suggests these methods can also be used to find the name of a person's
Nativity Angel, by simply applying them to that person's natal chart. The resulting name
will be that of a Guardian Angel often credited with keeping one from physical harm.
Also, as Agrippa explains, this is the Angel set over home, career, and all aspects of life
outlined within the 12 astrological Houses.
In order to understand the method Agrippa describes, we must think from the
standpoint of sacred mathematics. Any two numbers can be multiplied together, and the
resulting product will be an occult number associated with them both. Most often, this
is done with a single number multiplied by itself- such as 7 x 7 = 49. (Hence the mystery
surrounding square roots.) The number 49 can then represent a magickal square of 49
cells- seven column and seven rows. In fact, Agrippa shows us this very magick square
in his Book Two, chapter 22, Of the Tables of the Planets...- where it is sacred to the
Planet Venus.
It is less common, but still valid, to multiply two differing numbers. For example,
if we wish to work with Planetary forces via the Angelical alphabet, then we might find it
useful to multiply 7 (number of Planets) by 21 (number of Angelical letters) for a product
of 147- the number of cells in a magickal square sacred to both numbers. This square can
become a magickal word-square by writing the Angelical alphabet within it- from right to
left- a total of seven times.
The following table consists of the 147-cell word-square, surrounded by a border
of two outer columns and an upper and lower row. The upper row and right-hand column
combine to form The Entrance of the Good Angels. It includes the seven Planets across
the top and the Angelical alphabet written in order from top to bottom.
The lower row and left-hand column combine to form The Entrance of the Evil
Angels, This includes the seven Planets written in reverse order and Angelical alphabet
written from bottom to top.
Angelical Table of the Planets1
Entrance of
the Good
t e a f d g c b b
s n q p l h y m c
u t s u z r o x g
z e a f d g c b d
r n q p l h y m f
o t s u z r o x a
x e a f d g c b e
n n q p l h y m m
q t s u z r o x y
p e a f d g c b h
l n q p l h y m l
h t s u z r o x p
y e a f d g c b q
m n q p l h y m n
e t s u z r o x x
a e a f d g c b o
f n q p l h y m r
d t s u z r o x z
g e a f d g c b u
c n q p l h y m s
b t s u z r o x t
Entrance of
the Evil
1 Note that the following Table of the Planets has been altered from Agrippa's design, in that the Planets
follow Dee's order for the Heptarchia (Venus to Luna). It seems appropriate to use the same ordering
with the Angelical alphabet:
Using this table is fairly simple. First, consider the initial letter of the Angel's
name, and the Planet from the horoscope found in that letter's degree. Find that letter in
the right-hand column of the Entrance of the Good Angels, then scan leftward through
that row to the column beneath the letter's Planet. For example, if the Angel's name
began with M (Tal), and its Planetary aspect from the horoscope were Sol, one would
begin in the right-hand column with Tal (m) and scan leftward to the column of Sol,
where the letter Gon (y) is found. Therefore, the letter I/Y (Gon) becomes the first letter
of the Archangel's name.
The process is repeated for each letter of the name- always scanning leftward
from the letter in the right-hand column to the column beneath the letter's associated
Planet. (Remember, you will not use the same Planet twice!)
In order to find the name of the Principality, one would input the name of the
Archangel in the same manner described above. The resulting Principality name can be
input to generate the name of the Virtue, and so forth until a Seraph is produced.
Of course, the same thing can be done with the name of the Evil Angel. Simply
input his name from the left-hand column, and scan rightward to the column above the
reverse-ordered Planets at the bottom of the table.
Agrippa also outlines several alternative uses for Tables like the above. For
instance, any Name of God can be input to find an Angel that will answer to it. In such a
case, one would have to first decide upon which Planet to work with, and then take all of
the letters from the column beneath that Planet. (If the Name is already associated with a
Planet, so much the better. However, one could input the same Name of God seven
times- each time taking the letters from a different Planetary column- to find seven
Planetary Angels that answer to it.)
A person's name converted to Angelical characters, and the Planet or Star that
governs him being determined (via a natal chart), the name of yet another Guardian
Genius can be discovered. Simply input the letters from the right-hand column and take
all the letters from the column beneath his ruling Star.
Finally, any Angelical word can be input into the table. Thus, if one can reduce a
magickal goal to a single word and find an Angelical translation for that word, it can be
used with the table to find an Intelligence set over the thing or concept. Once again, it
would be necessary to first determine or choose a Planet most in harmony with the
magickal goal itself.
Of course, when using the above techniques, we should not be limited to the
Seven Planets alone. There are also the twelve forces of the Zodiac to consider. The
numbers 12 and 21 are multiplied for a product of 252. By forming this into a 12x21
magick square, we can fill the cells with the Angelical alphabet exactly twelve times.
Agrippa offers this word-square in his chapter 27, also surrounded by a border of the
Entrances of the Good and Evil Angels. The table is used exactly as described
immediately above, except that it allows one to work with Zodiacal forces rather than
Angelical Table of the Zodiac2
i h g f e d c b a ` _ ^ Good
t p l h y m e a f d g c b b
s g c b t s u z r o x n q c
u x n q p l h y m e a f d g
z a f d g c b t s u z r o d
r z r o x n q p l h y m e f
o y m e a f d g c b t s u a
x t s u z r o x n q p l h e
n p l h y m e a f d g c b m
q g c b t s u z r o x n q y
p x n q p l h y m e a f d h
l a f d g c b t s u z r o l
h z r o x n q p l h y m e p
y y m e a f d g c b t s u q
m t s u z r o x n q p l h n
e p l h y m e a f d g c b x
a g c b t s u z r o x n q o
f x n q p l h y m e a f d r
d a f d g c b t s u z r o z
g z r o x n q p l h y m e u
c y m e a f d g c b t s u s
b t s u z r o x n q p l h t
^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i
2 Note that the following Table of the the Zodiac has been altered from Agrippa's design. Agrippa's table
consists of the Hebrew alphabet written from right to left on every other line (twelve times) and written
from left to right on every other remaining line (also twelve times). Because both 12 and 22 are even
numbers, this was possible in his table. However, Angelical is an odd-numbered 21 letters long, so I
had to follow the same pattern as used for the Angelical Table of the Planets.
Another Manner of Making Characters
Delivered by Cabalists
(Adapted from Agrippa's Third Book, Ch. 30)
Once we know the name of our angelic Intelligence, it would also be helpful to
have its sigil for use in talismanic magick. Agrippa gives several methods of generating
sigils from the letters of an entity's name. Most of them depend upon the Hebrew
alphabet, but he ends the chapter with a very simple method that can be used with any
alphabet whatsoever.
Simply take the letters of the Angel's name, and blend them together to form a
single hieroglyphic figure- called a Sigil (or Signature). For example, let us consider
possible Sigils for the Angels Nalvage and Galvah:
Agrippa stresses that these types of Sigils are not as powerful as those received
directly from the Angels. Yet, they are extremely useful for typical magickal purposes, as
well as gaining initial contact with the Angels in question.
Saturn - 3
Jupiter - 4
Mars - 5
Sol - 6
Venus - 7
Mercury - 8
Luna - 9
Benjamin Rowe : "Enochian Temples Generating The Abyss Experience With The
WARNING The technique described herein can be VERY DANGEROUS to the emotional
mental and spiritual well-being of the magician who makes use of it. I am releasing it solely
because full disclosure was one of the requirements under which the Enochian Temple system
was originally given to me. The entities who provided the basic... >>read more<<