Science 6 Summative Test - 2 Quarter
Science 6 Summative Test - 2 Quarter
Science 6 Summative Test - 2 Quarter
A. True or False: Write the word true if the statement is correct and false it is not. (1 point each )
______________1. Energy enables you to work and play.
______________2. People get their energy from the food that they eat.
______________3. Electrical energy is also known as electricity.
______________4. Sound energy is produced whenever objects are rubbed together or when
they hit against
one another.
______________5. Kinetic energy is the energy that is stored in objects.
______________6. Light energy can also be used to communicate.
______________7. When an object is high above the ground or at the top of slope, it stores
energy which is
called chemical potential energy.
B. Write P on the line if the given object possesses potential energy and K if it possesses
kinetic energy.
(1 point each)
1- 4. Forms of Energy.
5-9. Daily Uses of Heat Energy
10-13. Uses of Sound Energy
14-15. Forms of potential energy.