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Medical Laboratory Technology Students


Beker Feto, Kedir Urgesa

Haramaya University

In collaboration with the Ethiopia Public Health Training Initiative, The Carter Center, the
Ethiopia Ministry of Health, and the Ethiopia Ministry of Education

Funded under USAID Cooperative Agreement No. 663-A-00-00-0358-00.

Produced in collaboration with the Ethiopia Public Health Training Initiative, The Carter
Center, the Ethiopia Ministry of Health, and the Ethiopia Ministry of Education.

Important Guidelines for Printing and Photocopying

Limited permission is granted free of charge to print or photocopy all pages of this
publication for educational, not-for-profit use by health care workers, students or faculty.
All copies must retain all author credits and copyright notices included in the original
document. Under no circumstances is it permissible to sell or distribute on a commercial
basis, or to claim authorship of, copies of material reproduced from this publication.

2008 by Beker Feto, Kedir Urgesa

All rights reserved. Except as expressly provided above, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without written permission of the author or authors.

This material is intended for educational use only by practicing health care workers or
students and faculty in a health care field.

The degree, to which a laboratory service performs important

function and contributes to a higher standard of health care,
depends mainly on how professionals are trained. However,
the scarcity of reference materials has been an impediment to
the training of laboratory personnel in higher institutions in
Ethiopia. Therefore, these lecture notes have been prepared
to alleviate the aforementioned problems.

This lecture note presents a general introduction to serology of

common infectious diseases and their serological tests. It also
includes other useful serological tests. Each chapter provides
learning objectives and review questions among others.

We would like to acknowledge The Carter Center (EPHTI) for
its financi, material and logistical support for the preparation of
this teaching material. We are also indebted to Haramaya
University, Faculty of Health Sciences for the realisation of this
lecture note.

We extend our appreciation to the reviewers and teaching

staffs of the School/Department of Medical Laboratory
technology from Haramaya University, Hawasa University,
Addis Ababa University and the University of Gonder for their
meticulous review and constructive comments of this lecture

Our special thanks & gratitude goes to the external reviewers

of Addis Ababa University Ato Ibrahim Ali and Ato Kassu Desta
(BSc in MLT & MSc in Microbiology).


Preface ........................................................................ i
Acknowledgement ............................................................ ii
Table of contents ............................................................. iii
List of tables .................................................................. viii
List of figures ....................................................................ix
Abbreviations ................................................................... x

CHAPTER ONE: Basic Principle of Immunologic and

Serologic reactions .........................................................1
1 Introduction ................................................................. 1
2 Immunological Techniques .......................................... 3
2.1. Primary binding tests .......................................3 Immunofluorescence tests ............4 Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) ........................................7 Radioimmunoassay (RIA) ...........12
1.2.2. Secondary binding tests ..............................18 Agglutination test ..............................19 Precipitin test ...................................31
3. Complement fixation test .................41
3. Tertiary binding tests .................................. 45
1.3. Factors affecting antigen Antibody reactions ........ 45
Review Question ..................................................49
CHAPTER TWO: Serological ........................................ 50
2.1. Introduction ................................................. 50
2.2. Materials necessary for basic serological

tests ............................................................. 51
2.3. Collection preparation and preservation of
serological specimens ................................... 57
2.4. Shipment of serological specimens ..............60
2.5. Complement inactivation ............................. 61
2.6. Dilution .........................................................62
2.6.1.Serial dilution ............................................ 62
2.6.2. Determination of End point and Titer .........63
Review Question ................................................. 65

CHAPTER THREE: Common Serologic tests for bacterial

and parasitic infections 66
3.1. Syphilis Serology ................................................... 66
3.1.1. Introduction .............................................. 66
3.1.2. Stages of syphilis .......................................67
3.1.3. Congenital syphilis ................................... 70
3.1.4. Immunologic manifestation ....................... 70
3.1.5. Diagnostic Evaluation ............................... 71 Dark field Microscopy ..................71 Serologic tests .............................72

3.2. Agglutination tests for febrile Diseases .............. 87

3.2.1. Salmonella ................................................ 87 Serologic diagnosis .................................89
3.2.2. Rickettsiace ................................................91

iv Serologic diagnosis .................................92

3.3 Serology of Streptolysin O (SLO) and

Antistreptolysin O (ASO) ......................................93
3.3.1. The Extra cellular Products of S. pyogens ..93
3.3.2. Antistreptolysin O (ASO ..............................95 Test for Streptolysin O.........................96 Antistreptolysin O titration ......................98

3.4. Toxoplasmosis .................................................... 105

3.4.1. Serological tests ..................................................106
3.5. Hydatid disease .................................................... 107
Review questions ..........................................................109

CHAPTER FOUR: Common Serologic Tests for Viral

Infections ........................................110
4.1. Serology of Human Immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) .......................................................... 110
4.1.1. HIV Antibody Tests ........................................111 HIV Antibody Test Algorithm ........................112 Common HIV Antibody Tests .......................114 Explanation of the Meaning of HIV
Antibody Test Result ..................................128
4.2. Serology of Hepatitis Viruses .............................129
4.2.1. Introduction ...............................................129

4.2.2. HAV ........................................................ 130
4.2.3. HBV .........................................................131
4.2.4. HCV ........................................................133
4.2.5. HDV ........................................................134
4.2.6. HEV ..........................................................134
4.2.7. HGV ........................................................135
4.3. Infectious mononucleosis .................................135
4.4. Rubella infection ...................................................140
4.5. cytomegalovirus ................................................. 142
Review Question

CHAPTER FIVE: Serology of Rheumatoid Factors,

Systemic Lupus Erytheromatsuos,Acute
phase protein, Human Chorionic
Gonadotrophin Hormone (hCG) ....146
5.1. Rheumatoid Factors ............................................146
5.1.1. Serologic tests ........................................ 147
5.2.Systemic Lupus Erytheromatous .........................148
5.3. Acute phase protein .............................................150
5.3.1. CRP .....................................................................151
5.4. Human chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone
(HCG) ................................................................154
5.4.1. Introduction ..............................................154
5.4.2. Serology of urine HCG .............................156 Urine pregnancy test .....................156

vi Factors affecting urine pregnancy test ..160 Urine specimen ....................................161
Review questions ...............................................162

CHAPTER SIX: Some miscellaneous technique and

monoclonal Antibody production ..163
6.1. Some miscellaneous techniques ............................163
6.1.1. Isolation of lymphocyte populations .........163
6.2. Monoclonal Antibody production .............................181
3. Effector-Cell Assay ...............................................184
Review Questions ...........................................................187
Glossary .........................................................................188
References ...................................................................194


Table 1.1 Depicts prozone effects in antigen antibody

reaction in agglutination reaction ..................... 27

Table1.2. an example of two fold serial dilution .............. 63
Table1.3. Weil Felix Reaction ..........................................93
Table1 4. Protocol for Antistreptolysin O Titration ..........101


Fig. 1.1 pictorial presentation of direct ELISA ................ 10

Fig. 1.2 pictorial presentation of indirect ELISA ............. 12
Fig.1. 3 The relationship between antigen concentration
and radio isotope count per minute in conventional
RIA .......................................................................15

Fig. 1.4 The relationship between antigen concentration
and radio isotope count per minute in IRMA ........18
Fig.1.5 antigen antibody binding ...................................... 20
Fig. 1.6 Haemagglutination test ......................................30
Fig. 1.7 The precipitin reaction ........................................ 34
Fig. 1.8 Immuno-double-diffusion ....................................37
Fig. 1.9 Single radial immunoediffusion ...........................39
Fig. 1.10 complement fixation test ................................. 45
FIG. 6.1 E-rosetting .......................................................176
Fig. 6.2 Cell sorting in the fluorescence activated cell
sorter ............................................................... 180
Fig.6.3 ELISPOT assays ...............................................186


ACIF Anticomplement imunofluorescense

AIDS Acquired Immuno deficiency syndrome
ANA Antinuclear antibodies
ASO Anti Streptolysin O
CFT Complement fixation test
CIE Counter immunoelectrophoresis

CRP C reactive proteins
DTH Delayed type Hypersensitivity
EBU Epstein Barumus
ELISA Enzyme Linked Immuno sorbentassay
ETEC Entrotoxigenic Eschercia Coli
FACS Fluorescent activated cellsorter
FAT Fluorescent antibody tests
FCS Fetal Cart Serum
FITC Fluorescein isothyocynate
FTA-ABS Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody absorption
HCG Human Chronic Gondadotrophin
HIA Hemaglutination Inhibition Antibody test
HIV Human Immuno deficiency virus
HLA Human leukocyte antigen
HRP Horse reddish peroxides
IFN Interferon
Ig Immunoglobulin
IHA Indirect Hemagglutination
IL Interleukin
IMN Infectious Mononucleosis
IRMA Immuno radiometric assay
ISH In situ hypridization
MNC Mononuclear cell
NGO Non governmental organization
PBMC Peripheral blood mononuclear cells
PCR Polymerase chain reaction

PEG Polyethylene Glycol
RA Rheumatoid arthritis
RBS Phosphate Bulter Saine
RBS Rhosphate buffered Saline
RF Rhumataid factor
RIA Radio Immuno assay
RPHA Reverse passive haemagglutination tests
RPR Rapid plasma reagin
SLE Systemic lapus erythematosus
SLO Serology of Streptolysillo
SRBC Sheep Red Blood Cells
TMB Tetra methyl Benzidne
TNF Tumor necrosis factor
TPHA Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay
TP-PA Treponema Pallidum particle agglutination)
USR Unheated Serum Resin
UV Ultraviolet
VDRL Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
WB Western bolt
WF Weil Felix
WHO World Health organization

Hepatitis Virus
HAV - Heptitis A Virus




Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to:
1. List different types of immunological tests
2. State the principle of immunological tests
3. Describe the application of different Immunological
4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different
immunological techniques
5. List factors which affect antigen-antibody reaction.

Antibody molecules combine reversibly with antigens to form
immune complexes. The detection and measurements of
these reactions form the basis of serology, a sub discipline of

Serology - is the science of measuring antibody or antigen in

body fluids. The immune reaction is the production of antibody
(substances) that protect the body against the antigen. There
are times, however, when antibodies are not protective (e.g.
Hay fever, rash).

Application of serology tests

Antigen tests
Antigen tests often enable an early diagnosis or presumptive
diagnosis of an infectious disease through:-
- Identification of a pathogen that has been isolated by
- Identification of pathogens in different samples of the
patients, etc

Antibody tests
These tests are used mainly:-
- To diagnose a microbial disease when the pathogen or
microbial antigen is not present in routine specimen or
if present is not easily isolated and identified by other
available techniques.
- To screen donor blood for different infectious diseases
- To monitor the effectiveness of a given treatment by
measuring antibody liter
- To diagnose autoimmune disorders, etc.

1.2 Immunological Techniques

Three groups of immunological techniques are used to detect
and measure antigen- antibody reaction; these are:


Primary binding tests

Secondary binding tests and
Tertiary binding tests.

1.2.1. Primary binding tests

Primary binding tests are tests that directly measure the
binding of antigen and antibody (i.e.; directly measure or
visualize the immune complex). They are the most sensitive
techniques in terms of the amount of detectable antigen or

Enzyme linked Immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
Western blotting

Primary binding tests are performed by allowing antigen and

antibody to combine and then measuring or visualizing the
amount of immune complex formed. It is usual to use
radioisotopes, fluorescent dyes, or enzymes as labels to
identify one of the reactants.
1. Immunofluorescence tests
They are widely used in the serological diagnosis of bacterial,
viral, fungal, and parasitic diseases. They are usually sensitive
and give reproducible results.


Disadvantages of these tests are:

Special training is needed to perform and read
Immunofluorescence tests.
Fluorescence microscope and high quality reagents are

Fluorescent dyes (fluorochromes) illuminated by UV lights are
used to show the specific combination of an antigen with its
antibody. The antigen-antibody complexes are seen
fluorescing against a dark background. Immunofluorescence
tests are referred to as fluorescent antibody tests (FAT).

There are two types of fluorescent antibody tests (FAT): Direct

and Indirect

A. Direct fluorescent antibody tests

Direct FAT is used to detect and identify an unknown antigen
in specimens, for example Viral, bacterial, and parasitic
antigens. It is called direct test because the fluorescent dye is
attached, or labeled, directly to the antibody. The fluorochrome
used is usually fluorescein isothyocynate (FITC), which gives
a yellow-green fluorescence. A fluorescent substance is one
that, when absorbing light of one wavelength, emits light of
another (longer) wavelength.


Procedure: Direct FAT

1. A tissue or smear containing the organism (antigen) is
fixed to a glass slide and incubated with the fluorescent
antibody (antibody chemically linked to FITC).
2. It is then washed to remove the unbound antibody.
3. Examined by dark-field illumination under a microscope
with UV light source.
4. The antigenic particles that have bound the labeled
antibodies are seen to fluoresce brightly.

Interpretation of the results:

Presence of fluorescence: positive test for
particular antigen
No fluorescence: negative or absence of
particular antigen

Direct FAT can be used;

To identify bacteria when the numbers are very
To detect viruses growing in tissue culture or
tissues from infected animals such as rabies
virus in the brains of infected animals or
antigens of HIV on the surface of infected cells.

B. Indirect Fluorescent antibody test


In the indirect FAT, unlabelled antibody combines with antigen

and the antigen antibody complex is detected by attaching a
fluorescent-labeled antispecies globulin to the antibody. The
antibody, therefore, is labeled indirectly. Fluorescent-labeled
antihuman globulin is used if the antibody is of human origin.

The indirect FAT is used in two main ways:

To detect and identify unknown antigen in specimens
To detect antibodies in a patient serum using a known
antigen (microorganism).

I. Indirect FAT to detect antigen

In this test, a slide preparation of the specimen is made and
unlabelled specific antibody is added. After allowing time for
the antigen and antibody to combine, the preparation is
washed leaving only antibody that has combined with the
antigen on the slide. A fluorescent labeled anti- species
globulin is added and allowed to combine with the antibody.
The excess is washed from the slide.The preparation is
examined by fluorescence microscopy using the correct filters.
The antigen-antibody complex will be seen fluorescing

II. Indirect FAT to detect Antibody

In this test, a known antigen is placed on the slide and the
patient's serum is added.


The preparation is then washed and fluorescent-labeled

antihuman globulin is added to demonstrate the antigen-
antibody reaction. The preparation is examined by
fluorescence microscope using the correct filters. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

ELISA techniques are becoming increasingly used in the
diagnosis of microbial infections. They are specific, sensitive,
and require only a small amount of specimen. Reagents used
in the ELISA are stable and have a long shelf life which makes
for easy distribution to district laboratories. The results of
qualitative ELISA techniques can be read visually. Large
numbers of specimens can be tested at one time and the
ELISA can be easily automated for use in epidemiological
surveys. Moreover, EIA are suitable for automation, objective
reading of results and the ability to link EIA plate readers to
laboratory computer systems, reducing the potential for
transcription errors.
Principles of Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
As its name suggests, the enzyme linked immunosorbent
assay uses an enzyme system to show the specific
combination of an antigen with its antibody.
The enzyme system consists of:
An enzyme which is labeled or linked to a specific
antibody or antigen


A substrate which is added after the antigen antibody

reaction. This substrate is acted on (usually
hydrolyzed) by the enzyme attached to the antigen
antibody complexes, to give a colour change. The
intensity of the colour gives an indication of the amount
of bound antigen or antibody.
The antigen or antibody is coated on a solid surface (solid
phase) such as the inside of a plastic test tube or well of a
microtitration plate, or the surface of cellulose beads. This
means that after the antigen and antibody have combined,
they remain firmly attached to the solid surface during the
subsequent washing stage.

There are two main ways of performing ELISA

Double antibody technique, to detect antigen
Indirect technique, to detect and assay antibody.

A. Double antibody ELISA (Direct ELISA)

Test principle and procedure
1. Specific antibody is coated on the surface of the well of a
microtitration plate (or a test tube), and the specimen is
2. After a period of incubation during which the antibody
takes up (captures) the antigen from the specimen, the
well is washed leaving the antigen attached to the


3. Enzyme labeled specific antibody (often the same

antiserum as that coating the well except it is enzyme
linked) is added to detect the presence of the antigen.
4. After a further period of incubation during which the
enzyme labeled antibody combines with the antigen, the
well is washed and a substrate is added. The enzyme
acts on the substrate to give a colour change in the fluid.
5. The enzyme activity is stopped by altering the pH of the
reaction or denaturing the enzyme.
6. By measuring the colour produced, the amount of attached
antibody and therefore of antigen in the specimen can be
In developing countries, an important application of the double
antibody ELISA is in the diagnosis of rotavirus infection in
young children.



Figure 1.1 pictorial presentation of direct ELISA

B. Indirect ELISA
In this technique, known antigen is attached to the inside
surface of the well and patients serum is added. After
incubation and washing, enzyme labeled antihuman globulin is
reacted with the antibody that has attached to the antigen. The
uncombined-labeled enzyme is washed from the well and a
substrate is then added. The presence and concentration of
antibody that has reacted with the antigen is shown by a
change in colour of the substrate. The more intense the colour
is, the higher the concentration of antibody in the serum.

The indirect ELISA is used in the diagnosis of several parasitic

infections and is being increasingly used in the diagnosis of
bacterial, fungal and HIV infection.


Reading ELISA results

Many ELISA techniques, especially those that detect
antigen, are qualitative and can be read by naked eye. The
presence or absence of antigen is seen as a simple colour
Quantitative antibody techniques are read either by
measuring the intensity of colour in a spectrometer
(spectrophotometer) or by testing dilutions of the test
serum and determining the highest dilution that shows a
colour change.

Enzymes and substrates

Enzymes used in ELISA techniques must be stable and
soluble; they must not be present in any quantity in the
specimens being tested. The two commonly used enzymes
are horseradish peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase.

A substrate is used to give a colour change when acted on by

the enzyme for example p-nitro phenol phosphate. This is
hydrolyzed by alkaline phosphatase to inorganic phosphate
and p-nitro phenol, which is yellow in colour.


Figure 1.2 pictorial presentation of indirect ELISA Radio Immunoassay (RIA)

A. Conventional RIA
Radioimmunoassay (RIA) is a competitive immunologic
procedure for measuring very low concentrations of
antigens (or antibodies) by using radioactively labeled
antigens as competitors. Radioactive isotopes such as 3H ,
14C, 35S 30P or 125I can be used for labeling. It is a highly

sensitive method to detect low concentration of the

unknown (unlabeled) antigen and is used to assay:
Hormones, Drugs, Enzymes, Microbial antigens e.g.
hepatitis B antigen, carcinoembryonic and - feto proetein
antigen. RIA can also be used for detection of antibody.

RIA technique utilizes three components:-

1. Patient antigen, the specific compound we wish to


2. Labeled antigen, the same compound patient antigen

which is attached a radioactive label.
3. Antibody, specific for the sample and labeled antigen.

Practical procedure of RIA

In a conventional RIA procedure, a defined amount of patient
sample containing the antigen (sometimes called ligand) of
interest is incubated simultaneously with a fixed amount of
labeled antigen and a known amount of excess specific
antibody. During this incubation time, labeled and unlabelled
antigens compete for a limited number of antibody binding
sites, usually until equilibrium is reached among sample free
antigen, bound sample antigen, free labeled antigen, bound
labeled antigen, and free antibody. After incubation, bound
and free materials are separated from one another. By
determining the amount of radioactive labeled antigen in either
the bound or free fraction, the amount of patient antigen can
be determined (usually the bound labeled Ag is determined)
Antibody + Antigen (serum) + 125I Antigen = Antigen-
Antibody complex +
125I Antigen- Antibody complex

Bound- free separation

125I- antigen antibody count in a gamma counter


In each assay, samples of known concentrations (standards or

calibrators) are run to establish a standard curve for final
evaluation. If the sample is infected, the amount of labeled
bound will be less than in controls with uninfected serum.
Since the patient antigen and labeled antigen compete for
limited binding sites on the antibody molecule, the extent of
binding of each depends on their relative concentrations. As
these immunoassays obey the law of mass action, a small
quantity of labeled Ag is bound as the quantity of sample
antigen is increased and vice versa. Therefore, the
concentration of sample antigen is inversely proportional to
the amount of radioactive label bound to the specific antibody.
The higher the count per minute (cpm), the lower is the
concentration of sample Ag and vice-versa.


antigen concentration

Fig.1. 3. The relationship between antigen concentration and

radio isotope count per minute in conventional RIA.


Radioactive isotopes such as 125I or 131I (usually used for

labeling antigen) disintegrate with time while emitting energy
rich radiation ( -rays). This radiation is absorbed by an
appropriate scintillator (organic or an inorganic compound e.g.
CsI, NaI) which is excited and emit visible light flash of very
short duration (10 second). This light flash generates
electrical pulses in a photomultiplier which are further
amplified and counted per unit time. This instrument set-up is
a gamma-counter.

There are two assay approaches in conventional RIA;

Liquid phase Assay
Solid phase Assay

Liquid phase assay: In this assay principle, the sample,

labeled antigen and the specific antibody are added to the
mixture in a solution form. After completion of incubation with
the ligand of interest (analyte), a bound- free separation step
is performed using different techniques,

Solid phase assay:-In this assay, the specific antibody is

added either in a suspension (with antibody bound to an
insoluble particles, small magnet particles, glass beads or
large carbohydrate polymers) or the antibody is covalently
bound to the inside wall of the reaction tube (antibody coated
tube). Separation of the bound- free fraction is realized by


centrifugation or magnetic separation followed by decanting

the supernatant or by simply pouring off the reaction mixture if
coated tube is used. The bound fraction is then washed
adequately with appropriate buffered wash solution and made
ready for counting.

B. Immunoradiometric Assay (IRMA) (Sandwich

Developed with the objective of solving the problems
associated with conventional RIA; which includes:-
Physical separation methods (centrifugation
decanting procedures) may distort the
equilibrium between bound-free fractions,
spillage loss of labeled antigen.
Frequent non-specified binding
Lack of sensitivity for very low concentration
levels of a particular analyte.

Basic principles
1. Specific antibody of the sample antigen is bound to the
inside wall of a tube (in excess), the tube may be coated
with antigen when a specific antibody is to be
2. The same specific antibody is labeled with radioisotope
(in antibody determinations, antigen is labeled with
radioisotope )


In both cases excess labeled antibody or antigen is used

o The antigen is specifically attached to the wall-
bound antibody without competition
o As there is excess amount of bound antibody
present, virtually all-available Ag molecules in
the sample can be bound increased
o As an excess labeled antibody is added,
practically all bound Ag can be detected (effect
as above )
o In most cases, the 2nd labeled antibody is
specific for a different epitope of antigen
molecule than the first coated antibody. This
differential selectivity allows for greater
specificity and enables convenient
determination of high molecular weight
In contrast to RIA (conventional), in IRMA there is a direct
relationship between amount of bound radioisotope and the
concentration of sample antigen.



Antigen concentration in IRMA

Fig. 1.4 The relationship between antigen

concentration and radio isotope count per minute in IRMA.

1.2.2. Secondary binding tests

Secondary binding tests are tests that detect and measure the
consequences (secondary effect) of antigen-antibody

These consequences include:

Precipitation of soluble antigens
Clumping (agglutination) of particulate antigens
Neutralization of bacteria, viruses, or toxins; and
Activation of the complement system.
They are usually less sensitive than primary binding tests, but
may be easier to perform Agglutination Tests

In district laboratories, agglutination tests are frequently used
because compared with other serological tests, they are
simpler to perform, require no special equipment, and are
usually less expensive.

Principle of agglutination tests

Agglutination is the visible clumping together of bacteria, cells,
or particles, by an antigen combining with its specific antibody.
The resulting clumps are referred to as agglutinates.
The following figure shows cells with surface antigen being
agglutinated by specific antibody. This occurs when using
specific antisera to identify bacterial colonies. It is also
possible, for free (extracellular) antigen to agglutinate particles
that have been coated with specific antibody. This occurs
when testing cerebrospinal fluid for extracellular soluble

Specific antibodies Cells with surface antigen antibody combines

Its antigen and
agglutin-ates cells

Fig.1.5 antigen antibody binding


In tests used to detect antibody (agglutinin) in a patient'

serum, a known antigen (aggutinogen) suspension is used.
The antigen particles are agglutinated if the serum contains
the corresponding antibody. In general, to detect antibody in
patients serum a known antigen suspension is added or to
detect antigen in serum, a specific antibody is added.

Agglutination tests can be performed:

A. On slides
B. In tubes
C. In microtitration plates
A. Slide agglutination tests
These are rapid, easily performed techniques that give a
reaction in minutes or even seconds. They are, however, not
usually as sensitive as tube or microtitration techniques. Their
specificity depends on the reagent used. The type of
agglutination can be either active or passive.

I. Active agglutination slide tests

These are tests in which there is a direct agglutination of
bacterial antigen with its corresponding antibody. Example, the
slide agglutination of salmonellae, shigellae, or Vibrio cholerae
by using specific antibody. Slide agglutination tests used to
identify bacteria from cultures are difficult to standardize and
control. False agglutination (auto- agglutination) may occur


due to the organism not emulsifying well or the fluid

evaporating. It is therefore important to check first for auto-
agglutination before adding the antiserum.

II. Passive agglutination slide tests

These are tests in which the specific antibody or known
antigen is attached to inert particles or cells. When the known
antigen or antibody combines with its corresponding antibody
or antigen in the specimen, the particles or cells are used only
to show that an antigen antibody reaction has occurred. Their
role in the reaction is, therefore, passive.
The substances and cells used as carriers in passive slide
agglutination tests include:
Latex particles
Carbon particles
Stabilized staphylococcal cells

Latex particles: these are polystyrene particles that can be

coated with either known antigen or specific antibody. An
example of a test in which antigen coated particles are used is
the antistreptolysin O (ASO) slide test. This detects significant
rises of ASO antibody in the serum of patients with post-
streptococcal complications. Antibody coated latex particles
are used in several tests including the detection of
extracellular bacterial antigens in cerebrospinal fluid.


Carbon particles: these are coated with cardiolipin antigen

and used in the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) card test to screen
for cardiolipin antibodies in the sera of patient with syphilis.

Stabilized staphylococcal strains: Most strains of

Staphylococcus aureus produce on their outside surfaces a
substance called protein A on to which specific antibody can
be bound. Killed staphylococcal cells coated with antibody can
be used to identify bacteria and detect soluble extracellular
bacterial antigens in specimens and body fluids. The term
coagglutination (COAG) is used to describe the agglutination
of antibody coated staphylococcal cells by antigen.

COAG techniques are becoming increasingly used since they

have been shown to be sensitive and specific for identifying
important pathogens. Applications of COAG tests include, the
detection of Haemopilus influenzae type b, meningococcal,
pneumococcal, and cryptococcal extracellualr antigens in
cerebrospinal fluid, the identification of pneumococcal antigen
in sputum, and the detection of Salmonella typhi Vi antigen in
urine. COAG techiques can also be used to detect
Streptococcus pyogen (Lance field Group A Streptococcus)
and other beta-haemolytic streptococci. Commercially
prepared COAG reagents are expensive, but the reagents can
be prepared in a microbiology laboratory at low cost (see


Preparation of stable COAG reagent

1. Prepare an overnight broth (protein-rich broth) culture of a
protein A-containing strain of Staphylococcus aureus eg.
Cowan strain or Kronwald strain.
2. Using a sterile swab, inoculate 5 plates of Mueller Hinton
agar or Columbia agar with the broth culture. Use a heavy
inoculum and cover the entire surface of each plate.
Incubate the plates at 35-37 OC.
3. After overnight incubation, flood each plate with phosphate
buffered saline (PBS) at PH 7.2. Using a glass rod,
carefully suspend the colonies in the PBS taking care not
to remove any agar with the colonies.
4. Using a Pasteur pipette, transfer the suspension from each
plate into a centrifuge tube, and centrifuge to concentrate
the organisms.
5. Wash the sedimented organisms three times in PBS, PH
7.2. Suspend the final sediment in 0.5 % v/v formaldehyde
solution, stopper, and using a mixer, agitate the
suspension for 3 hours.
6. Centrifuge, and wash the sedimented organisms three
times in PBS, PH 7.2. Suspend the final sediment in fresh
PBS, and heat to 80 oC for 1 hour.
7. Centrifuge, and wash the organisms a further three times
in PBS, resuspend the sediment in the PBS, PH 7.2 to
about 10 % v/v concentration.


This stabilized suspension can be stored at 4 OC for up to

6 months. The suspension must not be frozen.
8. Coat the staphylococcal cells with antibody as follows:
- Mix 1ml of 10 % staphylococcal suspension with o.1 ml
serum (see 'Note' below).
- Mix gently for 3 hours at room temperature (20-28 OC).
9. Wash the coated cells three times in PBS, PH 7.2.
Resuspend the sediment to 10ml (i.e. 1 % cells) using the
phosphate buffered saline.
When stored at 4 0C, the COAG reagent will remain stable for
at least 2 months. Control the reagent by testing it against
known positive and negative clinical specimens.
Note: The serum used to prepare COAG reagents must be
rich in lg G.

B. Tube agglutination tests

In tube tests, agglutination occurs in a larger volume of fluid
and therefore, in an environment that can be more fully
controlled. Tube tests are usually more sensitive than slide
tests. In this tube agglutination test, serum is diluted serially
and then antibody level is measured by adding standard
antigenic suspension. The temperature and time of
agglutination must be correct and a control tube that contains
only the antigen suspension must be included to check for
auto agglutination of the reagent.


In district laboratories, tube tests are used mainly to detect

and measure serum antibodies in the investigation of enteric
fever (Widal test), and brucellosis.

Measurement of antibody in serum (antibody titer)

To diagnose microbial diseases by their antibody response, it
is usually necessary to show three or four-fold rise in the
serum antibody level. This is because the patient may already
have agglutinating antibodies in their serum from a previous
infection, or following natural or acquired immunization. It is
therefore, necessary to test two specimens (paired sera). The
first collected within 5 days of the onset of symptoms and the
second collected 5-10 days after the first.

The antibody level is measured by diluting the serum, usually

by using a doubling dilution technique (i.e. 1 in 2, 1 in 4, 1 in 8,
1 in 16, etc). A standardized antigen suspension is then
added. Following incubation for the required length of time at
the correct temperature in a water bath (during which time the
bacterial cells settle), the tubes are examined for
agglutination. The last tube to show a clear supernatant with a
coarse deposit is the end-point of the test. The dilution of the
serum at this end-point is known as the titer. For example, if


the end-point is 1 in 64, the antibody titre will be recorded as

64 (1 in 64).

Prozone effect
When testing a serum with a high antibody titer, for example
from a patient with acute brucellosis, it is possible for only the
higher dilutions (i.e. over 1 in 40 or 1 in 80) to show
agglutination. This is referred to as the prozone reaction, or
phenomenon. It is thought to be due to a high level of Ig A
(blocking antibody), non-specific inhibitory factors or antibody
excess. Diluting the serum appropriately can solve this

The following is an example of the result of an agglutination

test showing prozoning:

Table 1.1 Prozone effects in antigen antibody reaction in

agglutination reaction

Serum dilution Agglutination Antigen antibody

reaction ratio
1:2 - Prozone
1:40 - Prozone
1:80 - Prozone
1:160 ++ Equimolar
1:320 ++++ Equimolar
1:640 ++++ Equimolar
1:1280 ++ Equimolar


1:2560 - postzone

Note: It is also possible when testing serum for antibodies to

brucella species, for the Ig G antibodies present in the serum
to combine with the antigen, but not to cause visible
agglutination. The attachment of the antibody to the antigen
can be detected by using antihuman globulin, which will
agglutinate the antibody antigen complexes.

C. Microtitration agglutination tests

These techniques are performed in microtitration plates. They
have now replaced several tube agglutination tests since they
are more sensitive, more economical, easier to perform, and
usually give quicker results

Types of microtitration agglutination tests

I. Indirect (passive) haemagglutination test (IHA
The indirect haemaggutination (IHA) test is a passive
agglutination test (see previous text) in which known antigen is
coated on treated red cells.

Carrier red cells

The cells are formalin fixed and treated with tannic acid to
make the antigen adhere, Antigen coated red cells are
referred to sensitized cells. In the IHA test, the sensitized red
cells are added to dilutions of the patient's serum. If the serum
contains the corresponding antibody in sufficient

concentration, the red cells will be agglutinated and settle to

form an even covering in the bottom of the well. The antibody
titer is the highest dilution of serum in which agglutination can
be detected. If the sensitized cells are not agglutinated they
will settle and form a red button in the bottom of the well.

IHA tests take several hours to perform (time for red cells to
sediment), They require no special training or equipment. The
specificity and sensitivity of the tests depend on the antigen
used and how the cells are prepared. Some IHA tests give
non-specific results due to heterophil antibodies present in the
patient's serum. These unwanted antibodies can be removed
by absorbing the serum with non-sensitized cells. Controls
should include red cells of the same batch that are not
sensitized with antigen to detect any antibody against the red
cells. Positive and negative control sera should also be

Applications of IHA tests include the Treponema pallidum

haemagglutination (TPHA) to detect treponemal antibodies
and the antisterptolysin O (ASO) titration technique used in
the diagnosis of S.pyogens infections.


Fig. 1.6 Haemagglutination test

II. Haemagglutination inhibition antibody test (HIA)

This technique is used to detect antibodies against
Arboviruses, Ifluenza viruses, Measles virus, and Rubella
virus. These viruses are able to agglutinate red cells because
they possess haemagglutinins on their outer surfaces.

In the haemagglutination inhibition (HAI) antibody test, the

patient's serum is reacted with a suspension of known viral
antigen. If the corresponding antibody is present, it will coat


the haemagglutinins (antigens) on the viral particles and so

prevent haemagglutination when red cells are added. Controls
must be included to show the agglutinating activity of the
antigen and absence of haemagglutination by the serum. Sera
should be treated to destroy non-specific inhibitors of
agglutination. The viral antigen should be titrated.

III. Reverse passive haemagglutination test (RPHA)

This technique is used to identify viruses that do not
haemagglutinate. It is performed by reacting viral specimens
with red cells coated with specific viral antibody. If the
corresponding antigen is present, the red cells will be
agglutinated. A control must be included consisting of red cells
of the same batch that are not coated with antibody. Precipitin Tests

Precipitin techniques are used to detect and identify antigens
in specimens, extracts, and cultures, and to detect and
quantify antibodies in serum. Compared with agglutination
tests, precipitin techniques require more experience in their
performance and interpretation. Some tests have a low
In precipitin tests, the antigen and antibody are in a soluble
form and combine to form a visible precipitate. The presence
of electrolytes is usually required. Positive and negative


controls are essential. Various systems are available in which

precipitation tests are performed, either in semisolid media
such as agar or agarose, or nongel support medium such as
cellulose acetate. Agar has been found to interfere with the
migration of charged particles and has been largely replaced
as an immunodiffusion medium by agarose. Agarose is a
transparent, colorless, neutral gel.

The mechanisms of immune precipitation

If a suitable amount of a clear solution of soluble antigen is
mixed with its antisera and incubated at 37oC, the mixture
becomes cloudy within a few minutes, then flocculent and
within an hour or so a white precipitate settles to the bottom of
the tube. This process may be analyzed by examining the
effect of altering the relative proportion of antigen and
antibody. If increasing amount of soluble antigen are mixed
with a constant amount of antibody, the amount of precipitate
formed depends on the relative proportions of the reactants.
No precipitate is formed at very low antigen concentrations. As
the amount of antigen added increases, a precipitate forms
and increases in amount until it reaches a maximum. With the
addition of even more antigen, the amount of precipitate
begins to diminish, until eventually none is observed in tubes
containing a large excess of antigen over antibody.


In the first of these reactions where antibody is in excess, only

a little antigen is bound to antibody, free antibody may be
found in the supernatant, and little precipitate is deposited. In
contrast, when maximum precipitation occurs, both antigen
and antibody are completely complexed, and neither can be
detected in the supernatant, this is known as the equivalence
zone, and the ratio of antibody to antigen is said to be in
optimal proportions. When antigen is added to excess, little
precipitate is formed, although soluble immune complexes are
present and free antigen may be found in the supernatant.
These results can be explained by the fact that antibody are
bivalent and can cross-link only two epitopes at a time. But
protein antigens are multivalent, since they possess many
epitopes. In the mixtures containing excess antibody each
antigen molecule is effectively covered with antibody which
prevents crosslinkage and thus precipitation. When the
reactants are in optimal proportions, the ratio of antigen to
antibody cross-linking occurs. As the antigen-antibody
complex grows, it becomes insoluble and eventually
precipitates out of solution. In a mixture in which antigen is in
excess, each antibody binds to a pair of antigen molecules. In
this case, further cross linking is impossible. Hence, more
complexes are small and soluble and no precipitation occurs.


Fig. 1.7 The precipitin reaction

There are four main types of precipitin techniques. These are

tube precipitin test, gel diffusion, counter immuno
electrophoresis and rocket electrophoresis

A. Tube Precipitin test

In this test, a clear solution containing the test antigen is
carefully layered on to a clear antiserum in a precipitin tube or
capillary tube (microhaematocrit tube). Following a period of

incubation, if the corresponding antigen is present and the

proportion of antigen to antibody is optimal, a line of visible
precipitating antibody and antigen will form between the two
layers of fluid. ( Figure 1.7) A fairly large volume of antiserum
is required and the test is not very sensitive. Examples of this
type of technique include, the testing of cerebrospinal fluid for
extracellular antigens, especially Haemophilus influenza type
b antigen, and the original Lancefield method of grouping
beta-haemolytic sterptococci in which the antigen is extracted
from the streptococcal cells. Both these techniques have now
been replaced in many laboratories by the simpler, more rapid,
and easier to read slide tests, especially coagglutination

B. Gel diffusion
When both antigen and antibody diffuse through the agar, this
is referred to as double diffusion. When only the antigen or
antibody diffuses, with the corresponding antigen or antibody
being contained in the agar, this is called single diffusion.
Several hours of diffusion are often needed before
precipitation occurs.

I. Double gel diffusion

Antigen and antibody diffuse towards each other and where
they meet in optimal proportion, a visible line of precipitation
forms. The thickness of the line of precipitation is a
semiquantitative measure of the amounts of antigen and


antibody that combine. Double gel diffusion techniques can be

used in many different ways to detect and identify antigens
and antibodies. Examples of this type of reaction include, the
Elek gel technique used to detect toxigenic strains of
Corynebacterium diphtheria and the Biken test used to detect
toxin-producing faecal Entrotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC).
In the Biken technique, the test and control E.coli organisms
are inoculated in separate areas around the center of the
plate. Following growth, specific antitoxin is placed in a central
well cut into the culture plate. After further incubation, the toxin
produced from a toxigenic E. coli strain will react with the
antitoxin to form a line of precipitation, where the two meet in
optimal proportion. Between the toxigenic strain and the
positive control, an arc of identity will form (figure 1.8)


Fig. 1.8 Immuno-double-diffusion

II Single radial diffusion

In this technique, specific antibody is incorporated into the
agar gel and wells are cut to contain the antigen, which
diffuses radially. A ring of precipitation forms around a well that
contains the corresponding antigen (figure 1.9). The higher the

concentration of antigen, the larger the ring of precipitation will

be formed. By including reference samples of known
concentrations, the amount of antibody in the unknown
specimen can be calculated by comparing the diameter sizes
of the precipitation ring.

The technique is used mainly to detect and measure

immunoglobulins in serum and other specimens, for example
the detection of IgM in cerebrospinal fluid when investigating
trypanosomiasis meningoencephalitis. Single radial diffusion is
also used to identify and quantify viral antibodies. A rapid
technique is used in which red cells coated with known viral
antigen and complement are incorporated in the agar gel. The
test sera are placed in wells in the agar and the plate
incubated at 37 OC, If a serum contains the corresponding
antibody, a zone of hemolysis will form around it.


Fig. 1.9 Single radial immunoediffusion

C. Counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE)
This technique is also referred to as countercurrent-
electrophoresis and immunoelectroosmophoresis (IEOP).
Electrophoresis is used to increase the speed with which the
antigen and antibody travel in the agar gel. A line of
precipitation forms where the two meet in optimal proportion.
The pH, purity, and ionic strength of the agar are among the
factors that influence the movement of the antibody and

Principle of Counterimmunoelectrophoresis
In this test, specific antibody is placed in a well at the positive
electrode (anode) end of the plate and the unknown antigen in
a well at the negative electrode (cathode) end. An electric
current is applied and the antibody and antigen move towards
each other. Positive samples show a line of precipitation within
30-60 minutes.

Compared with other precipitin techniques, CIE gives more

rapid results, and is usually more sensitive. It has, however,
the disadvantage of requiring an electrophoresis unit and the
preparation of an agar gel. Counterimmunoelectrophoresis is
used to detect extracellular antigens in cerebrospinal fluid.


Other application includes the detection of hepatitis B surface

antigen (HbsAg) in serum.

D. Rocket electrophoresis
Antigen may be quantitated by electrophoresing them into an
antibody-containing gel in the technique termed as rocket
electrophoresis. The pH of the gel is chosen so that the
antibodies are immobile and the antigen is negatively charged.
Precipitin rockets form; the height of the rocket is proportional
to antigen concentration, and unknowns are determined by
interpolation from standards. Rocket electrophoresis can be
reversed to estimate antibody concentration if a suitable pH
gel can be found to immobilize the antigen, without damaging
it or preventing the antigen-antibody reaction. COMPLEMENT FIXATION TESTS

In general, complement fixation tests (CFT) are best
performed in reference laboratories where facilities exist for
the careful standardization and control of reagents, which
these tests require.

Principle of CFT
The complement fixation tests is a technique that has been
used over many years to detect and quantify antibody that


does not agglutinate or precipitate when reacted with its

antigen, but can be demonstrated by its use, or fixation, of
The complement fixation test system consists of two
The first component is an indicator system consisting of a
combination of sheep red blood cells, complement fixing
antibody produced against the sheep red cells in another
animal and exogenous source of complement, usually
guinea pig serum. When these three components are
combined in an optimum concentration, the antisheep cell
antibody complexes and causes cell lysis.
The second component consists of a known antigen and
inactivated patient serum.

Antigen-antibody reactions lead to immune complex formation

that produces complement fixation via the classical pathway.
That is when complement takes part in antigen antibody
reactions; it is bound or fixed to the antigen antibody
complexes. When these complexes are on bacteria, red cells
or other cells, the complement brings about the lysis of the
cells involved. This may be exploited to determine the amount
of antigen or antibody present in the patient sample.
Complement fixation test can detect antibody at a level of less
than one microgram per milliliter.


In the CFT, the patient's inactivated serum is serially diluted

and reacted with known antigen in the presence of
complement. If the corresponding antibody is contained in the
serum it will combine with the antigen and use up the
complement. This will leave no complement to haemolyze the
antibody coated red cells that are added. The highest dilution
of serum that prevents haemolysis is the antibody titre. If the
patient's serum, however, does not contain the corresponding
antibody, the complement will not be used and will be
available to fix to and haemolyze the antibody coated red

Procedure and test interpretation of CFT

The two components of the complement fixation procedure
are tested in sequence:
Patient serum is first added to the known antigen, and
complement is added to the solution. If the serum contains
antibody to the antigen, the resulting antigen-antibody
complexes will bind all of the complement (figure 1.10). Sheep
red cell and hemolysin are then added. If complement has not
been bound by antigen-antibody complex formed from the
patient serum and known antigen, it is available to bind to the
indicator system of sheep cells and hemolysin. Lysis of the
indicator sheep cells indicates both a lack of antibody and
negative complement fixation test. If the patient's serum does


contain a complement-fixing antibody, a positive result will be

demonstrated by the lack of hemolysis.

Complement fixation tests must include controls to test:

the stability of the red cells,
The haemolytic activity of the complement and absence of
complement binding by the antigen and by each serum
Moreover, standard serum of known antibody titer must be
Most complement fixation tests are specific, but not always
very sensitive; they give inconclusive results when the test
serum contains anti-complementary substances, prozoning
can also be a problem.These difficulties, combined with the
considerable time it takes to perform CFT, have lead to the
development of simpler techniques to replace these tests.
Complement fixation tests are still used in the diagnosis of
rickettsial infections and several viral and parasitic infections.


Fig. 1.10 complement fixation test

1.2.3. Tertiary binding tests

Tertiary binding tests measure the consequences of immune
responses in vivo. These tests are much more complex than
primary and secondary tests, but their results reflect the
practical significance of the immune response. E.g.
measurement of the protective effects of antibody.

1.3. Factors affecting antigen antibody reaction

Many factors affect the interaction between antigen and
antibody; these include specificity, cross reactivity,
temperature, pH, ionic strength, concentration, and
intermolecular specificity.


Specificity: The ability of a particular antibody to combine

with one antigen instead of another is referred to as specificity.
This property depends on the antigen binding fragment of an
immunoglobulin molecule. Antigen antibody reactions can
show a high level of specificity.

Cross reactivity: Unrelated molecules can have antigens with

similar antigenic determinants. This means a proportion of the
antibodies directed against one kind of antigen will also react
with the other kind of antigen. This is called cross reactivity. An
example of cross reactivity is when; antibodies directed
against a protein in one species may also react in a
detectable manner with the homologues protein in another

Example of cross reactivity

Three organisms might possess antigenic structures and
produce corresponding antibodies as follows:
Organism Antigens Antibodies
1 ABC abc
2 BCD bcd
3 DE de
Antiserum prepared from organism 1 will react with organisms
Antiserum prepared from organism 2 will react with 1, 2, & 3


Antiserum produced from organism 3 will react with organism

2 & 3, but not with organism 1. Look at Fig. 1.8

Temperature: The optimum temperature needed to reach

equilibrium in an antibody antigen reaction differs for
different antibodies. IgM antibodies are cold reacting, with a
thermal range of 4-220C, and IgG antibodies are warm
reacting with an optimum temperature of reaction of 370C.
pH: Although the optimum pH for all reactions has not been
determined, a pH of 7.0 is used for routine laboratory testing.

Ionic strength: The concentration of salt in the reaction

medium has an effect on antibody uptake by the membrane
bound erythrocyte antigens. Sodium and chloride ions in
solution have an inhibitory effect. These ions cluster around
the opposite charges on antigen and antibody molecules
which partially neutralizes them. This hinders the association
of antibody with antigen. Reducing or lowering the ionic
strength of a reaction medium, such as low-ionic strength salt,
can enhance antibody uptake.

Concentration: Under normal conditions, the concentration of

antigen and antibody should be optimal, but sometime this is
not the case. Excess antibody or antigen concentration will
result in a false reaction, sometimes known as zonal reaction
when the concentration of antigen is excess it is known as a


post zone reaction; excess antibody is referred to as a

prozone reaction. This phenomenon can be overcome by
serial dilutions unil the optimum amount of antigen and
antibody is present.

Bond strength and intermolecular attractive force

Bonding of an antigen to an antibody takes place because of
the formation of multiple, reversible, intermolecular attraction
between an antigen and amino acids of the binding site. The
bonding of antigen to antibody is exclusively noncovalent. The
attractive force of noncovalent bonds is weak compared to
covalent bonds, but the formation of multiple noncovalent
bonds produces considerable total binding energy. The
strength of a single antigen antibody bond is termed as
antibody affinity.

The strongest bonding develops when antigens and

antibodies are close to each other and when the shapes of
both the antigenic determinate and the antigen binding site
conform to each other. This complementary matching is
referred to as goodness of fit

Review Questions


1. Define serology
2. List different groups of immunological techniques
3. Write the difference between precipitation and
agglutination tests
4. Explain how different factors affect antigen antibody
5. How does the reaction of primary binding tests be
6. List different types of primary binding tests and describe
their principle
7. List the application of enzyme linked Immunosorbent
8. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of
secondary binding tests
9. How do prozone and post zone reaction affect test
10. List carriers used in passive slide agglutination tests and
describe their applications
11. List Micro titration agglutination tests and describe their
12. List gel diffusion tests
13. Discuss about complement fixation test



Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter, the students should be
able to:
1. List materials and equipment for serological tests
2. Collect, preserve and prepare serological specimens
3. Run complement inactivation procedure and state its
4. Run serial dilution, determine end point and titer.

2.1. Introduction
Antibodies that have been produced in response to a specific
stimulus can be identified easily in the serum. Serological
reaction produces an observable change in the mixture. The
reaction takes different forms, because of variations in the
condition of the antigen, the presence of saline and
temperature. Wide varities of serologic techniques are
available to detect either an antibody or antigen using various
materials and reagents.

2.2. Materials Necessary for Basic Serologic Tests

Most Clinical Laboratories still use glassware for the greater
part of the analytical work done even with the advent of
modern plastic wares and stainless steel.


Certain types of glass can be attacked by reagents to such an

extent the determinations done in them are not valid.

Unclean and contaminated glassware easily affect serological

tests. After using, all the glassware, should be soaked in
detergent for several hours and rinsed several times in clean
tap water. Then allow drying in dry oven or dust free place.
Scratched or broken glassware shouldnt be used, as they
interfere with the reading of a test and cause damage to the
The most common glassware in serological test include: test
tubes, Erlenmeyer flasks, burettes, glass slide etc.

In general, serological glassware is container and volumetric

Containers are used to contain and receive serological test
solution (e.g. test tube and Erlenmeyer flask are containers
whereas volumetric apparatus include pipettes and
volumetric flask)
Serological pipettes
It is much like the graduated pipette in appearance. It is
graduated to the end of the delivery tip and has an etched
band on the suction piece (designed to be blown out).

Test tubes


Test tubes come in many sizes depending on the use

for which they are intended. Tubes without lips are the
most satisfactory because there is less chance of
chipping and ventral breakage. Since chemical
reaction (serological reactions) occurs in test tube, it
should be resistant to thermal shock.

Erlenmeyer flasks
Are used commonly in the laboratory for preparing reagents
for titration procedures, and for preparing blood filtrates. They
also come in various sizes and must be made from a
resistant form of glass.

A burette is a long cylindrical tube of glass ware with
It is used to deliver measured quantities of fluid or
solution in the process of titration. Smaller Burettes are
more accurate than larger ones (they have smaller

Glass slide
It is usually supplied with the test kit for a particular
test. It must be thoroughly clean and dry before and
after the test procedure. It is used in most agglutination


Water Bath
A water bath is an instrument where water is heated and the
set temperature is maintained at a constant level. It can
provide temperature regulator and the temperature provided
ranging from room temperature to 100Oc. Various sizes to suit
various workload are available. It is used to incubate liquid

Chemical tests react best at a specific temperature. Many

tests react at room temperature (18 to 22 C) and others
require a specific temperature as body temperature (35 to 37
C). Such procedural requirements are met by using water
bath. When the reactants in tubes are placed in a water bath,
the water surrounding the tubes warms the substances inside
the tube and it takes the same temperature as the water.
Use and Care of a Water bath
1. Read the manufacturers instructions carefully.
2. Fill the bath and maintain its level with distilled water, if
unavailable with boiled water, preferably boiled and filtered
rainwater. This is necessary to minimize salts depositing
on the heater.
3. To minimize the growth of microorganisms in the water,
add a bactericidal agent such as merthiolate at a dilution of
1 in 1000 to the water.


4. Before incubating samples, check that the temperature of

the water is correct using thermometer.
5. Ensure that the level of the water is above the level of
whatever is being incubated.
6. Use the lid to prevent loss of heat from the bath and to
minimize particles from entering the water. When removing
the lid after incubation, take care to avoid any water
entering uncapped tubes. Whenever possible, use capped
7. Clean the water bath regularly, taking care not to damage
the heating unit. If there is a build up of scale on heater
and sides of the bath, this can be removed by using lemon
8. Unplug the bath from the wall socket when not using it,
when there is an electric storm, and when cleaning the
bath and carrying out any maintenance work.
9. Every three to six months, check the bath for correct

Note: If you are using a boiling water bath and ovens, be sure
that you use heat resistant glass or plastic wares.

Incubation at controlled temperature is required for
bacteriological cultures, blood transfusion, Serology,
Hematology and Clinical Chemistry tests. The inside


temperature of an incubator is kept at a specific temperature

(usually at 37 C). When tubes are kept inside the incubator,

they take the temperature of the incubator. The appropriate

temperature is obtained by means of temperature regulator
and is maintained by a thermostat. This permits a more
accurate temperature control.

Use and Care of Incubator

1. Read carefully the manufacturers instruction.
2. Make sure that the incubator is positioned on a level
surface and that none of the ventilation openings are
3. If the incubator does not have a temperature display,
insert a thermometer in the vent hole through the roof of
the incubator. Adjust the thermostat dial until the
thermometer shows the correct reading, i.e., 35 - 37OC
for the routine incubation of bacteriological cultures.
4. Before incubating cultures and tests, check the
temperature of the incubator.
5. Clean the incubator regularly; making sure that it is
disconnected from its power supply.
6. Every three to six months check the condition of the
7. At the time of purchase, it is advisable to buy a spare
thermostat and thermometer if these are of special type
and are not available locally.

Centrifuges are apparatus that are used to separate solid
matter from a liquid suspension by means of centrifugal
force. Centrifuges are used to sediment or deposit rapidly
particles such as cells which may be suspended in a fluid
and operated through electricity supply mainly.

Rotating machines
They are required to facilitate antigen antibody
reactions. Such machines have a flat plate, and rotate
at a prescribed rate of speed. A knob located on the
front part of the machine controls the number of
revolutions per minute.
2.3. Collection, preparation and preservation of
serological specimens
Specimens that are commonly used for Serological tests
include: Serum, plasma and CSF.

Blood specimens should be collected before meal to avoid the

presence of chyle, an emulsion of fat globules that often
appears in serum during digestion. It is ideal and necessary
to use sterile dispensable blood collection system using
disposable or vactuainers. Blood should be collected by vein
puncture. If syringes and needles are used care must be
taken to allow the blood to run gently into the clean collecting


tube to avoid rupturing of cells. The vactuainer system

consists of a needle holder and glass vacuum tube instead of
the syringe barrel and plunger. Once the vein is punctured,
and the vactuainer tube is appropriately in contact with the
needle, the required quantity of blood flows automatically into
the vactuainer tube so that the need to pull the plunger out is
obviated. It offers leak proof tubes and allows standardization
of specimen quality. It is simple, quicker, cleaner and safer to

The majority of serological tests are done on serum. To

prepare serum, blood is collected in a plain tube and
allowed to clot completely before centrifuged. i.e., allow
the whole blood to clot at room temperature for at least
one hour, and then centrifuge the clotted blood for 10
minutes at 2000 rpm. Then, transfer the Serum to a
labeled tube with a pipette. Serum for detection of
antibodies should be drawn during the acute phase of
illness or when first discovered, and again during
convalescent period. A difference in antibody titer may be
noted when the acute and convalescent specimens are
tested concurrently. Some infections may not manifest a
titer until months after the acute infection.

Occasionally, serological tests will require plasma, whole

blood, urine, spinal fluid and other body fluids. Plasma


samples are obtained by treating fresh blood with an

anticoagulant, then centrifuging and separating the
supernatant. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is collected by lumbar
puncture. It is usually performed at L3 L4 or lower to avoid
damage to the spinal cord. It is usually collected by medical
doctors or trained medical officers. Urine collected in clean
containers at any time of the day may be used for serological
tests. Morning urine generally contains the highest
concentration of analyte (hormone). It should have a specific
gravity of at least 1.015. If turbidity or precipitation is present,
filtering or centrifugation is recommended. Urine specimen
containing blood, large amounts of protein, or excessive
bacterial contamination should not be used. Collect the urine
specimen in a clean glass or plastic container. The urine
sample may be stored at 2-80C for up to 72 hours prior to
testing. Boric acid is also used as preservative for urine
sample. For longer storage, the urine sample should be frozen
at 200C. Thaw frozen samples by placing the frozen sample
in a water bath at 370C and then mix thoroughly before use. If
turbidity or precipitation is present after thawing, filtering or
centrifugation is recommended. Do not refreeze urine sample.

Most serological tests should be performed within an hour

after sample collection. If this could not be possible, preserve
the specimen until the test is done. Serum specimen should
be refrigerated at 4 6oC and if not done with in 72 hours or


longer it should be stored at 200C (frozen). Serum which has

been frozen may show microclots or fibrin when thawed. This
should be removed by centrifugation before specimen is used.
Sodium azide (1g/L) also used as preservative for blood

Specimen to be frozen must be properly sealed and labeled

with full patient identification. Specimen for cold agglutination
must be drawn into warmed syringe & not stored in
refrigerator. Care should be taken to transfer the serum to a
fresh clean container. The sample should be free from
hemolyzed blood as this may interfere with serological tests.
Turbid sample must be centrifuged and clear supernatant
must be used for testing. Therefore, specimen must not be
hemolyzed and must be free from particulate matter.
Contamination with alkali or acid must be avoided as these
substances have a denaturing effect on serum proteins.
Excessive heat and bacterial contamination should also be
avoided. Heat coagulates the proteins and bacterial growth
alters protein molecules. Multiple freeze - thaw cycles may
result in sample deterioration. Lipemia, hemolysis or any
bacterial contamination can make the specimen unacceptable.
Icteric or turbid serum may give valid result for some tests, but
may interfere with others.

2.4. Shipment of serological specimens


- Some times it is necessary to ship a specimen to

another laboratory, a large reference laboratory, for
- Tests infrequently performed or those needing
specialized technology are some times more cost
effective if they are done in a central or reference
laboratory setting where these special tests are
- Since biological specimens are potentially infectious
care must be taken to ship them safely, according to
the requirements established by the receiving
- Leak proof and crush proof primary containers and
mailing containers should be used
- All specimen containers to be shipped must be labeled
with the necessary patient identification, and other
important information. The mailing package must
include properly completed request form for the test to
be done.
- Since some laboratory analyses require special
handling of the specimens to be tested, transportation
and handling conditions should consider the
requirements of that particular test. It is always the rule
to transport the specimen to the laboratory as quickly
as possible, however, using the transport system


implemented by the health care institution. But do not

inactivate serum / plasma before mailing.

2.5. Complement inactivation

Complement inactivation is important since it is known to
interfere with different tests. Inactivation of complement can
be achieved by heating (Stoichiometric inactivation of) the
serum or plasma at 56oC for 30 minutes. If more than four
hours has elapsed since inactivation, a specimen should be
re-inactivated at the same temperature for 10 minutes.

2.6. Dilution
Is the act of making weaker solution from a stronger solution.
This is usually done by adding water or saline, which contains
none of the material being diluted. Dilution is usually
expressed as one unit of the original solution to the total
number of units of final solution. Any volume of a dilution
indicates the relative amounts of substances in a solution.

Serum may need to be diluted in a single or as a serial dilution

if it contains a concentrated amount of antibody.

2.6.1. Serial dilutions

Serial dilution is decreasing the volume of serum progressively
by maintaining a constant volume of fluid. Most commonly
serial dilutions are two fold that is each dilution is half as


concentrated as the preceding one. The total volume in each

tube is the same. Occasionally, the first dilution may be
different from the rest. The first dilution determines the starting
point and the remaining dilutions determine the magnitude of
the increase.

Table1.2 An example of two fold serial dilution

Tube number 1 2 3 4 5
Saline( ml ) 1 1 1 1 1
P a t i e n t1 1 of 1:2 1 of 1:4 1 of 1:8 1of 1:16
serum( ml )
Final dilution 1:2 1:4 1:8 1:16 1:32

A general rule for calculating the concentration of solutions

(Patient serum in each tube) obtained by dilution in series is to
multiply the original concentration by the first dilution
(expressed as a fraction), this by the second dilution and so
on until the desired concentration is known.

2.6.2. Determination of end point and titer

In the above example, after serially diluting the patient serum,
equal amount of an antigen is added to each dilution to
observe the immunologic reaction. The last tube that shows a
visible immunologic reaction is known as the end point of the

test, the dilution of antiserum (antibody) at the end point is

known as the titer. The reciprocal of the greatest reacting
dilution of the serum is considered as the measure of titer or
the concentration of antibody. For example, if the highest
dilution of the serum that shows a visible reaction is a 1:32
dilution, the titer of the test is expressed as 32.


Review Question

1. List the possible serological specimens

2. Explain how serum and plasma are collected, prepared
and preserved for serologic tests
3. Disscus how complements are inactivated for serological
4. Define dilution and serial dilution
5. Explain end point and titer



Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter, the students should be
able to:
1. Describe and /or perform serologic tests of
Bacterial infections. (syphilis, typhoid fever,
paratyphoid fever, typhus),
Antistreptolysin O.
Parasitic infection (Toxoplasmosis, hydated disease).
2. List factors affecting each serologic test
3. Explain how to read, interpret and report serologic tests.

3.1. Syphilis serology

3.1.1. Introduction
Syphilis is a chronic systemic infectious disease. Syphilitic
infection may be divided into congenital and acquired
infection. Acquired syphilis is transmitted by direct contact with
infectious exudates from early lesions of skin and mucous


membranes of infected persons during sexual contact.

Syphilis can also be transmitted through blood and blood
products. Congenital syphilis is transmitted through
transplacental infection or at delivery by having contact with
maternal lesion.

The causative agent is Treponema pallidum, subspecies

pallidum, a spirochetes that has never been cultured
successfully on artificial culture media and it does not take up
Grams stain.

Three other treponemes (subspecies T. pertenue, T.

endemicum, and T. carateum) are pathogenic for human.
Infection with these organisms will cause serologic tests for
syphilis to be reactive, although not sexually transmitted.

3.1.2. The stages of acquired syphilis

A typical case of acquired syphilis progresses as follows:-
A. Incubation stage: Over a period of 2 to 6 weeks after
entering the body, the organism multiplies and spreads
through out the body.
B. Primary stage: An inflammatory response at the original
entry site causes formation of a chancre, a hard,
painless non-discharging lesion.
It develops after 10 days to 3 months, usually 3
weeks after infection


One or more primary chancres usually develop

on the genitals, but can develop on lips or
Treponemes are detectable in specimens from
these lesions using dark-field microscope.
Serum antibodies can be detected 1-4 weeks
after the chancre has formed
Primary lesion heals spontaneously over a
period of 2-5 weeks.
C. Primary latent period: All external signs of the disease
disappear (6 weeks to 6 months), but blood tests
diagnostics for syphilis are positive.
D. Secondary stage: symptoms appear, disappear, and
reappear over a period of about five
years, during which the patient is
These symptoms include rash, skin eruption, mucouspatches
(tongue, cheeks, and gums). Hence, kissing spreads the
infection. These lesions are microscopically positive and all
serological tests are reactive. Secondary lesions heal
spontaneously over a period of 2-6 weeks.

E. Secondary latent stage

Is asymptomatic
Can last for years or even a life time


Late latent stage, the reactivity in non

treponemal tests decreases over time
In some patients syphilis does not progress
beyond this stage, but in many patients it
progresses to the tertiary stage.

F. Tertiary stage (Late syphilis)

Some times around 20 years after initial infection, 30%
of patients with untreated latent syphilis progress to
late syphilis
Is a slowly progressive inflammatory stage in which
granulomatous lesions (gummas) develop in skin,
bones, stomach and other organs, and degenerative
changes occur in the central nervous system causing
meningovascular syphilis and general paralysis.

Moreover, cardiovascular syphilis can cause problem at aorta.

Treponemes are not present in late stage syphilitic
About 30% of patients with late syphilis show non-
reactive non treponemal tests
Treponemal tests are almost always positive.

3.1.3. Congenital syphilis


Congenital syphilis is acquired during fetal life from the

maternal circulation through the placental passage of T.
pallidum from the 18th week of gestation on ward or at delivery
by having contact with maternal lesion. This is more likely to
occur when the mother is suffering from early syphilis,
particularly the primary and secondary stage rather than late
syphilis. Treatment before 18th week of pregnancy prevents
the infection. The clinical manifestation of congenital syphilis
may be divided in to early, late and the stigmata. Many of the
lesions of the first two years of life are infectious and the late
lesions from third year onward are of gummatous type.

3.1.4. Immunologic Manifestations

In the Treponemes, two classes of antigens have been
recognized. Those restricted to one or a few species, and
those shared by many different spirochetes. Specific and non-
specific antibodies (non-treponemal antibodies) are produced
in the immunocompetent host against these antigens.

Nontreponemal antibodies often called reagin antibodies are

produced by infected patients against components of their
own or mammalian cells (i.e. against the cardiolipin or lipoidal
antigen) as well as to lipoprotein like material released from
the treponemes.The antilipoidal antibodies are antibodies that
are produced not only as a cosquence of syphilis and other
treponemal disease, but also in response to non trepnemal
disease of an acute or chronic nature in which tissue damage

occurs (e.g. measles, chicken pox, hepatitis, infectious

mononucleosis, leprosy, tuberculosis, leptospirosis, malaria,
rickettsial disease, trypanosomiasis, and

3.1.5. Diagnostic Evaluation

The diagnosis of syphilis depends on clinical skill,
demonstration of microorganism in a lesion (dark field
microscopy), and serologic testing. Polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) testing may be employed if available. Darkfield Microscopy

This allows rapid demonstration of spirochaetes from primary
chancres, mucous membrane lesions of secondary syphilis or
congenital syphilis. The lesion is cleaned with saline,
squeezed gently, and a drop of expressed exudates placed
onto a drop of saline on a glass slide. If dark-field microscopy
is immediately available, motile treponemes can be seen
directly in the wet preparation. If dark-field microscopy is not
available, an alternative technique is to allow the sample to
dry and to send the slide to a laboratory for detection of
treponemes by an immunofluorescent technique by using
fluorescein-labeled antitreponemal antibodies. Materials
collected from oral lesions should not be examined as non
pathogenic oral spirochetes can contaminate the specimen.


Principe of Darkfield microscopy

The darkfield microscope is designed to eliminate the need for
staining and to achieve contrast between the organism and
the background. The condenser lens of the microscope does
not permit light to be transmitted directly through the specimen
and into the objective lens. The condenser lens focuses light
on the specimen at an oblique angle, such that light that does
not reflect off an object does not enter the objective lens.
Therefore, only the light that reflects off the specimen will be
seen and the light simply passing through the slide will not
enter the objective. The field will appear dark; spirochetes
viewed with a dark field microscope appear very bright on a
dark background. Serologic Tests

Most syphilis is diagnosed on the basis of serology. Serology
may be positive at the time of presentation of most primary
chancres (e.g. in approximately 75% of cases). However,
negative serology in a patient with a genital ulcer does not
exclude syphilitic chancre. Classic serologic methods for
syphilis measure the presence of two types of antibodies:
treponemal and non-treponemal antibodies. Those, which
measure the presence of non treponemal antibodies are
called non-treponemal tests, while those that measure the
treponemal antibodies are called treponemal tests.


A. Standard Nontreponemal Tests

All of the current non-treponemal procedures for syphilis are
flocculation tests using cardiolipin, lecithin and cholesterol as
an antigen. All non-treponemal tests are performed in a similar
manner: after human serum or plasma is mixed with the
antigen and rotated for a few minutes, the flocculation
(suspended antigen-antibody complex) can be observed. The
reaction can be read by naked eye in macroscopic tests or by
using microscope in microscopic tests.

The Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test and

the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test are the most commonly
used nontrpeonemal tests. Only the VDRL and RPR tests are
suitable for quantitative evaluations. Any specimen found
reactive in a nontreponemal test should have treponemal tests
performed before a diagnosis is made. A reactive RPR or
VDRL test should be titrated in serial dilution and reported as
reactive at the highest dilution which gives a reactive result.
Where a diagnosis of syphilis is confirmed, the titer gives a
baseline from which change can be measured: falling titers
should follow successful treatment, and a four-fold or greater
rise in titer is indicative of reinfection. Persistence of
nontreponemal antibody in moderate or high titer usually
reflects continuing infection.


There are a number of limitations associated with

nontreponemal tests. Firstly, they lack sensitivity in late stage
infection: 30% of patients with late latent or late active syphilis
will show a non-reactive result. Secondly, 1-2% of patients
with secondary syphilis exhibit a prozone reaction. Prozone
occurs when an excess of antibody in undiluted serum inhibits
flocculation with the antigen, giving rise to weakly reactive,
atypical or occasionally false negative results. Finally,
antibodies detected by nontreponemal tests are not only
produced as a consequence of treponemal infection, but also
in response to other conditions where tissue damage occurs.

I. Microscopic Methods
1. Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) Slide
In the VDRL test, heat-inactivated serum (to inactivate
complement) is reacted with freshly prepared cardiolipin-
cholesterol - lecithin antigen and the resulting flocculation is
read microscopically using 10x objective and 10x eyepiece.
Reactive tests are quantified to obtain the antibody titer
(double dilution is used).
Cardiolipin is extracted from beef heart tissue and to
make cardiolipin antigen, it is complexed with
cholesterol and lecithin (to produce standard
reactivity in tests)


In VDRL, the antigen is not stabilized and a

suspension must be freshly prepared on the day of
The advantage of the VDRL test:
It can be performed on serum or
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
The disadvantages of the VDRL test:
The antigen must be prepared fresh daily
The test needs to be read with the aid of
a microscope, and
Serum specimens must be heat
inactivated before testing

Result reporting
Specimens exhibiting medium and /or large
flocculation particles are reported as reactive.
Those with small particles are reported as weakly
While those with complete dispersion of antigen
particles or slight roughness are reported as non-
Sera exhibiting slight roughness should be quantitated to
check for the prozone phenomenon.

Quality control
Run positive and negative controls with patient sample.


2. Unheated Serum Reagin (USR) Test

It is an improved version of the VDRL test
performed on unheated serum and using
a stabilized antigen.
In all other aspects, the test is performed
and read like the VDRL slide test.

II. Macroscopic Methods

1. Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) Test
Rapid plasma reagin is the most popular non-treponemal test.
In the RPR test, the cardiolipin cholesterol lecithin antigen has
added to it choline chloride. The addition of choline chloride
removes the need for heat inactivation of samples and
enables plasma as well as serum to be used in the test. It also
enhances the reactivity of the antigen.

The antigen is supplied in a ready to use stabilized (EDTA is

used) form which can be kept for up to 6 months when stored
at 4-10 0C. The RPR card test antigen also contains charcoal
(carbon) to make the reaction visible (macroscopic) to the
naked eye (carbon particles become trapped in the floccules).
The disadvantage of the RPR test is that it cannot be used for
testing CSF specimens because of a lack of both sensitivity
(40%) and specificity (85%).

Procedure of RPR test


In the RPR test the patient's serum or plasma is spread within

a marked circular area on plastic coated card, antigen is
added, and the mixture rotated at 100 revolutions per minute
(rpm) for 8 minutes using a mechanical rotator. When a
reactive serum is tested, the charcoal particles are entrapped
in the antigen-antibody aggregates and show up as black
clumps against a white plastic coated card. In the absence of
antibody, the test mixture is uniformly grey. Reactive tests are
quantitated to obtain antibody titer.

Result reporting
Specimens exhibiting medium to large flocculation are
reported as reactive.
Specimens with an even dispersion of antigen particles or
specimens that are slightly rough are reported as non-

Quality control
Run positive and negative controls with patient sample.

2. Toluidine Red Unheated Serum Test (TRUST)

This test is a minor modification of the RPR. Rapid plasma
reagin test uses a lipid soluble black dye (charcoal), while
TRUST uses toluidine red instead of charcoal to visualize the
reaction. Except for this difference, all aspects of these tests
are similar.


The serologic tests for syphilis are divided into screening tests
and confirmatory tests, based on the specific antigen used.
Non treponemal (reagin) tests may be used either as
qualitative or quantitative tests.
Qualitative non treponemal tests are frequently used as
screening tests to measure IgM and IgG antibodies to
lipoidal materials released from damaged host cell, as well
as to lipoprotein like material released from the
The determination of non- treponemal serum titers in a
quantitative test may be helpful for more correct
interpretation of results and for evaluation of patients after

In primary syphilis, reactivity in these tests does not develop

until 1-4 weeks after the chancre first appears. For this
reason, patients with suspected lesions and non-reactive
nontrpeonemal test should have repeat tests performed at 1-
week, 1month, and 3 months intervals from the time of initial
testing. Non-reactive tests during the 3-months period exclude
the diagnosis of syphilis.

The Nontreponemal tests are reactive in secondary syphilis

almost without exception, and usually in titers of 16 or greater


regardless of the test method. Less than 2% of sera will

exhibit a prozone reaction.

Nontreponemal test titers in early latent syphilis are similar to

those of secondary syphilis. However, as the duration of the
latent stage increases the titer decreases. Since these tests
detect antibodies against a non-specific antigen shared by
treponemes and mammalian tissues, a positive result is
sometimes obtained with sera from healthy individuals or
patients without clinical evidence of syphilis. These reactions
are termed Biological False Positive (BFP). Tests using
specific T. pallidum antigen are required to distinguish BFP
reactions and treponemal infection.

B. Treponemal tests.
Treponemal tests are based on the detection of antibodies
formed specifically to the antigenic determinants of the
treponemes. Anti-treponemal antibodies may be detected by a
variety of techniques based on agglutination, EIA,
immunofluorescence, immunoblotting, and
Immunochromatography. All treponemal tests use Treponema
pallidum or its components as the antigen.
In contrast to the Nontreponemal tests, the treponemal tests
should be reserved for confirmatory testing when the clinical
sign and /or history disagree with the reactive Nontreponemal
test results.


Like the Nontreponemal tests, treponemal tests are almost

always reactive in secondary and latent syphilis. For most
cases, once the treponemal tests are reactive, they remain so
for the patient's life time. In fact in some patients with late
syphilis, a reactive treponemal test may be the only means of
confirming the suspected diagnosis. Currently, none of the
treponemal tests are recommended for use with CSF.

There are different test procedures which include Fluorescent

Treponemal Antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) test, T.pallidum
Hemagglutination Assay (TPHA), T. pallidum particle
agglutination test (TP-PA), EIA, etc.

I. Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption (FTA

- ABS)
It is the most sensitive of all syphilis tests, but it is technically
the most difficult. Both the performance of the test and the
reading of results have to be thoroughly checked.
The FTA-ABS uses a killed suspension of T. pallidum
spirochetes as the antigen. This procedure is performed by
over laying whole treponemes fixed to a slide with serum from
patient's suspected of having syphilis because of previously
positive VDRL or RPR test.
The patient's serum is first absorbed with non-T. pallidum
treponemal antigen to reduce non specific cross-reactivity.


Fluorescein- conjugated antihuman antibody reagent is then

applied as a marker for specific antitreponemal antibodies in
the patients' serum. FTA-ABS is the first serological test to
become positive following infections i.e. 3-4 weeks after

II. The Treponema Pallidum Hemagglutination (TPHA) Test

Is also extremely sensitive and has the advantage of being
easy to perform.

In the TPHA test, patient's diluted serum samples are
mixed in the wells of a microtiration plate with sheep or
avian red cells coated (sensitized) with T. pallidum
antigen. Un-sensitized cells added to a second well serve
as a control.
If antibody is present, the sensitized cells are agglutinated
and they settle in a characteristic mat pattern in the
bottom of the well.
Un-agglutinated cells in a negative test and control well
form a button or smooth ring at the bottom of the well.

Reading result
Results for the TPHA are reported as reactive (1+, 2+, 3+, 4+,)
or non-reactive (, -). Completely negative readings vary in


pattern from a solid compact button of cell to a circle of cells

with small central hole.

III. Treponema Pallidum Particle Agglutination (TPPA)

The most recent modification of TPHA is the use of gelatin or
polymer particles, rather than erythrocytes, as carrier for the T.
pallidum antigen. The Treponema pallidum particle
agglutination (TPPA) test, for example, uses coloured gelatin
particles as antigen carrier and can be performed on serum or

The use of gelatin particles has almost eliminated non-specific

agglutination reactions and it is claimed that the sensitivity of
the test in primary syphilis has increased due to the improved
IgM binding capacity of the sensitized gel particles. As a
consequence, many laboratories have replaced TPHA with
Result interpretation and quality control are similar to TPHA.

IV. Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)

The use of the enzyme immunoassay technique for the
detection of treponemal antibodies was first described in 1975.
Indirect, competitive and capture EIAs for the detection of anti-


treponemal IgG, IgM or IgG and IgM have been developed

and numerous commercial kits are available.

The advantages of EIA are suitability for automation, objective

reading of results and the ability to link EIA plate readers to
laboratory computer systems, reducing the potential for
transcription errors. Recent studies suggest that certain new
recombinant antigen-based EIAs are now among the most
sensitive and specific treponemal tests.

V. Immunoblotting
Immunoblotting allows for the detection of antibodies to
individual proteins. In the Treponemal Western blot,
solubilized T. pallidum proteins are separated by gel-
electrophoresis according to their molecular size. The
separated proteins are then transferred onto a nitrocellulose
membrane which is dried and cut into strips. After incubating
the strips with patients serum, antigen-antibody complexes
are visualized by adding enzyme-conjugated anti-human
globulin followed by substrate, which causes a colour reaction.
It is generally agreed that detection of antibodies to
immunodeterminants with molecular masses of 15, 17, 44.5
and 47kd are diagnostic for acquired syphilis. Studies suggest
that the assay (using IgG conjugate) is more sensitive and
specific than the FTA-ABS test.


A recent development is the use of recombinant antigens

instead of fractionated proteins. For example, the INNO-LIA
Syphilis test (Innogenetics) is a line immunoassay utilizing
three recombinant antigens and one synthetic peptide derived
from T.pallidum proteins. The four specific antigens are coated
as discrete lines on a nylon membrane with plastic backing
and the test is performed as described earlier.

VI. Immunochromatographic card test

A drop of whole blood, serum or plasma is placed on the card
and as the sample migrates through the card, it reconstitutes
and mixes with selenium-conjugated T.pallidum. The mixture
then continues to migrate to the patient window site, which
contains immobilized T.pallidum antigen. If antibodies to
T.pallidum are present in the sample, they bind to the
conjugated antigen and to the immobilized antigen, forming a
red line at the patient window site. The test can be read after a
minimum of 15 minutes up to 24 hours.

Generally, all the treponemal tests described so far detect

anti-treponemal IgM, IgG or IgG and IgM, and once reactive
usually remain reactive for life unless treatment is given early
in infection. They, therefore, indicate that the patient has had a
treponemal infection at some time but cannot distinguish


between past and present infection. More over, they can not
be used to monitor response to treatment.

VII. Treponemal tests for specific IgM

Detection of anti-treponemal IgM is useful in the diagnosis of
neonatal congenital syphilis because IgM does not cross the
placenta and therefore, cannot be maternal derived. Its
presence also suggests active disease in adults who have no
history of recent treatment.

Today, most laboratories that test for treponema-specific IgM

use an IgM EIA, particularly IgM capture EIA. In this
technique, anti-human IgM is fixed to the wells of a
microtitration plate. These fixed antibodies indiscriminately
capture IgM present in the serum. Any bound IgM which is
Treponema specific is then detected by an indicator system,
which incorporates a treponemal antigen labeled with an
enzyme. In symptomatic congenital syphilis the IgM capture
EIA has a sensitivity of between 88-92% and a specificity of

VIII. Polymerase Chain Reaction Testing for Treponema

Polymerase Chain Reaction testing of a swab taken from a
genital ulcer or mucous membrane lesion (and sent to the


laboratory in a dry tube) is becoming increasingly available

and has good sensitivity and specificity.

3.2. Agglutination Tests for Febrile Diseases

3.2.1. Salmonella
This genus consists of motile non-lactose fermenting, gram
negative bacilli which are parasites of the intestinal tract of
man and animals, including birds.
In their distribution and pathogencity, they fall into two groups:
1. S. typhi and S. paratyphi A, B and C are human
pathogens, though S. typhi and S. paratyphi B has
been isolated from bats and other animals respectively.
The organisms almost always enter via the oral route,
usually with contaminated drink or food. Salmonella
causes three main types of disease in humans, but
mixed forms are frequent. These diseases are:
a. The enteric fevers; Typhoid, paratyphoid,
and non typhoid fevers caused by S. typhi,
S. paratyphi A and S. paratyphi B, and S.
scholtmuelleri respectively.
b. Bacteremia: is commonly associated with S.
c. Enterocolitis: S. typhimurium is the
prominent cause, but can be caused by any
types of salmonellae.


2. All other salmonellae are primarily animal pathogens

which occasionally cause disease in man.
Biochemical reactions serve to define the group as a whole
and aid in the differentiation of a few species which have
special peculiarities. Classification mainly depends on
antigenic composition. In the Kauffmann- white scheme, the
salmonellae are divided into groups on the basis of their O or
somatic antigens, within each group species are
differentiated on the basis of their H or flagella antigens. About
2000 species i.e. different serotypes can be recognized in
this way. Some species possess additional Vi (virulence)

The O groups first defined were designated by capital letters A

to Z and those discovered later by the number (51 67) of the
characteristic O antigen.

Group A- E contains nearly all the salmonellae that are

important pathogens in man and animals.
Note: Agglutination tests with absorbed antisera for different O
and H antigens form the basis for serologic classification of
the salmonellae.
O antigens: are proteins- polysaccharide- Lipid
complexes. Over 60 distinct O antigens are recognized
and are designated by arabic numerals. Most species


possess several O antigens which they share with a

number of other species (e.g., Escherichia, Shigella,
Citrobacter and Proteus).
H antigens represent determinant groups on the flagella
protein. Over 70 distinct H antigens are recognized. H
antigens in many salmonella are disphasic. In phase I, the
specific phase they are designated by the small letters of
the alphabet, a to z, then as Z1, Z2, Z3 etc. phase II H
antigens are designated by Arabic numerals (not implying
any relationship with the similarly numbered O antigens).
Vi Antigens: are capsular (K) antigens, act as a
protective factor for the O antigen by preventing
phagocytosis and the bacterial action of serum. Some
salmonellae (S. typhi) have these antigens. Serologic Diagnosis

Widal test
The Widal test is a serologic technique which tests for the
presence of salmonella antibodies in a patients serum. When
facilities for culture or antigen testing are not available, the
widal test if performed reliably and interpreted with care (with
clinical findings); can be of value in diagnosing typhoid and
paratyphoid in endemic areas. It has no value in the
investigation of salmonella food poisoning. There are slide and
tube agglutination tests.


When investigating typhoid, the patients serum is tested

for O and H antibodies (agglutinins) against the following
antigen suspensions:
S. typhi O antigen suspension, 9, 12
S. typhi H antigen suspension, d
When testing for paratyphoid, A, B, or C, the following
antigen suspensions are required:
S. paratyphi A, O antigen suspension, 1, 2, 12
S. paratyphi A, H antigen suspension, a
S. paratyphi B O antigen suspension, 1, 4, 5, 12
S. paratyphi B, H antigen suspension, b, phase 1
S. paratyphi C, O antigen suspension, 6, 7
S. paratyphi C, H antigen suspension, c, phase 1

Interpretation of the Test Results

The strength of the reaction for the infecting serotype
increases progressively to a maximum about the end of the
third week and the demonstration of such a rising titer, e.g.
four fold or greater rise, between tests made in the first and
third weeks is highly significant. Serodiagnosis of typhoid fever
is based on a four fold or greater rise between acute and
convalescent antibody titers, or a single titer that is
significantly higher than the mean baseline titer for the
population. Positive results in a single test by no means prove
the presence of enteric fever, nor negative results its absence.


Cause of raised O and H titers other than active typhoid

Previous salmonella infection, chronic salmonellosis
associated with schistosomal infection, vaccination with
typhoid vaccines, current infection with other salmonella
species, chronic liver disease associated with raised globulin
levels, and disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic
fever, multiple myeloma, nephrotic syndrome, and ulcerative

3.2.2 Rickettsiaceae
The human pathogens in the family Rickettsiaceae are small
bacteria of the genera rickettsia, orientia, and erlichia. They
are obligate intracellular parasites and, except for Q fever, are
transmitted to human by arthropods such as fleas, lice, mites
and ticks. Many rickettsia are transmitted transovarially in the
arthropod, which serves as both vector and reservoir.
Rickettsial infections, except Q fever and the ehrlichioses,
typically are manifested by fever, rashes, and vasculitis. They
are grouped on the basis of their clinical features,
epidemiologic aspects, and immunologic characteristics.

Rickettsia can be grown in the laboratory only in cultures of

living cells. Diagnosis of most of the rickettsial diseases is
facilitated by the development in the blood of infected patients
of specific antibodies that can be detected by serologic tests.

Serology Serologic Diagnosis

Weil Felix (WF) test
This test is dependent on cross-reaction that exists between
the antigens of certain rickettsiae and those of selected strains
of Proteus vulgaris and Proteus mirabilis.
Suspensions of three proteus strains, OX 19, OX 2 and
OX- K, are added to dilutions of patient serum. After
appropriate incubation, the tubes are examined for
agglutination of the proteus suspension. The end point is

Result interpretation:
Either a four fold or greater rise in titer between acute and
convalescent sera or a single specimen titer of greater than or
equal to 1:320 is considered to be evidence of certain
rickettsial infections.
Note: False negative reactions are common in scrub typhus.
False positive reactions may occur in Proteus infections,
relapsing fever, brucellosis and other acute febrile illnesses.

Table 1.3. Weil Felix Reaction

Organisms OX-19 OX-2 OX-K


Typhus group
- R. prowazeki +++ +/- -
- R. typhi +++ +/- -
Scrub Typhus group
- R. trsutsugamushi - - +++/-
spotted Fever group
- R. conori +/++ +/++ -
- R. conoripijperi +/++ +/++ -
- R. siberica +/++ +/++ -
- R. rickettsi +/++ +/++ -

3.3. Serology of Streptolysin O (SLO) and

Antistreptolysin O (ASO)
3.3.1. The Extra cellular Products of Streptococcus
Streptolysin O (SLO) is a bacterial toxin produced by virtually
all strains of S. pyogens. It is one of the two extracellular
hemolysins (or cytolysins), the other being streptolysin S
(SLS). Streptolysin O is released during infection as indicated
by antibody production to it. The toxin is a protein with a
molecular weight of approximately 70, 000 which, in its
reduced state, brings about the lysis of red and white blood
Properties of Streptolysin O
Streptolysin O is called so because of its oxygen liability, and it
is quite distinct from SLS. It is hemolytically inactive in the
oxidized form and is characteristics of a group of cytolytic
toxins known as the oxygen-labile toxins, which are produced

by several different gram-positive bacteria and possess a

number of common properties. They are activated by
sulfhydrryl (SH) compounds, they appear to be antigenically
related, and their biologic activity is completely inhibited by low
concentrations (1.0g/ml) of cholesterol and certain related

Hemolysis of erythrocytes occurs within minutes after the

addition of SLO, and toxic effects of SLO have been
demonstrated on several types of mammalian cells in culture.
SLO is also cardiotoxic, inducing the release from atrial of
acetylcholine, which poisons ventricles, probably causes its
cardiotoxity. The first (the f site) contains two cystine residues
and is responsible for the attachment of the molecule to the
red blood cells, the second site( the t site) is concerned with
the final hemolytic event.
It is evident that membrane cholesterol is the binding site of
SLO, because only those cells that contain cholesterol in their
membranes are susceptible to the toxin. In addition, SLO is
inactivated only by the membrane lipid fraction that contains
cholesterol. The addition of exogenous cholesterol to SLO
inhibits toxic action, and treatment of erythrocyte membranes
with alfalfa saponin or fllipin inhibits the absorption of SLO.
These agents are known to bind to cholesterol in the
membrane. However, the actual mechanisms that results in
cell lyiss remains to be explained.


3.3.2. Antistreptolysin O (ASO)

The ASO antibody is a globulin, occurring mostly in the
gamma globulin fraction of the serum. It can combine with and
fix streptolysin O, neutralizing it in vitro and making it
incapable of lysing red cells.
The serological test used for the detection of ASO relies on:
A. Antistreptolysin O can be specifically fixed with the
antigen streptolysin O, inhibiting its hemolytic activity
B. The amount of ASO can be estimated by serial dilution
of the patients serum in the presence of constant
volumes of SLO to the point where there is still
complete prevention of hemolysis, and
C. The presence of ASO in the serum is directly related to
the production of SLO by the streptococcal bacteria in
the infected patient.

Significance of the Antistreptolysin O Reaction

Streptolysin O is antigenic, eliciting the formation of antibodies
that effectively neutralizes its hemolytic action. A high
proportion of patients with streptococcal infections show an
antibody response during convalescence; therefore, the
measurement of serum antistreptolysin O (ASO) has become
a valuable and reliable indicator of streptococcal infection,


particularly in cases of rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis

which are complications of streptococcal infections. Tests for Antistreptolysin O

The most widely used test for SLO is the neutralization (ASO
titration) test used to detect ASO in serum. This test is based
on the fact that ASO can be specifically fixed to SLO in vitro,
where it will neutralize its hemolytic activity. The test,
therefore, by doubling dilution, estimates the amount of
antibody that, in the presence of a constant dose of SLO, can
completely inhibit hemolysis of a given number of red cells.

In the interpretation of ASO titers, many variables, including

age, the severity of the infection, previous exposure to
streptococcal infection, and the individuals ability to respond
immunologically to the toxin, must be taken into account, since
no set normal titer has been established. Most healthy adults
(99 percent) have ASO titers of 125 Todd units (or less). The
original ASO test procedure was developed by Todd, whose
name is still used to express the levels of antibody titer. One
Todd unit is that amount of antibody that completely
neutralizes two and one-half minimal hemolytic doses of SLO.
Children, however, show fluctuating ASO titers from 5 to 125
Todd units. The usual titer normally decreases after 50 years
of age, probably owing to a weeknd immunologic response.


A rise in ASO titer of at least 30 percent over the previous

level is usually regarded as significant. In cases of rheumatic
fever and glomerulonephritis, a marked increase in ASO titer
is often seen during the symptom-free period preceding an
attack of the illness. ASO titers in acute cases of rheumatic
fever are usually between 300 and 1,500 Todd units and are
usually maintained at high levels for a period of 6 months from
the onset of disease. Drugs commonly used in the treatment
of patients with rheumatic fever (e.g. sodium salicylate,
aureum salts, and aminophenazone with phenlybutazone
[Irgapyrin] do not affect the production of SLO in vivo, but
antibiotics (e.g.penicillin, Aureomycin), hormones, and
cortisone inhibit the production of the toxin.

Increased ASO titers have been found in a large number of

diseases (e.g. scarlet fever, cholera minor, tuberculosis
disease, pneumococcal pneumonia, and gonorrhea), although
they are rarely above 500 Todd units, unless the patient has
had a recent streptococcal infection. Very low titers are
observed in all states of the nephritic syndromes, possibly as
a result of a defect in formation, increased destruction of
antibody protein, or loss of antibody protein in the urine.

A single high ASO titer is of little value to the clinician because

a small number of healthy individuals have high titers.


Significance should only be attached to changes in ASO titers

determined by serial titration.

In addition to the ASO titration, a particle agglutination test in

which erythrocytes are coated with a crude mixture of
streptococcal antigens is available. This test is good for
screening, but has limited value as a quantitative test. Antistreptolysin O Titration

Antistreptolysin O titration allows the quantitative analysis of
the antibody, based on an internationally recognized unit
system. The system defines a minimal hemolytic dose of SLO
as that amount of toxin that will completely hemolyze 0.5 ml of
a 5 per cent suspension of rabbit red blood cells, measured in
Todd units.

1. Saline -0.85 per cent
2. Streptolysin O buffer

This is commercially available from a number of suppliers. It is

prepared as follows:
7.4 gm sodium chloride
3.17 gm potassium phosphate

1.081 gm sodium phosphate


Add to 1,000 ml of distilled water. The final PH should be

between 6.5 and 6.7.
The buffer may be stored at 40Cfor up to 1 week.
3. Streptolysin O
This is available in dehydrated form from commercial
supply houses and should be rehydrated just prior to use.
Once rehydrated, the solution should not be subjected to
vigorous shaking, and it must be used within 1 hour or
discarded, because the active reagent is subject to
inactivation by oxidation.
4. Red blood cells
A 5 per cent suspension of fresh (not more than 1 week
old) human red blood cells (group O) is most commonly
used in this test, although rabbit red blood cells are equally
sensitive to SLO. The cells must be washed three times in
diluents, and the buffy coat (white blood cells) must be
removed. The final centrifugation should be at 1, 500 rpm
for 10 minutes, following which the packed red cells may
be measured to achieve a 5 per cent suspension.
5. Test tubes,12x100 mm are commonly used (round bottom)

1. Prepare dilutions of fresh or inactivated serum as
follows, using SLO buffer as a diluents:
1:10 -0.5 ml of serum 4.5ml of buffer
1:100 -1.0ml of 1:10 serum dilution plus 9.0ml of buffer


1:500 -2.0 m of 1:100 serum dilution plus 8.0ml of

The first two serum dilutions are usually sufficient for
preliminary titration
2. Set up the test according to the protocol given in this


TABLE 1. 4. Protocol for Antistreptolysin O Titration

Serum Dilutions 1:10 1:100 1:500

Red cell SLO

Control Control

Tube 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14

Add serum dilution, ml 0.8 0.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 1.0 0.8 0.6
0.4 0.2 0 0

Add buffer solution, ml 0.2 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1.5 1.0
Shake gently to mix

Add streptolysin O ml 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 0 0.5
Shake gently to mix, incubate at 370 for 15 minutes

Add 5 percent red cell 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Suspension, ml

Shake gently to mix, incubate at 370 for 45 minutes, shaking tubes after first 15
minutes, following incubation centrifuge tubes for 1
minute at 1, 500 rpm

Todd unit value 12 50 100 125 166 250 333 500 625
833 1250 500 --- ----


The ASO titer expressed in Todd units is the reciprocal of the
serum dilution that completely neutralizes the SLO. For
example, a serum showing no hemolysis in tube 1 through 4,
a trace of hemolysis in tube 5 and marked to complete
hemolysis in the remaining tubes is reported as containing 125
Todd units.
Before reporting results, always ensure that the controls give
the expected results.

Rapid latex Agglutination Antistreptolysin O Procedure

The rapid latex agglutination antistreptolysin O (ASO)
procedure is based on the principle that, if polystyrene latex
particles are coated with streptolysin O antigen, visible
agglutination will be exhibited in the presence of the
corresponding antistreptolysin O antibody.

1 ASO latex reagent coated with streptolysin O. Store at
2 to 80C. Mix well before use.
2 0.9 per cent NaCl solution. This is a saline solution
containing sodium azide as a preservative.
3 Positive control serum. A prediluted serum containing
at least 200 U/ ml of ASO. This control should exhibit
visible agglutination at the end of the 3 minute test


4 Negative control serum, a preidluted serum containing

less than 100 U/ ml of ASO This control should exhibit
a smooth or slightly granular appearance at the end of
the 3- minute test period.
5 Glass slides with 6 wells. Use only the glass slide
provided. The slide should be rinsed in distilled water
and thoroughly dried with a soft cloth or tissue after
each use.
Additional materials required, but not provided in the kit:
1. Applicator sticks
2. Timer
3. 12x75 mm test tubes
4. Pasteur pipettes and rubber bulb
5. Serologic pipettes and safety bulb
6. 50 l disposable pipettes and safety bulb
7. High- intensity direct light

Procedure (Screening Test)

Note: All reagent and specimens should be at room
temperature before testing.
1. Label a 12x 75mm test tube for each patient to be
2. Pipette 1ml of saline into each test tube.
3. Add 1 drop of patient serum to each of the
appropriately labeled test tubes using a Pasteur


pipette. Cover the tube and mix the dilution

thoroughly by inverting the tube several times.
4. Label 1 division of the 6 cell slide for the positive
control, negative control and the respective patient
sera to be tested.
5. Pipette 50l of the controls and patient sera onto
the appropriately labeled cells. Use a fresh pipette
for each specimen.
6. Add 1 drop of latex reagent to each cell.
7. Mix each specimen with a separate applicator stick.
Spread the mixture evenly over the cell.
8. Rotate the slide for exactly 3 minutes.
9. Examine immediately with a bright source of direct

Agglutination indicates a positive result and no agglutination
indicates a negative result, provided that the controls have
given the expected results.
Agglutination demonstrates 200 U/ ml or more of ASO.
Positive result should be retested quantitatively. In semi
quantitative testing, the U/ml of the highest dilution of serum to
produce visible agglutination is the reported value.

Quality control
Run controls parallel with test samples.


3.4. Toxoplasmosis
It is caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, a member of
the sprozoa.
The tachyzoite directly destroys cells and has a predilection
for parenchymal cells and those of the reticuloendotelial

Humans are relatively resistant, but a low grade lymph node

infection resembling infectious mononucleosis may occur.
When a tissue cyst ruptures releasing numerous bradyzoites,
a local hypersensitivity reaction may cause inflammation,
blockage of blood vessels and cell death near the damaged

The organism in humans produces either congenital or

postnatal toxoplasmosis. Congenital infection develops only
when non immune mothers are infected during pregnancy.
Postnatal toxoplasmosis is usually much less severe.

Congenital infection leads to still births, intracerebral

calcification and psychomotor disturbance when the mother is
infected for the first time during pregnancy. Prenatal
toxoplasmosis is a major cause of blindness and other
congenital defects.


Most human infections are asymptomatic. However,

fulminating fatal infections may develop in patients with AIDS
presumably by alteration of a chronic infection to an acute one
or changing hosts resistance.

Some acquired immunity may develop in the course of

infection. Antibody titers in mothers as detected in either blood
or milk tend to fall within a few months. Yet, the fact that
prenatal infection is limited to infants born of mothers who
were first exposed during their pregnancy, strongly suggests
that the presence of circulating antibody is at least partially

3.4.1. Serological tests

The Sabin Feldman dye test depends upon the appearance in
2-3 weeks of antibodies that will render the membrane of
laboratory cultured living T. gondii impermeable to alkaline
methylene blue. Thus, organisms are unstained in the
presence of positive serum. This test is being replaced by the
IHA, Indirect FAT, and ELISA tests. A CFT may be positive (1:8
titer) as early as 1 month after infection, but it is valueless in
many chronic infections. The Indirect FAT and IHA tests are
routinely used for diagnostic purposes. Blood (Buffy coat of
heparinzed sample), bone marrow, CSF and other body fluids
can be tested. In addition, Frenkels intracutaneous test is use
full for epidemiological surveys.


3.5 Hydated Disease

Hydated disease is caused by the accidental ingestion of eggs
of the tape worm Echinococcus granulose in food or water or
from hands contaminated with dog faeces. Humans are not
the natural intermediate hosts of E. granulosus. The normal
intermediate hosts are sheep, cattle and goats, with dogs
becoming infected by eating tissue containing hydrated cysts
from these animals. Infections can produce serious symptoms
depending on the site and size of the hydatid cyst and host

Serological diagnosis of hydatid disease

In general, the sensitivity of serological tests is affected by the
site and condition of a hydatid cyst. Sensitivity is higher with
liver cysts than with lung cysts. Dead or calcified cysts may
give negative results. False negative results may be obtained
from patients with circulating immune complexes. For most of
the tests that have been developed, reagents are not
generally available. But testing serum for antibodies produced
in response to infection and where available testing for cystic
fluid antigens is diagnostic.


Review Question

1. Discuss the different stages of syphilis

2. Explain the difference between treponemal and non-
Treponemal tests for syphilis
3. List the stages of syphilis and possible laboratory
diagnostic tests for each stage
4. Explain immunologic manifestations in syphilis


5. List non treponemal serological tests for syphilis and

discuss their principles
6. List treponemal tests and state their applications
7. State the use, principle and draw backs of widal test
8. State the interpretation of the widal test results
9. Describe the use, principle and draw backs of weil
Felix test
10. State the interpretation of weil Felix test results
11. Explain toxoplasmosis.
12. Describe different laboratory tests for toxoplasmosis
13. Describe serological tests for hydrated diseases.


Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter the students should be
able to:


1. Describe and /or perform serologic tests of viral

infections (HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis,
Infectious mononucleosis, Rubella infection, and
2. Identify factors affecting each serologic test and
minimize this effect
3. Explain how to read, interpret and report the results of
each serologic test.

4.1. Serologic tests for HIV/AIDS
Several laboratory methods are available to screen blood,
diagnose infection, and monitor disease progression in
individuals infected by HIV. These tests can be classified into
those that: 1) detect antibody, 2) identify antigen, 3) detect or
monitor viral nucleic acids, and 4) provide an estimate of T-
lymphocyte numbers (cell phenotyping).

The isolation of HIV, its nucleic acid and methods used to

detect HIV antigen are mainly used to detect early HIV
infection before antibodies develop. They are also used to
detect the progression from asymptomatic to symptomatic
AIDS infection by monitoring an increase in p24 antigen. In
patients who have developed the signs and symptoms of
AIDS, assessment of T-lymphocytes and viral load
concentration are important along with the diagnosis and


treatment of opportunistic infections. It is also possible to

detect HIV-2 antibodies, proteins, and genes through the
modification of test methods for HIV-1.

4.1.1. HIV Antibody Tests

Serologic diagnosis of HIV infecton is based on a multi-test
algorithm for detecting antibodies to HIV by using screening
and confirmatory tests. Screening tests provide presumptive
identification of specimens that contain antibody to HIV. An
HIV test kit is a good screening test when it can rule out all the
people who do not have HIV. Tests like EIAs or simple/rapid
imunodiagnostics are selected for their high sensitivity of
detecting antibodies to HIV for screening.

Suplemental or confirmatory tests, such as western blot (WB),

can be used to confirm infection in samples that are initially
reactive on conventional EIAs.
An HIV test kit is a good confirmation test when it can
verify all cases who are truly HIV positive.
Alternatively, repetitive testing incorporating EIAs or rapid
tests selected for their specificity may be used to
confirm wether specimens found to be reactive for HIV
antibodies with a particular screening test are specific
to HIV.For practical purposes, resource-poor settings
depend heavily on EIA and rapid tests for screening
and confirmation.

Serology HIV Antibody Test Algorithm

A test algorithm for seroloic diagnosis of HIV-infection is the
sequence in which assays are performed to detect HIV
antibody in a body fluid.
The most common referenced test algorithm employs an EIA
to screen specimens and then those found to be positive are
confirmed by western blot testing. This is so called
conventional algorithm and it has several limitations:
western blot is expensive and requires techical
western blot often yields indeterminate results with
certain types of specimens
Both ELISA and WB are time consuming and
require a well equipped laboratory infrastructure.

Several alternative testing algorithms exist for the serolgic

diagnosis of HIV infection that are based on a combination of
screening assays, without using WB. They can be grouped
into parallel and serial testing algorithm.

A. Parallel testing algorithm

Sera are simultaneously tested by two assays. True
positive sera are concordantly reactive by two different
intial assays. A true-netgative sipecimen in the algorthm is
defined as being concordantly negative in the two initial


assays. Sera yielding discordant results between the two

assays are tested in a third assay, and the outcome of the
later assays is considered definetive.

B. Serial testing algorithm

The serial testing algorithm is most consistent with the
proposed testing strategies of WHO/UNAIDS. In the serial
algorithm, all speimens are tested by a first test that is
highly sensitive. Specimens are considered as true
negative if they react negatively in the first test. Specimens
reactive in this assay are retested by a second assay that
has a high specificity (this second assay must be one
which possesses dissimilar antigen presentations than that
of the first assay). If specimens are concordantly positive
by the two assays, they are considered as true-positives.
Discordantly reactive sera are further tested by a third
assay, whose outcome is considered as definitive. Common HIV Antibody Tests

A. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA)
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays relies on a primary
antigen-antibody interaction.
Since 1985 EIA s have progressed considerably from first to
fourth generation assays:
First generation assays were based on purified HIV whole
viral lysates, have poor sensitivity and specificity.


Second generation assays used HIV recombinant proteins/

or synthetic peptides which enabled the production of assays
capable of detecting HIV-1 and HIV-2. It has had improved
specificity, but has similar overall sensitivity to that of first
generation assay.
Third-generation assays used the solid phase coated with
recombinant antigens and/or peptides and similar recombinant
antigens and peptides conjugated to a detection on enzyme or
hapten that could detect HIV-specific antibodies bound to a
solid phase.These assays could detect IgM early antibodies to
HIV, in addition to IgG, thus resulting in a reduction of the
sero-conversion window (2-4 week time period).
Fourth generation assays are very similar to third-
generations test, but have the ability to detect simultaneously
HIV antibodies and antigens. Hence, reduce window period.

Characteristics of Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays

Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays are best performed at
a regional or national laboratory since they require well-trained
and skilled laboratory technicians, technologically advanced
equipment (incubators, Washers and spectrophotometers) that
requires maintenance and a constant source of electricity.
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays is most efficient for
laboratories that process a large number of specimens (100 or
more) daily or for batch testing which is common in HIV
sentinel surveillance. Because of test design, they are not


suitable or cost-effective to run on a small number of

specimens. However, if a laboratory processes at least 50
specimens each day on a regular basis, ELISA may still be
more appropriate than rapid tests. Enzyme Linked
Immunosorbent Assays may have limited application in rural
settings where the laboratory infrastructure and equipment
may be insufficient.

Performing an ELISA
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays can be performed with
serum, plasma, urine, oral fluids, or dried blood spots (once
eluted). They can take from 2 to 4 hours to perform (including
specimen preparation and dilution) and an additional 3 to 4
hours if a screening result has to be confirmed. Manufacturers
instructions provided with the specific ELISA used should be

General steps for performing an ELISA

1. Dilute the specimen in the specimen buffer and
put it in a micro well plate containing HIV antigen
already bound to the plate.
2. Incubate the plate as per protocol and then wash
as indicated.


3. Add antihuman immunoglobulin-enzyme

conjugate, which will react with the HIV specific
antibody if present
4. Incubate
5. Wash the plate, add the substrate and incubate as
6. Add a stopping solution to terminate the enzyme
reaction and read the absorbance of the solution
using spectrophotometer.
A positive reaction has occurred if the specimen in the
specimen well changes color or becomes colored, which
indicates the presence of HIV-specific antibody in the
specimen. The reaction is best read quantitatively with an
ELISA plate using spectrophotometer (ELISA reader).

The following are critical to the success of conducting an

Use of test kits that are not expired
Calibrated and well-maintained equipment
Adherence to dilution and incubation times described
in the manufacturers instructions.
Use of deionized water
Use of a spectrophotometer to read results accurately
and objectively
Training with the technology being used


Consistent source of power without outages that would

affect the storage of reagents or the functioning of

Quality control
Run controls with the patient sample as per the
manufacturers instructions.

Fourth generation Enzyme immunoassay sorbent ( ELISA)

for HIV
Serological evidence of HIV infection may be obtained by
testing for HIV antigens or antibodies in serum or plasma of
individuals suspected of HIV infection. Antigens can generally
only be detected during the acute phase and during the
symptomatic phase of AIDS. Antibodies to HIV-1and /or HIV-2
can be detected throughout virtually the entire infection period,
starting at or shortly after the acute phase and lasting till the
end stage of AIDS. The use of highly sensitive antibody
assays is therefore an established approach in sero diagnosis
of HIV infection and in the screening of blood and blood

Progressive improvements in assay sensitivity have reduced

the so called window phase, i.e. the time between infection
with the HIV virus and the moment that antibodies to HIV can


be detected by sensitive HIV antibody tests. Further

shortening of this widow period can be achieved by the
incorporation of HIV antigen detection in such HIV antibody
tests enabling the detection of infected individuals of the
earliest possible moment.

For example, vironostika HIV uni- form II Ag/Ab is a fourth

generation ELISA: based on a one step sandwich principle. A
mixture of HIV antigens and HIV antibodies coupled to horse
reddish peroxides (HRP) serves as the conjugate with
tetramethyl benzidine ( TMB) and peroxide as the substrate.
Upon completion of the assay, the development of color
indicates the presence of HIV antibody or HIV antigen, while
no or low color development suggests the absence of HIV
antibodies or antigens.

1. Fill the strip holder with the required number of
microelisa strips remove the strip sealers.
2. Pipette 100l specimen diluents in to all wells, i.e
including control wells
3. Pipette 50l sample or control into assigned wells.
Include three negative controls and one anti-HIV -1
positive control in each stripe holder. If desired, one
anti HIV-2 positive control .Always pipette the controls
after pipetting the samples.


4. Mix well (e.g, using a microshakar ) for 15 second

5. Wash and soak each well six times with phosphate
- Incomplete washing will adversely affect the
assay outcome
- Aspirate the well contents completely into a waste
Then fill the wells completely with phosphate buffer
avoiding overflow from one well to another and allow to
soak for 30 to 60 seconds. Aspirate completely and
repeat the wash and soak procedure five times for a
total of six washes.
6. Pipette 100l TMB substrate into each well. Do not mix
or shake
7. Incubate the strips at 15 to 300C for 30 2 minutes.
8. Stop the reaction by adding 100L 1mo /L sulfuric acid
to each well, use the same pipetting sequence and
time intervals used for TMB substrate addition .
- Plate should be read within 15 minutes
9. Blank the reader on air, i.e. without strip holder and
strips, and read the absorbance of the solution in each
well at 450 nm ( single wavelength) or 450nm and 620
to 700nm as reference ( dual wavelength ) .

Manual calculations


Calculations must be made separately for each strip holder

NC = absorbance of negative control
PC1 = Absorbance of the anti-HIV-1 positive control
PC2 = Absorbance of the anti HIV -2 positives control
PC3 = Absorbance of the HIV -1 antigen positive control

Qualification of NC values
1. Nc must be < 0.250 eliminate any NC 0.250
2. Determine the mean (NCX) value of the remaining
3. Nc must be 1.4 Ncx eliminate any Nc > 1.4 Ncx

and recalculate Ncx

4. Nc must be 0.6Ncx 1eliminate any Nc < 0.6 Ncx
and recalculate Ncx
5. Repeat step 3 and 4 until no more outlier are found

Assay validity
An assay run is valid if,
1. More than half the negative control remain;
2. PC1- Ncx 0.6000

2. PC2- Ncx 0.6000(if used )

3. PC3 0.400( if used )

Cut off value

If the test run is valid, calculate the cut-off value Ncx +0.100


A test sample is reactive if sample absorbance is cut-off

A test sample is non reactive if sample absorbance is < cut
off value

Calculations Example
Nc = 0.089, 0.,096 , 0.088
Ncx = 0.091
Pc1 = 1.549
Pc2 = 1.523
Pc3 = 1.398

Eliminate any aberrant control

Nc 0.250 none eliminated

Nc > 1.4 Ncx 1.4 (0.091) = 0.127 none eliminated

Nc < 0.6 NCx 0.6 (0.091) = 0.055 none eliminated

Calculate cut off value

Cuff off = Ncx + 0.100
=0.091 + 0.100 = 0.191

HIV Antigen Testing

P24 antigen
Enzyme immunoassay for HIV-1 antigen detects primarily
uncompleted P24 antigen. This procedure is applicable to


blood or CSF testing as evidence of an active infection and

can be diagnostic before sero conversion, can predict a
patients prognosis, and is useful for monitoring response to
therapy. Disadvantage of the procedure includes poor
sensitivity, the inability to detect in patients with a high titer of
P24 antibody, and the failure of the method to detect HIV-2
antigen. Antibodies to P24 antigen are a better predictive
marker progression than P24 antigen

B. Rapid Tests
General Description
Interests in the development of HIV antibody tests that provide
same-day results and that do not require additional reagents
or equipment not contained in the kit led to the currently
available HIV rapid tests. Rapid tests are based on four
immunologic principles: particle agglutination, immunodot
(dipstick), immunofiltration (flow through device), and
immunochromatography (lateral flow).

Most HIV rapid tests contain antigens to HIV -1 and HIV-2 and
detect antibodies to both. A positive test result is indicated by
clumping, a spot dot or line depending on the test format. The
sensitivity and specificity of the latest generation of rapid tests
are similar to those of ELISA. Many rapid tests are under
evaluation or are currently in use in developing countries for
screening, diagnostic and surveillance purposes.


Characteristics of Rapid Tests

Rapid tests are useful for small laboratories that routinely
perform fewer than 100 HIV tests per day, for laboratories
without electricity or equipment, and for geographic areas with
limited laboratory infrastructure. In some instances, even if a
laboratory performs more than 100 tests per day, but only
during a limited time in a year, rapid tests may be more
appropriate than ELISA. A result can usually be obtained in
less than 45 minutes, and it is easy to interpret. However,
some training is required to correctly perform the test and
interpret the results. The test kits generally contain all
reagents needed to run the assay, no additional reagents or
equipment is required. Many rapid tests do not require
electricity, special equipment, refrigeration, or highly skilled
staff although a few require refrigeration for heat- sensitive



Rapid tests are useful in settings where ELISA are not

feasible or practical and in geographic areas with limited
laboratory infrastructure. Rapid tests may be
appropriate for hard-to-reach populations (e.g. Injection
drug users, female sex workers) or geographically
remote populations for whom HIV test results may need
to be provided on site on the same day of specimen

Interpretation of HIV Antibody Rapid Test Results

1. All serum/plasma is first tested with one rapid
assay (T1) which is highly sensitive.
2. Serum that is non-reactive on the first test is
considered HIV antibody negative.
3. Any serum found reactive on the first assay (T1) is
retested with a second highly specific rapid assay
(T2) based on a different antigen and/ or different
test principle.
4. Serum that is reactive on both tests is considered
HIV antibody positive


5. Any serum that is reactive on the first test but non-

reactive on the second test should be retested with
the first test kit (T1). If the result is non- reactive,
then it should be considered HIV antibody
negative. The reactive result at the first (T1) was
probably a technical error when conducting (T1).
6. When serum that is reactive on the first test, (T1)
and negative on the second test (T2) is again
reactive with first test (T1), then one should repeat
the second test (T2) in order to rule out a technical
error. If the result is positive with (T2), then it is
considered HIV antibody positive. It means that
there was a technical error associated to (T2).
If however, the test result is negative with T2, then
a tie- breaker (T3) is needed. If the result of the tie-
breaker test is positive the sample is reported as
HIV antibody positive or if the result is negative the
sample is considered negative.
These tie breaker test kits will be needed in about 2% of
cases. Therefore, it is suggested that, for economic reason,
tiebreakers should be kept only at referral hospitals.

Quality control
Follow the manufacturers instructions for quality control.


C. Western Blot
Western blot is a technique in which proteins are separated
electrophoretically, transferred to membranes, and identified
through the use of labeled antibodies specific for protein of

In the western blot (WB) assay, HIV virus is disrupted and HIV
proteins are separated by molecular weight into discrete
bands by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels. The viral
proteins are then transferred onto nitrocellulose sheets and
cut into strips. Individual strips are incubated overnight with
patient serum, washed, and incubated with anti-human
immunoglobulin conjugated with enzymes or biotin. After the
addition of the appropriate substrate, color develops to show
discrete bands where antigen - antibody reactions have

Interpretation of the results of the tests is generally governed

by Centers for Disease control guidelines and individual
laboratory experiences. The Centers for Disease Control
recommends that tests be considered positive when the gp41
band appears alone or when an envelope antibody (gp41,
gp120, or gp160) appears in combination with another HIV
characteristic band (p15, p18, p24, gp41, p51, p55/ p66,
gp120, or gp160). In some cases, kits supplied by commercial


companies will have special interpretive instructions, and

these should obviously be followed when using the particular
kit. The test is considered negative when no bands appear. If
there is isolated reactivity to a single HIV protein or a pattern
of reactivity to multiple proteins from the same viral gene
product (i.e. polymerase gene products: p31, p51/66 only), the
test result is considered doubtful (or indeterminate). In this
case, a follow-up specimen from the patient should be
collected in 6 months and test repeated in case the patient is
in the early stages of HIV infection.

False- positive WB reactions may occur in healthy individuals,

infections in bilirubinemia, in connective tissue diseases, and
in-patients with human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antibodies.

Western blot is the most widely used supplementary test for

confirming HIV ELISA antibody tests. The test has certain
disadvantages,-it is cumbersome to perform, it requires
overnight incubation and interpretation is often difficult. Explanation of the Meaning of HIV Antibody Test

A negative test result means that the person is either not
infected or is so recently infected, that the test could not detect
the infection. In the later case, the person could be in the
window period. During this period, which may last 3 to 6


months after the initial infection, the person could be infected

with HIV and can infect others, but will have a negative test
and possibly with no physical complaints. A positive test result
means that the person is infected with HIV and can transmit it
to others.

HIV test algorithm in Ethiopia

After assessing the current situation in the country regarding
the technical and logistic problems of ELISA machines and
kits, the use of two rapid tests of different principles is
recommended as the minimum HIV test algorithm and a third
rapid test as a tie breaker in cases where there is
discordance between the first and second test. This strategy
shall be followed at all levels of health care delivery system
(hospitals, health centers, clinics etc.) in government, private
and NGO settings. However, health facilities having ELISA
machine may continue to use ELISA test kits.

4.2. Serology of Hepatitis Viruses

4.2.1. Introduction
Viral hepatitis is the most common liver disease in the world.
Although the target organ for each of these viruses is the liver,
they differ greatly in their structure, mode of replication mode
of transmission and in the course of the diseases they cause.
There are six types of hepatitis viruses: Hepatitis A virus
(HAV), Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Hepatitis C virus (HCV),


Hepatitis D virus (HDV), Hepatitis E virus (HEV) and Hepatitis

G virus (HGV).

Each of the hepatitis viruses infects and damages the liver

causing the classic Icteric symptoms of jaundice and the
releases of liver enzymes. The specific virus causing the
disease can be distinguished by the course, nature, and
serology of the disease.

4.2.2. Hepatitis A virus (HAV)

Which was formerly known as infectious hepatitis is caused by
a picornavirus and spread by the feco-oral route. It has an
incubation period of approximately 1 month after which icteric
symptoms start abruptly and does not cause chronic liver
disease, but rarely causes fatal disease. Hepatitis A virus
(HAV), is ingested and probably enters the blood stream
through the oropharynx or the epithelial lining of the intestines
to reach its target, the parenchymal cell of the liver. It can be
localized by immunofluorescence in hepatocytes and kupffers
cells. Virus is shed in large quantity in to the stool
approximately 10 days before symptoms of jaundice appear or
antibody can be detected. Icterus resulting from damage to
the liver occur when antibody is detected and cell-mediated
immune responses to the virus occur. Antibody protection
against reinfection is lifelong. The finding of IgM anti-HAV in a
patient with acute viral hepatitis is highly diagnostic of acute


HAV. Demonstration of IgG anti- HAV indicates previous

infection. Laboratory Diagnosis

The diagnosis of HAV infection is generally made on the basis
of the time course of the clinical symptoms, the identification
of a known infected source, and most reliably the results
yielded by specific serologic tests. The best way to
demonstrate an acute HAV infection is by finding anti-HAV
IgM, as measured by an ELISA or RIA. Virus isolation is not
routinely performed since efficient tissue culture systems for
growing the virus are not available.

4.2.3. Hepatitis B virus (HBV)

This was previously known as serum hepatitis. It is a member
of hepadnavirus with a DNA genome and can be spread
parenterally by blood or needles, by sexual contact and
perinataly. It has a median incubation period of approximately
3 months after which icteric symptoms start insidiously. HBV
can cause acute or chronic symptomatic or asymptomatic
disease. Detection of both the hepatitis B surface antigen
(HBs Ag) and the hepatitis B e antigen (HBe Ag) components
of the virion in the blood indicates the existence of an ongoing
active infection. Hepatitis B surface antigen particles continue
to be released in to the blood even after virion release has
ended and until infection is resolved. The major source of


infectious virus is blood, but HBV can be found in semen,

saliva, vaginal and menstrual secretion and amniotic fluid. The
most efficient way to acquire HBV is through injection of the
virus into the blood stream, common, but less efficient routes
of infection are sexual contact and birth. Antibody (as
generated by vaccination) can protect against infection.
However, the large amount of HBs Ag in serum binds to and
blocks the action of neutralizing antibody which limits the
antibodys capacity to resolve an infection.

Laboratory Diagnosis
The initial diagnosis of hepatitis can be made on the basis of
the clinical symptoms and the presence of liver enzymes in
the blood. However, the serology of HBV infection describes
the course and nature of the disease. Acute and chronic HBV
infections can be distinguished by the presence of HBsAg and
HBeAg in the serum and the pattern of antibodies to the
individual HBV antigens.

The detection of hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) is the best

correlate to the presence of infections virus. A chronic infection
can be distinguished by the continued finding of HBeAg,
HBsAg or both and a lack of detectable antibody to these
antigens. During the symptomatic phase of infection, detection
of antibodies to HBeAg and HBsAg is obscured since the
antibody is complexed with Antigen in the serum. The best


way to diagnose a recent acute infection, especially during the

period when neither HBsAg nor anti-HBsAg can be detected
(the window) is to measure IgM anti-HBcAg. Serum that is
collected in the acute stage of illness can be tested by ELISA,
counter immunoelectrophoresis and Reverse Passive
Hemagglutination test (the most commonly employed test
because it is the least expensive).

4.2.4. Hepatitis C virus (HCV)

Also called non A non B virus. It is a flavivirus with an RNA
genome, spread by the same routes as HBV, but usually
causes chronic liver disease. The chronic hepatitis often leads
to cirrhosis and potentially to hepatocellular carcinoma.
Antibody to HCV is not protective and findings yielded by
experimental infection of chimpanzees indicate that immunity
to HCV may not be life long.

Laboratory Diagnosis
The diagnosis and detection of HCV infections are based on
recognition of anti-HCV antibodies. Seroconversion occurs
within 7 to 31 weeks of infection. However, antibody is not
always present in viremic people. ELISA is used for screening
the blood supply from normal donors, but may not be sufficient
for immunocompromised patients and those receiving
hemodialysis. Reverse transcriptase PCR branched chain
DNA and other molecular techniques can detect HCV RNA in


seronegative people and have become key tools in the

diagnosis of HCV infection.

4.2.5. Hepatitis G virus (HGV)

HGV resembles HCV in many ways. HGV is a flavivirus, is
transmitted in blood and has a tendency for chronic hepatitis
disease. HGV is identified by detection of the genome by
reverse transcriptase PCR or other RNA detection methods.

4.2.6. Hepatitis D virus (HDV)

It is also called delta virus that requires the presence of HBV
for its complete life cycle. It occurs only in patients who have
active HBV infection. HBV provides an envelope for HDV RNA
and its antigen. Delta agent exacerbates the symptoms
caused by HBV. Like HBV, the delta agent is spread in blood,
semen and vaginal secretions. Although antibodies are elicited
against the delta agent, protection probably stems from the
immune response to HBs Ag.

Laboratory Diagnosis
The only way to determine the presence of the agent is by
detecting the delta antigen or antibody; ELISA and RIA
procedures are available. The delta antigen can be detected in
the blood during the acute phase the disease in a detergent
treated serum sample.


4.2.7. Hepatitis E virus (HEV)

The E stands for enteric or epidemic. It is predominantly
spread by the feco-oral route especially in contaminated
water. The symptoms and course of HEV disease are similar
to those of HAV disease. It causes only acute disease.
However, the symptoms for HEV may occur later than those of
HAV disease. Specific test for IgM and IgG anti hepatitis E
virus antibodies are diagnostic of HEV.

4.3. Serology of Infectious mononucleosis (IMN)

Infectious mononucleosis is also called a glandular fever, an
acute infectious disease that primarily affects the lymphoid
tissue, caused by Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). The virus enters
the body via the respiratory tract and replicates with in the
epithelial cells of the nasopharynx and salivary glands. Lysis
of cells of the salivary glands releases EBV into saliva.
Exchange of saliva is important in the transmission of EBV
leading to IMN. During the course of the disease, B
lymphocytes become infected and a state of latency is
established in which the viral genome persists within the B
cells. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes recognize and the virally
infected B cell & epithelial cells. The T lymphocytes develop
cellular abnormalities that are seen as atypical lymphocytes
that characterize IMN (despite the name of this disease, the
abnormal cells are lymphocytes and not monocytes). The
symptoms and signs of IMN include a sore throat, low grade


fever, enlarged and tender lymph nodes. The virus has been
associated with subsequent development of two forms of
cancer; Burketts lymphoma and naso pharyngeal carcinoma
in different population group.

Three distinct groups of antibodies are found in infections

o Heterophil antibodies
o Epstein Barr virus (EBV) antibodies
o Hetero antibodies

Heterophil antibodies
Are antibodies that react with an antigen entirely different from
and phylogenetically unrelated to the antigen responsible for
their production. Are agglutinins that react particularly to sheep
and horse red cells and are mainly class IgG. Are detected by
Paul Bunnell test. Antibodies to EBV are produced early in
the disease and can be detected by complement fixation tests
and Immunofluorescence techniques. Heterophil antibodies
are present in low titer in the serum of normal persons and are
known as forssman antibodies. They resemble the antibodies
found in IMN in that they agglutinate sheep red blood cell, but
differ from them in that they are absorbed by an emulsion of
guinea pig kidney which is rich in forssman antigen and are
not absorbed by beef cell which are poor in forssman antigen.


In cases of serum sickness or sensitization to animal (usually

horse) serum, another type of sheep red cell agglutinating
antibody is found and may be present in high titer. However,
this is again distinguished from the antibody of IMN by being
absorbed by guinea pig kidney and froms forssman antibody
by being absorbed by beef red cells. This comparison is used
as the basic for presumptive and differential tests. The sheep
cell agglutinins of IMN can be distinguished from those of
serum sickness and other conditions by means of a differential
test using absorption with guinea pig kidney and beef red cell
Antigens. The antibody that can be removed by absorption
with guinea pig kidney is known as the forssman antibody and
the guinea pig kidney as the forssman antigen.

- The classical sheep red cell agglutination test is

carried out in two steps.
1. The presumptive test of Paul - Bunnell
2. The differential test of Paul Bunnell and Davidsohn
- Modifications of these classical procedures utilize
horse red cells instead of sheep red cells.
- Under normal circumstances, rapid screening tests for
IMN are done for the presence of heterophil antibody.
Horse red cells are usually used rather than sheep red
cells, as they are more sensitive to heterophil


- Persons suffering from IMN begin developing

heterophil antibody shortly after the appearance of the
symptoms, usually during the first 2 weeks.
- Highest titers are found during the second and third
weeks of the illness. The titer, however, bears no
relationship with the severity of the illness.

Note Heterophil sheep cell agglutinins appear in only 50 -80%

of cases of IMN
o Negative result can be obtained when the disease is
present. Negative tests therefore, don not rule out the
possibility of the disease.
o The test for heterophil antibodies is of confirmatory
diagnostic importance in case of IMN with typical
clinical and hematologic findings.
Recently, faster and easier screening tests have been
introduced and have replaced the laborious presumptive and
differential tests.
o These tests are done on a slide. The serum from the
patient is mixed thoroughly with guinea pig kidney on
one spot of the slide and with beef red cell stromata on
another spot.
o The unwashed preserved horse red cells are added
immediately to both spots. Agglutination is observed on
both spots of the slide one minute after the final


Interpretation of slide agglutination

If agglutination is stronger on the spot where the guinea pig
kidney suspension was mixed with the patients serum, the
test is positive. If it is stronger on the spot where the beef red
cells were mixed with the patients serum, the test is
considered negative. If agglutination is equal on both spots,
the test is negative. If no agglutination appears on either
spots, the tests is negative.

- The glass slide used for these rapid screening tests
must be carefully cleaned under running water. Use of
detergent could cause errors in the result. Most of the
widely used immunologic assays for IMN are highly

4.4 Rubella Infection

Acquired rubella, also known as German or 30 days measles,
is caused by an enveloped, single stranded RNA virus of the
togovaridae family. Because the virus is endemic to humans,
the disease is highly contagious and transmitted through
respiratory secretions.


Contracting the infection or vaccination against rubella are the

only routes to develop immunity. In patients suffering from a
primary rubella infection, the appearance of both IgG and IgM
antibodies is associated with the appearance of clinical sings
and symptoms when present.

IgM antibodies become detectable a few days after the onset

of sign and symptoms and reach peak level at 7 to 10 days.
The presence of IgM antibody in a single specimen suggests
that the patient has recently experienced a rubella infection.
Demonstration of an equivalent increase in IgG antibody
concentration between the acute and convalescent specimens
is suggestive of either a recent primary infection or
anamnestic antibody response to rubella in an immune
individual. If both IgM and IgG test results are negative, the
patient has never suffered from rubella infection or been
vaccinated. If no IgM is demonstrable, but IgG is present in
paired specimens, the patient is immune.

Testing for IgM antibody is invaluable in the diagnosis of

congenital rubella syndrome in the neonate. IgM does not
cross an intact placental barrier, therefore, demonstration of
IgM in a single neonatal specimen is diagnostic of congenital
rubella syndrome.

Diagnostic Evaluation


Historically, HAI antibody testing has been the most frequently

used method of screening for the presence of rubella
antibodies. Despite wide acceptance and use of these other
assays, HAI testing continues to be the reference method for
detection and quantification of rubella antibody.

Latex procedures provide more rapid and convenient

alternative to HAI. If more quantitative results are desired, EIA
and Fluorescent immunoassay ( FIA) appear to be as reliable
as HAI.
Wide spread use of EIA for assessment of immune
status (IgG) and recent infection (IgM) should soon result
in simplification of rubella serology. EIA can be used to
measure total antibody, IgG or IGM.

4.5 Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

Cytomegalovirus is a ubiquitous human viral pathogen.
Human CMV is classified as a member of the herpes
viruses ,are relatively large, enveloped DNA viruses that
undergo a replicative cycle involving DNA expressions and
nucleocepsid assembly within the nucleus

Although the herpes family produces diverse clinical diseases,

the viruses shares the basic characteristics of being cell
associated. These characteristics may play a role in the ability


of the virus to produce sub clinical infections that can be

reactivated under appropriate stimuli. Dissemination of the
virus may occur by oral, respiratory, or venereal route. It may
also be transmitted preferably by organ transplantation or by
transfusion of fresh blood.

Persistent infections characterized by periods of reactivation

of CMV are frequently termed latent infections, although this
condition has not been clearly defined for CMV. Acquired CMV
infection is usually asymptomatic and can persist in the host
as a chronic or latent infection. In most patients, CMV infection
is asymptomatic, occasionally a self limited, heterophil
negative, mononucleosis like syndrome results.

CMV infections is known to alter the immune system and

produce overt manifestations of infection. Infection interferes
with immune responsiveness in both normal and
immunocompromised individuals. This diminished
responsiveness results in a decreased proliferation response
to the CMV antigen, which persists for several months. In
patents with CMV monucleosis like syndrome, alterations of T.
lymphocytes subsets result producing an increase in the
absolute number of suppressor (CD) lymphocytes and a
decrease in helper (CD) lymphocytes.


In cells infected by CMV, several antigens appear at varying

times after infection. Before replication if viral DNA takes
place, immediate early antigen and early antigens are present
in the nuclei of infected cells.

Diagnostic Evaluation
Serologic methods to defect the presence of IgM antibodies
can aid in the diagnosis of primary infection. Detection of
CMV-specific IgM can represent primary infection or rare
reactivation of infection.

Detection of significant increases in CMV- specific IgG

antibody by methods such as complement fixation (CF), anti
complement immunofluorescense (ACIF) and Enzyme
Immunoassay (EIA) suggest, but do not prove recent infection
or reactivation of latent infection. The EIA method for IgM and
IgG, antibodies to CMV has replaced CF, ACIF, and IFA.

Latex particle agglutination and indirect hemogglutination are

useful screening methods to obtain sero negative blood

Newer CMV detection methods are being explored. CMV

antigen detection in urine by EIA and cDNA is being
developed. RNA transcript of CMV DNA is detectable in


peripheral blood mononuclear cells of sero positive individual

by in situ hybridization (ISH) with DNA of CMV.

Review Questions

1. Explain the difference between screening and

confirmatory tests for HIV,
2. Discuss test Algorithm in the diagnosis of HIV / AIDS
3. List what can be indentified by HIV testing technologies
4. Describe multi test algorithm for HIV antibody detection
5. List HIV tests that are used to indicate early infection and
describe why they possess such quality
6.Describe the different generations of ELISA
7. Describe the principles of Indirect ELISA
8. State advantages of rapid tests in the diagnosis of HIV/
9. Describe the HIV test algorithm in Ethiopia
10. Explain mode of transmission for different viral hepatitis
11. List common serological tests for viral hepatitis
12. E x p l a i n c l i n i c a l m a n i f e s t a t i o n o f i n f e c t i o u s
mononucleosis (IMN)
13. Discuss heterophil antibodies in IMN
14. Describe diagnostic evaluation of Rubella infection.
15. Describe diagnostic evaluation of CMV.



5.1. Rheumatoid Factor (RF)

Rheumatoid factor belongs to a large family of antiglobulin
usually defined as antibodies with specificity for antigen
determinants on the Fc fragment of human or certain animal
IgG. RF have been associated with three major
immunoglobulin classes: IgM, IgG, and IgA. Of these IgM and
IgG are the most common.

As indicated by its name, RF has particular application to

diagnosis and monitoring of rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid
arthritis (RA) is a systemic syndrome in which chronic
inflammation of the joints initiated by autoantibodies and


maintained by cellular inflammatory mechanisms is the major


The autoantibodies are directed to self-immunoglobulin

determinants. The formation of immune complexes in the joint
spaces leads to activation of complement and destructive
inflammation. The acute phase is followed by a delayed type
hypersensitivity (DTH) type chronic inflammation. Chronic RA
is believed to be driven by macrophages after initiation by
DTH cells (TH1). The most common symptoms include a
symmetric arthritis usually involving the small joint of the
hands or feet and knees. Rheumatoid factor has been
associated with some bacterial and viral infection (hepatitis
and infectious mononucleosis) and some chronic infections
(tuberculosis, parasitic disease, sub acute bacterial
endocarditis, and cancer). Elevated values may also be
observed in the normal elderly population.

5.1.1. Serologic tests

Tests for RA are designed to detect certain macroglobulin in
the patient's serum that reacts with normal human IgG or
normal animal IgG (i.e., rheumatoid factors).The majority of
tests use particular carriers (i.e., erythrocytes, latex and
bentonite particles) that transform the reaction between RF
and IgG into visible aggregation. Basically, all the tests are
designed to detect antibody to immunoglobulin. However, they


are not identical, because sometimes human and sometimes

animal immunoglobulin are used as the coating for the
particle. In some circumstances, the different tests give
different results; therefore, one can postulate that a number of
rheumatoid factors with different specificities are involved.

Included among the various serologic tests for the detection of

RF are the latex fixation tests, the sheep cell agglutination
test, the sensitized alligator erythrocyte test, bentonite
flocculation test and the concanvalin A and complement
fixation test for the detection of IgG RA factor. Of these tests
(with the exception of the last, which is specific for IgG RF),
the latex fixation and the sheep cell agglutination are the most
popular. A number of preparations for use in rapid slide tests
are also available.

5.2. Systemic lupus Erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the classic model of
autoimmune disease. It is a systemic rheumatic disorder.
Although no single cause of SLE has been identified, a
primary defect in the regulation of the immune system is
considered important in the pathogenesis of the disorder.

SLE is a disease of acute and chronic inflammation. The

manifestation of SLE results from defects in the regulatory
mechanism of the immune system. Lymphocyte subject


abnormalities are a major immunologic feature of SLE. The

formation of lymphocytotoxic antibodies with a predominant
specificity for T lymphocytes by SLE patients at least partially
explains the interference with certain functional activities of T
lymphocytes manifested by the patient with SLE.

Regulation of antibody production of B lymphocytes, ordinary

function of the subpopulation of T suppressor cells, appears to
be defective in SLE. Patients exhibit a state of spontaneous B
lymphocyte hyperactivity with ensuing uncontrolled production
of a wide variety of antibodies to both hosts and exogenous

Circulating immune complexes are the hallmark of SLE.

Patients with SLE exhibit multiple serum antibodies that react
with native or altered self antigens. Demonstrable antibodies
include antibodies to nuclear components: cell surface and
cytoplasmic antigen of polymorph nuclear and lymphocytic
leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets, and neuronal cells and

Laboratory evaluation of Antinuclear Antibodies ( ANA)

The ANA method provides the laboratory with a simple and
sensitive technique for detection and measurement of these
antibodies. Indirect immunofiuorescence is the preferred initial
screening procedure. If the ANA method is positive additional


immunologic evaluation is necessary to determine the

specificity of the reaction. These evaluations include double
immiunodiffusion, counter immunoelectrophoresis, passive
hemaggiutination, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay,
radioimmunoassay, and identification of nuclear antigens by
immunoprecipatation or immunoblotting . These evaluations
may demonstrate that more than one ANA specificity is
present in the serum. LE cell preparation, however, has limited

5.3. Acute-phase reactants/ Acute-phase Proteins

Acute-phase reactants are a heterogeneous group of serum
proteins that have in common a rapid increase in
concentration in the serum following acute tissue injury. They
have a varied function in inflammation, but in general serve to
increase or limit the damage caused by inflammatory
mediators such as IL-1, TNF, INF- and INF-2

These cytokines stimulate production of acute phase reactants

by the liver.
Some examples of acute-phase reactants proteins are:-
- C-reactive proteins(CRP)
- complement components (C2, C3, C4, C5, C9, factor B)
- Coagulation factors
They can have mediator function, inhibitor, scavenger,
immune regulation and repair and resolution function.


5.3.1. C-reactive protein (CRP)

C-reactive protein is the most widely used indicator of an
acute-phase response in man for the early indication of
infections, inflammation or other diseases associated with
tissue injury. Normally, the serum concentration of CRP is 0.1
mg/dl or less. After injury, rapid production in the liver results
in concentrations as high as 100mg/dL. CRP is synthesized
only in the liver, and synthesis is stimulated by IL- 6 and IL-1.

C-reactive protein got its name since it was first identified in

the serum of patients with pneumonia where it precipitated
with the C-polysaccharide on the pneumococcal cell wall.

Cleavage of CRP by enzymes from neutrophils produces

fragment that promote chemotaxis and contain the tetra
peptide called tufsin, which is also present in the CH2 domain
of the immunoglobulin heavy chain. Thus, the biological
effects of CRP are like those of immunoglobulin, including the
ability to precipitate, to function as opsonin through binding to
macrophages, and to fix complement.

Levels of CRP (increases 4 to 6 hours after tissue injury)

parallel the course of the inflammatory responses and returns
to lower undetectable levels as the inflammation subsides. It
can increase as much as 100 fold in concentration in acute


inflammation and is the fastest responding and most sensitive

indicator of acute inflammation. CRP increases faster than
erythrocyte sedimentation rate in responding to inflammation,
whereas the leukocyte count may remain within normal limits
despite infection. An elevated CRP can signal infection many
hours before it can be confirmed by culture results; therefore,
CRP is the method of choice for screening for inflammatory
and malignant organ disease and monitoring therapy in
inflammation. Elevations of CRP occurs in nearly 70 disease
states, including septicemia and meningitis in neonates,
infections in immunosuppresed patients, burns complicated by
infection, serious postoperative infections, myocardial
infraction, malignant tumors, and rheumatic disease.

In general, the CRP is advocated as indicator of bacterial

infection in at-risk patients in whom the clinical assessment of
infection is difficult to make. However, a lack of specificity
rules out CRP as a definitive diagnostic tool.

In clinical practice, CRP is particularly useful when serial

measurement are performed. The course of the CRP level
may be useful for monitoring the effect of treatment and for
easy detection of post operative complications or internal
infections. Note that half life of CRP is 5 to 7 hours. It falls
much more rapidly than other acute phase proteins when
patient recovers


Laboratory tests for C-reactive protein (CRP)

Rapid latex agglutination test
The agglutination test is based on the reaction between
patient serum containing CRP as the antigen and the
corresponding antihuman (CRP) antibody coated to the
treated surface participles. The coated particles enhance the
detection of an agglutination reaction when antigen is present
in the serum.
Other test includes:-
Complement fixation, not for routine clinical laboratory
Fluorescent antibody
Used to study binding of CRP to lymphocytes and their
Used primary as a research tools for localizing CRP in
Tube method
Gel electrophoresis
Laser nephelometry
Sensitive, rapid and reproducible
Can be used for large number of samples
In brief, the procedure involves the measurement of
light that is scattered by the insoluble immune


complexes in aliquot medium containing polyethylene


5.4. Serology of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin

(hCG) Hormone
5.4.1. Introduction
From the earliest stage of development (9 days old), the
placenta produces hormones, either on its own or in
conjunction with the fetus. The very young placental
trophoblast produces appreciable amounts of a hormone,
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) that is excreted in the
urine. Human chorionic gonadotropin is not found in the urine
of normal, young, nonpregnant woman.

As with all glylcoprotein hormones (LH, FSH, TSH), hCG is

composed of two sub units, alpha and beta. The alpha sub
unit is common to all glycoproteins and the beta sub unit
confers unique specificity to the hormone. Because hCG is a
glycoprotein hormone that is unique to the developing
placenta (and some tumors), pregnancy tests are based on
the detection of hCG in serum or urine. Its small size permits it
to pass directly into the urine from the circulation.

Early in pregnancy, concentration of hCG in maternal serum

rises quickly, with a doubling time of roughly two days during
the first few weeks as the trphoblastic tissues increase in size.


Within 10 to 12 weeks, hCG values with peak at 150,000 to

200,000 mIU/ml and then gradually fall to normal plateau
values of 10,000 to 50,000 mIU /ml in the second and 3rd

A later- term pregnancy in which there is a sudden drop in

hCG from the plateau may indicate threatened abortion.
Ectopic pregnancies have much lower hCG values and do not
go to term. Molar pregnancies and other trophoblastic
malignancies can have very high values of hCG, considerably
beyond those encountered in normal pregnancy.

Monoclonal based assay which uses two different antibodies,

one against the - subunit and one against the sub unit in a
sandwich that capture the whole hCG molecule on a solid
phase is being developed.

Detection or quantitation of hCG is then generally

accomplished by a color indicator reaction mediated by an
enzyme (e.g., alkaline phosphatase) linked to the second

5.4.2. Serology of HCG in Urine

The amount of HCG excreted in the urine is almost the same
as that found in the blood.


HCG can be detected in the urine of pregnant women 26 to 36

days after the first day of the last menstrual period or 8 to 10
days after conception. Pregnancy test should be negative 3 to
4 days after delivery. If the measured value in urine is
negative, but clinical examination indicates possible
pregnancy, the test should be repeated in two days. Urine
pregnancy test may be negative even though serum tested at
the same time is positive because the serum assay is more
sensitive, being optimized for the protein matrix found in
serum. Urine pregnancy tests

Laboratory pregnancy tests are based on the detection of
rapidly rising levels of hCG in urine. Immunologic pregnancy
tests are done in one of two ways. They differ in the carrier for
the external source of hCG, which is either a latex particle or
red blood cells. The presence of hCG, is usually measured in
urine because a urine sample is so easy to obtain.
Urine pregnancy testing kits can be divided in to:
Rapid latex slide tests of the inhibition (indirect) or the
direct type
Haemagglutinaton inhibition

A. Inhibition (indirect) latex slide test

In this type of test, two reagents are supplied, an antiserum
containing anti hCG antibody, and a latex reagent consisting


of polystyrene particles sensitized (coated) with hCG, positive

and negative controls etc.
In the inhibition test, urine is first mixed with the antiserum,
and the latex reagent is added.
- If hCG is present in the urine, it will combine with the anti
hCG antibody. This will leave no antibody free to combine
with the latex hCG and therefore, there will be no
agglutination of the latex particles.
- If there is no hCG in the urine, the antibody will be free to
combine with the latex hCG and cause agglutination of the
latex particles.
- In this test, therefore, no agglutination indicates a positive
test and agglutination indicates negative test.

B. Direct latex slide test

Are more sensitive than inhibition tests.
In this test, the latex reagent consists of particles coated with
the anti- hCG antibody. This reagent is mixed directly with the
- If hCG is present in the urine, it will combine with the
antibodies and cause agglutination of the latex particles.
- If no hCG is present in the urine, there will be no
agglutination of the latex particles.


- In this test, therefore, agglutination of the particles

indicates positive test and no agglutination indicates a
negative test.
Note: the direct test is read in the opposite way to the
inhibition (indirect) test.

C. Inhibition tube haemagglutination

In this type of test, the principle is the same as in the latex
slide test except that the hCG is coated on red cells, not on
polystyrene particles.

The urine is reacted with anti hCG antiserum in the small tube
provided, and red cells coated with hCG are added. The
contents of the tube are mixed and then left at room
temperature (20-28 OC) for 1 -2 hours to allow time for the
red cells to settle.
- If the urine contains hCG, it will combine with the antibody.
This will leave no antibody to react with the hCG on the
red cells. The non-agglutinated cells will settle and be
seen as a red ring in the bottom of the tube.
- If the urine contains no hCG, the anti hCG antibody will
react with the hCG on the red cells and cause their
agglutination (haemagglatination). The agglutinates will
settle and be seen covering evenly the bottom of the tube.
- In the inhibition (indirect) haemagglutinatan tube test,
therefore, a red ring of non-agglutinated cells in the bottom


of the tube indicates a positive test and a covering of

agglutinated cells indicates a negative test.

N.B. Generally, urine for hCG is reported as positive for hCG if

it is positive and negative for hCG if it is negative.
There are different ICT tests developed for pregnancy

D. Semiquantitative test
If required, the amount of hCG in specimen can be measured
semiquantitatively by preparing serial dilutions of the
specimen in physiological saline and testing each dilution.
Most manufactures of slide and tube tests provide details
of how to perform a semiqntitative technique. A more
accurate result is obtained by using a tube technique.
Quantitative analysis of hCG aids in making a differential
diagnosis of a viable pregnancy versus a nonviable
pregnancy, twins or multiple gestations, or developing
hydatidiform mole. that affect urine pregnancy test

The time in the pregnancy when the test is carried out.
Interfering substance (drugs , red cell etc) & sensitivity /
specificity of the assay. Negative or inconclusive results may
occur if the concentration of HCG in the urine is below that
which the test is capable of detecting reliably.


The presence of excessive amounts of protein or blood in the

urine may cause false positive results.

The presence of detergent can cause false positive or false

negative result. Therefore, every material that will be used in
this test should be free from detergent.
Turbid specimens (due to amorphous debris or epithelial cells)
may give inconclusive results. Such specimens should be
filtered or centrifuged.
Bacterial contamination of the urine may cause unreliable
results. Heavily contaminated urine is unsuitable for testing.
Important- always read carefully the manufacturer's
information leaflet. Urine specimen

An early morning specimen is preferable because this is the
most concentrated and will therefore, contain the highest level
of HCG. If the specimen cannot be tested immediately, it
should be refrigerated at 40c, but for not longer than 48 hours.
Specimens preserved with boric acid are also suitable for
testing. When tested, the urine (and test reagents) should be
at room temperature.


Review Question

1. Describe the measurement of C-reactive proteins

2. List laboratory tests for C- reactive proteins (CRP)
3. State the application of rheumatoid factor testing
4. List the immunoglobulin classes that act as rheumatoid
5. List common serological tests of Rheumatoid factor.
6. Describe why serum or urine hCG determination is used
as indicator of pregnancy
7. List serologic tests for detection of urine hCG and describe
their principles
8. List factors that can affect serologic tests of urine hCG



Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to:
1. Describe the uses of isolation of lymphocyte
2. Describe and / or perform lymphocytes isolation
procedures (Methods)


3. Describe methods of preparation of monoclonal

4. List uses of monoclonal antibodies

6.1. Miscellaneous technique

6.1.1. Isolation of Lymphocyte Populations
In studies on humans, peripheral blood lymphocytes are most
readily available sources of cells. Lymphocytes and their
specific subpopulations can be isolated by: Fluorescent
activated cell sorter (FACS), density gradient separation and
Activities for which the lymphocytes can be separated could
To detect the ability of a given B cell to produce a given
To detect the ability of a given T cell to produce
particular Cytokines,
To test the ability of a given cell to be stimulated by a
given mitogen.
The study of human T cells is best performed using purified
cells, since the presence of other cell types may have indirect
effects on T cell function. However, for any kind of functional
assay on T cell specificity antigen - presenting cells are


A. peripheral blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) Isolation

The mononuclear cell fraction containing monocytes and
lymphocytes is separated from polymorphonuclear cells and
red blood cells by density gradient centrifugation.

Equipment and reagents

Suppl. RPMI - 1640 medium: RPMI - 1640 (Life
Technologies Inc, Gaithersburg, MD) contaning 2mML -
glutanine (Biochrom seromed, Berline, Germany), 25mM
N-(2 hydroxyethyl) piperazine -N-(2ethancesulfonic acid)
(HEPES) (Biochrom), 100U ml penicillin, 100gml
streptomycin (Pen-strep, Biochrom)
Fetal calf serum (FCS) (e.g. Life Technologies Inc.) Which
has been inactivated by heat (560c, 30 minutes) before
Heat-inactivated human serum, blood group AB (HUS,
obtained from a local blood transfusion center).
Ficoll - Hypaque (Histopaque - 1077, sigma).
50 and 15ml conical centrifuge tubes (e.g. Greiner,
Nurtingen Germany).
Temperature controlled centeifuge with GH - 3.7 -
horizontal rotor (e.g. heraeus or Beckman).
Trypan blue, haemocytometer:



Peripheral blood is collected in sterile heparinized tubes.

Heparinized whole blood (10ml) is mixed with 15ml suppl.
RPMI - 1640.
The mixture is carefully layered over 15ml of Ficoll -
Hypaque in a 50-ml conical centrifuge tube.
Spin for 20 min at 2000 rpm (900g at 4OC).
The layer between Ficoll and the upper layer (containing
RPMI - 1640 and serum) contains the mononuclear cell
(MNC) fraction.
Using a pipette remove 80% of the upper layer and
recovers the interface (MNC) layer. Transfer the latter to a
new 50-ml conical tube, and fill the tube with suppl. RPMI
-1640/5% fetal calf serum (FCS) and centrifuge for 10min
at 1300rpm (400g, 180c).
After the supernatant has been removed, the MNC pellet is
resuspended in suppl. RPMI-1640/5% FCS, and washed
twice. For the last wash 15ml conical tube can be used.
Finally the cells are resuspended in 1ml suppl. RPMI -
1640/10% heat - inactivated human AB seum (HUS).

Counting and markers of cell death

Cell suspension (20ul) is diluted with 20ul 0.5% aqueous
Trypan blue. The stained (dead) and non-stained (viable) cells
are counted in a haemocytometer.


B. Separation of T and Non - T Cells from Monounclear

The E - rosetting Technique
The E-rosetting technique describes a procedure for
separating T cells and non -T cells from a population of MNCs
(e.g. peripheral blood or synovial fluid MNCs). This method is
based on the ability of human T cells to bind to sheep
erthrocytes via their CD2 molecule. Neuraminidase treatment
of sheep red blood cells (SRBCs) enhances the binding of
SRBCs to T lymphocytes. First neuraminidase treated SRBCs
are prepared. Secondly, SRBCs and MNCs are mixed to form
rosettes (E+, which are then isolated from the non - rosetting
population (E-, i.e., B cells and monocytes) by Ficoll gradient
centrifugation. In the last step, bound SRBCs are separated
from the rosetted T cells by hypotonic lysis.

Equipment and reagents for E - rosetting

SRBCs (eg. From Biologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Hessen. Germany): sterile PBS suppl, RPMI -1640 FCS,
heat inactivated (Life Technologies inc.) Test -
Neuraminidase (Centeon L.L.C., king of Prussia, PA):
Ficoll density 1.09 (Biochrom).
15ml conical centrifuge tubes (e.g. Greiner or Falcon).
Temperature controlled centrifuge (eg. Beckman or


Preparation of Neuraminidase - treated SRBC

A suspension of SRBCs (2ml) and sterile PBS (10ml) are
placed in a 15ml conical centrifuge tube and spun at 2000 rpm
(900g) for 10min, where after the PBS supernatant is removed
and the cells are resuspended in PBS. This washing
procedure is repeated twice. Before treatment with
neuraminidase, washed SRBCs can be stored at 40C for 3
days. Part of the dry SRBC pellet (300l) is incubated with
4.6ml RPMI -1640 and 100l neuraminidase in a water bath
(370C, 30 min), washed twice with RPMI -1640 (2000rpm.
10min), and finally resuspended in RPMI -1640 to a total
volume of 5ml. The suspension is stored at 40Cuntil use.

Rosette formation and Ficoll density gradient

1. MNCs are prepared by standard Ficoll - Hypaque
centrifugation, washed, counted and suspended in
suppl. RPMI - 1640/10% (10x106 cells mL-1) The
neuramindase - treated SRBCs are mixed with the
MNCs (20 - 30 min, room temperature) to allow E-
rosette formation, whereafter the mixture is layered
over a Ficol solution (density 1.09) in a 15ml conical
centrifuge tube. The volumes of SRBCs medium and
Ficoll used in this protocol depnd on the number of
MNCs to be separated. The tubes are centrifuged for
30 min at 2800 rpm.


2. Remove and decant about 80% of the upper layer

(RPMI - 1640/ 10% HUS) from the centrifuged
suspension. The E-rosette negative (monocytes/ B cell
enriched) layer (E) is recovered from the interface
layer with a pipette, transferred to a 15-ml conical tube,
and washed with a pipette, transferred to a 15ml
conical tube, and washed with suppl, RPMI - 1640/5%
3. The E-rosette-positive (T cell) pellet (E+) is suspended
in 1ml RPMI - 1640/10% FCS in the 15-ml tube. Cold
distilled water (2ml) is added for hypotonic lysis of
SRBCs and mixed gently. After a few seconds, add
8ml RPMI -1640/10% FCS. Transfer this suspension to
a 50 - ml tube containing 40 ml RPMI -1640 / 10% FCS
and centrifuge for 10min at 1300rpm.

C. Separation of T cell subsets

Purification of T - cell populations by indirect antibody
T cells expressing particular cell surface markers, such as the
CD4, CD8, - TCR or TCR molecules can be selected by
their capacity to bind to an antibody coated plastic plates. For
example to purify CD8+ T cells, isolated T cells (E+ cells) are
treated with a mouse anti - human monoclonal antibody
against the CD4 molecule, and then incubated on plastic
dishes that have been coated with an anti - mouse IgG


antibody. The T-cell populations that are not CD4 positive (i.e.
the TCR CD8+ and the TCR CD8+ subpopulations), and
do not therefore bind the mouse anti human CD4 antibody, will
not adhere to the coated plate. These CD4- cells can be
selected physically from the adherent CD4+ subpopulation.
Equipment and reagents
T-cell population (E+ cells)
Appropriate monoclonal antibody (eg. OKT4 or OKT8
hybridism supernatant containing anti -CD4 or anti -
CD8 antibodies, or commercially available anti -CD4,
anti -CD8 antibody); suppl. RPMI -1640; FCS, heat
inactivated PBS, sterile
Plastic six -well plates (Macroplate Standard Greine):
15ml conical centrifuge tubes (e.g. Falcon); sterile
rubber scraper; temperature controlled centrifuge (e.g.
Beckman or Heraeus).

I. Procedure for the separation of T cells into CD4+ and

CD8+ T cells.
1. Preparation of the panning plate
Goat anti-mouse Ig is diluted to 10g ml-1 in suppl.
RPMI -1640 and added to the wells of a plastic six -
well plate (15ml per well). To Separate 2 x 106 to 3 x
106 T cells, one well of the panning plate is needed.
Incubate overnight at 40C or for 60min at room
temperature. Remove unbound Ig by using a sterile


pipette and gently wash the plate by adding 3ml PBS

to each well (wash three times), Add 2ml suppl. RPMI -
1640 /5% FCS and keep the plate at 40C until the T
cells are added to the plate (at least 30 min).
2. Pretreatment of the T cells. Prepare the monoclonal
antibody (e.g. Sterile filtrated)

OKT4 Hybridoma supernatant containing these antibodies, or

commercially available anti - CD4 antibodies diluted in sterile
PBS at a concentration appropriate for flow cytometry
according to the manufacture's instructions). Count the T cell
population and place the cells in a 15 - ml centrifuge tube in
suppl. RPMI - 1640/5% FCS; spin at 1300 rpm (400g) and
40C. Decant the supernatant and resuspend the cell pellet in 1
- 2 ml of the monoclonal antibody diluted in PBS. Incubate the
tube containing the cells for 30min on ice (iced water) and
then fill with suppl. RPMI - 1640/ 10% FCS. Centrifuge for min
at 1300 rpm (400g) and 40C. After the supernatant has been
removed, the cell pellet is resupended in suppl. RPMI-
1640/10%FCS, and the wash repeated once. Finally the cells
are resuspended in suppl. RPMI -1640 (1.5ml per 2x106 to 3 x
106 cells).
3. Incubation the coated plate with the pretreated T cells:
Remove the RPMI 1640 /5% FCS from the coated
wells of the six well panning plate with a sterile
pipette, and immediately add the pretreated T cells in


RPMI 1640 (1.5ml per well) spin the plate for 10min at
300 rpm and 40C carefully remove the plate from the
centrifuge and incubate 30 min at 40c.
4. Collection of the negatively selected cells: Gently swirl
the plates for 1 minutes and collect the supernatant
containing the non - adherent cells using a sterile
pipette. The negative selected, non adherent (i.e. CD4)
T cells are washed twice with suppl. RPMi 1640 / 10%
FCS in a 15ml conical tube counted and responded in
supp. RPMI 16040/10% human serum or interleukin 2
supplemented medium depending on the culture
proceeding this is non - adherent populations of cells
should be 90 - 95% pure.
5. Collection of positively selected adherent CD4+ T cells:
Wash the plates gently with 3 ml suppl. RPMI -
1640/5% FCS per well (2-3 washes) until all non -
adherent cells have been removed.

The purity of the adherent cell population is greater than non-
adherent population. However, it must be considered that the
function of the adherent T cell population may be altered by
the binding of specific antibodies to surface molecules to be
positively selected.

II. Immunomagnetic Negative Selection of CD4+ T cells


The protocol below is another cell separation techniques

mediated by antibody-antigen reactions T cells (E+ cells) are
incubated with specific monoclonal antibodies to surface
molecules (anti-CD8) to coat unwanted T cells. Magnetic
beads coated with goat anti-mouse IgG are then applied to the
cell suspension in order to bind the antibody coated cells. After
binding; the target cells can be recovered using a strong
magnetic field. Negative isolation is a method by which the
CD4+ subset is purified from the CD8* subset binding to the
coated magnetic beads. Furthermore, in a positive selection
step, the beads can be removed from the CD8+ target cells by
a process of detachment.

Equipment and reagents

T -Cell population (E+celles)
Appropriate monoclonal antibody (e.g anti CD8
antibody by ptarmigan) goat anti-mouse IgG coated
magnetic beads (Dynabeads M-450, Dynal Oslo,
Norway). Sterile PBS; FCS, heat inactivated coating
medium (Hanks balanced salt solution (HBSS)
without Ca2+ , Mg2+ or phenol Red, supplemented
with 10% FCS 20mM HEPES). Suppl. RPMI - 1640
HUS heat inactivated.
Magnetic separation device (Dynal MPC-1) mixing
device (Dynal MX1. 2 or 3) 15ml centrifugation tubes


(e.g. Falcon) vortex mixer, temperature controlled

centrifuge (e.g. Beckman or Heraeus)
All steps in the protocol are done at 40C.
1. Prewash of Dynabeads M-450: transfer the required
number of Dynabeads M-450 from the vial to a
polypropylene washing tube containing PBS/2% FCS
(washing buffer), and place on the Dynal MPC -1 for 2
min, decant the supernatant, resuspend in excess
washing buffer, and replace on the Dynal MPC -1.
Finally, resuspend in a small volume of coating
medium (e.g the volume originally pipette from the
2. Antibody coating of CD8+ T cells: Resuspend washed
T cells in 10ml coating medium at 2 x 10 cells mL-1 in a
15ml conical tube and add 1ml anti-CD8 monoclonal
antibody at a 10x saturating concentration. Incubate for
30 min at 40C with gentle tilting and rotation (e.g. in a
mixing device).
3. Wash twice in coating buffer (centrifugation at 1000
rpm, 40C) to remove unbound antibody.
4. Add the suspension of washed Dynabeads and
incubate for 30min at 40C with gentle tilting and
rotation (e.g. in the mixing device) to keep cells and
beads in suspension.


5. Place the tube in Dynal MPC and leave it to rest for 2

minutes to magnetically remove the CD8, cells labeled
by antibody and coated with beads. Transfer the
unbound cells to a fresh tube, perform a second
magnetic separation, count, and resuspend in suppl.
RPMI 1640/10% HUS. Negatively selected cells
obtained by this method are unstipulated, pure and of
high yield.
6. For recovery of positively selected CD8+ cells, remove
the tube from the Dynal MPC, and wash the resettled
cells by resuspending in RPMI-1640/10% HUS.
Repeat step 5 twice. These positively selected cells
can be removed from the beads by a process of

III. Rosette Test

Subsets of T lymphocytes can be identified by their differing
membrane structures called markers. Markers are categorized
as antigen and receptors and can be detected by rosette
technique. The E rosette forming cells were assigned to T cell
lineage and the E-rosettes become the principle marker for
identification and enumeration of human T cells. The presence
of FC receptors for IgG or IgM on T lymphocyte has been
correlated with their functional activity. Cells with IgM
receptors were shown to provide help for B cell differentiation


to plasma cell, whereas cells with IgG receptors were reported

to function as suppressors.
Spontaneous rosette formation with untreated sheep
erythrocytes was performed with some modification.
Separate Lymphocytes and adjust the count to 2.5x106 /
ml in PBS.
Prepare 1% sheep erythrocyte suspension in PBS after
3 times washing in PBS.
Then 50 micro liters of bovine serum albumin will be
taken in tube in which 100l of lymphocytes suspension
and 100ul of 1% sheep RBC suspension will be added.
Then centrifuge for 5 minutes at 1000rpm
After incubation at 40C for 1hour, 0.1% toludine will be
added and rosette-forming cells will be counted.


FIG. 6.1 E-rosetting

2. IgM and IgG Rosette test

Step 1: Preparation of anti-ox antibody
Collect blood from an ox by vein puncture from
external jugular vein.
Separate plasma and cells by centrifuging under
sterile condition.
Inject 1ml of sterile packed Ox RBC intraperitoneally
into rabbit.
After 10 days, bleed the rabbit and test serum for anti-
ox IgG, Ig A and IgM antibodies.

Step 2: preparation of Anti-Ox IgG and IgM sensitized

Suspend 0.5ml of 50% washed red cells separately in
2.5ml of IgG and IgM fraction (IgG and IgM fraction
obtained by column chromatography)
Keep the mixture at 370C for 1 hour for IgG
sensitization and at 40C for 1 hour for IgM sensitization
Wash cells 3 times with PBS and prepare 1%

Step 3: Running IgM/IgG Rosette test


Mix 100l patient T lymphocytes (separated by nylon

wool) with 100l of 1% IgG and IgM sensitized Ox cells
in different precipitin tubes.
Centrifuge for 5 minutes at 1000 rpm and incubate for
30 minutes at 370C for the IgG rosette and 40C for IgM
Add toludine blue dye (0.1%) and count the
percentage of rosette forming cells under high power
field using ordinary microscope.

IV. Cell sorting in the fluorescence activated cell sorter

A suspension of cells is allowed to react with antibodies that
are specific for particular molecules on the surface of one of
the cell types in the mixture. The antibody has a fluorochrome
attached to it. The suspension is then mixed with a buffer
(sheath fluid) and droplets, each containing a single cell, are
generated by ultrasonic vibrations in a nozzle. The droplets
pass one by one through a laser beam, a beam of high
intensity light of a particular wavelength. As the beam hits the
cell, two things happen. The fluorochrome molecules absorb
the light, but emit light of another wavelength. The emitted
light is focused by collecting lenses on a barrier filter, which
only allows light of a certain wavelength to pass through. Light
detectors (photomultipliers) placed behind the barrier filter can
then record whether light of a given wavelength has been


emitted from the cell and passed through the filter. At the
same time, however, because of the cell curvature and
surface unevenness, the light of the laser beam hits the cell at
different angles and in turn is reflected from the cell at different
angles, i.e. it is scattered. The character of the light scatter
depends on the cells size and density; the larger and denser
the cell, the more light it scatters. The degree of light scatter is
estimated by measuring light rays reaching the
photomultipliers at two different angles in relation to the laser
beam; a low angle (a forward scatter) and a right or obtuse
angle (side scatter). The computer then uses these two
estimates to determine the size and density of the cell. Based
on this information and information regarding the emission of
the fluorescent light, the computer checks whether the cell
meets certain criteria for a particular cell type and, depending
on the outcome, sends a signal to impart a certain electric
charge to the droplet. As the droplets pass through an electric
field generated by the deflection plates, they are sorted
according to their charge and collected in tube.


Fig. 6.2 Cell sorting in the fluorescence activated cell sorter


6.2. Methods of Monoclonal Antibody Production

6.2.1. Hybridoma Technique
Large quantities of absolutely pure, specific immunoglobulin
directed against an antigen of interest can be produced by
fusing a normal plasma cell making the antibody of interest
with a myeloma cell with the capacity for prolonged growth in
tissue culture. The resulting mixed cell is called hybridoma.

The first stage in making a hybridoma is to generate antibody

producing plasma cells. This is done by immunizing a mouse
against the antigen of interest and repeating the process
several times to ensure that it mounts a good response. Two
to four days after administration of antigen, the mouse's
spleen is removed and broken up to form a cell suspension.
These spleen cells are suspended in culture medium together
with a special mouse myeloma cell line. It is usual to use
myeloma cells that do not secrete immunoglobulins since this
simplifies purification later on. Spleen cells are fused with a
myeloma cell line by the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG)
which promotes membrane fusion. Only a small proportion of
the cells fuse successfully. The fusion mixture is then set up in
culture with medium containing 'HAT'. HAT is a mixture of
hypoxanthine, aminopterin and thymidine.

There are two biosynthetic pathways by which cells can

produce nucleotides and hence nucleic acids. The myeloma


cells are selected so that they lack the enzyme hypoxanthine

phosphoribosyltransferase and as a result cannot utilize
hypoxanthine in the culture medium to produce inosine, a
pryimidine precursor. They are obliged to utilize an alternative
biosynthetic pathway involving thymidine. But the aminopterin
in the culture is a drug that prevents myeloma cells from
making their own thymidine. Since the myeloma cells cannot
use hypoxanthine and the aminopetrine stops them from using
the alternative synthetic pathway, they cannot make nucleic
acids and will soon die. Hybrids made from a myeloma and a
normal cell will grow; they possess hypoxanthine
phosphoribosyl transferase and can therefore use the
hypoxanthine and thymidine in the culture medium and
survive. The spleen cells die in culture naturally after 1-2
weeks. Any wells containing growing cells are tested for the
production of the desired antibodies (using RIA or ELISAs)
and if positive, the cultures are cloned by plating out so that
there is only one cell in each well. This produces a clone of
cells derived from a single progenitor, which is both immortal
and producer of monoclonal antibody.

6.2.2. Recombinant DNA techniques


Attempts are also being made to replace altogether

the hybridoma method by recombinant DNA
One such attempt focuses on the gene segments that
specify the fragment antigen binding (Fab) of an
immunoglobulin molecule, the VH CH1 and VLCL.
These segments can be amplified by PCR from many
different mRNA (cDNA) molecules expressed in a
population of cells undergoing an immune response.
The amplified segments are inserted into a suitable
vector, cloned and paired randomly (always one, VH
CH1 with VLCL, in a suitable vector) and the pairs
translated into proteins (Fabs).
Screening of this combinatorial library of antibodies
with labeled antigen then identifies these
combinations that bind this antigen.
The identified VHCH1-VLCL pairs are placed in to an
expression vector, either bacterial or mammalian, and
used to produce large quantities of antibodies with
selected specificity.

Uses of monoclonal antibodies


The greatest impact of Monoclonal antibodies in

immunology has been on the analysis of cell
membrane antigens.
Because Monoclonal antibodies have a single
specificity compared to the range of antibody
molecules present in the serum, monoclonal
antibodies have multiple clinical applications including:
o Identifying and quantifying hormones
o Typing tissues and blood
o Identifying infectious agents
o Identifying clusters of differentiation for the
classification and follow-up therapy of
leukemias and lymphomas
o Identifying tumor antigens and autoantibodies
o Immunotherapy

6.3.Effector-Cell Assay
Various methods have been developed for assaying
lymphocyte-effector functions, including antibody production,
cytotoxicity, and T-cell mediated help and suppression.
Individual B cells producing specific antibody or individual T
cells secreting particular cytokines may be detected by
ELISPOT assay. For detection of antibody producing cells,
the lymphocytes are plated onto an antigen-sensitized plate.
Secreted antibody binds antigen in the immediate vicinity of
cells producing specific antibody. The spots of bound antibody


are then detected chromatographically using enzyme coupled

to anti-immunoglobulin and a chromogen. For detection of
cytokine-producing cells, the plates are coated with anti-
cytokine and the captured cytokine is detected with enzyme
coupled antibody to a different epitope on the cytokine. The
appearance of a developed plate is shown on top left of Fig. 6.


Fig. 6.3 ELISPOT assays


Review Question

1. State the use of isolation of lymphocyte populations.

2. List and describe the mechanisms by which lymphocytes
and their specific subpopulations can be isolated.
3. List and describe methods of monoclonal antibody
4. List uses of Monoclonal Antibodies.


Acute phase proteins - plasma proteins whose concentration

increases or decrease during inflammation.
Antibody - A globulin formed in response to exposure to an
antigen; an immunoglobulin.
Antigen - A macromolecule that, when introduced into a
foreign circulation, will induce the formation of
immunoglobulins or sensitized cells that react specifically with
that antigen.
Antigen Determinant sites - Unique portions of the structure
of an antigen that are responsible for its activity.
Anti-Human Globulin - An antibody preparation that contains
antibody to a range of globulins (polyspecific) or to a single
globulin (monospecific) used to setect sensitized particles.
Antiserum - A serum containing antibodies
Antistreptolysin O (ASO) - An antibody produced against
streptolysin O, a hemolysin produced by streptococci
(particularly group A).
Agglutination - The aggregation or clumping of cellular or
particulate antigens by an antiserum containing antibodies to
one or more of the surface antigens.

C-Reactive protein - An acute phase protein produced by the

liver in early inflammatory response, which is capable of
precipitating the C- polysaccharide extract of pneumococcus.
Carrier - A molecule that, when coupled to a hapten, renders
the hapten immunogenic.

CD4 - The protein receptor on the surface of a target cell to

which the gp 120 protein of the HIV viral envelope binds.
Complement - A humoral mechanism of nonspecific immune
response consisting of at least 14 components that proceed in
a cascading sequence of activation resulting in cell lysis.
Complement Fixation - The fixation (or binding) of
complement in a reaction with antigen and antibody.
Cross-Reactive Antigen - An antigen so structurally similar to
a second antigen that it will react with antibody to the second
Delayed Hypersensitivity - Type IV hypersensitivity mediated
by lymphokines released from sensitized T lymphocytes.
Direct Agglutination - An agglutination reaction that occurs
through the direct combination of antigen and antibody.
Electrophoresis (of serum) - The separation of serum
proteins according to their rate of travel when an electric
current is passed through a buffer solution. The supporting
medium can be whatman paper, starch, or agar gels.

Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) - A

serologic test in which one of the reagents is labeled with an
Fc Fragment - The fragment of the antibody molecule that, in
certain species can be crystallized. It consists of two pieces of
heavy chain.
Febrile Disease - A disease characterized by high fever.


Fluorescence - A form of luminescence in which a molecule

absorbs light energy of one wavelength and emits light energy
of a lower wavelength in less than 10-4 seconds.
Fluorescent Microscope - A modified dark field microscope
that separates excitation wavelengths from emission
Fluorochrome - An organic compound that fluoresces when
exposed to short wavelengths of light and that is used to label
an antibody so that it can be visualized.
Hemagglutination - The agglutination (or clumping) or red
blood cells, especially by antiserum.
Hemagglutination Inhibition Technique - The technique
used for the detection of antibodies which involves the
blocking of agglutination of erythrocytes.
Hemolysin - An antibody that in cooperation with serum
complement will cause the hemolysis of erythrocytes.

Hemolysis - The lysis of red blood cells by specific antibody

and serum complement.
Hepatitis - Inflammation of the liver caused by a virus or other
agent (e.g. drugs).
Heterophil Antibody - An antibody produced in response to
one antigen that will react with a second genetically unrelated
antigen. Sometimes spelled heterophile


IgG - The most abundant immunoglobulin in serum; it is

predominant in immunity against bacteria and viruses and is
the only immunogloebulin to cross the placenta.
IgM - An immunoglobulin that is usually produced first in
response to antigen challenge. It is the third most abundant in
Immune Complex - A complex of antigen with antibody
(which may involve complement) that can be soluble or can
deposit in tissues.
Inflammation - Tissue reaction (redness, tenderness, pain,
swelling) to injury by physical or chemical agents, including
Inhibition - The prevention of a normal reaction between an
antigen and its corresponding antibody, usually because an
antigen of the same specificity but from another source is
present in the serum.
Lysis - The irreversible leakage of cell contents following
membranes damage.

Optimal proportions - The point of dilution in a serologic

reaction that gives a positive reaction.
Plasma - The fluid component of blood plasma Cell A cell 10
to 20m in diameter that can activity synthesize
immunoglobulins and can be distinguished morphologically
from similar cells.


Postzone - The failure of a serologic reaction to occur in

extreme dilutions of the antibody.
Prozone - The failure of a serologic reaction to occur in high
concentration of the antibody
Radioimmunoassay - An immunologic test using radiolabeled
antigen, antibody, complement, or other reactions.
Radioisotope - An atom with an unstable nucleus that
spontaneously emits radiation as it decays to a stable nucleus.

Receptor - A cell surface molecule that binds specifically to
particular proteins or peptides in the fluid phase.
Seroconverstion - The detection of specific antibody in the
serum of an individual in whom the antibody was previously
Serum - The fluid portion of the blood after the blood clots.

Shared Antigen - A cross-reactive antigen (i.e. one that will

react with an antibody induced by some other antigen).
Specificity - The special affinity between an antigen and its
corresponding antibody.
Titer - The greatest dilution of a substance used in a serologic
reaction that will produce the desired result.



1. T i z a r d . I m m u n o l o g y a n i n t r o d u c t i o n , 4 t h
edition ,Saunders publishing,1994
2. Naville J.Bryant .Laboratory Immunology and Serology
3rd edition. Serological services
3. Mary Louise .Immunology and Serology in Laboratory
medicine 3rd edition
4. Roitt et.al. Immunology 5 th edition .London,
Philadalphia 2000
5. Immunology and Serology Lecture note.


6. Joe Bill Campbell, Laboratory Mathematics, medical

and Biological application
7. Cheesbrough M. 1987, Medical Laboratory Manual for
Tropical countries vol .1
8. Mary Louise Turgeon, Immunology and serology in
laboratory medicine, third edition
9. Jean Jorge son, Linne, Basic Techniques for the
Medical laboratory, second edition
10. Patrick R. Murray, Medical Microbiology, fourth edition


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