Going Heavy On The Juggernaut Method
Going Heavy On The Juggernaut Method
Going Heavy On The Juggernaut Method
Get some Flair Who the hell is that lifter up there? No advertising, surveys, or market research 9. Games and practices come first for the team
sports athlete. For all business and personal coaching services related inqueries, please contact me at admin powerliftingtowin. This phase is the
first week of each wave. Choosing Your Working Max A very key component of the Juggernaut Method is starting out what a conservative one
rep max. The original Juggernaut Method does not culminate in a true 1RM test because it was not designed explicitly for powerlifters. I will be off
for 3 days so I feel I will be able to recover before the Intensification phase. No advertising, surveys, or market research. Juggernaut Method
Progress Powerlifting. You used to be able to buy the book on Elite FTS, if it's not still there it should be on Amazon or something. For
powerlifting, I personally prefer to see more frequency than is used here. Back to university gym. Look it up in our Glossary. Table of Contents
Powerlifting Programs I: He was a nationally ranked shotputter, just totalled over 1, lbs. No bots or novelty accounts. The Juggernaut Method
features a 16 week cycle broken up into four phases: This is a subreddit for general weight training discussion, focused on intermediate level and
above in experience and strength, for those ranging from strength sport competitors, sports that benefit from weight training, or weight training
enthusiasts. So my advice is just get 1 of them. Subscribe to our Newsletter! I'm rocking the cube method right now and that has plenty of low rep
work. This fact is often overlooked by novice or inexperienced lifters. So basically, instead of doing team sport type stuff as a stressor, he adds
specificity before the workout for the extra stressor? Going to follow the rest exactly how he has it. October 02, at 9: You can use it on any
device. Powerlifting Know Thy Program: So, simply put, the program is organized into monthly mesocycles with four distinct microcycles: To
talk about the origins of the method, we first need to talk about its creator: January 16, at 4: I remember the day I decided I wanted to give
powerlifting a shot like it was yesterday. Chad Wesley Smith is a smart, educated lifter.
I've been lifting for about a year and 8 months now. You have to lift heavy things to lift heavy things. This is just one example of one day of many
types of assistance programs the Juggernaut Method E-book offers. This is an archived post. January 16, at 5: Well, any time you write a cookie
cutter template you have to generalize the program to make it work for as many people as possible. I was pleasantly surprised by the overall
quality of The Juggernaut Method. The higher volume initially with lighter weights is what prepares you for the heavier weights later on and is what
gives you better results than a program that remains the same month to month. Just to prime the system for the worksets. Since you're adjusting
your max based on your performance throughout the phases it gets heavy pretty quick anyways. There are specific rules and parameters you have
to follow such as no HIIT for a certain amount of time due to conflicting adaptations. The accumulation phase is a high volume week that allows
you to focus on developing skill for each particular lift, Increasing your work capacity and stamina, and mastering the lift for the given rep range.
The Juggernaut Method preaches progressive overload in its most simple form, adding weight to the bar each week! I am thinking of picking it up
but unlike others, I am unaware of people's thoughts on the program. October 25, at 5: Power clean press x1 finally hit it after 4 weeks think it
was mental since the press was pretty easy Squat 3x8. Reverse hypers Leg curls Starting Intense pahse tomorrow. Thanks for your insightful
response. Already have an account? Your username is how other community members will see you. Check out some communities and we
recommend you subscribe to at least 5. Training to failure week after week is difficult on the body and makes recovery more difficult. In this
example would be your new working max and you would base the next waves percentages off of that number. The juggernaut program is broken
down into four waves. Have a watch of this review right here by Izzy at powerliftingtowin, he does a much better job explaining all the intricacies of
the program than I, or anyone else in this forum, will be able to. No advertising, surveys, or market research. I have a spreadsheet with everything
programmed real nice and it will adjust your loads based on your acheived reps in your realization phase on google docs that is public. No threads
that are answered by the Wiki, searching, or Google 1. Especially for someone wanting to put on a little bit of muscle. Those first 2 months are just
as essential to the program as the last 2 are. Whether you're gonna do a bunch of triples or one all-out set a heavier single helps prep you. Another
reason I like TJM is because Chad incorporates things like plyometrics before the main lifts during training sessions. So if this was incorporated
into TJM 2. I've read logs from at least 3 people now who've gone through the 10s month or even the 10s and 8s months before moving on to a
new training program. Probaly shouldnt do this but I want to run as long as possible before June. In on this man, prob. Here are some available
suggestions. However, the book IS aimed at, and entirely appropriate for, team sport and other competitive athletes. Not sure if im going to run a
3 or 4 day split. You should adjust pretty quick to challenging loads as you adjust your training loads every 4 weeks, so even if you start light by
the 5's phase, I'm thinking you should be hitting a max set between reps which is a good workout, however it will take 12 weeks to work up to it.
To be honest, normally, I expect popular programs to be complete garbage. But I've never done high volume before so I'm just trying it out now
and maybe I'll cut back or change it around for the upcoming waves. How do you get good at any sport? Step one is aerobic base building which
builds general endurance. I mean, that's a lot of volume in and if itself. You do 4 weeks phases of 10,8,5,3 reps on the core lifts.