The Effect of Smoking Health For The Human Body
The Effect of Smoking Health For The Human Body
The Effect of Smoking Health For The Human Body
1. Background
\Humans have various kinds of habit. Starting from exercising, reading, writing, composing, and
etc. In among the many human habits, there is one habit that is very detrimental to human health
them . it stranger , bad habits are often done by our society, the habit of smoking.
Smoking itself is not considered taboo in our society, although doing so is the child still sitting
on the bench school . thing is very alarming, because as we know that in a cigarette there are
many toxic substances which will affect our health.
Made up for it with this paper is expected to be conscious citizens and immediately leave or
reduce their habits are not good . because however offender health effects of smoking (current
smokers) and the health of people exposed to secondhand smoke exposure of active smokers
(passive smoking) is very large , because the toxic substances contained therein.
2. Destination
Seeing the increasing number of smokers each year, which will be the negative impact we are
feeling good too fast or slow. So with these papers made public is expected to:
a. Knowing the ins and outs of smoking and toxic substances it contains
b. Knowing how big the impact of smoking for health
c. Reduce or even stop smoking after knowing the impact that caused the
3. Limitation Problem
In order to be a more focused discussion of issues and weight, in this paper will discuss the
"dangers of cigarettes for healthbudy us".
4. Systematics Writing
The sitematika writing this paper are:
This chapter contains background about the problem, the purpose of writing, writing systematic
problems and limitations.
In this chapter elaborated explanation - an explanation of the "Danger Cigarettes For Healthy
Body You" which includes substances - toxic substances contained in cigarettes and its impact,
some studies about smoking, barriers and how to overcome the problems.
General Description
1. General
Cigarettes are objects that are familiar to us. Smoking is a habit that is very common and
widespread in the community. Dangers of smoking on health has been researched and proven a
lot of people. Adverse effects of smoking were already clearly known. Many studies have shown
cigarette smoking increases the risk of various diseases such as heart disease and blood vessel
disorders, lung cancer, oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, cancer osefagus, bronchitis, high blood
pressure, impotence and pregnancy disorders and defects in the fetus.
In fact, the habit of smoking is hard to break and people are rarely recognized as a bad habit.
Moreover, people who smoke to distract yourself from the stress and emotional stress, are more
difficult to break away from this habit than smokers who do not have a background of
Recent research also shows the dangers of handsmoke the smoke inhaled by the non-smokers
around smokers or can be referred to as passive smokers. Smoking can not be separated from the
raw material of manufacture of tobacco. In Indonesia, tobacco plus cloves and other ingredients
are mixed to make cigarettes. In addition to tobacco cigarettes can also be used as a hand-rolled
cigarette, cigarettes, cigars, pipes and cigarettes tabacco smokeless (chewing tobacco).
From day to day the number of smokers increasingly increase . This is what will be making a
huge disaster for the health of our bodies.
2. Substances - Toxic substances contained in the Cigarette and Effects
As we know in the cigarette smoke that is inhaled by the smoker, not less than 4000 toxic
chemicals. Chemicals released consisted of gas components (85 percent) and particles. Nicotine,
carbon monoxide gas, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, acrolein, acetylene,
benzaldehid, urethan, benzene, methanol, coumarin, 4-etilkatekol, ortokresoldan perylene is
sebaian of thousands - thousands of substances in cigarettes. But among the substances -
substances mentioned above, there are 3 of the most dangerous substances contained in
a. Tar
Dangerous substances in the form of concentrated impurities that can clog and irritate the lungs -
pulmonary and respiratory system, causing chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and in some cases
lead to lung cancer - lung (deadly disease that is almost unknown to those who are not smokers).
Chemical Toxins in TAR can also seep into the bloodstream and then excreted in urine.TAR left
in the bladder can also cause bladder cancer. Additionally Tar can seep in the bloodstream and
reduce the ability of cells - red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body, so it's a great
effect on the circulatory system.
b. Nicotine
It is a substance that can be addictive and affects the nervous system, speeding up the heart rate
(exceeding the normal rate), thereby increasing the risk of disease jantung.Selain that these
substances most frequently discussed and researched people, because it can poison the body's
nerves, increase blood pressure, cause constriction of peripheral blood vessels and cause
addiction and dependence on the wearer. 4-6 mg of nicotine which is inhaled by adults every day
are able to make people addicted. Additionally Nicotine plays a role in starting the tooth
supporting tissue disease because nicotine can be absorbed by soft tissues of the oral cavity,
including the gums through the blood stream and the attachment of the gums to the teeth and root
surfaces. Nicotine can be found on the surface of the tooth root and yield metabolites that can be
found in the fluid kontinin gums.
1. Conclusion
By the fact that the previous description, it can be said that cigarette more (negative impact) of
the positive impact. If this cultured continues, it could lead to serious problems in human health.
And the public should be aware of the dangers of smoking to health them.However it is still
difficult in Indonesia.
2. Suggestion
After reading this paper, hopefully people can be awakened to the dangers of smoking to their
health and leave the habit of smoking, to maintain their health and will make their body fit and
healthy to avoid life-threatening diseases.