Adjective Endings
Adjective Endings
Adjective Endings
Some adjectives are formed from nouns and others are formed from verbs. The word forms are from
Latin, Greek and other languages. There is no simple rule for adding suffixes, but there are common
Adding a suffix to a noun form is one way of forming an adjective. A suffix is a part added to the end
of a word to mark the word form. An adjective is often used after It is or It seems (stative verbs).
accident accidental brute brutal region regional
-AL relating to
region regional person personal universe universal
custom customary
moment momentary caution cautionary
-ARY relating to quality
or place honor honorary diet dietary
beauty beautiful wonder wonderful awe awful
-FUL full of
skill skillful success successful delight delightful
athlete athletic base basic history historic
-IC having the nature of;
caused by photograph photographic science scientific rhythm rhythmic
history historical
magic magical logic logical
-ICAL having the nature
of practice practical statistic statistical
fool foolish child childish self selfish
-ISH origin, nature
sheep sheepish pink pinkish girl girlish
power powerless friend friendless worth worthless
-LESS without
use useless home homeless penny penniless
like lifelike lady ladylike war warlike
-LIKE like
child childlike bird birdlike spring springlike
friend friendly cost costly month monthly
-LY like
day daily order orderly coward cowardly
poison poisonous danger dangerous nerve nervous
-OUS quality, nature
courtesy courteous mystery mysterious victory victorious
rain rainy fun funny dirt dirty
-Y like
mess messy dirt dirty spot spotty
Some adjectives are formed by adding a suffix to the verb form. A suffix is a part added to the end of a
word to mark the word form.
The past participle modifies the noun that is the receiver of the feeling or emotion.
an amused child
Overwhelmed students end up dropping a course or two . (The students feel overwhelmed.)
The present participle modifies the noun that is the source of the feeling or emotion.
an amusing ride
Overwhelming amounts of work are given to high school students. (The amount of work causes the
TACT He is a tactful politician. having skills handling situations [L. tactus] tact (n.) skill in
dealing with difficult or delicate situations
Your food is tasty. having a good taste
You are a tasteful dresser. having good judgment for fashion
He is a worthy competitor. having good value, character
He is a worthless competitor. having no value or importance
There is no particular way to know whether a word will use the -ic or the -ical ending. The suffix -ic
comes from French -ique, or Greek -ikos. and means having the nature of , or causing something.
academic, algebraic, arithmetic, artistic, athletic, catholic, domestic, dramatic, egoistic, emphatic,
energetic, fantastic, geometric, strategic, linguistic, majestic, neurotic, pathetic, pedagogic, phonetic,
public, semantic, syntactic, systematic, tragic
He buys classic cars. traditional, old style
The hysteric / hysterical woman was out of control. unable to control your behavior or emotions
He wrote in a poetic speech. imaginative, having the quality of poetry, like poetry
The -ical form is often added to a word that already has a final -ic. Such adjectives often have a
different or an additional meaning from the more basic -ic form.
We listen to classical music. from a cultural (sometimes Greek, Roman, European) source, or 18thC.
My dad likes to listen to classic My dad likes to listen to classical music on the car radio.
music on the car radio. This book is a classic. enjoyed by generations
Use this to refer to traditional Use "classical music" to refer to Beethoven, Bach, Haydn, etc.
music (not Bach and Beethoven)
Do you know where I can buy an Do you know where I can buy an economical car? (money saving,
economic car? affordable, gas saving?)
It was a chilly, crispy day. It was a chilly, crisp day. (dry, low humidity)
Los sufijos son aquellas partculas que se le agregan a una palabra (despus, y no antes como los
prefijos), para de esta forma indicar en qu caso gramatical se encuentra, o modificar de
alguna manera su significad.
- able
forma adjetivos a partir de verbos. No se aplica a sustantivos. Significa able, ible :
-to reason/reasonable = razonar/razonable
-to drink/drinkable = beber/bebible (potable)
este sufijo es agregado a sustantivos para formar sustantivos y adjetivos. significan ada,
ado, ido, oso :
-color/colorful = color/colorido
-wonder/wonderful = maravilla/maravilloso
este sufijo es utilizado en ingls con 3 propsitos: Se aade a sustantivos para
convertirlos en adjetivos y expresar semejanza o para indicar abundancia. Y en caso de
que un sustantivo finalice en e convierte la e simplemente en y. Significa ado, oso y
raramente significa able; Utilizado para obtener el disminutivo, para el efecto si finaliza
en consonante esta se repite. significa ito, ita.
noise/noisy = ruido/ruidoso
water/watery = agua/acuoso
anger/angry = enojo/enojado
- cal
Este sufijo convierte sustantivos. en adjetivos. Sustantivos terminados en c solamente
agrega al. Significa ico, ica
-medic/medical = mdico/mdico (a)
-alphabet/alphabetical = alfabeto/alfabtico(ica)
- ous
este sufijo equivale al sufijo oso, osa del espaol, con el trasformamos un sustantivo en
adjetivo y de acuerdo al procedimiento siguiente :
Sustantivos terminados en r basta agregar ous; los terminados en e cambian e por ous; el
terminado en y la cambia por i y agrega ous, al sustantivo terminado en o agrega us, los
terminados en on elimina la n y se reemplaza por us.
-fury/furious = furia/furioso
-danger/dangerous = peligro/peligroso
- less
Este sufijo altera a los sustantivos para obtener adjetivos. Y es muy til con los
comparativos. Es un sufijo tipo negacin y el cual significa sin, in,.
-hope/hopeless = esperanza/sin esperanza
-worth/worthless = til/intil
- ish
El sufijo ish se le agrega a sustantivos para formar adjetivos y as indicar semejanza o
Si el sustantivo termina en e cambia la e por i y se le agregas sh. Si el sustantivo finaliza
en y la conservara y se le agrega -ish. Si el sustantivo termina en consonante simplemente
se le agrega ish para obtener el adjetivo.
-boy/boyish = nio/como nio
-woman/womanish = mujer/como mujer, mujeril