Personal Detail: Formal Education
Personal Detail: Formal Education
Personal Detail: Formal Education
Personal Detail
Full Name : Raden Muhammad Marsetio Fitriadi
Place, Date of Birth : Pekalongan March, 9 1995
Gender : Male
Agama : Islam
Country : Indonesia
Home Address : Toba Street II / 8 Kauman, Pekalongan, Central Java
R. Muhammad Marsetio F. Home Address 1 :Puluhdadi, Plongkowati Street Blok D No. 9,
Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman Yogyakarta
Teknik Geologi
Phone Number : (0285) 429004
UPN Veteran Yogyakarta Mobile Phone : +62 81326010103
E-mail :
University : UPNveteran Yogyakarta
Major : Geological Engineering Department
Muhammad Marsetio Education
Formal Education :
Software Skills 2000 - 2001 : TK Pertiwi 1
Microsoft Word 2001 - 2007 : SD Negeri Panjang Wetan 1
2007 - 2010 : SMP. Negeri 1 Pekalongan
Beginner Advance 1. Pengurus Harian Pramuka Periode 2008/2009
Microsoft Excel
2010 - 2013 : SMA. Negeri 1 Pekalongan
Beginner Advance 1. Pengurus Harian Pramuka 2011/2012
2. Pengurus Harian Wanalana 2012/2013
Corel Draw X4-X8
2014 - sekarang : Geological Engineering of UPN Veteran
Beginner Advance Yogyakarta (S1)
1. Anggota Badan Pengurus Harian Pangea Cruiser
Beginner Advance
Beginner Advance
R. Muhammad Marsetio Fitriadi
Puluhdadi, Plongkowati Street Blok D No. 9, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman Yogyakarta
Email : marse
Cover Le er
I am writing to you to show my interest and motivation in participating as open recruitment Sedimentology
Laboratory. I saw your advertisement from HMJ PANGEA UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.
I am undergoing program Bachelor Degree of Geological Engineer from UPN veteran Yogyakarta. I am so
Interested in volunteer at Structural Geology Laboratory areas. I was an active student during my study. I have served as
Member of Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan (HMJ) PANGEA UPN Veteran Yogyakarta (2014 - 2015) and I've passed the
Sedimentology lab in semester 3 (2014/2015)
My Specialiation are capable to take leader in the team with other characteristic of people, good teamwork, capable
to work with pressure, good skill of petroleum software, self motivated, can do attitude, like organization, very like new
experience, easy to catch task which given.
I am sure that I will be useful member of your team in Open Recruitment Sedimentology Laboratory held by
Sedimentology Laboratory. I am very excited to become an internship in Sedimentology Laboratory. I was able to work
under pressure, has high credibility, honesty, can do attitude, self motivated and discipline because it is my primary mode of
career. I want to share my knowledge of Sedimentology that may be to the younger Geology student UPN Veteran
Yogyakarta. I attached my Cv and Transcript for your review. I can be available for interview at your convenience. Thank
you for considering my application.