Steven C. Hackett Environmental and Natural Reso PDF
Steven C. Hackett Environmental and Natural Reso PDF
Steven C. Hackett Environmental and Natural Reso PDF
and Natural
Environmental Theory, Policy, and the
Sustainable Society
and Natural
Resources 3rd edition
Steven C. Hackett
Armonk, New York
London, England
Copyright 2006 by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the publisher, M.E. Sharpe, Inc.,
80 Business Park Drive, Armonk, New York 10504.
HD75.6.H33 2006
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BM (c) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
For Mary
Glossary 483
Index 511
About the Author 525
List of Tables and Figures
3.1 Hypothetical Example of a Consumers Marginal Utility
from Successive Quantities of Different Lunchtime Meal
Alternatives 44
3.2 Hypothetical Example of Restaurant Production in the
Short Run 48
3.3 Hypothetical Example of Daily Production, Cost, and Profit 48
3.4 Hypothetical Example of Daily Production, Cost, and Profit
When Menu Price Increases 49
4.1 Marginal Private, External, and Social Costs 74
4.2 External Costs (in Euro Cents) per Kilowatt-Hour of
Electricity Generated from Various Energy Sources 82
5.1 Strategic Form of the Prisoners Dilemma Game 124
6.1 Quota-Based Management Systems for Marine Capture
Fisheries 142
6.2 Effects of Derby Reduction, Resulting from IQ Fishery
Management, on the Seafood Processing Industry 145
7.1 Hypothetical PV of Costs and Benefits for Control of Sulfur
Dioxide Emissions 158
9.1 Sample Programs, EPA Partners for the Environment 238
10.1 Summary of Economic Instruments for Environmental
Protection and Resource Management 256
10.2 Hypothetical Example of an Industry with Heterogeneous
Marginal Abatement Costs 259
10.3 Hypothetical Industrywide Cost of Cutting Emissions by
One-Half Using a Uniform Performance-based Standard
(Command and Control) 261
Traditionally, economists learned very little about the environment, and en-
vironmental scientists and resource managers learned very little about eco-
nomics. Yet economic and environmental systems interact in many important
ways, and an increasing number of economists, scientists, and resource man-
agers are finding that they need to work in an interdisciplinary fashion in
order to understand these interactions and develop effective public policy.
This book provides a foundation for you to learn more about a wide variety
of problems and policies at the interface of economic and environmental
systems. Economic systems derive many valuable inputs (some commodified,
some free) from the ecological, hydrological, geological, atmospheric, and
other systems and processes of Earth. For example, essential ecosystem ser-
vices such as nutrient cycling, sink functions of wetlands, and the hydrologi-
cal cycle have economic value, and methods are being developed to measure
these values. Economic activity can have negative impacts on the functional
integrity of these natural systems and processes, though in some cases these
impacts can be substantially reduced or even eliminated through careful public
policy. Environmentally harmful activity can be reduced (or environmen-
tally benign activity can be increased) by changing the incentives of people
and businesses through the use of taxes, subsidies, ecolabels, deposit/refund
systems, and liability, or through the use of caps, bans, and technology stan-
dards. Markets for emission credits can be used in conjunction with emis-
sions caps to reduce the cost of compliance with environmental regulation.
While industry groups will oftentimes exert political influence to reduce or
overturn costly environmental regulations, under some circumstances firms
have an incentive to lobby to impose more stringent environmental regula-
tion on their industry. These are just a few of the topics addressed in this
book. As Berry (1987) observes, the thing that troubles us about the indus-
trial economy is exactly that it is not comprehensive enough, that, moreover,
it tends to destroy what it does not comprehend, and that it is dependent upon
much that it does not comprehend (pp. 5455). It is hoped that this book
will help introduce economists to relevant and important environmental is-
sues, and to help resource and environmental specialists develop a basic com-
petency in economics.
There are a number of themes covered in this book that usually come
together under the heading of environmental and natural resources econom-
ics, and there are some that are still new and developing. A primary focus of
this book is on environmental economics, which analyzes the economic ba-
sis for pollution problems, as well as the policies designed to resolve pollu-
tion. Much of the work in environmental economics studies the application
and performance of incentive regulatory practices, such as pollution taxes,
liability, or cap-and-trade systems. Some environmental economists also de-
velop or apply methods for estimating the benefits of environmental improve-
ments or the costs of pollution externalities. Others study the political economy
of environmental policy. Another important focus of this book is on natural
resource economics, which has traditionally addressed problems of govern-
ing common-pool natural resources, of finding dynamically optimal rates of
renewable or nonrenewable resource extraction, and of the workings of re-
source and energy markets. Fossil or renewable energy resources and policy
are an important area of study in natural resource economics. More recently
ecological economics has emerged as an area of study focused on under-
standing the economics of natural capital and the ecosystem goods and ser-
vices that flow from it. Another more recent area of inquiry, the economics of
a sustainable society, includes efforts at identifying, modeling, and measur-
ing the contribution of economic activities to a more sustainable society.
Sustainability studies focus on understanding the interactions between
economy, community, and environment over the long term, and on using this
information to fashion policies that move us closer to a sustainable society.
While some of these topics are complex, the book is also designed to be
accessible to readers who may have little in the way of an economics back-
ground, but who possess a compensatory motivation to learn.
There are threads of economic theory that connect the various chapters of
this book. One of these is the principle of pollution taxation, first introduced
with externality theory in chapter 4. Various policy experiments in pollution
taxation are described in chapter 10. More ambitious programs of ecological
tax reform that call for a comprehensive shifting of taxes from beneficial
activities such as employment to pollution and resource degradation are de-
scribed in chapter 13. Another thread is the concept of dynamic efficiency,
which is an adaptation of static efficiency concepts to resource allocation
problems over multiple time periods into the future. The theoretical concept
is developed with regard to nonrenewable resources in chapter 5 and is also
applied to benefit/cost analysis in chapter 7. The concept arises again in chapter
13, where it is related to the challenge of making sustainability policy today
that generates benefit and cost flows in the future. Related to the concept of
dynamic efficiency, Hotelling rents occur when future demand for a scarce
and depletable resource is reflected in current prices and represent the differ-
ence between the price and the marginal extraction cost of a resource. A
theoretical model is developed in chapter 5 and applied again in chapter 14,
where it is shown how reinvestment of Hotelling rents contributes to
sustainability. Finally, the problem of governing common-pool resources (re-
sources such as fisheries that are used by multiple people and are subject to
depletion from overuse), first presented as a theoretical concept in chapter 5,
is revisited in application to marine capture fisheries in chapter 6, and again
in chapter 16 in the context of self-governance of localized common-pool
The section that follows introduces some basic economic concepts. This
section will help build a conceptual foundation for those who are new to
economics. Readers with a prior background in economics may find it to be
a useful review.
Fundamental Concepts
provide for all that is wanted. The condition of scarcity implies that not all
goals can be attained at the same time. While some aspects of scarcity are
social constructs, or are created or heightened by advertising, others are un-
avoidable aspects of life.
Examples of scarce resources:
alternative that had to be given up. Everything that is scarce and so requires
an allocation choice has an opportunity cost. We can evaluate the rationality
of a particular choice by comparing the benefits that it generates relative to
its opportunity cost. Economic rationality, as the term is used in this book,
refers to behavior that is intended to be consistent with the values and objec-
tives of the decision maker, given the information that is available to the
decision maker. Or more simply, economic rationality refers to choices made
in the context of scarcity where the benefits to the decision maker are per-
ceived to exceed cost. There are several issues that should be addressed at
this point. First, rational and reasonable do not mean the same thing. One
persons rational choice may not seem reasonable to another who does not
share the same values. Second, underlying the notion of economic rational-
ity is the view that people (and economic organizations) are optimizers who
have the objective of maximizing net value. In the context of markets, for
example, consumer theory starts from the premise that consumers wish to
maximize their overall level of satisfaction, or utility, as constrained by their
income and by market prices, while firms wish to maximize their profits.
From an economic point of view, however, optimizing behavior is not lim-
ited to market exchanges designed to improve material well-being; to think
that is to confuse optimization with self-interest. Optimization more gener-
ally involves the process of ranking alternative uses of ones time, energy,
attention, resources, or income based on a particular set of values and prefer-
ences, and then selecting the alternative that yields the greatest increase in
net value. Thus, allocating scarce time and energy as a volunteer, a voter, or
an activist can be entirely rational, optimizing behavior for those who care a
great deal about their community.
The concepts of scarcity and opportunity cost can be illustrated in a pro-
duction possibilities frontier (PPF). In the simple illustrative example given
in Figure 1.1, we have an economy that has a set of resources (land, labor,
capital) that can be used to produce various combinations of food and cloth-
ing outputs.
The PPF in Figure 1.1 represents all the possible combinations of food and
clothing that can be produced in a given time period when available resources
are fully and efficiently employed. When resources are wasted, such as when
discrimination results in women being unable to obtain certain types of jobs
for which they are qualified, we are inside rather than on the PPF, such as at
point A in Figure 1.1. As we move along a PPF and increase the production of
one good, such as clothing, we must shift resources away from producing the
other good, food. The opportunity cost of a given increase in clothing is re-
flected in the amount of food (and the value we place on it) that is given up to
produce more clothing. For example, the movement from point B to point D
along the PPF in Figure 1.1 results in an increase in clothing and a correspond-
ing decrease in food. The bowed-out shape of the PPF is based on the idea
that the economic resources used to produce food and clothing are at least
somewhat specialized. As a result, each additional unit of clothing production
entails a larger and larger opportunity cost, as resources that are more produc-
tively deployed for food production are redirected to clothing production. In
economics this is referred to as the Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost. Out-
ward shifts in the PPF occur when more resources are available or when better
technologies are developed that increase the productivity of a given resource.
Preferences for food and clothing determine which combination along the
frontier is produced in this highly simplified economy.
So what situations do not have an economic dimension? The answer is
those things that are not scarce. Value systems, love, friendship, aspects of
culture, and spirituality are, or at least can be, outside of economics because
it is not clear that they are subject to scarcity. The range of possible thoughts
and ideas is also not subject to scarcity, though it is clear that a persons
cognitive capacities are scarce and thus subject to economics. Moreover, the
assertion that economics is fundamental to the human experience does not
necessarily imply that economists can measure and model everything of value
that is affected by environmental and natural resources policy. In addition,
In terms of trends there are reasons for both optimism and concern. Lets
first consider some reasons for being optimistic regarding economics and the
One reason for being optimistic is that regulations such as the Clean Air Act
and its amendments have led to substantial progress being made in reducing
nationwide emissions of the key air pollutants. For example, the U.S. Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported that between 1983 and 2002
emissions of nitrogen oxides fell by 15 percent, emissions of volatile organic
compounds fell by 40 percent, emissions of sulfur dioxide fell by 33 percent,
emissions of carbon monoxide fell by 41 percent, and emissions of lead fell
by 93 percent. Moreover, there is evidence that our investment in clean air
has generated substantial net economic benefits as well. In their benefit/cost
analysis on the Clean Air Act, the EPA found that over the period from 1970
to 1990, each dollar of compliance cost generated approximately $44.40 in
economic benefits, largely from improved human health (U.S. EPA 1997).
Another reason for optimism is the decline in toxic releases since the ini-
tiation of the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Program. Specifically, the Emer-
gency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 requires firms
to report releases of many different toxic chemicals. Emissions of the toxic
chemicals originally included in the inventory declined by 55 percent be-
tween 1988 and 2001. Moreover, new chemicals and new facilities have been
added to the inventory, and total output of the industries covered by the TRI
has increased by 40 percent since 1991 (Pacific Research Institute website).
Analysis by Maxwell, Lyon, and Hackett (2000) indicates that beginning in
1989 there was a highly significant downward shift in the relationship be-
tween the value of manufacturing output and toxic releases, indicating cleaner
The increasing cost-effectiveness of reducing sulfur dioxide emissions in
the EPAs Acid Rain Program offers another reason for optimism. As de-
scribed in greater detail in chapter 10, the Acid Rain Program includes a novel
approach to regulation that allows firms with lower cleanup costs to contract to
perform cleanup for firms with very high cleanup costs. This market contract-
ing process occurs in the context of a substantial overall reduction in allowed
sulfur dioxide emissions. Carlson et al. (1998) estimate that allowance trading
in the Acid Rain Program achieved cost savings of $700 million to $800 mil-
lion a year over what could have been expected from a command and control
program with a uniform emission-rate standard.
Optimists have had their positions supported by the failure of the pre-
dictions regarding the exhaustion of many important nonrenewable re-
sources provided by Meadows et al. (1972). In their publication Limits to
Growth (1972), Meadows et al. applied an exponential function for resource
consumption to the known reserves of various energy and mineral resources.
These analysts arrived at the conclusion that resources such as copper, gold,
lead, mercury, natural gas, petroleum, silver, tin, and zinc would all be
fully depleted by the year 2000. Petroleum provides about 40 percent of
the worlds energy, and the prospect that we were going to run out brought
substantial attention to the Club of Rome. In fact, none of these predictions
actually came true. One factor that was not addressed in the analysis was
the prospect of exploration and discovery of new reserves. For example,
the worlds proven petroleum reserves nearly doubled between the time of
the analysis and 1994, and estimates of world recoverable reserves increased
from 600 billion barrels in 1940 to as much as 2.3 trillion billion in 1995
(Campbell 1995). The 1973 OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries) oil embargo resulted in higher prices, which in turn spurred
exploration and development of new reserves. Another factor is techno-
logical progress that lowers the cost of extraction and so tends to increase
reserves. A third factor is the ability to substitute more abundant resources
for those that become extremely scarce and expensive. These issues are
discussed in greater detail in chapter 5.
Another reason for optimism is that there is relatively little evidence in
favor of pollution havendriven trade. In their comprehensive review of the
literature on environmental regulation and international trade, Copeland and
Taylor (2004) refer to the idea that a tightening up of pollution regulation
will, at the margin, have an effect on plant location decisions and trade
flows as the pollution haven effect (p. 9). In other words, pollution regula-
tion, along with many other factors, influences the pattern of international
trade. They note that this idea derives from economic theory and is sup-
ported by recent empirical research. Copeland and Taylor use the term pol-
lution haven hypothesis to describe the notion that free (liberalized) trade
will result in pollution-intensive industry shifting from countries with strin-
gent regulations to countries with weaker regulations. They note that eco-
nomic theory does not strongly support the pollution haven hypothesis be-
cause many other factors, in addition to pollution regulation, affect trade
flows. Moreover, Copeland and Taylor note that there is little convincing
evidence to support the pollution-haven hypothesis. While there is evidence
of a pollution-haven effect, it is only one of many factors that determine trade
patterns, and there is no evidence that it is the dominant factor (p. 67).
Finally, while there have been localized job losses, such as at lumber mills
dependent upon timber sales from national forests where harvests have been
reduced, the evidence generally suggests that there is little to no national-
level trade-off between jobs and environmental protection. It has been ar-
gued that environmental protection measures have led to widespread shutdown
of manufacturing plants, encouraged the flight of U.S. manufacturing over-
seas, and reduced domestic investment in new jobs by hampering productiv-
ity growth. In fact, the aggregate data suggest that environmental regulations
have not been a major source of aggregate job losses. The U.S. Department
of Labor has compiled information on layoffs in which employers are asked
to list the primary cause of layoffs. During the period from 1990 to 2000,
for example, employers blamed environmental regulations as the leading
cause of mass layoffs in less than 0.12 percent of all mass layoffs nationwide
(Bureau of Labor Statistics website).
In the Pacific Northwest (including northwestern California) the impact
of logging on the environment has been a major ideological issue dividing
communities in the region. In 1994 President Clinton approved the North-
west Forest Plan, which protected spotted owl habitat by reducing logging
by more than 80 percent on federal lands in the region. Social divisions in
the region have been worsened by long-term timber-related job losses, with
questions raised about the extent to which environmental restrictions or
market-driven economic restructuring of the industry are to blame. In a
study designed to address this question, the U.S. Forest Service (2005)
reports that 30,000 timber-related jobs were lost in the Pacific Northwest
region between 1990 and 2000, and of this total, 11,000 occurred after
1994. According to this draft Forest Service report, only 400 of the 11,000
timber jobs lost in the Pacific Northwest since 1994 can be directly attrib-
utable to reduced logging activity under the Northwest Forest Plan. The
vast majority of timber-related job losses in the region, according to this
report, are attributable to economic restructuring in the timber industry
that would have occurred regardless of the Northwest Forest Plans restric-
tions. Most of these job losses have been focused in heavily impacted tim-
ber-dependent rural communities, many of which still have not recovered
from the economic restructuring of the timber industry. As the authors of
the draft report note:
While there have been many notable environmental success stories in the
United States and elsewhere, there are also many reasons for concern. One
reason for concern is the potential for catastrophic change in the global cli-
mate because the increased burning of fossil fuels creates so-called green-
house gases that trap heat and may warm the earths biosphere. As described
in much greater detail in chapter 11, possible scenarios include rising sea
levels and inundation of populous low-lying areas such as the Ganges and
Nile Deltas, and desertification of vital cereal grainproducing areas, both of
which would result in mass hunger and dislocation as well as a more rapid
loss of biodiversity. Some degree of action on carbon dioxide emissions is
justified as a type of insurance premium in the context of uncertain but po-
tentially large future impacts. Yet while the benefits of controlling green-
house gas emissions remain uncertain, diffuse, international in scope, and
cast in the future, the costs of such control are easier to calculate, threaten
our lifestyles, and are cast in the present, which makes it politically difficult
to enact meaningful greenhouse gas control policy.
Another reason for concern is the continued loss of habitat for many of the
worlds species of animals and plants. Balmford et al. (2002) estimated that
between 1992 and 2002 the worlds biomes experienced a mean annual de-
cline of 1.2 percent. As a consequence, the capacity of natural systems to
deliver goods and services upon which we depend is decreasingly markedly
(p. 952). They estimate that this mean annual decline in the worlds biomes
costs the human enterprise, in net terms, on the order of $250 billion (p.
952). In other words, the economic gain from land conversion is outweighed
by the lost value of the ecosystem goods and services. Balmford et al. con-
tend that there are three reasons why economically inefficient habitat con-
version continues: (1) we lack information on the quantity and the value of
the ecosystem goods and services provided by wildlands; (2) the major ben-
efits associated with retaining intact natural systems are external to market
systems; (3) perverse government tax and subsidy policies exaggerate the
private benefits from land conversion. They argue that globally, the subset of
subsidies that are both economically and ecologically perverse totals between
$950 billion and $1.95 trillion each year.
Finally, many of the worlds environmental and natural resources prob-
lems are linked to failures of democratic process and empowerment, dispro-
portionate consumption of resources by the rich, and large numbers of very
poor people living in fragile environments. Very poor regions and countries
are the least resilient to stresses and shocks such as prolonged droughts and
political instabilities. With few options, the response to these shocks often
leads to intensified deforestation, farming on unstable slopes and nutrient-
poor rain forest soils, and other forms of resource degradation as well as
migration to crowded and highly polluted urban areas. Poor and politically
disenfranchised people are subjected to massive environmental degradation
in places such as Ogoniland in Nigeria. Two-thirds of the worlds illiterate
people are women, and there is a strong inverse relationship between womens
educational attainment and fertility, and yet worldwide female illiteracy rates
actually increased from 58 percent in 1960 to 66 percent in 1985.
What inference can we draw from these examples of policy successes and
areas of concern? Clearly we have made some progress, and environmental
and natural resources economics has played a role in some of those suc-
cesses. Just as clearly, we are faced with enormous challenges worthy of our
best efforts.
This book is divided into three parts. Part I introduces basic concepts about
the role of values and ethics in economics and public policy, the economics
of market allocation, externality theory, natural resource economics, and an
application to marine capture fisheries management and policy. We will learn
that indeed there is an unavoidable subjective element to how we rank the
choices that are available to us with regard to the environment. We will ex-
plore the economics of market capitalism, and learn about the conditions
After a brief introduction, the material begins with a chapter covering the
linkages between poverty, growth in population and economic activity, and
the integrity of environmental and resource systems. Once we develop a
basic understanding of how social, economic, and environmental factors
interact, we will then discuss policies that are better targeted at improving
and sustaining the quality of peoples lives over time. One example is the
movement for sustainable development, which is the subject of an entire
chapter. Making sustainable development operational calls for methods
and strategies for sustainable production and consumption. Particular at-
tention is paid to the economics of renewable energy resources and tech-
nologies, and policies designed to promote more sustainable production
and consumption. The final chapter investigates concepts, methods, and
case studies related to sustainable local communities. Special attention will
be paid to linkages between local people and the local common-pool natu-
ral resource systems on which they depend.
It is hoped that this book fosters not only a better understanding of
economics and the environment but also an appreciation of the challenges
and rewards of forming environmental and resource policy in a diverse
Internet Links
Pearce, D., and J. Warford. 1993. World Without End: Economics, Environment, and
Sustainable Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Porter, M. 1991. Americas Green Strategy, Scientific American 264: 168.
Power, T. 1995. Economic Well-Being and Environmental Protection in the Pacific
Northwest: A Consensus Report by Pacific Northwest Economists. Missoula: Uni-
versity of Montana.
. 1996. Environmental Protection and Economic Well-Being: The Economic
Pursuit of Quality. 2nd ed. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1997. The Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air
Act, 19701990. Washington, DC: U.S. EPA.
U.S. Forest Service. 2005. Northwest Forest Plan: The First Ten Years, Socioeco-
nomic Monitoring Results, Volume I: Key Findings. Available at
Value Systems and
Economic Systems
Societies are frequently confronted with policy decisions that must be made
because of scarcity. Examples include the allocation of budget monies and
the management of public land, water, and wildlife. These policy decisions
affect both human and nonhuman communities. Because of scarcity, any
choice made by policymakers will have an opportunity cost. What are the
values that will be used to rank policy alternatives? From an economic
point of view, a decision is good when it generates net value that exceeds
the opportunity cost. Yet different value systems will lead to a different
ranking of alternatives and so will provide different answers to the ques-
tion of which course of action is best. As you can see, in order to make
good economic decisions we need value systems to rank alternatives. When
individuals make choices in the context of scarcity they are guided by their
own values and preferences, as well as by those of their culture. In order to
make public policy decisions that serve the interests of the public, how-
ever, the economic and political aspects of policy making must embody
societys shared or dominant values, or aggregate individual values and
preferences. This is one reason why social institutions, such as those that
provide the structure for political and economic choices and interactions,
embody the shared or dominant values of the societies from which they
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with moral duty and
ideal human character. Morals are defined to be principles of right and wrong,
of good and bad. Ethical systems either describe particular shared values, or
provide a method for arriving at an aggregation of individual values and
preferences. Different ethical systems lead to different economic choices.
There are two traditional classes of ethics, deontological and teleological,
which are described below.
Deontological Ethics
Teleological Ethics
Telos is a Greek term for end or purpose. Under teleological systems of eth-
ics, an action is judged not by its intrinsic value but by the extent to which
the action has instrumental value in providing advancement toward a desir-
able end. If an action is instrumental in yielding a desirable end, then gener-
ally the action itself is ethical. Thus the ethical focus is on goals rather than
actions. Central to teleological systems is the notion of consequentialism,
which argues that the moral worth of actions or practices is determined solely
by the consequences of the actions or the practices (Beauchamp and Bowie
1979). This ethical system was advocated by Aristotle and later by religious
philosophers exploring natural law ethics and utilitarian philosophers such
as David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, and John Stuart Mill. To avoid the obvi-
ous criticism that under teleological ethics the end justifies the means,
Aristotle argued that one must instead look at each individual action and
justify it in terms of its own goal. Of the various teleological ethical tradi-
tions, the one most relevant to environmental and natural resources econom-
ics is utilitarianism.
Under this system of teleological ethics, the merits of an action (e.g., a
social policy) are evaluated by considering the total benefits (utility) and the
total costs (disutility) created by the action for human society. Under act
utilitarianism a social rule is followed if, after adding up the utility and the
disutility the rule will cause for all members of society, the net utility is
positive. Thus this rule is sometimes imprecisely characterized as providing
the greatest good for the greatest number. This is not always true, however,
because it is possible that the utilitarian-ethical policy will generate large
benefits to a few and very small costs to many. Another problem with utili-
tarianism is that it can be used to impose the tyranny of the majority. Act
utilitarianism can therefore be used to justify throwing a virgin into a vol-
cano if it is believed that such an act will save a village from the ravages of
an eruption. Utilitarian ethics is teleological because the merit of a rule is
judged by its effect, or ends, rather than by the intrinsic rightness of the act
itself independent of any possible outcome or end.
Utilitarian principles are prominent in contemporary policy analysis. In
diverse societies where people cannot agree on the intrinsic merits of certain
actions, as is required by systems of deontological ethics, utilitarianism of-
fers an alternative that provides for the weighing of aggregate policy impacts
across diverse elements of society.
cause it was based on an abstract moral theory rather than on the unhappi-
ness, misery, or disutility a crime caused to other members of society. Thus
in Benthams view the punishments prescribed by law should be proportion-
ate to the disutility created by the crime and not based on notions of intrinsic
rightness or morality. In his book Principles of Morals and Legislation (1790),
Bentham described utility as the principle that approves or disapproves of
actions according to their tendency to increase or decrease an individuals
pleasure. Bentham was a hedonist and so believed that pleasure is the only
intrinsic good or end against which acts are to be evaluated. As W.H. Auden
(1962) observed, pleasure is by no means an infallible critical guide, but it
is the least fallible.
While Smith argued in Wealth of Nations that in many commercial con-
texts the social welfare was best met through the invisible hand of the mar-
ket, Bentham identified conditions in which members of society needed to
act collectively to resolve social problems such as disease, waterworks, and
so forth. These were rather radical ideas at the time. Benthams notion of
utilitarianism is conceptually very simple: Suppose that each person in soci-
ety is affected by a set of possible policy options. For each option, the utility
gains to those benefiting from the policy, as well as the disutility (utility
losses) to those being harmed by the policy, are to be added up to arrive at net
social utility. The utilitarian-ethical policy is the one that maximizes net so-
cial utility relative to all the other options under consideration. Bentham there-
fore conceived of what we now call cardinal utility, which means that pain
and pleasure can be reduced to a positive or a negative number for each
person, and the social engineer can measure these numbers and simply add
them up. Therefore, one persons unhappiness with a policy yields a utility
number that can be directly compared to the utility number for someone
elses happiness. As you can see, the concept of cardinal utility is based on
the notion that utility is objectively measurable and comparable across indi-
viduals. From a mathematical perspective social utility is computed using
something called a social utility function. Utilitarian policy analysis calls for
the computation of net social utility for each of the new policies under con-
sideration, and the utilitarian-ethical policy option is the one (if any) that
generates the largest increase in net social utility relative to the status quo.
Note that status quo means the current way of doing things.
Amartya Sen (1987) reduced utilitarianism to three fundamental elements:
assessed by looking only at the sum total of all the individual utilities
associated with the rule. In other words, in evaluating a proposed rule,
utilitarianism requires that we add up the utilities and the disutilities
that it creates among all members of society.
Consequentialism: Every rule choice must ultimately be evaluated by
the goodness of the consequent state of affairs (the ends it moves us
toward). In other words, under utilitarianism the ethical policy is the
one that generates policy outcomes (ends) that lead to the largest net
social utility.
Utilitarianism also allows for the evaluation of efficiency. There are two
different efficiency criteria commonly used by economists for evaluating social
The Pareto efficiency criterion is named after Vilfredo Pareto, an early
economist, and it imposes a stringent requirement for any change from the
status quo. As an example, suppose there are five policy alternatives to the
status quo being considered. In order to determine whether any of them is
Pareto efficient we must evaluate the impacts of each policy alternative on
every member of society. If a policy alternative makes any member of soci-
ety worse off than under the status quo, then that policy alternative is elimi-
nated from further consideration. Continuing our example, suppose that four
of the five policy alternatives are eliminated because they make one or more
members of society worse off relative to the status quo. Thus there is only
one policy alternative that makes some people better off and nobody worse
off than under the status quo. This policy alternative is said to be Pareto
efficient relative to the status quo.
Unfortunately, few real-world policy alternatives can pass the Pareto cri-
terion since it is so difficult to assure that nobody is made worse off than
under the status quo. Because of this, economists consider the Pareto effi-
ciency criterion to be biased toward preserving the status quo. This can cre-
ate a serious social conflict when many in society see the status quo as being
unethical from a deontological perspective. A historically important example
is slavery in the United States. Slavery was widely seen in the North as being
unethical from a deontological perspective, but a policy alternative of ending
slavery would make slave owners worse off than under the status quo, and
thus would have failed the Pareto efficiency criterion. These arguments may
help you understand why the Pareto efficiency criterion is rarely used in
policy analysis.
An alternative approach that is more widely used is simply to rank policy
alternatives based on net social utility, as originally conceived by the utilitar-
ians, and to do away with the requirement that nobody be made worse off
relative to the status quo. This less rigorous efficiency criterion was pro-
posed by economists Kaldor (1939) and Hicks (1939). Going back to our
original example of five policy alternatives to the status quo, we would no
longer eliminate four of the five because they made some members of soci-
ety worse off. Instead, according to the Kaldor-Hicks efficiency criterion, we
must compute net social utility (adding up the gains and the losses for each
member of society) for each policy alternative to the status quo. The policy
alternative that generates the largest gain in net social utility is the Kaldor-
Hicks-efficient policy alternative. This also corresponds with the utilitarian-
ethical policy alternative.
The Kaldor-Hicks efficiency criterion is sometimes referred to as being
potentially Pareto efficient because the potential exists for those made better
off under a policy change to compensate those made worse off and thus
share the net benefits with all members of society. We actually see crude
attempts at this sort of compensation scheme in certain social policies that
make some people worse off. For example, consider the Clinton admini-
strations preservation scheme for the northern spotted owl, which limited
the harvest of old-growth trees and thus made some local timber-dependent
communities in the Pacific Northwest worse off. The Northwest Economic
Adjustment Initiative, an element of the Northwest Forest Plan, allocated
$1.2 billion in general tax dollars to retrain dislocated workers, assist local
businesses, diversify the economy of the region, enhance community infra-
structure and technical capacity, and restore watersheds and create short-
term jobs through a Jobs in the Woods program. If those made worse off
under a policy alternative that is Kaldor-Hicks efficient could be fully com-
pensated, then the policy alternative would also satisfy the Pareto efficiency
As you may have guessed, it is not possible to directly compare one persons
level of utility to that of another, and thus to construct a true social utility
function as envisioned by the classical utilitarian philosophers. Because of
this, economists and others who wish to rank policies based on a utilitarian
ethic usually approximate utility and disutility with estimates of monetary
benefits and costs. The implicit assumption is that since a dollar is a measure
of value in markets, the utility that one person can derive from a dollar (in
terms of the available goods and services that can be purchased with the
dollar) is the same as that of another. While this is a convenient assumption
that allows economists to conduct benefit/cost analysis, there is no reason to
believe it is true. In fact, many economists believe that the utility that a per-
son derives from the purchasing power of a dollar declines as the persons
income rises. In other words, a dollar creates less of a utility gain to a billion-
aire than to a homeless mother with a hungry child. We will discuss these
One of the central dilemmas that all societies must confront is how to main-
tain social order and thus balance the sometimes conflicting imperatives of
self-interest and the common good. Hobbs (1651, p. 2728), for example,
argued that unless there exists a common power to keep people in awe,
the natural state of human society is one of war and conflict:
Hereby it is manifest that during the time men live without a common
power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called
war; and such a war as is of every man against every man. Whatsoever
therefore is consequent to a time of war, where every man is enemy to
every man, the same consequent to the time wherein men live without other
security than what their own strength and their own invention shall furnish
them withal. In such condition there is no place for industry, because the
fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navi-
gation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no com-
modious building; no instruments of moving and removing such things as
require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of
time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual
fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty,
brutish, and short.
If we assume for a moment that Hobbs is right, then what is this common
power that keeps people in awe and prevents violent and destructive con-
flict? Some argue that this is the role of religion. As Fukuyama (1999) ar-
gues, in Western society, Christianity first established the principle of the
universality of human dignity, a principle that was brought down from the
heavens and turned into a secular doctrine of universal human equality by
the Enlightenment (p. 80). Others, such as sociologist Max Weber, argue
that social order in an industrialized society must come from the rational
bureaucracy of a strong centralized government.
It should be pointed out, however, that self-interest and the common
good are not always in conflict, and that war and conflict may not be our
natural state. As you will learn in greater detail in chapter 3, Adam Smith
argued that self-interested interaction in a well-functioning competitive
market will yield outcomes that are consistent with the common good.
Moreover, it is argued that many small preindustrial communities around
the world were self-organizing and thus did not need external religious or
bureaucratic structures.
In the case of social order in modern industrial society, Fukuyama (1999,
p. 58) observes:
The modern liberal state was premised on the notion that in the interests of
political peace, government would not take sides among the differing moral
claims made by religion and traditional culture. Church and State were to
be kept separate; there would be pluralism in opinions about the most im-
portant moral and ethical questions, concerning ultimate ends or the nature
of the good. Tolerance would become the cardinal virtue; in place of moral
consensus would be a transparent framework of law and institutions that
produced political order. Such a political system did not require that people
be particularly virtuous; they need only be rational and follow the law in
their own self-interest.
Private Property
Every man has a Property in his own Person. . . . The Labor of his Body,
and the Work of his Hands, we may say, are properly his. Whatsoever then
he removes out of the State that Nature hath provided, and left it in, he hath
mixed his Labor with, and joined to it something that is his own, and thereby
makes it his Property. It being by him removed from the common state
nature placed it in, hath by this Labor something annexed to it, that ex-
cluded the common right of other Men. . . . [Y]et there are still great Tracts
of Ground to be found, which (the Inhabitants thereof not having joyned
with the rest of Mankind, in the consent of Use of their common Money)
lie wasts, and are more than the People, who dwell on it, do, or can make
use of, and so still lie in common.
ety, and the private property rights systems that are its foundation, alienate
people from nature, lead to greater and greater inequality, and ultimately are
responsible for wars and other destructive conflicts. The transformation from
the early natural state to contemporary civil society occurred as human en-
lightenment led to the refinement of skills for the modification of nature. Per-
haps following Locke, Rousseau saw the introduction of private property as
occurring when a person applied his or her skill to create something of value
from nature, such as a hut or shelter. Family societies formed around these
dwellings and were bound together by mutual attachment and freedom. Spe-
cialization and teamwork in hunting and gathering led in turn to abundant
leisure time, which could be filled by the development of tools and other con-
veniences. This is the point at which Rousseau first sees the evils of civil soci-
ety, as tools and other conveniences degenerated into real needs, . . . and men
were unhappy to lose them without being happy to possess them (p. 67).
Rousseau (pp. 7072) goes on to argue that:
To the poet it is gold and silver, but to the philosopher it is iron and grain that
made men civilized and brought on the downfall of the human race. . . . When
men were needed for smelting and forging iron, others had to feed them. . . .
Since the artisans required food in exchange for their iron, the others finally
found means of using iron to increase the amount of food available. . . . The
division of land necessarily followed from its cultivation, and once property
had been recognized it gave rise to the first rules of justice. . . . It is work alone
that gives a farmer title to the produce of the land he has tilled, and conse-
quently to the land itself. . . . If this possession is continued uninterruptedly
from year to year, it is easily transformed into ownership. When the ancients,
says Grotius, called Ceres the lawgiver and gave the name Thesmaphoria to
a festival celebrated in her honor, they implied that the division of land had
produced a new kind of right: the right of property, different from that which
derives from natural law. . . . Things in this state might have remained equal if
abilities had been equal. . . . It is thus that natural inequality [skills, effort, etc.]
gradually becomes accentuated by inequalities of exchange, and differences
among men, developed by differences in circumstances, became more notice-
able and more permanent in their efforts, and begin to influence the fate of
individuals in the same proportion.
So what is the nature of our economy, and what should we do to change it? In
responding to these questions, it is useful to consider an illustrative example.
Suppose that policymakers are considering taxing products whose produc-
tion or consumption generates pollution. Two questions that arise are: (1)
what can we expect to be the observable effects of this tax in the short and
long term, and (2) should we do it?
Economics has two methodologically distinct branches that speak to these
questions. Positive economics is a method of analysis based on the Western sci-
entific tradition of modeling the world and then subjecting these models to em-
pirical testing using data from out there in the world. A set of best methods for
empirical research has evolved that allows for internal and external validation of
these models. Consequently, economists can broadly agree on how good a posi-
tive economic model is by how well the data support it. Modeling improves
through a process of scientific evolution in which weak and falsified models are
sloughed off. Thus positive economics seeks to explain the observable. Because
the real world is hopelessly more complex than we can ever hope to model com-
prehensively, a positive analyst must focus on what are thought to be the most
important elements of the phenomenon being studied. The selection process by
which researchers determine what is important enough to include in their models
and what can be ignored is subject to normative interpretation, deriving in part
from the culture and the values of the research community, as well as the role of
the researcher in that community.
As an example, positive economic analysis might use empirical methods
to estimate the impacts of a pollution tax on electricity prices, electricity
consumption, and pollution emissions. But what of the myriad other effects
of the tax, the values of which are difficult to measure, compare, and agree
on? For example, one might argue that the value of protecting personal lib-
erty exceeds the net benefits of remediating pollution. Another might argue
that knowingly allowing firms pollution to harm people without compensa-
tion is unethical to such a degree that pollution should be taxed even if the
net benefits of remediating pollution are negative. Normative economics is
about identifying what a person, a firm, or a society should do. Note that a
norm is defined as a rule or an authoritative standard. Economic policy rec-
ommendations are a form of normative analysis, and such an analysis is how
economists would try to answer the second question above.
In the next chapter we will learn about how a pure system of market capital-
ism answers the three fundamental economic questions.
1. The Endangered Species Act calls for the protection and recovery of
listed species independent of cost. It has been argued that the act needs to be
modified to incorporate benefit/cost analysis.
4. In his book Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith (1759; p. 25) says: And
hence it is, that to feel much for others and little for ourselves, that to restrain
our selfish, and to indulge our benevolent affections, constitutes the perfec-
tion of human nature. Compare that statement to this famous quote from
Smiths Wealth of Nations: by directing that industry in such a manner as its
produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is
in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end
which was no part of his intention. . . . By pursuing his own interest he
frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really
intends to promote it. I have never known much good done by those who
affected to trade for the public good. Can you reconcile these two state-
ments from Smith? For example, is Smith suggesting that the morality of
self-interest depends on the context, or that the ends (the public good) justify
the means? As a take-home assignment you can read both books on-line at
the Internet link below.
Internet Links
Aristotle. 1984. The Nicomachean Ethics. In The Complete Works of Aristotle, ed. J.
Barnes. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Auden, W.H. 1962. The Dyers Hand, and Other Essays by W.H. Auden. New York:
Random House.
Beauchamp, T., and N. Bowie. 1979. Ethical Theory and Business. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
Bentham, J. 1790. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Ox-
ford: Clarendon Press.
Carter, J., and M. Irons. 1991. Are Economists Different, and If So, Why? Journal
of Economic Perspectives 5 (Spring): 17177.
Devall, B. 1988. Simple in Means, Rich in Ends. Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith.
Devall, B., and G. Sessions. 1985. Deep Ecology: Living As If Nature Mattered. Salt
Lake City: Peregrine Smith.
Ekelund, R., and R. Hebert. 1983. A History of Economic Theory and Method. 2nd
ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Frank, R., T. Gilovich, and D. Regan. 1993. Does Studying Economics Inhibit Co-
operation? Journal of Economic Perspectives 7 (Spring): 15972.
Fukuyama, F. 1999. The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of
Social Order. Atlantic Monthly 283: 5580.
Hicks, J. 1939. The Foundations of Welfare Economics. Economic Journal 49:
Hobbs, T. 1651. Leviathan. Reprinted in Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes, ed. R. Tuck.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Kahneman, D., J. Knetsch, and R. Thaler. 1986. Fairness and the Assumptions of
Economics. Journal of Business 59 (October, part 2): s285s300.
Kaldor, N. 1939. Welfare Propositions in Economics. Economic Journal 49:
Kant, I. 1785. The Categorical Imperative. In Foundations of the Metaphysics of
Morals, tr. Lewis Beck. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1959. Reprinted
in Thinking About the Environment, ed. M. Cahn and R. OBrien. Armonk, NY:
M.E. Sharpe, 1996.
Locke, J. 1690. Two Treatises on Government. Reprinted in Thinking About the
Environment: Readings on Politics, Property, and the Physical World, ed. M.
Cahn and R. OBrien. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1996.
Marwell, G., and R. Ames. 1981. Economists Free Ride, Does Anyone Else? Experi-
ments on the Provision of Public Goods, IV. Journal of Public Economics 15
(June): 295310.
OBrien, R. 1996. Law, Property, and the Environment: An Introduction. In Think-
ing about the Environment: Readings on Politics, Property, and the Physical World,
ed. M. Cahn and R. OBrien. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
Piderit, J. 1993. The Ethical Foundations of Economics. Washington, DC: Georgetown
University Press.
Putnam, R. 1993. Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Rawls, J. 1971. A Theory of Justice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Rousseau, J-J. 1755. Discourse on the Origin and Foundation of Inequality Among
Mankind. Reprinted in Thinking about the Environment: Readings on Politics,
Property, and the Physical World, ed. M. Cahn and R. OBrien. Armonk, NY:
M.E. Sharpe, 1996.
Sen, A. 1987. On Ethics and Economics. New York: Basil Blackwell.
Smith, A., 1759. The Theory of Moral Sentiments. London: A. Millar.
Yezer, A., R. Goldfarb, and P. Poppen. 1996. Does Studying Economics Discourage
Cooperation? Watch What We Do, Not What We Say or How We Play. Journal of
Economic Perspectives 10 (Winter): 17786.uu/
The Economics of
Market Allocation
Market Capitalism
nity or government control. While in all systems other than slave states, indi-
viduals own their own labor, under capitalism individuals rather than gov-
ernments or collectives also own the other factors of productionland and
capital. Thus the three economic questions identified in chapter 2(1) what
to produce, (2) how to produce, and (3) for whom goods and services are
producedare answered under capitalism by (1) goods and services de-
manded by the consumer, (2) using the least-cost production technology,
and (3) those consumers with the willingness to pay. A central tenet of neo-
classical microeconomic theory is that a well-functioning competitive mar-
ket in equilibrium is efficient. This result serves as the theoretical foundation
for normative arguments about the merits of the market system of allocation.
But what conditions must be met in order to have a well-functioning com-
petitive market?
There are probably no real-world markets that perfectly satisfy these require-
ments. It has sometimes been argued that certain agricultural and natural
resource commodity markets come closest. Market failure occurs when one
or more of the above conditions for a well-functioning competitive market
are not met in a substantial way. We will discuss this in detail below. Before
we address market failure, however, we need to consider the concepts of
market demand and supply, equilibrium, and efficiency.
Market Demand
Table 3.1
per week Marginal Utility
Pizza slice Sub Egg roll Burrito
1 8 28 18 24
2 7 26 16 22
3 6 24 14 20
4 5 22 12 18
5 4 20 10 16
6 3 18 8 12
7 2 8 6 6
8 1 4 4 4
9 0.5 2 2 1
between her third sub of the week and her first burrito, so suppose that she
flips a coin and buys her third sub of the week, and her first burrito of the
week on Thursday. Likewise, on Friday and Saturday she will buy her second
burrito of the week and her fourth sub of the week. After having had six lunches
out this week she has spent all of her weekly lunch budget and has purchased
four subs and two burritos, which generated 146 units of total utility for her
this week. Could you have her purchase a different combination of lunchtime
meals and get more than 146 units of utility for her $24?
Now lets suppose that the following week our consumer has the same
marginal utility for different quantities of various lunch alternatives as shown
in Table 3.1, and has another $24 to spend, but the burrito stand has reduced
the price of burritos to $2. How will this lower price affect our consumers
utility-maximizing choice of lunchtime meals? First we need to recompute
marginal utility per dollar spent. Since pizza slices, subs, and egg rolls are
still $4 each, then just as before we divide these marginal utility numbers by
$4. Since burritos are now $2 each, however, we divide the marginal utility
numbers for burritos by $2, thereby doubling the marginal utility per dollar
spent relative to when burritos were $4 each. Following the consumer choice
procedure that we used before, we find that our consumer will be eating
more food than the previous week. In particular, this week she will start out
by buying five burritos (say, for example, two on Monday, two on Tuesday,
and one on Wednesday), then buy three subs (say, for example, one each on
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday), and then go back to the burrito stand and
buy her sixth burrito of the week (say on Sunday). Therefore, when the price
of burritos decreased from $4 to $2, our consumer increased her weekly
burrito purchases from two to six.
This example illustrates a number of important points related to consumer
demand. Notice that as the price of burritos declined, the number of burritos
eaten per week by the consumer increased. Usually there is an inverse rela-
tionship between the price of a good or service and the quantity demanded
by consumers. This inverse relationship price and quantity demanded is so
common that economists refer to it as the Law of Demand. Consider a dia-
gram with price on the vertical axis and weekly quantity on the horizontal
axis. In this diagram we can draw two points, one indicating a price of $4
and a quantity demanded of burritos, and another indicating a price of $2 and
a quantity demanded of burritos. If we were to draw a line connecting these
two points, we would have estimated this consumers demand curve for
burritos, as shown in Figure 3.1. Each point on this demand curve represents
the maximum amount of money the consumer is willing to pay for the indi-
cated quantity of burritos.
The demand curve in Figure 3.1 shows the relationship between price
22 66
Market Supply
Sellers are assumed to be firms that have the objective of maximizing profit
in neoclassical microeconomics. Analogous to demand, a supply curve is a
graphical relationship between price and quantity supplied. We will be fo-
cusing on production in the economic short run, the time period for a firm
during which one or more inputs, usually land or capital, are fixed. For
example, capital is fixed over the time period of an equipment or office
space lease. Likewise, land is fixed over the growing season once it is planted
with a crop. In order to understand supply in the short run, we first need to
look at a firms short-run production and short-run cost. Note that the ap-
pendix to this chapter provides a simple calculus treatment of marginal
cost and supply.
The Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns characterizes production in
the short run. This law states that as more and more of a variable input is
added to a fixed input, the marginal productivity of each successive unit of
variable input will eventually become smaller. For example, each new worker
hired (variable input) to work in a restaurant kitchen (fixed input) will result
in increased production of food (the marginal product of labor), as shown in
Table 3.2. The Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns indicates that each
successive kitchen worker hired will result in smaller and smaller increases
in food production. In fact, it is possible that marginal productivity could
eventually become zero or negative if the kitchen gets too crowded. Would a
profit-maximizing restaurant knowingly hire additional workers if the mar-
ginal product of those additional workers were zero or negative?
Now lets introduce cost. Suppose that each worker generates $100 per
day in wages and employment benefits, and each unit of food produced
can be sold at a price of $5. In this case each unit of food sold generates
marginal revenue of $5. It is usually the case that marginal revenue is equal
to the products sales price in competitive markets. This is because the
seller is a price taker and is unable to affect market price by varying the
level of product sold. To keep the example simple, if unrealistic, we will
assume that labor is the only cost associated with producing food at the
restaurant. Marginal cost is equal to the change in total cost caused by an
incremental change in output. Marginal cost tells us how much total cost
increases when we increase the quantity of output by one unit. In our sim-
plified example, where an increase in food output is generated by hiring
another kitchen worker, marginal cost is found by dividing the $100 of
additional daily labor cost for the new worker by the marginal product of
this new worker. How many workers would be optimal for a profit-maxi-
mizing restaurant to hire? Economists use the method of marginal analysis
Table 3.2
Table 3.3
Number Marginal Marginal (total
of product Total Marginal Total revenue Total revenue
workers of labor output cost cost (price) revenue total cost)
1 30 30 3.33 100 5 150 50
2 28 58 3.57 200 5 290 90
3 26 84 3.85 300 5 420 120
4 24 108 4.17 400 5 540 140
5 22 130 4.55 500 5 650 150
6 20 150 5 600 5 750 150
7 18 168 5.56 700 5 840 140
8 16 184 6.25 800 5 920 120
9 14 198 7.14 900 5 990 90
10 12 210 8.33 1000 5 1050 50
Note: Marginal cost is the change in total cost divided by marginal product. We as-
sume here that each worker is paid $100 per day, there are no other production costs, and
each unit of marginal product (units of food) is sold at a price of $5.
Table 3.4
Number Marginal Marginal (total
of product Total Marginal Total revenue Total revenue
workers of labor output cost cost (price) revenue total cost)
1 30 30 3.33 100 6.25 187.50 87.50
2 28 58 3.57 200 6.25 362.50 162.50
3 26 84 3.85 300 6.25 525 225
4 24 108 4.17 400 6.25 675 275
5 22 130 4.55 500 6.25 812.50 312.50
6 20 150 5 600 6.25 937.50 337.50
7 18 168 5.56 700 6.25 1050 350
8 16 184 6.25 800 6.25 1150 350
9 14 198 7.14 900 6.25 1237.50 337.50
10 12 210 8.33 1000 6.25 1312.50 312.50
Note: Marginal cost is the change in total cost divided by marginal product. We as-
sume here that each worker is paid $100 per day, there are no other production costs, and
each unit of marginal product (units of food) is sold at a price of $6.25.
$ per unit
150 168
increasing their output level. Higher prices are required to overcome rising
marginal costs, which in turn occur due to the Law of Diminishing Marginal
Returns. Since a supply curve shows the relationship between price and
quantity supplied, the firms supply curve is its marginal cost curve, as illus-
trated in Figure 3.2.
An increase in marginal cost, which might occur due to higher labor
costs, will cause the firms supply curve to shift inward to the left, which is
known as a decrease in supply. Likewise, a decrease in marginal cost, which
might occur due to lower labor costs, will cause the firms supply curve to
shift outward to the right, which is known as an increase in supply. In chapter
4 we will look at how supply is affected when firms are able to reduce their
marginal costs by using cheaper, polluting production methods. In our sup-
ply example, we can assume that there are many restaurants, each of which
has a supply curve for prepared food. If we were to add up the quantity of
food supplied by all restaurants at each price per unit of food, we would
get the market supply curve for the type of restaurant meal. Therefore, the
market supply of this food will increase if new restaurants open in the
same area.
Excess supply
Excess demand
We have determined that utility, product prices, and limited consumer bud-
gets determine consumer demand for goods and services. We have also de-
termined that profit-maximizing firms in a competitive market supply along
their short-run marginal cost curves. We also learned that market demand is
found by horizontally summing all consumers quantity demanded associ-
ated with each price, and that market supply is found by horizontally sum-
ming all firms quantity supplied associated with each price. We will now
address the concept of equilibrium in a well-functioning competitive market,
and how resources are efficiently allocated in equilibrium.
Market Equilibrium
Consider the supply and demand curves shown in Figure 3.3. If you like,
you can consider this a well-functioning competitive market for a particular
type of lunchtime meal. Note that at a price above $5, there is an excess
supply, meaning that quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded. When
there is excess supply, market forces lead to a reduction in price. For ex-
ther excess supply nor excess demand, and so there are neither too many nor
too few units of the good or service produced. If price were above the equi-
librium level, we would have excess supply, and so the amount actually traded
(equal to quantity demanded) would be less than the quantity traded at the
equilibrium price, thereby reducing total surplus. If price were below the
equilibrium level, we would have excess demand (also known as a shortage),
and so the amount traded (equal to quantity supplied) would be less than the
quantity traded at the equilibrium price, thereby reducing total gains from
trade (total surplus). As a result, when there is either excess supply or excess
demand, some mutually satisfactory transactions are prevented from occur-
ring that would have generated consumer and producer surplus, which is
why nonequilibrium prices are inefficient.
While there is a tendency to ignore the functioning of markets, or to
take them for granted, Hayek (1937, 1945) focused attention on the fact
that the price system in competitive markets provides a unique means of
conveying and exploiting information. While Adam Smith argued that
the self-interested interaction of many buyers and sellers results in effi-
cient production and allocation, Hayek went further by observing that
markets are the only way of bringing together the widely dispersed infor-
mation necessary for efficient production and allocation. Hayek said that
the reason why centrally planned socialist systems have such great diffi-
culties is that they require the central planners to embody all the informa-
tion held by producers and consumers in markets. In setting prices and
quantities, and in choosing technologies and levels of employment, the
central planner must somehow know the willingness-to-pay of all con-
sumers, the production costs of all sellers, and the most efficient means
of organizing production. Planners must also know how to adjust prices
and quantities in response to external factors such as fluctuations in the
price of substitutes, consumer income, input price changes, regulatory
impacts, new technologies, changes in the workforce, and weather. The
appropriate adjustment to prices, quantities, and methods of production
relies upon the knowledge held by large numbers of independent con-
sumers and producers, and according to Hayek, it is not possible for cen-
tral planners to gather, process, and act upon this dispersed knowledge.
According to this view, prices, quantities, and methods of production will
reflect dispersed information only when they are determined in competi-
tive markets.
Unfortunately, the conditions required for efficient markets are not al-
ways met. For example, if consumers are misled by exaggerated quality
claims, then demand for the good is overstated, leading to excessive con-
sumption and negative gains from trade for those who later realize that
their willingness to pay based on actual quality is less than the price they
paid. If sellers can shift costs to society as a whole by polluting rather than
paying for cleanup, then (as we will learn in chapter 4) the market supply
curve will be shifted out to the right and excessive consumption occurs. In
either case, the markets failure to integrate knowledge is not so different
from the failings of Hayeks central planners. When markets fail to be effi-
cient, there is an economic argument for some form of government inter-
vention, such as regulation.
Market Failure
Most markets are less than perfectly efficient. When these inefficiencies are
substantial, we refer to such a state as a market failure. Lets consider some
of the possible sources of market failure.
Some goods and services have the characteristic that individual property rights
are not assigned, and so they are collectively produced and/or consumed. Ex-
amples include parks, highways, emergency services, marine fisheries, rivers,
groundwater basins, air, public radio, wilderness areas, and recreation sites.
The two categories of collectively consumed goods that are relevant to this
book are common-pool resources and public goods. A common-pool resource
(CPR) is distinguished by the characteristics that (1) it is difficult to exclude
multiple individuals who appropriate from the resource stock, and (2) the re-
source features rivalry in consumption or subtractability, meaning that resource
units appropriated by one subtract from what is available to others. In contrast,
while it is difficult to exclude multiple individuals who benefit from public
goods, these goods differ from CPRs in that they lack rivalry in consumption.
Thus a coastal fishery is a CPR because fish are harvested by one subtract from
what is available to others at a given point in time, while public television
broadcasts are public goods because one persons reception of the broadcast
does not subtract from what is available to other viewers.
These goods tend to be underproduced and/or overconsumed when they are
allocated in markets. For human-made goods that are collectively consumed,
such as public radio and television, self-interested individuals have an incen-
tive to free ride on the provision efforts of others. Since few are willing to pay
for something that they believe will be provided by others, market demand for
these goods and services is far too low, leading to an inefficiently small quan-
tity provided in markets. How many of us listen to public radio or watch public
television, but rely on others to support it? Because the inputs that people pro-
vide, such as effort or financial contributions, are privately owned, while the
output is collectively consumed, provision of the good is a positive externality
and thus is underprovided in market systems. If the benefits flowing to free
riders were included in the market, such as through compulsory taxes or user
fees, market demand would shift out, and a larger equilibrium quantity would
result. Thus, free riding leads to an inefficiently low quantity provided through
the market. Appropriate government intervention may be public provision by
way of taxes or compulsory user fees, such as the use of taxes to fund the
Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
While the problem of underprovision affects both CPRs and public goods,
Imperfect Information
that those who work harder, produce more, or find innovative ways to cut costs
or save energy should be compensated for their added contributions. If this is
not the case, then there is no financial incentive to work harder or innovate.
Since capabilities and access to education and skills are unevenly endowed in
the population, rewarding productivity leads to inequality in society. More-
over, those who succeed can provide their children with a better start, resulting
in intergenerational inequalities as well. Economies of scale in production,
sunk costs associated with entry and exit (e.g., new product promotional costs),
and government-created franchise monopolies and patents can all lead to con-
centrations of a few firms in many markets, resulting in a weakening of the
competitive process. Balancing incentives and equality is one of the central
dilemmas with which all societies are confronted.
As we can see, there are almost no examples of real-world markets that do not
have some degree or another of market failure, often of various dimensions
and degrees. From an economic perspective, then, there is potential for regula-
tory intervention of some kind to resolve market failures in most markets. Such
intervention, however, can itself create problems and distortions. Thus, when
we see an opportunity for a regulatory intervention because of market failure,
it is also worthwhile to consider whether the form of intervention being con-
templated truly makes us better off. The particular form that regulations take
may at times be more a reflection of political expediency than economic effi-
ciency, a condition sometimes referred to as government failure. We will dis-
cuss this point in chapter 8, which addresses the topic of political economy,
and in chapter 10, which focuses on incentive regulation.
1. Consider the demand and supply for used science textbooks. Sup-
pose that the used-textbook market is competitive, with supply given by
P = 10 + .1Q and demand given by P = 100 .08Q. Solve for the com-
petitive market equilibrium price and quantity of used textbooks in this
market. Determine the quantity of shortage or surplus that would occur if a
price ceiling (maximum allowable price) of $35 were imposed on this mar-
ket. Describe why the market fails to be efficient in the context of this
ceiling and what market participants commonly do to overcome the ineffi-
ciency caused by official prices below the equilibrium market price. If the
intention is to help low-income students, compare the effects of the price
ceiling to an alternative scheme of giving $25 purchase vouchers to low-
income students. In your answer, consider the effect of the vouchers on the
demand for textbooks.
2. Starting with a supply and demand diagram as in Figure 3.1, identify
producer and consumer surplus in the competitive equilibrium. Now sup-
pose that sellers form a cartel and wish to increase producer surplus. Illus-
trate in your diagram how a reduction in output will (i) transform some
consumer surplus into producer surplus, and (ii) result in a reduction in total
surplus due to the loss of some mutually beneficial transactions.
3. Classroom debate activity: Debate consists of reasoned arguments for
or against a given proposition. Form two groups in your class (affirmative
and negative) for the purpose of debating the following proposition: Resolved:
Due to overwhelming market failures, the invisible hand of the market must
be directed by the visible hand of government regulation. Members of each
group should be given a week or so to research the issues. The debate will
occur in a panel, moderated by your professor. Two members of each group
will serve as panelists, and any additional group members can serve as re-
searchers. There are a variety of different ways to structure a debate, one of
which is the Michigan cross-examination method:
a. Create a spreadsheet file with these supply and demand equations. Let a
= 2000, b = 1, c = 100, and d = 2.
b. Plot the supply and demand curves for different P and Q parameter
values in a fully labeled diagram.
c. Solve for equilibrium price and quantity (P* and Q*) in the same sheet
(carefully label your answer) using the parameters in 5a above.
d. Build a table showing different (comparative-static) values for P* and Q*
when a is 1000, 2000, and 3000, and when c is 50, 100, and 200. Provide
a brief narrative economic interpretation of the change in a values and the
change in c values and their impact on equilibrium price and quantity.
Internet Links
laws apply to virtually all industries and to every level of business, and they
prohibit a variety of practices that restrain trade, such as price-fixing conspira-
cies, corporate mergers likely to reduce the competitive vigor of particular mar-
kets, and predatory acts designed to achieve or maintain monopoly power.
Ostrom, E. 1990. Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collec-
tive Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rosser, J.B., and M.V. Rosser. 1995. The Theory and Practice of Market Capital-
ism. In Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy. Burr Ridge,
IL: Irwin.
Scherer, F.M., and D. Ross. 1990. Industrial Market Structure and Economic Perfor-
mance. 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Viscusi, W., J. Vernon, and J. Harrington. 2000. Economics of Regulation and Anti-
trust. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
This appendix is intended for those who have a calculus background but who
have not had a microtheory course in which they have derived a competitive
firms supply curve. Supply curves result from firms in competitive markets
trying to maximize profits. A firm in a perfectly competitive market is as-
sumed to be relatively small compared to the size of the overall market. As a
consequence, an individual firm will take the market price as a fixed param-
eter and vary its output to maximize its profits. In particular, for a competi-
tive firm, profits are given by
In the short run, total revenue is simply equal to market price multiplied
by the firms output (TR = PQ). Likewise in the short run, total costs will
have a functional form such as
TC = a + bQ + cQ2.
Note that a is the fixed cost of production, like the debt service on a fac-
tory, while b and c are coefficients for variable cost bQ + cQ2. Note that
variable costs increase with output Q.
Note that marginal cost (MC) in our simple example above is b + 2cQ (the
partial derivative of TC with respect to Q), meaning that as Q grows, so does
MC. Why? Recall from the text that in the short run a firm will eventually
experience congestion of its fixed facilities as it tries to increase output, which
means that marginal costs increase with increases in output. Similarly, mar-
ginal revenue (MR) is simply P, the market price.
A competitive firm selects its sales quantity, Q, to maximize profit:
Quantity of output
that maximizes profit
occurs where tangent
line has a zero slope.
Q* Quantity
Profit = PQ a bQ cQ2.
Note that since total revenue is linear, while total cost is convex, there is
an output level at which this profit function attains a unique maximum. As
shown in Figure 3.5, the profit function first rises, reaches a peak, and then
falls. The profit curve has a slope of zero at its peak, meaning that the deriva-
tive of the profit function with regard to Q is equal to zero. At this point a
one-unit increase in Q will generate marginal revenue that is equal to mar-
ginal cost. We can use this property of the profit function to determine the
profit-maximizing output level Q*. If you take the partial derivative of the
profit function with respect to Q, and set this equation equal to zero, you will
find that P = b + 2cQ. Since marginal revenue is equal to price for a competi-
tive firm (the derivative of total revenue with respect to Q is equal to P), this
equation simply shows us that the profit-maximizing output level occurs where
marginal revenue equals marginal cost. As market price changes, the firm
sets quantity supplied where market price equals marginal cost. Therefore, a
firms supply curve is its marginal cost curve.
Externalities, Market Failures,
and Policy Interventions
Positive Externalities
Consider pastureland near a growing urban area that can be used for live-
stock grazing or converted into new housing, schools, roads, and retail de-
Demand curve
C (social benefits)
Demand curve
(private benefits)
spillover. For example, the Apollo space program led to the development
of many new products and technological innovations that spilled over into
commercial market applications. Similarly, military and National Science
Foundationsponsored efforts helped to create the basic Internet structure,
which has transformed the way that people communicate and conduct busi-
ness. Technology spillovers are unpaid-for benefits, and many of them re-
duce production costs, enhance productivity, and thus shift out the supply
curve. Commercial buyers in the market for research and technology only
take into account the private benefits that they hope to receive, and not
beneficial technology spillovers, and thus there is an inefficiently small
amount of basic research conducted by private enterprise. This is one rea-
son why government subsidizes basic research that has the potential for
technology spillovers.
Negative Externalities
Consider cabinet manufacturers that can use two alternative production pro-
cesses for making finished cabinets. Process A costs the firm less than non-
toxic process B, but process A allows toxic volatile organic compounds from
the wood-finishing process to escape into the atmosphere. These volatile
organic compounds contribute to smog and thus impose external costs on
people who breathe the polluted air but who are not compensated for these
harms. Since process A has lower private costs, profit-maximizing firms will
usually choose it over the nontoxic alternative, which allows them to supply
furniture at lower prices to consumers. Since the supply of cabinets in the
competitive furniture market does not reflect the external costs borne by
members of society, the market process will allocate more than the socially
optimal amount of cabinets when they are produced with the more polluting
A negative externality can be defined as an uncompensated harm to others
in society that is generated as a by-product of production and exchange. Many
negative externalities occur as a by-product of market transactions. Pollution
is the prime example of a negative externality, as illustrated in the cabinet
example above. The harms created by pollution are known as external costs.
As we will see below, when market exchange generates negative externalities,
market supply fails to reflect the true social cost of producing the good gener-
ating the externality, and so too much of the good is produced.
Following Scitovsky (1954), one can draw a distinction between techno-
logical and pecuniary externalities, and when economists refer to externali-
ties, they usually mean technological externalities. A pecuniary externality
occurs, for example, when a new firm enters a market. This entry will initially
increase market supply and will tend to reduce market price, reducing the
profit of other sellers. This is a negative pecuniary externality because it
affects the profits or financial circumstances of another individual or firm,
and the harm is directly transmitted by way of the market process. From an
economic perspective, however, pecuniary externalities do not generate a
misallocation of societys scarce resources, and thus are not considered a
market failure. In contrast, a technological externality is a peculiarity of the
production function (Scitovsky 1954, p. 145) in which the production pro-
cess generates external costs such as pollution, whose harms are not directly
transmitted by way of the market process. As we shall show below, techno-
logical externalities such as pollution do in fact result in a misallocation of
societys scarce resources and so represent a form of market failure. When
we refer to externalities in this textbook, we will mean the technological
form rather than pecuniary form.
Before we address how negative externalities result in market failure, lets
take a moment and look at the important topic of property rights and nega-
tive externalities.
Access: The right to enjoy benefits of the property that do not subtract
from benefits that others can enjoy, such as walking along the beach.
Authorized entrants have access rights, such as those that are purchased
with entry fees at national parks.
Withdrawal: The right to withdraw the product of the property, such as
harvesting fish from a fishery. Authorized users have both access and
withdrawal rights, such as those that are acquired with the purchase of a
fishing license or a firewood gathering permit from a national forest.
Management: The right to regulate use and improvements. Ostrom (1997)
uses the term claimant to refer to those who hold access, withdrawal,
and management rights, such as farmers who participate in the manage-
ment of government-owned irrigation systems.
Exclusion: The right to determine who has access and who can be ex-
cluded from using the property. Ostrom (1997) uses the term proprietor
to refer to those who hold access, withdrawal, management, and exclu-
sion rights. Citizens of Swiss villages that possess and govern their own
common property pastures and forests are proprietors in this sense.
Alienation: The right to sell or lease. Owners possess all the rights of
proprietors along with the right of alienation. Private property falls under
this category, though owners can also be governments or communities.
We can see that there is more to property rights than ownership. It is not
unusual to unbundle a portion of these rights and assign them to nonowners.
For example, someone with a valid fishing or hunting license is an autho-
rized user with certain rights to harvest fish and game, while government
retains proprietary rights to the wildlife in a public trust capacity. Usufructu-
ary rights refer to certain use and withdrawal rights granted to property that
is owned by others. For example, treaties ceding Indian lands to the federal
government sometimes include clauses granting Indian tribes usufructuary
rights for hunting, fishing, and gathering on the ceded lands. These arrange-
ments reflect a melding of precontact Indian customary land tenure systems
governing the harvest of resources from land and water, and Euro-American
property rights systems. Likewise, the right to appropriate from navigable
waters in the United States is a usufructuary right, with the waterway itself
being owned by government in a public trust capacity. California water law
is built on the notion that the right of property in water is usufructuary. Cali-
fornia Water Code section 102 provides that [a]ll water within the State is
the property of the people of the State, but the right to the use of water [usu-
fructuary rights] may be acquired by appropriation in the manner provided
by law.
We have already discussed the role of conservation easements as a mecha-
nism for internalizing positive externalities. When a conservation easement is
sold or donated by a landowner, the landowner is voluntarily transferring cer-
no single type of property rights regime can be prescribed as a remedy for [all]
problems of resource degradation and overuse. . . . The key attribute of an
effective property rights regime is that it is context-specific, reflecting environ-
mental, economic, social, and political conditions.
Prior to the advent of environmental regulations, some types of pollu-
tion harms to private, common, or state property were punishable (at least
in theory) under traditional common law as trespass or as nuisances. Meiners
and Yandle (1998), for example, describe some cases in which common-
law penalties were extended to pollution affecting proprietors holding ri-
parian water rights. In his more comprehensive historical treatment of the
topic, however, McEvoy (1986) observes that this sort of enlightened ap-
plication of common-law remedies to resource and environmental harms
was not the norm in nineteenth-century America.
For our purposes, it is important to observe that pollution or other harms
to open-access resources such as breathable air were not usually punishable
under common law. Therefore, if a profit-maximizing firm could avoid cleanup
costs by polluting an open-access resource, there was generally no common-
law legal penalty to deter such an action. The same was true if those who
held private, common, or state property rights were unable to enforce their
rights. This problem with the common law and open-access resources led to
the development of environmental regulations. By vesting government with
the authority to manage and excluding certain uses of a resource, environ-
mental regulation establishes a system of property rights to formerly open-
access resources. We can see, then, that an important step in protecting the
environment is assigning appropriate property rights. The type of property
rights regime that is appropriate depends on factors such as the nature of the
resource, the culture and values of society, and the costs of monitoring and
excluding use. For example, resources such as air, oceans, groundwater, and
fisheries are fugitive resources, meaning that it is difficult or impossible to
brand individual resource units or partition the stock of the resource into
individually owned parcels. Fugitive resources are less likely to be private
property and more likely to be common property, state property, or open
In the material that follows, we will explore how negative externalities
lead to market failure.
Lets now return to our cabinet manufacturing example. Suppose the firm
chooses to use the cheaper but more polluting process A, as described ear-
lier. For example, the negative externalities could be volatile petroleum
Table 4.1
Figure 4.2 Marginal Private Cost, Marginal External Cost, and Marginal
Social Cost
$ per unit
Marginal social
Marginal private
external cost
market when firms are allowed to freely pollute. This is the supply curve de-
rived from the firms marginal private costs. The other supply curve is based on
marginal social costs, which considers both private and external costs. There-
fore, the vertical difference between these two supply curves is the dollar amount
of marginal external cost. The supply curve based on marginal social costs will
only be operational if firms internalize the external costs of production. These
two supply curves are illustrated in Figure 4.3. We will find out in the next
section of the chapter that if firms are allowed to freely pollute, otherwise well-
functioning competitive markets fail to efficiently allocate resources (cabinets
in our example). We will also learn that government intervention in the form of
a tax equal to marginal external cost will cause firms to internalize external
costs and supply along the social-cost supply curve.
Supply curve
(social cost)
Supply curve
B (private cost)
one supply curve is based on firms marginal private costs, with marginal
external costs borne by the environment and society. The other supply curve
is based on marginal social costs. This latter supply curve is operational only
if firms are made to internalize their negative externalities.
As shown in Figure 4.3, the quantity of cabinets produced where the pri-
vate-cost supply curve crosses the demand curve is the market equilibrium
quantity when firms are allowed to freely pollute, indicated by QP in Figure
4.3. The corresponding equilibrium price when there are unresolved nega-
tive externalities is indicated by PP in Figure 4.3. In contrast, the quantity of
cabinets produced where the social-cost supply curve crosses the demand
curve is the market equilibrium quantity when firms are forced to fully inter-
nalize all their external costs, indicated by QS in Figure 4.3. PS in Figure 4.3
indicates the corresponding equilibrium price when there are unresolved
negative externalities.
Therefore, when firms can freely pollute they will supply along the pri-
vate-cost supply curve, leading to an equilibrium quantity of the good or
service being produced and sold that is larger than when firms are made to
supply along the social-cost supply curve. This difference in output is de-
noted by the letter A in Figure 4.3 and reflects excess production that occurs
in competitive markets where firms are allowed to freely emit negative exter-
nalities. Moreover, when firms can freely pollute and supply along the pri-
vate-cost supply curve, the equilibrium market price PP only reflects marginal
private cost, whereas when negative externalities are internalized the equi-
librium market price PS reflects the full marginal social cost of production.
The difference in these two equilibrium prices is denoted by the letter B in
Figure 4.3, and indicates the distortion of the price signal sent to consumers
in the marketplace. This distorted price signal creates an incentive for con-
sumers to buy too much of the good or service in question. As we will see in
a moment, the market is not efficiently allocating scarce resources when
there are unresolved negative externalities.
Why is output QS, where the social-cost supply curve crosses the demand
curve, the efficient level of output? To answer this question we need to think
about the gains from trade and external costs. We also need to use some
simple geometry. Figure 4.4 will be our guide. Suppose firms are allowed to
freely pollute, and so they supply along the private-cost supply curve, yield-
ing an equilibrium price and quantity as shown in Figure 4.4. The buyers and
the sellers receive a gross gain from trade equal to the large triangle abc in
Figure 4.4. Recall from chapter 3 that the portion of this triangle above the
dashed price line is a simplified approximation for consumer surplus, while
the portion below the price line is producer surplus.
Since firms are freely polluting, however, there are external costs that we
have not yet taken into account. The parallelogram bcde in Figure 4.4 gives
us the total dollar figure for the harms to human health and the environment
caused by negative externalities. In our simplified example, total external
cost is equal to marginal external cost (height cd or be, which gives us exter-
nal cost for each cabinet) multiplied by the equilibrium quantity of cabinets
produced when firms operate on the private-cost supply and freely pollute
(length 0QP along the horizontal axis). After accounting for total external
costs, the true net gains from trade to all members of society when firms
freely pollute is area abc minus area bcde.
Now suppose that firms are forced by regulatory intervention or market
reputation to internalize their external costs and supply along the social-cost
supply curve. As we will learn in the next section of this chapter, one way to
internalize negative externalities is by way of a Pigouvian tax equal to mar-
ginal external cost. When firms supply along the social-cost supply curve,
equilibrium output is found at point f, where the social-cost supply curve
crosses the demand curve, as shown in Figure 4.4. Since firms have paid the
tax to society they have (at least in theory) compensated society for their
pollution, and thus have internalized the external costs. In this case, the total
QS QP Quantity
gains from trade when firms fully internalize their external costs are given by
the triangle afd.
So now lets return to our question of why output set where the social-
cost supply curve crosses the demand curve is the efficient level of out-
put. We will continue to make use of Figure 4.4 in our analysis. The reason
is that area afd, the gains from trade when negative externalities are fully
internalized and firms supply along the social-cost supply curve, is larger
than area [(abc)(bcde)], the true gains from trade to all members of so-
ciety when firms freely pollute. In other words, internalizing externali-
ties improves the welfare of society. The difference between area afd and
area [(abe)(bcde)] is the little triangle bfe, known in microeconomic
theory as deadweight social loss, and it represents the resource alloca-
tion inefficiency caused by negative externalities. In our simple linear
example, deadweight social loss is a triangle with a base equal to the dif-
Economist A.C. Pigou suggested that the solution to the problem of nega-
tive externalities is to place a tax on each unit of output that is equal to
marginal external cost. Accordingly, taxes on each unit of output (such as
cabinets) equal to marginal external cost are called Pigouvian taxes. There-
fore, if we tax firms $3 per cabinet in our example, an amount equal to
the marginal external cost from producing each cabinet, two things will
happen. First, the social-cost supply curve will become operational in the
market, since firms are now paying both marginal private cost and mar-
ginal external cost. As a consequence fewer cabinets will be produced,
and each cabinet will sell at a price that reflects the marginal social cost
of production. Consequently, firms and consumers in the market inter-
nalize negative externalities, and society is reimbursed for bearing the
external costs of production. By internalizing negative externalities,
Pigouvian taxes enhance the allocative efficiency of markets, as shown
in Figure 4.4.
Second, profit-maximizing firms will now have an incentive to look for
ways to reduce the Pigouvian tax element of their production costs. Of course,
Table 4.2
In the real world, it is difficult to craft Pigouvian taxes due to (i) practi-
cal problems measuring marginal external costs without controversy,
and (ii) the influence of rival interest groups and political expediency in
the policy-making process.
1. Suppose that there are 100 identical competitive firms, each of which
supplies a quantity where price equals marginal cost. Therefore if marginal
cost is 10 + Q, each individual firms supply curve is given by P = 10 + Q.
Since there are 100 such firms, the market supply curve is P = 10 + .01Q.
Also assume that market demand is given by P = 100 .005Q. Note that Q
refers to the quantity of some good, like shoes.
a. Solve for the algebraic free market equilibrium price and quantity
(P#, Q#), total external cost, deadweight social loss, and true net gains
from trade. These are found using the private-cost supply curve and the
demand curve, and are reduced-form solutions described entirely as
algebraic expressions of parameters a, b, c, and d. Place these labeled
equations in your spreadsheet.
b. Solve for the algebraic socially optimal equilibrium price and quan-
tity (P*, Q*) and true net gains from trade. Assume that negative exter-
nalities are fully internalized and offset by a Pigouvian tax that is used
to compensate those harmed by pollution, and to restore the environ-
ment. These are found using the social-cost supply curve (private cost
+ e) and the demand curve, and are reduced-form solutions described
entirely as algebraic expressions of parameters a, b, c, and d. Place
these labeled equations in your spreadsheet.
c. Using the following parameters (a = 2000, b = 1, c = 100, d = 2, and e =
300), plot demand, social-cost supply, and private-cost supply in a dia-
gram for different values of price and quantity in a fully labeled dia-
gram. Provide a brief narrative economic interpretation of the two
different equilibria shown in your diagram.
d. For the parameter values in 6c above, derive the numerical values for
P#, Q#, P*, Q*, total external cost, deadweight social loss, and true net
gains from trade, using the equations in 6a and 6b.
e. Perform sensitivity analysis on deadweight social loss by varying the
parameter value for e (e = 100, 300, 500). Provide a brief narrative
economic interpretation.
Internet Links
Ayres, R., and A. Kneese. 1969. Production, Consumption, and Externalities. Ameri-
can Economic Review 59 (June): 28297.
The Economics of Natural
Resource Systems, Part I:
Theory and Concepts
mental impacts, societal values, and the physical characteristics of the re-
source. For example, some natural resource systemssuch as oil fields, natu-
ral gas fields, coal beds, and other fossil-fuel energy resourcesare inherently
nonrenewable. The question of interest for nonrenewable resource systems
has to do with optimal extraction rates over time: should the resource be
depleted immediately, very gradually, or not at all? In this chapter, we will
investigate the conditions required for efficient extraction of a nonrenewable
resource over time. Many nonrenewable mineral resources such as iron and
aluminum are also recyclable, in which case current primary production cre-
ates its own future competition in the form of increased secondary (recycled)
supplies. We will review this issue and consider the incentives and the legal
treatment of recyclable resource monopolists.
Another class of natural resource system is comprised of the renewable
resources associated with the self-regulating elements of life on earth. Is-
sues associated with renewable resourcessuch as pasturage, forests,
groundwater basins, rivers, the air, fisheries, and wildlife populations
include the maximum sustained yield that can be harvested from the re-
source without depleting the productive capacity of the resource system.
Private ownership has been suggested as a way of preventing the depletion
of commercially valuable resources such as timber and pasturage. Private
ownership is not a panacea, however, since private ownership does not re-
solve harms to aspects of the environment that lack commercial market
value. Moreover, resource systems having common-pool characteristics,
such as the stocks of air, groundwater, stratospheric ozone, and marine
fisheries, are difficult to partition as private property. In this chapter, we will
look at the economics of common-pool resources and the tragedy of the com-
mons in detail. In chapter 6 we will look at marine fisheries management as
a practical application of the economics of common-pool resources. Addi-
tional coverage of common-pool resources from the perspective of local
self-governance is provided in chapter 16.
Less obvious but no less important from an economic standpoint are the
various ecosystem services such as fresh water provided by the hydrological
cycle, fertility provided by topsoil, and oxygen provided by plants. Another
vital ecosystem service is the sink capacity of the biosphereits capacity to
absorb human wastes. Examples of sink functions include the capacity of
rivers, wetlands, and other bodies of water to absorb waste, and the capacity
of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems to absorb carbon dioxide generated as a
byproduct of the burning of fossil fuels. Ecosystem services can be thought
of as the flow of benefits that derive from the stock of natural capital. The
economics of ecosystem services is a new and emerging area of study that
will be briefly surveyed below.
oil fields
natural gas fields
coal beds
mineral deposits
When oil and natural gas were first developed on a large scale in the United
States, there was a need to invest in interstate pipelines to transport these
fuels from production fields to refineries (oil) or residential and industrial
distribution (gas). Many fields were served by only a single pipeline because
of economies of scale in pipe diameter, and the common practice was for
joint ownership of producing field and pipeline, which then sold the bundle
of fuel and transportation service. To prevent monopoly prices being charged
on this bundle, the Natural Gas Act of 1938 resulted in producer/pipeline
entities being subjected to public utilitiesstyle regulation of prices (i.e., price
is used to recover allowed capital expenditures, variable costs, and a nor-
mal rate of return on capital investment). This pricing system began to break
down following the oil price shocks caused by the OPEC oil embargo in
197374; administered prices designed for cost recovery could not adapt to
rapid price fluctuations following the embargo. At the same time, the devel-
opment of transportation network interconnectivity increasingly gave end
users access to a variety of potentially competitive producers.
The new system that has emerged for natural gas is very similar to that
which also exists for oil and which is emerging for electricity as well. In this
system, end users purchase the product (gas, oil, or electricity) under competi-
tive market conditions and then separately contract for transportation and de-
livery services, aspects of which still have monopoly characteristics and so are
regulated under public utility principles. As Lyon and Hackett (1993) have
shown, this form of partial energy market deregulation makes the problem of
transportation system load balancing in the context of continuous and decen-
tralized injections and withdrawals more complex. There are more transac-
tions and an increased need for system coordination to reduce the potential for
negative network externalities, which are more likely in partially deregulated
systems. Negative network externalities occur when consumer/producer trans-
actions impose harms on overall system function, leading to excess or inad-
equate pipeline pressure for gas or oil, or the potential for power surges or
blackouts in electric transmission and distribution grids.
The spectacular failure of partial deregulation of Californias electricity
markets highlights by its absence the importance of a well-functioning com-
petitive market for a product with few substitutes. While California has been
criticized by industry observers for NIMBYism (not in my backyard) when
it comes to the construction of new power plants, perhaps an even more
important failure was the institutional structure of the electric power market.
Developed in the mid-1990s when there was a large excess generating ca-
pacity, and when Californians were paying higher-than-average regulated
electricity rates, deregulation was seen as a way for industrial and other con-
sumers to access cheaper electric power. The public utilities were encour-
aged to sell their power plants to independent power producers as a way to
create a larger number of power sellers and promote competition. Retail elec-
tricity rates were cut by 10 percent but remained fixed, while wholesale elec-
tricity prices were set each day in the California Power Exchange (Cal PX)
market, subject to network load balancing done by the California Indepen-
dent System Operator (CAISO). Fixed retail rates and floating wholesale
rates were an element of the deregulation plan lobbied for by public utilities
anticipating profit due to what were then very low wholesale electricity prices.
In the first few years the California deregulation plan worked, though the
economic boom of the late 1990s increased baseload demand, which in com-
bination with no new plants being built resulted in much of the excess gener-
ating capacity being eliminated. Moreover, economic growth in neighboring
states reduced the generating capacity that could be imported from out of
state. Then, during hot summer days when demand increased to within sev-
eral percentage points of available generating capacity, independent power
producers and brokers discovered they could game the market in various
ways and trigger emergency prices that were many times higher than had
Death Star: Enron gets paid for moving energy to relieve congestion
without actually moving any energy or relieving any congestion (ex-
cerpted from Enron memos, December 2000).
Loadshift: Enron created the appearance of congestion through the
deliberate overstatement of power to be delivered (excerpted from Enron
memos, December 2000).
Fatboy: Documents provided by Enron state that its Fatboy trading
strategy included parking energy on El Paso Electrics system (excerpted
from El Paso Electric federal lawsuit settlement).
Ricochet: Enron bought energy from the Cal PX and exported it to El
Paso Electric; El Paso sold it back to Enron, and Enron resold it back to
the CAISO in the real-time market (excerpted from El Paso Electric
federal lawsuit settlement).
Note that i means summation over all i time periods, while i refers to
the number of years from the present that a particular payment is re-
ceived, and r refers to the discount rate. Interest rates or the average (risk-
adjusted) rates of return available from portfolios of stocks are examples
of discount rates.
If there is just one payment to be made in a future period that is i years
from the present, as in our $1,000 example above, then the PV of the single
future payment is found as follows:
Continuing our $1,000 example above, suppose that the discount rate is
10 percent. Then using the formula above, i = 1, r = 0.1, and the PV of
$1,000 to be received next year is $1,000/(1.1)1 = $909.09. In other words,
if the discount rate is 10 percent, then one is indifferent between $909.09
received today and $1,000 received in one year. Another way to look at
this is to note that if you took $909.09 today and invested it in a bond that
pays 10 percent interest, then in one year your $909.09 will have grown
to be $1,000.
Dynamic Efficiency
A resource market is dynamically efficient when the sum of total surplus (in
PV terms) is maximized over the entire time horizon in which the resource is
allocated. We will now consider a very simple example of a competitive market
for oil to illustrate how one can solve for the dynamically efficient allocation
of the resource in question. We will see that the dynamically efficient alloca-
tion is also an equilibrium in that producers have no incentive to reallocate
resource sales from one year to the next.
There are a number of assumptions that we need to keep in mind as we
work through the analysis. We assume that there is a well-functioning com-
petitive market for the resource in question, and that market participants are
fully and completely informed of current and future demand, marginal cost,
discount rate, available supplies, and price.
To keep the example simple there will only be two periods in the analy-
sisthe present time, referred to as year 0, and year 1. For the sake of sim-
plicity, we will also assume that the marginal cost of producing oil is constant
and equal to $5 per barrel. As we learned in chapter 4, marginal cost is the
basis for the competitive market supply curve. Since marginal cost is con-
stant at $5, the market supply curve for the resource in question is also con-
stant at $5. Finally, we assume that market demand is the same in each of the
two periods.
Let the demand for oil in a given year be given by the following expression:
P = 20 .5q.
Note that q refers to quantity of oil in barrels. We will assume that there is a
fixed quantityQtotequal to 40 barrels of oil that can be allocated over the
two years, and that people in this market use a 15 percent discount rate.
In order to provide a basis for comparison with the dynamically efficient
solution, lets first suppose that market participants in year 0 fully ignore the
consequences of their actions on year 1 supplies, prices, and profit. Then in
Demand: P = 20 0.5q
30 40 Quantity
20 .5q = 5.
Note that the entire total surplus in year 0 is made up of consumer surplus
(recall from chapter 3 that this represents a simplified approximation for the
exact value for consumer surplus). Producer surplus equals zero because firms
are selling at price equal to marginal cost. Since market participants have
$ per unit
Demand: P = 20 0.5q
Consumer surplus = $25
Producer surplus = $100
Total surplus = $125
PVTS = $108.70
10 40 Quantity
ignored the future period, there are only 10 barrels of oil available for year 1.
With only 10 barrels of oil supplies available, we can determine the price
of oil in year 1 by substituting 10 for q in our demand equation:
Is the sum of total surplus (in PV terms) when market participants in year 0
ignore their gains from trade in year 1 the maximum available? Have we
achieved the dynamically efficient allocation of the resource stock? Are we in
a dynamic equilibrium? As we will see below, the answer is no. To help build
your intuition, suppose that you were a seller of oil in the market above, but
you no longer ignored prices and profit in year 1. If you knew that todays
price of $5 would rise to next years price of $15, would you want to hold off
selling some oil today and save some for next year? The answer is yes. Note
that the marginal profit from selling a barrel of oil is (P MC). The marginal
profit from selling a single barrel of oil in year 0 is $0, since the $5 price equals
marginal cost. If instead you were to save that one barrel of oil and sell it in
year 1, price in year 1 would be $(20 0.5 x 11) = $14.50 and the PV of
marginal profit in year 1 would be $(14.5 5)/(1.15)1, which equals $8.26.
Clearly, a profit-maximizing firm that is fully informed of current and future
market conditions has an incentive to shift this barrel of production from year
0 to year 1. Therefore, the allocation of 30 barrels of oil in year 0, and 10
barrels of oil in year 1, is not in a dynamic equilibrium. We will show below
how to find the dynamic equilibrium, and we will show that this equilibrium is
dynamically efficient and maximizes the sum of total surplus (in PV terms).
The dynamically efficient equilibrium with full information on current
and future market conditions is one in which the marginal profit of selling a
barrel of oil today is equal to the PV of marginal profit from selling a barrel
of oil next year (and in any future years). Economist Harold Hotelling (1931)
developed a rule for finding the dynamically efficient solution to resource
allocation problems such as ours. The rule for dynamic efficiency, called
Hotellings rule, requires that marginal profit (P MC) in year 0 must equal
the PV of (P MC) in year 1 (and in any other future years). Hotellings rule
simply formalizes our intuition that dynamic equilibrium occurs when the
marginal profit from selling a unit of the resource is the same today as it is in
a future period. As you might expect, if there are more than just two periods,
then Hotellings rule requires that the PV of (P MC) be equal across all
time periods in which the resource is to be allocated. When this condition
holds, the sum of total surplus (in PV terms) over all time periods in which
the resource is to be allocated will be maximized.
One can solve the dynamic resource allocation problem using the math-
ematics of optimization, or by repeated experiment. Since the reader is not
assumed to possess advanced mathematics, we will demonstrate the method
of repeated experiment. First, lets develop some intuition. We already know
that 30 barrels in year 0 and 10 barrels in year 1 is not a dynamic equilibrium
since firms will not produce these quantities in these years. We also know
that a firm can increase its profit by reducing production below 30 barrels in
year 0 and increasing production above 10 barrels in year 1. Since future
profits (and gains from trade in general) are discounted, do you think that the
dynamically efficient solution will lead to (i) a larger share of the total re-
source being consumed in year 0 than in year 1, (ii) an equal share of the
total resource being consumed in years 0 and 1, or (iii) a smaller share of the
total resource being consumed in year 0 than in year 1?
Since future payoffs are discounted relative to the present, market partici-
pants will generally prefer to get a larger share of their gains from trade now
rather than later, which means a larger share of the total resource is produced
and consumed in year 0, as in (i) above. Moreover, the higher the discount
rate the stronger the preference for current over future profit (or gains from
trade), and the less that will be saved for future production and consumption.
Therefore, the dynamically efficient solution to our problem will involve
allocating more of the total oil stock in year 0 than in year 1.
The repeated experiment method simply involves trying different divi-
sions of the resource and testing the allocation using Hotellings rule. For
example, given the intuition we developed above you might start out trying
22 barrels in year 0 and 18 barrels in year 1. Now you should test this alloca-
tion by computing the PV of (P MC) in the two years to see if they are equal.
With 22 barrels in year 0, price in year 0 is $9 and the PV of (P MC) in year 0
is $4. With 18 barrels in year 1, price in year 1 is $11 and the PV of (P MC)
in year 1 is $5.22. Therefore, an allocation of 22 in year 0 and 18 in year 1
does not meet Hotellings rule. When Hotellings rule is not met, you should
allocate more resource to the period in which the PV of (P MC) is larger,
and again check to see if Hotellings rule is satisfied. Continue this process
until you zero in on a sufficiently precise solution.
The exact solution to this problem derives from the mathematics of opti-
mization. Some of the key steps in this process require higher mathematics
than is assumed to be known by many readers. Suppose that demand in each
of two periods is given by the following equation:
P = a bq.
TS = aq bq2/2 cq
optimization problem is constrained by the fact that the total resource allo-
cated over time cannot exceed the fixed stock available. Derivative calculus
is used to identify the optimal allocation. If there are only two time periods
under analysis (periods 0 and 1), then the optimal solution satisfies the fol-
lowing two equations:
The solution to these equations will provide the exact solution to the prob-
lem of identifying the dynamically efficient allocation of the fixed resource
stock. In the example we have been working on, a = 20, b = 0.5, c = 5, r =
0.15, and Qtot = 40. As a result, the exact solution to our particular problem
satisfies the following two equations:
With two equations and two unknowns (q0 and q1), we can make use of
the fact that q0 = 40 q1 from the second equation and substitute 40 q1 for
q0 into the first equation, which reduces the problem to one equation that can
be solved for q1. Once q1 is found we can then solve for q0 = 40 q1.
Using this method in our problem, it can be shown that the exact solution
involves selling 20.7 barrels of oil in year 0, in which case market price in
year 0 is 20 (.5 20.7) = $9.65, and the marginal profit (P MC) from
selling the last barrel of oil in year 0 is $4.65. This allocation is illustrated in
Figure 5.3. We would then have the remaining 19.3 barrels of oil to sell in
year 1 at a price of $10.35. Therefore, you can see that consuming more
today and less in the future causes price to rise over time. In year 1 the PV of
(P MC) is $5.35/(1.15)1, or $4.65, which is the same as in year 0, as shown
in Figure 5.4. Since marginal profit in PV terms is equal in the two time
periods, Hotellings rule is satisfied.
This is a dynamic equilibrium because sellers have no incentive to shift
sales from one year to the next, since marginal profit in PV terms is equal in
the two time periods. The sum of total surplus (in PV terms) over the two
years is $374.14 in the dynamic equilibrium. One cannot rearrange the allo-
cation of the 40 units of resource in our problem between year 0 and year 1
and generate any more than $374.14 in total surplus (in PV terms over the
$ per unit
surplus = $107.12
Demand: P = 20 0.5q
Producer surplus
(Hotelling rent) = $96.26
20.7 40 Quantity
two years), which indicates that this dynamic equilibrium also results in dy-
namically efficient resource allocation. One can see, however, that the sum
of total surplus (in PV terms) is larger in the dynamic equilibrium than when
30 barrels are allocated to year 0 and 10 to year 1.
This brings us to an important insight. When a nonrenewable resource is
abundant, then consumption today does not involve an opportunity cost of
forgone marginal profit in the future, since there is plenty available for both
today and the future. As the resource becomes increasingly scarce, however,
consumption today involves an increasingly high opportunity cost of for-
gone marginal profit in the future. Therefore the profit created by this form
of resource scarcity is called Hotelling rent (also known as resource rent or
by the Ricardian term scarcity rent). Hotelling rent is economic profit that
can be earned and can persist in certain natural resource cases due to the
fixed supply of the resource. Hotelling rent generated in year 0 by our dy-
namically efficient solution is illustrated in Figure 5.3. Due to fixed supply,
consumption of a resource unit today has an opportunity cost equal to the
present value of the marginal profit from selling the resource in the future.
This opportunity cost limits current supply, which in turn elevates current
$ per unit
surplus = $93.12
Demand: P = 20 0.5q
Producer surplus
(Hotelling rent) = $103.26
19.3 40 Quantity
price above marginal cost, creating the rent. Likewise, marginal Hotelling
rent is defined to be the marginal profit received from a unit of the scarce
resource, (P MC). As a resource becomes increasingly scarce relative to
current and future demand, this scarcity is revealed in higher and higher
marginal Hotelling rent.
Applying this analysis to the world petroleum market is complicated by
several factors. First, proven and recoverable reserves have increased over
time due to new discoveries, and changes in technology have allowed for
recovery of stocks that had been considered unrecoverable in the past. Sec-
ond, the world petroleum market has not been well functioning and competi-
tive. The OPEC cartel has had periods of success in artificially limiting
quantity supplied in order to raise price, and the United States and other
countries have distorted competitive supply conditions by providing massive
subsidies for oil production and shipment through both tax policy and milita-
rization of key foreign production areas and shipping routes (more on this
topic in chapter 13). Third, petroleum usage generates large unresolved nega-
tive externalities in the form of pollution and climate change (see chapters 4
and 11) that distort competitive supply conditions in the world petroleum
market. Many petroleum experts believe that peak oil, the point at which
world oil production peaks, either has already occurred or will occur soon.
Uncertainty exists because it is possible that new reserves will still be dis-
covered, and that reserves reported by oil companies and governments may
be distorted by market or cartel incentives to overstate stocks. Once peak oil
production is reached, rising future demand will be confronted with declin-
ing future quantities supplied, and Hotelling-style pricing equilibria are likely
to become manifest in the global market.
As a final point, note that the discount rate has a powerful impact on the
dynamically efficient allocation of the scarce resource. For example, a zero
percent discount rate indicates that people are indifferent between a payment
today and a payment in the future. If you replaced the 15 percent discount rate
with a zero percent discount rate in the example given above, then you should
be able to prove to yourself that the dynamically efficient solution results in an
equal division of the resource over time. As the discount rate rises, however,
people increasingly prefer receiving their gain from trade in the present rather
than in the future. Therefore, the higher the discount rate the larger the share of
the resource consumed in the present rather than in the future. At the limiting
case of an infinite percent discount rate (indicating that people place no value
on a future payment, such as those who hold that the world will end after
today), then the dynamically efficient solution is to consume all of the resource
today. Therefore, the notion of sustaining a resource for future generations
relies upon people today having relatively low discount rates. This topic will
be addressed in detail at the end of chapter 13.
The simple two-period model with stable per-period demand and constant
marginal cost yields valuable insights into the way that a scarce resource is
efficiently allocated across time by a competitive resource market. Those
interested in the more general N-period analysis with increasing marginal
costs and substitute resources may wish to consult Tietenberg (2006). We
will return to the topic of Hotelling rents in chapter 13, where a model of
sustainable economic development is presented in which reinvestment of
these rents in natural or human-made capital, such as by way of a resource
depletion tax, contributes to sustainability.
Many resources such as paper, plastic, and metal are recyclable. One inter-
esting aspect of recyclable resources is that salvaged or recycled resource
acts as a substitute for virgin resource. Suppose for a moment that virgin and
recycled sources for a resource result in an identical commodity (e.g., alu-
minum ingots). Suppose further that the supply of resource commodity gen-
QR Market
P1 supply
Q0 Q1 Quantity
erated from recycling involves higher marginal cost due to additional col-
lection, sorting, and shipping, and that these exceed any energy cost savings
that may accrue due to reduced processing costs for the recycled resource.
In this case the commodity market will have three supply curvesone for
the recycled source, one for the virgin source, and the market supply curve
that represents the horizontal sum of these two supply curves. This circum-
stance is illustrated in Figure 5.5. Two different cases are explored. With
low commodity demand (D0 in Figure 5.5), equilibrium price P0 is every-
where below the minimum price required to supply commodity from re-
cycled sources. In this case, firms (or recycling centers) cannot afford to
supply recycled material due to its higher marginal cost, and the entire equilib-
rium market quantity Q0 is generated from virgin material. Under this unfor-
tunate circumstance recycling will only occur if the higher collection, sorting,
and shipping costs are subsidized. In contrast, with high commodity demand
(D1 in Figure 5.5), equilibrium price P1 results in a total equilibrium market
quantity Q1, a portion of which (QR, as indicated by the arrow in Figure 5.5)
is generated from recycled material. In this case higher market demand
tailed Alcoas monopoly in the primary market. Yet Gaskins (1974) found
that if aluminum demand is growing, as has been the case, then demand
growth almost totally mitigates the procompetitive effect of the secondary
market, which supports Judge Hands decision.
1960s and early 1970s. The Wilderness Act of 1964 allows Congress and the
president to grant formal wilderness protection under federal law to certain
tracts of federal land, and was a landmark law in recognizing nontimber
resource values. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1970 formally
requires the USFS and other agencies to conduct environmental impact analy-
sis and to provide for public participation. The Endangered Species Act of
1973 requires that projects such as logging in the national forests be contin-
gent on there being no adverse impact on any species listed as endangered or
threatened and requires mitigation for adverse impacts to these species. The
Resource Planning Act of 1974 requires the USFS and similar agencies to
propose long-term objectives and to construct long-term resource plans con-
sistent with these objectives. Concerns about the harms caused by clear-cut-
ting led to the passage of the National Forest Management Act of 1976, which
requires the USFS to create a forest plan for each national forest. This plan
provides key direction to timber harvest volumes, methods, and locations,
and explicitly requires a plan for managing nontimber resources. Forest plans
are contentious and allow for public comment and appeal, and so take a great
deal of time to develop, but nearly all projects are now open to public review
and appeal.
According to the U.S. Forest Service (1995), $130.7 billion in gross do-
mestic product were created by national forests in the year 2000. Of that,
$97.8 billion derives from recreation, plus $12.9 billion from fish and wild-
life benefits. The combined recreational and fish/wildlife values account for
85 percent of the total economic value generated by U.S. national forests.
Only $3.5 billion will be generated by timber harvest. Similarly, of the esti-
mated 3.3 million jobs directly or indirectly generated by activity in the U.S.
national forests for the year 2000, recreation and fish/wildlife accounted for
87.7 percent of the total. Recreational visitor-days totaled 730 million in
1993, nearly a quarter of which occurred in California, and overall recre-
ational use is projected to increase 63 percent by 2045. The budget process is
still largely driven by timber harvesting, however; while recreation accounts
for 75 percent of the economic benefits generated by national forests, only
21 percent of the Forest Service budget goes to support this activity.
labor that are applied to harvesting resource units from the CPR. To keep the
example simple, assume that the market price of the resource being harvested
is not affected by the amount of effort applied to the fishery. For the same
reason we assume that marginal effort cost (MEC) and average effort cost
(AEC) are constant. MEC is the increase in total cost from an additional unit of
effort, while AEC is total cost divided by the total amount of effort applied to
resource harvest. For example, constant MEC and AEC imply that the cost of
operating an oil well or a fishing boat for an hour remains constant.
The economic benefits from effort are measured by revenue generation. As
with effort cost, there are two important revenue measures for effortmar-
ginal revenue product (MRP) and average revenue product (ARP). MRP is
simply the change in total revenue caused by an additional unit of effort, while
average revenue product is total revenue divided by the total amount of effort
applied to resource harvest. For example, the revenue generated by operating a
fishing vessel for an additional hour is MRP, while ARP is the average amount
of revenue generated by an hour of vessel operation. Low levels of total appro-
priation effort do not harm the productivity of the resource stock, and so ARP
and MRP are both high when total effort E is low. For example, if a fishery has
not been fished very much, then a vessel can catch many fish in an hour of
effort. As total appropriation effort grows, however, the resource stock de-
clines, and so both MRP and ARP decline. MRP declines more sharply than
ARP because MRP reflects revenue generated by an additional unit of effort on
an increasingly depleted resource, while ARP reflects the average of revenue
from both abundant and depleted resource conditions. Declining MRP pulls
ARP down, however, just as a bad set of semester grades will pull down a
students cumulative grade point average.
As shown in Figure 5.6, the group-optimum (efficient) level of appropria-
tion effort E* occurs where MEC = MRP. The intuition is similar to the rea-
soning behind why a profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market will
supply a quantity of output where market price equals marginal cost in chap-
ter 4. Starting at zero effort, one can incrementally increase effort in one-unit
intervals and compare MRP to MEC. As long as MRP > MEC then an addi-
tional unit of effort will increase profit. If MRP = MEC, then further effort
will cause MRP < MEC, which will cause profit to decline. The efficient
level of appropriation effort leads to maximum Hotelling rent to be shared
by all the appropriators. This simplified one-diagram model reflects the dy-
namic efficiency result developed earlier in the chapter. Under conditions of
open-access, or when other property rights regimes fail, individual appro-
priators are unable to work together to limit total effort and maximize
Hotelling rent. If one appropriator were to limit effort, someone else would
simply harvest the resource units. The result is that Hotelling rent is fully
E : Level of total appropriation
effort that maximizes Hotelling
rent to CPR appropriators.
E : Level of total appropriation
effort that fully dissipates all
Hotelling rent to CPR
rent at group
optimum effort
E ED Units of
effort occurs where MEC = MRP. Since MEC is greater than zero, the
efficient level of appropriation effort for the appropriators as a group is
actually less than what would occur if the CPR were managed for MSY.
In the case of a fishery, the implication is that the efficient level of effort
for the fishers results in a larger stock of fish being maintained in the
fishery than what is required for MSY. In contrast, the open-access out-
come is not only economically inefficient, but also biologically ineffi-
cient because it results in a smaller stock of fish being maintained in the
fishery than what is needed to achieve MSY. We will discuss the eco-
nomic and policy issues associated with marine capture fisheries in detail
in chapter 6.
The dilemma with CPRs is that, unlike the invisible hand of Adam
Smiths competitive market, self-interested behavior in a CPR does not
yield the efficient outcome. Suppose a village has a common pasture for
grazing livestock but lacks effective rules for governing the number of
cattle that villagers graze on the pasture. In addition, suppose that the
pasture is currently being used at its carrying capacity. If a villager adds
one more milk cow to the village pasture, the villager gains 100 percent
of the benefit of increased milk production, but also creates an appro-
priation externality of reduced forage and a deteriorating pasture condi-
tion shared by all who graze livestock on the pasture. If all villagers act
in the same manner, the result will be destruction of the commons. As
Hardin (1968, p. 1244) argues:
The rational herdsman concludes that the only sensible course for him to
pursue is to add another animal to his herd. And another; and another. . .
But this is the conclusion reached by each and every rational herdsman
sharing the commons. Therein is the tragedy. Each man is locked into a
system that compels him to increase his herd without limitin a world
that is limited. Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush, each
pursuing his own best interest in a society that believes in the freedom of
the commons.
For years, [Sam] Novello had made a decent living off the abundant
groundfishcod, haddock, yellowtail flounderthat he hauled up off
the Atlantic Ocean floor. He used nets with a large-enough mesh size to
allow juvenile fish to pass through, and worked the best spots sparingly
with his tows. I didnt know I was a conservationist until somebody told
me, he says, but I believed in only taking the interest out of the bank.
But Novello watched many of his competitors make three times as much
money depleting vast areas and keeping thousands of pre-spawning-size
fish. And he has never forgotten the disdainful words of a local dealer:
What are you, stupid? One boat is gonna save every fish in the sea? So,
he adds sadly, Finally I said, OK, Ill fish like everybody else does.
(Russell 1996, p. 125)
Recall from chapter 3 that the process of rent dissipation in CPRs is re-
ferred to as the tragedy of the commons, a term coined by Garrett Hardin.
The theory behind Hardins tragedy of the commons is illustrated using a
simple strategic model in the appendix at the end of this chapter.
In the past, many economists have argued that the solution to the tragedy
of the commons is to assign private property rights. In developing their argu-
ments, these economists have often assumed that an open-access property
rights regime is in force, meaning that there are no rules limiting use. While
indeed transforming an open-access resource into a private property resource
will attenuate the tragedy of the commons when privatization is desirable
and feasible, increasingly those who study CPRs argue that appropriately
designed common property regimes may also work to prevent this tragedy
from occurring. Elinor Ostrom and her colleagues have argued that the grim
picture of CPR governance failure is not at all universal and that in fact there
are many examples of long-enduring, sustainable local CPR systems around
the world. Bromley (1992) provides additional case study analysis that sup-
ports Ostroms argument. Ostrom and her colleagues sought to learn what
makes these systems successful and to develop a set of design principles
from them that can guide the design of new CPR systems as well as predict
CPR success.
Ostroms central idea is that localized CPR systems can be durable and
sustainable in situations in which open-access conditions are displaced by a
common property regime established and governed by the local people who
depend on the CPR. Sustainable self-governance calls for a set of rule sys-
tems or institutions that define the physical boundaries of the CPR. These
institutions also specify the people who are allowed to use the CPR, the meth-
ods and extent of appropriations from the CPR, the methods and financing of
monitoring systems, a system for resolving conflicts, and a set of sanctions
There is evidence that this pattern also held for primary societies. McEvoy
(1986), for example, observes that highly productive locations for catching
salmon along the Klamath River in northwest California were privately owned
by individuals or partners in the Yurok tribe before contact with whites. As
private property, these productive fishing spots could be transferred by way
of market-like exchanges, and others were excluded from fishing at or im-
mediately below the spot. Yurok land that was farther from settlements or
that was less productive for catching fish had lower economic value and was
recognized as a common-property or an open-access resource.
Ostrom and her colleagues have also used laboratory experimental tech-
niques to evaluate aspects of CPR theory. Laboratory conditions replicate
the key incentives of the model under investigation with cash payments to
participants, and these cash payments vary based on the appropriation or
other decisions that they make. An important element of this research work
has been to determine the role of face-to-face communication in creating
social capital and informal rule systems that can prevent the dissipation of
Hotelling rents. Some of the basic results of this research include:
will market price and technology seamlessly guide society to the more effi-
cient use of existing resources and develop alternatives for those that are
depleted? In addition, what is the role of population?
Thomas Malthus, in his book An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798),
argued that growth in human population would outstrip the natural resource
endowment of the planet. Malthuss arguments were originally focused on the
land resource and food production. Malthus believed in the notion of absolute
resource scarcity, meaning that most important natural resources have no sub-
stitutes available now, and technology cannot create substitutes. While in
Malthuss view food production could indeed grow, this growth would be out-
stripped by the growth in human population. Because of absolute scarcity,
human society will eventually exceed the carrying capacity of planet earth,
leading society to collapse. Many ecologists have been heavily influenced by
Malthusian thought. Neo-Malthusians have generalized the Malthusian ar-
gument to include an overall statement about the natural environment, human
population growth, and quality of life.
The argument from mainstream natural resources economics is that when
adequate property rights have been assigned and enforced, and a resource is
allocated through competitive markets, Hotellings rule indicates that price
will reflect the relative scarcity of the resource. Specifically, the scarcer the
resource, the larger the Hotelling rents, and thus the higher will be the price
of the resource. Therefore, market price offers a good indication of overall
scarcity. Technological change has allowed us to reduce consumption of in-
creasingly scarce resources by identifying more resource-efficient technolo-
gies and by utilizing substitute resources. The energy crisis of the mid- and
late 1970s offers another lesson: higher oil prices spurred domestic produc-
tion of coal and natural gas, and created an incentive for R&D into alterna-
tive energy sources such as solar and wind. Many people were able to reduce
their energy use substantially through home insulation and adapting to lower
household temperatures, as well as car-pooling and riding public transporta-
tion to work. Energy inputs per dollar of produced goods and services have
declined substantially in many industrialized countries. A further argument
made by many economists is that there is relatively little evidence of grow-
ing Hotelling rents in natural resource markets. The inflation-adjusted prices
of coal; oil; natural gas; metals such as aluminum, iron, and copper; and
basic foodstuffs such as wheat, soybeans, and cattle have not increased, and
in many cases have actually declined over the last thirty years, despite the
rapid growth in human population.
Economists argue that Malthus assumed static technologies, meaning that
resource productivity would remain at 1798 levels. Perhaps Malthus took
this position because he largely preceded the rapid technological change that
was associated with the industrial revolution. In any event, by ignoring the
role of technology in increasing resource productivity and facilitating the
development of substitutes, Malthus failed to predict that in fact from his
time to the present, food production actually outgrew human population.
Global resource prices may provide a false indication of resource scarcity,
however. As Cohen (1996) points out, prices can provide a false indication
of resource scarcity for at least two reasons. First, prices do not provide in-
formation on the scarcity of open-access resources or poorly enforced state
and common property resources being depleted due to tragedy of the com-
mons. Second, resource prices may decline because production shifts to coun-
tries where the lack of environmental taxes and regulation leads to a larger
proportion of the external costs of resource extraction, use, and disposal not
being reflected in price. A third reason one can offer for why prices do not
provide a comprehensive indication of resource scarcity is that many impor-
tant resources and ecosystem services are not and cannot be directly pro-
vided for and protected by the individual actions of buyers and sellers in a
market. One example is the ecosystem service of atmospheric gas regulation
(such as the CO2/O2 balance and stratospheric O3 for protection from ultra-
violet radiation). Atmospheric gas regulation cannot easily be partitioned
and sold as private property in the market. In the absence of government
intervention and a coordinated effort the necessary changes in fuel and land
use would not happen. Therefore, market price will not fulfill its role as the
signaler of scarcity and depletion, and technology is unlikely to offer us sat-
isfactory substitutes.
Economists such as Anderson and Leal (1991) argue that inadequate re-
source protection occurs because of an inappropriate property rights regime,
and they suggest that the solution is privatization when possible. Yet the stocks
of fresh air, marine fisheries, groundwater, stratospheric ozone, biodiversity,
and many other resources cannot effectively be partitioned as private prop-
erty. In addition, it is not clear that a resource such as topsoil fertility is
conserved in privately owned farms, or that non-income-generating aspects
of the environment such as old-growth-dependent species are adequately pro-
tected in privately owned forest lands. Even for those resources for which
privatization can effectively reverse degradation, it is not at all clear that
such a move would be consistent with community values. For example, in
societies with highly unequal distributions of wealth, the privatization solu-
tion will put park and open-space access beyond the reach of people with
low or modest incomes. Ostrom and others have shown that private property
regimes are not necessary for sustainable resource management; common
property regimes can sustain natural resources when they are governed by
locally devised and maintained rule structures.
This debate between ecologists and economists over the changing nature
of scarcity led to a rather famous bet. In 1980, economist Julian Simon and
ecologist Paul Ehrlich made a highly publicized bet on whether the price of
a set of metals selected by Ehrlich (copper, chrome, nickel, tin, and tungsten)
would rise, remain constant, or fall by 1990. One thousand dollars worth of
these metals was bought in 1980. Ehrlich agreed to pay Simon the difference
between the 1980 and 1990 value of this quantity of metals if their aggregate
(inflation-adjusted) market price declined, while Simon agreed to pay Ehrlich
the difference between the 1980 and 1990 value of these metals if their ag-
gregate (inflation-adjusted) market price rose. In 1990, Ehrlich paid Simon
$576.07, indicating that the inflation-adjusted aggregate price of the metals
had fallen from $1,000 to $423.93. Ehrlich lost his bet because new resources
were discovered, substitutes were developed for those that had become scarce,
and some metals markets became more competitive. The outcome of this bet
would have been different if they had bet on factors such as urban sprawl and
The argument has raged over whether or not there is growing resource
scarcity because of growing population, as Malthus originally argued.
In fact, the price of many marketed natural resources such as coal, oil,
natural gas, forest products, seafood, and pasturage has not risen as
rapidly as some predicted and in many cases has actually fallen. This
has reinforced the arguments of the technological optimists such as Julian
Simon. On the other hand, in many parts of the world, ecosystem ser-
vices as well as common-property and open-access resources are being
depleted. There is truth in both camps: human ingenuity has indeed
offset substantial amounts of resource limitations with technological
advances, but many unique and irreplaceable resources are under in-
creasing pressure, and many are failing.
1. Suppose that in the oil example given in the chapter for dynamic effi-
ciency, all else remains the same except that the discount rate r rises from 15
percent to 30 percent. Using the technique shown in this chapter (p. 94),
determine how this increase in the discount rate will change the dynamically
efficient allocation of oil across the two periods, and how it will change the
size of the marginal Hotelling rent on each barrel of oil.
2. Suppose that in the oil example given in the chapter for dynamic effi-
ciency, all else remains the same except that now there are 60 barrels of oil
rather than only 40. Using the technique shown in this chapter (p. 94), deter-
mine how this increase in the availability of oil affects the dynamically effi-
cient allocation of oil across the two periods and how it will change the size
of the marginal Hotelling rent on each barrel of oil.
3. Carefully define a common-pool natural resource relative to both pri-
vate goods and pure public goods. Provide an example. Use this example to
explain the tragedy of the commons. If resource users can govern themselves,
what sort of rules might prevent the commons from becoming damaged from
4. Explain why the pure Malthusian outcome has not occurred, despite rapid
population growth since Malthuss time (1798). Carefully list the factors that
would explain why some resources have not grown increasingly scarce and
why some have substantially degraded. The role of technology and the possi-
bility of substitution should be at the center of your explanation.
5. Suppose there is a groundwater basin that is being drawn from faster
than it is being recharged from its aquifer, resulting in dropping water tables
in the area. Explain the different ways that people improve this situation.
6. Spreadsheet simulation (more advanced): Suppose that demand is given
b. Now suppose that Qtot = 70. Build a second table like the one in 6a
above. Provide a brief narrative economic interpretation of the impact
of a smaller resource stock on the dynamically efficient allocation of
the resource, as well as prices and marginal profit.
Internet Links
Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas ( Learn
more about independent assessments of when we will reach global peak oil
Adelaja, A., B. McCay, and J. Menzo. 1998. Market Power, Industrial Organization,
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cific Research Institute.
Barnett, H., and C. Morse. 1963. Scarcity and Growth. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
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Bromley, D., ed. 1992. Making the Commons Work. San Francisco: ICS Press.
Brown, L., ed. 1995. State of the World 1995. New York: Norton.
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The Value of the Worlds Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital. Nature 387:
Daily, G., ed. 1997. Natures Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems.
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Ehrlich, P. 1968. The Population Bomb. New York: Ballantine Books.
Ehrlich, P., and J. Holden. 1971. Impact of Population Growth. Science (March):
Eichhorn, W., R. Henn, K. Neumann, and R.W. Shephard, eds. 1982. Economic Theory
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Gaskins, D. 1974. Alcoa Revisited: The Welfare Implications of a Secondhand Mar-
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Gordon, H.S. 1954. The Economic Theory of a Common-Property Resource: The
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Hackett, S., E. Schlager, and J. Walker. 1994. The Role of Communication in Re-
solving Commons Dilemmas: Experimental Evidence with Heterogeneous Ap-
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Hardin, G. 1968. The Tragedy of the Commons. Science 162 (13 December):
Hotelling, H. 1931. The Economics of Exhaustible Resources. Journal of Political
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Keen, E. 1988. Ownership and Productivity of Marine Fishery Resources: An Essay
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McDonald and Woodward.
Lyon, T., and S. Hackett. 1993. Bottlenecks and Governance Structures: Open-Ac-
cess and Long-Term Contracting in Natural Gas. Journal of Law, Economics, and
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McEvoy, A. 1986. The Fishermans Problem: Ecology and Law in the California
Fisheries, 18501980. London: Cambridge University Press.
Malthus, T. 1798. An Essay on the Principle of Population. London (reprinted for the
Royal Economic Society by MacMillan & Co. Ltd. London, 1926).
Netting, R. 1981. Balancing on an Alp: Ecological Change and Continuity in a Swiss
Mountain Community. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Olson, M. 1965. The Logic of Collective Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Orbell, J., A. van de Kragt, and R. Dawes. 1988. Explaining Discussion-Induced
Cooperation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 54 (5): 81119.
Ostrom, E. 1990. Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collec-
tive Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ostrom, E., R. Gardner, and J. Walker. 1994. Rules, Games, and Common-Pool Re-
sources. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Ostrom, E., J. Walker, and R. Gardner. 1992. Covenants with and without a Sword:
Self Governance Is Possible. American Political Science Review 86: 12845.
Owen, O. 1985. Natural Resource Conservation: An Ecological Approach. New York:
Russell, D. 1996. Fisheries in Crisis (Part II). E Magazine 7 (SeptemberOctober).
Sethi, R., and E. Somanathan. 1996. The Evolution of Social Norms in Common
Property Resource Use. American Economic Review 86 (September): 76688.
Simon, J. 1981. The Ultimate Resource. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Smith, V.K., and J. Krutilla, eds. 1982. Explorations in Natural Resource Economics.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (for Resources for the Future).
Terry, J. 1993. The Use of Individual Quotas in Fisheries Management. Paris: Organi-
zation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Tietenberg, T. 2006. Environmental and Natural Resources Economics. 7th ed. Bos-
ton: Pearson Addison Wesley.
U.S. Forest Service. 1995. The Forest Service Program for Forest and Rangeland
Resources: A Long-Term Strategic Plan. Draft 1995 RPA Program. Washington,
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Weber, P. 1995. Protecting Oceanic Fisheries and Jobs. In State of the World 1995.
New York: Norton (for Worldwatch).
Wiggins, S., and G. Libecap. 1987. Firm Heterogeneities and Cartelization Efforts
in Domestic Crude Oil. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 3 (Spring):
The tragedy of the commons is most likely to occur under the conditions of
open-access or other poorly designed and enforced property rights regimes.
The tragedy of the commons outcome results from strategic behavior
behavior that an individual engages in based on how other people are ex-
pected to behave or respond. At the heart of the tragedy of the commons is
the belief that if one were to conserve the common-pool resources, others
will take what was conserved, and the CPR will still degrade. Mathemati-
cians refer to situations like this, in which people are taking strategic ac-
tions based on how other people are expected to behave or respond, as
games, and the theory used to analyze the outcomes of such situations is
referred to as game theory.
The tragedy of the commons can be described by a more general game
called the prisoners dilemma. In the prisoners dilemma there are two pris-
oners, Chang and Adams, who are being investigated in regard to a crime
punishable with a fine. Unless one or both of them confess, there is insuf-
ficient evidence to convict them, and they will go free and pay no fine. If
one of the prisoners were to confess and provide evidence to implicate the
other, while the other claims innocence, then the prisoner who confesses
will receive a $500 cash reward, while the prisoner claiming innocence
will be convicted of a crime and have to pay a $5,000 fine for lying and
claiming innocence. If both confess, then they both will be convicted of a
crime, but because they confessed, each will only have to pay a $1,000
fine. The prisoners are separated and do not know how the other will re-
spond to this situation and are unable to coordinate their actions. Assume
that the implicated prisoner cannot later punish the other prisoner for pro-
viding evidence.
Table 5.1
The payoff structure that forms the incentives for this game is summa-
rized in Table 5.1.
In this situation, each prisoner is confronted with the choice of confess
or claim innocence and with a conjecture of what the other prisoner will
do. To determine the Nash equilibrium to this game (named after John Nash,
a game theorist), first consider the options available to Chang. Chang knows
that if Adams confesses, then Chang will be fined $5,000 if he claims inno-
cence or fined $1,000 if he also confesses. In this circumstance, Chang is
best off to confess. If instead Adams claims innocence, then Chang will re-
ceive a $500 cash reward for confessing or get off free and pay $0 fine if he
also keeps quiet. In this circumstance, Chang is also best off to confess.
Thus, Chang has what is known as a dominant strategy of confessing. This
strategy is referred to as being dominant because Chang will confess regard-
less of what Adams does.
Now consider Adams, whose situation is exactly the same as that of Chang.
If Adams thinks Chang will confess, then Adams will be fined $5,000 if he
claims innocence or fined $1,000 if he also confesses. In this circumstance,
Adams is best off to confess. If instead Adams believes that Chang will claim
innocence, then Adams will receive a $500 cash reward for confessing or get
off free and pay $0 fine for also claiming innocence. In this circumstance,
Adams is also best off to confess. Thus, Adams also has a dominant strategy
of always confessing regardless of what Chang does.
The Nash equilibrium outcome of the prisoners dilemma is (confess, con-
fess), and both parties are fined $1,000. Note that this outcome is inefficient
relative to the (claim innocence, claim innocence) outcome, in which both
parties pay no fine, but that outcome is not an equilibrium because both
parties have an incentive to defect and confess if they think the other will
claim innocence.
You may already see that the strategic structure of the prisoners dilemma
game is also that of the CPR dilemma. If we rename this game CPR di-
lemma, the strategy of claiming innocence is renamed sustainable use,
and the strategy of confessing is renamed resource depletion. Thus the
The Economics of Natural
Resource Systems, Part II:
Marine Capture Fisheries
World Trends
Perhaps the best source of information for world trends is the United Nations
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the statistics given below derive
from the FAO (United Nations FAO, hereafter FAO, 2002). The total quan-
tity of landings from marine and freshwater capture fisheries (excluding China)
grew from around 20 million metric tons in 1950 to a peak of 83 million
metric tons in 1989, and ranged between 70 and 80 million metric tons be-
tween 1996 and 2001. Marine capture fisheries represented approximately
90 percent of these total capture fishery landings between 1996 and 2001,
and peak production from marine capture fisheries (omitting China) was 75.5
million metric tons in 1995. China is believed to have overstated its landings,
particularly during the 1990s, and so world statistics are frequently cited
with China omitted. The northwest Pacific, west central Pacific, southeast
Pacific, and northeast Atlantic regions dominate worldwide landings from
marine capture fisheries, and total harvest from these regions has grown or
remained steady since 1970. China increasingly dominates the harvest from
the northwest Pacific region, and is thought to be the worlds largest har-
vester from marine capture fisheries. Anchoveta was by far the dominant
species landed from marine capture fisheries in 2000, though landings of
this species fluctuate considerably year to year due to ocean conditions.
The FAO (2002) notes that global fishing pressure continues to increase,
the number of underexploited and moderately exploited fishery resources
continues to decline slightly, the number of fully exploited stocks remains
relatively stable, and the number of overexploited, depleted, and recovering
stocks is increasing slightly. An estimated 25 percent of the major marine
fish stocks or species groups for which information is available are either
underexploited or moderately exploited. About 47 percent of the main stocks
or species groups are fully exploited and are therefore producing catches
that have reached, or are very close to, their maximum sustainable limits.
Approximately 18 percent of stocks or species groups are reported as being
overexploited. Prospects for expansion or increased production from these
stocks are negligible, and there is an increasing likelihood that stocks will
decline further and catches will decrease, unless remedial management ac-
tion is taken to reduce overfishing conditions. The remaining 10 percent of
stocks have become significantly depleted, or are recovering from depletion
and are far less productive than they used to be or could be. As a result,
landings from about 75 percent of the worlds major marine fish stocks are
expected either to remain constant or to decline in the future.
Changes in landings from major marine capture fisheries occur due to
both human and environmental causes. For example, the biomass of some
benthic or groundfish species groups such as cod, flounder, halibut, and rock-
fish (found on or near the seafloor) may not recover very easily after heavy
harvest. Many groundfish are long-lived, do not become sexually mature for
many years, and are slow to reproduce. Examples include the northwestern
Atlantic cod fishery and the eastern Pacific groundfish fishery. The Grand
Banks and Georges Bank fisheries in the northwest Atlantic had once been
some of the worlds most productive groundfish fisheries and yet are now
essentially closed following their collapse. The formerly dominant species
of groundfishincluding flounder, cod, haddock, and hakehave been fished
down to a small fraction of their previous abundance. The Georges Bank
codfish catch peaked at more than 60,000 metric tons in 1983 and declined
to nearly 20,000 metric tons by 1994.
The Atlantic cod fishery in eastern Canada had for centuries been an eco-
nomic mainstay for fishery-dependent communities, especially in Newfound-
land and Labrador. While annual landings in the nineteenth century ranged
between 150,000 and 400,000 metric tons, annual landings of cod reached a
peak during the 1960s at nearly two million metric tons. Eastern Canadas
annual cod landings declined dramatically during the 1970s, and by 1977
had fallen below 500,000 metric tons. Declining cod landings continued into
the early 1990s, at which time Canadas cod fishery was widely seen as be-
ing in crisis. In 1993 Canada announced that all major cod fisheries would
be suspended, and that quotas for other groundfish species would be sharply
restricted in 1994. The moratorium was maintained indefinitely beyond its
May 15, 1994, scheduled termination, and it was estimated that up to 35,000
fishery participants and plant workers were put out of work as a result of
these closures (Canadian Department of Fish and Oceans website). In 1998,
Canada announced a five-year, $730-million program called the Canadian
Fisheries Adjustment and Recovery Plan to address the permanent downsizing
of the Atlantic groundfish fishery. At that time Canadas fisheries minister
noted that Atlantic groundfish stocks could take many years (possibly de-
cades) to rebuild, and that even then, the industry would not be able to sup-
port the same number of fishermen and fishery workers.
The cod catch in the northwestern Atlantic peaked in the 1960s at about
1.43 million metric tons per year, declined to 644,000 metric tons per year
in the 1980s, and collapsed to only 48,000 metric tons in 1994. Similarly,
the 1997 catch of cod, hake, and haddock in the northwest Atlantic was
only 16.5 percent of the 1990 catch (FAOSTAT database). The National
Marine Fisheries Service reports that in 1965 cod, haddock, hake, and floun-
der made up more than 70 percent of the common fishes in the Gulf of
Maine. By 1992 dogfish and skate (less desirable species of fish) made up
more than 75 percent of the common fish in these waters. The collapse of
New England cod stocks is estimated to have eliminated at least 20,000
regional fishing-related jobs, as well as an estimated $349 million in an-
nual revenues (Weber, 1994; McGinn, 1998). The New England Fishery
Management Council (NEFMC) estimates that recent groundfish catches
of 120 million pounds (valued at $105 million) could increase by approxi-
mately a factor of four (to 425 million pounds, with a value estimated at
$425 million), if New Englands groundfish fishery were fully restored to
potential levels (NEFMC, 2002). Restoration of slow-growing groundfish
stocks would involve additional fishing restrictions and economic hard-
ships for participants in these fisheries.
A similar pattern has developed on the west coast of the United States in
the Pacific groundfish fishery. The 1976 Magnuson Fishery Management
and Conservation Act displaced foreign factory trawlers with domestic ves-
sels within the newly established 200-mile exclusive economic zone in fed-
eral waters. As Young (2001) points out, programs such as the Investment
Tax Credit, Fishing Vessel Obligation Guarantee Fund, and Capital Construc-
tion Fund encouraged investment in new vessels, though at the time there
was poor information on what harvest rates the stocks could sustain. Fisher-
men responded by dramatically increasing the number of vessels in the west
coast fleet during the late 1970s, while increasingly sophisticated technol-
ogy made both existing and new vessels more efficient at harvesting fish.
During the early 1980s the west coast shrimp and salmon fisheries declined,
and many vessels shifted to the groundfish fishery. In 2000 the Scientific and
Statistical Committee of the Pacific Fishery Management Council estimated
that about 70 percent of the fishing vessels in west coast groundfish were
redundant (Pacific Fishery Management Council 2000). This overcapitaliza-
tion was seen as the fundamental cause of many problems in the fishery. In
2003 President Bush signed into law the Pacific groundfish vessel buyback
program, which retired 35 percent of the groundfish trawl permits held dur-
ing the 19982001 base years, accounting for 36.5 percent of all the trawl-
caught Pacific groundfish.
In contrast to groundfish, the biomass of some pelagic species groups
such as anchoveta, pilchards, sardines, and squid (found in the open ocean
off the seafloor) fluctuates due to oceanic conditions such as the El Nio
cycle. This cycle features a warming of the ocean surface in the eastern tropi-
cal Pacific that occurs every four to twelve years when upwelling of cold,
nutrient-rich water does not occur. These types of marine animals are rela-
tively short-lived and fertile, and can potentially recover from heavy harvest
over a period of years or decades. As reported by McEvoy (1986) in his
history of California fisheries, in the 193233 fishing season the west coast
sardine fishery reached its estimated maximum sustainable yield of approxi-
mately 250,000 to 300,000 tons. The majority of the sardine fishery occurred
in California waters, and there were 570 vessels fishing for sardine off the
California coast in 1936. By the 193637 fishing season, the sardine catch
had increased to nearly 800,000 tons. While California sardine processors
began as canneries (thus John Steinbecks Cannery Row set in Monterey),
increasingly sardines were being reduced into fishmeal and oil for use as
animal feed and fertilizer. Despite the lack of any sort of conservation mea-
sures, the sardine catch managed to hold at between 500,000 and 600,000
tons through the 194546 season.
By 1947 the number of vessels pursuing sardines in California waters had
nearly doubled to 1,100. Spawning failed in 1949 and 1950, and by the early
1950s total landings on the west coast of the United States fell to slightly less
than 15,000 tons. With high demand for sardines as feedstock for fertilizer,
pressure turned to the Peruvian anchoveta fishery, which like the California
sardine fishery went through a brief boom followed by collapse in the early
1970s. Following the same trend, the North Sea herring catch peaked at more
than 1 million tons in 196667. By 1977 the catch was less than 40,000 tons,
and a ban was placed on harvest in 1978. Both the California sardine fishery
and the Peruvian anchoveta fishery experienced a recovery in the late 1990s
into 2000. Total sardine landings in California were 62,600 tons in 1999, and
maximum sustainable yield of Pacific sardines off the west coast of the United
States is estimated to be about 22 percent of the spawning biomass (Wolfe,
Smith, and Bergen 2001).
In April 1994 the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) concluded
that excessive fishery harvest had caused drastic reductions in many of the
preferred species of edible fish. Moreover, the NAS reported that changes in
the composition and abundance of marine flora and fauna had been exten-
sive enough to endanger the functioning of marine ecosystems. While the
NAS recognized that fishing was only one of a number of different negative
human impacts on the marine environment, overfishing was considered the
most important single impact. Similarly, the FAO has concluded that sub-
stantial damage has occurred to the marine environment, and to the econo-
mies that depend on the fishery resource.
X = kF(X) = 0.
As shown in Figure 6.1, the flow of harvestable fish from the fish
stock(measured by F(X) starts out small when the stock is small,
and then rises to the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) at FMAX. The flow
of harvestable fish at first grows as the stock of fish grows due to the
small stock only exploiting a small portion of the available food and habi-
tat, thus allowing for substantial reproductive success and recruitment of
new fish into the stock. Beyond XMSY the flow of harvestable fish then
falls as the stock increases toward k. The flow of harvestable fish eventu-
ally declines as the stock increases beyond XMSY because the large stocks
of fish increasingly exploit the available food and habitat, thereby limit-
ing reproductive success and recruitment of new fish into the stock. X =
k is the biological equilibrium where habitat is fully exploited and the
population is presumably in balance with nonhuman predation, so that
no net growth can occur.
Now lets introduce human harvest rate H into the model and develop the
idea of the bioeconomic equilibrium. We can use the bioeconomic model to
relate harvest rates to the growth rate of the fish stock. A bioeconomic equi-
librium occurs where H = F(X) and the net growth rate of the stock is equal
to zero. We can identify several different cases that relate harvest rate to the
flow of harvestable fish. For our first case, suppose that the harvest rate
XMSY k Biomass X
FMAX Harvest
rate H
Fish stock
growth rate
F(X) = rX(1X/k)
0 X=0 X
XMSY = High biomass
Equilibrium equilibrium
rate H < FMAX. In this case there are three bioeconomic equilibria. One of these
occurs at XH. If at the time this harvest rule is put into place the stock of fish is
greater than XH, then H > F(X) and we know that the net growth rate of the fish
stock will become negative and the stock will decline. The stock will stop
shrinking at H = F(XH), indicating that the bioeconomic equilibrium occurs at
XH. If the time this harvest rule is put into place the stock of fish is such that XL
< X < XH, then we can see in Figure 6.3 that H < F(X) and we know that the net
growth rate of the fish stock will become positive and the stock will grow. The
stock will stop growing at H = F(XH), indicating again that the bioeconomic
equilibrium occurs at XH. Thus, we can see that the high biomass equilibrium
is stable for a relatively wide range of stock levels.
A second bioeconomic equilibrium exists at XL, but it only occurs when
X = XL, at which point H = F(XL). To see this, note that if XL < X < XH, then
we get the high biomass equilibrium as was shown in the previous para-
graph. Moreover, if X < XL then H > F(X) and the net growth rate of the
fish stock will be negative and the stock will decline. This harvest rate is
not sustainable, and if it is not reduced, then the (third) bioeconomic equi-
librium will occur at X = 0, at which point H = F(0) = 0.
So far, we have assumed that the harvest rate is constant. To be more
realistic, consider the following harvest function:
rate H
This harvest function tells us that the harvest rate H is a function of the size
of the fish stock X and the level of fishing effort E at time period t. Recall that
fishing effort is a measure of the inputs (such as deckhands, vessel, gear,
fuel, and bait) applied to catching fish. The harvest equation is simply a
special form of a production function, which in microeconomic theory re-
lates the transformation of inputs into outputs. For a given level of effort, we
would expect that an increase in fish stocks would result in an increase in
harvest (in calculus terms, that dH/dX > 0). Likewise, for a given stock level,
we would expect that an increase in effort would result in an increase in
harvest (in calculus terms, that dH/dE > 0). The Law of Diminishing Mar-
ginal Returns would suggest that in the short run, with the stock level fixed,
it would require successively larger and larger increments of effort to gener-
ate successive increases in harvest of a given size.
Figure 6.4 illustrates the bioeconomic equilibria that we first considered in
Figure 6.3, but now with two harvest functions. Harvest function H1 assumes a
relatively low level of total effort E1 applied by participants in the fishery, and
shows the level of harvest increasing linearly with increases in the size of the fish
H2 = G[E2, X]
H1 = G[E1,X]
stock. Harvest function H2 is like the first, but assumes a relatively high level of
total effort E2. Lets assume that E1 corresponds to the group-optimum level of
effort identified in chapter 5, while E2 corresponds to the level of effort that fully
dissipates total Hotelling rents among the participants in the fishery. For a given
size of the fish stock on the horizontal axis, the greater level of fishing effort
assumed in H2 results in a larger harvest rate (measured on the vertical axis) than
in H1. You can see this in Figure 6.4 by assuming that fish stocks are at XL, and
then noting that H1 = G[E1, XL] < H2 =G[E2, XL].
Figure 6.4 reveals an important point. Each of the harvest functions has its
own bioeconomic equilibrium where harvest rate H equals fishery growth
rate F(X). The high biomass equilibrium is associated with the lower, group-
optimum level of effort E1, while the low biomass equilibrium is associated with
the higher, rent-dissipating level of effort E2. Interestingly, however, both of the
bioeconomic equilibria result in the same equilibrium harvest rate H*. There-
fore, we can see that the bioeconomic equilibrium associated with E1 is clearly
better for the fishery participants because it generates the same level of harvest
with less effort. As a result, we can clearly see that the group-optimum bioeconomic
equilibrium is also more economically efficient than the equilibrium associated
with full rent dissipation, as the former generates the same level of output as the
latter, but with fewer inputs employed. Moreover, we can also see in Figure 6.4
that the group-optimum solution also results in a higher steady-state stock of fish
than the equilibrium associated with full rent dissipation. Note that if fish are
sufficiently valuable, stocks grow slowly, and if fishing effort is sufficiently cheap,
it is possible for the harvest function associated with full rent dissipation to be so
steep as to lie strictly above F(X). In this unfortunate case the bioeconomic equi-
librium occurs at X = 0, where the fish stock is exterminated.
While this bioeconomic model does not fit the biomechanics of all fisher-
ies, it provides a relatively simple illustration of the dynamic interaction be-
tween fish stocks and human harvest rates. We will now turn to a discussion
of fishery management practices and the intended and unintended impacts
that they have had on stocks, fishery participants, and others.
Fishery Management
tical difficulties involved with reducing excess fishing capacity. One practi-
cal difficulty is that of measurement. Some gear and vessels can be deployed
in different fisheries, which makes it difficult to attribute a given amount of
fishing capacity to a particular fishery. Moreover, attempts at reducing fish-
ing capacity in one fishery can result in vessels and gear shifting to another
fishery. For example, efforts made by some developed countries to reduce
fishing capacity have led to the relocation of vessels to the fisheries of other
(usually developing and least developed) countries. This does not constitute
a reduction in capacity on a global scale. Moreover, the open-access nature
of high seas fisheries creates a particularly difficult situation with respect to
the control of fishing capacity. In the 1982 United Nations Convention on
the Law of the Sea, in particular, the issue of fishing capacity is largely ig-
nored (FAO 1998). As the FAO (1990, p. 78) observes:
As we shall see in the next section of this chapter, there are a number of
new alternative management schemes that address excess capacity, the race
for fish, and the overfished status of many marine capture fisheries.
Individual Quotas
A key problem with both open-access fisheries and traditional fishery manage-
ment tools is that fishers do not have any property rights to a share of the
available fishery stock prior to capture. Because fishers do not have a property
right to fish until capture, the harvest by one vessel imposes a rule of capture
externality on all others by reducing the remaining stock of fish. When the rule
of capture externality is operating, fishery participants have an incentive to
overcapitalize in vessel, crew, and gear (Casey et al. 1995). We have also seen
that the rule of capture externality promotes a race for fish that leads to dimin-
ished product quality and increased fishing hazards. A number of alternative
management regimes have recently been implemented to address some or all
of these deficiencies of traditional management. Some of the more prominent
examples are summarized in Table 6.1 and will be discussed below.
Table 6.1
regime Purpose How it works Examples Discussion
Individual Eliminate derby, Quota shares to Alaskan Establishment
Fishing Quota reduce over- total allowable halibut and of initial quota
(IFQ) capitalization, catch (TAC) sablefish, shares may be
increase allocated to Australian contentious;
economic individual blue fin tuna, must be
efficiency fishers; may be Icelandic feasible to set
transferable herring and TAC and
cod, New monitor
Zealand landings;
fisheries, U.S. concentration of
Atlantic surf ownership is
clam and an issue
Individual Eliminate derby, Similar to IFQ British Similar to IFQ
Vessel Quota reduce over- except that Columbian
(IVQ) capitalization, shares are halibut,
increase allocated among sablefish, and
economic registered groundfish;
efficiency vessels instead Norwegian
of individuals fisheries
Community Promote Quota shares to Chatham Like the closely
Fishing Quota community TAC allocated to Islands and related
(CFQ) cohesiveness a community Maori Community
and other goals defined by communities Development
geography, in New Quota system,
cultural identity, Zealand; CFQs promote
or some other Sambro, Nova community
factor(s) Scotia cohesion
Effort Quota Reduce effort Quota shares to Washington Only effective in
(EQ) and increase effort, including Dungeness controlling total
economic inputs such as crab pot catch if there
efficiency crustacean licenses, are no
traps, or time at Florida spiny substitutes for
sea; may be lobster crab the restricted
transferable trap input, and input
certificates, productivity is
scallop fleet predictable and
days-at-sea stable
Individual quotas (IQs) were first implemented in Iceland and New Zealand
in the early 1980s, and since then have been implemented in an increasing
number of fisheries around the world (Wilen 2000). IQs assign a share of the
TAC to individual fishers (IFQs), vessels (IVQs), or communities (CFQs).
Those who hold quota shares own a share of the TAC. Therefore, the fishing
season does not end until all quota shares are filled, subject to biological
constraints. By assigning rights prior to capture, IQs eliminate the rule of
capture externality. As a result, derby conditions and the incentive for over-
capitalization are either substantially reduced or eliminated. Reduction or
elimination of derby conditions implies that the pulse of landings that occurs
due to the derby is instead spread out over a longer period of time. Reducing
overcapitalization increases the economic efficiency of the fishing industry
by reducing the total cost of harvesting a given quantity of fish. IQs can also
be transferable or tradable, which can introduce further gains in economic
efficiency. When IQs are tradable in a competitive market setting, economic
theory suggests that quota will flow to its highest-valued use. This is particu-
larly important in overcapitalized and depleted fisheries in which quota shares
are too small to allow for economically efficient and profitable vessel opera-
tion. In this case tradable quota shares will tend to be concentrated on a
subset of the original fishing fleet that can operate efficiently and profitably.
Those who exit the fishery can at least receive the value of their quota share.
An IQ operating on an isolated fishery undergoing consolidation can result
in vessels simply being redeployed in some other less-regulated fishery, which
reduces the global benefits of a tradable IQ.
There is some evidence that IQs have improved overall economic condi-
tions in fisheries, as well as in the processing industry complexes that serve
as the primary market for these fisheries. In the Atlantic surf clam/ocean
quahog fishery, imposition of an IQ system in late 1990 resulted in a de-
crease in excess capacity and a consequent increase in economic efficiency
(National Research Council 1999). The number of vessels working the At-
lantic surf clam/ocean quahog fishery fell by at least 50 percent following
the imposition of IQ fishery management. Likewise, the imposition of IQs
on the Icelandic herring fishery increased economic efficiency, reduced the
number of vessels from 200 to 29, and increased the profitability of fishing
firms (National Research Council 1999). Along these same lines, the OECD
(1997) reports that imposition of IQs in Australias bluefin tuna fishery re-
sulted in a 70 percent reduction in vessel numbers and an estimated fourfold
increase in Hotelling rent.
Moreover, as Matulich, Mittelhammer, and Reberte (1996) and Hackett et
al. (2005) observe, displacement of derby fisheries through the imposition of
IQ fishery management also has implications for the structure and perfor-
Table 6.2
Effects of Derby Reduction, Resulting from IQ Fishery Management, on
the Seafood Processing Industry
Location Fishery Ex-vessel Number of Proportion
price processors product fresh
British Columbia Halibut and + + +
Alaska Halibut and + + +
Iceland Cod + +
New Zealand, Rock lobster + + Increased live
Scotia-Fundy, Groundfish + +
eries has increased. For example, the average sales price of abalone quota
increased from $NZ50,000 per metric ton in 1991 to approximately
$NZ190,000 per metric ton in 1994 (National Research Council 1999).
There are a number of issues that can make IQs difficult to implement. First,
it must be possible to establish a TAC on the fishery, which from a biological
point of view may be difficult. Moreover, it must be feasible to monitor land-
ings to prevent cheating on quota shares. Second, quota shares must be allo-
cated to individuals, vessels, or coastal communities, and the initial quota
allocation can be contentious. A common practice is to allocate initial quota
shares based on historical landings. If conflict already exists on the fishery due
to significant capacity differences in vessels or due to recent entry by vessels
displaced from other fisheries, this conflict is likely to be manifested in initial
quota assignments. Conflict can also occur over whether processors are to be
allocated quota shares. Moreover, if individual quotas are being allocated, there
is an issue over whether crewmembers should receive quota shares, which
introduces further problems due to poor documentation of crewmember tenure
on the fishery. Third, a decision must be made about whether IQs are to be
tradable. If IQs are to be tradable, then a determination must be made regard-
ing who is allowed to purchase quota shares and whether there is to be an
upper limit on quota holdings by an individual, vessel, or community. Limits
on quota shares were not established on the IQs for the Atlantic surf clam/
ocean quahog fishery, which led to some degree of ownership concentration
and concerns about market power and rapid declines in total employment (Na-
tional Research Council 1999). Fourth, some see IQ systems as a giveaway of
public resources to private individuals, and so a decision must be made over
whether some sort of auction or tax should be used to reclaim Hotelling rent
from fisheries, and to fund monitoring and enforcement.
Effort quotas have been used to limit effort and reduce overcapitalization
in fisheries. Most of the effort quotas used in the United States have been
trap certificate programs in pot fisheries for crustaceans such as Dungeness
crab and spiny lobster. In the case of trap certificates, a total number of traps
for the fishery is established, and trap quota shares or certificates are usually
assigned to fishers based on individual landings history in the fishery. As
with IQs, trap certificates can be tradable. Effort quotas have also been used
for Atlantic groundfish and scallops through fleetwide days-at-sea limita-
tions (National Research Council 1999). While effort quotas can reduce over-
capitalization and to some degree temporally spread landings, they do not
establish rights to fish prior to capture and thus do not resolve all of the
negative aspects of derby fisheries.
Unfortunately, there is even less information available on the performance
of effort quotas such as trap certificate programs than there is on IQs. A trap
certificate program was instituted in 1992 for the Florida spiny lobster fish-
ery. The purpose of the program was to stabilize the fishery and increase
yield per trap by reducing the total number of traps. Because of the trap
certificate program, the number of spiny lobster traps decreased by 42 per-
cent, from the 940,000 reported in 199192 prior to the certificate program,
to 544,000 in the 199899 season (Milon, Larkin, and Lee 1998). They also
report an increasing, though still small, degree of concentration in the spiny
lobster fishing industry. As a result of the reduction in traps the average price
of individual trap certificates sold to nonfamily members rose from about $5
in 1994 to about $20 in 1998 (Milon, Larkin, and Lee 1998).
While most of the worlds marine capture fisheries have reached or exceeded
full exploitation, aquaculture, or fish farming, continues to grow in both ab-
solute levels and as a percentage of total fish production. According to the
FAO (2002), aquacultures contribution to global supplies of fish, crusta-
ceans, and molluscs continues to grow, increasing from 3.9 percent of total
production by weight in 1970 to 27.3 percent in 2000. In 2000, aquaculture
provided over 36 percent of the worlds food fish supplies. Aquaculture is
growing more rapidly than all other animal food-producing sectors. World-
wide, the sector has increased at an average compounded rate of 9.2 percent
per year since 1970, compared with only 1.4 percent for capture fisheries
and 2.8 percent for terrestrial farmed meat production systems. Approxi-
mately one-third of the shrimp consumed in 1996 were produced by aqua-
culture, and 60 percent of all salmon consumed in 2003 was farmed. Fresh-
water aquaculture production represents approximately 60 percent of total
aquaculture production. While freshwater aquaculture is dominated by fin-
fish production such as carp, shellfish dominate marine aquaculture. In 2000
China was by far the dominant producer of farmed fish in the world, produc-
ing nearly 68 percent of total world aquaculture production; 82 percent of
world aquaculture production occurs in lower-income food-deficit countries.
High-value aquaculture species include giant tiger prawns, Pacific cupped
oysters, various carp, and Atlantic salmon.
While aquaculture is an important source of food in food-deficit coun-
tries, in some cases aquaculture can harm wild fishery stocks. For example,
some shrimp farmers engage in large-scale biomass fishingfine-mesh
net fishing that catches large numbers of the juveniles from wild fishery
stocks. The construction of pens for coastal fish or shrimp farms accounts for
a substantial proportion of the decline in the worlds mangrove ecosystems,
which are essential as nurseries for many species of fish and as natural
water filtration systems. For example, Nixon (1996) reports that approxi-
mately 75 percent of the original mangrove forest existing in the Philip-
pines in the 1920s is gone, with the trees harvested for lumber and the sites
commonly transformed into shrimp farms. Safina (1994) reports that the
farming of groupers, milkfish, and eels requires that hatchlings be cap-
tured from wild stocks because they cannot be bred in captivity, which puts
further pressure on wild stocks. The density of fish in aquaculture facilities
increases the potential for diseases to spread, which increases the risk of
lost production to operators and creates the potential for the spread of dis-
ease to wild stocks.
In addition to impacts on marine ecology, aquaculture also has economic
impacts on marine capture fisheries. Consider, for example, the case of farmed
and wild salmon. The farming of salmon in net pens set up in protected
coastal areas was pioneered commercially in Norway in the 1970s. The origi-
nal perception was that farmed salmon would reduce pressure on wild stocks
and provide economic opportunities for coastal communities impacted by de-
clining wild stocks. Industry observers note that the idealistic vision for salmon
farming was based on small-scale operations producing farmed fish at prices
above those that prevailed for salmon from capture fisheries. Yet high prices
and increasing consumer demand under competitive conditions in the world
seafood market elicited large-scale entry by new salmon aquaculture operators
in coastal countries with suitable ocean conditions around the world, including
Canada, Chile, Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Scotland. Falling prices
forced operators to exploit economies of scale, causing the industry to consoli-
date into a relatively small number of large operators, and these cost-cutting
Internet Links
This chapter provides an overview of the methods used to measure the benefits
and the costs of environmental protection, as well as a description of benefit/
cost analysis (BCA). The goal is to introduce the reader to these concepts and
the ways in which they have been applied in assessing proposed projects, policy
changes, and man-made damages to the environment. Readers interested in
going beyond this introductory treatment and developing the technical skills
required to conduct nonmarket valuation studies, cost assessments, and other
elements of benefit/cost analysis can begin with the citations list and Internet
links to technical studies listed at the end of the chapter.
Enhancing environmental conservation and restoration entails opportunity
costs. Examples of these opportunity costs include the economic value of har-
vested timber, fishery, or mineral resources left undeveloped; the profitable
investment opportunities lost when firms are required to invest in pollution-
control machinery and equipment; and the alternative use of tax revenues allo-
cated by government for increased monitoring and enforcement. While there
are many philosophical and conceptual problems with benefit/cost analysis
(which we will explore below), policy decisions are made in the context of
scarcity, and so policy decisions entail opportunity costs. Informed decision
making ultimately requires that we rank alternatives and confront the net ben-
efits of one policy option with the opportunity cost of that choice. Unless soci-
ety can agree that certain environmental policies are intrinsically right, it is
very difficult to avoid some form of benefit/cost analysis of social policy.
posed Practices for Economic Analysis of River Basin Projects, also known
as the green book, which provided a uniform best-practices guide for vari-
ous agencies involved with public projects.
In the current environmental policy debate, benefit/cost analysis has be-
come a highly charged, controversial issue. Some wish to increase the use of
benefit/cost analysis in order to enhance the efficiency of government regu-
lation. It can be argued, however, that benefit/cost analysis is inappropriate
as the single deciding policy factor in many circumstances where its use is
proposed. Elements of this argument include:
refers to the extent to which a particular policy improves upon status quo
social utility as measured by net (monetary) benefits.
If there is a range of possible policy options, then the efficient policy
option is the one that generates the largest improvement in social utility. As
was discussed in chapter 2, there are two different criteria for judging the
efficiency of social policy. The Kaldor-Hicks efficiency criterion states that
the efficient policy option generates the largest net monetary benefits rela-
tive to the other policy alternatives. In contrast, the more restrictive Pareto
efficiency criterion states that an efficient policy option makes some people
better off and nobody worse off when compared to the status quo. The
Pareto criterion is considered nearly impossible to satisfy in actual policy
analysis, and so Kaldor-Hicks is the usual efficiency criterion used. While
the usual method of performing benefit/cost analysis is to maximize the
present value (PV) of net monetary benefits (as described below), an alter-
native method is to select policies that generate the greatest amount of
monetary benefit for each dollar of cost; called the benefit/cost ratio method.
The ratio method tends to favor smaller projects, while the net monetary
benefit method tends to favor larger projects. In the presentation that fol-
lows, we will assume that the Kaldor-Hicks efficiency criterion is applied
to the PV of net benefits.
PVNB = (B0 C0)/(1 + r)0 + (B1 C1)/(1 + r)1 + . . . + (Bn Cn )/(1 + r)n
Table 7.1
house gas emissions control and global warming. To see this, note that
the PV of $100 of benefit received fifty years from now, using a standard
10 percent discount rate, is only 85 cents. Therefore 85 cents deposited
today in a financial investment paying 10 percent interest will compound
in value to $100 in fifty years. If the federal government routinely uses a
10 percent discount rate, then spending more than 85 cents on a policy
today that will generate $100 of benefits fifty years from now will not
pass a benefit/cost test. This subject will be discussed in more detail in
chapter 13.
Acid rain in the eastern United States and Canada is caused by sulfur dioxide
emitted from sources such as the smokestacks of coal-fired power plants.
Acid rain (and other forms of acid deposition) lowers the pH of soil, streams,
and water bodies, thereby reducing biotic productivity and at times even
killing entire species of animals and plants. We can consider a variety of
different levels of sulfur dioxide control. Benefit/cost analysis can be used to
determine the policy alternative that yields the largest net monetary benefit.
Consider the hypothetical PV of costs and benefits (in millions of dollars)
associated with each incremental 10 percent reduction in sulfur dioxide in
Table 7.1. Assume for a moment that the monetary values given in the table
fully measure the benefits and the costs associated with controlling sulfur
dioxide emissions.
Figure 7.1 Level of Pollution Control That Maximizes Total Net Benefit
Occurs Where Marginal Benefit Equals Marginal Cost
Marginal cost
Marginal benefit
50 Percentage of total
pollution emissions
Figures 7.1 and 7.2 illustrate the relationship between marginal benefits
and costs, and total net benefits. When an additional increment of pollution
abatement generates marginal benefits that exceed marginal cost, then mar-
ginal net benefit is positive, and therefore total net benefit increases with
additional cleanup. At some point, an increment of additional pollution abate-
ment will generate a marginal benefit that is equal to marginal cost, which
means that marginal net benefit is zero, and total net benefit remains un-
changed. Any further increment of additional pollution abatement will gen-
erate marginal benefit that is less than marginal cost, which means that
marginal net benefit is negative, and total net benefit declines. Therefore,
total net benefit is maximized when marginal benefit equals marginal cost.
This illustrates a more general analytical tool used in microeconomics, called
marginal analysis, which helps us identify a maximum (such as the maxi-
mum total net benefit in Table 7.1) by evaluating marginal benefits and mar-
ginal costs. The equimarginal principle states that the optimal allocation
occurs when marginal benefit equals marginal cost. Recall that we used mar-
50 Percentage of total
pollution emissions
ginal analysis in chapter 4 to find the competitive market supply curve using
the price equals marginal cost rule.
The efficient level of sulfur dioxide pollution control is found where total
net benefits are maximized, which in the example above happens to occur at
the 50 percent level of control. To see how we arrive at the conclusion that
the 50 percent level of pollution control maximizes total net benefits, apply
the methodology described in the preceding paragraph. Note that as one be-
gins the first increment of the cleanup process, marginal net benefits are
positive, meaning that the initial 10 percent increment of cleanup adds mar-
ginal benefits that exceed marginal cost. Therefore, the first 10 percent in-
crement of cleanup causes total net benefits to increase. Likewise, as long as
an additional increment of cleanup generates positive marginal net benefits
they will continue to increase total net benefits. At some point, marginal net
benefits will become zero, which corresponds to maximum total net ben-
efits. When the marginal net benefits of further cleanup become negative
(which occurs when the level of pollution abatement increases from 50 to 60
percent in the example above), total net benefit declines with any additional
pollution reduction. Consequently, in our example the efficient level of sul-
fur dioxide pollution control occurs at the 50 percent level of control.
Note that in our example the marginal costs of cleanup are rising, while
the marginal benefits are falling. While this does not always have to be the
case, we generally expect marginal costs to rise. For example, the first 10
percent reduction in sulfur dioxide may be accomplished by rather inexpen-
sive replacement of low-sulfur for high-sulfur coal in coal-burning electric
generator facilities. Yet the last 10 percent reduction in sulfur dioxide (from
90 percent control to complete elimination of all sulfur dioxide emissions)
may require the immediate elimination of all fossil fuel burning in the world,
which would entail an enormous short-term cost. We may expect the mar-
ginal benefits of sulfur dioxide control to decline; the first 10 percent reduc-
tion occurs in a highly polluted situation, while the last 10 percent reduction
may have little noticeable effect because the environment can naturally as-
similate that last 10 percent of emissions.
It has been pointed out that we may not need regulations to achieve the
efficient level of pollution control described above. In particular, economist
Ronald Coase argued that the efficient outcome might also be realized if we
assign and enforce property rights and allow people to resolve pollution dis-
putes through negotiation. We will consider this point in detail below.
The Coase theorem is based on a very simple and intuitive argument. Sup-
pose that environmental protection or enhancement benefits one group of
people and imposes costs on another. If the benefits of environmental protec-
tion exceed the costs, then the positive total net benefits from cleanup can be
thought of as a pie to be divided between members of society. The size of the
pie is maximized at the efficient level of pollution control, such as the 50
percent level of control in the example in the preceding section of the chap-
ter. Suppose that all stakeholders involved with a localized pollution prob-
lem are cognizant of the efficient level of pollution control. The Coase theorem
simply states that a way to achieve this efficient outcome would be to (i)
determine who holds the relevant property rights and (ii) arrange for a pay-
ment that makes it mutually satisfactory for all parties to adopt the efficient
pollution-control outcome.
For example, suppose there is an auto body shop near a new housing de-
velopment in the process of being built. The citys nuisance law has a thresh-
old of 125 decibels, and the auto body shop emits 120. In this case, the auto
body shop holds the relevant property rights and can legally operate. Sup-
pose that there are two ways to eliminate the noise. One is to move the auto
body shop at a cost of $300,000, and the other is to install sound-absorbing
materials in the shop for $100,000 that will eliminate the bothersome noise.
Also suppose that eliminating the noise will result in a $1 million increase in
residential property values in the development. In this case, the installation
analysis for new regulations. While the SDWA requires the EPA to publish
these benefit/cost analyses, it does not bind the EPA to reject regulations
based on their failure to pass a benefit/cost test. The Clean Air Act (CAA)
amendments of 1990 required the EPA to conduct a benefit/cost analysis of
the original CAA of 1970. In its report, the EPA (1997) states that the
benefits of the CAA between 1970 and 1990 had a central estimate of $22.2
trillion in constant 1990 dollars. Only a subset of the known negative ex-
ternalities associated with air pollution was included, primarily adverse
human health effects, along with some agricultural and visibility impacts.
Due to resource and data limitations, improvements in ecological and other
conditions were not quantified in the assessment. For this reason, the esti-
mated benefits can be considered understated. Estimates of the direct costs
of complying with the CAA during this period are approximately $0.5 tril-
lion in constant 1990 dollars. Thus each $1 of compliance cost to the
economy is estimated to have generated over $44 in benefits. It is interest-
ing to point out that the original CAA was widely seen as being more costly
than necessary. The CAA amendments of 1990 included an experiment in
incentive regulation (to be discussed in chapter 10) as a means of reducing
these compliance costs.
Now that we understand the concepts and the practices of benefit/cost
analysis, we will turn to a discussion of the methods for measuring benefits
and costs.
Measuring Benefits
People derive many benefits from ecosystems and natural resources, ranging
from recreation to wildlife habitat and from food and raw materials produc-
tion to nutrient cycling and soil formation. For example, swamps and other
wetlands used to be considered of little value and were frequently drained
for agricultural uses. More recently, ecologists have identified many vital
ecosystem functions performed by these areas, and economists have devel-
oped tools for estimating the monetary value of these functions. In a compre-
hensive study attempting to estimate the value of various ecosystem and
natural resource services, for example, Costanza et al. (1997) report that the
nutrient-cycling function of estuaries generates annual benefits worth $11,100
to $30,100 per hectare, while the water-supply function of swamps and flood-
plains yields annual benefits worth $7,600 per hectare. Likewise, Balmford
et al. (2002) found that the economic value of the services derived from
intact and fully functioning tropical mangrove ecosystems (Thailand) and
Risk Assessment is the process used to evaluate the degree and probability
of harm to human health and the environment from such stressors as pollu-
tion or habitat loss. The risk assessment process, as proposed by the Na-
tional Academy of Sciences (NAS) in 1983, consists of:
The EPA has developed risk assessments for a variety of different pollut-
ants, such as mercury, particulate matter, and dioxin, as well as guidelines
for various human health and ecological risks. For example, the guidelines
for neurotoxicity risk assessment establish principles and procedures to guide
EPA scientists in evaluating pollutants that may pose neurotoxic risks, and
inform EPA decision makers and the public about these procedures. In con-
trast, the EPAs guidelines for ecological risk assessment are designed and
conducted to provide information to risk managers about the potential ad-
verse effects of different management decisions. Ecological risk assessments
are used to support many types of management actions, including the regula-
tion of hazardous waste sites, industrial chemicals, and pesticides, or the
management of watersheds or other ecosystems affected by multiple
nonchemical and chemical stressors. While risk assessment focuses on the
analysis and interpretation of data, acquiring the appropriate data for use in
the process is critical, and risk assessment may stop until necessary data are
obtained. The EPA describes the process as being more often iterative than
linear, since the evaluation of new data or information may require revisiting
a part of the process or conducting a new assessment.
Risk assessments play a direct role in the formulation and economic assess-
ment of environmental policy. For example, section 108 of the Clean Air Act
(CAA) directs the administrator of the EPA to list pollutants that may reason-
ably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare, and to issue air qual-
ity criteria for them. The air quality criteria are to reflect the latest scientific
information useful in indicating the kind and extent of all exposure-related
effects on public health and welfare that may be expected from the presence of
the pollutant in ambient air. As was mentioned earlier in the chapter, environ-
mental regulations such as those governing air quality are increasingly being
evaluated using benefit/cost methodology. A good example is the EPA (1997)
study of the benefits and costs of the CAA between 1970 and 1990, which was
required under the 1990 CAA Amendments. The dominant benefit identified
in that study was reduced premature mortality due to reductions in particulate
matter, which contributed $16.6 trillion of the estimated mean benefits of $22.2
of $3,100. Banning asbestos water pipe insulation generated a cost per life-
year of $65,000, while banning amitraz pesticide use for pears generated a
figure of $350,000 and the ozone-control program in southern California
generated a cost per life-year of $610,000. Banning asbestos in packing
generated a cost per statistical life-year saved of $5 million, and seismic
retrofitting of buildings in earthquake-prone areas generated a cost per life-
year of a whopping $18 million. It is important to note that the approach
taken by Tengs et al. assumes that the saving of statistical life-years is the
only benefit produced by the regulatory intervention, when in fact prevent-
ing premature death is only part of the benefit of many of these regulations.
Nevertheless, their work offers useful guidance on the most cost-effective
ways to save lives through regulatory intervention. It also illustrates how
risk assessment can be used to provide information on the cost-effective-
ness of various regulatory interventions without having to establish a par-
ticular value of a statistical life.
We will now address different types of values that people assign to vari-
ous aspects of the environment that are not directly traded in markets. Once
we have categorized these values, we will consider the various methods that
economists have devised to measure these values. These nonmarket valua-
tion methods can be used to estimate the benefits of various types of environ-
mental improvements such as limiting pollution, restoring watersheds, or
preserving parkland, open space, and agricultural working landscapes.
Use Values
Use value represents the utility enjoyed by people who directly use some
aspect of the environment. For example, a bird sanctuary yields use value to
bird watchers and to those who use the area as an open space (walking, jog-
ging, and observing the view). Likewise, a backcountry area provides use
value to hunters, hikers, backpackers, and equestrians, and the ocean shore
provides use value to surfers and fishers.
Nonuse Values
but have no interest in actually visiting such wildland habitat. Existence val-
ues are controversial because they are difficult to measure. As we will see in
the next section of the chapter, survey research methods have developed to
measure nonuse values. One type of nonuse value is option value. Option
value is prominent when (1) there is uncertainty over the ultimate environ-
mental impact of a given activity, and (2) that impact is irreversible. The
classic example is large-scale tropical rain forest destruction, where thou-
sands of species of plants and animals are made extinct before people even
understand them and their possible beneficial role in medicine, foodstuffs,
and so forth. Preservation has option valueit gives us time to learn about
the possible services that are provided to people by the rain forest. Another is
greenhouse gas production, where changes in the atmosphere are irrevers-
ible on the scale of human generations, and the extent and ultimate impact of
global warming are not fully known. There is an option value to controlling
greenhouse gas emissions today until we learn about their impact on our life-
support systems.
The CVM involves the use of survey questionnaires to elicit hypothetical will-
ingness-to-pay information. The CVM was first proposed by Ciriacy-Wantrup
(1947), who recognized that some aspects of soil erosion (e.g., clogging of
shared irrigation channels) have the attributes of a negative externality that is
not borne as a cost by the individual farmer. He did not actually conduct a
CVM. A Harvard Ph.D. student named Rob Davis did the first actual CVM
study in his dissertation, where he attempted to value nonmarketed aspects of
the Maine woods (hunting and recreation values). In his study, he compared
the results of the CVM against the travel cost method (described below) for the
same area and found that the two methods arrived at remarkably similar valu-
ations. Finally, since CVM studies are one of the few ways to measure nonuse
values, they became popular following the publication of a highly influential
paper by environmental economist John Krutilla (1967) that endorsed the real
nature of existence and other nonuse values.
An important event that hastened the development of best methods in con-
tingent valuation was the damage assessment following the March 1989 Exxon
Valdez oil spill disaster in Prince William Sound, Alaska. The description that
follows borrows heavily from Portney (1994). The oil tanker Exxon Valdez
struck Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound and punctured its hull, causing 11
million gallons of crude oil to spill into the ocean. A CVM analysis was con-
ducted by Carson et al. (1992) for the state of Alaska to determine lost exist-
ence value for U.S. residents. Carson et al.s analysis yielded an estimate of $3
billion in lost existence value. In 1991 a lawsuit by the federal government and
the state of Alaska against Exxon was settled for $1.15 billion. Because the
case was settled out of court, it is impossible to know whether the study by
Carson et al. influenced the size of the settlement.
The federal Oil Pollution Act of 1990 was passed in response to the Exxon
Valdez oil spill, and a part of this legislation directed the National Oceano-
graphic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to draft regulations gov-
erning damage assessment. NOAA was pressured by environmentalists to
have lost nonuse values be fully compensable damages and to use the CVM
to measure them. Oil companies and others strongly lobbied against the in-
clusion of nonuse values and the CVM in damage assessment. In response to
these conflicting pressures, NOAA asked Nobel laureates Kenneth Arrow
and Robert Solow to chair a panel of experts (including Paul Portney) to
advise NOAA on the CVM. NOAA wanted an answer to the question of
whether the CVM is capable of providing estimates of lost nonuse values
that are reliable enough to be used in natural resource damage assessments.
The NOAA panel completed its report in early 1993.
The NOAA panel concluded that CVM analysis, conducted appropriately,
can produce estimates reliable enough to be the starting point of a judicial
process of damage assessment, including lost passive-use values. Neverthe-
less, what was the panels view of an appropriately conducted CVM study?
The panel established a set of guidelines for future CVM studies aimed at
producing reliable estimates of lost existence values for the purposes of dam-
age assessment or regulatory policy. These guidelines have contributed to
the development of the modern CVM survey, which is organized as follows:
One would normally expect that the higher the WTP value asked to one of
the random samples of people, then the smaller would be the frequency of
yes responses. Thus if one plots WTP on the y axis and frequency of
yes responses on the x axis, one would expect to observe an inverse
relationship in the responses to the questionnaire. Thus one can estimate a
demand curve for the environmental amenity under analysis by relating WTP
values to percentage of yes responses, as shown by the generic curve in
Figure 7.3. An estimate of consumer surplusthe net economic value of the
environmental improvementcan then be derived from this demand curve.
Contingent valuation is far more complex than the brief overview above
would suggest. One should be fully versed in survey design and methodol-
Estimated number
of yes responses
was to determine the public trust values of Mono Lake in California at alter-
native lake levels. Loomis found that the economic benefit to California resi-
dents of preserving Mono Lake could conservatively be estimated to be
$1.5 billion annually. Purchase of replacement water and power would cost
Los Angeles $26.2 million per year. Thus, on efficiency grounds the reallo-
cation of water for maintenance of public trust values in Mono Lake could
be warranted.
California has lost more than 90 percent of its historic wetlands, the larg-
est percentage of any state in the United States. Allen et al. (1992) surveyed
the literature to determine low, median, and high valuations for the various
services provided by wetlands, including flood control, water supply, wa-
ter quality, recreation, commercial fisheries, and wildlife habitat. Their over-
all median annual benefit was estimated to be $9.96 billion.
Schultze et al. (1983) used the CVM to study the economic benefits of
visual quality in the Grand Canyon. A large coal-fired electricity-generating
plant impaired visibility in the Grand Canyon and other nearby natural areas.
Schultze et al. surveyed residents of Albuquerque, Denver, Los Angeles, and
Chicago to determine the maximum a household would be willing to pay in
higher entry fees or higher utility bills to maintain the parks visual quality.
The average figure was $7 to $10 per month per household, leading to an
aggregate estimate (taking into account socioeconomic household character-
istics) of $6 billion per year. Note that for 99 percent of the households, these
represent existence values rather than direct consumption values, as only
about 1 percent visit the parksan indication of the important role of non-
use values.
Walsh, Gillman, and Loomis (1982) used the CVM to determine how much
people value allocating an additional 2.6 million acres as federal wilderness
in Colorado. Their survey was designed to gain insight into the relative im-
portance of key value areasuse, option, and existence. On average, recre-
ation was worth $18.50 per visitor-dayyielding a total of $28 million per
year. Passive-use values (existence, option) totaled $135 million per year.
This totals into the billions when one calculates present value of this stream
of benefits into the future.
Bell, Huppert, and Johnson (2003) used the CVM to estimate local coastal
residents willingness to pay for restoration and enhancement of coho salmon
habitat in five Oregon and Washington estuaries. Those surveyed lived within
thirty miles of the estuaries targeted for enhancementGrays Harbor and
Willapa Bay in Washington, and Tillamook Bay, Yaquina Bay, and Coos Bay
in Oregon. The specified annual household cost on the mail questionnaires
varied randomly from $5 to $500 based on a uniform distribution. Mean
willingness to pay by high-income Washington residents surveyed ranged
Despite the advances that have occurred in CVM technique, economists are
somewhat divided over the usefulness of the CVM in measuring value and
guiding policy. The Journal of Economic Perspectives published a sympo-
sium on the usefulness of the CVM in its fall 1994 issue. A number of the
issues discussed in that symposium by Diamond and Hausman (1994) and
Hanemann (1994) are summarized below.
A key problem with CVM analysis, as claimed by Diamond and Hausman
(1994), is the embedding effect. Embedding refers to the research methodol-
ogy of comparing the value of a particular good, such as protection of a
mountain lake, to a more inclusive good, such as protecting an entire moun-
tainous region that includes the lake. The embedding effect occurs when
willingness-to-pay responses for the particular good (protecting the moun-
tain lake) are approximately equal to the willingness-to-pay responses for
the more inclusive good (protecting the entire mountainous region). Dia-
mond and Hausman (1994) observe that the embedding effect arises from
the nonexistence of individual preferences for the good in question and from
the failure of respondents to consider the effects of their budget constraints
in hypothetical willingness-to-pay surveys. Hanemann (1994) disputes the
argument by Diamond and Hausman (1994) that CVM studies are prone to
embedding effects. Hanemann observes that the studies used by Diamond
and Hausman (1994) in making their argument violate the NOAA panel guide-
lines in a number of important ways, and therefore argues that the evidence
for the embedding effect does not apply to properly conducted CVM studies.
Diamond and Hausman (1994) state that embedding still infects even very
recent work done by experienced contingent valuation analysts who were
well aware of the problem (p. 52), and conclude that the embedding effect
implies that responses in CVM studies reflect warm glow feelings rather
than true WTP.
Another problem identified in some CVM studies is a difference in re-
sponses between WTP for an environmental improvement and willingness to
accept payment in return for giving up the environmental improvement. Eco-
nomic theory suggests that WTP and willingness to accept (WTA) should be
nearly the same, differing slightly due to income effects. Usually WTP is
considerably less than WTA for the same environmental improvement, which
is inconsistent with the economic theory of consumer choice. Hanemann
(1994) observes that the WTP-WTA gap is seen in CVM studies that violate
the NOAA panel guidelines by using open-ended payment questions that
solicit the respondents WTP rather than a closed-ended fixed WTP value
in referendum format that respondents are given the dichotomous choice of
either accepting or rejecting.
All surveys are vulnerable to response effects, in which small changes in
wording or order of survey questionnaire material can cause significant changes
in survey responses. As Hanemann (1994) states, surveys, like all communi-
cation, are sensitive to nuance and context and are bound by constraints of
human cognition (p. 27). Nevertheless, surveys are a central source of data
for traditional economic analysis and include the Current Population Sur-
vey, Consumer Expenditure Survey, Monthly Labor Survey, and Panel Study
on Income Dynamics. Therefore, if these sorts of response effects are a reason
to cast doubt on CVM studies, they should also cast doubt on the large number
of other survey-based data sets used by economists.
Another criticism of the CVM is that the survey process itself creates
the values reported as empirical datapeople just make something up when
asked. The standard view of rational humans in economics is based on
peoples having a preexisting valuation map in their heads that ranks all
the possible choices available in contemporary markets, yet as Hanemann
(1994) points out, this view is inconsistent with much of the contemporary
research in cognition. The issue is whether the preferences are stable, and
recent studies support this (comparing values over time). One can also ar-
gue that there is the potential for strategic bias in CVM survey data, in
which people may inflate their stated values because they do not have to
put their money where their mouth is. This is one of the reasons why the
NOAA panel called for closed-ended, referendum-style WTP questions.
Moreover, some referendum-style CVM studies have compared the hypo-
thetical responses to actual parallel referenda and have found that in mod-
ern CVM studies there is often no significant difference in responses. See
the cannot be verified criticism below.
Critics of the CVM also argue that ordinary people are ill trained for valu-
ing the environment in a referendum-style format. Note, however, that train-
ing is not a criterion for voting in democratic systems, and one could make
the argument that there is at least a core of rationality in voter behavior.
Critics also argue that responses to hypothetical contingent valuation ques-
tions do not match responses in real situations. As a result, the NOAA panel
stated that a critically important contribution could come from experiments
The TCM was first proposed by economist Harold Hotelling in a 1947 letter
to the U.S. Park Service, in which he suggested that the full cost of visiting a
park must necessarily include the cost of getting there. The TCM is useful
for measuring active-use values of place-based aspects of the environment
like lakes, rivers, beaches, and wilderness areas used for recreational pur-
poses. The TCM offers a way of measuring the value of a nonmarketed recre-
ational resource by using data on trip costs incurred by people who visit the
area. Studies that estimate the value of a single site estimate a downward
sloping site demand curve in which price is the trip cost and the quantity
demanded is the number of trips taken to the site in a given time period. The
area under the site demand curve is consumer surplus, a measure of the eco-
nomic value of accessing the site for recreational purposes. If access to the
recreational use of a site has been curtailed due to a chemical spill or develop-
ment, for example, then the TCM can be used to assess economic damages to
recreationalists. Likewise, TCM values can be used to weigh the benefits and
costs of a proposed change in resource management. As with the contingent
valuation method described above, this section of the chapter will only pro-
vide a general overview of the methodology. The empirical estimation of
nonmarket values is complex, and readers interested in a more detailed expo-
sition might start with Parsons (2003) or Loomis and Walsh (1997).
The single-site model estimates the number of trips taken by a person
over a year (or season of use) as a function of the cost incurred to get to the
site, as well as personal characteristics (age, sex, income, experience level)
and travel cost to alternative sites. These explanatory variables are usually
gathered using survey research methods. Following Parsons, we can describe
the following steps in a single-site TCM study:
ing better targeted, requiring fewer survey solicitations to get the desired
sample size. On the other hand, on-site surveys omit from the sample people
who take zero trips during the time period under study, which impairs the
estimation of the vertical intercept of the site demand curve. Likewise, an
on-site survey strategy will oversample frequent visitors (endogenous strati-
fication). The researcher must correct her econometric model for these prob-
lems. Off-site surveys of the overall population can avoid these problems,
but a very large number of surveys must be sent out in order to receive back
a sufficiently large sample of completed questionnaires from recreationalists
who visit the site. Moreover, off-site surveys require the researcher to make
some assumptions about the geographical scope of the market containing
site visitors. As mentioned earlier, the researcher will develop a demand model
that explains the number of site visits as a function of the visitors trip cost
price, income, trip cost to substitute sites, and other visitor characteristics
that might influence their frequency of visits.
A further complication in using the TCM has to do with whether trip cost
was expended for the sole purpose of visiting the recreational site under
study, or whether the trip encompassed multiple purposes including other
sites or visiting friends or family along the way. Parsons (2003) suggests that
if the nature of the study is to focus on day-use trips, then one can usually
assume that the trip cost is single-purpose in nature. In contrast, if the recre-
ational use identified in the second step involves one or more overnight stays,
the researcher should include the question of single-purpose or multiple-
purpose travel in the questionnaire. The researcher can then choose whether
to drop multiple-purpose trips from the data set, or develop a more compli-
cated demand model that explicitly incorporates multiple purposes for travel.
As with the CVM, those considering the use of the TCM should have a back-
ground in survey methods and design, which goes beyond the scope of this
book. In addition to introductory material, the questionnaire will include
questions for the variables identified in step 4, as well as the number of site
visits over the time period in question and detailed questions on trip cost and
other aspects of the most recent visit, which are presumably easiest for the
subject to recall.
Trip cost includes the cost of travel, opportunity cost of time, and other
direct expenditures required for a site visit. Travel cost via automobile would
be measured as the product of round-trip distance multiplied by the average
cost per mile from an authoritative source such as the U.S. Department of
Transportation. The opportunity cost of a visitors time is difficult to esti-
mate and represents a large portion of the economic value estimated from the
TCM. Many researchers make the assumption that some portion of time in
transit and at the site involves the opportunity cost of forgone earnings from
Estimated number
of visits
work, though this is obviously flawed for retired people, students, the unem-
ployed, and those with paid vacation time. It is difficult to apportion part of
the capital cost of recreational gear and equipment owned by the recreationalist
to a particular trip. While rental rates on equipment can be used to estimate
equipment and gear costs on a per-trip basis, many researchers omit these
costs altogether. Once the data are tabulated from returned surveys, the re-
searcher uses econometric techniques to estimate a site demand function such
as the one shown in Figure 7.4.
Lets take a moment and consider the results of some TCM studies. Sohngen
(2000) used the TCM to estimate the economic value of access to beaches on
Lake Erie in Ohio. Sohngen estimated that on average a visitor received be-
tween $25 and $38 each day in access value (consumer surplus). Englin and
Shonkwiler (1995) used the TCM to estimate the economic value to hiking
in the Cascade mountain range of Washington and Oregon. Their preferred
estimate was that an average hike generated between approximately $16 and
$24 (1985 dollars) in net benefits. Using similar methodology Casey, Vukina,
and Danielson (1995) estimated a mean consumer surplus per visit of ap-
proximately $513 for hiking in the Grandfather Mountain Wilderness Pre-
serve in North Carolina. This large value for consumer surplus occurs in part
because the opportunity cost of time revealed by individual visitors was quite
high, averaging nearly $47 per hour. Bell and Leeworthy (1990) used the
individual survey approach to estimate the recreational economic value of
Floridas beaches. They gathered data on days spent on the beach, expenses
incurred while visiting, the cost of recreationalists travel to Florida, as well
as other factors that influence visiting the beach such as age, children, in-
come, and perceived quality of such an experience. Using the statistical tech-
nique of multiple regression analysis, they were able to isolate the impact of
travel cost and number of beach visits. The average tourist spent nearly five
days on the beach and spent on average $85 per day. From this information,
Bell and Leeworthy estimated average daily consumer surplus of $38. With
70 million tourists annually visiting the Florida beaches, these beaches were
found to yield a lower-bound estimate of $2.7 billion annually in active-use
represents the implicit price that homebuyers are willing to pay for the incre-
mental improvement in a homes quality attributes resulting from proximity
to land that has been cleaned up and protected as parkland.
Since real-world houses have many quality attributes that vary from loca-
tion to location, there are few simple natural experiments such as the hypo-
thetical example given above. Suppose we can quantify these quality attributes
(e.g., size, age, condition, lot size, air quality, presence or absence of view,
distance to parks and schools, crime rates, and the like) in a data set that
includes sales prices. Then we can use the econometric tool of regression
analysis to estimate a model that explains sales price as a function of each
quality attribute. This is the first stage of hedonic regression analysis. We can
use this first-stage analysis to estimate how a quantitative improvement in
environmental quality (all else held constant) increases the value of a home.
This increase in the value of the home represents the implicit price of the
incremental increase in the quality attribute. In the second stage of hedonic
regression analysis, researchers use implicit price information to estimate
the demand curve for the environmental attribute. As shown in Figure 7.5,
the attribute demand curve shows the relationship between implicit attribute
price and the quantity of the attribute demanded.
Consider some examples of the use of the HRM. Pollard (1982) found that,
holding other characteristics constant, Chicago apartments with views of Lake
Michigan commanded on average a 26 percent rental price premium. Given
that housing typically accounts for 2025 percent of an individuals income,
the amenity value of scenic beauty was worth a sacrifice of 56 percent of
overall income. Grimes (1983) estimated that land fronting on Lake Michi-
gan sold at prices twice as high (on a per-acre basis) as land just 500 feet
inland. As the distance from the lake increased to 1,500 feet, the value fell to
one-fifth that of lakefront property. Brown and Pollakowski (1977) found that,
holding constant other factors such as house size and age, on average a house
within 300 feet of Lakes Washington, Green, or Haller commanded a price
premium of approximately $24,800 (1993 dollars) relative to houses farther
away from the lakes. Brookshire et al. (1982) estimated that the hedonic value
of clean air in the Los Angeles area was approximately $381 (1993 dollars)
per month for locations with more direct access to fresh air off the Pacific
Ocean (not necessarily beachfront). Diamond (1980) estimated that approxi-
mately 7.5 percent of the value of a home in Boston was based on the crime
characteristics of its location. More recent studies have used the HRM to esti-
mate the attribute demand for local parks (Shultz and King 2001) and for air
quality (Sieg et al. 2000).
Readers interested in learning the specific steps involved with hedonic
regression analysis will need to have a solid understanding of econometric
Quantity of environmental attribute
analysis, and are encouraged to review the excellent primer on the HRM by
Taylor (2003).
on health, then people will have a lower willingness to pay for pollution
reduction. Likewise, if defensive behavior is expensive or ineffective, or if
pollution has a large impact on health, people will have a higher willingness
to pay for pollution reduction.
Continuing our water contamination example above, suppose that if the
residents had not taken defensive action, then they would have experienced
harms to their health. The direct expenditures required to treat illnesses suf-
fered by residents and their pets or livestock that is caused by contaminated
water, as well as indirect costs associated with foregone earnings and pro-
ductivity when residents are ill, all represent damage costs. If residents know
in advance that they are being exposed to water contamination and under-
stand both damage costs and the cost of defensive behavior, then economi-
cally speaking we would expect that residents would only bear damage costs
if they are cheaper than the cost of defensive behavior. Of course, many
contamination cases are not detected in time to avoid damage costs, which
makes the question moot.
Conducting original research on nonmarket valuation is complex, costly,
and time-consuming, and relatively few specialists have the expertise to do
this sort of work. When budget or time limitations restrict the ability to
conduct original nonmarket valuation research, in some circumstances one
can use the technique of benefits transfer. As Rosenberger and Loomis
(2003) note, the term benefits transfer is an informal term used by econo-
mists for the practice of adapting information derived from an existing
study to a new setting or context. One can transfer specific numerical esti-
mates, such as an estimate of willingness to pay, or one can transfer an
entire estimated function, such as those described for CVM, TCM, and
HRM. As Rosenberger and Loomis suggest, in most cases the researcher
needs to first define the characteristics of the context under study, and then
conduct a broad and thorough literature review to find related original re-
search, both published and unpublished. The researcher should then screen
the original research studies to identify those of high quality that best cor-
respond to the context under study.
While transferring specific numerical estimates is simpler than an entire
function, specific numerical estimates cannot be adjusted for significant dif-
ferences between the context of the original research and the current study
context. Transferring an entire function usually increases the precision of
benefits transfer, but involves more steps. One must gather data on the cur-
rent study context to use as inputs to the function being transferred in order
to get a tailored estimate. The transfer of an entire function assumes that the
statistical relationship between the dependent and independent variables from
the original study will hold for the new context. This may not be the case.
Measuring Costs
Direct Costs
attributed to air, $4.59 billion to water, $2.01 billion to solid waste, and $195.5
million to multimedia.
Viscusi (1996) reported that of the estimated $500 billion in annualized
regulatory costs in the U.S. economy from all forms of regulation, about
one-half are attributable to paperwork costs. Of the estimated $200 billion in
annualized direct regulatory costs to business and elsewhere, about one-half
can be attributed to environmental regulations.
Indirect Costs
Air Act strongly discourages innovation. The proceedings also noted that small
changes in regulatory standards are unlikely to trigger the reexamination of a
firms production processes that is central to the creation of indirect benefits in
the Porter hypothesis. Specifically, significant increases in the stringency of
regulatory standards, combined with flexibility in how firms comply, are most
likely to promote innovation and the generation of indirect benefits.
In an earlier study, the EPA (1997) reported on estimated indirect macro-
economic impacts from the Clean Air Act (CAA) during the period from 1970
to 1990. These impacts were estimated from a general-equilibrium economic
model that evaluated the feedback effects of the CAA regulatory controls rela-
tive to a hypothetical no-control scenario. They grouped these macroeconomic
impacts into two broad classes: sectoral impacts and aggregate impacts. The
EPA (1997) reported that compliance with the CAA had the greatest sectoral
impacts on large energy producers and consumers, particularly those sectors
that relied most heavily on consumption of fossil fuels. Production costs in-
creased more for capital-intensive industries than for non-capital-intensive in-
dustries due to a projected increase in interest rates. Interest rates were projected
to have been increased by the CAA because the CAA required significant
investment in capital PACE that increased the demand for loanable funds. Indi-
rect regulatory impacts on the electric utility industry were estimated to have
generated a 2 to 4 percent increase in consumer prices and a resulting 3 to 5
percent reduction in output by 1990. Many other manufacturing sectors saw an
output reduction effect in the 1 percent range. A key aggregate impact of the
CAA was an estimated one-twentieth of 1 percent annual reduction in eco-
nomic growth due to CAA-mandated investment in capital PACE reducing the
level of investment available for capital formation. Consequently, GNP was
estimated to have been reduced by 1 percent ($55 billion) relative to the no-
control scenario.
There are also potential microeconomic impacts on certain capital-inten-
sive industries. Environmental regulations may not only increase the cost per
unit (e.g., per piece of furniture, per BTU of electricity), but perhaps more
important they increase fixed costs (those costs that do not vary with how
much a firm produces, such as the cost of scrubbers on smokestacks). When
fixed costs increase substantially, it requires that a firm have a larger output
level to maintain profitability. Thus large fixed costs can lead to market struc-
tures with fewer, larger firms (increased market concentration). Firms gain
larger market shares because each is compelled to expand production capac-
ity in order to cover these additional fixed costs. Unless demand for the goods
these firms produce somehow changes, firms will merge, reducing the num-
ber of competitors and reducing the degree of rivalry. Pashigian (1984) found
that, all else being constant, industries with higher burdens of environmental
regulation also had more rapid growth in mean plant size and more rapid
decreases in the number of production facilities in an industry, compared to
less regulated firms. To illustrate the role of increased fixed costs on market
concentration, consider the following example.
Suppose that a wood table manufacturing firm has an annualized fixed cost of
$100,000 (production equipment, facility, owners time), while on average, each
table has $50 worth of wood and labor and fasteners and stain in it. What is the
breakeven output level of this firm if market demand is such that tables sell for
$300 each? To answer this, note that breakeven occurs when output is such that
the average table costs $300 to produce. Currently, on average, each table costs
$50 in variable costs, so we need to find the output level at which fixed cost on
average is $250 per table. This is found by computing the following:
Therefore, the firm breaks even at an output of 400 tables per year, has
positive economic profits for output greater than 400 tables, and suffers nega-
tive economic profits for output less than 400 tables.
Suppose that there are ten firms each producing 400 tables, so at the market
level there are 4,000 tables per year sold at around $300 each. In addition,
suppose that each firm must install a collection chamber that increases its an-
nualized fixed cost from $100,000 to $500,000. Assuming that market demand
does not change, the new break-even output level for a firm is:
Note that the market will only absorb 4,000 tables at a price of $300 per
table (and even less at table prices greater than $300), so at most the market
can support only two firms where it used to support ten firms at the prevail-
ing price. Now these two firms will each be as big as the five former firms,
and will hire many of the workers laid off by those exiting the industry.
The potential problem with a reduced number of firms in this industry is
that many believe a smaller number of competitor firms are more likely to
collude. The argument is that it is much easier to police cheating with only
two firms than with ten. Thus, we may see price rise above $300. As price
rises, market quantity demanded falls. So the cartel must choose its price
carefully, based on how sensitive consumers are to price increases (factors:
number of substitutes, etc.). For example, if price rises to $400 per table, the
breakeven output for each firm is:
2. Do some library research and find a study that uses nonmarket valua-
tion techniques to measure the benefits of some natural resource or environ-
mental amenity. Likely journals include the Journal of Environmental
Economics and Management, Land Economics, or Ecological Economics.
Write a one-page review of the study, including the target area of analysis,
the methods used, the research findings, and any policy implications.
3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods ad-
dressed in this chapter for measuring the nonmarket value of environmental
amenities in the context of valuing a neighborhood park. Which method, or
combination of methods, would you use and why?
4. Access the Internet site for the National Center for Environmental
Assessment ( /). Find a risk assessment report
for a particular toxic pollutant and summarize the findings. What was the
role of economics in the assessment? How has the risk assessment affected
regulatory policy?
5. Access the Internet study Dying Too Soon: How Cost-Effectiveness
a. What does the fitted TCM regression forecast as the annual number of
visits to the target area when the independent variables are evaluated at
their mean value?
b. Create a table with two columns, one labeled travel cost and one
labeled estimated number of visits. Continue to use the mean values
for INC and TCSUB in the regression equation, but now progressively
increase the mean value of TCTARGET in $10 increments. This will
tell us the marginal effect of an increase in the travel cost price on the
estimated number of visits. Record (TCTARGET + $10 increment) and
the associated forecast number of visits in each row of the table. Stop
adding increments of $10 to the mean value of travel cost when the
forecasted number of visits reaches zero.
c. Plot these data in a diagram where the y axis is labeled travel cost
and the x axis is labeled estimated number of visits. Label the curve
as the resource demand curve. It should be downward-sloping and
d. Use geometry to calculate the area under this resource demand curve
and above the $200 average travel cost price line. This figure repre-
sents a simplified estimate of the net economic recreational use value
(consumer surplus) derived from the target area. Provide a brief narra-
tive economic interpretation of your findings. Given that the mean value
of TCTARGET can be interpreted as the average actual price paid for
the recreational experience, explain why the area under the resource
demand curve represents a simplified estimate of the consumer surplus
derived from recreational visitation.
Internet Links
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The Political Economy of
Environmental Regulation and
Resource Management
Political economy is not a unified discipline. Political economy was the term
originally used to describe the discipline of economics. Adam Smith, Karl
Marx, and John Stuart Mill, for example, were deeply concerned with the
interconnectedness of social, economic, and political phenomena. Much of the
focus was on what we might now call the economics of public policy. In con-
temporary usage, political economy is distinct from the discipline of econom-
ics in that it is more interdisciplinary in nature, draws upon related fields such
as law and political science, and often has a broader scope. Within
microeconomics, political economy is an approach used to understand how
political and legal institutions influence the economic behavior of people, firms,
and markets, as well as the economics of how interest groups influence the
formation of laws and regulatory policy. From the standpoint of international
economics, political economy is concerned with understanding how national
policies influence international trade, investment, and finance, with the pro-
cesses that lead to the formation of international economic treaties and institu-
tions, and with the economic consequences of these laws and institutions. These
relatively recent approaches to political economysometimes referred to as
the new political economyborrow economic approaches for modeling in-
centives as a way to understand the political and economic forces that shape
public policy. In contrast to the economic approach, political scientists have a
Economists who study the political process are interested in explaining gov-
ernment policies as a function of (1) optimizing, rational choice behavior by
the policymakers (behavior consistent with optimizing over some set of ob-
jectives), (2) modified by incentives from various sources, and subject to (3)
political and other institutions (the rules of the game). Ordeshook (1990) has
argued that the extension of this rational choice paradigm to politics, which
is the foundation of thought in political economy today, represents a case of
imperialism (expansion of territory using power) by microeconomic theo-
rists such as Arrow (1951) and Olson (1965).
Political economy models can be used to help explain and predict policy
outcomes. For example, consider the choice between a state government gath-
ering revenues through a sales tax or an income tax. Sales taxes tend to be
more regressive, meaning that they take a larger percentage of the income of
poor people relative to rich people. The reason is that poor people spend a
much larger share of their income on items subject to sales tax than rich
people, who save and invest a substantial portion of their income. In con-
trast, income taxes are usually graduated, and so taxes take a larger share of
the income of rich people, making them progressive. Thus, income taxes will
tend to be the preferred method of taxation for political candidates who posi-
tion themselves to represent the interests of low-income people, while sales
taxes will tend to be the preferred method of taxation for candidates who
represent upper-middle-class and wealthy people. Thus, in those states where
the very poor have a very low voter participation rate, and so represent a
minority of voters, one could predict that the tax structure will tend to make
greater use of sales taxes relative to income taxes.
Early work in the rational-choice approach to political economy by
Buchanan and Tullock (1962) led to the creation of the branch of political
economy known as the public choice school of thought. Instead of assuming
that politicians select policies that best serve the public interest, traditional
public choice models start from the premise that politicians, like other eco-
nomic agents, are motivated by incentives such as ideology, wealth, reelec-
tion, and power. From this foundation, one can model the supply of legislation
or administrative rules. For example, Kalt and Zupan (1984) find that the
voting behavior of legislators can be explained as a function of both indi-
vidual ideology and the requirement to satisfy the economic and other inter-
ests of the constituents whose votes are needed to remain in office. While
factors such as ideology, reelection, and the like help us understand the sup-
ply of regulation, legislative and administrative outcomes also depend on the
institutional structure within which these activities occur. Shepsle and
Weingast (1987) offer an accessible survey of the work that has been done
on the institutional structure of the U.S. Congress. For example, issues such
as party control, seniority, the role of committees and committee chairs, vot-
ing rules, and other aspects of procedure are important elements in under-
standing legislative outcomes. A different institutional structure governs the
administrative rule-making process.
While some economists and political scientists were studying the behavior
of legislators and others on the supply side of regulation, a number of econo-
mists associated with the Chicago school of economics were developing a
political economic model of the demand for regulation. Stigler (1971) argued
generally that firms will lobby legislators for regulation when such regulation
provides (1) direct monetary subsidies, (2) constraints on substitute products
or subsidies on complementary products, (3) easier price-fixing/collusive at-
mosphere, and (4) incumbent firms with the ability to control entry by poten-
tial new rivals. Together with the work of Peltzman (1976), Stigler is credited
with the development of the capture theory of regulation. In this model, firms
(or others) capture the regulatory process because each firm potentially bears a
high cost if regulation constrains its behavior, so each firm has a lot at stake. In
contrast, while the public as a whole has a lot at stake, generally, any one
person has only a very small stake in the regulatory process and so has little
incentive to invest resources in affecting the regulatory process. At the same
time, there are comparatively few firms relative to the overall public, so the
cost of organizing the firms is low compared to the cost of organizing the
public. As a result, firms have both the incentive and the better opportunity to
invest resources successfully in lobbying for favorable regulation. As with the
later work of Becker (1983), the capture theory of regulation ignores the sup-
ply side of the regulatory process, and assumes that regulation is an outcome
of interest group competition.
There is evidence consistent with the capture theory of regulation. One
example is revolving-door deals, in which high-level regulators and other
officials leave government and find high-level jobs in the same industry that
they had been responsible for regulating. While it is difficult to prove a
causal relationship between regulatory decisions and future employment,
careful attention to the interests of regulated industries can be a highly lu-
crative career-building strategy for senior government regulators. Sanjour
(1992) provides a remarkable accounting of the possible revolving-door re-
lationship between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the haz-
ardous waste industry. For example, Sanjour reports that chief EPA
In this section of the chapter, we will see how the two strands of the rational-
choice theory of political economy described in the preceding section can be
brought together in a simple equilibrium supply and demand framework.
Since regulation may have its origins in both legislation and administrative
rules, we will use the term regulator to refer to the agent (either legislator
or administrator) who participates in the production of regulation. We will
assume a competitive market in which the equilibrium level of effective sup-
port for a particular regulation is the outcome of interaction between interest
groups and regulators. This section of the chapter is loosely based on the
work of Keohane, Revesz, and Stavins (1999).
The demand for regulation derives from the various groups whose inter-
ests are served by regulation. Since regulation is a public good, and since
political influence is costly, individuals are unlikely to find it worthwhile to
participate on their own. Interest groups are effective because they pool the
resources of many individuals and reduce the total cost of lobbying activity.
Since regulation is a public good, however, interest groups suffer from free-
riding problems (Olson 1965). Effective interest groups are able to over-
come the free-rider problem by offering membership benefits such as
solidarity, access to regulators, and information. Interest groups organize
around a common set of preferences, and therefore express a groups will-
ingness to pay for effective support of a regulation that reflects the marginal
utility derived from the regulatory outcome. This willingness to pay is mani-
fested as political currency that includes money payments, votes, volunteer
effort, and endorsements. Stigler (1971) and Peltzmans (1976) capture theory
of regulation focuses on the advocacy behavior of regulated firms, and sug-
gests that interest groups are most likely to be successful in affecting regula-
tory outcomes when individual members have a large willingness to pay for
favorable regulation, and when the interest group is able to effectively orga-
nize and focus its collective preferences.
Those who study the demand for regulation characterize several specific
types of interest groups. Firms often organize themselves in trade associations.
As Stigler and Peltzman observed, these trade associations are likely to seek
regulations that reduce their production costs, provide subsidies, erect entry
barriers and constrain substitutes, and provide an environment more condu-
cive to collusion. Environmentalists organize themselves into groups that lobby
for regulation that conserves or restores the environment. Likewise, consum-
ers may organize themselves into interest groups seeking lower product prices
and product quality assurance, and workers may organize into interest groups
seeking more jobs, higher pay, and better working conditions.
In terms of environmental interest groups, Agnone (2004) performed an
analysis of 406 pro-environmental bills passed by Congress between 1960
and 1994. He found, for example, that taking to the streets to demonstrate
and protest is more effective than working inside the system to influence the
passage of pro-environment legislation in the United States. The actual im-
pact of individual protest acts on whether legislation passes is relatively small,
with each protest event that occurs in a given year increasing the number of
pro-environment bills passed by about 2.2 percent. Thus in a year in which
twenty protests occurred, about 44 percent more pro-environment bills would
be approved. Moreover, the impact of individual protest actions is small com-
Political currency
Supply: A function of
regulators opportunity
costs (time & effort,
reelection prospects), as
well as psychological
Equilibrium quantity of Quantity of
effective support effective support
In this section, we will review a number of studies that have used the tools of
political economy to evaluate environmental regulation. One issue has to do
with determining the political economy of how pollution-control laws are
implemented by the EPA and other relevant administrative agencies. Imple-
mentation involves diverse elements of government, including enforcement
policy, field monitoring, sanctioning decisions, and legal activity. Downing
(1981) has studied the political economy of the process of implementing
pollution-control laws, and his model includes three groups: the polluter,
those bearing the pollution costs, and the regulatory agency. The first two
groups invest resources to influence the regulatory agency. Downing assumes
that the manager(s) of the regulatory agency have the twin objectives of maxi-
mizing agency budget and discretionary control and of improving environ-
mental quality. Polluters, and those suffering from pollution, invest resources
in influencing the politicians who set the agency budget, and thus indirectly
control the level of pollution-control activity.
This is a useful structure for analyzing the role of interest groups in deter-
mining the nature of particular environmental policies. For example, this
model indicates that there is a feedback effect between the type of environ-
mental regulation we observe (e.g., effluent fees, technology forcing) and
the pattern of lobbying pressure exerted by the regulated firms. Milliman
and Prince (1989) studied a polluting firms incentives for spending money
on research and development (R&D) to find innovative and less expensive
ways of meeting the requirements of pollution-control laws. One relation-
ship they studied was the way in which firms that succeeded in finding an
innovative and lower-cost means of complying with pollution-control laws
might influence the introduction of even more stringent environmental regu-
lations. They argue, firms, not regulatory agencies, often initiate [environ-
mentally friendly] innovation and diffusion (p. 248).
What sort of influence might such a firm with a cost-reducing innova-
tion exert on policymakers? Hackett (1995) investigated the question of
whether polluting firms would ever have an incentive to lobby policymakers
for more restrictive regulation of their own industry and used a Stigler-
style model of regulatory influence. This counterintuitive scenario can ac-
tually occur when doing so would raise the cost of rival firms more than
the firms own cost, as argued by Salop et al. (1984). In Hacketts model,
firms are engaged in a patent race to develop less expensive methods of
clean production technology. The incentive to engage in this patent race
need not be some external threat from the government. Instead, the winner(s)
of the patent race have found a much cheaper method of clean production
than other industry members, and so have an incentive to lobby govern-
ment for pollution-control regulations. Such regulations raise their costs as
well but they raise production costs of noninnovating rivals by much more.
As a result, the innovating firms have a cost advantage in the regulated
setting, which increases their profits.
The viewpoint offered above is that there are circumstances in which pol-
luting firms actually have an incentive to invest money in pollution-control
R&D and, if successful, to lobby for more restrictive environmental laws.
There are other, somewhat less benign, reasons why firms might engage in
voluntary pollution abatement. In particular, Maxwell, Lyon, and Hackett
(2000) look at the situation in which polluting firms face the possibility of
more restrictive environmental laws in the future. They use a demand-side
political economy model in which rival interest groups compete with one
another to influence policymakers, as in Becker (1983). They find that if the
cost of organizing those harmed by pollution to lobby for more restrictive
environmental law is sufficiently high, the polluting firms may have an in-
centive to engage voluntarily in clean-up activities. Nevertheless, how much
voluntary overcompliance will firms select? The answer is just enough to
keep those suffering from pollution from organizing, but less than what the
firms think they would be forced to clean up if they had to compete in the
influence process. Consequently, firms are able to foreclose the influence
process through some voluntary pollution control.
Maxwell, Lyon, and Hackett (2000) use data on the Toxics Release In-
ventory (TRI) to evaluate whether declines in the cost of organizing politi-
cal resistance to pollution emissions lead to a greater threat of increased
government regulation, driving firms to self-regulate and reduce emissions.
The TRI requires firms to self-report their emissions of certain toxic com-
pounds and thus works to lower the information cost to citizen groups that
lobby government for stricter regulations. Since the TRI was instituted in
1989, toxic emissions per unit of manufacturing output have steadily de-
clined, which is consistent with Maxwell, Lyon, and Hacketts prediction.
Moreover, states such as California that have a very high density of self-
identified environmentalists are shown to have a more rapid reduction in
toxic emissions per unit of manufacturing output than states with a lower
density of environmentalists. Thus, by simply providing information on
pollution emissions, the TRI makes it easier for citizens to threaten pollut-
ers with more stringent regulation, which in turn works to lower emissions
by way of voluntary self-regulation in order to attenuate the threat of more
stringent regulation.
We will now look at applications of political economy that have been
used to explain successes and failures in CPR governance.
1975, nearly 40 percent of Oklahoma oil came from fields with sharing rule
agreements and controls on overpumping. Thus, heterogeneity and highly
inclusive voting rules both contribute to delay in forming effective CPR gov-
ernance structures.
Libecap and Wiggins (1985) also investigated the political economic ef-
fects of large- and small-firm oil field appropriator groups on the form of
state and federal oil field quota rules. They found evidence that state and
federal resource allocation rules vary as a function of the political influence
of these two appropriator groups. In Texas, small lease owners were numer-
ous and influential; they successfully delayed productivity-enhancing oil field
CPR rules that favored large lease owners. On the other hand, the federal
government is both a large lease owner and a supplier of rules for oil fields
on public lands and so selected rules that favored large lease owners.
Johnson and Libecap (1982) provide a similar analysis of CPR gover-
nance structures designed to resolve overuse and to allocate harvest rights.
They studied the Texas shrimp industry, where fishers vary principally with
regard to fishing skill (p. 1005). There is also a biological interdependence
between inshore and offshore fisheries, where the productivity of the off-
shore fishery depends in part on number of shrimp that migrate there from
shallower inshore waters. While fishers unions and trade associations devel-
oped along the U.S. coast to limit entry in order to control overfishing, a
series of Supreme Court decisions during the 1940s interpreted these as car-
tel agreements (cartels like the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Coun-
tries [OPEC], for example, are illegal under U.S. law), and required that they
be dismantled. Johnson and Libecap point out that heterogeneity in skill cre-
ated conflict over the type of government fishery regulations the various fishers
preferred: For example, total effort [in catching fish] could be restricted
through uniform quotas for eligible fishermen. But if fishermen are hetero-
geneous, uniform quotas will be costly to assign and enforce because of
opposition from more productive fishermen (p. 1010).
Field research generally indicates that rules linking CPR output shares to an
appropriators size and historical level of CPR harvest (number of fishing boats,
acres under irrigation) or contribution (effort or financial contributions for up-
keep or monitoring and enforcement) are far more common than rules that
simply divide CPR output equally. There is an aspect of fairness in rewarding
greater contributions with larger shares, and sharing rules that differ markedly
from historical use patterns tend to undermine individual cooperation with
group efforts directed at improving the conditions of the commons.
Thus we have seen that the techniques of political economy and public
choice are helpful in understanding the problems and challenges associated
with successful self-governance of localized CPRs as well as the nature of
the rule structures these groups develop. Heterogeneity and highly inclusive
voting rules for reaching agreement explain a substantial amount of the de-
lays, high costs, and failures of CPR governance. These problems occur be-
cause incompatible incentives of individuals create distributional conflict,
and highly inclusive voting rules increase the strategic power of individual
appropriators to hold up agreements for special treatment.
The methods of political economy can also be used to help us understand the
nature of international environmental accords. One of the most prominent of
these is the Montreal Protocol, which sets an international schedule for the
banning of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and related chemicals that deplete
atmospheric ozone. Oye and Maxwell (1995) offer a comprehensive politi-
cal economic analysis of the Montreal Protocol, and we will draw heavily
upon their work in this case study.
Oye and Maxwell argue that successful environmental management oc-
curs when narrow, self-interested behavior is also consistent with the com-
mon good, and thus those interested in the common good should look for
opportunities to foster these linkages. This is something like Adam Smiths
notion that the invisible hand of the marketplace transforms narrowly self-
interested behavior into efficient outcomes. In particular, their case study
analysis of the Montreal Protocol and other environmental agreements indi-
cates that environmental regulations work most effectively when they create
benefits for those firms being regulated.
Theoretical Foundation
Halocarbons, two prominent forms of which are CFCs and halons, are sub-
stances that combine chlorine, fluorine, iodine, and bromine. CFCs were
invented in the 1930s and up to the 1970s were considered one of the most
successful products of the chemical industry. In particular, CFCs are stable,
easy to produce, and have wide application in refrigeration, as aerosol pro-
pellants, and in industrial cleaning and manufacturing uses. In an important
study published in 1974 in the journal Nature, however, scientists Molina
and Rowland argued that CFCs could reach the upper atmosphere through
surface turbulence, despite their heaviness. Once in the stratosphere, time
ultraviolet radiation would cause the CFCs to decompose into free chlorine,
each molecule of which is capable of consuming large quantities of strato-
spheric ozone. Moreover, CFCs can persist in the atmosphere for 100 or
more years. In 1976 the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) called
for elimination of all nonessential uses of CFCs. In contrast, the British De-
partment of the Environment was much more cautious, calling for further
research before any regulatory actions. In the face of state-level bans and
rising consumer concerns motivated by environmental activism in the United
States, firms such as Johnson Wax announced in 1975 that they would vol-
untarily phase out CFCs in aerosol applications. Other U.S. consumer prod-
ucts companies followed. In 1978 the United Statesalong with Canada,
Denmark, Norway, and Swedenbanned the use of CFCs as aerosol propel-
lants. Interestingly, in Great Britain 80 percent of CFC use in the late 1970s
was in aerosol applications, while in the United States air conditioning made
up approximately 50 percent of CFC use. ICI, at the time Britains largest
single manufacturing firm and a major producer of CFCs, would thus have
been disproportionately harmed by an aerosol ban, which Britain opposed.
In 1979 the NAS estimated that a 16 percent reduction in the ozone
layer would result in several thousand more cases of skin cancer each year,
both fatal and nonfatal, and the reduction in ozone would harm crop yields.
Following this, the Carter administrations EPA sought to reduce U.S. pro-
duction of CFCs further and pressed European countries to also ban aero-
sol and other nonessential applications of CFCs. Only token regulation
followed. Thus weak European regulation together with the U.S. ban on
aerosol applications led to less U.S. production and in fact to a manufac-
turing overcapacity in the United States, while in Britain expensive new
production facilities were being added to accommodate its increased share
of worldwide CFC production.
By the early 1980s the new Reagan administration was opposed to further
CFC controls. Moreover, the new scientific evidence coming in during the
early 1980s supported the more cautious British perspective on CFCs; for
example, the NAS adjusted downward its estimate of ozone layer reductions
from 16 percent to 24 percent in 1984. Low-level international negotiations
commenced, culminating in the Vienna Convention, which called for the in-
ternational community to control ozone-depleting chemicals eventually but
lacked specific measures. The research programs begun in the mid-1970s for
CFC alternatives by DuPont and ICI were discontinued in the early 1980s
because of a lack of a market for CFC alternatives at the time.
This rather rosy picture of CFCs and ozone depletion was smashed by
Farman, Gardiner, and Shanklins 1985 study, also published in Nature, in
which they reported for the first time that there was a hole in the strato-
spheric ozone layer in the Antarctic polar vortex. This information was widely
reported and public awareness was high, and like Rachel Carsons book
Silent Spring, it resulted in a translation of public concern into policy. The
U.S. position in reopened international negotiations was that CFCs should
be totally phased out by 1995. Importantly, DuPont adopted the position in
mates that between 5 and 10 million pounds of Freon were smuggled into the
United States each year between 1996 and 1997. By mid-1997, 2 million
pounds of Freon had been impounded by U.S. Customs, and by the end of
February 1999 over ninety individuals and businesses had been charged for
smuggling into the United States. The remaining stockpile of Freon in the
United States was estimated to be between 24 and 48 million pounds at the
beginning of 1999. As the price of the dwindling stocks of Freon continues
to rise, the cost of converting to Freon substitutes will become increasingly
As we have seen, international regulations mandating a CFC ban offered
firms like DuPont the Stiglerian solution of new and more profitable mar-
kets, which because of higher fixed costs would be more concentrated and
thus less competitive than the former CFC marketplace. The financial cost of
adjusting to CFC alternatives was diffuse across the many consumer prod-
ucts companies and was still only a small part of overall manufacturing costs,
weakening the companies incentive to organize resistance.
1. Consider the supply and demand model of the political market for regu-
lation described in the chapter. How would the equilibrium level of effective
support change if industry groups opposing regulation conducted a success-
ful advertising campaign that cast doubt among the public on the factual
basis for the environmental problems addressed by the regulation? Be spe-
cific about demand and supply shifts.
2. Suppose that gunk is a pollution by-product of manufacturing com-
puter processors. Environmental activists propose regulation to limit emis-
sions of gunk. The proposed regulation leads to pollution-control costs that
are heavily concentrated upon the small number of firms that produce com-
puter processors. Control costs under the proposal are estimated to be ap-
proximately $100 million per manufacturing facility per year. The benefits
of reduced gunk emissions are thinly spread out among the 12 million or
so people who live in the region where computer processors are manufac-
tured. It is estimated that each of the 12 million people living near a facility
will typically incur around $50 per year in external costs associated with
uncontrolled gunk emissions, mostly from occasional mild coldlike symp-
toms, but gunk is not known to be linked to any deaths, debilitating inju-
ries, or birth defects.
nology. Because the benefits of cleaning up badstuff are large and concen-
trated on people who live in the hot-spot areas, pressure groups have devel-
oped around environmental groups, physicians groups, sport fishers, surfers,
rafters, and concerned parents of small children. The firms that have devel-
oped a badstuff-free pulp-processing technology also have a concentrated
benefit in more stringent regulation and have begun a high-profile lobby-
ing and public information campaign in partnership with the other pressure
a. How might this scenario be different from that described in problem (1)
above? Using Oye and Maxwells terminology, what aspects of this
scenario is more Stiglerian than that in problem (1)? Carefully explain
your reasoning.
b. Describe how the most likely political economic outcome of proposed
badstuff-control regulation might differ from that of gunk-control regu-
lation in problem (1) above. Carefully explain your reasoning.
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Motivating Regulatory
Compliance: Monitoring,
Enforcement, and Sanctions
Law enforcement agencies have limited budgets and must choose the best
way of allocating these scarce resources among competing ends. Some law
enforcement activities are driven by legislative and other mandates, others
by political pressure. From an economic point of view, the efficient method
of allocating law enforcement resources is to evaluate enforcement benefits
and costs. For example, analysis of crime records may indicate that the inci-
dence of property crime is highest during summer months and lower in the
winter. In contrast, alcohol-related automobile accidents may peak around
popular holidays. A police department that assigns a fixed number of per-
Marginal benefits of
reducing criminal activity
Level of crime reduction that Reduction in
maximizes total net benefits criminal activity
tions) being imposed, and the perpetrators preferences regarding risk, among
other factors. Before continuing, we need to address the subject of risk pref-
erence. Ones risk preference regarding a particular risky situation falls into
one of three categories. To understand these, suppose you are offered the
following choice: (a) $1,000, or, (b) based on outcome of the flip of a fair
coin, either $0 (heads) or $2,000 (tails). Of course, the coin is not tossed
until after you choose between (a) and (b). Note that the expected value of
(B) equals 0.5*$0 + 0.5*$2,000 = $1,000, which equals the guaranteed value
of (a). A risk-averse person prefers (a) over (b), even though they have the
same expected value, since choice (a) avoids risk. A risk-neutral person is
indifferent between (a) and (b), as they have the same expected value. A risk-
loving person will prefer (b) over (a), even though they have the same ex-
pected value, since choice (b) includes risk. A persons risk preference usually
varies across different types of choices. It is common to assume that large
firms are risk-neutral, though this is not necessarily the case.
Lets first look at deterrence in the context of risk neutrality. To create a
sufficient deterrent against violating environmental law, enforcement sys-
tems must create an expected penalty (the expected value of the gamble of
being detected as a lawbreaker and being sanctioned) that exceeds the eco-
nomic gain from violating environmental law. People, organizations, and firms
that are risk-neutral can be thought of as seeking to maximize the expected
net benefits from their activities. The economic gain from violating environ-
mental law may include the avoided cost of compliance, higher revenues
(such as from illegally harvesting fish, game, or timber for commercial gain),
competitive advantage over rival firms, or higher utility (such as from ille-
gally riding a four-wheel-drive truck in sand dunes that are home to endan-
gered plovers). Sanctions can include various levels of fines, damage claims,
the disutility of confinement (such as jail or prison), as well as the costs of
restitution and court expenses. To keep the analysis simple, we will assume
that the only sanction is a fixed monetary fine.
In the case described above, deterrence in any given time period requires
that the following relation must exist for a risk-neutral firm:
but faces the same circumstances described above that deterred a risk-neu-
tral person from breaking the law, will the risk-averse person also be de-
terred? The answer is yes, since the risk-averse person gains disutility from
risk itself, and will therefore be even more strongly deterred by the risk of
being sanctioned than the risk-neutral person. In contrast, a risk-loving
person may not be deterred unless the expected penalty is far greater than
the economic gain from violating the law (why?). In general, adequate de-
terrence exists when potential environmental lawbreakers evaluate the ex-
pected benefits and costs of violating the law and find that the crime does
not pay.
In practice, different people, firms, or organizations will have different
subjective views of the probability of being detected, and of being sanc-
tioned. As a result, in a given circumstance some risk-neutral or risk-averse
people may fail to be deterred because they have the most optimistic views
of the chances of being detected or sanctioned. As a result, we cannot make
generalizations about whether a given level of environmental law enforce-
ment, prosecution, and sanction will fully deter all environmental crimes.
One indicator of whether a given law enforcement system is achieving suc-
cessful deterrence is the recidivism ratethat is, the extent to which past
offenders lapse back into past patterns of lawbreaking behavior.
As a final point, our analysis so far has assumed economic rationality,
meaning that people, firms, and organizations are able to perceive and weigh
benefits and costs, and choose the path that provides the highest net benefits.
In practice, crimes also occur due to mental derangement from powerful
emotions, drugs, or mental illness. Rational economic models of deterrence
are invalid when a persons mind is clouded by factors such as acute anger,
methamphetamine abuse, or severe psychosis.
As we have noted, sanctions against lawbreaking activity are only real-
ized when the lawbreaking activity is detected. If a law enforcement agency
does not spend much time on monitoring, then a proportionately higher sanc-
tion must be available in order to keep the expected penalty the same. Figure
9.2 illustrates an equal expected penalty curve, showing that as the probabil-
ity of successful detection falls, the sanction must rise to keep the expected
penalty constant.
It is tempting to think that in practice we could maintain a given level of
deterrence by reducing monitoring activities and increasing sanctions, as
shown in the upper left-hand portion of the curve in Figure 9.2. This would
save public funds that would otherwise be needed for monitoring activity
by police or wardens. The problem with this idea is that in the event that a
violation is detected, courts may not be willing to impose large statutory
penalties for modest violations. To do so would violate the legal norm that
$ sanction
Probability of being detected
and sanctioned
tected. Has effective deterrence been created? No, because the expected ben-
efit of polluting is $10 million each year; the expected cost of polluting is:
Fines and monetary damage claims usually result in lower social costs than
incarceration, as Becker (1968) has argued, because society must pay to keep
someone behind bars, because criminal cases are more expensive to pros-
ecute and more difficult to prove, and because the person is no longer gener-
ating taxable income. But there are a variety of reasons why fines may not
generate sufficient deterrence:
As we have seen, fines, monetary damages, and criminal penalties are coer-
cive, costly, and will sometimes fail to foster deterrence. Market reputation
Table 9.1
Program Description
Agricultural programs:
AgSTAR Promotes the use of biogas recovery systems to
methane emissions at dairy and swine operations.
Pesticide Environmental Promotes integrated pest management and
Stewardship reduces pesticide risk in agricultural and
nonagricultural settings.
Air quality programs:
Indoor Environments Promotes simple, low-cost methods for reducing
indoor air-quality risks.
Energy efficiency and global
climate change programs:
Climate Leaders Encourages companies to develop long-term
comprehensive climate change strategies and set
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals.
Energy Star Maximizes energy efficiency in commercial,
industrial, and residential settings by promoting
new building and product design and practices.
Landfill Methane Outreach Reduces methane emissions from landfills by
installing products to capture gases and produce
electricity, steam, or boiler fuel.
Natural Gas STAR Encourages natural gas industry to reduce leaks
through cost-effective best management practices.
Voluntary Aluminum Industrial Reduces perflouorocarbon gas emissions (a
Partnership potent and long-lived greenhouse gas) from
aluminum smelting.
Labeling programs:
Consumer Labeling Initiative Promotes easier-to-read labels on household
cleaners and pesticides to improve consumer safety.
tors or overseas production, and limits to the number of boycotts that con-
sumers can juggle at any given time.
An increasing number of corporations are finding that an environmentally
friendly reputation serves as a substitute for conventional advertising. For
example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a wide variety of
voluntary pollution-control programs, described collectively as Partners for
the Environment. A sample of nationwide Partners for the Environment pro-
grams is given in Table 9.1. As the material in the table indicates, the Part-
ners for the Environment programs are focused on producing environmental
improvements that are not currently required by regulation. A key benefit
received by participating firms is the ability to self-identify as being in
Private Auditing
Unlike environmental audits, which are designed to help firms identify waste-
ful and hazardous processes, incentive enforcement systems are designed to
Firms self-report their emissions and pay fines if they exceed allowed
The government monitors more vigorously the lower the reported level
of emissions.
If actual emissions exceed reported emissions, the firm pays additional
pollution fines plus an additional fine for having made a false claim.
The advantage of this scheme, devised by Malik (1993), is that with some
level of government monitoring and an adequate penalty for falsification, the
scheme gives firms an incentive to report their actual emissions and lowers
the cost of government monitoring efforts.
EPA Enforcement
The EPAs Office for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance has es-
tablished specific enforcement policies for air, water, and other pollution
media. The various policies contain the special designation of significant
noncompliers for facilities that commit the worst offenses; the air program
calls them high-priority violators. The exact criteria for significant
noncompliers vary with each statute. For example, under the Resource Con-
servation and Recovery Act, operating a treatment, storage, or disposal facil-
ity without a permit classifies the facility as a significant noncomplier. Within
the framework of these enforcement policies, the EPA periodically estab-
lishes national enforcement and compliance priorities based on new scien-
tific knowledge, social and political pressures, and the extent to which
performance goals are being met.
An analysis contained in EPA (2003a) was critical of the effectiveness of
EPA enforcement efforts. The report noted that data for enforcement efforts
by the EPA and the states for the period 19992001 show that only a low
percentage (913 percent) of enforcement actions were taken in a timely and
appropriate manner, only 3940 percent of formal actions resulted in penal-
ties, and average penalties that were imposed were low (about $5,000 per
action). One of the recommendations from EPA (2003a) was to establish a
Facility Watch List. The EPA anticipates that the Facility Watch List will be
a key effort to address significant noncompliance at the facility level, since it
identifies facilities that have been in significant noncompliance for lengthy
periods with no apparent formal enforcement response from the EPA or the
relevant state.
As an agency of the administrative branch of the federal government, the
EPA and its enforcement efforts are politicized and tend to reflect the priori-
ties of the president. External events such as the terrorist attacks on Septem-
ber 11, 2001, can change law enforcement priorities to the detriment of
environmental enforcement. Data from the George W. Bush administration
of the EPA indicate, for example, that the number of EPA civil referrals to
the Department of Justice declined from previous levels, as did the total dol-
lar value of civil lawsuit settlements and the number of facilities inspected
by the EPA.
It is important to note that the majority of environmental enforcement
activity in the United States is carried out by state environmental agencies,
since most states have received authority from the EPA to administer federal
environmental laws under EPA oversight. Of course, states also administer
and enforce their own state laws. There is considerable variation in the vigor
with which states enforce environmental laws. Some states have a strong
record of performance in following EPA mandates, while others are rela-
tively lax. In the latter case, there may be inadequate compliance monitor-
ing, and when violations are detected, those responsible for enforcement
may rarely respond with meaningful penalties.
Before we turn to civil and criminal referrals to the Department of Justice,
it is useful to see how legislation creates administrative penalty tools for the
EPA. For example, under the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments, the EPA was
granted additional administrative authority to assess penalties without filing a
court case and involving the Department of Justice. This administrative au-
thority allows the EPA to order payment of penalties of up to $200,000 and/or
order that violations be corrected. Those who receive an EPA order can ap-
peal to an administrative law judge. The EPA can also issue field citations
of up to $5,000 per day to violators when an EPA inspector finds certain types
of violations, such as nonfunctioning monitoring equipment. These new au-
thorities allow the EPA to act on smaller cases without having to incur the
time and expense of a federal court action. The amendments also expand the
notion of emergency actions to include threats to the environment, rather
than specifically to human health. These emergency orders have fines that
range from $5,000 to $25,000 per day, and add a criminal penalty of up to five
years in prison for knowingly violating an emergency order. Other criminal
penalties include five years for knowingly and seriously violating the CAA,
doubled for second offenses; fifteen years for knowingly releasing hazardous
air pollution that places people in imminent danger of death or bodily injury;
one year for negligent releases; one year for tampering with a monitoring
device; and the criminalization of the falsification of pollution data.
The civil and criminal case summaries in this section are taken from Depart-
ment of Justice records and press releases.
A 2005 settlement will require Weyerhaeuser Company to clean up the
Plainwell Mill and 12th Street Landfill in Plainwell, Michigan, which are
portions of the Kalamazoo River Superfund site. Weyerhaeuser will pay $6.2
million, which the EPA will use to fund the clean-up of polychlorinated bi-
phenyl (PCB) contamination in the Kalamazoo River. Weyerhaeuser is one
of several companies responsible for PCB contamination at the Kalamazoo
River Superfund Site, which includes the mill, the landfill, a portion of the
Kalamazoo River, and other areas. The PCB contamination at the site re-
sulted primarily from paper companies that produced and processed PCB-
containing carbonless copy paper along the river between the 1950s and 1970s.
The EPA estimates that there are hundreds of thousands of pounds of PCBs
in the soil and sediment at the site. Investigations at the site indicate that PCB
contamination has had an adverse impact on bird and fish populations. For
several decades, fish consumption advisories have urged consumers to limit
the type and amount of fish that they eat from the river.
respectively, for multiple asbestos work practice and worker identification vio-
lations in connection with the demolition of a manufacturing building in
Marshfield, Wisconsin. The defendants had recruited untrained homeless men
from a community kitchen in Chattanooga, Tennessee, obtained fraudulent
asbestos training identification cards for these workers, and directed them to
strip asbestos pipe insulation without first wetting the material, thereby expos-
ing them to the severe health risks associated with asbestos inhalation. In con-
nection with this prosecution, the Environment and Natural Resources Division
of the Department of Justice launched a nationwide project with the EPA and
the National Coalition for the Homeless to halt the exploitation of homeless
and itinerant workers for illegal asbestos work.
In 1998 the Department of Justice entered into a consent decree with the
FMC Corporation resolving numerous violations of the Resource Conserva-
tion and Recovery Act (RCRA) at an FMC facility on the Shoshone-Bannock
tribes Fort Hall Indian Reservation in Pocatello, Idaho. The facility is the
worlds largest producer of elemental phosphorus, which is used in deter-
gents, beverages, foods, synthetic lubricants, and pesticides. The most seri-
ous of the RCRA violations involved mismanagement of phosphorus wastes
in ponds. The wastes burn vigorously when exposed to the air, and also gen-
erate toxic gases that can cause serious health and environmental problems.
FMC agreed to spend approximately $158 million to settle this case as well
as another $11.8 million as a civil penalty, the largest obtained under RCRA
up to that time.
In September 1996 U.S. District Court Judge Hector Laffitte sentenced three
corporationsBunker Group Puerto Rico, Bunker Group Incorporated, and
New England Marine Servicesto each pay a $25 million fine and complete a
five-year term of corporate probation. On April 25, 1996, a federal jury con-
victed the companies of sending out an unseaworthy vessel, negligently dis-
charging oil, and failing to notify the Coast Guard that a hazardous condition
existed on the vessel. As a result, 750,000 gallons of oil were spilled into the
waters off Puerto Rico and onto its popular Escambron Beach at the height of
the tourist season in January 1994. At the time, this was considered one of the
largest fines ever imposed for an environmental crime.
California Enforcement
Most states have environmental laws that mirror those at the federal level.
California offers a good illustration. Most California environmental statutes
contain provisions allowing for criminal liability of both firms and individu-
als who violate these statutes. Civil liability in the form of civil penalties and
injunctive relief can also be imposed. Criminal penalty provisions are in-
The Clean Water Act, the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments, and the enabling
legislation for the Toxics Release Inventory all require that firms monitor
and self-report their emissions. Falsifying is a criminal offense, primarily
followed up on by citizen groups in citizen lawsuits.
One issue is initial compliancehas the firm installed the necessary tech-
nology and/or established the necessary monitoring/control functions? An-
other issue is compliance over timecontinuous compliance. There are
no comprehensive estimates of the extent of continuous compliance. There
are indications, however, that while initial compliance rates tend to be high
(8090 percent), continuous compliance rates are much lower, approximately
45 percent or so (Russell 1990). Why might compliance rates be exagger-
ated? Perhaps because the EPA had commonly relied upon pre-announced
on-site inspections of stationary/point-source polluters, which gives firms an
opportunity to install, fix, or turn on pollution-control equipment. Typical
inspection rates are once a year, with the inspection usually restricted to
making sure that pollution-control equipment is functioning properly.
According to the EPA (1999), regional EPA staff conducted 23,237 in-
spections in 1998, an increase of 19 percent over 1997. Nevertheless, these
inspections covered only 1.7 percent of the 1,366,634 core regulated facili-
ties that were required to comply with environmental regulation (or just 0.29
percent of all core and noncore regulated facilities). The EPA found a wide
range of different rates of significant noncompliance with environmental regu-
lations in 1998. For example, 11.8 percent of automobile assembly facilities,
19 percent of pulp manufacturers, 45 percent of petroleum refineries, and
72.7 percent of integrated iron and steel mills were found to be in significant
noncompliance with air quality regulations. Overall, in 1998 the EPA esti-
mated that 7 percent of air pollution sources were found to be in significant
noncompliance, though a review by the inspector general suggests that vio-
lations are underreported. Approximately 20 percent of waste combusters
and landfill operators were in significant noncompliance with the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act, and about one-third of tank owners and
operators are likewise out of compliance with the Underground Storage Tank
program requirements. Finally, about one-quarter of all drinking water sys-
tems are out of compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Mintz (2004) reports there were 20,417 EPA field inspections in 2000 and
17,668 in 2002. This decline may reflect a change in law enforcement priori-
ties following the September 11th terrorist attack, or the different political
priorities of the George W. Bush administration relative to the Clinton ad-
ministration. According to the EPA (2003a), approximately 25 percent of
Citizen Suits
Most environmental laws have provisions that allow for private citizens to
sue polluters for violating statutes. The possibility of citizen lawsuits lever-
ages government enforcement efforts by empowering people who are di-
rectly harmed by pollution to do something about it. These suits can force
compliance, may require damages restitution, and can impose sanctions as
wellfor hazardous waste (RCRA) and Superfund (CERCLA). Successful
citizen lawsuits are difficult, however, because of the evidentiary require-
ments. Such suits have been most common in Clean Water Act cases where
monthly self-reporting is required and where private citizens can monitor
waterways. Citizen suits are very important because they can counteract po-
litical pressure brought to bear on the EPA and the revolving-door motive for
ignoring pollution violations.
Prior to the 1990 CAA amendments, citizens could only sue violators to force
compliance; under the 1990 amendments, citizen suits can include cash penal-
ties, which, if the suits are successful, go into an enforcement fund. Congress
authorized awards of up to $10,000 to citizens who provide information leading
to criminal convictions or civil penalties for violation of the CAA. Unfortunately,
state and federal employees are exempt. Recent state law in Arizona has elimi-
nated the right of citizens to sue a company for polluting private or public prop-
erty. The public may still sue the state to take action, but only if the state agrees
that there has been a violation. Thus if the state decides to ignore violations,
citizens in Arizona no longer have recourse through citizen suits.
Deterrence occurs when crime does not pay. In the context of risk-neu-
trality, deterrence occurs when the expected penalties associated with a
violation exceed the economic gains from being out of compliance. The
expected penalty is the monetary or criminal sanction, weighted by the
probability of detection and the probability of the penalties actually being
imposed given detection. Since the probability of being caught and pe-
nalized is less than 100 percent, the actual penalties that are imposed
must exceed the gain from being out of compliance.
In practice, it is difficult to know whether a given level of compliance
monitoring and a given penalty structure is sufficient to create deter-
rence for particular firms, organizations, and members of the public.
People (and managers of firms and organizations) have different prefer-
ences for risk and different, subjective, views of the probability of be-
ing caught and of being punished. Moreover, not all environmental law
violators are economically rational, and consequently may not respond
in their own best interest to the legal incentives for compliance.
Market reputations can also play a role in providing an incentive for
firms to be environmentally friendly. Consumer boycotts are one ex-
ample, and voluntary overcompliance programs such as the EPAs Green
Lights Program can act as substitutes for image advertising. Consumers
must be environmentally conscious and well informed for these
reputational systems to function.
Incentive schemes have been developed and implemented in laws such
as the Clean Water Act that require self-reporting and provide for penal-
ties for false reporting. These schemes have the potential for generating
deterrence while saving the government some monitoring costs.
Citizen lawsuit provisions of environmental and natural resource pro-
tection laws give members of the public legal standing to sue alleged
lawbreakers. These provisions can provide an important source of de-
1. Suppose that a firm can increase its profits by $1 million each year by
choosing not to comply with environmental regulations. The firm is a risk-
neutral expected profit maximizer. The probability that the firm will be de-
tected and found to be out of compliance is 40 percent, and the probability
that a judge will impose a penalty given detection is 75 percent. If the only
penalty is a fine, what is the minimum fine necessary to get this firm to
comply with environmental regulations?
2. Suppose that a firm can increase its profits by $2 million each year by
Internet Links
Arora, S., and T. Cason. 1995. Why Do Firms Overcomply with Environmental Regu-
lations? Understanding Participation in EPAs 33/50 Program. Working paper,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
Becker, G. 1968. Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach. Journal of Po-
litical Economy 78: 169217.
Cohen, M. 1992. Environmental Crime and Punishment: Legal/Economic Theory
and Empirical Evidence on Enforcement of Environmental Statutes. Journal of
Criminal Law and Criminology 8284: 10531108.
Criminal Penalties and Considerations. 1993. California Civil PracticeEnviron-
mental Litigation. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Law Publishers.
Cushman, J. 1996. States Shield Businesses from Ecological Liability. San Fran-
cisco Examiner, April 7, A-2.
Klein, B., and K. Leffler. 1981. The Role of Market Forces in Assuring Contractual
Performance. Journal of Political Economy 89 (August): 61541.
Magat, W., and K. Viscusi. 1990. Effectiveness of the EPAs Regulatory Enforce-
ment: The Case of Industrial Effluent Standards. Journal of Law and Economics
33 (October): 33159.
Malik, A. 1993. Self-Reporting and the Design of Policies for Regulating Stochastic
Pollution. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 24: 24157.
Mintz, J. 2004. Treading Water: A Preliminary Assessment of EPA Enforcement
During the Bush II Administration. Environmental Law Reporter 34: 10,93353.
Pfaff, A., and C. Sanchirico. 2004. Big Field, Small Potatoes: An Empirical Assess-
ment of EPAs Self-Audit Policy. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
23(3): 41532.
Polinsky, A., and S. Shavell. 1979. The Optimal Tradeoff Between the Probability
and Magnitude of Fines. American Economic Review 69: 88091.
Resources for the Future. 1997. Voluntary Incentives Are No Shortcut to Pollution
Abatement. Resources 126 (Winter): 18.
Russell, C. 1990. Monitoring and Enforcement. In Public Policies for Environmen-
tal Protection, ed. P. Portney. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future.
Russell, C., W. Harrington, and W. Vaughn. 1985. Enforcing Pollution Control Laws.
Washington, DC: Resources for the Future.
Segerson, K., and T. Tietenberg. 1992. The Structure of Penalties in Environmental
Enforcement: An Economic Analysis. Journal of Environmental Economics and
Management 23: 179200.
Tietenberg, T., ed. 1992. Innovation in Environmental Policy: Economic and Legal
Aspects of Recent Developments in Liability and Enforcement. Cheltingham, U.K.:
Edward Elgar.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1999. Enforcement and Compliance Assur-
ance: FY 1998 Accomplishments Report. Washington, DC: EPA.
. 2003a. A Pilot for Performance Analysis of Selected Components of the Na-
tional Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Program. Washington, DC: EPA.
. 2003b. Protecting the EnvironmentTogether: Energy Star and Other Vol-
untary Programs, Climate Protection Partnerships Division, 2003 Annual Report.
Washington, DC: EPA.
Creating Economic Incentives
for Environmental Protection
and Resource Management
Table 10.1
of lowering the cost of materials reuse and recycling. Liability standards and
the potential for civil and criminal penalties offer another form of incentive
regulation, as described in chapter 8. Still another example of incentive regu-
lation is offered by funding garbage collection based on per-bag charges
rather than through a fixed fee. The per-bag fee creates an indirect incentive
to reduce the amount of garbage created by households.
A summary of some regulatory schemes that use various economic instru-
ments to foster more environmentally friendly behavior is given in Table 10.1.
It is beyond the scope of this chapter to provide a complete accounting of
the various incentive systems. Instead, the chapter will focus on two promi-
nent forms of market-based environmental policy instruments, namely, mar-
ketable pollution allowances and environmental taxes and subsidies. Some
additional incentive schemes will be presented in chapter 15. The discussion
on environmental taxes in this chapter builds on the theoretical foundation
regarding externalities and Pigouvian taxes that was developed in chapter 4.
Early environmental regulation has been criticized for its lack of beneficial
incentives. The common approach was to use direct controls, also known as
which allows the degree of abatement to vary across sources in a manner that
reduces overall compliance costs. Marketable allowance systems regulate
the quantity of emissions but do not generally force the use of a particular
technology. Environmental taxes, such as those on pollution emissions, regu-
late the price of emissions and give firms an incentive to reduce their tax
liability by reducing their emissions, thus indirectly reducing emissions. In
addition, pollution taxes result in market prices that more closely approxi-
mate the marginal social cost of production and so make cleaner alternative
technologies more price competitive. Finally, since pollution taxes do not
mandate a particular technology, they create a dynamic incentive for research
and development in ways to reduce the cost of cleaner technologies.
This chapter will begin with a discussion of marketable pollution allow-
ances and their cost-saving properties, and will then move on to describe
various environmental taxes and emission charges.
Table 10.2
Note: For analytical simplicity, it is assumed that marginal abatement costs are con-
stant, and that historical baseline emissions levels are identical across firms. Thus firms
differ only in terms of their marginal abatement costs.
ous pollution sources; these allowed emissions are usually set as a frac-
tion of historical emissions during a baseline time period; the sum of
these allowances is equal to the desired level of emissions.
A well-functioning competitive market for trading allowances.
A requirement that new firms must buy allowances from existing firms.
Effective deterrence against emissions in excess of firms allowances
(see chapter 9).
Sufficient policy stability over time so that firms have incentive to in-
vest in pollution-control technology and become sellers of allowances.
Now that we see the basic structure, lets look at an illustrative example of
how an allowances-trading system can work to reduce the overall cost of
attaining a given level of pollution control.
Consider the highly simplified example in Table 10.2, which features an industry
made up of eight polluting firms that have different pollution-abatement costs
(i.e., the cost of reducing emissions, such as from smokestack scrubbers or alter-
native production methods). To keep the example analytically simple, at the cost
of being a bit unrealistic, we assume that each firms marginal abatement costs
are constant. Normally we would expect that a firms marginal abatement costs
would be directly related to the level of pollution abatement (why?).
Using the data from Table 10.2, we can plot the marginal abatement costs
$ per unit of
pollution reduced Industrywide marginal
abatement cost curve
Quantity of pollution
emissions reduced
for all the firms in this industry, as shown in Figure 10.1. Each segment of
the step function in Figure 10.1 represents the marginal abatement cost for
one of the firms in the industry. The first segment of the step function repre-
sents the marginal abatement cost for firm A, the firm with the lowest mar-
ginal abatement costs in the industry. Once firm A has exhausted its potential
for reducing emissions, the next segment on the industrywide marginal abate-
ment cost function represents that of firm B, the firm with the next lowest
marginal abatement costs in the industry. This process continues in ascend-
ing order of firms marginal abatement cost.
Table 10.3
baseline, Number of tons
Marginal annual of emissions to Total abatement
Firm abatement cost emissions be reduced cost ($)
A 12 50 25 300
B 18 50 25 450
C 24 50 25 600
D 30 50 25 750
E 36 50 25 900
F 42 50 25 1,050
G 48 50 25 1,200
H 54 50 25 1,350
Total 400 200 6,600
emit pollution to other firms in the industry). Going back to Figure 10.1, in
general any firm in the industry would be willing to sell its allowances at a
price above its marginal abatement cost. Recall from chapter 3 that each firm
supplies along its marginal cost curve in a competitive market. Thus, we can
construct a market supply curve for allowances, which in our example is
equivalent to the industrywide marginal abatement cost step function in Fig-
ure 10.1, except that each step is only half as wide, since each firm only has
allowances equal to one-half of its historical emissions. Moreover, in general
any firm in the industry would be willing to purchase allowances at a price
below its marginal abatement cost. For simplicity, we assume that only regu-
lated firms in the industry can purchase pollution allowances. Thus, we can
construct a market demand curve for allowances, where each firms mar-
ginal abatement cost represents its maximum willingness to pay for allow-
ances. The maximum quantity of allowances demanded by each firm in our
example is 25 (the quantity of each firms total emissions [50] minus each
firms allowed emissions [25]). The market supply and demand for allow-
ances is shown in Figure 10.2.
As noted above, the predicted pattern of allowances trade involves firms
with low marginal abatement costs selling allowances to firms with higher
marginal abatement costs. For example, firm As marginal abatement cost is
only $12 per ton. If firm A were to sell an allowance to firm H for, say, $33,
then firm A receives producer surplus $(33 12) = $21, and firm H receives
consumer surplus $(54 33) = $21. Essentially, this allowance trade involves
firm A taking on the task of cleaning up an extra ton of pollution emissions
on behalf of firm H, and charges firm H $33 for this service. Recalling what
we learned about the competitive market equilibrium in chapter 3, we can
see in Figure 10.2 that the equilibrium quantity of allowances traded oc-
curs where the market supply and demand curves intersect. At this equilib-
rium the firms with relatively low marginal abatement costs (firms AD)
are selling a total of 100 tons of allowance to the firms with relatively high
marginal abatement costs (firms EH). The equilibrium price of allowances
will fall somewhere between $30 and $36 (why?), and with equal bargain-
ing power on both sides of the market, an equilibrium price of $33 would
be reasonable.
At $33 per allowance, firms EH find it cheaper to buy allowances than to
reduce their emissions, and firms AD find it more profitable to sell their
allowances and perform all of the pollution abatement for the entire industry.
Table 10.4 illustrates how marketable allowances systems reallocate clean-
up activity and reduce overall abatement costs.
In this highly simplified example, the industrywide cost of meeting the
emissions capcutting pollution by one-half in the airshedis $4,200, which
Market supply
of allowances
Equilibrium E E
Market demand
for allowances
Equilibrium Quantity of
quantity of allowances
Table 10.4
4. Final
1. Initial tons of
Historical tons of emissions
Marginal baseline, emissions 2. 3. to be
abatement annual to be Allowances Allowances reduced
Firm cost emissions reduced sold bought (1 + 2 3)
A 12 50 25 25 0 50
B 18 50 25 25 0 50
C 24 50 25 25 0 50
D 30 50 25 25 0 50
E 36 50 25 0 25 0
F 42 50 25 0 25 0
G 48 50 25 0 25 0
H 54 50 25 0 25 0
Total 400 200 100 100 200
is somewhat less than two-thirds of the cost of meeting the same overall
pollution-control target under the performance-based command-and-
control standard. However, what about the revenues and costs associated
with the sales and purchases of allowances? Does the cost of buying al-
lowances count as a part of the total cost of compliance with the cap? For
an individual firm, the cost of purchasing allowances represents a cost of
compliance, without a doubt. If only industry members are involved with
allowance trades, as in this example, then the industrywide cost of allow-
ances purchased by the demand side of the allowance market is, from an
accounting standpoint, equal to the revenues from allowance sales by the
supply side of the allowance market. In other words, intra-industry al-
lowances trade has no aggregate net compliance cost impact, as purchase
expenditures simply represent offsetting revenue flows to other firms in
the industry.
We made the simplifying assumption that each firms marginal abate-
ment costs are constant, which resulted in firms with low marginal abate-
ment costs selling all of their allowances, thus fully eliminating their
emissions. Admittedly, it may be a bit farfetched to assume that the pol-
luting facilities owned by firms AD can completely eliminate their emis-
sions, but this simple example illustrates the more general concept. The
remarkable aspect of a cap-and-trade system is that it harnesses the cost-
minimizing incentives of profit-maximizing firms and the competitive
market process to reduce the costs of complying with pollution-control
More generally, if firms AH each had different upward-sloping mar-
ginal abatement cost curves rather than constant marginal abatement costs,
the equimarginal principle would come into play. To see this, consider
Figure 10.3, which shows three firms, each with different, upward-slop-
ing marginal abatement cost curves. To simplify this example, we focus
on firms that supply allowances. If the horizontal dotted line indicates
the equilibrium market price of an allowance, then one can see that firm
3 (with the highest marginal abatement cost curve) supplies the smallest
quantity of allowances, while firm 1 (with the lowest marginal abatement
cost curve) supplies the largest quantity of allowances. As the equimarginal
principle would suggest, at the equilibrium allowance price, the marginal
abatement cost of each firm for the last ton each cleans up is equal to the
equilibrium allowance price. As a consequence, the firm with the lowest
marginal abatement cost curve sells the most allowances and reduces
emissions the most, followed by the firm with the next-to-lowest mar-
ginal abatement cost curve, and so on.
Supply, Firm 2
Supply, Firm 1
is a balancing of cost savings from allowances trading against the need for
all sources to limit emissions.
Suppose that we cap trades at 10 tons for each firm. In the example below,
we will cap sales as well as purchases, but if dealing with localized hot spots
is the concern, it is only necessary to cap purchases by each firm. A cap on
both sales and purchases is used here to illustrate the somewhat more realis-
tic case in which all firms clean up to some degree, and yet no firm can
completely eliminate its emissions. Table 10.5 shows what will happen un-
der this constrained allowances-trading scheme.
Under this final case, all firms must cut pollution by at least 15 tons per
year, which limits localized hot-spot effects. The result, however, of limiting
trading is that the cost of meeting the overall standard of cutting pollution by
half rises to $5,640, roughly intermediate between the cost with no trading
($6,600) and the cost with unconstrained trading ($4,200). Thus we can mea-
sure the opportunity cost of limiting localized hot spots by the foregone cost
savings that would have been realized under more complete tradingin this
case $5,640 $4,200 = $1,440.
There are both static and dynamic advantages associated with marketable
allowance systems. A clear static advantage of marketable allowances is that
substantial cost savings are realized from allowing low-abatement-cost firms
to sell allowances to high-abatement-cost firms. Consequently, an overall
pollution abatement target can be realized at lower total cost when allow-
ances are tradable. Moreover, since firms with high abatement costs are pay-
ing someone else to do clean-up for them, this payment becomes a cost and
so gives these firms an incentive to find a cheaper way to reduce emissions
R&D. A dynamic advantage of marketable allowance systems is that they
give firms an incentive to invest in cleaner technology and cut their emis-
sions below their allowance. The firms can then specialize in selling allow-
ances to those that have not made a similar investment.
Table 10.5
Hypothetical Industrywide Cost of Cutting Emissions by One-Half with
Limited Allowances Trading
4. Final
1. Initial 2. 3. tons of
Historical tons of Allowances Allowances emissions
Marginal baseline, emissions sold bought to be
abatement annual to be (maximum (maximum reduced
Firm cost emissions reduced of 10) of 10) (1 + 2 3)
A 12 50 25 10 0 35
B 18 50 25 10 0 35
C 24 50 25 10 0 35
D 30 50 25 10 0 35
E 36 50 25 0 10 15
F 42 50 25 0 10 15
G 48 50 25 0 10 15
H 54 50 25 0 10 15
Total 400 200 40 40 200
The first phase of the Acid Rain Program began in 1995 and affects 445
coal-burning electricity units located in twenty-one eastern and midwestern
states. Interestingly, preliminary data reported by the EPA indicate that 1995
sulfur dioxide emissions at these units were reduced by almost 40 percent
below their required level. The second phase, which began in 2000, extends
restrictions to many smaller, cleaner plants and imposes a further tightening
of the phase 1 standards on the larger and dirtier plants. The program affects
existing utility plants having generators with an output capacity of greater
than 25 megawatts as well as all newly built plants. The Clean Air Act re-
quires that by 2010 the scope of the Acid Rain Program be broadened to
include more than 1,000 U.S. electricity-generating facilities. The Clean Air
Act also addresses emissions of nitrogen oxides, and requires a total reduc-
tion of 2 million tons relative to 1980 levels by 2000. The EPA claims that a
significant portion of this reduction will be achieved by coal-fired utility
boilers that will be required to install new burner technologies.
Under the trading system devised by the EPA, affected utility plants are
allocated allowances based on their historic fuel consumption and emissions
rate. Each allowance permits a plant to emit one ton of S02 during or after a
specified year. Once a ton of sulfur dioxide is emitted in a particular year, the
allowance is retired and can no longer be used. These allowances may be
bought, sold, or banked. Any person may acquire allowances and participate
in the trading system. The EPA must be able to keep track of the ownership
of allowances in order to determine whether a plant has exceeded its allowed
emissions. The EPA does so through the Allowance Tracking System, which
monitors the transfer of ownership of allowances. As of 2003, firms that
emitted more than their allowances permitted were fined $2,900 per ton, a
figure that is indexed each year to inflation. Finally, regardless of the number
of allowances a utility holds, the plant may not emit at levels that would violate
federal or state limits set under Title I of the Clean Air Act to protect public
health. This is a cap-and-trade regulatory system because the Acid Rain Pro-
gram regulates overall emissions, and tradable allowances are quota shares.
An interesting phenomenon in allowance trading is the rise of groups
that purchase allowances and simply retire them as a market-oriented strat-
egy for cleaning the environment. For example, in the 2000 spot auction
(allowances purchased for use in 2000), the Acid Rain Retirement Fund
purchased 13 allowances, the Maryland Environmental Law Society purchased
10, and the Isaac Walton League, VA/Clean Air Conservancy purchased 5 al-
lowances. Other groups purchased smaller quantities. Environmental groups
have purchased and retired sulfur dioxide allowances each year since the
EPA auction has been conducted. One of the largest such purchases was by
the National Healthy Air License Exchange and the Glens Falls (NY) Middle
School, which raised over $20,000 to purchase and retire nearly 300 tons of
sulfur dioxide.
Between 1998 and 2003, the average price of an allowance fluctuated be-
tween approximately $125 and $220. In 2003, 4,200 individual allowance trans-
fers representing roughly 16.5 million allowances (of past, current, and future
vintages) were recorded in the EPA Allowance Tracking System. Of the allow-
ances transferred, 8 million (49 percent) were transferred between economi-
cally unrelated parties. Most of the allowances exchanged between economically
unrelated parties were acquired by electricity-generating companies. It is inter-
esting to note that the price of allowances is substantially below the levels
anticipated when the program was established in 1990. In particular, some origi-
nally anticipated that allowance prices would be around $850, and the EPA
originally estimated that allowances would trade at around $750. These low
allowance prices have resulted in a substantial cost savings for the S02 reduc-
tion target. In his survey of the literature on the cost of complying with the Acid
Rain Program, Burtraw (1998) compares early and more recent studies to show
how implementation has affected cost estimates. Early studies estimated an-
nual compliance costs of between $2 billion to $5 billion (1995 dollars), while
more recent studies, which have taken into account the actual performance of
the Acid Rain Program, estimate annual compliance costs of approximately $1
billion (1995 dollars). Carlson et al. (1998) attribute annual cost savings of
approximately $780 million to allowance trading, which represents an esti-
mated 42 percent savings relative to command-and-control projections.
One concern regarding allowance trading is the potential for creating
localized hot spots. Swift (2000) has found that in fact the largest coal-
burning plants, with the largest sulfur dioxide emissions, reduced their emis-
sions by the largest percentage under the Acid Rain Program. These firms
are able to spread pollution abatement costs over a larger dollar value of
capital. Consequently, Swift argues that the data allay concerns about local-
ized hot spots under the Acid Rain Program. There have been some problems
with implementation of the Acid Rain Program. For example, McCormack
and Shaw (1996) report that the New York legislature tried to ban interstate
allowances trades on the grounds that an electricity generator in New York
might profit from selling allowances to generators in the midwestern United
States, and with the prevailing wind pattern, increased midwestern emis-
sions would result in increased acid rain deposition in New York.
Emissions Trading
In highly impacted nonattainment areas (like Los Angeles), firms must ac-
quire more than one ERC for every unit of emissions (typically 1.2 ERCs
bought for every 1 ton of pollution) so that overall emissions are reduced.
ERCs can then be traded in a number of ways.
ERCs can be used to offset new facilities (and their emissions) locating in
nonattainment areas that have not met a specified ambient air quality stan-
dard. The CAA specified that no new emissions sources would be allowed to
locate in nonattainment areas after 1975. Concern that the prohibition would
stifle economic activity led the EPA to develop offset ERCs. An offset is a
type of ERC specifically designed for new factories or other new sources of
pollution to be built in areas that exceed emissions standards. Offsets can be
traded internally within a multiplant firm or via external trading.
Another way that ERCs are traded is in a process called netting. Netting
allows a firm that creates new sources of emissions in a plant to avoid the
stringent emissions limits that would normally apply by reducing emissions
from another source in the same plant. A firm using netting is allowed to
obtain the necessary ERCs only from its own sources (internal trading).
Yet another way that ERCs can be traded is by way of trades within a
given bubble. The bubble program is similar to the offsets program but ap-
plies to ERC trades involving existing factories rather than newly constructed
ones. The term bubble refers to placing an imaginary bubble over a given
plant, with all emissions exiting from a single outlet to the bubble. Thus,
bubbles allow a firm to sum its total plant emissions and adjust individual
sources of pollution within the plant so that the aggregate limit is not ex-
ceeded. This part of the program began in 1979. Bubble credit transfers have
not generated a lot of transactions; some say this is because of regulator
opposition, the nonuniform mixing nature of the pollutants, and thin regional
markets, among others.
Finally, ERCs (unlike allowances in the Acid Rain Program) can be banked
for future sale or use. States decide the specific rules and administer ERC
banking. Foster and Hahn (1995) find that banking acts to reduce the trans-
action costs of ERC trading, especially for small-scale trades.
Fox River oxygen trading: Under this Wisconsin program, pulp paper mills
and sewage treatment plants were required to purchase oxygen depletion
allowances. See ONeil et al. (1983).
Lead banking: In this pollution credit trading program, refiners were al-
lowed to bank and trade lead allowances to meet a short timeline phase-out
of leaded gasoline in a more cost-effective manner. Refiners that reduced
lead content below the standard requirement received credits that could be
banked and used in the future. Half of all refiners participated, 15 percent
of allowances were traded, and 35 percent of production rights were banked.
Hahn (1989) estimated $228 million in cost savings.
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) trading: As discussed in chapter 8, the Montreal
Protocol was an international environmental agreement in which signatory
countries agreed to a 1998 CFC cap equal to 50 percent of 1986 levels. Devel-
oped countries such as the United States later agreed to a complete phase-out
of production. During the phase-out period, the U.S. EPA instituted a cap-and-
trade system for the phase-out of CFCs. It is estimated to have saved several
billion dollars in compliance costs. Similar production quotas were utilized in
Canada, the European Union, and Singapore (Stavins 2000).
Heavy-duty motor vehicle engine emissions trading system: Engine manu-
facturers that produce heavy-duty engines that emit less nitrogen oxide that is
required by law are granted credits that can be used to offset engines that fail to
meet the standard. These credits can be used by the firm that produced them, or
they can be traded to other firms. Credits can also be banked for future use.
Joint implementation of greenhouse gas controls: Countries that had rati-
fied the Framework Convention on Climate Change established a joint imple-
mentation program in the 1995 Berlin Conference of the Parties. The 1997
Kyoto Protocol allows Annex B countries (countries that have an agreed ceil-
ing on emissions) to meet their ceiling by way of emissions trading with
other Annex B countries, and through joint implementation programs. In the
pilot joint implementation program Annex B countries finance projects in
other countries that reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, and these emis-
sion reductions are then credited toward meeting the Annex B countrys ceil-
ing. The U.S. Initiative on Joint Implementation has approved twenty-two
such projects through 1997, and the worldwide total through 1999 was ninety-
four (Stavins 2000). Most of these projects have funded the transition to less-
polluting energy production processes or have focused on land use in Latin
America and other lower-income regions.
Regional Clean Air Incentive Market: In October 1993 Californias South
Coast Air Quality Management District initiated a new cap-and-trade regula-
tory system for controlling emissions of oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, called
the Regional Clean Air Incentive Market (RECLAIM), a prominent element
of which features the trading of pollution allowances on the Internet. Ander-
son (1997) predicted that this cap-and-trade system would reduce compli-
ance costs by 42 percent, the same percentage cost savings estimated for the
Acid Rain Program allowance market.
Transferable development rights: As Convery (1998) observes, jurisdic-
tions use transferable development rights in environmentally sensitive or
E-Waste Recycling Fee: The state of California imposes a fee that ranges
between $6 and $10 on the retail sale or lease of a new or refurbished
video display device that has a screen size of more than 4 inches mea-
sured diagonally. The tax is used to fund the recycling of these products,
which contain lead and other hazardous materials.
Hazardous Waste Tax: The state of Vermont charges a tax of 11 cents
per gallon of liquid or 1.4 cents per pound of solid for hazardous waste
destined to be recycled for a beneficial purpose, or a tax of 23.6 cents
per gallon of liquid or 3 cents per pound of solid for hazardous waste
destined for any form of management other than recycling. The tax
goes to an environmental contingency fund used to investigate and
mitigate the effects of hazardous waste released into the environment.
Minnesota also charges fees on hazardous waste. In 2004 it was $2.75
per gallon.
Oil Spill Tax: The state of Washington imposes a tax (currently 4 cents
per 42-gallon barrel of oil, with another cent per barrel that can be
charged, depending on the fund balance in the oil spill response ac-
count) on the transportation of crude oil or petroleum products, by ship
or barge, into navigable waters of the state and off-loaded at an in-state
terminal. This tax is used for oil spill prevention, response, and restora-
tion programs. Likewise, the state of Alaska imposes a 5 cent tax per
barrel of oil, of which 2 cents go to oil spill response and 3 cents go to
oil spill prevention.
Pesticide and Fertilizer Tax: The state of Iowa imposes a tax of one-
tenth of 1 percent on gross sales for pesticides at the retail level, and
one-fifth of 1 percent of gross sales on the manufacturers of pesticides.
It also imposes a tax of 75 cents per ton on nitrogen fertilizer. The tax is
used to fund groundwater protection.
large, these were set at relatively low levels, and focused more on revenue
generation than on the incentive effects of the taxes or charges (European
Union 2001). This analysis indicated that while the price signals from the
EU environmental taxes were generally quite modest, there was a dispropor-
tionately larger behavioral effect, which the report attributed to the role of
the taxes in raising public awareness and creating moral concern about the
environment. Moreover, due to the generally modest level of taxation, and
the extensive number of exclusions, the impact of these taxes on economic
competitiveness was found to be small.
The OECD (1997) provides a comprehensive list of environmental taxes
in OECD countries (OECD members include the United States, Canada,
Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Republic of Korea, Turkey, Greece,
and many European countries). For example, most OECD countries that still
allow lead in gasoline also impose a differential environmental tax on lead
that favors the use of unleaded gasoline. Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands,
Norway, and Sweden impose an environmental tax on energy based on car-
bon emissions. Belgium, Denmark, France, Japan, Norway, Poland, and
Sweden all have developed environmental charges on energy based on sulfur
emissions. The Czech Republic, France, Poland, and Sweden impose a nitro-
gen oxide charge on energy. Eleven of the twenty-eight OECD countries
utilize water effluent charges and impose noise charges on aircraft. France
taxes water pollution and reinvests the revenues in pollution remediation,
and Polands stringent effluent fees include a penalty for emissions that ex-
ceed the regulatory standard. Belgium taxes disposable razors and cameras,
Sweden taxes the production of various chemicals and uses the proceeds to
fund monitoring and enforcement, and Iceland imposes a differential import
levy to promote smaller and more fuel-efficient automobiles. Mexico has
reduced taxes on new cars and increased them on older, dirtier cars in order
to limit air pollution, and Argentina and Colombia offer subsidies for indus-
trial pollution abatement investments, and tax rebates for those who adopt
cleaner technology. Chile has developed a tradable permit system for par-
ticulate matter from stationary sources in the Santiago area, and Singapore
has had a tradable permit system for ozone-depleting chemicals since 1991
(Stavins 2000).
1. Go back to the tables and figures in the chapter for the illustration of the
cost savings from marketable allowances.
a. Redo the illustrative example of the cost savings from fully market-
able pollution allowances relative to command-and-control regula-
tion (case 2), assuming that emissions will be cut by 60 percent
rather than 50 percent. It may help to redraw Figure 10.2. Calculate
the cost savings from fully marketable allowances relative to tradi-
tional command-and-control regulation. Assume that a firm cannot
clean up beyond its historical baseline emissions level.
b. Independent of your work in part 1a above, redo the illustrative
example of the cost savings from constrained allowances trading
in the text (case 3) but now impose a constraint that no more than
free Adobe Acrobat program. (1) Summarize their arguments, and (2) relate
the EU Emissions Trading Directive to the workings of the allowance trading
system in the EPAs Acid Rain Program.
6. Access the European Union report, Study on the Economic and Envi-
ronmental Implications of the Use of Environmental Taxes and Charges in
the European Union and Its Member States (
vironment/enveco/taxation/environmental_taxes.htm). Write a summary of
one or more environmental taxes being used in Europe, including the pur-
pose, the tax rate, and the effectiveness of the tax.
Internet Links
that operates on an Excel platform. The user does not need to know any-
thing about Excel to use the simulation. Be sure to enable macros when
Ackerman, B., and W. Hassler. 1981. Clean Coal/Dirty Air. New Haven: Yale Univer-
sity Press.
Anderson, R. 1997. The U.S. Experience with Economic Incentives in Environmental
Pollution-Control Policy. Washington, DC: Environmental Law Institute.
Barthold, T. 1994. Issues in the Design of Environmental Excise Taxes. Journal of
Economic Perspectives 8 (Winter): 13351.
Boyd, R., K. Krutilla, and W.K. Viscusi. 1995. Energy Taxation as a Policy Instru-
ment to Reduce CO2 Emissions: A Net Benefit Analysis. Journal of Environmen-
tal Economics and Management 29 (July): 124.
Bryner, G. 1993. Blue Skies, Green Politics. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Burtraw, D. 1998. Cost Savings, Market Performance, and Economic Benefits of the
U.S. Acid Rain Program. Discussion Paper 9828-REV. Washington, DC: Re-
sources for the Future.
Carlson, C., D. Burtraw, M. Cropper, and K. Palmer. 1998. Sulfur Dioxide Control
by Electric Utilities: What Are the Gains from Trade? Discussion Paper 9844.
Washington, DC: Resources for the Future.
Center for Global Change. N.d. State Carbon Tax Model. College Park: University of
Convery, F. 1998. The Types and Roles of Market Mechanisms. In Using Market
Mechanisms in Environmental Regulation. New York: The Conference Board.
European Union. 2001. Study on the Economic and Environmental Implications of
the Use of Environmental Taxes and Charges in the European Union and Its Mem-
ber States (
Foster, V., and R. Hahn. 1995. Designing More Efficient Markets: Lessons from Los
Angeles Smog Control. Journal of Law and Economics 38 (April): 1948.
The earths energy budget is the net result of a complex balance of energy
flows over time, and exerts a primary influence on global climate. Light from
the sun is absorbed by land, water, and vegetation on the surface of the earth,
where it is transformed into heat and is reradiated in the form of invisible
infrared radiation. Earths atmosphere contains molecules that absorb this
heat and reradiate the heat in all directions. These greenhouse gaseswhich
include carbon dioxide, various halocarbons, methane, nitrogen oxides,
nonmethane volatile organic compounds, ozone, sulfur hexafluoride, and
water vaporall have a molecular structure made up of more than two com-
ponent atoms that are able to vibrate with the absorption of heat. Eventually,
a vibrating molecule emits the radiation again, which is often reabsorbed by
yet another greenhouse gas molecule. The absorption-emission-absorption cycle
that occurs among greenhouse gases effectively holds heat in the atmosphere
near the earths surface, just as clear glass walls hold heat in a greenhouse,
thereby slowing the process of heat being lost into space. Without the green-
house effect, the mean surface temperature of the earth would be about 33
degrees Celsius lower than it is today, and most of the worlds oceans would
freeze over. As we can see, greenhouse gas molecules are responsible for the
fact that the earth enjoys temperatures suitable for life as we know it in our
complex biosphere.
Water vapor is the most abundant and dominant greenhouse gas in the
atmosphere, but most attention is given to carbon dioxide due to increasing
Table 11.1
Arrows represent carbon flows, while boxes represent carbon reservoirs. All numerical values are in
billions of metric tons (gigatons) of carbon (Gt C). Positive flow values indicate carbon transport to
the atmosphere, while negative flow values indicate carbon transport to the terrestrial biosphere and
the oceans. Actual values vary based on different estimates, and numerical values shown here only
serve as a simplified guide to the global carbon cycle. Note that more recent research by Sabine et
al. (2004) suggests that the net quantity of carbon that is drawn out of the atmosphere by the
terrestrial biosphere has been minimal until recent years, while the worlds oceans have accounted
for nearly all of the approximately 3.1 gigatons of human emissions removed from the atmosphere.
Sources:, IPCC (2001).
flows (also known as fluxes) in this cycle. A very large reservoir of carbon is
stored in the worlds oceans and seafloor sediments, with smaller quantities
stored in fossil fuels, the terrestrial biosphere, and the atmosphere. A very
large flow of carbon is exchanged in the worlds photosynthesis/respiration
processes, and between the atmosphere and the worlds oceans. Both of these
naturally occurring gas-exchange systems are in near-balance. Approximately
3.3 of the 6.3 billion metric tons (gigatons) of anthropogenic carbon fail to
be taken up by the terrestrial biosphere and oceans each year, and add to the
accumulated stock of carbon (and other greenhouse gases) in the atmosphere.
Dr. Robert Socolow, co-director of the Carbon Mitigation Initiative, has pro-
vided a useful mapping between carbon-equivalent emissions and increases
in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. In particular, every 2.1 gigatons
of carbon-equivalent emissions (net of what is taken up by the earths carbon
sinks) results in a 1 ppm (part per million) increase in atmospheric carbon
dioxide concentrations. Thus, the 3.3 gigatons of annual carbon-equivalent
from 2001 to 2002, increasing by 0.7 percent. Annual greenhouse gas emis-
sions by an average American are roughly equivalent to that of 18 Indians or
99 Bangladeshis. As the largest source of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions,
carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion has accounted for a nearly con-
stant 80 percent of global warming potential (GWP) weighted emissions since
1990. Emissions from this source category grew by 17 percent from 1990 to
2002, and were responsible for most of the increase in national emissions
during this period. In 2001 Paul McCardle of the U.S. Energy Information
Administration reported that during the period between 1949 and 1999, over
99 percent of the variation in U.S. carbon dioxide emissions could be ex-
plained by energy consumption, and over 85 percent could be explained by
U.S. GDP. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administrations Inter-
national Energy Outlook 2004 (U.S. EIA 2004) reference case, world carbon
emissions are projected to rise to 7.55 gigatons by 2010 and 10.1 gigatons by
2025. Much of the projected increase in emissions is expected to occur in the
developing world, accompanying the increases in energy use projected for
the regions emerging economies. Developing countries account for 61 per-
cent of the projected increase in carbon dioxide emissions between 2001 and
share of the worlds population lives within a few meters of sea level, along
with trillions of dollars of infrastructure at risk. Levitus et al. (2000) reports
that the heat content of the worlds oceans has increased by about 10 watt-
years per square meter in the past fifty years, and that the rate of ocean heat
storage in the 1990s is consistent with Hansens estimate that the earth is
retaining between 0.5 and 1 watt per square meter. Hansen notes that the
amount of oceanic heat needed to melt enough ice to raise global sea levels
by approximately one meter is 12 watt-years. Given the current level of an-
nual climate forcing, that amount of oceanic heat could be accumulated in
twelve to twenty-four years. At the peak rate of ice melt during the time of
greatest warming in the Holocene interglacial period, a one-meter sea level
rise occurred in a twenty-year period.
If the predictions regarding global warming prove to be true, then the
damage from rising sea levels will disproportionately harm poorer countries
without the income to build dikes and other engineering works to counteract
rising seas, and may result in large-scale refugee displacements (hundreds of
millions or more people leaving Bangladesh, the Nile Delta, and coastal China,
among others). While current models predict a global average increase in
precipitation, this increase is not expected to be uniformly distributed. In
particular, higher latitudes are expected to experience an increase in precipi-
tation because of poleward transport of atmospheric moisture generated from
increased evaporation in lower latitudes. This increased spring evaporation
will tend to dry out many soils in lower latitudes, resulting in less moisture
being available for evaporation and rainfall during the summer, and leading
to sharper summer droughts (Karl, Nicholls, and Gregory 1997, hereinafter
Karl et al.). More generally, the pace of the greenhouse effect is predicted to
proceed more rapidly than the natural ability of many plant and animal spe-
cies to adjust, hastening the rate of extinctions.
Karl et al. (1997) observe that small increases in average daily tempera-
tures cause a disproportionate percentage increase in the frequency of ex-
tremely hot days and heat waves. Cold spells will still occur but will be less
likely. Using the Chicago area as an example, Karl et al. point out that with
just a three degree C increase in the average July temperature, the probabil-
ity that the heat index (a measure that includes humidity and measures over-
all discomfort) will exceed 49 degrees C (120 degrees F) sometime during
the month increases from one in 20 to one in four (p. 80). An interesting
effect of global warming appears to be that warming affects daily minimum
temperatures far more than daily maximums, thus lengthening the growing
season in many temperate areas around the world. Dai, Del Genio, and Fung
(1997) point out that this increase in daily minimum temperatures coincides
with (and thus might be explained by) a global increase in thick, precipitat-
ing clouds, as might be expected from the greenhouse effect, and these clouds
tend to reduce nighttime cooling. Moreover, while earlier analysis of global
warming suggested an increase in the frequency and intensity of tropical
cyclones and hurricanes, more recent work suggests that there will not nec-
essarily be a significant global increase in tropical storm activity.
Hayhoe et al. (2004) provides climate change predictions for California
using two different climate models (the Parallel Climate Model and the
Hadley Center Climate Model) and several different future emissions sce-
narios drawn from IPCC (2000). These scenarios include a low atmo-
spheric carbon dioxide concentration of 550 ppm by 2100 (scenario B1),
and a high atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration of 970 ppm by
2100 (scenario A1fi). Under the low carbon scenario, the two models
predict average annual statewide temperatures in California will rise by
2.33.3 degrees Celsius, the sea level will rise by 1927 centimeters, and
April 1 snowpack water equivalent will decline by 2972 percent. Under
the high carbon scenario, the two models predict average annual state-
wide temperatures will rise by 3.85.8 degrees Celsius, the sea level will
rise by 2941 centimeters, and April 1 snowpack water equivalent will de-
cline by 7389 percent. Earlier runoff may increase the potential for early-
season flooding, and when combined with increased evaporation, may lead
to a decline in late-season water availability.
The Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and Research in the United King-
dom produced a number of predictions regarding global climate change and its
impacts in 1999. A summary of their predictions based on unmitigated anthro-
pogenic greenhouse gas emissions is provided below. The Hadley Center pre-
dicts that with unmitigated emissions, global average temperature will increase
by 3 C and mean sea level will rise by 40 centimeters by the 2080s com-
pared to the present (Hadley Center 1999). Land areas will warm twice as
fast as that of the oceans, and winter high-latitude temperatures will warm
more quickly than the global average, as will areas of northern South America,
India, and southern Africa. The 40-centimeter rise in mean sea level fore-
casted by the 2080s is estimated to increase the annual number of people
flooded from 13 million to 94 million. Sixty percent of this increase will
occur in southern Asia (along coasts from Pakistan, through India, Sri Lanka,
and Bangladesh to Burma), and 20 percent will occur in Southeast Asia (from
Thailand to Vietnam, including Indonesia and the Philippines). Large changes
in precipitation, both positive and negative, are anticipated in the tropics.
With unmitigated emissions, the Hadley Center predicts a substantial die-
back of tropical forests and tropical grasslands by the 2080s, especially in
northern South America and central southern Africa. Considerable growth of
forests is predicted to occur in North America, northern Asia, and China. The
that are already constrained by climate, such as alpine meadows in the Rocky
Mountains, are likely to face extreme stress, and may disappear entirely. It is
likely that other more widespread ecosystems will also be vulnerable to cli-
mate change. One of the climate scenarios used in the assessment suggests
the potential for the forests of the Southeast to break up into a mosaic of
forests, savannas, and grasslands. Several of the climate scenarios suggest
possible changes in the species composition of the Northeast forests, includ-
ing the loss of sugar maples. Major alterations to natural ecosystems due to
climate change could possibly have negative consequences for our economy,
which depends in part on the sustained bounty of our nations lands, waters,
and native plant and animal communities.
The USGCRP assessment also includes an examination of the potential
impacts of climate change on different regions of the United States. For
example, rising sea levels will very likely cause further loss of coastal wet-
lands (ecosystems that provide vital nurseries and habitats for many fish
species) and put coastal communities at greater risk of storm surges, espe-
cially in the southeastern region of the United States. Reductions in snow-
pack will very likely alter the timing and amount of water supplies,
potentially exacerbating water shortages and conflicts, particularly through-
out the western United States. The two models used in the assessment fore-
cast annual average temperature increases ranging from 3 to over 4 degrees
Fahrenheit by the 2030s and 811F (4.56C) by the 2090s. The two mod-
els project increased rainfall during winter, especially over California, where
runoff is projected to double by the 2090s. In these climate scenarios, some
areas of the Rocky Mountains are projected to get drier. Both models project
more extreme wet and dry years. The melting of glaciers in the high-elevation
West and in Alaska represents the loss or diminishment of unique national
treasures of the American landscape. Large increases in the heat index (which
combines temperature and humidity) and increases in the frequency of heat
waves are very likely. The assessment argues that these changes will, at
minimum, increase discomfort, particularly in cities. It is very probable
that continued thawing of permafrost and melting of sea ice in Alaska will
further damage forests, buildings, roads, and coastlines, and harm subsis-
tence livelihoods. In various parts of the nation, cold-weather recreation
such as skiing will very likely be reduced, and air conditioning usage will
very likely increase.
The USGCRP assessment also predicts some positive impacts from glo-
bal climate change in the twenty-first century. For example, crop and forest
productivity is likely to increase in some areas for the next few decades due
to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and an extended growing sea-
son. The assessment states that some U.S. food exports could increase, de-
Hansen (2004) notes that while there are both natural and anthropogenic
climate forcings affecting the earths energy balance, anthropogenic climate
forcings now dominate natural forcings. These climate forcings are mea-
sured in watts per square meter. Greenhouse gases and black carbon aerosols
(small particles of dark soot that absorb heat from sunlight) contribute to
radiative climate forcings, while reflective aerosols (e.g., sulfur dioxide from
burning coal, aerosols from volcanic eruptions), declines in solar irradiance,
and increases in the albedo effect from clouds reduce radiative climate
forcings. While events such as volcanic eruptions result in significant
interannual variation in climate forcings, and there is some question about
the role of changes in atmospheric water vapor and cloud cover, the evidence
suggests a discernable rising trend. According to the IPCC (2001), climate
forcings due to increased concentrations of greenhouse gases from 1750 to
2000 are estimated to total 2.43 watts per square meter. Of this total, carbon
dioxide accounts for 1.46 watts per square meter, methane accounts for 0.48
watts per square meter, various halocarbons account for 0.34 watts per square
meter, and nitrous oxide accounts for 0.15 watts per square meter. Hansen
(2004) argues that if recent greenhouse gas growth rates continued, the added
climate forcing in the next fifty years would be approximately 2 watts per
square meter, which is at the low end of the range of future scenarios given in
IPCC (2001).
The IPCC reported in January 1996 that over the last 100 years, global
mean surface temperatures have increased by between 0.3 and 0.6 degrees
Celsius, and mean sea level has risen by between 1 and 2.5 millimeters per
year. The IPCC concluded rather cautiously that it is unlikely that this rise in
global temperatures is entirely due to natural causes, noting, the balance of
evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate. In April
2000 the IPCC issued a stronger draft message in which it stated that that
there has been a discernible human influence on global climate. The Na-
tional Research Council (2000) reports that accelerated warming in the late
1990s has caused the IPCC (1996) to increase its warming estimate during
the twentieth century to between 0.4 and 0.8 degrees Celsius. The World
Bank (1999) reports that the twentieth century was the warmest in 600 years,
and fourteen of the warmest years since 1860 have occurred in the 1980s and
1990s. The World Bank also reports that winter seawater temperatures in
latitudes above 45 degrees north have risen by 0.5 degrees Celsius since the
1980s, and that in 1999 the International Ice Patrol did not report a single
iceberg south of 48 degrees north latitude. In its assessment of climate change
impacts on the United States, the USGCRP (2000) reports that the average
annual U.S. temperature has risen by almost one degree Fahrenheit (0.6C)
during the twentieth century, and precipitation has increased nationally by 5
of warming in the troposphere in the twenty-year period might have been due
to natural causes such as volcanic eruptions, and human causes such as ozone
depletion in the stratosphere.
Global climate change skeptics have also pointed to the fact that observed
surface temperature warming has so far been very modest, less than some
have predicted, thus arguing that dire forecasts of future warming are over-
stated. Climate modelers have responded that a good deal of the warming
should be occurring in the worlds oceans, though the historical temperature
record was thought to be too spotty to get a definitive answer. Thus, the
United Nations sponsored the Global Oceanographic Data Archeology and
Rescue Project, which over the last seven years has resulted in an additional
two million ocean temperature profiles being added to the historical record.
Levitus et al. (2000) reported that these data show a marked warming in the
worlds oceans over the last half of the twentieth century. Kerr (2000) re-
ported that the increased heat content found by Levitus et al. is roughly what
climate models have predicted.
There is a variety of other regional sources of evidence for global climate
change. Myneni et al. (1997) report that since the early 1980s the active
growing season has increased by approximately twelve days in the Northern
Hemisphere between 45 and 70 degrees latitude. Much of the increase is
concentrated in the spring and appears to be associated with an earlier disap-
pearance of snow cover. The USGCRP (2000) reported that during the twen-
tieth century, temperatures in the western United States have risen by 2 to 5
degrees Fahrenheit (13C). The region has generally had increases in pre-
cipitation, with increases in some areas greater than 50 percent. However, a
few areas, such as Arizona, have become drier and experienced more droughts.
The length of the snow season decreased by sixteen days from 1951 to 1996
in California and Nevada, and extreme precipitation events have increased.
Epstein (2000) reports that the elevation at which temperatures are always
below freezing has ascended almost 500 feet in the tropics, and mosquitoes
carrying malaria and dengue fever now occur at higher elevations than be-
fore. For example, nineteenth-century European colonists in Africa avoided
malaria by settling in cooler mountain areas, but many of these havens are
now compromised. Epstein observes that insects and the diseases they carry
have been found at higher elevations in Central and South America, east and
central Africa, and Asia.
The IPCC, which was formed in 1988, issued its First Assessment Report
in 1990 in which the organization highlighted the importance of forming an
international agreement on climate change. The Second World Climate Con-
ference, also held in 1990, linked many who were advocating for interna-
tional negotiations. As a result, the United Nations General Assembly opened
negotiations on a framework convention on climate change in 1990, and cre-
ated the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to conduct these nego-
tiations. Thus, as early as 1990 it was recognized that the worlds climate is
a global common-pool resource (CPR), and that international action is nec-
essary in order to avoid a potentially catastrophic tragedy of the commons.
As with managing the worlds marine fishery CPRs, lack of international
coordination and cooperation will likely result in many countries failing to
take adequate measures, thus free riding on the control efforts undertaken by
cility (GEF) was set up to coordinate the transfer of support from Annex II
Parties to the nonAnnex I developing countries and EITs in Annex I. The
UNFCCC entered into force in 1994 after having been ratified by fifty coun-
tries. The UNFCCC also established a Conference of Parties, to which signa-
tory countries agreed to report their current emissions levels and provide
plans for reducing them. The Conference of Parties holds annual meetings.
The implementation arm of the UNFCCC is the Kyoto Protocol, which was
developed in December 1997 at the Third Conference of the Parties (COP-3)
in Kyoto, Japan. In order to enter into force, the Kyoto Protocol had to be
ratified by at least fifty-five parties to the Convention, including Annex I
Parties accounting for 55 percent of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions
from this group as a whole in 1990. Since the United States refused to ratify
the Protocol, and since the United States accounts for a large percentage of
total Annex I emissions (approximately 36 percent of emissions from Annex
I Parties), the problem had been that the 55 percent rule could not be satis-
fied unless Russia ratified the Protocol. When Russia ratified the Kyoto Pro-
tocol at the end of 2004, that requirement was satisfied, and the Protocol
entered into force on February 16, 2005.
From a political economy standpoint, Russias ratification is believed to
have been a condition imposed by key European countries in return for their
support for Russia being admitted to the World Trade Organization. As with
the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer, the Kyoto
Protocol is a two-world approach whereby rich industrialized countries
are required to cut emissions, while lower-income countries can continue
business as usual. Proponents view this as politically essential to allowing
large industrializing countries such as India and China to catch up economi-
cally to richer industrialized countries before having to stabilize or cut emis-
sions. Opponents, particularly in the United States, see this as putting industry
in the richer regulated countries at a competitive disadvantage, and leading
to a shifting of industrial productionand emissionsto unregulated lower-
income countries.
The terms of the Kyoto Protocol call for Annex I countries (including
most of the worlds industrialized countries) to reduce their overall green-
house gas emissions by at least 5 percent below 1990 levels over the 2008 to
2012 period. The Kyoto Protocol commits Annex I Parties to individual, le-
gally binding quantified emissions targets to limit or reduce their greenhouse
gas emissions. The individual targets for Annex I Parties are listed in the
Kyoto Protocols Annex B, and range from an 8 percent cut for the European
Union (EU) and several other countries, to a 10 percent increase for Iceland.
Under the terms of the Protocol, the EU may redistribute its target among its
fifteen member states. It has already reached agreement on such a scheme,
known as a bubble, whereby the larger and richer EU countries must cut
emissions, while Spain, Portugal, and Greece could actually increase emis-
sions. Starting in 2005 the parties to the Protocol began discussions about
achieving greater reduction in a second five-year period after 2012 aimed at
bringing emissions down to levels that will not affect the climate, considered
to be at least a 60 percent global cut. Early discussions have focused on
creative ways of slowing the rate of emissions growth in China, India, and
other rapidly developing large countries around the world.
Despite its significant diplomatic importance, the first phase of the Kyoto
Protocol will have only a minimal impact on improving the climate. The re-
ductions called for under the Protocol by 2012 represent a modest first step for
the nations of the world, but meeting these target reductions would not result in
a reversal of anthropogenic climate change. Moreover, relatively few of the
Annex I countries are likely to meet their emissions reduction obligations un-
der the Kyoto Protocol. While industrialized countries cut their overall emis-
sions by about 3 percent from 1990 to 2000, this was largely because of a
significant decrease in the emissions of former Soviet-bloc countries caused
by the transition of their economies. This decline in eastern European emis-
sions masked an 8 percent increase in emissions among the other industrial-
ized countries of the world. Overall, the industrialized world is not on target to
meet the Kyoto emissions reduction goal, and is predicted to be about 10 per-
cent above 1990 levels by 2010. As of 2004, only four European Union coun-
tries were on track to comply with the national targets that all pre-2004 member
states had accepted in order to ensure that the EU as a whole fulfills its Kyoto
commitment. The four are France, Germany, Sweden, and the United King-
dom. The United States is prominent in its failure to meet the Earth Summit
target. In 1990 the United States produced 1.346 gigatons of carbon-equivalent
emissions due to the combustion of fossil fuel, and by 2003 that figure had
increased by 17.6 percent to 1.6 gigatons. Moreover, the United States also has
the worlds highest per capita emissions.
The Kyoto Protocol includes three incentive-based economic instruments
that are designed to help Annex B countries reduce the cost of meeting
their emissions targets. These instruments are joint implementation (de-
scribed in chapter 9), emissions trading, and the Clean Development Mecha-
nism (CDM). These instruments allow Annex I countries to meet their
emissions target by either producing or acquiring emissions reductions in
other countries, most commonly lower-income developing countries. Joint
implementation projects allow an Annex I Party to receive emission credits
global temperature beyond this point, however, and rise to 1.1 percent of
GDP for warming of 2.5 degrees Celsius, 1.6 percent of GDP for warming of
2.9 degrees Celsius, 5.1 percent of GDP for warming of 4.5 degrees Celsius,
and 10 percent of GDP for warming of 6 degrees Celsius. Nordhaus and
Boyer (2000) find that meeting the greenhouse gas reduction targets con-
tained in the Kyoto Protocol results in costs that exceed benefits, largely
because the reduction targets are so modest as to result in negligible im-
provements in the future global climate.
Economic analyses of action to slow anthropogenic climate change are
sensitive to the types of benefits and costs that are included. According to a
study by Burtraw and Toman (1998), for example, climate change policy
to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases may also reap environmental ben-
efits by reducing emissions of other conventional pollutants. These ancil-
lary benefits occur immediately, and could be approximately 30 percent of
the incremental cost of greenhouse gas reduction. Along these same lines,
Boyd, Rutilla, and Viscusi (1995, hereinafter Boyd et al.) sought to deter-
mine the level of energy taxation, conservation, and carbon dioxide emis-
sions control that can be economically justified based on a net benefit
criterion. The analysis by Boyd et al. offers a range of different scenarios,
including low, medium, and high environmental benefits, and different as-
sumptions regarding the extent to which firms can respond to higher en-
ergy prices by conserving on the use of energy in production. It is also
important to point out that the Boyd et al. study utilizes a no-regret per-
spective in which the computed benefits of reducing carbon dioxide emis-
sions are based on the current or secondary harms of fossil-fuel
burningparticulates, sulfur dioxide, ozone, nitrogen oxides, and carbon
monoxideand not on the possible future primary harms from carbon di-
oxide emissions. This method of computing the benefits of carbon taxation
is referred to as a no-regret measure because it is based on known cur-
rent impacts of fossil-fuel burning rather than more conjectural future glo-
bal-warming impacts. Thus, their study uses current benefits and costs
associated with reduced use of fossil fuels to justify reductions in carbon
dioxide emissions, which generate uncertain long-term benefits that are
secondary to the analysis.
One of the interesting findings from Boyd et al. is that under the assump-
tion that very little energy conservation is possible in production, reducing
carbon dioxide emissions by up to around 7 percent imposes insignificant
economic costs. Each additional 7 percent increase in carbon dioxide emis-
sions imposes progressively higher economic costs. These costs increase
strikingly for reductions beyond 35 percent. When substantial energy con-
servation is assumed possible, the economic costs of reducing carbon diox-
ide are much lower, and the cost of a 50 percent reduction is only around 1.4
percent of real gross national product (GNP).
The principal findings of Boyd et al. are:
Energy prices are lower than socially optimal. Depending on the sce-
nario used, fossil-fuel energy tax rates of between 20 and 70 percent are
socially optimal. Even in the most conservative scenario, tax rates of 20
percent on coal, 10 percent on oil, and 5 percent on natural gas are
socially optimal.
Under the assumption that firms cannot easily reduce their use of en-
ergy in response to higher prices, the analysis finds that a 12 percent
reduction in carbon dioxide is socially optimal, and a reduction of up to
20 percent can be accomplished before social welfare is reduced rela-
tive to the no-control (base) case.
Under the assumption that firms can more easily reduce their use of
energy in response to higher energy prices, a 29 percent reduction in
carbon dioxide emissions is found to be socially optimal, and close to a
50 percent reduction could occur before social welfare is reduced be-
low the no-control case.
Carbon taxation is mildly regressive, taxing a larger proportion of the
incomes of the poor relative to the rich, as is the case with most sales
taxes, for example.
Thus, the Boyd et al. study indicates that relatively substantial reductions
in carbon dioxide emissions are consistent with a net monetary benefitbased
policy standard. Boyd et al. estimated that the total (excluding global warm-
ing) environmental harms caused by fossil-fuel burning in the United States
range from 0.2 to 4 percent of real GNP, with a midpoint value of around 2
percent. Nordhaus and Yang (1996) estimate these economic costs to be in
the range of 1 to 2 percent. As mentioned above, the Boyd et al. study com-
putes the benefits of carbon taxation based on the current or secondary ef-
fects of fossil-fuel burning, rather than on the possible future or primary
effects caused by carbon dioxide emissions. In a survey of this literature,
Ekins (1996) finds that these secondary benefits of reducing carbon dioxide
are of the same order of magnitude as the costs of medium to high levels of
carbon dioxide abatement. Moreover, these secondary benefits are generally
estimated to be higher than the primary benefit associated with less global
warming. Clearly, the existence of these secondary benefits greatly reinforces
the case made by environmental economists for current action on carbon
dioxide emissions.
Following the approach of Burtraw and Toman (1998) and Boyd et al.
acquisition of emission credits, to the 19907 case, in which the Kyoto re-
duction is entirely accomplished through domestic emission reductions. In
its 1998 analysis of the Kyoto Protocol, EIA assumed that a carbon price
would be applied to each of the energy fuels at its point of consumption,
relative to its carbon content. The carbon price would not be applied directly
to electricity but would be applied to the fossil fuels used for electricity gen-
eration and reflected in the delivered price of electricity. The EIA estimated
that by 2010, the carbon price necessary to achieve the targets ranges from
$67 per metric ton (1996 dollars) in the 1990+24 case to $348 per metric ton
in the 19907 case. In the more restrictive cases such as 19907, the carbon
price escalates rapidly to achieve the more stringent reductions but then de-
clines over the next ten years of the forecast horizon.
Cumulative investments in more energy-efficient and lower-carbon equip-
ment, particularly for electricity generation, reduce the cost of compliance in
the later years. These carbon prices would in turn raise the price of energy
based on relative carbon content. For example, delivered coal prices would
rise by between 152 and nearly 800 percent, average electricity prices would
rise by between 20 and 86 percent, average delivered natural gas prices would
rise by between 25 and 148 percent, and average petroleum prices would rise
by between 12 and 62 percent. Clearly we can see that the trading of credits,
joint implementation, and clean technology options substantially reduce the
economic impacts of compliance with the Kyoto Protocol.
Over the long run these higher energy prices would in turn lead to in-
creased energy efficiency (as measured by reduced energy intensity, mea-
sured as energy per dollar of real GDP) and reduced reliance on
carbon-intensive energy sources such as coal. Higher fossil-fuel energy prices
also have implications for the macroeconomy. The EIA estimated the macro-
economic impacts of the Kyoto Protocol using the Data Resources, Inc. (DRI)
Macroeconomic Model of the U.S. Economy. Using this model the EIA esti-
mated that the average annual cost to the U.S. economy (in constant 1992
dollars) from compliance with the Kyoto Protocol ranges from $128283
billion for the 19907 case to $77109 billion for the 1990+24 case. Based
on a projected real GDP of $9,425 billion for the 20082012 time period in
which the reductions are to occur, these annual costs to the economy are
estimated to range from a high of 3 percent to a low of 0.8 percent of GDP.
The more restrictive cases led to a larger reduction in projected economic
growth in the period between 2005 and 2010, though the economy was pro-
jected to quickly rebound so that impacts on economic growth during the
longer 200520 time period are estimated to be minimal.
Nordhaus and Yang (1996) also take a general equilibrium approach to ana-
lyze the economics of climate change policy, but their economic model distin-
guishes costs, impacts, and policies for different regions of the world. They find
the efficient global carbon tax to be around $6 per ton by 2000, rising to $27 per
ton by 2100. Under this scenario, China and Russia will be confronted with
much higher emissions controls than Japan and Europe, and Nordhaus and Yang
acknowledge that in the current policy environment, the efficient level of con-
trol is unlikely to obtain. Nordhaus and Yang also find the discounted net eco-
nomic gain from an international cooperative effort in climate change policy to
be about $300 billion relative to noncooperative efforts by various governments
and $344 billion relative to a no-abatement benchmark.
Azar and Sterner (1996) criticize the Nordhaus and Yang study and similar
studies on several counts, including the use of what they consider to be an
excessively high discount rate, and excessive pessimism regarding the rate of
technical change in energy efficiency and alternative energy technologies. Other
criticisms focus on ignoring unequal distributions of income and the marginal
utility of money around the globe (implying unequal values attributed to statis-
tical lives lost due to global warming), and the assumption that climate change
will proceed as a smooth and predictable process without risk for sudden
catastrophic events (p. 170). Azar and Sterner recompute the Nordhaus Dy-
namic Integrated Climate Economic (DICE) model with adjustments for these
various shortcomings, with the exception that they could not model the possi-
bility of catastrophic scenarios. They also used a 300- to 1,000-year time hori-
zon. While Nordhaus (1993b) estimates the marginal cost of carbon dioxide
emissions to be $5 per ton, Azar and Sterner estimate the marginal cost of
carbon dioxide emissions to range from $260 to $590 per ton. The difference
is almost entirely due to a weighting of costs in poorer regions of the world and
a three percentage-point lower discount rate.
While these economic studies are helpful in understanding the trade-offs
involved in climate change policy, what practical steps are necessary to ex-
tend these policies into lower-income countries? Blackman (1999) has sur-
veyed the literature on the economics of technology diffusion and has related
it to the problem of promoting climate-change policy in developing coun-
tries. Blackman states that there are seven types of policy instruments avail-
able to speed the diffusion of climate-friendly technology in developing
countries: Information, factor prices, regulation, credit, human capital, infra-
structure, research and development, and intellectual property rights.
Blackman argues that the dissemination of information is critical in all eco-
nomic models of technology diffusion. Some examples of policies that may
enhance the flow of information about new technologies include demonstra-
tion projects, advertising campaigns, the testing and certification of new tech-
nologies, and subsidies to technological consulting services. Factor (or input)
prices can also be important in fostering the diffusion of climate-friendly
The Benefits of Reduced Air Pollutants in the U.S. from Greenhouse Gas
Mitigation Policies ( A
study by Burtraw and Toman at Resources for the Future.
Resources for the Futures Climate Change Economics and Policy Stud-
ies ( This nonpartisan environmental think-tank
is a good source of objective economic policy studies on climate change and
the environment.
Azar, C., and T. Sterner. 1996. Discounting and Distributional Considerations in the
Context of Global Warming. Ecological Economics 19 (November): 16984.
Blackman, A. 1999. The Economics of Technology Diffusion: Implications for Cli-
mate Policy in Developing Countries. Discussion Paper 9942. Washington, DC:
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Boyd, R., K. Rutilla, and K. Viscusi. 1995. Energy Taxation as a Policy Instrument
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Economics and Management 29 (July): 124.
Broecker, W. 1995. Chaotic Climate. Scientific American 273 (November): 6268.
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New York: Elsevier.
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from Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Policies. Discussion Paper 98-01-REV. Wash-
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Cline, W. 1992. The Greenhouse Effect: Global Economic Consequences. Report
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Dai, A., A. Del Genio, and I. Fung. 1997. Clouds, Precipitation, and Temperature
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Dansgaard, W., S. Johnsen, H. Clausen, D. Dahl-Jensen, N. Gundestrup, C. Hammer,
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Evidence for General Instability of Past Climate from a 250-KYR Ice-Core
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Doyle, R. 1996. Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Scientific American 274 (May): 24.
Easterling, D., B. Horton, P. Jones, T. Peterson, T. Karl, D. Parker, M. Salinger, V.
Razuvayev, N. Plummer, P. Jamason, and C. Folland. 1997. Maximum and Mini-
mum Temperature Trends for the Globe. Science 277 (18 July): 36466.
Ekins, P. 1996. The Secondary Benefits of CO2 Abatement: How Much Emission
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tainty. Ecological Economics 15 (October): 2942.
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scription. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books.
Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and Research. 1999. Climate Change and Its
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Hansen, J. 2004. Defusing the Global Warming Time Bomb. Scientific American
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Hayhoe, K., D. Cayan, C. Field, P. Frumhoff, E. Maurer, N. Miller, S. Moser, S.
Schneider, K. Cahill, E. Cleland, L. Dale, R. Drapek, R. Hanemann, L. Kalkstein,
J. Lenihan, C. Lunch, R. Neilson, S. Sheridan, and J. Verville. 2004. Emissions
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and a set of technical processes that relate ecological health and human well-
being to an interdependent array of economic, sociopolitical, and environ-
mental/ecological systems. In fact, as we will see below, sustainability occurs
at the intersection of ecological integrity, economic vitality, and democratic
systems and processes. The ethic of sustainability provides the common im-
perative and the shared values, and the technical processes provide the means
of acting in a manner consistent with the sustainability ethic.
Sustainable Development
Reviving growth.
Changing the quality of growth.
Meeting essential needs for jobs, food, energy, water, and sanitation.
Ensuring a sustainable level of population.
Conserving and enhancing the resource base.
Reorienting technology and managing risk.
Merging environment and economics in decision making.
Conservation-based Development
The definition of sustainability that will be used in this textbook draws upon
many of the sustainable development themes articulated in the Earth Char-
ter, and on conservation-based development themes identified by Johnson
(1997). The definition of sustainability was developed by Viederman (1996,
p. 46), and states:
tal, and cultural capitalto ensure, to the degree possible, that present and
future generations can attain a high degree of economic security and achieve
democracy while maintaining the integrity of the ecological systems upon
which all life and production depends.
Human capital is another term for the knowledge, skills, and capabilities
of people that can be deployed to create a flow of useful work for their busi-
ness, employer, family, or community. Education represents investment in
human capital. By increasing the stock of human capital through education,
a larger and more valuable flow of labor and volunteer services is obtained.
Created capital (or constructed capital) is comprised of the technologies,
productive facilities (e.g., factories, offices, laboratories, roads and other in-
frastructure), and inventory of products that economists traditionally think
of as capital stock. Business firms and government both invest in created
capital, and this investment increases the stock of created capital, which in
turn provides a larger flow of useful services.
Social capital, as the concept is used by sociologist James Coleman and
political scientist Robert Putnam, refers to the stock of civic virtues and
networks of civic engagement, involvement, reciprocity norms, and trust es-
sential to democratic communities. In Italy, for example, Putnam (1993) ar-
gues that social capital was essential to the functioning of markets and
government in the comuni of medieval Pisa, Siena, Lucca, and Florence.
Social capital is sometimes measured through participation rates in volun-
tary service groups such as the PTA, unions, service clubs, and town hall
can substitute for declining stocks of natural capital and focus on main-
taining human well-being as the path to sustainability.
The international sustainable development movement provides insight
into the historical development of the concept of sustainability. Promi-
nent achievements of this movement include the Brundtland Commis-
sion Report and the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development.
Conservation-based development represents a local and applied variant
of sustainable development.
Viederman (1996) has defined sustainability as being a communitys
control and prudent use of the five capitalsnatural, human, human-
made, social, and culturalto ensure, to the degree possible, that present
and future generations can attain a high degree of economic security and
achieve democracy while maintaining the integrity of the ecological sys-
tems upon which all life and production depends (the three pillars).
Sustainability is such an encompassing term that it easily loses its mean-
ing. It includes a process of development, an ethical and a policy stan-
dard, and a set of technical processes that relate ecological health and
human well-being to an interdependent array of economic, sociopolitical,
and environmental/ecological systems.
A central issue associated with sustainability has to do with the proper
way of guiding and measuring the performance of development. As we
shall see in chapter 14, there are competing theories for what sustain-
able development means and by implication what policies are consis-
tent with moving us closer to a sustainable society.
Internet Links
Recognizing Interdependencies
The theory of path dependence suggests that where we are today, and where
we are going to be in the future, can be explained in part by the particular
series of events that make up our history. From this perspective, the human
world is where it is today in large part because of our common experience
with the industrialization process that transformed the way people live and
relate to the world around them.
Prior to the industrial revolution, traditional agriculture was small in
scale and labor-intensive. Both Mahatma Gandhi and Thomas Jefferson
saw small-scale, traditional agriculture as being at the center of healthy
and thriving local communities. As economies industrialize and make greater
and greater use of capital equipment, the scale economies that are inherent
to capital lead to unit production costs that are lower for large farms than
for small farms. Farmworkers displaced by this process frequently move to
urban centers looking for work. This process leads to a small number of
large-scale, highly capitalized farms. These large farms specialize rather
than having both livestock and crops, so chemical fertilizer, which is cheaper
to apply, replaces the old system of spreading manure from the livestock
onto the cropped fields. Food becomes relatively cheaper, and a large labor
force is available for large-scale, low-wage manufacturing. In the United
States, it took many years for workers to fully share in the gains created by
the industrial revolution.
The agrarian transition can be accelerated by international trade agree-
ments such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which
focuses on reducing barriers to trade, thereby more fully realizing the aggre-
gate material gains from trade (more on this topic later in the chapter). In the
case of NAFTA, Mexico was required to reduce barriers to U.S. and Cana-
dian agricultural commodities. Since the time of Mexicos colonization, an
elite class, descending from the Spanish colonists, owned most of the pro-
ductive land in Mexico, thereby controlling most of the countrys power and
wealth, while the majority of the population worked in poverty. A key out-
come of the Mexican revolution was land reform, which broke up the haci-
endas and ranchos and created the ejido, or farm cooperative program, that
redistributed much of the countrys land from the wealthy landholders to the
peasants. The ejidos are still in place today and comprise nearly half of all
the farmland in Mexico. With the advent of capital-intensive and highly sub-
sidized agriculture in the United States, large U.S. farms are able to produce
declined an average of 1.3 percent per year between 1980 and 2001 (U.S.
EIA website). In the case of China, the largest energy consumer among de-
veloping countries in Asia, the reduction in energy intensity has been attrib-
uted to improving technical efficiency associated with new capital. Economies
with more rapid economic growth, such as Chinas, tend to have more rapid
upgrading of production capital, which tends to be associated with improve-
ments in energy efficiency. On the consumption side, however, economic
growth tends to be associated with increases in energy consumption. For
example, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that world-
wide electricity consumption is expected to nearly double between 2001 and
2025 (U.S. EIA website). The strongest electricity-consumption growth rates
are projected for the countries of the developing world, where net electricity
consumption is forecasted to rise by 3.5 percent per year, compared with a
projected average increase of 2.3 percent per year worldwide. The EIA ar-
gues that robust economic growth in many of the worlds developing nations
is expected to boost demand for electricity to run newly purchased home
appliances for air conditioning, cooking, space and water heating, and refrig-
eration. There is a similar pattern for oil consumption and economic growth.
There have been moderately successful efforts at decoupling energy consump-
tion and economic growth, particularly in Western Europe. For example, in the
United Kingdom over the last thirty-one years, GDP has increased by 106
percent, while total energy consumption in that same period rose by only 12
percent, and carbon dioxide emissions fell by around 20 percent.
Among the worlds poorest countries, increased income is needed for those
basic requirements that people in industrialized countries often take for
grantedsanitation and water treatment, food storage, remediation of gross
pollution problems, and fuel for heating and cooking. With water, for ex-
ample, the basic need is to separate and properly treat drinking/cleaning water
and wastewater. According to the World Bank (2004b), about one-fifth of the
people living in the developing world were without access to safe water in
2000, while one-half lived without adequate sanitation, and 90 percent lived
without their wastewater treated in any way. The World Bank reports that
while there have been gains, some of which were associated with the United
Nations Decade for Water and Sanitation program, access to water and sani-
tation lags far behind the milestones set in the 1980s.
According to the World Bank, 5 to 6 million people die each year in de-
veloping countries due to waterborne diseases and air pollution. They esti-
mate that the economic costs of environmental degradation have been
estimated at 4 to 8 percent of GDP per year in many developing countries.
The World Bank (1993) measured the present value of future years of dis-
ability-free life lost due to premature death or to disability from air or water
Increasing Decreasing
environmental environmental
harm harm
Per capita
particulate matter, and nitrogen oxides are high. As countries become richer,
they purchase a cleaner environment through more stringent environmental
regulations, change the fuels they use (i.e., replace coal with natural gas),
use newer and more efficient capital equipment, and move the dirtiest indus-
tries to less regulated countries. This pattern would explain the difference in
concentrations of atmospheric sulfur dioxide emissions between, say, a non-
industrialized country in comparison to China, and China in comparison to
An unfortunate implication of much of this empirical research is that coun-
tries such as China, India, and many countries in Latin America and Africa
are on the left-hand curve of the EKC, meaning that incremental increases in
income will create more rather than less pollution in the near future. Not all
pollutants follow the EKC pattern. For example, there is a direct relationship
between per capita income and garbage, and this direct relationship does not
appear to decline at higher income levels. It has been found, for example,
that a 40 percent increase in the GDP of countries belonging to the Organiza-
tion for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) since 1980 has
been accompanied by the same percentage growth in municipal waste. A
similar pattern may also hold for carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, not
all economists accept the EKC relationship as a general metaphor for the
relationship between income and sustainability. For example, in comment-
ing on the EKC relationship, Nobel laureate Kenneth Arrow and colleagues
(1996, p. 106) point out:
While they [advocates for the EKC] do indicate that economic growth may
be associated with improvements in some environmental indicators, they
imply neither that economic growth is sufficient to induce environmental
improvements in general, nor that the environmental effects of growth may
be ignored, nor, indeed, that the Earths resource base is capable of sup-
porting indefinite economic growth. In fact, if this base were to be irrevers-
ibly degraded, economic activity itself could be at risk.
Along these same lines, Copeland and Taylor (2004) note that while there
is evidence of an EKC in some cases, their skepticism remains about the
existence of a simple, predictable, and general relationship between pollu-
tion and per capita income.
Arrow et al. point out that the inverted-U relationship has not been shown
to hold for accumulated stocks of waste or pollutants involving long-term or
more dispersed costs (such as CO2), for resource stocks, or for systemwide
consequences (for example, reductions in one country pop up as increases
elsewhere). Finally, Arrow et al. argue that most reductions in pollutants are
are illiterate, and even in countries such as India more than half of all women
are illiterate. Significant gaps continue to exist in school enrollment between
boys and girls. According to the World Bank (1999), two-thirds of the chil-
dren without access to even a primary education in lower-income countries
are girls. The International Labor Organization reports that women are more
likely than men to find employment in the informal economy, which lacks
the same degree of legal and regulatory protections afforded by regular em-
ployment. Women own less than 1 percent of the worlds property. Accord-
ing to Human Rights Education Associates, women held only a small fraction
of the seats in the worlds national congresses and parliaments, accounting
for only about 14 percent of all legislative seats in 2002. As a final point,
women and children experience high levels of rape and other forms of vio-
lence during periods of war and conflict, and represent a majority of the
worlds refugees and displaced peoples (Jazairy, Alamgir, and Panuccio 1992;
Erlich, Erlich, and Daily 1995; Mehra 1996).
A strong inverse relationship exists between various measures of womens
empowerment (educational access and attainment, access to jobs and em-
ployment, reproductive decision-making opportunities) and total fertility rates.
For example, the relationship between female literacy and fertility rates is
described in the following excerpt from a speech given by Federico Mayor,
the director general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cul-
tural Organization (UNESCO):
Likewise, Martin and Juarez (1995, p. 52) offer the following insights
into the relationship between female education and total fertility rates in Latin
According to data from Demographic and Health Surveys for nine Latin
American countries, women with no education have large families of 67 chil-
dren, whereas better-educated women have family sizes of 23 children, analo-
gous to those of women in the developed world. Despite these wide differen-
tials in actual fertility, desired family size is surprisingly homogeneous through-
out the educational spectrum. While the least educated and the best-educated
women share the small family norm, the gap in contraceptive prevalence be-
tween the two groups ranges from 2050 percentage points. Better educated
women have broader knowledge, higher socioeconomic status and less fatalis-
tic attitudes toward reproduction than do less educated women.
term land tenure can reduce farmers incentives to make beneficial long-term
investments in the land that they work. For example, lack of secure land
tenure in China has led to a reluctance by farmers to sink money and labor
into land improvements such as terraces to limit erosion because farmers
fear that they may not be able to keep farming the land long enough to real-
ize a return on their investment (Prosterman, Hanstad, and Ping 1996). Se-
curing land tenure may involve recognizing, and returning to, locally devised
systems of private and common property.
Exploitation, which is obviously inconsistent with sustainability, is more
likely to obtain when there is a substantial asymmetry in local power and a
failure to recognize local property rights regimes and the right to local self-
governance. For example, local communities and tribespeople of Ogoniland
in Nigeria have little control over the massive oil development and collateral
environmental degradation from corporations such as Royal DutchShell in
partnership with the Nigerian government. Income from oil development
enriches the military regime of Nigeria, which has executed a number of
dissident Ogoni tribespeople who protested the environmental degradation,
including activist Ken Saro-Wiwa. Similarly, native Papuans have suffered
because of the huge Freeport mine.
Multinational corporations might claim that if they did not do business
with governments accused of extensive human rights and environmental
abuses then others would, and those others would not have the same degree
of ethical control. Moreover, multinational corporations might also argue
that their presence generates income that will eventually raise local living
standards. Both points can be argued, just as one could argue that these cor-
porations could use their advantage to foster reforms and pressure the more
repressive governments with which they do business.
Income inequality is both a cause and a manifestation of asymmetries in
empowerment and educational access. As of 2003, the richest 20 percent of
the worlds population received 85 percent of total world income, or about
60 times the 1.4 percent of total world income received by the poorest 20
percent of the worlds population. By way of comparison, in 1960 the richest
20 percent had only 30 times the income of the bottom 20 percent. The Hu-
man Development Report 2003 (UNDP 2003) describes income inequality
using a Gini coefficient (derived from a Lorenz curve diagram), where a value
of 0 indicates perfect equality and a value of 1.0 total inequality. That report
found that incomes are distributed more unequally across the worlds people
(with a Gini coefficient of 0.66) than within the most unequal countries (Bra-
zil, for example, has a Gini coefficient of 0.61). The Human Development
Report 2003 also notes that the gap between the worlds richest and poorest
countries has been increasing, and that inequality had been increasing in
many of the worlds developing countries. That report goes on to note that
the richest 1 percent of the worlds population receives as much as the poor-
est 57 percent, and that the 25 million richest Americans have as much in-
come as almost 2 billion of the worlds poorest people.
Countries with the most unequal distributions of income also tend to be
relatively poor, an issue investigated by Simon Kuznets (1955). More re-
cently, Persson and Tabellini (1994) studied fifty-six countries and found a
strong negative relationship between income inequality and growth in per
capita income, which they attributed to government policies that failed to
protect individual rights and appropriated the returns on effort and other in-
vestments. Similarly, World Bank researchers report that unequal distribu-
tions of assets such as land form an even greater impediment to economic
growth (Deininger and Squire 1997). In many cases a political/economic
elite controls most of these countries income-generating resources and so
gets most of the income. For example, the Economist (5 August 2000) re-
ports that the Suharto family was alleged to have corruptly amassed a $45
billion fortune. Prior to his ouster in 1998, President Suhartos children were
reportedly involved in almost every aspect of the countrys economic life.
When asked how Indonesias economy is run, President Suharto reportedly
replied, my children are very good in business. Income inequality is not
just a problem in the poor countries, however. The OECD recently reported
that the United States has the most unequal distribution of income among the
rich countries. Obviously, one implication of income inequality is that infor-
mation on average per capita income is not very descriptive of the condi-
tions under which most people live.
Highly unequal distributions of income, and the mass poverty that goes
with them, are difficult to reconcile with a sustainable society. Economic
systems featuring highly unequal distributions of wealth and income fre-
quently result in the political disenfranchisement of the poor, which is in-
consistent with the requirement for democratic process in a sustainable
society. In addition, most revolutions around the world have been reactions
to extremely unequal distributions of wealth and political influence, and
blockaded access to wealth-generating resources. Countries with highly
unequal distributions of income must spend substantial resources on build-
ing walled communities, prisons, and other defensive investments against
crime and theft. Of course, no country has a perfectly equal distribution of
income, nor would any country necessarily want to. There are two some-
what conflicting notions of fairness at work. One notion of fairness is that
a persons income should match the value of the work he or she does, which
naturally leads to some inequality but provides desirable incentives. An-
other notion of fairness is that of fundamental human rights, from which
one might argue that it is morally wrong for one person to be a billionaire
while another starves in the street.
Government failure in providing education and opportunities to all people
has led to the emergence of NGOsnongovernmental organizationsto deal
with rural development, small-farmer rights, urban service provision, and
protection of natural resources. NGOs include international development
organizations (the International Monetary Fund [IMF], the World Bank),
human rights organizations (Amnesty International), environmental organi-
zations (Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Fund [WWF]), unions, and so forth.
A remarkably successful form of empowerment is the provision of
microscale loanable funds to help people living in poverty start small busi-
nesses. Traditional banks will not lend to people who do not own valuable
assets that can be pledged to secure repayment, and venture capitalists (those
who capitalize entrepreneurs with funds from sources such as pension funds,
university endowments, foundations, and wealthy individuals) rarely work
with small or microscale entrepreneurs. A positive development in the area
of womens empowerment and the alleviation of poverty is the creation of
Bangladeshs Grameen Bank and similar organizations that specialize in
microlending. In 1976 economist Muhammad Yunus went into the villages
of Bangladesh to try to find out how the poor of Bangladesh could be helped.
In one village, Yunus found forty-one people engaged in activities such as
making bamboo stools and earning wages of only 2 cents a day. What they
lacked was the equivalent of $26 to capitalize small businesses that would
make them entrepreneurs capable of earning substantially more money.
Yunus created the Grameen (village) Bank to provide microloans to the
most impoverished and oppressed villagers so they could set up their own
small businesses to produce goods such as baskets, fishnets, and food. As of
2005, 96 percent of Grameens 4 million borrowers (in nearly 48,000 vil-
lages) were women. Yunus found that women proved to be more disciplined
and resourceful borrowers, were more reliable in repaying their loans, and
could be counted on to share profits with their families (Counts 1996). These
microloans have played a surprisingly central role in alleviating poverty.
Approximately 99 percent of the loans have been repaid, a rate higher than
for traditional banks in the area that lend to wealthier people. A key reason
for this high repayment rate, and for the success of Grameen-style banking,
is that individual loans are made in the context of a peer group or solidarity
group. Each member of the solidarity group assumes responsibility for guar-
anteeing the repayment of loans extended to every other member (Stix 1997).
These solidarity groups serve as an alternative to collateral in guaranteeing
loan repayment.
The Grameen Bank has elevated an estimated 48 percent of its women bor-
rowers above the poverty line and 34 percent of the others very close to the
line. Among a control group of similar families that had not been capitalized
by Grameen, only 4 percent were above the poverty line. Both Bornstein (1996)
and Counts (1996) report that the Grameen Bank has been substantially more
successful in combating poverty than traditional foreign aid or other antipov-
erty programs. By providing very poor people, especially women, with access
to credit, microcredit programs provide these people with the means to trans-
form their own and their families lives, providing better nutrition, education,
housing, and health for themselves and their children. In impoverished parts of
the world, there are few opportunities for wage and salaried employment, and
the great majority of people are self-employed. In this context, a small loan of
$150 or less, provided at a reasonable interest rate, can allow people to support
themselves, thus breaking the cycle of poverty.
Grameen-style microcredit programs are rapidly growing, and there are
microlending organizations in most countries around the world. A few of the
many microcredit organizations include Trickle Up, Opportunity International,
and SHARE. The United Nations made 2005 the International Year of
Microcredit, and microcredit is now widely acknowledged as one of the most
effective ways of elevating people out of poverty. Yet it is clear that Grameen-
style microlending cannot function in a social and political vacuumthere
must be substantial social capital within the solidarity group as well as suffi-
cient business training and accountability among both borrowers and lend-
ers. Moreover, microlending is not a panacea and should not be seen as a
substitute for education and public health programs, among others. Perfor-
mance up to now does suggest, however, that microlending is an important
tool of more sustainable economic development.
International Trade
The modern argument for free international trade derives from a model of
trade developed by David Ricardo, which advanced even earlier work by
Adam Smith. The assumption is that potential trading partners have fixed
differences in natural resources or capital such that each can specialize in the
production of a particular good (or set of goods) that they can produce at a
lower opportunity cost than the others. Assuming that property rights are
fully articulated and respected by trading parties, and that there are no large
barriers or costs associated with trade, then specialization and trade will re-
sult in an increase in aggregate material prosperity. To see this, consider the
following simple example. Suppose that an island has a coastal zone with a
highly productive fishery, but with unproductive agricultural land. For ex-
ample, suppose that on average a person working all day could catch 20
pounds of fish per day, or produce 10 pounds of agricultural products, as
shown in Table 13.1. Consequently, resources such as labor and capital that
are applied to agricultural production on the coast come at a high opportu-
nity cost in terms of forgone fish production, since these resources can be
more productively applied to fishing. In this example, a day spent in agricul-
tural work generates an opportunity cost of 20 pounds of fish.
Suppose that the island also has an interior that has highly productive
agricultural land. Therefore, resources such as labor and capital that are
applied to fish production in the interior come at a high opportunity cost,
since they can be more productively applied to agriculture. For example,
Table 13.1
suppose that on average a person working all day in the interior could catch
5 pounds of fish per day, or produce 30 pounds of agricultural products, as
shown in Table 13.1. Consequently, resources such as labor and capital
that are applied to catching fish in the interior come at a high opportunity
cost in terms of foregone agricultural production, since these resources can
be more productively applied to agriculture. In this example, a day spent
fishing generates an opportunity cost of 30 pounds of agricultural prod-
ucts. Suppose further that each zone is a separate country. In the absence of
international trade, agricultural products will be very expensive in the coastal
country due to their relative scarcity and high opportunity cost. Similarly,
fish will be very expensive in the interior country due to the high opportu-
nity cost of its production.
In the absence of trade, if people divided their time in half between fish-
ing and agriculture in each country, then on average in a day a person on the
coast would produce 10 pounds of fish and 5 pounds of agricultural prod-
ucts. In contrast, a person in the interior on average would produce 2.5 pounds
of fish and 15 pounds of agricultural products. In total, these two people
produce 12.5 pounds of fish and 20 pounds of agricultural products per day.
Thus on the coast the relative price of a pound of agricultural products would
be 2 pounds of fish, whereas in the interior the relative price of a pound of
agricultural products would be only 0.17 pounds of fish. Since agricultural
product prices are considerably higher on the coast than in the interior, entre-
preneurs will recognize that an arbitrage opportunity exists and will have an
incentive to export agricultural products from the interior to the coast where
they are more valuable. Note that an arbitrage opportunity exists when there
is a difference in prices in different markets that cannot be entirely accounted
for due to differences in shipping and transaction costs, and which therefore
promotes trade. We can also derive the relative prices of fish. On the coast,
the relative price of a pound of fish will be half a pound of agricultural prod-
ucts, while in the interior the relative price of a pound of fish will be 6 pounds
of agricultural products. Since fish prices are considerably higher in the inte-
rior than on the coast, an arbitrage opportunity exists and entrepreneurs will
have an incentive to export fish to the interior where it is more valuable.
Bargaining and trade between the coast and the interior will cause the price
of fish and agricultural products to equilibrate across the two countries.
Trade involves specialization, and in economics the Law of Comparative
Advantage states that total material wealth can be increased when goods and
services are produced by the country with the lowest opportunity cost. We
have seen that a person in the coastal country can produce a pound of fish at
an opportunity cost of only half a pound of agricultural products, whereas in
the interior the opportunity cost of producing a pound of fish is 6 pounds of
agricultural products. Since the coastal country produces fish at a low oppor-
tunity cost relative to the inland country, the coastal country should special-
ize in fish production. Their low opportunity cost gives them a comparative
advantage in producing fish relative to the inland country. Likewise, we have
seen that a person in the inland country can produce a pound of agricultural
products at an opportunity cost of only 0.17 pounds of fish, while for a per-
son on the coast the opportunity cost is 2 pounds of fish. Thus, the inland
country should specialize in agriculture, where their low opportunity cost
gives them a comparative advantage. With complete specialization and trade,
a person on the coast can produce 20 pounds of fish a day, and a person in the
interior can produce 30 pounds of agricultural products per day. Consequently,
specialization and trade results in an extra 7.5 pounds of fish and 10 pounds
of agricultural products each day relative to the scenario of no trade, where
people divided their time between the two productive activities. This illus-
trates how trade increases material wealth.
Free international trade may move us closer to a sustainable society for
several reasons listed below:
man cultures over thousands of years have engaged in some degree of trade,
driven by the basic incentive to exploit arbitrage opportunities and improve
material standards of living. Attempts at heavily regulating or eliminating
trade will usually result in the development of black markets. As economist
Paul Krugman has stated, [i]f there were an Economists Creed it would
surely contain the affirmations, I believe in the Principle of Comparative
Advantage, and I believe in free trade (1987, p. 131).
When the idealized conditions identified by Ricardo and later trade theo-
rists do not exist, the material gains from free trade may be overstated.
Moreover, aggregate analysis of the gains from trade often ignores the dis-
tributional consequences of trade within a society, where some people lose
their livelihoods due to cheaper imports. In addition, globalization has sub-
stantially increased the mobility of capital relative to Ricardos day. To see
this, suppose that country A has developed an automobile industry, while
country B has developed a textile industry. Once these industries are in
place, we would naturally expect that comparative advantage, specializa-
tion, and international trade in cars and clothes would proceed along the
same lines as in the island example given above. Nevertheless, what if capital
is highly mobile and labor or regulatory costs are substantially lower in
country A? Ricardos law of comparative advantage is premised on immo-
bility of the factor of production that produces the comparative advantage,
and does not hold if that assumption fails. While capital mobility improves
profit and reduces consumer prices, it also can lead to considerable labor
displacement, harm smaller communities that lose their factory, and force
countries to reduce health, safety, environmental, and organized labor regu-
lations in order to prevent their industry from going offshore. This latter
effect is sometimes termed a race to the bottom. Education and training
that enhances worker productivity is essential to maintaining high wages
under free trade and capital mobility.
As mentioned earlier in the chapter, free trade and investment can heighten
exploitation when governments engaged in trade lack adequate democratic
institutions and processes. Chichilnisky (1994), for example, models North
South trade between a high-income country with well-defined and enforced
property rights to environmental resources and a low-income country with
poorly defined and enforced property rights. The difference in the level of
property rights enforcement is sufficient by itself to motivate bilateral trade,
because the environmental resource is underpriced in the low-income country
relative to the high-income country due to the exhaustion of Hotelling rents
(discussed in chapter 5). She shows that the tragedy of the commons effect
in the low-income country is worsened by trade and transmitted to the entire
world economy. Overproduction of the environmental resource in the low-
income country is matched by overconsumption of the resource in the high-
income country. Thus, it is not necessarily efficient for countries in the South
to specialize in dirty, resource-extractive production.
Along these same lines, the United Nations Environment Program (1999,
p. 1) notes:
Recently . . . there has been an increasing concern over the potential nega-
tive impacts of trade liberalization, particularly on the environmental and
natural resources of developing countries and countries with economies in
transition where trade has grown most rapidly. These countries have found
that economic activities supporting, or supported by, rapidly expanded trade
can result in serious environmental degradation when complementary en-
vironmental policies are not in place. Unless appropriate action is taken,
such degradation can spark a progressive cycle of decline for national de-
velopment. Pollution of air, water and soil, and unrestrained natural re-
source exploitation, grow to levels that jeopardize the viability of the eco-
nomic activities they support. Trade thereby becomes unsustainable as the
potential for future trade is significantly reduced.
there appears to be less concern that trade liberalization will result in a race
to the bottom in terms of environmental standards.
A related problem is that of rich countries exporting hazardous wastes
and garbage. Increasingly tight regulation for the handling and disposal of
hazardous waste has increased the cost of safe disposal in rich countries. In
contrast, extreme poverty and corruption in very low-income countries often
results in very low-cost disposal opportunities, thereby creating an unfortu-
nate comparative advantage in hazardous waste disposal services grounded
in poverty and failures of effective democratic governance. The 1989 Basel
Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes
and Their Disposal addressed this environmental injustice. Amendments to
the Basel Convention effectively banned all forms of hazardous waste ex-
ports from the rich industrialized countries to all lower-income countries.
The ban amendment will come into force after sixty-two parties to the treaty
ratify it, and only applies to those parties that ratify it. As of 2004, forty-four
parties had ratified the amendment, with the notable exception of the United
States. Yet illegal waste dumping has increased as regulations governing the
safe and proper disposal of hazardous waste tighten.
For example, Somalias coastline has been used as a dumping ground for
tens of millions of metric tons of rich countries hazardous wastes since the
late 1980s, though the pace of dumping accelerated with the start of the civil
war that followed the 1991 overthrow of the late dictator Mohamed Siad
Barre. Local warlords, many of them former ministers in Siad Barres gov-
ernment, were paid large sums of money by European firms in return for
providing dumpsites for their hazardous waste, which included lead, radio-
active uranium, mercury, cadmium, and various industrial, hospital, chemi-
cal, and other toxic wastes. Payments to warlords of approximately $8 per
metric ton have been documented, which contrasts sharply with the cost of
safe disposal in rich industrialized countries, which can exceed $1,000 per
metric ton. The United Nations Environment Program announced that the
massive December 26, 2004, tsunami waves washed up and broke open rusted
barrels of hazardous waste. People living in northeastern coastal towns on
Somalias Indian Ocean coast were reported by the UN to be suffering from
radiation sickness and higher than normal numbers of respiratory infections,
mouth ulcers and bleeding, abdominal bleeding, and unusual skin infections.
Within the United States, the Supreme Court has ruled a number of times
that garbage disposal services represent an article of commerce protected
by the commerce clause of the Constitution from state-level restrictions on
interstate commerce. As a result, wealthy communities export their trash by
truck, barge, and rail to some of the poorest counties and American Indian
reservations in the United States.
nated against foreign refiners. In particular, the EPAs gasoline rule allows a
domestic refiner to use an individual baseline to evaluate toxic and other
pollution emissions characteristics of its currently refined gasoline. In other
words, if the refiner was producing gasoline prior to the CAA, then the refiner
could evaluate its gasoline using an internal or individual baseline. The gaso-
line rule did not allow foreign refiners to use a similar individual baseline, but
instead required them to use a statutory baseline. After final appeals were heard,
in April 1996 the WTO found in favor of Venezuela and Brazil. The WTO
stated that since imported gasoline was effectively prevented from benefiting
from as favorable sales conditions as were afforded domestic gasoline by an
individual baseline tied to the producer of the product, imported gasoline was
treated less favorably than domestic gasoline (WTO 1996). Importantly, the
WTO panel agreed that clean air is an exhaustible natural resource and so is
covered under Article XX.
In another important case, in October 1996 a complaint was filed by In-
dia, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Thailand [WT/DS58], challeng-
ing a U.S. ban on imports of shrimp caught without using turtle-excluding
nets. Again, the WTO found against the United States, arguing that the ban
was unilateral and thus violated the doctrine of multilateralism embodied by
the WTO. Moreover, the WTO argued that the ban was not applied uniformly
on all shrimp exporters. The WTO argued that the United States did not fully
exhaust the potential for fostering an international agreement on turtle con-
servation methods. The emerging view at the WTO is that international agree-
ments rather than unilateral import bans or tariffs are the preferred method of
addressing international environmental issues. To date, the WTO has invali-
dated no international environmental agreements. In addition, following the
Mexican tuna decision, the WTO has taken the position that trade restric-
tions (bans, tariffs, etc.) cannot be imposed on a product purely because of
the way it has been produced. Thus, seemingly in conflict with the nondis-
crimination doctrine of the WTO, domestic firms whose production methods
are regulated to protect the environment, labor, and human health are placed
at a disadvantage over foreign importers. Moreover, one country cannot use
trade restrictions to reach out beyond its own territory to impose its stan-
dards on another country. Therefore, in the absence of an international envi-
ronmental treaty, U.S. markets are forced to be open to foreign products that
damage the environment in ways that domestic firms cannot. Taken together,
it is clear that the WTO position has restricted the tools available for assuring
environmental protection, and places downward pressure on domestic envi-
ronmental regulations.
Starting in the 1990s, questions began to be raised about the legality of
ecolabels under WTO rules. An ecolabel is usually awarded by independent
third party certifying agencies, such as the Forest Stewardship Council (cer-
tified sustainable forest products), the USDA (organic food), or the Nordic
Council of Ministers (Nordic Swan product life-cycle standards) to products
that meet or exceed certain environmental criteria. These market-oriented
environmental programs provide information to consumers and allow con-
sumers to use their dollar votes in the marketplace to reward environmen-
tally friendly products. Ecolabeling programs can be considered a type of
technical barrier to trade (TBT), and WTO rules state that members cannot
use technical regulations or standards to restrict market access or discrimi-
nate against imported goods unless there is an internationally accepted stan-
dard, or if the rules are necessary under Article XX. Currently, there is no
single ecolabel standard worldwide. If an ecolabel applies to the characteris-
tic of a product (e.g., made from recycled products) and countries apply the
label equally across domestic and imported goods, it will not be a violation
of WTO rules. Where things get difficult, however, is with regard to ecolabels
that relate to processing and production methods (PPMs) that are not related
to the products characteristics (i.e., non-product-related PPMs). Under WTO
rules, such ecolabels can be contested. For example, if a country adopts an
ecolabel program lumber that is based on tree harvesting methods that are
unrelated to the characteristics of the lumber, then this non-product-related
PPM ecolabel could be contested in the WTO. As of 2005, the European
Union and Canada support PPM ecolabels, while various developing coun-
tries (with different dominant values toward resource harvest) and the United
States (concerned about discrimination against genetically modified agricul-
tural and food exports) oppose them.
Finally, expanded international trade has put great pressure on certain en-
dangered wildlife populations. The allure to some of rhino horns, pet reptiles,
leopard skins, shark fins, bear gallbladders, or rare orchids has imperiled many
threatened or endangered species of animals and plants. The United States is
the worlds largest market for wildlife and wildlife products. Because the trade
in wild animals and plants crosses borders between countries, the effort to
regulate this trade requires international cooperation to safeguard certain spe-
cies from overexploitation. CITES (the Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is a multilateral international
environmental agreement designed to address this problem. As of 2005, CITES
accords protection to thousands of species of animals and plants, whether they
are traded as live specimens or after they have been rendered into products.
Nevertheless, a large illegal trade in wild fauna and flora still exists, and in
some isolated cases, such as with African elephant ivory, parties to CITES vote
to partially legalize trade. Some argue that CITES is excessively rigid and
lacks accountability. For example, harvesting a few seed pods from a rare or-
chid can allow commercial growers to produce thousands of these plants and
take pressure off of wild stocks, but CITES does not distinguish this form of
harvest from large-scale black market trade.
To summarize, then, the argument against international trade from a
sustainability perspective includes the following:
While there are important questions regarding the extent to which coun-
tries should engage in international trade, the nature of the goods that should
be traded, and the extent to which trade agreements should allow for trade
restrictions based on production methods, it is neither practical nor desirable
to eliminate trade completely. Trade has occurred between diverse human
societies for thousands of years, fostering mutual understanding, the diffu-
sion of ideas, and interdependence.
in northern Mesopotamia, the Aegean, Egypt, Palestine, and the Indus (Weiss
et al. 1993). It is estimated that about 50 million people lived on earth in
1000 B.C. Todays population is more than 100 times larger, and each year
population rises by nearly twice the total number of humans who were alive
in 1000 B.C. As Cohen (1995) reports, global population growth rates never
exceeded 0.5 percent per year until approximately 1750, and never exceeded
a 1 percent annual rate until about 1930. Since 1950, they have never fallen
below their present level of roughly 1.33 percent per year. What are the causal
factors that explain changes in population growth rates?
Stage I: Prior to the industrialization process, both birth and death rates
are high, with only modest population growth. In these traditional agrar-
ian societies, children provide a valuable source of labor and are a form
of social security in countries that lack adequate retirement programs.
Birth rate:
Death rate:
Stage I:
Preindustrial Stage II: Stage III: Stage IV:
Industrializing Mature industrial Postindustrial
Stages of
One of the key sustainability challenges associated with the observed trends
in the demographic transition is that rapid reductions in total fertility rates
result in a younger age cohort that is much smaller than the older age cohort.
This imbalance is exacerbated by the rising life expectancy in these same
countries. Many countries, including the United States, have pay as you go
social security systems in which the current working age cohort is taxed to
fund old-age pensions for the older cohort of retirees. The fiscal health of
these systems is cast into doubt when the number of working-age people
supporting each retired person shrinks, as has been occurring in most high-
income countries. Solutions involve a combination of reducing benefits, in-
creasing the retirement age, raising taxes, or promoting immigration by
working-age people.
Population Forecasts
the pun), they are an example of the technological change that has so far
allowed the human world to dodge the bullet of Malthusian decline despite
enormous growth in human population.
Boserup (1965) offers an alternative to the Malthusian view. The Boserup
hypothesis regarding population density and agricultural productivity states
that increased population density, together with a greater reliance on market
systems of allocation, will lead to improvements in the management of the
land resource. There is evidence that Boserup effects result in an increase in
the utilization of organic fertilizer and integrated croplivestock systems that
enhance soil fertility. A number of studies (Ruthenberg 1980; Pingali, Bigot,
and Binswanger 1987; Tiffen, Mortimore, and Gichuki1994) have supported
the Boserup hypothesis. Heath and Binswanger (1996) argue that the evi-
dence from Kenya, Ethiopia, and Colombia suggests, however, that the fac-
tors given in the Boserup hypothesis are not sufficient and that sustainable
agricultural systems are more dependent upon social and economic policies
that present farmers and others with the proper incentives. For example, some
developing countries have instituted policies that promote large-scale, ex-
port-oriented cattle ranches over small, labor-intensive farms, pointing to the
importance of factors other than population density and market capitalism.
While the predictions of Malthus and his followers have so far failed to
manifest themselves, population growth can be difficult to reconcile with
sustainability. Deep ecologists, for example, question the ethics of burgeon-
ing human populations displacing a rapidly growing list of species and more
generally appropriating what has been estimated to be approximately 40 per-
cent of terrestrial biomass. Population growth contributes to the exhaustion
of CPR systems. Examples include the decline of common grazing lands,
deforestation in areas where too many people are trying to harvest fuelwood,
declines in desirable species of fish in marine and freshwater fisheries, and
excessive pumping from groundwater CPRs. The interdependence of agrar-
ian and demographic transitions leads to congestion and squalor in the cities
of many developing countries. As Pearce and Warford (1993) argue, the ex-
tent of overcrowding can be gauged in part by comparing population densi-
ties per square kilometer across industrialized and developing countries. While
U.S. cities such as Chicago (2,500 people per square km) and Philadelphia
(3,000) have relatively low population densities, cities such as Buenos Aires
(15,000), Cairo (24,000), Lima (29,000), Mexico City (43,000), and Calcutta
(88,000) in the developing countries have profound human congestion.
What will the global human population grow to in the future? According to
the United Nations Population Division, world population is currently grow-
ing at the rate of approximately 1.22 percent per year and reached the 6 billion
mark in 1999. From 1804, when the world passed the 1 billion mark, it took
123 years to reach 2 billion people in 1927, 33 years to attain 3 billion in 1960,
14 years to reach 4 billion in 1974, 13 years to attain 5 billion in 1987, and 12
years to reach 6 billion in 1999. The medium variant forecast of the United
Nations (2005) projects world population at 9 billion by 2050. According to
the assumptions in the medium variant scenario, by 2050 the population of the
more developed countries as a whole would be declining slowly by about 1
million persons a year, while that of the developing world would be adding 35
million annually, 22 million of whom would be absorbed by the least devel-
oped countries. The medium variant population forecast is based on the as-
sumption that average fertility rates decline from 2.6 children per woman in
2004 to slightly over 2 children per woman (i.e., replacement) in 2050. By
way of comparison, if average fertility rates declined only slightly to 2.5 chil-
dren per woman by 2050, world population would reach 10.6 billion, while if
average fertility rates declined to 1.5, world population would reach 7.6 billion
by 2050.
Undoubtedly, there will be unanticipated impacts that will affect popula-
tion. As Cohen (1995) points out, even elaborate systems dynamics models
have failed to predict population accurately ten or more years into the future.
Predictions regarding upper limits on supportable human populations vary
from the view that there is no limit to the view that the current population has
exceeded the earths carrying capacity. For example, from Kates et al. (1988)
and Millman et al. (1991), we find that the 1989 primary food supply could
feed up to 5.9 billion people. Millman et al. recognized, however, that fur-
ther population growth will create price and other economic incentives for
increasing the quantity of food supplied.
Taxes have been around since the early civilizations in Babylon, India, Rome,
Greece, China, and pre-Columbian Central and South America. As Webber
and Wildavsky (1986) report, early taxes were placed on food production
and labor in the form of tithing and conscription. With the advent of more
developed civil societies such as in Rome, taxes were placed on wealth and
traded commodities. Thus for millennia human civilizations have taxed pro-
ductive activities to raise funds for government services and operations.
Roodman (1996) reports that in contemporary rich countries, such as the United
States, Japan, and Germany, tax revenues primarily come from (1) profit and
income taxes (roughly 30 to 40 percent of the total); (2) employment and
wage taxes (roughly 30 to 40 percent); (3) sales, import/export, and value-
added taxes (roughly 15 to 25 percent); and (4) property taxes (roughly 2 to
10 percent). Lower-income countries receive a larger share of their tax rev-
enues from sales, import/export, and value-added taxes. Global taxes total
approximately $7.5 trillion, or about one-third of the value of measured glo-
bal economic output, and are a major factor in the worlds economies.
In the absence of externalities to internalize, taxes and subsidies distort
the incentives naturally produced by the market system. In addition to be-
ing the basis for public finance, taxes also have the effect of raising the
cost of the taxed activity and thus to a greater or lesser degree creating a
disincentive to engaging in the taxed activity. Thus, higher employment
taxes dilute the incentive to create jobs; higher income taxes dilute the
incentive to work hard or invest in costly specialized education; higher
sales taxes mean that some low-income people will go without; higher prop-
erty taxes reduce the affordability of homes for low-income people and
can contribute to homelessness. As we learned in chapter 4, and discussed
again in chapter 10, appropriately devised environmental taxes can dis-
courage pollution and internalize negative externalities. Unfortunately, as
noted in the preceding paragraph, most taxes are charged on productive
activities, which leads to perverse incentives.
At the same time that societies find themselves using taxes to discourage
productive activities, it ends up that they frequently encourage destructive
activities such as resource depletion and pollution through a variety of dif-
ferent subsidies. For example, the International Center for Technology As-
sessment (1998) categorized and then estimated the subsidies and external
costs (costs that are passed along to others through taxes, environmental harms,
health expenditures, and prices in other sectors) associated with gasoline and
diesel-powered motor vehicles in the United States. Categories for which
estimates were generated included (1) annual federal and state tax breaks
that support gasoline production and use ($9.1 to $17.8 billion); (2) govern-
ment program subsidies supporting the extraction, production, and use of
petroleum and petroleum fuel products ($38 to $114.6 billion each year); (3)
military and other protection costs associated with oil transport and motor
vehicle services ($88.5 to $140.8 billion); (4) negative externalities to the
environment, human health, and other areas of society ($231.7 to $942.9
billion); and (5) other costs ($191.4 to $474.1 billion). Their analysis gener-
ated an estimated sum of subsidies and external costs totaling $558.7 billion
to $1.69 trillion per year, which adds up to $4.60 to $14.14 per gallon of
gasoline more than the price at the pump. A 2005 update of total annual U.S.
military and protection cost estimates for oil ranged from $78.2 to $158.4
billion. Of this total, $39$98.5 billion annually represents spending by the
U.S. military to secure the production and transportation of foreign oil, not
including the cost of the Iraq war. By way of comparison, the National De-
fense Council Foundation estimated in 2004 that the United States spends
$49 billion per year for the defense of oil production and transportation,
which when summed with other costs associated with oil imports would add
over $3 to the existing price of a gallon of gasoline. Such subsidies under-
mine the demand for alternative energy, the flow of private financial capital
into alternative energy technologies and processes, and the incentives for
consumers to conserve on petroleum consumption.
The basic argument of ecological tax reform (also known as environmen-
tal tax reform) is to shift some taxes from productive to destructive activities,
and to shift subsidies from harmful activities to beneficial alternatives, thus
more fruitfully employing the incentive effects of tax system. As Roodman
(1998) observes, pollution taxes are the most direct way for governments to
enforce the polluter-pays principle. By removing harmful subsidies and
raising taxes on pollution and resource depletion, and reducing taxes on neu-
tral or beneficial things such as wage income society receives many divi-
dends. Ecological tax reform creates a disincentive to pollute, improves the
economic basis for cleaner energy forms, and increases after-tax income for
working people, while maintaining revenue neutrality. Taxes on resource
depletion, such as for oil, gas, and coal, allow society to share in the Hotelling
rents associated with their increasing scarcity (see chapter 5 for a description
of Hotelling rents). Some of the first experiments with ecological tax reform
have occurred in Northern Europe. The barriers to implementation of eco-
logical tax reform include adjustment costs for people and industry, though
perhaps the largest impediment is political pressure exerted by those indus-
tries and consumers whose tax burden would increase as a consequence of
the change. Gradual change and a well-informed and empowered citizenry
are likely to be key elements of successful transition. This topic will be ad-
dressed in greater detail in chapter 15.
being elected. In fact, whenever there is a public policy issue that requires a
substantial up-front investment that generates future benefits, it will be diffi-
cult for politicians to support such a policy, as it imposes short-term costs on
current voters. Possible solutions to this structural problem with representa-
tive democracy include educating the public about sustainability issues, in-
culcating an ethic of sustainability, and building support through successful
pilot programs.
Aside from political feasibility, there is also the problem of economic
feasibility that is related to benefit/cost analysis when there are flows of
benefits and costs over time. As we saw in chapters 5 and 7, discounting
is used to bring future flows of benefits and costs into a present-value
context. Analysis of the present value of benefits and costs is used in
public policy contexts to evaluate whether policy proposals make eco-
nomic sense. Moreover, the worlds financial markets use discounting
methods to allocate financial capital to fund capital investments. In order
for sustainability-related projects to attract funding, they must pass mus-
ter in a benefit/cost analysis for public funds, or on a rate-of-return basis
for private funds. One of the questions addressed below is whether dis-
counting is consistent with sustainability. If discounting can indeed be
made consistent with sustainability, then the next question that arises is
whether the discount rates associated with competitive financial markets
are consistent with those required for sustainability. Since financial mar-
kets are central to contemporary market capitalism, this discussion of
discounting brings us to the larger question of whether market capitalism
is consonant with sustainability.
As we first learned in chapter 5, individuals discount future benefits and
costs for a variety of reasons that are similar to why we must pay interest when
we borrow money. Like many people, you are likely to have borrowed money
for school, or to buy a car or a home. Likewise, governments borrow money
when they issues bonds, and the people who buy those bonds are the lenders.
When a lender allows you to use her money today, the lender is forgoing using
that money now so that you can use it. What opportunities might a lender have
passed up in order to lend the money to someone? Some options include:
the ability to buy more goods and services now than in the future due to
rising prices (inflation);
the increased utility from consuming goods and services today rather
than having to wait;
the interest income that could be earned if those funds were loaned to
someone else;
the net income from a capital asset (i.e., skills gained from an educa-
Thus the opportunity cost of lending someone money is either the for-
gone utility of current consumption, forgone purchasing power due to in-
flation, or the forgone income that could have been earned by loaning the
money to someone else or by purchasing a capital asset. In the worlds
financial markets, the interest rate paid on borrowed money must be larger
than the lenders (risk-adjusted) opportunity cost in order to generate a
supply of loanable funds. For example, suppose that the lowest interest
rate that a lender is willing to accept in order to make a one-year loan of
$1,000 is 10 percent. This information tells us that the lender is indifferent
between having $1,000 today (the present value) and being repaid $1,100
in one year (the future value). The future value of todays $1,000 will in-
crease with the interest rate and with the length of time of the loan. Theres
another way of looking at this relationship. Suppose someone was going to
receive $1,100 exactly one year in the future, but they needed money in the
present. What is the smallest amount of money that that person would take
right now in return for giving up the inheritance next year? The answer to
this question is that persons present value of the future $1,100 inheritance.
As we learned in chapter 5, economists use the more general term discount
rate to refer to the rate of time preference (such as an interest rate) that
equates present value and future value.
Recall from chapter 5 that if we know that an environmental policy today
will generate a benefit equal to $B that will occur exactly T years from the
present, and if policymakers use a discount rate equal to r (assume for sim-
plicity that it is constant over time), then the present value (PV) of that future
benefit today is given by:
PVB = $B/(1 + r) T.
The hypothetical example below illustrates how discounting affects the dy-
namic efficiency of environmentally friendly investments.
Table 13.2
to count on recovering the cost of the insulation job in the resale price.
Thus Samantha will conduct a benefit/cost analysis of the insulation job
using a five-year time horizon. The $3,000 cost of insulating her home is
paid at the start of the five-year time horizon (period 0), while the ben-
efits are represented by the present value of the five-year annual flow of
energy cost savings. Based on the energy audit and estimated energy
prices, Table 13.2 indicates the costs associated with the options of insu-
lating or not insulating.
Samanthas decision regarding whether or not to add the insulation to her
home is based on whether the net present value (NPV) is positive over the
five-year time horizon. The NPV of insulation (subscript I below) is given
in the following equation:
Table 13.3
While the opportunity cost of capital forms the basis for discounting by op-
timizing entities in financial markets, the social rate of time preference forms
the basis for discounting in policies designed to enhance the well-being of
society over time. The social rate of time preference has two elementsthe
rate at which a societys wealth-generating capital stocks grow and the pure
rate of time preference. Lets first consider growth discounting. Consider a
society with a stable population and no inflation that is committed to a
sustainability standard. Suppose that this society accepts some degree of sub-
stitutability between the various forms of capital (as defined in chapter 11).
Suppose a proposal is made to invest money in enhancing future natural
capital by reducing emissions below the level at which they accumulate and
thus pollute the air, water, or soil in the future. Suppose further that natural
increases in productivity (e.g., from technological innovation) result in a 2
percent per capita annual growth rate for human and human-made capital.
The implication is that diverting a dollar of investment in human or human-
made capital today means that we must forgo a 2 percent social rate of re-
turn. Given the assumption that we can substitute human and human-made
capital for natural capital, then the opportunity cost of social investment in
natural capital is a 2 percent real rate of return on human or human-made
capital. If various forms of capital are perfect substitutes, then the future
benefits of an up-front investment in natural capital should be discounted at
a 2 percent annual rate to make it comparable to the natural growth rate in the
productivity of human and human-made capital.
Even if we allow for only one type of capital, if that capital stock is grow-
ing relative to population, then people in the future will have greater income
than people will in the present. It is generally accepted that the marginal
utility of income (broadly defined as the flow of benefits deriving from vari-
ous forms of capital) declines as income grows. If a society has steady-state
population and growing capital stocks, then its income is growing over time.
Yet if income is higher in the future, then the marginal utility deriving from
this income is becoming smaller (and so total utility is growing at a slower
rate than income). Based on this argument, consumption of a given unit of
income next year will generate a smaller level of utility than if consumption
of the income had occurred today. This difference in utility can also be seen
rather than future benefits, and thus may not be consistent with sustainability.
As the example below illustrates, financial markets treat natural and hu-
man-made capital as perfect substitutes when it comes to rates of return,
implying that the opportunity cost of capital drives management decisions
for commercial natural resources.
Recent developments with Maxxam/Pacific Lumber Company illustrate
the difficulties associated with publicly traded firms managing their assets
based on discount rates lower than those applied to similar assets in finan-
cial markets. The Pacific Lumber Company was founded in 1869 and owned
approximately 190,000 acres of highly productive redwood forestlands in
Humboldt County, California, south and east of Arcata. Albert Murphy, the
grandson of the founder, at least implicitly recognized the need for sustain-
able forestry and set up a harvest plan in which the company would never
run out of old-growth trees 150 or more years old. This form of conser-
vative forestry management is consistent with a relatively low discount
rate, since old-growth trees grow very slowly and thus add little additional
commercial value over time. As a consequence of these conservative forest
management practices, by the mid-1980s Pacific Lumber owned approxi-
mately 70 percent of the old-growth redwood in private hands, creating a
virtual monopoly on the supply of extremely durable and valuable lumber
from the heart of these old trees (Harris 1995). Apparently, the discount
rate implied by Pacific Lumbers management plan was substantially lower
than the prevailing discount rates for similar forestland assets. This made
Pacific Lumber an acquisition target, because its management plan was
inconsistent with maximizing the discounted present value of profits at a
higher discount rate; Pacific Lumber was undervalued based on its con-
servative management practices.
Thus with financing arranged by Michael Milken, an expert in junk bond
financing, Charles Hurwitzs Maxxam Corporation managed to acquire a
controlling interest in Pacific Lumber. Management practices were changed
to increase the logging cycle substantially and to cut the remaining inventory
of old-growth trees, a process that ultimately led to one of the largest forest-
related protests in U.S. history in September 1996. Soon after the protests, a
deal was struck, and federal officials agreed to acquire 7,470 acres of the
remaining old-growth groves at a cost of $380 million. The Pacific Lumber
case illustrates the dilemma of environmentally friendly corporate man-
agement practices in the context of competitive financial markets; the firms
that manage their assets based on below-market discount rates become take-
over targets, creating a form of market discipline that undercuts more so-
cially or environmentally sustainable practices. In this sense, our contemporary
form of market capitalism may not be consistent with sustainability.
Rice, Gullison, and Reid (1997) offer a very similar account of the eco-
nomics of tropical forestry practices in Bolivia. Dollar-denominated accounts
in Bolivia offer real (inflation-adjusted) annual interest rates averaging 17
percenta decent measure of the after-inflation opportunity cost of capital.
Moreover, mature mahogany trees (and mahogany prices) grow slowly, and
so delaying harvest for a year increases the value of the tree by only around
4 or 5 percent, much less than the 17 percent (inflation-adjusted) opportunity
cost of capital. Finally, delaying harvest places the timber company at risk of
policy reversal. Thus, Rice and his colleagues find that the financially opti-
mal strategy is for loggers to harvest mahogany trees as quickly as possible
and invest the proceeds in financial markets to yield high returns; unrestricted
mahogany harvest is two to five times as profitable as forestry practices de-
signed to sustain the mahogany resource.
If it is not always feasible for publicly traded firms to select environmen-
tally friendly management practices that imply below-market discount rates,
then might this same argument also hold for policymakers? Horowitz (1996)
has identified a form of time inconsistency associated with just such a case.
While a policymaker today may want to commit future policy makers to a
sustainable policy path, when that future becomes the present, new policy-
makers feeling the pressure to generate current returns may have an incen-
tive to deviate from the sustainable path and instead select policies that are
dynamically efficient based on prevailing discount rates. This means that the
original commitment was time-inconsistent. One way around this time in-
consistency is to make a large capital investment in pollution control that
cannot easily be reversed. Another is for policymakers to use a market dis-
count rate but to assign a very high value on future environmental amenities.
As Horowitz (1996) points out, [a] high value of future environmental ameni-
ties, discounted at the market rate, will on paper look much the same as a low
environmental discount rate. Yet this price approach avoids the inconsistency
problem and, at the same time, ensures that future generations interests are
adequately represented in policy analysis (p. 74).
Technological advances that led to the industrial revolution and the agrar-
ian transition have also contributed to dramatic changes in rural and
urban populations. Countries undergoing these changes experience an
accelerated recruitment of less technically trained former agricultural
workers into the industrial labor force, which has an adverse impact on
wages and presents difficulties in terms of providing adequate sanita-
tion and other urban infrastructure to growing urban communities in
1. Develop an international trade policy that allows trade yet also protects
those who live in countries with relatively strict labor and environmental
standards. How would your trade policy be different from that of the WTO?
How would the leaders of exporting countries in the developing world feel
about your policy?
2. Explain the relationship between income and the quality of environ-
mental and natural resources in a given country. In particular, explain why
one might expect an inverted-U-shaped relationship (an environmental
Kuznets curve) between levels of per capita income and environmental deg-
radation. Can you think of any situations in which this relationship might not
always exist? What does the evidence suggest? You can find additional infor-
mation at
3. Explain why empowerment, education, and opportunities for women
and other disadvantaged groups are positively related to a more sustainable
society. Your explanation should go beyond the issue of democratic process
to include impacts on economic vitality and environmental integrity. Which
countries have made the most progress in this area? Which have made the
least? You can find information on this by looking at the Human Develop-
ment Index at
4. The bioregionalist movement argues for most goods to be produced in
the same bioregion in which they are consumed, limiting the role of trade
and the scale of production. Discuss the merits of this proposal, with atten-
tion to its benefits and its costs.
5. Access the United Nations Population Divisions Internet site
( and find some examples of countries that have success-
fully reduced high rates of population growth. What policies or economic
Table 13.4
trends do you think were responsible for reducing the growth trend?
6. Suppose that Clara just bought an older home. She expects that her
employer will ask her to accept a new assignment and move in five years.
Claras house needs a new natural gas furnace. Clara is considering two op-
tions: an 80 percent efficient furnace and a 90 percent efficient furnace. The
90 percent efficient furnace costs $500 more than the 80 percent efficient
furnace, but of course, the more efficient furnace will save Clara money over
time because it is more fuel-efficient. Suppose that, after considering ex-
pected inflation, Clara projects the time-zero installation costs and operating
costs over a five-year horizon to be as shown in Table 13.4.
a. Determine which of the two furnaces has the smaller present value of
total installation and operating cost when Clara discounts the future
at (1) 5 percent, (2) 10 percent, and (3) 15 percent.
b. Briefly discuss the relationship between discount rates and (1) the
market viability of environmentally friendly products, and (2) the
likelihood of sustainability policies being implemented.
7. Use the Internet to research and describe an ecological tax reform policy
or policy proposal. A good place to start is the Redefining Progress Internet
site (
8. Use the Internet to research and describe the extent to which interna-
tional development programs are addressing the education and empower-
ment of women, and the protection of the environment. A good place to start
is the World Banks World Development Report Internet site (http:// and the United Nations Development Program
Internet site (
9. Use the Internet to learn about population pyramids, a way to present
Internet Links
World Trade Organization ( You can read the actual text of
the WTO decisions regarding trade disputes over gasoline, tuna, and shrimp
discussed in the chapter.
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sity Press.
. 2004a. Global Development Finance 2004. Oxford, UK: Oxford University
. 2004b. World Development Report 2004. Oxford, UK: Oxford University
World Trade Organization. 1996. Panel report on United StatesStandards for Re-
formulated and Conventional Gasoline [WT/DS2/R].
Worldwatch Institute. 2000. Vital Signs 2000: The Environmental Trends That Are
Shaping our Future. Wahington, DC: Worldwatch Institute.
Sustainable Economic
The goal of economic development has been to improve the material well-
being or welfare of society. Nevertheless, the focus on jobs and income that
characterized economic development in the postwar period often failed to
screen out projects and policies that harmed the environment, failed to ad-
dress poverty and empowerment, and failed to sustain local communities
and indigenous peoples. International development lending projects formed
with corrupt host-country government leaders often left developing coun-
tries saddled with such large debt service requirements that essential invest-
ments in human capital such as domestic health and education programs had
to be reduced or curtailed. These failings of traditional economic develop-
ment served as the impetus for the sustainable development movement. The
Brundtland Commission defined sustainable development as satisfying present
needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs (World Commission on Environment and Development 1987).
The concept of sustainable development is broad and has come to mean dif-
ferent things to different people. For example, Pearce, Markandya, and Barbier
(1989) document over sixty definitions of sustainable development. As Jae-
ger (1995) points out, the conventional economic and ecological approaches
need to be integrated if we are to progress in conceptualizing sustainable
economic development as a necessary precursor to operational policy.
In this chapter we will first consider the history and performance of con-
ventional economic development and how some of the perceived failures of
these conventional methods have provided the motivating force for work on
more sustainable economic development concepts and strategies. We will
then consider several competing theories of sustainable development and
how particular indicators of sustainable development have been derived from
these theories. We will conclude with several brief case studies that measure
progress relative to various sustainable development standards.
mercial banks, there was fear of a collapse of the international financial sys-
tem. The World Bank and the IMF responded to this debt crisis by offering
debtor countries an opportunity to restructure their debt through structural
adjustment loan (SAL) programs, using concepts of economic development
that later became known as the Washington Consensus. Accepting a SAL
also implied that the debtor country accepted structural adjustment plans
(SAPs) crafted by the World Bank or the IMF. These plans instituted funda-
mental change in a debtor countrys political and economic institutions. Eco-
nomic restructuring included market-oriented reforms such as liberalization
of foreign trade and finance (reduction of import/export tariffs and restric-
tions on foreign direct investment), reduced spending on government pro-
grams, and the reorganization of the domestic economy. Domestic economic
reorganization was focused on privatization of state-owned enterprises, de-
regulation of industry, strengthening of private property rights, and a focus
on export-oriented production capable of generating income from trade with
rich countries for debt repayment.
The emphasis on export-oriented industry occurred in part because the
exchange value of many debtor nations currencies was in decline, and so
exportation of goods to rich countries generated a source of foreign exchange,
meaning acquiring the currency of countries such as the United States, Ja-
pan, and Germany, whose value was far more stable. This foreign exchange
could then be used to repay old external development loans. The decline in
the value of debtor nations currencies occurred for a number of reasons.
One reason is that wages and sales transactions in many low-income coun-
tries are underground and hence difficult to tax, creating a challenge to
financing government. As a substitute for taxation, governments could se-
cretly print money and make purchases before merchants and others learned
that there was more currency chasing the same number of goods and ser-
vices, and thus before knowledge of money printing led to higher prices.
Eventually people catch on to this scheme, and the result is accelerated infla-
tion. Another reason for declining currency values is that low-income coun-
tries imported many of the finished goods and services they consumed and
had little other than raw commodities to export, leading to trade deficits and
currency devaluations.
The rise of external development debt and the export-oriented policies
mandated by structural adjustment programs were common across many low-
income countries around the world and led to a substantial increase in raw
commodity exports to high-income countries. According to the World Banks
Commodity Trade and Price Trends report (1986), natural resourcebased
export earnings in the early 1980s were 59 percent or more of the overall
economy in countries such as Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Indonesia,
Nepal, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Paraguay. The increased supply of raw com-
modity exports resulted in a substantial decline in the price of these com-
modities, as would be suggested by simple supply-and-demand analysis. This
is revealed in the barter terms of trade, or the ratio of export prices to import
prices for low-income countries. According to the World Bank (1991), the
barter terms of trade for low-income countries declined by 50 percent during
the period between 1965 and 1988. The decline in the value of commodity
exports relative to finished goods imports reduced the income that develop-
ing countries gained from commodity exports. In the case of Africa, for ex-
ample, where a majority of export earnings came from basic commodities
such as cocoa, coffee, palm oil, and minerals, Godfrey and Rose (1985) ob-
served that prices [fell] so rapidly with increased production and supply
that increases in export volume actually result[ed] in a decrease in earnings
(p. 178). If these countries had substantial amounts of human or human-
made capital, they could shift away from reliance on commodity exports, but
expensive educational and capital investment schemes are beyond the reach
of the very poorest of countries trying to cope with rapidly growing popula-
tions, urbanization, and hunger. In order to maintain adequate incomes to
support both the national economy and SAL repayment schemes, more raw
commodities would have to be harvested and exported.
The Brundtland Commission argued that the promotion of commodity
exports in the manner described above has led to unsustainable overuse of
the natural resource base for commodities such as forestry, beef ranching,
ocean fishing, and some cash crops (World Commission on Environment
and Development 1987, pp. 8081). Thus the hypothesis is that as the bar-
ter terms of trade for commodity-exporting countries decline, these coun-
tries must increase such exports in order to maintain steady export income.
This puts pressure on environmentally sustainable forestry, pasturage, and
cropping systems in these countries. There is some evidence supporting
this hypothesis. For example, Malawi has had ten SALs since 1979, and
the Overseas Development Institute found negative outcomes resulting from
those SALs. Similarly Ghanas SAP called for export-oriented cocoa pro-
duction, which failed as an income-generating strategy following the col-
lapse of world cocoa prices. In the Philippines, the World Resources Institute
found that SALs encouraged overexploitation of natural resources, increased
pollution, and urban decay. Moreover, analysis of tropical deforestation
data by Bawa and Dayanandan (1997) uncovers a statistically significant
and relatively large positive correlation between per capita external debt
levels and annual tropical deforestation rates. In particular, Bawa and
Dayanandan used World Resources Institute data for seventy tropical coun-
tries and looked at fourteen socioeconomic factors thought to be related to
Case Studies
gan in the early 1970s and was funded by the World Bank. The project was
anticipated to cost $3.4 billion, but skim-offs by the military rulers of
Paraguay and Brazil and their colleagues contributed to the costs skyrock-
eting to around $20 billion (Select Committee on International Develop-
ment 2001). Another project financed by the World Bank was the $5 billion
Carajs project, which was designed to promote agricultural and mineral
exports by creating road, rail, and port infrastructure.
According to the Select Committee on International Development (2001)
of the United Kingdom, the Itaipu dam displaced 42,000 people, and the
World Bank acknowledged negative effects including prolonged idleness,
incidents of intracommunal violence, alcohol abuse, family disintegration,
and low morale (Danaher and Shellenberger 1995). Danaher and Shellenberger
go on to note that the Itaipu dam flooded unique rain forest ecosystems and
accelerated the spread of bilharzia, a water-borne disease. Along these same
lines, the road network created by the Carajs project encouraged illegal
settlements that depleted forests, degraded soils, polluted water, and resulted
in land conflicts. Furthermore, road building in the Amazon enabled develop-
ers to gain access to dense rain forests and caused an influx in deforestation
from logging, farming, mining, and other exploitative industries, which con-
tributed to the permanent loss of unique functioning ecosystems. During the
high-growth 1970s, a significant portion of foreign borrowing had been done
by Brazilian state enterprises to fund various development projects. In 1991
the World Bank admitted in the Wapenhans Report that 44 percent of its projects
in Brazil were failures because the World Bank ignored local inputs, adopted a
negotiating rather than consultative role, and was more responsive to pressures
to lend than a desire for successful project implementation.
The second oil price shock in 197980 contributed to a global accelera-
tion in inflation rates, which in turn led to record-high interest rates on vari-
able-rate development loans that ratcheted up debt service requirements
among all debtor nations in the developing world, including Brazil. This oil
price shock doubled the price of oil imports into Brazil, which substantially
reduced the amount of funds available for Brazil to service its external debt.
The IMF intervened in late 1979 with a structural adjustment program that
imposed various austerity measures along with a restructuring of Brazils
external debt. At around the same time, Mexico was also entering into a
problem servicing its external debt. In August 1982 the U.S. government
provided Mexico with a $4.55 billion rescue package to give the Mexican
government additional time to negotiate work-out plans with its creditors,
most of which were private commercial banks, and to set up a restructuring
plan with the IMF. Mexicos threat of default on its external debt contributed
to an international debt crisis that substantially reduced the flow of private
Table 14.1
Goals Targets
1. Eradicate extreme Reduce by half the proportion of people living on
poverty and hunger less than a dollar a day
Reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer
from hunger
2. Achieve universal Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course
primary education of primary schooling
3. Promote gender equality Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary
and empower women education preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015
4. Reduce child mortality Reduce by two-thirds the mortality rate among
children under five
5. Improve maternal health Reduce by three-quarters the maternal mortality ratio
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS
malaria, and other Halt and begin to reverse the incidence of malaria
diseases and other major diseases
7. Ensure environmental Integrate the principles of sustainable development
sustainability into country policies and programs; reverse loss of
environmental resources
Reduce by half the proportion of people without
sustainable access to safe drinking water
Achieve significant improvement in lives of at least
100 million slum dwellers, by 2020
8. Develop a global Develop further an open trading and financial
partnership for system that is rule-based, predictable and
development nondiscriminatory. Includes a commitment to good
governance, development, and poverty reduction
nationally and internationally
Address the least developed countries special
needs. This includes tariff- and quota-free access
for their exports; enhanced debt relief for heavily
indebted poor countries; cancellation of official
bilateral debt; and more generous official
development assistance for countries committed to
poverty reduction
Address the special needs of landlocked and small-
island developing states
Deal comprehensively with developing countries
debt problems through national and international
measures to make debt sustainable in the long term
In cooperation with the developing countries,
develop decent and productive work for youth
In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies,
provide access to affordable essential drugs in
developing countries
In cooperation with the private sector, make
available the benefits of new technologies
especially information and communications
Theories of Sustainability
So far in this chapter we have seen that social, economic, and environmental
failures of international development lending programs resulted in a call for
more sustainable economic development, as articulated in prominent decla-
rations such as the Brundtland Commission report and the Millennium De-
velopment Goals. Theorists in various disciplines have also made efforts to
understand the concept of sustainability. These different approaches can be
placed into two broad categories. One of these categories focuses on the
primacy of ecological integrity, diversity, and carrying capacity, and identi-
fying the quantity and quality of natural capital stocks that are necessary for
sustaining the entire system. Performance indicators in this category trans-
form human activities and impacts into physical measures of consumption or
drawdown that can be compared to available flows of biophysical resources
from the earths stock of natural capital. The other category of sustainability
theory focuses on the aggregate value of natural, human, constructed, social,
and cultural capital stocks, and thus allows for trade-offs of one form of
capital over another. Performance indicators in this category can be difficult
to compare across types of capital. Attempts to produce single-number indi-
cators in this category usually convert the flows of services from these capi-
tal stocks, as well as any harmful or beneficial human impacts on these stocks,
into monetary values.
As Turner and Pearce (1993) point out, following the Brundtland Com-
mission report, there was an evolution of the economics and ecology de-
bate into two competing theories of sustainability, which we will refer to
here as weak and strong sustainability (Pearce and Atkinson 1993; Pearce,
Hamilton, and Atkinson 1996). While each of these two categories of
sustainability theory tends to draw its own loyal advocates, perhaps a more
useful way to think about them would be to consider the circumstances in
which the assumptions that underlie them are true. For example, what are
the essential elements of natural capital that lack any practical substitutes?
The need to understand the functional characteristics and human impacts
on these elements of natural capital makes the issues of carrying capacity
and resilience in the first category of sustainability theory relevant. As we
learned in chapter 12, sustainability must also include the economic and
social needs of people that go beyond simply being represented as impacts
on environmental integrity. The need to understand the flow of goods and
services from all valuable forms of capital, and the practical trade-offs in-
volved with meeting basic human needs, makes the second category of
sustainability theory relevant.
Weak Sustainability
Strong Sustainability
Running down the stocks of natural capital and replacing these stocks with
constructed substitutes is not universally seen as being consistent with the
requirements of sustainable development, however. As Victor (1991) has ar-
gued, the easier it is to substitute manufactured capital for depleting re-
sources or a degraded environment, the less concern there needs to be about
the capacity of the environment to sustain development (p. 194). Strong
sustainability theory has developed from ecological science. It emphasizes
the ecological imperatives of carrying capacity, biodiversity, and biotic resil-
ience. From this perspective, human-made capital cannot effectively substi-
tute for the vital services provided by ecological systems. Arguments
supporting strong sustainability theory include (following Pearce, Barbier,
and Markandya 1990):
loss of one species may have a small ecosystem impact, while loss of
another may cause the same ecosystem to collapse.
Policies consistent with weak sustainability theory are those that view natu-
ral capital, human capital, and human-made capital as substitutes. Degrada-
tion of natural capital is acceptable if, and only if, it is accompanied by a
mitigating increase in human and human-made capital. This view is reflected
in various World Bank positions, as expressed in the World Development
Report, 1992, and by Pearce and Warford (1993). Therefore, for example, it
Sustainability Indicators
and natural capital, though no attempt is made to aggregate them into a single
indicator. Thus, before we consider some of the more prominent weak
sustainability indicators, we should briefly consider the conventional means
by which macroeconomic performance is measured.
Macroeconomics is the subdiscipline of economics that analyzes the ag-
gregate performance of an economy, with particular attention given to the
business cycle of expansion and contraction that leads to changes in infla-
tion, unemployment, and income. The data that are used to measure macro-
economic performance are organized into national income and product
accounts, which were first developed by Simon Kuznets and other
macroeconomists for the U.S. Department of Commerce in the Great De-
pression. Before that time, policymakers lacked timely and reliable macro-
economic data and therefore were unable to take appropriate policy actions
in response to current trends in the economy. Kuznets received a Nobel Prize
in economics for his work with the national income and product accounts. A
central element of national income accounting is gross domestic product
(GDP). GDP measures the market value of all the goods and services bought
by consumers, firms, or government agencies, those invested in to enhance
production by firms and other enterprises, and those involved in net exports
(export minus import expenditures) each year in a particular domestic
economy. When people refer to the status of the economy, they usually mean
GDP. GDP can grow over time due to a general increase in prices (inflation)
or due to an increase in the productive capacity of labor and capital in the
economy, or a combination of both. When one removes the component of
GDP increase that is due to inflation, one is left with real GDP growth or
GDP growth due only to increases in the quantity and quality of goods and
services produced. Growth in real GDP is called economic growth. Finally,
real GDP divided by population is per capita real GDP, or the average persons
share of real GDP in the economy. To central government policy makers, the
key macroeconomic policy goal is to promote the highest growth rate for
real per capita GDP that is consistent with low inflation.
Consider the problem of adjusting GDP to take into account unmeasured
(or incorrectly measured) changes in the quality of the social and natural
environment. Many important qualities associated with a healthy natural en-
vironment or the safety and quality of our community, for that matter, are
not bought or sold, and so are more difficult to quantify and have been ig-
nored in conventional macroeconomic analysis. Macroeconomics simply tal-
lies up the value of market transactions, and yet macroeconomic performance
defines the issues that policymakers work to address. As degradation of sen-
sitive environmental and natural resource systems accelerates, it becomes
increasingly important to find a way to adjust GDP and our system of na-
tional income accounts so that they provide a more accurate picture of the
well-being of people over timemacroeconomic sustainability.
Limitations of conventional GDP accounting include the following:
Money spent deterring and remediating crime and other problems asso-
ciated with the deterioration of communities is counted as economic
gain and increases GDP, as is money spent after a natural disaster.
Money spent remediating pollution problems is added to the income
generated by the industrial process that originally created the pollution
problem, thus creating the illusion that the industrial activity creates a
double benefit to society.
GDP is not affected by the degree of inequality in the distribution of
income in a national economy, and per capita real GDP does not indi-
cate the extent of inequality in an economy. Thus poverty can increase
when real per capita GDP increases.
GDP does not take into account moral, spiritual, or aesthetic values
associated with biodiversity, wilderness, Native American religious sites,
or unique aspects of the natural environment.
GDP does not distinguish a dollar generated by sustainable harvest of a
resource from a dollar generated in the process of exhausting a natural
resource. From a business perspective, we can say that depreciation of
the productive capacity of the natural capital stock is not taken into
account in GDP.
Therefore, we can see that simple GDP accounting treats every transaction
as positive, as long as money changes hands, and therefore real per capita GDP
is inadequate as an indicator of progress toward a sustainable society. Lets
now look beyond GDP to find indicators of weak and strong sustainability.
Recall that weak sustainability theory calls for the maintenance of a constant
(per capita) level of capital stock, largely independent of whether it is hu-
man-made, social, human, or natural. A number of measures have been de-
veloped that attempt to take indicators of human-made, human, natural, and
social capital and reduce them to a single aggregated indicator of weak
sustainability. From the standpoint of weak sustainability, ideally the na-
tional income and product accounts would be extended beyond the market-
mediated flows underlying GDP measurement to include all stocks of capital
and both market-mediated and nonmarket flows of valuable goods and ser-
vices. Moreover, ideally markets would accurately capture both negative and
Recall that Hotelling rent reflects the excess of (price - marginal cost)
from resource extraction and reflects the opportunity cost of current resource
consumption. Scarce resources consumed today are not available in the fu-
ture, and so Hotelling rent reflects forgone future consumption value. Hartwick
and other growth theorists have shown that steady-state consumption can be
maintained if Hotelling rent from consumption of nonrenewable resources is
most middle- and even lower-income countries, but was negative in thirty-
three of the worlds poorest or most oil-export-dependent countries. In par-
ticular, the Middle East, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa regions featured
negative genuine domestic savings because the increases due to investment
in human-made capital and in education were more than offset by depletion
of oil and other natural resource stocks. Thus the large positive values for
genuine domestic saving in rich industrialized countries is at least partially
based on exporting their resource depletion to these oil-exporting countries.
Arrow et al. (2004) modify the genuine domestic saving calculation from
Hamilton and Clemens (1999) to take into account the additional impacts of
population growth and technologically based improvements in the produc-
tivity of human-made capital. Even with these adjustments, Arrow et al. still
find negative genuine investment rates for sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa,
and the Middle East, due to depletion of oil and other natural resource stocks.
Moreover, countries such as Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan, which had rela-
tively large positive rates of total genuine investment, were found to have
near-zero rates of per capita genuine investment due to their high population
growth rates. Arrow et al. conclude that for sub-Saharan Africas -2.6 per-
cent rate of genuine investment implies that this regions genuine wealth is
declining by a factor of two about every twenty-five years.
While there are some challenges associated with adequately measuring
genuine savings, it can be argued that it is the most widely accepted and best
attempt at measuring weak sustainability so far, with considerable scope for
future development and improvement (Dietz and Neumayer 2004). There
are a number of other more ambitious measures of weak sustainability that
include a wider variety of indicators, including some for social capital. Two
of the better known of these socioeconomic measures of weak sustainability
are the index of sustainable economic welfare (ISEW), developed by Daly
and Cobb (1989), and the genuine progress indicator (GPI), developed by
Cobb, Halstead, and Rowe (1995, hereinafter Cobb et al.) and maintained on
the Internet at
Computation of the ISEW begins with per capita real consumption spending
(a major element of GDP), followed by the introduction of various adjust-
ments to take into account a variety of socioeconomic and environmental
factors. The following are examples of the large number of adjustment fac-
tors that Daly and Cobb (1989) include in their index:
The GPI is very similar to the ISEW. To compute the GPI, one starts with
real personal consumption spending, adjusts for income distribution, and
then adds or subtracts a number of different elements that reflect ecological
and social benefits or costs. Adjustment factors added to traditional con-
sumption spending to arrive at the GPI include:
the value of household work and parenting, based on the cost of hir-
ing out these services, based on the work of economist Robert Eisner;
the value of volunteer work, using Census Bureau data and taking the
opportunity cost of time at $8 per hour;
services of consumer durables net of their costs (from making do with
old things);
services of government capital such as highways, streets, and other infra-
structure, as a percentage of the total value of the stock of these assets.
cost of crime;
cost of family breakdown, based on added expenditures;
loss of leisure time;
cost of underemployment, measured at opportunity cost;
cost of consumer durables;
cost of commuting (a defensive expenditure);
cost of household pollution abatement;
cost of automobile accidents;
cost of water, air, and noise pollution;
loss of wetlands;
loss of farmlands;
depletion of nonrenewable energy resources;
other long-term environmental damage;
cost of ozone depletion;
loss of old-growth forests.
As you might expect, green GDP, genuine savings, ISEW, GPI, and
similar weak sustainability measures are controversial, particularly among
economists. Many economists are uncomfortable with them because they
are not as concrete and objective as traditional GDP accounting. For ex-
ample, the dollar values assigned to GPI elements such as family break-
down and loss of old-growth forests are to some degree subjective and
open to debate, while the conventional national income accounting meth-
ods underlying GDP are widely accepted. In its description of augmented
accounts for tracking economic sustainability the National Research Council
(1999) excludes elements such as income inequality and the success and
happiness of families. While both of these are included in the ISEW and
the GPI, and in fact, inequality is a major factor explaining their trend, the
National Research Council argued that such things are important but not
amenable to economic measurement. Finally, despite the complexity of
measures such as the ISEW and the GPI, they still exclude important fac-
tors such as risk and uncertainty. Should the path to sustainability be risk-
free, or is society willing to accept policies or technologies that offer a
good chance of a major improvement, but at the cost of a small chance of a
loss in sustainability?
While the weak sustainability measures are clearly controversial and
somewhat subjective, it is also clear that current GDP accounting offers a
highly incomplete view of economic well-being and sustainability. There
is a growing recognition of the need for augmenting the traditional na-
tional income and product accounts. For example, the National Research
Council (1999) observes that augmented national income accounts would
. . . be valuable as indicators of whether economic activity is sustainable. .
. . It is clear that the national productivity depends on many non-market
elements, including not only the environment, but also such things as school-
ing, health care, and social capital in volunteer and civic organizations. It
may not be possible to capture all these important facets of modern society
in nations accounts, but an attempt should surely be made . . . (pp. 15
16). With time, a set of best methods may develop that will lend more
precision and acceptance to measures of weak sustainability.
indicating that some rich countries are able to foster far more sustainable soci-
eties than others. For example, Venetoulis and colleagues report that the per
capita EF in the Netherlands was only 3.81 in 2000, while Italys was only
3.26. In contrast, per capita EF in the United States is nearly 10 hectares, the
highest in the world, and those of New Zealand, Canada, and Norway ex-
ceeded 8 hectares. In contrast, countries such as Haiti and Bangladesh have
per capita EF values below 1.0. Wackernagel and Rees find that some coun-
tries are in an EF deficit, implying that they must import carrying capacity
from another country (or from future generations), while others still have a
surplus. Canada is one of the better examples of a country with surplus carry-
ing capacity. Japan, on the other hand, has a significant deficit.
Moffatt, Hanley, and Gill (1994, hereinafter Moffatt et al.) used both weak
and strong sustainability measurement techniques to answer the question of
whether Scotland is on a sustainable development path. Some of their key
findings are summarized below:
The results from Moffatt and colleagues are quite mixed, and they do
consider theirs only a pilot study. Nevertheless, as one might expect, the
weak sustainability measures are to some extent more likely to indicate a
sustainable development path than measures of strong sustainability.
United States
Daly and Cobb (1989) offer an ambitious study of the sustainability of the
United Statess development path using the ISEW. Based on this analysis,
Daly and Cobb find that the ISEW generally increased from 1950 (per capita
ISEW value = 2,488) to 1979 (per capita ISEW = 3,776.4). Annual increases
averaged 0.84 percent in the 1950s and 2.01 percent in the 1960s. Daly and
Cobb argue that a major factor explaining the dramatic rise in the per capita
ISEW during the 1960s was the increased equality of income that occurred
during that period. There were also appreciable increases in net capital. Be-
tween 1979 and the end of their study in 1986, per capita ISEW declined by
approximately 10 percent (1986 per capita ISEW value = 3,402.8). The de-
cline during the 1980s averaged 1.26 percent annually. This decline occurs
even when one removes the more controversial elements from their index,
such as assumed impacts of global warming. This decline is driven by wors-
ening income inequality, further heavily impacted natural resources, and in-
adequate investment in socially beneficial forms of capital.
As mentioned above, Cobb et al. (1995) have developed a genuine progress
indicator (GPI) that includes a very broad range of environmental, social,
political, and economic adjustment factors. Cobb et al. have computed GPI
for the United States from 1950 to 1994. GPI is an adjusted dollar measure
of per capita income. Their methodology is similar to that of Daly and Cobb,
and their findings are somewhat similar. Cobb and his colleagues find that
GPI was relatively constant during the period from 1950 to 1961, ranging
between 5,658 and 6,346. From 1961 to 1969 the GPI rose from a value of
5,872 to 7,400, approximately a 25 percent increase. The GPI declined, with
a few small upward blips, through the 1970s and by 1980 was at 6,369, a
level comparable to that of the 1950s. By 1990 the GPI declined to a value of
5,304, a 17 percent drop. The 1994 figure for GPI is 4,068, showing a 23
percent decline in four years. As with the analysis by Daly and Cobb, much
of this decline can be attributed to the increase in income inequality that has
occurred in the United States since the 1960s. For example, while GPI de-
clined by 45 percent from 1973 to 1994, if income distribution had remained
the same, GPI would have declined by only 10 percent.
Venetoulis and Cobb (2004) provide an update on the GPI for the United
States for the period 200003. They note that in the period between January
2000 and January 2003, real GDP increased by 2.64 percent, or $180 per
American. Based on the GPI, however, the value of economic activity grew
by less than 1 percent (0.12 percent) during the same period. On a per
capita basis, from 2000 to 2003 there was a $212 decline in GPI, with the
biggest reductions coming from the degradation of natural resources and a
rise in the national debt. There was also an increase on the positive side of
the GPI. In particular, the GPI increased by $600 billion due to the increased
value of housework and volunteer work between 2000 and 2003, which is
not counted in GDP. In terms of ecological footprint analysis, Venetoulis,
Chazan, and Gaudet (2004) report that in 2000, the most recent year for
which data are available, the United States became the country with the larg-
est per capita ecological footprint of any country on the planet9.57 hect-
ares (23.6 acres) per person.
The World Bank (1995) computed genuine savings for a variety of different
developing regions of the world. While the World Bank acknowledged that
this computation should also include investments in education (human capi-
tal) and health, its analysis did not include them. The World Banks results
indicate that sub-Saharan Africa has experienced negative genuine savings
since 1977. Latin America and the Caribbean as a single region experienced
periods of negative genuine savings from 1980 to 1984 and again in the
period since 1989. Most developed countries experienced a genuine savings
rate of between 1 and 10 percent annually. More recent measurements of
genuine savings by Hamilton and Clemens (1999) and Arrow et al. (2004)
indicate that while Latin America and the Caribbean have improved, sub-
Saharan Africa continues to experience negative genuine savings.
the country, poverty and income distribution, food security, social spending,
and the integrity of environmental and natural resources.
2. Describe the conceptual differences between strong and weak sustain-
able development. What is the basis for disagreement over which of the two
offers the better guide to sustainable development policy?
3. Make a list and describe some examples of situations in which there
appears to have been a sustainable substitution of human-made capital for
natural capital. Now make another list and describe some elements of natu-
ral capital that cannot be replaced by human-made capital. How might we
combine elements of strong and weak sustainability theory into a unified
theory of sustainable development that is consistent with the two lists you
have drawn up?
4. Access the Compendium of Sustainable Development Indicators on the
Internet ( Select an indicator of
sustainability that has not been discussed in the textbook and critically evaluate
how well it measures progress toward sustainability.
5. Access the Millennium Development Indicators website (http://, select a country, and produce
a summary report of the trends in that countrys Millennium Development
6. Go to and assess your own ecological footprint
based on where you live and on your various life-style choices. Then con-
sider several life-style changes and see how those would affect your ecologi-
cal footprint.
Internet Links
hipc): Read about the World Banks program for providing debt relief to
heavily indebted poor countries.
Bawa, K., and S. Dayanandan. 1997. Socioeconomic Factors and Tropical Defores-
tation. Nature 386 (April 10): 56263.
Brady, G., and P. Geets. 1994. Sustainable Development: The Challenge of Imple-
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1: 18997.
Brown, G., and B. Field. 1979. The Adequacy of Measures for Signalling the Scar-
city of Natural Resources. In Scarcity and Growth Reconsidered, ed. V. Smith.
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Cobb, C., T. Halstead, and J. Rowe. 1995. The Genuine Progress Indicator: Summary
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Costanza, R. 1991. Assuring Sustainability of Ecological Economic Systems. In
Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability, ed. R.
Costanza. New York: Columbia University Press.
Costanza, R., and H. Daly. 1992. Natural Capital and Sustainable Development.
Conservation Biology 6 (March): 3746.
Cruz, W., and R. Repetto. 1992. The Environmental Effects of Stabilization and Struc-
tural Adjustment Programmes. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute.
Cumberland, J. 1991. Intergenerational Transfers and Ecological Sustainability. In
Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability, ed. R.
Costanza. New York: Columbia University Press.
Daly, H., and J. Cobb. 1989. For the Common Good: Redirecting the Economy Toward
Community, the Environment, and a Sustainable Future. Boston: Beacon Press.
Danaher, K. 1994. 50 Years Is Enough: The Case Against the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund. Boston: South End Press.
Danaher, K., and M. Shellenberger. 1995. Fighting for the Soul of Brazil: A Project of
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Dasgupta, P., and G. Heal. 1979. Economic Theory and Exhaustible Resources. Cam-
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Diefenbacher, Hans. 1994. The Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare: A Case
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Proposed Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, ed. C. Cobb and J. Cobb Jr.
Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Dietz, S., and E. Neumayer. 2004. Genuine Savings: A Critical Analysis of Its Policy-
Guiding Value. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Develop-
ment 3: 27692.
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. 1985. Sustainable De-
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Santiago, Chile: United Nations.
Eisner, R. 1985. The Total Incomes System of Accounts. Survey of Current Busi-
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Godfrey, M., and T. Rose, eds. 1985. Crisis and Recovery in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Paris: OECD.
Gotlieb, Y. 1996. Development, Environment, and Global Dysfunction: Toward Sus-
tainable Recovery. Delray Beach, FL: St. Lucie Press.
Gutes, M. 1996. Commentary: The Concept of Weak Sustainability. Ecological
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Hamilton, K. 1994. Green Adjustments to GDP. Resources Policy 20 (3): 15568.
Hamilton, K., and M. Clemens. 1999. Genuine Savings Rates in Developing Coun-
tries. World Bank Economic Review 13 (2): 33356.
Hartwick, J. 1977. Intergenerational Equity and the Investing of Rents from Ex-
haustible Resources. American Economic Review 67 (5): 97274.
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Howarth, R., and R. Norgaard. 1992. Environmental Valuation Under Sustainable
Development. American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings 82 (May):
Jackson, T., and N. Marks. 1990. Measuring Sustainable Economic Welfare: A Pilot
Index, 19501990. Stockholm: Stockholm Environment Institute.
Jaeger, W. 1995. Is Sustainability Optimal? Examining the Differences Between
Economists and Environmentalists. Ecological Economics 15: 4357.
James, D., P. Nijkamp, and J. Opschoor. 1989. Ecological Sustainability and Eco-
nomic Development. In Economy and Ecology: Towards Sustainable Develop-
ment, ed. F. Archibugi and P. Nijkamp. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic
Malthus, T. 1960. An Essay on the Principle of Population, as It Affects the Future
Improvements of Society. With Remarks on the Speculations of Mr. Godwin, M.
Condorcet, and Other Writers (1798), complete 1st ed. and partial 7th ed. (1872).
Reprinted in On Population, ed. G. Himmelfarb. New York: Modern Library.
Moffatt, I., N. Hanley, and J. Gill. 1994. Measuring and Assessing Indicators of
Sustainable Development for Scotland: A Pilot Survey. International Journal of
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Munn, R. 1989. Towards Sustainable Development: An Environmental Perspective.
In Economy and Ecology: Towards Sustainable Development, ed. F. Archibugi
and P. Nijkamp. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
National Research Council. 1999. Natures Numbers: Expanding the National Eco-
nomic Accounts to Include the Environment, ed. W. Nordhaus and E. Kokkelenberg.
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In Getting Down to Earth: Practical Applications of Ecological Economics, ed. R.
Costanza, O. Segura, and J. Martinez-Alier. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Ostrom, Elinor. 1990. Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for
Collective Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pearce, D. 1994. Reflections on Sustainable Development. Paper presented at the
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Pearce, D., N. Adger, D. Maddison, and D. Moran. 1995. Debt and the Environ-
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Pearce, D., and G. Atkinson. 1993. Capital Theory and the Measurement of Sustain-
able Development: An Indicator of Weak Sustainability. Ecological Economics 8:
Pearce, D., E. Barbier, and A. Markandya. 1990. Sustainable Development: Econom-
ics and Environment in the Third World. London: Edward Elgar.
Pearce, D., K. Hamilton, and G. Atkinson. 1996. Measuring Sustainable Develop-
ment: Progress on Indicators. Environment and Development Economics 1 (Feb-
ruary): 85102.
Pearce, D., A. Markandya, and E. Barbier. 1989. Blueprint for a Green Economy.
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Pearce, D., and J. Warford. 1993. World Without End: Economics, Environment, and
Sustainable Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Perrings, C. 1987. Economy and the Environment: A Theoretical Essay on the Inter-
dependence of Economic and Environmental Systems. New York: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press.
Reed, D. 1992. Structural Adjustment and the Environment. Boulder, CO: Westview
Press, World Wide Fund for Nature.
Rees, W., and M. Wackernagel. 1994. Ecological Footprints and Appropriated Car-
rying Capacity: Measuring the Natural Capital Requirements of the Human
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to Sustainability, ed. A. Jansson and R. Costanza. Washington, DC: Island Press.
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Ricardo, D. 1951. Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Sraffa edition. Cam-
bridge: Cambridge University Press.
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and Ethical Principles. In Economics and Ecology: New Frontiers and Sustain-
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in Natural Capital: Economics from an Ecological Footprint Perspective. Eco-
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1995. Monitoring Environmental Progress: A Report on Work in Progress.
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World Commission on Environment and Development. 1987. Our Common Future.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Issues in Sustainable
Production and Consumption
mitment to the existing way of doing things, and making jobs and
the economy itself dependent on existing methods.
2. Private R&D investment is more likely to be directed toward the se-
curity of existing systems than toward speculative alternatives, which
reduces the cost of existing systems and makes them more difficult
to dislodge.
3. As a technology diffuses through the economy, it becomes possible
to produce at larger and larger scale. Scale economies (the drop in
unit costs as scale or size of operation grows) develop in the chosen
technology that put alternatives at a cost disadvantage.
4. The existing system becomes a standard upon which people come to
rely when they make complementary investments. For example, the
primacy of automobiles and extensive road networks as the trans-
portation standard results in suburban sprawl. Those with invest-
ments contingent on a particular path (e.g., owners of suburban hous-
ing) have a strong economic stake in status quo policies such as
subsidies for roads and petroleum.
Thus, we can see that there is also a problem with the political and so-
cial feasibility of new and more sustainable approaches that is linked to the
problem of path dependence. People who have made financial investments
and life-style commitments to the existing pattern of the built environment
are likely to join with automobile manufacturers and petroleum companies
in supporting status quo policy in the United States. To be politically fea-
sible, sustainable production technology must create profit opportunities
for firms in order to create a supportive economic interest group. More
sustainable products must provide approximately similar service quality as
existing goods and not be too much more expensive, in order to gain con-
sumer support. This is why there is so much interest in developing fuel-cell
automobiles. Perhaps most important to the success of more sustainable
production and consumption is for people to become convinced that exist-
ing systems are destructive, that a change is warranted, and that they act on
those convictions. Once this change begins, growth in markets for more
sustainable technologies and products will allow for cost-reducing econo-
mies of scale in production and also provide an incentive for cost-reducing
research and development.
The discussion below will address some renewable energy resources and
technologies. As the price of oil, natural gas, and other fossil-fuel energy
resources increases, so too does the economic viability of the renewable,
solar-based resources and technologies described below. Recall from chap-
ter 4 that the imposition of Pigouvian taxes on fossil-fuel energy resources,
or the provision of subsidies for renewables, also helps promote these alter-
natives. Many Western European countries lead the way in the deployment
of renewable energy resources and technologies due to their use of carbon
taxes and various renewable energy subsidies.
Solar Energy
Daly and Cobb (1989) have argued that low-entropy matterenergy (energy
that is available for useful work) is the ultimate resource for human enterprise.
Further, they state, the feature of the industrial revolution whose implications
are insufficiently appreciated is the shift to fossil-fuel energy and mineral ma-
terials. This is a shift from harvesting the surface of the earth to mining the
subsurface (p. 11). Solar energy drives the earths hydrological cycle, climate
system, and photosynthetic process, which people have harvested in the form
of water power, wind power, and wood/biomass fuel. Georgescu-Roegen (1971)
counts for 19 percent of the worlds electricity supply, and estimates that
about one-third of its economically exploitable potential has been developed.
Hydroelectric power is created by channeling water through turbines. Large-
scale hydroelectric development usually involves creating proportionately
large dams and reservoirs that displace human and natural communities, and
impact water quality and natural sediment transport in ways that can result in
further displacements downstream. Hydroelectric facilities can be used to
meet both peak-load demand and to offset more intermittent electricity
sources, thus improving system reliability.
Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Hydrogen can be used to store solar energy for use in
various energy applications including powering vehicles, and running turbines
or fuel cells to produce electricity. For example, an intermittent wind turbine or
solar photovoltaic system can be used to generate electricity necessary to re-
move hydrogen from water through electrolysis. The hydrogen can then be
stored for later use in a fuel cell. Other ready sources of hydrogen include
gaseous hydrocarbons such as methane or natural gas. A fuel cell directly con-
verts chemical energy into electricity by combining the stored hydrogen with
oxygen from the air. A common form of fuel cell consists of an electrolyte and
two catalyst-coated electrodes (a porous anode and cathode) separated by a
proton-exchange membrane (PEM). The PEM is derived from a thin, fluoro-
carbon-based (or hydrocarbon-based) polymer that serves as both the electro-
lyte and as a barrier to keep the hydrogen and oxygen separate. Each electrode
is coated on one side with a catalyst such as platinum. Electricity is produced
when the anode catalyst splits the incoming hydrogen into electrons and pro-
tons. The electrons flow through an external circuit to provide power to a drive
motor. The hydrogen protons pass through the membrane to the cathode, where
the catalyst causes them to combine with oxygen from the air and returning
electrons to form water and heat, the only waste products from the process.
Despite tens of billions of dollars in research and development since the 1990s,
as of 2005 fuel cells are not commercially viable except in a few highly spe-
cialized applications. After considerable technical advance, most major auto-
mobile manufacturers have developed prototype fuel-cell vehicles. Nevertheless,
commercial viability will require higher gasoline prices, the development of a
hydrogen production and distribution system, and additional advances in
onboard hydrogen storage, fuel-cell durability, and reductions in fuel-cell costs.
In his survey of the state of the fuel-cell technology, Ashley (2005) cites vari-
ous sources as indicating that commercial viability is unlikely to occur before
2015 at the earliest.
Methane: Methane is generated from animal and human wastes, biomass,
and from municipal solid waste. Dairy and swine operations can produce
large quantities of fecal matter that must be stored in lined ponds in order to
engines. The dish is used to collect and concentrate solar energy, which is
converted into thermal energy and fed into the Stirling heat engine. The Stirling
engine uses heat to move pistons and create mechanical power in a manner
similar to that of internal combustion engines. This mechanical power is then
used to generate electricity. According to information produced by Sandia Lab,
solar dish-engine systems are being developed for use in emerging global mar-
kets for distributed generation, to produce certified green power for states
with renewable portfolio standards (see chapter 10), to generate power in re-
mote locations, and for grid-connected applications. Due to their high effi-
ciency and conventional construction, the cost of dish-engine systems is
expected to become price competitive with other energy systems.
Solar Ovens: Advocates of solar ovens see this simple technology as a
remedy for deforestation that is induced by household demand for fuelwood.
According to the World Energy Council, most of the worlds fuelwood con-
sumption occurs in Africa and Asia, and in those regions, most of that fuelwood
consumption is for cooking and related household uses. For example, they
report that more than 86 percent of total fuelwood consumption in Africa in
1994 was attributed to the household sector. Moreover, they estimate that 90
to 98 percent of all household energy needs are met with fuelwood in sub-
Saharan Africa. According to the World Resources Institute (1994), about 2
billion of the worlds poorest people rely solely on fuelwood as their energy
source for heating and cooking. Various sources (e.g., Nandwani 1996; World
Resources Institute 1994) indicate that the rate of fuelwood consumption in
many areas exceeds the rate of reforestation and regeneration. In many areas
of western and sub-Saharan Africa, for example, fuelwood consumption is
running 30 to 200 percent ahead of the average increase in the stock of trees.
High rates of sunshine in these same areas make solar oven technology a
possible substitute for fuelwood. Various relatively inexpensive solar oven
designs have been developed, some as simple as cardboard and aluminum
foil. In order for solar ovens to be accepted by households in low-income
regions of the world that are dependent on fuelwood, substantial training and
continuing promotion and social support are necessary. While even the mod-
est cost of a solar oven may be quite high for people living on the equivalent
of $1 or less per day, the increasing scarcity of fuelwood is driving up the
price that rural people must pay. Fuelwood expenditures account for perhaps
as much as 25 percent of average household budgets in places such as rural
China and Zimbabwe. Thus as Grupp (1996) argues, the availability of
microloans for families to buy solar ovens may be critical, since the fuelwood
savings can be used to repay the loans. Key limitations of solar ovens in-
clude the less than full reliability of the technology, due to the inability to
store energy for cloudy days, and the longer cooking times required. Despite
these limitations, Nandwani reports that about 525,000 solar ovens are in use
around the world. Solar ovens are well suited as supplemental cooking de-
vices and gaining acceptability in places such as Central America, India,
Cuba, and parts of Africa.
Solar Photovoltaics: These systems directly convert sunlight into elec-
tricity with semiconducting materials such as crystalline silicon. The bal-
ance-of-system components include everything in a photovoltaic system other
than the photovoltaic modules, such as mounting structures, tracking de-
vices, off-grid storage batteries, power electronics (including an inverter, a
charge controller, and a grid interconnection), and other devices. According
to the International Energy Agency (IEA), by the end of 2003 a cumulative
total of 1,809 megawatts (MW) of solar photovoltaic capacity had been in-
stalled worldwide. The top three countries accounting for about 85 percent
of the worlds installed solar photovoltaic capacity are Japan (859.6 MW),
Germany (410.3 MW), and the United States (275.2 MW). Most new capac-
ity in countries with subsidy programs is grid-interconnected, while in
unsubsidized areas most new capacity is off-grid. As of 2005, photovoltaic
systems are not price-competitive with most conventional grid-based elec-
tricity sources. In some off-the-grid locations a quarter-mile or more from
power lines, stand-alone photovoltaic systems can be more cost-effective
than extending power lines. Solar photovoltaic systems are also used in re-
mote, environmentally sensitive areas such as national parks. Some state and
national governments provide subsidies and tax rebate incentives in order to
bridge the gap between the cost of photovoltaic technology and the cost of
conventional grid-sourced electricity. Like wind, photovoltaic electricity is
intermittent, and storage is costly, implying that photovoltaic electricity must
be augmented with electricity from other sources in order to support baseload
Wind: About 0.25 percent of the suns energy is transformed into lower-
atmosphere wind, and areas that have average winds of more than 7.5 meters
per second can generate electricity from wind farms for about 4.5 to 5 cents
per kilowatt-hour (kWh). The implication is that in areas with sufficient wind
resource, wind-generated electricity is at or near being price-competitive with
fossil fuel and other conventional generation sources. The IEA reported that
as of 2001, 86 percent of the worlds installed wind capacity was located in
just four countriesDenmark, Germany, Spain, and the United States. Ac-
cording to the Global Wind Energy Council (, new wind power
capacity installed in 2004 totaled 7,976 MW, a 20 percent increase over
2003. Total worldwide wind power capacity in 2005 was 47,317 MW. The
top five countries with the largest total installed wind power capacity in
2005 were Germany (16,629 MW), Spain (8,263 MW), the United States
(6,740 MW), Denmark (3,117 MW), and India (3,000 MW). Installed ca-
pacity growth in the United States has been lagging in recent years due to
uncertainty about the federal governments commitment to the production
tax credit. Newer turbine design and better site selection have helped reduce
bird and bat mortality associated with wind power. Offshore sites have also
helped reduce visual impacts. Wind energy is intermittent, however, and stor-
age is costly, implying that from a practical standpoint wind power must be
augmented with electricity from other sources in order to support baseload
Industrial Ecology
Market forces will eventually provide very powerful incentives for cleaner
and less resource-intensive methods of production and consumption as price
responds to growing resource scarcity and mounting environmental degra-
dation. The problem is that this sort of sudden and reactive change in the way
people live could come too late, involve sudden transitions that are costly
and painful, and lead to an irreversibly damaged environment. Interventions
in the form of regulations, taxes, subsidies, and direct funding of clean tech-
nology research and development are necessary in order to prevent poten-
tially even greater problems in the future caused by our inaction.
Most countries tax productive activities such as work (payroll and income
taxes), but implicitly subsidize destructive activities such as pollution and
the exhaustion of critical natural resource systems. As was discussed in chapter
13, the notion underlying ecological tax reform is that countries should shift
their taxation from productive activities such as work and income genera-
tion, and onto pollution and resource exhaustion. This scheme can be rev-
enue-neutral, meaning that total tax revenues to government remain the same.
Most important, taxing pollution and resource exhaustion raises the cost of
these destructive activities, thereby discouraging them. By reducing taxes on
productive things, such a scheme encourages employment and income gen-
eration. Sweden and Norway have established tax-shift commissions in their
ministries of finance to analyze the problems and implications of shifting to
more ecological taxation, according to the UNCSD.
1. Select a particular clean technology and find out where the technology
was developed, where the products are produced (or if they are being pro-
duced), and where they are sold. What factors, if any, limit sales of this tech-
nology relative to traditional technologies?
2. In the absence of some sort of government policy promoting clean tech-
nology, what types of environmentally friendly technologies will the market
process produce and sell, and why? In the case of recycling, why is it impor-
tant that both government policies and markets be coordinated?
3. Go to your local grocery store or coffee shop and compare the price of
standard and ecolabeled coffees. Is there a price premium for the ecolabeled
coffees over and above what is charged for the standard coffee? Ask the
manager if they perceive the ecolabeled product as being successful. You
might also compare certified organic fresh produce with standard produce at
your local grocery store. Write up your findings in a one-page essay.
4. Suppose that a hybrid automobile costs $3,000 more than a similar
conventional automobile, but gets an extra 30 miles per gallon of fuel
economy. Assuming that a car is driven 12,000 miles per year, the dis-
count rate is 5 percent, and gasoline costs $2 per gallon, determine whether
or not the energy cost savings from the hybrid pays for the higher up-
front cost over a five-year time horizon. In how many years would the
hybrids energy cost savings pay for the higher up-front cost if gasoline
cost $3 per gallon?
5. Go to the 2003 study by Kats titled The Costs and Financial Benefits
of Green Buildings: A Report to Californias Sustainable Building Task
Force on the Internet at
CostBenefit/Report.pdf and write a summary essay on the life cycle cost
analysis done on LEED-certified green buildings. If possible, trace back
the research on human health and productivity benefits and critically evalu-
ate the key findings.
Internet Links
Ashley, S. 2005. On the Road to Fuel-Cell Cars. Scientific American 292 (3):
Considine, T. 2001. Industrial Ecology: Challenges and Opportunities for Econom-
ics. In International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics: 2001/
2002, ed. T. Tietenberg and H. Folmer. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Daly, H., and J. Cobb. 1989. For the Common Good: Redirecting the Economy to-
ward Community, the Environment, and a Sustainable Future. Boston: Beacon
de Graaf, J., D. Wann, and T. Naylor. 2002. Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic.
San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
European Commission. 2004. European Research Spending for Renewable Energy Sources.
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
Froesch, R. 1994. Industrial Ecology: Minimizing the Impact of Industrial Waste.
Physics Today 47 (November): 6368.
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(September): 17881.
Georgescu-Roegen, N. 1971. The Entropy Law and the Economic Process. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press.
Grupp, M. 1996. Solar CookersTheyre Better Than Their Reputation! Gate Online
Hanisch, C. 2000. Is Extended Producer Responsibility Effective? Environmental
Science and Technology 34: 170A175A.
Hart, K. 2005. Energy Conservation and Community Planning. Planning Commis-
sioners Journal 57 (Winter): 3038.
Hawken, P. 1994. The Ecology of Commerce. New York: HarperBusiness.
Hoagland, W. 1995. Solar Energy. Scientific American 273 (September): 17073.
Kats, Greg. 2003. The Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings: A Report to
Californias Sustainable Building Task Force. Sacramento: California Integrated
Waste Management Board. Available at
Lovins, Amory. 1977. Soft Energy Paths: Toward a Durable Peace. Cambridge, MA:
Moore, C., and A. Miller. 1994. Green Gold: Japan, Germany, the United States, and
the Race for Environmental Technology. Boston: Beacon Press.
Myers, F. 1992. Japan Bids for Global Leadership in Clean Industry. Science 256
(May): 114445.
Nandwani, S. 1996. Solar CookersCheap Technology with High Ecological Ben-
efits. Ecological Economics 17 (May): 7381.
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Papastefanou, G. 1996. Social Basis of Paying Attention to Eco-Labels in Purchase
Decisions in West Germany. Working paper, ZUMA, Mannheim, Germany.
Pierce, L. 2000. Choosing Simplicity: Real People Finding Peace and Fulfillment in a
Complex World. Carmel, CA: Gallagher Press.
Rhodes, S. 1995. International Environmental Standards to Emerge as the ISO 14000
Series: Guidelines Will Influence the Way Companies Do Business in the 21st
Century. Tappi Journal 78 (September): 6566.
Scheel, J. 2004. New Product Trends: Driving Organic Growth. Prepared Foods
August. Available at
Schneider, D. 1995. Putting Greens: Clean, Hydrogen-Powered Golf Carts Hit the
Streets. Scientific American 273 (December) (reprint).
Sperling, D. 1996. The Case for Electric Vehicles. Scientific American 275 (No-
vember): 5459.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2001. Our Built and Natural Environments:
A Technical Review of the Interactions Between Land Use, Transportation, and
Environmental Quality. EPA 231-R-01002. Washington, DC: U.S. EPA.
World Resources Institute. 1994. World Resources Report, 199495. New York: Ox-
ford University Press.
Worldwatch Institute. 2004. State of the World 2004 Special Focus: The Consumer
Society. Washington DC: Worldwatch Institute.
Issues in the Economics of
Sustainable Local
For hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years, local communities have had rule
systems for jointly managing and using those common lands and other resources
that typically lay between deep wilderness and the farmstead and that were not
suitable for cultivation (Snyder 1990). Common lands were typically used for
grazing livestock, the gathering of fuelwood and building materials, and varying
degrees of hunting and gathering of wild animals and plants. Local tribes or
village communities governed the use of these lands (or fishing grounds). Typi-
cally, their rule systems limited access to people from outside the community
and related the intensity and frequency of use by those in the community to the
resources carrying capacity. For example, as we learned in chapter 5, some tribes
such as the Yurok in northwestern California utilized variants of both private
property and common property systems depending on the nature of the resource
in question. In a very important sense, the commons constitutes both the re-
source and the community institutions of self-governance that connect that re-
source to the people who depend upon it. As Gary Snyder (1990) has stated, the
commons is the contract a people make with their local natural system. There is,
unfortunately, a long history of centralized government authorities failing to
recognize locally devised traditional common property regimes. The result has
often been the loss of local community rights and controls. One prominent ex-
ample is the enclosure movement in England and parts of Europe, which re-
sulted in many village commons being transformed into private estates.
As was shown in chapter 5, the salutary effects of Adam Smiths invisible
handthat self-interested behavior is transformed into the common good by
way of decentralized marketsdo not extend to common-pool resource sys-
tems. The central problem is that there is rivalry surrounding the consumption
of the natural resource in question. For example, when someone adds more
cattle to the communal grazing land, there is a disparity between the flows of
benefits and costs. The benefits flow to the person who added more cattle to
the communal grazing land and may take the form of greater income from
selling more calves or dairy products. All who use the grazing commons, how-
ever, share the costs. These costs take the form of less feed and degraded range
conditions. Thus, a self-interested maximizer sees an opportunity to increase
his or her herd without limit, receive 100 percent of the income, and share only
a fraction of the cost. This is the mechanics of what Garrett Hardin called the
tragedy of the commons. In economic terms, we can describe the tragedy of the
commons as the outcome of self-interested users of the CPR imposing appro-
priation externalities on all the other CPR users.
What is interesting from the perspective of this chapter is that there are sus-
tainable, long-enduring local communities that have not succumbed to the trag-
edy of the commons. Ostrom (1990) provides some of the most comprehensive
analysis of the nature of these long-enduring and sustainable local communities
and their relationship to the local natural resource systems on which they de-
pend. The enduring role of common property resources such as grazing land and
forestland in these communities is perhaps surprising to resource economists,
who see private property as the solution to resource degradation. What one ob-
serves instead is a lasting, parallel existence of both private and communal prop-
erty in communities where people exercise control over institutions of governance
and property. Drawing upon her field research, Ostrom (p. 61) observes,
Generations of Swiss and Japanese villagers have learned the relative ben-
efits and costs of private property and communal-property institutions re-
lated to various types of land and uses of land. The villagers in both set-
tings have chosen to retain the institution of communal property as the
foundation for land use and similar important aspects of village econo-
mies. The economic survival of these villagers has been dependent on the
skill with which they have used their limited resources. One cannot view
communal property in these settings as the primordial remains of earlier
institutions evolved in a land of plenty.
Trbel, Switzerland
As described by Netting (1981), for centuries the people of Trbel have relied on
a combination of private and communal property. Privately owned plots are used
to grow grains, vegetables, fruit, and hay. Five different types of common prop-
erty have been acknowledged in written legal documents that date back to 1224:
villages communal property. For example, regulations written in 1517 state that
no citizen could send more cows to the alp than he could feed during the win-
ter (Netting 1976, p. 139). Ostrom reports that many other Swiss villages use
the wintering rule as a means for allocating grazing rights. Moreover, those with
rights to use the village communal property are given the power to decide whether
additional people should be admitted to community membership. The bound-
aries of the communal property are well defined. A local official is authorized to
impose fines on those who put an excessive number of cows on the communal
alp and to keep half the fine. Each family receives a share of the villages cheese
in proportion to the number of cows it grazes relative to the total. Villagers with
voting rights have created an alp association to hire staff, impose fines, and ar-
range for manure spreading and other necessary maintenance of the commons.
Those who use the grazing commons provide labor in proportion to the number
of cows they graze. Trees needed for fuel and construction are selected by the
village and assigned by lot to households. Before the rapid rise in population in
the nineteenth century, Netting reports that severe population pressure was held
in check by measures such as late marriages, high celibacy rates, long birth spac-
ing, and a great deal of emigration.
As Ostrom reports, Nettings major findings are consistent with experi-
ence in many other Swiss communities. Throughout the alpine region of
Switzerland, private property exists for more intensive cropping, while com-
mon property is used for summer meadows and forests. In fact, 80 percent of
the Swiss alpine area engages in some form of common property. Ostrom
cites an unpublished work by Hartmut Picht that reports that all local regula-
tions limit the level of appropriation from these commons. Overuse of alpine
meadows is rarely reported.
Irrigated agriculture has been critical in Spain, where limited and highly sea-
sonal rainfall would otherwise severely restrict agricultural productivity.
Ostrom (1990) reports that Spanish towns and villages have had self-gov-
erned irrigation systems for at least 550 years, and probably for close to
1,000 years. These systems require farmers to construct and maintain canal
and ditch systems, and to agree on how to allocate scarce water supplies. The
irrigation areas that surround or are near the villages that govern them are
referred to as huertas. Interestingly, farmers lost control over their irrigation
systems during the Spanish Civil War and did not regain this power until
1950. Moreover, the freedom of farmers to self-organize was peculiar to the
traditional region of Aragn in eastern Spain. As Ostrom (p. 81) points out:
By the time the centralized monarchy based on the Castilian model came
to dominate Spain and Latin America, the autonomy of the huertas was
well established. The continuing willingness of the irrigators in these re-
gions to stand up for their rights attests that they had greater autonomy
than did those in other parts of Spain. One can only wonder if the course of
history in Latin America might have differed substantially if the Spanish
monarchy established by Ferdinand and Isabella had been modeled on
Aragn and not on Castile.
species, overfishing of species that are lower on the food chain, environmen-
tal circumstances, or even how many fish are landed by other fishers. Ac-
cordingly, Schlager finds no instance among the sample of coastal fishing
grounds she studied in which fishers utilized a quota scheme. Thus, fishers
try to regulate the use of the space of their fishing grounds rather than the
overall catch.
Sanctions of various kinds have been found to be associated with success-
ful local self-governance of fisheries. For example, Acheson (1988) studied
Maine lobster gangs, which are groups of fishers who make informal (but
very real) territorial claims for harvesting lobsters. Sustainable harvest rates
in these territories have been achieved in part by use of sanctions such as
destruction of the equipment of outsiders who repeatedly enter the territory
claimed by the gang. In their study of local fishery self-governance in the
state of Bahia in northern Brazil, Cordell and McKean (1992) find an elabo-
rate system of social norms and rules for ethical conduct on the CPR. These
rules are devised to prevent exhaustion of the fishery and to distribute access
rights equitably. Violation of these norms-based rules of conduct can result
in sanctions such as ostracism and sabotage of fishing gear and equipment.
Thus, mutual monitoring and sanctioning appear to have been important to
sustaining local fisheries and the communities that depend upon them.
tems when localized CPRs are part of larger systems: Layering of governance
structures matches the interdependence and complexity of CPR systems.
Research by Ostrom, Agrawal, and others supports the idea that success-
ful CPR governance must include clearly defined boundaries between the
CPR and either private property or other CPR systems. For example, Agrawal
(2002) notes that the design principle of clearly defined boundaries can be
expected to influence both the level of certainty that individuals within an
appropriation group will receive benefits from the CPR, and the costs that
they can expect to face when considering new rules for resolving a commons
dilemma. Gibson, Williams, and Ostrom (2005) note that the principle of
clearly defined boundaries should reduce uncertainty as to who will benefit
and who will pay the costs, while poorly defined boundaries should increase
uncertainty and thus retard efforts to find or sustain a collective solution.
Rule congruence linking appropriation with local conditions and with
provision of maintenance or monitoring effort is also linked to successful
self-governed systems. In principle 3, Ostrom points out that successful
CPR self-governance is linked to inclusive, democratic process, one of the
key elements of a sustainable community. Principles 4 and 5 indicate the
importance of enforcement efforts in promoting compliance with appro-
priation and (effort) provision rulesgroups must provide for effective
monitoring and must have credible sanctions that are appropriate to the
extent of the transgression. Monitoring and enforcement systems may be
based on formal rule systems (de jure), or based on informal customs (de
facto). Gibson, Williams, and Ostrom (2005) evaluated the empirical im-
portance of monitoring and enforcement on successful community-level
governance of CPRs. They used data from 178 community-forest gover-
nance systems that were collected by the International Forestry Resources
and Institutions (IFRI) research program in Africa, Asia, and the Western
Hemisphere. Gibson, Williams, and Ostrom evaluated two hypotheses: (1)
If rule enforcement is sporadiceven if a user group has high levels of
social capitalforest conditions are more likely to be poor. (2) If rule en-
forcement is regulareven if a user group has low levels of social capi-
talforest conditions are more likely to be good. Their results show that
rule enforcement and forest condition are correlated, regardless of the level
of social capital. They also show that it is highly unlikely for forest condi-
tions to be good if there is only sporadic rule enforcement, and that this
relationship exists whether social capital is high or low.
Principle 6 illustrates the importance of mediation, arbitration, and other
alternative dispute resolution methods to sustainable local communities. Dietz,
Ostrom, and Stern (2003) note that sharp differences in power and in values
Ostrom has argued that there are important similarities shared by various long-
enduring communities and their systems of CPR governance. The natural en-
vironments in which villages are located feature important uncertainties such
as unpredictable rainfall and snowfall, and so successful rule systems are adapt-
able to changing natural conditions. In these situations, community members
share a common understanding of the merits of continuing the status quo rela-
tive to various feasible changes in rules and norms of acceptable behavior.
Importantly, populations in these villages have remained stable over long peri-
ods. Well-defined social norms prescribe a rather narrow band of acceptable
behavior that facilitates interdependence with minimal conflict. As one would
expect, the costs of being ostracized are quite high and, together with mutual
monitoring of behavior, lead to powerful reputational incentives, which pro-
mote conformance to shared social norms of sustainable use. Community mem-
bers tend to be very similar in terms of wealth, education, ethnicity, and race,
and this homogeneity also limits conflicts. People who live in these communi-
ties share a common history and can reasonably expect to have a common
future together. Because the rule systems can accommodate generational trans-
fers of rights and land tenure, people can expect that they are making decisions
that will determine the quality of life of their children and grandchildren. As
Ostrom points out, this promotes very low discount rates and thus leads to
policies that are consistent with community sustainability.
The case study research described above points to the central importance
of social capital, and the evolution of behavioral norms of restraint and co-
operation, to sustaining local common-pool resources. Sethi and Somanathan
(1996) have developed a theory that explains why norms of behavior that
restrain the use of CPRs can persist in social settings that might otherwise
favor self-interested behavior. They use the mathematics of evolutionary pro-
cesses and apply them to social and economic institutions such as the rules
that communities use to govern CPRs. Their theoretical analysis is consis-
tent with the extensive case study literature, namely, that social norms that
restrain overuse of the CPR and provide sanctions for those who violate these
norms can remain stable over time even when there is occasional intrusion
by self-interested people. They also show, however, that factors such as a rise
in the market price of the resource in question, or diminution of the impact of
available sanctions, can produce a fatal instability in sustainable local self-
governance from which it is extremely difficult to recover.
Successful local self-governance appears to be associated with only modest
asymmetries in the distribution of local power and influence, a factor that is also
linked to the quality of local democratic process. For example, the villages stud-
ied by Agrawal that featured rather rigid caste structures and discriminated against
lower-caste people were less successful in sustainable self-governance. Simi-
larly, proposals for local environmental dispute resolution through collaborative,
stakeholder-based self-governance cannot be expected to succeed in local set-
tings where certain stakeholders have disproportionate power and influence. Thus,
community economic development centered on attracting disproportionately large
business or government operations may undermine the quality of democratic
local self-governance and so ultimately may not be consistent with community
sustainability. As we shall see in the discussion below, protecting the quality of
local self-governance forms one of the arguments for community economic de-
velopment strategies that instead focus on assisting local small businesses that
produce for local consumption and substitute for goods that would have to be
imported into the community.
produced outside the community, pay state or federal taxes, send money to
family or friends in other places, or travel out of the area. Thus, we can see
that many of these injections and leakages are the monetary flows linked to
specialization and trade. In fact, many human settlements originated from
some local comparative advantage, such as access to valuable resources or to
advantageous ports and trade routes, which resulted in the formation of a
base industry, export trade, and the rise of a town or city. Since the purchase
of imports leaks income out of the local economy, then unless a local economy
completely divorces itself from trade with the outside world, ultimately there
must be some base industry in a local economy to inject income to fund the
purchase of these imports and maintain a satisfactory level of local income.
This relationship is illustrated in Figure 16.1.
A given dollar of income that is injected by the local base industry is
usually spent more than once before it leaks out. Specifically, the income
injected by the economic base of a local economy, net of the income that
leaks out, flows to local businesses that support the base industry by provid-
ing various inputs or services, and to the households of those employed by
the base industry. These businesses and households in turn respend a portion
of this money locally at grocery stores, clothing and shoe stores, health care
providers, restaurants, and for the services of those skilled in various trades,
crafts, and professions. Thus, a dollar of net income injected into the local
economy by export sales from the economic base is multiplied as it flows
through the supporting businesses and through the spending of employee
households. The size of this multiplier effect is determined by the extent to
which the local economy imports rather than produces the goods and ser-
vices that local people consume. In particular, the smaller the leakage rate,
the larger the multiplier. Note that while we are speaking as if there is a
single multiplier for the local economy, in reality each business, and each
economic sector, will have a different multiplier. You can think of the multi-
plier, described below, as an average for the entire local economy, and repre-
senting the typical number of times a given dollar injected into the local
economy is recycled as income for various members of the community.
To see how the multiplier effect works, consider the following simpli-
fied example. Suppose that a new lumber mill is opened in a community
that generates $5 million in export sales. Before we proceed to the multi-
plier analysis, however, we need to subtract from this export income any
initial leakage in the form of payments for imported factors of production
used to generate the export sales, such as raw logs, energy payments, trans-
portation services, equipment rentals or loan payments, stumpage taxes, or
income paid to out-of-area workers or owners. Suppose that of this $5 mil-
lion, $2 million flows out of the community right away as payments for
imported production inputs and to owners from outside the community.
Thus $3 million represents the (net) initial injection into the local commu-
nity in the form of payments for locally sourced inputs, such as parts and
hardware, wages, salaries, profits, and locally sourced equipment rentals
and payments. The term capture rate is sometimes used to refer to the
portion of gross export income that is initially injected into the local
economy (in this example the capture rate is three-fifths or 60 percent).
This initial injection is then spent by the people who received it as income,
including workers at the mill, the owner of the hardware store, the equip-
ment dealer, and any local owners of the mill. Some of this spendingsay
50 percentleaks out of the community on purchases of imported goods.
For example, the hardware store owner spends some of this income on
inventory orders from outside the community, and workers spend some of
their income on car payments to dealerships in neighboring communities.
The initial injection of $3 million from the economic base can be thought of
as the primary effect of the economic base activity. The multiplier is used as a
simplified tool to measure the secondary effects of this initial injection. Sec-
ondary effects can in turn be divided into indirect effects (increases in income
to the sectors of the local economy that support the base industry, such as
locally sourced equipment rentals) and induced effects (increases in income to
the entire local economy that occur due to increased spending by households
that received income from the base industry or one of its support sectors). The
total increase in income, or economic impact, generated by the initial injection
of $3 million into the local economy is $6 million. This process is illustrated in
Figure 16.2. The total economic impact represents the sum of the primary
effect (the initial $3 million injection) and the secondary effects (the $3 million
in indirect and induced effects) estimated by the multiplier. This formula is a
simplified version of the more general case developed by Sirkin (1959) and
assumes that savings by community members that leak out of the community
in the form of loans (for example, money market mutual fund investments or
savings in large national banks) are just offset by loan funds in the community
that come from savings outside the community. There are other assumptions,
such as the availability of excess production capacity and the relative sensitiv-
ity of imports and exports to income that go beyond the scope of the current
presentation. Note too that while simple multiplier analysis is relatively crude,
Gross export
Local base
Initial injection
With this simplified view of the local economy and the economic impact of
base industry sales in mind, lets look at economic development. A primary
goal for conventional economic development has been to spur local eco-
nomic growth in order to create jobs, enhance the vitality of commercial
centers, and increase incomes for businesses and workers. An excessively
narrow focus on job and income growth can lead to pathological results that
policies such as import tariffs and quotas that raise domestic consumer prices.
Moreover, by limiting competition from foreign imports, import substitution
policies are seen by some as government-sponsored protection for domestic
firms, reducing their long-term competitiveness. At the local level, however,
jurisdictions (at least in the United States) cannot levy import tariffs or quo-
tas on goods and services produced outside the local economy, and so the
economic distortions associated with import substitution policy are much
smaller at the local level.
Thus, for the most part, economic development strategies based on local
import substitution are less formal in nature, and usually amount to buy
local campaigns and marketing assistance for locally made products or ser-
vices. Another example is the development of a local currency, one of the
most famous of which is the Ithaca Hours project (
U.S. law allows local currencies or scrip as long as all appropriate taxes are
paid on economic transactions mediated by local currency, and that U.S.
money is not being counterfeited. If mostly locally owned businesses accept
local currency, then use of the currency reinforces a buy local value sys-
tem that increases the multiplier effect. Perhaps the most important benefit
created by local currencies is the awareness that interactions linked to a local
currency promote investment in social capital. Some jurisdictions have de-
signed restrictions on pattern restaurantsrestaurants that use a standard-
ized menu and design at multiple locationsas a method of restricting large
corporate chains and instead promoting local alternatives. In terms of
sustainability, democratic and community values are enhanced by promot-
ing local small business over larger corporate enterprises since the former
are more likely to be politically responsive to the local community. Eco-
nomically speaking, economic diversificationhaving many small businesses
across many sectors of the economyhas the advantage of reducing a
communitys risk of economic dislocation due to one large employer going
out of business. In some cases, large firms in small communities have used
the threat of closing down to extract concessions from the community; this
threat is less effective when employed by a small business.
One of the fundamental challenges associated with import substitution in
small local communities is that of economies of scale in production. Mass-
produced imports tend to be cheaper than local goods produced on a smaller
scale. Those who support local small businesses often must be willing to pay
a price premium. Those locals who are willing to pay a price premium for
local goods and services may recognize the mutual benefits of buying lo-
cally, and a vibrant sector of locally owned businesses may serve as an indi-
cation of a communitys social and cultural capital. The social and cultural
aspect of buying locally is also manifested in the rise of farmers markets and
Case Studies
Some 275 miles from San Francisco and over 400 miles from Portland, the
small city of Arcata, California, is located at one of the most remote sec-
tions of the U.S. Pacific Coast south of Alaska. Declines in the local forest
products and fisheries industries have contributed to local unemployment
rates substantially higher than in either California or the United States.
Moreover, Arcatas remoteness makes it quite costly to export products
and generate income injections into the community. In 2004, the City of
Arcata created an Economic Development Strategic Plan that operates in
the context of the citys General Plan 2020, a comprehensive planning tem-
plate. The Economic Development Strategic Plan identified the economic
development potential of the various districts in the city, and also articu-
lated citywide strategies. The city has implemented many of the innovative
economic development strategies described in the bulleted list in the previ-
ous subsection of this chapter. In addition to those measures given in the
bulleted list, other citywide strategies include a focus on infill develop-
ment for vacant, underutilized, and contaminated former industrial sites,
gateway investment and signage for visitors at key entrances to the city,
Table 16.1
In August 1992 the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the International Cen-
ter for Research on Women (ICRW) studied mangrove management in
Cogtong Bay, which is on the island of Bohol in the Philippines. Mehta (1996)
reports the results of this study, and elements of that report are summarized
below. Mangrove systems act as nurseries and spawning areas for many ani-
mals, as erosion control, and as vital sources of food and fuelwood for people.
Coastal mangrove forests have been cut down in many areas of the tropics to
make way for fish ponds for aquaculture operations. Villagers in the Cogtong
Bay area observed this same trend in their region, with newcomers from out
of the area building fish ponds and unsustainably harvesting wild fish in
Cogtong Bay. In 1990 the Philippine government empowered sustainable
local community management of nonwilderness mangrove systems, one of
which was Cogtong Bay. In Cogtong Bay 1,300 of the original 2,000 hect-
ares of mangrove swamp remain, with the rest converted to fish farms. Ap-
proximately 52,000 people live in the Cogtong Bay area; per capita income
is $228, less than one-half that of the Philippines as a whole; and wild fish
yields were falling as mangroves were being cut down. Mehta reports that
wealthy and politically well-connected entrepreneurs were conducting a dis-
parks that nevertheless harbor substantial biodiversity. Kruger and many other
parks are fencedwhat Chadwick refers to as a form of ecological apart-
heidkeeping local people from poaching and protecting local people from
predators and their livestock from communicable diseases.
Perhaps most important is the work that is being done in linking the
ecotourism income generated by the parks to the welfare of local communi-
ties. Chadwick (1996) quotes park employee Chris Marais as saying: [T]he
old idea of how to run a park was: Put up a BIG fence, get BIG guns, and
keep the neighbors and their cattle OUT. . . . The new idea is to build support
by making sure those neighbors benefit as much as possible from being next
door (p. 16). First, since independence, local chiefs are now empowered to
meet with park staff to discuss common concerns. People displaced since
1913 can seek restitution. Most of Kruger Parks 2,700 employees are from
the local communities. As Chadwick points out, [T]he staff has established
medical clinics, assisted with irrigation projects, and arranged to purchase
local crafts and produce to sell in park stores. Neighbors pay only a nominal
entrance fee now, and drivers of local bush taxis have been trained as tour
guides (p. 23). A portion of income from KwaZuluNatal parks is shared
with local villages and communities. Chadwick reports that local villagers
are considering establishing private wildlife reserves. Many local people re-
tain traditional rights to gather building materials and some food, and some
villages are developing camping facilities and guided tour programs. Since
1979, private reserves and game farms have increased from less than 2 mil-
lion acres to more than 16 million. Most big South African parks are consid-
ered by their managers to be at carrying capacity, and many surplus animals
go to private hunting reserves, where a rhino, for example, can generate
$15,000 to over $40,000 in income. Other private reserves are primarily fo-
cused on attracting ecotourists.
The South African government recently passed up the opportunity to de-
velop an estimated $3 billion in titanium, rutile, and zircon from the coastal
dunes of St. Lucia Wetland Park, opting instead for preservation and
ecotourism. This provides a strong indication of the commitment that South
Africa appears to have to its parks and sustainable development principles.
The capital of the state of Paran in Brazil, Curitiba has grown from a popula-
tion of 300,000 in 1950 to over 2 million in 1990. During that time Curitibas
economy has shifted from an agricultural base to one of industry and com-
merce. Yet the usual results of such rapid change in developing countries
high unemployment, squatter settlements, congestion, and environmental
Internet Links
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Bromley, D., ed. 1992. Making the Commons Work. San Francisco: ICS Press.
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Absolute Resource Scarcity (chapter 5). Exists for those natural resources
(or elements of an ecosystem) that have no substitutes and whose productiv-
ity cannot be enhanced by way of technology. An element of traditional
Malthusian models of resource scarcity.
Acid Rain (chapter 10). Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions react
with water droplets, oxygen, and various oxidants in the atmosphere, usually
in cloud layers, to form solutions of sulfuric and nitric acid. Rainwater, snow,
fog, and other forms of precipitation bring these acidic solutions into soil,
streams, lakes, and rivers, lowering the pH of these soils and water bodies
and damaging terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
Anthropogenic (chapter 11). An event, such as the emission of greenhouse
gases, that is caused by human activity rather than natural nonhuman causes.
Appropriation Externality (chapters 5 and 16). Occurs when the act of
harvesting (appropriating) resource units from a common-pool resource
by an appropriator subtracts from what is available to others, or results in
damage to the current and/or future productive capacity of the resource. There-
fore, appropriation from a common-pool resource imposes negative exter-
nalities on other appropriators, which is at the core of the tragedy of the
commons. Also see the entry for rule of capture externality.
Arbitrage Opportunity (chapter 13). A difference in prices in different
markets that cannot be entirely accounted for due to differences in shipping
and transaction costs, and which therefore promotes trade. Entrepreneurs
have incentive to export products from low-price to high-price markets. There-
fore trade tends to equilibrate prices across markets. For example, if apparel
is cheap in China relative to the United States, then entrepreneurs will have
Carbon Intensity (chapter 11). Carbon dioxide emissions per British ther-
mal unit (BTU) of energy.
Cartel (chapter 3). A group of colluding sellers who attempt to coordinate
their behavior so as to collectively act like a monopolist.
Categorical Imperative (chapter 2). Presents an action as being of itself
objectively necessary, or intrinsically right, without regard to any other end
that may or may not result from the action. For example, it can be argued that
the idea of equal protection under the law is a categorical imperative.
Climate Forcing (chapter 11). Mechanisms such as human greenhouse gas
emissions or natural fluctuations in the earths orbit that alter the global en-
ergy balance.
Coase Theorem (chapter 7). Named after economist Ronald Coase, the Coase
theorem starts from the premise that a complete set of private property rights
can be assigned to aspects of the environment, that polluters and those harmed
by pollution can negotiate to resolve pollution problems at very low cost, and
that free-rider effects among multiple parties on either side of the negotia-
tion are minimal. Under these conditions the central finding is that private
parties can negotiate a solution equally as efficient as that which would result
from more centralized regulatory processes using benefit/cost analysis.
Collusion (chapter 3). An agreement among market participants to limit com-
petition for mutual benefit. For example, a cartel of sellers colludes by coor-
dinating a reduction in each firms production output.
Command-and-Control Regulation (chapter 10). Specifies how pollution
is to be reduced through the application of uniform standards for firms. See
entries for technology-based (technology-forcing) standard and perfor-
mance-based standard.
Common Ownership (chapter 4). Also known as common property or com-
munal property. A system in which the property rights of access, with-
drawal, management, exclusion, and alienation are held in common by a
group of individuals. Examples include communal farms, cooperative pro-
cessors, wholesalers and retailers, and recreation facilities in a condominium
Common-Pool Resources (chapters 5, 8, and 16). Those resources such as
groundwater basins, rivers, marine fisheries, and community forests for which
(1) it is difficult to exclude multiple people from appropriating from the re-
source, and (2) the resource units appropriated by one are no longer avail-
able to others. Contrast with private goods and pure public goods.
by people that provide the framework for how people come to view the world
and their proper role in it. A source of the shared values that determine the
nature of economic systems and the relationship individuals and communi-
ties have with the natural environment.
Deadweight Loss (chapter 4). A type of negative gain from trade that occurs
when either too much or too little of a good or a service is exchanged in a
market. Deadweight loss occurs in association with market failures, such as
when pollution accompanies market transactions, or when there is a mo-
nopoly or cartel, or when consumers are misinformed about product quality.
When there is deadweight loss, the total gains from trade in a market are not
maximized, and so the market features an inefficiency that may justify some
form of government regulatory intervention.
Decentralized Markets (chapter 3). When resource allocation occurs as a
consequence of a set of individual market transactions rather than central-
ized allocation decisions made by government. Decentralized markets are a
key element of capitalist systems.
Demand Curve (chapter 3). A graphical representation of the inverse rela-
tionship between price and quantity demanded. Points along a demand curve
represent buyer willingness-to-pay values. See also the buyers entry.
Dematerialization (chapter 13). Refers to a process of reducing the through-
put (see definition) of physical resources and energy required to produce a
given dollar of gross domestic product.
Demographic Transition (chapter 13). A theory that relates the stages of the
industrialization process to growth rates in population. Stage 1, prior to in-
dustrialization, features high birthrates and death rates, and thus low growth
rates. Stage 2, the initial stage of industrialization, features a sharp drop in
death rates but persistently high birthrates, perhaps because medical tech-
nology reduces child mortality but cultural values related to childbearing are
slower to adapt. Much higher population growth rates are experienced in
stage 2. Stage 3, the fully industrialized stage, features low birthrates and
death rates, and thus a return to low population growth rates.
Deontological Ethics (chapter 2). Theories of action based on duty or moral
obligation. Actions are judged by their intrinsic rightness and not by the
extent to which they further ones own goals or aspirations.
Derby (chapter 6). In the context of marine capture fisheries, a derby is the race
for fish that occurs when a total allowable catch (TAC) is set, and fishers compete
with one another to catch fish before the TAC is met and the fishing season ends.
Economic Base (chapter 16). The sectors of a local economy that in various
ways generate income injections are collectively referred to as the economic
base of the local economy. Examples include the export of local manufac-
tured goods, agricultural commodities, services by local firms (e.g., consult-
ant services provided by locals to those outside the community), or the
injection of income associated with tourism in the local area, or salaries at a
local state university paid for by state taxes and out-of-area students.
Economic Rationality (chapter 1). Occurs when a choice is taken from among
competing options that yields anticipated benefits exceeding opportunity cost.
Economics (chapter 1). The study of how scarce resources, goods, and ser-
vices are allocated among competing uses.
Ecosystem Services (chapters 5, 12, and 14). As Robert Costanza and his
colleagues have observed, ecosystem services consist of flows of materials,
energy, and information from natural capital stocks, which combine with
manufactured and human capital services to produce human welfare.
Fertility Rate (chapter 13). The average number of children produced per
woman in a country. The fertility rate has been declining worldwide over the
last fifty years, and is below replacement in almost half.
Fishery (chapters 5 and 6). The interaction of human harvest activities, envi-
ronmental conditions, and the population dynamics associated with one or
more species of fish.
Fishing Effort (chapters 5 and 6). The deployment of fishing inputs (vessel,
gear, labor). May be measured as the dollar value of total inputs, or as the
aggregate amount of time that inputs are deployed, with adjustments made
for differences in the productivity of different vessel and gear types.
Fixed Costs (chapter 7). Those costs that do not vary with the quantity that a
firm produces in the short run. An example is the cost of leasing office space
or renting equipment. Even if a firm shuts down production, it must still pay
fixed costs in the short run.
Free Rider (chapters 3 and 7). One who enjoys the benefits of a public good
or common-pool resource without paying a share of the costs of providing
for or maintaining it. Voluntary contributions will fall short of providing the
socially optimal quantity of a public good or a common-pool resource when
there are many free riders.
Fugitive Resources (chapters 4 and 5). Those resources such as marine fish-
eries, groundwater basins, oil and gas fields, or stocks of fresh air having the
characteristic of being difficult or impossible to fence, brand, or partition.
Such resources tend to be state property, common property, or open-access
resources rather than private property.
Gain from Trade (chapters 3, 4, and 7). The positive net benefit to market
participants that occurs as a consequence of trade. The gain to consumers,
known as consumer surplus, is the difference between the maximum amount
that consumers are willing to pay (consumer valuation) and the market price
they actually have to pay. The gain to producers, known as producer surplus, is
the difference between the market price and the minimum amount that sellers
are willing to accept (producer valuation). Resources are said to be efficiently
allocated in a market when all possible gains from trade are realized.
Genuine Investment (chapter 14). Refers to the sum of the investments or
disinvestments in each of societys capital assets (i.e., human, human-made,
social, natural, and cultural). Since under weak sustainability theory we can
view the sum of these stocks of capital assets as societys genuine wealth, we
can also view genuine investment as the rate of change in genuine wealth.
Human Capital (chapters 12 and 14). The stock of knowledge, skills, and
capabilities of people that can be deployed to create a flow of useful work for
community and economy.
Human-Made Capital (chapters 12 and 14). Also known as constructed,
created, or manufactured capital. The stock of technologies, tools, equip-
ment, productive facilities, infrastructure (e.g., roads, waterworks, electric-
ity grids, telecommunications networks, and the like) and inventories of
products that economists traditionally think of as the capital stock.
Import-Substitution Model of Economic Development (chapter 16). An
alternative to the economic (export) base model (see the economic base
entry above). Instead of offering tax giveaways to attract big exporting firms,
which will then have disproportionate power over the local community, local
incomes and jobs can be enhanced by promoting local small businesses that
produce local substitutes for imported goods, which would otherwise drain
income from the community.
Incentive Regulation (chapter 10). Regulatory schemes that use prices, taxes,
subsidies, and other instruments to align individual incentives with the com-
mon good. This form of regulation controls pollution indirectly through in-
centives rather than by way of direct controls such as emissions caps and
technology-forcing rules.
Indirect Costs (chapter 7). Changes in production and production costs due
to environmental regulation can result in additional costs such as product
market distortions, changes in market concentration, and reduced rates of
economic growth.
Indirect Effect (chapter 16). In the context of economic impact analysis, the
indirect effect of an initial injection (see entry below) represents the increase
in income to the various sectors of the local economy that support the base
industry that generated the initial injection of income.
Individual Quotas (chapter 6). In the context of a fishery, individual
quotas (IQs) are shares of a total allowable catch (TAC) allocated to fish-
ers, vessel owners, communities, or processors. Initial quota allocations
are usually based on historical landings. Individual transferable quotas
(ITQs) can be traded, sometimes with restrictions. A competitive quota
market can be expected to allocate a quota to its highest-valued use. ITQs
are commonly used in fisheries that are overcapitalized and that have
experienced problems associated with a race for fish (derby). Market forces
resolve overcapitalization and promote efficiency by concentrating larger
quota shares on a relatively small number of vessels. Fishers need not
race for fish because they can fill their quota at any time during the sea-
son opening.
Induced Effect (chapter 16). In the context of economic impact analysis, the
induced effect of an initial injection (see entry below) represents the increase
in income to the entire local economy that occurs due to increased spending
by households that received income from the base industry or one of its
support sectors.
Inflation (chapter 13). The rate at which the overall price level rises over
time. Inflation may be measured in the overall economy, for consumer prices,
or for particular sectors such as health care or higher education.
Initial Injection (chapter 16). In the context of economic impact analysis,
the initial injection is the portion of gross income generated by a local base
industry net of any initial leakage in the form of payments for imported in-
puts used to produce the export. It is the initial injection, not gross export
income, that is multiplied to get total economic impact. Also see the entry for
base industry and capture rate.
Invisible Hand (chapters 3, 5, and 8). A term associated with economics
pioneer Adam Smith that refers to the efficient way that well-functioning
competitive markets coordinate the complex and interdependent allocation
of scarce resources in an economy without the guiding hand of economic
IPAT Identity (chapter 11). Human impact (I) = Population x Affluence x
KaldorHicks Criterion (chapters 2 and 7). See the efficiency entry.
Kaya Identity (chapter 11). Carbon dioxide emissions = Population (GDP/
Population) (Energy/GDP) (CO /Energy).
Kyoto Protocol (chapter 11). International treaty to limit human emission of
greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change.
Land Tenure (chapters 4, 5, and 13). Also known as traditional or custom-
ary land tenure, often in contrast to Western property rights systems that
commodify land. Land tenure refers to the rights, responsibilities, and re-
straints that individuals and groups of individuals have with respect to the
use and occupancy of land. Customary land tenure is often linked to com-
mon property arrangements, and may include aspects of religious signifi-
cance and of a permanent home attached to land. Formal land tenure systems
are officially recognized and sanctioned, while informal land tenure systems
percentile of the population arrayed on the X axis. If there were perfect in-
come equality in the population, then the Lorenz curve would be a 45 degree
straight line. With substantial inequality, the Lorenz curve takes the shape of
the portion of a parabola that occurs in the northeast quadrant (X, Y > 0) of
geometric space.
Marginal Analysis (chapter 3). Economic technique used to identify op-
tima. For example, the optimal output level for a profit-maximizing firm op-
erating in a competitive market can be identified by comparing marginal
revenue with marginal cost. Likewise in benefit/cost analysis, the optimal
level of pollution abatement can be identified by comparing marginal benefit
with marginal cost.
Marginal Benefit (chapter 7). The change in total benefit that occurs as a
consequence of a small (one-unit) change in production or consumption.
Marginal Cost (chapter 3). See the entry for marginal private cost below.
Marginal Effort Cost (chapter 5). The increase in total cost from applying
an additional unit of effort to resource harvest.
Marginal External Cost (chapter 4). The increase in total external cost (costs
borne by society in the form of pollution harms) that occurs as a conse-
quence of a small (one-unit) increase in output produced by a firm.
Marginal Net Benefit (chapter 7). Marginal benefit/marginal cost. When
marginal net benefit is positive, then a small incremental increase in pollu-
tion control or other policy activity contributes to a larger total net benefit.
Marginal Private Cost (chapter 4). The increase in total private cost (borne
by producers) that occurs as a consequence of a small (one-unit) increase in
output produced by a firm.
Marginal Product (chapter 3). The increase in output generated by a one-
unit increase in an input. For example, an additional pound of fertilizer input
applied to farmland will result in an increased crop yield output from that
land. The increase in crop yield is the marginal product of the additional
pound of fertilizer. Also see Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns.
Marginal Revenue Product (chapter 5). The change in total revenue from
applying an additional unit of effort to resource harvest.
Marginal Social Cost (chapter 4). The increase in total social cost (borne by
both producers and other members of society) that occurs as a consequence
of a small (one-unit) increase in output produced by a firm. Marginal social
cost equals the sum of marginal private cost and marginal external cost.
Marginal Utility of Money (chapter 7). The increase in a persons total util-
ity or satisfaction that occurs as a consequence of a $1 increase in income.
Economists generally assume that the marginal utility of money, like the
marginal utility of most other valuable things, is positive but tends to become
smaller as total income rises. Thus a billionaire would have a smaller mar-
ginal utility of money than someone living in poverty.
Market Failure (chapter 3). Occurs when one or more of the conditions re-
quired for a well-functioning competitive market is not met in a substantial way.
Examples include monopolization or cartelization of markets, the presence of
significant positive or negative externalities, or poorly informed buyers.
Market Power (chapter 3). Exists when buyers or sellers can affect market
price to their advantage by manipulating the quantity they purchase or sell.
For example, a monopolist has market power if it can maintain a lower quan-
tity of output than would otherwise be produced under competitive condi-
tions, and thereby benefit from a higher market price. Likewise a monopsonist
fish processor that buys all the fish in a local market has market power if it
can maintain low prices paid to fishermen.
If some firms can further reduce their emissions, and if their cost of emis-
sions control is much lower than for others, then trade in allowances will
result in the firms with lower emissions-control costs selling allowances to
firms with higher emissions-control costs. Allowances trade shifts clean-up
to firms with lower clean-up costs, reducing the industrywide cost of com-
pliance with an overall emissions reduction target.
Maximum Sustained Yield (chapter 5). The maximum number or quantity
of resource units that can be harvested without damaging the productive ca-
pacity of the resource stock.
Minimum Efficient Scale (chapter 6). The level of output where the long-
run average cost curve stops declining. In other words, the level of output
where economies of scale end. In a large market under long-run perfectly
competitive conditions, minimum efficient scale will dictate the minimum
size of firms.
Monopoly (chapter 3). The condition that exists when there is a single seller
that dominates a market. When monopolies are protected from entry by rival
firms, the incentive for profit maximization results in the monopolist supply-
ing less to the market than would otherwise happen under competitive condi-
tions, which causes price to be higher than under competition.
Monopsony (chapter 6). The condition that exists where there is a single buyer
that dominates a market. When monopsonies are protected from entry by rival
firms, the incentive for profit maximization results in the monopsonist buying
less from sellers than would otherwise happen under competitive conditions,
which causes purchase price to be lower than under competition.
Montreal Protocol (chapter 8). International treaty to limit human emis-
sions of stratospheric ozone-depleting chemicals.
Multiplier Effect (chapter 16). In the context of economic impact analysis,
the multiplier effect is the additional income created when income originally
injected into the local economy by the economic base (see entry for eco-
nomic base) is respent and becomes additional income through the second-
ary effect (see entries for indirect effect and induced effect).
National Income and Product Accounts (chapter 14). Accounts that are
used to measure the total income and output of a national economy. Gross
domestic product (GDP) is derived from data from the national income and
product accounts.
Natural Capital (chapters 12 and 14). The stock of natural resources, together
with the components and the structural relationships in the earths ecosystems,
that taken together serve as the foundation for life on earth. From the stock of
natural capital flows the annual harvest of natural resources, ecosystem ser-
vices, sink functions, and other benefits from a healthy environment.
Negative Externality (chapters 3 and 4). See the externalities entry.
Network Externalities (chapter 5). Positive network externalities occur when
network use by one entity creates benefits for others. A classic example is
the benefit of having everyone on a common telephone network, as opposed
to having people on different telephone systems lacking interconnectivity.
Negative network externalities occur when network use by one entity creates
costs to others. For example, on electric transmission networks (grids), ex-
cessive withdrawals by one entity can create system problems such as black-
outs on others. Similarly, excessive withdrawals of natural gas from a pipeline
network can reduce system pressure and impair deliveries to other network
New Political Economy (chapter 8). An area of study that borrows eco-
nomic approaches for modeling incentives as a way to understand the politi-
cal and economic forces that shape public policy.
Nonrenewable Resource (chapter 5). A class of resource having the charac-
teristic that the overall stock cannot replenish itself within the human
Nonuse Value (chapter 7). Also known as passive-use value or existence
value, reflects value that people assign to aspects of the natural environment
that they care about but do not use in a commercial, recreational, or other
manner. For example, someone might value the existence of grizzly bear
habitat in Alaska but have no interest in actually visiting such wildland habi-
tat. Existence values are controversial because they are difficult to measure.
Normative Economics (chapter 2). Identifies the economic elements of how
things should be, based on a particular set of norms or standards, as opposed
to objectively describing the current economic state of affairs.
Open Access (chapters 4, 5, and 6). A state of affairs that exists when there
are no property rights systems recognized that constrain access to a resource
or withdrawals of resource units, typically for a natural resource. Tragedy of
the commons is the anticipated outcome when self-interested appropriators
harvest resource units from an open-access common-pool resource.
Opportunity Cost (chapters 1 and 7). When a scarce resource, good, or
service is allocated to one use, the opportunity cost of that allocation repre-
sents the net value of the best alternative that was forgone.
signed to fully internalize external costs. In other words, pollution taxes may
be greater than or less than the theoretically correct Pigouvian tax. Also see
the entry for effluent charges.
Positive Economics (chapter 2). A method of economic analysis based on
the Western scientific tradition of modeling the world and then subjecting
these models to empirical test. Positive analysis seeks to explain the observ-
able. Contrast with normative economics. (See the normative economics
Positive Externality (chapters 3 and 4). See the externalities entry.
Precautionary Principle (chapters 11 and 14). Suggests that precaution-
ary measures should be taken when evidence suggests that an activity is
generating costly or irreversible harms, even if there is still some uncertainty
over the extent or the mechanics of the harms. An alternative to benefit/cost
Present Value (chapters 5 and 7). The value at present of a future benefit or
cost. Because people (and thus firms as well) have positive discount rates
(see the discount rate entry), the present value of a future benefit or cost is
smaller than the dollar amount of the payment in the future. The higher the
discount rate, or the longer the time period before the benefit or the cost is
received, the smaller is the present value.
Primary Market (chapter 5). In the context of metals markets, for example,
the market for metal directly smelted from virgin ore, as opposed to second-
ary markets made up of metal derived from recycled material.
Private Ownership (chapter 4). Also known as private property. An arrange-
ment in which the property rights of access, withdrawal, management, ex-
clusion, and alienation are held by a private company, partnership, or
individual owner.
Producer Surplus (chapter 3). The sellers share of the gains from trade. The
area between price and a sellers minimum sales price (usually marginal cost).
Property Rights (chapter 4). In the context of natural resources and the
environment, one or more of the rights of accessing a resource, withdrawing
or harvesting resource units, managing a resource, excluding others from
accessing the resource, and selling to someone else.
Public Choice (chapter 8). A form of political economic analysis that treats
politicians as any other self-interested maximizer having an objective func-
tion that might include current and discounted future income, reelection,
today has an opportunity cost equal to the present value of profit from selling
the resource unit in the future. This opportunity cost limits current supply,
which in turn elevates current price above marginal cost, creating the rent.
Under tragedy of the commons, rents are dissipated because individual re-
source appropriators cannot find a way to limit current harvest and preserve
the resource for future sale.
Rent Dissipation (chapter 5). Occurs when competition eliminates rents.
For example, when firms compete for a government monopoly by offering
kickbacks equal to the present value of the rents that would be derived from
the monopoly. Rent dissipation may also be bad, such as in the context of
common-pool natural resources, where dissipation of rents occurs when har-
vest rates exceed the dynamically efficient consumption rate. In the context
of common-pool resources, this outcome has been described by Garrett Hardin
as the tragedy of the commons. Also see the entry for rent.
Resilience (chapter 14). As used here, the magnitude of shocks (flood,
drought, fire) that an ecosystem can withstand before being pushed from one
locally stable equilibrium to another. Shifts from one equilibrium to another
can cause detrimental changes in ecosystems.
Risk Characterization (chapter 7). The final step of risk assessment, risk
characterization presents risk assessment results in various ways in order to
illustrate how individuals or populations in human or ecological communi-
ties may be affected by pollution or other harmful human activity.
Risk Preference (chapter 9). Ones risk preference regarding a particular
risky situation falls into one of three categories. To understand these, sup-
pose you are offered the following choice: (A) $1,000, or, (B) based on out-
come of the flip of a fair coin, either $0 (heads) or $2,000 (tails). Note that
the expected value of (B) equals 0.5*$0 + 0.5*$2,000 = $1,000, which equals
the guaranteed value of (A). A risk-averse person prefers (A) over (B), even
though they have the same expected value, since choice (A) avoids risk. A
risk-neutral person is indifferent between (A) and (B), as they have the same
expected value. A risk-loving person will prefer (B) over (A), even though
they have the same expected value, since choice (B) includes risk. A persons
risk preference usually varies across different types of choices. It is usually
assumed that large firms are risk-neutral.
Risk Premium (chapters 7 and 13). A payment provided in return for ac-
cepting higher risk, such as with riskier jobs or riskier investments. Lenders
add a risk premium onto interest rates for loans to those with a larger likeli-
hood of defaulting on loan repayment.
Rule of Capture (chapters 4 and 6). A part of our common law tradition, the
rule of capture operates on open-access and common-property resources such
as groundwater basins, oil and gas fields, and marine fisheries. The rule of
capture states that resource units harvested from an open-access or a com-
mon-property resource become private property owned by the appropriator
at the time the resource units are captured from the commons.
Rule of Capture Externality (chapter 6). A phrase used by some resource
economists to refer to appropriation externalities.
Scarcity (chapter 1). The condition of not having enough of something to
provide for all that is wanted. The condition of scarcity implies that not all
goals can be attained at the same time.
Scarcity Rent (chapter 5). See the entry for rent.
Secondary Market (chapter 5). In the context of recyclable resources such
as glass and metal, for example, the secondary market is the market for sal-
vaged or recycled resources, as opposed to the primary market for glass or
metal produced from virgin resources.
Shortage (chapter 3). See entry for excess demand.
Short Run (chapter 3). Time period of production in which at least one in-
put, such as land or capital, is fixed. For example, once a farmer has planted
a crop, land is fixed, and the short run is the growing season.
Sink Capacity (chapter 5). The capacity of the biosphere to absorb human
waste and render it harmless. Pollution occurs when human emissions ex-
ceed the earths sink capacity.
Social Capital (chapter 12). As the concept is used by sociologist James
Coleman and political scientist Robert Putnam, it refers to the stock of civic
virtues and networks of civic engagement, involvement, reciprocity norms,
trust, volunteerism, and sharing essential to democratic communities.
Social Rate of Time Preference (chapter 13). A discount rate that can be
made consistent with weak sustainability. A key element of the social rate of
time preference is the per capita growth rate in the productivity of human-
made capital. If the productivity of a unit of human-made capital naturally
grows at a 1 or 2 percent rate because of technological innovation, then so-
cial projects that divert money from such investments and into improving
future environmental quality (enhancing future natural capital) should use a
1 or 2 percent discount rate. Under weak sustainability the various forms of
capital are substitutable for one another, and so the opportunity cost of in-
China, 130, 147, 293, 29394, 345, 347, 368, Consumers and consumer choice theory,
430, 433 4346
Chlorofluorocarbons Consumption spending, 409
See halocarbons Contingent valuation method, 17178
Choice, 6, 447 and consumer surplus, 173
Chrematistics, 324 and existence values, 171
Citizen lawsuits, 250 and the embedding effect, 176
Civil society, 3334 and the Exxon Valdez oil spill, 17172
Clean Air Act of 1970, 10, 81, 164, 16768, and the NOAA panel of experts, 17273
18990, 36262 and the willingness-to-pay/willingness-to-
and the World Trade Organization, 36264 accept gap, 17677
estimated net benefits, 81, 164, 16768, and the referendum-style format, 17172,
18990 177
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, 242, and response effects, 177
245, 250 and strategic bias, 177
Acid Rain Program, 26770 controversy (the CVM debate), 17678
Clean Water Act, 242 examples, 17476
Climate change guidelines, 17273
See global climate change Convention on International Trade in
Climate forcing, 286 Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Club of Rome, 11 Flora (CITES), 364
Coasian contracting, 81, 162 Corruption, 361
Coase theorem, 16163 Cost effectiveness, 163
Coffee, 398, 442 Cost measurement, 18692
Cogtong Bay (Philippines), 47475 Costa Rica, 39495, 398
Colorado, 175 Criminal penalties, 24348
Columbia, 276, 370 Curitiba (Brazil), 47677
Command-and-control regulation, 257
See also regulation Deadweight social loss, 7879
Commodity exports, 39495 See also efficiency
Commodity prices, 34041 Decentralized markets, 41
Common good, 3031 Deep ecology, 2425
Common law, 73 Defensive behavior and investments, 18485,
Common-pool resources, 5, 5758, 89, 353
10613, 21216, 370, 393, 45362 Deforestation, 39597
See also natural resources Demand, 41, 4346
Common property, 72, 45462 and positive externalities, 6768
See also property rights curve, 4546
Communal living, 35 for regulation, 208
Community, 35, 32930, 332, 461, 471 individual consumer, 46
Competitive markets, 4143 market, 46
Compliance with environmental law, 24950 Dematerialization, 349
Compliance costs, 18688, 259 Demographic transition, 36669
See also benefit/cost analysis economic versus empowerment
Consequentialism, 25 explanations, 36869
See also ethics social security, 369
Conservation-based development, 32829 transition stages, 36667
Conservation easement, 68, 7172 Denmark, 218, 43536
Consumer preferences, choices, and Deontological ethics, 2325, 30
sustainable consumption, 44648 See also ethics
Consumer surplus, 52, 95 Department of Justice, 245
Derby conditions in capture fisheries, 130, Economic diversification and local economic
13946 development, 471
Deregulation of energy markets, 9192 Economic gain from being out of
Deterrence, 23135 compliance, 232
Development as freedom, 369 Economic growth
Direct compliance costs, 18688 and dematerialization, 349
See also benefit/cost analysis and disproportionate consumption, 34349,
Discounting and discount rates, 93, 15758, 42627
37381 and energy consumption, 344
and benefit/cost analysis, 15758 and investment in cleaner, resource-
competitive financial markets, capitalism, efficient technology, 34344
and sustainability, 37981 and poverty alleviation, 34349
and climate change policy, 1306 and sustainable economic development,
and dynamic efficiency, 102 325, 392, 403, 407
and interest rates, 93, 375 relationship to economic development, 325
and the economics of tropical forestry Economic impact analysis, 46367
practices, 381 See also multiplier effect; sustainable
compatibility with sustainability, 102, economic development
37381 Economic rationality, 8, 233
effect of discounting on environmentally Economics, 5
friendly investments, 306, 37381 Economics of crime, 22931, 412
opportunity cost of capital (and of lending), Economics of deterrence, 23135
375, 37778 Economies of scale, 90, 340, 47172
and risk premia, 377 Ecosystem goods, 114
social rate of time preference, 37879 Ecosystem services, 3, 89, 11314, 16465,
growth discounting, 378 330
pure rate of time preference, 379 Education, 34951
time inconsistency of social policy, 381 and the empowerment of women, 34951
Distributive justice, 5859 and fertility rates, 350
See also ethics Efficiency, 52, 15657, 162
Dungeness crab fishery, 13940 and deadweight social loss, 78
DuPont, 21821 and markets, 52
Durable goods and negative externalities, 7579
extending the life of, 412 and resource allocation in markets, 5254
monopolist, 10405 dynamic, 4, 92102, 379
Dynamic efficiency, 92102, 379 Kaldor-Hicks, 2829, 157
See also discounting; efficiency; Pareto, 28, 52, 157
Hotellings rule Effluent taxes, 256
See also incentive regulation
Earth Charter, 32728, 426 Effort, 10710, 13739
See also United Nations Conference on See also fisheries management
Environment and Development Ehrlich/Simon wager, 117
Earth Summit, 327 Electronic waste (e-waste) recycling fee, 274
Eco-industrial park, 43536 Emergency Planning and Community Right-
Ecolabels, 364, 44043 to-Know Act of 1986, 10
Ecological economics, 4, 334 Emission trading and emissions reduction
Ecological footprint, 41415 credits, 27172
Ecological tax reform, 373, 443 See also allowance trading systems
See also incentive regulation Empowerment, 34952
Economic base industries, 46364 indigenous people, 352
Economic development, 325, 39198 land tenure, 35152
United Nations Conference on Environment Voluntary simplicity and simple living, 447
and Development (continued) Voting rules, 21213
Rio Declaration on Environment and
Development (Earth Charter), 327, Wage premium, 16869
39899, 426 Wapenhans Report (World Bank Portfolio
United Nations Conference on the Human Management Task Force), 393
Environment, 325 War, 350, 361
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Washington (state), 17476, 181, 27374
Sea, 141 Washington Consensus, 394
United Nations Framework Convention on Waste equals food, 435
Climate Change (UNFCCC), 30203 Water rights
United States Department of Agriculture See property rights
Organic Standards, 443 Wave energy and ocean tides, 432
United States Forest Service, 10506 Weak sustainability, 40203
contribution to GDP by type of activity, Wealth, 358, 462
106 Welfare, 53
Urban migration, 34142 Well-functioning competitive market, 4143,
Use value, 170 75
Usufructuary rights, 71 Wilderness Act of 1964, 106
See also property rights Willingness to accept, 17677
Utilitarianism, 2629 Willingness to pay, 45, 52, 173, 17677
See also ethics Wind power, 43435
Utility, 27, 4345, 154, 378 Women, empowerment and sustainability
See also ethics empowerment, education, and literacy, 349
Value in exchange, 324 role in agriculture, 35152
Value in use, 324 World Bank, 312, 39298
Value of a statistical life, 16870 World Commission on Environment and
Value systems, 23 Development (Brundtland Commission),
Vegetarian diet and sustainable consumption, 32527, 395, 398
448 World Summit for Social Development, 328
Venezuela, 363 World Trade Organization, 36264
Vermont, 274 See also international trade
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the
Ozone Layer, 218 Yurok system of property rights, 112, 454
Vietnam, 293
Voluntary overcompliance, 23840 Zimbabwe, 433
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