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Remington v. Castaneda

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Remington Industrial Sales Corporation v.

Castaneda, employers home and which services are usually necessary or desirable for the maintenance
G.R. No. 169295, November 20, 2006 and enjoyment thereof, and ministers exclusively to the personal comfort and enjoyment of
the employers family.
1. Erlinda Castaneda ("Erlinda") instituted on March 2, 1998 a complaint for illegal
dismissal, underpayment of wages, etc. The foregoing definition clearly contemplates such househelper or domestic servant who is
2. Erlinda alleged that she started working in August 1983 as company cook with a salary of employed in the employers home to minister exclusively to the personal comfort and
Php 4,000.00 for Remington, a corporation engaged in the trading business; that she enjoyment of the employers family. Such definition covers family drivers, domestic servants,
worked for six (6) days a week, starting as early as 6:00 a.m. because she had to do the laundry women, yayas, gardeners, houseboys and similar househelps.
marketing and would end at around 5:30 p.m., or even later, after most of the employees, xxx xxx xxx
if not all, had left the company premises; that she continuously worked with Remington The criteria is the personal comfort and enjoyment of the family of the employer in the home
until she was unceremoniously prevented from reporting for work when Remington of said employer. While it may be true that the nature of the work of a househelper, domestic
transferred to a new site in Edsa, Caloocan City. She averred that she reported for work at servant or laundrywoman in a home or in a company staffhouse may be similar in nature,
the new site in Caloocan City on January 15, 1998, only to be informed that Remington the difference in their circumstances is that in the former instance they are actually serving
no longer needed her services. the family while in the latter case, whether it is a corporation or a single proprietorship
3. Remington denied that it dismissed Erlinda illegally. It posited that Erlinda was a engaged in business or industry or any other agricultural or similar pursuit, service is being
domestic helper, not a regular employee; rendered in the staffhouses or within the premises of the business of the employer. In such
4. In a Decision4 dated January 19, 1999, the labor arbiter dismissed the complaint and ruled instance, they are employees of the company or employer in the business concerned entitled to
that the respondent was a domestic helper under the personal service of Antonio Tan, the privileges of a regular employee.
finding that her work as a cook was not usually necessary and desirable in the ordinary
course of trade and business of the petitioner corporation, Petitioner contends that it is only when the househelper or domestic servant is assigned to
5. Upon appeal, the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) rendered a certain aspects of the business of the employer that such househelper or domestic servant may
Decision,5 dated November 23, 2000, reversing the labor arbiter, be considered as such an employee. The Court finds no merit in making any such
6. Petitioner moved to reconsider this decision but the NLRC denied the motion. This denial distinction. The mere fact that the househelper or domestic servant is working within the
of its motion prompted petitioner to file a Petition for Certiorari 6 with the Court of premises of the business of the employer and in relation to or in connection with its
Appeals, business, as in its staffhouses for its guest or even for its officers and employees, warrants
7. While the petition was pending with the Court of Appeals, the NLRC rendered another the conclusion that such househelper or domestic servant is and should be considered as
Decision7 in the same case on August 29, 2001. Evidence in support of complainants a regular employee of the employer and NOT as a mere family househelper or domestic
having actually filed a Motion for Reconsideration within the reglementary period having servant as contemplated in Rule XIII, Section 1(b), Book 3 of the Labor Code, as amended.
been sufficiently established, a determination of its merits is thus, in order. On the merits,
the NLRC found respondents motion for reconsideration meritorious leading to the In the case at bar, the petitioner itself admits in its position paper that respondent worked at
issuance of its second decision with the following dispositive portion: the decision dated the company premises and her duty was to cook and prepare its employees lunch and
November 23, 2000, is MODIFIED by increasing the award of retirement pay due the merienda. Clearly, the situs, as well as the nature of respondents work as a cook, who caters
complainant not only to the needs of Mr. Tan and his family but also to that of the petitioners employees,
makes her fall squarely within the definition of a regular employee under the doctrine
enunciated in the Apex Mining case. That she works within company premises, and that
she does not cater exclusively to the personal comfort of Mr. Tan and his family, is
ISSUE: reflective of the existence of the petitioners right of CONTROL over her functions,
WON is Castaneda a regular employee or a domestic servant? which is the PRIMARY indicator of the existence of an employer-employee relationship.
The petition is DENIED for lack of merit. The assailed Decisions of the CA are AFFIRMED 1. THE OTHER ISSUE:
She is a REGULAR EMPLOYEE was there illegal dismissal? NO
Petitioner contends that there was abandonment on respondents part when she refused to
report for work when the corporation transferred to a new location in Caloocan City, claiming
In Apex Mining Company, Inc. v. NLRC, this Court held that a househelper in the staff that her poor eyesight would make long distance travel a problem. Thus, it cannot be held
houses of an industrial company was a regular employee of the said firm. We ratiocinated guilty of illegal dismissal.
On the other hand, the respondent claims that when the petitioner relocated, she was no longer
Under Rule XIII, Section 1(b), Book 3 of the Labor Code, as amended, the terms called for duty and that when she tried to report for work, she was told that her services were
househelper or domestic servant are defined as follows: no longer needed. She contends that the petitioner dismissed her without a just or authorized
The term househelper as used herein is synonymous to the term domestic servant and cause and that she was not given prior notice, hence rendering the dismissal illegal.
shall refer to any person, whether male or female, who renders services in and about the We rule for the respondent.
As a regular employee, respondent enjoys the right to security of tenure under Article 279 of
the Labor Code and may only be dismissed for a just or authorized cause, otherwise the
dismissal becomes illegal and the employee becomes entitled to reinstatement and full
backwages computed from the time compensation was withheld up to the time of actual

Abandonment is the deliberate and unjustified refusal of an employee to resume his

employment. It is a form of neglect of duty; hence, a just cause for termination of
employment by the employer under Article 282 of the Labor Code, which enumerates the just
causes for termination by the employer.
For a valid finding of abandonment, these two factors should be present:
(1) the failure to report for work or absence without valid or justifiable reason; and
(2) a clear intention to sever employer-employee relationship, with the second as the more
determinative factor which is manifested by overt acts from which it may be deduced that the
employee has no more intention to work. The intent to discontinue the employment must be
shown by clear proof that it was deliberate and unjustified. This, the petitioner failed to do in
the case at bar.

Alongside the petitioners contention that it was the respondent who quit her employment and
refused to return to work, greater stock may be taken of the respondents immediate filing of
her complaint with the NLRC. Indeed, an employee who loses no time in protesting her
layoff cannot by any reasoning be said to have abandoned her work, for it is well-settled that
the filing of an employee of a complaint for illegal dismissal with a prayer for reinstatement is
proof enough of her desire to return to work, thus, negating the employers charge of

In termination cases, the burden of proof rests upon the employer to show that the dismissal is
for a just and valid cause; failure to do so would necessarily mean that the dismissal was
illegal. The employers case succeeds or fails on the strength of its evidence and not on the
weakness of the employees defense. If doubt exists between the evidence presented by the
employer and the employee, the scales of justice must be tilted in favor of the latter
2. It is well-settled that the application of technical rules of procedure may be relaxed to
serve the demands of substantial justice, particularly in labor cases. Labor cases must be
decided according to justice and equity and the substantial merits of the
controversy. Rules of procedure are but mere tools designed to facilitate the attainment
of justice. Their strict and rigid application, which would result in technicalities that
tend to frustrate rather than promote substantial justice, must always be avoided.

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