Formsat 5
Formsat 5
Formsat 5
28, 2016
Remote Sensing Satellite Technology Workshop 2016 Nov. 28, 2016
2. THERMAL MODELING and solutions. From the analysis results, all the
temperatures can be controlled within their
The FS-5 thermal models are completed
allowable ranges with sufficient margin.
with the development of TRASYS (Thermal
Radiation Analyzer SYStem) and SINDA/G
(System Improved Numerical Differencing
Analyzer) codes. TRASYS models are
constructed to provide the radiation exchange
factors among all surfaces and transient orbital
heating array from the sun, albedo and earth
emission. The internal radiation conductance
and external heat flux calculated by TRASYS
models are then inserted into SINDA/G, which
takes advantage of a lump parameter approach
for conduction and radiation heat transfers. A
lumped resistance-capacitance (R-C) thermal
network model was solved by finite-difference
method following the energy balance equation.
Figure 1 Example of FS-5 thermal contours.
Based on the cold-bias design approach,
tens of cases are performed to demonstrate
overall thermal compliance. This approach
means that we use passive thermal control first
to lower all the unit temperatures under their
allowable high limit, such as multi-layer
insulation (MLI), radiator, thermal filler,
thermal isolator, surface finish and so on. The
temperature sensor and heater are then used to
raise some unit temperatures if they are below
their allowable low limit. Important thermal
parameters, such as angles, thermo-optical
properties, thermal environments and satellite
attitudes, are taken into account in these cases.
The analyses aim to ensure sufficient
radiator area and available heating power
budget. Examples of predicted temperature
distributions and orbital trending graphs are
depicted in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. The worst case
identification and critical unit thermal design
Figure 2 Example of FS-5 orbital temperature
are accomplished by proper thermal controls
trend at hot case.
Remote Sensing Satellite Technology Workshop 2016 Nov. 28, 2016
Remote Sensing Satellite Technology Workshop 2016 Nov. 28, 2016
Remote Sensing Satellite Technology Workshop 2016 Nov. 28, 2016
PCM performance can be improved with the So far, the benefit of PCM device on thermal
increase of pin-fin volume ratio from 6 to 12%, control is preliminary verified.
and with the decrease of pin-fin dimension
from 33 to 11 mm2.
Figure 10 PCM 3D simulation.
The first topic of this study describes the
4.2.3 PCM prototype validation FS-5 satellite thermal design and analysis,
As shown in Fig. 11, the prototype is which are completed with the development of
designed as container dimension of 150 150 thermal geometrical and mathematical models
18 mm3 and pin-fin dimension of 22 mm2 from preliminary to critical phases. In order to
with 484 pin-fins. N-octadecane is adopted as minimize analysis uncertainties, the post-TVT
the PCM and the filling ratio is controlled to model correlation is conducted to achieve
about 80% volume fraction to account for the effective model tuning. The second topic
material expansion upon melting. The top introduces the thermal improvement on FS-5
surface of prototype is sealed by O-ring and XTx by using PCM device. Moreover, the
M3 bolts. The performance test is conducted developing phase-change techniques in our
with top surface heating, and the data is team are proposed, including the PCM,
recorded by T-type thermocouple and IR composite material, vapor chambers and heat
thermal camera with the comparison of empty pipes. They are hoped to be the advanced
container (i.e., w/o PCM) as shown in Fig. 12. thermal solutions for next space programs.
Remote Sensing Satellite Technology Workshop 2016 Nov. 28, 2016