plexus. The square represents the earth itself, the four dimensions and the four directions. Four
allows for completion, and earth embodies the elements and conditions for human completion on
all levels. Patience and greed are the attributes of this element, survival its desire, collecting and
saving are its activity. Muladhara Chakra is the meeting place of the three main nadis: Ida, Pingala
and Sushumna. The downward-pointing triangle indicates the downward movement of energy and
the three main nadis. The seed mantra is Lam, the yellow square represents the earth element. The
Muladhara chakra governs the vital breath Apana. An inverted triangle in the centre of the square
encloses the unmanifest Kundalini, represented as a snake wrapped in three and a half coils around
the svayambhu (self born) linga. Because her mouth faces downward, the flow of energy is
downward. As soon as one begins working with Muladhara chakra, this dormant energy raises its
head and flows freely into the channel of Sushumna, the central nerve canal that runs along the
spine. In the pericarp is found the presiding deity Brahma, the lord of creation. His skin is the
color of wheat, he wears a yellow dhoti (traditional Indian cloth wrapped to cover the lower body)
and a green scarf. Brahma is four-faced, four-armed, holding in his upper left hand a lotus flower,
the symbol of purity. In his second left hand he holds the sacred scriptures. In one right hand he
has a vase containing nectar, this is amrita the precious fluid of vital potency. The fourth hand is in
Abhaya mudra, the gesture of dispelling fear. The energy, or shakti, of Brahma is called Dakini.
She is in shining pink with four arms holding a skull, a sword, a shield and a trident symbolizing
the forces of the creator, the preserver and the destroyer.
Location: Base of the spine Name: Foundation The chakra's associated animal is Ganesha, the
elephant headed god. Ganesha is the lord of all beginnings and is invoked to bestow protection
over all undertakings. His skin is coral orange. He wears a dhoti of lemon yellow color. A green
silk scarf drapes his shoulders. He has four arms to serve him while he acts as the destroyer of
obstacles. Ganesha is the son of shiva and parvati. He holds a ladu (a fragrant sweet symbolizing
sattva, the most refined state of pure consciousness), a lotus flower, a hatchet. The fourth hand is
raised in the mudra of dispelling fear.