The Dilatation Operator of Conformal N 4 Super Yang-Mills Theory
The Dilatation Operator of Conformal N 4 Super Yang-Mills Theory
The Dilatation Operator of Conformal N 4 Super Yang-Mills Theory
AEI 2003-028
ship to plane wave string excitations is then made by comparing the conformal scaling
dimension of these high-dimension operators to the masses of string excitations [17].
One therefore had to develop techniques to efficiently compute in perturbation theory
the scaling dimensions of operators containing an arbitrary number of fields. This was
done in various papers, on the planar [1721] and non-planar level [2228], extending
earlier work on protected half BPS [2932] and quarter BPS operators [33]. In [34] it was
realized, following important insights by [35,36] (see also [37]) that these well-established
techniques can be considerably simplified and extended, as we will now explain.
The standard way to find the scaling dimensions of a set of conformal fields O ,
employed by all of the just mentioned papers, is to consider the two-point functions
O (x) O (0) = 2 . (1.1)
Here the form of the two-point function is determined by conformal symmetry alone.
Finding the scaling dimension of a conformal field O is more subtle and, in general,
requires an understanding of the dynamics of the theory. In the free field limit (i.e. zero
coupling constant gYM = 0) equals the naive classical (tree level) scaling dimension ob-
tained by standard power counting. For weak coupling gYM , we can compute corrections
to the naive dimension by perturbation theory. In practice, extracting these corrections
from eq.(1.1) is somewhat tedious and fraught with various technical complications. For
one, while the corrections are perfectly finite numbers, the perturbative computation of
two-point functions such as eq.(1.1) leads to spurious infinities, requiring renormaliza-
tion1 . Secondly, the definition of the scaling dimensions tacitly assumes that we have
already found the correct conformal operators O . However, if one starts with a set
of naive operators O with the same engineering (tree-level) dimension one generically
encounters the phenomenon of mixing: The two-point function is not diagonal in , ,
and one rather has a matrix hO (x)O (0)i since a generic field does not have a definite
scaling dimension. It therefore seems that we have to diagonalize the two-point functions,
after renormalization, order by order in perturbation theory.
Here we would like to shift the attention away from the two-point functions eq.(1.1)
and rather focus on the dilatation operator acting on states at the origin of space-time
(in a radial quantization scheme) as was already done, for one-loop, in [37] (on the planar
level) and in [34] (in the BMN limit). Its eigensystem consists of the eigenvalues and
the eigenstates O . One thus has
D O = O . (1.2)
By way of example we will restrict the discussion to fields solely composed of the six
scalar fields n = n T a (n = 1, . . . , 6, a = 1, . . . , N 2 1) of the N = 4 SU(N) gauge
theory, but the extension to a larger class of fields is clearly possible. (Our notation and
conventions are explained in App. A.) The classical dilatation operator D0 then simply
An alternative method consists in extracting the anomalous dimensions from four-point functions.
This is how e.g. the two-loop anomalous dimension of the Konishi field was first found [38,39]. However,
this is not really different, as one can look at these four-point functions, via a double operator product
expansion, as a generator of two-point functions regulated by a different method, namely point-splitting.
counts the total number of scalar fields, as the engineering dimension of scalars is one.
This can be formally written as
D0 = Tr m m , (1.3)
where we introduced the notation for the variation with respect to the field
m = = T a (a) . (1.4)
m m
In an interacting theory the scaling dimensions and therefore also the dilatation generator
depend on the coupling constant. In perturbation theory the dilatation generator can
be expanded in powers of the coupling constant
2 k
D= D2k , (1.5)
16 2
and we shall denote D2k as the k-loop dilatation generator. The full one-loop contribution
D2 was first worked out, in the disguise of an effective vertex, in appendix C of [25]
(but see also [22, 23, 26, 20, 37, 34]): 3
However, it was shown in [34] that one can bypass the consideration of two-point functions
and directly diagonalize D2 in any convenient, linearly independent and complete basis.
In eq.(1.6) the normal ordering notation indicates that the derivatives do not act on the
fields enclosed by : :. To see how D2 acts, let us consider the simplest scalar fields of
the theory, which have classical dimension two. One has the protected chiral primaries
Qnm as well as the Konishi field K
Let us next look at a less trivial example and consider the following set of unprotected
SO(6) invariant operators of classical dimension four, spanning a four-dimensional space
of states:
Tr m n Tr m n
Tr m m Tr n n
O= Tr m n m n .
Tr m m n n
For the convenience of the reader we are optically separating double and single trace
sectors by solid lines. This case was studied in detail in [41], using the standard procedure
(see also [32]) of directly analyzing, employing N = 1 superspace Feynman rules, the set
of two-point functions of the four composite fields, cf. our above discussion surrounding
eq.(1.1). Using eq.(1.6), we find the following action of the one-loop dilatation generator
4 20 20
0 N N
0 24 24 24
D2 = N N N . (1.10)
24 4 8 4
N4 14
4 18
The matrix notation indicates the fields that are generated by the action of D2 from the
ones in eq.(1.9), e.g.
D2 Tr m n Tr m n = 0 Tr m n Tr m n + 4N Tr m m Tr n n
20 Tr m n m n + 20 Tr m m n n . (1.11)
We see that the states in eq.(1.9) are not eigenstates of the dilatation operator: The
latter linearly mixes all operators in the four-dimensional vector space [41]. However,
diagonalizing the dilatation matrix D2 (we will throughout this paper take the freedom
of using the same notation D2k for both the dilatation operator and its matrix represen-
tations) in eq.(1.10) will in one go resolve the mixing problem and yield the anomalous
dimensions: The conformal operators are given, up to normalization, by the eigenvectors
of eq.(1.10) (in the basis eq.(1.9)), and their respective one-loop anomalous dimensions
correspond to the eigenvalues of eq.(1.10). The latter are obtained by finding the roots
of the characteristic polynomial det( 21 D2 ):
4 3 160 2 1760 7680
25 + 188 2 384 2
= 0. (1.12)
N N N2
operator5 .
In this paper we will find the two-loop contribution D4 to the scalar dilatation op-
erator D eq.(1.5), with the restriction to operators in the SO(6) representations [p, q, p]
with tree-level scaling dimension 2p + q. These fields may always be constructed out
of two complex scalars, say Z = 12 (5 + i6 ) and = 12 (1 + i2 ). We will argue
that operators composed by these two fields form a closed set under dilatation. The
idea is then to inspect all Feynman diagrams contributing to the dilatation operator and
write down the possible linear combinations of terms contributing to D4 . We fix some
unknown constants by using gauge invariance, and proven two-loop non-renormalization
theorems [30, 31]. To save us extra work, we finally use a result conjectured in the con-
text of BMN gauge theory in [42] and derived in [18, 43] to determine the remaining
coefficients. All this is done without explicitly working out a single Feynman diagram!
One finds
D0 = Tr Z Z + Tr ,
D2 = 2 :Tr[, Z][, Z]:,
D4 = 2 :Tr [, Z], Z [, Z], Z :
2 :Tr [, Z], [, Z], :
2 :Tr [, Z], T a [, Z], T a :,
where we have also explicitly rewritten the action of D0 and D2 on two complex scalars.
Let us check eq.(1.14) and apply our result to work out the two-loop dimension of the
Konishi field. We cannot directly apply D4 to K in eq.(1.7) as we have not yet worked
out the terms relevant to scalar fields containing SO(6) traces. However, it is well-known
that the following field is a Konishi descendant, with identical anomalous correction to
its classical dimension four:
K = Tr[, Z][, Z]. (1.15)
Applying eq.(1.14) to K we find
2 4
3gYM N 3gYM N2
K = 4 + . (1.16)
4 2 16 4
This agrees with the results of [38, 39].
Recently it was discovered by Minahan and Zarembo that properties of pure scalar
states in the planar, one-loop sector of N = 4 Super Yang-Mills theory can be described
by an integrable SO(6) spin chain [37]: The planar version of the one-loop dilatation
operator maps onto the spin chain Hamiltonian. Interestingly, we are able to derive
from this spin chain picture new results for the gauge theory. The integrability ensures,
via the existence of an R-matrix satisfying the Yang-Baxter equation, the existence of
Incidentally, one easily verifies that our dilatation matrix D2 in eq.(1.10) is, up to an overall constant,
precisely given by the product of the one-loop mixing matrix eq.(5.4) of [41] times the inverse of the
tree-level mixing matrix eq.(5.3) of [41], in agreement with the results of [34], where the relation between
the traditional method and the dilatation operator method was explained in detail. This furnishes a
nice, explicit example illustrating that much of the combinatorial complications of the usual method
cancel out from the physics.
further conserved charges in addition to the Hamiltonian. Here we shall find that the
first non-trivial conserved charge of the spin chain translates into an axial symmetry
of N = 4 Super Yang-Mills theory at N = . The latter transforms between states of
opposite parity with respect to reflection of color traces.
What is more, this symmetry turns out to be conserved by the two loop interactions
as well. This might indicate that N = 4 gauge theory can be used as a source for new
integrable spin chain Hamiltonians with interactions more subtle than just the standard
nearest neighbor ones: At one-loop, we have the standard XXX1/2 Heisenberg spin chain,
which is exactly integrable. Higher loop quantum corrections constitute deformations
2 2k
of the spin chain with a smooth deformation parameter gYM . At O(gYM ) the spin chain
interactions involve k nearest neighbors. When all interactions up to O(gYM ) are included,
the models charges commute only up to terms of higher order. Therefore, in order for
the deformed model to still be exactly integrable, all quantum corrections (any k) have
to be taken into account. Our integrable deformation is thus, for finite gYM , non-local.
In a certain sense locality is recovered as gYM is tuned to zero.
Assuming the symmetry to hold at the three-loop level allows us to fix the planar
version of the three-loop dilatation operator for scalar operators of the type discussed
above. E.g. the resulting dilatation operator implies the following result for the three-
loop planar contribution to K :
2 4
3gYM N 3gYM N 2 21gYM
K = 4 + + . (1.17)
4 2 16 4 256 6
Our paper is organized as follows. We start by recalling the derivation of the one-loop
dilatation generator in Sec. 2 and move on to determine its two-loop version in Sec. 3.
Section 4 is devoted to the application of the resulting dilatation generator to lower
dimensional operators and contains in particular a discussion of certain peculiarities of
the large-N expansion related to degeneracy and mixing of single and multiple trace
states. Next follows in Sec. 5 a treatment of two-impurity operators of arbitrary finite
dimension in the spirit of reference [20], leading in particular to an exact expression
for the planar two-loop anomalous dimension for any such operator. As a corollary we
show in Sec. 6 that the two-loop contribution to the quantum mechanical Hamiltonian
describing BMN gauge theory [34] can be simply expressed in terms of its one-loop
counterpart which suggests an all genera version of the celebrated all-loop BMN square
root formula [17, 18, 43]. In Sec. 7 we discuss the spin chain description of N = 4 Super
Yang-Mills theory [37] and point out certain consequences thereof, cf. the discussion
above. Finally, in Sec. 8 we discuss possible implications for arbitrarily high loop orders.
In particular, we speculate about how fully exploiting the integrability might lead to
exact planar anomalous dimensions. In addition we conjecture the existence of novel
integrable deformations of the standard Heisenberg spin chain. We furthermore call the
attention of the reader to App. D which contains a collection of previously unknown
anomalous dimensions for lower dimensional operators.
2 One-loop revisited
The generator of dilatations on scalar fields at one-loop is given by eq.(1.6). At one-
loop mixing between operators with different kinds of fields is irrelevant. Therefore (1.6)
alone determines the one-loop anomalous dimensions of operators whose leading piece is
purely made out of scalar fields.
In the following we will rederive this result to make the reader familiar with the
methods and transformations in a rather simple context. All these steps will reappear at
two-loops in a more involved fashion. We start by introducing the notation at tree-level.
We sketch the renormalization procedure at one-loop and apply it to obtain the one-loop
dilatation generator.
2.1 Tree-level
We obtain the anomalous dimensions of a set of operators O by formally evaluating
their two-point functions. For that we distinguish between fields at points x and 0 by
the superscript
+m = m (x),
m = m (0). (2.1)
The operators O are constructed as traces of scalar fields
O () = Tr m n m . . . Tr n . . . , O = O ( ), (2.2)
where enumerates the operators. The tree-level two-point function can formally be
written as
O O tree = exp W0 (x, + , ) O+ O =0 ,
where W0 is the tree-level Green function
W0 (x, + , ) = I0x Tr +
m m . (2.4)
The scalar propagator Ixy is defined in (B.1). In order for the result to be non-vanishing
all the scalar fields in O need to be contracted to fields + in O+ with the propagator
I0x . In particular the number of fields of the two operators must be equal.
2.2 Renormalization
For the one-loop correlator we insert the (connected) one-loop Green function W2 into
the tree-level correlator (2.3)
O O oneloop = exp W0 (x, + , ) 1 + g 2W2 (x, + , ) O+ O =0 ,
where g 2 = gYM2
/16 2 . We now change the argument + of W2 to I0x . This can be
done because the result vanishes unless every is contracted with some + before the
fields are set to zero. Here, the only possibility is to contract with a term in W0 which
effectively changes the argument back to + . In doing that we need to make sure that
no new contractions appear between the arguments and of W2 . Formally, this is
achieved by normal ordering : :. The correlator becomes
O O oneloop = exp W0 (x, + , ) 1 + g 2V2 (x) O+ O =0 ,
O = 1 12 g 2 V2 (x0 ) O,
and find
O O oneloop = exp W0 (x, + , ) 1 + g 2V2 (x) g 2 V2 (x0 ) O+ O =0 .
D2 = lim V2 . (2.12)
in agreement with conformal field theory. D2 is the one-loop correction to the dilatation
generator. Furthermore, the coefficient of the correlator is given by its tree-level value as
D2 multiplies the logarithm only. Although we are interested in correlators of renormal-
ized operators as on the left-hand side of (2.13), we can work with bare operators as on
the right hand side of (2.13). We will not distinguish between the two types of operators
O and O. It will be understood that an operator in a correlator is renormalized.
a b c d1 d2 d3 e
Figure 1: One-loop Green functions. The diagrams display the combinatorial structure with
respect to the gauge group rather than their space-time configuration. The solid, wiggly, dashed
lines represent scalars, gluons, fermions, respectively. The dotted lines correspond to a local
interaction of four scalars/gluons.
Tr[+ + + + + +
m , n ][m , n ] = Tr[m , n ][m , n ] Tr[m , m ][n , n ]. (2.15)
The remaining functions X and H have the following expansion in , see (B.3),
X00xx 2 2 (1 )
= + 2 + O( ) 1 ,
I0x 2 x2
H0x,0x (1 )
= 48(3) + O(2 ) 1 . (2.19)
I0x 2 x2
When inserted in (2.12) this proves our initial statement about the one-loop dilatation
3 Two-loop
In this chapter we will derive the central technical result of the paper: We will find the
two-loop correction to the dilatation generator, as announced in eq.(1.14). Written in
SO(6) notation, it is given by
This result is valid for pure scalar operators. Here pure means those composite operators,
made from the six fundamental scalar fields of the model, that do not mix with other,
non-scalar types of fields (or fields containing covariant derivatives). These pure scalars
are given by the SO(6) representations [p, q, p] with 0 = 2p + q. We start with a group-
theoretical argument why the dilatation generator closes on this class of operators. We
proceed by extending the renormalization scheme to two-loops. Then we investigate the
allowed structures in D4 by considering the relevant Feynman diagrams. Finally we fix
the coefficients of the structures to obtain (3.1).
These operators need not be superconformal primaries. If they are, they belong to the
protected C series of unitary irreducible representations (UIR) of SU(2, 2|4). In that
a b c d e f g
Figure 2: Sample two-loop Green functions.
case they are quarter BPS operators (for b 6= 0) or half BPS (for b = 0). Otherwise
they belong the A series unprotected scalar UIR (a 2, b 2, 0) [b 2, a b, b 2]
with 0 = a + b 2. This UIR is at both unitarity bounds and splits into four UIRs at
gYM = 0. The operators under consideration are primary operators of the highest-lying
We will now prove the above two statements concerning absence of mixing. The
SO(6) weights of the six scalars are (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), the weights of the
eight space-time pairs of fermions are ( 21 , 12 , 21 ) and derivatives as well as field
strengths have trivial weight (0, 0, 0). We see that the sum of labels a + b + c for all of
these is bounded from above by the corresponding scaling dimension of the field. For
a composite operator the labels of the constituents simply are summed and therefore
a + b + c is bounded from above by the scaling dimension 0 . If this bound is to be
achieved, all constituent fields must be on the bound as well. This is true only for
the three scalars with the weights (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1) and a pair of fermions with
weight ( 12 , 21 , 12 ). This proves the first statement. Furthermore if c = 0 for the composite
operator the third scalar and the fermions are excluded as constituents. This proves the
second statement.
As advertised, an operator with a + b = 0 , c = 0 is constructed from two scalars
only. These scalars are charged with respect to different U(1) subgroups of SO(6). We
Z = 12 (5 + i6 ), = 12 (1 + i2 ). (3.3)
We identify a, b with the number of Z, fields and assume a b. It may be shown
that any combination of the fields Z, is traceless with respect to the original SO(6)
symmetry. Written in terms of Z, the dilatation generator (1.3), (1.6), (3.1) is
D0 = Tr Z Z + Tr ,
D2 = 2 :Tr[, Z][, Z]:,
D4 = 2 :Tr [, Z], Z [, Z], Z :
2 :Tr [, Z], [, Z], :
2 :Tr [, Z], T a [, Z], T a :.
For the derivation of the two-loop result, however, we keep the SO(6) symmetry manifest
and consider the correlator of two pure scalar SO(6)-traceless operators.
aa ab ac
ba bb bc d1 d2 d3
ca cb cc
Figure 3: Two-loop Green functions with three pairs of legs.
is given by
:Tr m [n , [m , [p , [n , p ]]]]:. (3.5)
For diagrams with two pairs of legs we need to distribute m , n , m , n and two T a on
the six slots. We start by distributing the T a . If both T a are in the first two or the last
two slots, the structure vanishes by antisymmetry. If we place a T a in the first or the
last slot, we can interchange it with the second or second-but-last. There are identities
when the two T a are next to each other (corresponding to Fig. 2c)
The combination Tr T a T a / Tr 1 depends only on the gauge group, for U(N) it equals N.
With these we can remove two commutators along with the T a and get two independent
Tr m [n , [T a , [T a , [m , n ]]]] N Tr[m , n ][m , n ], (3.9)
:Tr m [m , [T a , [T a , [n , n ]]]]: N:Tr[m , m ][n , n ]:. (3.10)
By use of gauge invariance, see (2.18), we can write (3.10) as a one pair of legs diagram.
The remaining structures have the two T a two steps apart (corresponding to Fig. 2e,f).
We write them as
:Tr T a [X1 , [X2 , [X3 , [X4 , T a ]]]]:. (3.11)
Using Jacobi identities on the nested commutators it is easy to see that we can inter-
change any of the Xi at the cost of terms like (3.8). The only remaining independent
structure can thus be chosen as
By use of the identities (3.7) and (3.8) a diagram with one pair of legs (Fig. 2g) can
always be written as
Tr m [T a , [T a , [T b, [T b , m ]]]] N 2 Tr m m N Tr m Tr m . (3.13)
3.4 Determining the coefficients
All in all there are four independent structures (3.5), (3.9), (3.12) and (3.13). The
dilatation generator D4 at two-loops must be a linear combination of these. By using
known results we determine this linear combination.
We start by applying the structures to the half BPS operator Tr Z J . This operator
is protected, it does not receive corrections to its scaling dimension. Consequently D4
must annihilate it. Indeed the structures (3.5) and (3.9) do so. The structure (3.13)
gives JN 2 Tr Z J while (3.12) gives
N Tr Z p Tr Z Jp + Tr Z 2 Tr Z p1 Tr Z J1p ,
2J (3.14)
(up to terms involving Tr Z). Thus in order for D4 to annihilate Tr Z J the coefficients of
(3.13) and (3.12) must vanish. This vanishing was explicitly confirmed in references [30,
31]. Our two independent structures correspond directly to those appearing there.
We are now left with
D4 = :Tr m [n , [m , [p , [n , p ]]]]: + Tr m [n , [T a , [T a , [m , n ]]]]. (3.15)
For the BMN-operators, see Sec. 6, (3.15) produces the two-loop planar anomalous di-
(2 + )gYM 4
N 2 n2 gYM N 2 n4
+ . (3.16)
16 2 J 2 8J 4
By the pp-wave/BMN correspondence [17] we would expect the first term to vanish in
order for the BMN limit (6.1) to be well-defined. The second term should equal
gYM N 2 n4
14 2 n4 = . (3.17)
4J 4
This is also the result of an explicit calculation [18] and an investigation using supercon-
formal symmetry [43]. We find
= 2, = 1. (3.18)
This concludes our derivation of the two-loop dilatation generator (3.1).
dim SO(6) BPS + dim SO(6) BPS +
2 [0,2,0] 1 - - 8 [0,8,0] 7 - -
3 [0,3,0] 1 - - [1,6,1] 4 - -
4 [0,4,0] 2 - - [2,4,2] 8 8 -
[2,0,2] 1 1 - [3,2,3] 3 4 3
5 [0,5,0] 2 - - [4,0,4] 4 7 -
[1,3,1] 1 - - 9 [0,9,0] 8 - -
[2,1,2] 1 1 - [1,7,1] 7 - -
6 [0,6,0] 4 - - [2,5,2] 11 11 -
[1,4,1] 1 - - [3,3,3] 9 11 5
[2,2,2] 3 3 - [4,1,4] 5 11 2
[3,0,3] - - 1 10 [0,10,0] 12 - -
7 [0,7,0] 4 - - [1,8,1] 10 - -
[1,5,1] 3 - - [2,6,2] 19 19 -
[2,3,2] 4 4 - [3,4,3] 13 18 9
[3,1,3] 2 2 1 [4,2,4] 15 33 5
[5,0,5] 1 4 8
Table 1: BPS and unprotected operators up to dimension 10. The unprotected operators of
representation 0 , [p, q, p] belong to the SU(2, 2|4) UIR [p2, q, p2] of bare dimension 0 2.
They are separated into two groups, + and according to their parity, cf. Sec. 7.
the following sections and in App. D. It is known that operators in the representations
[1, p, 1] are always 1/4 BPS. For the operators considered in Tab. 1 it appears that exactly
half of those belonging to representations of the type [2, p, 2] are 1/4 BPS, see also Sec. 5.
In the following two sub-sections we shall discuss some further insights gained from
our analysis.
K = Oa,0 = Tr m m ,
Ob,0 = Tr m m n ,
Oc,0 = Tr m m [n , p ], (4.2)
with (0 = 2, [0, 0, 0]), (0 = 3, [0, 1, 0]) and (0 = 4, [1, 0, 1]). For the operators (4.1)
the dilatation generator yields
2 4
3gYM N 3gYM N2
K = a = 4 + ,
4 2 16 4
g2 N 3g 4 N 2
b = 5 + YM 2 YM 4 ,
2 32
3g N 9g 4 N 2
c = 6 + YM2 YM 4 , (4.3)
4 64
and these values do not receive any non-planar corrections at the present loop order.
Note that the anomalous dimension of the Konishi descendant K agrees with previous
results [45,38,46] and that K and b are in agreement with the general formula (5.17),
corresponding respectively to the cases (J, n) = (2, 1) and (J, n) = (3, 1). The operator
Oc is the first in an infinite sequence of operators with identical quantum anomalous
dimensions, to be discussed in Sec. 8.4.
The operators in the first example are descendants of the operators with (0 = 4,
[0, 2, 0]) studied in [47]. The three unprotected operators can be chosen as
the commutators conveniently projecting out the three protected ones. In the basis given
by (4.4) the one- and two-loop dilatation generator take the form
+12 2 + N6
D2 = N 8 +8 N4 , (4.5)
16 16
+ N N +12
52 N242 +4 + N242 52
D4 = N 2 +48 + N162 16 N162 + 48
. (4.6)
144 80 64
N +N 48 N 2
Similarly, for 0 = 7 a convenient basis of unprotected operators consists of the set
of operators given by
Tr[, Z][, Z]Z 3
Tr[, Z]Z[, Z]Z 2
O= Tr Z 2 Tr[, Z][, Z]Z ,
Tr Z 3 Tr[, Z][, Z]
and in this basis the one- and two-loop dilatation matrices read
0 + N6
+12 0
4 +4 + 4 6
D2 = N N N , (4.8)
+ 8 8 +8 0
+ 24
0 +12
48 N362 12 + N362 48
0 N
+20 + 42 N42 16 + 20
D4 = N 2
N N N . (4.9)
54 16 8 24
N +N 24 + N 2 N2
192 72 24 72
N +N + N2 48 N 2
Notice that the dilatation matrices (4.5), (4.6), (4.8) and (4.9) are exact to the given
loop order. Not surprisingly, these matrices have a form compatible with the existence
of a t Hooft expansion, trace splitting and trace joining processes being suppressed by
a power of N1 compared to trace conserving ones.
At the classical level all the operators in respectively (4.4) and (4.7) have conformal
dimension respectively 6 and 7. Including quantum effects at one-loop and two-loop
order the proper scaling operators consist of some operators which are mainly single trace
and some which are mainly multiple trace. The corresponding quantum corrections to
the conformal dimensions are the roots of the characteristic polynomial of the matrix
g 2 D2 + g 4 D4 . It is easy to show that this characteristic polynomial has a well-defined t
Hooft expansion with the dependence of gYM and N organizing into the t Hooft coupling
= gYM N and the genus counting parameter N12 . Furthermore, its topological expansion
terminates at a finite genus. However, the roots of the characteristic polynomial need
not have a terminating genus expansion7 or even a well defined t Hooft expansion. Let
us illustrate this by considering in more detail the operators (4.4), (4.7).
For 0 = 6 the relevant characteristic polynomial is of cubic order
3 2 10 10
8 + 20 2 15 2 (4.10)
gYM N 26 2 54 100
+ 29 + 2 141 2 + 150 2 ,
16 2 N N N
with the ci,j some constants and c0,0 6= 0, implying that the roots will have a well-defined
t Hooft expansion which however involves a non-terminating sum over genera. To three
leading orders in the genus expansion the conformal dimension of the two mainly single
trace operators read
gYM N 5 5 5 2 5 75 34 5
single = 6 + + (4.13)
2 8 2N 2 N4
gYM N2 17 5 5 131 57 5 1675 751 5
+ + ,
4 128 64N 2 16N 4
The one-loop contributions to these conformal dimensions agree with those obtained
in reference [47] and the planar versions of single are in accordance with the general
formula (5.17) for J = 4 and n = 1 and n = 2 respectively. Furthermore the planar part
of the quantum correction to double is identical to that of the operator K in (4.1) as it
should be.
This was also noticed in [33, 47, 41].
In the case 0 = 7 the situation is more involved. Here the relevant characteristic
polynomial is of degree four. The discriminant of the associated cubic polynomial does
also not here take the form of a perfect square but can be expressed as
X (g 2N)i
D= ci,j , (4.14)
N 2j
where the ci,j are again some constants. However, this time c0,0 = c1,0 = 0. This implies
that not all the wished for conformal dimensions have well defined t Hooft expansions.
(Of course they still exist as the exact roots of the characteristic polynomial.) Two of the
conformal dimensions, associated with respectively a mostly single trace and a mostly
double trace operator, do have well defined t Hooft expansions and for these we find for
the first few orders
2 4
gYM N 1 11 253 gYM 3 103 5541
single = 7 + + + + ,
2 4 16N 2 64N 4 4 128 1024N 2 8192N 4
2 4
gYM N 1 1 17 gYM 3 7 129
double = 7 + + + + . (4.15)
2 2 2N 2 2N 4 4 32 32N 2 32N 4
Here we notice that the planar contribution to single is in accordance with the general
formula (5.17) for (J, n) = (5, 1) and that the planar quantum correction to double as
expected is the same as that of the operator Ob in equation (4.1). We then remove the
roots associated to these scaling dimensions and obtain from the quartic polynomial a
quadratic one. This quadratic polynomial has the roots
g2 N
remaining = 7 + YM2 M D , (4.16)
3 3 291 gYM N 45 537 27483
M= + + ,
4 32N 2 128N 4 2 256 2048N 2 16384N 4
2 4
27 531 gYM N 3123 29295 9gYM
D= + + + .
32N 2 1024N 4 2 4096N 2 32768N 4 65536 4
The absence of a well-defined t Hooft expansion for the conformal dimension of certain
operators is a degeneracy effect and the appearance of odd powers of N1 is a particular
manifestation of this. From the form of the one-loop dilatation matrix (4.8) it follows that
at the planar level a single trace state and a double trace state are degenerate. Treating
the N1 effects as a perturbation thus calls for the use of degenerate perturbation theory
which exactly gives rise to the N1 corrections in equation (4.18), lifting the degeneracy
present at the one-loop level. The degeneracy is also lifted if instead the two-loop effects
are treated perturbatively and it is this simultaneous lift of degeneracy by two non-
commuting perturbations which is the origin of the problems with the t Hooft expansion.
Note that these problems also renders problematic the perturbative evaluation of higher
point functions in conjunction with the N1 expansion. This question is however beyond
the scope of this paper.
with ki=0 Ji = J. Both series of operators are symmetric under the interchange of sizes
Jk of traces Tr Z Jk , O is symmetric under p J0 p and Q is symmetric under J0 J1 .
The quantum dilatation generator (3.4) can be seen to act as
2 4 O 0 O
(g D2 + g D4 ) = , (5.3)
Q 0 Q
i.e. operators of type Q are never produced. This follows from the fact that all produced
objects will contain a commutator [, Z] in some trace and this trace will vanish unless
it contains another . It immediately shows that for every Q there is one protected
(quarter BPS) operator. Its leading part is given by Q itself, plus a N1 correction from
the operators O [33, 44, 25, 26]. On the other hand the operators O are in general
not protected and we will investigate their spectrum of anomalous dimensions in the
following. From the form of the dilatation matrix we infer that operators of type O do
not receive corrections from operators of type Q; the latter therefore completely decouple
as far as the consideration of the Os is concerned.
Here we shall prove a further simplification occurring when D4 acts on (5.1), namely
This relation explicitly shows that D2 and D4 do not commute due to the extra piece D4 ,
involving an interaction of both impurities that was not present at the one-loop level.
Eq. (5.6) is shown as follows: When applying D2 to an operator Op of the type (5.1)
there are two possible ways of contracting the in D2 with a in Op . Each of these
possibilities gives the same contribution to D2 Op 9 . The operator D2 Op is again a sum
of operators of the type (5.1). Therefore, when evaluating D2 (D2 Op ) we get the same
contribution from the two possible contractions of the in the leftmost D2 with a in
(D2 Op ). We can thus determine D2 (D2 Op ) by contracting in the leftmost D2 with
This fact can be confirmed by direct computation. It can also be proven by use of the parity
operation defined in Sec. 7. Let us tag one of the impurities, , D2 will only contract to this impurity.
Whatever the outcome of D2 Tr Z p Z Jp will be, it is again of the type (5.1) and thus has positive
parity. Therefore D2 Tr Z p Z Jp = P D2 Tr Z p Z Jp = D2 P Tr Z p Z Jp = D2 Tr Z Jp Z p =
D2 Tr Z p Tr Z Jp .
the in the already applied D2 and multiplying the result by two. Next, the Z of the
leftmost D2 must be contracted with one of the Zs of (D2 Op ). This can either be a
Z of the original Op or the Z appearing in the already applied D2 . These two types
of contractions are, up to an overall factor, described respectively by the vertices (5.4)
and (5.5).
It is easy to write down the exact expression for D2 Op . Let us define
where D2;0 is trace conserving and D2;+ and D2; respectively increases and decreases
the trace number by one. Then we find
J0 ;J1 ,...,Jk J0 ;J1 ,...,Jk
D2;0 Op = 4 p6=J0 Op+1 (p6=J0 + p6=0 ) OpJ0 ;J1 ,...,Jk (5.9)
J0 ;J1 ,...,Jk
+ p6=0 Op1 ,
J J ;J1 ,...,Jk+1 J J ;J ,...,Jk+1
D2;+ OpJ0 ;J1 ,...,Jk = 4 0
OpJ k+1
0 k+1 1
Op1J k+1
Jk+1 =1
J0 p1
X J Jk+1 ;J1 ,...,Jk+1
4 0
Op+1 OpJ0 Jk+1 ;J1 ,...,Jk+1 ,
Jk+1 =1
+Ji ;J1 ,..., +Ji ;J1 ,...,
D2; OpJ0 ;J1 ,...,Jk = 4 Ji OJJi0+p Ji ,...,Jk
OJJi0+p1 Ji ,...,Jk
J0 +Ji ;J1 ,...,
OpJ0 +Ji ;J1 ,...,
Ji ,...,Jk Ji ,...,Jk
4 Ji Op+1 .
where D4;+ stands for the genus one trace number conserving part. For D4;0 we get
(for J0 > 0)
J0 ;J1 ,...,Jk J0 ;J1 ,...,Jk J0 ;J1 ,...,Jk
D4;0 Op = 4(p,0 + p,J0 p,1 p,J01 ) O1 O0 . (5.11)
5.2 The planar limit
In the basis of symmetric two-impurity single trace states of the type (5.1) with k = 0
the planar one-loop dilatation matrix takes the form (for J 1)
+1 1
1 +2 1
.. .. ..
. . .
D2;0 =4 . (5.12)
.. .. ..
. . .
1 +2 1
1 +1
Notice the special form of the boundary contributions which follows from the presence
of the -functions in equation (5.9). As exploited in reference [20] the matrix (5.12) has
the following exact eigenvectors
1 X n(2p + 1)
OnJ = cos OpJ . (5.13)
J + 1 p=0 J +1
We emphasize that equation (5.13) thus gives for any value of J our one-loop planar
eigenoperators. Note that OnJ = On
= OJ+1n . Thus the set of independent modes
can be chosen as given by the mode numbers 0 n [J/2]. The inverse transform is
X n(2p + 1)
OpJ = J
On=0 +2 cos OnJ . (5.14)
J +1
The corresponding exact planar one-loop anomalous dimension was found in [20]. Moving
on to the two-loop analysis we infer from (5.7) and (5.10) that the matrix D4,0 can be
expressed as the square of the one-loop matrix (5.12) plus contact-term contributions
from (5.11)
1 +1
+1 1
D4;0 = 14 (D2;0 )2 + 4 .. . (5.15)
1 +1
+1 1
We now face the problem that the states (5.13) are no longer eigenstates of D4;0 , since
D2;0 and D4;0 do not commute. We find
256 2 n n X 2 m m
D4;0 OnJ = sin cos sin cos OJ . (5.16)
J +1 J +1 J + 1 m=1 J +1 J +1 m
However, we can treat D4;0 as a perturbation and thus find that the two-loop part of the
planar anomalous dimension is the diagonal piece of D4;0 proportional to OnJ . Exploiting
the relation (5.7), for the operators whose one-loop form is given by (5.13) we obtain the
following planar anomalous dimension exact to two loops
2 n
g 2
N n g 4
N 2
n 1 cos J+1
Jn = J + 2 + YM2 sin2 YM4 sin4 + . (5.17)
J +1 J +1 4 J +1
This formula comprises the results K , b in (4.3) as well as the planar piece in single
in (4.13), (4.14) and (4.17). In (8.10) we present a conjecture for the planar three-loop
contribution to Jn . Furthermore, using standard perturbation theory we can also find
the (planar) perturbative correction to the eigenstates (5.13): They involve the coupling
constant dependent redefinition
gYM N 1 X sin2 n
cos J+1 sin2 m
cos J+1
OnJ OnJ m6=n J
Om . (5.18)
2 J + 1 m=1 sin2 n
sin2 J+1
This gYM -dependent remixing is a complicating feature that we can expect at each further
quantum loop order; remarkably, it is absent in the small J limit (i.e. for J = 2 (Konishi)
and J = 3) and in the large J (BMN) limit as discussed in the next section.
x [0, r0 ], r0 , ri [0, 1] and r0 = 1 (r1 + . . . + rk ), (6.3)
and where it is understood that |x; r1 , . . . , rk i = |x; r(1) , . . . , r(k) i with Sk an arbi-
trary permutation of k elements.
g D2 = 2 d 2 , (6.4)
we can write d2 = d2;0 + g2 d2;+ + g2 d2; and imposing the BMN limit (6.1) we get a
continuum version of the equations (5.9)
d2;0 |x; r1 , . . . , rk i = x2 |x; r1 , . . . , rk i, (6.5)
Z x
d2;+ |x; r1 , . . . , rk i = drk+1 x |x rk+1 ; r1 , . . . , rk+1 i
Z r0 x
drk+1 x |x; r1 , . . . , rk+1i,
d2; |x; r1 , . . . , rk i = ri x |x + ri ; r1 , . . . ,
ri , . . . , rk i
ri x |x; r1 , . . . ,
ri, . . . , rk i.
Now, the scene is set for determining the spectrum of the full one-loop Hamiltonian order
by order in g2 by standard quantum mechanical perturbation theory and in reference [34]
we carried out this program for single trace operators to three leading orders in g2 . Note
the great simplicity of the expressions eq.(6.8) (no contact terms etc.), emerging directly
from the study of the dilatation operator. Rather than comparing specific consequences
of the above equations, and turning around the suggestion in [35, 48, 49], we feel that it
would be important to derive the above Hamiltonian in the string field formulation of
plane wave strings [5056] or the (interpolating) string bit formulation of [5759].
Notice that as opposed to in reference [34] we use symmetrized operators and therefore the cosine
transform appears.
6.2 Two loops
Proceeding to two loops we define
g D4 = d4 , (6.9)
4 2
and we see from equation (5.7) that the only new element in the analysis is the deter-
mination of the BMN limit of the operator D4 . Now, it follows from the equations in
App. E, that acting with D4 on a state of the type (5.1) produces at the discrete level
only states in the combination O1 O0 . Expressing this quantity in terms of the exact
eigenstates at g2 = 0, (5.13), it is easily seen that in the BMN limit we have11
O1J0 ;J1,...,Jk O0J0 ;J1 ,...,Jk . (6.10)
Using this result a straightforward scaling analysis of the relations in App. E shows that
the operator D4 becomes irrelevant in the BMN limit. Thus, in this limit we have
d4 = 14 (d2 )2 , (6.11)
and at any given order in the genus expansion, the eigenstates of the one-loop Hamil-
tonian are also eigenstates of the two-loop Hamiltonian12 . For the BMN limit of D J
one gets up to and including two loops
D J 2 + d2 (d2 )2 . (6.12)
4 2 4 4 2
with 0 the tree-level conformal dimension, what we learned above can be expressed as
2 (g2 ) = 41 1 (g2 ) , g2 . (6.14)
6.3 Degeneracies
From equation (6.8) it follows that at the planar, one-loop level we have a degeneracy
between states |n; r1 , . . . , rk i and |n ; r1 , . . . , rk i for which rn0 = rn . Focusing on the
simplest case a single trace state |ni is degenerate with double trace states of the type
|m; ri for which n = 1r , with triple trace states |k; r1 , r2 i for which n = 1rk1 r2 and so
Notice that O1 O0 is down by a factor of J1 compared to Op Op1 for general p. In the continuum
language this is reflected by the fact that x |x; r1 , . . . , rk i|x=0 = 0 which follows from the relation (6.7).
This proves that the O( ) contribution to the three-point function of symmetric-traceless operators
O(ij),n in [25] is indeed correct. For the singlet or antisymmetric operators this remains an open question.
on [26]. Notice that degeneracy is excluded for the special case |ni = |1i. Determining the
energy shift of the state |ni with n > 1 to genus one by treating the term g2 (d2,+ + d2, )
as a perturbation thus in principle requires the use of degenerate perturbation theory.
It can be shown that at order g2 matrix elements between single trace states and double
trace states vanish [25,26]. In contrast, matrix elements between states |ni and |k; r1, r2 i
for n = 1rk1 r2 are finite [34] at order g22 . So far these degeneracy effects have not been
rigorously taken into account due to the technical obstacles caused by the fact that a
single trace state is degenerate with a continuum of triple trace states13 . Bearing in
mind the implications of the finite-J degeneracies, cf. Sec. 4.3, it is most desirable to
stringently carry through analysis in the large-J case as well.
of [17, 18] and the result of [43]. However, our possible formula would apply to arbitrary
genus. If it was correct, one would be able to perform all-loop computations not only for
two-impurity BMN operators, but also for more than two impurities. There, we do not
find a reason why D2l should be proportional to (D2 )l and an individual genus expansion
would be required each loop level.
The formula (6.19), if true, would also have implications for N = 4 SYM beyond
the BMN limit. It successfully predicts the dilatation generator at two-loops completely:
D4 consists of three parts which can be labelled as (1, 1), (2, 1) and (1, 2), the numbers
representing the number of interacting background and impurity fields Z, . The parts
with one impurity are predicted directly, the part (1, 2) is related to (2, 1) by symmetry.
At the three-loop level all terms except the terms with two impurities and two background
fields, (2, 2), can be predicted. As this represents a three-loop interaction between four
fields, the corresponding Feynman-diagrams do not have bulk loops. The complexity of
such diagrams is comparatively low and a direct computation of coefficients may still be
dimension. As a systematic degeneracy almost inevitably indicates a symmetry there
seems to be a symmetry enhancement in the planar limit of N = 4 SYM.
We start by discussing the most simple example of such a planar parity pair and
afterwards we explain the degeneracy at the one-loop level by means of an integrable
spin chain [37].
2 Tr Z 4 3 + 2 Tr Z 2 Z 2 2 + 2 Tr Z 2 ZZ 3 Tr Z 3 {, Z}
O+ = . (7.4)
Tr Z Tr Z 2 [, Z] Tr Z 2 Tr Z[, Z]2
10 N8 30 N402 40
2 N
D2 = N 20 , D4 = N , (7.6)
8 140
24 N642
corresponding to the scaling dimensions (the one loop part of which has been found
in [33])
2 4 2 948
3+ 2
g N g N 52
+ = 7 + YM 2 9 1 + 160 N2
YM 4 27 + 2 q N . (7.7)
16 256 N 1 + 160 N2
Intriguingly we find that the scaling dimension of the two single-trace operators, O and
O+,1 approach each other for N at one-loop as well as at two-loop order. We hence
find a pair of operators with opposite parity which have degenerate scaling dimensions.
This is actually not an exception, it is rather the rule. Among the operators in the
representations [3, 0 6, 3] with 6 0 10 we find 8 pairs of operators and only 3
unpaired ones, cf. Tab. 2, Sec. 5 and App. D. And they are not the only examples, we
find them in the representations (0 = 9, [4, 1, 4]), (0 = 10, [4, 2, 4]), (0 = 6, [0, 2, 0])
and (0 = 6, [1, 0, 1]). In fact, every representation that admits both parities seems to
have such pairs of operators.
This phenomenon is a signal of an enhanced symmetry in the planar limit of the
SU(N) series16 . It cannot be supersymmetry (this time) for a simple reason: Supersym-
metry is independent of the choice of gauge group whereas at finite N the operators O+
The groups SO(N ), Sp(N ), although admitting a planar limit, do not show this behavior: One of
the parity partners is always absent.
dim SO(6) SU(2) + dim SO(6) SU(2) +
4 [2,0,2] 1 1 - 10 [2,6,2] 7 4 -
5 [2,1,2] 2 1 - [3,4,3] 5 3 4
6 [2,2,2] 3 2 - [4,2,4] 3 8 2
[3,0,3] 1 - 1 [5,0,5] 1 - 4
7 [2,3,2] 4 2 - 11 [2,7,2] 8 4 -
[3,1,3] 2 1 1 [3,5,3] 6 5 5
8 [2,4,2] 5 3 - [4,3,4] 4 10 5
[3,2,3] 3 1 2 [5,1,5] 2 6 6
[4,0,4] 1 3 - 12 [2,8,2] 9 5 -
9 [2,5,2] 6 3 - [3,6,3] 7 6 7
[3,3,3] 4 3 3 [4,4,4] 5 17 7
[4,1,4] 2 3 1 [5,2,5] 3 9 14
[6,0,6] 1 12 2
Table 2: Single-trace pure scalar operators of dimension 0 12. The operators are distin-
guished by their representation and parity. The protected operators of representation [0, 0 , 0]
were omitted. The operators correspond to states of a SU(2) spin chain of length L = 0 .
mix and have modified anomalous dimensions. Furthermore, for gauge groups other than
SU(N) the pairs cannot even exist. Therefore the operators O+,1 and O cannot be part
of the same supermultiplet. As the multiplets of this symmetry seem to be either singlets
or doublets the symmetry is most likely abelian. In the next subsection we proceed by
proving the degeneracy at the one-loop level.
We will restrict ourselves to the one-loop level, where we can allow all six scalar fields;
mixing with other fields is a higher-order effect. The degeneracy at the two-loop level
will be investigated in the next section.
We represent a single-trace operator by a cyclic SO(6)-vector spin chain of length
L = 0 with zero (angular) momentum as suggested by Minahan and Zarembo [37].
The one-loop dilatation operator is then given by
D2 = N D2,k(k+1) , (7.9)
where D2,k(k+1) is a local interaction linking sites k and k + 1 (the sites are periodically
D2 = 2 2 +
D2 D2
U2 =
D2 D2
Here, Ik(k+1) is the identity, Pk(k+1) exchanges sites k, k + 1 and Kk(k+1) is a SO(6) trace
over sites k, k + 1. Graphically this may be represented as in Fig. 4.
We introduce a generator
U2 = U2,k(k+1)(k+2) , U2,k(k+1)(k+2) = [D2,(k+1)(k+2) , D2,k(k+1) ]. (7.11)
so the generator U2 is indeed responsible for the degeneracy of their scaling dimensions.
The same is true for all the other pairs of operators we observed. The unpaired operators,
for example (4.1), are annihilated by U2 . As an aside we note thatthe eigenoperators
are 160 O+,1 2i O 17 . The corresponding eigenvalues of U2 are 4i 15 in this case.
Thus we have proven the existence of an additional abelian symmetry in the planar
sector at the one-loop level. The symmetry generated by U2 , however, cannot be compact:
The eigenvalues of U2 are not integer multiples of a common number. Nevertheless,
one is led to believe that there exists a SO(2) symmetry (not generated by U2 ) which
has uncharged singlets and charged doublets. Together with the parity operation P
it would form the group O(2). In this scenario, when N1 corrections are included, the
group O(2) breaks to the parity Z2 . It would be very desirable to understand this
This could also be inferred by demanding that the eigenoperators be orthonormal and related by P .
degeneracy/symmetry better, in terms of N = 4 SYM as well as in terms of the AdS/CFT
correspondence. Another peculiarity of the planar sector is a recently found degeneracy in
four-point functions [60]. There it was observed that for N a four-point function at
one-loop could be described by a single function, although by superconformal symmetry,
two functions would be allowed. Four-point functions are related to three-point functions
and anomalous dimensions by means of the operator product expansion. Therefore these
issues might be related in some way. It would also be of interest to study whether the
degeneracy can be observed as a symmetry of planar n-point functions.
8 Integrability at higher loops
In the previous section we have found planar parity pairs and justified their existence
using integrability at the one-loop level. At the two-loop level integrability has not been
established yet. An obstacle in doing so is that two-loop interactions are interactions
of next-to-nearest neighbors, whereas an integrable spin chain usually involves nearest
neighbor interactions only. Although some next-to-nearest neighbor interactions are
included in the tower of higher charges, these cannot be related to the two-loop dilatation
generator, because D2 and D4 do not commute while the spin chain charges do. In order
to construct an integrable spin chain with non-nearest neighbor interactions we cannot
make direct use of the R-matrix formalism and the Yang-Baxter equation. However, we
may use our discovery of degenerate pairs in the previous section as the starting point.
Integrability at one-loop gives rise to a conserved charge U2 . The charge anticommutes
with parity {P, U2 } = 0 and thus pairs up operators. By promoting D2 and U2 to their
full counterparts D and U we may generalize the integrable spin chain to higher loops
or non-nearest neighbor interactions. The observed degeneracy at the two-loop level is
a clear indication that a conserved U exists up to two-loops.
By going to the two-loop level we again restrict ourselves to the operators described
in Sec. 3.1. Effectively this means we consider a XXX1/2 (SU(2) spin 21 ) spin chain
which does not have the trace term. We can now represent all interactions by means of
permutations of adjacent sites. A generic term will be written as
{n1 , n2 , . . .} = Pk+n1,k+n1 +1 Pk+n2 ,k+n2+1 . . . (8.1)
In this notation the one-loop dilatation generator (we will drop factors of N in this
section) and the charge U2 are given by
D2 = 2 {} {0} , U2 = 4 {1, 0} {0, 1} . (8.2)
We start by showing that the degeneracy of parity pairs holds at two-loop. From the
assumption that planar N = 4 SYM is integrable at three-loops we derive the cor-
responding dilatation generator. Then we investigate the constraints on the four-loop
dilatation operator and conclude with an analysis of a tower of special three-impurity
8.1 Two-loops
At the two-loop level we have found that the dilatation generator D receives the correc-
D4 = 2 4{} + 6{0} ({0, 1} + {1, 0}) , (8.3)
and we expect that also U receives some correction U4 . For the degeneracy to hold at
the two-loop level we have to find a U4 such that
We find that this is satisfied by
U4 = 8 {2, 1, 0} {0, 1, 2} . (8.5)
This proves the degeneracy of anomalous dimensions at two-loops. In performing the
commutator we were required to make use of the impossibility of three antisymmetric
spins in SU(2). This indicates that for spin chains with next-to-nearest neighbor in-
teractions, integrability requires that for each site there can only be two states, i.e. a
SU(2) spin chain. This, however, does not exclude that integrability extends to all six
scalars of SYM. When the other scalars are included, we have to consider fermions and
derivative insertions as well. This might be, roughly speaking, a SU(2, 2|4) spin chain.
The interactions involving all relevant fields might then be integrable. At least for the
superpartners of the operators under consideration this must indeed be the case due to
In addition we have found the extension of the third charge Q3 to two-loops, see
App. F. This suggests that also the higher charges will generalize to at least two-loops.
If this is indeed so it justifies our claim that planar N = 4 SYM at two-loops is integrable.
It is thus natural to conjecture that integrability holds at all-loops. This would mean
there exist infinitely many commuting charges Qk with loop expansion
2 l
Qk = 2
Qk,2l , (8.6)
where Q1 = D and Q2 = U. Considering the structure of the first few known terms
we assume that Qk,2l is composed of up to k + l 1 permutations involving up to k + l
adjacent sites. For k odd the interactions are symmetric and parity-conserving, and for
k even they are antisymmetric and parity-inverting. Note that in the latter case this
implies a vanishing constant piece.
8.2 Three-loops
In this subsection we investigate the constraints on the planar dilatation generator at
three-loops due to integrability. This requirement together with the correct behavior in
the BMN limit, (6.15), fixes D6 completely. This is not supposed to imply that the D6
we derive is the correct planar dilatation generator of N = 4 SYM. It may well be that
the degeneracy of pairs is broken at three-loops.
As building blocks for the three-loop interaction we allow symmetric (with respect to
the order of permutations {n1 , . . . , nk } 7 {nk , . . . , n1 } to ensure a real spectrum) and
parity-conserving (positive symmetry under {n1 , n2 , . . .} 7 {n1 , n2 , . . .}) structures.
These should act on only four adjacent sites and have no more than three permutations.
This follows from the general structure of a connected three-loop vertex. We find exactly
six structures that satisfy these constraints. Using the planar BMN limit (6.15) we can fix
the coefficients of four of these structures. The requirement of pairing for three-impurity
operators at dimension 7 and 8, see Sec. 7.1 and (D.13) fixes the remaining two. We find
D6 = 4 15{} 26{0} + 6 ({0, 1} + {1, 0}) + {0, 2} ({0, 1, 2} + {2, 1, 0}) . (8.7)
The associated correction to U can be found in much the same way analyzing all possible
antisymmetric, parity-inverting structures and requiring that D and U commute. This
fixes U6 up to a contribution proportional to the fourth charge at one-loop Q4,2 . Acting
on the Konishi descendant Tr[, Z][, Z] we find the three-loop planar contribution to
its scaling dimension
2 4
3gYM N 3gYM N 2 21gYM
K = 4 + + , (8.8)
4 2 16 4 256 6
subject to the assumption made at the beginning of this subsection. It is also worth
noting the contribution to a general two-impurity operator. Up to a piece proportional
to (D2 )3 we find some contribution in the upper-left 3 3 block (and equivalently in the
lower-right 3 3 block)
+9 10 +1
10 +10
D6 = 18 (D2 )3 + 4 +1
1 ,
and it produces the correct result for all values of J, n, even for the Konishi (8.8) at
J = 2, n = 1.
Using the planar three-loop dilatation generator it might be possible derive the non-
planar version by analyzing all possible diagrams and fitting their coefficients to non-
renormalization theorems and the planar version in analogy to Sec. 3.
8.3 Four-loops
Having convinced ourselves of the usefulness of the constraints from the pairing and the
BMN limit we cheerfully proceed to four-loops, just to find that all coefficients but one
are fixed. Unfortunately, the left-over coefficient does influence most four-loop anomalous
dimensions, in particular the one of the Konishi descendant K 18 . The consideration of
higher charges might fix this remaining parameter. Nevertheless, we will see below that
we are able to find special operators for which the four-loop scaling dimensions turn out
to be independent of the so far undetermined parameter.
It is not even clear how to treat K , because the interaction is longer than the spin chain in this
At four-loops we find in total twelve independent structures. Five coefficients can be
fixed using the planar BMN limit (6.15). Further five coefficients are fixed by demanding
degeneracy of pairs. An expression for D8 involving the remaining two coefficients ,
can be found in App. F. Evaluating some eigenvalues of D up to four-loops one observes
that they do not depend on the parameter . This behavior is however expected. At
four loops we have the freedom to rotate the space of operators with the orthogonal
transformation generated by the antisymmetric generator [D2 , D4 ]. This gives rise to the
following similarity transformation
g 8 D2 , [D2 , D4 ] ,
O= (1)k Tr Z k Z 0 3k , (8.13)
which is an exact planar eigenoperator of D2 with eigenvalue 12N. The lowest dimen-
sional example at 0 = 6 was discussed in Sec. 4.2. It is annihilated by the extra
symmetry generator U2 , i.e. it is unpaired. Note, that for all of these operators two of
the impurities are always next to each other.
The operators O are not exact planar eigenoperators of D4 . Nevertheless, we can
project D4 O to the piece proportional to O and find 36N 2 as the coefficient. Conse-
quently we have found a sequence of operator with planar dimensions
2 4
3gYM N 9gYM N2
= 0 + . (8.14)
4 2 64 4
Interestingly, the anomalous dimension does not depend on the bare dimension 0 . In
that sense, this operator behaves much like the highest mode in the series of two impurity
operators discussed in Sec. 5. Assuming the highest mode number were n = (J + 1)/2
19 2
, the anomalous dimension (5.17) would equal gYM N/ 2 gYM
N 2 /4 4 , which is also
The corresponding operator does not exist. The highest mode number is [J/2], for which, however,
the anomalous dimension does not differ considerably.
independent of 0 . Furthermore, the frequency of the phase factor in (5.13) would also
be extremal as in (8.13).
For a few of the lower dimensional operators we can also evaluate the anomalous
dimensions up to four-loops (subject to the assumptions in deriving the corresponding
vertices). Here, the yet undetermined coefficient does not contribute. Intriguingly we
3g 2 N 9g 4 N 2 66gYM6
N 3 645gYM 8
= 0 + YM2 YM 2 + , (8.15)
4 64 1024 6 16384 8
for 0 = 10, 12, 14. For 0 = 8 the four-loop contribution differs
2 4
3gYM N 9gYM N 2 66gYM
N 3 648gYM
=8+ + , (8.16)
4 2 64 2 1024 6 16384 8
while for 0 = 6 also the three-loop contribution is modified
2 4
3gYM N 9gYM N 2 63gYM
N 3 621gYM
=6+ + . (8.17)
4 2 64 2 1024 6 16384 8
So the following picture emerges: The k-loop anomalous dimensions for the operators of
dimensions 0 = 2 + 2k + n, n 0 seem to be equal.
number of situations of interest, obtaining with ease a host of novel specific results for
anomalous dimensions and for the resolution of mixing of scalar operators. This yields
important new information on the generic structure of N = 4: E.g. the degeneracy of
certain single and double-trace operators leads to unexpected N1 terms in the associated
anomalous dimensions, and to the breakdown of a well-defined double expansion in the
t Hooft coupling = gYM 2
N and the genus counting parameter N12 . One surely very
interesting issue we did not yet address is the interpretation of these effects in the light
of the AdS/CFT correspondence.
Our new results on N = 4 SYM already lead to new insights into the plane wave
strings/BMN correspondence. We were able to extend our quantum mechanical de-
scription of BMN gauge theory [34], deriving from the two-loop dilatation operator the
two-loop contribution to the quantum Hamiltonian. This contribution strongly hinted at
an all genera version of the celebrated all loop BMN square root formula, cf. eqn. (6.16).
Whether this generalization withstands closer scrutiny remains to be seen, of course.
It would also be very helpful to develop techniques similar to the ones presented
here for the efficient evaluation of correlation functions of more than two local fields.
It is e.g. well known that conformal invariance completely fixes the space-time form of
three-point functions (xij = xi xj )
O (x1 )O (x2 )O (x3 ) = +
. (9.1)
|x12 | |x23 | + |x31 | +
Therefore the quantities of interest are the finite structure constants C alone. These
constants appear in the operator product expansion and apart from the scaling dimen-
sions they are the other central quantity in a conformal field theory of local operators20 .
However, in order to really obtain this form one has to use the correct eigenstates of
the dilatation operator. Furthermore, standard perturbative computations are contam-
inated by useless finite and divergent contributions from the perturbative expansion of
the weights . One therefore wonders whether one may generalize our methodology
and develop purely algebraic techniques for directly finding the structure constants. Of
equal interest are four-point functions, which also seem to possess many unexpected,
simplifying features waiting to be explored (see e.g. [25, 60]).
By exploiting the recently discovered description of the planar limit of the one-loop
dilatation operator as the Hamiltonian of an integrable spin chain [37] we pointed out the
existence of a new axial symmetry of N = 4 Super Yang-Mills theory at N = , linking
fields of opposite parity (w.r.t. reversing the order of fields inside SU(N) traces). We were
able to prove the symmetry as a direct consequence of the presence of non-trivial charges
commuting with the Hamiltonian. We furthermore derived this to follow immediately
from the existence of an R-matrix satisfying the Yang-Baxter equation, i.e. from the
integrability discovered in [37]. An exciting open question is the interpretation of this
symmetry (and of the integrability in general) from the point of view of the planar gauge
theory, or possibly from the point of view of its dual string description. This is even more
A number of structure constants for two and three impurity BMN operators [23, 63, 25, 26, 64] have
been obtained so far. In terms of the BMN correspondence it would be important to understand their
dual on the string theory side [65].
pressing as we found much evidence that this integrable structure extends to two loops
(we did prove that at least two further charges commute with the two loop dilatation
operator) and it is obviously tempting to conjecture that it holds to all loops. One could
therefore hope that a proper understanding of the integrability might lead to the exact
construction of the all-order planar dilatation generator, see also the discussion below.
It would be important to extend the methods of this work to fix the remaining terms
in the dilatation operator eq.(1.5) pertaining to further classes of operators such as scalars
with SO(6) traces, fermions, field strengths or covariant derivatives. The latter would
be interesting in order to study the high spin limit of [66], see also [67]. Here we expect
the superconformal symmetry of the model to be helpful. It would also be fascinating
to investigate whether the reformulation of the planar theory as an integrable spin chain
can be extended to include the other fields.
It is striking that, once the dilatation operator is found, the calculations of anoma-
lous dimension matrices become purely algebraic. However, in order to fully justify its
derivation we did need to take a look at two-point functions (cf. Sec. 2,3). It is natural
to wonder whether there are further shortcuts that leads to the determination of the
terms in the perturbative expansion of the dilatation operator eq.(1.5). For the N = 4
model this is not an unreasonable expectation: First of all, the theory is scale-invariant
on the quantum level and therefore possesses a finite dilatation operator. Thus one could
expect that the renormalization procedure of Sec. 2,3 is only a scaffold that one might
be able to avoid. Secondly, the theorys action is unique, and entirely determined by
the maximal superconformal symmetry SU(2, 2|4). Is there a way to use the symmetry
algebra, possibly paired with some further insights into the N = 4 model, to completely
fix the structure of the dilatation operator (1.5)?
We would certainly like to push our procedure to higher loops. This is not a pointless
exercise. E.g. little seems to be known about the analytic structure of the exact anoma-
lous dimension of low dimensional fields such as Konishi. All we currently have is the
two-loop result eq.(1.16), the planar three-loop conjecture eq.(1.17) and the conjectured
(from AdS/CFT) strong coupling behavior (gYM N)1/4 . Knowing further terms in
the perturbative expansion might give essential clues about the convergence structure of
the series (is the radius of convergence zero or finite?) and might allow us to estimate
the strong coupling result by Pade approximants. Incidentally, the Konishi field eq.(1.7)
is particularly interesting as it cannot mix with any other fields and is therefore known
to be an exact eigenstate of the dilatation operator to all orders in perturbation theory.
We have taken first steps towards constraining the complete dilatation operator,
building directly on the consequences of the spin chain picture: Assuming the above
mentioned axial symmetry to hold also beyond two loops we were able to derive a planar
version of the three-loop dilatation operator which in turn allowed us to obtain further
results on anomalous dimensions. A preliminary study of the possible planar four-loop
structures showed that the information which completely fixed the three-loop case leaves
one coefficient of the planar four-loop dilatation operator undetermined. A speculation
of, potentially, tremendous importance would be that imposing the full integrability
structure completely fixes, at each loop order, the exact planar dilatation operator.
We would like to thank Natan Andrei, Gleb Arutyunov, David Berenstein, Volodya
Kazakov, Thomas Klose, Stefano Kovacs, Ari Pankiewicz, Jan Plefka and Thomas Quella
for interesting discussions. M.S. thanks the Rutgers Physics department for hospitality
while working on parts of this manuscript. N.B. dankt der Studienstiftung des deutschen
Volkes fur die Unterstutzung durch ein Promotionsforderungsstipendium.
A Conventions
We use the following N = 4 supersymmetric action in components
Z 42
1 d x
S= Tr 1
F F + 12 D m D m 41 g 2 2 [m , n ][m , n ]
2 (2)2
+ 12 T D 2i g T m [m , ] ,
D X = X ig [A , X],
F = A A ig [A , A ]. (A.1)
This normalization turns out convenient when evaluating space-time integrals and when
operators with fermions and derivative insertions are considered.
The fields carry a color structure, m = T a m . We will consider the gauge group
U(N) whose generators T a we have normalized such that
Tr T a T b = ab , (T a ) (T a ) = . (A.3)
Tr T a A Tr T a B = Tr AB, Tr T a AT a B = Tr A Tr B. (A.4)
In this work we make extensive use of variations with respect to a field m , which we
will denote by
m = = T a (a) . (A.5)
m m
It is therefore understood when the variation hits a field, both the variation symbol and
the field are replaced by a color generator T a . Note that the variation symbols m act
only to the right. In a normal ordered word of fields and variations, : . . . :, it is
understood that the variations do not contract to any of the fields within the normal
B Scalar space-time integrals
We have normalized the scalar propagator to
(1 )
Ixy = , (B.1)
(x y)21
it is a rather convenient normalization when derivatives are taken (e.g. for fermions).
The following integrals are required at one-loop
Z 42
2 d z
Y x1 x2 x3 = 2
Ix1 z Ix2 z Ix3 z ,
Z 42
2 d z
Xx 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 = 2
Ix1 z Ix2 z Ix3 z Ix4 z , (B.2)
2 Z 42
z1 d42 z2
1 2 d
Hx1 x2 ,x3x4 = 2 + Ix1 z1 Ix2 z1 Iz1 z2 Iz2 x3 Iz2 x4 .
x1 x3 (2)42
When evaluated in two-point functions they yield [68]
Y00x 1
= ,
I0x (1 2)
X00xx 2(1 3)
= , (B.3)
I0x (1 2)2
H0x,0x 2(1 3)( 1)
= ,
I0x 2 (1 2)
(1 ) (1 ) (1 + )2 (1 3)
= 1 , = = 1 + 6(3)3 + O(4 ). (B.4)
2 x2 (1 2)2 (1 + 2)
to rewrite (C.2) in a convenient form for the conformal structure of the correlator:
O O = exp(W0 ) exp V (x) O+ O =0 ,
g 2l V2l (x) 1 8
V (x) = 48
g V2 (x), [V2 (x), V4 (x)] + . . . . (C.4)
The terms V2l are defined by the equality of (C.2) and (C.3)
P 2l 1
exp V (x) = :exp l=1 g W 2l (x, I0x , ) :, (C.5)
which will have to be solved perturbatively. All the terms that arise due to normal
ordering of the exponential and the commutator terms in (C.4) need to be absorbed into
the definition of higher order vertices. For example, the two-loop effective vertex is
, ): 12 V2 (x)V2 (x) :V2 (x)V2 (x): .
V4 (x) = :W4 (x, I0x (C.6)
The commutator terms in (C.4) were included for convenience, we will explain this issue
below. The symmetry of W2l is translated into the effective equality
O = exp 12 Z(x0 ) O,
g 2l V2l (x0 ) 1 6
Z(x0 ) = 12
g V2 (x0 ), V4 (x0 ) + . . . (C.11)
This gives
O O = exp(W0 ) exp V (x) exp 21 Z + (x0 ) O+ exp 21 Z (x0 ) O =0 .
We can commute objects with a + and a index freely and use the transpose operation
(C.8) to make Z + act on instead. We get
O O = exp(W0 ) exp 12 Z T (x0 ) exp V (x) exp 12 Z (x0 ) O+ O =0 . (C.13)
The vertices V2l (x0 ) in Z(x0 ) are symmetric, (C.9), only the commutator in (C.11) re-
quires special care, because V2 and V4 need to be transformed consecutively. This effec-
tively inverts their order and flips the sign of the commutator:
g 2l V2l (x0 ) + 1 6
Z (x0 ) = 12
g V2 (x0 ), V4 (x0 ) + . . . (C.14)
In a renormalizable field theory the dependence of V2l on x is determined, we write
(1 )
V2l (x) = l V2l , = 1 . (C.15)
2 x2
We combine the last three exponentials in (C.13) into one with exponent
( l 0l )g 2l V2l 1 8
0 )4 V2 , [V2 , V4 ] + . . .
g ( (C.16)
The l-loop Green function W2l is expected to have multiple poles at = 0. In a conformal
field theory, however, these poles must have cancelled in the combination V2l as given by
(C.4), (C.5). If so, we can finally send the regulator to zero and find
D2l = l lim V2l . (C.18)
Note that the commutator term in (C.16) vanishes due to four powers of from ( 0 )4
opposed to only three powers of 1/ from the V2l . For this cancellation to happen the
commutator terms in (C.4) and (C.11) are necessary21 .
Some comments about the renormalization program are in order. The effective ver-
tices V2l are connected diagrams. They are generated from the Green functions W2l by
removing the normal ordering of an exponential (C.5) and adding commutators (C.4).
One can easily convince oneself that these operations produce connected diagrams. The
same is then true also for the dilatation generator D. Secondly, the program ensures
that the coefficient of the two-point function is given by free-contractions of the unrenor-
malized operators. Thirdly, the effective vertices V2l are symmetric with respect to the
scalar product induced by free contractions, see (C.7). The same holds for the dilatation
generator which consequently has real eigenvalues22 .
D.1.1 Dimension 5, [0, 1, 0]
We find one single trace operator with dimension
5gYM N
=5+ 2
, (D.0)
three single-trace and three double-trace operators with dimensions
=5+ , (D.1)
4 2
where is a root of the sixth-order equation
6 5 50 4 565 3 2440 400
17 + 110 2 335 2 + 475 + 4 2
N N N2 N
4850 1600 3750 4000
250 2
+ 4
= 0. (D.2)
N N N2 N4
Two of these operators, a single-trace and a double-trace one, are degenerate in the
planar limit. The degeneracy is lifted by N1 corrections and the t Hooft expansion of
their scaling dimension is subject to the issues discussed in Sec. 4.3.
D.3.3 Dimension 10, [3, 4, 3], planar
We find one operator with dimension (see Sec. 8.4)
2 4
3gYM N 9gYM N2
= 10 + , (D.17)
4 2 64 4
and three pairs of operators with dimensions
= 10 + , (D.18)
16 2
where is a root of the cubic equation
and six operators with dimensions
= 10 + , (D.25)
4 2
where is a root of the sixth order equation
E The operator D4
Here we list the exact contributions to the generator D4 acting on OpJ0 ;J1 ,...,Jk , cf. equa-
tions (5.7) and (5.10). We see that in strong contrast to (D2 )2 , the operator D4 only
creates states in the combination O1 O0 ; we write in short
J0 ;J1 ,...,Jk
O10 = O1J0 ;J1 ,...,Jk O0J0 ;J1 ,...,Jk . (E.1)
The operators with J0 = 0 are always annihilated, we assume J0 > 1. The planar part
J0 ;J1 ,...,Jk
D4;0 OpJ0 ;J1 ,...,Jk = 4(p,0 + p,J0 p,1 p,J0 1 ) O10 . (E.2)
The operator can split off one trace
p;J1 ,...,Jk ,J0 p J0 p;J1 ,...,Jk ,p
D4;+ OpJ0 ;J1 ,...,Jk = 4p6=0,p6=J0 O10
+ O10
J0 p+1;J1 ,...,Jk ,p1
8p>1 O10
p+1;J1 ,...,Jk ,J0 p1
8p<J0 1 O10
0 1
J Jk+1 ;J1 ,...,Jk+1
+ 4(p,0 + p,J0 ) O10 , (E.3)
Jk+1 =1
or two traces
J0 p1
J pJk+1 ;J1 ,...,Jk+1 ,p
D4;++ OpJ0 ;J1,...,Jk = 4p6=0 0
Jk+1 =1
pJ ;J1 ,...,Jk+1 ,J0 p
+ 4p6=J0 O10 k+1
Jk+1 =1
J0 p2
p+1;J1 ,...,Jk+1 ,J0 pJk+1 1
4 O10
Jk+1 =1
J p+1;J1 ,...,Jk+1 ,pJk+11
4 O10 , (E.4)
Jk+1 =1
or it can let two traces interact without changing the number of traces
J0 +Ji p;J1 ,...,
X Ji ,...,Jk ,p
D4;+ OpJ0 ;J1,...,Jk = 4p6=0 Ji O10
Ji +p;J1 ,...,
X Ji ,...,Jk ,J0 p
+ 4p6=J0 Ji O10
p+1;J1 ,...,
X Ji ,...,Jk ,J0 +Ji p1
4 Ji O10
J0 p+1;J1 ,...,
X Ji ,...,Jk ,Ji +p1
4 Ji O10 . (E.6)
{. . . , n, n 1, n, . . .} = {. . . , . . .} {. . . , n, . . .} {. . . , n 1, . . .}
+ {. . . , n, n 1, . . .} + {. . . , n 1, n, . . .}, (F.2)
due the impossibility of antisymmetrizing three sites in SU(2). The following expression
for the higher charges are unique up lower charges multiplied by powers of the coupling
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