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Project Report on Industrial Automation

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the

degree of

Bachelor of Engineering
In Electronics and Communication Engineering



Submitted To: Submitted By:

Mr. Ajay Pal Harsha S.
(Associate Professor) Gec-132411
Session:- 2017-18 Duration of
Declaration of Originality and Compliance of Academics

I/We hereby declare that this Report will contain literature survey and
original work by undersigned candidate/candidates, as part of their
bachelor studies.

All Information for the project will be obtained and presented in

accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct.

I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I will be fully
cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this

I am thankful to the Institute AUTOMATION &CONTROL SYSTEMS for

providing necessary facility to carry out my training successfully. Id also like to
thank Er. Saurav Kumar, for enduring support and guidance throughout the training
I am very grateful to the whole control and automation department for their support
and guidance. Also, I am highly obliged to the head of our training and placement
cell who provided me such a great opportunity to do my summer training in a
reputed institute like.


It gives me an immense pleasure to submit this report as a part of practical

training of 6 weeks .Practical training is the most important part of the
engineering studies.
During the course of the training a trainee learns to correlate both the
practical problem to the possible theoretical knowledge or solution .This
training record is prepared on the basis of my own experience gained during
my practical training. On the basis of information collected and guidance
provide I had prepared a comprehensive training report. This report contain
the history,
Introduction, quality policy and description op PLC, SCADA,ROBOT.



Automation is the use of control system such as computers to control

industrial machinery & process, reducing need for human intervention. In
the scope of industrialization,

Automation is a step beyond mechanization, where as mechanization

provided human operators with machinery assist them with physical
requirement of work, automation greatly reduces the need for human
sensory and mental requirements as well. Process and system can also be

Automation is a delegation of human control function to technical equipment for

increasing productivity, to better quality, to reduce cost & increase in safety
working condition, to reduce manpower.

Example of automation

Automatic machine tools to process parts.

Industrial robots

Automatic material handling

Feedback control system


Automatic Material Handling


Industrial Robots
feedback control systems


Fixed automaton

Programmable automation

Flexible automation

Fixed automation

Fixed automation refers to the use of custom-engineered (special purpose)

equipment to automated a fixed sequence of processing or assembly
operations. This is also called hard automation.

The primary drawbacks are the large initial investment in requirement and
the relative flexibility.

Programmable automation

In programmable automation, the equipment is designed to

accommodated a specific class of product changes and the processing or
assembly operation can be changed by modifying the control program.

Flexible automationIn flexible automation, the equipment is designed to

manufacture a variety of products or parts and very little time is spend on
changing from one product to another . A flexible manufacture various
combination of products according to any specified schedule.



Field Intelligent Monitoring

instrument controller & controller

Field instrument

This type of instrument mainly used to get the feedback any type of
process carried our so they mainly plant used

Sensors, Transducer, Transmitter

Proximity Sensor.

Intelligent controller

This device are basically micro control based or micro controller device mainly
intelligent controller are:
Programmable logic controller (PLC)
PID Controller
Distributed controller system (DCS)
Computer Numerical controller (CNC


Monitoring and controller

This type of device to control whole plant just in a setting in control room,
so mainly control device are

Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA)

Human Machine interface (HMI)
600 Series touch

ROBOTS:- is a mechanical device which performs automated physical

tasks, either according to direct human supervision, a pre-defined program,
or a set of general guidelines using artificial intelligence techniques.

Robotics: It is the branch of technology dealing with design, constraints,

operation, application and computer science for control of thin, sensory feedback
and information processing.

Need of Robot:-

Robots are typically used to do the tasks that are too dirty, dangerous, difficult,
repetitive or dull for humans. This usually takes the form of industrial robots used
in manufacturing lines.


1st industrial robot is ULTIMATE. In 19541st programmable robot was designed

by George Denol who coined it unimation.
An industrial robot is comprised of a robot manipulator, power supply, and
controllers and flex pendant.

Manipulators: Robot manipulators are created from a sequence of link and joint
combinations. The links are the rigid members connecting the joints, or axes. The
joints are the movable components of the robotic manipulator that cause relative
motion between adjoining links. The mechanical joints used to construct the
robotic arm manipulator consist of five principal types. Two of the joints are linear,
in which the relative motion between adjacent links is non-rotational, and three are
rotary types, in which the relative motion involves rotation between links.

Arm-and-body section of robotic manipulators is based on one of four

Gantry - These robots have linear joints and are mounted overhead. They are also
called Cartesian and rectilinear robots.
Cylindrical - Named for the shape of its work envelope, cylindrical anatomy
robots are fashioned from linear joints that connect to a rotary base joint.
Polar - The base joint of a polar robot allows for twisting and the joints are a
combination of rotary and linear types. The work space created by this
configuration is spherical.
Jointed-Arm - This is the most popular industrial robotic configuration. The arm
connects with a twisting joint, and the links within it are connected with rotary
joints. It is also called an articulated robot.
CONTROLLER:-Its a combo of hardware and software to program and control a
single or multiple robots. The main function of controller is to control movement
of manipulator and mode selection ex. Switches, lamp, communication ports,
drives /relay contraction and indicatory sensor.
Tools connecting RS 485 ,USB,RS 232 can be interfaced using communication
FLEX PENDANT: It is used to drive robot and acts as a interface between robot
and human.
It consist of:
Joystick: It controls motion of robot joints.
Display: Display the new position parameter.

Usually Robots are made up of Servo motors with feedback network .Speed and
torque can be operated differently as it works on variable angular rotation.Torque
will change input power at constant speed.

Operating modes of Robots:

Manual ,Semi auto and Auto

Jogging of robots:
Joint by joint: we can move each &every point and exit anywhere.
Linear: when we working with one coordinate axis others are constant, eg. We can
use one point at a time.

Laws of robots:
First law: It may not injure human or through inactions allow human being come to
Second law: It must obey orders given to it by humans expect orders which
contradicts with first law.
Third law: It must protect its own existence.

Robot base:-
Fixed base: Manipulators are fixed. They cant fix their base away from work
being done.
Movable base: Its platform is wheel or track attached or legs employed.

Industrial robot: Programmable multifunctional robots with many degree of

freedoms, manipulation is powered by electricity.

A PLC is a solid device designed to perform the function previously

accomplished by components such as electromechanical relay, drums switch,
mechanical timers /counter etc. for the control and operation of manufacturing
process equipment and machinery. Even thought the electromechanical relay
(control relay, pneumatic timer relay, etc ) have served well for many
generations, often under adverse conditions, the

ever increasing sophistication and complexity of modern processing

equipment requires faster acting, more reliable functions that
electromechanical relays or timing devices cant offer.

What is relay?

A relay is an electromechanical switch, operated by passing current

through a coil wire wound around a steel core, which act as an
electromagnet pulling the switch contact down or break a circuit


PLC not only capable of performing the same tasks as hard-wired control, but are
also capable of many more flexible application. In addition, the PLC program and
electronic communication lines replace much of the interconnecting wires require
hardwire control. Therefore, hard wiring, thought still required to connect field
device, is less intensive. This also makes correcting errors and modified the
application easier.

Some of the additional advantages of PLCs are as follow:

Smaller physical size than hard-wire solutions

Easier and faster and to make changes.
PLCs have integrated diagnostics and override functions
Diagnostics are centrally available
Application can be immediately documented
Application can be duplicated faster and less expansively
Speed in operation
Online/ offline modifications

P h o t o g r a p h s h o wi n g s e v e r a l i n p u t a n d o u t p u t mo d u l e s
o f a s i n g l e Al l e n - Bradley

The Central processing Unit (CPU), contains and internal program that tells the
PLCs how to perform the following functions:

Execute the control instructions contained in the users

Programs. This program is store in nonvolatile memory,
Meaning that the program will not be lost if power is removed.
Communicate with other device, which can include I/O
Device, programming device, networks and even other PLCs

The cpu:

The microprocessor or processor module is the brain of PLC system. It consists of

the microprocessors, memory integrate circuits, and circuits necessary to store and
retrieve information from memory. It also includes communication ports to the
other peripherals, other PLCs or programming terminals.


RAM or Random Access Memory is a volatile memory that would lose its
information if power were removed. This is why some processors units
incorporate a battery back-up. CMOS RAM is used for storage of the users
program (ladder logic diagrams) and storage memory.


ROM or Read only memory is a non volatile memory. This means you dont need
external power source to keep information. In this type of memory, information
can be read, but not changed


EEPROM or Electrically Erasable programmable Read Only Memory is usually an

add-on memory module that is used to back of the main program in COSMOS
RAM of the processors.


There are many types of input module to choose form. Some example input are
limit switches, electric eyes, and pushbuttons. DC input, such as thumbwheels
switches, can be used to enter integer values to the manipulated by the PLC, DC
input cards are used for this application.
Allen-Bradley is the brand-name of a line of Factory Automation Equipment

Software: RS logic 500 and RS logix 5000

Hardware: control logix and micro logix.

The RSLogix family of IEC-1131-compliant ladder logic programming

packages helps you maximize performance, save project development time,
and improve productivity


Programmable controllers can only understand a single that that is on or off

(present or not present).the binary system is a system in which there are only two
numbers, 1 and 0.

Binary 1 indicates that a signal is present, or the switch is on.

Binary 0 indicates that a signal is present, or the switch is off.

language used for programming of PLCs.

Ladder Diagram ( LD)

Ladder diagram is a graphic programming language derived from the circuit

diagram of directly wired relay control. The ladder diagram contains contact rails
to the left the right of the diagram,


In the function block diagram, the function and blocks are represented graphically
interconnected into networks. The function block diagram originates from the logic
diagram for the design of electric circuits.

Ladder Logic, Ladder programs is the most common programming language used
to program a PLC.

Ladder Logic was one of the first programming approaches used in PLCs because
it borrowed heavily from the relay diagram that plant electricians already knew.

If input is on (or true)- power (logic) completes the circuits from the left rail-
and output turns ON(or true)
If output is off (or false)- then the circuit is not complete and logic does not
follow to the right- and output 1 is OFF


With just the normally open contact and normal open coil a surprising array
of basic logical conditions can be represented.

Normally open contact

This can be used to represent any input to the control logic- a switch or
sensor, a contact from an output, or an internal output.
When solved the reference input is examined for an ON (Logic1)
condition. if it is ON, contact will closed and allow power (logic) to flow
from left to right. If the state is off (logic 0).then contact is open, power
(logic) will NOT from left to right.

Normally open coil

This can be used to represent any discrete output from the control logic

When solve if the logic to left of the coil is TRUE, the referenced OUT is
ON (logic1)

SCADA is not a specific technology, but a type of application

SCADA stands for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition any application
can gets data about a system in order to control the system is a SCADA application
it is a purely software package that is positioned on top of hardware to which it is
interfaced , in general via Programmable logic controller (PLCs), or other
commercial hardware modules.

SCADA it is refers to an industrial control system a computer system monitoring

and controlling process. The process can be industrial, infrastructure or facility
describe below

Industrial process: it is includes those of manufacturing, production, power

generation, fabrication, and refining and process may be in continuous, batch,
repetitive or discrete or modules.

Infrastructure process: it may be public or private and water treatment and

distribution, wastewater collection, and treatment, oil and gas pipelines ,
electric power transmission and distribution, and large communication systems.
Facility Process: it is occur both in public facilities and private ones, including
building, airports, ship and space station. The monitor and control HVAC, access
and energy consumption

A SCADA system usually consists of following subsystem

A Human Machine interface (HMI) is the apparatus which present process

data to human operator, and through this, the human operator monitor and
control the process.
A supervisory (computer) system, gathering (acquiring) data on the process
and sending commands.
Remote terminal unit (RTU) connection to sensors in the process and
converting sensors signals to digital data and sending digital data to the
supervisory system.
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) used as field devices because they
are more economical, versatile, flexible configurable than special purpose -
Communication infrastructure connection the supervisory system to the
Remote Terminal Unit.

Systems Concepts

The terms SCADA usually refer to a central system that monitors and controls a
complete site. The bulk of the site control is actually performed automatically by a
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) or by a programmable Logic controller (PLC). Host
control functions are almost always restricted to basic site over- ride or supervisory
level capability.

EX: A PLC may control the flow of cooling water through part of an industrial
process, but the SCADA system may allow operators to change the set points for
the flow, and enable alarm condition, such as loss of flow and high temperature, to
be displayed and recorded. The feedback control loop passes through the RTU or
PLC while the SCADA system monitors the overall performs of the loop.

It is logical name of a variable or object that be used in our animation of a plant.

Tags are two types

System defined Tags

User defined tags

System defined tags
It is represent the system value in the SCADA it is represented by dollar
sing $
User defined tags
This tag are defined by the user or programmer
Except (A,S) are not defined.

it is used for graphical representation of process
Two types
Real times trends
Historical Times trends

Classification of tags

Direct tags
Indirect tags

Direct tags

These tags are directly used by the programmer to represent the value of
plant or variable

Indirect tags

These tags are used by the another tags to show or represent the value of plant or

Direct tags

Memory tags : these tags having no connection with process the plant.


An important part of most SCADA implementation is alarm handling. The system

monitors whether certain alarm conditions are satisfied, to determine when an
alarm event has occurred.

The three components of a SCADA system are:

1. Multiple Remote Terminal Units (Also knows as RTUs or outstation)
2. Central control Room with host computer (s)
3. Communication infrastructure

Salient feature of modern SCADA system:

1. User- friendly (X-windows/graphic) interface.

2. Automatic control.
3. Off-line processing.
4. Integrated environments.
5. Extensive Historical data manipulation.

Benefits HMI/SCADA:
1. Powerful monitoring and control over your production
2. Ease of use for New and experienced users.
3. Robust connectivity to other software, system and devices
4. True client /server Architecture for ease Scale ability.

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