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Analysis of Field Performance of Embankments On Soft Clay Deposit With and Without PVD-improvement

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Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485


Analysis of eld performance of embankments on

soft clay deposit with and without
Shui-Long Shena,, Jin-Chun Chaib,
Zhen-Shun Hongc, Feng-Xi Caia
School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
1954 Hua Shan Road, Shanghai 200030, China
Institute of Lowland Technology, Saga University, 1 Honjo, Saga 840-8502, Japan
Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China

Received 19 September 2004; received in revised form 21 May 2005; accepted 31 May 2005


This paper presents a case history of the performance of two full-scale test embankments
constructed on soft clay deposit in the eastern coastal region of China. One embankment was
constructed on natural subsoil and the other was constructed on prefabricated vertical drain
(PVD) improved subsoil. The thickness of the soft clay deposit without PVD-improvement
was 19 m and with PVD-improved case was 23 m. The PVDs were installed to a depth of 19 m
with spacing of 1.5 m in a triangular pattern. Field performance of the two embankments was
analyzed using the nite element method. The following inuential factors: (i) hydraulic
conductivity of subsoil in eld and (ii) discharge capacity of PVDs were investigated
numerically. The back-analyzed results for the embankment on natural subsoil showed that
the hydraulic conductivity ratio (Cf) of eld to laboratory values is about 6. To analyse the
PVD-improved subsoil, a simple approach using the equivalent vertical hydraulic conductivity
of PVD-improved subsoil was employed. The analytical results show that PVDs increased the
bulk vertical hydraulic conductivity of soft subsoil by about 30 times compared to the original

Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 021 64191030; fax: +86 21 64191030.

E-mail addresses: slshen@sjtu.edu.cn (S.-L. Shen), chai@cc.saga-u.ac.jp (J.-C. Chai),
zshong@seu.edu.cn (Z.-S. Hong), Sam721@sjtu.edu.cn (F.-X. Cai).

0266-1144/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
464 S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485


Cf hydraulic conductivity ratio between eld and laboratory values

Cv coefcient of consolidation (L2/T)
De diameter of unit cell (L)
dm equivalent diameter of the cross-sectional area of mandrel (L)
ds diameter of smear zone (L)
dw diameter of vertical drain (L)
ks hydraulic conductivity in the smear zone (L/T)
kve equivalent vertical hydraulic conductivity of PVD-improved subsoil (L/
l drainage length (L)
qw discharge capacity of PVD in eld (L3/T)
Qw discharge capacity of PVD provided by manufacturer (L3/T)
s ds/dw
Sb centre to centre spacing between drain (L)
t thickness of the PVD (L)
w width of a band-shaped PVD (L)

non-treated subsoil. The discharge capacity of PVDs in this eld case is 79100 m3/a, which is
consistent with the ndings from laboratory tests and other reported values in literature.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Embankment construction; Soft subsoil; PVD-improvement; FEM analysis; Hydraulic


1. Introduction

In the design of embankments constructed on soft subsoil, many factors should be

considered. One of the most signicant aspects is how to reduce the time required for
consolidation of soft subsoil. For this purpose, prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs)
are often used to accelerate the consolidation of soft subsoils (e.g. Holtz et al., 2001;
Bergado et al., 1996; Chai et al., 1996; Hansbo, 1981; Jamiolkowski et al., 1983;
Rixner et al., 1986). PVDs can increase the vertical hydraulic conductivity of soft
subsoil in a macro-sense by more than one order of magnitude (Bergado et al., 1996;
Hansbo, 1981).
FEM has been generally adopted to analyze the behaviour of PVD-improved soft
subsoil under embankment loading. There are three existing approaches for
modelling the PVD improved subsoil. The rst method employs a one-dimensional
(1D) drainage element (Chai et al., 1995; Hird et al., 1992; Hird et al., 1995). The
second method adopts a macro-element in FEM program to consider the drainage
behaviour of vertical drains (Sekiguchi et al., 1986; Zeng and Xie, 1987). The third
method is a simple approximate approach, in which an equivalent value of vertical
S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485 465

hydraulic conductivity (kve) of PVD-improved subsoil is estimated (Chai et al.,

2001). Using this approach, the behaviour of PVD-improved subsoil can be ana-
lyzed in a similar manner to that of non-treated natural subsoil. Since the third
method is simple and can be directly applied in any situation, in this study it
was adopted.
The recent economic boom in China has resulted in many new expressways being
constructed and HangzhouNingbo (HN) expressway is one of them. HN
expressway is located on the southern coast of Hangzhou Bay in the eastern coastal
region of China, as shown in Fig. 1. It extends from Hangzhou, the Capital City of
Zhejiang Province to Ningbo, which is the biggest harbour city in the same province.
The total length of HN expressway is 145 km, of which about 92 km was constructed
on soft clay deposits.
In order to better understand the design, construction, and performance of
embankments on the soft clay deposits, 12 eld full-scale test embankments totally
3.15 km in length were constructed and investigated (TPIZ et al., 1998; Wang, 1998).
This paper describes two test embankment sections of HN expressway constructed
on soft clay deposits with and without PVD improvement, respectively. The details
of these two test sections are provided in Table 1. In the FEM analysis, Chai and
Bergados (1993) technique is adopted to closely simulate the embankment

SPIA = Shanghai Pudong International Airport

NIA = Ningbo International Airport

Lake Shanghai


gz hou

Hangzhou Test site

0 15 30 km

Fig. 1. Location of the test site near Shaoxing in Eastern China.

466 S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485

Table 1
Test embankments with ground improvement descriptions

Embankment cases H (m) Hps (m) n DT (m) Dclay (m) Remarks

T10 4.45 5.88 1:1.5 2.20 23.0 PVD, t 6 mm, P 1.5 m, D 19 m

T11 3.91 4.66 1:1.5 1.05 19.1 Natural subsoil

Note: H embankment height; Hps Height of preloading embankment; n side slope of embankment;
DT thickness of crust layer; Dclay thickness of clay layer; PVD plastic drain improved; t thickness
of PVD; P drain pitch; D depth of drain.

construction process. Some of the soil parameters were evaluated by back-

calculation of the eld settlement of the embankment on natural subsoil. For the
PVD-improved case, the following inuential factors were analyzed and discussed:
(i) hydraulic conductivity of subsoil in the eld, (ii) discharge capacity of PVDs, and
(iii) smear effect. The increase of vertical hydraulic conductivity for PVD-improved
subsoil is discussed.

2. Soil conditions

The soil prole and soil properties of the soft clay deposits at the test site are
shown in Fig. 2. The soil prole consists of a thin weathered crust (TC) from about
11.5 m thick overlying a silty clay (SC1) deposit of approximately 4 m thick. The
third layer is very soft clay (MC, in China it is called mucky clay) with a thickness of
approximately 10 m for the PVD-improved case and 11.5 m for the unimproved case.
Below the clay is a silt clay layer called mucky-silty clay (MSC) approximately 4 m
thick for PVD-improved case and 2.7 m for the unimproved case followed by a
medium to stiff silty clay layer (SC2) from 3 to 5 m thickness extending down to 23 m
depth, which is in turn underlain by a layer of loose clayey sand (CS). The soil layer
separation is plotted in Fig. 2, in which solid line denotes the PVD-improved subsoil
and dashed line denotes the subsoil without PVD-improvement. The thickness of the
soft clay deposit without PVD-improvement is about 19 m and that with PVD-
improvement is about 23 m. The soft silt clay and very soft clay have water contents
greater than their liquid limits, low hydraulic conductivity and lower shear strength.
The parameters such as compression index (Cc) and hydraulic conductivity (k) were
determined from laboratory oedometer tests; the values of kh and kv were obtained
from oedometer test results using the samples oriented in horizontal and vertical
directions, respectively. Shear strength Su were determined from eld vane shear test.

3. Construction of embankments and eld monitoring

Fig. 3 illustrates the cross-section and plan view of the test embankments,
arrangement of PVDs, and instrumentations. As seen in Fig. 3, a 0.5 m thick sand
S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485 467

Soil 3
LL , PL (kN/m ) Cc Su(kPa)
kh (10 m/s)
kv (10 m/s)
Description wn (%)
Top weathered 20 30 40 50 18 20 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 40 80 120 10 30 50 10 20 30 40
Silt clay 1
Very soft Selected Selected Selected
10 Selected
Depth (m)

15 Soft mucky
Silt clay

20 Soil layer separator

Silt clay 2 with PVD
without PVD
Clayey sand

Fig. 2. Soil prole and properties at the test site of thinner deposit section.
Note: LL-liquid limit, PL-plastic limit, wn-water content, g-unit weight, Cc-compressive index, Su-Field
vane shear strength, kh, kv-hydraulic conductivity in horizontal and vertical direction from laboratory test.

10 26 m
TC: top weathered crust
:5 SC: silty clay

0 MSC: mucky silty clay

TC sand mat, t = 0.5 m MC: verysoft mucky clay
Elevation (m)

CS: clayey sand
-10 piezometers
surface settlement gauges

SC2 piezometers
-20 SC2

Bed rock with PVD without PVD

(a) Sectional view

1.5 m
100 mm
0.867 m

6 mm
1.3 m

26 m

piezometer 0.75 m

(b) Plan view (c) Typical arrangement of

PVDs and piezometer among

Fig. 3. Cross-section and plan view of embankment, eld instrumentation, and arrangement of PVDs in
468 S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485

6 120
without PVD-improved case
5 100

Height (m) 4 80

Load (kPa)
3 Field data 60

2 40

1 20

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
(a) Elapsed time (days)

6 120

5 with PVD-improved case 100

4 80
Height (m)

Load (kPa)
3 Field data 60
2 40

1 20

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
(b) Elapsed time (days)

Fig. 4. Load-time history of the embankment on: (a) Natural subsoil; (b) PVD-improved subsoil.

mat (hydraulic conductivity: k40.001 m/s) was placed on the soft ground initially.
Then, decomposed granite was lled and compacted to a unit weight of 20 kN/m3.
The loading-time history relations for the two embankments are plotted in Fig. 4.
The height of the embankment on PVD-improved subsoil is 5.88 m and that on
natural subsoil is 4.66 m. For the improved case, PVDs were installed in a triangular
pattern with the spacing of 1.519 m deep. Table 2 lists the properties of PVDs used
in the test embankment. The discharge capacity, Qw, provided by manufacturer is
greater than 1500 m3/year.
Field behaviour of soft ground under embankment loading were observed through
monitoring the surface settlement, lateral displacements of the subsoil at the middle
point of the embankment side slope, and pore pressure variation by piezometers at
different depths. The layout of the eld instrumentation is shown in Fig. 3.
S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485 469

Table 2
Size and physical properties of PVDs used in this eld project

Thickness Width (mm) Unit weight Qw (m3/a) Material

(mm) (g/m)
Filter Core

6 100 108 1580 Nonwoven Corrugated

polyolen polyethylene

Note: Qw discharge capacity of PVD, the value in table was provided by manufacturer.

Table 3
Cf value for some clay deposits

Deposit Cf Method Reference

Bangkok clay (100 km from sea) 25 Back calculated Chai et al. (1995)
Bangkok clay (close to sea) 4 Back calculated Chai et al. (1996)
Malaysia Muar clay deposit 2 Back calculated Chai and Bergado (1993)
Ariake clay 4 Back calculated Chai and Miura (1999)
Louiseville (Canada) 1 Self-boring permeameter Tavenas et al. (1986)
St-Alban (Canada) 3 Self-boring permeameter Tavenas et al. (1986)
Very soft mucky clay (China) 6 Back calculated Present study

Note: Cf Ratio between eld horizontal hydraulic conductivity kh value to laboratory value.

4. Field hydraulic conductivity

The hydraulic conductivity of subsoil in the eld is different from the laboratory
measured value, esp. calculated from laboratory oedometer test result. Laboratory
test normally underestimates the eld values (Tavenas et al., 1986). The relation can
be expressed as following formula:

kh f C f kh l or kv f C f kv l , (1)

where kh, kv hydraulic conductivity in horizontal and vertical directions of soil

layer, respectively; subscript f and l represent the value in eld and the value
determined in the laboratory test, respectively; and Cf hydraulic conductivity ratio
between the eld and the corresponding laboratory values.
Tavenas et al. (1986) demonstrated that for homogeneous deposit, Cf value is close
to 1.0, however, for stratied deposits, even those with thin sand lenses that cannot
be clearly identied from the borehole record, Cf value can be much larger than 1.0.
The Cf values of a few clay deposits are listed in Table 3 for reference. Field
hydraulic conductivity can be measured using a self-boring permeameter in eld.
However, if there is no available of this equipment, back-calculation of the measured
settlement of embankment on natural subsoil is a best way as suggested by Chai and
Miura (1999). In this study, back-calculation method was employed to evaluate Cf.
470 S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485

For this eld case Cf 6 obtained, and the details will be discussed in the following

5. Modelling parameters of PVD-improved subsoil

5.1. Equivalent hydraulic conductivity

According to Chai et al. (2001), the equivalent vertical hydraulic conductivity of

PVD improved subsoil, kve, can be expressed as
2:5l 2 kh
kve 1 kv , (2)
mD2e kv
where l drainage length; De equivalent diameter of a unit cell (a cylinder
contains a PVD and its inuential zone) (Balaam and Booker, 1985); for triangle
arrangement of PVDs, De 1.05Sb, in which Sb is the spacing between two PVDs.
And parameter m can be expressed as follows (Hansbo, 1981):
n kh 3 2l 2 kh
m ln ln s  p , (3)
s ks 4 3qw
where n De =d w (dw diameter of vertical drain); s d s =d w (ds diameter of
smear zone); ks horizontal hydraulic conductivity in the smear zone; and
qw discharge capacity of PVD in the eld. As shown in Eq. (3), by using
parameter m, well resistance and smear effect can be taken into consideration in the
adopted method. One of the decits of this simple method is that it can not consider
the variation of hydraulic conductivity in the smear zone.

5.2. Parameters related to PVD behaviour

The parameters for PVDs are listed in Table 4 and the determination methods are
presented as follows.

Table 4
Parameters related to the behaviour of PVD

Item Symbol Value

Drain diameter (mm) dw 53.0

Ratio of kh over ks in laboratory test (kh/ks)l 2.25
Ratio of eld kh value to laboratory value Cf 6.0
Ratio of kh over ks in eld (kh/ks)f 13.5
Smear zone diameter (m) ds 355
ds/dw s 6.7
Diameter of inuential zone (m) De 1.575
De/dw n 29.7
Discharge capacity (m3/a) qw 100
S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485 471

5.2.1. Equivalent drain diameter

The modied approach for equivalent drain diameter (dw) of a band-shaped PVD
by considering the corner effect is used in this study. It can be calculated using the
following equation (Rixner et al., 1986):
dw , (4)
where w width of a band-shaped PVD and t thickness of the PVD.

5.2.2. Smear effect

When a PVD is installed in soft clay ground using a mandrel, a disturbed zone
called smear zone around the mandrel is created, in which the hydraulic conductivity
is reduced signicantly. There are two parameters needed to evaluate the smear
effect, namely, (i) the diameter of the smear zone (ds) and (ii) the hydraulic
conductivity ratio kh =ks f , i.e., the value in the undisturbed zone (kh) over that in
the smear zone (ks).
The diameter of the smear zone ds varied with the different soil type based on
several eld and laboratory test results (Jamiolkowski et al., 1983; Hansbo, 1987;
Hird and Moseley, 2000; Madhav et al., 1993). Jamiolkowski et al. (1983) proposed
an equation for calculating ds is as follows:
d s 2 to 3d m , (5)
where dm equivalent diameter of the cross-sectional area of mandrel. Chai and
Miura (1999) suggested that the value of d s 3d m can be used in practice when there
are no test data for evaluating the smear zone size. Following their method, d s
3d m is adopted in this study.
Many uncertainty factors affect the value of kh =ks f in eld. Chai and Miura
(1999) proposed the following equation to evaluate this value.
kh kh
Cf , (6)
ks f ks l

where ks hydraulic conductivity in smear zone; and the other symbols are the same
as presented before.
The hydraulic conductivity in smear zone varies with the radius from the centee of
PVD. From laboratory test on various clay samples, the average values of kh =ks l
varies from 1 to 5 (Hansbo, 1987). For Ariake clay it is about 2.5 (Madhav et al.,
1993); for preconlidated kaolin clay, the ratio is about 3 (Hird and Moseley, 2000).
However, for this particular soil in this study, there is no available laboratory test
value. Zhu et al. (1992) reported a case history of sand drain improved subsoil
under the runway of Ninbo International Airport (see Fig. 1), where is about 100 km
away from the test site in this study. They estimated the value of kh =ks f in eld
of about 1215. Thus, due to C f 6, according to Eq. (6), kh =ks l 222:5 can
be evaluated.
472 S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485

5.2.3. Discharge capacity of PVDs

Discharge capacity denotes well resistance of PVDs quantitatively. The discharge
capacity of PVDs in eld is much lower than the value given by manufacturer (Miura
and Chai, 2000; Chai et al., 2004a). Under conned pressure, typical values of
discharge capacity, qw , of many PVDs are from 100 to 500 m3/year (Holtz et al.,
1991). Laboratory test results (Holtz et al., 1991) and theoretical analysis (Li and
Rowe, 2001) conrmed that when the discharge capacity is greater than 100150 m3/
year, there is no signicant effect on the consolidation rate. Moreover, discharge
capacity will decrease in led due to following factors (Holtz et al., 1991; Li and
Rowe, 2001; Miura and Chai, 2000): (a) conning the drain by clay; (b) effects of air
bubble trapped in the drainage path; (c) effects of folding of the drain; (d) clogging
by clay particles; and (e) creep of drain lter. Based on the test results, the discharge
capacity of some PVD products can be as low as 5100 m3/year under high conning
pressure and low hydraulic gradients (Holtz et al., 1991). Chai et al. (2004a) and
Miura and Chai (2000) showed that long-term discharge capacity of several PVDs
conned in clay is about 510% of that for short-term conned in a rubber
membrane. In this case, the value of discharge capacity in the eld (qw) is from 79 to
100 m3/a with respect to kh =ks f 15212. And this aspect will be discussed in the
following context in certain details.

5.2.4. Effect of sand mat

Part or all of the water collected by PVDs ows to the ground surface rst, and
then drains out by the outlet system the sand mat. The hydraulic conductivity of
the sand mat affects the analytical results. Although it is related to the scale of an
embankment and the depth and the hydraulic conductivity of subsoil, Chai and
Miura (1999) showed numerically that for most cases, if the hydraulic conductivity
of the sand mat is greater than 104 m/s, the free drainage path assumption for the
sand mat is acceptable. In the present study, the hydraulic conductivity of the sand
mat is about 103 m/s, which is greater than 104 m/s, so that the free drainage
assumption was used in this study.
With the aforementioned parameters, the equivalent hydraulic conductivity (kve)
values for the PVD improved subsoil were calculated from Eq. (2). The results are
listed in Table 5. The hydraulic conductivity of PVD-improved subsoil is increased
about 30 times.

6. Other modelling aspects in FEM analysis

6.1. Modelling of large deformation problems

The response of soft subsoil under embankment loading is generally analyzed by

using FEM (e.g. Chai and Bergado, 1993; Hird et al., 1992; Sun and Wang, 1988).
The analysis of embankments on soft subsoil is a large deformation problem since
the magnitude of settlement at the end of construction can vary from 20% to 100%
of the total settlements (Asaoka et al., 1992; Bergado et al., 1996; Chai and Bergado,
S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485 473

Table 5
Model parameter for subsoil in the test site

Layer n k l M e0 G gt (kN/m3) kh (103 m/d) kv (103 m/d) kve (103 m/d) kve/kv

TC 0.30 0.008 0.08 1.0 0.81 1.98 19.3 2.72 2.72 34.3 12.6
SC1 0.35 0.016 0.16 1.0 1.07 2.22 18.5 0.56 0.22 7.3 33.2
MC 0.35 0.028 0.28 0.8 1.36 3.22 17.3 2.54 1.69 28.9 17.1
SMC 0.35 0.018 0.18 0.8 1.10 2.98 17.9 2.06 1.01 24.1 23.9
SC2 0.30 0.010 0.10 1.0 0.81 1.99 19.3 0.39 0.18 5.2 28.9
CS 0.25 19.5 25.90 25.90
Fill 0.20 20.0 193.5 193.5

Note: TC Thin weathered crust; SC Silty clay; MC Very soft clay; SMC soft silty clay;
CS clayey sand; gt unit weight; e0 initial void ratio; l virgin loading slope in e-ln(p) plot (p is
effective mean stress); k reloading/unloading slope in e-ln(p) plot; and M slope of failure line in p
versus q plot (q is deviator stress); n Poissons ratio.

1993). The large deformation phenomenon can be considered by updating the nodal
coordinates during the incremental analysis. Usually, this operation does not include
the elements above the current construction level. As a result, the nal applied
embankment ll thickness will be larger than pre-dened value. There are two
methods to treat this problem: (i) include all the embankment elements into all steps
of incremental analysis and apply the gravity force by percentage in each step; or
(ii) apply the embankment elements layer by layer and correct the coordinate of the
elements above the current construction level according to the settlement of the
current construction top surface (Chai and Bergado, 1993). This study adopted Chai
and Bergados (1993) proposal.

6.2. Element type and boundary conditions

In FEM analysis, the plain strain condition was assumed. The modelled range in
vertical direction was 25 m deep for the case without PVD-improvement and 29 m
deep for the case with PVD-improvement; and horizontally 120 m away from the
embankment centerline. The displacement boundary conditions were as follows: at
bottom, both vertical and horizontal displacements were xed, and for left and right
vertical boundaries, the horizontal displacement was xed. The adopted drainage
boundary conditions were as follows: the ground surface and bottom line (weathered
rock) were drained. The left and right boundaries were undrained. Fig. 5 shows the
FEM mesh for the embankment on natural subsoil and PVD-improved subsoil. The
element type for subsoil and the embankment ll is quadrilateral. Each element has
9 Gauss integral points.

6.3. Constitutive model and parameters

The mechanical behaviour of the soft clay layers was represented by the Modied
CamClay model (Roscoe and Burland, 1968) and the clayey sand layer, the sand
474 S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485

Top crust

Silty clay (SC1)

PVD-improved zone

Very soft clay

Mucky silt clay

Unit:m Silt clay(SC2)

Vertical dimension
without ():unimproved case
with (): PVD-improved case Clayey sand


Fig. 5. Finite element analysis mesh.

mat as well as decomposed granite ll material were assumed to be elastic. The

determined model parameters for subsoil are listed in Table 5. For the clay
layers, the parameters were determined from a standard laboratory oedometer
test and triaxial test results on the undisturbed samples (Sun and Wang, 1988),
except for Poissons ratio and hydraulic conductivity. Poissons ratio, n, was
assumed empirically. For the values of hydraulic conductivity, rst, the representa-
tive laboratory values of (kh)l and (kv)l, which were obtained from standard
oedometer test, were selected as shown in Fig. 2. From Fig. 2, the ratio of kh =kv was
determined to be from 1.5 to 2.5 for the soft clay layers. The results of back-analysis
indicate that to t the measured settlement rate, the eld hydraulic conductivities
of about 6 times of the selected values in Fig. 2 are required. The adopted eld
values of hydraulic conductivities, kh, kv, are listed in Table 5. The procedure
of back-calculation will be presented in the later context. In the analysis, the
hydraulic conductivity is also varied with void ratio, e, according to Taylors
equation (Taylor, 1948).
k k0  10e0 e=C k , (7)
where, k0 initial permeability, e0 initial void ratio, k current value of
hydraulic conductivity, e current void ratio, and Ck a constant ( 0.45e0,
Tavenas et al., 1986).
The subsoil is considered to be in lightly over-consolidated to normally
consolidated states with a maximum over-consolidation ratio (OCR) of about 5
S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485 475

for the top crust. The lateral earth pressure coefcient was calculated using the
equation proposed by Mayne and Kulhawy (1982).
K 0 1  sin f0 OCRsin f , (8)
where f0 is the effective internal friction angle of soil, OCR is over-consolidation
The parameters for clayey sand were assumed as Youngs modulus E
25; 000 kPa and Poissons ratio v 0:25. The mechanical properties of the ll
material were assumed as follows: E 30; 000 kPa and v 0:25. The unit weight of
the ll material was 20 kN/m3. The ground-water level was about 1.5 m below
ground surface.

7. Results and discussions

7.1. Back-calculation of some parameters

The aforementioned parameters such as Cf and qw were determined from the back-
calculation method. The procedure of back-calculation is as follows: (1) Back-
calculation of Cf based on the measured settlement of the embankment on natural
subsoil; (2) select kh =ks l 222:5, using Eq. (5), the eld value of kh =ks f
C f  kh =ks l 12215 is obtained; (3) using above values to evaluate the value of qw
in the eld from PVD-improved case.

7.1.1. Cf value
Cf was obtained by analyzing the embankment on natural subsoil. In the analysis,
the initial values of hydraulic conductivity in Fig. 2 were multiplied by a factor Cf,
larger than 1.0 and the calculated settlement was compared with the measured
data. The settlement-time relation for the embankment on natural subsoil is plotted
in Fig. 6. As shown in the gure, with C f 6 (solid line), numerical result agrees well
with the measured values. For comparison, the calculated settlement-time curves
with respect to C f 1 are also plotted using dashed line in the same gure.

7.1.2. Discharge capacity of PVDs

In order to t the measured data, the discharge capacity of the PVD was varied in
the analysis of PVD-improved case. The effect of discharge capacity of PVDs on
settlement behaviour is compared in Fig. 7. As illustrated in the gure, the settlement
rate of soft subsoil increased with the increase of discharge capacity. When qw is very
small, i.e. less than 10 m3/year, the calculated value cannot match the eld measured
data. If qw is greater than 79 m3/year, the calculated value can match the eld-
measured data well. While the qw is greater than 100 m3/year (about 6% of the
manufacturer provided value), there is no much effect on the settlement behaviour.
Even if the qw 1500m3 =a, there is no much increase of settlement rate. The effect of
qw on behaviour of excess pore pressure was found to be similar to that on
476 S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485

Field measured
right shoulder
left shoulder
Settlement (m) 0.4


with Cf = 1
with Cf = 6
without PVD-improvedcase

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Elapsed time (days)

Fig. 6. Measured and calculated values of settlement for the embankments on the subsoil without PVD-

Field measured
Calculated (m /yr)
0.5 qw= 0, without PVD
qw= 10
qw= 79
Settlement (m)

1.0 qw= 100

qw= 1500



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Elapsed time (days)

Fig. 7. Effect of discharge capacity of PVDs on the settlement behaviour.

settlement, and the results were plotted in Fig. 8. It can be considered that since the
hydraulic conductivity of soft clay is relatively low, when qw is larger than a certain
value, the hydraulic conductivity of soft clay controls the consolidation process
rather than qw. Only with this information, it can be concluded that the eld qw value
was larger than 79 m3/year. However, referring to other reported eld values (Holtz
et al. 1991; Li and Rowe, 2001), it is considered that qw values in the led was about
79100 m3/year. The nal adopted values are kh =ks f 13:5 and qw 100 m3 =a.
The nal calculated settlement-time relation for the embankment on PVD-improved
subsoil is plotted in Fig. 9.
S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485 477

PVD section
-10.0m, in mucky clay (MC)
Excess pore pressure u (kPa) Field measured
FEM calculated, qw(m /yr)
60 qw = 0, without PVD
qw = 10
qw = 100
qw = 1500


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Elapsed time (day)

Fig. 8. Variation of calculated excess pore pressure with discharge capacity qw.

with PVD-improved case
Field measured
0.5 right shoulder
Settlement (m)

left shoulder
1.0 calculated



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Elapsed time (days)

Fig. 9. Measured and calculated values of settlement for the embankments without PVD-improvement.

7.2. Pore water pressure

Fig. 10 shows the observed excess pore pressures during embankment construc-
tion, which are presented as a function of the applied stress of the embankment at
the ground surface. As shown in Fig. 10a, for the embankment on natural subsoil,
the generation of pore pressure supports the tendency found by Tavenas and
Leroueil (1980), that is, two phases of pore pressure response during construction
can be identied: the rst, during which the increases in pore pressure are low; the
478 S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485

without PVD-improved case

-2.5 m
-10.4 m
Excess pore pressure, u (kPa) -16.05 m



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
(a) Load, H (kPa)

PVD-improved case
80 2.0 m
6.0 m
Excess pore pressure, u (kPa)

12 m
14 m
60 16 m



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
(b) Load, H (kPa)

Fig. 10. Pore pressures measured under the centre of the embankment test section, as a function of the
embankment load: (a) without PVD-improved case; (b) with PVD-improved case.

second, during which the increase in pore pressures is approximately equal to the
increase in total stress. For the embankment constructed on PVD-improved subsoil,
the measured pore pressure at a depth of 2 and 6 m still follows the ndings of
Tavenas and Leroueil (1980). This is because subsoil is partially drained and clay
begins to consolidation at the very low pressure during construction (Leroueil et al.,
1990). After the embankment pressure is approximately equal to the consolidation
yield stress, sp, of the soil. The soil becomes normally consolidated, and now posses
a coefcient of consolidation much lower than in the overconsolidated region, and it
S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485 479

behaves essentially as undrained soil (Leroueil et al., 1990). However, the measured
pore pressures at deeper place did not agree with this tendency (see Fig. 10b). The
detailed discussion on the change of coefcient of consolidation, Cv, with
consolidation pressure will be discussed in the later context (see Fig. 12).
This phenomenon may be related to the following factors: (i) disturbance of
subsoil during installing PVDs; (ii) reduction of consolidation yield stress of crust
layer; (iii) piezometers might be installed within the smear zone. In this site, there is a
weathered top crust layer, which has much higher strength (about 5 times the soft
layer) and stiffness, as shown in Fig. 2. The stiff top crust may tend to distribute the
loading from the embankment over a larger area and reduce the level of stress to the
underlying softer subsoils. Moreover, top crust layer has a very high over-
consolidated ratio with OCR 5 and has a relative high coefcient of consolidation
(Cv). However, installing PVDs will disturb the top crust layer, reduce its
consolidation yield stress, and thus reduce Cv value. Hence, the increase of excess
pore pressure for the improved case becomes larger than the unimproved case at the
early stage of embankment construction in the shallower depth, i.e. less than 6.0 m
(see Fig. 10).
The reason for higher excess pore pressure for PVD-improved case in the deeper
places H412 m is not clear yet. One of the reasons is that piezometers might be
installed in the smear zone. In the eld, it is difcult to keep the verticality during
PVD installation and boring hole for piezometers installation. Piezometers were
designed to be installed at the mid point of PVDs (see Fig. 3). The distance between
piezometer and PVD is less than 867 mm. If there is only 21 inclining from vertical
direction during installation, the piezometers at 12 m depth will be installed within
the smear zone. If piezometers were installed in the smear zone, higher excess pore
pressure would be measured.
The comparison of the calculated and measured values of excess pore pressures
between PVD-improved case and unimproved case is plotted in Fig. 11. During
embankment construction, for the unimproved case, the simulated excess pore
pressure agrees the measured value fairly well. However, for the PVD-improved case,
the calculated values are much lower than the measured ones. For the both cases,
dissipation of calculated excess pore pressures is much faster than that of the
measured values.

7.3. Reasons for discrepancies between predicted and measured excess pore pressure

The discrepancy of excess pore pressure between FEM calculated results and eld
measured data might be due to possible errors in measurement and limitation of
calculation methods.

7.3.1. Errors in field measurements

(1) Possible errors of the measured data: Pore pressure is measured by piezomters.
Pore water seeps into water chamber through a lter of porous stone. Fine
soil particles might inltrate into the pore of lter to cause clogging
480 S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485

80 80
without PVD section with PVD section
60 60 -2.0m, in silty clay (SC1)
-2.5m, in silty clay (SC1)
Calculated 40 Calculated
40 Measured Measured
20 20
Excess pore pressure u (kPa)

Excess pore pressure u (kPa)

0 0
80 80
-10.4m, in soft mucky clay (MC) PVD section
60 60 -10.0m, in mucky silty clay (MC)

40 40

20 20
0 0
80 80
-16.05m, in mucky silty clay (MSC) PVD section
60 60 -16.05m, in mucky silty clay (MSC)

40 40

20 20
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
(a) Elapsed time (day) (b) Elapsed time (day)

Fig. 11. Measured and calculated excess pore pressure-time curves: (a) without PVD; (b) with PVD.

of the piezomter. Hence, a certain amount of excess pore pressures are locked
in the piezometer. Some measurements on the excess pore pressure showed
that similar behaviour of excess pore pressures was observed, that is, with
progressing of consolidation, there were little excess pore pressure dissipations
as reported by Chai and Miura (1999), Hird et al. (1995), and Indraratna
et al. (1994). For the test embankments on Muar clay, Malaysia, some
piezometers showed no excess pore pressure dissipation during the consoli-
dation period. After installing additional piezomters aside the existing points,
close to the predicted values of excess pore pressures were measured (MHA,
(2) Another reason might be that piezometers were installed in smear zone as
discussed previously. The modelling method can not simulate this aspect.

7.3.2. Limitation of calculation methods

(1) Limitation of modelling method on PVD behaviour: In the eld, a single PVD
works in a close axisymmetric drainage condition (three-dimensional (3D)). In
the present analysis plain strain condition is assumed (two-dimensional (2D)
condition) and PVD behaviour is modelled by considering the increased vertical
hydraulic conductivity in a macro sense. The equivalent conductivity is obtained
S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485 481

by the average degree of consolidation. The smear effect is taken into account
through parameter m (Eq. (3)) by considering the average hydraulic conductivity,
ks, in smear zone. However, the variation of hydraulic conductivity in smear zone
was not taken into account. As a result, local pore pressure distribution in
horizontal direction is different between 3D and 2D conditions.
(2) Reduction of qw value with elapsed time: For discharge capacity, qw 100 m3/
year was used. As discussed in the previous context, increasing qw will have no
effect on the dissipation of excess pore pressure, however, reducing qw will
certainly affect the consolidation rate as illustrated in Fig. 7.
(3) Variation of Cv with consolidation pressure: In this study, the behaviour of
soft clay was modelled by Modied Camclay model (Roscoe and Burland,
1968). Rising and dissipation of excess pore pressure is related to the coefcient
of consolidation Cv. For linear e-lnp relationship, Cv can be expressed as
1 ep0 k
Cv , (9)

where k the hydraulic conductivity of soil, gw the unit weight of water, and
l the slope of virgin compression curve in e-lnp plot and p is effective mean

As shown in Eq. (9), Cv, is related to the void ratio, compressive index, stress level,
and hydraulic conductivity. Moreover, hydraulic conductivity k varies with the void
ratio (Tavenas et al., 1986; Taylor, 1948). Fig. 12 shows a comparison of the
calculated values Cv using Eq. (9) and measured Cv for Ariake clay (Chai et al.,
2004b). As shown in the gure, even considering the variation of k with e, there are
still discrepancies between the calculated values and the measured data.

Cv = coefficient of consolidation
p = yield stress

Cv (m2/s)

10 Calculated
k constant
k varies with e (eq.7)

-8 pc
Vertical effetive stress, logP (kPa)

Fig. 12. Variation of the coefcient of consolidation with vertical effective stress (Chai et al., 2004b).
482 S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485

7.4. Settlement

The calculated settlements with the comparison to measured values of the

embankment on natural subsoil and PVD-improved subsoil are shown in Fig. 6.
FEM can fairly predict the eld data. The difference of measured settlements of the
two shoulders for each embankment may be due to the non-uniformity of the in situ
soils. This aspect was not considered in the FEM analysis. For the PVD-improved
case, the primary consolidation was nished in about 600 days, however, for the
unimproved case, it need much longer time to nish the primary consolidation. If
checking it carefully, we found that in the initial period, the FEM analysis over-
estimated the settlement slightly, however, after 600 days, the FEM analysis
underestimates the settlement. The reason for the FEM under-prediction of the
settlement after 600 days, is that after 600 days, the primary consolidation is
essentially completed and secondly compression could not be simulated by the
Modied CamClay model.

7.5. Lateral displacement

The calculated and measured values for the lateral displacement are shown in
Fig. 13. As illustrated in Fig. 13, the FEM can simulate the prole of lateral
displacement very well for the unimproved case. However, there are some
discrepancies between measured and simulated ones. Although the lateral displace-
ment at the end of construction for the PVD-improved case is much larger than that
for unimproved case, for the same embankment thickness 4.66 m, the calculated
lateral displacements are not different much. For the PVD-improved case, at
embankment thickness of 5.18 m there was a leaving period of 82 days (see Fig. 4b)
and this period might increase the lateral displacement much. If checking Fig. 13
carefully, for PVD-improved subsoil, the measured results show that the place where
maximum lateral displacement occurred is about 4 m deeper than that for the
unimproved case, however, the calculated values are the same as the unimproved one
and about 6 m from the ground surface. The exact reason is not clear but is probably
due to the spatial variation of subsoil condition.

8. Conclusions

The following conclusions are based on the eld measured data and the associated
FEM results:

1. According to the back-calculation of the embankment on natural subsoil, the eld

hydraulic conductivity is about 6 times the laboratory test values of soft clay
deposit at the test site.
2. The evaluated eld discharge capacity is greater than 79100 m3/a. This
value is consistent with the laboratory test data and other reported eld
S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485 483

without PVD case

Depth (m)

End of construction
20 Calculated
160 days later

0 100 200 300 400 500
(a) Lateral displacement (mm)

with PVD case


Height = 4.66m
Depth (m)

End of construction
20 Measured
After 8.5 months

0 200 400 600 800 1000
(b) Lateral displacement (mm)

Fig. 13. Measured and calculated lateral displacement: (a) without PVD; (b) with PVD.

3. In the macro-sense, installation of PVD with the spacing of 1.5 m makes increased
the vertical bulk hydraulic conductivity of the soft subsoils by about 30 times
compared to that for the untreated soil.
4. During embankment construction, the excess pore pressure measured for PVD-
improved subsoil were quite different from those without PVD-improvement. The
rapid increase in the excess pore pressure at shallower depths for PVD-improved
subsoil may be due to disturbance arising from PVD installation.
484 S.-L. Shen et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 463485


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