Friction Factor
Friction Factor
Friction Factor
Be careful with your hydraulic calcs. It is easy to mix the two and calculate 400% greater (or 25% less) head
loss. The calculation for head loss in feet is:
h(friction) = head loss by friction in feet
f(M) = Moody Friction factor
f(F) = Fanning Friction factor
L = length in feet
D = pipe inside diameter in feet
v = velocity in ft/s
g = 32.174 ft/s^2, acceleration due to gravity
The Colebrook-White equation is an iterative method that calculates Fanning friction factor.
f(F)^2 = 1 / ( -4 * Log(eps / (3.7 * D) + 1.256 / (Re * f(F) )
eps = pipe roughness in feet
Re = Reynold's number
There are two common friction factors in use, the Darcy and Fanning friction
factors. The Darcy friction factor is also known as the DarcyWeisbach
friction factor or the Moody friction factor. It is important to understand
which friction factor is being described in an equation or chart to prevent
error in pressure loss, or fluid flow calculation results.
The difference between the two friction factors is that the value of the Darcy
friction factor is 4 times that of the Fanning friction factor. In all other
aspects they are identical, and by applying the conversion factor of 4 the
friction factors may be used interchangeably.
Unless stated otherwise the Darcy friction factor is used in this article.
Colebrooks Equation
Churchill Equation
The Churchill equation combines both the expressions for friction factor in
both the laminar and turbulent flow regimes. It is accurate to within the error
of the data used to construct the Moody diagram. This model also provides an
estimate for the intermediate (transition) region, however this should be used
with caution.
The Churchill equation shows very good agreement with the Darcy equation
for laminar flow, accuracy through the transitional flow regime is unknown,
in the turbulent regime a difference of around 0.5-2% is observed between
the Churchill equation and the Colebrook equation.
D : Internal diameter of pipe
The equivalent length method (L/D ratio) allows the user to describe the
pressure drop through a fitting as a length of pipe. In theory the pressure drop
through the fitting is equivalent to the pressure lost through a certain length
of piping at that corresponding flow rate.
The most accurate way to use this method is when tabulated data is available
for fittings at the given size, roughness and Reynolds Number for which the
pressure drop is unknown. When using an equivalent length that was
determined from a fitting of a different size the method relies on the
assumption that as pipe size changes the fitting size retains the same relative
proportions. This is rarely the case however, and as such some error is
introduced in the pressure drop that results. Similarly the roughness and
Reynolds Number are likely to be different from the conditions under which
the fitting was characterised and error will be introduced.
Typically as the fittings size increase the flow coefficient (L/D ratio)
decreases, thus at pipe sizes larger than those at which the fittings equivalent
length was determined the pressure drop will be over-estimated. At smaller
pipe sizes than those at which the equivalent length was estimated the
pressure drop will be under-estimated.
There are several alternative methods for calculating pressure loss from
fittings, such as:
2K Method
3K Method
For a discussion of which method is most appropriate see this summary of
methods for estimating pressure loss from fittings.
Typical valves for the equivalent length of pipe for various fittings are shown
in the table below.
3 welds (30) 8
1 weld 45 15
45 Elbow Mitered
2 welds 22.5 6
threaded (r/D = 1) 60
stub-in branch
threaded (r/D = 1) 20
stub-in branch
branch flow 90
Pipe Length : 50 m
Using the table of fittings and equivalent lengths above we find that the
equivalent length for the 90 elbow is 12 pipe diameters.
Leq=17102.3 mm=1.739 m
Taking the pipe length and number of elbows we calculated the equivalent
length of the pipe work for pressure loss purposes.
Leq=50+31.739=55.217 m
p=43.7 kPa