American Psycho Diagnosis
American Psycho Diagnosis
American Psycho Diagnosis
Luis Briceno
April 6, 2016
American Psycho is story that is revolving around a young Wall Street investment banker
named, Patrick Bateman. He narrates the whole story to include his daytime activities and his secret
belligerent night life. Patrick stands to be a very wealthy character that is capable of affording anything
he pleases. He explains how he has a very strict and precise morning routine that implies that he is very
particular about his appearance. He does the same exercise every day without changing up the uniform
workouts. These types of routines apply to his daily facial care. He only uses the best hygienic products
he can get. After he showers he stresses the detail in his facial ritual; the creams and lotions are the
finest and he explains that the face appliances he uses must be alcohol-free because it makes him look
younger. When it comes to the fashion he owns, he gets the finest suits made by the best tailors. In
addition to being able to afford theses clothing items, he wears this to present himself as very high
standard but yet, gets annoyed when he is complimented. These obsessive actions shows signs of
deviance. Throughout the movie he becomes hostile with small details in everyday things. If he isnt
right or things dont go as he wishes, he becomes very distressed and acts out furiously until things are
fixed or are to his advantage. This is shown when he is talking about his music and he speaks with so
much detail, but when others talk about it he becomes irritated. He also often shows this when there is
comparison of business card among his colleagues. At first he is boastful of his print, but then the others
show better ones and he freezes in anguish. Aside from these interactions with others, his social life
seems to be mirrored to himself. His friends seem to be exact replicas. They work the same jobs, talk
about the same things, become obsessed with following daily planners, and often misperceive each
others characters. Along with friends, he has a fianc, Evelyn, but both arent devoted to each other
and instead are involved in a series of affairs. Instead of being faithful, he shows matrimonial
dysfunction by cheating with Courtney, which is his friends girlfriend and his fiancs best friend. He
also is involved with prostitutes, which he would kill to pleasure himself and to relieve his distress
caused throughout the day. He made himself very dangerous for society because he acted so cold-
blooded with no remorse with his actions. Overall all these actions suggest that Patrick suffers from the
According to the DSM-5, people diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder are also known
as sociopaths or psychopaths. According to the DSM-5, antisocial personality disorder has certain
criteria to diagnose to be categorize a person with the disorder. Some of these criteria included
aggressiveness, deceitfulness, impulsivity, and lack of remorse. Patrick shows a variety of actions
throughout the movie that show all these especially his unceasing aggression. In the beginning of the
movie, he attends a club and we get a hint of his ire when he tries to buy drinks with coupons and is
rejected. The bartender states the cash-only policy and as she makes his drinks after he pays, he begins
to indirectly insult her with profane words. He casually says how he wants to stab her to death and play
around with her blood (American Psycho, 2000). Another moment is when he goes to the cleaners and
tries to get his bloodied sheets washed. The employee didnt speak English, and began arguing with
Patrick. Instead of trying to reason with her, he threatens to kill her. The peculiar thing about his threat
was that the tone wasnt hostile, but instead he was very calm and playful. The certainty of his voice
made her realize that he would definitely act on his word, therefore she backed away. Along with the
threats he made, we would slay people for his own pleasure. He would be torturous and not feel
penitence after his actions. He would have an inclination of murdering people cold-bloodedly without
hesitation, in order to cope with his daytime irritations. In the movie he approaches a random homeless
man, and begins to deceive him with promises of helping him find a job. As the man begins to praise him
for his good deeds, Patrick begins to abuse him with a wave of insults. He uses the words worthless
and pathetic and demeans his hygiene. Patrick then mercifulness stabs and kills the man and his dog;
and walks away casually. Whether it was torturing prostitutes, murdering friends, or killing random
people; he would use a different identity and would act differently while using that identity showing his
deceitfulness. He would make impulsive decisions as the other identity, such as showing up to
restaurant he didnt make a reservation for, not thinking of the consequences of his actions and even
These impulsive actions have him feeling content. With each person he murders, his pleasure is
increased and each time he does it with more ease. This can be explained in the behavioral model,
which states that behaviors influence actions/feelings. According to this model of psychology, Operant
conditioning is behaviors learned as a result of receiving awards because of certain actions performed
(Lecture notes, 2). In this case, operant conditioning was best connected as one of the roots of his
manners. Considering this, Patrick felt more pleasure every time he would hurt someone. He lacked
gratification with his regular life and felt like he had to resort to these extreme measures to gain his
reward of satisfaction. This explains why he continued to kill so many people without considering the
Being a ruthless killer, Patrick would occasionally show a hint of aggression when he would be
acting normal. He would belittle others point of view and wouldnt be able to see anyones standpoint
other than his own. He would also disregard other peoples needs. These conditions would be included
in the cognitive model of psychology. This model explains how we interpret situations and how we
think about our problems (Lecture notes, 2). Patrick would revolve his thoughts on him and only his
needs. One of his actions that prove this is when he hirers the two prostitutes. Instead of letting them
talk, he focuses on his own interest such as talking about his music and would snap if anyone talked back
about them. He would also have them perform unusual acts. He would proceed to abuse them in order
to forget the negative thoughts of his day, even after they kept showing disgust and hesitation. His
excitement would increase and he eventually hurt them both, which ultimately lead to their deaths.
Since many of his actions were ignited with negative stressors, the sociocultural model, explains
that influence from the outside world ultimately shapes a person as whole. Patrick was a Wall Street
investment banker, his job was very competitive. Overall, his life seemed to be very competitive. He
tried to have the best suits, physique, business cards, and tried to make reservations at the best
restaurants. His main competition seemed to be his co-workers/friends. He murders one of his
competitors, Paul, with the primary anger being fueled over a reservation at Dorsia, the best restaurant
in the city according to the many mentions throughout the movie. He axes Paul in the head and cheers
Try Getting a reservation at Dorsia now you F**cking bastard (American Psych, 2000). The fact that his
competitor got a reservation Patrick couldnt get, influenced Patrick to murder him out of rage. This
model would best describe his behavior because the biological model isnt hinted in the movie. It
doesnt directly explain any biological factors such as his past generations suffering from anything, which
could otherwise have implied a transfer of bad genes. Biologically its possible his amygdala is
abnormally producing low levels of serotonin or his nervous system is responsible for his lack of fear, but
Many personality disorders have different methods of treatment to either help control or
prevent actions that come from these maladies. Behavioral methods would include systematic
desensitization, which would constantly expose Patrick to stressors that cause aggressive behaviors in a
controlled environment and work for self-control over time. Cognitive therapy would have a therapist
help him understand and challenge his irregular thoughts. This would help him realize more humane
ways to interact with people and better ways to think about certain situations in his path. Therapy
concerning the sociocultural concept will focus on helping approach certain problems face-to-face. Since
his marriage fell apart due to affairs, matrimonial-based therapy would help him and his partner
understand the struggles within and may help change his attitude/emotions. Treatment to help with
These wont work for him because it seems like Patrick occasionally abuses from drugs although it isnt
specified throughout the movie. Patrick has a wide selection of therapy methods, with the behavioral
therapy being the best, but the problem is that he believes he is perfectly fine and would not consider
seeking help. Eventually whether he tries or not, situations would arise where he cant act on, and he
would have to contain himself. With time he will be immune to smaller stressors and hopefully
increasing it to larger ones. The behavioral model will eventually work itself.
American psycho encompasses the specific personality disorder. It accurately depicts a character
suffering with the actual disorder and how it would evolve bigger with time. It begins with small factors
that feed his aggression such as oddly complaining to compliments for his suit, then they grow to
business card frustration and insults, to reservation jealousy that influence a murder, to a series of
murders because everything begins to annoy him. The character does a great job showing how his
impulses cause him to act with certain dangerous behaviors. The criteria for antisocial personality
disorder in the DSM-5 are shown with the certain characteristic of Patricks character. Unfortunately, I
feel like this portrays sociopaths as pugnacious killers. It is true they can be violent, and they can also act
normal at times, but this film highlights the absolute extreme to this disorder. Despite the unreal excess
of violence of the character, this thriller is a great movie that overall illustrates the psychopathic image