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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP

Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Hans Petter Langtangen1,2

Simula Research Laboratory1

Dept. of Informatics, Univ. of Oslo2

January 2006

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP

1 Intro to C++ programming
About C and C++
Introductory C++ example
Manipulate data files
Matrix-vector product
The C preprocessor
About classes in C++
A simple class
2 Class programming
Class Complex
A vector class
Standard Template Library
3 Efficiency; C++ vs. F77
4 Object-Oriented Numerical Programming
OOP example: ODE solvers
Classes for PDEs
H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming
Intro Classes Efficiency OOP


Gentle introduction to C++

File I/O
Arrays and loops
Detailed explanation of classes with built-in arithmetics
Computational efficiency aspects
Object-oriented programming and class hierarchies
Using C++ objects in numerical applications

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP

Required background

Programming experience with either Java or Fortran/Matlab

Interest in numerical computing with C++
Interest in low-level details of the computer
Knowledge of some C is advantageous (but not required)

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP

About learning C++

C++ is a complicated computer language

It takes time to master C++ one year is the rule of thumb
Four days can only give a taste of C++
You need to work intensively with C++ in your own projects
to master the language
C++ exposes you to lots of low-level details these are
hidden in languages like Java, Matlab and Python
Hopefully, you will appreciate the speed and flexibility of C++

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP

Teaching philosophy

Intensive course:
Lectures 9-12
Hands-on training 13-16
Learn from dissecting examples
Get in touch with the dirty work
Get some overview of advanced topics
Focus on principles and generic strategies
Continued learning on individual basis

This course just gets you started - use textbooks, reference

manuals and software examples from the Internet for futher work
with projects

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP

Recommended attitude

Dive into executable examples

Dont try to understand everything
Try to adapt examples to new problems
Look up technical details in manuals/textbooks
Learn on demand
Stay cool

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Why do you need to learn old compiled languages?

Because C, C++, and Fortran (77/95) are the most efficient

existing tools for intensive numerical computing
Because tons of fast and well-tested codes are available in
Fortran, C/C++
Newer languages have emphasized simplicity and reliability
at the cost of computational efficiency
To get speed, you need to dive into the details of compiled
languages, and this course is a first, gentle step

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

C is a dominating language in Unix and Windows

The C syntax has inspired lots of popular languages (Awk,
C++, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby)
Numerous tools (numerical libraries, e.g., MPI) are written in
C; interfacing them requires C knowledge
C is extremely portable; all machines can compile and run C
C is very low level and close to the machine
Unlimited possibilities; one can do anything in C
Programmers of high-level languages often get confused by
strange/unexpected errors in C

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes


C++ extends C with

nicer syntax:
- declare variables wherever you want
- in/out function arguments use references (instead of pointers)
classes for implementing user-defined data types
a standard library (STL) for frequently used data types (list,
stack, queue, vector, hash, string, complex, ...)
object-oriented programming
generic programming, i.e., parameterization of variable types
via templates
exceptions for error handling

C is a subset of C++

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

C versus other languages

Fortran 77 is more primitive but more reliable

Matlab is as simple/primitive as Fortran 77, but with many
more high-level commands (= easy to use)
C++ is a superset of C and much richer/higher-level/reliable
Java is simpler and more reliable than C++
Python is even more high-level, but potentially slow
Fortran 90/95 is simpler than Java/C++ and a good
alternative to C

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Speed of C versus speed of other languages

C is regarded as very fast

Fortran 77 may yield slightly faster code
C++ and Fortran 90/95 are in general slower, but C++ is
very close to C in speed
Java is normally considerably slower

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Some guidelines

C programmers need to be concerned with low-level details

that C++ (and Java or Fortran) programmers can omit
Dont use C unless you have to - use C++ instead
The best solution is often to combine languages: Python to
administer user interfaces, I/O and computations, with
intensive numerics implemented in C++ or Fortran

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

High vs low level programs

Goal: make a window on the screen with the text Hello

Implementations in
1 C and the X11 library
2 C++ and the Qt library
3 Python

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

C/X11 implementation (1)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>

#define STRING "Hello, world"

#define BORDER 1
#define FONT "fixed"
XWMHints xwmh = {
(InputHint|StateHint), /* flags */
False, /* input */
NormalState, /* initial_state */
0, /* icon pixmap */
0, /* icon window */
0, 0, /* icon location */
0, /* icon mask */
0, /* Window group */

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

C/X11 implementation (2)

int argc;
char **argv;
Display *dpy; /* X server connection */
Window win; /* Window ID */
GC gc; /* GC to draw with */
XFontStruct *fontstruct; /* Font descriptor */
unsigned long fth, pad; /* Font size parameters */
unsigned long fg, bg, bd; /* Pixel values */
unsigned long bw; /* Border width */
XGCValues gcv; /* Struct for creating GC */
XEvent event; /* Event received */
XSizeHints xsh; /* Size hints for window manager */
char *geomSpec; /* Window geometry string */
XSetWindowAttributes xswa; /* Temp. Set Window Attr. struct */
if ((dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: cant open %s\en", argv[0],

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

C/X11 implementation (3)

if ((fontstruct = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, FONT)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: display %s doesnt know font %s\en",
argv[0], DisplayString(dpy), FONT);
fth = fontstruct->max_bounds.ascent +
bd = WhitePixel(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy));
bg = BlackPixel(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy));
fg = WhitePixel(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy));
pad = BORDER;
bw = 1;
xsh.flags = (PPosition | PSize);
xsh.height = fth + pad * 2;
xsh.width = XTextWidth(fontstruct, STRING,
strlen(STRING)) + pad * 2;
xsh.x = (DisplayWidth(dpy,DefaultScreen(dpy))-xsh.width)/2;
xsh.y = (DisplayHeight(dpy,DefaultScreen(dpy))-xsh.height)/2;
win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
xsh.x, xsh.y, xsh.width, xsh.height,
bw, bd, bg);

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

C/X11 implementation (4)

XSetStandardProperties(dpy, win, STRING, STRING, None,

argv, argc, &xsh);
XSetWMHints(dpy, win, &xwmh);
xswa.colormap = DefaultColormap(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy));
xswa.bit_gravity = CenterGravity;
XChangeWindowAttributes(dpy, win,
(CWColormap | CWBitGravity), &xswa);
gcv.font = fontstruct->fid;
gcv.foreground = fg;
gcv.background = bg;
gc = XCreateGC(dpy, win,
(GCFont | GCForeground | GCBackground), &gcv);
XSelectInput(dpy, win, ExposureMask);
XMapWindow(dpy, win);

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

C/X11 implementation (5)

* Loop forever, examining each event.
while (1) {
XNextEvent(dpy, &event);
if (event.type == Expose && event.xexpose.count == 0) {
XWindowAttributes xwa;
int x, y;
while (XCheckTypedEvent(dpy, Expose, &event));
if (XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, win, &xwa) == 0)
x = (xwa.width - XTextWidth(fontstruct, STRING,
strlen(STRING))) / 2;
y = (xwa.height + fontstruct->max_bounds.ascent
- fontstruct->max_bounds.descent) / 2;
XClearWindow(dpy, win);
XDrawString(dpy, win, gc, x, y, STRING, strlen(STRING));

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

C++/Qt implementation

#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QLabel hello("Hello world!", 0);
hello.resize(100, 30);
return a.exec();

Point: C++ offers abstractions, i.e., complicated variables that

hide lots of low-level details. Something similar is offered by Java.

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Python implementation

#!/usr/bin/env python
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
Label(root, text=Hello, World!,
foreground="white", background="black").pack()

Similar solutions are offered by Perl, Ruby, Scheme, Tcl

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

THE textbook on C

Kernighan and Ritchie: The C Programming Language

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Recommended C++ textbooks

Stroustrup, Barton & Nackman, or Yang:

More books reviewed:

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming
Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

The first C++ encounter

Learning by doing:

Scientific Hello World: the first glimpse of C++

Data filter: reading from and writing to files, calling functions
Matrix-vector product: arrays, dynamic memory management,
for-loops, subprograms

We mainly teach C++ the C version specialities are discussed at

the end of each example (in this way you learn quite some C with
little extra effort)

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Scientific Hello World in C++

./hw1.app 2.3

Output of program hw1.app:

Hello, World! sin(2.3)=0.745705

What to learn:
1 store the first command-line argument in a floating-point
2 call the sine function
3 write a combination of text and numbers to standard output

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

The code

#include <iostream> // input/output functionality

#include <math.h> // the sine function
#include <stdlib.h> // the atof function
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
// convert the text argv[1] to double using atof:
double r = atof(argv[1]);
// declare variables wherever needed:
double s = sin(r);
std::cout << "Hello, World! sin(" << r << ")=" << s << \n;
return 0; /* success */

File: src/C++/hw/hw1.cpp (C++ files have extension .cpp, .C or


H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Dissection (1)

The compiler must see a declaration of a function before you

can call it (the compiler checks the argument and return
The declaration of library functions appears in header files
that must be included in the program:
#include <math.h> // the sine function

We use three functions (atof, sin, and std::cout <<; these

are declared in three different header files
Comments appear after // on a line or between /* and */
On some systems, including stdlib.h is not required because
iostream includes stdlib.h
Finding the right header files (.h) is always a challenge

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Dissection (2)

The main program is a function called main

The command-line arguments are transferred to the main
int main (int argc, char* argv[])

argc is the no of command-line arguments + 1

argv is a vector of strings containing the command-line
argv[1], argv[2], ... are the command-line args
argv[0] is the name of the program

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Dissection (3)

Floating-point variables in C and C++:

1 float: single precision
2 double: double precision
atof: transform a text (argv[1]) to float
Automatic type conversion: double = float
The sine function is declared in math.h
(note: math.h is not automatically included)
Formatted output is possible, but easier with printf
The return value from main is an int (0 if success)
The operating system stores the return value, and other
programs/utilities can check whether the execution was successful or not

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

An interactive version

Let us ask the user for the real number instead of reading it
from the command line
std::cout << "Give a real number:";
double r;
std::cin >> r; // read from keyboard into r
double s = sin(r);
// etc.

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Scientific Hello World in C

#include <stdlib.h> /* atof function */

#include <math.h> /* sine function */
#include <stdio.h> /* printf function */
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
double r, s; /* declare variables in the beginning */
r = atof(argv[1]); /* convert the text argv[1] to double */
s = sin(r);
printf("Hello, World! sin(%g)=%g\n", r, s);
return 0; /* success execution of the program */

File: src/C/hw/hw1.c (C files have extension .c)

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Differences from the C++ version

C uses stdio.h for I/O and functions like printf for output;
C++ can use the same, but the official tools are in iostream
(and use constructions like std::cout << r)
Variables can be declared anywhere in C++ code; in C they
must be listed in the beginning of the function

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

How to compile and link C++ programs

One step (compiling and linking):

unix> g++ -Wall -O3 -o hw1.app hw1.cpp -lm

-lm can be skipped when using g++

(but is otherwise normally required)
Two steps:
unix> g++ -Wall -O3 -c hw1.cpp # compile, result: hw1.o
unix> g++ -o hw1.app hw1.o -lm # link

Native C++ compiler on other systems:

IBM AIX> xlC -O2 -c hw1.cpp
IBM AIX> xlC -o hw1.app hw1.o -lm
other unix> CC -O2 -c hw1.cpp
other unix> CC -o hw1.app hw1.o -lm

Note: -Wall is a g++-specific option

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Collect compiler commands in a script

Even for small test programs it is tedious to write the

compilation and linking commands
Automate with a script!
g++ -Wall -O3 -c hw1.cpp
g++ -o hw1.app hw1.o -lm

or parameterize the program name:

g++ -Wall -O3 -c $progname.cpp
g++ -o $progname.app $progname.o -lm

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Running the script

Suppose the name of the script is compile.sh

Make the script executable:
unix> chmod a+x compile.sh

Execute the script:

unix> ./compile.sh

or if it needs the program name as command-line argument:

unix> ./compile.sh hw1

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

The make.sh scripts in the course software

Compiler name and options depend on the system

Tip: make a script make.sh to set up suitable default compiler
and options, and go through the compilation and linking
With this course we have some make.sh scripts using
environment variables in your start-up file (.bashrc, .cshrc):
# C++ compiler and associated options:

If not defined, these are set according to the computer system

you are on (detected by uname -s)

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

The make.sh script (1)

# determine compiler options (check first if the environment
# variable CPP_COMPILER is set):
if [ ! -n "$CPP_COMPILER" ]; then
# base CPP_COMPILER on the current machine type:
case uname -s in
# GNUs gcc is available on most systems...

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

The make.sh script

# fetch all C++ files:

files=/bin/ls *.cpp
for file in $files; do
stem=echo $file | sed s/\.cpp$//
echo $CPP_COMPILER $CPP_COMPILER_OPTIONS -I. -o $stem.app $file -lm
$CPP_COMPILER $CPP_COMPILER_OPTIONS -I. -o $stem.app $file -lm
ls -s $stem.app

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

How to compile and link C programs

To use GNUs compiler: just replace g++ by gcc

On other systems:
IBM AIX> xlc -O2 -c hw1.c
IBM AIX> xlc -o hw1.app hw1.o -lm
other unix> cc -O2 -c hw1.c
other unix> cc -o hw1.app hw1.o -lm

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

How to compile and link in general

We compile a bunch of Fortran, C and C++ files and link

these with some libraries
Compile each set of files with the right compiler:
unix> g77 -O3 -I/some/include/dir -c *.f
unix> gcc -O3 -I/some/other/include/dir -I. -c *.c
unix> g++ -O3 -I. -c *.cpp
Each command produces a set of corresponding object files
with extension .o

Then link:
unix> g++ -o executable_file -L/some/libdir -L/some/other/libdir \
*.o -lmylib -lyourlib -lstdlib

Here, we link all *.o files with three libraries: libmylib.a,

libyourlib.so, libstdlib.so, found in /some/libdir or
Library type: lib*.a: static; lib*.so: dynamic

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Executables vs. libraries

A set of object files can be linked with a set of libraries to

form an executable program, provided the object files contains
one main program
If the main program is missing, one can link the object files to
a static or sheared library mylib2:
unix> g++ -shared -o libmylib2.so *.o
unix> g++ -static -o libmylib2.a *.o

If you write a main program in main.cpp, you can create the

executable program by
unix> g++ -O -c main.cpp # create main.o
unix> g++ -o executable_file main.o -L. -lmylib2

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes


Compiling and linking are traditionally handled by makefiles

The make program executes the code in makefiles
Makefiles have an awkward syntax and the make language is
primitive for text processing and scripting
The (old) important feature of make is to check time stamps
in files and only recompile the required files
I have stopped using makefiles I prefer plain scripts

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

Things can easily go wrong in C

Lets try a version of the program where we fail to include

stdlib.h (i.e. the compiler does not see the declaration of
unix> gcc -o tmp -O3 hw-error.c
unix> ./tmp 2.3
Hello, World! sin(1.07374e+09)=-0.617326

File: src/C/hw/hw-error.c
The number 2.3 was not read correctly...
argv[1] is the string "2.3"
r is not 2.3 (!)
The program compiled and linked successfully!

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes


Use the C++ compiler, e.g.

unix> g++ -o tmp -O3 hw-error.c
hw-error.c: In function int main(int, char **):
hw-error.c:9: implicit declaration of function int atof(...)

or use gcc -Wall with gcc:

unix> gcc -Wall -o tmp -O3 hw-error.c
hw-error.c: In function main:
hw-error.c:9: warning: implicit declaration of function atof

The warning tells us that the compiler cannot see the declaration
of atof, i.e., a header file with atof is missing

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Example: Data transformation

Suppose we have a file with xy-data:

0.1 1.1
0.2 1.8
0.3 2.2
0.4 1.8

and that we want to transform the y data using some

mathematical function f(y)
Goal: write a C++ program that reads the file, transforms the
y data and write new xy-data to a new file

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Program structure

1 Read name of input and output files as command-line

2 Print error/usage message if less than two command-line
arguments are given
3 Open the files
4 While more data in the file:
1 read x and y from the input file
2 set y = myfunc(y)
3 write x and y to the output file
5 Close the files
File: src/C++/datatrans/datatrans1.cpp

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The C++ code (1)

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <math.h>
double myfunc(double y)
if (y >= 0.0) {
return pow(y,5.0)*exp(-y);
} else {
return 0.0;
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
char* infilename; char* outfilename;
/* abort if there are too few command-line arguments */
if (argc <= 2) {
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " infile outfile" << \n;
} else {
infilename = argv[1]; outfilename = argv[2];

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The C++ code (2)

std::ifstream ifile( infilename);

std::ofstream ofile(outfilename);
std::cout << argv[0] << ": converting " << infilename << " to "
<< outfilename << \n;
double x, y;
int ok = true; // boolean variable for not end of file
while (ok) {
if (!(ifile >> x >> y)) ok = false;
if (ok) {
y = myfunc(y);
ofile << x << " ";
ofile.setf(std::ios::scientific, std::ios::floatfield);
ofile << y << std::endl;
ifile.close(); ofile.close();
return 0;

We can avoid the prefix std:: by writing

using namespace std; /* e.g.: cout now means std::cout */

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP C/C++ Hello World I/O A*x Macros Exercises Classes

C++ file opening

File handling in C++ is implemented through classes

Open a file for reading (ifstream):
#include <fstream>
const char* filename1 = "myfile";
std::ifstream ifile(filename1);

Open a file for writing (ofstream):

std::string filename2 = filename1 + ".out"
std::ofstream ofile(filename2); // new output file

or open for appending data:

std::ofstream ofile(filename2, ios_base::app);

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C++ file reading and writing

Read something from the file:

double a; int b; char c[200];
ifile >> a >> b >> c; // skips white space in between

Can test on success of reading:

if (!(ifile >> a >> b >> c)) ok = 0;

Print to file:
ofile << x << " " << y << \n;

Of course, Cs I/O and file handling can be used

#include <cstdio> // official C++ name for stdio.h
call ios::sync_with_stdio() if stdio/iostream are mixed

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Formatted output with iostream tools

To set the type of floating-point format, width, precision, etc,

use member functions in the output object:
ofile.setf(std::ios::scientific, std::ios::floatfield);

I find such functions tedious to use and prefer printf syntax


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Formatted output with printf tools

The iostream library offers comprehensive formatting control

printf-like functions from C makes the writing faster
(and more convenient?)
Writing to standard output:
printf("f(%g)=%12.5e for i=%3d\n",x,f(x),i);

There is a family of printf-like functions:

1 printf for writing to standard output
2 fprintf for writing to file
3 sprintf for writing to a string
Writing to a file: use fprintf and C-type files, or use C++
files with the oform tool on the next slide

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A convenient formatting tool for C++

Use the C function sprintf to write to a string with

printf-like syntax:
char buffer[200];
sprintf(buffer, "f(%g)=%12.5e for i=%3d",x,f(x),i);
std::cout << buffer;

This construction can be encapsulated in a function:

std::cout << oform("f(%g)=%12.5e for i=%3d",x,f(x),i);
char* oform (const char* fmt, ...) /* variable no of args! */
va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt);
static char buffer[999]; // allocated only once
vsprintf (buffer, fmt, ap);
return buffer;

static variables in a function preserve their contents from call

to call

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The printf syntax

The printf syntax is used for formatting output in many

C-inspired languages (Perl, Python, awk, partly C++)
Example: write
i= 4, r=0.7854, s= 7.07108E-01, method=ACC

i=[integer in a field of width 2 chars]
r=[float/double written as compactly as possible]
s=[float/double written with 5 decimals, in scientific notation,
in a field of width 12 chars]
This is accomplished by
printf("i=%2d, r=%g, s=%12.5e, method=%s\n", i, r, s, method);

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More about I/O in C++

General output object: ostream

General input object: istream
ifstream (file) is a special case of istream
ofstream (file) is a special case of ostream
Can write functions
void print (ostream& os) { ... }
void scan (istream& is) { ... }

These work for both cout/cin and ofstream/ifstream

That is, one print function can print to several different media

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What is actually the argv array?

argv is an array of strings

# C/C++ declaration:
char** argv;
# or
char* argv[];

argv is a double pointer; what this means in plain English is

1 there is an array somewhere in memory
2 argv points to the first entry of this array
3 entries in this array are pointers to other arrays of characters
(char*), i.e., strings
Since the first entry of the argv array is a char*, argv is a
pointer to to a pointer to char, i.e., a double pointer (char**)

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The argv double pointer


some string


some running text ....

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Type conversion

The atof function returns a float, which is then stored in a

r = atof(argv[1]);

C/C++ transforms floats to doubles implicitly

The conversion can be written explicitly:
r = (double) atof(argv[1]); /* C style */
r = double(atof(argv[1])); // C++ style

Explicit variable conversion is a good habit; it is safer than

relying on implicit conversions

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Data transformation example in C

Suppose we have a file with xy-data:

0.1 1.1
0.2 1.8
0.3 2.2
0.4 1.8

and that we want to transform the y data using some

mathematical function f(y)
Goal: write a C program that reads the file, transforms the y
data and write the new xy-data to a new file

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Program structure

1 Read name of input and output files as command-line

2 Print error/usage message if less than two command-line
arguments are given
3 Open the files
4 While more data in the file:
1 read x and y from the input file
2 set y = myfunc(y)
3 write x and y to the output file
5 Close the files
File: src/C/datatrans/datatrans1.c

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The C code (1)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
double myfunc(double y)
if (y >= 0.0) {
return pow(y,5.0)*exp(-y);
} else {
return 0.0;

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The C code (2)

int main (int argc, char* argv[])

FILE *ifile; /* input file */
FILE *ofile; /* outout file */
double x, y;
char *infilename;
char *outfilename;
int n;
int ok;
/* abort if there are too few command-line arguments */
if (argc < 3) {
printf("Usage: %s infile outfile\n", argv[0]); exit(1);
} else {
infilename = argv[1]; outfilename = argv[2];
printf("%s: converting %s to %s\n",
ifile = fopen( infilename, "r"); /* open for reading */
ofile = fopen(outfilename, "w"); /* open for writing */

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The C code (3)

ok = 1; /* boolean (int) variable for detecting end of file */

while (ok) {
n = fscanf(ifile, "%lf%lf", &x, &y); /* read x and y */
if (n == 2) {
/* successful read in fscanf: */
printf("%g %12.5e\n", x, y);
y = myfunc(y);
fprintf(ofile, "%g %12.5e\n", x, y);
} else { /* no more numbers */ ok = 0; }
fclose(ifile); fclose(ofile); return 0;

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Major differences from the C++ version

Use of FILE* pointers instead of ifstream and ofstream

Use of fscanf and fprintf instead of
ifile >> object;
ofile << object;

You can choose any of these two I/O tools in C++

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C file opening

Open a file:
FILE *somefile;
somefile = fopen("somename", "r" /* or "w" */);
if (somefile == NULL) {
/* unsuccessful open, write an error message */

More C-ish style of the if-test:

if (!somefile) { ... }

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C file reading and writing

Read something from the file:

double a; int b; char c[200];
n = fscanf(somefile, "%lf%d%s", &a, &b, c);
/* %lf means long float, %d means integer, %s means string */
/* n is the no of successfully converted items */
/* variables that are to be set inside the function, as in
fscanf, must be preceeded by a &, except arrays (c is
a character array - more about this later)
/* fscanf returns EOF (predefined constant) when reaching
the end-of-file mark

Print to file:
fprintf(ofile, "Here is some text: %g %12.5e\n", x, y);

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Read until end of file

Method 1: read until fscanf fails:

ok = 1; /* boolean variable for not end of file */
while (ok) {
n = fscanf(ifile, "%lf%lf", &x, &y); /* read x and y */
if (n == 2) {
/* successful read in fscanf: */ ... }
} else {
/* didnt manage to read two numbers, i.e.
we have reached the end of the file
ok = 0;

Notice that fscanf reads structured input; errors in the file

format are difficult to detect
A more fool-proof and comprehensive approach is to read
character by character and interpret the contents

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Next example: matrix-vector product

Goal: calculate a matrix-vector product

Declare a matrix A and vectors x and b
Initialize A
Perform b = A*x
Check that b is correct

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What to learn

How one- and multi-dimensional are created in C and C++

Dynamic memory management
Loops over array entries
More flexible array objects in C++
C and C++ functions
Transfer of arguments to functions
Pointers and references

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Basic arrays in C and C++

C and C++ use the same basic array construction

These arrays are based on pointers to memory segments
Array indexing follows a quickly-learned syntax:
q[3][2] is the same as q(3,4) in Fortran, because
1 C/C++ (multi-dimensional) arrays are stored row by row
(Fortran stores column by column)
2 base index is 0 (Fortran applies 1)

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Declaring basic C/C++ vectors

Basic C/C++ arrays are somewhat clumsy to define

C++ has more high-level vectors in its Standard Template
Library, or one can use third-party array objects or write ones
Declaring a fixed-size vector in C/C++ is very easy:
#define N 100
double x[N];
double b[50];

Vector indices start at 0

Looping over the vector:
int i;
for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
x[i] = f(i) + 3.14;
double f(int i) { ... } /* definition of function f */

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Declaring basic C matrices

Declaring a fixed-size matrix:

/* define constants N and M: */
#define N 100
#define M 100
double A[M][N];

Array indices start at 0

Looping over the matrix:
int i,j;
for (i=0; i<M; i++) {
for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
A[i][j] = f(i,j) + 3.14;

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Matrix storage scheme

Note: matrices are stored row wise; the column index should
vary fastest
Recall that in Fortran, matrices are stored column by column
Typical loop in Fortran (2nd index in outer loop):
for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
for (i=0; i<M; i++) {
A[i][j] = f(i,j) + 3.14;

But in C and C++ we now traverse A in jumps!

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Dynamic memory allocation

The length of arrays can be decided upon at run time and the
necessary chunk of memory can be allocated while the
program is running
Such dynamic memory allocation is error-prone!
You need to allocate and deallocate memory
C++ programmers are recommended to use a library where
dynamic memory management is hidden
We shall explain some details of dynamic memory
management; you should know about it, but not necessarily
master the details

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Dynamic memory allocation in C

Static memory allocation (at compile time):

double x[100];

Dynamic memory allocation (at run time):

double* x;
x = (double*) calloc(n, sizeof(double));
/* or: */
x = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double));

calloc: allocate and initialize memory chunk (to zeros)

malloc: just allocate a memory chunk
Free memory when it is no longer used:

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Dynamic memory allocation in C++

The ideas are as in C (allocate/deallocate), but

C++ uses the functions new and delete instead of malloc
and free
double* x = new double[n]; // same as malloc
delete [] x; // same as free(x)
// allocate a single variable:
double* p = new double;
delete p;

Never mix malloc/calloc/free with new/delete!

double* x = new double[n];
free(x); // dangerous

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High-level vectors in C++

C++ has a Standard Template Library (STL) with vector

types, including a vector for numerics:
std::valarray<double> x(n); // vector with n entries

It follows the subscripting syntax of standard C/C++ arrays:

int i;
for (i=0, i<N; i++) {
x[i] = f(i) + 3.14;
// NOTE: with STL one often avoids for-loops
// (more about this later)

STL has no matrix type!

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Storage of vectors

A vector is actually just a pointer to the first element:

double* x; // dynamic vector
double y[N]; // vector with fixed size at compile time

Note: one can write

double *x;
/* or */
double* x;

(the first is C style, the second is C++ style...)

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Storage of matrices

A matrix is represented by a double pointer (e.g. double**)

that points to a contiguous memory segment holding a
sequence of double* pointers
Each double* pointer points to a row in the matrix
double** A; // dynamic matrix
A[i] is a pointer to the i+1-th row
A[i][j] is matrix entry (i,j)


. . . . . .

. double*

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Allocation of a matrix in C

. . . . . .

. double*

Allocate vector of pointers to rows:

A = (double**) calloc(n, sizeof(double*));

Allocate memory for all matrix entries:

A[0] = (double*) calloc(n*n, sizeof(double));

Set the row pointers to the correct memory address:

for (i=1; i<n; i++) A[i] = A[0] + n*i;

C++ style allocation:

A = new double* [n]; A[0] = new double [n*n];

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Deallocation of a matrix in C

When the matrix is no longer needed, we can free/deallocate

the matrix
Deallocation syntax:
free(A[0]); /* free chunk of matrix entries*/
free(A); /* free array of pointers to rows */

C++ style:
delete [] A[0];
delete [] A;

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Warning: be careful with dynamic memory management!

Working with pointers, malloc/calloc and free is notoriously

Avoid explicit memory handling if you can, that is, use C++
libraries with classes that hide dynamic memory management
Tip: Stroustrups Handle class offers a smart pointer (object
with pointer-like behavior) that eliminates the need for explicit
delete calls
Source can be found in

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A glimpse of the Handle class

template< typename T > class Handle
T* pointer; // pointer to actual object
int* pcount; // the number of Handles pointing to the same object
explicit Handle(T* pointer_)
: pointer(pointer_), pcount(new int(1)) {}
explicit Handle(const Handle<T>& r) throw()
: pointer(r.pointer), pcount(r.pcount) { ++(*pcount); }
~Handle() throw()
{ if (--(*pcount) == 0) { delete pointer; delete pcount; } }
T* operator->() { return pointer; }
T& operator*() { return *pointer; }
Handle& operator= (const Handle& rhs) throw() {
if (pointer == rhs.pointer) return *this;
if (--(*pcount) == 0) {
delete pointer; delete pcount;
pointer = rhs.pointer;
pcount = rhs.pcount;
return *this;
} H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming
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Using our own array type

In C++ we can hide all the allocation/deallocation details in

a new type of variable
For convenience and educational purposes we have created
the special type MyArray:
MyArray<double> x(n), A(n,n), b(n);
// indices start at 1:
for (i=1; i <=n; i++) {
x(i) = ...;
A(3,i) = ...;

MyArray indexing is inspired by Fortran 77: data are stored

column by column and the first index is 1 (not 0!)
MyArray is a dynamic type with built-in new/delete
MyArrays internal storage: a plain C vector

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Declaring and initializing A, x and b

MyArray<double> A, x, b;
int n;
if (argc >= 2) {
n = atoi(argv[1]);
} else {
n = 5;
A.redim(n,n); x.redim(n); b.redim(n);
int i,j;
for (j=1; j<=n; j++) {
x(j) = j/2.0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
A(i,j) = 2.0 + double(i)/double(j);

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Matrix-vector product loop

double sum;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
sum = 0.0;
for (j=1; j<=n; j++) {
sum += A(i,j)*x(j);
b(i) = sum;

Note: we traverse A column by column because A is stored

(and indexed) in Fortran fashion

Complete code: src/C++/mv/mv2.cpp

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The corresponding C version

Explicit allocation/deallocation of vector/matrix

The core loop is not that different:
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
x[i] = (i+1)/2.0;
for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
A[i][j] = 2.0 + (((double) i)+1)/(((double) j)+1);
if (n < 10) { printf("A(%d,%d)=%g\t", i,j,A[i][j]); }
if (n < 10) { printf(" x(%d)=%g\n", i,x[i]); }

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Subprograms in C++

Subprograms are called functions in C++

void as return type signifies subroutines in Fortran (no return
A function with return value:
double f(double x) { return sin(x)*pow(x,3.2); } // as in C

Default transfer of arguments: call by value, i.e., in

x1 = 3.2;
q = f(x1)

f takes a copy x of x1

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Call by reference
Problem setting: How can changes to a variable inside a function
be visible in the calling code?
C applies pointers,
int n; n=8;
somefunc(&n); /* &n is a pointer to n */
void somefunc(int *i)
*i = 10; /* n is changed to 10 */

Pointers also work in C++ (C is a subset of C++!), but in

C++ it is standard to use references
int n; n=8;
somefunc(n); /* just transfer n itself */
void somefunc(int& i) // reference to i
i = 10; /* n is changed to 10 */

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Always use references for large objects

This function implies a copy of x:

void somefunc(MyArray<double> x)
{ ... }

Copying is inefficient if x is large!!

Here only a reference (kind of address) is transferred to the
void somefunc(MyArray<double>& x)
// can manipulate the entries in x
x(5) = 10; // ok

Manipulation of the array can be avoided using the const

void somefunc(const MyArray<double>& x)
// can NOT manipulate the entries in x
x(5) = 10; // illegal to assign new values
r = x(1); // ok to read array entries
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A C++ function

Initialize A and x in a separate function:

void init (MyArray<double>& A, MyArray<double>& x)
const int n = x.size();
int i,j;
for (j=1; j<=n; j++) {
x(j) = j/2.0; /* or completely safe: double(j)/2.0 */
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
A(i,j) = 2.0 + double(i)/double(j);

Notice that n is not transferred as in C and Fortran 77; n is a

part of the MyArray object

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Subprograms in C

The major difference is that C has not references, only

Call by reference (change of input parameter) must use
void init (double **A, double *x, int n)
int i,j;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
x[i] = (i+1)/2.0;
for (j=1; j<=n; j++) {
A[i][j] = 2.0 + (((double) i)+1)/(((double) j)+1);

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More about pointers

A pointer holds the memory address to a variable

int* v; /* v is a memory address */
int q; /* q is an integer */
v = &q; /* v holds the address of q */
*v = 2; /* q is changed to 2 */

In function calls:
int n; n=8;
void somefunc(int *i) /* i becomes a pointer to n */
/* i becomes a copy of the pointer to n, i.e.,
i also points to n.
*i = 10; /* n is changed to 10 */

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Array arguments in functions

Arrays are always transferred by pointers, giving the effect of

call by reference
That is, changes in array entries inside a function is visible in
the calling code
void init (double** A, double* x, int n)
/* initialize A and x ... */
init(A, x, n);
/* A and x are changed */

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Pointer arithmetics

Manipulation with pointers can increase the computational

Consider a plain for-loop over an array:
for (i=0; i<n; ++i) { a[i] = b[i]; }

Equivalent loop, but using a pointer to visit the entries:

double *astop, *ap, *bp;
astop = &a[n - 1]; /* points to the end of a */
for (ap=a, bp=b; a <= astop; ap++, bp++) *ap = *bp;

This is called pointer arithmetic

What is the most efficient approach?

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Preprocessor directives

The compilation process consists of three steps

(the first is implicit):
1 run the preprocessor
2 compile
3 link
The preprocessor recognices special directives:
#include <math.h> /* lines starting with #keyword */

meaning: search for the file math.h, in /usr/include or

directories specified by the -I option to gcc/cc, and copy the
file into the program
Directives start with #
There are directives for file include, if-tests, variables,
functions (macros)

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Preprocessor if-tests

If-test active at compile time:

for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
#ifdef DEBUG

Compile with DEBUG defined or not:

unix> gcc -DDEBUG -Wall -o app mp.c # DEBUG is defined
unix> gcc -UDEBUG -Wall -o app mp.c # DEBUG is undefined
unix> gcc -Wall -o app mp.c # DEBUG is undefined

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Macros for defining constants:

#define MyNumber 5

meaning: replace the text MyNumber by 5 anywhere

Macro with arguments (a la text substitution):
#define SQR(a) ((a)*(a))
#define MYLOOP(start,stop,incr,body) \
for (i=start; i<=stop; i=i+incr) \
{ body }
r = SQR(1.2*b);
MYLOOP(1,n,1, a[i]=i+n; a[i]=SQR(a[i]);)

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How to examine macro expansions

You can first run the preprocessor on the program files and
then look at the source code (with macros expanded):
unix> g++ -E -c mymacros.cpp

Output will be in mymacros.o

r = ( ( 1.2*b )*( 1.2*b ) );
for (i= 1 ; i<= n ; i=i+ 1 )
{ a[i]=i+n; a[i]= ( a[i] )*( a[i] ) ; }

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A useful debug macro

void debugprint(char *str, int line, char *file)

{ printf("%s, line %6d: %s\n",file,line,str); }
#ifdef DEBUG
/* define debug as call to debugprint */
#define debug(s) debugprint(s,__LINE__,__FILE__)
/* __LINE__ and __FILE__ are predefined preprocessor macros */
/* define debug as empty string */
#define debug(s)
debug("some debug line"); /* active/deactive; depends on DEBUG */
debug(oform("r=%g, b=%g, i=%d, a[0]=%f",r,b,i,a[0]));
macros.c, line 35: r=21.538, b=3.86742, i=10, a[0]=100.0

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Single vs double precision

Can introduce a macro real:

real myfunc(real x, real y, real t)
{ ... }

Define real at compile time

gcc -Dreal=double ...

or in the code:
#define real float

(in some central header file)

If hardcoded, using typedef is considered as a more fool-proof
typedef double real; /* define real as double */

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Macros and C++

Message in C++ books: avoid macros

Macros for defining constants
#define n 5

are in C++ replaced by const variables:

const int n = 5;

Macros for inline functions

#define SQR(a) (a)*(a)

are in C++ replaced by inline functions:

inline double sqr (double a) { return a*a; }

Much less use of macros in C++ than in C

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Requirements to solutions of exercises

Write as clear and simple code as possible

(Long and tedious code is hard to read)
(Too short code is hard to read and dissect)
Use comments to explain ideas or intricate details
All exercises must have a test example, proving that the
implementation works!
Output from the test example must be included!

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Exercise 1: Modify the C++ Hello World program

Locate the first Hello World program

Compile the program and test it
(manually and with ../make.sh)
Modification: write Hello, World! using cout and the
sine-string using printf

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Exercise 2: Extend the C++ Hello World program

Locate the first Hello World program

Read three command-line arguments: start, stop and inc
Provide a usage message and abort the program in case
there are too few command-line arguments
For r=start step inc until stop, compute the sine of r and
write the result
Write an additional loop using a while construction
Verify that the program works

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Exercise 3: Integrate a function (1)

Write a function
double trapezoidal(userfunc f, double a, double b, int n)

that integrates a user-defined function function f between a

and b using the Trapezoidal rule with n points:

Zb n2
f (a) f (b) X ba
f (x)dx h + + f (a + ih) , h= .
2 2 n1
a i =1

The user-defined function is specified as a function pointer:

typedef double (*userfunc)(double x);

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Exercise 3: Integrate a function (2)

Any function taking a double as argument and returning

double, e.g.,
double myfunc(double x) { return x + sin(x); }

can now be used as a userfunc type, e.g.,

integral_value = trapezoidal(myfunc, 0, 2, 100);

Verify that trapezoidal is implemented correctly

(hint: linear functions should be integrated exactly)

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Binary format

A number like can be represented in ASCII format as 3.14

(4 bytes) or 3.14159E+00 (11 bytes), for instance
In memory, the number occupies 8 bytes (a double), this is
the binary format of the number
The binary format (8 bytes) can be stored directly in files
Binary format (normally) saves space, and input/output is
much faster since we avoid translatation between ASCII chars
and the binary repr.
The binary format varies with the hardware and occasionally
with the compiler version
Two types of binary formats: little and big endian
Motorola and Sun: big endian; Intel and Compaq: little endian

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Exercise 4: Work with binary data in C (1)

Scientific simulations often involve large data sets and binary

storage of numbers saves space in files
How to write numbers in binary format in C:
/* f is some FILE* pointer */
/* r is some double, n is some int */
fwrite((void*) &r, sizeof(r), 1, f);
fwrite((void*) &n, sizeof(n), 1, f);
/* a is some double* array of length n */
fwrite((void*) a, sizeof(double), n, f);

fwrite gets r as an array of bytes (rather than array of

doubles), and the sequence of bytes is dumped to file
Reading binary numbers follow the same syntax; just replace
fwrite by fread

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Exercise: Work with binary data in C (2)

Create datatrans2.c (from datatrans1.c) such that the

input and output data are in binary format
To test the datatrans2.c, we need utilities to create and read
binary files
1 make a small C program that generates n xy-pairs of data and
writes them to a file in binary format (read n from the
command line),
2 make a small C program that reads xy-pairs from a binary file
and writes them to the screen
With these utilities you can create input data to
datatrans2.c and view the file produced by datatrans2.c

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Exercise: Work with binary data in C (3)

Modify the datatrans2.c program such that the x and y

numbers are stored in one long (dynamic) array
The storage structure should be x1, y1, x2, y2, ...
Read and write the array to file in binary format using one
fread and one fwrite call
Try to generate a file with a huge number (10 000 000?) of
pairs and use the Unix time command to test the efficiency of
reading/writing a single array in one fread/fwrite call
compared with reading/writing each number separately

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Exercise 5: Work with binary data in C++

Do the C version of this exercise first!

How to write numbers in binary format in C++:
/* os is some ofstream object */
/* r is some double, n is some int */
os.write((char*) &r, sizeof(double));
os.write((char*) &n, sizeof(int));
/* a is some double* array of length n */
os.write((char*) a, sizeof(double)*n);
/* is is some std::ifstream object */
is.read((char*) &r, sizeof(double));
is.read((char*) &n, sizeof(int));
is.read((char*) a, sizeof(double)*n);

Modify the datatrans1.cpp program such that it works with

binary input and output data (use the C utilities in the
previous exercise to create input file and view output file)

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Exercise 6: Efficiency of dynamic memory allocation (1)

Write this code out in detail as a stand-alone program:

#define NREPETITIONS 1000000
int i,n;
n = atoi(argv[1]);
for (i=1; i<=NREPETITIONS; i++)
// allocate a vector of n doubles
// deallocate the vector

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Exercise 6: Efficiency of dynamic memory allocation (2)

Write another program where each vector entry is allocated

int i,j;
for (i=1; i<=NREPETITIONS; i++)
// allocate each of the doubles separately:
for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
// allocate a double
// free the double

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Exercise: Efficiency of dynamic memory allocation (3)

Measure the CPU time of vector allocations versus allocation

of individual entries:
unix> time myprog1
unix> time myprog2

Adjust NREPETITIONS such that the CPU time of the

fastest program is of order 10 seconds (CPU measurements
should last a few seconds, so one often adapts problem
parameters to get CPU times of this order)

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Traditional programming

Traditional procedural programming:

data structures = variables, arrays
data are shuffled between functions
Problems with procedural approach:

Numerical codes are usually large, resulting in lots of functions

with lots of arrays (and their dimensions)
Too many visible details
Little correspondence between mathematical abstraction and
computer code
Redesign and reimplementation tend to be expensive

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Programming with objects (OOP)

Programming with objects makes it easier to handle large and

complicated codes:

Well-known in computer science/industry

Can group large amounts of data (arrays) as a single variable
Can make different implementations look the same for a user
Not much explored in numerical computing
(until late 1990s)

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Example: programming with matrices

Mathematical problem:

Matrix-matrix product: C = MB
Matrix-vector product: y = Mx

Points to consider:
What is a matrix?
a well defined mathematical quantity, containing a table of
numbers and a set of legal operations
How do we program with matrices?
Do standard arrays in any computer language give good
enough support for matrices?

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A dense matrix in Fortran 77

Fortran syntax (or C, conceptually)

integer p, q, r
double precision M(p,q), B(q,r), C(p,r)
double precision y(p), x(q)
C matrix-matrix product: C = M*B
call prodm(M, p, q, B, q, r, C)
C matrix-vector product: y = M*x
call prodv(M, p, q, x, y)

Drawback with this implementation:

Array sizes must be explicitly transferred

New routines for different precisions

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Working with a dense matrix in C++

// given integers p, q, j, k, r
MatDense M(p,q); // declare a p times q matrix
M(j,k) = 3.54; // assign a number to entry (j,k)
MatDense B(q,r), C(p,r);
Vector x(q), y(p); // vectors of length q and p
C=M*B; // matrix-matrix product
y=M*x; // matrix-vector product
M.prod(x,y); // matrix-vector product

Observe that
we hide information about array sizes
we hide storage structure (the underlying C array)
the computer code is as compact as the mathematical

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A dense matrix class

class MatDense
double** A; // pointer to the matrix data
int m,n; // A is an m times n matrix
// --- mathematical interface ---
MatDense (int p, int q); // create pxq matrix
double& operator () (int i, int j); // M(i,j)=4; s=M(k,l);
void operator = (MatDense& B); // M = B;
void prod (MatDense& B, MatDense& C); // M.prod(B,C); (C=M*B)
void prod (Vector& x, Vector& z); // M.prod(y,z); (z=M*y)
MatDense operator * (MatDense& B); // C = M*B;
Vector operator * (Vector& y); // z = M*y;
void size (int& m, int& n); // get size of matrix

Notice that the storage format is hidden from the user

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What is this object or class thing?

A class is a collection of data structures and operations on

An object is a realization (variable) of a class
The MatDense object is a good example:
1 data: matrix size + array entries
2 operations: creating a matrix, accessing matrix entries,
matrix-vector products,..
A class is a new type of variable, like reals, integers etc
A class can contain other objects;
in this way we can create complicated variables that are easy
to program with

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Extension to sparse matrices

Matrix for the discretization of 2 u = f .

Only 5n out of n 2 entries are nonzero.
Store only the nonzero entries!
Many iterative solution methods for Au = b can operate on
the nonzeroes only

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How to store sparse matrices (1)

a1,1 0 0 a1,4 0

0 a2,2 a2,3 0 a2,5
0 a3,2 a3,3 0 0 .
a4,1 0 0 a4,4 a4,5
0 a5,2 0 a5,4 a5,5

Working with the nonzeroes only is important for efficiency!

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How to store sparse matrices (2)

The nonzeroes can be stacked in a one-dimensional array

Need two extra arrays to tell where a row starts and the
column index of a nonzero

A = (a1,1 , a1,4 , a2,2 , a2,3 , a2,5 , . . .

irow = (1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 14),
jcol = (1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 2, 4, 5).

more complicated data structures and hence more

complicated programs

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Sparse matrices in Fortran

Code example for y = Mx

integer p, q, nnz
integer irow(p+1), jcol(nnz)
double precision M(nnz), x(q), y(p)
call prodvs (M, p, q, nnz, irow, jcol, x, y)

Two major drawbacks:

Explicit transfer of storage structure (5 args)

Different name for two functions that perform the same task
on two different matrix formats

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Sparse matrix as a C++ class (1)

class MatSparse
double* A; // long vector with the nonzero matrix entries
int* irow; // indexing array
int* jcol; // indexing array
int m, n; // A is (logically) m times n
int nnz; // number of nonzeroes
// the same functions as in the example above
// plus functionality for initializing the data structures
void prod (Vector& x, Vector& z); // M.prod(y,z); (z=M*y)

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Sparse matrix as a C++ class (2)

What has been gained?

Users cannot see the sparse matrix data structure
Matrix-vector product syntax remains the same
The usage of MatSparse and MatDense is the same
Easy to switch between MatDense and MatSparse

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The jungle of matrix formats

When solving PDEs by finite element/difference methods

there are numerous advantageous matrix formats:
- dense matrix
- banded matrix
- tridiagonal matrix
- general sparse matrix
- structured sparse matrix
- diagonal matrix
- finite difference stencil as matrix
The efficiency of numerical algorithms is often strongly
dependent on the matrix storage scheme
Goal: hide the details of the storage schemes

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Different matrix formats

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The matrix class hierarchy


MatDense MatSparse MatTriDiag MatBanded

Generic interface in base class Matrix

Implementation of storage and member functions in the
Generic programming in user code:
Matrix& M;
M.prod(x,y); // y=M*x

i.e., we need not know the structure of M, only that it refers to

some concrete subclass object;
C++ keeps track of which subclass object!
prod must then be a virtual function

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Object-oriented programming

Matrix = object
Details of storage schemes are hidden
Common interface to matrix operations
Base class: define operations, no data
Subclasses: implement specific storage schemes and
It is possible to program with the base class only!

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Bad news...

Object-oriented programming do wonderful things, but might

be inefficient
Adjusted picture:
When indexing a matrix, one needs to know its data storage
structure because of efficiency
In the rest of the code one can work with the generic base
class and its virtual functions
Object-oriented numerics: balance between efficiency and OO

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A simple class example

We may use C++ classes to encapsulate C code and make C

functions easier to use
Example: a tool for measuring CPU time in programs
We wrap a class around basic C library calls

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Simple clock; C function interface

time.h has a function clock for measuring the CPU time

Basic usage:
#include <time.h>
clock_t t0 = clock(); // read CPU time
// do tasks ...
clock_t t1 = clock();
double cpu_time = (t1 - t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

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More info; C function interface

sys/times.h has a struct (class without functions) tms

tms gives info about user time and system time of the current
and all children processes
tms is a C struct with data attributes
tms_utime : user time (this process)
tms_stime : system time (this process)
tms_cutime : user time, child process
tms_cstime : system time, child process

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Example on using tms

Basic usage (GNU/Linux):

#include <sys/times.h> /* tms */
#include <unistd.h> /* for clock ticks per sec */
tms t1, t2;
/* perform operations... */
tms diff;
// user time:
diff.tms_utime = t2.tms_utime - t1.tms_utime;
// system time:
diff.tms_stime = t2.tms_stime - t1.tms_stime;
// user time, children processes:
diff.tms_cutime = t2.tms_cutime - t1.tms_cutime;
// system time, children processes:
diff.tms_cstime = t2.tms_cstime - t1.tms_cstime;
double ticks = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
double cpu_time;
cpu_time = double(diff.tms_utime + diff.tms_stime)/ticks;

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Desired easy-to-use C++ function interface

#include <CPUclock.h>
CPUclock clock;
// perform tasks ...
double cpu_time = clock.getCPUtime();
// perform more tasks
double cpu_time2 = clock.getCPUtime();
// perform even more tasks
double cpu_time3 = clock.getCPUtime();

clock.getCPUtime() returns the CPU time since the last call to

the function

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class CPUclock; simplest approach

class CPUclock
clock_t t0;
void init () { t0 = clock(); }
double getCPUtime() {
double t0_end = clock();
double cpu = double((t0_end - t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
t0 = clock_t(t0_end);
return cpu;

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class CPUclock with tms struct

#ifndef CPUclock_H
#define CPUclock_H
#include <time.h> // clock function
#ifdef HAS_TMS
#include <sys/times.h> // tms struct
class CPUclock
clock_t t0;
#ifdef HAS_TMS
tms t1, diff;
double cpu_time, child_cpu_time;
void init ();
double getCPUtime();

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CPUclock.cpp (1)

#include <CPUclock.h>
#ifdef HAS_TMS
#include <unistd.h>
void CPUclock:: init ()
t0 = clock();
#ifdef HAS_TMS

Note: the implementation may differ between platforms

(e.g. Linux, SunOS, Windows)

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CPUclock.cpp (2)
double CPUclock:: getCPUtime ()
double t0_end = clock();
double cpu_time_clock = double((t0_end - t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
#ifdef HAS_TMS
tms t2;
diff.tms_utime = t2.tms_utime - t1.tms_utime;
diff.tms_stime = t2.tms_stime - t1.tms_stime;
diff.tms_cutime = t2.tms_cutime - t1.tms_cutime;
diff.tms_cstime = t2.tms_cstime - t1.tms_cstime;
double clock_ticks_per_sec = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); // Linux
cpu_time_clock = double(diff.tms_utime + diff.tms_stime) \
child_cpu_time = \
double(diff.tms_cutime + diff.tms_cstime)/clock_ticks_per_sec;
// update t1 such that next getCPUtime() gives new difference:
t0 = clock_t(t0_end);
return cpu_time_clock;

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Why do we need classes to do this?

We could have made a plain function interface, e.g.,

// perform tasks ...
double cpu_time = CPUclock_getCPUtime();

to hide the original (long) C code

Problem: we need to store t0 and t1 as a global variables
The class solution is cleaner, easier to extend (e.g., return
user time, system time, user time of child process, etc.)
When functions need to remember a state (like t0), one is
better off with a class

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Offer a function for system time:

double CPUclock:: getSystemTime()
#ifdef HAS_TMS
return double(diff.tms_stime)/sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);

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Complex arithmetic in C++

Making a class for complex numbers is a good educational

Note: C++ already has a class complex in its standard
template library (STL) use that one for professional work
#include <complex>
std::complex<double> z(5.3,2.1), y(0.3);
std::cout << z*y + 3;

However, writing our own class for complex numbers is a very

good exercise for novice C++ programmers!

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Usage of our Complex class

#include "Complex.h"
void main ()
Complex a(0,1); // imaginary unit
Complex b(2), c(3,-1);
Complex q = b;
std::cout << "q=" << q << ", a=" << a << ", b=" << b << "\n";
q = a*c + b/a;
std::cout << "Re(q)=" << q.Re() << ", Im(q)=" << q.Im() << "\n";

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Basic contents of class Complex

Data members: real and imaginary part

Member functions:
1 construct complex numbers
Complex a(0,1); // imaginary unit
Complex b(2), c(3,-1);
2 Write out complex numbers:
std::cout << "a=" << a << ", b=" << b << "\n";
3 Perform arithmetic operations:
q = a*c + b/a;

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Declaration of class Complex

class Complex
double re, im; // real and imaginary part
Complex (); // Complex c;
Complex (double re, double im = 0.0); // Complex a(4,3);
Complex (const Complex& c); // Complex q(a);
~Complex () {}
Complex& operator= (const Complex& c); // a = b;
double Re () const; // double real_part = a.Re();
double Im () const; // double imag_part = a.Im();
double abs () const; // double m = a.abs(); // modulus
friend Complex operator+ (const Complex& a, const Complex& b);
friend Complex operator- (const Complex& a, const Complex& b);
friend Complex operator* (const Complex& a, const Complex& b);
friend Complex operator/ (const Complex& a, const Complex& b);

friend means that stand-alone functions can work on private parts

(re, im)

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The simplest member functions

Extract the real and imaginary part (recall: these are private,
i.e., invisible for users of the class; here we get a copy of them
for reading)
double Complex:: Re () const { return re; }
double Complex:: Im () const { return im; }

What is const? see next slide...

Computing the modulus:
double Complex:: abs () const { return sqrt(re*re + im*im); }

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The const concept (1)

const variables cannot be changed:

const double p = 3;
p = 4; // ILLEGAL!! compiler error...

const arguments (in functions) cannot be changed:

void myfunc (const Complex& c)
{ c.re = 0.2; /* ILLEGAL!! compiler error... */ }

const Complex arguments can only call const member

double myabs (const Complex& c)
{ return c.abs(); } // ok because c.abs() is a const func.

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The const concept (2)

Without const in
double Complex:: abs () { return sqrt(re*re + im*im); }

the compiler would not allow the c.abs() call in myabs

double myabs (const Complex& c)
{ return c.abs(); }

because Complex::abs is not a const member function

const functions cannot change the objects state:
void Complex::myfunc2 () const
{ re = 0.0; im = 0.5; /* ILLEGAL!! compiler error... */ }
You can only read data attributes and call \emp{const} functions

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Overloaded operators

C++ allows us to define + - * / for arbitrary objects

The meaning of + for Complex objects is defined in the
Complex operator+ (const Complex& a, const Complex& b); // a+b

The compiler translates

c = a + b;

c = operator+ (a, b);

i.e., the overhead of a function call

If the function call appears inside a loop, the compiler cannot
apply aggressive optimization of the loop! That is why the
next slide is important!

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Inlined overloaded operators

Inlining means that the function body is copied directly into

the calling code, thus avoiding calling the function
Inlining is enabled by the inline keyword:
inline Complex operator+ (const Complex& a, const Complex& b)
{ return Complex (a.re + b.re, a.im + b.im); }

Inline functions, with compliete bodies, must be written in the

.h (header) file

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Consequence of inline

c = a + b;

that is,
c.operator= (operator+ (a,b));

If operator+, operator= and the constructor Complex(r,i) all

are inline functions, this transforms to
c.re = a.re + b.re;
c.im = a.im + b.im;

by the compiler, i.e., no function calls

More about this later

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Friend functions (1)

The stand-alone function operator+ is a friend of class

class Complex
friend Complex operator+ (const Complex& a, const Complex& b);

so it can read (and manipulate) the private data parts re and

inline Complex operator+ (const Complex& a, const Complex& b)
{ return Complex (a.re + b.re, a.im + b.im); }

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Friend functions (2)

Since we do not need to alter the re and im variables, we can

get the values by Re() and Im(), and there is no need to be a
friend function:
inline Complex operator+ (const Complex& a, const Complex& b)
{ return Complex (a.Re() + b.Re(), a.Im() + b.Im()); }

operator-, operator* and operator/ follow the same set up

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Constructors have the same name as the class

The declaration statement
Complex q;

calls the member function Complex()

A possible implementation is
Complex:: Complex () { re = im = 0.0; }

meaning that declaring a complex number means making the

number (0,0)
Complex:: Complex () {}

Downside: no initialization of re and im

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Constructor with arguments

The declaration statement

Complex q(-3, 1.4);

calls the member function Complex(double, double)

A possible implementation is
Complex:: Complex (double re_, double im_)
{ re = re_; im = im_; }

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The assignment operator

a = b

implies a call
a.operator= (b)

this is the definition of assignment

We implement operator= as a part of the class:
Complex& Complex:: operator= (const Complex& c)
re = c.re;
im = c.im;
return *this;

If you forget to implement operator=, C++ will make one

(this can be dangerous, see class MyVector!)

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Copy constructor

The statements
Complex q = b;
Complex q(b);

makes a new object q, which becomes a copy of b

Simple implementation in terms of the assignment:
Complex:: Complex (const Complex& c)
{ *this = c; }

this is a pointer to this object, *this is the present object,

so *this = c means setting the present object equal to c, i.e.,
this->operator= (c)

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Output function

Output format of a complex number: (re,im), i.e., (1.4,-1)

Desired user syntax:
std::cout << c;
any_ostream_object << c;

The effect of << for a Complex object is defined in

ostream& operator<< (ostream& o, const Complex& c)
{ o << "(" << c.Re() << "," << c.Im() << ") "; return o;}

The input operator (operator>>) is more complicated (need

to recognize parenthesis, comma, real numbers)

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The multiplication operator

First attempt:
inline Complex operator* (const Complex& a, const Complex& b)
Complex h; // Complex()
h.re = a.re*b.re - a.im*b.im;
h.im = a.im*b.re + a.re*b.im;
return h; // Complex(const Complex&)

Alternative (avoiding the h variable):

inline Complex operator* (const Complex& a, const Complex& b)
return Complex(a.re*b.re - a.im*b.im, a.im*b.re + a.re*b.im);

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Inline constructors

To inline the complete expression a*b, the constructors and

operator= must also be inlined!
inline Complex:: Complex () { re = im = 0.0; }
inline Complex:: Complex (double re_, double im_)
{ ... }
inline Complex:: Complex (const Complex& c)
{ ... }
inline Complex:: operator= (const Complex& c)
{ ... }

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Behind the curtain

// e, c, d are complex
e = c*d;
// first compiler translation:
e.operator= (operator* (c,d));
// result of nested inline functions
// operator=, operator*, Complex(double,double=0):
e.re = c.re*d.re - c.im*d.im;
e.im = c.im*d.re + c.re*d.im;

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Benefit of inlined operators in loops

Consider this potentially very long loop:

Complex s, a;
// initialize s and a...
for (i = 1; i <= huge_n; i++) {
s = s + a;
a = a*3.0;

Without inlining operator=, operator+, operator*, and the

constructors, we introduce several (how many??) function
calls inside the loop, which prevent aggressive optimization by
the compiler

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The real name of C++ functions (1)

C++ combines the name of the function and the type of

arguments; this name is seen from the operating system
This allows for using the same function name for different
functions if only the arguments differ
Examples (g++ generated names):
Complex:: Complex()
Complex:: Complex(double re_, double im_)
void Complex:: abs()
void Complex:: write(ostream& o)
Complex operator+ (const Complex& a, const Complex& b)

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The real name of C++ functions (2)

You need to know the real name of a C++ function if you

want to call it from C or Fortran
You can see the real name by running nm on the object file:
unix> nm Complex.o

It takes some effort to get used to reading the output from nm

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Header file

We divide the code of class Complex into a header file

Complex.h and a file Complex.cpp with the body of the
The header file contains the class declaration (data and
functions), declaration of stand-alone functions, and all inline
functions with bodies
#ifndef Complex_H
#define Complex_H
#include <...>
class Complex
std::ostream operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Complex& c);
std::istream operator>> (const Complex& c, std::istream& i);
// inline functions with bodies:
inline Complex operator+ (const Complex& a, const Complex& b)
{ return Complex(a.re + b.re, a.im + b.im); }
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Other files

Complex.cpp contains the bodies of the non-inline functions in

class Complex
Test application (with main program): any filename with
extension .cpp, e.g., main.cpp
Complex.cpp can be put in a library (say) mylib.a together
with many other C++ classes
Complex.h (and other header files for the library) are put in an
include directory $HOME/mysoft/include
Compile main.cpp and link with the library (you must notify
the compiler about the include dir and where the library is)
g++ -I$HOME/mysoft/include -c main.cpp
g++ -o myexecutable -L$HOME/mysoft/lib main.o -lmylib -lm

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Example: class MyVector

Class MyVector: a vector

Data: plain C array
Functions: subscripting, change length, assignment to another
vector, inner product with another vector, ...
This examples demonstrates many aspects of C++
Note: this is mainly an educational example; for professional
use one should use a ready-made vector class (std::valarray
for instance)

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MyVector functionality (1)

Create vectors of a specified length:

MyVector v(n);

Create a vector with zero length:

MyVector v;

Redimension a vector to length n:


Create a vector as a copy of another vector w:

MyVector v(w);

Extract the length of the vector:

const int n = v.size();

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MyVector functionality (2)

Extract an entry:
double e = v(i);

Assign a number to an entry:

v(j) = e;

Set two vectors equal to each other:

w = v;

Take the inner product of two vectors:

double a = w.inner(v);

or alternatively
a = inner(w,v);

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MyVector functionality (3)

Write a vector to the screen:


Arithmetic operations with vectors:

// MyVector u, y, x; double a
u = a*x + y; // DAXPY operation

The proposed syntax is defined through functions in class

Class MyVector holds both the data in the vector, the length
of the vector, as well as a set of functions for operating on the
vector data
MyVector objects can be sent to Fortran/C functions:
// v is MyVector
call_my_F77_function (v.getPtr(), v.size(), ...)
// array length

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The MyVector class

class MyVector
double* A; // vector entries (C-array)
int length;
void allocate (int n); // allocate memory, length=n
void deallocate(); // free memory
MyVector (); // MyVector v;
MyVector (int n); // MyVector v(n);
MyVector (const MyVector& w); // MyVector v(w);
~MyVector (); // clean up dynamic memory
bool redim (int n); // v.redim(m);
MyVector& operator= (const MyVector& w);// v = w;
double operator() (int i) const; // a = v(i);
double& operator() (int i); // v(i) = a;
void print (std::ostream& o) const; // v.print(cout);
double inner (const MyVector& w) const; // a = v.inner(w);
int size () const { return length; } // n = v.size();
double* getPtr () { return A; } // send v.getPtr() to C/F77

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Functions declared in the MyVector header file

These appear after the class MyVector declaration:

// operators:
MyVector operator* (double a, const MyVector& v); // u = a*v;
MyVector operator* (const MyVector& v, double a); // u = v*a;
MyVector operator+ (const MyVector& a, const MyVector& b); // u = a

The reason why these are declared outside the class, that the
functions take two arguments: the left and right operand
An alternative is to define the operators in the class, then the
left operand is the class (this object) and the argument is the
right operand
We recommend to define binary operators outside the class
with explicit left and right operand

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Constructors (1)

Constructors tell how we declare a variable of type MyVector

and how this variable is initialized
MyVector v; // declare a vector of length 0
// this actually means calling the function
MyVector::MyVector ()
{ A = NULL; length = 0; }

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Constructors (2)

More constructors:
MyVector v(n); // declare a vector of length n
// means calling the function
MyVector::MyVector (int n)
{ allocate(n); }
void MyVector::allocate (int n)
length = n;
A = new double[n]; // create n doubles in memory

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A MyVector object is created (dynamically) at run time, but

must also be destroyed when it is no longer in use. The
destructor specifies how to destroy the object:
MyVector::~MyVector ()
// free dynamic memory:
void MyVector::deallocate ()
delete [] A;

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The assignment operator

Set a vector equal to another vector:

// v and w are MyVector objects
v = w;

means calling
MyVector& MyVector::operator= (const MyVector& w)
// for setting v = w;
redim (w.size()); // make v as long as w
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { // (C arrays start at 0)
A[i] = w.A[i];
return *this;
// return of *this, i.e. a MyVector&, allows nested
// assignments:
u = v = u_vec = v_vec;

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Redimensioning the length

Change the length of an already allocated MyVector object:

v.redim(n); // redimension v to length n

bool MyVector::redim (int n)
if (length == n)
return false; // no need to allocate anything
else {
if (A != NULL) {
// "this" object has already allocated memory
return true; // the length was changed

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The copy constructor

Create a new vector as a copy of an existing one:

MyVector v(w); // take a copy of w
MyVector::MyVector (const MyVector& w)
allocate (w.size()); // "this" object gets ws length
*this = w; // call operator=

this is a pointer to the current (this) object, *this is the

object itself

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The const concept (1)

const is a keyword indicating that a variable is not to be

const int m=5; // not allowed to alter m
MyVector::MyVector (const MyVector& w)
// w cannot be altered inside this function
// & means passing w by _reference_
// only ws const member functions can be called
// (more about this later)
MyVector::MyVector (MyVector& w)
// w can be altered inside this function, the change
// is visible from the calling code
bool MyVector::redim (int n)
// a local _copy_ of n is taken, changing n inside redim
// is invisible from the calling code

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The const concept (2)

const member functions, e.g.,

void MyVector::print (std::ostream& o) const

means that the functions do not alter any data members of

the class

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Essential functionality: subscripting

a and v are MyVector objects, want to set

a(j) = v(i+1);

The meaning of a(j) and v(i+1) is defined by

inline double& MyVector::operator() (int i)
return A[i-1];
// base index is 1 (not 0 as in C/C++)

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More about the subscription function

Why return a double reference?

double& MyVector::operator() (int i) { return A[i-1]; }

Because the reference (pointer) gives access to the memory

location of A[i-1] so we can modify its contents (assign new
Returning just a double,
double MyVector::operator() (int i) { return A[i-1]; }

gives access to a copy of the value of A[i-1]

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Inlined subscripting

Calling operator() for subscripting implies a function call

Inline operator(): function body is copied to calling code, no
overhead of function call
Note: inline is just a hint to the compiler; there is no
guarantee that the compiler really inlines the function
With inline we hope that a(j) is as efficient as a.A[j-1]
Note: inline functions and their bodies must be implemented
in the .h (header) file!

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More about inlining

Consider this loop with vector arithmetics:

// given MyVector a(n), b(n), c(n);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
c(i) = a(i)*b(i);

Compiler inlining translates this to:

for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
c.A[i-1] = a.A[i-1]*b.A[i-1];
// or perhaps
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
c.A[i] = a.A[i]*b.A[i];

More optimizations by a smart compiler:

double* ap = &a.A[0]; // start of a
double* bp = &b.A[0]; // start of b
double* cp = &c.A[0]; // start of c
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cp[i] = ap[i]*bp[i]; // pure C!

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Add safety checks

New version of the subscripting function:

inline double& MyVector::operator() (int i)
if (i < 1 || i > length)
std::cerr << // or write to std::cout
"MyVector::operator(), illegal index, i=" << i;
return A[i-1];

In case of a false ifdef, the C/C++ preprocessor physically

removes the if-test before the compiler starts working
To define safety checks:
g++ -DSAFETY_CHECKS -o prog prog.cpp

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More about const (1)

Const member functions cannot alter the state of the object:

Return access to a vector entry and allow the object to be

double& operator() (int i) { return A[i-1]; }
a(j) = 3.14; // example

The same function with a const keyword can only be used for
reading array values:
double c = a(2); // example
double operator() (int i) const
{ return A[i-1]; }

(return double, i.e., a copy, not double&)

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More about const (2)

Only const member functions can be called from const

void someFunc (const MyVector& v)
v(3) = 4.2; // compiler error, const operator() wont work
void someFunc (MyVector& v)
v(3) = 4.2; // ok, calls non-const operator()

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Two simple functions: print and inner

void MyVector::print (std::ostream& o) const

int i;
for (i = 1; i <= length; i++)
o << "(" << i << ")=" << (*this)(i) << \n;
double a = v.inner(w);
double MyVector::inner (const MyVector& w) const
int i; double sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
sum += A[i]*w.A[i];
// alternative:
// for (i = 1; i <= length; i++) sum += (*this)(i)*w(i);
return sum;

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Operator overloading (1)

We can easily define standard C++ output syntax also for our
special MyVector objects:
// MyVector v
std::cout << v;

This is implemented as
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const MyVector& v)
v.print(o); return o;

Why do we return a reference?

// must return std::ostream& for nested output operators:
std::cout << "some text..." << w;
// this is realized by these calls:
operator<< (std::cout, "some text...");
operator<< (std::cout, w);

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Operator overloading (2)

We can redefine the multiplication operator to mean the inner

product of two vectors:
double a = v*w; // example on attractive syntax
// global function:
double operator* (const MyVector& v, const MyVector& w)
return v.inner(w);

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Operator overloading (3)

// have some MyVector u, v, w; double a;
u = v + a*w;
// global function operator+
MyVector operator+ (const MyVector& a, const MyVector& b)
MyVector tmp(a.size());
for (int i=1; i<=a.size(); i++)
tmp(i) = a(i) + b(i);
return tmp;
// global function operator*
MyVector operator* (const MyVector& a, double r)
MyVector tmp(a.size());
for (int i=1; i<=a.size(); i++)
tmp(i) = a(i)*r;
return tmp;
// symmetric operator: r*a
MyVector operator* (double r, const MyVector& a)
{ return operator*(a,r); }

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Limitations due to efficiency

Consider this code segment:

MyVector u, x, y; double a;
u = y + a*x; // nice syntax!

What happens behind the curtain?

MyVector temp1(n);
temp1 = operator* (a, x);
MyVector temp2(n);
temp2 = operator+ (y, temp1);
u.operator= (temp2);

Hidden allocation - undesired for large vectors

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Alternative to operator overloading

Avoid overloaded operators and their arithmetics for large

objects (e.g., large arrays) if efficiency is crucial
Write special function for compound expressions,
e.g., u = y + a*x could be computed by
u.daxpy (y, a, x)

which could be implemented as

void MyVector:: daxpy (const MyVector& y, double a,
const MyVector& x)
for (int i = 1; i <= length; i++)
A[i] = y.A[i] + a*x.A[i];

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Another implementation of daxpy

Having specialized expressions such as a*x+y as member

functions, may pollute the vector class
Here is a stand-alone function (outside the class):
void daxpy (MyVector& u, const MyVector& y,
double a, const MyVector& x)
for (int i = 1; i <= y.size(); i++)
u(i) = a*x(i) + y(i);
// usage:
daxpy(u, y, a, x);

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Yet another implementation of daxpy

The result is returned:

MyVector daxpy (const MyVector& y, double a, const MyVector& x)
MyVector r(y.size()); // result
for (int i = 1; i <= y.size(); i++)
r(i) = a*x(i) + y(i);
return r;
// usage:
u = daxpy(y, a, x);

What is the main problem wrt efficiency here?

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Vectors of other entry types

Class MyVector is a vector of doubles

What about a vector of floats or ints?
Copy and edit code...?
No, this can be done automatically by use of macros or
Templates is the recommended C++ approach

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Macros for parameterized types (1)

Substitute double by Type:

class MyVector(Type)
Type* A;
int length;
Type& operator() (int i) { return A[i-1]; }

Define MyVector(Type) through a macro:

#define concatenate(a,b) a ## b
#define MyVector(X) concatenate(MyVector_,X)

Store this declaration in a file (say) MyVector.h

The preprocessor translates MyVector(double) to
MyVector double before the code is compiled

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Macros for parameterized types (2)

Generate real C++ code in other files:

// in MyVector_double.h, define MyVector(double):
#define Type double
#include <MyVector.h>
#undef Type
// MyVector_float.h, define MyVector(float):
#define Type float
#include <MyVector.h>
#undef Type
// MyVector_int.h, define MyVector(int):
#define Type int
#include <MyVector.h>
#undef Type

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Templates are the native C++ constructs for parameterizing

parts of classes
template<typename Type>
class MyVector
Type* A;
int length;
Type& operator() (int i) { return A[i-1]; }

Declarations in user code:

MyVector<double> a(10);
MyVector<int> counters;

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Subscripting in parameterized vectors

Need a const and a non-const version of the subscripting

Type& operator() { return A[i-1]; }
const Type& operator() const { return A[i-1]; }

Notice that we return a const reference and not just

Type operator() const { return A[i-1]; }

returning Type means taking a copy of A[i-1], i.e., calling the
copy constructor, which is very inefficient if Type is a large
object (e.g. when we work with a vector of large grids)

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We have used int for length of arrays, but size t (an unsigned
integer type) is more standard in C/C++:
double* A;
size_t n; // length of A

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About doing exercises

We strongly recommend to go through the exercises on the

next pages, unless you are an experienced C++ class
The step from one exercise to the next is made sufficiently
small such that you dont get too many new details to fight
with at the same time
Take the opportunity to consult teachers in the computer lab;
doing the exercises there with expert help is efficient
knowledge building towards the more demanding compulsory
exercises and projects in this course

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Exercise 7: Get started with classes (1)

Make a small program with the following code:

class X
int i,j;
X(int i, int j);
void print() const;
X::X(int i_, int j_)
{ i = i_; j = j_; }
void X::print() const
std::cout << "i=" << i << " j=" << j << \n;

plus a main program testing class X:

X x(3,9); x.print();

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Exercise 7: Get started with classes (2)

Compile and run

How can you change the class such that the following code is
X myx; myx.i=5; myx.j=10; myx.print();

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Exercise 8: Work with .h and .cpp files (1)

Consider the program from the previous exercise

Place the class declaration in a header file X.h:
#ifndef X_H
#define X_H
#include <...>
class X
// inline functions:

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Exercise 8: Work with .h and .cpp files (2)

Implement the constructor(s) and print function in an X.cpp

#include <X.h>
X::X(int i_, int j_)
{ ... }
void X::print()
{ ... }

Place the main function in main.cpp

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Exercise 8: Work with .h and .cpp files (3)

Compile the two .cpp files:

g++ -I. -O2 -c X.cpp main.cpp

Link the files with the libraries:

g++ -o Xprog X.o main.o -lm

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Exercise 9: Represent a function as a class

In exercise 3 we implemented a C/C++ function userfunc

that used a function pointer for representing a user-defined
function f
As an alternative, f may be realized as a class,
class F : public FunctionClass
double a; // parameter in the function expression
F(double a_) { a = a_; }
virtual double operator() (double x) const { return a*x; }

The trapezoidal function now has the signature

double trapezoidal(FunctionClass& f, double a, double b, int n)

Implement this function and verify that it works

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Exercise 10: Implement class MyVector

Type in the code of class MyVector

Collect the class declaration and inline functions in MyVector.h
#ifndef MyVector_H
#define MyVector_H
class MyVector
{ ... };
inline double& operator() (int i)
{ ... }

Write the bodies of the member functions in MyVector.cpp

#include <MyVector.h>
// other includes...
MyVector::MyVector () { A = NULL; length = 0; }

Make a main program for testing: main.cpp

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Exercise 11: DAXPY (1)

The mathematical vector operation

u ax + y ,

where a is scalar and x and y are vectors, is often referred to

as a DAXPY operation, because DAXPY is the Fortran
subroutine name for this operation in the standardized BLAS1
Make a C++ function
void daxpy (MyVector& u, double a, const MyVector& x,
const MyVector& y)
{ ... }

performing a loop over the array entries for computing u

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Exercise 11: DAXPY (2)

Make a C++ function

void daxpy_op (MyVector& u, double a, const MyVector& x,
const MyVector& y)
u = a*x + y;

using overloaded operators in the MyVector class

Compare the efficiency of the two functions
(hint: run 10p daxpy operations with vectors of length 10 q ,
e.g., with p = 4 and q = 6)
Compare the efficiency with a tailored Fortran 77 subroutine

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Exercise 12: Communicate with C

Say you want to send a MyVector object to a Fortran or C

Fortran and C understand pointers only: double*
MyVector has an underlying pointer, but it is private
How can class MyVector be extended to allow for
communication with Fortran and C?
Test the procedure by including a C function in the main
program, e.g.,
void printvec(double* a, int n)
int i;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) { printf("entry %d = %g\n",i,a[i]); }

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Exercise 13: Communicate with Fortran

Consider the previous exercise, but now with a printvec

routine written in Fortran 77:
DO 10 I=1,N
WRITE(*,*) A(,I,)=,A(I)

C/C++ wrapper function (i.e., the F77 routine as viewed

from C/C++):
extern "C" {
void printvec77_ (double* a, const int& n);

Compile and link the F77 and C++ files (sometimes special
Fortran libraries like libF77.a must be linked)

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Exercise 14: Extend MyVector (1)

Extend class MyVector with a scan function

scan reads an ASCII file with values of the vector entries
The file format can be like this:

where n is the number of entries and v1, v2, and so on are the
values of the vector entries
Compile, link and test the code

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Exercise 14: Extend MyVector (2)

Make an alternative to scan:

// global function:
istream& operator>> (istream& i, MyVector& v)
{ ... }

for reading the vector from some istream medium (test it with
a file and standard input)

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A more flexible array type

Class MyVector is a one-dimensional array

Extension: MyArray
Basic ideas:
1 storage as MyVector, i.e., a long C array
2 use templates (entry type is T)
3 offer multi-index subscripting:
T& operator() (int i, int j);
T& operator() (int i, int j, int k);

MyArray may be sufficiently flexible for numerical simulation

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Class MyArray
template <class T>
class MyArray
T* A; // vector entries (C-array)
int length;
MyArray (); // MyArray<T> v;
MyArray (int n); // MyArray<T> v(n);
MyArray (const MyArray& w); // MyArray<T> v(w);
~MyArray (); // clean up dynamic memory
int redim (int n); // v.redim(m);
int size () const { return length; } // n = v.size();
MyArray& operator= (const MyArray& w); // v = w;
T operator() (int i) const; // a = v(i);
const T& operator() (int i); // v(i) = a;
T operator() (int i, int j) const; // a = v(p,q);
const T& operator() (int i, int j); // v(p,q) = a;
void print (ostream& o) const; // v.print(cout);

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The interior of MyArray

The code is close to class MyVector

The subscripting is more complicated
(i,j) tuples must be transformed to a single address in a long
Read the source code for details:
src/C++/Wave2D/MyArray.h and

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Exercise 15: 3D MyArray

MyArray works for one and two indices

Extend MyArray such that it handles three indices as well:
T& operator() (int i, int j, int k);

A few other functions must be supplied

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Memory-critical applications

C++ gives you the possibility to have full control of dynamic

memory, yet with a simple and user-friendly syntax
Suppose you want to keep track of the memory usage
Make a class MemBoss that manages a large chunk of memory
Use MemBoss instead of plain new/delete for allocation and
deallocation of memory

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Outline of class MemBoss (1)

class MemBoss
char* chunk; // the memory segment to be managed
size_t size; // size of chunk in bytes
size_t used; // no of bytes used
std::list<char*> allocated_ptrs; // allocated segments
std::list<size_t> allocated_size; // size of each segment
MemBoss(int chunksize)
{ size=chunksize; chunk = new char[size]; used=0; }
~MemBoss() { delete [] chunk; }
void* allocate(size_t nbytes)
{ char* p = chunk+used;
used += nbytes;
return (void*) p;
void deallocate(void* p); // more complicated
void printMemoryUsage(std::ostream& o);

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Outline of class MemBoss (2)

// memory is a global object:

MemBoss memory(500000000); // 500 Mb
// redefine new and delete:
void* operator new (size_t t)
{ return memory.allocate(t); }
void operator delete (void* v)
{ memory.deallocate(v); }
// any new and delete in your program will work with
// the new memory class!!

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Local new and delete in a class

A class can manage its own memory

Example: list of 2D/3D points can allocate new points from a
common chunk of memory
Implement the member functions operator new, operator
Any new or delete action regarding an object of this class will
use the tailored new/delete operator

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Lessons learned

It is easy to use class MyVector

Lots of details visible in C and Fortran 77 codes are hidden
inside the class
It is not easy to write class MyVector
Thus: rely on ready-made classes in C++ libraries unless you
really want to write develop your own code and you know
what are doing

C++ programming is effective when you build your own high-level

classes out of well-tested lower-level classes

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Dont use MyVector - use a library

Class MyVector has only one index (one-dim. array)

Class MyArray (comes with this course) is a better alternative
for numerical computing
Even better: use a professional library
One possible choice is Blitz++
(works well under GNUs g++ compiler)

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C++ (array) libraries

Blitz++: high-performance C++ array library

A++/P++: serial and parallel array library
Overture: PDE (finite difference/volume) on top of
MV++: template-based C++ array library
MTL: extension of STL to matrix computations
PETSc: parallel array and linear solver library
(object-oriented programming in C)
Kaskade: PDE (finite element) solver library
UG: PDE solver library (in C)
Diffpack: PDE (finite element) solver library w/arrays

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The Standard Template Library

STL = Standard Template Library

STL comes with all C++ compilers
Contains vectors, lists, queues, stacks, hash-like data
structures, etc.
Contains generic algorithms (functions) operating on the
various data structures
STL is a good example on C++ programming with templates,
so called generic programming, an alternative to OOP
In generic programming, data structures and algorithms are
separated (algorithms are stand-alone functions, not member
functions in data structures as in OOP)

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Working with STL

STL has three basic ingredients:

Containers (vector, list, ...)

Iterators (generalized pointers to elements in containers)
Algorithms (copy, sort, find, ...)

Each container has an associated iterator, and algorithms work on

any container through manipulation with iterators

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Container: vector

#include <vector>
std::vector<double> v(10, 3.2 /* default value */);
v[9] = 1001; // indexing, array starts at 0
const int n = v.size();
for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
std::cout << v[j] << " "; // only one index is possible
// vector of user-defined objects:
class MyClass { ... };
std::vector<MyClass> w(n);

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Container: string

#include <string>
std::string s1 = "some string";
std::string s2;
s2 = s1 + " with more words";
std::string s3;
s3 = s2.substr(12 /*start index*/, 16 /*length*/);
printf("s1=%s, s3=%s\n", s1.c_str(), s3.c_str());
// std::strings c_str() returns a char* C string

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STL lists

#include <list>
std::list<std::string> slist;
slist.push_front("string 1"); // add at beginning
slist.push_front("string 2");
slist.push_back("string 3"); // add at end
slist.clear(); // erase the whole list
// slist<std::string>::iterator p; // list position
slist.erase(p); // erase element at p
slist.insert(p, "somestr"); // insert before p

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Iterators (1)

Iterators replace for-loops over the elements in a container

Here is a typical loop over a vector
// have some std::vector<T> v;
std::vector<T>::iterator i;
for (i=v.begin(); i!=v.end(); ++i)
std::cout << *i << " ";

(i is here actually a T* pointer)

...and a similar loop over a list:
std::list<std::string>::iterator s;
for (s=slist.begin(); s!=slist.end(); ++s)
std::cout << *s << \n;

(s is here more complicated than a pointer)

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Iterators (2)

All STL data structures are traversed in this manner,

some_iterator s;
// given some_object to traverse:
for (s=some_object.begin(); s!=some_object.end(); ++s) {
// process *s

The users code/class must offer begin, end, operator++, and

operator* (dereferencing)

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std::vector<T> v;
std::list<T> l;
// if l is at least as long as v:
std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), l.begin());
// works when l is empty:
std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), std::back_inserter(l));

Possible implementation of copy:

template<class In, class Out>
Out copy (In first, In last, Out result)
// first, last and result are iterators
while (first != last) {
*result = *first; // copy current element
result++; first++; // move to next element
// or a more compact version:
// while (first != last) *result++ = *first++;
return result;

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Specializing algorithms

Note that copy can copy any sequence

(vector, list, ...)
Similar, but specialized, implementation for vectors of doubles
(just for illustration):
double* copy(double* first, double* last,
double* result)
for (double* p = first; p != last; p++, result++) {
*p = *result;
// or
while (first != last) {
*result = *first;
result++; first++;
return result;

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Some other algorithms

find: find first occurence of an element

count: count occurences of an element
sort: sort elements
merge: merge sorted sequences
replace: replace element with new value

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Exercise 16: List of points (1)

Make a class for 2D points

class Point2D
double x, y; // coordinates
Point2D(double x_, double y_);
Point2D(const Point2D& p);
void set(double x_, double y_);
void get(double& x_, double& y) const;
double getX() const;
double getY() const;
void scan (istream& is); // read from e.g. file
void print(ostream& os);
istream& operator>> (istream& is, Point2D& p);
ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const Point2D& p);

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Exercise 16: List of points (2)

Make a list of 2D points:

std::list<Point2D> plist;

Fill the list with points

Call the STL algorithm sort to sort the list of points
(find some electronic STL documentation)
Print the list using a for-loop and an iterator

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STL and numerical computing

std::valarray is considered superior to std::vector for numerical

valarray does not support multi-index arrays
Can use valarray as internal storage for a new matrix or
multi-index array type
Supports arithmetics on vectors
#include <valarray>
std::valarray<double> u1(7), u2(7), u3(7);
u3 = 3.2*u1 + u2;
// no begin(), end() for valarray
for (j=0; j<7; j++)
std::cout << u3[j] << " ";

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STL and the future

Many attractive programming ideas in STL

For numerical computing one is normally better off with other
libraries than STL and its valarray
Template (generic) programming is more efficient than OOP
since the code is fixed at compile time
The template technology enables very efficient code (e.g.
automatic loop unrolling controlled by a library)
Blitz++: creative use of templates to optimize array
MTL: extension of STL to matrix computations (promising!)
Still portability problems with templates

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Efficiency in the large

What is efficiency?
Human efficiency is most important for programmers
Computational efficiency is most important for program users

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Smith, Bjorstad and Gropp

In the training of programming for scientific computation the

emphasis has historically been on squeezing out every drop of
floating point performance for a given algorithm. ...... This
practice, however, leads to highly tuned racecarlike software codes:
delicate, easily broken and difficult to maintain, but capable of
outperforming more user-friendly family cars.

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Premature optimization

Premature optimization is the root of all evil

(Donald Knuth)
F77 programmers tend to dive into implementation and think
about efficiency in every statement
80-20 rule: 80 percent of the CPU time is spent in 20
percent of the code
Common: only some small loops are responsible for the vast
portion of the CPU time
C++ and F90 force us to focus more on design

Dont think too much about efficiency before you have a

thoroughly debugged and verified program!

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Some rules

Avoid lists, sets etc, when arrays can be used without too
much waste of memory
Avoid calling small virtual functions in the innermost loop
(i.e., avoid object-oriented programming in the innermost
Implement a working code with emphasis on design for
extensions, maintenance, etc.
Analyze the efficiency with a tool (profiler) to predict the
CPU-intensive parts
Attack the CPU-intensive parts after the program is verified

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Some more rules

Heavy computation with small objects might be inefficient,

e.g., vector of class complex objects
Virtual functions: cannot be inlined, overhead in call
Avoid small virtual functions (unless they end up in more than
(say) 5 multiplications)
Save object-oriented constructs and virtual functions for the
program management part
Use C/F77-style in low level CPU-intensive code
(for-loops working on plain C arrays)
Reduce pointer-to-pointer-to....-pointer links inside for-loops

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And even some more rules

Attractive matrix-vector syntax like y = b - A*x has normally

significant overhead compared to a tailored function with one
Avoid implicit type conversion
(use the explicit keyword when declaring constructors)
Never return (copy) a large object from a function
(normally, this implies hidden allocation)

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Examples on inefficient constructions

MyVector somefunc(MyVector v) // copy!
MyVector r;
// compute with v and r
return r; // copy!

two unnecessary copies of possibly large MyVector arrays!

More efficient code:
void somefunc(const MyVector& v, MyVector& r)
// compute with v and r

Alternative: use vectors with built-in reference counting such

that r=u is just a copy of a reference, not the complete data

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Hidden inefficiency

Failure to define a copy constructor

class MyVector
double* A; int length;
// no copy constructor MyVector(const MyVector&)

C++ automatically generates a copy constructor with copy of

data item by data item:
MyVector::MyVector(const MyVector& v)
A = v.A; length = v.length;

Why is this bad? What type of run-time failure can you think
of? (Hint: what happens in the destructor of w if you created
w by MyVector(u)?)

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C++ versus Fortran 77

F77 is normally hard to beat

With careful programming, C++ can come close
Some special template techniques can even beat F77
C++ often competes well with F77 in complicated codes
F77 might be considerably faster than C++ when running
through large arrays (e.g., explicit finite difference schemes)
If C++ is not fast enough: port critical loops to F77

Remark: F90 is also often significantly slower than F77

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Efficiency tests

Diffpack/C++ vs. C vs. FORTRAN 77

Low-level linear algebra (BLAS)
Full PDE simulators
Joint work with Cass Millers group at the Univ. of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP
y ax + y

(368.0 s)

(366.0 s)

(505.0 s)
(485.0 s)
(58.0 s)

(58.0 s)

(242.0 s)

(242.0 s)
Normalized CPU time

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Test: DDOT
s (u, v )
(217.0 s)

(281.0 s)

(341.0 s)

(336.0 s)

(252.0 s)
(183.0 s)
(49.0 s)

1 C
(42.0 s)
Normalized CPU time

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x Ay

(368.0 s)

(366.0 s)

(505.0 s)
(485.0 s)
(58.0 s)

(58.0 s)

(242.0 s)

(242.0 s)
Normalized CPU time

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Test: linear convection-diffusion

+ ~v u = k2 u in 3D
Tests iterative solution (BiCGStab w/Jacobi prec.) of linear
3 (630.0 s)
(492.0 s)

Grid size
(229.0 s)

2.5 100x20x10
Normalized CPU time

(940.0 s) 500x10x10
2 (1215.0 s)
(382.0 s)

(1534.0 s)

(2005.0 s)
(634.0 s)



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Test: Richards equation


+ Ss S = K +1 in 1D
t t z z

Tests FE assembly w/advanced constitutive relations

(533.0 s)

(170.0 s)
Grid size
(177.0 s)
(59.0 s)

(20.0 s)

1.4 1,600
(114.0 s)
(38.0 s)
Normalized CPU time


(53.6 s)
(12.2 s)






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Test: convection-diffusion-reaction

convection-diffusion + u 2 in 1D
by Newtons method
Tests FE assembly
(4.7 s)


(165.0 s)
1.4 Grid size

(13.0 s)
(42.0 s)

Normalized CPU time


(576.0 s)
(149.0 s)






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Strong sides of C++

Rich language (over 60 keywords)

Good balance between OO support and numerical efficiency
Very widespread for non-numerical software
Careful programming can give efficiency close to that of F77
Well suited for large projects
Compatibility with C
The compiler finds many errors
Good software development tools
Good standard library for strings, lists, arrays, etc. (STL)

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Weak sides of C++

Lacks good standard libraries for numerics

(STL is too primitive)
Many possibilities for inefficient code
Many ways of doing the same things
(programming standard is important!)
Supports ugly constructs
The language is under development, which causes portability

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An ideal scientific computing environment

Write numerical codes close to the mathematics and numerical


Write very high-level code for rapid prototyping

Write lower-level code to control details
when needed
Get efficiency as optimized Fortran 77 code

Recall: high-level codes are easier to read, maintain, modify and


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Application example

Finite difference PDE solver for, e.g.,

u u
= H(x, y ) + H(x, y )
t 2 x x y y

on a rectangular grid
Explicit 2nd-order finite difference scheme:

ui`+1 `1 ` ` ` ` `
,j = G (ui ,j , ui ,j , ui 1,j , ui +1,j , ui ,j1 , ui ,j+1 )

Abstractions: 2D arrays, grid, scalar fields,

FD operators, ...

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Typical features of a modern library

Layered design of objects:

smart pointers
(automatic memory handling)
finite difference grid
scalar field over the grid

Example here: Diffpack (www.diffpack.com)

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Array classes

plain C array
op()(int i)

op= op<< op>> VecSimple

op()(int i, int j)
op< op<= etc VecSort ArrayGenSimplest op()(int i, int j, int k)

op+ op- op* op/ Vec ArrayGenSimple can print, scan, op=

ArrayGen Vec + multiple indices


ArrayGenSel inactive entries (FDM & non-rect. geom.)

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PDE classes

X* ptr
smart pointer

Field Grid
Handle<Grid> grid
Handle<ArrayGen> vec
ArrayGen& values() { return *vec; }

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Why all these classes?

A simple scalar wave equation solver is easy to implement

with just plain Fortran/C arrays
The grid/field abstractions pay off in more complicated
This application is (probably) a worst case example of using
object-oriented programming; seemingly lots of overhead
So: How much efficiency is lost?

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Coding a scheme

Traverse field values:

#define U(i,j) u.values()(i,j)
for (i=1; i<=in; i++) {
for (j=1; j<=jn; j++) {
U(i,j) = ... + U(i-1,j) + ...

U(i,j) is a set of nested function calls:

u.values() calls Handle<ArrayGen>::operator*
(i,j) calls ArrayGen::operator()
operator() returns A[nx*(i-1)+j] with A[] in a
virtual base class (i.e. ptr->A[])

3 nested function calls

All functions are inline, but does the compiler really see that
the loop just operates on a 1D C array?
The scheme is 1 page of code and consumes 90 percent of the
CPU time of a wave simulator

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Virtual base class

class VecSimplest
class Vec : public virtual VecSimplest
double* a;
int n;
Vec (int length);
~Vec ();
VecSimplest (int length);
~VecSimplest ();


Vec object

Segment SA
Segment SB

double* a
virtual base
class pointer int n

Segment SC

#1 #2 #n

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Speeding up the code (1)

Help the compiler; extract the array

ArrayGen& U = u.values();
for (i=1; i<=in; i++)
for (j=1; j<=jn; j++)
U(i,j) = ... + U(i-1,j) + ...

one function call to inline operator()

Almost 30 percent reduction in CPU time

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Speeding up the code (2)

Help the compiler; work with a plain C array

#ifdef SAFE_CODE
ArrayGen& U = u.values();
for (i=1; i<=in; i++)
for (j=1; j<=jn; j++)
U(i,j) = ... + U(i-1,j) + ...
double* U = u.values().getUnderlyingCarray();
const int i0 = -nx-1;
for (i=1; i<=in; i++) {
for (j=1; j<=jn; j++) {
ic = j*nx + i + i0
iw = ic - 1
U[ic] = ... + U[iw] + ...

Almost 80 percent reduction in CPU time!

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Speeding up the code (3)

Do the intensive array work in F77

#ifdef SAFE_CODE
ArrayGen& U = u.values();
for (i=1; i<=in; i++) {
for (j=1; j<=jn; j++) {
U(i,j) = ... + U(i-1,j) + ...
double* U = u.values().getUnderlyingCarray();
scheme77_ (U, ...); // Fortran subroutine

65 percent reduction in CPU time (Fujitsu f95)

73 percent reduction in CPU time (GNU g77)

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Speeding up the code (4)

Lend arrays to a fast C++ array library

Example: Blitz++
Wrap a Blitz++ subscripting interface
double* ua = u.values().getUnderlyingCarray();
blitz::Array<real, 2> U(ua,
for (i=1; i<=in; i++)
for (j=1; j<=jn; j++)
U(i,j) = ... + U(i-1,j) + ...

Note: same application code as for our ArrayGen object

62 percent reduction in CPU time

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A note about compilers

Main computational work in nested loops

for (i=1; i<=in; i++)
for (j=1; j<=jn; j++)
U(i,j) = ... + U(i-1,j) + ...

GNU and Fujitsu compilers have been tested with numerous

options (-O1, -O2, -O3, -ffast-math -funroll-loops)
All options run at approx the same speed (!)
Optimal optimization of the loop (?)

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Lessons learned

Exaggerated use of objects instead of plain arrays slows down

the code
The inner intensive loops can be recoded in C or F77 to get
optimal performance
The recoding is simple and quick human work
The original, safe code is available for debugging
The grid/field abstractions are very convenient for all work
outside the intensive loops
(large parts of the total code!)
This was probably a worst case scenario

Program at a high level, migrate slow code to F77 or C. This is

trivial in the Diffpack environment.

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Object-based vs. -oriented programming

Class MyVector is an example on programming with objects,

often referred to as object-based programming (OBP)
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is an extension of OBP
OOP works with classes related to each other in a hierarchy
OOP is best explained through an example

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An OOP example: ODE solvers

Topic: a small library for solving ordinary differential equations

= fi (y1 , . . . , yn , t), yi (0) = yi0 ,
for i = 1, . . . , n
Demonstrates OO design for a simple problem
Introduces the basic OOP concepts in C++
Principles are generic and apply to advanced numerics

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ODE problems and methods

Some vector yi (t) fulfills a 1st-order differential equation

dyi /dt = fi (y , t), where fi is a vector
Such mathematical models arise in physics, biology,
chemestry, statistics, medicine, finance, ...
Typical numerical solution method:
1 start with some initial state y(0)
2 at discrete points of time: compute new y(t) based on
previously calcluated y values
The simplest method (Forward Euler scheme):

yi (t + t) = yi (t) + tfi (y (t), t)

where t is a small time interval

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Our problem framework

There are numerous numerical solution methods for ODEs

We want to
1 implement a problem (i.e. f(y,t))
2 easily access a range of solution methods
A range of different problems (ODEs) must be easily
combined with a range of solution methods

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Design of a traditional F77 library

Subroutines implementing various methods, e.g.


for a 4th-order Runge-Kutta algorithm

Y is the current solution (a vector)
T is time
F is a function defining the f values
WORK1 is a scratch array
N is the length of Y
TSTEP is the time step (dt)
TOL1, TOL2 are various parameters needed in the algorithm

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User-given information

Think of an ODE with lots of parameters C1, C2, ...

Function F (user-given) defining f(y,t):

Problem: MYF is to be called from a general RK4 routine; it

does not know about the problem-dependent parameters C1,
C2, C3, ...

Problem-dependent parameters in MYF must be transferred

through COMMON blocks
COMMON /MYFPRMS/ C1, C2, C3, ...

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Internal scratch arrays needed in algorithms should not be

visible for the end-user
All parameters needed in an algorithm must be specified as
arguments; the user should only need to set a small set of
parameters at run time, relying on sensible default values for
the rest
Ideally, the calling interface to all the ODE solvers is identical
Problem-specific parameters in the definition of the equations
to be solved should not need to be global variables
All these goals can easily be reached by using C++ and
object-oriented programming

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The basic ideas of OO programming

Create a base class with a generic interface

Let the interface consist of virtual functions
A hierarchy of subclasses implements various versions of the
base class
Work with a base class pointer only througout the code; C++
automatically calls the right (subclass) version of a virtual
This is the principle of object-oriented programming

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The ODESolver hierarchy

Create a base class for all ODE solver algorithms:

class ODESolver
// common data needed in all ODE solvers
// advance the solution one step according to the alg.:
virtual void advance(MyArray<double>& y,
double t, double dt);

Implement special ODE algorithms as subclasses:

class ForwardEuler : public ODESolver
// the simple Forward Euler scheme:
virtual void advance(MyArray<double>& y, double t, double dt);
class RungeKutta4 : public ODESolver
{ ... };

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Working with ODE solvers

Let all parts of the code work with ODE solvers through the
common base class interface:
void somefunc(ODESolver& solver, ...)

Here, solver will call the right algorithm, i.e., the advance
function in the subclass object that solver actually refers to
Result: All details of a specific ODE algorithm are hidden; we
just work with a generic ODE solver

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Some initial problem-dependent code is needed

At one place in the code we must create the right subclass

ODESolver* s= new RungeKutta4(...);
// from now on s is sent away as a general ODESolver,
// C++ remembers that the object is actually a Runge-Kutta
// solver of 4th order:
somefunc(*s, ...);

Creation of specific classes in a hierarchy often takes place in

what is called a factory function

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User-provided functions

The user needs to provide a function defining the equations

This function is conveniently implemented as a class, i.e. in a
problem class:
class Oscillator
double C1, C2, C3, C4;
int size() { return 2; } // 2 ODEs to be solved
void equation(MyArray<double>& f,
const MyArray<double>& y, double t);
void scan(); // read C1, C2, ... from some input

Any ODESolver can now call the equation function of the

problem class to evaluate the f vector

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Problem: The problem class type (Oscillator) cannot be

visible from an ODESolver (if so, the solver has hardcoded the
name of the problem being solved!)
Remedy: all problem classes are subclasses of a common base
class with a generic interface to ODE problems

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Base class for all problems

class ODEProblem
// common data for all ODE problems
virtual int size();
virtual void equation(MyArray<double>& f,
const MyArray<double>& y, double t);
virtual void scan();

Our special problem is implemented as a subclass:

class Oscillator : public ODEProblem
virtual int size() { return 2; }
virtual void equation(MyArray<double>& f,
const MyArray<double>& y, double t);
virtual void scan(); // read C1, C2, ...

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Implementing class Oscillator (1)

ODE model:

y + c1 (y + c2 y |y |) + c3 (y + c4 y 3 ) = sin t

Rewritten as a 1st order system (advantageous when applying

numerical schemes):

y1 = y2 f1
y2 = c1 (y2 + c2 y2 |y2 |) c3 (y1 + c4 y13 ) + sin t f2

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Implementing class Oscillator (2)

class Oscillator : public ODEProblem

real c1,c2,c3,c4,omega; // problem dependent paramters
Oscillator () {}
// here goes our special ODE:
virtual void equation (MyArray<double>& f,
const MyArray<double>& y, real t);
virtual int size () { return 2; } // 2x2 system of ODEs
virtual void scan ();
virtual void print (Os os);
void Oscillator::equation (MyArray<double>& f,
const MyArray<double>& y, real t)
f(1) = y(2);
f(2) = -c1*(y(2)+c2*y(2)*abs(y(2))) - c3*(y(1)+c4*pow3(y(1)))
+ sin(omega*t);

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ODESolvers work with ODEProblems

All ODE solvers need to access a problem class:

class ODESolver
ODEProblem* problem;
// in an advance function of a subclass:
problem->equation (f, y, t);

Since equation is a virtual function, C++ will automatically

call the equation function of our current problem class

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Initially we need to make specific objects

ODEProblem* p = new Oscillator(...);

ODESolver* s = new RungeKutta4(..., p, ...);
somefunc(*s, ...);

From now on our program can work with a generic ODE solver and
a generic problem

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The class design


ODEProblem ODESolver RungeKutta2




Solid arrows: inheritance (is-a relationship)

Dashed arrows: pointers (has-a relationship)

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Functions as arguments to functions (1)

In C: functions can be sent as argument to functions via

function pointers
typedef double (*funcptr)(double x, int i);

In C++ one applies function objects (or functors)

Idea: the function pointer is replaced by a base-class
pointer/ref., and the function itself is a virtual function in a
class F : public FunctionClass
virtual double operator() (double x) const;

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PDE problems

Partial differential equations (PDEs) are used to describe

numerous processes in physics, engineering, biology, geology,
meteorology, ...
PDEs typically contain
1 input quantities: coefficients in the PDEs, boundary
conditions, etc.
2 output quantities: the solution
Input/output quantities are scalar or vector fields
field = function defined over a 1D, 2D or 3D grid

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Example: scalar field over a 2D grid

0.7 2.41

0.4 0.0753

0.1 2.26

0.4 0 0.8

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PDE codes

PDEs are solved numerically by finite difference, finite element

or finite volume methods
PDE codes are often large and complicated
Finite element codes can easily be x00 000 lines in Fortran 77
PDE codes can be difficult to maintain and extend
Remedy: program closer to the mathematics, but this requires
suitable abstractions (i.e. classes)

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A simple model problem

2D linear, standard wave equation with constant wave velocity


2 u
= c +
t 2 x 2 y 2
or variable wave velocity c(x, y ):

2 u 2 u
= c(x, y ) + c(x, y )
t 2 x x y y

Vanishing normal derivative on the boundary

Explicit finite difference scheme
Uniform rectangular grid

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Possible interpretation: water waves

u: water surface elevation; c 2 : water depth









1 0.042

10 20
20 0

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Basic abstractions

Flexible array
Scalar field
Time discretization parameters
Smart pointers

Roeim and Langtangen: Implementation of a wave simulator
using objects and C++
Source code: src/C++/Wave2D

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A grid class

Obvious ideas
collect grid information in a grid class
collect field information in a field class
shorter code, closer to the mathematics
finite difference methods: minor
finite element methods: important
big programs: fundamental
possible to write code that is (almost) independent of the
number of space dimensions (i.e., easy to go from 1D to 2D
to 3D!)

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Grids and fields for FDM

Relevant classes in a finite difference method (FDM):

Field represented by FieldLattice:

1 a grid of type GridLattice
2 a set of point values, MyArray
3 MyArray is a class implementing user-friendly arrays in one and
more dimensions
Grid represented by GridLattice
1 lattice with uniform partition in d dimensions
2 initialization from input string, e.g.,
d=1 domain: [0,1], index [1:20]
d=3 [0,1]x[-2,2]x[0,10]
indices [1:20]x[-20:20]x[0:40]

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Working with the GridLattice class

Example of how we want to program:

GridLattice g; // declare an empty grid
g.scan("d=2 [0,1]x[0,2] [1:10]x[1:40]"); // initialize g
const int i0 = g.getBase(1); // start of first index
const int j0 = g.getBase(2); // start of second index
const int in = g.getMaxI(1); // end of first index
const int jn = g.getMaxI(2); // end of second index
int i,j;
for (i = i0; i <= in; ++i) {
for (j = i0; j <= jn; ++j) {
std::cout << "grid point (" << i << , << j
<< ") has coordinates (" << g.getPoint(1,i)
<< , << g.getPoint(2,j) << ")\n";
// other tasks:
const int nx = g.getDivisions(1);
const int ny = g.getDivisions(2);
const int dx = g.Delta(1);
const int dy = g.Delta(2);

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The GridLattice class (1)

Data representation:

Max/min coordinates of the corners, plus no of divisions

class GridLattice
// currently limited to two dimensions
static const int MAX_DIMENSIONS = 2;
// variables defining the size of the grid
double min[MAX_DIMENSIONS]; // min coordinate values
// in each dimension
double max[MAX_DIMENSIONS]; // max coordinate values
// in each dimension
int division[MAX_DIMENSIONS]; // number of points
// in each dimension
int dimensions; // number of dimensions

static: a common variable shared by all GridLattice objects

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The GridLattice class (2)

Member functions:
Initialization (through the scan function)
Accessors (access to internal data structure)
GridLattice(int nx, int ny,
double xmin_, double xmax_,
double ymin_, double ymax_);
void scan(const std::string& init_string);
// scan parameters from init_string
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, GridLattice&);
int getNoSpaceDim () const;
double xMin(int dimension) const;
double xMax(int dimension) const;
// get the number of points in each dimension:
int getDivisions(int i) const;

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The GridLattice class (3)

// get total no of points in the grid:
int getNoPoints() const;
double Delta(int dimension) const;
double getPoint(int dimension, int index);
// start of indexed loops in dimension-direction:
int getBase(int dimension) const;
// end of indexed loops in dimension-direction:
int getMaxI(int dimension) const;

Mutators, i.e., functions for setting internal data members, are not
implemented here. Examples could be setDelta, setXmax, etc.

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The GridLattice class (4)

double GridLattice:: xMin(int dimension) const

{ return min[dimension - 1]; }
double GridLattice:: xMax(int dimension) const
{ return max[dimension - 1]; }
inline int GridLattice:: getDivisions(int i) const
{ return division[i-1]; }
int GridLattice:: getNoPoints() const
int return_value = 1;
for(int i = 0; i != dimensions; ++i)
return_value *= division[i];
return return_value;

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The GridLattice class (5)

Nested inline functions:

inline double GridLattice:: Delta(int dimension) const
return (max[dimension-1] - min[dimension-1])
/ double(division[dimension-1]);
inline double GridLattice::
getPoint(int dimension, int index)
return min[dimension-1] +
(Delta(dimension) * (index - 1));

Some of todays compilers do not inline nested inlined


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The GridLattice class (6)

Remedy: can use a preprocessor macro and make our own

tailored optimization:
inline double GridLattice:: getPoint
(int dimension, int index)
return min[dimension-1] +
((max[dimension-1]- min[dimension-1])
/ double(division[dimension-1]))*(index - 1);
return min[dimension-1] +
(Delta(dimension) * (index - 1));

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The GridLattice class (7)

The scan function is typically called as follows:

// GridLattice g
g.scan("d=2 [0,1]x[0,2] [1:10]x[1:40]");

To parse the string, use functionality in the C++ standard

void GridLattice:: scan(const string& init_string)
using namespace std; // allows dropping std:: prefix
// work with an istream interface to strings:
istringstream is(init_string.c_str());
// ignore "d="
is.ignore(1, d); is.ignore(1, =);
// get the dimensions
is >> dimensions;
if (dimensions < 1 || dimensions > MAX_DIMENSIONS) {
// write error message

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The GridLattice class (8)

Constructor with data for initialization:

GridLattice:: GridLattice(int nx, int ny,
double xmin, double xmax,
double ymin, double ymax)
dimensions = 2;
max[0] = xmax; max[1] = ymax;
min[0] = xmin; min[1] = ymin;
division[0] = nx; division[1] = ny;

Constructor with no arguments:

GridLattice:: GridLattice()
// set meaningful values:
dimensions = 2;
for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_DIMENSIONS; ++i) {
min[i] = 0; max[i] = 1; division[i] = 2;

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Various types of grids



0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06


8.92 0 7.92

More complicated data structures but the grid is still a single

variable in the simulation code

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The FieldLattice class (1)











0 1

Collect all information about a scalar finite difference-type field in

a class with
pointer to a grid (allows the grid to be shared by many fields)
pointer to an array of grid point values
optional: name of the field

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The FieldLattice class (2)

class FieldLattice
Handle<GridLattice> grid_lattice;
Handle< MyArray<real> > grid_point_values;
std::string fieldname;
// make a field from a grid and a fieldname:
FieldLattice(GridLattice& g,
const std::string& fieldname);
// enable access to grid-point values:
MyArray<real>& values()
{ return *grid_point_values; }
const MyArray<real>& values() const
{ return *grid_point_values; }
// enable access to the grid:
GridLattice& grid() { return *grid_lattice; }
const GridLattice& grid() const { return *grid_lattice; }
std::string name() const { return fieldname; }

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The FieldLattice class (3)

FieldLattice:: FieldLattice(GridLattice& g,
const std::string& name_)
// allocate the grid_point_values array:
if (grid_lattice->getNoSpaceDim() == 1)
new MyArray<real>(grid_lattice->getDivisions(1)));
else if (grid_lattice->getNoSpaceDim() == 2)
grid_point_values.rebind(new MyArray<real>(
; // three-dimensional fields are not yet supported...
fieldname = name_;

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A few remarks on class FieldLattice

Inline functions are obtained by implementing the function

body inside the class declaration
We use a parameter real, which equals float or double (by
The Handle<> construction is a smart pointer, implementing
reference counting and automatic deallocation (almost
garbage collection)
Using a Handle<GridLattice> object instead of a GridLattice
object, means that a grid can be shared among several fields

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C/C++ pointers cause trouble...

Pointers are bug no 1 in C/C++
Dynamic memory demands pointer programming
Lack of garbage collection (automatic clean-up of memory
that is no longer in use) means that manual deallocation is
Every new must be paried with a delete
Codes with memory leakage eat up the memory and slow
down computations
How to determine when memory is no longer in use? Suppose
5 fields point to the same grid, when can we safely remove the
grid object?

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Smart pointers with reference counting

Solution to the mentioned problems:

Avoid explicit deallocation

Introduce reference counting, i.e., count the number of
pointer references to an object and perform a delete only if
there are no more references to the object


negligible overhead
(kind of) automatic garbage collection
several fields can safely share one grid

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Smart pointers: usage

Handle<X> x; // NULL pointer

x.rebind (new X()); // x points to new X object
someFunc (*x); // send object as X& argument
// given Handle(X) y:
x.rebind (*y); // x points to ys object

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Time discretization parameters

Collect time discretization parameters in a class:

1 current time value
2 end of simulation
3 time step size
4 time step number
class TimePrm
double time_; // current time value
double delta; // time step size
double stop; // stop time
int timestep; // time step counter
TimePrm(double start, double delta_, double stop_)
{ time_=start; delta=delta_; stop=stop_; initTimeLoop(); }
double time() { return time_; }
double Delta() { return delta; }
void initTimeLoop() { time_ = 0; timestep = 0; }
bool finished()
{ return (time_ >= stop) ? true : false; }
void increaseTime() { time_ Introduction
H. P. Langtangen += delta; ++timestep;
to C++ }
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Simulator classes

The PDE solver is a class itself

This makes it easy to
1 combine solvers (systems of PDEs)
2 extend/modify solvers
3 couple solvers to optimization, automatic parameter analysis,
Typical look (for a stationary problem):
class MySim
// grid and field objects
// PDE-dependent parameters
void scan(); // read input and init
void solveProblem();
void resultReport();

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Our wave 2D equation example

What are natural objects in a 2D wave equation simulator?

FieldLattice for the unknown u field at three consecutive time
Class hierarchy of functions:
1 initial surface functions I(x,y) and/or
2 bottom functions H(x,y)

Use smart pointers (Handles) instead of ordinary C/C++ pointers

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Hierarchy of functions

Class WaveFunc: common interface to all I(x,y) and H(x,y)

functions for which we have explicit mathematical formulas
class WaveFunc
virtual ~WaveFunc() {}
virtual real valuePt(real x, real y, real t = 0) = 0;
virtual void scan() = 0; // read parameters in depth func.
virtual std::string& formula() = 0; // function label

Subclasses of WaveFunc implement various I(x,y) and H(x,y)

functions, cf. the ODEProblem hierarchy

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class GaussianBell : public virtual WaveFunc

real A, sigma_x, sigma_y, xc, yc;
char fname; // I or H
std::string formula_str; // for ASCII output of function
GaussianBell(char fname_ = );
virtual real valuePt(real x, real y, real t = 0);
virtual void scan();
virtual std::string& formula();

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Example cont.
inline real GaussianBell:: valuePt(real x, real y, real)
real r = A*exp(-(sqr(x - xc)/(2*sqr(sigma_x))
+ sqr(y - yc)/(2*sqr(sigma_y))));
return r;
GaussianBell:: GaussianBell(char fname_)
{ fname = fname_; }
std::string& GaussianBell:: formula()
{ return formula_str; }
void GaussianBell:: scan ()
A = CommandLineArgs::read("-A_" + fname, 0.1);
sigma_x = CommandLineArgs::read("-sigma_x_" + fname, 0.5);
sigma_y = CommandLineArgs::read("-sigma_y_" + fname, 0.5);
xc = CommandLineArgs::read("-xc_" + fname, 0.0);
yc = CommandLineArgs::read("-yc_" + fname, 0.0);

Class CommandLineArgs is our local tool for parsing the command

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The wave simulator (1)

class Wave2D
Handle<GridLattice> grid;
Handle<FieldLattice> up; // solution at time level l+1
Handle<FieldLattice> u; // solution at time level l
Handle<FieldLattice> um; // solution at time level l-1
Handle<TimePrm> tip;
Handle<WaveFunc> I; // initial surface
Handle<WaveFunc> H; // bottom function
// load H into a field lambda for efficiency:
Handle<FieldLattice> lambda;
void timeLoop(); // perform time stepping
void plot(bool initial); // dump fields to file, plot later
void WAVE(FieldLattice& up, const FieldLattice& u,
const FieldLattice& um, real a, real b, real c);
void setIC(); // set initial conditions
real calculateDt(int func); // calculate optimal timestep
void scan(); // read input and initialize
void solveProblem(); // start the simulation

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The wave simulator (2)

void Wave2D:: solveProblem ()

setIC(); // set initial conditions
timeLoop(); // run the algorithm
void Wave2D:: setIC ()
const int nx = grid->getMaxI(1);
const int ny = grid->getMaxI(2);
// fill the field for the current time period
// with values from the appropriate function
MyArray<real>& uv = u->values();
for (int j = 1; j <= ny; j++)
for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++)
uv(i, j) = I->valuePt(grid->getPoint(1, i),
grid->getPoint(2, j));
// set the help variable um:
WAVE (*um, *u, *um, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5);

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The wave simulator (3)

void Wave2D:: timeLoop ()

plot(true); // always plot initial condition (t=0)
while(!tip->finished()) {
WAVE (*up, *u, *um, 1, 1, 1);
// move handles (get ready for next step):
tmp = um; um = u; u = up; up = tmp;

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The wave simulator (4)

void Wave2D:: scan ()

// create the grid...
grid.rebind(new GridLattice());
"d=2 [-10,10]x[-10,10] [1:30]x[1:30]"));
std::cout << *grid << \n;
// create new fields...
up. rebind(new FieldLattice(*grid, "up"));
u. rebind(new FieldLattice(*grid, "u"));
um. rebind(new FieldLattice(*grid, "um"));
lambda.rebind(new FieldLattice(*grid, "lambda"));

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The wave simulator (5)

// select the appropriate I and H

int func = CommandLineArgs::read("-func", 1);
if (func == 1) {
H.rebind(new GaussianBell(H));
I.rebind(new GaussianBell(U));
else {
H.rebind(new Flat());
I.rebind(new Plug(U));
// initialize the parameters in the functions
tip.rebind(new TimePrm(0, calculateDt(func),
CommandLineArgs::read("-tstop", 30.0)));

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The model problem

u u
H(x, y ) + H(x, y ) = , in
x x y y t 2
= 0, on
u(x, y , 0) = I (x, y ), in

u(x, y , 0) = 0, in

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Discretization (1)

Introduce a rectangular grid: xi = (i 1)x, yj = (j 1)y

b b b b b b b b
b b b (i,j+1)
b b b b b
b b b(i-1,j) b(i,j) b(i+1,j)b b b
b b b b(i,j-1) b b b b
b b b b b b b b

Seek approximation ui`,j on the grid at discrete times t` = `t

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Discretization (2)

Approximate derivatives by central differences

2u ui`+1 ` `1
,j 2ui ,j + ui ,j

t 2 t 2
Similarly for the x and y derivatives.
Assume for the moment that H 1, then

ui`+1 ` `1
,j 2ui ,j + ui ,j ui`+1,j 2ui`,j + ui`1,j
= +
t 2 x 2
ui ,j+1 2ui`,j + ui`,j1

y 2

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Discretization (3)

Solve for ui`+1

,j (the only unknown quantity), simplify with
x = y :
,j = 2ui`,j ui`1 `
,j + t [u]i ,j

[u]`i ,j = x 2 (ui`+1,j + ui`1,j +

ui`,j+1 + ui`,j1 4ui`,j )

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Graphical illustration

aui,j1 `
@ a u`

ui1,j `

ar 2 ar 2
@ a 2 4r 2

r2 @ar 2

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Discretization (4)

A spatial term like (Huy )y takes the form

! !!
1 ui`,j+1 ui`,j ui`,j ui`,j1
Hi ,j+ 1 Hi ,j 1
y 2 y 2 y

Thus we derive

,j = 2ui`,j ui`1
+rx2 H 1 ui`+1,j ui`,j H 1 ui`,j ui`1,j

i + 2 ,j i 2 ,j
+ry2 H 1 ui`,j+1 ui`,j H 1 ui`,j ui`,j1

i ,j+ 2 i ,j 2

= 2ui`,j ui`1
,j + [u]`i ,j

where rx = t/x and ry = t/y

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Algorithm (1)

storage ui+,j , ui ,j , ui,j for ui`+1 ` `1
,j , ui ,j , ui ,j
whole grid: () = {i = 1, . . . , nx , j = 1, . . . , ny }
inner points: () = {i = 2, . . . , nx 1, j = 1, . . . , ny 1}
Set initial conditions

ui ,j = I (xi , yj ), (i, j) ()

Define ui,j

ui,j = ui ,j + [u]i ,j , (i, j) ()

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Algorithm (2)

Set t = 0
While t < tstop

t = t + t
Update all inner points

ui+,j = 2ui ,j ui,j + [u]i ,j , (i, j) ()

Set boundary conditions ....

Initialize for next step

ui,j = ui ,j , ui ,j = ui+,j ,
(i, j) ()

(without H)

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Implementing boundary conditions (1)

We shall impose full reflection of waves like in a swimming pool

u n = 0
Assume a rectangular domain. At the vertical (x =constant)
boundaries the condition reads:
u u
0= = u (1, 0) =
n x
Similarly at the horizontal boundaries (y =constant)

u u
0= = u (0, 1) =
n y

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Implementing boundary conditions (2)

Applying the finite difference stencil at the left boundary (i = 1,
j = 1, . . . , ny ):
Ghost cells

1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The computations involve cells outside our domain. This is a

problem. The obvious answer is to use the boundary condition,
u2,j u0,j
=0 u0,j = u2,j
But how do we include this into the scheme..?
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Implementing boundary conditions (3)

There are two ways to include boundary conditions:

Add ghost cells at boundary with explicit updating of

fictitious values outside the domain based upon values in the
interior, e.g., u0,j = u2,j
u2,j 2u1,j +u2,j
Modify stencil at boundary: uxx x 2
Ghost cells Modified stencile
10 10

9 9

8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0

1 1
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Updating of internal points

WAVE(u + , u, u , a, b, c)

update all inner points:

ui+,j = 2aui ,j bui,j + c[4u]i ,j , (i, j) ()

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Updating of internal and boundary points

update boundary points:

i = 1, j = 2, . . . , ny 1;
ui+,j = 2aui ,j bui,j + c[4u]i ,j:i 1i +1 ,
i = nx , j = 2, . . . , ny 1;
ui+,j = 2aui ,j bui,j + c[4u]i ,j:i +1i 1 ,
j = 1, i = 2, . . . , nx 1;
ui+,j = 2aui ,j bui,j + c[4u]i ,j:j1j+1 ,
j = ny , i = 2, . . . , nx 1;
ui+,j = 2aui ,j bui,j + c[4u]i ,j:j1j+1 ,

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Updating of corner points

update corner points on the boundary:

i = 1, j = 1;
ui+,j = 2aui ,j bui,j + c[4u]i ,j:i 1i +1,j1j+1
i = nx , j = 1;
ui+,j = 2aui ,j bui,j + c[4u]i ,j:i +1i 1,j1j+1
i = 1, j = ny ;
ui+,j = 2aui ,j bui,j + c[4u]i ,j:i 1i +1,j+1j1
i = nx , j = ny ;
ui+,j = 2aui ,j bui,j + c[4u]i ,j:i +1i 1,j+1j1

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Modified algorithm

Definitions: as above
Initial conditions: ui ,j = I (xi , yj ),
(i, j) ()
Variable coefficient: set/get values for
Set artificial quantity ui,j : WAVE(u , u, u , 0.5, 0, 0.5)
Set t = 0
While t tstop

t t + t
(If depends on t: update )
update all points: WAVE(u + , u, u , 1, 1, 1)
initialize for next step:
ui,j = ui ,j , ui ,j = ui+,j , (i, j) ()

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Visualizing the results

Time t=0.000 Time t=0.250

0.1 0.1

0.08 0.08

0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0

0.02 0.02

0.04 0.04

50 50
40 50 40 50
30 40 30 40
20 30 20 30
20 20
10 10
10 10
0 0 0 0

Time t=0.500 Time t=0.750

0.1 0.1

0.08 0.08

0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0

0.02 0.02

0.04 0.04

50 50
40 50 40 50
30 40 30 40
20 30 20 30
20 20
10 10
10 10
0 0 0 0

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Ex: waves caused by earthquake (1)

Physical assumption: long waves in shallow water

= H(x)u
t 2
Rectangular domain = (sx , sx + wx ) (sy , sy + wy ) with
initial (Gaussian bell) function
1 x xuc 2 1 y yuc 2
I (x, y ) = Au exp
2 ux 2 uy

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Ex: waves caused by earthquake (1)

The equations model an initial elevation caused by an

earthquake. The earthquake takes place near an underwater
1 x xHc 2 1 y yHc 2
H(x, y ) = 1 AH exp
2 Hx 2 Hy

Simulation case inspired by the Gorringe Bank southwest of

Portugal. Severe ocean waves have been generated due to
earthquakes in this region.

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Intro Classes Efficiency OOP ODEs PDEs


This collection of slides on C++ and C programming has benefited

greatly from corrections and additions suggested by

Igor Rafienko
Vetle Roeim
Knut-Andreas Lie

H. P. Langtangen Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming

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