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Living The Spiritual Life: Recommended Discipleship Group Studies

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Recommended Discipleship Group Studies



LIVING GROUNDED: ALL of Book 2, Life Foundations and ALL of Book 3 Life Perspectives.
Since there are MANY topics regarding the spiritual life, our primary suggestion would be walking
through both books with your group if you feel this is an area you need to focus on with them. Feel
free to select specific chapters from book 2 & 3 if youre in need of a shorter study.


Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Donald Whitney

Publisher: Nav Press Length: 13 Chapters - 352 Pages

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will guide you through a carefully
selected array of disciplines. By illustrating why the disciplines are important,
showing how each one will help you grow in godliness, and offering practical
suggestions for cultivating them, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will
provide you with a refreshing opportunity to become more like Christ and grow
in character and maturity. This book is considered the most practical book on
spiritual disciplines and features in-depth discussions on each of the key

This book is also available with a paired study guide for each chapter. (96 pgs.)
Study Difficulty: Average

The Pursuit of God A.W. Tozer

Publisher: CreateSpace Ind. Length: 10 Chapters (short) - Pages: 76

Here is a masterly study of the inner life by a heart thirsting after God, eager to
grasp at least the outskirts of His ways, the abyss of His love for sinners, and the
height of His unapproachable majestyand it was written by a busy pastor from
Chicago! As the heart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after
thee, O God. This thirst for an intimate relationship with God, claims A.W. Tozer,
is not for a select few, but should be the experience of every follower of Christ.
But, he asserts, it is all too rare when believers have become conditioned by
tradition to accept standards of mediocrity, and the church struggles with
formality and worldliness. Using examples from Scripture and from the lives of
saints who lived with this thirst for God, Tozer sheds light on the path to a closer
walk with God.

This is a brief and timeless work that can easily be adapted into a group study.
Study Difficulty: Advanced

Humility Andrew Murray

Publisher: Bethany House Length: 12 Chapters (short) - 62 Pages

"Humility is to have a blessed home in the Lord, where I can go in and shut the
door, and kneel to my Father in secret." Humility is considered one of the best
books on this topic. Brief, but powerful, Murray explores this topic through
surveying a range of scriptures passages. Murray considers Christ to be the
ultimate model as the one who gave up His life, in order to gain life for His

While brief, the leader would need to adapt this reading to a group study format.
Study Difficulty: Average

Recommended Discipleship Group Studies

Forgotten God Francis Chan

Publisher: David C. Cook Length: 7 Chapters - 186 Pages

Unfortunately, todays church has admired the gift of the Holy Spirit, but
neglected to open it. Pastor Francis Chan offers a compelling invitation to
understand, embrace, and follow the Holy Spirits direction in our lives.
Chan contends that weve ignored the Spirit for far too long, and we are reaping
the disastrous results. Thorough scriptural support and compelling narrative
form Chans invitation to stop and remember the One weve forgotten, the Spirit
of the living God. This book is also available in workbook format, which is
designed to initiate and facilitate both individual study, and small group
discussion, interaction and practical application.

The workbook can stand alone, or can be used alongside the Forgotten God
DVD Study Resource. Study Difficulty: Average

Renovation of the Heart Dallas Willard

Publisher: Nav Press Length: 13 Chapters - Pages: 272

As Christians, we know that we are new creations in Jesus. So we try to act

differently, hoping this will make us more like Him. But changing our outward
behavior doesnt change our hearts. Only by Gods grace can we be transformed
internally. Renovation of the Heart lays a biblical foundation for understanding
what best-selling author Dallas Willard calls the transformation of the spirita
divine process that brings every element in our being, working from inside out,
into harmony with the will of God.

This study is not for the faint of heart! While heady, the book includes great
discussion questions to follow-up chapter reading. Study Difficulty: Advanced

Respectable Sins Jerry Bridges

Publisher: NavPress Length: 9 Lessons - Pages: 240

Have Christians become so preoccupied with major sins that we have lost sight
of our need to deal with more subtle sins? Navigator author Jerry Bridges
addresses the acceptable sins that we tend to tolerate in ourselves, including
pride and anger. He goes to the heart of the matter, exploring our feelings of
shame and grief and opening a new door to Gods forgiveness and grace. Travel
down the road of spiritual formation with Jerry and discover your true identity
as a loved child of God. This all-in-one curriculum set includes Respectable
Sins as well as a study guide.

There are wide margins for taking notes, and at the end of each session youll
find discussion questions that will help you overcome your struggles with these
tolerable sins. Study Difficulty: Average

Recommended Discipleship Group Studies

Formed for the Glory of God Kyle Strobel

Publisher: InterVarsity Press Length: 7 Chapters - Pages: 192

Jesus said we should focus our minds and hearts on God above all else. No small
task! Is there someone we can turn to for help? "Wisdom tells us to sit at the feet
of our elders rather than the latest ministry fad," notes author Kyle Strobel. And
is there a better elder to guide us than Jonathan Edwards? In Edwards, the
eighteenth-century Puritan pastor and theologian, we find deep thought
balanced with deep passion. Through his writings and practices, Edwards
provides us with the toolsthe "means of grace"that make us receptive to
God's work in our lives as we learn to abide in Christ. Here we find a well-
rounded account of being formed for the glory of God.

While brief, the leader would need to adapt this reading to a group study format.
Study Difficulty: Average


50 People Every Christian Should Know Warren Wiersbe (Baker, 398 pgs.)
The Spirit of the Disciplines Dallas Willard (HarperOne, 288 pgs.)
Conformed to His Image Kenneth Boa (Zondervan, 544 pgs.)
He that is Spiritual Lewis Sperry Chafer (Zondervan, 82 pgs.)
My Utmost for His Highest Oswald Chambers (Discovery House, 416 pgs.)
Spiritual Leadership J. Oswald Sanders (Moody, 208 pgs.)
The Peace Maker Ken Sande (Baker, 318 pgs.)

Recommended Discipleship Group Studies

Every Mans Battle Steven Arterburn (for Men)

Publisher: WaterBrook Press Length: 19 Chapters (5 parts) - Pages: 336

From movies and television, to print media and the Internet, men are constantly
faced with the assault of sensual images. It is impossible to avoid such
temptations... but, thankfully, not impossible to confront them and gain victory
over them! Every Mans Battle is considered the single greatest resource for
overcoming the struggle and remaining strong in the face of temptation. With
extensive updates for a new generation, this study shares the stories of dozens
who have escaped the trap of sexual immorality and presents a practical,
detailed plan for any man who desires sexual integrity.

This study includes a comprehensive workbook and a special section for women,
designed to help them understand and support the men they love.
Study Difficulty: Average

Return to the Garden Kay Arthur (for Women)

Publisher: LifeWay Length: 6 Chapters - Pages: 190

From the beginning of time, our sexuality and distinctiveness as women has
been front and center with God. Return to the Garden provides a personal study
experience (five days a week) plus viewer guides for the group video sessions of
this 6-session women's Bible study. A Leader Guide is also available for
purchase. This interactive Bible study is an honest, redemptive call to recognize
and return to God's standards for purity. Kay's straightforward lessons from
Scripture focus on love, sex in marriage, purity, modesty, and examples of how
men and women should relate to each other. These timely messages are for
women, whether married or single, mother or daughter.

The leader kit and DVD set is sold separately. Study Difficulty: Average


Is God Anti-Gay? Sam Allberry (The Good Book Company, 88 pgs.)
Washed and Waiting: Reflections of Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality Wesley Hill (Zondervan, 160 pgs.)
Love Into Light: The Gospel, The Homosexual and the Church Peter Hubbard (Ambassador, 172 pgs.)
Every Womans Battle Shannon Ethridge (Waterbrook, 288 pgs.)
Sex According to God Kay Arthur (Waterbrook, 256 pgs.)
Passion and Purity Elizabeth Elliot (Revell, 192 pgs.)
The Purity Principle Randy Alcorn (Life Change Books, 96 pgs.)

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