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Implementation of E-Waste Rules 2011 & Salient Features of E Waste Rules, 2016

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Implementation of E-Waste Rules 2011

Salient features of E Waste Rules, 2016

Presented by:
Sachin Kumar Dhar Dwivedi
Technical Officer
Status of Implementation of E-Waste Rules 2011
Estimated Generation of E- Waste 1.7 Million ton (UN)

Authorized Producer - 151

(Bihar 1,Delhi 45, Goa 11, Gujarat 3, J & K 13
Karnataka-19,Maharashtra 52, Rajasthan 1, Tamil Nadu 2,
Telangana-3, Uttar Pradesh 1)

Authorized Collection Centres - 154

(Andhra Pradesh -3, Assam 2, Bihar 2, Chandigarh 1,Delhi 19,
Gujarat- 29,Goa 3, J & K 4, Karnataka 4, Kerala 4,
Madhya Pradesh 14 ,Maharashtra 30, Odisha 14,
Rajasthan 4, Tamil Nadu 8, Telangana -9,
Uttrakhand 1 & Uttar Pradesh 3)

Registered Dismantler/Recycler - 149

(Chhattisgarh 2,Gujarat 7, Haryana-14, Karnataka -52,
Madhya Pradesh 2, Maharashtra 24, Rajasthan 9,
Tamil Nadu 16,Telangana - 3 Uttrakhand 3,
Uttar Pradesh 16, West Bengal - 1)

Dismantling/Recycling capacity - 462896 ton per annum

Salient Features of E Waste (Management) Rules, 2016
(Notified on 23-03-2016, to be effective from 01-10-2016)

Applicability of the Rules

Extended to components, consumables and spare parts of EEE which makes

the product operational.

Extended to components, consumables, spares and parts of EEE in addition

to equipment as listed in Schedule I.

Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) and other mercury containing lamp have
been included.

Collection Mechanism
Collection is now exclusively Producers responsibility, which can set up
collection centre or point or even can arrange buy back mechanism for such

No separate authorization for such collection will be required, which will be

indicated in the EPR Plan of Producers.
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

Single EPR Authorization for Producers

CPCBs responsibility to ensure EPR implementation.

Target based approach for collection under EPR

The phase wise Collection Target for e-waste, which can be either in number or
weight and shall be 30% of the quantity of waste generation as indicated in EPR
Plan during first two year of implementation of rules followed by 40% during third
and fourth years, 50% during fifth and sixth years and 70% during seventh year

Simplification of Permissions
No separate authorization for collection centre which shall be now part of EPR
Registration/ authorization for dismantling and recycling through one system i.e.
Authorization instead of both registration and authorisation.
Pan India EPR authorization by CPCB
Salient Features of E Waste (Management) Rules, 2016

Economic Instrument for implementation of the rules

Deposit Refund Scheme has been introduced as an optional economic instrument

wherein the producer charges an additional amount as a deposit at the time of sale of
the electrical and electronic equipment and returns it to the consumer along with
interest when the end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment is returned back

Responsibility of State Government

The roles of the State Government has been also introduced in the Rules in order to
ensure safety, health and skill development of the workers involved in the dismantling
and recycling operations. These responsibilities include:

i. To earmark or allocate industrial space or shed for e-waste dismantling and

recycling in the existing and upcoming industrial areas
ii. To register workers involved in dismantling and recycling
iii. to assist skill development activities for the workers involved in dismantling and
iv. To undertake annual monitoring and to ensure safety & health of workers involved
in dismantling and recycling
v. To submit annual report to Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Salient Features of E Waste (Management) Rules, 2016

Flexibility for ease of implementation of EPR

Option has been given for setting up of PRO, e-waste exchange,



Introduction of liability clause for damages caused to the

environment or third party due to improper management of
e-waste including provision for levying financial penalty for
violation of provisions of the Rules
Duties as per E Waste Rules 2016
Central Pollution Control Board State Pollution Control
Grant and Renewal of Extended Inventorisation of e-waste.
Producer Responsibility -
Authorisation and monitoring of its
Maintain information on Extended Grant and renewal of authorisation to
Producer Responsibility - manufacturers, dismantlers, recyclers
Authorisation on its web site. and refurbisher.
Set and revise targets for collection Monitoring and compliance of
of e-waste from time to time. Extended Producer Responsibility -
Authorisation as directed by Central
Pollution Control Board and that of
dismantlers /recyclers and refurbisher
Coordination with State Pollution Conduct random inspection of
Control Boards dismantler/recycler/refurbisher.

Preparation of Guidelines for Maintain online information regarding

Environmentally Sound authorisation granted to
Management of e-waste. manufacturers, dismantlers, recyclers
and refurbisher.
Duties as per E Waste Rules 2016

Central Pollution Control Board State Pollution Control

Conduct random check for Implementation of programmes to
ascertaining compliance of the e- encourage environmentally sound
waste rules and identification of such recycling.
importers/producers who have not
applied for Extended Producer
Responsibility authorisation or are not
complying with RoHS provision.
Wherever necessary, Central Pollution
Control Board will seek the help of
customs department or any other
agency of the Government of India.
Conduct random inspection of Action against violations of these
dismantler /recycler /refurbisher. rules.
Documentation, compilation of data on Any other function delegated by the
e-waste and uploading on websites of Ministry under these rules.
Central Pollution Control Board
Actions against violation of these
Duties as per E Waste Rules 2016

Central Pollution Control Board State Pollution Control

Conducting training programmes. -
Submit Annual Report to the Ministry. -
Enforcement of provisions regarding -
reduction in use of hazardous
substances in manufacture of
electrical and electronic equipment.
Interaction with IT industry for -
reducing hazardous substances.
Set and revise targets for compliance -
to the reduction in use of hazardous
substance in manufacture of
electrical and electronic equipment
from time to time.
Any other function delegated by the -
Ministry under these rules from time
to time.
Thank You

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