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Cloud Computing

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Reg. No.

I Question Paper Code: 60585 I


Second Semester

Computer Science and Engineering


(Common to M.E. Biometrics and Cyber securitylM.E. Mobile and Pervasive

ComputinglM.E. Multimedia TechnologylM.E. Software Engineering and M.Tech.
Information Technology)

(Regulations 2013)

Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.

PART A - (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1. What are the characteristics of cloud computing?
2. Define: cloud ecosystem.
3. What benefits does virtualization provide?
4. What is the difference between physical and virtual clusters?
5. What are the four major design goals of cloud computing?
6. List out the six layers of cloud services and their providers.
7. What is Openstack?
8. What are the system issues for running a parallel program in either parallel or
distributed manner?
9. What do you mean by security monitoring?
10. Define: Application Security.
PART B - (5 x 13 = 65 marks)
11. (a) (i) What are massive systems? Describe its classification. (7)
(ii) Compare: Public and Private Cloud Models. (6)
(b) (i) Describe the critical cluster design Issues and feasible
implementations. (6)
(ii) Explain the different cloud service models. (7)
12. (a) (i) Write a note about CPU virtualization. (7)

(ii) Briefly explain the different types of virtualization. (6)


(b) (i) What type of cloud OS are used in virtualized data centers?
Explain. (6)

(ii) What is hypervisor? Explain the Xen architecture. (7)

13. (a) (i) Explain the layered cloud architecture development with diagram.

(ii) What is inter-cloud resource management? Explain. (6)


(b) (i) What are the architectural design challenges? Explain. (6)

(ii) What is resource provisioning? Discuss the different types of

resource provisionmg. (7)

14. (a) (i) What is MapReduce? Explain the MapReduce logical data flow. (6)

(ii) Explain the Open Nebula architecture and its components. (7)


(b) (i) What IS Google App Engine? Explain Google App Engine
programming environment. (7)

. (ii) What is Hadoop Distributed File System? Describe its architecture

and features. (6)

15. (a) (i) Explain the security architecture design. (7)

(ii) What is identity access management? Explain. (6)


(b) (i) Explain the cloud security challenges. (7)

(ii) Write a note about virtual machine security. (6)

2. 60585
PART C - (1 x 15 = 15 marks)

16. (a) (i) Describe the following techniques or terminologies used in cloud
computing and cloud services. Use a concrete example cloud or case
study to explain the addressed technology. (8)
(1) . Green information technology
(2) Multitenant technique.
(ii) What are the services provided by Aneka? Describe its architecture
and components. (7)

(b) (i) Consider two cloud service systems: Google File System and
Amazon S3. Explain how they achieve their design goals to secure
data integrity and to maintain data consistency while facing the
problems of hardware failure, especially concurrent hardware
fuilures. (n
(ii) Briefly define the following. (8)
(1) High-performance computing (HPC) system
(2) Internet of Things (loT).

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