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mock exams- Lycee Mohamed Bou Abdellah.


Page 1 sur 13
Part one: Reading (15 points)

A/ Comprehension . Read the text carefully then do the activities. ( 08 points)

The health time bomb of obesity is exploding. Already one in three UK children is

obese or overweight. A further 60,000 children are thought to be suffering weight-related

metabolic syndrome - a combination of conditions including high blood pressure, raised

cholesterol and increased fats in the blood . Given that obesity takes 13 years, on average,

from the life of sufferers, this could lead to the first fall in life expectancy for over 300


Poor nutrition has fuelled increased obesity. Doctors blame poor diets rich in junk

food and a "couch potato" lifestyle - with children. The vast majority of UK children

consume too much salt, fat and sugar and almost all of them dont get enough fruits and


It is no coincidence that children eat the foods they see on advertisements. Marketers

spend over 300 million on food promotion almost always unhealthy on TV before 9

pm, and this money is not wasted. Children and parents both say the constant marketing

of junk food is one reason why they consume so much of it. In fact almost three- quarters

of parents say that junk food advertising influences their childrens food choice. Of course

childrens diets are the responsibility of their parents. But hard-pressed mums and dads
need some help.

To ban junk food advertising before 9 pm is the best way to protect children. Over 70

per cent of childrens TV viewing is outside the hours of childrens TV . The commercial

TV programmes that children watch most are violent and oriented to adults . Unless we

protect children from TV adverts during these programmes we will not tackle the obesity


1. Are these statements true or false? Write T or F next to the letter corresponding to the


a) Thousands of children are at risk of growing overweight.

b) Obesity shortens the life of people of about thirty years.

c) Only few parents say advertising is affecting the way their children eat.

2. In which paragraph is it mentioned that the main cause of overweight is the way we


3. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. What is weight-related metabolic syndrome?

b. What does the writer suggest to fight the problem of childhood obesity?

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4. Copy the title you think is the most appropriate.

a) Obesity crisis in UK.

b) Advertisements and obesity in UK.

c) War on obesity in UK.

5. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text ?

a)... it.(3). B) ...are... ( 4).

1. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to:

a) eat and drink (2) b) forbid (4)

2. Complete the following chart as shown in the example.

Example: to orient orientation oriented

..................... ............... Advertised

...................... affection ............

To consume ............... .........

3. Ask the questions which the underlined words answer.

a) Marketers spend over 300 million on food promotion

b) Children are obese due to fast food.

4. Rewrite (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).

1. a) At least 2.8 million adults die each year due to obesity.

b) A WHO responsible says that ................................................

5. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

(To be) obese (to increase) your risk of developing a number of serious life

threatening diseases. If your body mass index (BMI) goes beyond 25 to 29, you

(to consider) overweight.

6. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the final s.

brands - takes - diseases - weighs

/s/ /z/ /Iz/

Part Two : WRITTEN EXPRESSION. (05 points)

Choose either topic one or two.

Topic One. Use the following notes to write a newspaper article about the risks

of obesity. Gallstones / type 2 diabetes / high blood pressure / high cholesterol

and triglycerides / coronary( heart) artery disease/ a stroke ( heart attack) cancers

(endometrial, breast, and colon)/ respiratory problems / Gynecological problems as


Page 3 sur 13
Topic Two: Some people think that fighting corruption is the duty of government only.

Are you for or against? Justify.

Part one: Reading (15 points)

A/ Comprehension . ( 08 points)

Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Space exploration is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore the outer

space. Physical exploration of space is conducted by both human space flights and by robotic

spacecraft. Common rationales for exploring space include advancing scientific research,

uniting different nations, ensuring the future survival of humanity and developing military or

strategic advantages against other countries. As NASA resumes flight of the space shuttle to

finish building the first International Space Station (ISS) , many are questioning whether the

project worth the risk and expense. I think that exploring the space is a waste of resources.

To start off; space exploration is wastage of time. We have spent many years of time just

to study the outer space and it is not actually bringing benefits to our daily life. Besides, space

exploration is not a project that will be 100% successful in achieving the main goal. There are

too many uncertainties in the project. If technicians have tried thousands of times but always

end up with nothing, it will be a surprise for all of us to see a success. Exploring the space is a

risky task; we should not waste so much time trying out the uncertainties.

Moreover, space exploration wastes a lot of money. Billions of money has been spent in

the space exploration programs since many years ago. At this point of time, people are facing

very serious inflation problem. The worlds economy is getting poorer and poorer, poverty
starvation have become more and more common in different spots of the planet.

1. Choose the main idea of the text.

a) The role of NASA in exploring the space.

b) The disadvantages of exploring the space.

c) The importance of astronomy.

2. Are these statements true or false? Write T or F next to the letter corresponding to

the statement.

a) Space exploration involves both humans and robots.

b) Lot of years and much money have been spent in exploring space.

c) Exploring space helps people in solving their daily life problems.

d) Many people are suffering from poverty and famine in the world.

3. Answer the questions according to the text.

a) What is the prospective project of NASA in the field of space exploration?

b) Is space exploration a waste of time? Why?

4. Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer: The text is :

a- Expository b-Argumentative c-narrative

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5. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

( I ) 1 (that) 2


1. Find in the text words whose definitions follow:

The cost required for doing something = ....1 A travel for discovery ..............2

2. Give the opposites of the following words keeping the same root.

Rational Common
3. Connect each pair of sentences with one of the link words given. Make changes

where necessary.

A-Exploring space benefits us\ it ensures the future survival of humanity. (Owing to /


B- Russia has sent lot of astronauts in order to explore space \ Algeria has never explored

( unlike / either..........or ........)

C- Billions of money are spent in space exploration / no progress is made. (Because of / while

4. Rewrite (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a) .

1) a- Physical exploration of space is conducted by human space flights and robotic


b- Human space flights and robotic spacecraft .............................................

2) a- I think that Algeria should send lot of satellites.

b- It's high time......................................................................

5. Underline or write the silent letter in each of the following words.

Flight outer knowledge wrestle solemn


Choose one of the following topics

Topic1: Write a composition about the National Aeronautics and Space administration

Agency of the USA (NASA)

Established 1958

Space race/ explore space

Develop rockets that carry satellites

Develop robots

Discover new planets/ space objects

Topic 2: Our eating habits are changing very rapidly due to many causes. In your opinion,

what is behind this change? What are its drawbacks on our health?

Page 5 sur 13
Part one: Reading (15 points)

A/ Comprehension . Read the text carefully then do the activities. ( 07 points)

The first human civilizations all appeared in large rivers valley s: Egypt along the Nile;

Mesopotamia city-states along the Tigris and Euphrates; early India by the Indus River, and

along the Huang He, or Yellow River. The reason is obvious: settled agricultural communities
need a

reliable supply of water for irrigation.

Which of the civilizations was earliest is not known, but the greatest strides toward what is

civilization seem to have been made in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), among the Sumerians.
Sumer ,a

collection of city-states, took shape beginning about 4000 BC, and the result over the next

was a highly diversified social structure with a priestly class at the top. The Sumerians had

artisans who made tools and artworks. They had laws to protect the rights of people and
property and

built large cities. What the Sumerians achieved early, the other river valley civilizations also

learnt and reproduced.

The Sumerian civilization witnessed the development of agriculture, the earliest known

language and codified laws, and the advancement of commerce and such sciences as
astronomy and

mathematics. Mesopotamia also developed the worlds first known calendars and cities.
is often called "the cradle of civilizations".


1) Are these statements true or false? Write T or F next to the letter corresponding to the


a) Rivers valleys used to witness the birth of many civilizations.

b) The Sumerian civilization rose and flourished around the Nile Valley.

c) The Sumerians developed the first written language form in the world.

2) Answer the following questions according to the text:

a) Why did most civilizations appear near rivers?

b) When did the Sumerian civilization emerge?

3) Copy down the title you think is the most appropriate.

a) Mesopotamia: The Cradle of Civilizations.

b) The worlds Earliest Civilization.

Page 6 sur 13
c) The Place Birth of Ancient Civilizations.

4) Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer : The text is:

a) narrative b) argumentative c) expository

5) Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a) who b) other

1) Find in the text words that are synonyms to:

emerged =..................1 steps =................2 growth =..........3

2) Complete the following table as shown in the example.

Example Advancement To advance Advanced



To protect



3) Connect each pair of sentences with the link word given. Make changes where necessary.

a) The Sumerians made laws. They wanted to protect the rights of people and property.

(in order to)

b) Many civilizations had appeared in the world. Sumer is the most prestigious one.

(in spite of the fact that)

4) Ask the questions which the underlined words answer:

a) The first human civilizations had all appeared in large rivers valleys.

b) The Sumerian civilization witnessed the development of agriculture.

5) Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final / ed /

developed - protected - witnessed emerged reproduced landed

/ t / / d / / Id /

6) Fill in the gaps with word from the list:

Civilization- definition admiration- music - appreciation refinement

Many people, when they use the word culture, mean a degree of....1......They think of those

are cultured as having an.....2......for the arts, for good literature, painting, sculpture
and...3....This is

not a mistaken use of the word , but it is a restricted ...4....

Part Two : WRITTEN EXPRESSION. (05 points)

Choose either topic one or two

Topic 1: Write a short composition about the following topic:

Modern civilization has kept changing rapidly. Write what people used to / had to/ were able
to do a
century ago. Use the following notes:

Beliefs/customs/traditions/ myths / Lifestyles (clothing, food and drink, transport) / Industry,


Topic Two: Write a composition about the following topic: Some people think that ethics and

business are two different issues that should never meet. Are you for or against? Justify.

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