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The transcript contains the student's academic record including courses taken, grades earned, grade point averages, and degree information. It also outlines policies regarding course repeats, withdrawals, and academic standing.

The transcript contains information such as the student's name, identification number, dates of attendance, courses taken, grades earned, grade point averages, academic program or major, and degree awarded. It also includes a legend explaining the university's grading system and policies.

The transcript has features such as a watermark, a statement of authenticity, and a way to verify the transcript has not been altered on the university's website. It also notes the transcript will be deleted from the server within 48 hours for security.


Official Academic Transcri pt from


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Student No: G01025161 Date of Birth: 04-NOV Date Issued: 15-JUN-2017

Record of: Hyejin Yoon Page: 1

Current Name: Hyejin Yoon


BURKE, VA 22015-1861

Course Level: Graduate ********************** TRANSCRIPT TOTALS ***********************

Only Admit: Fall 2016 Earned Hrs GPA Hrs Points GPA
TOTAL INSTITUTION 18.00 18.00 69.00 3.83
Current Program
Doctor of Philosophy TOTAL TRANSFER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
College : Education & Human Development
Major : Education OVERALL 18.00 18.00 69.00 3.83
********************** END OF TRANSCRIPT ***********************


Fall 2016
Education & Human Development
EDRS 810 Prob and Methods Educ Research 3.00 B+ 9.99
EDUC 800 Ways of Knowing 3.00 A 12.00
EDUC 853 World Perspect of Teacher Educ 3.00 A 12.00
Ehrs: 9.00 GPA-Hrs: 9.00 QPts: 33.99 GPA: 3.78
Good Standing

Spring 2017
Education & Human Development
EDRS 812 Qual Methods Educ Research 3.00 A+ 12.00
EDUC 850 The Study of Teaching 3.00 A 12.00
EDUC 878 Inter Comp: Th/Rsch Intnl Educ 3.00 A- 11.01
Ehrs: 9.00 GPA-Hrs: 9.00 QPts: 35.01 GPA: 3.89
Good Standing

Fall 2017
EDRS 822 Advanced Qualitative Methods 3.00 IN PROGRESS
EDUC 851 Research on Teacher Education 3.00 IN PROGRESS
EDUC 874 The Achievement Gap 3.00 IN PROGRESS
In Progress Credits 9.00
******************** CONTINUED ON NEXT COLUMN *******************
George Mason University
Office of the University Registrar
4400 University Drive, MSN: 3DI
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
(703) 993-2441
catalog.gmu.edu registrar.gmu.edu
Accreditation - George Mason University is accredited by the Commission Repeated and Excluded Courses
on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award Undergraduate Degree Seeking: Previous attempts of repeated courses will
bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, and is a member of the Council be identified and excluded from calculation in the cumulative GPA. The
of Graduate Schools in the United States. notation of "A" indicates that the course is included in the GPA hours but
excluded from earned hours. Courses marked with an "E" designate that
Calendar System/Unit of Credit - Semester/Semester hour. they have been excluded from the cumulative GPA, based either on a
Grading System - Letter grades are used to designate the quality of work. subsequent repeat of the course (marked with an "I" for "include") or
There are separate grading systems for undergraduate and graduate academic clemency approved for up to 16 credit hours. Clemency requires
courses. Dean's approval following an absence of at least three years from the
university. The transcript shows all original and repeated courses.
Enrollment Terms - Fall and Spring semesters -14 class weeks plus one Graduate Degree Seeking: Graduate students may not repeat courses
exam week; Summer term - Two 5 week sessions, One 8 week session, previously passed with a grade of B- or higher. When a course with a lower
Other variable sessions. grade is repeated, the following conditions apply: (1) all hours attempted are
computed in the cumulative GPA; (2) the transcript shows the original and
Quality repeated grade; and (3) only one grade per course may be presented on the
Grade Points Undergraduate Graduate Degree Application.
A+ 4.00 Passing Satisfactory/Passing
A 4.00 Passing Satisfactory/Passing Academic Standing - A student is in good standing unless otherwise noted.
A- 3.67 Passing Satisfactory/Passing "Warning" status is considered good standing . Academic standing may not
B+ 3.33 Passing Satisfactory/Passing yet have been calculated for transcripts produced very close to the end of
B 3.00 Passing Satisfactory/Passing the most recent semester. If you have any question about the student's
B- 2.67 Passing Satisfactory/Passing standing, contact the University Registrar's Office.
C+ 2.33 Passing Invalid Grade
C 2.00 Passing Unsatisfactory/Passing Special Notes
C- 1.67 Passing Invalid Grade Complete Transcript - The transcript shows all classes registered and
D 1.00 Passing Invalid Grade attempted except those dropped during the drop period.
F 0.00 Failing Unsatisfactory/Failing
S * Satisfactory Satisfactory Withdrawal - Enrolled undergraduates may withdraw from a career total of 3
NC * No Credit No Credit enrolled classes at their own discretion and without dean's approval. All
IN 0.00 Incomplete** Incomplete** other withdrawals must be for non-academic reasons and require dean's
IX 0.00 Incomplete Extension** Incomplete Extension** approval.
IP * In Progress In Progress
W * Withdrawn Withdrawn Grade Point Average - The GPA is computed by dividing quality points
AU * Audit Audit (QPts) by GPA hours (GPA-Hrs). It is carried to the second decimal point
NR * Not reported by instructor Not reported by instructor and rounded. GPA is only computed for credit earned at George Mason
REG * Registration Noted Registration Noted University or through the Washington Consortium (WC).
XXX * Missing Grade Missing Grade
Degree GPA
Plus/minus grading was added effective Fall 1998 semester and expanded Graduate: For Master's and Doctoral Students, the Degree GPA is
Fall 2002 semester. C- was designated satisfactory Fall 2002 through calculated on course work presented by the student on the Degree
Summer 2003. Application.
Undergraduate: The Degree GPA for Bachelor's degrees was discontinued
SP and AB grades* - Grades assigned by the student's dean granting after the May 2006 conferral. University Honors are computed on the Degree
permission to be absent from the final exam. If not resolved within 10 days, GPA if one applies to the student's record. Otherwise, they are calculated
the AB grade automatically becomes an F. The SP grade is given only under based on cumulative GPA.
unusual circumstances and may remain permanently on the record.
*Not calculated in grade point average (GPA). Transfer Work - Transfer hours are counted toward a degree but are not
** IN and IX grades are calculated as if they are grades of F. computed in a student's GPA.

Course Numbering System Washington Consortium (WC) - Resident credit and grades can be earned
100-299 lower-level undergraduate courses through the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan area.
300-499 upper-level undergraduate courses More detailed academic program and course information may be found at
500-999 graduate courses catalog.gmu.edu.
RS indicates a Research and Scholarship Intensive Course


This Academic Transcript from George Mason University located in Fairfax, VA is being provided to you by Credentials Inc. Under provisions of, and subject
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This secure transcript has been delivered electronically by Credentials Inc. in a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. Please be aware that this layout may
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school and your capabilities, we also can deliver this file as an XML document or an EDI document. Any questions regarding the validity of the information
you are receiving should be directed to: Office of the University Registrar, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, MSN: 3DI, Fairfax, VA 22030,
Tel: (703) 993-2429.

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