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Compact Prover

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Experience with Compact Provers on

cold Products


Ole-John Melkevik, Statoil ASA

Asle Grasdal Fosen, Gassco AS

Location for

Overview of the Gas
Processing Plant

Photo: yvind Hagen/ Statoil

Piston Prover

Krst gas processing plant was built in 1984 and started up in 1985. The export were
either by pipeline, Statpipe, or by boat. Therefore there were installed one gas metering
station and four liquid metering stations.
Together with the metering stations there were also installed 2 piston Provers; both
about 6,5m. One for Propane and one to be shared between butanes and natural
The liquid export was not that high in the beginning but it was a lot of problems that had
to be solved. The material in the soft seal in the plug valves did not like the Propane. So
when this was set in operation it did swell out and caused a lot of problems. The
problems for the material was both against the low temperature of -40C and the
Propane. It took a year before the manufacturer managed to come up with a material
that could withstand both low temp and Propane.
But also challenges regarding the piston Prover came up. Leakage over the piston, this
was solved with Fluor carbon seals. Another challenge here was the core in the seals. It
was first a V-shape to achieve a pressure against the cylinder wall. Unluckily this was
also a damage to the cylinder when the seal was worn out. Because then the metal
started scratching the inner wall/lining. The whole Prover had to be shipped to Germany
to be machined. New lining and honing of the whole cylinder. The material in the piston
was changed from aluminium to composite material. After this accident the core in the
seals was changed from V shape to spring inside the seal. But since the weight of the
piston was high the cylinder got worn out again and needed another trip to Germany.
These trips lasted at least 6 months.
Therefore the plant got a dispensation from NPD to run 6 monthly proving against a
curve. This have been functioning fine and we have managed to extend the life of the
Provers. But the number of batches has increased up to 1100 a year.
To act according to regulations we have to do proving on each batch. To solve this; small
volume Provers could be the answer.
ISO for the piston Prover

To give an idea of the dimension of the different types of Provers we see here that
the piston type Prover is about 30 metres long. Compared to Compact Prover which
is about 4 meters long for the same capacity. Also piping arrangement due to use of
4-way valve is eliminated when using Compact Prover.
Piston Prover

This drawing shows how much of the Prover had to be shipped for machining.
Compact Prover 1
A new Project started in 1998 called KUP. They should design a new propane metering station
whit a capacity of 5500m/h. They came up with a plan to install a compact Prover on the skid.
Since they operate on -40C it could not be ball Prover. A large piston Prover was out of the
A 24 Prover was ordered and tested on water. It functioned fine on water and temperature above
zero degrees. This was hopefully a good start.
Compact Prover 1

The volume of the Prover was only 0,25m and the proving of a meter did only take 5 minutes.
This was very revolutionary. But soon we got problems to get the Prover to find the first switch.
A lot of fault investigation was done and suddenly we got it running again. This time it was the
changing of the backpressure that made it working. Therefore we had to read the owners
manual again. And here we found out that the back pressure have to be adjusted if the process
pressure increases with more than 5%. Since we operate over a wide range of pressure. The
pressure can vary from 7 barg up to 14 barg. This meant that we had do adjustment every time we
should do proving. Only way to solve this was to install an arrangement to do this automatically.
So now there is a solenoid to fill backpressure and one solenoid to drain backpressure. In addition
there is a pressure transmitter on the backpressure. This pressure is compared to line condition.
After we got this installed the calibration have been running much smoother.
The yearly calibration is done with water with a so called water draw. This is normally running as
planned. The problems starts when we shall get rid of the water. According to the manufacturer it
is not recommended to fill it with methanol to trap all the water. The procedure was to dry out
with air. Then hot air. Then changing over to Nitrogen gas. First cold and then heated Nitrogen
gas. The goal was to get a dew point less then -40C. In the beginning this could take several
weeks. After reaching the correct dew point the Prover was filled with Propane. The system at
Krst is designed so that it is possible to run a batch in recirculation mode. So when we tried to
do a proving in a test batch the result was very bad. Repeatability ended on 50%. We discovered
that the piston poppet valve was frozen in open position and there is no way to get this closed but
gas free the system and heat it up above freezing point for Hydrates.( this can be higher than zero
Compact Prover 1

We experienced then that the water trap in the slide bearings did not evaporate
during the drying period. The get around this problem we found out that we should
operate the piston during the drying process. By running the piston the poppet valve
would also open and close. By this method we got rid of most of the water. The last
action before filling the Prover was to position the piston in mid position. Then the
poppet valve is closed. When we then launch the piston the piston will hit the
obstruction in the end of the cylinder and the process pressure will open the poppet

Early it was observed that it is not easy to know the position of the piston. (The design
should consider to have a window in the cover for switches)
Prover 1 details
2011/09/27 14:55 Krst Propan Eksport Mlestasjon KOS FCM 212
Last nummer : 20110931-1
Lasting startet : 2011/09/27 13:01
Status : FERDIG
Rrnormal Volum Sm3 : 0.250601 Linje Nr. : 4
Forsk Antall Linje Linje Rrnorm Rrnorm Volum Meter
Nr. Pulser Temp Trykk Temp Trykk Strm K-faktor
GrdC barg GrdC barg m3/h P/m3
1 1664.5 -40.90 8.82 -40.98 9.90 1272.52 6634.25
2 1663.9 -40.91 8.84 -40.96 9.90 1277.76 6632.60
3 1664.0 -40.91 8.85 -40.96 9.92 1280.08 6632.82
4 1663.8 -40.94 8.79 -40.98 9.87 1287.28 6632.04
5 1664.2 -40.91 8.80 -40.96 9.90 1277.66 6633.76
6 ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
7 ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
8 ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
9 ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
10 ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
Siste 5
Forsk 1664.1 -40.92 8.82 -40.97 9.90 1279.06 6633.09
K-faktor i bruk: 6632.25
Repeterbarhet: 0.035 Differanse.....: 0.01
Forsk CPSP CTSP Rrnorm CPSM CTSM Linje
Nr. Tetthet Tetthet
1 1.00012 0.99821 580.137 1.00005 0.99754 579.901
2 1.00012 0.99821 580.159 1.00005 0.99754 579.964
3 1.00012 0.99821 580.246 1.00005 0.99754 580.046
4 1.00012 0.99821 580.118 1.00005 0.99754 579.933
5 1.00012 0.99821 580.305 1.00005 0.99754 580.106
6 ### ### ### ### ### ###
7 ### ### ### ### ### ###
8 ### ### ### ### ### ###
9 ### ### ### ### ### ###
10 ### ### ### ### ### ###
Siste 5
Forsk 1.00012 0.99821 580.193 1.00005 0.99754 579.990
Compact Prover 2

In 2009 we started up a new project were the old metering station from 1984 should be replaced
with new metering stations with a Prover for each of the new stations. Based on experience of the
old compact Prover and that the new product should be a second generation of the same product.
The Prover chosen was a different brand that already was installed.

As we can see there is no hydraulic pulling the piston. The functionality of the pulling device
was very simple. A motor running and stopping by means of a motor stopping switch. The
operation of the poppet valve is the same as compact Prover 1. One of the biggest difference on
these two Provers is that the piston rod is coming out in the open air. This means that it is very
cold and therefore all the water in the air will be trapped on it. So when returning inside the
cylinder the seals will be broken. To avoid this there is a nitrogen purge system over the
machine part of the Prover. The system is controlled by a P&F ( Pepperl&Fuchs) unit and will
be alarming if the purge fails.
Compact Prover 2

To dry out Compact Prover 2 is a bit more complicated. It is not straight forward to move the
piston. There is a tool to push the piston when we do the leakage check over the Piston. But this
tool cant push the piston all the way. And in addition there is a need to open up the cold Pack
to mount this tool. The illustration shows the tool and how it function.

The piston has to be pulled up by the chain and then pushed downward with the tool. The
drawback is that the machine room is now containing humidity from the air and has to be dried
out before putting into service.
Since all wetted parts inside the Prover are of a material that will withstand Methanol there is an
opportunity to dry out the Prover by means of Methanol. To do this we must be sure that all the
material inside valves etc. also can withstand Methanol. Otherwise will this method not be
For Krst this is not a problem for Propane but it will be for the metering stations for the
When handling cold products its always nice to know position of moving parts without
dismantling the everything. When looking at these two Compact Provers its not easy to
see the position of the piston. There should have been a window to see this without
disturbing insulation, purge or anything else.
Even though the Prover skid is made for cold operation it is not easy to get it fully
insulated. We have an open invitation the manufacturer of these skids that they can
come to us and see how it works in real life.
When working over a wide pressure band be sure to have an automatic back pressure
control function that blocks the Prover if the system is not functioning
If there is a purge system installed be sure that it has indication for the overpressure and
that it alarms if it fails. It is also necessary to have.
Use alcohol when you need a short cut to dry out the Prover. (And use water to dry out
the operator.)

When Europe have the ATEX the rest of the world dont. Which means that the ATEX
certification has to checked both against electrical parts but also against mechanical
parts. It happens that the mechanical part is forgotten when getting the certification.
The get a recertification takes very long time and can easily delay a project.

1. Daniel drawings located at Krst from 1984
2. Illustrations from Emerson Daniel Brooks brochures at internet
3. Illustration from Honeywell Enraf Calibron brochures.

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