Hammer Mill
Hammer Mill
Hammer Mill
In the upper part of the hammer mill, the feed
material is smashed when it hits the hammer
heads and the inner wall of the upper housing
Most of the comminution takes place by means
of shearing and friction in the lower housing
section between the hammer path and the lower
part of the hammer rotor.
The feed material is comminuted in the hammer
mill until the fineness necessary for material
conveyance with the hot gas stream from the
hammer mill into the flash dryer has been attained.
The adjusting flaps are open during the heating-up phase of the hammer mill. This causes
part of the hot gas flow volume to be conveyed directly into the flash dryer and the hammer
rotor to be heated more slowly and uniformly. After the heating-up phase, the adjusting flaps are
closed. The entire hot gas flow volume is therefore conveyed through the hammer mill into the flash
dryer, for drying of the feed material.