First Versus Second-Mover Advantage With Information Asymmetry About The Size of New Markets
First Versus Second-Mover Advantage With Information Asymmetry About The Size of New Markets
First Versus Second-Mover Advantage With Information Asymmetry About The Size of New Markets
Keywords: Market Entry, First- and Second Mover Advantage, Payo Externalities, Informational
Externalities, Endogenous Timing
*Dan R. and Catherine M. Dalton Professor, Department of Business Economics and Public Policy,
Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Visitor (07/08), Nueld College, Oxford University.
Oce: 011-44- 1865 554-163 or (01865) 554-163. Nueld College, Room C3, New Road, Oxford,
England, OX1 1NF. E-mail: Web:
** Department of Economics, Indiana University Bloomington, Wylie Hall 211, 100 S. Woodlawn,
Bloomington, Indiana 47405, Oce: ( 812)-855-8035, Fax: 812-855-3736. E-mail:
1 Introduction
Whether it is better to move first or second is an old question in game theory, the subject of an
extensive literature that we discuss below. The choice of when to move has most commonly been
seen as a question of whether it is better to commit or to outbid of whether actions are strategic
substitutes or strategic complements. Under uncertainty, however, a new consideration enters: that
by moving second, a player may have more information available to him. Even if information is
symmetric, observing what happens to the first mover helps the second mover know what action
to take. If information is asymmetric, then merely observing the action of the first mover, even
without observing the consequences, reveals information.
Thus, there are two dimensions to uncertainty: when it is resolved, and whether information is
asymmetric. When information is symmetric, there can be a second-mover advantage if the leaders
choice causes some uncertainty to be resolved for example, through profits observed after entry.
If, on the other hand, information is asymmetric, the less-informed player wants to follow so as to
observe the better- informed players move and learn from it. The better-informed player wants to
follow to keep his information private. In this paper we will look at the conflict between these two
We will use a setting in which two firms decide which of two markets to enter. One firm has
better but not perfect information about which market is better. The firms must decide whether
to enter immediately or wait. Firms cannot wait indefinitely: they must enter in the first or second
period or lose their chance. Moreover, entry in the first period does not resolve the underlying
uncertainty by revealing the quality of the market. If the uninformed player moves second, he can
imitate the choice of the informed player, but it might still be wrong. In addition, entering the
same market has a negative pecuniary externality: it is undesirable to compete head-to-head. As
a result, the informed player would like to keep his information private.
The timing of entry will be driven by both information spillover and payo externalities. The
better-informed player knows that his information can be inferred from his decision, so a decision
to move early is a decision as to whether to reveal his information or not. The decision to move
early also commits the first mover to inflicting a negative payo externality on the other player if
he chooses the same market, which has the eect of discouraging imitation.
We describe the situation in terms of entering new geographic markets, but the model is
equally suited to new products, new input markets, or any of the other of the varieties of innovation
described by Joseph Schumpeter [1911]). Should a player make his investment gamble early, or late,
when he knows other players are watching? Simple though it is, such a situation contains elements
of preemption, coordination, and signal-jamming.
The insights of the model can be summarized as follows. Whether the first mover or the second
mover advantage is dominant depends on information quality. If the informed players information
is inaccurate, there is a first mover advantage for both players, the well-known advantage of being
able to foreclose a market but adapted to two markets of unknown quality. Both players know
that the informed players information is weak, so their main concern is to avoid competing in the
same market rather than being in the market with the best signal. When the players are relying
on imprecise information, choosing the same market does not necessarily put them both in the
big market. Instead, they might both end up in the small market, the worst possible outcome.
Hence, diverging from the first movers choice is a best response, even for the informed player with
his meaningful, if imprecise, information. He prefers to enter first, so he can use his information,
knowing that the other player will not imitate him. The uninformed player also would like to move
first, because though he has no information to use, being the first mover may prevent the other
player from seizing the better market.
On the other hand, if the informed players information is relatively accurate, the second-
mover advantage dominates. Both players know that the informed player has a good chance of
picking the big market, and this outweighs the disadvantage of competing in the same market
under our assumptions. The uninformed player wants to imitate. The informed player wants to
prevent imitation. Thus, we have two sources of the second mover advantage that one might think
of as oensive and defensive, learning and anti-learning.
These first and second mover advantages combine to give a variety of possible equilibria. If
information is imprecise, there exist two pure strategy equilibria with sequential entry and a mixed
strategy equilibrium in which both firms randomize over the period of entry. If information is more
precise, the informed player enters in the second period and the uninformed player is indierent
about when he enters. This equilibrium is driven by the informed players desire to prevent the
less-informed players learning and imitation.
If duopoly competition is not severe, the greater precision of information can lead to ine-
ciency. More precise information increases the informed players incentive to conceal through delay.
Industry profits fall because this prevents both players from being in the market most likely to be
We also ask what happens when delaying entry incurs a direct cost the foregoing of first-period
revenue, for example. This causes little change if information is imprecise, since the first mover
advantage dominates anyway. It is more interesting when information is precise and the second
mover advantage dominates. The relative benefit to each player from being the follower starts to
matter, since the delay cost might be less than one players benefit but greater than the others. It
turns out that if duopoly competition is severe enough, the second-mover advantage from preventing
learning is greater than that from learning. Otherwise, the quality of information matters. If
information is moderately precise then preventing learning still dominates. If information is very
precise, then learning dominates instead. This yields sequential entry by one or the other player
which can eliminate the ineciency of simultaneous entry.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is a review of the literature. Section 3 introduces
the model. Section 4 considers the case in which timing of entry is exogenous, and Section 5
considers the case where timing is endogenous. Section 6 is a modification of the model which adds
a cost of delayed entry to the model. Also it shows what happens when we reverse our assumption
that a player prefers to be a duopolist in the big market to a monopolist in the small one. Section
7 concludes.
2 The Literature
The Stackelberg model [Heinrich von Stackelberg [1934]) is an early model of first-mover advantage,
a sequential-move quantity game in which the first mover, by committing to a large quantity, gains
a profit advantage over the second mover compared to in the simultaneous-move Cournot model.
Articles by Esther Gal-or (1985, 1987), J. Hamilton & S. Slutsky (1990), and Paul Klemperer &
Margaret Meyer (1986) analyze variations of this game. Anderson & Engers (1994), in particular,
looks at what happens when the timing of entry is endogenous. Two articles by Eric Van Damme
& S. Hurskens (1999, 2004) look at whether a player would prefer to move first or second in various
other games in which both player are already in the market and the choice variables are price
or quantity. With linear quantity setting in a price-setting duopoly game when the timing of
commitment is decided endogenously, they show that in the risk- dominant equilibrium, the high-
cost player will choose to wait and the low-cost player will emerge as the endogenous Stackelberg and
price leader. Although the timing of action is decided endogenously, in both models, informational
externalities do not play any role.
Similarly, there is a large literature on the war of attrition and pre-emption games in which
players do not learn about the market as a result of entry. Argenziano & Schmidt-Dengler (2008)
provides a good survey of pre-emption games, and Brunnermeier & Morgan (2004) gives a good
discussion of clock games. Bouis, Huisman & Kort (2006) adds uncertainty in the form of changes
in market demand, but this is observed even without entry, and its main interest is in changing the
intervals between entry.
Those articles are about commitment, in a setting without information about the market being
revealed by entry. Gal-Or (1987) shows that a player with superior information on demand may
prefer ex ante to have to move simultaneously rather than first, because otherwise if demand is
strong the player will reveal that to its rival by its choice of high output (though George Mailath
[1993] shows that if the well-informed player has the option of moving first, it will always take
that option, since to delay reveals that it is trying to hide strong demand). Hans-Theo Normann
(1997, 2002) also looks at what happens when one duopolist is better informed when he makes his
quantity decision. Levin & Peck (2003) looks at a dierent kind of asymmetric information: firms
dier in their entry cost, and must decide when to enter a natural monopoly in a variant of the
grab-the-dollar game.
In all these models, the players are making decisions about how hard to compete in one market,
not whether to compete at all, and the quality of the informed players information is unimportant.
In the present paper, two major concerns will be what happens when the well-informed player turns
out to be wrong after all (since he will not have perfect information), and whether it is ecient to
have entry in two markets rather than one. Also, the decisions will be binary to enter a market
or not rather than a continuous quantity or price decision, so we can focus strictly on the order
of moves rather than on distortions arising from entry deterrence tactics.
In other models, players are symmetric but there is uncertainty and the first players move
creates new information. In Rafael Rob (1991), entry has an informational and payo externality,
but the players are not asymmetrically informed, and the market is competitive. The timing of
actions is given exogenously, and the focus is on the second movers advantage from seeing what
happens to the first mover. Rob does not analyze the possible advantage to moving second to
prevent the other player from learning. Patrick Bolton & Chris Harris, Midori Hirokawa & Dan
Sasaki (2001) and Heidrun Hoppe (2000) (see too Heidrun Hoppe & Ulrich Lehmann-Grube (2001))
also look at what happens when the first movers move reveals something about the state of the
world, as opposed to something about the first movers information. In the present paper, what
the second mover gets from observing the first movers choice is not direct information about the
unknown true state. Market quality is only revealed after both players have moved, so there is
no Who will bell the cat? problem. Instead, the players are asymmetrically informed, and one
players move reveals something about his information.
Appelbaum and Lim (1985), Spencer and Brander (1992), and Somma (1999) also deal with
the topic of market preemption and delay. The main focus of these papers is the tradeo between
precommitment and delays flexibility in a situation where uncertainty is resolved exogenously over
time. Although precommitment may give market dominance, it can also hurt profits because the
realized true state might not be fit with an early decision. Delay has option value; the choice can
be made later after uncertainty is resolved. Hence, a firm needs to decide which is more important,
precommitment or flexibility, which can be interpreted as a decision on the allocation of investment
in the various environments. This model is distinct from the flexibility-precommitment literature
because, in this model, the uncertainty is not resolved until both firms make their choices. Delay
does not provide protection against uncertainty. On the other hand, a follower might learn from
the leaders choice by being able to infer the leaders superior information. Our focus, in fact, is
on that informational externality.
Another setting has players asymmetrically informed, but without any payo externality.
Christopher Chamley and Douglas Gale (1994) and Jianbo Zhang (1997) discuss strategic delay
and the endogenous timing of action when only informational externalities are present and there is
no negative payo externality from one player choosing the same action as another, though there
is some intrinsic cost to delay. In Chamley and Gale (1994), a player has an incentive to delay
his action to observe other players decisions for information updating. Zhang (1997) links this
result to informational cascades. He concludes that the most-informed player is least willing to
wait, because he has the least to learn than other players. He acts as the leader, and other players
mimic him immediately. In these models, although the action timing is endogenous, there are not
payo externalities from actions. Each players main concern is whether the cost of delay is worth
learning other players information.
Whether it is best to move first or second has received attention outside of economics too.
An example in the marketing is the empirical study by Venkatesh Shankar, Gregory Carpenter and
Lakshman Krishnamurthi (1998); examples from management strategy are the articles by Marvin
Lieberman and David Montgomery (1988, 1998).
In the present paper, the timing of actions is endogenous and the action has both informational
and payo externalities. Two papers look at this combination.
In Yoon (2006) there is also a less-informed player who delays to learn and a better-informed
player who delays to prevent learning in a war of attrition. Although both players benefit from
being the follower, the gain from learning is greater than from preventing learning, so the leader is
the better-informed player. The conclusion is dierent from the present papers because the payo
structure is dierent. Yoon (2006) models reputation and career concerns rather than entry. Hence,
although the best outcome is to be correct alone (as here), the worst outcome is to be incorrect
alone, not to be incorrect in company with the other player. In a model of market entry, the worst
outcome is for both players to end up in a small market, having made the same mistake. That
possible payo is crucial to why the quality of information determines whether the advantage is to
the first or the second mover. It also is why the relative magnitude of the gain from learning and
the gain from preventing learning will depend on the business environment in the present model.
Frisell (2003), like the present paper, asks who will enter first, a less informed or a better
informed player. He uses a continuous-time model of the war of attrition: who is willing to wait
the longest, when delay means a loss in profits? He finds, if we may adapt his model to our
papers context, that if a firms duopoly profit is higher than its monopoly profit (a case we do not
consider in this paper) or just a little lower, the informed player enters first. If duopoly profit is
enough lower, however, the informed player waits longer. What matters is the ratio of duopoly to
monopoly profits, not the degree of information superiority (a degree which will play an important
role in the present paper). In contrast to the model to be laid out here, delay costs are crucial
to the entry decision, but delay can be infinitely long. Here, there will be a deadline for entry.
Players must decide to enter either early, or late. One player cannot simply outwait the other
if he waits, the result will be simultaneous choices. If both players want to move late, they can
do so, but they will be simultaneous movers. As a result, in our model a player who moves late
must be concerned about ending up in the same market as his rival by accident, even if he has
prevented purposeful imitation. The use of discrete instead of continuous time is merely a matter
of modelling convenience, but the existence of an entry deadline is a substantive dierence between
two papers. A deadline models either the closing of the entry opportunity or the necessity of
choosing which market to enter without having observed the other players decision. Closing of
the entry opportunity is important if additional firms can enter after a certain date, or if demand
or regulatory conditions might become less favorable. Observation of the entry decision becomes
dicult if observable entry must be preceded by lengthy planning and purchase of site-specific
inputs. Indefinite delay to avoid simultaneous entry then does not incur a stationary delay cost;
it risks a sharp loss. We will find, in contrast to Frisell, that even if industry profits suer heavily
when both players are in the same market, the informed player may decide to move first if he is not
much better informed. Frisell does not look at industry profits, but we will see that the possibility
of simultaneous entry also has implications for them.
3 The Model
An informed player (I) and an uninformed player (U) each will enter a market, either the North
(N) or the South (S). One market is big and one is small, but the players do not know which is big.
In the first period they choose simultaneously to enter North, enter South, or wait. If one player
waits and the other does not, the waiting player can observe the other players first-period choice
before choosing his own market in the second period. The second mover cannot observe profits,
however, which are received only at the end of the second period. Player is action set can thus
be represented as A = {ai , ti }, where i {U, I} denotes the player, ai L = {N, S} denotes the
market entered, and t = {t1 , t2 } denotes the period of entry.
Table 1 shows the ex-post payos, with x < y for 0 < < 1 (though we will soon restrict
further). These payos are chosen to model the situation in which a monopolist earns x > 0 or
y > x depending on whether its market is small or large, and each of two duopolists would earn
as much as a monopolist would have.
Uninformed player
Big Market Small Market
Big Market y, y y, x
Informed player
Small Market x, y x, x
If being in a duopoly instead of a monopoly hurts a players profits, as it does unless the
two players products are complements, then 0 < < 1. If a duopoly industry earns less than
a monopoly, as in the Cournot model with identical products, then 0 < < 0.5. If consumers
suciently value dierentiated products, then > 0.5 and the industry earns greater profits as a
duopoly, though each firm would still prefer to be a monopoly. We allow for both cases.
The parameter increases with three things: (1) the degree of product dierentiation, (2) the
degree to which the two goods are complements, and (3) the ability of the two players to collude
when they are a duopoly. If the products are identical, then 0.5, with perfect collusion having
= 0.5, Bertrand competition having = 0, and Cournot competition having 0 < < 0.5. If
there is perfect collusion, then 0.5 < 1, depending on the degree of product dierentiation and
product complementarity.
We will assume that x < y for most of the paper; that is, the single-firm duopoly profit in
a big market is greater than the monopoly profit in a small market. Put dierently, xy < < 1.
This is the most interesting case because it means that a follower would be willing to crowd into
a market despite a leaders presence so long as he was sure the market was the big one. In a later
section, we will also consider the case where the monopoly profit in a small market is greater than
the duopoly profit in a big market, i.e. 0 < < xy .
The common prior is that both markets are equally likely to be the big market. Before the first
period, the informed player observes his own private signal = {N, S} about which market is
big. The signal is such that, when w denotes the true big market,
Thus, for given , the informed player decides when to enter and whether to follow his signal or
not. If aI = , we will say that he uses the signal . The uninformed players strategy is
since he observes no signal. We also will allow the mixed-strategy for both players.
Let be the uninformed players belief as to the probability that the informed player uses the
signal in choosing a market. The strategy profile s = {sU , sI } and constitutes a perfect Bayesian
equilibrium if E I (sI , sU ) and E U (sI , sU ) are maximized for given and s = {sU , sI } and is
consistent with sI in terms of Bayesian updating.
One particular value of p is critical for determining the equilibrium, so let us define:
y x
p (5)
(y x) ( + 1)
We will start by assuming that the sequence of entry is exogenous. This is interesting in itself and
a necessary prelude for the analysis of endogenous entry. For simplicity, we will assume that if
the uninformed player moves without having observed the informed players action, he chooses his
market by flipping a fair coin.
Proposition 1.
1) Suppose that the choice of location is simultaneous. Then, the informed player uses his signal
and the informed player chooses randomly between North and South.
2) Suppose that the choice of location is sequential.
2-1) If the uninformed player chooses first, the informed player uses the signal if it is accurate
enough (if p < p < 1), and otherwise (if 12 < p < p) chooses the opposite of the uninformed player.
2-2) If the informed player chooses first, he uses the signal. The uninformed player imitates him if
the signal is accurate enough (if p < p < 1), but otherwise (if 12 < p < p) he chooses the opposite.
Proposition 1 says that when the informed player is the leader, his best choice is to use his
signal rather than try to conceal it by randomization. As proved in the Appendix, there is no
pooling or semi-pooling equilibrium. This implies that when the uninformed player observes the
informed players choice, he assigns zero probability to the possibility that the informed player
makes a choice opposite to what his signal says. The equilibrium is separating, so the uninformed
player can infer perfectly. We will see that this is critical in making the players want to delay
when is relatively precise.
When the informed player is the follower, he has all the less reason to randomize. He knows he
is better informed, so it is natural for him to use the signal, but he must also consider the competition
that arises when both players are in the same market. Hence, the degree of his information quality
aects his decision on whether to use his signal or not. If his information quality is relatively low,
i.e., p 12 , p , he has more reason to worry that the signal is wrong. If the uninformed player
already accidentally selected the location signalled by , the informed player will be reluctant to do
the same because of the possibility that both players end up in a small market, yielding the lowest
payo, x. In this case, the informed player cares more about avoiding competition than being in
a big market, so he selects the location opposite to what the signal reveals.
On the other hand, if his information quality is relatively high, i.e., p (p, 1), he has relatively
strong confidence in the correctness of the signal. Even if the uninformed player already chose the
location signalled by , it is better to join him there in what is very likely the best market, because
y > x. Hence, regardless of the uninformed players choice of location, the informed player uses
the signal.
Similar reasoning applies to the uninformed players strategy. If the informed players infor-
mation quality is low, the uninformed player thinks mainly of avoiding competition and diverges
in his choice of market, but if the quality is high, he imitates.
As the large market size y increases, the parameter set for which p (p, 1) increases. As y
increases, each firms payo from being a duopolist in the large market increases because y rises,
whereas the payo from being a small-market monopolist, x, stays the same. Hence, as y increases,
the informed player puts more emphasis on being in the big market and has more reason to follow
his signal. As for the uninformed player, he knows that the other player observes a meaningful
signal. Hence, as y increases, he too becomes more willing to rely on the signal, which in this case
means to imitate the informed player. On the other hand, as x, the profit when a player operates
as a monopolist in a small market, increases, the parameter set for which p (p, 1) falls. The loss
from being in a small market decreases and each players incentive to avoid competition in one
market grows relative to the incentive to be in a big market. As x rises, whichever player is the
follower becomes more likely to diverge from the leaders choice. Finally, as increases, each firms
payo from being a duopolist in the same market increases. Hence, each firms incentive to avoid
being in the same market decreases. Hence, the parameter set of p for which the informed player
sticks to his signal and and the uninformed player wants to imitate the informed players choice
We wish to make the timing of entry over the two periods endogenous, and this requires setting
out the possible payos from dierent timings.
The informed players expected payo is one of two expressions, (7) or (8), depending on
whether the uninformed player will have a chance to observe him or not. If the informed player
goes first and the uninformed player second, the uninformed player can deduce the signal perfectly,
so his action aU is perfectly predictable. Hence, the informed players expected payo is:
I (tU , tI ) = Pr( w| ) I (aI , aU , w) (7)
If, however, the uninformed player has no chance to infer the informed players signal, he chooses
aU only using his prior, and we have assumed he randomizes 50-50. Hence, the informed players
expected payo is:
I (tU , tI ) = (0.5) Pr( w| ) I (aI , aU = N, w) + Pr( w| ) I (aI , aU = S, w) (8)
w{N,S} w{N,S}
These two equations cover the four possible combinations of timing. Payo (7) is for (tU , tI ) =
(t2 , t1 ) and payo (8) is for (tU , tI ) = (t1 , t2 ), (t2 , t2 ) and (t1 , t1 ).
Here, note that his posterior belief should be about the true state w and Is signal, Pr(w, ), because
I has no chance to observe aI and therefore no chance to infer before he makes a decision.
We have already discovered the equilibrium actions aI and aU for the conjectured and
exogenous timings tU , tI in Proposition 1. Hence, the possible payos depend crucially on the
precision of the signal, as we found in that proposition. Straightforward calculations yield Lemma
Lemma 1: Tables 2 and 3 show the equilibrium payos for dierent exogenous ordering of moves.
t1 t2
Table 2: Ex-ante Expected Payos Depending on the period of Entry When the
Signal Is Imprecise: 12 < p < p
t1 t2
Table 3: Ex-ante Expected Payos Depending on the period of Entry When the
Signal Is Precise: p < p < 1
Denote is ex-ante expected payo when he enters as the leader and follower by L F
i and i , and
denote his payo when both players enter simultaneously by Si . Whether a first- or second-mover
advantage emerges depends on the informed players information quality.
SU < FU < L S F L
U and I < I < I (10)
Each players best response as follower is to choose a dierent location from the leader, even
though we have assumed that it is better to be a duopolist in the big market than a monopolist
in the small market ( > x/y). As the follower, he can operate as a monopolist in one market by
diverging from the leader. This follower behavior is why equation (10) says that a players expected
profits are highest if he is the leader.
If the informed player is the leader, he uses the signal so he enters the big market with
probability greater than .5. Since the other player diverges, the informed player more likely than
not ends up as a monopolist in the big market. If he enters as the follower, however, he should
diverge from the uninformed player even if that puts him in the market he believes is likely to be
small. Though if he chooses the signalled market the most likely outcome is duopoly in the big
market, which is better than duopoly in the small market, it might be duopoly in the small market,
the worst possible outcome.
The uninformed players reasoning is similar. If he enters as the follower, he should choose a
location opposite to the leader, even though he knows that the leader has chosen what is probably
the big market. He would prefer to be the leader, since then he has probability .5 of ending up as
a monopolist in the big market, compared to a probability of 1 p, which is less than .5, as the
In this weak-information case, the payo from sharing the market is lower than from being
the follower: for either player: SU < FU and SI < FI . If p is low, a players weak confidence in
the signal (his or the other players) is so low that he puts more emphasis on avoiding competition.
If both players choose locations simultaneously, they might both end up as monopolists, but they
might not. Acting as the follower is better even if it reduces the chance of being in the big market
because it at least prevents the possibility of sharing a small market. The best situation is to be
the leader, the next-best is to be the follower, and the worst case is to enter simultaneously.
SU = L F L S F
U < U and I < I = I (11)
Expression (11) says that if information precision is high, then each player does best as the
follower. The informed player knows that if the uninformed player has a chance to observe his
choice, he will choose the same location. For relatively high p, however, he has strong confidence
in his signal and the payo from being either a monopolist or a duopolist in the signalled market
is high. Hence, he enters late to prevent his choice from being revealed and imitated. In fact, his
payo from simultaneous entry is just as high as from being the follower: SI = FI . If both players
enter simultaneously, the uninformed player still has no chance to observe the informed players
choice, and the probability the informed player will end up sharing that market is .5.
As for the uninformed player, if the signal is relatively precise then his ideal is to observe the
informed players choice and imitate it. If he cannot, he is indierent between being the leader
or choosing simultaneously: SU = L U . In either case, he has no chance to observe the informed
players choice and to infer the signal value. Hence, his expected profits are the same in both cases.
Thus, if information precision is relatively low, there is a first-mover advantage; but if infor-
mation precision is high, there is a second-mover advantage. If p < p, a player would prefer to go
first, but he will delay entry if he thinks the other player will enter first, so as to avoid ending up
in the same market. If p > p, the uninformed player would like to delay entry in order to observe
the informed players choice, but if he does delay, the informed player will also delay to prevent
that observation. Both end up delaying because of the conflict between two types of second mover
advantage: one from learning and the other from preventing learning.
5.2 Equilibrium
Using the payos from Tables 2 and 3 we can characterize the endogenous timing of entry.
The precision of the informed players signal is high if p < p. The informed player then delays
his entry and enters in period 2 to conceal his information. The uninformed player can only use
his prior belief of .5 and he attains the same ex-ante expected payo regardless of when he enters
and which market he chooses.
The precision of the signal is low if < p < p. In this case, there are two pure-strategy equilibria
and one mixed-strategy equilibrium. In the pure-strategy equilibria, the players enter sequentially
into separate markets. Because the information quality is low the players hesitate to rely on it
and are more concerned with avoiding competition, given the possibility of ending up in the small
market together. When a player expects the other player to enter in period 1, he enters in period
2 so he can observe the first players choice and diverge from it. By the same reasoning, the player
expected to move first is happy to do so because he does not fear competition from the second
player. One player, at least, still has incentive to delay, but his benefit is not from imitating the
leader, but from diverging.
In the mixed strategy equilibrium, a player has no safe choice. Since the other player is mixing
too, if he enters early he might end up competing in the same market, but the same thing could
happen if he enters late. Entering early does have the advantage that if the other player enters
late, the leader can preempt the signalled market (if he is the informed player) or have a .5 chance
of preempting the signalled market (if he is the uninformed player), and this must be balanced by
a higher probability of ending up competing in the same market. Hence there is some probability
of early entry greater than .5 for each player which leaves each of them indierent about when to
enter, and that is the equilibrium mixing probability.
The comparative statics on the mixing probabilities of choosing early entry yield that:
z w (1 ) (x + y) (y x)
= = >0 (13)
p p (2x y x 2px + 2py)2
z w ( 1) (2p 1) y
= = <0 (14)
x x (x + y 2x + 2px 2py)2
z w (1 ) (2p 1) x
= = >0 (15)
y y (2x y x 2px + 2py)2
Inequality (13) says that when information precision increases, both players choose early entry
with higher probability. The increase in information precision p makes choosing the signalled market
more attractive. For both players to still be willing to choose the unsignalled market, it must be
that choosing the signalled market results in greater probability of undesirable competition. The
way this probability increases is for both of them to increase their probability of early entry until
the likelihood of competition has risen enough for them to again be indierent about their times of
Inequalities (14) and (15) say that the probability of early entry falls with x, the size of the
small market, and rises with y, the size of the big market. When the size of the small market
increases, that increases the benefit from waiting and possibly being the only player to enter in
period 2. As a result, the probability of early entry by the other player does not have to be so high
to keep the player indierent about his time of entry. The eect of an increase in the size of the
big market is parallel: that increases the benefit from possibly being the only early entrant and
the disadvantage of entering early and making the same choice as the other player must increase
to balance that benefit.
Thus, we have shown that whether a first- or a second-mover advantage emerges depends on
whether the preemption eect is dominant, so that the leader does not care about information
leakage, or the information eect is dominant, so the leaders main concern is to prevent imitation.
When knowledge of which market is best is imperfect, the presence of payo externalities makes
preemption possible even when both players would prefer a sure big market duopoly to small market
5.3 Eciency
Usually in information models, we analyze only ex ante eciency whether equilibrium decisions
maximize the sum of expected payos given the information available to the players at the start
of the game. Here, however, it is also possible that equilibrium leads to ex post eciency that
equilibrium decisions maximize the sum of actual payos, as if decisions were made by a social
planner who had no uncertainty. Here, of course, the uncertainty is over which market is big,
and even the informed players information is imperfect. Let us use the word ecient to mean
maximizing the sum of each firms ex-post payo, since we have not specified demand precisely
enough to discuss consumer welfare, which will depend on product variety and the loss from a
market being unserved as well as on equilibrium prices.
In our model a player prefers to be a duopolist in the big market than a monopolist in the
small market, i.e., y > x. If both players end up in the same market and it is the small one, each
player earns the lowest payo. From Table 1, the situation where the industry payo, as opposed
to each players individual payo, is maximized depends on the value of as follows.
Proposition 3. Suppose that the informed players signal is relatively imprecise, i.e., p 12 , p .
If duopoly competition reduces profits enough, i.e., if xy < < x+y
2y , both of the two pure-strategy
equilibria are ex-post ecient. If not, i.e., if 2y < < 1, the pure-strategy equilibria are ex post
The mixed-strategy equilibrium might or might not be ex post ecient, since it can result either
in both players entering early, both entering late, or sequential entry. Similarly, if information is
relatively precise and p (p, 1), the informed player enters late and they may or may not end up
choosing the same market.
p p
In addition, recall (6) which says that x > 0 and y < 0. As the profit of the small market
increases (or the profit of the big market decreases), the parameter set for which the players select
dierent locations increases. A small aids eciency; a big hurts it.
Ex post eciency required locating both firms in the big market if > x+y
2y . Ex ante, neither player
knows which is the big market, so the best a planner maximizing industry profit could do would be
to either locate both firms at the signalled market or put them in dierent markets. Locating in
the same market is ex ante ecient if and only if 2(py + (1 p)x) x + y, which can be expressed
in two ways as follows:1
x+y y + x 2x
or p (16)
2[py + (1 p)x] 2(y x)
If the planner has only the players information about which market is big, expected profits
from co-location will naturally be lower than when he knew perfectly which was big. Thus, the
degree of product dierentiation or duopoly cooperation has to be bigger than in Proposition 3.
That degree will now depend on the quality of information, p now too, as shown in equation (16).
Proposition 4 will characterize ex-ante eciency using both and p.
Proposition 4. Ex-ante eciency depends on the ratio of duopoly profit to monopoly profit ()
and the quality of information (p) as follows.
1) Suppose that duopoly profit is low relative to monopoly profit, so xy < < x+y2y . Then all pure-
strategy equilibria are ecient.
1-1) If 12 < p < p, both pure strategy equilibria are ecient and the mixed strategy equilibrium is
not. (A1 in Figure 1)
1-2) If p < p < 1, all equilibria are ecient. (A2 in Figure 1)
2) Suppose that duopoly profit is high relative to monopoly profit, so x+y2y < < 1. Then improved
information can lead to the inecient equilibria.
2-1) If 12 < p < p, both pure strategy equilibria are ecient but the mixed strategy equilibrium is
not. (A5 in Figure 1)
2-2) If p < p < y+x2x
2(yx) , all equilibria are ecient. (A4 in Figure 1)
2-3) If 2(yx) < p < 1 , all equilibria are inecient. (A3 in Figure 1)
Figure 1 illustrates the possible equilibrium regions for the case where the monopoly profits
are x = 1 in the small market and y = 5 in the large market. The values of p lie between .5 and
1, and values of the duopoly/monopoly profit ratio lie between x/y and 1, given our assumption
that the duopoly profit in the big market is greater than the monopoly profit in the small market,
i.e., y > x. The vertical line represents the boundary condition that = x+y2y and the two sloping
lines represent p = p and p = 2(yx) .
If we ignore mixed-strategy equilibria, the parameter set of and p for which the equilibria
are ecient (areas A1, A2, A4 and A5) increases as the information quality declines and duopoly
relative to monopoly profits rise. In area A3, where the duopoly competition is not severe, ex-ante
eciency requires both firms to locate in the market signaled as big, but the informed player delays
to conceal his greater information precision. The uninformed player enters randomly and they
might end up in separate markets, which is inecient. In this sense, more accurate information
hurts eciency.
We have assumed that entering in the first or the second period have the same direct cost. In fact,
we can imagine the cost being higher in either direction that entering early is more costly, or that
entering late is more costly. A higher cost of early entry does not change the model in interesting
ways. It reinforces the strong-information equilibrium of delayed entry and it would not modify
the weak-information sequential equilibria unless the direct cost were very high.
What is more interesting is when there is a cost to delay. Such a cost has little impact when
information is weak, but with strong information the pure strategy equilibrium disappears and is
replaced by a mixed strategy equilibrium. In showing this, we will also be able to show when the
uninformed players second mover advantage from learning is stronger than the informed players
one from preventing learning.
Let us assume that each player has the same exogenous delay cost c of entering in the second
period. Then, Propositions 5 and 6 characterize the equilibrium.
Proposition 5. Suppose that 12 < p < p, and the entry in the second period incurs a cost of c > 0.
1) If c > c , the unique equilibrium is (tU , tI ) = (t1 , t1 ).
2) If 0 < c < c , there exist two pure strategy equilibria (tU , tI ) = (t1 , t2 ) , (t2 , t1 ) and one mixed
strategy equilibrium (z, w) where z = Pr(tU = t1 ) and w = Pr(tI = t1 ).
The values of z, w, and c are z = w = (pxx2cpy+xpx+py)
(2xyx2px+2py) and c = (y+pxpyx+pxpy)
2 .
Proposition 5 covers the weak-information case. If the delay cost c is low enough, the equilib-
rium is similar to what we found in Proposition 2 for c = 0: two equilibria with sequential entry
and a mixed strategy equilibrium. Only the mixing probability changes, to depend on c, because
now late entry has fallen in attractiveness. If, on the other hand, c is large, both players enter
early in the unique equilibrium. The critical value c equals the cost of losing the chance to observe
and of entering simultaneously instead, so c = FU SU = FI SI (an equality apparent from
Table 2). If delays direct cost is less than its equilibrium benefit, i.e., c < c , the equilibrium in
which each player gives more weight to avoiding competition in the same market can be sustained.
Otherwise, both players enter simultaneously in period 1.
We will soon proceed to the strong-information case, but first let us make some observations
on which player gains most from delay. Let dU and dI denote each players gain from being the
follower instead of the leader in a game with an exogenous sequence of moves.
Lemma 2. Suppose that p < p < 1. There exists a value = x+y 2y x
y , 1 such that:
1) If xy , , then dU < dI for all p (p, 1) . That is, the uninformed player has less benefit
from delay.
2) If ( , 1), for p p, y+x2x
2(yx) , dU < dI and for p y+x2x
2(yx) , 1 , dU > dI . For
information weak enough, the informed player has the bigger benefit from delay, but for strong
information, the uninformed player does.
The value dU is the gain from delay that allows learning (imitating the choice of the informed
player) and the value dI is the gain from delay that preventing learning (preventing the uninformed
players imitation). If duopoly competition is severe, so is small, the dU < dI and the gain
from preventing learning is the greater. This makes sense because strong duopoly competition
reduces the imitators benefit to imitation and increases the leaders cost from it. If competition
is not so severe, the benefit from discovering the signalled market might dominate the negative
payo externality. The learning benefit does not outweigh the negative payo externality if the
information is relatively weak (or perhaps we should say moderately strong, since we are in
the strong-information case throughout Lemma 2). Learning does outweigh the externality if the
information is strong enough, so in that case it is the uninformed player whose benefit from delay
is the greater.
Lemma 2 is interesting in itself, but it also is useful for characterizing the equilibrium, since
the delay cost cutos will dier for each player, unlike in the weak-information case, as Proposition
6 says.
Proposition 6. Suppose that y > x , p < p < 1 and the delay cost is strictly positive: c > 0 .
1) If c > M ax{dU , dI }, the two players both enter in period 1;
2) If M in{dU , dI } < c < M ax{dU , dI }, the player with the lowest delay benefit enters in period 1
and the other enters in period 2;
3) If c < M in{dU , dI }, the unique equilibrium is a mixed strategy equilibrium in which the players
randomize over their period of entry.
The first two cases are simple. The interesting case is the third one where c is positive but
below the delay gains of either player. In this case, the unique equilibrium is a mixed strategies. To
see this, consider the pure strategy combinations. Suppose (tU , tI ) = (t1 , t1 ). Then, the uninformed
player has an incentive to deviate to tU = t2 in order to observe the informed players choice. If
(tU , tI ) = (t2 , t1 ), however, the informed player has an incentive to deviate to tI = t2 to prevent
the uninformed player from observing his choice. If they both enter in the second period, so
(tU , tI ) = (t2 , t2 ), the uninformed player has incentive to deviate to tU = t1 because delay does not
allow him to observe the informed players move, but it does incur cost c. But if (tU , tI ) = (t1 , t2 ),
the informed player might as well deviate to enter in the first period, since in this strong-information
case he will follow his signal anyway and so his simultaneous move payo is the same as his sequential
move payo except for the delay cost c. Thus, there is no pure strategy Nash equilibrium.
Proposition 6 says that in the strong-information case, the asymmetry between the two kinds
of second-mover advantage, for learning and for preventing learning, can lead to sequential equilibria
instead of both players delaying as we found when c = 0 in Proposition 2. From Lemma 2, the
informed player will be the last to enter for moderate values of c if duopoly competition is intense
or information quality is only moderately strong, because his benefit from preventing competition
will be greater than the uninformed players benefit from learning. If duopoly competition is not so
intense and information quality is very strong, then the uninformed player will be the last to enter
because his gain from learning outweighs the loss from duopoly pricing. If the value of c is small
enough, however, both players would be willing to pay it to acquire a second-mover advantage. If
they both do delay, however, they will enter simultaneously, which is no better for the uninformed
player than entering first and which is worse taking into account his delay cost c, so he will not delay
unless there is some probability that the informed player will enter early. Entering simultaneously
in period 1, however, is just as good for the informed player as delaying entry to period 2, so the
informed player will not delay unless there is some probability that the uninformed player will enter
late. Hence, a mixed strategy equilibrium results.
The importance of having only a mixed-strategy equilibrium can be overrated, since if c is small
it will take only a small probability of each player entering early to support the equilibrium and
it will look much like the pure-strategy equilibrium when both players delay with certainty. What
is more interesting is the asymmetric second-mover advantages from learning and from preventing
learning: that bigger negative payo externalities and worse information tend to make the second
mover advantage from preventing learning bigger than that from the learning itself, in contrast to
the conclusion in Yoon (2006).
Recall that in the former section, we checked that when duopoly competition is not severe,
more accurate information can lead to inecient equilibria because
of the informed
players incentive
to conceal information. The corresponding conditions are 2y , 1 and p y+x2x
2(yx) , 1 . Now
note that according to Lemma 2, if a delay of entry is costly, for these parameter sets of and p,
dU > dI . Then, if dI < c < dU , the informed player should act as the leader and the uninformed
player has a chance to observe his choice and therefore imitate it. Hence, the ex-ante eciency
can be attained. That is, when the duopoly competition is not severe and the informed players
information is quite accurate, the moderate but not too high delay cost can resolve the ineciency
and therefore function as a means to increases welfare.
6.2 What if a Monopolist in the Small Market Would Have Higher Profits than
a Duopolist in the Big Market? (y < x)
So far we have assumed that a player would rather be a duopolist in the big market than a
monopolist in the small market. Then what would happen if we assume instead that y < x?
In this case, we can easily conjecture that the new assumption reduces the value of being in the
big market as a duopolist, so the first mover advantage of preemption now outweighs the second
mover advantage of learning for the uninformed player. The learning motive, in fact, collapses
completely, because obtaining the benefit of learning requires that the follower become a duopolist,
which is inferior to being a monopolist even if the identity of the big market is learned perfectly.
Therefore, the equilibrium we can expect is same as the one derived when y < x and the quality
of information is poor. The detailed analysis is analogous to that used in the former sections, so
we skip it here.
Proposition 7 Suppose that y < x , so a firm prefers being a monopolist in a small market to
being a duopolist in a big market. Then, for all p 12 , 1 , there exist two pure-strategy equilibria
(tU , tI ) = (t2 , t1 ), (t1 , t2 ) and one mixed-strategy equilibrium (z, w) where z = Pr(tU = t1 ) and
w = Pr(tI = t1 ). The values (z, w) are identical to those found earlier in equation (15).
The sequential entry in both pure equilibria is based on each players incentive to avoid the
competition in the same market. The mixed strategy equilibrium in which players randomize their
entry date survives, but only because the reason for the mixing is not to learn or prevent learning,
but the uncertainty mixing creates over which market to choose to avoid competition. Also, it can
be checked that the pure strategy equilibria are ex-post ecient.2
Proposition 8. Suppose that y < x, so a player prefers being a monopolist in the small market
to being a duopolist in the big market. Then, for all p 12 , 1 , the two pure strategy equilibria
(tU , tI ) = (t2 , t1 ), (t1 , t2 ) are ex-post ecient.
As an example, consider the Cournot model with linear demand and identical products. In that model, the
duopoly profit per player is less than the half of the monopoly profit, i.e., < 12 . Proposition 3 told us that when the
signal of the more-informed player is relatively weak and xy < < x+y2y
then both pure strategy equilibria are ex-post
ecient. That case applies in the linear Cournot model, since 12 < x+y 2y . Proposition 6 adds that the equilibria are
ex-post ecient even if < xy . Thus, in the linear Cournot model with weak information, ex-post eciency is always
attained in the pure strategy equilibria. In conditions of severe enough competition, unlike our main case where
duopoly was relatively attractive, improved information does not cause a shift an equilibrium with lower industry
Proof : What is ecient depends on . If < x+y 2y , the socially ecient case is the one where each
player operates as separate monopolists. If > x+y 2y , it is the one where both players compete in
the big market. Our condition is y < x where y < x+y
2y . Hence, if y < x, the socially ecient
case is the one where each player operates as a monopolist in a separate market. Recall that each
players best response as the follower is to choose a dierent location from that of the leader. Also,
in both pure equilibria, both players timings of actions are sequential always. Therefore, both pure
strategy equilibria are ex-post ecient.
7 Concluding Remarks
Often, a player must make a choice knowing that the choice may be imitated by another player.
This choice might be of a new geographic market, as in our model, or of a new product, which
could be modelled with exactly the same mathematics. Moving first may or may not deter entry
into the market by the rival player, but it certainly will reveal information. Hence, in a setting of
endogenous timing of entry, the decision on the timing of entry can be interpreted as the decision on
the flow of his private information. Of course, how is revealed information used by the other player
aects the decision on the timing of entry. If the informed players information is not strong, the
attempt by both players to avoid crowding into one market results in the pure strategy equilibrium
in which they operate as monopolists in separate markets. On the other hand, if the informed
players information is relatively valuable, the rival player wants to learn it and imitate his choice.
Hence, an informed player may well choose to delay entry to prevent imitation, which results in an
equilibrium in which no learning is available. This kind of strategic delay by both players increases
the probability that they end up in the same market, so the good information that causes the delay
can actually end up reducing industry profits.
8 Appendix
In the Appendix, "I " denotes the "informed player" and " U " denotes the "uninformed player".
First, consider the case where the entry is simultaneous. In this case, it is obvious that U chooses
randomly between N and S because no additional information is observable except his prior belief
that Pr (w = N ) = Pr (w = S) = .5. Now, as for the best response of I, without loss of generality,
assume that = N . Then,
E I [aI = N, aU , w] = Pr( w| = N ) [.5 I (, aU = N) + .5 I (, aU = S)] (A1)
= (x px + py) ( + 1)
E I [aI = S, aU , w] = Pr( w| = N ) [.5 I (, aU = N) + .5 I (, aU = S)] (A2)
= (y + px py) ( + 1)
where (A1) is the expected payo when informed player uses his signal and (A2) is the one when
he deviates from it. Then:
E I [aI = N, aU , w] E I [aI = S, aU , w] = (y x) (2p 1) ( + 1) > 0 (A3)
So, Is best response is aI = N . This implies that if = S, it should be that aI = S. Hence, Is
best response is to use his signal.
1) What if U moves first? There are two cases depending on whether Is signal equals Us
action or not: = aU and 6= aU .
Case i: = aU . Without loss of generality, assume that = aU = N . Then, under the posterior
beliefs Pr( w = N | = N ) = p and Pr( w = S| = N ) = 1 p,
E I (aI = , aU , w) = Pr( w| = N ) I (aI = , aU , w) = p (y) + (1 p) (x) (A4)
E I (aI 6= , aU , w) = Pr( w| = N ) I (aI 6= , aU , w) = p (x) + (1 p) (y) (A5)
where (A4) is Is expected payo when he uses his signal and (A5) is the one when he deviates
from his signal. Then, if p R (+1)(xy) = p, E I (aI = , aU , w) R E I (aI 6= , aU , w) where
p 2, 1 .
Case ii: 6= aU . Without loss of generality, assume that = N and aU = S. Then, under the
posterior beliefs Pr( w = N | = N ) = p and Pr( w = S| = N ) = 1 p,
E I (aI = , aU , w) = Pr( w| = N ) U (aI = , aU , w) = py + (1 p) x (A6)
E I (aI 6= , aU , w) = Pr( w| = N ) U (aI 6= , aU , w) = p (x) + (1 p) (y) (A7)
2) What if I moves first? This is the harder case, because what U observes is aI , not . As
is private information, U does not know whether I follows his signal or not in deciding a location.
Here, note that whether = N or = S, both cases are ex-ante symmetric. Hence, intuitively a
pooling strategy or semi-separating strategy cannot constitute equilibrium. The following analysis
shows that the separating strategy which constitutes equilibrium is the one which implies that I
follows his signal in selecting location.
U must assign some belief for that aI = . In a pure strategy equilibrium, this belief is
{0, 1}. As a first step in looking at beliefs, suppose that Us belief does equal zero or one.
Suppose U believes aI = , i.e., = 1. Without loss of generality, let aI = N . Us posterior beliefs
are Pr( w = N| = N ) = p and Pr( w = S| = N ) = 1 p, so
E U (aI = , aU , w) = Pr( w| = N ) U (aI = aU , w) = p (y) + (1 p) (x) (A8)
E U (aI 6= , aU , w) = Pr( w| = N ) U (aU 6= aI , w) = p (x) + (1 p) (y) (A9)
Next, suppose U believes that aI 6= , i.e., = 0. Then, Us posterior beliefs are Pr( w = N | =
S) = 1 p and Pr( w = S| = S) = p, so
E U (aI = , aU , w) = Pr( w| = S) U (aI = aU , w) = (1 p) (y) + p (x) (A10)
E U (aI 6= , aU , w) = Pr( w| = S) U (aI 6= aU , w) = (1 p) (x) + p (y) (A11)
More generally, I might mix, so Us belief that aI = would be [0, 1]. Then
E U (aI = , aU , w) (A12)
= Pr( w| = N ) U (aI = aU , w) + (1 ) Pr( w| = S) U (aI = aU , w)
w{N,S} w{N,S}
E U (aI 6= , aU , w) (A13)
= Pr( w| = N ) U (aU 6= aI , w) + (1 ) Pr( w| = S) U (aI 6= aU , w)
w{N,S} w{N,S}
T = E U (aU = aI , w) T E U (aU 6= aI , w) (A14)
where = (xpx+pyypx+py)
(yx)(2p1)(+1) . We will state and prove Lemma A.1, included only here in the
Appendix to help prove Proposition 1.
Proof of Lemma A.1. We start by checking whether (0, 1) or not. First, for , if
yx yx yx (1)(x+y)
p > (yx)(+1) , > 0 and if p < (yx)(+1) , < 0. However, (yx)(+1) 12 = 2(+1)(yx) < 0.
1 (y+pxpyx+pxpy) yx
So, for p 2 , 1 , > 0. Also, from 1 = , if p > (yx)(+1) , > 1 and
yx yx 1 (+1)(2p1)(yx)
if p < (yx)(+1) , < 1 where (yx)(+1) 2 , 1 . Therefore, we can summarize as follows: a) If
yx yx
p 12 , (yx)(+1) then for all [0, 1], E U (aU = aI ) < E U (aU 6= aI ). b) If p (yx)(+1) ,1
then if > , E U (aU = aI ) > E U (aU 6= aI ), if < , E U (aU = aI ) < E U (aU 6= aI ), and
if = , E U (aU = aI ) = E U (aU 6= aI ).
Let us now return to the informed players best response, which we can derive using Lemma
A.1. In following, we denote (yx)(+1) p. Without loss of generality, assume = N . Then, Is
posterior beliefs are Pr( w = N | = N ) = p and Pr( w = S| = N ) = 1 p.
First, assume that p 2 , p . In this case, U chooses a location dierent from Is choice for
all [0, 1]. Then
E I (aI = , aU , w) = Pr( w| = N ) U (aI = 6= aU , w) = p (y) + (1 p) (x) (A15)
E I (aI 6= , aU , w) = Pr( w| = N ) U (aI 6= = aU , w) = p (x) + (1 p) (y) (A16)
E I (aI = , aU , w) E I (aI 6= , aU , w) = (y x) (2p 1) > 0 (A17)
Thus, Is best response is to choose the location following his signal, which is consistent to Us
belief that [0, 1].
Next, let p (p, 1). First, suppose > , so U imitates I. Then:
E I (aI = , aU , w) = Pr( w| = N ) U (aI = = aU , w) = p (y) + (1 p) (x) (A18)
E I (aI 6= , aU , w) = Pr( w| = N ) U (aI = aU 6= , w) = p (x) + (1 p) (y) (A19)
E I (aI = , aU , w) E I (aI 6= , aU , w) = (y x) (2p 1) > 0 (A20)
Hence, Is best response is to choose a location following the signal, which is consistent to Us belief
that > .
Second, suppose < , so U diverges from Is choice. Then, from (A15) - (A16), I chooses a
location following the signal. However, this is inconsistent to Us belief that < . Hence, this
case is excluded.
Third, suppose = , so , U is indierent between imitating and diverging from aI . Suppose U
is the probability that U imitates Is choice. Then:
1 1
It can be checked that E I (aI = , aU , w) = E I (aI =
6 , aU , w) only at = 1 . But 1
[0, 1] for 0 < < 1. Hence, there exists no [0, 1] which yields E I (aI = , aU , w) =
E I (aI 6= , aU , w).
Finally, Is best response in round 1 is to act so as to reveal his signal perfectly. Since Us
belief must be correct in equilibrium, it must be = 1 and his strategy must be to diverge from aI
if p < p and to imitate aI if p > p, as stated in Proposition 1.
Denote z = Pr(tU = t1 ) and w = Pr(tI = t1 ). Also, let Ei (ti = tk ) denote is expected payo
when he acts at round k, where i {I, U } and k {1, 2}.
1 1 1
EU [tU = t1 ] EU [tU = t2 ] = w x y x px + py + (x px + py) (1 )
2 2 2
1 1 1
For p 2 , p , x 2 y 2 x px + py < 0. Hence Us best response for given w is:
w < w = z = 1, w = w = z [0, 1], w > w = z = 0 (A25)
where w = (2xyx2px+2py) (0, 1). Returning to Table 2 for Is payos:
EI [tI = t1 ] = z (x px + py) ( + 1) + (1 z) (x px + py) (A26)
1 1
EI [tI = t2 ] = z (x + y) + (1 z) (x px + py) ( + 1) (A27)
2 2
1 1 1
EI [tI = t1 ] EI [tI = t2 ] = z x y x px + py + (x px + py) (1 ) (A28)
2 2 2
Equation (A28) is identical to (A24). Hence, Is best response for z is the same as Us one for w:
z < z = w = 1, z = z = w [0, 1], z > z = w = 0 (A29)
Finally, the intersection of the players best response functions (A25) and (A29) yields that (z, w) =
(0, 1), (1, 0) and (z , w ) there existtwo pure strategy equilibria (tU , tI ) = (t2 , t1 ), (t1 , t2 ) and one
(xpx+py)(1) (xpx+py)(1)
mixed strategy equilibrium (z, w) = (2xyx2px+2py) , (2xyx2px+2py) .
(2) Consider the case in which p < p < 1. Table 3 gives U s payos as:
(p (y x) (1 ) y x)
EU [tU = t1 ] = (A30)
(p (y x) (1 ) y x)
EU [tU = t2 ] = w ( (x px + py)) + (1 w) (A31)
EU [tU = t1 ] EU [tU = t2 ] = w (p ( (y x) ( + 1)) + y x) (A32)
Note that for p < p < 1, p ( (y x) ( + 1)) + y x < 0. So Us best response for w is:
w < 0 = z = 1, w = 0 = z [0, 1], w > 0 = z = 0 (A33)
Next, Table 3 gives Is payos as:
EI [tI = t1 ] =z (x px + py) ( + 1) + (1 z) ( (x px + py)) (A34)
EI [tI = t2 ] = (x px + py) ( + 1) (A35)
1 1
EI [tI = t1 ] EI [tI = t2 ] = z (x px + py) (1 ) + (x px + py) ( 1) (A36)
2 2
Hence, Is best response to the uninformed player is:
z > 1 = w = 1, z = 1 = w [0, 1], z < 1 = w = 0 (A37)
The intersections of both players best response functions (A33) and (A37) yield that z [0, 1] and
w = 0.
8.3 Proof of Proposition 4
Case 1: When p < p < 1: Recall that if p < p < 1, in equilibrium, tI = t2 and z [0, 1] where
z = Pr(tU = t1 ). From Table 3:
X X X 1
i (t1 , t1 ) = i (t1 , t2 ) = i (t2 , t2 ) = (x + y + 2x 2px + 2py) (A38)
i{U,I} i{U,I} i{U,I}
i (t2 , t1 ) = 2 (x px + py) (A39)
The computation of (A38) and (A39) yields the following result: A) Suppose that x+y
2y < < 1.
y+x2x y+x2x
Then, if p < p < 2(yx) , (A38) > (A39) but if 2(yx) < p < 1 , (A38) < (A39). B) Suppose
that xy < < x+y 2y . Then, for all p (p, 1) (A38) > (A39). First, assume that 2y < < 1.
Case 2: When 12 < p < p: Recall that if 12 < p < p, the equilibrium is (tU , tI ) = (t1 , t2 ), (t2 , t1 )
and the mixed strategy equilibrium (z, w) where z = Pr(tU = t1 ) and w = Pr(tI = t1 ).3 From
Table 2,
X X 1
i (t1 , t1 ) = i (t2 , t2 ) = (x + y + 2x 2px + 2py) (A40)
i{U,I} i{U,I}
i (t1 , t2 ) = i (t2 , t1 ) = x + y (A41)
i{U,I} i{U,I}
Comparison of (A40) and (A41) yields that for all p 12 , p , (A40) < (A41). Therefore, for the
ex-ante eciency, the players must enter sequentially. Hence the pure-strategy equilibria (tU , tI ) =
(t2 , t1 ), (t1 , t2 ) are ex-ante ecient. As for the mixed strategy equilibrium, the computation yields
(E U + E I ) (x + y) (A42)
p2 2 (y x)2 2 + 1 + p 2 (y x) x y x y + 2x2 + x2 2xy + y 2 2x2 + 2x2 2
2 (2x y x 2px + 2py)
For p 2 , p , the denominator is negative. The numerator is a convex function of p and it attains
(1)2 1
the minimum of (x+y) 2
2( +1)
> 0. Therefore, for all p 2 , p , E U + E I < x + y, which means
that the mixed strategy equilibrium is ex-ante inecient.
3 (xpx+py)(1) (xpx+py)(1)
(z, w) = ,
(2xyx2px+2py) (2xyx2px+2py)
8.4 Proof of Proposition 5
Also, w1 1 = (2cypx+py+xpx+py)
(2xyx2px+2py) which has a negative denominator. Then, if c > c , the
numerator is positive
and if c < c , it is negative where c = 12 (y + px py x + px py).
Hence, for p 12 , (yx)(+1) , if c > c , w1 > 1 and if 0 < c < c , w1 < 1. Thus, Us best response
function is: a) If c > c , z = 1. b) If c < c , it is (A44). Using an analogous procedure, it can be
checked that Is best response function is as follows: a) If c > c , w = 1. b) If c < c ,
Then the equilibrium is: a) If c > c , (z, w) = (1, 1), b) If c < c , (z, w) = (0, 1) , (1, 0) and (z, w)
where z = w = (pxx2cpy+xpx+py)
(2xyx2px+2py) .
Player Is gain from a delay is from preventing U from observing his choice. Hence, dI = FI L
I =
I I . Then,
1 1
dU dI = p (y x) + x y x (A46)
2 2
(x+y2x) (x+y2x) (x+y2x) 1
So, if p > 2(yx) , dU > dI and if p< 2(yx) , dU < dI . It is easily verified that: 2(yx) > 2
and yx
2(yx) > p (yx)(+1) . However, (x+y2x)
2(yx) 1 = (2yyx)
2(yx) . Here, 2y y x is
an increasing function of . Also, from the condition that y > x, we know xy < . Then,
2y y x|= x < 0 and 2y y x|=1 > 0. Hence, there exists = x+y 2y x
y , 1 such
that if xy , , (x+y2x)
2(yx) > 1 and if ( , 1), (x+y2x) < 1. Finally, if
y , ,
dU < dI for all p (p, 1). On the other hand, if ( , 1), for p p, 2(yx) , dU < dI and if
p (x+y2x)
2(yx) , 1 , dU > dI .
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