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Living With Radiation

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~ a d i o l o g protection
~z Board

Living with Radiation may seem an ironic title

for a book about protection against radiation,
but we have to live with many types of
harmful radiations either because they cannot
be avoided or because they have become
essential to our way of life. In any case, the
title has been hallowed by usage: this is
the fifth edition of the book. I am grateful to
the members of staff who put it together.

Our task at NRPB is to protect people from

the hazards of ionising and non-ionising
radiations. We achieve this in a number of ways,
by conducting research, providing support
and services, and giving advice to those who
make policy in government and elsewhere.

Another side of our work is to provide

information on radiation. This book is part
of the strategy. M y hope is that it may be
of interest to many readers - to teachers,
journalists, environmentalists, lawyers,
doctors, industrialists, officials, and
politicians. M y wish is that it will improve
knowledge of radiation.

Roger Ckxrhe

7 Medical uses of ionising radiation 29

Contents D~agnost~c radiology
Nuclear medicine
Preface lil
Reference doses
Total doses
1 lntroductidn 1
Types of radiation 8 Occupational expc .e ro
Benefits and risks ionising radiation
Public anxiety Art~fic~al
Natural sources
2 Concepts and quantities Total doses
Structure of matter
Radloact~v~ty and rad~atlon 9 Environmental pollution
lonlsat~onIn matter Weapons tests
lonlsat~onIn tlssue Chernobyl accident
Dose quantltles Rad~oactlvedischarges
Total doses
3 Sources of ionising radiation 11
10 Nuclear power
4 Effects of ionising radiation 13 Nuclear reactors
Induction of cancers Waste management
Risk assessments Decommissioning
Risk factors for cancers Disposal criteria
Hereditary disease
Communal risk 1 1 Nuclear emergencies
Other late effects Countermeasures
Irradiation in pregnancy Emergency arrangements
Intervention standards
5 System of radiological protection Minor incidents
General pr~nc~ples
Scope of appllcatlon 12 Electromagnetic fields and
Justlficat~onof practices radiation
Optlm~satronof protectron Common sources
Llmltatlon of doses Immediate effects
Constraints Delayed effects
Comparing r~sks
Legal controls 13 Optical radiation
Ultraviolet radiation
6 Natural ionising radiation Other optical radiations
Gamma rad~at~on Appendices
Radon ~nhalatlon A Glossary
Internal lrradlatlon B Symbols and units
Total doses C NRPB publications

1 Introduction

Types of radiation
Radiation is a fact of life. Light and heat from We make considerable use of both lonrslng 1
the sun are natural forms of radiation and non-lonlslng rad~atlonshowever introduction
essent~alto our existence. There are also Artlfic~alradlatlons have led to dramatlc
other forms, which we generate in everyday advances In med~cald~agnos~s and treatment
life, such as microwaves for cooking, and are used for a wlde range of procedures dl'@
radiowaves for communication, radar for In Industry, agriculture, and research @is&
navigation, and X-rays for medical Nevertheless, they can be harmful to human
examinations. Radioactive materials also belngs, and people must be protected from
emit radiation. These materials occur unnecessary or excesslve exposures
naturally throughout the environment, but
The greatest concern about lonlslng radlat~on
we have also produced others artificially.
stems from the way In whlch ~tcan cause
We can classify radiation according to the malignant d~seasesIn people exposed to ~t
effects it produces on matter. There are and ~nherlteddefects In later generations
two categories, ionising and non-ionising
radiations. lonising radiation includes cosmic
rays, X-rays, and the radiation from radioactive
materials. Non-ionisingradiation includes
ultraviolet light, radiant heat, radiowaves,
and microwaves.

We can also classify radiation in terms of its

origin as natural radiation or artificial radiation.

Benefits and risks

The benefits from natural non-ionising
radiation, mainly heat and light from the sun,
are enormous, but there are no clear benefits
from exposure to natural ionising radiation.
- . -- - - - - -- -- -
I .- _ . _ .--- The terms in italics are e x e n- -e-d.-in later chaptern- as well
-- - - .- - .
as in the g~ossc~ry~ I

The likelihood of such effects depends on the

amount of radiation that a person receives:
this is equally true whether the radiation is
natural or artificial. So in circumstances that we
can control, we need to make a careful balance
between the risks and the benefits of the
procedures that expose people to radiation.

The effects of non-lonlslng rad~at~on depend

on the type and rntenslty of the rad~at~on
N o n - ~ o n ~ s rad~atlon
~ng can damage the skln
and the eyes, ~f~tpenetrates body tlssues, rt
can damage rnternal organs by heatlng them
In the long term, exposure to ultrav~olet
radlat~onmay cause sk~ncancer and cataracts
Aga~nwe need measures to protect people
from such effects
Public anxiety
Public anxiety
As the effects of ron~srngand non-lonlslng
rad~at~ons have become better understood
durlng recent decades, a system of rad~olog~cal rad~bt~lc-
protect~onhas been developed to protect and 10s-
people from sources of rad~atlonThe subject
of rad~at~on safety recelves much attentron In
our socrety partly because rad~at~on 1s one
cause, among many, of cancer. Moreover, our
senses cannot detect most forms of radiation;
this undoubtedly adds to our anxiety.

Another reason for general concern may be

the lack of reliable and accessible information
about radiation. The aim of this book is to
help by providing information for those who
are not experts. In the following chapters, we
describe the sources and effects of radiation
of all types and explain the principles and
practices of radiological protection.

2 Concepts and
Structure of matter
Studies in physics and chemistry during the The nucleus of the atom conta~nsprotons,which Csncepts and
last two centuries have revealed that all matter carry a posltlve charge equal to the electrons' quantities
consists of atoms. These are the basic negatlve charge, and neutrons, whlch carry no
building blocks of the elements such as charge at all (We do not need to concern Structure of
hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, iron, and lead. ourselves here wlth the more fundamental
Each atom contains a tiny central positively structure of protons and neutrons) Each atom
charged nucleus and a number of electrons. contalns equal numbers of protons and
The electrons carry negative electric charge electrons and is therefore electrically neutral
and move around the nucleus in clouds - or Atoms of the same or d~fferentelements can,
shells as they are called - with loosely however, comb~neto form larger, uncharged
defined boundaries. The nucleus is typically entlt~escalled molecules For example, 2 atoms
I0 000 times smaller than the electron of oxygen form 1 molecule of oxygen, and
clouds and the electrons themselves are 2 atoms of hydrogen comb~new ~ t h1 atom of
too small in size to measure. This means oxygen to form 1 molecule of water
that the atom is mainly empty and difficult
The number of protons In the nucleus, called
to depict except in diagrams which are
the atomlc number; gives an element its
largely schematic.
unlque character~st~cs the atornlc number of
carbon IS 6, for Instance, whereas for lead lt
1s 82 Most of an atom's mass 1s concentrated
In the nucleus, and the total number of protons
plus neutrons 1s called the mass number

S~ncethe number of electrons equals the

number of protons, we can spec~fyan atomlc
specles by the number of protons and
neutrons ~tcontalns Moreover, since the
number of protons 1s unlque to each
Tor . l Protons @ Electrons @ Neutrons element, we can s~mplyuse the name of the

element together with the mass number to

specify each species or nuclide. So carbon-1 2
is a nuclide with 6 protons plus 6 neutrons.
a decay

Lead-208, for comparison, is a nuclide with

82 protons and 126 neutrons.
Nuclides of an element that have the same decay chain
number of protons but different numbers of for
neutrons are called isotopes of that element. umnium-238
Hydrogen, for instance, has three isotopes:

hydrogen-I (common hydrogen with a
nucleus of only 1 proton), hydrogen-2 called different form of beta decay:
deuterium (1 proton and 1 neutron), and they lose positive charge
hydrogen-3 called tritium (1 proton and *I through the emission of a
2 positron, which is a positively
2 neutrons). Iron has 10 isotopes from
Concepts ) charged electron
iron-52 to iron-61,all with the 26 protons
that characterise the element. 58261The transformations often leave the
nucleus with excess energy which it
1 ) loses as gamma rays - high energy
Radioactivity photons which are discrete parcels of
and energy without mass or charge.
These processes and similar ones are
what we call radioactivity. The act of
transformation is termed decay and the
nuclide that changes and emits radiation is
called a radionuclide.

Many radionuclides occur in nature.

Most carbon, for instance, is in the form of
carbon-12 with 6 protons and 6 neutrons
Radioactivity and radlaL I
and is completely stable. Interactions in the
Although many nuclides are stable, most are
atmosphere with cosmic rays can, however,
not, stability being determined mainly by the
produce 4 , a radionuclide consisting
number of neutrons and protons they
of 6 protons and 8 neutrons. Carbon-14,
contain. Smaller stable nuclei have about
with its extra neutrons, decays by changing a
equal numbers: larger stable nuclei have
neutron to a proton and emitting a beta
more neutrons than protons. Nuclei with too
particle: in this way, the nuclide transforms to
many neutrons tend to transform themselves
nitrogen-14, which consists of 7 protons and
to a more stable structure by converting a
7 neutrons. Measuring these decays in
neutron to a proton: this process, known as
carbon-bearing materials is the basis of the
beta decay, involves the emission of a
technique of carbon dating.
negatively charged electron called a beta
particle. Nuclei with too many protons Other naturally occurring radionuclides are
convert the excess protons to neutrons in a formed in sequences or series of decays that

- = r v - - - 2
th~su n ~are
t often used such as a mllllon or
, m r - * 1 O6 electron volts, symbol MeV For ~nstance,
the energy of alpha particles emltted by
polon~um-214IS about 7 7 MeV Beta
part~clesfrom lead-214, also formed In the
uranium-238 decay series, have a maximum
energy of 1 .O MeV, and gamma rays produced
by it have energies up to 0.35 MeV.
I T V T 7
+ -* During the past few decades, several
orlglnate from the elements uranrum and hundred radioactive isotopes (radioisotopes)
thorlum Each of these serles ends wlth a of natural elements have been produced
stable nucl~deof lead, but they also pass artlficlally ~ncludlng,
for example, stront~um-90,
through rad~onucl~des of other famlllar caes~um-1 37 and lodlne-1 31 Several new
elements The dlagram on p4 shows the
radloact~veelements have also been produced
decay serles from uranlum-238 endlng In the Concepts
In quantity, for Instance prometh~umand
stable nucl~delead-206 ~tpasses through pluton~um,although the latter does occur and
the radlonucl~deradon-222 whlch 1s of naturally In trace amounts In uranlum ores quantities
spec~als~gnlficanceIn rad~ologlcalprotection
Some of the decays In the senes, for example 1
the decays of radlum-226 and polon~um-214,
produce an alpha particle conslstlng of
2 protons and 2 neutrons ldent~calwlth a
nucleus of hehum, the alpha part~cle1s
much heavler than the beta partlcle and
carries two units of positive charge. Radipactive decay
chain far
The energy of these forms of rad~at~on- thorium-232
alpha and beta partcles and gamma rays
- is usually expressed In the unit of
The rate at which spontaneous
nlnrtrnn ~ , n l tm r m h n l n\l
C I C L L I UII V U I L , >yl I lUUl L V.
hA8 ~ l t l n l n rn f
transformations occur in a given amount
55.5- of a radioactive material is known as it
activity. Activity is expressed in a unit
called the becquerel, symbol Bq, where
1 Bq equals one transformation per
second. As the unit is so small, multiples
of the becquerel are frequently used,
such as the megabecquerel, MBq, which
is 1 million becquerels. One gram of
plutonium-239, for instance, has an
activity of approximately 2000 MBq: it
Henri Becquerel
emits about 2000 million alpha particles ( 1 852- 19081
each second. The becquerel is named after
the French physlclst Henri Becquerel.

The time taken for the activity of a Ionisation in matter

radionuclide to fall to half its original value is When radiation passes through matter, it
called the half-life, symbol t i l l ; expressed deposits energy in the material concerned
otherwise, this is the time for half the nuclei Alpha and beta particles, being electrically
in a sample to decay. Each radionuclide has charged, deposit energy through electrical
a unique half-life: interactions with electrons in the material.
Gamma rays and X-rays lose energy in a
iodine-1 31 , 8 days;
variety of ways, but each involves liberating
caesium-137, 30 years;
atomic (orbiting] electrons which then deposit
carbon-14, 5730 years;
energy in interactions with other electrons.
plutonium-239, 24 thousand years;
Neutrons also lose energy in various ways, an
uranium-238, 4470 million years.
important means being through collisions
Values for various radionuclides range from with hydrogen nuclei, which are single
2 fractions of a second to billions of years. protons: the protons are set in motion and,
Con@p& In successive half-lives, the activity of a being charged, they again deposit energy
and radionuclide is reduced by decay to 112, '14, 118, through electrical interactions. So in all cases,
' I l 6 and so on of its initial value. This means the radiation ultimately produces electrical
that we can predict the activity remaining at interactions in the material.
any future time. As the amount of a
In some cases, an electron in the material
radionuclide decreases, the radiation emitted
may receive enough energy to escape from
decreases proportionately.
an atom leaving the atom and the molecule
thus formed positively charged. The figure
illustrates this process for a molecule of
water. The molecule has 10 protons altogether,
but only 9 atomic electrons remain after a
; charged particle passes by, the molecule
' L

as a whole is thereby left w ~ t h1 excess
I 1 positive charge.
- nalFlna 4 k~rptrio
1 5 -
' a I, marl a r ; g v ~ y ,
r . . i r z - - -
Two other forms of rad~at~on that requlre .",-6. atom
special mention are X-rays and neutrons (n]
X-rays are usually produced by bombarding
a metal target with electrons In a vacuum.
They have propert~ess~milarto those of 6
- ravs but usually lower energies and
so are less penetrating: an ordinary X-ray
machine in a hospital emits X-rays with
energies up to 0.15 MeV or so. Neutrons, a
'ydrogen atom
constituent of the nucleus, are produced in
large numbers mainly in nuclear reactors, as
discussed in Chapter 10.

The process by whlch a neutral atom or When ronlslng radlat~onpasses though

molecule becomes charged IS called lon~satlon cellular tlssue, ~tproduces charged water
and the resultlng entlty an /on Once molecules These break up into entlt~escalled
removed from an atom, an electron may In free rad~calssuch as the free hydroxyl rad~cal
turn ronrse other atoms or molecules OH composed of an oxygen atom and a
Any rad~atlonthat causes lonlsat~on- ether hydrogen atom. Free radlcals are hlghly
dlrectly as wlth alpha and beta part~cles reactlve chemically and can alter Important
or ~ndlrectlyas wlth gamma rays, X-rays, and molecules In the cell
neutrons - IS known as lonlslng rad~at~on
One particularly Important molecule IS
Charged particles passlng through atoms may
deoxyr~bonucle~c acld, DNA, found malnly In
also glve energy to the atom~celectrons
the nucleus of the cell DNA controls the
wlthout actually removing them, thls process
structure and functlon of the cell and passes
IS called excltatlon
on coples of Itself ~ t smolecules are large and
Ionisation in tissue
Each tlme a charged partlcle lonlses or excltes
an atom, ~tloses energy unt~llt no longer has and
enough energy to interact, the final result of quantities
these energy losses IS to ralse the temperature
of the mater~almlnutely In thls way, all the
energy depos~tedIn brologlcal tlssues by
lonlslng radlat~onIS eventually d~ss~pated as
heat through Increased v~brat~ons of the atomlc
and molecular structures It IS the lnltlal
lonlsat~onand the resultlng chem~calchanges
that cause harmful b~ologlcaleffects

The baslc unlt of blologlcal tlssue 1s the cell,

wh~chhas a control centre - as ~twere -
called the nucleus The nucleus of a cell
IS an lntr~catestructure and not to be
confused wlth the nucleus of an atom About
80% of the cell conslsts of water, the other
20% belng complex blologlcal compounds

Cell wall

Cell nucle

the structures that carry them, chromosomes, taken into the body through breathing or
are visible through the microscope. We still eating or through a skin wound. Beta particles
do not fully understand the ways in which may penetrate a centimetre or so of tissue, so
radiation damages cells but many involve radionuclides that emit them are hazardous
changes to the DNA. There are two ways in to superficial tissues but not to internal organs
which this can happen. Radiation may ionise unless they too are taken into the body. For
a DNA molecule leading directly to a chemical indirectly ionising radiations such as gamma
change, or the DNA may be changed rays and neutrons, the degree of penetration
indirectly when it interacts with a free radical depends on the nature of the interactions
produced in the water of the cell by the with tissue. Camma rays can pass through
radiation. In either case, the chemical change the body, so radionuclides that emit them
can cause a harmful biological effect leading may be hazardous whether on the outside or
to the development of cancers or ~nherited the inside. X-rays and neutrons can also pass
2 genet~cdefects. Chapter 4 has more detail through the body.
Concepts on these matters.
and Dose quantities
We cannot detect ionising radiations directly
through our senses, but we can detect and
measure them by other means: these include
Dose older methods based on photographic films,
quantities Geiger-Muller tubes, and scintillation
counters as well as newer techniques using
thermoluminescent materials and silicon
diodes. We can interpret the measurements
we make in terms of the energy that the
radiation concerned would have deposited
throughout the human body or in a particular
part of the body. When direct measurements
A most important property of the various
are not possible - when, for instance, a
ionising radiations is their ability to penetrate
radionuclide is deposited in an internal organ
matter. The depth of penetration for a
- we can calculate the dose absorbed by that
particular type of radiation increases with
organ provided that we know
energy but varles from one type of rad~ation
the activity in the organ.
to another for the same energy. W ~ t hcharged
part~clessuch as alpha and beta part~cles, The amount of energy that
the depth of penetration also depends on ionising radiation deposits in
the mass of the particle and ~ t scharge for a unit mass of matter, such as
equal energies, a beta particle w~llpenetrate human tissue, is called the
to a much greater depth than an alpha absorbed dose; it is expressed
particle. Indeed alpha particles can scarcely in a unit called the gray,
penetrate the dead, outer layer of human symbol Cy, where 1 gray is
skin; consequently, radionuclides that emit equal to 1 joule per kilogram. ,
them are not hazardous unless they are Submultiples of the gray are naro~atiray ( 1 90s- 19E5

often used, such as the milligray, mCy, which Defined in this way, the equivalent dose
is one-thousandth of a gray. The gray is named provides an index of the risk of harm to a
after the English physicist Harold Gray. particular tissue or organ from exposure to
various radiations regardless of their type or
lonising radiations differ in the way in which
energy. So 1 Sv of alpha radiation to the lung,
they interact with biological materials, so
for example, would create the same risk of
that equal absorbed doses (meaning equal
inducing fatal lung cancer as 1 Sv of beta
amounts of energy deposited) do not
radiation. The risk to the various parts of the
necessarily have equal biological effects. For
human body varies from organ to organ: for
instance, 1 Gy to tissue from alpha radiation
example, the risk of fatal malignancy per unit
is more harmful than 1 Gy from beta radiation
equivalent dose is lower for the thyroid than
because an alpha particle, being slower and
for the lung. Moreover, there are other
more heavily charged, loses its energy much
important types of harm such as non-fatal
more densely along its path. So in order to
cancers or the risk of serious hereditary 2
put all ionising radiations on an equal basis
damage caused by irradiation of the testes Concepts
with regard to their potential for causing
or ovaries. These effects are different both in and
harm, we need another quantity. This is the
kind and in magnitude and we must take
equivalent dose. It is expressed in a unit quantities
them into account when assessing - the overall
called the sievert, symbol Sv.
detr~mentto the health of human be~ngs
Equivalent dose is equal to the absorbed aris~ngfrom exposure to radiation. DW
dose multiplied by a factor that takes
account of the way in which a particular
radiation distributes energy in tissue so that
we can allow for its relative effectiveness in
causing biological harm. For gamma rays, IlUvl

X-rays, and beta particles, this radiation

weighting factor is set at 1, so the absorbed
dose and equivalent dose are numerically
equal. For alpha particles, the factor is set at
20, so that the equivalent dose is deemed
to be 20 times the absorbed dose. Values of * *
the radiation weighting
factor for neutrons of
various energies range
from 5 to 20. Submultiples
of the sievert are
commonly used, such as
the millisievert, mSv, which
is one-thousandthof
a sievert. The sievert is La a19
named after the Swedish We can deal wlth all these complexltles
physicist Rolf Sievert. by taking the equivalent dose In each of the
Rolf Sievert (1 896-19661 major tissues and organs of the body arld

multiplying it by a weighting factor related to 5 8 million, the collective effective dose to

the risk associated with that tissue or organ. the whole community is the product of these
The sum of these weighted equivalent doses two numbers - about 1 5 0 0 0 0 man sievert,
is a quantity called the effective dose: i t allows symbol manSv.
us to represent the various dose equivalents
It is common for effective dose to be
in the body as a single number. Generally,
abbreviated to dose and collective effective
the effective dose gives a broad indication of
dose to collective dose. This will be the
the detriment to health from any exposure
case in the following chapters except where
to ionising radiation regardless of the energy
exactness is essential.
and type of radiation; moreover, it applies
equally to external and internal exposure
and to uniform or non-uniform irradiatior
2 M
P-*=mm#s*&&s gs
Concepfs Absorbed dose : ~ ~ ~f f 3 tg ~ ~ t ~ f
Energy ~mpartedby rad~atlonto unlt mass4 8 ,


The calculation shows that the

harmful effects from this particular pattern
of radiation exposure will be the same
as the risk from 18.5 mSv received
uniformly throughout the whole body.

- - - - - ' . m ~ t a 1 a a
I ', n l C ~ " . ~ I I I H ~ , . r r r r .
- a & - -

It IS somet~mesuseful to have a measure of

the total radiat~ondose to groups of people
or a whole populatlon. The quantlty used to
express t h ~ stotal 1s the collect~veeffectlve
dose it IS obtalned by summlng over all
groups the product of the average effectlve
dose to the group from the radiation source
of Interest and the number of people In
that group. For example, the effective dose
from all sources of radlat~onIS, on average,
2 6 mSv In a year to the lnhab~tantsof the
UK Since the populatlon of the UK IS about

3 Sources of
ionising radiation
lonising radiation enters our lives in a variety change our exposure to the other natural
of ways. It arises from natural processes, such sources: this basic background of cosmic rays,
Sources of
as the decay of uranium in the earth, and from gamma rays, and natural radioactivity within ionising
artificial procedures, as with the use of X-rays the body gives rise to an annual dose around radiation
in medicine. So we can classify radiation 1 mSv, on average, in the UK. A comparable . ....

according to its origin. Natural sources dose from radon decay products is also un-
include cosmic rays, gamma rays from the avoidable, although it is important to eliminate
earth, radon decay products in the air, and exposure to the highest individual doses.
various radionuclides in food and drink. It is easier, in most cases, to control artificial
Artificial sources include medical X-rays, sources of radiation because we can
fallout from the testing of nuclear weapons in intervene to alter or terminate the procedure
the atmosphere, discharges of radioactive producing the radiation, but there is always
waste from the nuclear industry, industrial a balance to be made. It would be unwise, for
gamma rays, and miscellaneous items such instance, to reduce doses from X-ray
as consumerproducts. Later chapters have examinations if this were to lead to a loss of
more information on both classes of source. essential medical information.
Each source of radiation has two important NRPB regularly publishes data on doses from
characteristics, the dose that it delivers to all sources: the results of the latest review are
human beings and the ease with which we reflected in the piechart. The annual dose,
can intervene to affect such doses. Until averaged over the whole population, is about
recently, radiation from natural sources 2.6mSv in total. Some 85% of this total is
seemed unremarkable and unalterable - from natural sources with over half from
a background phenomenon. We now know, radon decay products in the home. Medical
however, that doses in the home from the exposure of patients accounts for 14% of the
decay products of radon gas (itself a product total, whereas all other artificial sources -
of uranium decay) can be remarkably high, fallout, consumer products, occupational
although it is fairly easy to reduce them in exposure, and discharges from the nuclear
existing homes and to avoid them when industry - account for about 0.5% of the
building new homes. By and large, we cannot total value.

average dose
~nthe UK

of ionising
radiation r m ~ J U C<O.i%
allo out 0.2%
Occupational 0.3%

The greatest variations in dose arise from

radon decay products in the home, which can
give annual doses as high as 100 mSv. Annual
doses at work are at present limited by law
to 50mSv, but in fact only about 1% of the
workforce exceeds 1 5 mSv and almost all of
the dose comes from exposure to radon in the
workplace. It is unlikely that many members
of the public receive more than a fraction of
1 mSv in a year from incidental exposure to
artificial sources. Doses to patients in some
diagnostic procedures may be around 10 mSv,
but these are related to medical procedures.
For consumer products that contain
radioactive material, such as smoke alarms
and luminous watches, annual doses are at
most 1 pSv (1 millionth of a sievert), although
thoriated gas mantles may cause as much as
0. I mSv in a year in certain circumstances.

4 Effects of
ionising radiation
The effects of lonlsing rad~at~on soon appear Even In the absence of early srgns, however,
fa person recelves a suff~clentrad~at~on tlssues could st111have been damaged with
Effects of
dose Avery h~ghdose to the whole body the effects becomlng man~festonly later in ionising
can cause death wlthln a matter of weeks for l~feor perhaps in the lrrad~atedperson's radiation
example, an absorbed dose of 5Cy or more descendants The most rmportant of these
recerved instantaneously would probably be late effects 1s cancer, wh~ch1s always serlous af
lethal, unless treatment were glven, because and frequently fatal
of damage to the bone marrow and the
gastrointestinal tract. If the same dose were
Induction of cancers
Although the cause of most cancers remalns
instead restricted to a limited area of the
unknown or poorly understood, exposures to
body, it might not prove fatal but other early
agents such as tobacco smoke, asbestos,
effects could occur: an instantaneous
ultrav~oletrad~at~on,and ionislng radiat~on
absorbed dose of 5 Cy or more to the skin
are known to Induce them The development
would probably cause erythema within a
of cancer IS a complex cellular process In
week or so; higher doses would lead to more
several stages that usually takes many years
serious damage. Similar doses to the testes
Radlat~onappears to act pr~ncipallyat the
or ovaries might cause sterility.
ln~tlat~onstage by rnduclng certain mutations
If the same total dose were received over a in the DNA of normal cells in tissues. These
period of weeks or months, there would be mutations allow a cell to enter a pathway of
more opportunity for body cells to repair abnormal growth that can sometimes lead to
and there might be no early signs of injury. the development of a malignancy.

In recent years, we have learned a great deal

about the process by whlch radlatlon exposure
leads to DNA damage and also about the
cellular systems that act to repair or mlsreparr
such damage and the mutations that may
E@Wm/ arlse Coupled with ~mprovedknowledge rn
&fl@ge cancer biology, thls ~nformat~on prov~des

supporting ev~dencefor the long-standing age and gender, that affect the spontaneous
bel~efthat, although the rlsk of cancer after development of cancer.
low doses of rad~at~on may be very small,
Not all cancers are fatal Mortality from
there IS no dose - no matter how low - at
rad~at~on-~nduced thyro~dcancer 1s about lo%,
whlch we can completely d~scountrlsk
from breast cancer about 50%,and from skln
We therefore assume the rlsk of cancer to
cancer about 1 % Overall, the r~skof lnduclng
Increase In proportion wlth an Increase In
cancer by un~formlylrradlatlng the whole
rad~at~on dose
body IS about half as great agaln as the r~sk
of lnduclng a fatal cancer In radlolog~cal
protectlon the r ~ s kof fatal cancer 1s of more
concern because of ~ t sextreme slgnlficance
The use of fatal cancer rlsks also makes ~t
easler to compare them wlth the other fatal
r~sksencountered ~nIlfe; In contrast,
comparisons of non-fatal r~sksare fraught
wlth dlfflculty

Risk assessments
The maln source of information on the
additional rlsk of cancer following exposure
These advances In knowledge also lndlcate of the whole body to gamma rad~at~on
that a person's genetlc constltutlon Influences comes from studles on the survivors of the
the r~skof cancer after lrrad~at~onAt present, atomic bombs dropped at Hlroshlma and
we can ldentlfy only rare famllles who may Nagasak~In 1 945 Other rlsk estlmates for the
carry Increased risk, but experts may In future exposure of var~oustlssues and organs to X-rays
be able to take some account of such lnherlted and gamma rays come from people exposed
tralts ~nradlolog~calprotection pract~ce to external rad~at~on for the treatment of
non-mal~gnantor mal~gnantcondlt~onsand
How can we calculate the r ~ s kof cancer from
for d~agnostlcpurposes and also from people
exposure to radlat1on7Suppose that we
In the Marshall Islands exposed to severe
know the number of people ~nan lrrad~ated
fallout from atmospher~cnuclear weapons
group and the doses they have recelved
tests lnformatlon on the effects of alpha-
Then by obsewlng the occurrence of cancer
emlttlng radlonucl~descomes from mlners
In the group and analyslng ~tIn relatlon to
exposed to radon and its decay products,
the doses and the number of cancers
from workers exposed to rad~um-226in
expected In an otherw~seslmllar but
lumlnous paint, from some pat~entstreated
un~rrad~ated group, we can est~matethe
wlth radlum-224 for bone dlsease, and from
ralsed rlsk of cancer per u n ~dose,
t thls 1s
other pat~entsglven an X-ray contrast medlum
commonly called a nsk factor It IS most
contalnlng thorlum ox~de
Important to Include data for large groups
of people In these calculat~onsso as to lnformatlon of thls nature 1s assessed
mlnlmlse the statlstlcal uncertalntles ~nthe per~od~callyby the Unlted Nat~onsSc~entlfic
estlmates and take account of factors, such as Committee on the Effects of Atom~cRad~at~on

(UNSCEAR),the International Commission on overestimate of the risk at low levels. Curve C,

Radiological Protection (ICRP),the US National which is extrapolated from the slope of curve A
Academy of Sciences Committee on the at low levels, gives the best indication of the
~iologicalEffects of Ionizing Radiation [BEIR relationship between dose and risk for
Committee),and by NRPB. Such assessments ordinary circumstances of exposure to gamma
yield estimates of risk that are heavily rays. In short, the ratio of the slopes of B and
dependent on data from the Life Span Study C is the reduction factor that must be applied
of the atomic bomb survivors as supplemented to the original data to get the appropriate
by data from the other study groups. Since a risk factor.
substantial proportion of those who survived
ICRP has estimated the risk factors for fatal
the bombings in 1945 is still alive more than
cancers in this way using a judicious reduction
five decades later, it is necessary to predict
factor of 2. The calculations are for a
how many excess cancers will have been
representative international population 4
found by the time all the survivors have died.
based on the characteristics of five disparate
Various mathematical methods are used for Effects of
national populations.
this purpose; the process introduces some ionising
uncertainty ln the r~skestrmates The estimates, usually grven In sc~entlfic
notatron, may be expressed In other ways
Risk factors for cancers 5 0 x 1 0-2Svl, for example, IS the same as
Cancer rlsks derlved from the Japanese 5% per Sv or 1 ~n20 per Sv Thrs 1s the Ilfe-
atomic bomb survivors and other exposed tlme rlsk of contracting fatal cancer from unit
groups are based largely on hrgh doses cumulat~vedose of radlatlon The rlsk factor
recelved durlng short perlods In ordrnary
circumstances, most people are exposed to
low levels of radlatlon throughout long
perlods The central assumption rn radrological
A 1
protectron IS that there 1s a proportlonal
relatronshrp between dose and rlsk For some
hrghly lonlslng radlatlons, such as alpha
partrcles, the relatlonshlp rs dlrectly proportlonal
or h e a r In contrast, wlth sparsely lonlslng
radlat~onssuch as gamma rays, for example,
there IS considerable evldence from the B
study of radloblology that the rlsk IS less at
low doses and low dose rates than 1s lmplred
by h e a r ~nterpolatlonfrom hlgh doses and
hlgh dose rates

The posltlon IS illustrated In the dragram where

the data pornts are at hrgh levels Curve A
shows the l~kelynature of the relatlonshlp -----
between dose and risk and curve B shows how
a direct interpolation would lead to an Dose

higher than worldwide, the risk factors are as

1 much as 25% above the ICRP risk estimates
but with~nthe uncertainty.
r r 15
Hereditary disease
?I#$@ Apart from cancer, the other maln late effect
of radaton 1s hered~taryd~seaseAs with
cancer, the probabiBty of heredtary dlsease
- but not ~ t s severity - depends on dose
Genetic damage arises from irradiation of the
testes and ovaries, which produce sperm cells
in males and the egg cells in females. lonising
radiation can induce mutations in these cells
or in the germ cells that form them, mutations
which may give rise to harmful effects in future
Effectsof generations. Mutations occur as a result of
ionising structural changes to the DNA in single germ
radiation tomach cells, which subsequently carry the hereditary
iyroi information in the DNA through future
generations. The hereditary diseases that
Hd@dI&@ emaindc
may be caused vary in severity ranging from
d&aa early death and serious mental defects to
relatively trivial skeletal abnormalities and
for the working population (those aged 18 to minor metabolic disorders.
65 years) is lower because it does not contain
Although mutations appear to arise in human
children and young people who have more
beings without any apparent cause, natural
years at risk after exposure: the total value
radiation and other agents in the environment
for workers is 4.0x 1 0-2
SV-' or 4% per Sv.
may also cause them and contribute to the
Values of the risk factors apply to typical prevailing occurrence of hereditary disease.
people in a population regardless of age or There has, however, been no conclusive
gender: for an actual person, however, they evidence in human offspring for hereditary
depend both on age and on gender. If a person defects attributable to exposure from natural
receives a dose late in life, a cancer may not or artificial radiation. Extensive studies of the
have time to appear before the person dies offspring of the survivors of the atomic bombs,
of another cause; and the risk of breast cancer in particular, have failed to show increases of
is virtually zero for men and twice the listed statistical significance in hereditary defects;
value, 0.4x 10-' Sv-' or 1 in 250,for women. instead, the negative findings help to provide
an upper estimate of the risk factor for them.
A crucial characteristic of the representative
international population is the prevailing risk Large experimental studies have been made of
of fatal cancer from all causes because the the hereditary damage that ionising radiation
risk from radiation is related to it. Since cancer induces in animals, mainly mice. These have
mortality in the UK is generally somewhat covered a wide range of doses and dose rates

and clearly demonstrate that ionising radiation than that in the general population, the risk
does cause mutations.The results also show factor for workers is smaller: ICRP estimates
how often hereditary defects are induced by 0 . 6 1~0-2SV-I or 1 in 1 70 per Sv for severe
known doses. When considered with the hereditary diseases in all future generations.
findings for the atomic bomb survivors, this
information allows estimates to be made of
Communal risk
An important consequence of the assumption
the hereditary risk for human beings.
that risk is proportional to dose, without a low
Against this background, ICRP has assessed dose threshold, is that the collective effective
the risk of severe hereditary disease in a dose becomes an indicator of communal
general population of all ages exposed to low harm. It makes no difference mathematically
doses and dose rates. It estimated a risk whether, in a community of 50 000 people,
factor of 1 .Ox 10-2SV' or 1 in 100 per Sv each receives an effective dose of 2 mSv, or in
for such diseases appearing at any time in all a community of 20 000 people, each receives 4
future generations. Mutations leading to 5 mSv; the collective dose in each community
diseases that are strictly heritable, such as
is 100 man Sv, and the communal cost in
haemophilia and Down's Syndrome, make up each community may be five cancer deaths ionising
about half of the total: the remainder comes and one severe hereditary defect in future mdiation
from a group of so-called multifactorial generations. Members of the smaller
diseases such as diabetes and asthma. This community, however, run the greater individual &tZxh&rn in
estimate of risk carries considerable risk of fatal cancer. Calculations of collective
uncertainty especially for the multifactorial pmcsffeg
dose should not be taken too far: the product
diseases where the interplay of the genetic of an infinitude of people and an infinitesimal
and environmental factors that influence the dose, with the calculation of expected numbers
disorders is poorly understood. of cancer deaths, is likely to be meaningless.

Other late effects

One category of late effects does not ~nvolve
an element of probablllty these effects will
appear In people ~fthey receive a large dose
over a long tlme, and the severlty will Increase
w ~ t hIncreasing dose Such effects are not
usually fatal but can be d~sabllngor dlstresslng
because the function of some parts of the
body may be lmpalred or other non-mal~gnant
changes may arlse The best known examples
are cataracts [opac~tyIn the I'ens of the eye)
In genetic terms, irradiation of the testes and
and skln damage [thlnnlng and ulceration)
ovaries is potentially harmful only if it occurs
H~ghabsorbed doses of several gray are
before or during the reproductive period of life:
normally required to ~nducethese condltion~
for o
. e o. ~ l ewho will not subsequently have
children there is, of course, no hereditary Irradiation in pregnancy
risk. Since the proportion of a working The risks to children irradiated while in the
population that is likely to reproduce is lower womb deserve special mention. If an embryo

or fetus is exposed to rad~ationat the time more depending on the time after conception.
when organs are forming, developmental Genetic risks to fetuses are judged to be the
defects such as a reduced diameter of the same as those for a fully reproductive
head or mental retardat~onmay be caused population after birth, namely 2.4 x 1 0-2 S v l
or 1 in 40 per Sv. Irradiation before birth can
Studies on survivors of the atomic bombs
also lead to an increased risk of malignancy in
who were exposed before birth have indicated
that mental retardation mainly follows childhood. The risk of fatal cancer up to age
exposure during the period between 8 and 15 years is estimated to be about 3.0 x 10-'Sv-'
15 weeks after conception. There has been or 1 in 30 per Sv, and the overall risk of cancer
debate over the form of the relationship about twice this value.
between dose and response and the ex~stence For all of these reasons it is best for pregnant
of a threshold below whlch there IS no effect women to avoid diagnostic X-rays of the
For exposures durlng the most sens~t~ve abdomen unless a delay until the end of
, Effmtsof
8- 1 5 week per~od,however, ICRP assumes
that the decrease In IQ depends dlrectly on
the dose wlthout a threshold and w ~ t ha loss
pregnancy would be undesirable. Indeed for
all women of reproductive age where
pregnancy cannot be reasonably excluded,
radiation of 3 0 IQ polnts per Sv So, for example,
it may be prudent to restrict diagnostic
exposure of the fetus to 5 mSv dur~ngthls
procedures that give high doses in the pelvic
stage of pregnancy would lead to a loss In IQ
! , q d i$aft
~ area to the early part of the menstrual cycle
of 0.15 polnt, whlch would be undetectable
when pregnancy is least likely. Special
H~ghdoses to the embryo and fetus can cause restrictions apply to the doses that pregnant
death or gross malformation the threshold women may receive if they are employed in
for these effects 1s between 0 1 Sv and 1 Sv or work with radiation sources.

High dose e rate: Human 3 from varlous sources

much of the body
- --?a of skin
;tes and ovaries

Any dose or dose rate Risk factors for human I -

Risk depends on dose estimated from hlgh doses and
Appear years later dose rates in h~
Hereditary defects y dose or dose rate Risk factors
, ,
'ose infe l fro
tho nnrc


5 System of
radiological protection
General principles
Approaches to protectron against ronlslng System of
radiat~onare remarkably consistent t"adP0iOgi~~I
throughout the world Thls IS due largely to JUSTIFICATION

the lnternat~onalCommlss~onon Radiological No practice involving exposures to rad

should be adopted unless it produces
Protection (ICRP), the non-governmental
sclentlfic organlsation that for seven decades
at least sufficient benefit to the expos1 @nrn
or so has published recommendatlons for
individuals or to society to offset the wwi*
radiation detriment it causes
protection against lonlslng rad~atlons
Its authority derrves from the screntific standln, 1 2 O ~ I M I ~ A T Ior
O NPRorEcrloli
ltion to any particular source
of ~ t smembers and the merrt of ~ t s
diation within a practice, all reasonable
recommendatlons Governments adopt the
eps should be taken to adjust the
recommendatlons and put them Into pract~ce ,.otection so as to maximise the net bene
in a manner appropriate to the countries 1 economic and social factors being taken
concerned The European Comm~ssionunder-
takes a similar task for member states of the
European Un~onwlth the alm of produc~nga
limit should 3pplied to the dose, oth?
harmonrsed approach to rad~ologrcal than from medical exposures, received by
protectlon marnly through binding directives any individual as the result of all the
tn ~nrhichh ~ nr she is pxnnsp
For all human act~onsor practrces that add to
rad~at~on exposure, ICRP recommends a system
environment or when high indoor levels of
of rad~ologlcalprotect~onbased on three central
radon occur, ~tmay be necessary to rntervene
requirements Each of these rnvolves soclal
to reduce the exposure of people Under such
cons~derat~ons - explicitly In the first two and
circumstances, ICRP recommends a system
impllcltly In the thrrd - so there IS cons~derable
of rad~ologlcalprotect~onfor rntervent~on
need for the exerclse of judgement
based on two further principles which malnly
In some cases, as for example after an accident differ from the first set In that they omit dose
that releases radioactive material to the limits: specifying limits might require measures

out of all proportion to the likely benefit and sensible: it might also limit the benefits.
would therefore be in conflict with the first However, the principles of justification and
principle. The application of this system again optimisation, discussed next, should apply in
requires the exercise of judgement. full, particularly as the collective dose from
medical procedures is high.
Justification of practices
1The proposed intervention should ( , The first requirement In the system of radio-
nore good than harm, that is, the br logical protectlon for practices emphaslses
.esulting from the reduction in dose : the obvlous need to cons~derharmful costs
In the light of any benefits. In most cases,
jhould be sufficient to justify the har
3nd the costs, including social costs,
:he intervention
* " i i;
$# ,
radiation effects are just some of a number of
possible harmful outcomes that make up
m L

2 The form, scale, and duration of tl- - 7 Y :: part of the overall soc~aland economlc costs.
If there are other ways to ach~evethe same
ntervention should be chosen so that th
end, wlth or wlthout rad~at~on, it IS lrnportant
l e t benefit of the reduction of dose, that
s, the benefit of the reduction in doc- '-
'; to analyse the costs and benefits of the
prataZiot9 the costs of the intervention, shol~ld alternatives before maklng a final dec~slon
arge as reasonably achievable
Iff*.. The Issues that arlse In the process of justlfica-
Justification tlon extend beyond radiolog~calprotection and
NRPB has endorsed both systems of radio-
of pructtces may be ~llustratedby the arguments about
logical protectlon for use In the UK. In thls
the nuclearpower programme The rad~olog~cal
chapter, we shall concentrate malnly on the
consequences of the programme Include
system of protection for practices In later
the dlscharge of radloactlve substances to
chapters, we shall drscuss circumstances In
the environment and the doses recelved by
which lnterventlon may be necessary
workers In the nuclear power lndustry
Scope of application In addition, a full analysis would deal with the
We can generally do nothing sensible to potential for nuclear reactor accidents as well
reduce the normal levels of dose from natural as the creation of highly radioactive wastes.
radiation, although it is appropriate to Account should also be taken of doses and
intervene when people are exposed to high accidents to overseas uranium miners.
levels of radon in their homes. For workers,
An assessment should then be made of the
however, some control needs to be exercised
consequences of doing without the energy
over exposures to sources of natural radiation.
provided by nuclear power or of using
Three sources are particularly important:
alternative methods to produce it - with coal
radon in mines and other places, cosmic rays
for instance. Generating electric power from
on-board aircraft, and ores with elevated levels
coal creates large volumes of waste and
of natural activity.
releases gases that worsen the greenhouse
The use of rad~ationIn medlclne 1s malnly a effect Coal-fired power stations also dlscharge
matter of clin~calludgement slnce medlcal other noxlous substances lncludlng natural
exposures are ~ntendedto benefit patients radloactlvlty, mlners suffer occupational
Setting llmlts on doses to patlents would not be dlsease, and there 1s the potentlal for mlnlng

accidents. A complete analysis would also the point must come when further reductions
need to consider several strategic and in dose become unreasonable in the sense
economic factors: the diversity, security, that the social and economic costs would
availability, and reserves of various fuels; the outweigh the value of the reductions.
construction and operating costs of various
types of power station; the expected As for the second requirement - the
demand for electricity; the willingness of optlmlsat~onof protectlon -we need to note
people to work in a particular industry. here that ICRP has seen fit to place a
constraint on the procedure Th~stakes the
Proper justlficat~onIS also requlred for the form of restrlctlons on doses or rlsks
use of X-rays In d~agnostlcmedlclne Few of to people so as to prevent lnequltable
us would quest~onthe practlce the benefits exposures from rad~atron
are undoubted even though lndlvldual doses
for some examlnat~ons,and collective doses O p t l m ~ s a t ~ oofn protectlon has been
lncreaslngly rnfluent~aldurlng the past two
generally, are hlgh Nevertheless each
procedure needs to be judged on ~ t sown decades wlth the result that the annual dose astern of
merlts a mass X-ray screenlng programme to radlat~onworkers In the UK has fallen to mdiological
for cancer that m ~ g hcause
t more cancers 1 5 mSv, on average, an order of magn~tude protection
than ~twas llkely to reveal would clearly be below the dose l ~ m lfor t a slngle year of
unacceptable For thls reason, there IS 2 0 mSv that NRPB has recommended Some
unl~kelyto be cllnlcal justlficatlon for the groups of workers recelve doses a few tlmes
routlne screenlng of employees except In the average, and some workers recelve more
spec~alcircumstances such as the prevention than 2 0 mSv In a year, but the number dolng
of tuberculos~sMed~callrrad~at~on durlng so IS a very small percentage of the total
pregnancy requlres clear justlficat~onand Exposure to natural sources of r a d ~ a t ~ o n
careful techn~quesRadiolog~calexamlnatlons In the workplace affects the national average
for legal or Insurance purposes are usually apprec~ablyoccupat~onalexposure to
unwarranted slnce they do not benefit the art~ficlalsources alone leads to an average
health of the exposed person annual dose of 0 3 mSv

Pract~cesare proposed from time to t ~ m e The lndlvldual members

that fall to satisfy the test of just~ficat~on the public practices that cause
these lnclude the product~onof toys and t 1 mSv
have been brought below the l ~ m lof
jewellery contalnlng rad~oactlvematerlal and In a slnggl year NRPB
other dev~cessuch as securlty tags for whlch The groups people are
there are non-rad~oact~ve alternatives exposed to rad~oactlvedischarges from
nuclear facilities typically receive 0.14 mSv in
Qptimisation of protection a year, but a few individuals mav receive as
Since we must assume that no radiation much as 0.5 mSv in a year by direct irradiation
dose is entirely free from risk, it is not enough near some nuclear power stations,
merely to comply with a dose limit: it is
Important to pay attent~onto doses below There are a number of reasons for these
the l ~ mand
~ t to reduce them whenever lt is ach~evementsSlnce managements must keep
reasonably achievable. Of course eventually doses from practices below certain limits,

average doses w ~ ltend

l to be lower stlll For a member of the publlc, the statutory
Moreover, dose constralnts are lncreas~ngly l ~ mIS~ 5t mSv In a year NRPB adv~sesthat
b e ~ n gused based on experience gamed thls should be reduced to 1 mSv ~na year
from well-managed operat~ons,these may be
These prlme l ~ m ~ texpressed
s, In terms of
set apprec~ablybelow the dose l ~ m l t
effectlve dose, are Intended to control the
Pract~cesthat cause exposure of the publlc
lnc~denceof serlous effects such as cancer
are controlled through caut~ousest~matesof
and hered~taryharm that lnvolve an element
the dose to the most h~ghlyexposed group
of probablllty Another set of I~mlts,
of lndlv~dualsand the appl~cat~on of an
expressed In terms of equivalent dose, IS to
appropr~ateconstraint All such procedures
protect the eyes, skln and extremltles aga~nst
are ~ u d ~ c ~ ways
o u s of fulfill~ngthe
other forms of damage Both sets are
requlrement to keep all doses as low as
v~rtually~dent~cal wlth those of ICRP, as 1s the
reasonably ach~evable
recommendat~onthat the dose to the fetus
Limitation of doses of a pregnant worker should not exceed
System of
The thlrd requlrement for practices expresses 1 mSv once pregnancy has been declared
mdioIog~aI the obl~gat~on not to expose ~ndlv~dual people
There are two common mlsconceptlons
protection and t h e ~ descendants
r to an unacceptable
about dose l~rnltsThe first 1s that they mark
degree of r~skThls IS fulfilled by Imposlng strlct
an abrupt change In b~olog~cal risk, a l ~ n eof
Constraints dose l~mltsand adoptlng constralnts At the
demarcat~onbetween safe and unsafe
tlme of wr~tlng,the statutory I l m ~for
t workers
It should be clear from the dlscuss~onon dose
IS st11150 mSv In a year, but follow~ngthe
and r~skthat t h ~ sIS not so. ~tshould also be
latest ICRP recommendations, NRPB advlses
apparent from the fact that there are d~fferent
that ~tshould be reduced to 20 mSv In a year
dose l ~ m ~for
t s workers and members of the
publ~cThese l~mltsd~fferbecause h~gher
r~sksare deemed more acceptable for workers,
who recelve a benefit from the~remployment,
than for members of the public, whose r ~ s kIS
~nvoluntaryThe second m~sconcept~on
IS that keeplng doses below the l~rnltsIS the
only Important requirement In rad~olog~cal
protectlon on the contrary, the o v e r r ~ d ~ n g
requlrement IS to keep doses as low as
reasonably ach~evableThere IS an lncreaslng
emphas~son dose constralnts, whlch are, of
course, set below dose l ~ m ~ t s

Constra~ntsare best Imposed on a practice
involving exposure to radiation at the plann~ng
stage. For workers, the annual value of dose
should be chosen so as to reflect what can
reasonably be reached In a particular industry

or procedure; it may well be a small fraction Attttudes

and control
of the dose limit. NRPB recommends a
of risk
maximum value of 15mSv in a year, which
is also to be regarded as an investigation
level for doses already incurred from
existing practices. For members of the public,
the NRPB constraint, 0.3mSv in a year,
is a planning value for a new source of
radiation exposure such as a factory that
intends to discharge radioactive material
to the environment

A form of dose constraint is also appropriate

for medical exposures of patients. In this 5
circumstance, however, the parameter is called
System of
a reference dose even though the object is still The annual risk of fatal cancer associated
to minimise doses in a sensible way. We shall with the annual average dose of 1.5mSv for radiol~cal
return to this topic in Chapter 7. workers is 6.0x 1 0-5 or 1 in 1 7 000;it is pmtedion
apprec~ablyhlgher than the general level of
Comparing risks fatal acc~dentsIn the manufacturing and
One way of judging the effectiveness of the Compuring
sewlce sectors and comparable to the rlsk In
system of radlologlcal protection IS to compare risks
the constructlon Industry Although such
the resldual risks of fatal cancer from rad~at~on
compansons are Inherently cautlous because
wlth the prevalllng r~sksof death from other
the nature and tlme of death are so different,
causes Two circumstances are relevant - rlsks
there can be no dlspute about the end effect,
at work and rlsks otherwise
lt must be noted that radlatlon workers
To facilitate comparison, it is helpful to consider also run the risk of death from conventional
what levels of risk might be appropriate in an causes. Comparative data show why
advanced country such as the UK. The simple continuous exposure at 20mSv in a year
diagram shows how risk alters from being low would be undesirable: the implied risk of fatal
and acceptable through a tier of tolerability into cancer is 8.0 x 1 0-4or 1 in 1250.
a high region of unacceptability. Assessment:
by the Royal Society and other organisations
indicate that a fatal risk of 1 0-3 or 1 in 1000
in a year is about the limit of tolerability for
workers: for members of the general public,
however, a fatal risk around 1 0-5 or 1 in
- hd b:
bg* f t 1 . 1
I00000 in a year is judged to be near the ;R;&a&h
I . I
* 7 7
limit. An important reason for the difference lMe&lmn
is that workers are exposed voluntarily to ,+,ahl
the radaton rlsk, whereas members of the r 1 q-1

general publlc are l~kelyto have lt Imposed 'chanDa

' " p*r;d; *
on them .*All f ' i c
v " ? v

on the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Several government departments and the
agencies they sponsor also have important
roles: the Department of Health has a

through its sponsorship of NRPB.

Linlxs with

The annual risk of fatal cancer associated

systemof wlth the average annual dose of 2 6 mSv to
the publlc In the UK from all sources of
radlatlon IS about 1 3 x 1 0-4 or 1 ~n7700
protection Most of thls is attr~butableto natural sources As a member of the European Un~on,the UK
about whlch we can do llttle Some members 1s obl~gedto Implement various d~rectlveson
Le?giIPlafftr&ls of the publlc are part~cularlyconcerned about radlolog~calprotection formulated by
the rlsks from nuclear discharges as the data the European Commlsslon and made by the
show, however, the annual rlsk to the most Council of Mlnlsters As Indicated previously,
exposed group 1s about 7 0 x 1 0-6 or 1 In such directives are closely derlved from the
1 40 000 - much the same as the rlsk of death recommendat~onsof ICRP and are compatible
durlng pregnancy Slnce the rlsk of fatal cancer wlth systems of control In most advanced
assoc~atedwlth the dose llmlt of 1 mSv ~na countries throughout the world Developments
year is about 5 0 x 1 0-5 or 1 ~n2 0 000, lt IS durlng the past four decades have been ln the
clear why constraints are required. direct~onof more stringent controls as more
informatron on rlsks has become available
Legal controls
The system of radlolog~calprotection NRPB contributes to the development of the
described here is implemented by statute in ICRP recommendations and the consultations
the UK. A substantial body of legislation has on the European Commission directives and
b u ~ lup
t since the 1940s and IS supported by then advises on their applicability in the UK.
codes of good practlce and advisory material;
there 1s also a comprehensive scheme of
licences, authorisations, and approvals
Virtually every c~rcumstanceis covered from
the design of nuclear power stations through
the control of radon In off~cesto the use of
X-ray sets in veterinary surgeries.

Responsibility for enforcing radiological

protection in workplaces in the UK falls mainly

6 Natural
ionising radiation
Air flight
and cosmic 6
mdiation Natural ionising radiation pervades the whole
environment. Cosmic rays rea'ch the earth Natural.
from outer space, the earth itself is radioactive, ionising
-10 pSv per hour and natural activity is present in food and radiation
drink and in the air. We are all exposed to
natural radiation to a greater or lesser
extent, and for most people it is the major
source of radiation exposure. Nevertheless,
animals and plants have evolved in this
background of natural radiation, and the
general view is that it is not a significant risk
to health - but there are exceptions.
- 5 pSv per hour
Cosmic radiation
Cosmic rays are mainly protons of uncertain
origin in space and very high energies which
reach our atmosphere in fairly constant
numbers. It is known, however, that some
Himalayas 6.7 km - -1pSv per hour protons with lower energies come from the
sun and are given off in bursts during solar
flares. Protons are charged particles, so the
5 km
number entering the atmosphere is affected
by the earth's magnetic field: more come in
Ulasa, Tibet 3.7 km near the poles than the equator. As they
penetrate the atmosphere, the cosmic rays
Mexico City 2.25 km
initiate complex reactions and are gradually
2 km - 0 . 1 pSv per hour absorbed so that the dose decreases as
Denver 1.6 km ~

altitude decreases. In the UK, the annual

effective dose equivalent from cosmic rays at
0.03 USV per hour ground level is about 0.25 mSv, on average.

Most people in the UK live at low altitudes, extracted from the earth, they too are mrldly
so there is little variation in annual dose on rad~oact~ve, and people are lrrad~ated
this account; nor is there much variation with Indoors as well as out of doors The doses
latitude. The type of building in which a they recelve are affected both by the
person lives may affect the dose to a slight geology of the area where they llve and the
degree. The intensity of cosmic rays at structure of the bulldlngs In wh~chthey I~ve,
altitudes where aircraft fly is much greater but the average effect~vedose In the UK from
than on the ground. General air travel gives natural gamma rays 1s about 0 35 mSv In a
rise to a further annual dose of 0.01 mSv, on year Actual values vary appreciably some
average, bringing the total to 0.26mSv. people may recelve doses a few tlmes h~gher
or lower than the average Although there 1s
Gamma radiation l~ttlethat can be done to affect thls dose, lt
All materials in the earth's crust contain
would be sens~bleto avold bu~ldlngsltes and
radioactive species: indeed energy from
6 mater~alswrth unusually h~ghactlvlty
natural activity deep in the earth contributes
Natuml to the shaping of the crust. This energy comes

ionising mainly from uranium, thorium, and potassium.

Uranium is dispersed throughout rocks and
soils in low concentrations of a few parts
per million (ppm);where it exceeds 1000 ppm
or so in an ore, it may be economical to mine
for use in nuclear reactors. As we have seen,
uranium-238 is the parent of a long series
of radionuclides of several elements, which
decay in succession until the stable nuclide
Radon inhalation
lead-206 is reached. Among the decay
Radon gas IS a part~cularlyslgnlficant source
products in the series is an isotope of the
of exposure to natural radlatron Thls IS because
radioactive gas radon, namely radon-222,
the ~mmed~ate decay products of radon-222
which can reach the atmosphere, where it
are rad~onucl~des wlth short half-l~veswh~ch
continues to decay. Thorium is similarly
attach themselves to fine part~clesIn the alr,
dispersed in the earth, and thorium-232 is
are Inhaled, lrrad~atethe tlssues of the lung
the parent of another radioactive series,
w~thalpha part~cles,and Increase the r~skof
which gives rise to radon-220, another
lung cancer The same IS true of radon-220,
isotope of radon, sometimes called thoron.
but the degree of exposure of the lung 1s much
Potassium is far more common than either
less When radon gas enters the atmosphere
uranium or thorium and makes up 2.4% by
from the ground, ~td~spersesIn the alr, so
weight of the earth's crust. The radionuclide
concentratrons out of doors are low When the
potassium-40, however, constitutes only
gas enters a bu~ldlng,predom~nantlythrough
120 ppm of stable potassium.
the floor from the ground, the concentrat~on
The radionuclides in the earth emit of activity builds up within the enclosed space:
penetrating gamma rays that irradiate us more for the UK, it is typically about 20 Bq m-3
or less uniformly. Since building materials are (becquerel per cubic metre of air).

The annual effective dose in the UK from the As mentioned in Chapter 5, this circum-
decay products of radon is estimated to stance is an example of intervention, in the
be 1.3 mSv, on average. There are, however, ICRP sense, to reduce human exposure to
pronounced variations about this value: in ionising radiation.
some homes, the occupants have received
doses two orders of magnitude higher. Areas Internal irradiation
affected by radon to a marked degree have Other radionuclides from the uranium and
been identified throughout the UK. thorium series, in particular lead-210 and
polonium-210, are present in air, food, and
If the radon level exceeds 200 Bq m-', ten
water, and so irradiate the body internally.
times the average, homeowners are advised
Potassium-40 also comes into the body with
to reduce it so as to reduce the risk of lung
the normal diet; it is the main source
cancer; this concentration is known as the
of internal irradiation apart from the radon
Action Level. Anyone finding such a high 6
decay products. In addition, the interactions
radon level can reduce it by preventing air
of cosmic rays with the atmosphere create a Natural
from the ground entering the building. The
number of radionuclides, such as carbon-1 4, ionising
most effective way to do so is to reduce the
which also contribute to internal irradiation.
air pressure under the house with a small fan. radiation
In the most affected areas, the building The average effective dose from these sources
regulations have been changed to ensure that of internal irradiation is estimated to be JIpf&wt'
new homes do not have high radon levels. 0.3 mSv in a year for the UK with potassium-40

contr~butlngabout half lnformatlon on how

the total varles from one person to another IS
Iim~ted,although ~t1s known that the potassium
content of the human body IS controlled by
blologlcal processes the amount of potassium
and hence potasslum-40,varles wlth the
amount of muscle in the body, and IS about
twlce as hlgh In young men as In older
women There IS llttle anyone could do
to affect Internal lrradiatlon from the other
radlonuclides except by avoidlng any food
and water with a hlgh radioactive content

Total doses
The total average effective dose from natural
radlat~onis about 2 2 mSv In a year for the
UK D~fferencesIn average doses from one
locallty to another readlly exceed 10 mSv In
a year, and differences in individual doses may
exceed 100 mSv In a year because of homes
with particularly hlgh levels of radon and ~ t s
decay products The collective effectlve dose
is about 1 30 000 man Sv In a year

Collective and lndlvldual doses are useful

measures for comparing the slgnlficance for
health of natural and artificial rad~ations,
but they may need to be supplemented
by addltlonal data when there are, as wlth
Indoor radon, large varlatlons about the
average The most helpful step might be to
descr~bethe frequency with which doses of a
certaln magnitude occur In the circumstances
of Interest

7 Medical uses of
ionising radiation
lonlslng radlat~onhas two very dlfferent uses Much hlgher doses are required to treat
In medlclne - for d~agnos~s and therapy malignant dlseases or malfunction~ngorgans
Both are lntended to benefit patients and, as sometimes ~ncomb~nat~on wlth other forms of uses of
wlth any use of radlatlon, the benefit must treatment A beam of rad~atlonmay be used ionising
outwelgh the risk We have touched on this to lrradlate the affected part of the body or radiation
matter of just~ficat~on~nChapter 5 a fa~rlyhlgh actrvlty of a radlonucllde may be
admln~steredto the patlent
Most people at some tlme In thelr l~veshave
an X-ray examlnatlon to help the ~hyslclan The use of X-rays for examlnlng patients
d~agnosedlsease or damage In the body IS called diagnostic rad~ologyand the use of
A much less diagnostic procedure rad~onuclldesfor diagnosis or therapy
lnvolves the admlnlstratlon of radlonucl~des ,uc,earmedlclne When radlatlon beams are
pat'ents as to Observe how Organs are used to treat patients, the procedure 1s
funct~onlngPhysclans use ether of these called radloiherapy
procedures ~fthey cannot make a d~agnos~s
without them Radlatlon doses are generally DiaaOStiC radiology
low although they can be apprec~ableIn In a convent~onalX-ray examlnatlon, rad~at~on
certaln procedures from a machlne passes through t
X-rays penetrate flesh and bone
to dlfferent degrees and produc
1I lmages on photographic film of
, the ~nternalstructures of the
body In some cases, the ]mag
: are captured and processed
electron~callyThe value of
1 Images explalns why docto
dentlsts conduct as many as
35 m ~ l l ~ X-ray
o n examinations
each year In the UK

The parts of the body most frequently 1

examined are the chest, limbs, and teeth, each
accounting for about 25% of the total number
of examinations. Doses are fairly low -
about 0.02mSv from a chest examination, for
example. Effective doses from other types of
examination, such as the lower spine, are
higher because organs and tissues that are
more sensitive to radiation are exposed to
a greater degree. Examinations of the lower
bowel uslng a bar~umenema result ~na
Diagnostic radiology as a whole makes a
substantla1 dose around 7 mSv, only 1% or
contribution of about 20000man Sv to the
so of all exam~natlonsare of thls type.
annual collective dose from ionising radiation
in the UK. Of this, CT contributes about 40%,
Medjcui examinations of the lower bowel about lo%,
uses of and chest examinations about 1%. It is clear
ionising from these figures that some relatively
mdiatjon infrequent procedures give a far greater dose
to the population than the more common
examinations. Further, they explain why it is
Nuclear important that a CT scan should not be used
medicine if an ordinary X-ray examination would suffice
for a sound diagnosis.

Nuclear medicine
For a diagnostic procedure in nuclear medicine,
the patient is given a radionuclide in a
carrying substance, such as a pharmaceutical,
which is preferentially taken up by the
Computed tomography (CT) has increased tissue or organ under study; administration
considerably in recent years to the point may be by injection, ingestion or inhalation.
where approximately 4% of all procedures in The radionuclide emits gamma rays.
diagnostic radiology are CT scans. With this
technique, a fan-shaped beam of X-rays is Most of the diagnostic procedures make use
rotated around the patient and registered of the radionuclide technetium-99m: it has a
on the opposite side by a row of detectors. half-life of 6 hours, gives off gamma rays with
An image of a slice or section through the an energy of 0.14 MeV, can be conveniently
patient is then reconstructed by a computer prepared in the hospital,-andreadily labels a
and conveys superior diagnostic information. variety of carrying substances. A special
However, doses in CT can be an order of detector called a gamma camera is used to
magnitude higher than those from conventional observe how the organs or tissue behave or
X-ray examinations. how quickly the radionuclide moves.

Individual doses from technetium scans are Radiotherapy
comparable to those in diagnostic radiology. This technique is used to cure cancers or at
The collective dose from nuclear medicine is, least to alleviate the most distressing
however, an order of magnitude less. symptoms. A beam of high energy X-rays,
Technetium gamma rays or electrons is directed towards
the diseased tissue so as to give it a high
dose while sparing the surrounding healthy
tissue. If a tumour is deep in the body, the
beam is pointed at it from several directions
so as to reduce the incidental damage.
Another form of treatment, in which a radiation
source is placed in or on the body for a short
period, is used for particular forms of cancer:
it is called brachytherapy. 7
Tumours require absorbed doses of tens of
uses of
gray to kill the cancer cells effectively.
Considerable care is required to deliver ionising
accurate doses: too low or too high doses mdiation
may lead to incomplete treatment or
3 unacceptable s~de-effects.As radiotherapy Reference
joses are strong, such treatment IS only
used when the outlook for a cure or rel~ef1s
good and when other methods of treatment
would be less effect~ve

When radionuclides are used for treatment Although radiotherapy can cure the original
rather than diagnosis, much greater activities cancer, it may possibly cause cancer
are given to the patient and much higher in other tissues or adverse genetic effects in
doses are given to the target tissues or organs. subsequent children. Most pedp~ewho
The treatment of an overactive thyroid gland receive radiotherapy are, however, past the
- hyperthyroidism - is probably the most age to have children and too old for delayed
common therapeutic procedure, the radio- cancers to occur. So the aim of radiotherapy
nuclide being iodine- 1 31. This illustrates a is to maximise the effectiveness of treatment
paradox in radiological protection: the while minimising the adverse side-effects.
beneficial use of a radioactive substance
Reference doses
which in other circumstances becomes an
Since diagnostic radiology is so widely used
environmental contaminant.
and the collective dose so large, it is important
Fam~lyand fr~endsof a patlent to whom a to avo~dunnecessary exposures and keep
radlonucllde has been glven may sometimes the essent~alexposures as low as poss~ble
be adv~sedby the hospltal to take appropr~ate The decision whether to prescribe an X-ray
precautions agalnst Inadvertent exposure to examination IS a matter of med~caljudgement
themselves from the res~dualactlvlty
made ~nthe best ~nterestsof the patlent

When dec~dedupon, the dose to the patlent

should be the lowest poss~blecompat~ble
wlth accurate d~agnos~s Physlc~anstake
particular care to mrnlmlse doses In
Methods of mlnlmlslng doses Include the use
of good equ~pmentthat 1s well malntalned,
properly adjusted and skllfully operated, and
havlng a programme of quallty assurance In
the X-ray department Doses from the same
X-ray examlnatlon may vary from patlent to
patlent because of differences In size and
shape, but they should generally fall below
an agreed value Th~s,as we ment~onedIn
Chapter 5,1scalled a reference dose A set of
uses of reference doses for the more common X-ray
ionishg examlnatlons has been recommended In the
mdiutian UK Adherence to them 1s causlng a downward
trend In doses throughout the country

mf., Total doses

If we conslder dlagnost~cprocedures In
rad~ologyand nuclear medlclne, the collective
dose ~nthe UK IS about 22 000 man Sv rn a
year, whlch ~ m p l ~ e0s37mSv each when
averaged across the entlre populat~onThe
realty IS, however, that young people do not
have many X-rays and that the Ilkellhood of
need~ngan examlnatlon Increases w ~ t hage,
thls ~ m p l ~ ea slower probablllty, In general, of
any consequential cancers belng expressed

8 Occupational
exposure to
ionising radiation
Exposure to ionising radiation occurs in many Some workers are also exposed to natural
exposure to
occupations, most obviously to those who sources of rad~at~on In such circumstances that
work in the nuclear power industry. Artificial a measure of supervlslon and protection 1s ionising
sources of radiation are also commonly used requlred Thls IS particularly true of exposure radiation
in the manufacturing and service industries, to radon In mlnes and In ordlnary premlses
in areas of defence, in research institutions, throughout the areas of the country worst
and in universities. Moreover, we have seen affected by radon It 1s also true of alrcrew
in Chapter 7 that they are extensively used who are exposed to elevated levels of cosmlc
by health professionals. rays at flylng altitudes
Many people who work with radiation wear
personal monitoring devices such as a small
photographic film or some thermo-
luminescent (TL] material in a special holder.
These register the radiation incident on the
body from external sources and yield an
estimate of the dose. NRPB issues about half
a million such devices each year as a
monitoring service.

For airborne activity in the workplace,

whether of artificial or natural origin, it is.
usually best to sample the air that the worker
breathes, measure it, and then estimate the
internal dose. In some cases, it may be
possible to measure activity in excreta and
infer the dose or indeed measure the activity
in the body directly with sensitive detectors.

NRpB Artificial sources

l Occupational exposure to art~ficlalsources of
radlat~onoccurs predominantly In the nuclear
and general lndustrles and the health
professions Doses have declined steeply In
the last decade or so for reasons that we have
I expla~nedIn Chapter 5, thls remark applles
to average as well as lnd~vldualdoses.

The objective always is to get the best possible

estimate of dose for comparison with limits.

All told, about a quarter of a million people Average doses from all types of occupational
are occupationally exposed to ionising exposure, including the nuclear industry,
radiat~onin the UK, but the collective dose is are now below 1 mSv in a year. Some tens of
about 380 man Sv in a year. More workers workers may receive more than 15 mSv in a
are exposed to artificial than natural sources; year, particularly industrial radiographers;
individual doses from the latter are, however, few if any receive more than 20 mSv in a year
an order of magnitude greater. The average except under unsatisfactory conditions that
dose overall in occupational exposure is may attract warning or prosecution by the
around 1.5 mSv in a year. regulatory authorities.
I Doses in the health professions - medical,
dental and veterinary - are generally very low,
but there are still matters of concern. Some
clinical procedures with diagnostic radiology
require the physician to be close to the
patient and at risk of appreciable exposure.
X-ray equipment and procedures in veterinary
practices are sometimes inadequate.

Radon levels - and doses - are low in coal

mines because the ventilation is usually good:
few if any miners exceed 15 mSv in a year.
The state of ventilation in metal and other
mines is not always as satisfactory, so the
average dose is much higher and a fraction of
the workforce does exceed this dose.

About half of the people occupationally

exposed to natural radiation work in shops,
offices, schools and other premises in radon-
prone areas of the country. Within these
well-defined areas, the average dose is ,.
Medicai apprec~ableF~veper cent or so of the workers
radiography 8
Natural sources recelve more than 15 mSv n a year and a
Occupat~onalexposure to natural sources smaller percentage 20 mSv or more Radon
of rad~at~onoccurs ma~nly~ncoal mlnes,
~OSUsf ea
levels vary markedly from day to day
bulld~ngs,and a~rplanesRelat~velyfew people because of the way bu~ldlngsare heated and ionisin9
work ~nmlnes other than coal and ~nthe vent~lated,so short measurements of radon rudiation
processing of ores with levels of natural in air may be misleading. The best remedy
activity appreciably above average: the doses for high radon levels is the same as in houses Natural
incurred are nevertheless monitored routinely. - reduced air pressure under the floor.

Days of the week


doses on
air fljghts NR14 Paris 1 0.004
from London
RP15 Madrid 2 0.01 0
NR23 Rome 3 0.014
RP18 Kiev 4 0.01 8
PB71 New York 7 0.042
PB77 Los Angeles 13 0.069
PB93 Tokyo 14 0.078

Doses to aircrews from cosmic rays depend

on the routes flown and the time airborne.
On average, the annual dose is around
2 mSv, but it could be twice as much for long
flights continually at high altitudes. By the
nature of the radiation and the operations,
such doses are unavoidable. A pregnant
member of an aircrew will have a schedule of
work to avoid a dose above 1 mSv to the
unborn child.

Tatal doses
As lnd~catedhere, the collect~veeffectlve
dose from occupat~onalexposure to lonlslng
rad~atlonIS about 380 man Sv In a year In
the UK Spread over the entlre populat~on,
thls ~ m p l ~ eans annual dose approaching
0 007 mSv, a relatively mlnor contrlbutlon
to the overall value of 2 6mSv

9 Environmental
We have seen in Chapter 6 that natural quant~t~es are Ingested w ~ t hfood and d r ~ n k
radionuclides pervade our environment. This Res~dualact~v~ty In the ground
- of rad~onucl~desEiw&Wrndrni
chapter is about the artificial radionuclides that emlt gamma rays also causes a sl~ght
that have been widely dispersed by events degree of human exposure Internal and
such as tests of nuclear weapons in the external ~ r r a d ~ a t ~contr~bute
on about equally
atmosphere and the Chernobyl accident and to the average effect~vedose of 0 0 0 4 mSv In
by the deliberate discharge of radioactive a year In the UK t h ~ scompares w ~ t ha peak
wastes from nuclear and other installations. of 0 014 mSv In 1963 The collect~vedose IS
Such radionuclides find their way from air now about 2 4 0 man Sv In a year,
and water on to the ground and into foodstuffs
and so deliver radiation doses in various
ways to human beings.

Weapons tests
When nuclear weapons are tested above
ground, they inject a variety of radionuclides
from hydrogen-3 (tritium) to plutonium-241
In the alr
into the upper atmosphere. From there, they
transfer slowly to the lower atmosphere and
then to earth. Around 500 atmospheric
explosions were conducted before the limited
test ban treaty in 1963 with a few more until
1980. By now, however, the concentrations
of radionuclides in air, rain and human diet
are much lower than the peak values in the
early 1960s.

Currently the most important radionuclides

in terms of human exposure are carbon-1 4,
strontium-90 and caesium-137: minute Pathwoys of exposure in the env~ronment

For the wetter upland reglons of the UK,

however, the greater depos~t~onof act~v~ty
weapons testlng and the Chernobyl acc~dent
causes annual doses of about 0 012 mSv
Radioactive discharges
Art~fic~alrad~onucl~des are d~schargedto the
environment by the nuclear power ~ndustry,
defence establ~shments,research organlsa-
t~ons,hosp~talsand general Industry
- of any. slgn~ficance
- are subject to
Chernobyl accident statutory control: they must be authorised
An explos~onIn a nuclear reactor at the and monitored. Owners or operators of the
s Chernobyl nuclear power plant on 26 Apr~l facll~t~es from whlch rad~onucl~des are
1986 caused the release of substantla1 dlscharged carry out mon~torlngprogrammes
quant~t~esof radlonucl~desdur~nga perlod of as do the regulatory agencles
pollution ten days A~rbornemater~alwas d~spersed
The nuclear power ~ndustryd~schargesby far
throughout Europe from the slte In the Ukra~ne
the most act~vltyAt each stage of the nuclear
Radioactive and reached the UK wlth~na week As the
fuel cycle, a varlety of rad~onucl~des are
discharges contammated alr spread over the UK, local
released In the form of liquids, gases or sol~d
weather cond~tronslargely determ~nedwhere
part~clesThe nature of the effluent depends
the rad~onucl~deswere to fall: heavy raln In the
on the particular operation or process
northwest caused more to be depos~tedthere
Uranlum plant fud
In terms of dose to people, the most significant ,. .%"

rad~onucl~des were ~od~ne-131, caes~um-134

and caeslum- 137 Almost all of the dose Enrichment plant

was caused by external ~rrad~at~on from

rad~onuclldeson the ground and by Internal brlcatlon
lrrad~at~on from rad~onuclidesIn foodstuffs
In the first year after the acc~dent,the average Recycllng
or storage Ri rs
dose from Chernobyl contaminants was about
0 02 mSv It has now decllned to 0 001 mSv In
a% Reprocess~rrg
a year for the country as a whole, ~mplyinga
collective dose approaching60 man Sv annually.

Durlng fuel preparat~on,when the uranlum 1s

enrlched and the fuel elements are fabricated,
d~schargesma~nlyconta~nuranlum and
thor~umw ~ t hthe assoc~ateddecay products
. .*.
. . I . .
.. , ..
.. .. . .... .. . . .. - these be~ngnatural of course Annual doses

to the most exposed group of people near of local mllk and vegetables. The collectlve
the faclhtles are about 0 14mSv, most of which dose from alrborne d~scharges,malnly due to
1s due to d~schargeselsewhere In the fuel cycle carbon-14 In foodstuffs, IS approx~mately
The collect~vedose to the whole population 1 man Sv annually From llquld d~scharges,~t
of the UK IS less than 0 1 man Sv annually 1s about 4 man Sv annually, ma~nlydue to
caeslum- I37 In fish
In reactor operat~on,a~rborned~schargesto the
atmosphere glve rlse to an annual collectlve Total doses
dose of 5 man Sv or so, prlnc~pallyfrom None of the other faclllt~esthat d~scharge
hydrogen-3, carbon-14 and sulphur-35 wlth artlficlal radlonuclldes to the environment
the annual dose to those most exposed belng causes doses much above 0 02 mSv In a year
0 082 mSv The collectlve dose from l ~ q u ~ d to the most exposed people, nor do they
d~schargesto coastal waters, arlslng from the make a slgnlficant contr~butionto collectlve
consumptlon of rad~onuclidesIn seafoods, IS dose. In round terms, therefore, the maximum
much smaller, but lndlv~dualdoses locally are effectlve dose from the discharge of art~ficlal
dominated by dlscharges from fuel reprocesslng
radionuclldes 1s about 0 14 mSv In a year and
Some older nuclear reactors cause d~rect the collective effective dose about 10 man Sv pollution
lrradlatlon of people near the power statlon In a year or 0.0002 mSv when averaged
annual doses of 0 5 mSv have been est~mated throughout the entire population.
for them

D~schargesof rad~onucl~des to the lr~shSea

from the fuel reprocesslng faclllt~esat Sellafield
In Cumbr~ahave been greatly reduced In the
past decade or so The annual dose to the
most exposed people - those who eat local
seafood - IS some 0 14 mSv, malnly from
actlnldes In shellfish D~schargesto alr of
stront~um-90and other rad~onuclldeslead to
lnd~v~dual doses that are less than
0 055 mSv annually from the consumptlon - -
Jischarges 30/0

10 Nuclear power

Nuclear reactors have been producing at Sizewell: a number of older stations have
30 electr~c~ty
slnce the 1950s, and the stopped operating.
m?3@T~ electr~c~tysupply ~ndustrynow operates
Nuclear reactors
power reactors at twelve sltes In the UK. Some Nuclear reactors depend for their operation
of these contaln two stat~ons,together they on a reaction between neutrons and the atomic
produce about 20% of the electric power nuclei of the fuel. Uranium, the fuel for
generated in the UK. The newest reactor is reactors in the UK, consists principally of two
Power station sites isotopes, uranium-235 and uranium-238. In
natural uranium, the fuel for early reactors,
0 Closed those isotopes are in the proportion of 0.7%
Other nuclear sites
and 99.3%, respectively, by weight. The
enriched uranium for later reactors contains
about 2.5% of uranium-235.
Energy 1s released when a uran~um-235
nucleus absorbs a neutron and undergoes
fiss~on,that IS, ~tspllts Into two large energetic
fragments or fiss~onproducts, accompan~ed
by the release of several h ~ g henergy or fast
neutrons and some gamma radlat~on
The neutrons are slowed In the reactor so
that they Induce further fiss~onsIn the
uran~um-235such neutrons are often called
thermal neutrons and the reactors that rely
upon them thermal reactors By contrast,
when a nucleus of uranlum-238 absorbs a
j~zewell fast neutron ~tbecomes uranlum-239, whlch
Bradwe" decays to form pluton~um-239Thls wlll also
' fiss~onand capture neutrons to form
I k 1~k
;Ok - lsotopes of add~t~onal
amerlclum or curlum
act~n~des such as

A coolant, usually water or gas, conducts heat

away from the fuel and then passes through
heat exchangers to make steam. The steam then
drives turb~negenerators to make electricity
The maln types of reactor designed In the U K
use graph~teas a moderator and pressurised
carbon dioxide gas as the coolant the early
types are called Magnoxreactors and the
later types Advanced Gas Cooled Reactors
(ACR). Most other countries use Pressurised
Water Reactors (PWR) where water acts both
as moderator and as coolant: the newest
reactor at Slzewell IS a PWR
The fuel is sealed in metal conta~ners,and
the core 1s contained In a pressure vessel.
Massive concrete sh~eld~ng helps to absorb
The fuel in a nuclear reactor is assembled in the Intense radiation em~ttedby the core
an array called the core which also contains dur~ngand after operation A building
the moderator, a material, generally water or further conta~nsthe reactors and usually the
graph~te,that slows or thermal~sesthe neutrons heat exchangers.
Control rod Control rod

Fuel '

Fresh fuel is only mildly radioactive and can to the environment, the sludges that
be handled without shielding. Once in the accumulate in the cooling ponds where spent
reactor, however, there is an enormous fuel is stored, and materials contaminated
increase of activity due mainly to the fission with plutonium. In the UK, high level waste
products in the fuel; this means that an refers only to the highly active liquid produced
accident at the reactor could release when spent fuel is reprocessed. In countries
significant activity. After removal from the not committed to reprocessing, spent fuel
reactor, the spent fuel remains hot and must itself is regarded as high level waste.
be cooled as well as shielded to reduce
The aims of waste management are to
melting and prevent human exposure.
process the wastes in such a way as to make
Waste management them suitable for storage and disposal and to
In Chapter 9 we descr~bedthe d~scharge dispose of them so that there are no unaccept-
of effluents from the nuclear fuel cycle, but able risks to present and future generations.
there are also other radioactwe wastes. Here disposal implies simply that there is no
Nuclear They fall ~ n t othree broad categor~esaccording intention to retrieve them rather than that it
power to actlv~tylow level, ~ntermed~ate level, and would be impossible to do so.
hlgh level
Low level wastes do not generally need
Waste Low level wastes conslst of items such as processing: they can be packaged, sometimes
management paper, cloth~ng,and laboratory equipment after compaction, and disposed of directly to
that have been used In areas where rad~oactlve an authorised burial site. Most waste in this
substances are handled, as well as contaml- category from the nuclear fuel cycle is
nated so11and bu~ld~ng materials lntermed~ate disposed of in shallow burial facilities at a site
level wastes Include Ion exchange materials near Sellafield in Cumbria.
that are used In the treatment of gaseous
and l ~ q u ~
d before they are d~scharged Most ~ntermed~ate level wastes do not occur
In a form su~tablefor d~rectd~sposal,they
have to be m~xedInto an Inert mater~alsuch as
concrete, b~tumenor resln In the past, some
& conrain varlous raaionu
of these wastes were dumped at sea, but
slnce that has been embargoed, all are stored
at the varlous nuclear s~tesaround the country
awaltlng dec~s~on on the method of d~sposal
Among the opt~ons1s a repository deep
underground in good geological condit~ons

l d As In other countries, all the hlgh level waste

b I
I c produced In the UK 1s stored In one form or
b 0 another L~quldwaste from reprocessing
i r
operations 1s kept In spec~alcooled tanks at
Sellafield Fac~llt~es
to sol~dlfy~tby lncorporatlon
I 4 In vltreous mater~alalso exlst at Sellafield
The glass blocks w ~ lbe
l stored for several

decades to allow them

to cool before eventual
disposal, probably

There has been no
complete decommissioning casing
of major nuclear facilltles so
far rn the UK, although V~trrf~ed
practical experience has -

been garned on the

prototype advanced gas
cooled reactor at Sellafield.
The closure of some
Magnox reactors and the
fact that others are
approaching the end of
useful life have, however,
focused attention on the problems
associated with the process.
Decommissronrng of the more radioactive
parts of a reactor will require strlct control of
operations to avoid excessive radiation doses
to workers, complicated techniques of remote
handllng wrll be essential Large volumes of
low and rntermedrate level radroact~vewaste
wrll anse, and a management strategy to
optlmrse the protect~onof workers and the
publ~cwill need to be devlsed

Disposal criteria
There has been considerable discussion of
the crrterla to be used In judging the
acceptabilrty of waste disposal methods both
from a radiological protect~onpoint of view
and from the wider social perspective.
The consensus would seem to be that people
In future generations should be protected to
the same degree as they would be at
present. However, it is drffrcult to translate
this requrrement into practical standards of
radiological protection: for example, activity

may only emerge from a deep repository here. The most ethical answer would be to
many thousands of years later, and we have assume that present conditions persist and
no idea what the habits or ways of life of our that harm to future generations is of equal
descendants will be so far into the future. importance as harm to this generation. This
response must of course be tempered by the
NRPB advice on radiological protection
uncertainties of making predictions of potential
criteria for the disposal of solid radioactive
effects centuries and millennia from now.
waste is intended to limit future risks to
acceptable levels. It recommends that the
risk of a serious health effect among the
most exposed groups of people from a single
disposal site should not exceed 1 in 100 000
annually. NRPB recognises the uncertainties
,if 0 in the risk calculations and furthermore that
calculations extending a million years or
more into the future are scientifically
power uncertain. For disposal to land of low and
intermediate level wastes, the regulatory
Disposal authorities have set a target for a single
criteria repository: the annual risk of death for the
people at greatest risk at any time should be
no more than 1 in 1000000.

A second requirement is to apply the

principle that all exposures should be as low
as reasonably achievable once economic and
social factors have been taken into account.
This means that the various options
for managing a particular type of waste -
including treatment, immobilisation,
packaging and dlsposal - should be compared
on the basis of the associated risks, costs,
and other less quantifiable but no less
important factors. Some of this comparison
will be within the scope of radiological
protection, but other influences could
determine the eventual decision.

The difficult questlon for soc~etyabout waste

dlsposal 1s what werght to give now to a
mathematical probab~l~ty of harmful effects
In the drstant future Thls problem 1s not
pecul~arto waste disposal nor to rad~olog~cal
protectron, although ~tIS part~cularlypolnted

11 Nuclear
An emergency may arise at a nuclear and extended in the unlikely event of a more
installation and lead to the accidental release severe accident. Nuclear
of radioactive material, its dispersion beyond emergencies
Should an accident occur at a reactor, for
the boundary of the site, and the need for
example, various radionuclides in gaseous,
urgent measures to protect the public.
volatile, or particulate form could be expelled
In some circumstances, the release may be
to the atmosphere. They would then be
brief, in others prolonged. Although such
borne away in a plume by the wind and be
accidents may be rare, it is prudent to be
dispersed and diluted. Some would fall to
prepared for them.
the ground, particularly if it were raining.
This chapter is mainly about emergency plans The concentration of radionuclides in the air
for nuclear accidents at major installations
such as reactor stations and the provisions in
the UK for protecting the public. The same
approach more or less applies to serious
accidents in any other circumstance, such as
transport or military operations, that could ateri
result in the release of radionuclides.

To ensure that there IS adequate protectron

agalnst acc~dents,the Health and Safety I
Execut~veas I~cens~ng authorrty requires a
detalled safety analys~sof major nuclear
~nstallationssuch as reactors Thrs analys~s
~dent~fiespotentral acc~dentsequences that
mrght lead to the release of radronucl~des
The sequence leadlng to the largest release
that can reasonably be foreseen 1s called a
reference accideni Emergency plans are
based on rt, but they could be strengthened
Dlspersron and depostbon from a r a d ~ o a c t ~ v e p l u ~ g

would decrease rapidly downwind from the Every nuclear site in the UK must by law
site as would the attendant hazard: even so, have an emergency plan and let the local
appreciable activity could be deposited on people know about it. The plan will involve
the ground at considerable distances. the operator's staff, the local authority, and
the emergency services. Government
Countermeasures departments and agencies and NRPB will
It may be necessary to take action to reduce also become involved: each will deploy its
the radiation dose to the people living radiological resources and expertise.
nearby. Various countermeasures could be
undertaken singly or in combination.
People may be adv~sedto stay ~ndoorsor
even leave home until the plume has blown Scottish Offic
over or the release has been stopped People
11 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Foo
could take non-radloactlve lodlne tablets to
Nuclear prevent radloactlve Iodine reachlng the
3nd the Regions
emergencies thyrold gland. It may also be necessary to
. . . . Winistty of Defer
. .
introduce temporary restrictions on the
distribut~onof milk and vegetables and other Nelsh Office
arrcmgements foods produced locally. Some easy Vorthern Ireland Offi~
countermeasures might be taken such as lepartment of Healt
hosing roads and paths or cutting and iealth and Safety Executive
removing grass from gardens so as to remove
surface activity.
Fnvironment Age., , ,

In the early stages of an accident, the

operator will advise the police on measures
to protect the public. Soon a coordinating
centre away from the site will be set up at
which all the participants, with a government
When the emergency has passed, it may be technical adviser, will agree actions to protect
necessary to introduce other the public: these will include environmental
countermeasures during a prolonged monitoring as well as appropriate
recovery period so as to protect the public countermeasures. Arrangements will be
from the residual activity. made to brief the news media.

Emergency arrangements The natlonal response to a nuclear emergency

There are elaborate and well-rehearsed plans will be coordinated by the Department of
for dealing wlth nuclear emergencles In the UK Trade and Industry In London or by the
and for those that m~ghtoccur overseas and Scott~shOff~ceIn Edinburgh for accidents In
affect the UK. Scotland Several government departments

and agencles will partic~pateIn the preparat~on Intervention standards

of briefings for mlnlsters and parl~ament Taklng countermeasures after acc~dentsIS
The Department of Trade and Industry IS also another example of the procedure that ICRP
respons~blefor notify~ngoverseas governments calls Interventlon We have seen In Chapter 5
and lnternatlonal organlsatlons that Interventlon must be justified and
optimlsed It IS only necessary to add that
The frequency and scale of exercises to test
countermeasures must be taken to avo~d
the emergency arrangements are determined
by the Health and Safety Executive. doses h~ghenough to cause obv~ousInjury In
anyone exposed - but especially chlldren
Accidents occurring overseas should in
general have less radiological significance NRPB has recommended Emergency Reference
than accidents in the UK simply because of
Levels (ERL) of dose for the introduction of
countermeasures to protect the public: these
the greater distances for the contaminants to
travel. However, the Chernobyl disaster showed are used to identify which actions would be
that there could be consequences far away most suitable in particular circumstances.
For each countermeasure, there is a lower and
and led to development of a response plan emergencies
under the aegls of the Department of the upper level of dose. Below the first, the
countermeasure is unlikely to be worthwhile,
Env~ronment,Transport and the Regions.
above the second, it would be worthwhile ~n MMhtbx;
This plan includes an international notification most (
scheme to which the UK subscribes and a
national detection scheme known as the
Radioactive Incident Monitoring Network.
RIMNET has an array of automatic instruments 15
around the
country to
in gamma One outcome of the Chernobyl accident was
dose rates. the introduction by the European Commission
This system of regulations on the radioactive contamination
would also of food; they apply in all member states.
be an
source of
after an
accident in

the UK.

station I

These European interventions levels are

rather stringent in terms of the dose that
might be averted by introducing them. NRPB
extended the approach to drinking water but
noted that a general relaxation of all the levels
by an order of magnitude could be justified.

Minor incidents
Discrete quantities of radioactive material
and radiation sources are widely used in
general industry, research organisations, and
hospitals and they are routinely transported
between locations, so incidents and m~shaps,
such as damage or loss, occasionally occur.
In the absence or failure of appropriate
- . plans, police forces are able to

activate the National Arrangements for

lnc~dentslnvolvlng Rad~oactlvltyCoord~nated
Minor by NRPB, NAlR draws on the sewlces of
/nodents experts at lnstltutlons around the country -
prlnc~pallylarge hospitals - to prov~de
assistance for radlolog~calprotection

12 Electromagnetic
fields and radiation
We are all exposed to electromagnetic fields Wavelength and frequency are inversely
from a variety of sources that use electrical related to each other, so the lower the Elmtrvtnagnetr'c
energy. These fields exist as electromagnetic frequency the longer the wavelength and vlce fields and 1
waves with a wide range of wavelengths and versa Th~schapter IS about electromagnet~c radiation I
frequencies. They occupy the region of the fields (EMF) with frequencies less than
electromagnetic spectrum that ends in virtually 300 CHz where the wavelength In alr IS 1 mm
static fields and is bordered by optical It ~ncludes,for example, the electrlclty malns
radiations. The reason we call them electro- frequency of 5 0 Hz wlth a wavelength of
magnetic fields rather than electromagnetic 6000 km When the strength of a field
radiations is because of our separate interest changes with tlme, as for alternat~ngcurrent
in the electric and magnetic components, supplles of electricity, ~tIS sald to be
particularly at extremely low frequencies. tlme varylng
fields and


Non-~on~s~ng rad~ation1s the term generally the distance from it Field strength decreases
applied to fields In this reglon of the electro- rapidly wlth dlstance In the case of direct~onal
magnetic spectrum and to rad~ationsin the sources such as mlcrowave dishes, strength
ne~ghbouringoptlcal region In contrast to also decreases rapidly out of the main beam
lonlsing radiation, exposure to artific~al Hlgh power broadcast systems and highly
electromagnetic fields from some parts of directional radar systems do not generally
the spectrum, such as power and give significant exposure to electromagnetlc
broadcasting frequencies, IS much greater fields except for maintenance workers or
than that from natural fields engineers Mill~onsof people, however, come
Common sources close to electrical appliances where the
associated electromagnet~cfields cause
The most common sources of exposure to
uneven and part~alexposure of the body
time-varying electromagnetic fields are
These fields may be characterlsed by electr~c
12 electrical power lines, electrical appliances at
field strength and magnet~cflux denslty
home and work, and various radio, television,
and radiotelephonetransmitters. There is a
fields and During recent decades, the use of electrical
common low level of exDosure to radio-
energy has Increased substant~allyto
radiation frequency radiation everywhere that rad~oor
supply power at mains frequency and for
telev~sionsignals are recelved The general
broadcasting and telecommunicat~onsAt the
Common publlc may also be exposed to low level
rad~ofrequenciesused in broadcasting, human
fields from mlcrowave communlcatrons links,
sources exposure will have increased In proport~on
radar systems, and common products such
with power, at telecommunicat~onsfrequencies,
as televisron and computer d~splays
the prol~feratlonof mob~letelephones will
Higher exposures can arlse momentarily
have Increased the exposure of those who
close to moblle telephones and other
use them The greater use of electrical
portable rad~oantennas
applrances In homes w~llhave Increased
The degree of exposure to these fields exposure to 50 Hz fields but to what degree
depends on the strength of the source and is not clear the magnetlc fields, for Instance,

depend in a complex way on domestic wiring mains frequency of 50 Hz, can induce
and earthing practice and on the currents electric charge on the surface of the body
flowing in cables and wires. and electric current within the body. Electric
fields from high voltage power lines, for
Immediate effects example, can make body hairs vibrate,
The interaction of electromagnetic fields with
although most people would not notice this
the human body and the harmful effects they
at field strengths below 12 kV m-' or so. In
may have depend on frequency.
some circumstances, moreover, people can
With static electric fields - that is, fields with experience annoying microshocks from
no time variation - we can sense the electric metal objects.
charge induced on the surface of the body
by the way it affects the hairs on the head. Volunteer experiments have shown that
For most people, this becomes annoying at exposure to intense, low frequency magnetic
electric field strengths above 25 kV m-' fields can induce electric currents throughout 12
(kilovolts per metre). In guidelines on human the human body which stimulate nerves. Electtvmagnetic
exposure to electromagnetic fields, NRPB Exposure to much less intense time-varying fields and
advises that this annoying sensation should fields can cause faint, flickering sensations -
be avoided. magnetic phosphenes - due to electrical
effects on the cells in the retina. NRPB
Static magnetic fields, it would seem, do not
guidance on exposure to electromagnetic
produce any detrimental effects on people
fields is intended to avoid such effects; it
exposed for short per~odsat magnetic flux
therefore recommends that no current
densities up to 2 T (tesla).Moreover, long-
density greater than 10 mA m-2(milliamperes
term exposure up to 200 mT (millitesla)should
per square metre) should be induced in
not have any adverse effects.
tissues of the central nervous system. This is
Electromagnetic fields at frequencies below about ten times the typical current density
100 kHz or so, which include the electric generated by normal nerve activity.

and magnetic
fields from
power lines

fiejds and
radiation At frequencies hlgher than 100kHz, the major radiofrequency burns and adverse effects
blologlcal effect IS heatlng Radlofrequency (RQ from heating either of localised tissues or of
Common burns are also posslble at frequencies below the whole human body. Prolonged rises in
the microwave reglon of the electromagnet~c body temperature of 1 C or more can cause
spectrum, that IS, below 300MHz they are effects such as heat exhaustion or reduced
caused by the flow of current to the body mental performance. They can be avoided,
through a small area of contact, such as a however, by restricting the whole-body SAR
flngertlp, from a badly earthed conducting in a radiofrequency or microwave field to
object In a radlofrequency field 0.4W kg-' (watts per kilogram). For
comparison, metabolic processes during rest
When the conditions of exposure are such
and normal muscular activity produce
that the dominant effect on the whole body is
about 1 to 10 W kg-'. In addition,
heating from induced radiofrequency currents,
restrictions on localised SAR can prevent
the increase in temperature is much more
adverse effects on temperature-sensitive
likely to occur in narrow parts of the body
tissues and organs such as the lens of the
such as the wrists or ankles. At microwave
eye and the developing embryo or fetus as
frequencies, heating results mainly from the
well as on the less sensitive tissues of the
alignment and relaxation of electrically
trunk and limbs.
polarised molecules - mostly water - in the
body. Body tissues with a high water content,
Between frequencies of 10 and 300GHz,
such as muscle, absorb power more readily
which have poor penetration into the body,
than tissue with a low water content: in
heating is largely confined to the surface of
technical terms, they have a greater specific .
the body. The restriction recommended by
energy absorption rate or SAR.
NRPB is expressed in terms of the power
The guidelines from NRPB on restricting density incident on the body, its value being
exposure are intended to prevent I00W m-2 (watts per square metre).

Mobiie What IS of more Interest IS the poss~b~llty of

harmful effects on thelr health later ln llfe from
and base
statlan the levels of exposure In ordlnaty circumstances
Delayed effects
The delayed effect that causes most concern
IS the posslblllty that electromagnet~c
m~ghtIncrease the r~skof contracting cancer
As a result, programmes of ep~dem~olog~cal
and brolog~calresearch have been pursued
by NRPB and other sclentlfic organlsat~ons
~nadvanced countries NRPB also has an
expert adv~sorygroup whlch monltors and
reports on developments
Most people can sense pulsed radlat~onof There has been a considerable number of Q&mmagnegi
sufflc~entlntenslty between 200 MHz and ep~demiolog~cal studres of exposure to fieids and
6 CHz as a buzzlng or cllcklng nolse rn the electromagnet~cfields and mal~gnantdrsease
head It IS thought to be caused by a small radiation
They rnclude power frequency, radrofrequency
but rapld Increase In temperature when the and microwave fields, exposure of chlldren
rad~ofrequencyenergy IS absorbed thls and adults In the home, exposure of adults
generates a sound wave that st~mulatesthe at work ~nthe electrlclty and electronrcs
cochlea Although there IS no ev~dencethat lndustr~esThere has also been a number of
thls effect IS harmful, lt can be annoylng extensive reviews by the NRPB advisory
~fprolonged NRPB advrses therefore that group, for example, and by the US National
cond~t~ons of exposure ~nwhrch ~tmlght Academy of Sciences among others,
occur should be avo~ded
Neither the studies nor the reviews have
All of the NRPB guldel~nevalues given above shown clearly that electromagnetrc fields
are bas~crestrlctlons applylng to grve rise to cancer In other words, causatron
occupational and publlc exposures wlthout has not been establrshed Some ep~demro-
dlstrnctron but not to medlcal procedures logical studres do, however, suggest a weak
They are supported by a set of rnvestlgatlon assoclatlon between exposure to power
levels expressed ~npract~cal,measurable frequency fields rn the home and ch~ldhood
quantltres, compliance wlth whrch ensures cancer, others po~ntto a posslble llnk between
that the bas~crestrrctlons are not exceeded exposure at work and bra~ncancer In adults
For t~me-varylngelectromagnetlc fields,
Such epidemiological studies face many
quantltatlve restr~ct~ons
are related to average
difficulties. First of all, they must be based on
(root mean square, rms) values
a substantial number of malignancies and
Although the Immediate effects of human then every effort has to be made to obtain a
exposure to electromagnetic fields are well good measure of actual exposures. It is also
understood and restr~ct~onsare ~nplace to important to eliminate the possibility that
avold them, few people are exposed to such other environmental factors may confound
a degree that they experience the effects. the outcome.

A good test of the significance of such studies affecting cellular changes in a manner not yet
is whether, singly or collectively, they establish understood. On balance there is no consistent
a proportionate relationship between exposure and persuasive evidence that electromagnetic
and effect - in this case exposure and cancer. fields influence any of the accepted stages of
In contrast to ionising radiations (Chapter 41, cancer development.
electromagnetic fields have so far failed to
It follows from the above that there IS no
pass this test.
basls on whlch to quantlfy the risk of cancer
from ordlnary exposure and so establrsh
standards of protectlon The subject IS so
Important, however, that ep~dem~olog~cal and
blologlcal research will need to be focused
on the Issue of causatlon Should a causal
relat~onshlpbe established, NRPB would not
hestate to offer adv~ceto government on
.Electmmagnnetic further protectlon of the whole community or
fields and any sectlon of lt from exposure to electro-
mdiation magnetic fields

Delayed effects
e+*+.&;;" ,,?'**rrrrs

There are other cnterla for causatlon, lnclucl~r~g

corroborative evidence, none IS presently
sat~sfiedIt IS dlfflcult to lmaglne how power
frequency electromagnet~cfields could have
any blologrcal effect the photon energies are
many orders of magn~tudebelow that at
whlch lonlsatlon occurs or chemlcal bonds
are disrupted What happens Instead IS that
energy IS absorbed by the movement of
electrlc charge through and around body
cells However, thls movement IS llkely to be
so mlnute as to be completely masked by
that whlch occurs naturally
Experimental studres wlth anlmals and cells
have falled to prove that electromagnetlc
flelds can damage DNA and In so dolng cause
mutations In genes or chromosomes that mlght
in~t~ate cancer They admlt of the posslbllity,
however - although the lnformatlon IS at
best equivocal - that electromagnetlc fields
mlght promote the cancer process by

13 Optical
Opt~calradiat~onlncludes the most fam~l~ar in defining ultraviolet subregions (UVA,UVB,
forms of rad~atronto which we are all UVC) and rnfrared subregions (IRA, IRB, IRC) Optical
exposed - ultraviolet lrght and radrant heat so as to describe biological effects. mdiation
It covers three adjacent reglons of the
electromagnet~cspectrum, from the Opt~calrad~at~on does not penetrate far into
ultraviolet with wavelengths from I00 to human t~ssue,so the eyes and skrn are the
400 nm, through the visrble from 400 to organs most at rrsk Harmful effects may be
770 nm, to the infrared wlth wavelengths subdlv~dedlnto two marn categories,
'-om 770 nm to l mm There IS also merrt photochemical and thermal Photochemical

.. " -

. ., .
Photokeratitrs . 1

Photochemical cataract oageing

Lens yellowing :ancers

Visible - Retinal
injury: :: - - r
_ - a
, .-.
I . -
_ _ -
- -
. . . = .
_ / - =

. . . I

IRA .Thermal catarac - , n r -

.n-k:nal injur
11-r Ir

effects are assocrated malnly wlth the ultraviolet Although the sun IS the main source of optlcal
and visible regions of the spectrum, thermal radiat~on,artlfic~alsources are also Important
effects wlth the Infrared and v~siblereglons They Include arcs, d~schargeand incandescent
dev~ces,and lasers They range from germic~dal
They may also be div~dedInto acute and chronic and horticultural lamps which emit radlatlon
categories Among the acute lnjurles to the In the ultrav~oletregion, to halogen cooker
eye are photokeratltls or snowbl~ndness(arc hobs and heaters In the Infrared reglon
eye) and among the chron~cInjuries cataract
format~onErythema or sunburn IS the most Ultraviolet radiation
common acute Injury to the skln and cancers There IS more concern about protecting people
the most serlous effect of chronlc exposure against ultrav~oletradlatlon [UVR) than any
other reglon of the optlcal spectrum because
Photochemical effects result from chemical of the stead~lylncreaslng Incidence of skrn
reactions In the body inltlated by the cancer NRPB has an extenslve monitoring
absorption of photons as, for Instance, In the and research programme on ultrav~olet
Oph'caI Important process of vision and the synthesis radlatlon and an expert advisory group on
radiation of v~tarnlnD Other examples include the hazards to human health
photokeratltls and erythema For each type
Although ultraviolet wavelengths range from
Llltraviolet of reaction, there IS a photon energy - the
100 to 400nm, solar ultraviolet radiation
radiation threshold - below which the effect will not
reaching the surface of the earth extends only
occur, thls translates into a threshold
from around 290 to 400nm because the
frequency or upper wavelength llmlt
ultraviolet radiation at shorter wavelengths is
With longer wavelengths, the photons absorbed by the atmosphere. In doing so, it
do not have enough energy to initiate the interacts with oxygen to produce ozone
photochemical reactions; thermal effects, mostly in a protective layer between altitudes
which lead to injury when the molecular of 15 and 30 km.
bonds of proteins and enzymes are disrupted,
become dominant in the infrared region.
How much disruption and damage occurs
depends on how large the temperature rise
is and how long it lasts.

Sunburn In some people IS followed by an

Increased production of melanln and
Increased plgmentatlon A suntan offers only
mlnlmal protection agalnst further exposure
to ultrav~oletradlat~onand IS not an lndlcatlon

of good health. Apart from circumstances in people, although the incidence is less than
which a sunburn is severe, erythema is not that for non-melanoma types. The risk of
itself a serious injury. Each exposure, no matter developing malignant melanoma has increased
how slight, increases the risk of a serious markedly in white people: the annual incidence
effect - skin cancer. in the UK is about 10 new cases per 100000
of the population, a doubling of the rate in
There is clear evidence that ultraviolet less than two decades. The disease is relatively
radiation, and in particular UVB, can cause significant for young people: it constitutes
skin cancers of the non-melanoma type. 1 in 12 cancers and 1 in 25 cancer deaths
For most people, the sun is the main source of for those aged 2 0 to 39 years.
exposure and of risk, but there is also some
risk to those who are intermittently exposed Flgures are h~gherfor people w ~ t hlarge
to artificial sources at work. So the hazards numbers of naevi or moles and those wlth
associated with exposure to solar radiation several unusual moles, for those wlth fa~rsk~n,
provide a measure against which to judge the red or blond hair, and for those wlth a
tendency to freckle, to sunburn and not to
hazards of artificial sources such as sunbeds
tan Both acute sunburn and regular tudiation
or ultraviolet lamps in the workplace.
exposure at work or at lelsure probably
Non-melanoma skin cancers are mainly of contribute to the r ~ s kof malignant melanoma
the kinds known as basal cell carcinomas and It also seems that excessive exposure to the
squamous cell carcinomas. They are fairly sun durrng the first 2 0 years of l ~ f eincreases
common in white people but rarely fatal. the r ~ s klater on, although the preclse nature
The overall incidence is difficult to assess: of thls relatlonsh~pIS uncertain
reported cases account for over 5% of
As with all malignant disease, early diagnosis
registered malignancies in the UK and under
and treatment of malignant melanoma
0.5% of cancer deaths, but rates are
is important for patients. Since protection is
increasing every year.
better than cure, NRPB has made
These cancers occur most frequently on parts recommendations to minimise the effects of
of the body exposed to the sun, such as the ultraviolet radiation on human health.
ears, face, head and hands, and become more
common wlth lncreaslng age Epldem~olog~cal
stud~eslnd~catethat the risk of both cancers 1-
phkne m 1
RP $4pec1all~
in childhood
can be related to cumulative ultrav~olet p$t@qs&firhersun from 11 to 3 o'cl
rad~ationexposure, although the evldence IS
stronger for squamous cell carcinomas UVB . . - . protective clothes and a hat
has been recognlsed for some time as belng 1 1
- a * or
-- . sunscreens
carclnogenlc In laboratory anlmals, there IS
Long-term exposure to the sun causes
Increasing ev~dencethat UVA, whlch penetrates
photoageing of the skin, characterised by a
more deeply into the skln, also contributes to
leathery wrinkled appearance and loss of
the lnduct~onof cancer
elasticity. Extensive biological studies have
Malignant melanoma is the main cause of provided evidence that ultraviolet radiation
death from skin cancer, particularly in young has a role in causing these effects.

Some degree of exposure to ultrav~olet

radiation is beneficial in that it brings about
the synthes~sof vitamin D in the skin, which
st~mulatesthe absorption of calcium from
the gut to bones, Although this may be
important for some peaple on a restricted
diet, for most people the harmful effects on
the skin are far more significant
Brief overexposure of the eyes to ultraviolet
radiation can cause photokeratitis and
photoconjunct~vitis- inflammation of the
cornea and conjunct~va,respectively.
There have been few appropriate studies with
Repeated exposure IS considered to be a
animals, but acute exposures to UVB at levels
major cause of non-malignant changes such
above the threshold for photokeratitis have
as pterygium - an overgrowth of the
induced opacities at the front of the lens.
conjunctiva on to the cornea.
NRPB monitors the levels of solar radiation
Epidemtologicaldata on the formation of
throughout Great Britain. It has a network of
cataracts in highly exposed people suggest
six sites, one at every two degrees of latitude
that cumulative exposure to ultraviolet
from the south of England to the north of
radiat~onis an important factor in the
Scotland. Continuous measurements are made
development of cataracts.
of visible radiation, UVA, and erythemally
the degree to which
0 weighted ultraviolet radiation. The accumulating
exposure is a significant Lerw~ck
data are useful for examining the effects of
risk factor for
ultraviolet radiation on public health and the
influence of climatic and other factors on
exposures at ground level.
is however
unclear. Other optical radiations
In this section, we shall refer to visible radiation
and infrared radiation but dwell on lasers.

Human beings are adapted to the v~s~ble

rad~ationfrom the sun Eyes are normally
protected from acute Injury by bright l~ght
through ~nvoluntaryresponses such as bl~nk~ng
or avert~ngone's gaze. These actlons protect
the retlna from vis~ble- and UVA - radiat~on
that would otherw~sebe focused on ~ t .
Blue l~ghtIS, however, the major hazard for
WE' the retlna and IS responsible for photochem~cal
m$~pibiir~M injury. As the sun sets and reddens, the rays
sits in become less hazardous

Sunlight probably causes more optical injuries Lasers emit optical radrat~onat one or a few
than artificial sources of optical radiation. discrete wavelengths throughout most of
However, some modern sources can have the optical spectrum from 100 nm to 1 rnm
significant potential for injury, possibly within They are identified by the active med~um-
the reflex time for aversion. With some gas, liqu~dor solid - wrth solld lasers being
sources such as lasers, it is important to have d~videdInto materials such as crystals and
precautions that do not rely upon the sem~conductorsLasers are wrdely used in
aversion response. commerce, ~ndustry,medlc~ne,and In the home

Research shows that the retina can degenerate A laser differs from other sources of optical
when subjected to abnormally high levels radiation in that the beam is usually intense
of ambient illumination, particularly if the and well collimated. The degree of harm that
illumination is constant. It may well be that the beam causes is related to the irradiance,
continual exposure to light plays a part in that is, the power per unit area. For other
retinal ageing, a view confirmed by the sources, this quantity decreases steeply with
similarities between changes in the retina from distance, but not necessarily with a laser
ageing and those caused by exposure to source. A laser beam in the visible or IRA .. .
intense illumination. region falling on the surface of the eye will be
Anterior parts of the eye, and specifically the focused nearly to a point; the result is that
lens, may be damaged by IRA radiation. the irradiance at the surface will be increased
Infrared radiation can also produce cataracts by a factor of 100 000 or so at the retina.
by thermal processes and burn the cornea.
The smallest value of irradiance likely to
Experience indicates, however, that such injuries
cause harm is 25 W m-' in the visible region
can be prevented by protective eyewear.
for an aversion response of 0.25 s; it
The main hazard to the skin from intense corresponds to a power of 1 mW into a pupil
sources of visible and infrared radiations, such of 7 mm diameter for the same period. In the
as lasers, is thermal burning. These devices visible region, with a helium-neon or ruby
deserve special mention. laser for example, the potential harm is a

100 watt bulb


bas Al~gnment,barcoc- -. . a,

1152.6 prlntlng, measuremer

Carbon dloxlde 1 0 600 utting, weldrng, surg

A ,-rm ntertalnment, Surge!

rinting, measuremer

. .
Liquld Dye lasers


Sem~conductor Varlous 60C -. C

* . C . C . * ) ,

tnermal lesion or ~ n t reur

: la With a carbol L
dioxide laser, which emits in the infrared
region, lesions tend to occur in the cornea

International and national standards of

safety for lasers exist: they include values of
maximum permissible exposure, at various
wavelengths, that are likely to cause harm to
the eye. Values are also set for the skin itself
where the harm can range from a mild
erythema to severe burning of the skin and
supporting tissues.

A classification scheme has been devised

for laser products to indicate the degree of
hazard for the user. It ranges from class 1
products with enclosed beams, as in printers
or compact disc players, to class 4 products
with open h~gh-powerbeams, as in eng~neering
or entertainment. For lasers, the watchword
is precaution: damage can be done in the
bllnk of an eye.

Appendix A
Appendk A
Absorbed dose Quantity of energy imparted Brachytherapy Term applied to the use of
by ionising radiation to unit mass of matter such radiation sources in or on the body for treating Glossary
as tissue. Unit gray, symbol Gy. 1 Cy = 1 joule per certain types of cancer.
kilogram. Chromosomes Rod-shaped bodies found in
Actinides A group of 1 5 elements with atomic the nucleus of cells in the body. They contain the
number from that of actinium (89) to lawrencium genes, or hereditary constituents. Human beings
( 1 03) inclusive. All are radioactive. Group includes possess 23 pairs.
uranium, plutonium, americium, and curium. Collective dose Frequently used for collective
Activity Attribute of an amount of a effective dose.
radionuclide. Describes the rate at which transform- Collective effective dose The quantity
ations occur in it. Unit becquerel, symbol Bq. obtained by multiplying the average effective
1 Bq = 1 transformation per second. dose by the number of people exposed to a
Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor A develop- given source of ionising radiation. Unit man sievert,
ment of the Magnox reactor, using enriched symbol manSv. Frequently abbreviated to
uranium oxide fuel in stainless steel cladding. collective dose.
AGR Advanced gas cooled reactor. Consumer products Personal and household
Alpha particle A particle consisting of goods such as timepieces, smoke alarms, and gas
two protons plus two neutrons. Emitted by a mantles that contain radioactive material for
radionuclide. functional reasons.
Atom The smallest portion of an element that Cosmic rays High energy ionising radiations
can combine chemically with other atoms. from outer space. Complex composition at the
Atomic bomb See nuclear weapon. surface of the earth.
Atomic mass The mass of an isotope of an Current density The electric current or flow
element expressed in atomic mass units, which are of electric charge through a conducting medium,
defined as one-twelfth of the mass of an atom of such as tissue, per unit cross-sectional area. Unit
carbon-1 2. ampere per square metre, symbol A m-2.
Atomic number The number of protons in Decay The process of spontaneous
the nucleus of an atom. Symbol Z. transformation of a radionuclide. The decrease in
Becquerel See activity. the activity of a radioactive substance.
Beta particle An electron emitted by the Decay product A nuclide or radionuclide
nucleus of a radionuclide. The electric charge may produced by decay. It may be formed directly
be positive, in which case the beta particle is from a radionuclide or as a result of a series of
called a positron. successive decays through several radionuclides.

Decommissioning The process of closing Electron An elementary particle with low

down a nuclear reactor, removing the spent mass, '1, 856 that of a proton, and unit negative
fuel, dismantling some of the other electric charge. Positively charged electrons, called
components, and preparing them for disposal. positrons, also exist. See also beta particle.
Term may also be applied to other major Electron volt Unit of energy employed in
nuclear facilities. radiation physics. Equal to the energy gained
Diagnostic radiology Term usually applied by an electron in passing through a potential
to the use of X-rays in medicine for identifying difference of 1 volt. Symbol eV.
disease or injury in patients. 1 eV = 1 . 6 lo-"
~ joule approximately.
Disposal In relation to radioactive waste, Element A substance with atoms all of the
dispersal or emplacement in any medium without same atomic number.
the intention of retrieval. Emergency reference level One of a dual
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid. The compound set of doses likely to be averted by the
that controls the structure and function of cells introduction of countermeasures to protect the
and is the material of inheritance. public from ionising radiation after a nuclear or
Appendix A
Dose General term for auantitv of ionisina ./ other serious accident.
Glossary radiation. See absorbed dose, equivalent dose, EMF Electromagnetic field. Not to be
effective dose and collective effective dose. confused with the initials for electromotive force.
Frequently used for effective dose. Enriched uranium Uranium in which the
Effective dose The quantity obtained by content of the isotope uranium-235 has been
multiplying the equivalent dose to various increased above its natural value of 0.7% by weight.
tissues and organs by a weighting factor Equivalent dose The quantity obtained by
appropriate to each and summing the products. multiplying the absorbed dose by a factor to allow
Unit sievert, symbol Sv. Tissue weighting factors for the different effectiveness of the various ionising
are tabulated in Chapter 2. Frequently radiations in causing harm to tissue. Unit sievert,
abbreviated to dose. symbol Sv. Radiation weighting factors are given in
Electrical interaction A force of repulsion Chapter 2.
acting between electric charges of like sign and a ERL See emergency reference level of dose.
force of attraction acting between electric charges Erythema Reddening of the skin caused by
of unlike sign. dilation of blood vessels.
Electric field strength A measure of the Excitation A process by which radiation
intensity of an electric field, Unit volt per metre, imparts energy to an atom or molecule without
symbol V m-'. causing ionisation. Dissipated as heat in tissue.
Electromagnetic field The region in which Fallout The transfer of radionuclides
electramagneticradiation from a source exerts an produced by nuclear weapons from the
influence on another object with or without there atmosphere to earth; the material transferred.
being contact between them. Fast neutrons Conventionally, neutrons with
Electromagnetic radiation Radiation that energies in excess of 0.1 MeV. Corresponding
can be considered as a wave of electric and velocity of about 4 x 1 O6 m S-I.
magnetic energy travelling through a vacuum or a Fast reactors See nuclear reactor.
material. Examples are gamma rays, X-rays, Fission Nuclear fission. A process in which a
ultraviolet radiation, light, infrared radiation and nucleus splits into two or more nuclei and energy
radiofrequency radiation. is released. Frequently refers to the splitting of a
Electromagnetic spectrum All electromagnetic nucleus of uranium-235 into two approximately
radiations displayed as a continuum in order of equal parts by a thermal neutron with emission of
increasing frequency or decreasing wavelength. other neutrons.
Electromagnetic wave See electromagnetic Fission products Nuclides or radionuclides
radiation. produced as a result of fission.
. - -

Free radical A grouping of atoms that Light Electromagnetic radiation capable

normally exists in combination with other atoms of producing the sensation of vision and found
but can sometimes exist independently. Generally between ultraviolet and infrared radiations in the
very reactive in a chemical sense. electromagnetic spectrum.
Frequency The number of complete cycles of Magnetic flux density A measure of the
an electromagnetic wave in a second. Unit hertz, magnetic effect induced in a medium by an external
symbol Hz. 1 Hz = 1 cycle per second. field. Unit tesla, symbol T.
Fusion Thermonuclear fusion. A process in Magnox reactor A thermal reactor named
which,two or more light nucleiare formed into a after the magnesium alloy in which the uranium
heavier nucleus and energy is released. metal fuel is contained. The moderator is graphite
Gamma ray A discrete quantity of and the coolant is carbon dioxide gas.
electromagnetic energy without mass or charge. Man sievert See collective effective dose.
Emitted by a radionuclide. Cf X-ray. Mass number The number of protons plus
Geiger-Muller tube A glass or metal neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. Symbol A.
envelope containing a gas at low pressure and two Maximum permissible exposure The
electrodes. lonising radiation causes discharges, irradiance likely to cause detectable damage to Appendix A
which are registered as electric pulses in a counter. the human eye or skin from exposure to optical clossary
The number of pulses is related to dose. radiation. Unit watt per square metre, symbol W m-2. .. .
Genes The biological units of heredity. They Moderator A material used in nuclear
are arranged along the length of chromosomes. reactors to reduce the energy and speed of the
Gray See absorbed dose. neutrons produced as a result of fission.
Half-life The time taken for the activity of Molecule The smallest portion of a
a radionuclide to lose half its value by decay. substance that can exist by itself and retain the
Symbol t'12. properties of the substance.
Infrared radiation Electromagnetic radiation Mutation A chemical change in the DNA in
capable of producing the sensation of heat and the nucleus of a cell. Mutations in sperm or egg
found between light and radiofrequency radiations cells or their precursors may lead to inherited
in the electromagneticspectrum. Has subregions effects in children. Mutations in body cells may
IRA, IRB and IRC. lead to effects in the individual.
Ion Electrically charged atom or grouping Neutron An elementary particle with unit
of atoms. atomic mass approximately and no electric charge.
Ionisation The process by which a neutral Non-ionising radiation Radiation that does
atom or molecule acquires or loses an electric not produce ionisation in matter. Examples are
charge. The production of ions. ultraviolet radiation, light, infrared radiation and
lonising radiation Radiation that radiofrequency radiation. When these radiations
produces ionisation in matter. Examples are pass through the tissues of the body they do not
alphaparticles, gamma rays, X-rays and neutrons. have sufficient energy to damage DNA directly.
When these radiations pass through the tissues Nuclear fuel cycle The stages in which the
of the body, they have sufficient energy to fuel for nuclear reactors is first prepared, then
damage DNA. used, and later reprocessed for possible use again.
lrradiance The power per unit area of optical Waste management is also considered part of
radiation. Unit watt per square metre, symbol W m 2 . the cycle.
Isotope Nuclides with the same number of Nuclear medicine Term usually applied to
protons but different numbers of neutrons. Not a the use of radionuclides for diagnosing or treating
synonym for nuclide. disease in patients.
Laser Device which amplifies light and usually Nuclear power Power obtained from the
produces an extremely narrow intense beam of a operation of a nuclearreactor. Refers in the text
single wavelength. to electric power.

Nuclear power industry The industry Radiation The process of emitting energy
associated with the production of nuclear power. as waves or particles. The energy thus radiated.
In the United Kingdom, the preparation of fuel Frequently used for ionising radiation in the text
for nuclear reactors, the operation of reactors, the except when it is necessary to avoid confusion
subsequent reprocessing of the fuel, and the with non-ionising radiation.
disposal of radioactive wastes. Radioactive Possessing the property of
Nuclear reactor A device in which nuclear radioactivity.
fission can be sustained in a self-supporting chain Radioactive waste Useless material
reaction involving neutrons. In thermal reactors, containing radionuclides. Frequently categorised
fission is brought about by thermal neutrons. in the nuclear power industry according to activity
Nuclear weapon Explosive device and other criteria given in Chapter 10, as low level,
deriving its power from fission or fusion of nuclei intermediate level, and high level waste.
or from both. Radioactivity The property of radionuclides
Nucleus The core of an atom, occupying little of spontaneously emitting ionising radiation.
of the volume, contalnlng most of the mass, and Radiobiology The study of the effects of
Appendix A
bear~ngposltlve electrlc charge ionising radiation on living things.
(%s~~y Nucleus of a cell The controll~ngcentre Radiofrequency radiation Electromagnetic
.. .. . . of the basic unit of tissue. Contains the important radiation used for telecommunications and found
material DNA. in the electromagneticspectrum at longer
Nuclide A species of atom characterised by wavelengths than infrared radiation.
the number of protons and neutrons and, in some RF See radiofrequency radiation.
cases, by the energy state of the nucleus. Radiological protection The science and
Optical radiation Electromagnetic radiation practice of limiting the harm to human beings
comprising ultraviolet visible and infrared radiations. from radiation.
Order of magnitude Quantity given to the Radionuclide An unstable nuclide that emits
nearest power of ten. A factor of ten or so. ionising radiation.
Ozone A form of oxygen gas which occurs Radiotherapy Term applied to the use
naturally in very small quantities in air. Most of of radiation beams for treating disease, usually
the ozone is in the stratosphere where it forms the cancers, in patients.
ozone layer. Reference accident One of a range of
Photographic film Film with emulsion accidents at a nuclear reactor or other nuclear
sensitive to ionising radiation. The degree of installation that can reasonably be foreseen in
blackening is related to dose. safety analysis as giving rise to the most significant
Photon A quantum of electromagnetic release of radionuclides from the site.
radiation. Risk The probability of injury, harm or damage.
Positron See beta particle. Risk factor The probability of cancer and
Power density The power per unit cross leukaemia or hereditary damage per unit equivalent
sectional area in an electromagnetic field. Unit dose. Usually refers to fatal malignant diseases and
watt per square metre, symbol Wm-2. serious hereditary damage. Unit S v ' .
Pressurised water reactor A thermal Scintillation counter A device containing
reactor using water as both a moderator and material that emits light flashes when exposed
coolant. Uses enriched uranium oxide fuel. to ionising radiation. The flashes are converted to
Probability The mathematical chance that a electric pulses and counted. The number of pulses
given event will occur. is related to dose.
Proton An elementary particle with unit Sievert See effective dose.
atomic mass approximately and unit positive Silicon diode A device made of a silicon
electric charge. compound in which current flows when exposed
PWR Pressurised water reactor. to ionising radiation. The current is converted to

electrical pulses and counted. The number of

pulses is related to dose.
Specific energy absorption rate The rate at
which energy is absorbed by unit mass of tissue in
an electromagnetic field. Unit watt per kilogram,
symbol W k g ' .
SAR See specific energy absorption rate.
Thermal neutrons Neutrons that have been
slowed to the degree that they have the same
average thermal energy as the atoms or molecules
through which they are passing. The average energy
of neutrons at ordinary temperatures is about
0.025eV, correspondingto an average velocity of
2.2 x 103ms-'.
Thermal reactor See nuclear reactor.
Thermoluminescent material Material which,
having been irradiated, releases light in proportion
to the ionising radiation absorbed when it is
subsequently heated.
Ultraviolet radiation Electromagnetic
radiation found between X-rays and light in the
electromagneticspectrum. Has subregions UVA,
UVR See ultraviolet radiation.
Visible radiation See light.
Waste management The control of
radioactive waste from creation to disposal.
Wavelength The distance between successive
crests of an electromagnetic wave passing through
a given material. Unit metre, symbol m.
X-ray A discrete quantity of electromagnetic
energy without mass or charge. Emitted by an
X-ray machine. Cf gamma ray.

Appendix B
Symbols and units
Appendix B
Scientific notation
Symbols It IS often more convenient to express the
and units numbers encountered In rad~olog~cal
protectlon ~nscrent~hcrather than decrmal
notatlon because of thelr magn~tude
Thls lnvolves the use of slgnlficant figures
wlthn desred l~mltsand mult~plicat~onby the 1%
appropriate power of ten Examples follow

I ..*

Symbols are used extensively In radiological
protectlon. The elements are usually
represented by symbols, for example, C for
carbon, Ba for barlum, and Pb for lead
It is usual to indicate the mass number and
Prefixes atomic number of a particular nuclide by a
Some powers of ten have Special names and superscript and subscriptthus:
symbols. These may be prefixed to units of carbon-1 4 by '2C,
measurement: thus kilogram, symbol kg, barium-I 4 0 by I458Ba,
for 1 O3 gram; millimetre, symbol mm, for lead-210 by 2d,20Pb.
1 O-' metre. A table of prefixes follows. The atomic number is frequently omitted.

A table of common symbols follows.

When the symbol for a unit is shown with a
superscript of - 1 on its right, it signifies that
the quantity is being used in a fractional
context or to represent rate. Thus Sv h-'
means sievert per hour.
~f common symbols in radiological protectio~

Appendix B
and units

Quantities and units for

ionising radiation
Some time ago, the un~tsfor the main
ionislng rad~at~on quantities were changed to
those used In this text Readers may come
across old units: this table shows how to
convert them to the new units.

Qumtltiesand units for

nan-ionking radiation

Jmen se
*adla -
- . ,n (In
.Radtant lr
Radrant expos. -
Spectral irrad~anc~ +' Nm
ndela (cd).
:t 2 2 ' .v s r -
1 Appendix B
and units
Spectral rad~ance
*The steradlan isrhs-thk u f i ~ t osolid
(lo9 * * a

ar F:
* 5:"

Magnetic field strer a1 re per metre (A m-l)

YX density
4n 1 ~nno gnetlc med~a,

"qP*erel;eper 4q
- _. .-. .
8 -

. I t

tt per kllbgt-am (W lq

Appendix C
NRPB publications
Appendix C
Apart from this book, NRPB publishes a wide NRPB has a site on the Internet at
range of material on radiological protection http://www.nrpb.org.uk,which includes
for a professional and public readership. details of current publications. Publications

Documents of the NRPB, the prime

publications, contain formal advice and
findings on important issues with appropriate
supplementary material. Some are as
substantial as textbooks with definitive
treatment of radiological topics.

NRPB publishes the results of research in

scientific journals. Some scientific material
may also appear in the NRPB Report series
and technical matter in the NRPB
Memorandum series. Voluminous scientific
data are made available in NRPB Software;
personal computer codes are also produced.
News and reviews, articles and reports
appear in the Radiological Protection Bulletin
which is widely read by professionals.

At the popular end of the range of NRPB

publications are the At-a-Clcmce leaflets on
radiation topics for members of the public
generally and science pupils particularly; they
unfold to poster size. Similar publications are
prepared for industrial and other employees
in the Radiation-at-Work series. A video on
radon in the home has also been produced.
UK comparative scale of doses and limits (in mSv) and effects

300 Early death

300 50% survival

300 Threshold for early death


Threshold for nausea
Threshold for reduct~onof white blood cells

20 Worker dose llmlt

Actlon level for radon In homes

8 Average annual dose from all sources In Cornwall

2 Average annual dose from natural radlatlon

Average annual dose from radon In the home

Prlnc~palpubllc dose llmlt
0.4 Average annual dose from medrcal radlatlon
0.3 Maxlmum annual dose allowed for slngle slte

10 Hlghest annual dose from Sellafield discharges

@J0.02 Slngle chest X-ray dose
Average dose from fllght to Spaln

0.004 Average annual dose from weapons fallout

10.0011 Average annual dose from Chernobyl

0.0002 Average annual dose from nuclear power

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