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"Very Hungry Caterpillar" Storytelling

I read for students the story which is "Very Hungry Caterpillar". As it is

the first lesson, I think is good start. I think I need to work on my

management strategies because while I am reading some students were

talking. I think I need to change my voice to attract their attention and use

the reward system effectively. I think students like the activity of sequence

the food that the caterpillar ate them. They learn some names of these

foods. Also, my time management was great and the transitions between

the carpet and the tables was smoothly. Students were engaging and they

were able to imitate the caterpillar when she was eating. I think I

successfully change my voice and asked questions about pictures in the

story. I think while reading the story teacher most focus on asking

questions to support children learning and knowledge. However, overall

I think it was good start as the first lesson for me.

Letter /a/ lesson

The lesson was about the letter 'a'. I think I did a good beginning for my

lesson. I start the lesson by asking my students that in the last week we

took the letters and this week will take new letter. I asked them 'what do

you think the letter will be?'. I shocked that some of them know. I made

the sound of the letter. Then, I asked them to say the sound in different

directions. I said "say a to me, say a to the floor, say a up, say a
down, say a to teacher Kashia and say a to your friends". I think this

strategy will help them to recognize the letter by repeating several times.

Also, I think that I taught the action of the letter well. All students were

participating and involving to perform the song and the action of ' ants on

an apple a a a'. They were also existed to listen the ants story. However,

in general my classroom management and learning outcomes achieved

successfully. For the next time, I want to focuses on writing of the letter.

Because of there wasn't big white board in the classroom, I faced a

difficulty to let children participating to write the letter. In my opinion, I

think that my activities was done successfully, all students were

understanding the letter. Overall, my lesson was achieved successful and

students learn something even if I some weakness that need to improve.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? Story.

I read a Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? Story. Before reading

I focused on the cover page and asked children about the title and the

pictures in the cover page. I think students like when I change my voice for

each animal. I think they understand the names and the colors by repeating

asking about them. I think my management was very good and still they

need to be control while I am reading. The activities were useful, but for

the next time I need to improve my activities to focus on the colors also not

just the names of the animals when I engage them to sequence the animals
in the story. The other activity, I think it was done successfully and it is

useful because it focus on making sentence with matching to the pictures.

Overall, I think the lesson was great and successful.

Revision of letter /a/ lesson

I reviewed the letter /a/ sound for the students. I used to show the flashcards

to assess their learning and if they can recognize the letter sound /a/. I took

the small group that they went with the Arabic teacher for the last lesson

when I introduce the sound. I think my management developed and

improved, because I used the reward system effectively and I make my

instructions clear. For the next, time I need to manage the time because I

think students finish the activities earlier. I used the plan B which is let

them play in the learning centers with monitoring and supporting them.

Letter /t/ lesson

I taught my students about the letter /t/. The lesson was great but I need to

be more prepare for the lesson. Because of, I took time for opening the

smart board. So, for the next time I have to make sure that all things

working well before starting the lesson. I think that the classroom

management was done well, all students were participating. For the 10

minutes for teaching concepts, I think I used the time will to achieve the

learning outcomes. All students were understanding the action of the letter

and they try to writing it on the white board. Moreover, I applied the reward
system to reinforce students. I think it is an important to reinforce students

good behavior to raise their self-steam. During the group activities, I did

memory game. I gave my students clear instructions, so they did the

activity well. I think this activity is covering learning and reviewing letter

because students will be able to say the previous letters that they already

learned like /s/ and /a/. Also, I tried in this lesson to let my small groups

with different abilities to make sure that they all understand the lesson.

Moreover, through the small groups, I gave each child a small board to

practice writing the letter that will make them identify the written letter in

the ABC Road Trip. When I finished the activity, I tried to assess students

learning by asking them questions using the flashcards in the circle time.

Overall, I think the lesson was managed well and I achieved all my learning


"Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What you hear?" Storytelling

I read for students this story. I think the lesson was great and done

successfully. I think I on my management strategies were great. I think I

need to change my voice to attract their attention. I think students like the

activity of sequence the animals that the polar bear saw them. They learn

some names of some of the animals, I think they faced a difficulty to

identify their names and pronouns them. Also, my time management was

great and the transitions between the carpet and the tables was smoothly.
Students were engaging and they were able to imitate the sound of animals.

I think I successfully change my voice level and asked questions about

pictures in the story. I think while reading the story teacher most focus on

asking questions to support children learning and knowledge. However,

overall I think it was great lesson.

Letter /p/ lesson

I taught my students about the letter /p/. I think the lesson done well

because my students were understanding and participation. Students were

enjoyed the songs during the lesson. For the next time, I need to focus on

my questions forms. Also, during the lesson the management was great and

successful. I think that I have simple and clear intersection whether during

the lesson of the activities. In my opinion, I think that I used lots of positive

feedback to the children. That make students enthusiastic and engaged in

the classroom. Moreover, I tried to achieve all my learning outcomes

during the lesson. Also, it interesting to notice that I used the ball during

the circle time to manage the classroom, I think this strategy is effective to

manage students, so I will keep use it in the future. Overall, I think the

lesson was good even if I have some things to focus in the next time.

Revision of the Letter /p/ lesson

For this lesson, I could not teach it for my students because my MST were

taking to cover other class from Monday to Wednesday because one

teacher were absent. My MST planned to teach them the lesson on

Thursday as I am at college this day.

Letter /i/

I taught my students about the letter /i/. I think that the classroom

management was done well, all students were participating. For the 10

minutes for teaching concepts, I think I used the time will to achieve the

learning outcomes. All students were understanding the action of the letter

and they try to writing it on the air. I gave my students clear instructions,

so they did the activity well Also, I tried in this lesson to let my small

groups with different abilities to make sure that they all understand the

lesson. Moreover, through the small groups, I gave each child a small

board to practice writing the letter that will make them identify the written

letter. For the next time, I would like to do the igloo activity. Students were

able to do it by themselves and at end of the activity they were able to

recognize the word igloo and it has the sound /i/. When I finished the

activity, I tried to assess students learning by asking them questions using

the flashcards in the circle time. Overall, I think the lesson was managed

well and I achieved all my learning outcomes.

Parts of a plant lesson

I taught my students a lesson about the parts of a plant. I think the lesson

was done successfully. The classroom was management. I used the "class
class" strategies and keep reminding them about the rules. Also, the clear

instructions were help me to have smooth transition. The activities were

useful and it helps students at the end of the lesson to be able to recognize

the parts of a plant. I think when I let children choose the activity that they

want to do it. They were enjoying and much busy to do the activity as they

doing something they like. However, I think doing "the actions in their

body to present each part of the plant". For the next time, I want to do the

activities again because it support independent learning and they are

recycling materials to make the plant. I think it useful to teach children to

save environment and make it clean. Overall, I think the lesson was

managed well and I achieved all my learning outcomes.

Letter /n/ Lesson

On Sunday, October 29th, 2017, I taught my students a lesson about the

letter /n/. The lesson in general was great and successful lesson. I think I

success in making the circle time 5 minutes of my teaching. I planned to

achieve one learning outcome which is recognize the letter sound /n/ with

it action and the words that start with. I think that help me to manage the

time well and the classroom management was great. Moreover, in this

lesson I let students have a chance to choose the activity that they want to

do. In my perspective view, students must be free to choose their learning

how it will be. I think students during my lesson they were exciting and
learning in environment that it is useful to learn. For the next time, I think

I will not use the clip cards activity, I observed that the students had a

difficulty to recognize which picture is presenting the letter sound. Overall,

I think that I did great job, students were interacting and engaging in my

lesson which is one of my goals to achieve this semester.

Revision for the Letter /n/ Lesson

On Tuesday, October 31st, 2017, I reviewed for my students the letter /n/.

The lesson in general was great and successful lesson. I think I were

success in making the circle time just 5 minutes of my teaching. I planned

to achieve one learning outcome which is recognize the letter sound /n/

with it action and the words that start with. I think that help me to manage

the time well and the classroom management was great. I did not use the

clip cards activity, as I observed from the previous lesson that the students

had a difficulty to recognize which picture is presenting the letter sound.

Instead of this activity I did the memory game. Overall, I think that I did

great job, students were interacting and engaging in my lesson which is one

of my goals to achieve this semester.

Letter /m/ lesson

I taught my students a lesson about the letter /m/. I think I did great job

because students were able at the end of the lesson to say the sound /m/ and

form it correctly. I think that I have a clear and simple instructions because
students were able to do the activities without any issues. I did the

explanation of the lesson well done but I think I need to prepare my

learning outcomes and write them on the board before the lesson start. For

the next time, I need to make sure to use the reward system and classroom

management effectively because students were lit bit noisy during the

activities time. It is interesting to notice that I let students do their activity

independently without helping them, just I observe them and I asked them

questions. I think I achieved my learning outcomes, and my students were

able to understand the lesson.

Revision Letter /m/ lesson

I could not teach this lesson because I went with class to the book fair.

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