2017 Bar Examinations Criminal Law: Part I. Revised Penal Cose (RPC) Book I
2017 Bar Examinations Criminal Law: Part I. Revised Penal Cose (RPC) Book I
2017 Bar Examinations Criminal Law: Part I. Revised Penal Cose (RPC) Book I
B. Felonies
(b) Conspiracy and proposal
(c) Multiple offenders (differences, rules, effects)
(d) Include: Obstruction of Justice (PD No. 1829)
C. Penalties
1. Principles (Include RA No. 9346 Act Prohibiting the
Imposition of Death Penalty in the Philippines)
2. Classification
3. Duration and effect
4. Application
(a) Indeterminate Sentence Law Act (Act No. 4103, as amended)
(b) Three-fold rule
(c) Subsidiary imprisonment
5. Graduation of Penalties
6. Accessory Penalties
7. Computation of Penalties
8. Execution and service (Include: PD No. 968 Probation Law;
and RA No. 9344 Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act)
D. Criminal and Civil Liabilities
1. Extinction of Criminal Liabilities
2. Civil Liabilities in Criminal Cases
K. Crimes against the Civil Status of Person
L. Crimes against Honor (include Administrative Circular 08-2008
Re: Guidelines in the Observance of a Rule of Preference in the
Imposition of Penalties in Libel Cases, January 25, 2008)
20. Obstruction of Justice (PD 1829)
21. Probation Law (PD 968, as amended)
22. Trust Receipts Law (PD 115)
23. Cybercrime Prevention Act (RA 10175)
24. Human Security Act (RA No. 9372) Defining acts of
Principles of law are not covered by the cut-off period stated