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The document discusses an applied probability textbook covering various mathematical concepts and their applications in science and engineering.

The book is an introduction to applied probability and stochastic processes for students with a background in calculus. It covers basic probability concepts and then various specific topics like queueing theory, optimization, and network flows.

The book covers basic probability concepts like random variables, distributions, expectation, and then more advanced topics like renewal processes, Markov processes, and stochastic matrices.

Applied Probability


Series Editor: Angelo Miele
Mechanical Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Rice University

Recent volumes in the series:


12 APPLIED MATHEMATICS: An Intellectual Orientation. Francis J. Murray
Ferenc Szidarovszky and Sidney Yakowitz
Part A: Analytical and Continuum Mechanics. c.-c. Wang
Part B: Electromagnetism and Gravitation. c.-c. Wang
Edited by Michael A. Golberg
J. A. Walker
An Introduction. George Leitmann

A Continuation Order Plan is available for this series. A continuation order will bring
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actual shipment. For further information please contact the publisher.
Applied Probability
Frank A. Haight
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, Pennsylvania


Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Haight, Frank A.
Applied probability.
(Mathematical concepts and methods in science and engineering-; 23)
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
1. Probabilities. I. Title. II. Series.
QA273.H317 519.2 814690
ISBN 978-1-4615-6469-0 ISBN 978-1-4615-6467-6 (eBook) AACR2
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-6467-6

1981 Plenum Press, New York

Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1981
A Division of Plenum Publishing Corporation
233 Spring Street, New York, N.Y. 10013
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming,
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For my dear children, Julian and Molly

Probability (including stochastic processes) is now being applied to virtually

every academic discipline, especially to the sciences. An area of substantial
application is that known as operations research or industrial engineering,
which incorporates subjects such as queueing theory, optimization, and
network flow.
This book provides a compact introduction to that field for students
with minimal preparation, knowing mainly calculus and having "mathe-
matical maturity." Beginning with the basics of probability, the develop-
ment is self-contained but not abstract, that is, without measure theory and
its probabilistic counterpart.
Although the text is reasonably short, a course based on this book will
normally occupy two semesters or three quarters. There are many points in
the discussions and problems which require the assistance of an instructor
for completeness and clarity.
The book is designed to give equal emphasis to those applications
which motivate the subject and to appropriate mathematical techniques.
Thus, the student who has successfully completed the course is ready to turn
in either of two directions: towards direct study of research papers in
operations research, or towards a course in abstract probability, for which
this text provides the intuitive background.

Pennsylvania State University Frank A. Haight


1. Discrete Probability .................................................. 1

1.1. Applied Probability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2. Sample Spaces ......................................................... 3
1.3. Probability Distributions and Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4. The Connection between Distributions and Sample Points:
Random Variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5. Events and Indicators ................................................. 14
1.6. Mean and Variance .................................................... 18
1.7. Calculation of the Mean and Variance ................................ 21
1.8. The Distribution Function ............................................ 25
1.9. The Gamma Function and the Beta Function ........................ 29
1.10. The Negative Binomial Distribution .................................. 31
1.11. The Probability Generating Function................................. 33
1.12. The Catalan Distribution.............................................. 38
1.13. More about the p.g.f.; The Equation s=q,(s).......................... 41
1.14. Problems ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 43

2. Conditional Probability............................................... 51
2.1. Introduction. An Example ............................................ 51
2.2. Conditional Probability and Bayes' Theorem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 56
2.3. Conditioning........................................................... 61
2.4. Independence and Bernoulli Trials ............... .................... 64
2.5. Moments, Distribution Functions, and Generating Functions. . . . . . .. 68
2.6. Convolutions and Sums of Random Variables........................ 70
2.7. Computing Convolutions: Examples.................................. 74
2.8. Diagonal Distributions ................................................ 76
2.9. Problems............................................................... 81

x Contents

3. Markov Chains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 89
3.1. Introduction: Random Walk .......................................... 89
3.2. Definitions............................................................. 91
3.3. Matrix and Vector..................................................... 95
3.4. The Transition Matrix and Initial Vector............................. 99
3.5. The Higher-Order Transition Matrix: Regularity ..................... 101
3.6. Reducible Chains ...................................................... 104
3.7. Periodic Chains ........................................................ 106
3.8. Classification of States. Ergodic Chains ............................... 106
3.9. Finding Equilibrium Distributions-The Random Walk
Revisited .............................................................. 108
3.10. AQueueingModel ..................................................... 113
3.11. TheEhrenfestChain ................................................... 117
3.12. Branching Chains ...................................................... 119
3.13. Probability of Extinction ............................................... 123
3.14. The Gambler's Ruin ................................................... 124
3.15. Probability of Ruin as Probability of Extinction ...................... 127
3.16. First-Passage Times .................................................... 127
3.17. Problems ............................................................... 132

4. Continuous Probability Distributions ................................. 139

4.1. Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 139
4.2. Probability Density Functions ......................................... 142
4.3. Change of Variables .................................................... 146
4.4. Convolutions of Density Functions .................................... 147
4.5. The Incomplete Gamma Function ..................................... 149
4.6. The Beta Distribution and the Incomplete Beta Function ............ 153
4.7. Parameter Mixing ..................................................... 154
4.8. Distribution Functions ................................................ 157
4.9. Stieltjes Integration .................................................... 159
4.10. The Laplace Transform ................................................ 165
4.11. Properties of the Laplace Transform .................................. 169
4.12. Laplace Inversion ............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 173
4.13. Random Sums ......................................................... 175
4.14. Problems ............................................................... 177

5. Continuous Time Processes .......................................... 183

5.1. Introduction and Notation ............................................ 183
5.2. Renewal Processes ..................................................... 186
5.3. The Poisson Process .................................................... 187
5.4. Two-State Processes .................................................... 190
5.5. Markov Processes ...................................................... 191
5.6. Equilibrium ............................................................. 194
5.7. The Method of Marks ................................................. 196
Contents xi

5.8. The Markov Infinitesimal Matrix ..................................... 198

5.9. The Renewal Function ................................................ 200
5.10. The Gap Surrounding an Arbitrary Point ............................. 203
5.11. Counting Distributions ................................................ 208
5.12. The Erlang Process .................................................... 211
5.13. Displaced Gaps ........................................................ 213
5.14. Divergent Birth Processes .............................................. 216
5.15. Problems ............................................................... 220

6. The Theory of Queues ............................................... 225

6.1. Introduction and Classification ....................................... 225
6.2. The MA I M,"/ I Queue: General Solution ............................. 227
6.3. The MAl M"/I Queue: Oversaturation ................................ 230
6.4. The M)..IM"/I Queue: Equilibrium .................................. 232
6.5. The M)..IM"ln Queue in Equilibrium: Loss Formula ................. 234
6.6. The MdG,,/1 Queue and the Imbedded Markov Chain ............. 237
6.7. The Pollaczek-Khintchine Formula .................................. 240
6.8. Waiting Time .......................................................... 243
6.9. Virtual Queueing Time ................................................ 247
6.10. The Equation y = xe - x ................................................ 250
6.11. Busy Period: Borel's Method .......................................... 252
6.12. The Busy Period Treated as a Branching Process: The MIG I I
Queue .................................................................. 256
6.13. The Continuous Busy Period and the MIG I I Queue ................. 258
6.14. Generalized Busy Periods .............................................. 260
6.15. The GIMII Queue .................................................... 267
6.16. Balking ................................................................ 270
6.17. Priority Service ......................................................... 273
6.18. Reverse-Order Service (LIFO) ......................................... 276
6.19. Problems ............................................................... 279

Index ....... ................................................................ 287


Discrete Probability

1.1. Applied Probability

Applied mathematics deals with the quantitative description of phe-

nomena. A formulation in mathematical terms is called a "mathematical
model" of a phenomenon. Thus a parabola models a thrown stone, an
ellipse, the orbit of a planet. It is an axiom of science that measurements
made under identical conditions will give identical results, and therefore if
the conditions under which the phenomenon is observed are fixed, the
mathematical model is determined. Measurements of length, temperature,
and voltage are typical deterministic experiments.
Some phenomena, however, can give different results when repeated
observations are performed. A simple case is the toss of a coin. The fact that
the coin will fall to earth is deterministic, but the observation of "heads" or
"tails" seems to violate the basic axiom of science. How can this be
understood? A particle counter which records cosmic rays may give a
different number of registrations during equal time periods. Is this con-
sistent with scientific determinism? The fact is that the conditions of
observation are not identical. Subtle differences in the dynamics of the coin
toss account for the variable results. With a substantial investment of time
and money, a predictable coin-tossing machine could no doubt be invented.
The uncertainty arises specifically from our ignorance of the scientific
conditions governing the toss. The same must be true of the cosmic-ray
recorder, although a deterministic prediction of the number of incoming
particles is clearly impossible. The number can be regarded as "unknowable."
To a greater or lesser degree, this ignorance of outcome makes a phenome-
non appear to be probabilistic rather than deterministic.
2 Chapter 1

The distinction between probabilistic and deterministic phenomena is

useful, and necessary in building mathematical models, but it is still
fundamentally pragmatic. There are gray areas. The simplest example of
gradual transition from determinism to probability is in the measurement of
length. If the calibration of the ruler is gross, the same result will be
obtained each time, and the length will be modeled by a real, positive
number. As the calibration becomes finer and finer, the chance of "error" in
measurement increases and the mathematical model for the length will be
not a single number, but a range of values together with a probability
measure specifying the likelihood of each value's occurrence.
Thus, in modeling, it is first necessary to decide whether the evidence of
the phenomenon favors a deterministic or probabilistic model. Where
ignorance of the exact conditions of the experiment is somewhat superficial,
either course might be appropriate, but where ignorance is truly abysmal, as
in the cosmic-ray example, probability offers the only satisfactory descrip-
tive system.
This book is concerned with the construction and analysis of probabil-
ity models, with examples from real problems of operations research and
especially queueing theory. By studying the principles given and their
application, the student will gradually learn to build models for new
problems that may be encountered in science, engineering, management,
and industry. This book does not deal with the statistical analysis of data
obtained from probabilistic experiments; rather, it forms the basis for
statistics. t
A probability model contains three elements: a statement of what can
possibly happen (sample space), a statement of the probabilities, and a law
attaching the probabilities to the elements of the sample space. It is possible
in theoretical probability to construct these elements in a mathematically
exact manner; the result is comparable to other branches of pure mathe-
matics. In this book, however, the models are built on the basis of example
and intuition. In this way the book can equally well be used as an
introduction to theoretical probability, since intuitive understanding is the
best basis for exact understanding.
The elements of a probability model will be discussed in the following

tA statistical sample is regarded as a sequence of n "independent" random variables; the

emphasis in this book is on two or three not necessarily independent random variables.
Discrete Probability 3

1.2. Sample Spacest

The description of a probabilistic experiment begins with a simple list

of all the things that can possibly happen, whether they are likely or not.
This is not always quite as simple as it might appear. In the coin-tossing
experiment, is it right to allow for the possibility of the coin standing on
edge? This (and other exotic possibilities) depends on the definition of the
experiment; according to logic, the purpose of the model, and the needs of
the modeler, it might be defined either way. Conventionally, only two
possibilities are allowed: heads and tails. This does not reflect any convic-
tion about the actual nature of real-life coins. On the contrary, the "coin" is
only a convenient description of the simplest kind of experiment in which
only two outcomes are possible. If the outcomes are postulated to be equally
likely, the expression is a "fair coin." If for some other reason it would be
useful to discuss an experiment with two rather high probability outcomes
and one very low probability outcome, the image of a sample space
consisting of head, tail, and edge might be employed.
In the examples which follow, it will be useful for the student to think
about the sample spaces given in comparison with various alternatives.

Example 1. Five repairmen service a large number of machines, each of

which mayor may not need repair at a given moment. Sample space: the
number of repairmen busy, 0, 1,2,3,4,5.

Example 2. Two chess players agree to a match where the winner will
be the first one to accumulate five points, with one point awarded for a win,
half a point for a draw, and no points for a loss. Sample space: the number
of games played in the match, 5,6,7,8,9,10. (Note: If 10, the match is a

Example 3. A mass-produced item is checked by five checkers and

passed if at least four of the checkers pass it. Sample space: the number of
checkers rejecting a passed item, 0, 1.

t The term "sample space" for the possible outcomes of a probabilistic experiment has some
drawbacks: In the first place it could suggest statistical sampling, and in the second place it is
more akin to the "domain" of a variable, as that term is used in mathematics. Nevertheless, it
is a well-established expression and is used here as in virtually all textbooks.
4 Chapter I

Example 4. The capacity of an elevator is five persons. Sample space:

the number of persons in the elevator at a given moment, 0, 1,2,3,4,5.

Example 5. m salesmen are assigned to n territories, with m>n.

Sample space: the number of territories without a salesman, 0,1, ... , n-I.

Example 6. m salesmen are assigned to n territories, with m<n.

Sample space: the number of territories without a salesman, n-m, n-m+ 1,
... ,n-I.

In the first six examples, the number of outcomes in the sample space is
finite. The outcomes are called points of the sample space. In the examples
which follow, the sample spaces contain an infinite number of points.

Example 7. A repairman attends to a large number of machines. If a

machine is broken when he finishes a job, he goes directly to the new job.
Sample space: the number of jobs completed between periods of idleness,
1,2,3,4, .... The possibility may also exist that once a repair is started, he
may never again (in theory) be idle. To account for this possibility it may
also be necessary to define a point in the sample space by a symbol
denoting "never again idle."

Example 8. Light bulbs are tested as they come off the production line
and are found to be working or defective. Sample space: the number of
bulbs tested before the first defective is found, 0, 1,2, . . .. Should the
possibility of an infinite duration of good bulbs be built into this model,
similar to Example 7? This is a typical problem in model building, and the
answer will depend on the nature of the model needed.

Example 9. There are n keys, only one of which fits a lock, and keys
are chosen at randomt and tried, not eliminating those which have failed.
Sample space: the number of keys tried before a success, 1,2,3,4, ....
Another sample space would be the number of failures before a success,
0,1,2,3, ....

Example 10. Bids are invited for a contract. Sample space: the number
of bidders, 0,1,2,3, .... In this case it is difficult, if not impossible, to

tFor the time being. the expression "at random" is used in a purely intuitive sense; later it will
be made more precise by specifying equal probabilities.
Discrete Probability 5

imagine the need for an infinite number of bidders. Such an assumption at

least made logical sense in Examples 7, 8, and 9, but it is not at all
meaningful to imagine an infinite number of bidders.

Example 11. The number of cosmic particles registered by a counter in

a finite time. Sample space: 0, 1,2,3, ... , provided the counter mechanism
permits registrations arbitrarily near one another.

Example 12. The number of bus tickets bought by a single customer.

Sample space, 1,2,3,4, .... Is there a theoretical maximum?

Comparing these examples with one another, it seems that the choice of
the initial value is usually not so difficult. In Example 10, there could
presumably be zero bidders for the contract, so it would be inappropriate to
begin with one. On the other hand, in Example 12, the idea of buying zero
bus tickets makes no sense, so the sample space properly begins with one. In
Example 4, the sample space might include the point zero for a self-service
elevator, but if an operator is present, the sample space might begin with
Although a clear understanding of the system being modeled often
gives the initial value of the sample space, genuine ambiguities are sometimes
encountered in deciding on the final value. In Example 12, it certainly does
not make sense to assume an enormously large number of people buying a
ticket, but on the other hand, where should the line be drawn? Before going
further into this question, it is useful to consider some further examples
where the problem is even more difficult.

Example 13. Consider the number of animals of a certain species born

in a litter. Sample space: 1,2,3, .... Should there be a maximum value?

Example 14. Consider the number of points scored in a game. Sample

space: 0, 1,2, ... , provided the kind of game is not specified. Are there
games where certain values would need to be omitted? Does a maximum
value make sense?

Example 15. Consider the number of cars observed in a block. Sample

space: 0, 1,2,3, .... It would presumably be possible to calculate a maximum
possible value.
6 Chapter 1

Example 16. Consider the number of insects of a certain type found on

a leaf. Sample space: 0, 1,2,.. .. Is there any logical way of specifying a
maximum value?

Example 17. Consider the number of misprints on a page of a book.

Sample space: 0, 1,2,3, .... The number surely must be rather small, but it is
difficult to specify any exact maximum.

Example 18. Consider the number of letters mailed at once. Sample

space: 1,2,3, ....

In examples of this type, it is hard to know whether to assume a finite

or infinite sample space. In general, there are two disadvantages to the
choice of a finite domain: not knowing which value to choose for the
maximum, and the fact that the mathematical formulation is usually more
The latter point may seem surprising at first, but a moment's thought
may give a clue as to why it is often easier to deal with infinite sample
spaces: Sums of infinite series are often simpler than the corresponding
"partial sums" stopping at an arbitrary finite value.
The principal argument against a sample space which is open ended is
that very large values (such as 10 10 ) are either biologically impossible (as in
Example 13) or difficult to imagine (as in Example 16) or so unlikely as to
be absurd (as in Examples 14 and 18). On the other hand, once the
probabilities are defined, and assigned to the points of the sample space, it
may (and indeed should!) turn out that these enormous, absurd values will
correspond to very small probabilities (say, 10 -10'''). In fact, it almost
always turns out in practice that arguments about "realism" do not lead to
substantially different models, while the mathematical convenience of an
infinite sample space may be considerable.
It is worth emphasizing that the sample space does not come automati-
cally from the definition of the experiment. For example, if a car is selected,
one might look at the number of passengers, the number of cylinders, the
number of owners, or the number of parking tickets.
Also, a sample space does not need to consist of numbers; for a car,
one might look at the color or the make. This point will be discussed more
fully in Section 1.4.
Discrete Probability 7

Finally, the sample spaces given in this section are all discrete, whether
finite or infinite. Beginning in Chapter 4, some continuous sample spaces
will be treated. Many students are not as familiar with the mathematical
techniques of discrete variables (especially summation) as with those for
continuous variables (integration), and so in this first chapter, some empha-
sis is given to technique, while the fundamentals of probability are being
discussed. As the book progresses, more and more of the technique will be
taken for granted, and the steps in proofs correspondingly abbreviated.

1.3. Probability Distributions and Parameters

The second ingredient in a probability model is a set of "probabilities,"

that is, numbers which can be used to measure the probabilities of various
points in a sample space. By definition, a set of numbers, each of which is
between zero and one, such that the entire set sums to unity is a set of
probabilities, or probability distribution. (The idea of the word "distribution"
is that the total available probability is distributed among the various points
of a sample space. The definition of a probability distribution corresponds
rather closely to common speech, except that people sometimes speak of
100% for certainty, rather than + 1.)
Thus the set of numbers C-L 1) constitutes a valid probability distribu-
tion, as does (1,t~). However, (1,1,1) is not a probability distribution,
since the total exceeds unity, and (-1, I, 1) is not, even though the total is
one, because one of the values does not lie in the unit interval between zero
and one.
The definition of a probability distribution is a loose one, in that there
are any number of sets of numbers that can satisfy it. This being the case, it
is rather remarkable that the number of different distributions actually used
in practice is rather small. In this section a few of the most basic distribu-
tions will be introduced.
First, consider the fact that any finite set of positive numbers can be
used to form a probability distribution by dividing by their sum. Thus the
set (3,7, 17) leads to the valid probability distribution (-b, n-, #). In alge-
braic terms this can be expressed by saying that any terms forming a (finite
or infinite) series can be converted into a probability distribution by
dividing each term by the sum of the series, provided only that the terms be
positive. This process of converting positive terms into a probability distri-
bution is called normalizing to unity; it is a technique often used.
8 Chapter 1

Second, remember that the probabilities in a distribution do not need

to be arithmetic, but can be symbols. Thus

(p,l-p), O<p<l,

is a probability distribution for values of p indicated by the inequality.

Where a letter occurs in the distribution, it is called a parameter of the
distribution. It usually happens that the expressions are acceptable as
probabilities only for a certain range of parameter values, as in the example
above. Therefore it is essential in writing a probability distribution which
involves a parameter to specify the allowable range of parameter values.
Certainly (p, 1 - p) is not a probability distribution for p = 2 or p = - ~ .
The Rectangular Distribution. When all the probabilities in a distribu-
tion are equal, the distribution is called rectangular. Examples of a rectangu-
lar distribution are (~, ~) and (i, i, i, i, i, i). In general, a rectangular
distribution is represented by a list of n values of 1/n, where n, the
parameter in the distribution, must be a positive integer.
The Poisson Distribution. The Poissont distribution is formed by nor-
malizing the terms in the exponential sum to unity:

The parameter is usually represented by the letter ;\; the probabilities are
therefore written

( e -x , ;\e -x , "2;\
1 2e -x , 3!
1 A3e -x , . .. ) ,

where ;\>0. Obviously this set of probabilities is going to be applicable to

infinite sample spaces, since there are infinitely many terms in the series.
It is usually convenient to represent all the terms in a probability
distribution by a single formula, with a "dummy" variable introduced for
compact notation. For example, the Poisson distribution can be written

x=O, 1,2, ... , ;\>0. (1)

ts. D. Poisson, French mathematician, 1781-1840.

Discrete Probability 9

Written in this way, there is often an easy and natural correspondence

between the values of the dummy variable x and points of some sample
spaces such as those discussed in Section 1.2.
The Geometric Distribution. If the geometric series

l+p+p2 +p3 + ... = -1-


is normalized to unity, and the resulting probabilities written in compact

form, the geometric distribution is obtained:

x=O,1,2, ... ,O<p<1. (2)

This distribution has a parameter on the unit interval and is defined over an
infinite number of values.
The Binomial Distribution. Sometimes the normalization to unity is
obtained not by dividing the sum of the series, but by assigning parameter
values. As an example, consider the binomial series

This well-known formula contains three parameters: a and 7T, which may be
any real numbers, and n, which is a positive integer (or possibly zero). By
setting a= 1-7T, the series is normalized to unity, and its terms can be used
as probabilities:

x=o, 1, ... , n, O<7T< 1, n=O, 1,2, .... (3)

This formula specifies a finite number (n+ 1) of probabilities. Note that one
of the two parameters of the distribution tells how many probabilities there
are, while the other lies in the unit interval.
The Fisher Distribution. The Fisher t distribution is obtained by nor-
malizing the terms of the logarithmic series to unity and making other small

t R. A. Fisher, English statistician, 1890-1962.

10 Chapter 1

The terms are alternating in sign and so cannot be used directly as

probabilities. However, by replacing /3 by - /3, each term is made negative.
Then the whole expression is prefixed by a negative sign and normalized by
division, giving the probabilities

-w /3) ,
x log( I -
x=I,2,3, ... , -1::::::/3<1.

The five distributions introduced in this section will not provide for all
the probability models required (new distributions occur from time to time
in the sequel). They are given here to show how probability distributions
can be formed. It will be useful for the student to write out some of the
terms in each of these distributions, with specific parameter values, and see
how they might be meaningful representations of probabilities for some of
the examples given in Section 1.2. Here are some possibilities for investiga-

Rectangular distribution: Examples 3, 4

Poisson distribution: Examples 10, II, 15, 16
Geometric distribution: Examples 8, 14, 17
Binomial distribution: Examples 1-6
Fisher distribution: Examples 7,9, 12, 13, 18

Why is Example 3 listed twice?

These examples are given for practice with sample spaces and probabil-
ity distributions, and there are not necessarily realistic connections between
the two. That problem will be treated in the following section.

1.4. The Connection between Distributions and Sample Points:

Random Variables

How is it possible to establish valid probabilities to attach to the points

of a sample space? Consider first the two statements: (A) In tossing a fair
coin, the probability of a heads is one-half, and (B) in tossing three fair
coins, the probability that all three will come up heads is one-eighth.
Statement A might be written in symbolic form P(heads)=l, or even
P(H)= 1. provided it is understood that we are referring to the toss of a fair
coin. The equality sign links the right side of the equation, which contains a
Discrete Probability 11

probability [in fact, one element of the probability distribution (-L -!-)], with
the left side, which contains a sample point enclosed by the "operator" P( ).
The equality comes, as mentioned in Section 1.2, purely as a definition (of a
"fair" coin). Statement B, on the other hand, is a theorem and needs to be
proved. t In either case, the basic format is clear, and is of the form
P{ sample point) = probability,
and it is necessary to be sure that if all the sample points are listed with
their corresponding probabilities, the total of the probabilities is unity. This
means only that all of the sample points are accounted for and all the
probabilities are used, with no leftovers on either side.
At this stage it is important to make the distinction between those
sample points which are quantitative (represented by a number, such as the
number of idle operators, the number of bugs on a leaf, etc.), on the one
hand, and those which are qualitative (side of coin, color of car, name of
individual, i.e., represented by a "label").
The qualitative case is useful in the beginning for introducing some
elementary examples, and, in theory, for showing that not all probabilistic
experiments must produce numerical outcomes. However, as the book
progresses and more practical situations are under discussion, the experi-
ments will be almost exclusively numerical. When the sample space is
quantitative, we speak of a random variable (usually denoted by a capital
letter). For example, let X= the number of bugs on a leaf. The sample space,
in this case 0, 1,2, ... , then represents the values that the random variable
can take. Then the general displayed equation shown above takes on the
special form
P{ X=x )=probability, x=0,1,2, ....
There is often a natural correspondence between sample points and the
values of the random variable, although in a completely theoretical sense the
random variable is chosen, just as the sample space was chosen, as part of
the definition of the experiment. In this chapter, random variable values will
almost invariably be non-negative integers, or some subset (finite or infinite)
thereof.:j: There are many cases in which a random variable can be defined
in a meaningful way for an experiment with purely qualitative sample
tThere is a third category of probability statements encountered in the study of statistics: the
empirical fact, established on the basis of experimental evidence.
*The book as a whole treats positive (discrete or continuous) random variables.
12 Chapter I

In the toss of a coin, the labels "head" and "tail" can be replaced by the
random variable X=number of heads, with X=O or X= 1. Then the
probabilities for a fair coin would be

p(X=O)=p(X= 1)=1:.

On the other hand, it would be difficult to assign meaning to a random

variable in a qualitative experiment yielding, for example, colors or names.
To say that x=o means "RED," X= 1 means "BLUE," and so forth would
be logically permissible, but it would not shed much light on the situation.
A good way of seeing the difference in these two examples is to anticipate
Section 1.6 and notice that the concept of an average value makes sense for
the random variable X=number of heads; the average number of heads is
1:. The same meaning cannot be attached to colors.
It is not always possible, or when possible not always convenient, to
compress the probability statements into a single formula. If, for example,
the sample space consists of the values 0, 2, and 5, with probabilities


P( X=2)= t - 31/ 2/12,

p( X=5) = t + 31/ 2/12,

it would hardly be worth the effort to try to reduce these three formulas to
one comprehensive one.
Also, although the sample points and the values of the variable x often
agree, as in the examples at the end of Section 1.3, it is not compulsory that
they should do so. The probabilities can be assigned in any way at all. The
Poisson probabilities fall naturally on the non-negative integers 0, 1,2,3, ... ,
but it is not difficult to assign them to values other than those. If the
random variable X takes values which are multiples of 3, for example,
3,6,9, ... , the Poisson assignment would be given by
P( X = 3x ) = (x - I)! ' x=I,2,3, ... ,

which is equivalent to
Ax/ 3 - l e->-
P(X=x)= (x/3-1)! ' x=3,6,9, ....
Discrete Probability 13

In other words, the sample points and the probabilities are completely
separate entities which are combined to make a complete probability model.
Unfortunately, there is in the literature a considerable variability in
notation, both because of different traditions and because of different
purposes which need to be served. Often it is convenient to abbreviate
P( X = x) by PX' representing the probability of the value x. If there is a
parameter Ain the distribution, this might be included in the notation Px( A),
being, for example, the probability of the value x in a Poisson distribution
with parameter A. In some cases, mainly those which occur in theoretical
probability, it is desirable to keep the random variable showing in the
notation by writing P(X=x)=Px(x), but the right side is hardly more
compact than the left side, and in this book the full form P( X = x) will be
retained when it is desirable to mention the random variable.
Omitting the random variable from the notation is convenient when it
is fixed during an entire calculation and the calculation is rather complex.
Examples of this will occur in Section 1.7 and subsequently.
Finally, it is worthwhile to comment on the theoretical nature of
random variables. An abstract treatment of probability emphasizes that a
random variable is a/unction, which takes sample points into numbers. That
is, given any result of an experiment (sample point), the random variable
translates this result into a number. This fact can be appreciated by
considering different random variables for a single experiment. Suppose a
coin is thrown. Let

XI = number of heads showing,

X2 = time for the coin to come to rest,

X3 = angle between the axis of the coin and floorboard cracks,

X4 = distance of the center from the nearest wall,

X5 = number of times the coin rotates in flight,

and so forth. The choice of one of these random variables is always a choice,
and is not intrinsic in the experiment of throwing the coin. In other words,
after the coin has been thrown, there is no number shining brilliantly from
the coin to the observer; any number must be defined. In making the
definition, the observer is choosing a function which must give a unique
value for the result of any throw.
14 Chapter 1

The same thing is true even in examples such as Example IO of Section

1.2. There is no need to define X=number of bids received. It could be the
product of the ages of the bidders or the dollar value of the highest bid or
the clock time when the first bid was received.
This book deals mainly with experiments involving easily defined
random variables, but at a few critical points in the development, non-
numerical sample spaces are employed for clarity. Also, it is henceforth
assumed without further emphasis that random variables take non-negative

1.5. Events and Indicators

When a sample space is given and the corresponding probabilities are

attached to each of the sample points, all information about the experimen-
tal probabilities is, in principle, known. If a random variable X is under
consideration, this means that all expressions P( X = x) are known. There
may be other probabilities of interest, however: the probability that X is
odd, that X is nonzero, that X is less than six, or that X takes the values 2 or
Each such portion of the whole sample space is called an event; an
event is a subset of the sample space. The original sample points are called
simple events and events which contain more than one sample point are
called compound events. It is often necessary to calculate the probability of
compound events, and for this purpose the concepts and notation of set
theory are useful.
Although some prior knowledge of these ideas will be helpful to the
student, a very brief summary of notation as given below will permit the
development of applied probability.
Consider two events E and F. All those sample points contained in
ei ther of the events are denoted by E U F, where the symbol U can be read
"or." Those points lying in both E and F are denoted by En F, where n is
read "and." If every point of E is also a point of F, we write ECF or,
alternately, F~ E. The symbols ~ and C can be read "includes" and "is
included in"; they do not preclude the possibility that E and F are the same
event. Some simple relationships between the symbols will be developed by
Discrete Probability 15

The Fundamental Principle of Probability. If E and F are two distinct

simple events (i.e. sample points), then

p( E U F) = p( E) + P( F). (4)

F or random variables, this becomes

P(X=xUX=y )=p(X=x)+ p(X=y), x*y. (5)

In a theoretical treatment of probability this fact is given as an axiom.

Example 1. A fair die has six sides with the numbers 1,2,3,4,5, and 6
and a probability of one-sixth for each of the sides appearing in a single
throw. Suppose a random variable X is defined as X=number showing in
one throw of a fair die, with possible values 1,2,3,4,5, and 6. Consider the
event" X is odd." The probability can be calculated as follows:

P(Xis odd)=P(X= 1UX=3UX=5)

=P( X= 1)+ P(X=3)+ P(X=5)


= -}.
This example is trivial and the answer is obvious in any case. Now some less
simplistic examples will be given, which will also permit a further acquain-
tance with probability distributions.

Example 2. The number of accidents per day in a factory has been

found to have a geometric distribution with parameter p, where the parame-
ter is estimated by statistical methods. If a random variable X is defined as
the number of accidents in a given day, then

p(X=x)=(1-p)px, x=o, 1,2, ... , O<p< 1.

16 Chapter 1

What is the probability that there will be more than three accidents on a

P(X>3)=P(X=4UX=5UX=6U ... )

=P(X=4)+P(X=5)+P(X=6)+ .. .

=(I_p)p4+(I_p)p5+(I_p)p6+ .. .

= (I - P)p4( 1 + P+ p2 + ... )

Example 3. It has been found that the number of claims received by an

insurance company in a day is Poisson distributed with parameter X, where
the value of the parameter is obtained by statistical estimation. That is, if
X=number of claims received in a day, then

P(X=x)=-,-, x=o, 1,2,3, ... , X>O.

What is the probability that a day will pass without more than one claim?

P(X$I)=P(X=OUX= J)

=p( X=O)+ p(X= I)

Example 4. There are n workers in an office and it is known that the

number of workers reporting for work on a given day is binomially
distributed with parameters n and 'fT. In this case n is "fixed" by the terms of
the problem and so could be considered more like a constant than a
parameter. On the other hand, 'fT would be estimated as in the earlier
examples. What is the probability that there will be two or more absentees
on a day selected at random? Let Y be the number of absentees and X, the
number present for work, so that X+ Y=n. Then, by hypothesis,

x=o, I, ... , n, 0<'fT< 1

Discrete Probability 17

and the probability of two or more absentees would be

p( Y>2) = p( n - X;::: 2) = p( X ~n - 2)

=p(X=OUX= I UX=2u .. , UX=n-2)

=P(X=O)+ P(X= 1)+ .. P(X=n-2)

= 1- P(X=n-l)- P(X=n)

= l-n7T"-I(l-7T )-7T".
Probabilities for simple events have been assumed, according to the
fundamental principle, to be additive. The same is true for compound events
which are mutually exclusive, i.e., which have no sample points in common.
When there are common points between E and F, additivity is no longer
valid. In fact, if P(E) and P(F) are computed separately, all points in EnF
are counted twice, once for P(E) and once for P(F). Hence the additivity
equation (4) needs to be modified as follows:
P( E U F) =p( E) + p( F) - p( E n F). (6)
This formula is also an axiom of probability.

Example 5. In the throw of a single die, let X = the number showing on

top. Assume the die to be fair, and let E=X is odd, and let F=X is greater
than 3. Then P(E)=l, P(F)=t, p(EnF)=i, and P(EUF)=i. These
values satisfy Eq. (6).
Formulas (4) and (6) remain valid even if more than one random
variable is involved.

Example 6. In an industrial quality-control experiment, five items are

chosen from a manufacturing process. Unknown to the experimenters, items
1, 3, and 5 are good, while items 2 and 4 are defective. The procedure is to
select one item from the five and subject it to test A. Then another item is
selected from the remaining four and subjected to test B. Assuming that
each of the 5 X 4 =20 possible combinations of selections is equally likely to
occur (with probability +0-), let X=the item number tested by test A, and let
Y = the item number subjected to test B. Let E represent the event that the
item chosen passes test A (i.e., that it is odd numbered) and let F represent
the event that the item chosen passes test B. Thus E=X odd and F= Yodd.
Then P(E)=t, P(F)=t, p(EnF)=-ro, and P(EUF)=-ro.
18 Chapter 1

Indicator Random Variables. A random variable which can have only

the values 0 and 1 is call an indicator. With a fixed sample space, there is a
one-to-one correspondence between indicators and events: Given an event,
the indicator is defined as having the value one at every sample point of the
event and zero otherwise, and, given an indicator, an event is defined as
consisting of all those sample points where the indicator takes the value one.
Indicators are useful in decomposing random variables into constituent
parts corresponding to simple events. Suppose five blue tickets numbered
from one to five are laid out on a table and covered by five red tickets with
the same numbers, each red ticket covering exactly one blue ticket. Let X
be the number of pairs with the same numbers, with sample space 1,2,3,4,5.
The indicator variables X n , n= 1,2,3,4,5, are defined to be 1 if the nth blue
ticket is covered by the nth red ticket, and zero otherwise. Then X = XI + X2
+ X3 + X 4 + Xs Some more important applications of indicators will occur

1.6. Mean and Variance

The probabilities P( X = x) = Px which define a distribution contain all

the information about the random variable X. Partial information can be
obtained by calculating specially selected functions of the probabilities. The
most useful functions of such kind are the mean,
00 00

m= L jpJ = L jP(X=j), (7)

j=O j=O

and the variance,

00 00 00 00

v= L (j_m)2 pj = L j2pj -2m L jpj+m 2 L Pj

j=o j=o j=o j=o


= L /Pj-m 2 (8)

(These summations have been written withj=O, 1,2, ... , which includes all
the cases of concern in this chapter; naturally, if other values of the random
variable occurred, the summations would have to be suitably modified.)
The various properties of the mean and variance are especially im-
portant in the study of statistics. Here it is sufficient to note that the mean is
Discrete Probability 19

a kind of average value, where random variable values are weighted with "the
corresponding probabilities and summed, and that the variance is a measure
of dispersion, since the weights are (squared) distances from the mean. A
small variance indicates little variability and, in fact, zero variance indicates
all probability concentrated at a single value P(X=m)= 1. Such a distribu-
tion is called causal (since the cause of the phenomenon should be known)
or deterministic.
In addition to the mean and variance, it is sometimes useful to consider
higher moments m r, r= 1,2,3, ... , defined by the formula


mr =~ fpj. (9)

Hence m =m I is the first moment, and

For probability distributions without a numerical sample space, the

moments are not defined. Also, the definition of the moments depends on
the connection (Section 1.4) between probabilities and sample points. It is
therefore not quite right to speak of "the mean of the binomial distribution,"
because the binomial probabilities do not need to be assigned the conven-
tional values 0,1,2, ... , n, but could be arbitrarily associated with any set of
n+ 1 values. Nevertheless, people do speak of the mean or variance of
particular distributions, when it is clear from the context which values are
assigned the probabilities of those distributions.
Sometimes it is more convenient to attribute the mean, variance, and
higher moments to the random variable, using the notation E( X), var( X)
for mean and variance, respectively. This notation de-emphasizes the proba-
bilities and is therefore useful when the particular distribution is fixed (or
unspecified, simply Px). Thus m=E(X), V=E(X2)_[E(X)]2, mr =E(xr),
and so forth. The easiest way to remember and to become skillful in using
this very handy notation is to regard E( ) as an abbreviation for "i.Px. It has
all the properties of a summation (and later an integral).
There are a few important cautions about E( X). Students usually
experience such a notation to mean a function; f( x) represents a function of
x. But E( X) is not a function, but an operator on a function, and so the
quantity on the other side of the equation will not involve X, but the
parameters of the distribution. Also, E( X) is called the expected value of X,
20 Chapter 1

and this can be extremely misleading, partly because E( X) may not even be
a value of X [E( X) for the throw of a fair die is 31, but this is not a possible
result], but also because even if it is a value of X, it is not necessarily the
most probable value.

Example 1. Let Po=-A-, P1=n-, P3=-rr, P4=n-, and P5=-A-. Then

E( X) = 3, the least probable value of X.
The ease of calculation with E(X) is illustrated in evaluating the
expression ~(X-C)3px' where c is a constant:

In this calculation, no reference is made to Px or to the values over which x

is summed. Since E obeys the rules of summation or integration,

E(X+ Y)=E(X)+ E(Y)



There is one further important thing to remember about moments of

distributions: They may not exist. In distributions which have an infinite
number of terms, such as the Poisson distribution, the geometric distribu-
tion, the Fisher distribution, and many others which will be encountered
later in the book, the calculation of E( X) involves summing an infinite
series which may converge or diverge. If the series diverges, the mean is said
to be infinite, or to not exist. Similarly, when the mean does exist, some of
the higher moments may not. Probability distributions with infinite mo-
ments are not exactly common, but neither are they artificial freaks of solely
theoretical interest-they do occur in certain realistic situations. Here is
how such a distribution is easily constructed.

Example 2 (A Distribution with an Infinite Mean). It is known that the

series ~J:=l(l/r) converges for n=2, but diverges for n= I (the well-known
harmonic series). This means that if terms like 1/ x 2 are used for probabili-
ties, the sum for the mean will involve terms like 1/ x, and will diverge.
Discrete Probability 21

Therefore define

PI =C,

P2 =C/4,

P3 =C/9,

P4 =C/16,

and, in general,
x=I,2,3, ... ,

where the constant C will be determined by normalization to unity:

so that
Px=2"2' x= 1,2,3, ... ,

where of course 'fT does not represent a parameter, but the Archimedean
constant. By construction, E( X)= '<jPj = 00.
By using the same series with n = 3, a distribution can be constructed
with a finite mean but an infinite second moment, and with higher values of
n, a distribution with the first n - 2 moments finite and infinite higher
The idea of a probability distribution with an infinite mean value,
although simple enough mathematically, has a history of confusion. One of
the most famous "paradoxes" in probability, the Petersburg Paradox
(Chapter 2, Problem 71) depends only on the failure to grasp the concept of
such a probability distribution.

1.7. Calculation of the Mean and Variance

Given a sample space, a set of probabilities, and a rule connecting the

two together, it is, in principle, not difficult to derive expressions for the
moments in terms of the parameters, at least in many common distributions.
22 Chapter 1

In this section, the necessary calculations are illustrated in several cases,

calling attention to a few peculiarities and special techniques.
Consider first the Poisson distribution and its most frequent set of
values, the non-negative integers:

x=O,I,2, ... ,

The mean is defined to be

00 ';'./e-"A
E(X)= ~ }-.,-.
j=O J.

In evaluating this sum, the first thing that springs to mind is to cancel} from
numerator and denominator. There is a slight pitfall here, which has been
known to trap students: The cancellation does not apply to the first term,
which, in fact, vanishes. The first step is therefore

00 'A/e-"A
E(X)= ~ ( '-1)' .
j=l ] .

In order to reduce this to a standard exponential sum, it is necessary to

align the exponent on A with the factorial by removing A to the front of the
00 Aj-l
E(X)=Ae-"A ~
j= I (j-l)!

=Ae-"A ~
j=O J.


This basically simple calculation is given in some detail because it

illustrates features of technique which are quite often used. Another device
is shown in the calculation of the second moment:
Discrete Probability 23

Here, to provide the desired cancellation against the factorial, j2 is

written in the form j( j - 1) +j; if the third moment is being computed, the
substitution would be

/ =j(j-I}(j-2}+ 3j2 -2j

and so forth, providing adequate lower-order terms to compensate for the

factors required. In the quadratic case, two terms vanish in the first sum,

so that the variance=A.

Thus, when the Poisson distribution is defined over the non-negative
integers, the mean and variance are both equal to the parameter A.t
Finding the mean and variance of the geometric distribution over the
non-negative integers involves another important technique: summing pre-
multiplied geometric series. For example, if

P(X=x}=(I-p}pX, x=O,I,2, ... ,O<p<l,


E(X}= ~ j(l-p}pJ.
To evaluate the sum, let

rS=r 2 +2r 3 + ... ,

(1-r}S=r+r2+r3+ "'=r/(l-r),

t This fact is sometimes taken by practical people in the reverse sense, assuming that data which
exhibits equality of mean and variance must necessarily be from a Poisson distribution. This is
a serious error, inasmuch as information about two moments is insufficient to determine all
24 OJapter 1

so that

E(X)=p/(I-p ).

Another way to evaluate S is to notice that the coefficients make each

term virtually a derivative:

d ~ .
dr 1
and so forth.
In finding the second moment, the series to be evaluated is

S=r+4r z +9r 3 + 16r 4 + ....

Multiplying and subtracting twice according to the same scheme gives


From this result, the values

var(X)= p 2

are easy to obtain.

Discrete Probability 25

With finite sums, such as the binomial over 0, 1, ... , n, it is necessary to

watch both ends of the summation tor special cases;

The steps needed to reduce this to a standard binomial sum are similar to
those used to reduce the Poisson mean to a standard exponential sum:
cancellation of the factorial, adjustment of the index, and removal of the
necessary constant:


The student is strongly recommended to practice carrying out these

calculations in various ways, for example, with the series written out to three
or four terms in place of the summation sign, until the calculations are
familiar and perhaps even automatic. Then it will be a good exercise to
show that the variance of the binomial distribution is n'1T(l - '1T ).

1.8. The Distribution Function

The "exact" probabilities P( X =x) completely describe a random

variable; but so do many other functions. In fact, all that is needed for a
function to work equally well is that it be obtainable from and transforma-
ble into the same exact probabilities. There are two categories of functions,
each useful in its particular way, which serve this purpose: cumulative
probabilities (this section) and generating functions (later integral trans-
forms), beginning in Section 1.11.
Two types of cumulative probabilities will be introduced: the distribu-
tion function, defined as P( X <x) and the tail of the distribution, defined by
26 Chapter 1

---0 -
---~o _ __
- - -....0



1/4 0

2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 1. An illustrative probability distribution. Top, tail Q( x); middle, distribution function
P( x ); bottom, exact probabilities p,.

P( X:::::: X ).t The first important thing to notice is that whereas the exact
probabilities are defined only for integer values of X (and it would be more
complete always to add "zero elsewhere" in every equation), both of the
cumulative distributions are, by virtue of the inequality sign, defined for all
real values of x. This fact will be reflected in the notation by writing the
argument in parentheses, rather than as a subscript, a common mathemati-

tThese terms, which are quite standard, have two peculiarities: a lack of symmetry in name
("head" and "tail" might be better) and some awkwardness in using the word "distribution,"
both for the entire concept and for one particular function characterizing it.
Discrete Probability 27

cal indication,


Q(x )=p( X2x),

so that P(x)+Q(x)= I for every value of x.

The cumulative functions are illustrated in comparison with the exact
probabilities in Fig. I; it is clear why P( x) and Q( x) are called "step
functions." It can also be seen that the cumulative functions are discontinu-
ous at points where Px *0 (shown in the diagram as the non-negative
integers, for illustration). The functional values at these points of discon-
tinuity are emphasized by large dots, showing that both cumulative func-
tions are "left continuous," a property which will assume some importance
in Chapter 4.t
At the points of discontinuity, the cumulative functions can be ex-
pressed in terms of the exact probabilities:


x= 1,2,3, ... ,

Q(x)=px +Px+1 +Px+2 + ... , x=0,1,2, ....

Conversely, it is possible to obtain the exact probabilities from either

cumulative function by the formulas

Px =p(x+ 1)- p(x), x=0,1,2, ... ,

Px=Q(x)-Q(x+I), x=o, 1,2, ....

Note. These formulas are written under the assumption that the proba-
bilities occur at the non-negative integers; some modification would be
needed in other cases.

t Many authors define the cumulative functions so that they are both right continuous:
P(x)=P(X~x), Q(x)=P(X>x). The reason for a preference for left continuity appears in
Section 4.9.
28 Chapter 1

The left continuity properties are written as follows:

lim P(y )=p(x+ 1),


lim Q(y)= Q(x+ I),


lim p(y)=P(x),

lim Q(y)=Q(x),

where x is integral. Also,

lim p( x) = lim Q( x ) = 1,
X-toOO x-+-oo

lim p(x)= lim Q(x)=O.

x-+ - 00 X-+ 00

Expressing P( x) and Q( x) explicitly for particular distributions is

sometimes easy, but often difficult. The student will have no trouble in
showing that for the geometric distribution on the non-negative integers

P(x)= I-px,
(11 )

at the integers, with modification for nonintegral values as follows:

P(x )=0, x::O;O,

P(x)= I - l , k<x::O;k+ I, k= 1,2,3, ....

Similarly, the distribution function for the rectangular distribution

x= 1,2, ... , n, n= 1,2,3, ... ,

can be wri tten

P(x)=O, x::o;l,

p(x)=}/n, j<x::O;j+l,j=I,2, ... ,n-l,

P( x ) = I , x> n .
Discrete Probability 29

On the other hand, the cumulative forms of the Poisson and binomial
distributions must be reserved for Chapter 4, since they involve higher
transcendental functions.

1.9. The Gamma Function and the Beta Function

In this section some mathematics is developed which will be necessary

in treating certain pwbability distributions.
For n>O, the gamma/unction is defined by the definite integral

( 12)

The integral is easy to integrate by parts, giving

f(n) =(n - I )f( n -1). (13)

Therefore, when n is a positive integer, f(n)=(n-I)!, f(1)= 1.

For nonintegral values of n, f(n) is a transcendental function and
cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functi(}ns, except for a few
special cases, such as the half-integers. f( 1) (and hence all other half-integers)
can be calculated as follows. Let t=x 2 , so Eq. (12) becomes


so that

Usually this integral is evaluated by writing it first as a double integral,

[ r( 1)] 2 = 41o 1 e

-(x' +y2) dx dy,

and then transforming to polar coordinates: x=rcosa, y=rsina. Then

some calculation gives the result
30 Chapter 1

Using the recursion relation (13), a general formula for all half-integers is
easily calculated:


Occasionally the factorial notation is used for nonintegral values; then

n! is understood to denote f(n + 1). Thus (-1)! =771/2, 1! = 1771/2, etc.
Another useful notation is Pochhammer' s symbol for the product of x
factors beginning with n, where the increase is by unit jumps:

(n ) x = n (n + 1)( n + 2) ... (n + x-I), x= 1,2,3, ....

In this formula, x must be a positive integer, but n can be any real number.
Note that (n)x vanishes for n=O, -I, -2, ... , I-x. It is easy to write (n)x
as a quotient of gamma functions:

(n) = f(n+ x) (16)

x f(n)

The gamma function can also be used to extend the definition of the
binomial coefficients (~), since

( n+x-I)= f(n+x) = (n)x x=I,2,3, ....

x f(n)x! x!'

With this definition, it is possible to define (~) for negative n:

( -n)=~(-n-x+l)
x x! x

= - ( -n- x+ 1)( -n- x+2)( -n)

= ~(-Irn(n+
I) (n+x-I)

( 17)
Discrete Probability 31

It is with this definition that the generalized binomial theorem

is valid. (For a proof, the student is referred to a textbook of algebra.)

The beta function is defined by the integral

This integral converges for p > 0, q > 0, and obviously B( p, q) = B( q, p ).

Letting x =sin2 a gives the form

B( p, q) = 21'IT/\sin a)2p-I( cos a)2 q-1 da.


There is an important relationship between the beta function and the

gamma function:

Changing to polar coordinates gives

r(p)r(q)=4 1o'IT/2
(cosa) 2-1
100 2
(sina) 2q- 1da r (p+q)-l e - r 2 dr

=r(p+q )B( p, q). (18)

1.10. The Negative Binomial Distribution

This distribution has considerable importance both in probability and

in statistical applications. It is based on the terms of a binomial series with
negative exponents, and so contains an infinite number of values. These
probabilities are usually assigned either to the non-negative integers (as in
this section) or else to the positive integers beginning with a fixed number n.
It contains the geometric distribution as a special case (n = I), but has little
relationship with the binomial distribution except for one important appli-
cation (Section 2.4).
32 Chapter 1

Unlike most other elementary distributions, the negative binomial

distribution appears in at least three rather different looking standard
forms. The first is obtained simply by assigning the coefficients in the
general binomial theorem (with A = 1- B for normalization to unity) to the
non-negative integers:

x=o, 1,2, ... , n= 1,2,3, ....

For this assignment to produce a valid probability distribution, it is also

necessary that all the terms be positive. This requires that the parameter A
be negative, as will be more evident in the next standard form. Using Eq.
( 17),

Finally, replacing the parameter A by the parameter p, where

(l-A)(l-p)= 1

gives the standard form

x=O,I,2, ... , (19)

where n is a positive integer and O<p< 1.

The moments of the negative binomial distribution can be found in
much the same way as those of the binomial distribution. For example,

( )
E X = j-:/
~ (J+n-l)(
J 1- P

~ (j+n)! ( )n.
= j-:I (j-l}!(n-l)! I-p pJ

= ~ (j+n)! (1 p}npJ
j-:o J!(n-l)! -

~ ~ (j+n)! (1- }n+1 J

1-P-o .,' p p ,
Discrete Probability 33

and this, being a binomial sum with parameter n + I, equals unity. Therefore

1.11. The Probability Generating Function

One of the most spectacularly useful functions which characterizes a

discrete distribution is the probability generating function. In addition to a
number of unusually convenient properties which will be discussed later in
this section, it has the initial merit of tidiness. A probability generating
function {;ombines the values of a random variable with the exact probabili-
ties into a single function, so there is no need for a ragged list of values of x
and range(s) of parameter(s) after each formula. (Here it is important to
assume non-negative integral values.)
The probability generating function is a polynomial (or in the infinite
case a power series) in which the coefficients are the probabilities and the
exponents are the values of x. For example, with the distribution



P(X=2)= t,

the probability generating function would be (with customary variable s)

With the same probabilities, but different values of X, say




the probability generating function would be

34 Chapter 1

With a random variable taking values on the non-negative integers, the

probability generating function, denoted by </>(s), is defined by

</>(s)= ~ P(X=j)sJ,

or, in other notation,


For virtually all the elementary distributions, the probability generating

function (p.gJ.) can be expressed in simple form.
Rectangular Distribution (with values 1,2, ... , n)

Poisson Distribution

Binomial Distribution

=(\-wf (n)(
J=O ) I


Negative Binomial Distribution

</>(s)= (I-psf
Discrete Probability 35

Geometric Distribution


Fisher Distribution

1[>( s ) = 10g(1- /3s )

log(l- /3)

In every case the proof is little more than a small variant on the sum which
originally defined the probability. Unfortunately, there will be some distri-
butions for which the sum is not quite so simple; but even if the p.g.f. is left
in summation form, it can still be used and be useful.
One difficulty which students often have in understanding p.g.f.'s is
knowing the meaning of s. This difficulty is not confined to students, for
there is some discussion among mathematicians as to whether s should be
regarded as a "label," a real variable, or something else. t For the purposes
of this book, it is best to regard s as a real variable, defined at least over the
interval OSsS 1, and I[>(s) as a function having rather interesting proper-
The first of these properties is that 1[>( 1) = 1; this equation is the p.g.f.
version of normalization to unity. In other branches of mathematics, gener-
ating functions are defined for an arbitrary sequence of constants a o +a1s+
a 2 s 2 + ... ; the distinguishing feature of a p.g.f. is that since the coefficients
are probabilities, setting s = 1 must yield 1[>(1) = 1. What is the value of I[>(O)?
Since I[>(s) contains all the information about the distribution, it must
be possible to recover the exact probabilities. This, it is clear from Eq. (20),
can be done by differentiation and setting s=O:


Repeated differentiation with s= 1 gives the moments of the distribu-

tion, with a little algebraic manipulation:

so that


tA useful interpretation of s appears in Section 2.4 and subsequently.

Chapter 1

a third expression for the mean. Furthermore,

which very much resembles

Subtracting these equations gives

Thus the variance can be expressed in terms of the p.gJ.:

v=m 2 -m 2

In a similar fashion, the third and higher moments can be written in terms
of the p.gJ. at the point s= 1.
Change of Variable. A function of a random variahle is itself a random
variable. Specifically, two functions of importance in this book are adding a
constant (X + k) and multiplying by a constant (eX). Neither of these
operations affects the probabilities, but both affect the values of the
variables. Consider the example given at the beginning of this section, with
k=3 or with e=5. In the first instance, the distribution (writing Y=X+3,
p.gJ. '" for Y) is




Discrete Probability 37

In the second case, writing Z=5X, with p.g.f. X(s),


P(Z=5)= !,



The student can verify the general principle suggested by these exam-
ples: If random variables X, Y, and Z have p.g.f. <l>x(s), <l>y(s), and <l>z(s),

Y=X+k is equivalent to <l>y(s )=sk<l>As) (22)


Z=cX is equivalent to <l>z{s )=<I>AsC); (23)

that is, translation of a random variable corresponds to multiplication by s

of the p.g.f., and multiplication of a random variable by a constant
corresponds to raising the s variable to a power.
Generating Functions of Cumulative Probabilities. As an example of
generating functions which are not p.g.f.'s, consider

<I>(s)= ~ p(j)si,


'I'(s)= ~ QU)si,

where, as in earlier notation, P( x) = P( X < x), Q( x) = P( X;;::: x), <1>( x) =

38 Chapter 1

The following relationships between the generating functions of the

cumulative probabilities and the p.g.f.'s can be obtained without much

<1>( s) = s;~s; ,

( _l-sl/>(s)
'I's)- 1
-s .

Note: Different generating functions can be denoted either by using differ-

ent letters (as above) or by indicating the variable as a subscript [as in Eqs.
(22) and (23)].
Since <I> and 'I' equally characterize the probability distribution, the
mean can be expressed in terms of these generating functions. Differentiat-
ing Eq. (24) and setting s= 1 gives the formula



v=2'1"(I)+'1'(I)- ['I'(!)f

1.12. The Catalan Distribution

Generating functions are useful in many ways. In this section an

example is given in which the generating function is easier to find than the
coefficients which define it, so that the coefficients are calculated from the
generating function, rather than the other way around.
The problem is not probabilistic, at least not in the beginning, although
a probabilistic meaning subsequently appears. It concerns the order in
which an algebraic operation such as multiplication of several factors can be
performed. The expression abc means the product of these three quantities,
but it is possible to multiply first ab and then the result bye, or else be and
then the result by a. To indicate order, parentheses are used: (ab)e for the
first order, and a( be) for the second. [It is assumed that the product is only
between adjoining symbols, excluding (ae)b, for instance.]
With three symbols, the number of ways of multiplying is clearly two;
Discrete Probability 39

this is indicated by writing W3 = 2. It is obvious that w2 = I and WI = 1. To

find w4 , enumeration is simplest:

a(b(cd)), (a(bc))d, a(bc)d), (ab)( cd), (ab)c)d;

therefore W4 = 5. Similar experimentation will give the values W5 = 14, W6 =42.

Is there a general formula for W k = the number of ways to insert
parentheses in a product of k factors? The first step in finding such a
formula is to establish a recurrence relation for calculating successive values.
Suppose that the last multiplication in the sequence is between j factors on
the left and k - j factors on the right, where j = 1,2,3, ... , k - I. The number
of ways the earlier multiplications on the left could have been performed is
by definition wj , and on the right, wk - j .
Hence the number of ways wk can be written is

and wk can be calculated step by step from this formula. In fact, the student
will be able, using the recursion formula, to find W k up to a dozen or so
factors without much trouble, especially the student with a small calculator.
This still does not give a general formula for wk as a function of k, and
it is a real challenge to the ingenuity to try to convert the recursion relation
into such a formula. One of the simplest methods is by use of the generating

I/>(s)= ~ wjsj.

Here is how to do it: Multiply the generating function by itself:

It is immediately obvious that the coefficients in parentheses can be

simplified by using the recurrence formula:

=I/>(S )-s. (26)

40 Chapter I

This is a simple quadratic equation III the generating function, namely

cp2 -cp+s=O, with solutions

cp(s)= H1-+-(1-4s )1/2].

The negative sign is chosen so that the condition cp(O) =0 is satisfied, and s
must be less than t for real roots.
The next problem is to find the wk from cp( s). Since the W k are the
coefficients in the power-series expansion of cp(s), it is only necessary to
express cp( s) in powers of s. U sing the binomial theorem,


cp( S ) = - -1 ~00 (1) 2 (- 4s r,

2 j=1 )

and wk is found by lifting out the coefficient of Sk:

The most troublesome part of the calculation is to simplify this expression:

Wk = ( -I )k-1 22k-1 :1 [U)( - -!)( - ~)( -1) ... (~- k )]

=2 2k - 1 k\ [(-!)U)(~) .(k-~)]

=2 k - 1 k\ [13-5 (2k-3)]

k k-l

or, in the alternative form,

k .
Discrete Probability 41

Now the values obtained already by enumeration or recurrence can be

confirmed by direct substitution.

Remember that this sequence does not form a probability distribution
[</>(1) I). Nevertheless, it can be used to construct a probability distribu-
tion by the familiar method of normalization to unity. Dividing by </>(s),

x=1,2,3, ... ,

is a valid probability distribution with parameter </> (or s, since they are
related by the quadratic equation). In Chapter 6 this distribution occurs as
an important one in the theory of queues, with a parameter p satisfying

- p
</>- l+p'

Using Eq. (26), it is easy to see that

s= P
(1 + p)2

and that the probabilities can be written in terms of the parameter p as


I (2X-2)(
)X-'( I )X
l+p' x=I,2,3, .... (27)

The distribution will be called the Catalant distribution, since the

numbers W k are known to mathematicians as the Catalan numbers.

1.13. More about the p.g.f.; The Equation s=<[>(s)

In Section 1.11, two properties of the p.gJ., </>(1)= 1 (normalization to

unity) and </>'(l)=E(X), were discussed. For a deeper understanding, it is
helpful to consider the equation (= </>( s) in the s-( plane, assuming, as usual,
non-negative integral values for X. Since </>(O)=P(X=O), the two ends of
the curve are fixed at (0, Po) and (1, 1). Also, the fact that all coefficients Px
are positive means that the curve is continuous, monotonically increasing,
with a monotonically increasing slope.

t Eugene Charles Catalan. Belgian mathematician, 1814--1894.

42 Chapter 1

The only exceptions are straight lines, and it may be well to deal with
these cases first. The right end being anchored at (I, I), there are two cases:
(a) t=cp(s), a horizontal line, therefore Po = 1, and the distribution is
causal at the origin.
(b) cp(s)=Po +PIS, a diagonal line connecting (0, Po) and (1,1). Then
PI = 1 -Po' and the distribution is a simple version of the binomial, with
n = I. This is called the Bernoullit distribution and is modeled by a single
throw of a (not necessarily fair) coin.
As a special case of (b), there is case (c), PI = I, the causal distribution
at the value x= 1.
Except for these special cases, t = cp( s) is a curve which is at least
quadratic. Furthermore, the slope at (0, Po) is PI (non-negative) and the
slope at (I, I) is m, positive except for the degenerate case (a).
In one of the applications of Markov chain theory in Chapter 3, it is
important to know whether or not the curve t = cp( s) crosses the line t = s
between (0, Po) and (I, I), i.e., to find whether the equation s = cp( s) has a
root in the interval (0, I). [It always has the root s = 1 (normalization to
unity once again).] Because of the increasing slope of the curve, there can be
at most one such root [except for the degenerate case (c)].
If there is a root in this interval, the slope of the curve must be greater
than unity at the crossing point and must therefore be greater than unity at
( 1, I). Thus m> I. On the other hand, if there is no such root, t = cp( s) will
always be above (=s [except for case (c)] and so the slope at its largest value
cp'(I) will be less than or equal to one. This shows that, except for the trivial
cases, the existence of a root of the equation cp(s)=s in the interval O<s< 1
is a necessary and sufficient condition for m> 1.
As an example, consider the Poisson distribution with parameter A. The
equation cp(s)=s can be written


A= logs

Looking at the function logs, it is easy to see that A= I only where s= I,

and otherwise s - I> log s. Thus, if s is greater than unity, s - I is positive,

tJacob Bernoulli, Swiss mathematician. 1654-1705.

Discrete Probability 43

and logs/(s-l) will be less than one. Reversing the inequality on s reverses
it on A.

1.14. Problems

1. For discussion of sample spaces:

(i) The amount of money carried by a randomly chosen person
(ii) The number of teeth of a randomly chosen person
(iii) The number of students in a class
(iv) The number of axles on a vehicle
(v) The number of working light bulbs in a house
(vi) The number of books published by an author
(vii) The number of ways of going between two places
(viii) The number of countries bordering on a country
(ix) The number of area codes (or zip codes) in a state
(x) The number of windows in a building

2. For a Poisson distribution with parameter A, show that the largest probability
corresponds to x, the largest integer less than or equal to A.
3. What is the largest probability for the binomial distribution?
4. Make the first three terms of an arithmetic progression into a probability
distribution by normalizing to unity. How many parameters will there be in the
distribution? What range of values can the parameters have?
5. In Section 1.5, Example 2, find the probability that X is an odd number.
6. In Section 1.5, Example 3, find the probability that there will be more than
three claims in one day.
7. In Section 1.5, Example 4, find the probability that X is odd, square, and less
than ten.
8. In a Poisson distribution on the non-negative integers, P(X= 1)=P(X=2).
Find P( X=4). Ans. t e- 2

9. If X is binomially distributed with parameters n and w, show that (i) n - X is

binomially distributed with parameters nand l-w, (ii) the distribution is
symmetrical about the value c if and only if w= 1-, c= 1- n.

10. Find the mean, variance, and probability generating function for the geometric
probabilities defined for the following values: (i.) 1,2,3, ... , (ii) 2,3,4, ... , (iii)
k, k+ I, k+2, ... , (iv) 1,3,5, ....
II. Let E and F be events, and let E' be the event consisting of all sample points
not in E. Let IE' IF' and IE' be the respective indicators. Show that (i)
IE' = 1- IE' (ii) IEnF = IE IF' (iii) I EUF = 1-(1- IE)(l- IF)'
44 Chapter 1

12. Using the indicator relationship of Problem II, show that for three events E, F,
and G, EU(FilG)=(EUF)il(EUG).
13. Generalize the red and blue ticket problem of Section 1.5 to n tickets of each
color. Using indicators, show that E( X) = 1, independent of the number of
ticket pairs.
14. Let Xbe a random variable with a geometric distribution over the non-negative
integers, with parameter p= t. Compute the probabilities (i) X>4, (ii) 3:5X<6,
(iii) 4<X:56 or X>B, (iv) 2:5X:54 or B<X< 12.
Ans. (i) +Z, (ii) i4, (iii) -Hz

15. Let X be Poisson distributed over the non-negative integers with parameter A.
Find the expected value of (I + X) -I. A 118. (I-e -h)/A

16. Prove that the variance of aX is equal to a 2v, where v is the variance of X.
17. Let Xbe a binomial variable with parameters 'TT and n. Find the expected value
of (I + X) -I.
lB. A random variable has distribution

P( X=x )=P(I -pf +/3 (I _/3)"-1, x= 1,3,5, ... , O<P< I.

Show that this normalizes to unity and find E( X).

19. For the Poisson distribution over the non-negative integers with parameter A,
find E[(X-A)3].
20. Which distribution defined over 1,2, ... , n has the largest variance?
21. Let X be a random variable defined over N, N + I, N + 2, ... , where N is a
positive integer. Suppose

P(X=x )=(I-p )p,-N, x=N+ I, N+2, N+3, ....

Find P(X=N) and show that

E(X)= N-Np+pN+1

22. Find the cumulative probabilities P( x) and Q( x) as defined in Section 1. B for

the distributions of Problem 10.
23. For a probability distribution over N, N + I, N + 2, ... , where N is a positive
integer, express P(X=x) in terms of P(x), in terms of Q(x). Express E(x) in
terms of Q(x). Are the formulas independent of N?
Ans. E(x)=N+ Lj' IQ(N+j)
Discrete Probability 45

24. Let ppl.) represent the Poisson probabilities for x=O, 1,2, ... and let P(x, A)
and Q( x, A) be the cumulative probabilities (with parameter indicated). Prove
the following formulas:

(i) lOp(X-I,At)dt=x/A,

(ii) ~ Pj(A)Px~//L)=pX<A+/L),

(iii) {P)At) dt= Q(x, AU),


(iv) 1o
u 00

Q(x-I,At)dt=(I/A) ~ Q}AU),

(v) dA Q(x, A)=p,(A).

25. Let Px =P(X=x) be a discrete probability distribution over the non-negative

integers, and let f( x) = 'ij= I JPj and g( x) = 'ij=oPi" Show that

f(x )=f( 00 )g(x-I)

if (and only if) the distribution is Poisson.

26. Show that

10 ~:; dy=r(l-b)r( b).


27. Show that

28. Show that

r( n)= {[log(l/t)] 1/-1 dt.

29. Find the variance of the negative binomial distribution directly, using the p.g.f.
30. Referring to Section 1.10, draw the graph of (I - A)( I - p) in the A~p plane and
verify that the statements about the values of these parameters are correct.
31. LetP(X=x)=ix,x=I,2,3.FindP(X2 =x). Ans. X I / 2/6
46 Chapter 1

32. Let X be geometrically distributed over the non-negative integers with parame-
ter p. Let Y=min(X, M), where M is an integer. Compute the probability
distribution of Y. Work the same problem where X takes values in the positive
33. Let X be geometrically distributed with parameter p. Compute the following
distributions: (i) X2 if X takes values in the non-negative integers; (ii) X 2 if X
takes values in the positive odd integers; (iii) X + 4 if X takes values in the
non-negative integers; and (iv) X + 4 if X takes values in the positive odd
34. Let X be geometrically distributed over the non-negative integers with parame-
ter p, and let K be an integer. Find E(min X, K) and E(max X, K). Hint: Use
E(X)='i.Q(j), Problem 37.
35. With the assumptions of Problem 34, find the distribution of Y=min(X, K).
36. Let X be a random variable satisfying
P(X=x)= N(I+N)' x=I,2, ... ,N.

Show that this is a valid probability distribution, and find the mean, variance,
and p.g.f.
37. Referring to Section 1.11, show without use of the p.g.f. that E(X)='i.Q(j) if
x=0,1,2, ... (compare Problem 23).
38. A random variable has p.g.f. (3+s)/(6-2s). Find the mean, variance, and
P(X=x). Ans. P(x=x)=rx, x= 1,2,3, ... , P(x=O)= 1.
39. In Problem 4, find the mean, variance, and p.g.f. for the following values of X:
(i) 0, 1,2; (ii) 2,3,4; (iii) 1,5,6.
40. Show that the generating function of (i) a x is (I - as) ~ I, (ii) x is s/ (I - s) 2, (iii)
x(x-I) is 2S2/(I-S)3, (iv) x 2 is s(s+ 1)/(I-s)3.
41. The moment generating function is defined to be E(e Sx ). Show that it actually
generates (i.e. has coefficients) the moments divided by factorials. Find a
formula connecting the moment generating function with the p.g.f.
42. Find the mean, variance, and p.g.f. for the following:
(i) The Poisson probabilities assigned to the positive odd integers, i.e.,

P(X=x)= [(x-I)/2]!' x= 1,3,5, ....

(ii) The odd Poisson probabilities normalized to unity over the same odd
values, i.e.,
P(X=x)=C-,-, x=I,3,5, ....
Discrete Probability 47

43. The concept of the p.g.f. of a random variable can be generalized to that of a
generating function of an event, as cI>(s) and 'l'(s) of Section 1.1 I, where the
events in question were X <x and X2::x. Find the generating functions for the
following events, where cf>(s) is the p.g.f. of X: (i) X>x+ I, (ii) X:::;x, (iii) X>x,
(iv) X=2x.
44. Given that i(2s + 1)(1 + s) is the p.g.f. for a random variable X, find (i)
P(X=x), (ii) the p.g.f. for X+ I, (iii) E(X), (iv) the variance of X.
45. Find P( x) and Q( x) for Problems 3 I, 36, and 38.
46. Given a random variable with cf>( s) = ro( s + I )(2s + 3), find the mean, variance,
and P(x).
47. Let cf>(s) be a p.g.f. (i) show that 1/[2-cf>(s)] is also a p.g.f. (ii) If the values of
the random variable corresponding to cf>( s) are the non-negative integers, what
are the values of the random variable in part (i)? (iii) If cf>( s) corresponds to a
random variable X and part (i) to a random variable Y, express P(Y=O) in
terms of the probabilities of X. (iv) Show that E( X) = E( Y).
48. Consider the probability distribution P(X=x), with p.g.f. cf>(s). Define the
exponential probability generating function 1/;( s) by

00 . SJ
1/;(s)= ~ P(X=j)~.
j=O j.

Show that

cf>(s)= lOe-'1/;(ts)dt.
49. Random variables X and Yare connected through their p.g.f., and cf>(s) and
I/;(s), by the relation s2cf>(s)=I/;(s). Find the relationships between E(X) and
E( Y) and between the variances.

50. Let Px()..) denote the Poisson probabilities over the non-negative integers.
Define a probability distribution qA)..) [random variable X] by

qx(;\)=Px-I(;\)' x=I,3,5, ... ,

qx(;\)=Px+I(;\)' x=0,2,4, ....

Find E(X).
51. Let P(X=x)=(1 _p)pX, x=0,1,2, ... and let a distribution qx be defined

qx =P(X=2x)+ P(X=2x+ I), x=0,1,2, ....

Find the mean, variance, and p.g.f. for qx.

48 Chapter 1

52. Express E( X 3 ) in terms of the p.g.f. Ans. <1>'''(1)+3<1>''(1)+<1>'(1).

53. Find P(l ~ X ~ 2), where (i) X is Poisson with ,\ = I, (ii) X is binomial wi.th
n= 10 and 'IT=O.I, (iii) X is negative binomial with 'IT=0.1 and n= 10, (iv) X is
geometric with p =.t, (v) X is Catalan with p = 0.1. In each case, the "natural"
values are used, e.g., the non-negative integers for the Poisson distribution.
54. Show that the mean of the Catalan distribution is (I + p) - I and that its variance
is p(l +p )(I-p) -3.
55. Find the roots of the equation s=<I>(s) for the geometric distribution with p.g.f.

56. Show by Section 1.13 that the expected value of an indicator is less than unity.
57. Every indicator has a Bernoulli distribution; is the converse true?
58. A fair die is thrown and X is the sum of the number showing on top and on the
face nearest you. Find the distribution of X.
Note: Opposite faces of a die are numbered I : 6, 2: 5, and 3: 4.
Ans. P(X=x) = i, x=5,6, 8, 9; P( X=x)= iI, x=3,4, 10, II.
59. In Section I.7 (geometric distribution) use the "derivative" method, as shown
for finding E( X) to sum the series needed to find E( X2).
60. Nine points are arranged in a square, and three of them are chosen at random.
Two points are "neighbors" if adjacent in a row, column, or diagonal. Find the
distribution of X=the number of neighbors.
61. A coin is weighted so that the probability of heads is ~; it is tossed three times.
Find the distribution of X= the length of the longest sequence of tails observed.
x=o if no tails. Ans. (idt~, B)
62. A boy comes from a family with three children; what is the probability that his
two siblings are of the same sex? Assume equal probability that a child is male
or female. Ans. 4
63. Given a random variable X, with

P(X=2)=a(l-b ), P( X=3)=ab, P(X=5)=I-a.

(i) Sketch the region in the a-b plane for which this is a valid probability
distribution, (ii) find P(2 X - 3 < 5), (iii) find E( X), (iv) sketch the probability
generating function.
64. A die is rolled three times; what is the probability that each result is larger than
the preceding one? Ans. i4
Discrete Probability 49

65. Show that the recurrence equation (25) for Catalan numbers is satisfied if W k is
interpreted as the number of ways a convex polygon of k+ I sides can be
divided into triangles by k - 2 nonintersecting diagonals.
66. A green die and a red die are thrown (together) n times. Show that the number
of times the value on the green die is greater than the value on the red die is a
binomial random variable. Find the parameters.

Conditional Probability

2.1. Introduction. An Example

This chapter deals with probability distributions and their properties-

very much as in Chapter I-but with the additional feature that the total
sample space is constrained by a "given" event. Frequently the event will
consist of particular values imposed on a random variable. To prepare for
the formal development of conditional probability, the following example
will be instructive.
Suppose there are three fish swimming in a bowl, and a person tries to
catch them by making repeated passes with a net. Assume further that the
probability of catching X fish on the first attempt is binomial with parame-
ters 3 and 1T, where 1T characterizes the efficiency of the netting process.
That is, with X=number of fish caught,

P{ X=x)= (~)1TX(I-1T )3-x, x=0,I,2,3.

Next, suppose a second attempt is made to catch the fish, and the
number caught the second time is the random variable Y. Again, suppose
that the binomial distribution applies to Y, with one parameter equal to the
number of fish remaining after the first trial, 3 - X.
Some reflection on the random variables X and Y should show that Y
has also the possible values 0, 1,2, 3-and yet there are certain combinations
of values which are impossible, for example, X = 3, Y= 3. In other words,

52 Chapter 2

not all of the 16 possibilities have positive probability. In fact,

if X=O, then Y=O, 1,2,3,

if X= 1, then Y=O,I,2,

if X=2, then Y=O, 1,

if X=3, then y=o.

There are really 10 nonzero probabilities, and these are easy to write down,
using the binomial assumption for definiteness.
If X=O [the probability of which is (1-'17')3), then

P(Y=O)=(I-'17' )3
P(Y= 1)=3'17'(1-'17')2
(binomial with parameters 3 and '17').
P(Y=2)=3,,2(1-'17' )

If X= 1 [the probability of which is 3'17'(1_,,)2], then

P(Y=O)=(I-'17')2 }
p(Y= 1)=2'17'(1-'17') (binomial with parameters 2 and '17').

If X=2 [the probability of which is 3'17'2(1-'17')], then

P(Y= 1)='17'
1-,,} (binomial with parameters 1 and '17').

If X=3 [the probability of which is '17'3]. then

P(Y=O)= 1 (binomial with parameters and '17'. i.e., causal).

These 10 probabilities are said to be conditional on values of X, and a

Conditional Probability 53

vertical bar is used to represent the relationship:

p(y=ol X=O) =(I-1T )3,

P(y=ol X= 1)=(1-1T )2,

p(Y= 11 X= 1)=21T(I -1T),


P(Y=OI X=2)= l-1T,



[It would also be possible to write down the various possibilities which have
probability zero, for example, P(Y=31 X=3)=O, etc.]
If the expression P( Y = y IX = x) is regarded as a function of the two
arguments x and y, it is clear that the normalization to unity applies to the
first argument only: Summing on x is a meaningless operation.
These 10 probabilities form four separate probability distributions, one
conditional on each of the four possible values of X, but they do not
represent the individual probabilities of the 10 basic sample points which have
positive probability. For example, although the value y=o conditional on
X=3 has probability unity, it does not mean that the joint occurrence of
X=3 and y=o is mandatory. The probabilities of the basic sample points
are denoted by a comma,
P(X=x, Y=y),
in contrast with
P( X=xl Y=y).
There is a great difference between saying that two fish are caught the first
54 Chapter 2

Table 2.1. Data for the fish-catching experiment

=3 0 0 0
=2 0 0
=l o
X=o X=l X=2 X=3

time and none the second time, and saying that two fish are caught the first
time, given that none are caught the second time.
How shall the probabilities of the sample points be calculated? First,
consider the various possibilities arranged in a rectangular tableau: in the
language of probability, a "bivariate distribution" or, in the language of
statistics, a "contingency table." Just as the sample points and their proba-
bilities are listed in the single-variable case, so, in the bivariate case, they are
given in a two-way table. For the fish-catching experiment, the table would
have 16 cells, six of them occupied by zeros, as in Table 2.l.
In thinking about how to fill in the remaining probability values in
Table 2.1, note first that the column totals, i.e., P(X=x), x=O, 1,2,3, are
given by the original assumption as binomial values. This says only that the
probability of catching x fish the first time is the sum of the probabilities of
the constituent sample points, P(X=x, Y=y) summed ony.
Therefore the probability in the lower right cell must be P(X=3)='173.
This makes sense, too, since the event "three fish on the first scoop" must
have the same probability as "three fish on the first scoop and no fish on the
second." Now consider the third column, corresponding to X=2; the total
probability in this column is 3'17 2(1-'17)=P(X=2), and the proportions to
be shared between y=o (bottom cell) and Y= 1 (second cell) are given by
the conditional probabilities P( Y=OI X= 2) and P(Y= 11 X=2). These have
been found to be 1-'17 and '17, respectively. In order to 'divide 3'17 2(1-'17)
into proportions 1-'17 and '17, it is only necessary to multiply by these
quantities, giving P(Y=O, X=2)=3'172(1_'17)2 for the bottom cell in this
column, and P(Y= 1, X=2)=3'17 3(1-'17) for the second cell. These two
values have the required sum for total probability P( X =2) and the right
proportions for P(Y=OI X=2) and P(Y= 11 X=2).
Thus the event "two fish caught on the first scoop and none on the
second scoop" has probability 3'17 2(1- '17)2. The same principle can be
applied to get the probabilities in the first two columns, and to fill out the
joint probability array as in Table 2.2.t
tIn this book we take up and right as positive directions, exactly as in analytic geometry. Other
texts sometimes use down and right.
Conditional Probability 55

Table 2.2. Joint probability array

Y=3 '1T 3(1-'1T)3 0 0 0
Y=2 3'1T2(1_'1T)4 3'1T 3(1-'1T)2 0 0
Y=! 3'1T(I-'1T)5 6'1T 2(1-'1T)3 3'1T 3(1 -'1T) 0
y=o (I-'1T)6 3'1T(I-'1T)4 3'1T2(1_'1T)2 '1T 3
X=O X=! X=2 X=3

This argument about scooping fish represents an entirely typical way of

getting from a probability model involving two variables to the complete
description, namely the bivariate table. Next consider some of the implica-
tions of the table, once obtained.
First, it is possible to get the single-variable distribution of the number
of fish caught on the second scoop, P(Y=y), simply by summing the rows:

where T=7T(I-7T).
That is, Y is also a binomial random variable with parameters 3 and
7T(l-7T). The unconditional distributions of X and Yare often written along
the margins of the bivariate table and are known in statistics as "marginal"
distri bu tions.
In addition to the bivariate and single-variate distributions, there are
also conditional distributions P(X=xl Y=y) corresponding to P(Y=yl X=
x). These are formed by normalizing to unity the row or column specified
by the condition imposed. When Y=2 comes after the vertical bar, it is an
instruction to consider row three and normalize to unity:

p(X=OI Y=2)= 1-27T+7T 2 ,

1-7T+7T 2

P( X = II Y = 2) = 7T .
1-7T+7T 2
56 Chapter 2

The student should think carefully about these conditional distribu-

tions: They give the probability of something which has happened earlier in
time (the first scoop) conditional on something which has happened later in
time (the second scoop). There is nothing at all peculiar about this. One
might say, for example, "of all people who live to age 60, how many took
music lessons at age 10" just as well as the converse. However, there are
some who find the situation paradoxical, and they are advised to keep
thinking about it until the fog lifts.
The various sets of conditional distributions are called in statistics
"array" distributions, a row or column being an array. There are therefore
five kinds of distributions distinguished so far in a bivariate table:

X single variable or marginal,

Y single variable or marginal,
XIY conditional or array,
YIX conditional or array,
X,Y bivariate, joint or con tingency.

Towards the end of this chapter, some other important kinds of

distributions will be discovered in the bivariate table.
Although this example has been given with random variables, it is also
true that bivariate distributions apply when the sample points are labels
rather than numbers.
The relationships among the various distributions which have been
illustrated in this section are now put on a more formal basis in the next

2.2. Conditional Probability and Bayes' Theorem

Given two events E and F, the probability of E conditional on F is

defined by the formula

P(EIF)= P(F) (1)

For the special case of random variable values, the formula reads

P(X=x, Y=y)
P(X=xIY=y)= P(Y=y) (2)
Conditional Probability 57

The motivation for these definitions should be understood from the fish-
netting example: On the left side we have an array distribution, and the
right side says that the probabilities in this array distribution are formed by
normalizing to unity (the denominator) the joint probabilities (the numera-
tor). Stated yet another way, the "conditional sample space" is For Y= y,
and dividing by P(F) or P(Y=y) reflects this fact.
It is also clear that the single-variable probabilities should be defined in
terms of array sums of the bivariate probabilities:

P(X=x)= ~p(X=x, Y=y),


P(Y=y)= ~p(X=x, Y=y).


Since the joint probabilities P(X=x, Y=y) are symmetric in the two
arguments, the basic definition can be written in the nicely symmetric forms

P(EIF)P(F)=P(FIE)P(E) (3)
P(X=xl Y=y )p(Y=y )=P(Y=yl X=x)p(X=x).

As a basis for further work, the student should clearly understand why
conditional probability must be defined in this way, and memorize the
simple mnemonic formula


from which virtually all more complicated formulas follow easily. It is also
useful to see the intuitive significance of these formulas.
Each of the distributions comes with its own system of parameters,
distribution functions, probability generating functions, and so forth. There
does not seem to be any simple and comprehensive set of notation to
account for it all, and rather than attempt to build up such a (cumbersome)
system, this book will define the various quantities of interest on an ad hoc
basis, often using Pxy to abbreviate P(X=x, Y=y). Thus Px =~yPxy' etc.
A problem often involves the basic definition where two of the factors
are given, say P( E) and P( FIE) and a third is to be found, usually
P( ElF). Solutions clearly involve finding P( F) first. A little reflection will
58 Chapter 2

show that this is possible, for the quantities given permit the calculation of
the bivariate probabilities P(EIF), and so P(F) is obtained as a row sum.

Example 1. (A Classic Problem). A chest has four drawers, and drawer

A contains two gold coins, drawer B contains a silver coin and a gold coin,
drawer C contains five silver and two gold coins, drawer D contains two
silver and three gold coins. A drawer is chosen at random, and a coin
removed-again at random. Being gold, what is the probability that drawer
A was opened?

Solution 1. There are two variables, gold/silver and A/B/C/D, and

therefore a total of eight probabilities in the bivariate table, some of which
may be zero. Being given P(A)=P(B)=P(C)=P(D)=* ("all drawers
equally likely") and the conditionals

P{GIA)= 1, P{SIA)=O,

p{ GIB)=-L P{SIB)=1,

P{ GIC)= i, P(SIC)= ~,

P( GID)=~, P(SID)=~

("coin chosen at random"), it is perfectly easy to write down the bivariate

table and draw from it any conclusions you wish, including the one asked
for in the problem. Since P(AIG) was requested, it will be necessary to read
off P(A,G) from the table and then divide this by the row sum P(G). Note
that in finding P( G) it is necessary to know the joint probabilities, and that
to find these it is necessary to know all the conditional probabilities.

There are many problems of this general tenor, which the student
should work until the basic procedure is familiar. In the following example,
the problem is an industrial one, but the situation, as far as it relates to
probability, is virtually identical.

Example 2. Factory A produces 50% of the output, factory B, 25%, and

factory C, 25%. In factories A and B, one percent of items are defective,
while in factory C three percent are defective. What is the probability that a
(randomly chosen) defective item comes from factory A?
Conditional Probability S9

Solution 2. P(A)= 1. P(B)= t, P(C)= t P(DIA)= 160, P(DIB)= 160,

P( D IC) = 160. The bivariate table is easily constructed and the appropriate
value read off.

Problems of this type, in which one collection of conditional probabili-

ties are given, together with one marginal distribution, and the other set of
conditional probabilities is to be found, occur so frequently in practice that
the steps involved, namely,

1. finding the bivariate probabilities,

2. normalizing to unity the required array,

have been collected into a (famous) formula: Bayes't theorem. To obtain

this theorem, let us take the steps in sequence, beginning with being given
P(X=xIY=y) and P(Y=y) and required to find P(Y=yIX=x).
From the basic definition, dividing by P(X=x),

p(Y=y, X=x)
p(Y=YIX=x)= p(X=x)

The numerator, being bivariate probabilities, are obtained, as in all earlier

examples, by multiplication of the given probabilities:

( _ _)_ P(X=xIY=y)P(Y=y)
P Y-YIX-x - P(X=x)

The denominator, being a marginal, is obtained by summing the ap-

propriate array:

P ( Y=yIX=x ) = - - - - - - - - - (5)
~p(X=xIY=y )P(Y=y)

Thus Bayes' theorem is only a slight modification of the basic definition,

but it does emphasize one important point: In the symmetric (mnemonic,
for example) form, there appear to be four separate distributions. The
Bayes' theorem form shows that there are in reality only three, since one of
them can be obtained when two are given, for all values of the random

t Thomas Bayes, English theologian, 1702-1761.

60 Chapter 2

variable. There is also a version of Bayes' theorem, with the same meaning
and the same proof, for events not necessarily involving random variables.
For example, in the gold/silver coin problem, Bayes' theorem would read

. P(GIA)P(A)
P(AIG)= P( GIA)P(A)+ P( GIB)P(B)+ P( GIC)p( C)+ p( GID)P(D) ,
representing exactly the calculations needed to obtain the bivariate table
from the given probabilities, and then the answer from the bivariate table.
It may be surprising how often practical problems involve being given
P(EIF) and P(F), rather than some other probabilities; the existence of
Bayes' theorem reflects this fact. Although Bayes' theorem permits the
calculation of the "inverse" probabilities without writing out the entire
bivariate table, it is more sensible and orderly to do the latter, and the
actual calculations usually prove to be identical, as the derivation of the
theorem shows.
Sometimes the events which condition probabilities are more subtle
than obvious random variable values. In the two following examples-both
of which will assume importance later in this book- the nature of the
conditioning may not at first be clear.

Problem 1 (Stick Problem). There are two sticks, one a foot in length and the
other two feet in length. What is the probability distribution for the length of a
stick? If a stick is chosen at random, the result P( X = I) = 1, P( X = 2) = 1 would be
obtained, where X=length of stick. On the other hand, by choosing at random a
point on a stick, the result P(X= 1)= t, P(X=2)= ~ would be correct. Actually the
difference in the two results comes from an implicit assumption about how the
experiment is performed. Some authors call the situation a paradox, although there
is certainly no reason to do so. Using the concepts of conditional probability, it
appears that the definition of X is not the same in the two cases.

Problem 2 (Family Problem). A family has two children, of which one is a boy.
What is the probability that the other is a boy? In this formulation, it appears that
the answer must be one-half, since the other child could equally well be boy or girl.
But, like the stick problem, there is a curiosity about the way the problem is
phrased. It refers exclusively to families with one boy and another child, not to all
families. If families with two children have equal probabilities of boys and girls,
then the sex distributions which are equally likely would be

boy/boy, boy/girl, girl/boy, girl/girl,

and the problem refers only to the first three kinds of families. Conditional on this,
the probability of another boy is one-third. In order to get the answer one-half, it
Conditional Probability 61

would be necessary to ask the question not in terms of families, but in terms of
boys: If a boy has one sibling, what is the probability that it is a boy? Then the two
middle cases are indistinguishable, and the answer is one-half.

The student is advised to give some thought to these two examples,

since the general principles involved will become more important in Chapter

2.3. Conditioning

The proof of Bayes' theorem shows, among other things, that

P(X=x)= ~P(X=xIY=Y)P(Y=y), (6)


and this is obvious in any case from the fact that P( X = x) is an array sum.
The validity of the formula depends, however, on the fact that all values of y
are represented, in other words, that the values are mutually exclusive and
exhaustive of the sample space. The same is true of any mutually exclusive
and exhaustive set of events, say E I' E 2 , ... , En: If P( Ei n E) = 0, all i, j,

When distributions, probabilities, or expectations are calculated in this way,

the procedure is called "conditioning" (on the set of mutually exclusive and
exhaustive events); it is often an extremely useful method.

Example 1. A population consists of males and females, who may be

colorblind or normal:

P( C)=P( Cj M)P(M)+ p( CjF)P(F).

Example 2. A manufactured article is inspected X times, where X=

0,1.2, and has Y flaws:

P( Y=y )=P(Y=yl X=O)P( X=O)+ P(Y=yl X= l)P( X= 1)

+ P(Y=yl X=2)P(X=2).
62 Chapter 2

Example 3. In the fish-netting example,

P(Y=O)= ~ P(Y=OIX=j)p(X=j).

It is also possible to condition expectation, since it is a linear functional.

Example 4. In the fish-netting experiment, the mean number of fish

caught on the second scoop is 37T(1-7T), because Y is binomial with
parameters 3 and 7T( I -7T). The same result could be obtained by condition-
ing on X:
E(Y)=E(YI X=O)p(X=O)+ E(YI X= I)P( X= I)

+ E(YI X=2)P( X=2)+ E( Y IX= 3)P( X=3)

Note. The proof of conditioning for expected values depends only on

the definition. For random variables defined for non-negative integer val-
ues, it would be written

E(Y)= ~ jp(Y=j)

00 00

= ~ j ~ P(Y=jIX=i)P(X=i)
j=O i=O
00 00

=~ ~ jP(Y=jIX=i)P(X=i)
i=O j=O


= ~ E(YIX=i)P(X=i), (8)

with similar expressions for other mutually exclusive and exhaustive events.
This last formula is often written
This means treating E( Y IX) as a random variable with an expectation.
Although the attitude towards E( Y IX) is hardly of importance, it would be
well to clarify it and the meaning of the formula by referring once again to
the fish-netting example. Treating E( Y I X= x) in this example as values of a
Conditional Probability 63

random variable 3'77, 2'77, '77, and 0 and probabilities (1-'77)3, 3'77(1-'77)2,
3'77 2(1-'77), and '77 3 would lead to exactly the same calculation for E(Y) as
performed above.

Example 5. (Polya's Urn Model for Simple Contagion). Consider a

container which holds a amber and b black balls. One ball is drawn at
random and replaced in the container, together with x balls of the color
drawn. The process is repeated sequentially. What is the probability that the
second ball drawn is amber? It is convenient to condition on the first ball
P{second amber)=P{second amberlfirst amber)P(first amber)

+ P{second amberlfirst black)P(first black).

x+a _a_+ a b
x+a+b a+b x+a+b a+b
In this example it was fairly obvious that the conditioning should be
done on the first drawing, but it can happen that some care must be taken
in the conditioning choice. Suppose, to continue, that it is desired to know
the probability that the third ball drawn is amber. Use the notation An' Bn
to abbreviate amber and black on the nth draw. Then, depending on the
choice of event to condition on, one of the following formulas might be
Conditioning on the Second Draw,
P(A 3)=P( A 3IA 2)P(A 2 )+ p( A 3IB2)P(B2 );
Conditioning on the First Draw,
p( A 3)=P( A 3IA 1)P(A 1)+ p( A31 B 1)P( B 1);
Conditioning on Both the First and Second Draws,
P(A 3)=P( A3IA1A2)P(A1A2) + p(A 3IA 1B2)P( A 1B2 )

+ p( A3IA2B1)P(A2B1)

+p(A 3 IB 1BZ}P(B 1BZ}.

The student can work out the details of these formulas.
64 Chapter 2

The important thing to remember, however, is that in each case the

events conditioned upon are mutually exclusive and exhaustive.
In terms of the bivariate array, the conditioning formula for the
probability of amber on the second draw is easy to understand: It simply
states that one of the marginal entries is obtained by summing across the
relevant row, and that the entries in that row are obtained as products of
conditional and unconditional probabilities. Thus the formulas which have
been used are by no means new- they are simply obvious relationships in
the bivariate table put to a slightly new purpose.
From the point of view of the substance of the P6lya model, it is
interesting to note that the probability of amber on any drawing is the same,
whereas the conditional probabilities depend on x. The student should look
at a slight variant of this model, in which x balls of the color drawn are
added together with y balls of the opposite color, and note that the
probability of amber does change as the process continues.
Finally, note that more complicated conditioning can be worked into
the basic formula (6), for example,

p(X=xIZ=z)= ~p(X=xly=y)p(Y=yIZ=z), (9)


a formula which is simultaneously complex and trivial.

2.4. Independence and Bernoulli Trials

The word independent (and its opposite, dependent) is used in three

ways: independent random variables, independent events, and independent
experiments (or trials). Random variables are independent if

p(X=x, y=y)=p(X=x)p(Y=y) for all x, y, (10)

that is, if the bivariate table is a multiplication table of the marginal

distributions. Such a decomposition of the joint probabilities is equivalent

P(X=x )=P(X=xl Y=y),

(11 )
p(Y=y )=p(Y=yl X=x),

which correspond exactly to our intuitive idea of independence.

Conditional Probability 65

Similar formulas define independent events:


P(E)=P(EIF), (12)


Two experiments are independent if the sample points constitute

independent events, i.e., if the joint probability of any result of the two
experiments can be obtained as the product of the separate probabilities.
Independent random variables, events, or experiments constitute an im-
portant class of variables, events, and experiments, but not such an im-
portant class as is often believed. The importance lies chiefly in statistics,
where it is usually necessary (and often desirable) to consider a sample to
consist of independent random variables. Actually, much of the interest in
probability vanishes with the vanishing of P(X=x, Y=y) as a separate
entity; things become "too simple."

Example 1. In the fish-netting experiment, the variables would have

become independent if each fish caught were returned to the bowl before
the next scoop.

Example 2. In the coin-drawer experiment, the events would have

become independent if each drawer contained exactly the same mix.

Example 3. A Bernoulli experiment is one with only two possible

results, called generically "success" and "failure": on/off, male/female,
pass /fail, open/ closed, acceptable/defective, graduate /undergraduate,
citizen/alien, alive/dead. Bernoulli trials are a sequence of independent
Bernoulli experiments in which the probability of success P( S) remains
constant [with of course P(F)= 1- peS)]. Thus, for two Bernoulli trials, a
bivariate table such as Table 2.3 holds. For n Bernoulli trials, an n-
dimensional table similar to Table 2.3 is formed.

Theorem 1. The probability of x successes in n Bernoulli trials, with

P(S)='17, is binomial with parameters nand '17.

Proof. The probability of x successes on the first x trials is '17 x; the

probability of n - x failures on the next n - x trials is (l-'17 y-x. Since these
66 Chapter 2

Table 23. Bivariate table for two Bernoulli trials

Second P(F) P(S)P(F) P(F)P(F)
trial P(S) P(S)P(S) P(F)P(S)
First trial
P(S) P(F)

may happen in any order (and with the same probability), the factor (~) is
supplied. 0

Theorem 2. The number of failures before n successes In Bernoulli

trials is negative binomial with parameters nand 'TT.

Proof. Let Y denote the number of failures before n successes. The

event Y=y will occur when the nth success occurs on the (n+y)th trial.
Thus P( Y = y) is the product of the probability of y failures in the first
n +y - 1 trials, and the probability of a success on the (n +y )th trial, namely

y (1 - 'TT r'TT n- 1'TT , y=0,1,2, ... ,

as given in Section 1.10. 0

The binomial and negative binomial distributions often appear in this
interpretation based on random variables defined in connection with
Bernoulli trials. The student should beware, however, of thinking that this is
the sole interpretation of the two distributions. They also occur in many
other contexts.
The Method of Marks. The interpretation of the binomial distribution
as the probability of x successes in n independent trials permits an inge-
nious derivation of the binomial based on an idea known as the method of
marks. Suppose each success is "marked" -you can think of red paint-with
probability l-s, and left unmarked with probability s, each success being
treated independently, and all failures left unmarked. Then the probability
that none of the trials is marked is given by
~ p(X=j)sJ,

where, as before, X denotes the number of successes. But this probability

can also be written (l-'TT+'TTs)n, since 1-'TT is the probability of a failure,
which is never marked, and 'TTS is the probability of an unmarked success.
Conditional Probability 67

Equating these expressions for the probability of no marks leads to the

probability generating function of the binomial distribution.
This method, although admittedly peculiar, does (a) apply to more
complicated problems, as will be shown later in the book, and (b) provide
an interpretation, also peculiar, for the variable s in the probability generat-
ing function.
Binomial-Poisson Limit. Consider a line segment of length e, contained
within a longer segment of length L. Suppose points are dropped at random
on the longer segment so that the probability of a given point falling on eis
ej L. Placing n points on L can be modeled as a Bernoulli experiment, with
'7T = ej L, a "success" being a point falling on e. The probability that x points

will fall on eis therefore binomial with parameters nand ej L.

Now suppose that the number n of points is increased and the length of
L is also increased, so that both ~ 00, but proportionally, so that njL~"A,
a constant representing the long-run density of points on the line. Then, as
the following calculation shows, the probability of x points on e, originally
binomial, now approaches the Poisson with parameter e"A:

. n ( e ) x(
11m( x) L
e ) n - x ex. (n) ( n - I )
I- L = x! 11m L ---y;- ... ( n - Lx + I )( e ) LA - x
I- L

It will be noted that the exponential limit

Z )n
e = lim
Z ( 1+-
n---+oo n

is used in this proof.

This limit has an important practical interpretation. Suppose the line is
the time axis (with L= (0) and the points are instants of occurrence of some
well-defined phenomenon, such as accidents in a factory, lightning bolts in a
county, registrations on a Geiger counter, demands for service at a counter,
calls placed at a switchboard, etc. Then, the binomial-Poisson limit shows
that if the instants are random in time, that is, completely independent and
scrambled as to when the phenomena occur, the Poisson distribution gives
the probability of x occurrences in a fixed unit time, where the parameter is
the average number of occurrences in a unit time.
68 Chapter 2

Another interpretation of the limit, often used in statistics, is to show

that if n is large and 7T is small, the binomial probabilities can be approxi-
mated by the Poisson probabilities. It often turns out that the Poisson
probabilities (with only one parameter) are a bit easier to calculate than the
binomial probabilities (with two parameters).

2.5. Moments, Distribution Functions, and Generating Functions

Each of the five kinds of distributions which have so far been discussed
in connection with two random variables carries with it the entire structure
of moments, distribution functions, and generating functions defined in
Chapter 1. In thinking about the various quantities and functions involved
even when there are two random variables, let alone n random variables, it
appears that a very complex set of notation would be needed to describe
everything systematically. It is probably safe to say that there does not exist
any such fully comprehensive set, and if one were devised, the tangle of
symbols would obscure rather than reveal important relationships.
In this section, some of the more useful relationships are illustrated,
together with typical notation. In the remainder of the book, various
quantities and functions will be defined according to the need to clarify the
problem at hand, without attempting an overall system.

E(X)= ~ ~iP(X=i, Y=j),

i j

2, i iP(X=i, Y=y)
E(XIY=y)= ~iP(X=iIY=y)= ,
. p(Y=y)


var( X)= ~ ~ i 2p( X=i, Y=j)- [E( X)]2,

i j

var(XIY=y)= ~ i 2p( X=iIY=y)- [E( XIY=y )f,

Conditional Probability 69

With two random variables, three closely related quantities are often
used to measure the degree of association between the variables:

(XY)= ~ ~ijP(X=i, Y=j),

i j

cov(X, Y)=(XY)-(X)(Y) (the "covariance"), ( 13)

p( X, Y)=COV( X, Y)/[var( X)var(Y)f/2 (the "correlation coefficient").



the variables are said to be uncorrelated. The student can verify that
independent variables are uncorrelated, and perhaps construct a counterex-
ample to show that the converse is not true.

Probability Generating Function


</>(s, t)= ~ ~sitjp(X=i, Y=j) (14)

i j

for the bivariate distribution and

for the single-variable marginals, it is obvious that </>(s, l)=a(s) and </>(1, t)
= f3( t). Also,

a</>~:, t) Is=t=1 =(X)


(s,t)1 _ ( )
- XY . (15)
70 Chapter 2

It is also possible to define the probability generating functions for the

conditional distributions in the usual way, with the usual set of relationships

Distribution Functions
Defining the bivariate distribution function by

F(x, y)=p(X<x, Y<y)

and the single-variable distribution functions by


H(x)=P(Y<x ),

the relationships F( x, 00) = G( x), F( 00, x) = H( x) follow at once.

In contrast to the single-variable distribution function, however,

1- F(x, y) :;i:p( X?::x, Y?::y),

since the events (X < x ) n (Y <y) and (X?:: x) n (Y?:: y) do not exhaust the
sample space.
Notation. Some authors prefer to keep the same letter for all distribu-
tion functions, indicating the random variable as a subscript, thus:
Fx. y(x, y), Fx(x), Fy(Y), and so forth. This system is also often used for
other functions, such as the probability generating function and even the
basic exact probabilities, as noted in Section 1.4. As with most notational
issues, there are advantages and disadvantages to any system, and both
seem to sharpen as the number of variables increases. Fortunately, the
problems addressed in this book require only ad hoc notation.

2.6. Convolutions and Sums of Random Variables

In the fishing example of Section 2.1, let Z = X + Y be the number of

fish caught in the first two trials, possible values being 0, 1,2, and 3. Just as
the probabilities for values of X are found in the horizontal sums (marginal

for X) and values of Y for the vertical sums, so the probabilities for v:tlues
of Z are found in diagonal sums. The value Z = occurs only when both
x=o and Y=O, i.e., the probability in the lower left corner, (l_'TT)6. To
Conditional Probability 71

have Z= 1, either of the events X=O, Y= 1 or X= 1, Y=O must occur, and

these probabilities are in the next diagonal:



The sum of all probabilities equals unity simply because it is composed of

sums of all the values in the bivariate table.
In general, if

Pxy =p(X=x, Y=y),

P(X+ Y=z)= ~ hZ-i' (16)

where the values in the summation depend on the possible values of X and
Y. However, even if X and Y have an infinite number of values, the sums
(being diagonals) are each still finite, although there are an infinite number
of such sums.
Once the significance of the diagonal sums as probabilities is appreci-
ated, the fact can be used in other ways, for example, in constructing the
bivariate table.

Example 1. In a population where males and females occur with equal

probability, the number of people entering a shop during a day is Poisson
with parameter A. Find the probability that on one day, x males and y
females enter the shop. Here the Poisson probability e -A N/ z! is given as
the sum of the probabilities on the (z+ l)st diagonal. Within the diagonal,
72 Chapter 2

the proportions of different combinations of males and females is binomial

distributed with parameters z and 1. Thus

P(X=x Y= )=e f\
-~"\x+Y( +
x Y)2-X-Y
, Y (x+y)! x

(see Problems 65 and 66).

In this example, it is clear from the problem (or from finding the
marginals and multiplying) that the random variables are independent, so
that formula (16) can be written
P(X+ Y=z)= ~ Pjqz-j' (17)

where P(X=x)=Px and P(Y=x)=qx.

Relationship (17) is an important one in mathematics and is called the
convolution of the sequences Px and qx. The general relation, written with an

denotes a relationship between sequences ao, ai' a 2 ,, bo, b l , b2 , ,

cO'C I 'C 2 ' , where

exactly as specified by Eq. (17) for probabilities.

When random variables are independent, the probability generating
function of the sum is equal to the product of the probability generating
functions. This can be verified by multiplying the two series together:
Conditional Probability 73

yields a power series in which the coefficient of SX is the x th sum in the

convolution of p and q. Thus, for the case of independence,

Random Variables: Addition;

Distribution: Convolution;

Probability generating function: Multiplication.

This shows, incidently, that convolutions cannot be considered to have

"inverses"; they should not be regarded in any way as a kind of multiplica-
tion, because the probability generating function for a single throw of a fair
die can be "decomposed" into probability generating functions in two
different ways:

The relationship between probability generating functions correspond-

ing to sums of independent random variables can also be obtained by a
direct method. Suppose X and Yare independent random variables with
probabilities Px =P(X=x) and qy =P(Y=y) and probability generating
functions </>(s) and t/;(s), respectively. Consider X Bernoulli trials with a
probability s of success on a given trial. Then the probability of no failures
will be </>( s). Similarly, in Y Bernoulli trials with probability s of failure, the
probability of no failures will be t/;( s). The probability of no failures on
X + Y consecutive trials is therefore </>( s )t/;( s), which, according to the
argument, is the probability generating function of the random variable
In discussing sums of random variables, the emphasis on convolutions
(case of independence) should not obscure the fact that exactly the same
principle (diagonal sums in the bivariate table) holds when the variables are
not independent. If there is any special simplicity in the independence case,
it lies in obtaining the joint distribution, not in summing the diagonals.
Moments of Sums of Random Variables. There are a number of estab-
lished formulas relating to the moments of the distribution of X + Y, most of
which are not needed in this book. However, the student should note-and
74 Chapter 2

confirm by proof-the following simple ones:

E(X+ Y)=E(X)+E(y),
( 18)
var(X+ Y)=var(X)+var(Y)+2cov(X, Y).

When the variables are independent, the last term vanishes.

Finally, for two constants a and b, consider the expression

Since the left side of the identity is positive for all values of a and b, so must
the right side be always positive. This implies that zeros of the quadratic
form must be complex, and therefore the discriminant must be negative:

[2E( XY)]2 -4E( X2 )E( y2) ::;0,

which leads to the well known Cauchy-Schwarz inequality

This formula is sometimes useful in statistics. Naturally, all the formulas

relating to moments depend on having a distribution for which the ap-
propriate moments exist (i.e., converge).

2.7. Computing Convolutions: Examples

The distribution of the sum of two independent random variables can

be obtained from the separate distributions either directly or by using the
probability generating functions. In this section, some examples are given
for various simple distributions.
Poisson Distribution. If X and Yare independent Poisson random
variables with probability generating functions exp( - A+ AS) and exp( - J-t +
J-ts), then it is obvious that X + Y is also a Poisson random variable, since
the product of the probability generating functions is of the same form, with
parameter A+ J-t.
Geometric Distrihution. If X and Yare independent geometric random
variables with the same parameter p, then the sum X + Y has probability
generating function (l-p)2/(I-ps)2, which is of the form (1-7T+7Ts)-2,
Conditional Probability 75

with (I - p )(1- 'IT) = 1. Thus X + Y has the negative binomial distribution

with parameters 2 and 'IT. When the independent geometric random varia-
bles do not have the same parameter, the distribution of the sum is much
more complicated, as can be seen by expanding the reciprocal of a general
In order to obtain the Poisson result directly by convolutions, it would
be necessary to sum
p(X+ Y=z)= ~ p(X=j)p(Y=z-j)

This is essentially a binomial sum yielding

In the asterisk notation, this fact could be written

or, when ;\=JL,

e-A;\X )2* = e- 2A (nr
x! x!'

with the obvious extension to n*. With this system, the derivation of the
binomial distribution from the Bernoulli could be written


and of the negative binomial from the geometric,

When a convolution is performed n -I times-that is, involving n

distributions-the result is said to be an n-fold convolution. Also, it is
76 Chapter 2

convenient to define the zero-fold convolution of any distribution to be the

causal distribution at the origin:



Convolutions can also be applied to the distribution functions, but not

with the result that F* F is the distribution function of the sum of the
random variables. In fact, to obtain the distribution function of the sum, it
is necessary to apply the convolution to the distribution function of one
independent variable and the exact probabilities of the other, as shown by
the following proof:

P( X + Y <x) = the sum of the probabilities in a

triangle (0, 0), (0, x - I), (x - I ,0)
in the bivariate table

x-I x-j-I

= ~ ~ p;qj'
)=0 ;=0

where P( X=x)=Px' P(Y=y)=qy. Changing variable} to k, where x-}=k,

x k-I
P(X+ Y<x)= ~ ~ P;qx-k
k=1 ;=0

~ P(X<k)P(Y=x-k).

2.8. Diagonal Distributions

In Section 2.6, distributions were formed by considering the sum of

probabilities on a diagonal to be a new probability; in this section a
diagonal is chosen, and then its elements normalized to unity by dividing by
Conditional Probability 77

the diagonal sum. These distributions are conditional on the sum of the two
random variables being fixed.
For example, in the familiar fish-netting experiment, suppose the total
number of fish caught in both scoops is two. Then with a little calculation,
the new distribution is obtained:

(1 _'IT)2
p(X=OIX+ Y=2)=P(Y=2I X+ Y=2)= 2'
(2-'IT )

2(1 -'IT)
P(X= IIX+ Y=2)=P(Y= IIX+ Y=2)= 2 '

p(X=2IX+ Y=2)=p(Y=OI X+ Y=2)= 2.

The student should verify this result and find the other diagonal distribu-
tions for this example, with the general result

P(X=xl X+ Y=n)=( ~ )fV(1 -f3r- x ,

x=O, 1, ... , n, n=O,I,2,3,


There are a number of interesting relationships involving diagonal

distributions, as well as some important applications.
Inasmuch as a number of different distributions are involved, a few
abbreviations will be introduced:

for the marginal distributions. No assumption of independence is being

made, so a special symbol is needed for the joint probabilities:

Pxy=P(X=x, Y=y).

The diagonal sums will be denoted by

78 Chapter 2

so that the probabilities in the nth diagonal, defined by

qn(x)=p(X=xIX+ Y=n),



which can be written

thus expressing the joint probability distribution in terms of the diagonals.

The same relationship can be written in probability generating functions

as follows:

cp(S, t)= ~ ~qx(x+Y)Cx+ySXtY

x Y

00 k
= ~ ~ qx(k)cksXt k- x


= ~ lh(s/t)Ckt k.

Thus the marginal probability generating functions can be written


a(s)=cp(s,I)= ~ lh(s)Ck' (20)



fJ(s)=cp(l,s)= ~ lh(l/s)skck . (21 )

Conditional Probability 79

When the random variables X and Yare independent, the distributions

on the diagonals actually determine the marginals. Setting n = x( = k) in Eq.
(19) and substituting the value for ck into Eq. (20) gives


The value of bo can be found by setting s= 1 and then Eq. (22) becomes

~ 1f1k(S)[ adqk(k)]
a( s ) = -"k_=-'-O-,-oo_ _ _ _ __ (23)
~ [adqk(k)]

For example, if the diagonal distribution is binomial, qk(k)=7T k, 1f1k(S)=

(l-7T+7TSt and hence

a(s )a(l/7T )=a[(l-7T+7Ts )/7T] , (24)

and it will be easily confirmed that this functional equation is satisfied by

the Poisson probability generating function a(s)=exp(-A+AS) for any
value of A.t Similarly, j3( s) = exp( - /L + /Ls), subject to the condition that

A 7T
/L l-7T .

It is left as an exercise for the student to show that the converse is true.
Diagonal distributions for independent Poisson variables are binomial, with
parameter satisfying Eq. (25).
When the diagonal distributions are rectangular (and the random
variables are independent),

1f1k(S) = (I+k)(l-s)

and sk1f1k(l/s)=1f1k(s), showing, from Eq. (21), that a(s)=j3(s), so that X

tIt is possible to prove that only this value can be obtained from the functional equation (24);
see, for example, ACZEL, 1. (1966), Lectures on Functional Equations and Their Applications,
Academic Press, New York, p. 67 (Theorem 2).
80 Chapter 2

and Yare equidistributed. In fact, Eq. (20) becomes

a(s)= [l+E(X)](I-s)'

which corresponds to a geometric distribution with parameter

p= l+E(X)'
It must be emphasized that these results depend on the assumption of
the independence of X and Y; indeed the fish-netting example shows a
binomial diagonal distribution where the marginals are not Poisson.
The most important application of diagonal distributions occurs in
modeling "before-and-after" studies, especially in connection with the oc-
currence of accidents.t Let X be the number of accidents before a supposed
improvement is made, and Y, the number of accidents afterwards. If the
improvement affected hundreds or thousands of road segments with greatly
differing usage characteristics, it might be desirable to "standardize" the
analysis by considering together all those segments for which X + Y is fixed.
Then the distributions of X and Y separately would enable the experimenter
to draw conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the supposed improve-
ment. Furthermore, this could be done without assuming that X and Yare

Recommendations for Further Study

The classic textbook of Feller (1968), although originally published
thirty years ago, retains a preeminent position among books on discrete
probability. Combining a wealth of material with a clear style and organiza-
tion, it is surely even now required reading for serious students. An
alternative would be the meticulously precise introduction by Chung (1974),
especially for those primarily interested in the mathematical structure of
probability. At a somewhat more advanced level, the book by Gnedenko
(1968) will also be accessible to those having successfully completed the first
two chapters of this book.

t Thismodel has been used in practical analysis of accident data: see ERLANDER, S. (1971), A
review of some statistical models used in automobile insurance and in road accident studies,
Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 3, No. I, pp. 45-75, and especially the comprehensive
reference list.
Conditional Probability 81

CHUNG, KAI LAI (1974), Elementary Probability Theory with Stochastic Processes, Springer-
Verlag, New York ..
FELLER, WILLIAM (1968), An Introduction to Probabilitv Theory and Its Applications, Vol. I,
third edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
GNEDENKO, B. V. (1968), The Theorv of Probability, fourth edition, Chelsea, New York.

2.9. Problems

Unless otherwise specified, it is assumed in this section that the dice, coins,
selection of balls, etc., are unbiased, that is, that each possible result has the same
probability. The first 23 problems give practice in setting up a bivariate probability
table. The same problems can be used at the instructor's discretion to find
properties of these distributions: expected values and other moments, covariance
and correlation, generating functions. These can be obtained for marginals, condi-
tional distributions, diagonal distributions of both types, and also various probabil-
ity questions such as P(XIY), P(XY odd), E(max(X, Y, var(XIY=y), and so
forth. Independence can be investigated. For extra variety, and simplicity, dice
problems can be interpreted as referring to tetrahedral dice, with sides I, 2, 3, 4.
Some of the problems can be made easier by specifying a value of n, others more
difficult by replacing a given integer by n.

I. A coin is tossed three times; X=O or 1, according to whether a head or tail

occurs on the first throw, and Y=number of heads.
2. Two dice are thrown; X=sum, Y=larger value.
3. Two dice are thrown; X=sum, Y=absolute value of difference.
4. A die is thrown; X=twice the number appearing, Y= 1 or 3, according to
whether the result is odd or even.
5. A coin is tossed four times; X=number of heads, Y=number of runs, i.e.,
consecutive sequences of heads or tails.
6. Two dice are thrown; X=sum. One die is left in place and the other thrown
again; Y=new sum.
7. A card is chosen at random from n consecutively numbered cards; X=number
shown. A second card is chosen from the cards numbered 1,2, ... , X and its
number is Y.
8. A coin is thrown three times; X=number of heads on first two throws,
Y = number of tails on last two throws.
9. A die is successively rolled; X=number of rolls needed to obtain a five,
Y=number of rolls needed to obtain a six.
82 Chapter 2

10. Two balls are selected from a box with balls labeled 1,2,3; X=number on first
ball selected, Y=number on second ball selected (no replacement, of course).
II. A red and a blue die are thrown, with X=score on the blue die, and Y=larger
12. X, Y are as in the fish-netting experiment, but with the basic distribution
rectangular rather than binomial.
13. Given the fish-netting experiment with n fish and m scoops, show that the
expected number of fish caught decreases with each successive scoop.
14. Three dice are thrown together, the highest number X noted, and that die put to
one side. (If two or more show the same number, the throw is invalid, and the
experiment repeated.) The remaining dice are thrown until they show different
numbers, and the larger number is Y.
15. X has probabili ty generating function i (2 s + 1)( s + I), Y conditional on X = x is
rectangular with values x, x+ I, x+2.
16. Cubical dice are painted in an
unorthodox manner: I, I, I, 3, 3, 5 on the sides.
Two are thrown, with X=sum, Y=lesser value.
17. A coin is flipped repeatedly; X = number of flips needed to get the first head,
Y=number of flips needed to get the first tail.
18. Three red and two green balls are in a bag. They are taken out one by one until
both green balls have been chosen. X=number of balls before the first green
one, Y=number of additional balls before the second green one.
19. Let P(U=x)=(I-p )p\ x=O, 1,2, ... , and let n be a positive integer. X=
max(U, n), Y=min(U, n).
20. A die is rolled; X=number on top, Y=number on side most nearly facing you.
(Note: The dice are painted so that the total of the numbers on opposite faces is
21. Balls numbered 0, 1, 1,3,3,6 are placed in a bag and two are drawn; X=larger
number, Y=total.
22. A bag contains three white and two red balls. Two are drawn consecutively,
with X=number of white balls on first draw, Y=number of white balls on
second draw.
23. ~P(X=x)sX =exp( -,\ +'\s), P(Y=yl X=x)=(1 + x) -I, y=O, 1,2, ... , x.

24. Two (unequal) digits are taken from the set 1,2, ... ,9, with every pair having an
equal chance of being selected. (i) If the sum is odd, what is the probability that
one of the digits is 2? (ii) If one of the digits is 2, what is the probability that the
sum is odd? Ans: (i) +0, (ii) i

25. There are N coins in a box, of which n are normal and N - n are double-headed.
A coin is selected at random and tossed r times, each time coming up heads.
What is the probability that it is normal? Ans. n/[n + N( N - n )2"]
Conditional Probability 83

26. In a certain factory, machine A produces p percent of the output, and x percent
of its production is defective. Machine B produces 100- p percent of the output,
and y percent of its production is defective. What is the probability that a
randomly selected defective item came from machine A?
27. Box A contains three green and two yellow balls; box B contains one yellow and
two green balls; box C contains one green and three yellow balls. (i) One box is
selected at random and a ball drawn at random from it. What is the probability
that the ball drawn is yellow? (ii) If a yellow ball is obtained, what is the
probability that it came from box C? Ans. (i) ~,(ii) ~
28. Die A has four red and two white faces, whereas die B has two red and four
white faces. A fair coin is flipped; if it falls heads, the game continues by
throwing die A alone; if it falls tails, die B is used. (i) Show that the probability
of red at any throw is !. (ii) If the first two throws result in red, what is the
probability of red at the third throw? (iii) If red turns up at the first n throws,
what is the probability that die A is being used?
29. X is binomial with parameters n and 'IT; Y conditional on the value X=x is
binomial with parameters x and (1.
30. In searching for a penny, it is known that it is hidden in one of three places, and
it is equally likely to be in anyone of them. The probability of finding the
penny if it is in place x (x= 1,2,3) is Px. Suppose a search is made in place one,
and the penny is not found. What is the probability that it was there?
31. Twice as many women use the library as men, but of those using the library,
women check out an average of two books per visit and men, an average of
three. (i) Find the average number of books checked out by a library user. (ii) If
a person checks out three books, find the probability that that person is a man,
assuming that the number of books checked out (for either sex) is geometric
with positive integral values. Ans. (i) t, (ii) ~
32. Five boxes contain black/white balls as follows: Box A, 2/2; box B, 3/1; box
C, 3/2; box D, 0/1 box E, 1/2. If a ball is chosen from each box, what is the
expected number of white balls obtained? If a box is selected and then a ball
chosen, what is the probability that it is white? If a black bail is obtained, what
is the probability that it came from box 4?
33. Consider the formula P(EIF)P(F)=P(FIE)P(E) for a two-by-two table: E,
E', F, P. Bayes' theorem shows that it is sufficient to be given P(EI F), P(F),
and P( E I P) to determine the whole table. Find counterexamples to show that
it is not sufficient to have one factor from each side of the equation given.
34. Box A contains one red and one yellow ball; box B contains one yellow and two
red balls. A box is chosen and a yellow ball extracted; what is the probability
that it was from box A?
35. Suppose there are four boxes, labeled A, B, C, and D. A ball is chosen at
random from box A, which contains initially six balls labeled B, three labeled C,
and three labeled D. The letter drawn tells which box is to be used for the
84 Chapter 2

second drawing. Box B contains five green and five yellow balls, box C contains
four green and six yellow balls, and box D contains two green and eight yellow
balls. Given that the second ball drawn is green, what is the probability that box
B is being used? Are the events "first ball C" and "second ball yellow"

36. A fair die is thrown until two consecutive results are the same. What is the
expected number of throws?
37. A fair coin is tossed until the same side appears twice in succession, so that
I /2,,-1 is the probability of every result that requires n tosses. Let E be the
event that the experiment ends before the sixth toss, and let F be the event that
the experiment ends on an even number of tosses. (i) Find P( E) and P( F). (ii)
Show that E and F are independent. (iii) If G is the event that the experiment
ends before the fifth toss, are F and G independent?
38. In an investigation of animal behavior, rats have to choose between four similar
doors, one of which is "correct." If an incorrect choice is made, the rat is
returned to the starting point, and made to choose again, this continuing until
the correct response is made. The random variable X is the trial on which a
correct response is first made, with possible values 1,2,3, .... Find P(X=x)
and E( x) under the following hypotheses. (i) Each door is equally likely to be
chosen on each trial and all trials are mutually independent. (ii) At each trial,
the rat chooses with equal probability between doors which have not yet been
tried, no choice ever being repeated. (iii) The rat never chooses the same door on
two successive trials, but otherwise chooses at random with equal probabilities.
Ans. Expected values: (i) 4, (ii) 1, (iii)

39. Suppose X balls are distributed at random into n boxes, where X is Poisson
(over the non-negative integers) with parameter A. Let Y be the number of
empty boxes. Show that Y is binomial with parameters n and e -AI".
40. Two dice are thrown n times. Show that the number of throws in which the
number on the first die exceeds the number on the second die is binomially
distributed with parameters n and n.
41. A pair of coins is thrown. (i) What is the distribution of the number of throws
needed for both coins to show heads? (iii) What is the distribution of the
number of throws needed for at least one coin to show a head?
42. Let X be the total showing on a single throw of n dice. Find E( X) and var( X)
as a function of n.
43. In a sequence of Bernoulli trials withp=P(S), letpx be the probability that the
combination SF occurs for the first time on trials number x- I and x. Find the
generating function, the mean, and the variance. A ns. Mean = [p (I - P )1- 1
44. Two players try alternately to obtain a success in a game where the probability
of success is p. Show that the probability that the first player wins is (2 - p) - 1.
Generalize to n players.
Conditional Probability 85

45. A game between two players, A and B, consists in them taking turns playing a
machine until one of them scores a success. The first to score a success is the
winner. Their probabilities of success in a single play are p for A and q for B.
Since B is the better player (q> p), he allows A to have the first tum. All plays
are independent. (i) Show that the game is fair if and only if q=pj(l-p). (ii)
Show that if A wins, the average number of plays he takes in which to win is

In Problems 46-54 inclusive, it is assumed that X and Yare independent. Where

values are not specified, it is also assumed that the Poisson and geometric
distributions are defined over the non-negative integers.
46. Both X and Yare Poisson A; find P(X=xIX+ Y=n).
47. If X is Poisson A and Y is Poisson /L, find E(XI X + Y=n).
48. P(X=x)=(l-p)px-2, x=2,3,4, ... , P(Y=y)=t, y= 1,2,3. Find P(X+ Y=x).
49. Both X and Yare rectangular over 1,2, ... ,n. Find P(X<y), P(X=Y), the
distribution of min( X, y), and the distribution of IX - Y I.
50. X is rectangular over 1,2,3; Y is rectangular over 1,2,3,4. Find (i) P( X= Y), (ii)
E(max(X, Y)), (iii) P(XY=x). Ans. (i) !. (ii)
51. For X geometric with parameter p and Y geometric with parameter cr, find (i)
P(X+ Y=x), (ii) P(X< Y), (iii) P(X=xl X+ Y=n).
52. Let X, Y be geometric with the same parameter p. Let U=min(X, y), V=
max( X, Y). (i) Show that

P( U=x, V=x+y )=2(I-p )2x+v p2, x= 1,2,3, ....

What is the value of this probability for x=O? (ii) Show that U is geometri-
cally distributed with parameter I-(l-p?
(iii) Show that
2p ,
P(V-U=x)=-2-(I-p), x=I,2,3, ....
What is the probability for x=O?
(iv) Show that U and V - U are independent.
53. X and Yare geometric with parameter p. Let U= Y- X and V= min( X, Y). (i)
Show that
P( X=v-u )P(Y=v), u<O,
p(U=u,v=v)= P(X=v)P(Y=u+v), u?:O.

(ii) Show that

P(U=u, V=v )=p2(I_p )2'(I_p )IUI.
(iii) Show that U and V are independent.
86 Chapter 2

54. X and Y have probability generating functions q>(s), I/!(s); show that P(X- Y=
x) is the coefficient of SX in the expansion of q>(s)I/!(I/s) in powers of s, x=O,
1, 2, ....
55. Let X be geometric over the non-negative integers. (i) Show that for integers

P(X:5xIX~y )=P(X:5x-y).

(ii) Show that the geometric distribution is the only distribution over the
non-negative integers with this property. This property is called the memoryless
property of the geometric distribution, and can be expressed by saying that
truncating the geometric distribution (omitting the first k probabilities and
normalizing the remainder to unity) yields the same distribution. The memory-
less property becomes important in Chapter 5.
56. In a certain restaurant, 90% of the customers do not smoke and 10% do. Let
X=number of the customer who is the fifth smoker. Write down P(X=x).
57. On the student council there are four undergraduate men, six undergraduate
women, and six graduate men. How many graduate women must be appointed
to the council if sex and graduate status are to be independent?
58. Show how the derivation of the binomial and negative binomial distributions
can be simplified by using indicator random variables.
59. A coin is weighted so that the probability of heads is one-fourth. The coin is
tossed four times and X=length of the longest string of tails which occurs. Find
P(X=x). Ans. P(X=3)=-m

60. A rodent is placed in a cage with three doors. The first door leads to food after
three minutes of travel. The second door returns the creature to his starting
point after 5 minutes of travel, while the third returns him to the starting point
after 7 minutes of travel. What elapsed time before reaching the food would be
consistent with the hypothesis that the rodent is choosing doors at random?
Ans. 15 minutes
61. Referring to a joint distribution function F( x, y) show that

p( XI :5X<x 2 , YI:5 Y<Y2)=F(x 2 , Y2)- F( XI' Y2) - F(X2' YI)+ F(xI' YI)
62. A slot machine works by inserting a coin. If a player wins, the coin is returned
with another coin, otherwise the original coin is lost. The probability of winning
is arranged to be one-half, independently of previous plays, unless the previous
play was a win, in which case the probability of a win is p < -!. Show that if the
cost of maintaining the machine is c coins a day, then, in order to be profitable,
the owner must choose p so that it satisfies the inequality
p< 2(I-c) forc<1
Conditional Probability 87

63. The spores of a certain plant are arranged in sets of four in a linear chain (with
three links). When the spores are ejected from the plant, each link has a
probability /3 of breaking, independently for each link. For example, if all links
break, four groups of one spore each are obtained, whereas if no links break, a
single group of four spores results. Find the probability of a group containing X
spores, and show that E( X) = I + 3/3.
64. Express var( X) and var( Y) in terms of the probability generating function

65. For a certain species of animal, the probability of a litter of size X is Poisson
with values in the positive integers, i.e.,

x=I,2,3, ....

The probability of a male birth is p and that of a female birth, I - p. What is the
probability that a litter is "matable," that is, that it contains at least one male
and one female?
66. The number of people arriving at a library per hour is Poisson with parameter 5.
An arrival is equally likely to be a man or a woman. What is the conditional
probability that at most three men arrived, given that five women arrived?
Ans. (l/120e5):~:~~5(1)j/(j-5)!

67. Show that the correlation coefficient must lie in the interval [-I, + I].
68. Verify the last formula in Section 2.7 for the geometric distribution.
69. X is Poisson with parameter h; Y conditional on X=x is binomial with
parameters x and 'IT. Show that Y is Poisson with parameter h'IT.
70. Using the notation of Section 2.8, show that X and Yare equidistributed (same
probabilities with the same parameters) if

for all k,

that is, if the conditional distribution is symmetrical,

Find a counterexample to show that the converse is not true.

71. Petersburg Paradox. A Bernoulli experiment with P(S)=1- is performed re-
peatedly. Let X be the trial on which the first success is obtained, with P{ X= x)
being the distribution. Someone is paid 2 when the first success occurs. Show

that the expected winnings (and hence the "fair entry price") is infinite.
[Note: This is considered a "paradox" in the sense that an infinite price is to be
88 Chapter 2

paid for a finite reward. It would be more appropriate to say, however, that the
"wrong" question is being asked. In a distribution with an infinite mean, a
person is asked to choose a finite E( X). Alternatively, one might remark that a
finite value for a random variable with an infinite expectation is hardly
paradoxical, since the expectation is a weighted sum.]

Markov Chains

3.1. Introduction: Random Walk

Markov t chains are the most substantial application of conditional

probability which is easily accessible, and, at the same time, they provide an
excellent introduction to the more general subject of stochastic processes. A
stochastic process is a random variable with a time index (say, Xn ' n =
0, 1,2, ... ) for discrete time, or a family of random variables (say, X(t),
0< t< (0) for continuous time.
The distinction between discrete and continuous is important in
mathematics, as in ordinary language and in studying stochastic processes;
the distinction is twofold: between time-discreteness and time-continuity on
the one hand, and between discrete random variable values and continuous
random variable values on the other.
The random variables in Chapters I and 2 are all discrete, in that the
quantities involved are counted; in Chapter 4, the quantities will be mea-
sured, and thus will be continuous. The difference between counting and
measuring, however clear, might seem ambiguous: Although apples are
counted and water measured, one could nevertheless measure (the weight of)
apples or count (the gallons of) water. Mathematically, there is no confu-
sion; integer values are discrete, while real values are continuous.
In the time domain, it seems to be a peculiarity of the English language
to use the same word "time" both for discrete time (occasion) and continu-
ous time (duration). Thus we say that he sneezed for the fifth time or that
the time he spent in bed was five hours. It is understood that the time in bed

tA. A. Markov, Russian mathematician, 1856-1922.

90 Chapter 3

(duration) could be refined to minutes and seconds and is thus continuous,

while the number of sneezes could not be nonintegral.
The present chapter deals with discrete variables in discrete time; the
following chapter with continuous variables. Then, in Chapter 5, continuous
time is introduced for both types of random variables. The word "chain" is
equivalent to the assumption of discrete time; "process" usually means
continuous time, although some authors use it for both. A Markov chain is
on~ in which each random variable has a distribution which depends only
on the value taken by the preceding variable and some fixed constants of
the process. Thus a sequence of Bernoulli trials could define a chain of
random variables, but, depending on which random variable is selected, the
chain could be independent, as in Section 2.4, or Markov, as in this section.
The accumulated number of successes Yn (a Markov chain) contrasts
with Xn , the instantaneous number of successes (a Bernoulli chain), as in the
example of Table 3.1.
It is easy to see that the Xn are independent-the simplest kind of chain
-whereas the Yn depend on one another only through the immediately
preceding value-the next simplest kind of chain ("Markov"). The Markov
property, in this example, is expressed in the fact that the probability that
there are, say, six successes at any stage depends only on the number of
successes accumulated at the preceding stage (it must be five or six) together
with the (fixed) probability of a success or a failure on a given trial.
As an introduction to the ideas and the terminology of Markov chains,
this simple example will now be expanded in a little more detail. The
general formulation is given in the following sections.
Any value taken by a random variable in a chain is called the state of
the system and the collection of all possible values, the state space. In the
example below, the system starts in state zero (Yo =0) before one of the
trials is performed, and then gradually builds up through the positive
integers to the value seven. For example, Y1 = 1, Y2 =2, Y4 =3, Yg =5, and
Yl6 =7. In this chain, the state space consists of the non-negative integers.

Table 3.1. The instantaneous number of successes, Xn , vs. the accumulated number
of successes, Yn
XII 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Yn 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7
Markov Chains 91

From Section 2.4, it is known that

x=o, 1, ... , n.
The experiment could be rephrased as follows: Consider a particle
which starts at the origin and moves one step to the right with probability 'TT
and remains stationary with probability l-'TT. Each change of the system is
called a transition; in this chain only two types of transitions are possible:
from state x to state x + 1 (with probability 'TT) and from state x to state x
(with probability l-'TT). Such a chain is called a random walk (on the
positive integers); it is a particular kind of random walk, in which steps to
the left or steps greater than one are impossible.. In terms of conditional
probability, the random walk is defined by the equations
P(Xn+1 =x+ 11 Xn =x)='TT,

P(Xn+1 =xl Xn =x)= l-'TT,

with the probability of every other kind of transition being zero.
The formulation does not include any information about where the
system starts (e.g., whether Xo =0 or Xo = 15), but otherwise describes
completely how the chain can proceed and the probability of the various
alternatives. The calculation of the (binomial) probability distribution of Xn
obviously depends on the knowledge that the system started in state zero.
In addition to the ("one-step") probabilities defining the system, it is
not difficult to calculate probabilities for two (or more) steps. For example,
P(Xn+1 =x+2IXn =x)='TT2,

P(Xn+1 =x+ llXn =x )=2'TT(1-'TT),

p(Xn+1=xl Xn =x )=(l-'TT )2.

This kind of a random walk suggests a more general one in which steps
in both directions are probable, but it will be better to postpone the
discussion of random walks in general until a little more mathematical
technique is available.

3.2. Definitions

Most of the Markov chains considered in this chapter have a state

space consisting of the non-negative integers or some subset thereof, and
92 Chapter 3

definitions will be given for such a state space. A sequence of random

variables Xo' Xl' X 2 ,... is said to form a Markov chain if the following
conditional probability equation holds for all x, y, i o"'" in~l' and all n:

This says simply that the (n + 1)st probability distribution conditional on all
preceding ones equals the (n + 1)st probability distribution conditional on
the nth for n=O, 1,2, .... Note: This definition includes the case of an
independent sequence.
The definition relates each random variable in the sequence to the
preceding one, and so to complete the definition of the chain it is necessary
to specify a distribution for the zeroth random variable Xo' This will be
denoted by (a O,a l ,a 2 , ), that is,

x=O, 1,2, ....

When the initial state of the system is given (without any probabilistic
component), P( Xo = x) = 1 for some particular x.
The transition probabilities are of tent abbreviated Pxy' where

Pxy =P( Xn+ l =yl Xn =x), x,y=O, 1,2, ....

The Markov chain is thus completely described by the initial probability

distribution ax and the transition probabilities Pxy- When Xn =x, the chain is
said to be in state x at time n; in case of a random walk it is sometimes
described by saying that the particle is at the value x on the nth step.
Markov chains are useful in modeling a great variety of phenomena,
but it is important to bear in mind that not every chain is Markov. Often
the Markov property can be quite troublesome to confirm. For example, it
is sometimes assumed that the weather forms a Markov chain with two
states: Xn =0 meaning that the nth day is "dry," and Xn = 1 meaning that
the nth day is "wet," with the probability of "rain today" given "rain
yesterday" being given by

tNote that the letters x and y occur in typographically reverse order on the two sides of the
equation. Older textbooks often straightened this out by making p", the probability of a
transition from v to x.
Markov Chains 93

p(Xn =0IXn- 1 =0)=0:,

P( Xn = II Xn - 1 = I) = f3.

This sort of modeling, while possibly useful as an intuitive introduction

to the idea of a Markov chain, has the decided disadvantage that it may not
correspond to meteorological reality; the probability of rain today may well
depend not only on yesterday's weather, but on longer-range developments.
There are, of course, some realistic interpretations for a two-state
Markov chain. The list of interpretations for "success" and "failure" given
in Section 2.4 will suggest a number of possibilities. The student should
think over these interpretations in connection with the Markov requirement
to see which ones seem to be adequately modeled by a Markov chain, given
a sequence of nonindependent success/failure symbols.
The random walks are an important category of Markov chains. A
general random walk on the non-negative integers is defined by the equa-


giving respectively the probabilities of a step right, remaining in place, and a

step left. These transition probabilities must be completed by some state-
ment as to what happens at the origin. It might be assumed that if the
particle arrives at the origin, it stays there forever and the process terminates,

p( Xn =01 Xn- 1 =0)= I (absorbing barrier),

or that it always bounces back,

P( Xn = 11 Xn-l = 0) = I ( reflecting barrier),

or, including both these possibilities, that

P(Xn = IIXn- 1 =0)=0:,

Another special random walk with some historical interest IS the

problem of the gambler's ruin. The value of XII is the amount of the
94 Chapter 3

gambler's fortune after the nth game. It is assumed that he wins or loses one
unit each time he gambles, so that A+J.L= 1, and once his fortune is lost, the
process terminates, a = O. Depending on the circumstances, the game may be
fair (A=J.L) or not, the gambler may stop after accumulating a prede-
termined fortune N (absorbing barrier at N) or he may continue indefinitely
(infinitely rich adversary). As a modeling problem, it is certainly reasonable
to use the Markov model, that is, to assume that his fortune after the nth
game depends only on his fortune after the (n - 1)st game and the proba-
bility of winning. t
Two kinds of limiting probability distributions are especially im-
portant; (i) the equilibrium probabilities (denoted by 'lTx )'
lim p( Xn =x ) ='lTx ,

which, being limiting values, mayor may not exist, and (ii) the stationary
probabilities (denoted by vx ),
P(Xn =x)=P(Xn+ 1 =x )=vx'
which also mayor may not exist.
To give an example,:j: consider the following problem: A gentleman
owns three suits, green, red, and blue. He wears them on successive days
according to the following scheme: If he wears the green suit one day, he is
equally likely to wear it or the red suit the following day; if he wears the red
suit one day, he never wears it the following day, but is equally likely to
wear either of the other two; finally, if he wears the blue suit one day, he
never wears the red suit the following day, but is equally likely to wear
either of the other two.
With stationary probabilities vG ' V R , VB' Eq. (6) of Section 2.3 shows
the way to the following equations:

tThe student may be able to think of circumstances in which this would not be a reasonable
*Whimsical examples are often used in introducing Markov chains because most realistic
examples involve substantial calculations. However, when the states of the system are labels
rather than numbers, some fundamental tinkering with the definitions of random variable or
Markov chain is needed for consistency.
Markov Chains 95

which, combined with the requirement of normalization to unity, yield

solutions vc=t VR=~' VB=~. (The need for the probabilities to sum to
unity is important, as will become apparent in the algebraic treatment to
follow.) These probabilities could then be interpreted as the "long-range"
usage rates of the three suits. The student should note two important facts.
First, the calculations of the stationary probabilities have been accom-
plished without any assumptions regarding the initial vector-the probabil-
ity of red, green, or blue on the first day of the experiment. Second,
although the calculations have been of the stationary probabilities, the
interpretation of the result is as if the equilibrium probabilities were found.
Thus it seems plausible that a set of stationary probabilities could be
equilibrium, and this fact will be established later in the chapter. When the
theorem is proven with appropriate restrictions (in Section 3.8), the plausi-
ble will become true.
Given the transition matrix and the initial vector, it is in principle
possible to calculate any quantity required. For example, the distribution of
XI can be written

P(XI=X)= ~ p(Xo=j)P(Xj=xIXo=j)


= ~ a)Pjx

But the calculations leading to distributions for the other random variables
in the chain P( XII = x) can often become difficult algebraically.
To examine systematically the various distributions implicit in the
definition of a Markov chain, it is highly desirable to use the notation (and
properties) of matrix and vector.

3.3. Matrix and Vector

The student familiar with matrix theory will recognize in the calcula-
tions of Section 3.2 the elements of matrix transformation of vectors. The
formulation in terms of matrices makes the general results more compact
and assists in the proof of theorems. In the present section, a brief review
outline of the necessary portions of the theory is given, together with a
theorem important in Markov chain analysis. The matrices are assumed to
be square, but not necessarily finite.
96 Chapter 3

A (square) matrix is an array of numbers arranged in rows and

columns; if the number of rows and columns is finite, then they are equal; if
one is infinite, then so is the other. The individual numbers are called
elements of the matrix. A matrix with all row sums equal to unity and all
elements positive or zero is called a stochastic matrix. Two matrices are equal
only if corresponding elements are equal. Addition of matrices is defined by
adding corresponding elements and only when they have the same number
of rows and columns. Multiplication of matrices is defined in the same
circumstances by the formula

AB= {a xy } {b xv } = { ~ axAy} ,

where axy denotes the element in the x th row and y th column of A, and
{ a xv} is the matrix of which a xv is a typical element.
Vectors are of two types, row vectors and column vectors; vectors are
not necessarily finite. A row vector is an ordered sequence of numbers
written in a row; a column vector is an ordered sequence of numbers written
in a column. The numbers are called components of the vector. Vectors are
equal only if both are of the same type and have equal components. A
probability vector has all components zero or positive, with the sum of the
components equal to unity. (Thus the rows of a stochastic matrix are
probability vectors.) Vectors are added by adding corresponding compo-
nents and then only if both are of the same type, with the same number of
Vectors are multiplied by matrices only if the number of components of
the vector equals the number of rows (column) of the matrix, and then by
means of the formula

where u is a row vector, and

LVja 1j

Av= LVj a 2j ,

where v is a column vector.

Markov Chains 97

Table 3.2. Results of various kinds of multiplication

Row Column
Scalar vector vector Matrix
Scalar Scalar Row Column Matrix
vector vector
Row vector Row Undefined Scalar Row
vector vector
Column vector Column Matrix Undefined Undefined
Matrix Matrix Undefined Column Matrix

If, in vector-matrix multiplication, u is a row vector with zero in every

position except for the jth, and + I in the jth position, then uA is the jth
row of A. Similarly, if v is a column vector with zero in every position except
the jth and + I in the jth position, then Av is the jth column of A. In these
cases the vectors are called the (jth) unit vectors.
The products of a row vector u and a column vector v are defined only
when the two vectors have the same number of components. Then the
product uv is the number L.UjVj and the product vu is the matrix {vxu y }.
In the context of vectors and matrices, a number is called a scalar.
Multiplication of vectors and matrices by scalars is defined by multiplying
each component or element by the scalar. The results of various kinds of
multiplication are set out in Table 3.2.
Vectors u and v satisfy u::;v if and only if they have the same number
of components, and corresponding components satisfy u~ ::;vx '

Theorem 1. Let A = {a xy} be a finite (r X r) stochastic matrix having

no zero elements, and let f3 be the smallest element (==O). Let v be any
r-component column vector, with largest component Mo and smallest com-
ponent mo. Let M\ and m \ be respectively the largest and smallest compo-
nents of Av. Then
98 Chapter 3

Proof. Define an r-component column vector w by replacing every

element of v, except for one of the rno elements, by Mo. Then w2::v.
Multiply A by w, to obtain

Mo I

(a;, a" ) rno
Mo(1-a lk )+rn Oa2k

a rl a rr

where k is the number of the element of w having the value rno' Thus every
element of Aw is of the form

where of course the value of a is different for each component, but always
with a2::f3. Thus every component of Aw is $.Mo -f3(Mo -rno), and since
no component of Av can exceed a component of Aw, the largest such
component, M, must satisfy

and this inequality is stronger than (i). Applying the same argument to the
vector -v gives the corresponding inequality

which establishes (ii). The result (iii) is obtained by adding the two inequali-
ties above. 0
Note that the proof breaks down in the case of an infinite matrix
simply because it could happen that no least element would exist. It is left
as an exercise for the student to discover why the condition is imposed that
the matrix have no zeros.
It is also interesting to note that the calculation of the probabilities
P( XI = x) given in Section 3.2 is exactly equivalent to the multiplication of
the transition matrix by the initial row vector.
Markov Chains 99

3.4. The Transition Matrix and Initial Vector

The definitions of Section 3.2 show that a Markov chain is specified by

a state space, a collection of transition probabilities together with an initial

These quantities can be considered a (finite or infinite, but square)


and a (finite or infinite) row vector

Whether P and a are finite or infinite depends on the number of states

possible for the chain, that is, the number of values possible for the random
variables Xn- It is convenient to consider the number to be the same for all
n; if some are in fact impossible, the assignment of probability zero takes
care of the situation.

Example 1 (Random Walk with Absorbing Barrier).

l-A-IL A


Example 2 (Random Walk with a Reflecting Barrier). The transition

matrix P would be the same as in Example 1 except that the first row would
be (0,1,0,0,0, ... ).
100 Chapter 3

Example 3 (Green/Red/Blue Example from Section 3.2). Assume that

the rows and columns are respectively the colors in the order given above:

2: 2:

p= I
2: 2:

2: 2:

Example 4 (Fish-Catching Example from Section 2.1, with the state of

the system defined to be the number of fish caught on the first n scoops).

(1-17 )3 317(1-17)2 317 2(1-17) 17 3

17 2
p= (1-17)2 217(1-17)
0 0 1-17 17

In these examples, the initial vector would be determined by the nature
of the hypothesis. For Example 1, the random walker could be assumed to
start n units away from the origin:

a=(O,O,O, ... ,I, ... ,O,O, ... ).

In Example 3, the person might be assumed to begin his bizarre costuming

procedure by selecting a suit at random,
_( I I I)

while in Example 4, the initial number of fish caught is given to be zero:


With the formulation as transition matrix and initial vector, the calcu-
lation of probabilities for the random variable XI can be seen as vector-by-
matrix multiplication:

that is, aP is a row vector with x th component P( XI = x). Thus, also, the
stationary vector v satisfies the equation

Markov Chains 101

These equations are written out in full in Section 3.2 for the colored-suit
example, and the student should confirm that they correspond to the matrix
given above.
In general, the stationary probabilities, although simply represented,
are easy or difficult to compute, depending on whether or not the equations
vP=v are easy or difficult to solve. The equilibrium probabilities, on the
other hand, present further difficulties, which will be discussed in the next
The examples given in this section slide over the question of state
space, mainly because the non-negative integers are assumed to correspond
naturally to the rows and columns of the transition matrix. Where some
other state space is intended (as in the colored-suit example), it is, strictly
speaking, necessary to label the rows with the states to which they are
supposed to correspond. Thus a given stochastic matrix could apply to two
different Markov chains, just as in Chapter I the same set of probabilities
could apply to different random variables. In Example 3, the precise way of
writing the matrix should be

G 1: I
"2 o
"2 o 1

"2 o I

because there could be defined another Markov chain with state space 1,2,
3 and transition matrix

"2 0
2 12 0 I

3 1: 0 I

Inasmuch as this chapter deals mostly with non-negative integral state

spaces, the distinction is often neglected.

3.5. The Higher-Order Transition Matrix: Regularity

The probability of a transition in two steps from state x to state y of a

Markov chain can be calculated by conditioning on the state of the chain at
102 Chapter 3

the intermediate step. Using Eq. (9) of Chapter 2,

P(Xn + 2 =yl Xn =x)= ~ P( Xn+ 2 =yl Xn+ 1 =j)P(Xn+ 1 =jl Xn =x)



which is exactly the formula for matrix multiplication. Let this probability
be denoted by p~~. Then the matrix {p~~} is just the square of the matrix
{PXy}' This can be extended by the same argument to higher-order transi-
tion probabilities. If p~~) denotes the probability of a transition from state x
to state y in exactly n steps, then {p~~)} = pn. Thus the matrix multiplication


can be interpreted for the Markov chain transition matrix as stating that the
probability of a transition from state x to state y (where x and yare
arbitrary) in m + n steps is the same as the probability of an m-step
transition to some intermediate state followed by an n-step transition to y.
In this context, the matrix multiplication equation is called the Chapman-
Kolmogorov equation for the Markov chain. This equation will be important
in the sequel, and it is important to realize that the proof of the Chapman-
Kolmogorov equation consists of nothing more than the identification of
the matrix multiplication formula with the probabilistic description of the
Markov chain.
If there is an integer n such that pn consists entirely of positive
(nonzero) elements, then the matrix and the Markov chain it represents are
called regular. In a Markov chain with a regular transition matrix, every
state must be accessible from every other state, and in the same number of
steps. It would be impossible in a regular Markov chain that there could
exist two states x and y with p~~) = 0 for all n. Also, regular chains could not
have states x and y accessible only in an even number of steps, because if pn
consists only of positive elements, so will higher powers of P. Finally,
regularity is incompatible with an infinite matrix such as the one char-
acterizing the random walk, since it is impossible that every transition can
occur in a finite number of steps, and n must be a finite integer.
Thus regularity is a rather stringent condition on the Markov chain,
and when it is satisfied, produces quite simple general results. The following
Markov Chains 103

theorems state in essence that for finite regular chains, the equilibrium
probabilities exist, and are equal to the stationary probabilities.

Theorem 1. For a finite regular transition matrix P, lim pn exists and

every row of the limiting matrix is identical.

Proof. Case I: No zeros in P. Let Mn and mn be the maximum and

minimum components of the column vector pnq, where Vj is the jth unit
(column) vector. Then, by the theorem of Section 3.3, Mn?':.Mn+ 1 and
m n :::::; m n + I for n = 1,2,3, .... Also, by the same theorem,

n=I,2,3, ... ,

where f3 is a nonzero minimum element of P. In the present case, P is a

stochastic matrix, and so f3:::::; 1. The inequalities imply that

As n~ 00, 1:::./1 ~O, and pnuj , thejth column of pn, approaches a column
vector with all components equal.
Case II: Zerosin P. Let N be such that pN has no zeros, and let f3 N be
the smallest (nonzero) element of pN. For matrices pkN which are multiples
of pN, case I of the theorem holds, and therefore the nonincreasing
sequence I:::. n contains a subsequence I:::.kN which approaches zero. Thus I:::. n
approaches zero and the theorem is proven. 0

Theorem 2. If P is a finite regular transition matrix with lim pn = II,

where each row of II is 'IT = (7Tx )' then for any initial probability (row) vector
a = (a x), apn ~ 'IT, and 'IT is the unique stationary vector of P.

Proof. Direct multiplication shows that all = 'IT; hence apn ~ 'IT. Fur-
thermore, if u is a stationary vector (such that uP=u), then, since upn ~'IT
and u pn = u, u= 'IT so that 'IT is the unique stationary vector of the Markov
chain. The proof is completed. 0
The proofs given above apply only to finite regular chains, but the
theorems remain true if the condition of finiteness is omitted. Since the
proofs shed little light on probabilistic problems, they are omitted.
These results show that the long-range behavior of regular chains can
be determined relatively easily by calculation of the stationary vector. The
104 Chapter 3

calculation itself may present difficulties, but these difficulties are algebraic
rather than probabilistic, and are not discussed in this volume.
When a Markov chain is not regular, the situation is somewhat more
complicated and can most easily be described after some preliminary

3.6. Reducible Chains

In classifying Markov chains, a first step is to remove from considera-

tion certain types of chains. Consider a game in which children throw a ball
from one to another, and let the chain be in state x when the xth child has
the ball. (This is a rather common image for a chain with zeros on the
diagonal, assuming that no child throws the ball to itself.) Given the
Markov hypothesis and the probabilistic behavior of the children, it would
be easy to write down the transition matrix and perhaps calculate the
stationary probabilities, which would then be interpreted as the probabilities
that each of the children had the ball. However, suppose further that girls
throw only to girls and boys to boys. Then the development of the game
depends on who gets the ball first, and depending on this outcome, either of
two separate chains develops. Such a chain is called reducible; the exact
definition will follow. The simplest reducible chain has the matrix

which leads to the equations for stationary probabilities

from which it is not possible to infer a unique solution, even by adding the
normalizing condition Vo +v I = 1.
In general, a reducible chain has a matrix P which can be decomposed
into two sub matrices PI and P2 thus:
Markov Chains 105

The number of separate blocks can be greater than two. It is clear just by
looking at this matrix that the Markov chain really consists of two Markov
chains which do not relate to one another. Therefore it is sensible to
consider each separately, with some probabilistic scheme to determine
which chain is operative.
Sometimes, by renumbering the states, a reducible chain is a little more
difficult to spot. Consider the matrix

0 2 0 2 0 0
2 0 0 2 0 0
0 0 0 0 2: 2
2: 2: 0 0 0 0
0 0 2 0 0 2
0 0 2: 0 2: 0

By tracing the probabilities, the student will confirm that this corresponds
to the ball-throwing story above, with three boys and three girls.
Reducible Markov chains can be exactly defined by introducing the
concept of a closed set of states.

Definition 1. A collection C of states is called a closed set of states if

for all xEC.

Definition 2. A Markov chain is called irreducible if it does not contain

more than one closed set of states.

Definition 3. If a closed set of states consists of a single state, this state

is called an absorbing state.

Definition 4. A Markov chain which is not irreducible is called reduci-


From this point onwards, it is assumed that all chains are irreducible.
106 Chapter 3

3.7. Periodic Chains

A second kind of Markov chain for which it is desirable to treat

separately, and often to exclude from the discussion, is the periodic chain,
that is, a chain with periodic states.

Definition t. A state x is called periodic if pi~) = 0, except when n is a

multiple of an integer greater than one.

The simplest example of a periodic chain is one which oscillates

between states, with matrix

(~ 6)'
Obviously this chain has stationary vector (-L 1:), giving an example of a
Markov chain which is not regular, and yet which has a stationary vector.
Many periodic chains have this property. One of the most important such
chains is discussed in detail in Section 3.11.
Most of the results in the remainder of this chapter are given for
aperiodic (that is, not periodic) chains, because the main principles can be
illustrated on aperiodic chains.

3.8. Classification of States. Ergodic Chains

Given a state x, let ~ be the probability that, beginning in state x, the

system ever returns to the state x, o:::;~:::; 1. If ~< 1, the state is called
transient, and if ~= 1, the state is called recurrent.
Transient states are visited a finite number of times, since at each visit
there is a nonzero probability 1-~ of never returning. Let the number of
visits to a transient state be the random variable X. Then X is geometrically
distributed with parameter ~:

P{ X=x )=(l-oe, x=O,I,2, ....

The proof of this fact consists essentially in observing that each return to
the state is an independent event.
Recurrent states are further classified according to whether their mean
recurrence time is finite or infinite. Probability distributions with infinite
Markov Chains 107

means were briefly introduced in Section l.6; this is the first serious
encounter with such distributions. Suppose a chain starts in state x. Let Y
denote the number of steps before the chain is again (for the first time) in
state x. Then Y is a random variable defined over the positive integers. Let

fx{Y )=P{ Y=y for state x)


JL{x)= ~ jfx{j).

Then Il( x) is called the mean recurrence time for state x.

A recurrent state x is called ergodic if Il(x)< 00, that is, if the series
defining Il( x) converges, and null if the series diverges. t

Theorem 1. If two states x and yare accessible from one another, then
they are either both transient, both ergodic, or both null.

Proof. Case I: One State Transient. Suppose x is transient and let y be

recurrent. Let p be the probability of passing through state x going from
state y back to state y. Since x is accessible from y, p>O. The process
returns to state y infinitely often, and so the transition from y to x is
available infinitely often and, having a nonzero probability, must take place
infinitely often. Thus x is recurrent, which is a contradiction. Thus y must
also be transient.
Case II: One State Ergodic. Suppose y is ergodic, and p is defined as in
case I. Then, since the mean number of steps away from y is finite and each
visit carries a nonzero probability of a visit to x also, the mean time away
from x on those loops which pass through y must also be finite. Even if the
mean recurrence times on other loops were infinite, the mean recurrence
time Il( x) would still be finite.
Case III: One State Null. This is established by consideration of the
other two cases: If x is null, then y could be neither ergodic nor transient. 0
In the process of cumulative Bernoulli counts, all states are transient,
since there is a finite probability that any state will be left and once left,
never revisited. In the fish-netting process, with the random variable being

tThe terms "ergodic" and "null," although not particularly intuitive, are standard.
lOS Chapter 3

the cumulative number of fish caught, states 0, 1, and 2 are transient, but
state 3 is ergodic and, in fact, absorbing.
Note that the theorem does not prevent a chain from containing more
than one kind of state, but it does prevent that for states which are mutually
accessible. For an irreducible chain, there can be at most one set of mutually
accessible states, although there may be some transient states as well.

Theorem 2. A finite Markov chain with all states ergodic is regular,

and so the conclusions of Section 3.5 follow. (Such a chain is called an
ergodic chain.)

Proof. Since a state x is ergodic, there must be some power N of the

transition matrix P so that the diagonal element pix~) ~O. By the rules of
matrix multiplication, since this nonzero element was produced with (possi-
bly) zeros in lower powers, all higher powers will also have a nonzero
element in this position: p~~) >0 for n=N, N+ 1, N+2, .... For any other
state y, there must be a power N' of the matrix such that p~~') >0, since y,
as well as x, is ergodic. Thus, since there is a positive probability of going
from x to x in N steps and from x to y in N' steps, there is a positive
probability of going from x to y in N + N' steps, and for the power N + N',
both elements P~~ + N') and P~~ + N') are positive. Again, by the rules of matrix
multiplication, all subsequent powers of P will contain positive entries in
these positions. If this argument is applied successively to the (finite)
collection of states, it can be established that there is a power of the
transition matrix for which all elements are positive, proving regularity. 0
Thus, for ergodic Markov chains, the key to understanding the long-
range behavior of the chain lies in calculating the stationary probabilities of
the transition matrix. To summarize, for a finite irreducible chain with all
states ergodic, the limits 7T v = limn-> oop~~) exist, are independent of x, and
satisfy the equations 7Tx = 'i. j7Tj Pjx'
Finally, it is intuitively clear that 7Tx is the reciprocal of J.L( x), but the
proof is difficult and involves a basic theorem about infinite series. Some
further discussion of the point will be given in Section 3.16 and a method
will be discovered for finding the first-passage probabilities IX< y).

3.9. Finding Equilibrium Distributions-The Random Walk Revisited

When a Markov chain has only a finite number of states, the general
theory applies and the problem of determining stationary vectors is the
Markov Chains 109

familiar algebraic problem of finding solutions to a linear homogeneous set

of equations, with the additional condition of normalization to unity. That
condition alone rules out both the trivial solution ('7T0 ='7T I ='7Tz = ... ='7Tn =
0) and also proportional families of solutions ('7Tx = k Ox for all x).
In the case of an infinite number of states, the theory is much the same,
but the proofs become more complicated. In this section and the next, some
examples are given of how equilibrium probabilities can be calculated if it is
assumed that these probabilities exist. First, the general problem of the
random walk is discussed; consider the transition matrix of Section 3.4, but
with first row (I - a, a, 0, 0, ... ). The equilibrium probabilities ('7T0 ' '7T I,
'7T2 , .. ) must satisfy the infinite set of equations

(l-a)'7To +/L'7T I ='7T0 ,

a'7To +(I-A-/L)'7T I +/L'7T2 ='7T I'
A'7TI +(1 -A-/L)'7Tz +/L'7T3 ='7T2 , (5)
A'7Tz +(1 -A-/L)'7T3 +/L'7T4 ='7T3 ,

The equations could be solved recursively, and the general formula

obtained by mathematical induction. However, it is often convenient to use
probability generating functions in problems of this sort, and since this is
the first encounter with infinite sets of equations, the method will be used,
with some attention to the details. The first equation is multiplied by so, the
second by s I, the third by s z, and so forth, and the resulting set of equations
summed. Clearly the right side becomes simply

</>(s)= ~sj'7Tj'

the probability generating function of the equilibrium distribution. The

terms on the left side are less tidy, but can still be simplified with a little
effort. The first two equations are irregular, and their contribution to the
sum is written down unchanged:

The remaining equations give three kinds of terms, the first being
110 Chapter 3

which can be written

The second group of terms is

which is

Finally, the third series of terms is

which can be written

If the four contributions to the equation are assembled, the terms involving
'IT\and 'lT2 cancel, and <I>(s) can be expressed in terms of 'lTo (and the
parameters) as follows:


At this stage it is often wise to confirm that <I>(O)='lTo and <1>(1)= 1, as a

precaution against possible error. In the present case, both of these condi-
tions yield indeterminant forms. The first one quickly reduces to the
required value, and the second indeterminant form, evaluated with
L'Hopital's rule, gives a value for 'lTo:


Equation (7), substituted back into the expression for <I>(s), yields the
probability generating function explicitly in terms of the parameters of the
model. A careful inspection of the fractional representation of <I>(s) reveals a
common factor (I-lis) in the numerator and denominator. When s=l= 1,
Markov Chains III

this can be removed, giving the final form


and in this form </>(0) = 7TO' </>(1) = I are easy to confirm.

This has been a lengthy calculation, going from the transition matrix to
the probability generating function of the equilibrium distribution, but the
result contains a great deal of information about the Markov chain. In
interpreting the result, keep in mind that

A=P(a step to the right, except from the origin),

I - A- M= P( standing still, except at the origin),

M=P(a step to the left, except at the origin),

l-a=P(standing still at the origin),

a=P(a step to the right from the origin).

The case a = 0 can be disposed of first. Then the origin is an absorbing

state, with 7To = 1. It is also clear that 7To = I can never occur unless a=O.
Suppose therefore that a >0. The probability 7To will be positive only if both
the numerator and denominator are positive, or both negative. It is easy to
see that the latter is impossible, for, since 7To < I, multiplying by the
(negative) denominator gives

or a<O.
On the other hand, if both numerator and denominator are positive,
then the first inequali ty includes the second one and JL > A, so that there is a
greater probability of a step to the left than of a step to the right.
The second kind of information available from a knowledge of </>( s) is
the values of the moments. Differentiating with respect to s and setting s= I
112 Chapter 3

Similar calculations give </>"(s) and hence the variance.

Furthermore, the exact probabilities can be obtained from the probabil-
ity generating function by the formula 7Tx =</>(x)(O)/x! [Eq. (21) in Section
1.11]. In looking for a power-series expansion of </>( s), three factors must be
considered: the constant (= 7TO )' the linear term in the numerator, and the
linear term in the denominator. The latter can be expanded as a geometric

where ps < 1. To put the denominator into this form, divide by - p. so that


Division by - p. makes the numerator of the form As + B, where

A= - - and B=l.

Thus 7Tx , the coefficient of sx, consists of two terms, the first being 7ToApx-1
and the second being 7ToBpx. Making the necessary substitutions gives

P.-A a x-I
7Tx = p.-A+a J;p

This formula does not apply to 7T 1; the student should derive that expression
separately, finding en route why the calculation for the general case breaks
The general random walk results can be used to obtain a number of
interesting and useful special cases, simply by assigning specific values to
the parameters. Two examples will be given, the first being a (discrete time)
queue, or waiting line, where the random variable represents the number in
the system (waiting or being served). Queues provide important models of
various kinds of stochastic processes and will occur with increasing frequency
(and increasing complexity) in the remainder of this volume. The present
model is a rather primitive one, because of the discrete time aspect.
Customers are supposed to arrive only at discrete intervals and to be
finished with service also at the same discrete intervals. The student might
think of a service facility which can admit new customers only "on the
hour" and can discharge customers also only "on the hour." The number of
Markov Chains 113

customers in the system can be 0,1,2, ... , and the parameters are interpre-
ted as follows: .\=probability of a new customer in the system, fL=
probability of a service finishing, a =.\, with 'fI'x being the long-range
frequencies of the number of customers in the queue. With this interpre-
tation, for example, 'fI'0 = 1 - p gives the probability of an idle server.
The second interpretation, gambling with a fixed stake, was already
mentioned in Section 3.2 an<;l will be further enlarged in Section 3.14. With
a merciless opponent and a probability of winning no greater than that of
losing, being bankrupt is clearly an absorbing state. For a less trivial result,
suppose that a generous opponent gives a bankrupt gambler a unit stake, so
that the origin is a reflecting barrier, but suppose that the odds are against
the gambler, so that .\, the probability of winning, is less than one-half. The
student can verify that the gambler'S average fortune is

2(1-2,\) .

It is also left as an exercise to show that for both the queueing model
and the gambling model, the equilibrium distribution, if it exists, is of a
modified geometric form, that is, the probabilities form a geometric series
after the first two terms.
Finally, it will be a useful exercise for the student to classify the states
of the random walk and to see how the classification (transient/ergodic/null)
depends on the values of the parameters .\, fL, and a.
The stages of the calculation, represented by Eqs. (5), (6), (7), and (8),
are quite typical of calculations which will recur in the remainder of this
book, and it will be helpful for further understanding for the student to
rehearse the various steps until they begin to become intuitively clear.

3.10. A Queueing Model

A random walk can be interpreted as a queue only with some difficulty,

but there is a Markov chain which provides a reasonably good model for the
number present in a simple queue. This chain is obtained by making the
discrete times those moments when a service is completed and assuming the
existence of a probability distribution
a x = p( X=x) = P( x arrivals during a service period).
The (naturally continuous) time for a queue is thus "discretized" by taking
service periods. The model is clearly not a random walk, since a transition is
114 Chapter 3

possible from state x to any state x + y if there are y + 1 (allowing for the
one person leaving after service) arrivals during a service period.
The student will greatly improve his understanding of this model and
prepare for the more difficult models of Chapter 6 by verifying the
transition matrix for the system:

ao a, a2 a3 a4
ao a, a2 a3 a4
0 ao a, a2 a3
0 0 au a, a2 (9)
0 0 0 ao a,

It will also be a good exercise to confirm that for no probability distribution

a x is this a random walk and to understand the difference in terms of the
basic model.
In classifying the states of the queueing chain, let K denote (as in
Section 3.8) the probability that, beginning in state zero, i.e., with no
customers in the system, the queue will ever again return to state zero.
Suppose that in the first time unit during which arrivals occur, the system
jumps to state y, with y = 1,2,3, ... , the probability of which is a v . Let Ky be
the probability that, beginning in state y, the system is ever again empty.
Then returning to state zero (from state zero) can happen either by no
arrivals in the first time period (probability a o) or by jumping to state y and
gradually returning to state zero, that is,


K=ao+ ~ a/v

Since customers are served one at a time, the queue must pass through all
states between y and 0 if it is to return to zero. Furthermore, the arrival and
service pattern that would reduce the queue eventually from state y to state
y - 1 is exactly the same as the one that would reduce the queue from state
y - 1 to state y - 2, and so forth (for example, seven arrivals in one time unit
followed by eight time units with no arrivals). Thus


K=a o+ ~ avKr.
Markov Chains 115

Now, ~I' the probability that a queue with one customer in service will ever
become empty, is exactly the same as the probability that an empty queue
will ever again become empty, simply because the identity of the first two
rows of the transition matrix shows that a jump from state zero to any other
state has the same probability as a jump from state one to that state.
For example, a jump from state zero to state seven represents seven
arrivals and has probability, a 7 and a jump from state one to state seven
also represents seven arrivals, since the customer being served is discharged
during the time unit. This means that the probability of the queue in state
one becoming eventually empty is the same as that for the queue in state
zero, or ~I = Therefore, with state zero transient, ~ < I satisfies


~=ao + ~ ay~Y. (10)


In the other case, where zero is recurrent, ~ = I clearly also satisfies this
equation. Thus in every case ~ is a root of the equation

s=a(s ),

where a(s) is the probability generating function of the arrival distribution:


a(s)= ~ ajs j .

Referring to Section 1.13, it is easy to see that (except for the special cases
given in that section, which will be discussed below) every state of the queue
is transient if and only if ~ < I, which will happen if and only if the mean


;\= ~ jaj

of the arrival distribution is > 1; every state of the queue is recurrent if and
only if ~= I, which will happen if and only if ;\:::::: 1.
This result is intuitively clear, since a mean arrival rate greater than one
means that arrivals occur more frequently, on the average, than service
terminations, so that the system is overloaded and must gradually increase
in size, whatever local fluctuations may be encountered.
116 Chapter 3

Here now are the special cases and their significance:

Case I: a o = 1. There are never any arrivals to the system, state zero is
absorbing, and the chain is reducible.

Case II: at = 1. Whatever state the chain begins in is absorbing, and

once again the chain is reducible.

Case III: a o +a t = 1. Regardless of the initial state, the queue gradually

descends to states zero and one and remains there. The chain is reducible.

Thus it is necessary to assume that ;\.::; I in order to find the stationary

distribution 7Tx and its probability generating function </>( s). From the
transition matrix the following equations can easily be written down:

(11 )

with the number of terms increasing in each succeeding equation. Using the
technique illustrated in Section 3.9, the nth equation is multiplied by sn-t,
n = 1,2,3, ... , and the whole set summed, leading to the following result:

which leads to

</>(s)= I-s/o:(s) . (12)

Letting s-'> I with the aid of L'Hopital's rule permits evaluation (when
;\.::; I) of 7To = I-;\., and thus </>(s) can be written explicitly in terms of the
arrival distribution probability generating function o:(s):

</> ( s ) - -~,.--,--'-'----'-- ( 13)
- o:(s )-s
Markov Chains 117

This relationship can be used to obtain moments, probabilities, and special

cases, similarly to those obtained in Section 3.9. Since queueing theory will
be treated in more detail in Chapter 6, these results will be omitted at

3.11. The EhrenfesttChain

A problem in physics-heat exchange-suggests a Markov chain with

nonzero elements only on the principal super- and subdiagonals:

Px.x+l=l-x/k, Px.x-l =x/k, ( 14)

where there are k+ I states, x=O, 1,2, ... , k. For example, with k=3, the
transition matrix defining the chain would be

0 I 0 0 1

I 2
:1 0 :1 0
2 I
0 :1 0 :1
0 0 0

Although this chain moves always from left to right or right to left, never
staying in place, there is a "central tendency," in that the further away the
chain is from the middle, the more likely it is to move towards the middle.
In the limiting cases, where x=o or x=k, there is a probability of one of a
step towards the middle, away from the reflecting boundaries.
It is the tendency towards central equilibrium that originally recom-
mended this matrix as a suitable model for heat exchange. In the physical
model, the states of the system are equated to the number of molecules in
one of two (heat-exchanging) containers, so that k is, for practical purposes,
far larger than three, and, in fact, the student interested in the physical
interpretation of the Ehrenfest model would do well, in the following
discussion, to think of k as, perhaps, 10 10, so that, for example, the
transition from state one to state zero would have a probability like 10 -10, a
very small number.
It is easy to see that the Ehrenfest chain is irreducible but periodic,
with period two. Nevertheless, like the trivial chain mentioned in Section
3.7, there is a stationary probability vector associated with the system. The

i Paul Ehrenfest, Dutch physicist, 1880-1933.

118 Cbapter3

first steps in the analysis are only slightly different from those of Sections
3.9 and 3.10. The Ehrenfest chain matrix leads to the system of equations

7Tx =(I -X-I)

7Tx-I+-k-7Tx+I' X= I, ... , k-l,

7Tk = ( 1- -k-l)
k - 7Tk - l,

and thence to the generating function equation

k-I k-J
+ kI [ <I> () ]
S -7T - kS ~ ._1
jS} 7Tj __ 1 + k1 ~ J7T
.++ I
O .4.; .4.; j IS} .
S j= J S j= J

The last two terms do not seem to fit into any simple form involving the
probability generating function itself, but a moment's reflection leads to the
suspicion that they are similar to mean (expected) values and might be
obtained by differentiation of <1>( s). This indeed is the case; here is a
differential equation in <I>(s). Writing out the (finite) series involved, the
student will be able to show that

k~l. j+l_ 2~(<I>(S)-7TO)

.4.; J7Tj + IS -s d
j=J S S


Substituting these values, and simplifying considerably, the following dif-

ferential equation is obtained:
Markov Chains 119

which can be solved by elementary methods. The result is

This probability generating function is binomial with parameter p = 1-. Thus

the probabilities 'TTx are given by

x=O, I , ... , k,

a standard binomial distribution. (Keeping in mind the large value of k

suggested by the physical model, the student familiar with the central limit
theorem will easily understand how this binomial result can be closely
approximated by a normal distribution in practical circumstances.)
From the point of view of Markov chain theory, the example of a
nontrivial periodic chain with a stationary probability vector is important.
The example is also important as a technical exercise in finding a probabil-
ity generating function by means of a differential equation. Finally, the
Ehrenfest chain shows by example that not every finite ergodic chain is
regular: The condition of aperiodicity must be added.

3.12. Branching Chains

The Markov chains studied up to this point have all had a certain
simplicity: It has been possible to proceed from the model to an explicit
form for the transition matrix, and from the matrix to the stationary
distribution. These calculations have permitted an easy classification of
states with respect to parameter values.
There are, however, certain Markov chains of importance for which
even the first step-an explicit form for the matrix-is difficult, so that the
analysis is more roundabout. Branching chains are of this type.
The idea of a branching chain came originally from the study of the
extinction of surnames, i.e., whether or not one of the generations following a
given individual would consist entirely of married females, or contain no
children. Subsequently, several diverse applications of the theory have been
discovered, notably in genetics and nuclear physics, where individuals can,
with known probability, give rise to offspring, who in turn can give rise to
further offspring of succeeding generations.
120 Chapter 3

The key probabilistic assumption is that each individual, of whatever

generation, has a probability bx ' x = 0, 1,2, ... , of producing x new individu-
als. Let f3(s) = 'ibjs j be the probability generating function of this birth
distribution, and let B=f3'(1) be its mean.
The Markov chain is defined by letting Xn represent the number of
individuals in the nth generation, where the original ancestor forms the
zeroth generation. There is no loss of generality in assuming that Xo = 1,
since an initial generation of j individuals would evolve like j branching
chains, each with single ancestors and pooled offspring.
Calculation of the transition matrix begins smoothly enough. Since the
zeroth state is absorbing, the first row consists of the vector (1,0,0, ... ). The
second row represents the probabilities of transitions from one member in a
generation, and thus, by definition, is the birth distribution (b o' b p b2 , ... ).
In the third row, the probability of transition from state two to state zero is
simply b~; from state two to state one, 2bob l ; from state two to state two,
bi + 2bob l (since the two members of the subsequent generation might or
might not have the same ancestor), and so forth. But, beginning with three
or more members in the anterior generation, the calculations become rather
heavy, owing to the numerous possibilities of ancestor-offspring combina-
tions, and it is natural to look for some underlying principle.
The transition probability

is conditional upon an nth generation of x individuals. Let Zl' Z2' ... ' Z, be
the number of offspring of these x individuals, with, by hypothesis, the
distribution bx for each of the x independent random variables. Then the
(n + 1)st generation, which has size 'ij= I Zj' will have distribution b;* and
probability generating function [f3(s W. Thus

Px V = P( X n+ I = Y I Xn = x) = coefficient of SV in
. r.
the expansion of [f3( s )

It is easy to check this result against the values computed above for the
transitions from state two and to see how one might write out the next row
systematically. However, unless f3( s) is particularly simple, this does not
greatly facilitate the expression of Pxy explicitly in terms of the defining
probabilities of the chain, bx It is clear, nevertheless, that since all the states
communicate with the absorbing state zero, they must be transient, unless it
Markov Chains 121

is impossible not to have at least one offspring, bo =0. Thus the interest in
branching chains lies not so much in the calculation of stationary distribu-
tions (since every state has limiting probability zero) as in computing the
probabilities for an nth generation of size x, and especially the probability
of a transition to state zero, i.e., the probability of extinction.
Let the probability of x individuals in the nth generation be denoted by
b~n), with probability generating function {3n(s) and mean Bn:

=P{ XI=x)

with b~I)=bx' {3I(S)={3(s), BI =B. Then, by definition of the branching

b(n) = ~ b(n-I)p.
x ~ J JX


~ b;n-I){coefficientofsxin [{3{s)]J}


=coefficientofsXin ~ b;n-I)[{3(s)f (16)


This implies, simply by definition of the probability generating function,


{3n{s)= ~ b;n-I)[{3{s)]J

( 17)

The last relationship is fundamental in the study of branching chains.

Differentiating this formula, a recurrence relation for mean values can
be easily obtained:

from which it follows that

122 Chapter 3

The similar formula for variances

V = VMn-1 1- M n M=:;f:l,
n I-M'
is a little more troublesome, but follows in a perfectly straightforward
manner. These calculations are left as an exercise for the student.
Equation (18) shows that the limiting mean generation size limn--->ooBn
can only be 0,1, or 00, depending on whether B< 1, B= 1, or B> 1.
Branching processes form an important example of a more general
principle: the formation of probability distributions from known distribu-
tions by nesting probability generating functions. In the branching process
case, the "nest" was formed from the same generating function: f3[f3(s )],
f3{f3[f3(s)j}, etc. This process can also be used with different probability
generating functions and will clearly always give a probability generating
function: f3[ o:(s )], y{f3[ o:(s)j}, and so forth. The probabilistic interpretation
of the process is important. Consider the sum of identically distributed,
independent, random variables Xl + X 2 + X3 + ... + X N , where N is itself a
random variable independent of Xi" This is called a random sum, and the
process of nesting probability generating functions is equivalent to the
random summation of random variables. The proof is essentially the same
as in the case of branching processes. Let J0
be independently and identi-
cally distributed with probability generating function o:(s), let N be inde-
pendent with probability generating function f3( s), and let </>( s) be the
probability generating function for the random sum Xl + X 2 + ... + X N =



~ P( N = n )[ 0:( S )
=f3[o:(s)]. ( 19)
Markov Chains 123

Although this procedure has a number of rather important applica-

tions, the distributions which are obtained are frequently difficult to com-
pute and have therefore remained rather obscure. In the simple example of a
geometric number of Poisson variables, the resulting probability generating
1- pe -X+Xs

resists easy analysis. Many similar examples could be given.

The fundamental generating function equation can be obtained by
using the method of marks (Section 2.4). Suppose every individual in the
process is independently marked with probability I-s. Then the probability
generating function !3n( s) represents the probability that none of the indi-
viduals in the nth generation are marked. This probability can also be
written, conditional on x individuals in the first generation, as l!3n-I(S )r,
and hence

from which Eq. (17) follows.

3.13. Probability of Extinction

In the notation of Section 3.12, let an be the probability that the nth
generation is empty:

It is obvious that a l =bo and the basic relationship!3n =!3n-I(!3) shows that
an =!3( an-I) Since the probability generating function !3 is increasing, it
follows that

Hence there is a limit a oo satisfying

Here a oo is interpreted as the probability that the process eventually dies

out, or that the "family" eventually becomes "extinct." Equations of this
124 Chapter 3

type were discussed in Section 1.13. Let the (possible) root less than one be
denoted by cr. Since /3(O)</3(cr)=cr, lXl <cr. By induction, all lXn <cr, and
therefore lXoo = cr. Thus the value of lXoo is given by the analysis of Section
First, the special cases: (i) If bo = 1, lXoo = 1; (ii) if b l = 1, lXoo =0; (iii) if
bo = 1 - b I' lXoo = 1. In the general case, M = 1 implies that lXoo = I, and
M> I implies that lXoo =cr< 1.
Summing 'i.Bn shows that the mean size of the entire progeny is
(1- B)-I when M< 1, and infinite when M;::::: I.

3.14. The Gambler's Ruin

This Markov chain on the integers 0, I, ... , N was in trod uced in Section
3.2. It models a game in which a gambler can win or lose t a unit sum at
each stage of a game, with fixed probabilities of win or loss. Thus it is a
special case of the random walk discussed in Section 3.2, with

;\=P(win)=P( Xn =xl X n- I =x-l), x=2,3, ... , N,

1-;\=P(Ioss)=P( Xn =x- 21 X n- I =x-I), x=2,3, ... , N,

and absorption at the Nth state,

P( Xn =N I X n- I =N)= I,

and at the zeroth state,

P(Xn =OIXn-I =0)=1 (i.e.,lX=O).

Since the two absorbing states can be reached from the intermediate states,
it is clear that the states 1,2, ... , N - I are transient.
The problem is to find the probabilities for the eventual absorption
into states 0, corresponding to a loss of the initial stake, and N, which could
correspond either to winning all the opponent's stake or to a predetermined
fortune desired. These probabilities, it is clear intuitively, depend on the
gambler's initial stake k, where k= 1,2, ... , N-1.
Let p(k) be the probability of eventual ruin:

p(k)=P(Xn =0 for some nlXo =k).

tA trivially more general model permits draws.

Markov Chains 125

Since state x can be reached only from state x-I (by winning) or from
state x + 1 (by losing), the probabilities p( k) satisfy the difference equation

p{k)=(1-A)p{k-I)+Ap(k+ I), k= 1,2, ... , N-l, (20)

with boundary conditions p(O) = 1, p( N) = O. This equation can be rewritten

p( k + 1) - p( k ) = C[ p( k) - p( k - 1)] ,



Thus. beginning with p(l)-p(O), it is clear that the differences p(k)-

p(k-l) form a geometric series with ratio C:

p{k+ I)-p{k )=C k [p(1)-l].

But since p(k)=~1;;;J [p(j+ 1)-p(j)], the required probability can be

written as the sum of a geometric series:

p{k)-I= ~ CJ[p(I)-l].

In this equation. the remaining value p( 1) is evaluated by using the

boundary condition p(N)=O. yielding

l-C N

and, finally.

[( 1- A) /A ] k - [(1 - A) /A ] N
p(k)= . (21 )
1- [(l-;\)/;\r

I t will be noted that this analysis depends on the assumption that ;\ 1.

When A= 1. the corresponding formula can be obtained by direct argu-
ments analogous. but much simpler. or. alternatively, by using L'H6pital's
rule on the formula already obtained. In either case, the result will be found
126 Chapter 3

to be

p(k)=I-k/N, '-1
f \ - 2'

Another special case of interest is the game against an infinitely rich

adversary, N _ 00. Passing to the limit, again with the use of L'Hopital's
rule, the following values are obtained:

p(k)= 1, ifA~-L

( l-'A)k ,
p(k)= -'A- if 'A>-!-.

The student familiar with difference equations will be able to under-

stand the more general problem of determining, in the gambler's ruin
formulation, the probability Pn( k) that the gambler will be ruined at the nth
game, beginning with a stake of k. The double difference equation


with boundary conditions

Pn(O)=Pn(N)=O, n= 1,2,3, ... ,

Po(O) = 1, Po(k)=O, k= 1,2,3, ... ,

can be reduced to a single-variable difference equation by defining the

generating functiont


..fk(S)= }: Pn(k)sn,


and solved by standard procedures.

t Note that this is not a probability generating function, inasmuch as ~ p,,( k) = p( k) =I=- I.
Markov Chains 127

3.15. Probability of Ruin as Probability of Extinction

It is possible to obtain Eqs. (22) from the theory of branching processes.

Consider first a gambler who begins with k= I unit as his initial stake. Let
the "first generation" be the amount available to him after the first game,
i.e., either zero or two units. The probabilities, using the notation of Section
3.12, are clearly bo = I-A, b2 =A, and thus the probability of extinction is
the smaller root of the equation

The solutions of this quadratic equation are I and (I-A)/A, so that, in

gambler's ruin notation,


Now suppose that the gambler begins with k> I units as his initial
stake. In order to become ruined, the gambler must pass through the
different states k-I, k-2, .. . ,1,0, and each step has the same independent
probability as the probability of ruin with one initial unit; thus

It is left as an exercise for the student to discover where the important
condition A> 1- enters this formulation, giving Eqs. (22).

3.16. First-Passage Times

In Section 3.8, the random variable Y was defined to be the number of

steps for first passage from a fixed state back to the same state. In this
section, the idea is generalized to the number of steps from one fixed state
to another fixed state. For states x and y, let Y be the number of steps for
first passage from x to y, with

fxin)= f{n) =P( Y=n).

Since a process which goes from x to y in n steps must necessarily reach

y for the first time on one of the steps 1,2, ... , n and then return to y again
128 Chapter 3

at the nth step,


P( Xn =yl Xo =X)= ~ P(Y=k )P( Xn =yl Xk =y),


or, with the notation of Section 3.5,


(n) =
Pxv ~ f(k)p(n-k) (24)
~ v~"
. k=1 ..

It is possible to calculate the values of f( n) recursively from these equations

(letting P=Pxv' q=Pyy):


f(2)=p(2) -qf(l),

f(3) =p<3) - qf(2) - q(2)f( 1),

f( 4) =p(4) - qf(3) - q(2)f(2) -q(3)f( 1),

where the upper indices refer to the corresponding powers of the basic
matrix. Thus, in order to calculate f( n) systematically, one needs to know
two elements from all powers of P, namely, the elements Pxy =P and PVy = q.
When these are known, the calculation can be reduced to a single stage by
using probability generating functions. Multiplying the jth equation above
by sJ and summing gives an expression for the probability generating
function cf>( s) = L.snf( n):

00 00

j=1 j=1

Defining the functions p( s) and q( s) as follows,

00 00

p{s)= ~Slp{j), q{s)= ~ slq(j),

/=1 j= 1
Markov Chains 129

cp( s) can be wri tten

cp{ s) = 1+ q{ s ) . (25)

Example 1. Consider a sequence of Bernoulli trials with /3=P(Success)

and with XII = 1,2,3,4, accordingly to the (n - 1)st and nth trials resulting in
SS, SF, FS, FF. Then

/3 1-/3 0 0
0 0 /3 1-/3
/3 1-/3 0 0
0 0 /3 1-/3

/3 2 /3(1-/3) /3(I - /3) (1- f3)2

/3 2 /3(1-/3) /3{1-/3) (1_/3)2
pn= , n=2,3,4, ....
/3 2 /3(1-/3) /3{1-/3) (1_/3)2
/3 2 /3{1-/3) /3{1-/3) (1-/3)2

Suppose first passage from state one to state two is required. Then

p{S)=(I-/3)S+/3(I-/3){S2+S3+ ... )

(I - /3 )s{ 1- s + s/3)

( ) _ s2/3(I_/3)
qs - l-s '

(I - /3)s
cp(s)= l-s/3 '

n= 1,2,3, ... ,

which is a shifted geometric distribution. It is important to note

regarding p( s) and q( s) that, although they are generating functions, they
are not probability generating functions and hence do not necessarily pass
130 Chapter 3

through the point (1, I). In fact, in this example, both are infinite at the
value s= 1. However, cf>(s) is a probability generating function and cf>(l)= 1.
The calculation depends, of course, on the two states chosen, x = I,
y=2. In this example, there are 16 different possible choices of state,
including those of the form x = y. The first-passage distributions obtained
are not all geometric (one other is) and are not all equal. The student should
find a few of these generating functions as an exercise.
In the case x=y, the first passage (now recurrence time, d. Section 3.8)
is from a state back to the same state, and the general formula is still valid
with p(s)=q(s), as may be shown by recapitulating its proof. These
first-passage probabilities are connected with the quantities ~ and fx( n),
defined in Section 3.8 in the following way:

fAn )=fxAn)= f{n),

where f( n) is the distribution from state x back to state x and


~= ~ f{n).

Of course, by definition, the first-passage probabilities from one state back

to the same state sum to unity if and only if that state is recurrent. For
transient states,

~ f(n)< 1.

This inequality seems to contradict the basic postulates of probability,

that every distribution must sum to unity. However, the contradiction is
only an illusion based on a misunderstanding of the values of the random
variable. Summed over the positive integers, the distribution is indeed
deficient or improper,t but this simply means that the possible first-passage
times are not fully described by the positive integers. Indeed, there is
another possible result, namely, that the passage never terminates, and this
possibility has probability

1- ~ f(n).

tThese are the usual, but somewhat misleading, names given to such distributions.
Markov Chains 131

If one wished, this probability might be denoted by some convenient symbol

such as f( 00) or f(Q). With a correct accounting for possible values,
distributions are not "proper" and "improper" - they are all proper.
Another example of a distribution augmented beyond the positive
inte6ers is that of the number of customers passing through a queue during
a busy period, which is a first passage from zero to zero. This number may
be 1,2,3, ... , but it may also happen that the queue never again becomes
empty, and that a certain probability must be assigned to the possibility.
Here it is perhaps more appropriate to write f( 00), since one can say with
intuitive justification that the number of customers passing through is
infinite, although, strictly speaking, the number is not defined, since the
queue never becomes empty. A similar example is obtained by considering
the total number of offspring in a branching process.
The generating function equation (25) is closely connected with the
problem of proving the fundamental relation referred to in Section 3.8:

First note that


ft(x)= ~ jf(j)=cj>'(I),

where the f and cj> functions apply to state x. The generating function
equation can be written in the form

cj>( s) 00

~ siq(j),
1 - cj>( s) j=l

since p( s) = q( s) for return to the same state. There is a theoremt which

states that in this situation

11m (n) _ cj>(l)
1) ,
q - -----;-(
n-->oo cj>

which in this case becomes l/ft(x). But the limit of the diagonal element in
the matrix has already been shown to be 'Trx' This means that when q( s) has

tFor the exact conditions on the theorem, an outline of the proof, and complete references, see
Cox, D. R., and MILLER, H. D. (1965), The Theory of Stochastic Processes, Methuen, London,
pp. 140--141.
132 Chapter 3

been found for any state x, then J.L(x) can be calculated as

d ( q(s) )
=ds l+q(s)s=1

q'( l)

The student can verify this formula for Example I above.

Recommendations for Further Study

There are a number of practical applications given as problems in
Chapter 4 of LINDLEY, D. V., (1965), Introduction to Probability and
Statistics from a Bayesian Viewpoint, Part 1, Cambridge University Press,

3.17. Problemst

1. Let Xn be a Markov chain with state space 0, 1,2, with initial vector (ao, aI' a2)
and transition matrix {p xr }' Find (i) P( Xo = 0, XI = 1, X 2 = 1), (ii) P( XI = 1, X 2
= 11 Xo =0), (iii) P(Xn = llXn - 2 =0), (iv) P(X2 =Xo)
2. A fair coin is tossed until three consecutive heads occur. Let Xn =x if at the nth
trial the last tail occurred at the (n - x)th trial, x = 0,1, ... , n, i.e., XII denotes the
length of the string of heads ending at the nth trial. Write down the transition
matrix. I
2: 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0

3. Two green balls and two yellow balls are placed in two boxes so that each box
contains two balls. At each step one ball is selected at random from each box,
and the two exchanged. Let Xo denote the number of yellow balls initially in the
first box. For n = 1,2,3, ... , let x" denote the number of yellow balls in the first
box after n exchanges have taken place. (i) Find the transition matrix and the
two-step transition matrix. (ii) Show that nlim __ 00 x" = Xo. (iii) Find the one-step
matrix beginning with N green and N yellow balls.

tProblems 17 and 27 are taken from Lindley (1965), with kind permission of the publishers.
Markov Chains 133

4. There are two green balls in box A and three red balls in box B. At each step a
ball is selected at random from each box and the two are exchanged. Let the
state of the system at time n be the number of red balls in box A after the nth
exchange. (i) Find the transition matrix. (ii) What is the probability that there
are two red balls in box A after three steps? (iii) What is the long-run
probability that there are two red balls in box A? Ans. (ii) fx, (iii) ftJ

5. A number Xo is chosen at random from the integers 1,2,3,4,5. For n= 1,2,3, ...
a value of )(" is chosen at random from the integers 1,2, ... , X" _ I. Find the
one-step and two-step transition matrices.
6. In a sequence of independent throws of a fair die, let X" be the largest number
appearing during the first n throws. Find the one-step and two-step transition
7. Four children throw a ball to one another. A child with the ball is equally likely
to throw it to each of the other three children. Find the one-step and two-step
transition matrices.
8. (A famous problem). A and B have agreed to play a series of games
until one of them has won five games. They are equally strong players and no
draws are allowed. Owing to circumstances beyond their control, they are
compelled to stop at a point where A has won four and B has won three games.
How should the stakes be divided? The present and possible future states of the
system are four: A has four games, B three; A has four and B also has four; A
has won; B has won. Write down the transition matrix and solve the problem.
9. Consider a two-state Markov chain with Pm) =A, PI I =/L. A new chain is
constructed by calling the pair 01 state 0 and the pair IO state I, ignoring 00 and
II. Only nonoverlapping pairs are considered. Show that for the new chain
.- I
Pm = P II = (I - A- /L) .
10. In independent throws of a coin which has probability P of falling heads, let X"
be the number of heads in the first n throws. Find the one-step and two-step
transition matrices.
II. Let X" be a two-state Markov chain over 1,2. Find (i) P(XI = II XO = I and
X2 = I) and (ii) P( XI =1= X2 ).
12. A particle moves on a circle through points 0,1,2,3,4 in clockwise order. At
each step it has probability P of moving to the next point clockwise and
probability 1-P of moving to the next point counterclockwise. Find the
transition matrix.
13. A rat is being trained to run a maze, and each attempt is considered to be a
success or a failure. Suppose the sequence of trials forms a Markov chain with
transition matrix

134 Chapter 3

and that on the first trial the rat is equally likely to succeed or fail. The rat is
considered to be trained if it achieves three consecutive successes. Find the
probability that the rat is not trained after 10 trials.
14. Test the following matrices for regularity.

(~ ~ ), (ii)
(~ ~ ), (iii)
(~ n,

2 n
IS. A Markov chain has transition matrix
(! 0

Find p".
16. A Markov chain has the transition matrix

I-p po ).
o l-p

Show that the stationary vector is rectangular.

17. A Markov chain has the following transition matrix:

"2 0 0
I I 1 0
4 "2 4
I 1 I
0 4 2 4
0 0 I 1
"2 2

(i) Find the stationary vector. (ii) Write down the mean recurrence times.
A ns. (ii) (3,6,6,3)
18. A production line produces three variants A, B, and C of a basic design. For a
"balanced" line, the following rules are observed: Two identical variants never
follow one another and each B must be followed by a C. (i) What is the
probability that after an A, the next A is separated by only one unit? (ii) Given
a production schedule which specifies the proportion of each variant required,
how could one find a rule which would yield this output in a balanced
production line? (iii) Suppose the demand was for 40% variant A, 10% variant
B, and 50% variant C. How could this be achieved?
Markov Chains 135

19. Consider a Markov chain with state space (1,2,4), initial vector (,tD, and
transition matrix

1 2
5 "5
I 1

"2 2
"4 o
(i) Find P(Xo = 1, XI = 1, X3 = 1). (ii) Compute pW.
20. A Markov chain with the non-negative integers as its state space has transition

0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
"2 2

0 1 0 1 0
4 4

0 0 1 0 1

0 0 0 II 0

(i) Write out the transition probabilities, i.e., fill in the blanks in the following
formula: P( Xn + 1 = 1X" = ) = . (ii) Let the stationary vector be
('lTI' 'lT2' 'lT3 ... ). Write a difference equation giving 'lTx in terms of 'lTx-1 and 'lTx+ I.
(iii) Express 'lT4 in terms of 'ITo. (iv) Find P( X"+2 =21 Xn = 2). (v) Let </>(s) = ~'lTjsj.
Show that </>( s) = P( s )</><1 s), where P( s) is a polynomial in s, and find P( s).
(vi) Let J.t be the mean value of the stationary vector, and let I' be the slope of
</>(s) at the value x=l. Prove that 21-'=21'+ 1.
21. Find the stationary probability vector for

1 ~ ), (ii)
n, (iii)
(~ !) 0

Ans. (i) (~,t~), (ii) (-[s,fs,fs), (iii) (-Lt~)

22. Classify the states of the Markov chains with transition matrices

I I I I 2
"4 "2 0 "4 "3 "3 0 0
0 1 .1.. 1 1 1 0
"5 3 15 4 R R
(i) 1 I
(ii) 1 1
0 3 "3 0 0 0 2 "2
1 I 1 1 1 2
"4 "4 "4 4 0 0 "3 "3

23. Two boys and two girls are throwing a ball. Each boy throws the ball to the
other boy with probability 1 and to each girl with probability Each girl .
136 Chapter 3

throws the ball to each boy with probability -t and never to the other girl. Find
the long-range probability that each has the ball. Ans. (-\-,L t i)

24. Let X n , n=0,1,2, ... ,be a two-state Markov chain (Poo =X,PII =/L), which
starts in state O. Find the probability that the first return to state 0 is at the nth
step. Ans. The p.gJ. </>(s) is (I-/Ls) -1(XS+S 2 _XS2 _/LS2).

25. A Markov chain has matrix

(i) Find the n-step transition matrix. (ii) Describe the limiting behavior of the
chain. (iii) Find the stationary vector and comment on its meaning.
Ans. (iii) <-to -
p), 1. -t p)

26. A fair tetrahedral die with 1,2,3,4 on its faces is thrown repeatedly, and x" = x
if x is the highest value obtained (on the bottom) in n throws. (i) Write the
transition matrix for the Markov chain. (ii) For fixed x and y, find

</>(s)= ~/H(j)sj,

where 1, ..( n) is the probability of first transition from x to y on the nth step. (iii)
Consider </>(1) for y= 1,2,3,4 and explain why </>(1)= I holds only for y=4.
27. A certain kind of nuclear particle splits into 0, I, or 2 particles with probabilities
, -t, and , respectively, and then dies. The individual particles act indepen-
dently of each other. Given a particle, let XI' Xl' and X3 denote the number of
particles in the first, second, and third generations. Find (i) P( Xl >0), (ii)
P(XI = 11 X 2 = 1), (iii) P(X, =0).

28. In an Ehrenfest chain, show that if the distribution of Xo is (~) 2 -k, so is the
distribution of XI. For an Ehrenfest chain with k = 3, find the distribution of XI'
X 2 , and X3 if Xo is rectangular.

29. For a branching chain, calculate the probability of extinction for (i)
bo = , b 2 = ~, (ii) bo = , b I = -t, b 2 = , (iii) bo = i, b I = -t, b 2 = -\- , (iv) bo = b) = -t.
Ans. (i) t (ii) 1, (iii) -t, (iv) --t+-t5 1/ 2

30. In a certain branching process, the probability of n offspring from one ancestor
is geometric with parameter p. (i) Find the range of values for p which will make
the process die out with probability one. (ii) For p outside this range, find the
probability of extinction. (iii) If p is chosen so that the probability of the process
never dying out is 0.999, what is the probability that an individual will have no
offspring? (iv) Answer the first three parts with the modified assumption that
the probability of no offspring is the sum of the first two geometric probabili-
ties, the probability of one offspring is the sum of the next two geometric
probabilities, and so forth.
Markov Chains 137

31. Suppose each man has exactly three children, with equal probability that each
child is a boy or a girl. Consider the branching chain in which x" is the number
of males in the nth generation. (i) Find the probability that the male line of a
given man eventually becomes extinct. (ii) If a given man has two boys and a
girl, find the probability that his male line eventually becomes extinct.
32. Consider a branching chain with initial population size N and probability
generating function I-p+ps. Find the probability distribution of the step x at
which the population becomes extinct.
33. At time zero, a blood culture starts with one red cell. At the end of one minute,
the red cell dies and is replaced by one of the following combinations: two red
cells with probability ~, one red and one white cell with probability j, two white
cells with probability 11. Each red cell lives for one minute and gives birth to
offspring in the same way; each white cell lives for one minute and dies without
reproducing. Assume the cells behave independently. (i) At time n + 1 minutes
after the culture began, what is the probability that no white cells have yet

appeared? (ii) What is the probability that the entire culture dies out eventually?
Ans. (i)W 2" c '_\, (ii)

34. Bets of $1 each are made on the tosses of a fair coin, with the policy to stop
when the winnings reach $10 or the losses reach $20. Find (i) the probability of
losing, (ii) the expected loss, (iii) the expected number of bets.
35. A Markov transition matrix is said to be doubly stochastic if the columns sum to
unity. Show that such a chain has a rectangular stationary vector, if it is
irreducible, aperiodic and finite.
36. Consider a Markov chain with state space 1,2, ... ,c+d, where c and dare
positive integers. Starting from anyone of the first c states, transition is equally
likely to any of the last d states; starting from anyone of the last d states,
transition is equally likely to anyone of the first c states. (i) Show that the chain
is irreducible. (ii) Find the stationary vector.
37. Let X" be a branching process with probability generating function cp(s). Let Y"
denote the total number of individuals in the first n generations, i.e.,

Y" = Xo + X2 + ... + X" , n=0,1,2, ... , Xo= I.

Let 1/;,,( s) be the probability generating function of Y". Prove that

n=O,I,2, ....
38. Suppose all elements in column y of a Markov transition matrix are equal and
nonzero, except that PVy =0. Show that the first-passage distribution from x to y
is geometric.
39. In the gambIer'S ruin formulation of Section 3.14, let q( k) denote the probabil-
ity that the duration of the game will be k stages. (i) Show that q( k) satisfies
q( k )=Aq( k+ 1)+ (I-A )q( k-I)+ I.
138 Chapter 3

(ii) With boundary conditions q(O)=q(N)=O, show that

k N 1-[(1-;\)/;\]'
q(k)= l-lA - l-lA I-[(I-;\)/;\t

40. Solve sequentially the random walk equations with step probabilities
P,~ 1. x' Po' Px+ 1. x to obtain 'fT, in terms of 7To

41. In a Markov chain with transition matrix

1 1
2 2

o I
"2 o
and states 1,2,3, show that the first-passage distribution fI2(n)=2-". [Show
that for odd n,p<"i =(2" + 1)/2"3, q("i =(2" -2)/2"3, and for even n,p<"i =
(2" -1)/2"3, q("i =(2" +2)/2"3.]
42. In the example of Section 3.16, find all of the first-passage probability generat-
ing functions.
43. Define a Markov chain based on the fish-netting experiment of Section 2.1,
classify the states, and write down the transition matrix.
44. Referring to Eq. (19), show that E(SN)=E(X)E(N).
45. For the Markov chain defined in Problem 25, consider first passage from state I
to state 3. Findp(s), q(s), and show that

</>(s)= 1-(I-p)s2'

and thus that the first-passage distribution is geometric over the even integers
with parameter I-p.

Continuous Probability Distributions

4.1. Examples

There are many random variables whose ranget consists of the positive
real line (0, 00) or a portion of the real line.

Example 1. A coin is tossed. Let X =angle formed by the axis of the

coin and the edge of the table. Range: (O,! 'TT).

Example 2. A die is thrown. Let X=duration of time before the die

comes to rest. Range: (0, (0).

Example 3. Radioactive particles are recorded. Let X=duration of

time between the recording of two consecutive particles. The range is (0,00),
or for counters with a dead time of length to following each recording,
during which the counter is inoperative, the range is (to' 00).

Example 4. A measurement of length is made; X=error in measure-

ment. The range is (0,00), or if the error is "signed," the range is (- 00, 00).

j' up to now no particular name has been attached to the set of values for which a random
variable has a positive probability, and indeed there is no standard word in the literature for
this important concept. Most authors skirt the question, as the first three chapters of this book
have done, by saying that the random variable is "over" or "on" some set of values. Feller
attributes his reluctance to use the correct mathematical term "range" (for values assumed by
a function) to a statistical definition of "range" as the difference between the largest and
smallest items in a sample. This does not seem to be a good enough reason, and from this
point onwards, the aspect of a random variable as a function on the sample space will be
emphasized by introducing the term" range" for the possible values of a random variable.

140 Chapter 4

Example 5. An individual is selected; X = age of the individual. Range:

(0, (0).

Example 6. A telephone call is selected; X=duration of the call.

Range: (0, 00).

Example 7. The first accident in a given year is noted; X = time since

the beginning of the year. Range: (0, I), with years as units.

Example 8. A sample of substance is obtained and a test performed to

determine one of its properties; X=difference between the result and the
"standard" result. In this case the range will depend on the units used to
measure the property. If, however, X = ratio of the result to the "standard"
result, the range would be (0, (0).
In certain cases, such as those involving money, the discrete units,
although appropriate by definition, are so small that the range can more
conveniently considered to be continuous.

Example 9. A year and a locality are specified; X=maximum tempera-

ture. Range: (0,00).

Example 10. A manufactured item is selected from a batch; X = strength

of item. The range depends on the nature of the testing machinery. See
Examples 14-19.

Example 11. A day is chosen at random; X=value of exports on that

day. Approximate range: (0,00).

Example 12. A manufactured product is subject to quality control;

X = time required for the inspection. The range in this case might well be
truncated away from zero by the fixed duration of some step in the
inspection process.

In addition to wholly continuous random variables, there are certain

random variables having ranges which are partly discrete and partly con-
tinuous. These are called mixed random variables.

Example 13. A person approaches a postal counter; X=time needed to
wait for service. Range: and (0, (0), the first value corresponding to those
Continuous Probability Distributions 141

situations where the counter is empty on arrival. Waiting time distributions

furnish an important example of mixed random variables, and are treated in
Chapter 6.

Example 14. A line is drawn on a sheet of paper which contains a

circle; X=length of line cut off by the circle. Range: 0, (0, D), where D is
the diameter of the circle. The initial value corresponds to all those lines
which miss the circle entirely.

Example 15. An accident is selected, for which compensation mayor

may not be paid; X=value of compensation. Range: 0, (0,00), where the
first value corresponds to accidents with no compensation; in practice, those
with a loss lower than the insurance-deductible limit. Similarly, the upper
limit would, in actual cases, often be replaced by some maximum amount of

Example 16. A day is chosen and the amount of rainfall recorded;

X= amount of rainfall. Range: 0, (0,00). The discrete element in the range
corresponds to completely dry days.

Example 17. A car is chosen; X= speed of this car. Range: 0, (0,00),

where the discrete value corresponds to stationary cars.

Example 18. A person and a day are selected; X=number of cigarettes

or quantity of beer consumed. What range would be most appropriate for

In the above examples it might be asked why the range includes the
special value zero rather than simply assigning the probability required to
the zero in the continuous portion of the range. The answer, which will
become clearer in the course of the chapter, is that each number in a
continuous range must have probability zero. Indeed, one definition of a
continuous random variable X is the equation
P(X=x)=o forallx.
Consider Example 17. It might happen that half of all cars are stationary,
with the remaining car speeds continuously distributed over the interval
(0,00). The probability model for this situation would assign Po = 1. with the
remaining probability distributed like a continuous random variable.
142 Chapter 4

Similarly, a fixed proportion of accidents would have no compensation, a

fixed proportion of lines fail to touch the circle, and a fixed proportion of
days have no rainfall.
The types of random variables considered in this book are three:
discrete, ("wholly") continuous, and mixed (discrete and continuous). Much
of the present chapter is devoted to describing the probabilistic formulation
needed for the latter two types. It is a little more difficult to define
probability, moments, generating functions, convolutions, conditional prob-
ability, and similar concepts from Chapters 1 and 2 for continuous and
mixed random variables.

4.2. Probability Density Functions

The probability structure governing a continuous random variable X

can be given by a continuous ("probability density") function f( x) defined
over the range of the random variable, with the integral between two values
x and y representing the probability that X lies between these values:


In order to qualify as a probability density function, f must be positive

(or zero outside the range of X), and must normalize to unity, i.e.,

r~ f{u)du= jbf{u)du= 1,
-00 a

where (a, b) is the range of X. Continuous random variables treated in this

book do not have negative values, and therefore the range will habitually be
(0,00) or a portion thereof. With the convention that f is identically zero
outside this range, the usual limits of integration will be (0,00), although in
a few cases finite limits will be needed. The formulation of a continuous
random variable is quite analogous to that of a discrete random variable,
with the range (0,00) replacing the range 0,1,2, ... , integration replacing
summation, the function f( x) replacing the function Px' etc.
It is, however, not possible to use the basic notation of discrete random
variables P(X=x), since, as mentioned in Section 4.1, each of a continu-
ously infinite number of values must have probability zero. The difficulty is
not hard to overcome, however, since by using the distribution function,
Continuous Probability Distributions 143

both discrete and continuous variables can be represented 10 identical

probability statements,

P(X<x)=PX' x= 1,2,3, ... , where Px = ~ Pj

in the discrete case, and the virtually identical

p(X<x)=F(x), O<x<oo, whereF(x)= jXf(u)du


in the continuous case. The difference in notation between Px and F(x)

reflects a traditional tendency to write discrete variables as subscripts and
continuous variables in parentheses.
The Exponential Distribution f(x )="A.e -Ax, o<x< 00, o<"A. < 00, F(x)
= 1 - e -Ax (sometimes called negative exponential; both expressions are
used in this book).
The Gamma Distribution f(x) = "A.ke -AxXk- j!f(k), O<x< 00, O<"A.< 00,
k= 1,2,3, ... ,

_ 1 JAX -v k-\
- r( k) 0 e v dv.

The integral is clearly related to the integral defining the gamma function
(Section 1.9) and is called an incomplete gamma function. The incomplete
gamma function will be discussed in detail in Section 4.5.
The student will note that the exponential distribution results from
setting k = 1 in the gamma distribution.
Many of the concepts defined in Chapters 1 and 2 can be extended to
the case of continuous random variables by substituting integration for
The events considered here t are real intervals (a, b), with probability

tMore general definitions are given in theoretical probability.

144 Chapter 4

The mean and variance of a random variable with probability density

function f( x) are defined to be

mean=m= lOxf(x)dx,

The expected value of any function g( x) is defined to be

(g(X))= 1o g(x)f(x)dx,

with m = ( X). These various definitions depend, naturally, on the integral

being finite. If the integral diverges, the various quantities do not exist. A
well-known example of a distribution without a finite mean is the Cauchy


which is constructed by using a quadratic denominator, just as the corre-

sponding discrete Example 2, Section 1.6.
The tail of the distribution is defined to be 1 - F( x). In Section 4.8, the
standard terminology distribution function F( x) will be introduced, combin-
ing discrete, continuous, and mixed cases into a single format.
In place of the probability generating function, it is more convenient to
use a slightly modified form called the Laplace transform:

The Laplace transform will be treated more generally in Section 4.10.

Bivariate and conditional continuous distributions can similarly be
defined, using the joint density function f( x, y). If the marginal (or uncon-
ditional) distributions are

g(x)= Iaoof(x,Y)dY and h(y)= Iaoof(x,Y)dx,

then the conditional densities are given by

f(x, y) f{x, y)
g{x) h{y) .
Continuous Probability Distributions 145

It is usually not convenient to define new symbols to denote the cumulative

forms, moments, and other quantities that can be associated with a bivariate
distribution. These will be developed as the need arises, as in the following
An important property of the exponential distribution is that if trun-
cated, it remains similar to itselLt That is, if a variable X has density
function "Ae -Ax, then so does X - k under the additional condition that
X>k. To see this, consider the cumulative forms:
P(X<x, X>k)
P( X<xl X2::k)= P(X>k)


l-e-AX-(l-e- Ak )
e- Ak

and with a change of origin from 0 to k, this becomes the cumulative form
of the exponential distribution.
Calculations of integrals with respect to a continuous density can often
be greatly facilitated by using the fact that the given density is normalized.
Thus, since

is given, integrals of the form

1o e -Axxk-1dx

are evaluated to be f(k)/"Ak simply by substitution. For example, the nth

moment of the gamma distribution
Il n = Iaooxn"Ake-AXxk-l/f(k)dx


=(k)n"A- n

tCompare Problem 55, Section 2.9.

146 Chapter 4

is easily found without performing the integration again. Similarly, the

variance of this distribution can be shown to be k /"A.2 and the Laplace
transform to be ["A./(S+"A.)]k.

4.3. Change of Variable

In the study of discrete random variables, the change from the distribu-
tion of one random variable to another functionally related one was
basically substitution, with the probabilities unchanged. A little more care
must be taken in the continuous cases, although the result is rather similar.
Beginning with the basic relationship between the random variable and its

P{X<x )=F{x),

suppose Y=h(X), where h is a strictly monotonic function with a continu-

ous derivative. t Then

p{Y<x )=P(h(X)<x)

In the continuous case, the density function fl(x) of Y and f2(x) of X are
thus given by

fl{x)= ~ F( h -I{X))


This simply says that the substitution must be made not only in the density
function, but also in the differential element. Thus, for example, if X is
exponential with parameter "A., the distribution of kX is not "A.e -"Ay/k, but
rather ("A./k)e-"Ay/k, as normalization would show in any case. The extra
factor l/k can be thought of as coming from the substitution of dy/k for

tThe student with experience in analysis will see why these conditions are necessary. In
virtually all cases of importance in this book. the relationship is linear.
Continuous Probability Distributions 147

Similarity (and intuitively), when more than one random variable is

involved in a joint distribution, the substitution of one joint density for
another must involve the Jacobian, for example,
ax ax
au av dudv=Jdudv. (2)
ay ay
au av
Example t. If X and Yare jointly and independently exponential, with
parameters A and J.t, respectively, then their joint density function is
). -AX-p,y
l\J.te .

Now, let U=X+ Y, V=X/Y, each defined over (0,00). Then

J= u
(1 +V)2
and the joint density function of U and V is

and the single-variable densities of U and V can be found by integrating out

the other variable. In cases where the joint density factors into separate
densities (not in the example just given), the variables are independent. For
example, the student should verify that if X and Yare independently
exponential, with the same parameter, then U and V are also independent,
the former being gamma distributed and the latter being distributed with
density (1 +V)-2.
When random variables are mixed discrete and continuous, their
distributions are not characterized by a simple probability density function,
and therefore the method given in this section does not apply, except that
the substitution in the distribution function F(x) remains valid.

4.4. Convolutions of Density Functions

Just as with discrete random variables, it is frequently desirable to find

the distribution of the sums of independent, continuous random variables.
Suppose X, Y, and X + Y have respectively density functions f( x), g( x), and
148 Chapter 4

h(x), with cumulative forms

F( x ) = jXI( u ) du, G( x ) = jXg( U ) du, H(x)= l\(u)du,

o o o


H(x)=P(X+Y<x)= ff u+v<x

= 1o F(x-v )g( v)dv.


Differentiating with respect to x gives the convolution relationship for

density functions of wholly continuous random variables:

h ( x ) =I( x ) * g( x ) = jXI( x - v ) g( v ) dv . (4)


The upper limit is now the finite value x, since the density functions under
consideration are zero for negative arguments.
It will be noted that the convolution formula given is entirely analo-
gous to the formula for discrete random variables as given in Section 2.6,
and. like the earlier formula, the functions I and g are interchangeable.
Also, for students interested in the theory of integration, it is clear that
necessary conditions for differentiation under the integral sign are fulfilled
in the present instance.
Actually working out a convolution can be tricky in the continuous
case because of the range of the variable. Consider the following example.
Let X be a random variable with a continuous rectangular distribution over
(0, a),


and let Y be a negative exponential random variable,

Continuous Probability Distributions 149

What is the distribution of X + Y, under the assumption of independence? If

Eq. (4) is applied quite mechanically, one might suppose the answer to be


which cannot be correct, since the right side does not even integrate to
unity. The important fact which is omitted in this calculation is that the
rectangular distribution vanishes outside the range (0, a), so that the in-
tegrand can also vanish for certain ranges of the variable. In fact, although
it is true that X + Y has range (0,00), the evaluation of the convolution
integral requires separate consideration of the ranges (0, a) and (a, 00). In
the first case, the upper limit x is correct, but if x>a, the upper limit must
be replaced by a since the rectangular distribution is zero for values larger
than a. Thus the density for X + Y is



It is left as an exercise for the student to show that the gamma

distribution with parameters k and A is the k-fold convolution of the
exponential distribution with parameter A.
As in the discrete case, starred exponents will be used to denote
repeated convolutions of a distribution with itself:

[ f( x ) ] n. = f( X ) * f( x ) * ... * f( x ) (n "factors").

4.5. The Incomplete Gamma Function

In Section 1.9, the gamma function was defined by the integral

If the range of integration is split in two parts by an arbitrary value x,

o<x< 00, the separate integrals are called incomplete gamma functions and
150 Chapter 4

are denoted by


the lower incomplete gamma function, and by

f(n,x)= fOOe~ttn~ldt, (6)


the upper incomplete gamma function. Naturally

y( n , x) + f( n , x) = f( n ).

These functions are useful in many ways; in probability their chief roles
are as the distribution functions for two important distributions: the gamma
distribution and the Poisson distribution. This link between two prominent
distributions, one continuous and the other discrete, turns out to be espe-
cially significant in studying stochastic point processes, beginning in Section
The Gamma Distribution (with parameters A and k)


so that the tail of the distribution (upper integral) is f(k, Ax)/f(k).

It is left as an exercise (Problem 46) to show that the difference of
incomplete gamma functions is exactly a Poisson term:

y(n,x) y(n+l,x) xne~x

f(n) f(n+ I) n!

The Poisson Distribution (with parameter A). The distribution function

P( x) = P( X < x) (see Section 1.8) is defined by

x~ I Ale ~A
P(x)= ~ - . , - ,
/=0 J.
Continuous Probability Distributions lSI

which can be written, using Eq. (8),

P( )= -x + x~1 ( y(j, A) _ y(j+ 1, A) )

x e .~
r( } "+ 1)

y(x, A)
= 1- r(x)

r(x, A)
r(x) . (9)

Similarly, the tail P(X2::.x) of the Poisson distribution can be written

~ e-XA} = y(x, A)
}=x j! r(x)

This curious, nearly identical, relationship between the upper part of

the gamma distribution and the lower part of the Poisson distribution (and
vice versa) reflects an interesting probabilistic fact.
Consider a sequence of points on a line defined by the property that
the distribution of the distances between neighboring points is indepen-
dently exponential. Specifically, if the points have coordinates ~o =0,
~ l' ~ 2' ... , and if

n=0,1,2, ... ,

then, since the n-fold convolution of the negative exponential distribution is

the gamma distribution,

k= 1,2,3, ... , n=O, 1,2, ... ,

this being the distribution function for the length of a line segment joining
two of the points which are separated by k - 1 other points. The density
function for this distance is thus a gamma distribution function with
parameters k and A; in the special case k= 1, it is exponential. Now consider
a segment of the line of length L which does not contain the origin, and let
Y denote the number of points lying on L. Then, for example, the leftmost
152 Chapter 4

point (if any) lying within L is ~n'

y(k, AL)
[by Eq. (7)]

[by Eq. (10)].

This shows that if the gaps between points are exponentially distributed
with parameter A, then the counts of points in length L are Poisson
distributed with parameter AL. The argument, which will be generalized in
discussions of renewal processes, can also be reversed, giving the Poisson-
gamma relation. Naturally, the mean count in a unit interval is A, whereas
the mean gap is l/A.
An important application of this relationship occurs when the line
represents a time axis and the points are events in time. If a distribution is
formed by counting events in time, such as cars passing a point per minute,
particles arriving at a particle counter per minute, mine disasters per year,
fire calls per day, or wars per century, then this distribution is Poisson if
and only if the continuous distribution formed by the time between cars,
particles, disasters, fire calls, or wars is independent and exponential. Such
events are sometimes called random, or Poisson. Because of the more
general use of the word "random" to mean "not deterministic," this volume
uses "Poisson" to indicate such a point sequence. It becomes important,
then, to distinguish clearly between the two meanings: A Poisson sequence
has a Poisson counting distribution.
Two other facts which have already been established shed additional
light on Poisson events. The Poisson distribution counts points placed
independently on a segment (Section 2.4); and if one point follows another
with exponential distribution, then after a fixed period of time, the distribu-
tion of the gap to the next point is still exponential and with the same
parameter (Section 4.2). This characterization is referred to by saying that
the exponential distribution is memoryless.
Continuous Probability Distributions 153

4.6. The Beta Distribution and the Incomplete Beta Function

A continuous distribution over the finite interval (0, 1) can be formed

from the function


It is shown in Section 1.9, Eq. (18), that the normalizing constant must be

c= f( p )f( q) .

This two-parameter distribution can assume a wide variety of shapes-

including the continuous rectangular-depending on the values of the
parameters. It can also, by changes in parameters and range, be made to
cover an arbitrary, finite interval (a, b). It is not difficult to show that the
mean is p /( p+q) and that the variance is pq/[( p+q)2( p+q+ 1)].
The incomplete beta function is defined similarly to the incomplete
gamma function, by the integral


Also similarly to the incomplete gamma function, it can be used to represent

the distribution function of two probability distributions, the one continu-
ous and the other discrete.
The Beta Distribution. It is clear from the definitions that, for the beta

F(x)= Bx(p,q). (12)


The Binomial Distribution. The distribution function can be represented

as follows:

B,,( x, n - x + 1)
1- P ()
x = -,.------..,-
B( x, n - x + I) .

The proof of Eq. (13) is not difficult, but it can be tedious. It consists of the
repeated integration by parts of the definition of the incomplete beta
function; the process ejects successive binomial terms. The first step, for
154 Chapter 4

example, yields

1 ( 1-77" )n-x 77"x+--B",

B", ( x,n-x+l ) =- n-x ( x+l,n-x ) .
x x

When divided by the entire beta function B( x, n - x + 1) = (x - 1)!( n-

x)! / n!, the first term becomes the x th binomial term. Similarly, further
integration by parts produces the (x + 1)st, (x + 2)nd,... binomial terms,
while at the same time increasing the first beta argument and decreasing the
second one. The final beta term,

( n - x )( n - x-I) ... 3 2 1
x ( x+ 1) ... ( n-l ) B",(n, 1),

easily turns into the nth binomial term, thus showing that the ratio of the
incomplete to the complete beta functions is the tail P( X?:. x ) of the
binomial distribution.
This beta-binomial relationship is almost exactly parallel to the Poisson-
gamma relationship of Section 4.5. A probabilistic interpretation is as
follows. Suppose numbers Xl' X 2 , ... , Xn are chosen independently, at ran-
dom, on the unit interval. Let Yl ::; Y2 ::; ::; Yn be the same numbers
designated in order of magnitude. Let X be the number of the J0 which lie
in the interval (0,77"), so that X is a binomial random variable with
parameters nand 77". Then the event X?:.x is the same as the event Yx ::;77".
The first inequality has probability equal to the left side of Eq. (13), and
therefore the beta distribution on the right side gives the probability of the
second inequality. Yj is called in statistics an ordered sample, a concept of
considerable importance.

4.7. Parameter Mixing

Consider the binomial-Poisson limit (Section 2.4), with the interpreta-

tion that the number of events in time t is Poisson distributed with
parameter p,t, under the assumption of independence of the events. Accord-
ing to one model for accident occurrence, this adequately describes the
probability of X accidents in time t; according to a refinement of the same
theory, p, itself may be a random variable so that the mean number of
Continuous Probability Distributions 155

accidents in a given time varies in the population. t Then the Poisson

distribution would play the role of a conditional distribution, conditional on
a fixed value of p" and an unconditional distribution would be obtained by
using a continuous version of Eq. (6) of Section 2.3, namely,

( 14)

where f(p,) is the density function for the random variable JL. Note that the
range of p, is (0,00), so that it would be natural to choose a density function
f( JL) defined over this range. One choice that seems logical, and that has in
fact been widely used, is the gamma distribution, say, with parameters 'A and
k. Then, using the substitution technique given in Section 4.2 in connection
with the gamma mean, the integral is evaluated as

- x
'A )k( t )X
'A+t 'A+t'
a negative binomial distribution. This model, when used in accident analy-
sis, is often referred to as an "accident proneness" model, with the parame-
ter JL called the proneness. In the theory of probability, the Poisson
distribution is said to be mixed with the gamma distribution to give the
negative binomial. This use of the term "mixed" should not be confused
with the same word as applied to a distribution which is partly discrete and
partly continuous:!:; in case of doubt, it is better to write "parameter mixed"
in one case and "discrete and continuous mixed" in the other.
There are many other examples of mixing which are of some impor-
tance. The beta distribution, being defined over the unit interval, is useful as
a mixing distribution when the parameter in question is a probability, such
as p in the geometric distribution or 'TT in the binomial.

tThe simpler interpretation is due to L. von Bortkewitsch (Russian/German statistician,

1868-1931) in his monograph, Das Gesetz der kleinen Zahlen, B. G. Teubner, Leipzig. The
more complex view (now called "accident proneness") was developed by M. Greenwood and
G. U. Yule in their 1920 paper, An inquiry into the nature of frequency distributions
representative of multiple happenings, with particular reference to the occurrence of multiple
attacks of disease or of repeated accidents, J. Roy. Stat. Soc. 83, 255-279.
*However, an artifice can be constructed which would give a mixed discrete and continuous
distribution as a special case of parameter mixing.
156 Chapter 4

The Geometric Mixed Distribution and Beta Mixing

P(X=x}= 1o (l-p}pX f(p)f(q}

1 f(p+q}

f( p+q }f(x+p }f(l +q}

f( p }f( q )f(x+p+q+ I}

B(x+p, 1+q}
x=o, 1,2, .... (15)

A general model leading to this distribution could be stated in the following

terms. If the probability is p that a trial will result in a success, then the
geometric distribution gives the probability of a run of x successes followed
by a failure. In an application, a success might represent an item in quality
control which passes inspection. If the manufacturing process permitted p to
vary according to a beta distribution, the probability of a sequence of x
items passing inspection would be given by the distribution (15), where the
parameters are now p and q, determined by the manufacturing process,
rather than p, determined by the inspection process.
The Binomial Mixed Distribution and Beta Mixing

_ (~)B(x+p, n+q- x)
x=O,I, ... ,n. ( 16)
B(p, q}

This distribution is called the negative hypergeometric; it has been used to

model the probability of X chromosome associations, where 7T is the
probability of an association, which varies from nucleus to nucleus.
It is also possible to mix with respect to a discrete distribution when the
parameter assumes discrete values. This is the case with the other binomial
The Binomial Mixed Distribution and Poisson Mixing
Continuous Probability Distributions 157

It is left as an exercise for the student to show that in this case X is

unconditionally Poisson distributed with parameter A'TT and to construct an
example which this situation might reasonably be expected to model.
From a theoretical point of view, parameter mixing is equivalent to the
selection of a single random variable from a sequence of random variables.
This interpretation can, in concrete circumstances, appear paradoxical.
Thus, in the accident proneness example, given a population of individuals,
each of whom experiences a Poisson-distributed number of accidents in a
certain time, the selection of an individual from the population would seem
to result in a person having negative binomially distributed accidents.
However, this is not quite the implication of the model. To obtain the
negative binomial distribution, it would be necessary to choose different
individuals according to the same probabilistic scheme for each time period.
Under this circumstance, the distribution built up over many time periods
would be negative binomial, although none of the individuals concerned
would have a negative binomial accident experience.
Thus, if parameter mixing is used as the justification for a negative
binomial accident distribution, the population at risk cannot be always the
same, but must be randomly chosen afresh for each time period.

4.8. Distribution Functions

In Section 4.2, it was shown that continuous and discrete random

variables could be defined in the same mathematical format by using the
distribution function rather than the discrete probabilities or the continuous
probability density function. It is also true that mixed (discrete and continu-
ous) random variables can be described in this way: For the wholly
continuous case, the distribution function is continuous; for the discrete
case, it is a step function, constant between jumps, and for the mixed case, it
is partly continuous and partly a step function.
Formally, a real-valued function F(x) is called a distribution function
if it satisfies the following conditions:

1. It is defined over (- 00, 00), with values F( - 00 )=0, F( 00)= 1. In the

present volume, the additional assumption will be made that F(x) =0
for x:::::::: 0, thus confining the discussion to positive random variables.
2. It is nondecreasing, that is, x<y implies F(x)::::::::F(y).
3. It is continuous on the left, that is, limy i xF( y) = F( x).
158 Chapter 4

The third assumption means that the functional value at points of discon-
tinuity are associated with the lower branch of the curve, since F( x) =
Special Cases. (a) If F(x) is continuous, and P( X <x)=F(x), then X is
a continuous random variable.
(b) If F( x) is a step function, and P( X < x) = F( x), then X is a discrete
random variable.
(c) If F(x) is continuous except at a countable number of points, where
F( x) has jump discontinuities, and if there is an interval in which F'( x)
exists and is nonzero, and P( X < x) = F( x), then X is a mixed (discrete and
continuous) random variable.
If F'( x) exists and is continuous for all x 2::0, then a familiar theorem
from calculus guarantees that for all x>O,


But if X is a discrete or mixed random variable, F'( x) does not even exist at
the points where F is discontinuous.:j:
For a discrete distribution, let the jumps occur at the points a x' and let
the magnitude of the jump at a x be Px' Define the delta function ~(x) by

~(x )=0, x:::;o,

~(x)= I, x>o.

Thus ~(x-t) is the distribution function for the causal distribution at the
value t. Then, for any discrete distribution, the distribution function can be

F{x)= ~Pj~{x-a). (I8)


tAs pointed out in Section 1.8, an equivalent theory can be developed on the basis of right
continuity, that is, with F(x)=P(X~x).
*By using Lebesgue integration, a version of Eq. (17) can be obtained even if F'( t) is not
defined at all points; however, the resulting theorem is not useful here because it holds only if
F is continuous. Indeed F must satisfy a stronger condition called absolute continuity. See, for
example, ROYDEN, H. L. (1968), Real A nalvsis, Macmillan, New York.
Continuous Probability Distributions 159

In the third case, mixed distributions, It IS necessary to separate F I ( x),

represented by Eq. (17), and Fix), represented by Eq. (18); then

( 19)

where 7T is the "share" of the continuous part of the distribution function.

For example, in a speed distribution, if one-fourth of vehicles are
stationary, with the remainder having speeds distributed exponentially with
parameter A., then

F(x)=O, X~O,


Here 7T=~, Fix)=Il(x)= 1.

Combining the three types of probability distributions in a single
format is not simply a mathematician's exercise-it is important in studying
mixed distributions. When a random variable is partly discrete and partly
continuous, familiar calculations such as those leading to moments and
generating functions, convolutions, and so forth, would appear to be partly
summations and partly integrations. It is necessary, therefore, to develop a
mathematical technique which will unify summation and integration; this
technique is called Stieltjes integration.

4.9. StieJtjest Integration

The ordinary ("Riemann") integral is constructed in a sequence of

steps: (i) A function is defined over a finite interval and is bounded, (ii) the
interval is divided into subintervals, (iii) the length of each subinterval is
multiplied by a functional value in the subinterval and the results added
together, and (iv) the limit is taken as the subdivision becomes finer in a
way which insures that the limit of the length of each subinterval is zero.
When such a limit exists, and is independent of the various intermediate
choices, it is called the (Riemann) integral of the function over the interval.
These familiar integrals have many well-known properties, such as integra-
tion by parts and the indefinite integral being an inverse derivative.
Riemann integrals are, however, limited in certain ways, one of which is in

i Thomas Jan Stieitjes, Dutch mathematician, 1856-1894.

160 Chapter 4

dealing with discontinuous functions, such as a distribution function for a

discrete or mixed distribution.
It is convenient, therefore, to consider a generalization of the Riemann
integral, the Stieitjes integral. In this section an outline is given of some of
the more important steps in the definition of Stieitjes integration.
Consider functions g( x) and F( x), both of which are defined for the
interval a~x~b. Let ~ denote a subdivision of the interval by points
XO,xl, ... ,x", where

a=xo <XI < ... <xn =b.


c5=norm(~)= max(xi+I-X i ),

and let ~o' ~I"'" ~n-I be chosen so that Xi ~t ~Xi+ I' Then, if the limit

lim ~ g(~i)[F(Xi+I)-F(x;)] (20)
8~0 i=O

exists independently of the choice of subdivision and of the selection of

points ~i' its value is called the Stieltjes integral of g(x) with respect to F(x)
over the interval (a, b) and it is written


It will be noted that the Stieitjes integral becomes a Riemann integral when
F(x)=x, according to the definition, and also that the notation chosen for
Eq. (21) reflects this fact. Just as with the Riemann integral, one of the first
tasks is to establish conditions under which the Stieltjes integral exists. Since
the application to probability (Laplace transforms of distribution functions)
is rather special, no discussion will be given of general necessary conditions,
but only of those sufficient for this purpose.

Theorem 1. If, on the interval [a, b), g(x) is continuous and F(x) is
monotonic nondecreasing, then the integral (21) exists.
Continuous Probability Distributions 161

Proof. For a given subdivision ~ let

Mi = max g( x ),}
Xi ~X~Xi+l' i=O, 1, ... , n-l,
m i = min g(x),

so that m i ~gai)~Mi. Since F(x) is monotonic non decreasing, 1:lF; =

F(Xi+1)-F(x i ) 2!0. Therefore

n-l n-l n-l

~ mil:lF;~ ~ g(~i)I:lF;~ ~ M;t::.F;.
;=0 ;=0 ;=0

The left and right terms of the inequality are called the lower and upper
sums, respectively, of the subdivision ~, and are written L(~) and U(~). If
?i and S;' are any two subdivisions of the interval, L(?i) = U( S;'); the proof
of this fact is left as an exercise for the student and is based on considering
a subdivision ~" consisting of all points in either ~ or ~'. Now define two
numbers A and B by the equations
A = sup ~ m/lF;,

B=inf ~ M;t:.F;,

so that A ~B, and thus

To prove that the integral exists, it is sufficient to show that

lim [U(~)-L(~)]=O,

that is, given e>O, the norm /) can be chosen so that

U(~)- L(~ )<e.

162 Chapter 4

Since g(x) is assumed to be continuous in the interval [a, bj, it is possible to

find a constant 8' such that Ix' - x"l < 8' implies

g(x')-g(x")< F(b)~F(a).

Let the norm 8 be any value less than this 8': 8<8', and take for x' and x"
successively the values x;, x; + ], defining S. Then

U(S)-L(S)= ~ (M;-m;)tlF;


< i~O F(b)~F(a)tlF;


< F(b)~F(a) i~O tlF;

<e. o
Theorem 2. If g(x) is integrable with respect to F(x) on [a, bj, then
F( x) is integrable with respect to g( x) on [a, b j, and

jbg(x)dF(X)+ jbF(x)dg(x)=F(b)g(b)-F(a)g(a). (22)

a a

Note. This theorem gives the integration by parts formula familiar both
in Riemann and in Stieltjes integration.

Proof. The sum '2:7:dg( OtlF; can be rearranged in the form

~ F( x k ) [g( ~k~]) - g( ~k)] + F( b )g( b ) - F( a )g( a).

As the maximum of the differences X;+] - x; approaches zero, so will the

maximum of the differences ~o -a,~] -~o,, ~n~] -~n~2' b-~n~]. There-
fore the rewritten sum approaches the required integral. 0
Continuous Probability Distributions 163

Many other familiar properties of Riemann integrals are also properties

of Stieltjes integrals, and the proofs follow familiar lines and need not be
repeated. For reference, some of the more important relations are stated.

Theorem 3

jbg(x)dF(x)= [g(x)dF(X) + jbg(x)dF(x).

a a c

Theorem 4

Theorem 5

jbg(X )d[ Fl(X) + F2 (x)] = jbg(x )dFl(X)+ jbg(x )dFix).

a a a

Theorem 6

jbcg(x)dF(X) = jbg(x)dF(cx)=c jbg(x)dF(x).

a a a

Improper integrals (i.e., those with upper limit infinity) are important and
are defined, as with Riemann integrals, as limits.
Definition 1

joo g(x)dF(x)= lim jRg(x)dF(x).

a R-.oo a

In some cases the Stieltjes integral can be reduced at once to a Riemann


Theorem 7. If F(x) is differentiable in [a, bj, with F'(x)=f(x), then

jbg(x )dF(x)= jb g(x )f(x )dx. (23)

a a

Theorems 2 and 7 provide means for evaluating many Stieltjes inte-

grals- Theorem 7 when F is differentiable, and Theorem 2 when g is
164 Chapter 4

differentiable. It should be emphasized, however, that this by no means

permits an easy evaluation of all Stieltjes integrals; indeed, in some quite
simple cases (such as that where g and F are discontinuous at the same
point) the integral does not exist.
As an example of the two methods, consider f _+llexd 1x I. By one

=e+e- I -2,

while, by Theorem 2, the calculation is simpler:

which gives the same result.

Rather than pursue Stieltjes integration in general, it will be more
useful to consider it in the probability context of finding integrals with
respect to distribution functions. Note: It is in the development of Stieltjes
integration that the importance of left continuity for distribution functions
becomes essential. For, using the definition of Stieltjes integration, it follows
immediately that

g{x )dF{x )=0,

whenever F(x) is constant over the closed interval [a, b). Suppose g(x)= 1
and. consider the deterministic distribution at the origin with distribution
function F(x). With left continuity, F(x) is not constant over the closed
interval [0, b) and so this formula does not apply. But with right continuity,
F( x) = lover the closed interval [0, b), and so the formula would require
that the total probability of the deterministic distribution would be zero,
Continuous Probability Distributions 165

rather than unity, as needed for probability theory. The only way out of the
difficulty would be to significantly complicate the formulation by substitut-
ing limits from the left in place of fixed lower limits of integration, i.e., to
write always

xt a x
f h

in place of

It is easier and more pleasant to use left continuity from the beginning.

4.10. The Laplace Transform

Let F( x) be a (continuous, discrete, or mixed) distribution function

defined over (0,00), with F( x) = 0, x:::; 0. The Laplace-Stieltjes transform
</>( s) of F( x) is defined to be


provided the integral converges.

Since e -sx is continuous and F(x) is monotonic, the integral over any
finite interval must, by Theorem 1 of Section 4.9, converge. This does not,
however, guarantee that the improper integral (24) is finite.

Theorem 1. If the Laplace-Stieltjes transform </>(s) of F(x) converges,


Proof. This follows directly from Theorem 2 of Section 4.9, since

F(O)=O, F( 00)= 1, e -00 =0. The integral on the right side of this equation is
called the Laplace transform of F(x). 0
166 Chapter 4

Theorem 2. If X is a continuous random variable defined over (0,00),

with F(x)=P(X<x) and F'(x)=f(x), then

{Y"Je-SXdF{X)= 1000 e-SXf{x)dx.

Proof. This follows from Theorem 7 of Section 4.9. o

Theorem 3. If X is a discrete random variable with non-negative

integral values Px =P(X=x), x=O, 1,2, ... and with probability generating
function f3(s)='i.s xpx, then for n<x:::=;n+ 1, F(x)=po +Pl + ... +Pn' and

This means that for discrete random variables, the Laplace-Stieltjes trans-
form is only the probability generating function with s replaced by e -So

Proof. It is necessary to integrate over the separate steps of the step

function, keeping in mind that F( x) = F( n + 1) for n < x:::=; n + 1:

e -sXdF{ x) =s 1 e -SXF{ x )dx

00 n+l
= ~ sf e-SXF{x)dx
11=0 11

00 n+l
= ~ sf e -SXF{n+ 1)dx
n=O n


= ~ (e- sn _e-s(n+l) F{n+ 1)


= [ F( 1) - e - 'F( 1)] + [ e - S F( 2) - e - 2s F( 2)] + ...

A similar theorem could be given for general mixed discrete and continuous
distributions, but it will be more useful to consider certain special cases.
Continuous Probability Distributions 167

Example 1. A distribution consists of a discrete element P(X=O)=a

and a continuous element P( X <x) = (1-a)(1- e -Ax), that is, a probability
a of a zero value, and the remainder distributed exponentially with parame-
ter ,\, and total probability I-a. Then

F(x)=a+(1-a)(I-e- Ax ), x>O

cp(s)= lOOe-SXdF(x)

=s 1000 e- sx [ a+(I-a)(I-e- Ax )]dx

1o e -SX(I-e- )dx
=a+(I-a)s 00 Ax

=a+(1-a)-(I-a)s1 e -(A+S)Xdx 00


s+,\ .

This calculation may suggest, and is at least consistent with, another

way of finding Laplace-Stieltjes transforms in the mixed case, namely to
combine Theorems 2 and 3, using Theorem 2 for the continuous portion
and Theorem 3 for the discrete portion. In the example, the discrete
probability generating function for an element of probability a at the origin
is simply f3( s) = a. The Laplace transform of the density '\e -AX of the
exponential distribution is ,\/(,\ + s), and this has probability 1- a. Hence

,\+s '
as before. Calculations of this nature can often be organized algebraically
by using the function 8( x), which represents the causal distribution at the
168 Chapter 4

origin [the corresponding distribution function was given in Section 4.8 as


~(x)= 1, x=O,

8(x )=0, x1=O,

in the following way:

[~e -SXdF( x) =a [~) e -SX8( x )dx +( I-a) roo e -SX Ae -Axdx,

o 0 10
with the understanding that when 8(x-d) occurs in an integrand, it is a
sign that the integral is obtained simply by setting x=d in the remainder of
the integrand.
This is a handy procedure which can be justified or made mathemati-
cally rigorous by using more advanced theory in analysis, i.e., the theory of
generalized functions developed by the French mathematician L. Schwartz.t
For present purposes it must be considered to be only a device representing
the full calculation.
As an example of the "delta-function method," consider a problem
which generalizes the preceding example in two ways: The discrete element
is placed at the point x =d rather than at the origin, and the continuous
element is gamma distributed with parameters A and k (as in Section 4.2).
Then the delta-function representation of the distribution is

and the Laplace transform would be

which reduces to the earlier result when d=O, k= 1. The student should, as
an exercise, obtain the Laplace-Stieltjes transform by the distribution
function formula of Theorem 1.

tSee, for example, BREMERMANN, HANS (1965), Distributions, Complex Variables and Fourier
Transforms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts.
Continuous Probability Distributions 169

It is important to emphasize notation and terminology. Consider, for a

function g(x), the two transforms

The transform 0:( s) is called the Laplace transform of g( x), and is denoted
by g( x); the transform f3( s) is called the Laplace-Stieltjes transform of
g(x) and. when g(x) is differentiable, is equal to eg'(x), which, as will be
shown in the next section, is equal to seg(x)-g(O+). When g(x) is a
continuous distribution function, g(O+ )=0, so that in this case the Laplace
transform 0:( s) and the Laplace-Stieltjes transform f3( s) are connected by
the simple formula o:(s)=sf3(s). In the purely discrete case, it has been
shown that the Laplace-Stieltjes transform reduces to the probability gener-
ating function with argument e -So For distributions which are mixed
discrete and continuous, only the Laplace-Stieltjes transform is defined,
although the delta-function format for its calculation is based on an analogy
with the Laplace transform.

4.11. Properties of the Laplace Transform

Some properties of the Laplace transform are simple variants of

properties of the probability generating function and are proved in a
similar, direct fashion: If cp(s)=ef(x), with E(X)=p., then



var( X) =cp"(O) - [cp'(O)t (26)

Similarly. if I/I( s ) =eg( x).

cp( s ) 1/1 ( s ) =e[ f( x ) * g( x )] . (27)

170 Chapter 4

Other properties refer simply to a change of variables and are proved

directly from the definition:

Cg( ax) = ~",( ~ ), a>O, (28)

Cg( x-a) = e -as",( s), g( x) = 0, x<O, a>O, (30)

a>O, (31 )


Still other properties are based on differentiation or integration of the

variables x or s and are proved in a straightforward way. However, it must
be borne in mind that while the existence of a Laplace transform for dg/ dx
implies that eg(x) exists, the converse is not true. For example, elogx=
-(l/s)logs, but e(l/x) does not converge. Thus the following formulas
are applicable when the quantities involved exist:


where the symbol g(O+) means that the differentiation is to be performed
and the result evaluated as x ~ from the right. This can be different from
the functional value g(O), but need not be so. If, for example, g( x) = F( x), a
distribution function, then F(O) = 0, while F(O + ) would be P( X = 0) if there
was a discrete component at the origin. Similarly,

tl LXiX ... l x g(u)(du) 11

= "'(
-11 '
s) (34)
000 s

Ie 11 ( )=(_I)lI dn ",(s) (35)

l...X g X ds n '

Continuous Probability Distributions 171

The special cases n = I of the last four formulas will be of primary interest
and, for reference, are given separately:

eg'(x)=s~(s)-g(O+ ), (37)

e1 ~(s)
g(u)du=-, (38)
o s

exg(x)= -~'(s), (39)

eg~x) = l,oo ~(u)du. (40)

The properties discussed thus far are relatively simple and can be
established quite easily from the definitions. There are, however, two
important categories of results which are more difficult: (i) limiting theo-
rems, and (ii) inversion theorems. In each case there is a substantial body of
purely theoretical analysis, establishing exactly the conditions which are
necessary and sufficient. The proofs given here apply only to those situa-
tions which are needed in the sequel, although more general theorems are
stated without proof.

Limit Theorems t

Theorem 1. If g(x) and g'(x) are Laplace transformable, with eg(x)=

~(s), then

lim s~(s)= lim g(x).

s-> 00 x->o+

Proof. By Eq. (37),

10 e-sY(x)dx=s~(s)-g(O+).
(41 )

Since s is independent of the variable of integration, the left side vanishes in

the limit and the theorem is proven. D

t Often called A helian theorems or Tauherian theorems.

172 Otapter4

Theorem 2. If g(x) and g'(x) are Laplace transformable and

limx .... oog(x) exists, then

lim sI/J(s)= lim g(x).

s ..... o+ x .... co

Proof. Letting s=O in Eq. (41), the left side becomes

lo g'( x )dx = lim l g'( u )du


X-+CO 0

= x-+co
lim [g(x)- g(O)].

Equating this result to the right side of Eq. (41), it is clear that the quantity
g(O) cancels, since it is independent of x and s, and thus the theorem
follows. 0

Corollary I. If g(x)=/(x), a density function, with Laplace transform

</>(s), then

lim s</>(s )=0.


Corollary 2. If g(x)=F(x), a distribution function with Laplace trans-

form <P( s), then

lim s<p(s)= 1.

Corollary 3. If the Laplace-Stieltjes transform o(s) of a distribution

function exists, then

lim o(s)= 1.

Proof. This corollary combines the preceding one with Theorem I of

Section 4.10. 0

Corollary 4. Under the assumptions of the preceding corollary,

lim o(s)=F(O+).
S-+ 00

In a similar manner, the properties given so far, which apply to Laplace

transforms, could be adapted to Laplace-Stieltjes transforms without diffi-
Continuous Probability Distributions 173

cuhy. However, it is usually more convenient to reduce the typical Laplace-

Stiehjes transform to a Laplace transform by using Theorem I of Section
The more general theorems, which will not be proven, are as follows: If
the various quantities defined exist, then

. g(x) . sn+ll[;(s)
hm --n-= hm
x->o+ X s-> 00 n!


. g(x) . sn+ll[;(s)
hm --n-= hm I'
x-> 00 X x->o+ n.

With all limit theorems it is necessary to take care that the various
limits exist, since the existence of one limit does not guarantee that of
another. For example, with g(x)=sinx, q,(S)=(l+S2)-I, and lims->o+
sq,(s)=O, but limx->oog(x) does not exist.
The student should investigate the various limiting formulas for a
simple probability distribution, say, f(x)="A.e- Xx , F(x)= l-e- Xx This
distribution could then be compared with the mixed discrete and continuous
distribution used as the example in Section 4.10.

4.12. Laplace Inversion

Laplace transforms were originally used, and are still primarily used, to
solve differential equations by replacing nth derivatives by nth powers
according to Eq. (33) of Section 4.11. In probability, however, the principal
use of Laplace transforms is to replace n-fold convolutions by nth powers
according to Eq. (27) of Section 4.11. In either situation it may be desirable,
once the problem has been solved in terms of the Laplace transform, to
obtain the Laplace inverse, e.g., in the case of probability, the distribution
function. Unfortunately, the best-known and most general Laplace inver-
sion formula,

I jC+iR
g(x)= -2 . lim esxl[;(s)ds,
1T1 R->oo c-iR
174 Chapter 4

involves integration in the complex plane. Moreover, this integration cannot

be performed, except numerically, in many quite ordinary cases. There are
several ways out of this difficulty which confronts nearly every user of
Laplace transforms. One possibility is to use tables of Laplace transforms or
inverse Laplace transforms. For example, in the volume Tables of Integral
Transforms, Vol. l,t formulas are given for 785 Laplace transforms and 687
inverse Laplace transforms, as well as a number of general formulas of the
type treated in Section 4.11.
In this textbook, a simpler formula, which can be proved without too
much difficulty, will be adequate for the problems encountered. This
formula is based on a property of the gamma distribution.
Consider a gamma distribution with parameters ;\ and k, so that the
mean /L and variance v satisfy

;\/L=k, v;\2=k.

Define a limit so that the mean remains fixed and the variance approaches
zero; this can be done by replacing the parameters ;\ and k by /L and k, so
that the density function becomes

(k//L)k -kx/JL k-I

f(k) e x

and the limit is obtained as limk--->00' It is intuitively clear (and can be

proven rigorously) that in the limit, the gamma distribution becomes a
causal distribution with probability unity at the value /L and, moreover, that
any bounded continuous function g( x), integrated with respect to the
gamma distribution, becomes g(/L), that is,


Theorem 1. If f( x) is a wholly continuous density function with

Laplace transform cj>( s), then

. (-l)k-I(k)kd k- I (k)
f(x)= }~: f(k) ~ dSk-1 cj> ~ (43)

tERDELYl, A., ed. (1954), McGraw-Hili, New York.

Continuous Probability Distributions 175

Proof. Differentiating the Laplace transform k-l times gives

and, with the variable s replaced by k/x,

Substituting this result into the right side of Eq. (43) gives

f(k) e
-ku/x k-Ij( )d
u u u,

which, by Eq. (42), is equal to j( x), as stated by the theorem. 0

This Laplace inversion theorem depends for its success on the ability
to differentiate the Laplace transform k - I times. If, for example, cp( s) =
;\/(;\+s), then cpk-I(S)=(-I)k-I(k-I)!;\(;\+S)-k and the student can
show that the theorem yieldsj(x)=;\e- Ax .
On the other hand, in the mixed discrete and continuous example given
in Section 4.10, the theorem could not be used until the two components
were separated in the Laplace transform. When the constant portion is
isolated, this corresponds to the discrete component, and then the remaining
portion, corresponding to the continuous component, can be successfully
inverted. However, the discrete component need not correspond to a con-
stant in the Laplace transform; the student should investigate a distribution
with discrete components at the origin and at the value x = 1, together with
a continuous density.

4.13. Random Sums

The procedure of random summmg discussed in Section 3.12 can

equally well be applied to continuous and mixed discrete and continuous
distributions. Let SN = XI + X 2 . + X N , where the J0 are independently
and identically distributed with Laplace transform 1/(s), and let the proba-
bility generating function of N (necessarily a discrete variable) be {3(s).
176 Chapter 4

Then the Laplace transform r(s) of SN can be written


with the same argument as used in Section 3.12; when the Xj are discrete,
the result given in that section follows from

The student will verify that when the ~ are exponential with parameter h,
and N is geometric with parameter p, then SN is exponential with parameter
The distribution of the J0 is called the stopped distribution and that of
N, the stopping distribution.
Just as in Section 3.12, the method of marks can be used to obtain the
nested probability generating function equation.
An important special case is that obtained when N is Poisson distrib-
uted. Then


The resulting distribution is called a compound Poisson distribution.

Recommendations for Further Study

To treat continuous random variables in a completely rigorous manner,
it is necessary to face squarely the fact that probability is a measure and
introduce some of the machinery of measure theory. A good introduction to
this subject is contained in the highly recommended book by Neuts (1973);
a more comprehensive and exact treatment is contained in the book of
Breiman (1%8). For a further study of the Laplace transform, the books of
Giffin (1975) and Widder (1941) are recommended.

BREIMAN, LEO (1968), Probabili~y, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts.

GIFFIN, WALTER C. (1973), Transform Techniques for Probability Modelling, Academic Press,
New York.
NEUTS, MARCEL F. (l973), Probabili~y, Allyn and Bacon, Boston.
WIDDER, D. V. (1941), The Laplace Transform, Princeton University, Princeton.
Continuous Probability Distributions 177

4.14. Problemst

I. On a line segment XY, two points are chosen independently and at random. If
the points are P and Q, what is the probability that the segments XP, PQ, and
QY can form a triangle?
2. A point is chosen at random on the base of an equilateral triangle of side A.
Find the density function for the random variable X, defined as the distance
from the chosen point to the opposite vertex.
Ans. (2x/A)(4x2-3A2)~1/2, 1fS A<x<A
3. Consider a random variable with range (0,2) and with the density function
2 Kx(2 - x). Find K and determine whether the distribution is symmetrical
about the mean.
4. A point is chosen at random in the unit square. What is the probability that the
point lies within the triangle formed by the y axis, the diagonal x=y, and the
horizontal y = I? What would the probability be if it were given that the point
fell within the triangle formed by the coordinate axes and the diagonal x+y= I?
5. A random variable with range (0, I) has density function kx 2 (1- x 3 ). Find the
value of k and the expectation of the variable. Ans. E(x)=-&
6. A random variable with range (2,5) has density function k(\ + x). Find (i) k, (ii)
P( X> 3), (iii) E( X).

7. Let X denote the lifetime for a type of light bulb, where

Express C in terms of p and find E( X).

8. In Problem 7, find the probability that a bulb which has been in service for two
time units and is still burning will continue to burn for at least three more time
9. In Problem 7, what would be the mean life expected of a bulb which has burned
for two time units? How much longer would such a bulb be expected to burn?
10. A point is chosen at random inside the unit circle. Find the density function for
X, where X is (i) the distance from the point to the center of the circle, (ii) the
square of the distance from the point to the center of the circle.
II. A given amount of time T is to be spent searching for oil in two places. If it is in
the first place, and if a time t is spent searching there, the probability of finding
it is 1- e -", where k is a positive constant. The remaining time T - t is spent

'Problems 13,28, and 40 are taken from Lindley (\965) (see p. 132) with kind permission of
the publisher.
178 Chapter 4

searching in the second place, and if the oil is there, the probability of finding it
is I-e -k(T-r). Given that the probability of oil being in the first place is p, and
in the second place, 1 - p, what is the probability that oil will be found? How
should the time be divided between the two places to maximize the probability
of discovery?
12. A point P is chosen at random on the diameter of a semicircle of unit radius
and a perpendicular is drawn to meet the semicircle in Q. Find the expected
length of PQ. Another point P' is chosen at random on the circumference of the
semicircle and a perpendicular to the diameter is drawn through P' to meet the
diameter in Q'. Find the expected length of P'Q' and explain why the two
results do not agree.
13. A point X is chosen at random on the unit line segment PQ. What is the
expected area of the rectangle with sides PX and XQ? What is the probability
that the area is greater than one-half?
14. Suppose a random variable has a density function which is symmetric about the
value X==c. Show that the density function ofaX+b is symmetric about the
value ac+b.
15. Suppose a random variable X has range (0,00) and a random variable Y has
range (- X, + X), with joint density

f( x , y ) == k ( X 2 - Y 2 ) e- ,

Find the value of k, the marginal and conditional densities, and the expecta-
tions of X and Y.
16. Suppose the range for the distribution of X and Y is the unit circle, with joint

Find the value of k, the marginal and conditional densities, and the expecta-
tionsof X and Y. Ans. (387T )(l_X2)3!2, -I<x<I

17. Consider independent random variables X and Y with densities 6x(I- x) and I,
respectively, each being defined over the range (0, I). Find the densities of (i)
X+ Y, (ii) X- Y.

18. Let X and Y be independently negative exponential with the same parameter A.
Show that the random variables X+ Y and XjY are independent.
19. Suppose random variables X and Yeach have range (0,00), with joint density

e ye
-'/" l-r.

Show that E(XIY==y)==y.

Continuous Probability Distributions 179

20. If X and Yare independently negative exponentially distributed (with different

parameters), find the distribution of min( X, Y). Hint: See Problem IS.
21. If X and Yare independent negative exponentially distributed random variables
(with the same parameter), what is the probability that the equation

u 2 -2Xu+ y=o

has real, distinct roots? Note: you need not evaluate the integral in the answer.
22. Let X and Y be independent negative exponentially distributed random vari-
ables with the same parameter. Show that X/(X+ Y) is rectangularly distrib-
uted over the unit interval.
23. Show that the ratio of two independent negative exponential random variables
wi th the same parameter has density function (I + x) - 2. What is the range?
24. Random variables X and Y have joint density function

4y(x-y)e-<x+ r ), o<x< 00, O<y<x

Find the marginal and conditional densities.

Ans. 4ye -2\ O<y< 00 for Yand (x-y)e -X+l,y<X< 00 for XI Y.
25. Assuming that the parameters p and q in the beta distribution both lie in the
interval (0, I), show that the density function has a unique maximum and no
inflection points.
26. Use the method of marks to obtain the compound Poisson distribution in the
case where the stopped distribution is discrete, so that Eq. (45) of Section 4.13
connects probability generating functions rather than Laplace transforms. t
27. Apply Eq. (IS) of Section 4.S to the Poisson distribution.
2S. Suppose the duration t, in minutes, of long-distance telephone calls made from
a certain city is found to be a random variable with distribution function

F( t) =0, for 0,

= 1-1e -1/3 - te -[1/3), for t;:::O,

where [t/3] is the integral part of (/3. (i) Sketch the distribution function. (ii) Is
the random variable discrete, continuous, or mixed? (iii) What is the probability
that the duration of a call will be (a) more than six, (b) less than four, (c) equal
to three, (d) between four and seven minutes? (iv) What is the conditional
probability that the duration of a call will be less than nine minutes, given that
it has lasted more than five minutes?

tSee RADE, LENNERT (1972), On the use of generating functions and Laplace transforms in
applied probability theory, Tnl. 1. Malh. Ed. Sci. Techno!. 3, 25-33.
180 Chapter 4

29. Show that if the Poisson probabilities are truncated by normalizing to unity
those beyond the value N - I, the resulting probabilities can be written

x!y(N, A) , x=N, N+ I, N+2, ....

30. In Eq. (14), show that the moment generating function of the parameter-mixed
distribution can be written in terms of the Laplace transformation of f( x).
31. Show that the Laplace transformation of

is given by

32. Let X be beta distributed with parameters p and q. Find the density of 1/ X-I.
Ans. xP-'(1 + x) -p-q/ B(p, q), O<x< 00.
33. Show that if X and Y are independent, gamma distributed random variables
with parameters A, k and A, K, respectively, then X/(X+ Y) is beta distributed
with parameters k and K.
34. Prove

dk k
(i) - k [e'y(n,x)]=(-I) (I-n),e\y(n-k,x),

d" k
(ii) - . [eT(n,x)]=(-I) (l-n)keT(n-k,x).
dx k

35. Prove



36. Prove

dy(n,x) =_ df(n,x) =x,,-le .\

dx dx
Continuous Probability Distributions 181

37. Prove

(i) I
y(j,A) =A
f(j) ,


38. If X is a continuous random variable with distribution function F(x), show that
E(X)= /(f[I- F(x)]dx.

39. Using the substitutions t=sin u, show that

( ) 1o
B a,b =2 "/2(.
smu )2a-l( cosu) 2h-1 duo

40. The probability density of the velocity Vof a molecule with mass m fn a gas at
absolute temperature T is

with range (0, 00), where {3=m/2kT, k is Boltzmann's constant, and A is chosen
for normalization to unity. Find the mean and variance of V.
41. The chi-square distribution, useful in statistics, has density function

Xl 11/2)- Ie - x/2

2n/ 2 f(!n) .

Show that this is actually a gamma distribution, and find the values of the
42. Show that

43. Show that

(i) jo"'/2 (cosu) r

(I r+1 ) , r>-I,

(ii) 1o",/2.(sm u) du -
r _ f[1(r+l)]'lT1/2
2f 2r+ 1
) , r> -1.
182 Chapter 4

44. Using the transformation t=uj{l +u), show that

00 Uh~ldu
B(a,b)=l +h.
o (l+ur
45. Show that

1o f(k,.\x)
00 _ k
f(k) dX-y;.

46. Verify Eq. (8).


Continuous Time Processes

5.1. Introduction and Notation

There is a fundamental difference between the mathematical formula-

tion of a discrete time stochastic process and a continuous time stochastic
process. In discrete time, it is necessary to specify only the mechanism for
transition from one state to another, and of course the initial state (distribu-
tion) of the system. For Markov chains, this consists of the transition matrix
and the initial vector. Everything about the chain can, in principle, be
deduced from this matrix and vector.
For a continuous time process, on the other hand, it is insufficient to
specify the mechanism for changes of state. Changes of state can occur at
any instant of a time continuum, and it is therefore also necessary to specify
when the changes occur. A process which oscillates between two states, for
example, might jump from one state to the other every hour on the hour, or
might remain in one state for a time which is a random variable. The two
processes would clearly be quite different. In discrete time, a two-state
process would be defined simply by giving the probabilities of a state
change. The question of when the discrete time process can change states is
not relevant.
Every continuous time process, therefore, has associated with it a
process consisting of those instants of time when transitions take place. This
is called its associated point process, since the instants are a sequence of
points on the time axis. For a given point process there can be defined many
different transition schemes. The simplest is the one which begins at zero
and increases by one unit at each transition point, and thus counts the
number of transition points. Such a process is called the counting process of
184 Chapter 5

the point process. A counting process consists of a random variable X( t),

which is the number of points of the point process in the interval (0, t].
The transition times will be denoted by 'To =0, 'T I , 'T2 , , and the
intervals between consecutive transition times by

n=0,1,2, ....

These will be called the gaps of the point process. When the point process is
considered to be the transition points of a continuous time, stochastic
process, the gaps are sometimes also called the sojourn times of the process.
It is clear that a point process can be specified either by giving a
mechanism for determining the points 'Tn or, alternatively, by giving a
mechanism for determining the gaps On. Sometimes it will be convenient to
do one, and sometimes the other. Indeed the relationship between the two
formulations will play an important role in the theory.
In simple cases, the process which specifies the gaps or points of
transition of a stochastic process is independent of the process which
specifies the transitions. This is by no means always the case. There are
situations in which the nature of each succeeding gap will depend on the
state of the system at the beginning (or even at the end) of that gap.

Let X(t) denote the state of the system at time t. Then the double
subscript probability with two time values

PXy( u, t )=p[ X( u+t )=yl X( u)=x]

represents the probability of a transition from state x to state y in the

interval (u, u+t).
A Markov process will be defined by negative exponential sojourn
times, so that Px/ u, t) will be independent of u, by the zero-aging property
of the negative exponential distribution. In this case the extra time variable
is omitted, writing

Pxit)=p[ X( u+t)=yl X(u)=x]. (1)

For a Markov process, the exponential parameter is not necessarily the same
for each gap. The unconditional distribution will also be denoted by the
Continuous Time Processes 18S

letter p, but with a single subscript (Markov or not):

pJt)=p[ X(t)=x]. (2)

Unless otherwise specified, it will be assumed that the state space of the
process is the non-negative integers 0, 1,2, ....
As in Chapter 3, the initial distribution will be denoted by the letter a:

It is still true, as by analogy to Chapter 3, that

or, in the Markov case,

Py{t)= ~axpx/t). (3)


A counting process will be characterized by

X(t+u )=X( u)+ N(t),

where N(t) is the number of transitions in time t. Thus, for a counting


Pxy( u, t)=p[ N(t) =y- xl X( u )=x]. (4)

Also by analogy to Chapter 3, when an equilibrium (or steady-state or

stationary) distribution is obtained by letting t~ 00, it will be denoted by
lim PJt )=Px
t .... 00

Additional notation, especially for non-Markov cases, will be devel-

oped as needed.
The Chapman-Kolmogorov equations for the continuous time case are
analogous to those for the discrete time case, and they merely formalize the
fact that to pass from one state to another, it is possible to pass through a
third state:
186 Chapter 5

5.2. Renewal Processes

A point process which has identically equidistributed gaps, with the

same parameter(s), is called a renewal process. In mathematical terms, a
renewal process is specified by the condition

n=O,1,2, .... (6)

In general, it will be assumed that the gap distribution is entirely continu-

ous, so that the gap density g(x)=G'(x) exists. However, the limiting case
of equally spaced transition points, which corresponds to the causal gap
distribution, will also be discussed.
The symbols y and v will be used to denote the gap mean and variance,
so that A= l/y is the transition-point frequency parameter.
Three special renewal processes are especially important:
The Erlang Process, with gamma-distributed gaps:

The Poisson Process, an Erlang process with k= 1, that is, negative

exponentially distributed gaps, with fixed parameter /-t. (This is a special
case of a Markov process, in which each exponential gap has the same
The Deterministic Process, with equally spaced transition points. This
can be obtained as a limiting Erlang process with the mean fixed and the
variance approaching zero, i.e., Il~ 00 and k~ 00, so that Il/k remains
Renewal processes are important in their own right, not only as point
processes furnishing transition points for more complex processes. There is,
in fact, a general theory of renewal processes, complete with characteristic
terminology and results. It is worthwhile to discuss this theory and to
mention some of the alternative terminology.
The original idea, which lead to the word "renewal," was that of
replacing ("renewing") items subject to eventual failure. The transition
points correspond to the instants when the failed item is replaced, and the
gaps correspond to the lifetimes of the items. Thus the gap density g(x) is
called the lifetime density, and its tail 1 - G( x) is called the survivor
function, since it gives the probability that an item aged x is still functioning.
Continuous Time Processes 187

A function of interest in renewal theory is the failure rate f( x), which

represents the probability of the immediate failure of an item aged x, or, in
other words, the probability of a transition point, given time x since the last
transition point. The relationship betweenf(x) and g(x) is easy to obtain; if
X is the gap length, then

. P(x<X<x+~xlx<X)
f ()
x = t.x--->O
hm ~x

. P(x<X<x+~x) 1
= t..HO
~x P(x<X)

I-G(x) , (7)

or, alternatively,

f(x)=- dxlog[l-G(x)]. (8)

The student should show that g( x) can be expressed in terms of f( x),


and hence that a renewal process has constant failure rate if and only if it is
a Poisson process. This property corresponds to the lack of aging property
of the negative exponential distribution. According to either interpretation,
a transition point is equally likely to occur at any instant, quite indepen-
dently of the length of time since the last transition point.
In a renewal process, if f( x) is an increasing function, the process is
said to have positive aging, if decreasing, negative aging. The student should
examine the relationship between f( x) and the parameters of the gamma
distribution which define an Erlang process (Problem 28). What does this
imply for the aging of a deterministic process?

5.3. The Poisson Process

A Poisson process is both Markov and renewal, that is, it is defined by

negative exponential gaps (Markov) with the same parameter (renewal). The
188 Chapter 5

counting distribution for a Poisson process is a Poisson distribution. A

proof of this fact depends on the Poisson-gamma relationship of Section
4.5. Let N(t) be the number of points in the interval (0, tl, so that N(t)
represents the state of the Poisson process at time t. Then

P{N{t )<x) =P{ Tx >t)

=P( Xo + XI + ... + Xx-I >t), (10)

exactly as in Section 4.5.

Another approach to the counting distribution for a Poisson process is
by means of the infinitesimal properties of the negative exponential distri-
bution. Writing out the power series for e ->-, it is easy to see that the
probability of one renewal point in an interval Ilt is Allt+o(llt), the
probability of no renewal point is I-Allt+o(llt), and that of more than
one point is o( Ilt ).t Based on this information, let a function L( t) satisfy
the following system of axioms:

Axiom 1. P{L{llt)=O)= I-Allt+o{llt).

Axiom 2. P (L{ Ilt) = 1) =Allt+o{ Ilt).

Axiom 3. P{L(llt l)=o(llt).

Axiom 4. The events defined by nonoverlapping intervals are indepen-

Let Px(t)=P{L(t)=x). Then

Px( t+ Ilt) =p{ L{ t+ Ilt )=x)

= ~ P{L(t)=j)P{L{llt)=x-j)

Forming the derivative with respect to t in the usual way gives

x=I,2,3, .... (11 )

t In usual mathematical notation, o( h) denotes a function having the property limh_o[ o(h )/h J
Continuous Time Processes 189

When x=O, the argument needs to be modified. The student should fill in
the details to show that


Using the generating function technique, Eqs. (11) and (12) can be com-
bined in the following form:

</>'(s, t)= -A(I-s)</>(s, t), ( 13)


</>(s, t)= ~ Pj(t)sj.


The solution to the differential equation (13) is

</>(s,t)=exp[ -(I-s)At],

which is the probability generating function for a Poisson distribution with

parameter At.
This result can be interpreted in the following way: If Axioms 1-4
describe the placement of transition points with a counting function L(t),
then the resulting counting process is Poisson.
The theorem also shows that the probability of x points in time t is
Poisson distributed with parameter At-that the interval need not begin at
the origin. This should also be clear from the lack of aging of the negative
exponential distribution, so that each point is equivalent to every other
point as the first point of a counting interval. It is easy to show (again
referring to the Poisson-gamma relationship) that negative exponential gaps
are implied by Poisson counts. Therefore, for any point process other than
the Poisson process, the probability of x points in an interval of length t will
depend on where the beginning of the interval is situated with respect to the
last point of the process. Thus only in connection with the Poisson process
is it correct to speak of the counting distribution without specifying the
beginning of the counting interval.
The argument leading to the Poisson distribution in this section makes
use of differential difference equations: Eq. (11) is a differential equation in
the continuous variable t and also a difference equation in the discrete
variable x. By using probability generating functions, the effect of the
190 ChapterS

differences in x was removed and the resulting differential equation was

solved. This technique will be frequently used.

5.4. Two-State Processes

A two-state continuous time process models phenomena which switch

from time to time from one state to another: "on" to "off," "red" to
"green," "up" to "down," and back again. In contrast with the discrete time
process, no possibility exists for transition from one state to itself, and so
the formulation consists essentially of a description of the point process of
transition instants. For a traffic light, these might be lattice points.
For a Markov process, the gaps would be negative exponential. The
Markov property for a two-state process could therefore be expressed in
terms of infinitesimals, just as the Poisson process was in Section 5.3: If

a( t) =P( transition from state 0 to state 1 in time t),

b( t ) = p( transi tion from state 1 to state 0 in time t ),



PI (t ) =P(process is in state 1 at time t)

Using the same kind of argument as in Section 5.3, the differential equation
in PI(t) can be built up by conditioning on the state of the system at time t
as follows:

The differential equation is then

Continuous Time Processes 191

and this can be solved by using a standard formula t to yield

p,(t)= A+P.(i+Ce-r;\+/L)().

Here C is a constant which can be evaluated by making some assumptions

regarding the initial state of the system. The student can work out the
details under the assumptions that (i) the system begins in state 0, (ii) the

system begins in state I, (iii) the system has probability 1T of beginning in
state and probability 1 -1T of beginning in state 1.
It will be noted that, independent of the initial state of the system, the
probabilities evaluated as t --'> 00 are proportional to the coefficients A and p..
The meaning of this result will be discussed in more detail in Section 5.8.

5.5. ~arkov Processes

A continuous time Markov process is defined by the negative exponen-

tially distributed sojourn times, in which the parameter Axy can depend both
on the state x from which the transition takes place and the state y to which
the transition takes place. Since this formulation depends on the assumption
that there is a transition (so that the gap between transitions actually ends),
the formal definition applies only when x =:F y. If Pxi
t) denotes the proba-
bility that, beginning at time zero in state x, the system is in state y at time
Pqo(t )=p( X(t) = yi X(O) =x),
then, by definition of a Markov process,
Px,,( I:::.t) =A xvl:::.t+o( I:::.t), X=:Fy (15)

An expression for Pxx( I:::.t) is not difficult to obtain. Since

it follows that

PxA I:::.t) = I - ~ Pxk(!:::.t)


= I-I:::.t ~ AXk +o(l:::.t). ( 16)


t If y' + Py= Q, then y=e - jPdx(jejPdxQ dx+ C).

192 ChapterS

With this system of notation for the infinitesimal probabilities Px/ D.t), which
incorporates the Markov property, it is possible to compute, in the general
case, the differential difference equation in much the same style as has
already been done for the Poisson and the two-state processes. The basic
idea is to divide the time period (t, t + D.t) into periods of length t and D.t
and form the derivative:

pqo(t+D.t)= ~Pxk(t)Pkv(D.t)
. k .

= ~ PXkAkyD.t+Px/t)(I-D.t ~ Ayk )+O(I1t), (17)

k=y k=y

It is now possible to express the coefficients Axy in terms of the derivatives

of Pxr(t) at the origin. Setting t=O when X=Fy gives


Setting x = y and then t = 0 gives

p~x(O)=- ~ Axk '


It will be noted that Au is not yet defined; now it will be taken to be p.~x(O).
The system of differential equations (18) is known as the forward differential
equation system of the process. An analogous system of backward differential
equations can be obtained by beginning with t and D.t interchanged.
In either case, the solutions of the differential difference equations are
obtainable only in certain special cases. Two of these have already been
The Poisson Process

Y=FX, x+ 1.
The Two-State Process
AO.l =A,

The student should work out the details of these processes as special cases
of the Markov process.
Continuous Time Processes 193

Another interesting special case is the counting distribution for a

Markov point process, in which Px( t) is the probability of x transitions in
time t. This is known as the pure birth process when the sojourn parameter
depends only on the initial state of the system, Axy = Ax.
In this process,

p)ilt)=o{ilt), x=2,3,4, ....

The calculations leading to the differential difference equations are much

the same as in the Poisson case, except for the fact that the Ax are not all
equal and, in fact, mesh with the state x of the system.
Beginning with

straightforward calculations (which the student should perform) yield

x=I,2,3, ... ,

It is not easy to solve these equations, in general. However, when the

birth rate Ax is linear (Ax =AX), a closed form solution can easily be
obtained. The linear birth process is called a Yule process, and it has often
been applied to problems where the probability of an addition to the
population is proportional to the size of the population. For the Yule
process, it can be shown by induction, or by use of probability generating
functions, that the distribution of population size at time t, assuming an
initial population of N members, is negative binomial over the values
N, N+ I, N+2, ... (compare Section 1.10), with parameters


The student should carry out the calculations leading to this conclusion,
and, by investigation of the negative binomial mean for this case, show that
the population mean is exponential with time.
194 Chapter 5

5.6. Equilibrium

In several models the time derivatives of the state probabilities have

been calculated. When the probabilities do not change with time, the system
is said to be in equilibrium. In some cases, finite equilibrium probabilities
exist and can be obtained by setting the time derivatives equal to zero. In
other systems, no such equilibrium exists, and the probabilities of every
state approach zero as time goes to infinity. The pure birth model, for
example, providing as it does for additions to the population but not for
subtractions, would be expected not to have an equilibrium, and indeed it
does not. Setting p~( I) = 0 in Section 5.5 yields only Px(t) = 0 for all x.
As an example of a Markov process with an equilibrium, consider the
birlh-and-dealh process. This is a Markov process which can at each transi-
tion point go only into the next higher or next lower state. From state x, the
probability of transition to state y is, similarly to the pure birth process,
given by the infinitesimal probabilities

Another sequence of parameters J.l x governs the "death" aspect of the

process, i.e., transitions form x to x-I:

Events like the occurrence of a birth and a death in time 111 have probability
o(l1t), and there is no change with probability

These transition probabilities can be applied to the calculation of p~( t), as


leading to

x= 1,2,3, ... ,

Continuous Time Processes 19S

wi th the special case

Assuming that an equilibrium exists, the equilibrium probabilities can be

found by setting the left sides of these equations equal to zero. Then


The necessary condition for the equilibrium is therefore that this sequence
sums to 1 - Po, i.e., that the series

A .'11...
Po-1 = ~
0 J +1 (22)
j=O P,l P,j+l

A special case of the birth-and-death process is the Markov queue:
Ax ='11.., P,x =p,. The random variable represents the number in the system
(queueing and being served), while A represents the rate of arrival to the
system, and p" the rate of service. Then, writing P=A/p"

Po = l-p,

a geometric distribution.
For a queue of this type, the variance is always larger than the mean
and approaches infinity with saturation (p~ 1) more rapidly. It is therefore
quite sensible to "come back later" when the queue seems too long to be
196 Chapter 5

Another special case of interest is the linear birth-and-death process,

specified by the parameter values Ax = AX, p. x = P.X. Then Eqs. (20) can be


with the equilibrium solution Po( (0) = 1. Thus the probability of extinction
is I, and the zero state is absorbing. Some further results on the linear
birth-and-death process are given in problems 36-38 of Section 5.15.

5.7. The Method of Marks

The method of marks (Section 2.4) can be usefully employed in discrete

state stochastic processes. If Px( t) denotes the probability of X points of a
point process lying in the half-open interval (0, t], then the probability
generating function

cj>( s, t) = ~ Pj( t )sj


can be interpreted as the probability that there are no marked points in the
interval (0, t] when each point is marked independently with probability

Poisson Process
To have no marked points in (0, t+~t] requires no marked points in
(0, t] and either no point in (t, t+~t) or else a point which is not marked:

cj>(s, t+~t)=cj>(s, t)[I-AM+sA~t+o(~t)],

which leads directly to the differential equation for the Poisson process
(Section 5.3).
The method of marks can also be adapted to apply to Laplace
transformations. Consider a renewal process with gap density g( x), and
suppose the marks are points of a completely independent Poisson process
with parameter x. Then, beginning at the beginning of a gap (or at any other
Continuous Time Processes 197

point), the probability of no mark before time t is e -SI, i.e., the tail of the
negative exponential distribution. Thus the Laplace transform

<[>(s)= lOe-sxg(x)dx
represents the probability that no mark occurs during the gap.

Thinning a Renewal Stream

Consider a process formed from a renewal process by removing each

point with probability p. An application would be to the times between
servicing machines, where the thinning corresponds to considering only
those service times requiring a particular type of service. Let X be a renewal
gap from one point of the thinned stream to the next point, whether
removed or not, and let Y be a thinned gap from one point of the thinned
stream to the next thinned stream point. Let X have density g(x) and
Laplace transform <[>(s) and let Y have density h(x) and Laplace transform
I/;(s). Superpose a Poisson stream with parameter s on the whole process.
1/;( s ) = P( no Poisson point in Y). (24)
Condition this on whether or not the point T which ends the gap X is
retained in the thinned stream or not:

P(no Poisson point in Y) = P(no Poisson point in YI T retained) P( T retained)

+ P(no Poisson point in YI T dropped) P( T dropped)

=P(no Poisson point in X)(l-p)

+ P(no Poisson point in X) P(no Poisson point in Y) p,

which is equivalent to
I/;(s )=(1-p )<[>(s )+p<[>(s )I/;(s). (25)
Note in this derivation the key fact that if the point terminating the gap X is
dropped, then the interval Y consists of independent intervals X and Y, the
latter beginning with the dropped point. Thus

I/;(s)= (l-p)<[>(s) (26)

Some special cases: (i) If <[>=1/;, then p=O. (ii) If <[> is negative exponential
with parameter A, then I/; is also negative exponential with parameter
198 ChapterS

(l-p)A. (iii) If </>(s) is Erlang with parameter k, it is easy to write down

I/;(s), but not easy to invert the Laplace transform. Even when k=2, the
thinned process is complicated:

h(x) = A71'II/2 [A2(1- p)] e -Xx sine 71'1/2 AX),

according to Tables of Integral Transforms, Vol. l.t

5.S. The Markov Infinitesimal Matrix

Consider the matrix defined in Section 5.5:


Several properties of this matrix shed light on the process. Since diagonal
elements Pxx(t) have the value + I at t=O and decline to zero at t= 00 (by
the property of negative-exponential sojourn), Axx' the slope at the origin,
must always be negative. Similarly, since for nondiagonal elements Px/t) is
monotonically increasing from the value zero at the origin, nondiagonal Axy
are always positive. Furthermore, each row sum in the matrix must be zero,
since it is the derivative of ~yPxy(t) = l.
Writing the Markov transition probabilities also in matrix form,

the forward and backward differential equations can be written in the

matrix form

P'(t)=P(t)A (forward equations),


P'(t)=AP(t) (backward equations). (28)

The (negative) diagonal elements in the infinitesimal matrix are exactly

the (negative exponential) parameters of the sojourn times. Suppose a

tERDELYI, A., ed. (1954), McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 229, Eq. (4).
Continuous Time Processes 199

sojourn time has length T, with parameter /3:

P( T>M) = 1- /36.I+O( 6.1).

But P( T> t), the probability that the sojourn time exceeds I, is the probabil-
ity that a process in state x does not change to another state in time I:

and therefore, given that the system is in state x, the negative exponential
parameter is /3 = -;\. x x
Neglecting the sojourn times, the process behaves like a discrete time
Markov chain, with the transition matrix having zeros on the diagonal and
-;\. xy j;\. xx elsewhere. The Poisson continuous time Markov infinitesimal

-;\. ;\. 0
o -;\. ;\.
o 0 -;\.

thus corresponds to the discrete Markov chain matrix

o 0 0
o 0 0
o 0 0 1

However, it is not true that every discrete time Markov chain can be
regarded as a continuous time Markov process simply by introducing
negative exponential sojourn times, since there would be no provision for
the case where a chain goes from state x to state x. Introducing two
negative exponential sojourns with parameter;\' xx would destroy the Markov
property of the process, since the sum of the two sojourns would be gamma
distributed and would represent the time between transitions.
In this correspondence there is an interesting difference between the
stationary vector {'7Tx } of the chain and the equilibrium vector {pJ of the
200 ChapterS

As an illustration, consider the two-state continuous time Markov

process of Section 5.4. The equilibrium probabilities have been shown to be

Which two-state Markov chain does this correspond to? Since the transition
probabilities were proportional to A and /L, the first guess might be the chain
with matrix

which indeed does have the equilibrium probabilities given above. But it
could be argued that the "right" discrete time analog would be a chain with

(~ ~),
since there is no probability of a transitIOn to the same state in the
continuous case, and for this chain the equilibrium probabilities are (1,1).
The problem of which chain corresponds to the Markov two-state process is
in fact exactly the "stick problem" of Section 2.2, with the sticks being the
sojourn times. The model leading to equiprobable equilibrium corresponds
to "choosing a stick" (i.e., a state), while the other model is "length biased"
according to sojourn length. In this light, it is natural that the continuous
time model should agree with the length-biased discrete time model.
In Section 5.10, the relationship will be examined more systematically,
and a formula connecting the two distributions will be established.
It is worth noting that the two distributions agree in this instance when
A= /L, that is, when the point process is Poisson. This is true more generally
and merely reflects that Poisson points are "at random," and so probabili-
ties evaluated at these points are not length biased towards either state.

5.9. The Renewal Function

The notation of this section is consistent with that of Sections 5.2 and
5.3: Let N(t) represent the number of renewals in the interval (0, fl, with
Continuous Time Processes 201

gap density g(x), distribution function G(x), mean gap y. Thus N(t) is the
random variable defining the counting distribution for the renewal process.
The expected value of this random variable is a function of t and is called
the renewal function:

M(t)=E{N(t)}= ~ xP{N(t)=x}. (29)


In order to express the renewal function in terms of the gap distribution, it

is necessary to consider once again the fundamental relation between gaps
and counts. The event that less than x renewal points occur in time t is
exactly the event that the xth renewal point is beyond t:

N(t)<x if and only if 'Tx > t.


P{N(t)<x}= joogX*(u)du, (30)


because the convolution gX*( u) is the distribution of 'Tx = 0"0 + 0" 1 + ... + O"x-l'
a sum of x independent, equidistributed random variables. Since the mean
can be expressed as the sum of tails (d. Problem 37, Chapter I),

M(t)= ~ [gX*(u)du. (31 )

x=1 0

This slightly complicated formula, involving as it does a sum, an integral,

and a multiple convolution, can be somewhat simplified by taking the
Laplace transform (with respect to t). Defining

and using the various relationships obtained in Section 4.11 gives

<f>( s)
f3(s)= s[I-<f>(s)]

as the relation between the gap and the renewal function Laplace trans-
forms. For some purposes, it is convenient to consider the derivative
202 ChapterS

m(t)=dM/dt, sometimes called the renewal density function-although it is

not a density in the sense of a probability density. Since the Laplace

of the renewal density is just sf3( s), a still simpler formula results:

a(s)= 1-</>(s). (33)

Equation (33) can be inverted into an integral equation,

m(t)=g(t)+ {g(u)m(t-u)du,

which is called the integral equation of renewal theory. It is possible to obtain

this integral equation by direct probabilistic argument, giving an alternative
derivation of Eqs. (32) and (33). To do so, it is necessary only to note that
m( t) can be interpreted as the mean number of renewals in a narrow
interval near t:

. p(> I renewals in (t, t+~t

m(t)= lIm ~
~t ..... o+ t

Equation (33) can also be established by the method of marks. Suppose

a Poisson process with parameter s is superposed on the renewal process.
Then </>(s) represents the probability that a renewal point occurs before a
Poisson point, and a( s) is the expected number of renewal points before the
first Poisson point:

</>(s)= l+a(s). (34)

The relationship between the Laplace transform of the renewal density

(or the renewal function) on the one hand and the Laplace transform of the
gap distribution on the other shows that the renewal process is completely
Continuous Time Processes 203

specified by the renewal function or the renewal density. This in turn shows
the importance of the renewal function.
There are two important theorems relating to N(t) and M( t), the
proofs of which are beyond the scope of this book, but which are intuitively

Theorem 1 (Elementary Renewal Theorem)

. M{t) 1
hm - - = - . (35a)
1--+00 t Y

Theorem 2

. N{t) 1
hm - - = - . (35b)
1--+00 t Y

It should be noted, however, that the first of these theorems follows from
the (unproved) n = 1 generalization of Theorem 2, Section 4.11:

lim M{t) = lims2,B{s)= lim sq,'{s)+q,{s) =.l

1..... 00 t s ..... o s--+o -q,{s) y

By L'Hopital's rule, the first theorem implies that

lim m ( t ) = .l ,
1 ..... 00 Y

which is entirely in accordance with the intuitive interpretation of the

renewal density function m(t) as the expected number of renewals in a
small interval surrounding the point t.

5.10. The Gap Surrounding an Arbitrary Point

In the stick problem of Section 2.2, and especially in the discrete/con-

tinuous sojourn time problem of Section 5.8, it has been indicated that
choosing an arbitrary point is quite different from choosing an arbitrary
interval. In particular, the interval surrounding an arbitrary point is differ-
ent in its stochastic aspects from a typical interval. This means that it would
not be expected that the renewal distribution g(x) would also be the
distribution of the interval surrounding an arbitrary point.
104 ChapterS

Although the emphasis so far has been towards denying any paradox in
this situation, it might be good at this stage to explain why the word
paradox is sometimes used. Suppose the renewal process refers to light
bulbs. Then, looking at the light bulb which is now burning-if one is
justified in regarding "now" as an arbitrary point in time-is not equivalent
to looking at a typical light bulb. The bias is in the direction of especially
long-lived light bulbs, since "now" is more likely to occur during one of the
long lives than during one of the short ones, just as in the case of the stick
In this section the problem of a "time-typical" interval, that is, the gap
surrounding an arbitrary point, will be more precisely formulated and
solved. It should be understood, in the first place, that the solution must
involve some kind of limiting procedure. This is because an "arbitrary"
point in time can only be chosen over a finite domain (rectangular distribu-
tion). It will therefore be necessary to choose a point t, solve the problem,
and then let t~ 00.
Three random variables are of interest: X( t), the time back to the most
recent renewal; Y( t), the time forward to the next renewal; and Z( t), the
time from the most recent renewal to the next renewal. Although Z( t) =
X(t)+ Y(t), it should be noted that the distribution of Z(t) cannot be
obtained as the convolution of the separate distributions, since X(t) and
Y( t) are not independent. Also, the ranges of Y(t) and Z( t) are (0,00),
while that of X( t) is (0, t).
Depending on the application, these random variables have been given
various names, as shown in Table 5.1. Using this terminology, in the simple
stick case of Section 2.2, it would be appropriate to say that (-r, 1) is the gap
distribution, and ( t, t) is the spread distribution.

Theorem 1. The density function for the distribution of spread is

g(x)[M(t)-M(t-x)], t>x,
g(x)[1 + M(t)], t~x.

Table 5.1. Names of random variables

X(t) Y(t) Z(t)
Deficit Excess Spread
Age Residual lifetime
Backward recurrence time Forward recurrence time
Excess life
Continuous Time Processes 205

Proof. Let C(xlt)=P(Z(t)<x), and let c(xlt)=dC/dx. Then


C(xl/)= ~ p{Z(t)<x, 'Tr<I<'Tr+l )



~ P('Tr+I-'Tr<X,'Tr<t<'Tr+l)


~ P(or<x,t-or<'Tr<t).

Since Or and 'Tr are independent, differentiation with respect to x yields, for


c( x I1 ) = g( x) ~ r
r=O /- x
g'*( u) du

= g( x )( M( 1 ) - M( 1- x )) .

Similarly, when t$x, differentiation yields


c(xlt)=g{x) ~ {gr*(u)du=g(x)[I+M(t)]. o
r=O 0

Theorem 2. The density function for the distribution of age is

[1-G(x)][ 8(t- x )+m(t- x)], (37)

where, using the convention of Section 4.l0 for mixed discrete and continu-
ous distributions, 8(t- x)= 1 when t=x, and 8(t- x)=O otherwise.

Proof. Let A(xlt)=P(X(t)<x), with a(xlt)=dA/dx. As in the proof

of Theorem 1, consider separately the cases 'Tr <t<'Tr+ I' r=O, 1,2, .... Since
t> X(t) always, the first interval is rather special. For r=O, X(t)=t, so that
the contribution to the density is simply a deterministic component at the
value x=t.
206 Chapter 5

When t falls in the interval (Tr' Tr+ I)' the value of X( t) is stochastic,
namely, X(t)=t-Tr. Therefore, omitting for the moment the first term,

A(xl t) =p( X(t )<x)


= ~ p(X(t)<x, Tr<t<Tr+l )

= ~ P(Tr>t-x,ar>t-Tr )
r= 1

Differentiating and keeping in mind the independence of ar and Tr , gives


a(xlt)= ~ gr*(t-x)[l-G(x)]


or, with the discrete component with probability 1- G( x) added,

a(xlt)= [8(t- x)+m(t- x)] [l-G(x)], O<x<t. D

Theorem 3. The density function for the distribution of excess is

g( t + x ) + [m ( t - u ) g( x + u ) du. (38)

Proof. Let B(xlt)=P(Y(t)<x), with b(xlt)=dB/dx. Then


B(xlt)= ~ p(Y(t)<X,Tr<t<Tr+l )

= ~ P(t<ar +Tr <t+ x, Tr <t)


= t
o r=O

~ P(t<ar+u<t+x)g'*(u)du


= [~ f+x-Ug(v)g'*(u)dvdu.
o r=O (-u
Continuous Time Processes 207

Differentiating with respect to x gives

fo L g(t+x-u)g'*(u)du.


Since gO*( u) = 8( u), the first term becomes g( x + t) and the remaining terms
can be written

{g( u+ x )m{t- u) du,

which gives the required result. o

Theorem 4. In the limit as t approaches infinity, the densities of X(t),
Y( t), and Z(t) approach respectively

I I xg(x)
-[I-G(x)], -[I-G(x)], (39)
y y y

Proof. These results follow directly from the first three theorems and
the limits for m(t) and M(t) given in section 5.9. The three limiting
distributions will be denoted by a( x), b( x), and c( x). 0

Theorem 5. The Laplace transforms of the distributions of X( 00),

Y( 00),and Z( 00) are respectively

ys y

where ~(s) is the Laplace transform of g(x).

Some Definitions. A renewal process in which the first interval ao has

probability density [I - G( x )l/y while the other renewal intervals are inde-
pendently g( x) is called (for obvious reasons) an equilibrium renewal pro-
cess, and a renewal process in which the first interval has probability density
h (x), not connected with the density g( x) of the other intervals, is called a
generalized renewal process. It is sometimes convenient to refer to the
ordinary renewal process in contrast to the equilibrium and generalized
process- for the ordinary process, all intervals are independently equidis-
tributed, as treated so far in this chapter.
208 Chapter 5

Theorem 6. For the Poisson process, with parameter A (i.e., y= l/A),

the following values are obtained:

(i) M(t)=At,

(ii) m(t)=A,

(iii) a(xlt)=e- h [8(t-x)+A],

(iv) b(xlt)=Ae -xx,

(v) t>x,

(vi) a(x)=b(x)=g(x)=Ae- h ,

Proof. This will be left as an exercise for the student. o

In connection with the "paradoxical" aspects of the problem, it is
worth noting that the asymptotic mean spread in the Poisson case is 2/A,
double the mean gap. Thus one might say that the light bulb now burning
has double the lifetime of the average bulb.
It should also be noted that, naturaIly, a(xIO)=8(x), b(xIO)=c(xIO)=

5.11. Counting Distributions

A distribution which gives the probability of x events in time t is caIled

a counting distribution; it gives the probability that a counting process is in
state x at time t. Except for a process with constant aging, the counting
distribution will depend on the location of the initial point. In Section 5.1 it
was assumed that the interval began just after the origin and, furthermore,
that an event occurred at the origin. This formulation is valid, therefore, for
an interval of length t beginning at any event.
The general formulation, on the other hand, would relate to an interval
beginning exactly T units after an event. Such a formulation could begin
Continuous Time Processes 209

with considerations similar to those of Section 5.10 and would lead to a

counting distribution dependent both on the initial and terminal point of
the interval.
Instead of embarking on such a general formulation, another special
counting distribution will be discussed, in which the initial point of the
counting interval is an arbitrary point in time. The expression "an arbitrary
point in time" will be considered to be a point for which the forward
recurrence time is the asymptotic forward recurrence time; by Theorem 4 of
Section 5.10, it has the distribution [l-G(x)]jy. The expressions synchro-
nous and asynchronous are used to describe the two types of counting
distributions: one beginning with a gap g(x) to the first event, and the other
beginning with a gap [1-G(x)]jy to the first event. The following notation
will be used. Length of counting period: t. For synchronous counting
distribution, each gap has density g(x); the probability of x counts in time t
is pi t), with distribution function Pi t), tail Qi t), probability generating
function '1T(z, t),t and mean count M. For asynchronous counting, the first
gap has density [1- G(x )]jy and the remaining gaps have density g(x). The
same notation will be used for the various distributions, transforms, etc., but
with a bar: Px(t), ~(t), Qx(t), 7i(z, t), M.
In both the synchronous and asynchronous cases, the generalization of
the Poisson-gamma relationship (as given in Section 5.3) holds, so that the
synchronous counting distribution satisfies


leading to a Laplace transform (with variable s)


tIn this section, and in many which follow, Laplace transforms (of time) occur together with
probability generating functions. As an aid to memory, the variable z will be used for the
probability generating functions, and s for the Laplace transforms. Thus the variables s, t
correspond through the Laplace transform, and the variables x, z correspond through the
probability generating function. In functional form, x is written as a subscript, and the other
three in parentheses. When z occurs with s or t, it is written before the comma, with the s or t
variable after the comma. Naturally, this system does not apply in cases where Laplace
transforms are represented in terms of probability generating functions, such as will occur in
Chapter 6 (for example, Section 6.6). In these latter cases, the Laplace transform is not with
respect to a time variable, but with respect to a continuous density function, and the letter sis
retained for both the probability generating function and the Laplace transform.
210 Chapter 5

where </>( s) is the transform of g( x). Therefore

I-</>( s)
s[l-z</>(s)] ,

so that the probability generating function is the inverse transform of the

fraction on the right and the tails are inverse transforms of </>X( s) / s.
Then standard procedures, or else the formulas of Section 5.9, give the
mean value

_ -I </>(s)
M(t)-t (45)
s [ I -<p ()]
s .

In the asynchronous case, the calculations are much the same, starting



tQAt)= <PX-I(S)[\-</>(s)] , (47)


leading to

_ ~ _ -1(1. + [1-<P(S)](Z-I))
'1T(~,t)-e 2[ ]' (48)
S s 1- z<p{ s)

with mean value

M{t}=tjy, (49)

as would be intuitively expected.

Continuous Time Processes 211

These formulas are selected from many which relate the synchronous
and asynchronous counting distributions to the gap distribution and to one
another. Others are given in the problem list for the chapter.
In the terminology of renewal theory, M(t) would be called the renewal
function for an equilibrium renewal process, and M( t) the renewal function
for an ordinary renewal process.
The emphasis placed in this section on two particular types of counting
procedures should not obscure the fact that the general renewal counting
distributions, based on an arbitrary initial gap, are also of importance. One
such process will be discussed in connection with particle counters in which
the first gap has transform A/( A+ s) and the subsequent gaps have trans-
form Ae -A~/( A+ s). These two transforms do not satisfy the relationship
between gap and excess given by Theorem 5 of Section 5.10, on which the
definition of asynchronous counting is based.

5.12. The Erlang Process

The Erlang process is defined by gamma-distributed gaps in a renewal

process. It is a natural generalization of the Poisson process, since the
gamma-distributed gaps become negative exponential when k = 1. The Erlang
process has two fundamental applications: First, it represents a process in
which the events occur after k "stages," and second, it can be interpreted as
a process where k-l consecutive Poisson events are deleted.
The first application is exemplified by repair to a machine, in case the
repair consists of k sub-repairs, or by service if the service consists of k
sub-services, provided the sub-repairs or sub-services are such that the time
taken to perform then is negative exponentially distributed. In the second
application, the Erlang process would be applicable to cases where it is
necessary to accumulate k Poisson events before a recorded event would
take place. For example, k randomly occurring shocks might be required for
a industrial item to be broken.
The Laplace transform of the Erlang gap distribution can be written

q>( s) = ( A~ s ( ,
so that the Laplace transform of the renewal density m(t) is
a(s)= (A+S)k_Ak' (50)
212 ChapterS

Inversion of this transform is usually not easy, and for large values of k it is
even necessary to use numerical methods. For k=2, however, there is a
simple solution:

Expanding into partial fractions or using the theorem of Section 4.12, the
student will be able to invert this Laplace transformation to obtain


From this result, it is easy to see by integration that the renewal function for
the two-stage Erlang process is


The synchronous and asynchronous counting distributions are also

fairly easy to write for general k and can, in fact, be represented conve-
niently in terms of the Poisson probabilities.

Synchronous Counting (Ordinary Renewal Process)

The general formulas reduce to the following special cases for </>(s)=


( ) _ r(xk, At) (54)

Px t - r(xk)


(x+ I)k-I

pAt)= ~ Bj , x=O,I,2, .... (55)

Continuous Time Processes 213

Thus the probability of no events in time t is represented as the sum of the

first k Poisson terms with parameter At, the probability of one event is the
sum of the next k Poisson terms, and so forth. The probabilities can
therefore also be written in the form

and the mean written

00 y(kj, At)
M( t ) =.~ r( k .) (56)
J=I 'J

Asynchronous Counting (Equilibrium Renewal Process)


and begin with Eq. (i) of Problem 18 (Section 5.15). Then

_ I xk~ I t
Qx(t)=- ~
y j=(x~ I)k 0

k ~ Aj' (57)
j=(x~ l)k+1

from which the student can obtain pAt) and the other quantities char-
acterizing the distribution.

5.13. Displaced Gaps

In several applications, it is important to consider a gap distribution

which is identically zero over some range (0, ~). For example, a particle
counter may have a dead time of length ~ during which additional registra-
tions are impossible. Also, in the theory of traffic flow, it is often important
to take into consideration a fixed car length ~, so that car arrivals are never
nearer than a car length.
214 ChapterS

Consider a gap distribution gi x) which is based on a known gap

distribution g(x) by displacement:

gix )=g(x-Ll), Ll<x< 00. (58)

As a matter of notation, the Laplace transform will also be denoted by a



and the counting distributions by an upper delta: p:( t), p:( t), Pxl!.( t), ~l!.( t),
Q~(t), Q~(t).

Synchronous Counting
By Section 4.11,

=E -le-sl!.(x+l) 'f' (60)

The Laplace inverse of cpx+ I( s)js is simply Qx(t), and powers of shave
the effect of differentiating the inverse, since Qx(O)=O. Therefore

q,x+I(S) 00 [-sLl(x+ I)]j

Q~(t)=e-I ~ .,
s j=O J.

~ [-Ll(~,+ I)]j djQx(t) ,

(61 )
j=O J. dt 1

which can be expressed, using Taylor's theorem, as


This is a rather curious distribution, in that the argument on the right side
becomes negative when t<Ll(x+ I). In fact, since Q~(t) represents the
probability of more than x events beginning just after an event, such a count
will be impossible when t<Ll(x+ 1). Therefore the result should be stated in
Continuous Time Processes 215

full form:

t>~(X+ 1),

Q~(t)=O, t:S:~(X+ 1). (63)

The Displaced Negative Exponential

If g(x)=Ae- Xx , then the displaced distribution can be equally well

regarded as truncated, by the fact that the negative exponential distribution
does not exhibit aging. Let the k th Poisson probability with parameter
A(t-j~) be denoted by Bfc:

B =(Ijk !)e -X(t-if,)[A( t-j~)] k. (64)

Then the exact probabilities can be obtained from the values for the tails as

p~(t)= { I'

- Bci +B~ +B~, t>2~,

pNt)= { 1- Bci, ~<t:S:2~,
0, O<t:S:~,

- B~ - B ~ + Bg + B? + Bi , t > 3~,
pt(t)= I-B5-B~, 2~<t:S:3~,
0, t:S:2~,

and, in general,

x x-I
~ Bf+l- ~ Bf, t>{x+ I)~,
)=0 )=0
p:{t)= x-I
1- ~ Bf, x~<t:S:{x+ I)~,
0, t:S:x~.
216 Chapter 5

The Poisson sums can be replaced by incomplete gamma functions accord-

ing to Section 4.5, giving the formulas

r{x+ 1, ~[t-(x+ 1)~]} r[ x, ~(t- x~)]

t>(x+ l)~,
r(x+ 1) r(x)
p~(t)= r[x,~(t-x~)]
1- r(x) , x~<t~(x+ l)~,

0, t~x~.


5.14. Divergent Birth Processes

This section contains a treatment of a type of process in which there

can be an infinite number of transitions in a finite time, just as a perfect ball
might bounce an infinite number of times in a finite time. The idea is simply
that the gaps converge. I t is clear that this could never happen in a renewal
process, since the gaps are equidistributed. However, the possibility exists
for Markov processes; although the gaps are all negative exponential, the
parameter in the negative exponential distribution could vary in some
systematic way which would lead to an infinite number of transitions in a
finite interval.
Such processes are called divergent; the counting distributions do not
sum to unity since the range contains, besides the non-negative integers with
probabilities Px(t), x=O, 1,2, ... , a special point (designated by w), which
indicates an infinite number of transitions in time t. Thus

~ pit)=l-pjt)

would merely mean that for normalization to unity, the special value must
also be taken into account.
An important example of a divergent process is the birth process
treated in Section 5.5, where the coefficients ~ x are assumed to increase
more rapidly than the simple linear expression leading to the Yule process.
Let Z be the (finite or infinite) time required for an infinite number of
transitions. Then the probability of a divergent process is the probability
Continuous Time Processes 217

that Z is finite, that is P(Z<t); in other words, the distribution function for
Z represents the probability that an infinite number of transitions have
taken place before time t. The density function for Z is

and the Laplace transform of this quantity is

( S~~I ) X( S~~2 ) X ....

To obtain the Laplace transform of the distribution function it is necessary

to multiply by I/s. Therefore, if

f3(s) can be written

f3( s ) =1. IT (I + : ) - 1 (66)

S J=I f\j

When the series converges, so will the infinite product, and this convergence
is the necessary condition that Pw(t) be nonzero.
There is a theorem of algebrat to the effect that a necessary and
sufficient condition for the convergence of the infinite product (66) is the
convergence of the series ~A j I. Therefore the process will be divergent when
00 I
~ ~<oo. (67)
j=1 J

When this convergence occurs, it is possible to write f3(s) as a series by

using partial fractions:

f3(s)= -l!. + ~ _ J _ , (68)
s j=IS+Aj

where the kj are constants to be determined. The inverse Laplace transform

tsee, for example, BROMWICH, THOMAS JOHN rANSON (1908), An Introduction to the Theory of
Infinite Series, Macmillan & Co., London. The proof of the theorem consists essentially of a
close examination of the logarithm of the infinite product.
218 ChapterS

is now easy to write down:


P (t) -k + ~ kJoe- 1 ).,.

'" - 0 ""

To evaluate the constants k j , the standard method of partial fractions is

used. One denominator at a time is multiplied by the equation and then this
quantity is equated to zero. Thus


and, for j>O,

kj = lim (s+~)P(s). (69)

S ...... -Aj

The problem of finding p",( t) thus depends on evaluating these limits, which
in some cases can be rather difficult.

Example 1. Aj =j2, which guarantees the convergence of };Ajl:

k = I S
J s ......1m
-j2 s1+s
( )( 1+ 4I)
s ...

_ -2 . 149 (j_l)2(j+ 1)2 ...

- J [(1-j)(2-j) ... ( -1)123 ][(1 +j)(2+j)]

Therefore the probability of an infinite number of events before a finite

time t is given by

p.,(t)=1+2 ~ (_I)J e -1J 2

Continuous Time Processes 219

Example 2. Aj = Ai, similarly guaranteeing the convergence of ~Xj I for

A> 1. Then


~= II (I - Aj) - I

and is thus independent of n. The ratio of the consecutive k n therefore

satisfies the difference equation

with the initial condition

It is easy to see that the solution of the difference equation is

k = ------------ (70)
n An(An-1 -1)(An- 2 -I) ... (71.-1)

In both examples it would be necessary to approximate the values of pj t).

In the second example, the following approximate formulat for ~ is useful:
~-I = ~ (_IY(I/Ay<3 j +I)/2. (71)
j= -00

Recommendations for Further Study

For an intermediate-level treatment of stochastic processes, both dis-
crete and continuous, see Cox and Miller (1965) and ~inlar (1975). A
self-contained book on renewal processes is that by Cox (1962). Some

t This rapidly converging series is given in ERDEL YI, A. (1955), Higher Transcendental Func-
tions, Vol. 3, McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 177.
220 ChapterS

important processes not treated in the present book are Markov renewal
processes (see <;inlar, Chapter 10 and Ross, Chapter 7), martingales (see
Karlin and Taylor, Chapter 6), and processes based on the normal distribution
(Gaussian, Wiener, etc.) [see Hoel, Port, and Stone (1972) and Cox and
Miller (1965)].

<;:INLAR, ERHAN (1975), Introduction to Stochastic Processes, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,

New Jersey.
Cox, D. R. (1962), Renewal Theory, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Cox, D. R., and MILLER, H. D. (1965), The Theory of Stochastic Processes, Methuen, London.
HOEL, PAUL G., PORT, SIDNEY C, and STONE, CHARLES J. (1972), Introduction to Stochastic
Processes, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.
KARLIN, SAMUEL, and TAYLOR, HOWARD M., (1975), A First Course in Stochastic Processes,
Academic Press, New York.
Ross, SHELDON M. (1972), Introduction to Probabilitv Models, Academic Press, New York.

5.15. Problemst

1. Using the methods of Section 5.10, find the joint distribution of X(t) and Y(t),
namely, density function

[8(t- x)+ M(t- x )]g(x+y), O<x<t,O<y<oo.

Use this result to prove Theorems 2 and 3 by direct integration and Theorem I
by integration over the domain where x+y=constant.
2. Consider a pure birth process in which the infinitesimal probabilities of a birth
in flt are Aflt+o(ilt) when there are an odd number alive at the beginning of
the interval, and /Lflt+o(ilt) when there are an even number alive at the
beginning of the interval. Define

A(t)= ~ Pj(t), B(t)= ~ Pj(t).

jodd j ~ven

Obtain the differential equations for A(t) and B(t) and solve.

3. The lifetime of a piece of machinery defines a renewal process with the usual
notation: g, </>, etc. The machine is installed and working at t=O, and inspected

tProblem 6 is taken from Karlin and Taylor (1975), and Problems 9 and 10 are taken from
Ross (1972), with kind permission of the publishers.
Continuous Time Processes 221

at t= \,2,3, .... When it is first found to be broken, a new machine is installed

and the process repeated. Let

if the machine is broken at the nth inspection

Y" = {~ if the machine is working at the nth inspection.

Z" = Y1 + Y2 + ... + Y" ,

that is, the (birthday) age of the machine, and

Z=lim Zi'

that is, the birthday age at which the machine breaks. (i) Show that Z" is a
Markov chain. (ii) Find the transition matrix in terms of g, G, </>, etc. (iii) Show
that P(Z=x)=G(x+ \)-G(x).
4. In a Poisson process with parameter A, suppose that N events occur in time t.
Find the density function for X, the time to the nth event (n<N).
Ans. X/t is beta distributed.

5. Two machines are working, each with negative exponential lifetimes and param-
eter A. When one fails, a replacement is furnished, the time to replace being also
negative exponential with parameter /L. Let X(t) be the number of working
machines at time t, state space (0, \,2). (i) Find the infinitesimal transition
matrix. (ii) Find the forward equations. (iii) Solve the forward equations to find
the transition probabilities Pxv(t).
6. Consider a Yule process with parameter A and initial state N= I. Suppose the
probability of death of the original ancestor in time tlt is f3tlt+o(tlt), given
that he is living at time t. Find the distribution of the number x of offspring
from the single ancestor and his descendants at the time of his death.
Ans. (f3/A)B(f3/A+ \, x+ 1)
7. Suppose N identical balls are distributed into two boxes. A ball in box A (box
B) remains there for a negative exponential time parameter A (parameter /L) and
goes to the other box. The balls act independently. Let X(t) denote the number
of balls in box A at time t. Then X(t) is a birth-and-death process defined over
0, \, ... , N. (i) Find the birth and death rates. (ii) Find PxN( t). (iii) Find E( X(t.
8. In a birth-and-death process, Ax =(\ + x) - I and /Lx =/L. Write down the for-
ward equations.

9. A machine in use is replaced either when it fails or when it reaches an age of T.

If the lifetimes of successive machines are independent with a common density
f(x) and cumulative form F(x), show that the long-run rate at which machines
are replaced is

( loTxf( X) dx + T( \ - F( T) ) - 1
222 ChapterS

10. It might appear that the finiteness of m(t) would follow from the fact that N(t)
is finite. However, such reasoning is not valid, as the following example shows.
Let Ybe a random variable with P(Y=2/)=d)/, n= 1,2,3, .... Then P(Y<oo)
= I, but E(Y)=oo, as the student should show.
11. Consider two independent Poisson processes. Show that the distribution of the
number of events in one process which fall between two consecutive events in
the other process is geometric.
12. Consider a Poisson process with parameter A. Find the distribution of the
number of Poisson points which occur in an independent interval T which is
gamma distributed with parameters IL and k.
13. A machine breaks when N shocks have been received. If the shocks occur at
times which form a Poisson process with parameter A, find the density function
for the lifetime of the machine.
14. Let X(t) be a Markov process with state space (0,1) and transition probabilities

P,r( t)= H1+ (-I )x+re ~21], x,y=O,I.

Show that the Chapman-Kolmogorov equations are satisfied.

15. In a pure birth process with linear birth rate Ax =AX, let the initial number
present be geometrically distributed, i.e., P( N(O) = x) = (1 - p )px- I, X = 1,2,3, ....
Find E(N(t.
16. Find the means of the distributions a( x It), b( x It), and c( x It) as functions of t.
17. Show that in the asymptotic case the gap variance can be expressed in terms of
the mean spread and the harmonic mean spread. Note: the harmonic mean of a
random variable is defined to be [E(l / X)]-I.
18. In the notation of Section 5.11, prove the following formulas:

(i) -
QAt)=- 111
Y 0

-iT (z; t) - I
---'--'-1- =
-1 '1T(z;
Y 0
u) du,

d-iT '1T(z; t)
(iii) -=(z-I)--.
d'T Y

19. For the Erlang process with k = 2, obtain the renewal density function from the
renewal integral equation.
20. For the Erlang process with k=2, find the exact and asymptotic distributions of
spread, excess and deficit.
Continuous Time Processes 223

21. Show that the two examples of divergent birth processes given in Section 5.14
lead respectively to the following equations for the probability generating
function of the "finite" probabilities pAt), x=O, 1,2, ... :
(i) For"A j =/,
aq,(z,t) =_"A(I_z)(z2a2q, +zaq,).
at az 2 az

at =-(I-z)q,("Az,t).
22. Referring to Theorem 4 of Section 5.10, let the limiting moments of the
distribution of y(t) be

",,= 1 x"
00 I-G(x)
o Y
and let the corresponding quantities for the gap distribution be IL". Show that

23. Show that for displaced negative-exponential gaps (Section 5.13) the asymptotic
distribution of excess (or deficit) given in Section 5.10 has Laplace transform

s(I+"A.1)("A+s) ,

and find the mean excess (or deficit) E(X(oo.

24. In the Erlang k=2 case, replace the partial fraction argument of Section 5.12
used to obtain m(t) from a(s) by the formula for Laplace inversion given in
Section 4.12.
25. In Section 5.12, express i2x(t) in terms of sums of B" without integration.
26. Find the means and variances of the distributions defined in Theorems 4 and 5
of Section 5.10.
27. Obtain the backward equations

p~,,<t)= ~ A,jPj,(t)-P'I'(t) ~ AX)

l*X l*x


PXI'(t+.1t)= ~PX)(.1t)Pj,(t).

28. Find the failure rate for an Erlang process.

224 Chapter 5

29. In thinning an Erlang process, find the limiting form of the thinned process as
the variance of the gap distribution approaches zero.
30. In the discussion of renewal theory, it has been assumed that the lifetimes are
finite. What modifications would need to be made if G(oo)< I?

3l. Consider a deterministic process g(x)=8(x-~). Define N so that the counting

interval t satisfies

that is, N is the maximum number of gaps that will fit into the counting period:
N=O, 1,2, .... Find the probability that there are x points in t, assuming that tis
equally likely to begin anywhere in a gap. Show that the probability generating
function of the counting distribution is

Find the mean count.

32. In a renewal process, the lifetime (gap) distribution is discrete geometric with
parameter p over the positive integers. Show that P( On =x) is negative binomial.
Write down the probability generating function '/T(z, t) of the synchronous
counting distribution and find the mean M(t).
33. Find the survivor function (Section 5.2) for (i) the Erlang process, (ii) the
deterministic process, (iii) the process in Problem 32.
34. Show that the mean population size in a Yule process increases exponentially.
35. Discuss a two-state process with Erlang transition intervals. Obtain regular
oscillation as a special limiting case.
36. In the nonequilibrium linear birth-and-death process specified by Eq. (23), show
that the probability generating function cj>( s, t) = Pj( t)sj satisfies the partial
differential equation

37. By solving the equation of Problem 36, or directly from Eq. (23), show that the
nonequilibrium linear birth-and-death probabilities for A=/L are given by
(Atr- 1
Px(t)= ( )X+l' x=I,2,3, ....
38. Consider a linear birth-and-death process with a finite number of states n, so
that Ax=(n-x)A, /Lx=/Lx, OSxSn. Write down the basic differential equa-
tions of the process, and show that the equilibrium probabilities form a
binomial distribution.

The Theory of Queues

6.1. Introduction and Classification

Queueing theory is a generic term for mathematical structures inspired

by and descriptive of service systems with random features such as random
delay, randomly arriving customers, etc. t Such systems can be classified in
two ways: according to the structure and postulates which characterize the
operation, on the one hand, and according to the random variable of
interest, on the other. Table 6.1. with some of the important random
variables, together with associated notation, is given on p. 228.
Structural classification of queues is by no means easy. There is not any
single method which provides for all variations in systems; these variations
quite often arise from the consideration of special applications. There is,
however, a generally accepted rough classification due to Kendall,:j: which
describes in compact notation several of the more important properties of a
The Kendall symbol consists of three parts: The first gives information
about the arrival stream of new customers, the second gives corresponding
information about the service process, while the third element is simply an
integer specifying the number of servers in the system. In each of the first
two elements, the following abbreviations are used: M denotes a Poisson
process, Ek denotes an Erlang process with parameter k, G ("general")

"I"The expression "stochastic service systems." due to John Riordan. expresses the idea of a
queue quite well.
:I David George Kendall, English mathematician, 191 x-

226 Chapter 6

denotes a renewal process, D ("deterministic") denotes a point process with

all intervals equal.
These symbols have slightly different interpretations when they appear
as the first element (arrival) than when they appear as the second element
(service). Thus an MIMII queue-the simplest type classified under the
Kendall symbol-denotes a queue with arrivals joining the queue at instants
which form a Poisson process. In some cases it is desirable to specify the
Poisson parameter and write, for example, M.,.. For service, the letter M
refers to the fact that the service times are negative exponentially distributed
with the same parameter. The number "I" means simply that there is a
single server. Thus the queue M.,.I M,./I has been treated already in Section
5.6, and the equilibrium distribution of the number in the system has been
found to be geometric. In the next section, the nonequilibrium solution to
this simple queueing problem will be found.
The various symbols, applied either to arrival or to service times, have
naturally a variety of meanings in applied problems. As an arrival pattern,
"D" might be called "scheduled" arrivals; applied to service, it might be
considered "automated" service. Erlang arrivals might be nothing more than
a two-parameter generalization of Poisson arrivals, or it might denote
arrivals where each kth Poisson arrival is retained and the remainder "lost."
Applied to service, the Erlang pattern could represent service consisting of k
negative exponential stages. General (i.e., renewal) service would require
only that the service periods be independently equidistributed.
A little reflection on a few of the applications of queueing theory will
suggest various ramifications in the structure not covered by the Kendall
symbol: aircraft waiting to land (where a fuel consumption constraint may
induce priorities in the queue), customers waiting for taxis combined with
taxis awaiting customers (where two queues confront one another), customers
waiting in a food market (where there are different types of commodities in
the basket), cars waiting for a traffic light (where the light may be vehicle
a~tuated), customers awaiting an essentially unimportant service (where
they may go away if the queue is too long- this is called balking), industrial
machines awaiting repair (where repairs required may differ substantially),
queues formed in networks, in series, or in parallel, where one queue may
feed into several others-each of these examples suggests special require-
ments in the model. However, it is also true that in each case the Kendall
symbol may be useful in describing some aspect of the system.
In this chapter no attempt is made to treat all of the most important
varieties of queues; where a method is shown once in a particular context, it
The Theory of Queues 227

will not be repeated. The chapter is therefore a survey of methods useful in

queueing theory rather than of different types of queues. With technique
assimilated, the student can then investigate new structures, abstract from
their real behavior an appropriate mathematical model of their ideal behav-
ior, discover random variables of interest, and very likely have an approxi-
mate idea of tht: mathematical techniques appropriate to the problem.
In pursuing this goal, the chapter begins by considering several random
variables of particular interest in relatively simple queues: Sections 6.2-6.7
deal with the total number in the system at time I, Sections 6.8 and 6.9 deal
with the waiting time in the queue, and Sections 6.11-6.14 deal with the
duration of the busy period. The remaining sections treat some special
situations of general interest and importance.
The notation used in this chapter is systematic and is summarized for
convenient reference in Table 6.1.

6.2. The MAIMp./l Queue: General Solution

This section begins with the equations for the queue as a birth-and-death
process, specializing those obtained in Section 5.6:

p~(t)= - (A + /L )Px( I )+APx- J(/) + ILPx+ J( I), x=I,2,3, ... ,

pb(t)= -APo(t)+/LPJ(/),

where Px(t)=P(X(t)=x), X(/) denotes the number of customers in the

system, either being served or waiting for service, and where the instants
when arrivals join the queue form a Poisson process with parameter A and
where the service times are negative-exponentially distributed with mean
service time 11/L. Multiplying the jth equation by zj+ J, it is not difficult to
show that the probability generating functiont

</>(z, t)= ~ Pj(t)zj

satisfies the differential equation

zdi =(1- Z )[(/L- AZ )cp( z, t)- /LPo( t)] (2)

iSce footnote in Section 5.11.


Table 6.1. Queueing notation (This system does not apply in Chapter 5)
Random Distribution Laplace generating
Name variable Density Probabili ties function transform function Mean Variance
Interarrival time d(x) 8(s) 1/,\
Service time U b(x) B(x) (J( s) I/p, v
Number of departures
in an interarrival r, lI(S)
period a
Number of arrivals
in a service period N qx lJ(s)
Number in the system X Px <1>( s)
Number queueing Y
Queueing time V a(x)h A(x) a(s)
Waiting time W c(x) C(x) y(s)
Residual service time U ii(s)
Discrete busy period K hx K(S)
Continuous busy period L f(x) a(s)
Balking X' gx Gx

aAssuming the queue is never empty.

hThe continuous portion.

The Theory of Queues 229

for O~z~ 1. Let the original number in the system be n, so that Pn(O) = 1,
</>(z,O)=zn. It is convenient to reduce the differential equation to an
algebraic equation by using the Laplace transform:

Applying this transform to the differential equation leads to


It is also convenient to discuss this equation in terms of the zeros of the

denominator, regarded as a quadratic in z: These are denoted by ~ and 1/,


In terms of these zeros, it is easy to show that


The first task is to evaluate '1T(s), and so represent the transform 1/;(z, s)
in terms of s, z, and the parameters A, /1-, and n. To do this, the student
should note that the function is convergent for z < 1 and that ~ is the zero
less than one. Therefore ~ must also be a zero of the numerator, and thus

230 Chapter 6

so that the explicit form for the transform of the probability generating
function is


It is not easy to invert this expression with respect to the variable s, and
expansion in terms of z is also rather complicated. However, the student
specializing in transforms and higher transcendental functions may be able
to show from this equation that each of the probabilities can be expressed as
a finite series of Bessel functions of imaginary argument. t Instead of
pursuing the formal development further, some of the important special
cases will be discussed in the next sections.

6.3. The M"jM,.jl Queue: Oversaturation

When A>P. (i.e., p> I), the number present in the system tends to
increase without limit, but does so in a stochastic manner, so that the
possibility exists for decrease from time to time. The states of the system are
alI transient, in that the probability of a revisit tends to zero. Therefore the
probability of the system being in any state tends to zero, and this fact can
be inferred from the equations of Section 6.2.
It is not, however, useless to inquire about the evolution of the system.
Depending on how great the discrepancy between A and p., the time spent in
various states may vary considerably. For a given state x, define the
indicator random variable (Section 1.5) I( t):

when X(t)=x,
I(t}= {~


t Details can be found in Cox, D. R., and MILLER, H. D. (1965), The Theory 0/ Stochastic
Processes, Methuen, London, p. 194 ff.
The Theory of Queues 231

measures the total time spent in state x and

is the expected total time spent in state x. Call this quantity T(x). Then

T( x) = 10 00
E(I( t ))dt. (7)

But the expected value of /(t) is only the probability Px( t) of the queue
being in state x, so that

Rather than evaluating this integral for each x, it is more natural to evaluate
all of the integrals by finding

and this is the same as 1/;(z,O). Therefore an investigation of the expected
duration in the transient states begins with setting s = in the formulas of
Section 6.2.
With s=O, consider the equations for ~ and 1/. The radical becomes
1.\ - fL 1 and it is at this stage that the assumption p> I comes into the
picture, giving the values

~= lip,

1/= 1.

Substituting these values into 1/;(z, 0) gives

pn+lzn+l_pnzn+I-1 +z
1/;( ,: , 0 ) = ......:..\p-n-~-I(-pz---l'-)(-l---z)-(-p--1) (8)

The factor pz - 1 which appears in the denominator is also concealed in

the numerator; removing it leaves
232 Chapter 6

There is now no difficulty in expanding Eq. (9) in powers of z; the

coefficien ts are precisely the T( x):

T{x)=---- x=O, I, ... , n,
Xpn-x-l(p_l) ,
T{x)= -,- , x=n+ 1, n+2, n+3 ....

Note that if the queue begins empty (n = 0), the expected time spent in each
state is (X-Jl)-I.
From a practical point of view, the main interest is in the case p< I,
since infinite queues are more important as a theoretical concept than as an
observed reality. In the remainder of this chapter, except where particularly
stated, it is assumed that p< 1.

6.4. The M" / M" /1 Queue: Equilibrium

When p< 1, it has been shown already that the equilibrium distribution
is geometric. It is not difficult to obtain this result from the formulation of
Section 6.2. The values of ~ and 1) are respectively 1 and 1/p. Therefore,
using Theorem 2 of Section 4.11,

lim <I>{z, t)= lims~{z,s)

1---+00 s---+o

(11 )

To evaluate lim s'7T(s), first note that, with L'HopitaJ's rule,

and thus lims'7T(s)= I-p. Substituting this value gives

. I-p
hm <I>{z, t)= -1- . ( 12)
1--->00 -pz
The Theory of Queues 233

A rather interesting fact about the M / M /1 queue in equilibrium is that

the distribution of time between departures is independent of the rate of
service. There are, in fact, two kinds of consecutive departures: those
separated by a service period (when the second customer departing joined a
nonzero queue) and those separated by a service period plus an interarrival
period (when the second customer proceeded directly into service on arrival).
These types are illustrated in Fig. I.
In the first case, on the left in Fig. I, the time between departures has
density function Jle -p.x, and the probability of this case is the probability
that the queue is not empty. Thus the contribution to the Laplace transform
P Jl+s'

In the second case there is also a service period, but it is preceded by an idle
period, that is, a time when the server is idle and the queue is empty. By the
memory less property of the negative exponential, this period, ending in an
arrival, has density Ae -Ax. Thus the total length between departures has
and this case has probability 1 - p, so that the contribution to the Laplace
transform is
A Jl
(I-P)A+S Jl+s'
Adding together the two Laplace transform pieces gives the result A/( A+ s).

ntll n+I"' n"' n+1 1I

Departute Departure Departure Departure

Figure 1. Two kinds of consecutive departures from a queue.

234 Chapter 6

This fact is not so paradoxical as it is sometimes made to appear. It

simply shows that a Poisson stream scrambled by another Poisson stream
remains Poisson and retains the same parameter. The process is assumed to
be in equilibrium, and so it is difficult to imagine what the output parameter
would be, if not A.
The case p= I may be more of a paradox. Since the states are all null
recurrent, Px( t) = 0 for all values of x. Yet, with a little modification of the
argument in Section 6.3, it can be shown that (since ~=1j= 1) the mean time
spent in each state is infinity.

6.5. The M"/M,,,/n Queue in Equilibrium: Loss Formula

There are many queueing variants on the M).. I Mp./I queue as for-
mulated in Sections 6.2-6.4. An item of information of great importance is
the equilibrium distribution of number in the system, or, failing that, the
mean and variance of the number in the system. The calculations needed to
obtain the equilibrium distribution often follow rather closely the birth-and-
death formulation and hardly require consideration of probability generat-
ing functions, Laplace transforms, and similar mathematical ornaments. In
this section, an example is given of quick calculations leading to the
equilibrium probabilities for a slight extension of the M)..IMp./I queue,
namely, that where n servers are working. It is sensible to assume that the
customers waiting are assigned to the first free server; otherwise the system
is no more than n independent queues.
This means that the parameters in the birth-and-death scheme are A for
arrivals, and for departures,

/LX, O::;x::;n,
/L = {
x /Ln, x?:.n.

Thus the differential equations of the system are


Making the assumption of equilibrium, the left sides of these equations can
be set equal to zero. Letting Px( 00) = Px' that is, suppressing the time index
The Theory of Queues 235

in equilibrium, gives

P.PI -"Apo =0,

p.(x+ I)Px+1 -("A+p.x )Px +"APx-1 =0, x= 1,2, ... , n-I,

x=n, n+ I, n+2, ....

With some algebraic effort, these equations can be solved successively in

terms of Po as follows:

x=O,I, ... ,n,

x=n+ I, n+2, n+3 ....

In the usual way, the value of Po can be obtained from the condition that the
distribution normalizes to unity:


thus reducing the problem to one of calculation.t

An important special case arises when n_ 00. If there are an infinite
number of servers, there is no queue proper, since every customer in the
system is being served. An example of such a service system would be an
infinite parking lot, where the service time is equated to the parking time. It
is left as an exercise for the student to show that in this case the probability
distribution of the number in the system-the number of cars parked-is, in
equilibrium, Poisson.

Finite Storage Space

In many cases it is more reasonable to assume that only a finite number
of customers can be waiting in the queue. This would be true for a finite
parking lot. It also applies to a problem which was of primary significance

tIn this treatment, p="Ajp. as usual. However, some authors prefer to keep the symbol p to
denote the traffic intensity of the queue, i.e., the ratio of input to service, so that the
equilibrium condition remains p< I. In the notation used here, the equilibrium condition is
p j n < I, since there are II servers at work.
236 Chapter 6

in the development of queueing theory early in this century: the design of

telephone switchboards. A telephone switchboard is built with a certain
number of channels, just as a parking lot has a fixed number of slots. These
are designed into the system at some cost, and not easily changed. Each call
is placed in a channel, and when the channels are all occupied, further calls
are "lost" to the system. Thus there are n "servers," a server being a channel
or a slot, but no queue is permitted to form. In the design of the switch-
board or parking lot, a level of service is prescribed as the probability that a
call will be lost, or a car find the lot filled. Then, given the demand
parameter X and the occupancy parameter JL, the designer wishes to discover
a relationship between the probability of a lost demand and the number of
channels n so that n can be expressed in terms of X, JL and the probability of
a lost demand.
This is not a particularly difficult problem to solve. The student should
fill in the details leading to the equilibrium probability equations

-XPo +JLPI =0,

XPx-l-(X+XJL)Px +(x+ I)JLPx+l =0, x= 1,2, ... , n-I, (18)

which yield

x=o, I, ... , n,
that is, the truncated Poisson distribution:

_ pX/x!
Px x=o, I, ... , n. (19)
I + p + P /2 + ... + pn/ n ! '
- 2

For the design of the switchboard or of the parking lot, the value Pn , the last
value, is the important one, since it gives the probability that, in equi-
librium, the facility will be full and a loss will occur. This formula,
Pn =p(1oss) = . , (20)
I +p+p2/2+ ... +pn/n!

is known as Erlang'st Loss Formula and is rather famous. It has been

tabulated, so that n can be obtained from X, JL, and Pn . In practice, the first

tAo K. Erlang. Danish engineer. 1878-1929.

The Theory of Queues 237

two of these parameters would be observed, and the third, Pn , set as a

quality standard for the system.
The Poisson distribution for M / M /00 is also obtainable from this
formulation by letting n _ 00.

6.6. M~/G,./l Queue and the Imbedded Markov Chain

The method of differential difference equations, deriving from the

backward equations of a birth-and-death process, can be used in queueing
theory only when both elements in the first two places of the Kendall
symbol are M. This is true because only in this case is it possible to analyze
the possible transitions according to the Poisson process scheme of axioms
of Section 5.3. As the preceding sections indicate, this can cover a consider-
able variety of queueing situations.
When one or the other of the first two places in the KendalI symbol is
M, another useful technique can be used, the method of the imbedded
Markov chain. In this section a general discussion is given of the M.,.jGI"/1.
It is assumed that the arrival process is Poisson with parameter A. The
service time is denoted by U and has distribution function B( x), density
function b(x)=B'(x), Laplace transform

and mean service interval

l/!L= -/3'(0),

with variance

v=/3"(O)- [/3'(O)t

Service times are assumed to be independently equidistributed.

As soon as a customer enters service, the probability of service termina-
tion begins to change, in contrast with the M service case, which exhibits no
aging. Whether the service distribution shows positive or negative aging, it is
incorrect to assume that the aging is constant, except in the special case
238 Cbapter6

It is therefore impossible to speak of the probability of a service

termination in time i1t, since this probability depends not only on tlt, but
also on how long the customer has been in service. One way around the
difficulty is to examine the queue only when a service has just finished, that
is, when aging is momentarily absent. Let the random variable Xn denote
the number in the system immediately after the nth departure from the
system. Consecutive values of Xn reflect one departure and a certain number
of arrivals. But the arrivals are assumed to be Poisson, and so the probabil-
ity of any given number of arrivals can be calculated.
Let qx denote the probability of x arrivals during a service period.
Then, conditional on a service period of length u, the distribution is by
defini tion Poisson:

for fixed u.

Therefore, averaging over the distribution of U,

qx=l , b(u)du. (21 )

The probability generating functiont of this distribution can be written


fJ(s)= ~ q)sJ





= 1o 00
e -XUHSUb( u) du

=,B[A(l-s )). (22)

The probabilities qx have already been discussed in some detail in

Section 3.9 (although without reference to the imbedded aspect), the transi-
tion matrix for the imbedded Markov chain written down, the states

tSee the footnote in Section 5.11.

The Theory of Queues 239

classified, and the solution to the stationary case obtained:

qo q, q2
qo q, q2
o qo q,
o 0 qo

leading to

O( s )( I - s )( I - p )
</>(S)= O(S)-S ' (23)

where </>( s) is the probability generating function of the equilibrium distri-

bution. The equilibrium distribution of the total number in an MIG I I
queue can be expressed directly in terms of the service distribution by a
small substitution:

</>( s) = _(I_-_s)-::-(1_-_p_)p-'7[A_(I_-_s-,,-)]
P[A(I -s)]-s
The student can verify that this formula is consistent with the M 1MI I,
result, that is, if

P(s)= +/L ,
/L s



The MIDI1 Queue

When each service period has exactly the same length (1 I/L),

b(x )=S(x-I//L),

a deterministic distribution, with Laplace transform

240 Chapter 6

</>(s)= l-seP(I-s)


=(l-s)(l-p) ~ SJeJp(l-s). (25)


To find values of Px it is necessary to expand the exponential in powers of s

and pick out the coefficient of sx. Note first that the first two values are
easy to find:
Po= l-p,


and the coefficient of SX is found to be (with the little algebraic attention to

__ ( x (-pJr-JePJ _ x-I (-PJr-J-lePJ)
Px-(l p) ~ (_.)' ~ (_._1)' ' x=2,3,4, ....
)=0 x } . )=0 x } .

This is a fairly complicated formula for a rather simple queueing situation:

Poisson arrivals, deterministic service, one server, equilibrium.
In the "bridge" case between deterministic and negative exponential
service, M/Ek/l, it is easy enough to write down the generating function,
but quite difficult to find a convenient expression for the probabilities.
Lacking good expressions for probabilities, it is natural that those
wishing to apply the theory should resort to consideration of the mean and
variance. This problem is considered in the following section.

6.7. The Pollaczek-Khintchine Formula

This well-known and useful formula expresses the mean number in the
system in equilibrium in terms of the mean and variance of the service time
The Theory of Queues 241

distribution. In order to obtain the formula, it is only necessary to differen-

tiate Eq. (23) of Section 6.6 and evaluate it at the value s= 1, but the work
requires two applications of L'Hopital's rule, and so the calculation needs to
be carefully organized. First, note that

O(1)=P(O)= 1,


Then, differentiating,

(I - p)[ -0 2 -sO' +S20' +0]

</>'(s) = 2 '
[ O( s) - s]

For the substitution s= 1, it is necessary to differentiate numerator and

denominator separately twice to reduce the zero-over-zero indeterminacy.
This yields the Pollaczek-Khintchine formula

E(X)= '(1)= 2p_p2 +J.?v (27)

</> 2(I -p) ,

which is often written in the formt


It is easy to see from this formula that the minimum mean number in
the system is achieved by setting the variance equal to zero, assuming a
fixed service rate. This means that the MIDI 1 queue yields less congestion
than any other MIG/I system.

An Alternative Proof
For the MIG/I queue, the service times form a renewal process when
service is taking place, and the arrivals occur at instants which have no
relationship to service. Therefore the distribution of the time from an arrival

tA slight variant of this form relates to the mean wai ting time rather than the mean number in
the system; see Section 6.R.
242 Chapter 6

to a service termination (assuming that someone is in service at the time of

arrival) is given by Theorem 4 of Section 5.10, and the moments of this
random variable, by the formula of Problem 22 of Section 5.15. In particu-
lar, the expected time from the arrival to the first service termination is
obtained by setting n = 2 in that formula and is

+ -2
expected residual service = v JL p,
2JL - I

where p is introduced as the probability that a customer is being served

when the arrival takes place, i.e., that the queue is not empty. (It is
important to realize that the formula Po = 1 - p does not depend on the
service distribution.) Let V be the time that the newly arrived customer must
wait before proceeding into service, and let Y be the number of customers
queueing, excluding the one being served. Then the expected value of V is
the sum of one expected residual service and Y times l/JL:

It is intuitively clear that in equilibrium E(y)=.\E(V), since the expected

number of arrivals in any period is the length of the period multiplied by
the arrival rate. t Therefore

The relationship between E(Y) and E(X), the total number in the system,
is not, as one might guess, E(X)=E(Y)+ I; this is true when the service is
occupied. Otherwise E(Y)=E(X). Thus

E(Y)=E( X)(l-p)+ [E( X)-I] p

=E(X)-p, (29)

which proves the Pollaczek-Khintchine formula.:j:

tThe validity of this formula is discussed in Section 6.8.

*The four versions of the formula, applying to the random variables X, Y, V, and W. vary
slightly; anyone of them might be called the Pollaczek-Khintchine formula.
The Theory of Queues 243

6.8. Waiting Time

This section begins the treatment of a second random variable associ-

ated with a queue, namely, the waiting time in the system. The waiting time
of a customer is defined to be the time beginning with arrival into the
system and ending with termination of service. The time is divided into two
parts by the instant at which service begins: The first part is called the
queueing time and the second, the service time. When the queue is empty on
arrival, and the service mechanism is also empty, the arrival proceeds
directly into service and therefore the queueing time is zero. Thus the
queueing time distribution is mixed discrete and continuous, with a discrete
component at the origin of magnitude equal to the probability that the
number in the system is zero (for an MIG II queue, 1- p). The distribution
of waiting time consists of the convolution of this mixed distribution with
the service time distribution.
Although the distributions of X, the number in the system, and W, the
waiting time in the system, are quite different, they are connected by a
simple formulat relating to the mean values:

E(X)=AE(W). (30)

The intuitive significance of the formula becomes clear by considering

the following argument leading to it. During time t in statistical equilibrium,
the expected number of arrivals to the system is At. With expected waiting
time E(W), the expected total waiting time brought into the system in time
1 is AIE( W). If the expected number present in the system is E( X), then the
expected amount of waiting time consumed in the interval of length t is
E( X)t. In equilibrium, the input of waiting time must equal its expenditure,
and so

lim AtE(W)= lim (X)I,

1---+00 1---+00

from which the formula follows.

Although the relationship between (X) and (W) must appear quite
obvious, and indeed nearly trivial, it has some interesting features: (i) It is

tThis formula is usually known as L=XW, where Land Ware the respective expectations.
There is an extensive literature on the subject: see, for example, Operations Research 9,
383-387(1961),15,1109-1116(1967); 17,915-917(1969); 18, 172-174(1970); 20,1115-1126
(1972); 20, 1127-1136 (1972); 22, 417-421 (1974).
244 Chapter 6

true for systems of very great generality, without specific assumptions as to

the input and service process. The exact degree of generality is discussed in
some references cited in the footnoted papers. (ii) It implies among other
things that the mean wait must be independent of such considerations as the
order of service, since the mean number in the system does not depend on
them. (iii) It yields a version of the Pollaczek-Khintchine formula for
expected waiting time simply by dividing Eq. (27) by ,\. (iv) It applies
equally to Y, the number queueing, and V, the time queueing:

E(Y)='\E(V); (31)

this provides an alternative proof of E(Y)=E(X)-p, since by definition

It is also possible to find a relatively simple relationship between the
random variables

X( t ) = number in the system at time t


Wn = waiting time of the nth customer

by using indicators. Let

In(t) = 1 if the nth customer is in the system at time t,

In(t)=O otherwise.


X( t ) = }: Ii t )


Finding the distribution of w" is a little more difficult and depends on

the type of queue under consideration. In this and the next section, several
examples will be given of arguments leading to the distribution of waiting
time and queueing time. The queueing time V is a mixed discrete and
The Theory of Queues 245

continuous variable, with continuous portion a(x), distribution function

A(x), and Laplace transform a(s).t The waiting time W= U+ V, where U is
the service time, has density c(x), distribution function C(x), and Laplace
transform y( s). Since a( x) represents only a portion of the probability for
the queueing time, it normalizes not to unity, but to P( X>O), which in the
MIG/1 case is p.
Consider first the M 1M11 queue in equilibrium. Suppose an arriving
customer is confronted with one customer being served and y customers
queueing, where y = 0, 1,2,. . .. Then the time this customer must queue
before proceeding into service is the sum of y negative exponential variables.
Thus, conditional on y, the distribution a(x) is

and since the number in the system is geometrically distributed with

parameter p, the continuous portion of the queueing distribution can be


a(x)= ~ (JLe-l'x)i*(I_p)pi


where the equilibrium assumption means that JL>A. The student can verify
that this normalizes to p. Taking into consideration the discrete component
at the origin of magnitude 1- p, the Laplace transform can be written


tThe transforms are Laplace transforms of the densities and Laplace-Stieltjes transforms of
the distribution functions.
246 Chapter 6

so that the Laplace transform of the waiting time is

y( s ) =p( s ) 0:( S )



Thus the waItmg time distribution is simply negative exponential with

parameter JL-;\. It is easy to verify that the relationship E(X)=;\E(W)
holds in this case.
Next, consider an M/G/I queue in equilibrium. Suppose a customer
finishes service and leaves X other customers in the system after he departs.
If his waiting time is W, then X is a Poisson random variable with
parameter;\W. Thus, lettingpx =P(X=x), as usual, and <p(s)=~Pjsj,

Px= lOe-AU(;\urc(u)du,
so that

=y[;\(I-s)] . (35)

Breaking down waiting time into queueing and service times,

<p(s )=O:[;\(I-s)] p[;\(I-s)], (36)

which yields the following expression for the waiting time transform in
terms of the service time transform and the probability generating function
for the number in the system:

( ) _ <p[(;\-s)/;\] (37)
0: s - p(s) .
The Theory of Queues 247

Substituting for <f>(s) the equilibrium value in terms of ,8[;\(l-s)] obtained

in Section 6.6 [Eq. (24)], the following result is obtained:

s(1- p)
a(s)= ;\,8(s)-;\+s' (38)


s,8( s )(1- p )
y(s)= ;\,8(s)-;\+s. (39)

It is, of course, easy to verify that these formulas give the correct answer in
the MIMII case.
A convenient form of a(s) can be obtained by considering the residual
service time when a customer enters the queue, that is, the time from his
entry, assuming there is service in process, until that service terminates. Let
the residual service time be denoted by fJ with Laplace transform ji(s).
Then, noting Theorem 4, Section 5.10,

a( s ) = _I_--::::p_
1- p,8 (s)


=(I - p) L (pji (s >Y . (40)


Thus the queuemg time distribution is conveniently represented in

terms of convolutions of the residual service time distribution. However, to
obtain an explicit form for the queueing time distribution may involve a
rather complicated Laplace inversion. For example, with aMID I I queue, it
is necessary to perform Laplace inversion of powers of

(41 )

(cf. Section 5.10, Theorem 5).

6.9. Virtual Queueing Time

The virtual queueing time V( t) is defined to be the queueing time

which would be experienced by a customer arriving at time t, whether or not
248 Chapter 6


Figure 2~ Virtual waiting time in a queue.

t is actually an arrival instant.1f there is an arrival at time t, V( t) is the

queueing time of that customer, but if there is no arrival at time t, V( t) is
the total unexpired service required to clear the queue present at time t,
namely, the sum of the service times of those queueing and the residual
service time of the customer presently in service.
For an MIGII queue, the methods of Section 6.8 are not appropriate
to the problem, since V( t) must be considered at instants which are neither
times of arrival or departure. Also, since aging in service is present (except
for the M 1M II case), the methods of Section 6.2 are unsuitable.
The solution to the problem of finding the distribution of queueing
time lies in a consideration of the differential properties of its graph, which
is shown in Fig. 2. Since the amount of work remaining in the system
decreases with time (except when the server is idle), the graph declines at a
45 angle, except at arrival instants, when an increment of service is added.
Using the notational system of Section 6.8, lett

A(x, t)=p(V(t)<x),

iSee the footnote in Section 5.11. Here the transform is with respect to x, not t.
The Theory of Queues 249

Then, considering the graph of V(t) at times t and t+~t, it is easy to see

A(x, t+~t)=(I-X~t)A(x+~t, t)+X~t

X j X+6.t .

The first term corresponds to the situation in which there is no arrival, and
the second term to the situation where there is an arrival. Thus the first
element M of the Kendall symbol is assumed. The equation is not as yet
in the proper form for transformation into a differential equation, simply
because the ~t is attached to one variable on the left side and a different
variable on the right. This can be remedied, however, by use of the mean
value theorem with respect to the variable x:

A(x+~t, t)=A(x, t)+ dx ~t+o(~t).

Substituting this value, it is now easy to form the following partial differen-
tial integral equation for A:

a a (x
atA(x, t)= axA(x, t)-XA(x, t)+X Jo A(x-u, t)b(u)du. (42)

In taking the Laplace transform of this equation with respect to the variable

x, it is necessary to remember [ef. Section 4.11, Eq. (37)] that in general
F(O + , t) O. The transformation yields the equation

ata(s, t)=sa(s, t)-sA(O+, t)-Xa(s, t)+a(s, t)f3(s). (43)

In equilibrium, the time derivative vanishes, leading to

sA(O+ )
a(s)= Xf3(s)-X+s. (44)

The value A(O +) = 1 - p is obtained by setting s = 0 in the equation and

evaluating the right side with the assistance of L'H6pital's rule, bearing in
mind that /3'(0) = - 1/JL.
250 Chapter 6

Thus in the MIG I I case the probability distribution for the virtual
queueing time is the same as that obtained for the actual queueing time. The
reason is easy to see: For in an MIG/I queue, arrivals, being "at random"
in accordance with a Poisson process, occur at instants which are "typical"
values of the virtual queueing time.

6.10. The Equation y = xe - x

The various properties of the curve y = xe - x which are shown in Fig. 3

are easy to establish by elementary calculus: a single maximum at (I, lie),
increasing from the origin to that point and decreasing from that point to
infinity. It follows that for values of y greater than lie, there are no real
values of x, and for values of y less than lie, there are two values of x:
x1<1 andx 2 >1.

Theorem 1. Ify<lleandy=xe-X, wherex<l, then

00 j-l
x= ~ ~yj. (45)
j=l J.

Proof. Let x='2. J=obj yj. Clearly bo=O, since y=x-X2+~X3_ ... ,
and if there were a constant term in the expansion of x, there would also be
one in the expansion of y: bo -b5 + ~ b6 -(l/3!)b6 + ... =boe -h o *0.

lie t------,,..,....


Figure 3. The curve y=xe '

The Theory of Queues 251


x= ~ bjyj.

Differentiate with respect to x,

1= ~ 'b, j- I dy
,~} JY dx'

Let r denote a positive integer;

-r_ ~ 'b j-r-I dy

y -,~} jY dx'

If j=l=r,
'-r- I dy _ 1 dyj-r
yJ - ----
dx - j-r dx

=_.I_!!'-[xj-r(A +A x+ .. . )],
} - r dx 0 I

and since x - I is not the derivative of any power of x, there is no term in

X-I. Ifj=r, the term in the expansion is rbry-Idy/dx, and since dy/dx=
y(l/x-I), the term is rbr(l/x-I). Thus the coefficient of l/x in the
expansion is rbr. Therefore jbj is the coefficient of 1/x in the expansion of
y - j in powers of x. But

00 (xj);
=x-j ~ .,
;=0 I.

} 'b,J }'j-I/( } '-1)'.,

which proves the theorem. 0

The student should examine the proof to see why it applies to the lesser
value of x rather than to the greater value.
252 Chapter 6

6.11. Busy Periods: Borel's Method

The discussion of queues has thus far dealt with two important random
variables: the number in the system and the waiting time. A third variable
of considerable practical importance is the duration of the busy period. This
variable, together with the duration of the idle period, characterizes the
operation of the system from the point of view of the server, rather than
from the point of view of the customer.
Two preliminary remarks are necessary. First, the idle period in an
MIGII queue is negative exponentially distributed with parameter A,
simply because it is terminated by an (Poisson) arrival instant. Second, the
busy period can be defined to be either discrete or continuous. The discrete
busy period is defined to be the number served between two consecutive idle
periods: random variable K, probability hx (x= 1,2,3, ... ), probability
generating function K( s). The continuous busy period is defined as the time
needed to serve these K customers: random variable L, density f(x)
(O<x<oo), Laplace transform (1(s).

The MID II Queue and Borel'st Method

Suppose a busy period begins with a single customer. Let n I be the
number of arrivals during the service period of this customer; then, by the
result given in Section 6.6, the probability generating function for n I is
,8 [A(l- s )], which in the constant service time case reduces to a Poisson
distribution with parameter p. Let the number of arrivals during the n l
service periods be n 2' Since the sum of Poisson variables is Poisson, the
distribution of n 2 is Poisson with parameter n l Continue this argument by
letting n3 be the number of arrivals during the n 2 service periods, so that its
distribution is again Poisson with parameter n 2 Suppose the process
terminates, that is, the busy period ends when for some k the n k service
periods contain no arrivals. Then the probability of a busy period contain-
ing exactly this configuration n I' n 2" . , n k is

t Emile Borel, French mathematician, 1871-1956. The work on the busy period distribution was
published during the German occupation of France. Could wartime conditions have contrib
uted a motive for studying queues?
The Theory of Queues 253

since the last factor represents the probability of no Poisson arrivals during
n k service periods. Note that K = 1 + n I + n 2 + ... + n k' so that the proba-
bility of this type of a busy period (that is, with n 1 following the first
customer, etc.) can be written

() K-l
~~p e -pK ,

where Q is a function of n I' n 2' ... , n k only and does not depend on the
value of p.
In order to find h x = P( K = x), it is necessary to sum all possible
expressions of this form, subject to the condition that K = 1+ ~n j' Rather
than bother with such complicated algebra, it will be equivalent to write

x= 1,2,3, ... (47)

and determine the coefficients Q x so that h x normalizes to unity (when

p< 1). Borel did this by integration in the complex plane. It is also possible
to use the result of Section 6.10 for the purpose. Let



00 1 00
h} 0 = 1= - ~
~ Qzi
} '
j=l P j=l


But the theorem of Section 6.10 shows that, when p< 1,

P =~J_zj
~ 0' . J.

Since a power-series expansion is unique, it follows that

h = ,
x _X_px-Ie-px
' x= 1,2,3, .... (48)

This expression is called Borel's distribution.

254 Chapter 6

The argument can easily be adapted to consideration of the over-

saturated case p> l. Everything proceeds just as in the equilibrium case
p< I until the assumption of normalization to unity. In this case, there is a
nonzero probability that the busy period will never terminate, say hoo' and
so the normalization must be

~ h)=l-h oo '

Let p' be the value < I such that

so that p' has the series expansion given in Section 6.10, withy=pe- p Then

I-h = -1 ~ QZl.
00 P 1


so that

hoo = I-p'/p. (49)

From this formula it is clear that when p= 1, hoo =0, and the Borel
distribution holds.
The student should show that the mean of the Borel distribution is
(1- p) -I and that the variance is p(1- p) -3.

The M/M/1 Queue and Borel's Method

There is no difficulty in modifying the Borel argument to fit the
M / M /1 case; indeed, there are fewer problems. The distribution of the
numbers of arrivals in a service period turns out to be geometric with
The Theory of Queues 255

parameter p/(l +p). The student should show this, either directly or by
substitution into the M / G/ I result of Section 6.6. Thus the probability of,
for example, n 2 arrivals during n I services will be of the negative binomial

( n2+nl-I)(_1 )n,(_p )n" (50)

n2 I+p I+p

leading to a distribution of the form

h = p Q . (51 )
x (l+p)2x-1 x

For the normalization argument, and those which follow, it is necessary to

invert not the difficult function y = xe - x, but the much simpler function
y= (I + x)2 .

This function enjoys the same necessary properties: increasing to a maxi-

mum at x = I and then decreasing. Inverting the function merely involves
solving a quadratic equation and everything proceeds nicely. The attentive
student will note, however, that the Qx have already been found in Section
1.12 and the discrete busy period distribution is, for the equilibrium case,
the Catalan distribution given in that section [Eq. (27)]. The analysis of the
oversaturated case p> I is also not difficult, using the properties of the
analogous number p', defined by

p p'

The student should confirm that pp'= I and hence that


A comparison of the Borel distribution (for M / D / I) with the Catalan

distribution (for M / M / I) shows a rather interesting difference between the
busy period random variable and the other two random variables which
have been discussed. Since the Catalan and Borel distributions have the
same mean value, there appears to be no advantage from the point of view
256 Chapter 6

of busy periods in regular service over negative-exponential service. How-

ever, the mean values of queue length and queueing time (and waiting time)
are all smaller in the MIDI I case than in the M 1M11 case.
What is the situation of these three random variables with respect to
variance in the two cases?

6.12. The Busy Period Treated as a Branching Process: The M / G/1


It is probably clear that the numbers of customers denoted by

n I' n 2' n 3 ... in Borel's proof are identical with the generations which were
defined in Section 3.12 in connection with branching processes. In explicit
terms, each customer arriving during the service time of another customer is
considered as a "descendant" of the one being served. The basic quantity,
the distribution of number of arrivals during a service period, which was
denoted by bx with probability generating function f3( s) in Chapter 3, is in
this chapter denoted by qx' with probability generating function 8(s). Thus,
for an MIMII queue, 8(s)=[1 +p(1-S)]-I, geometric with parameter
pl(l +p), and for an MID/l queue, 8(s)=e- P + Ps , Poisson with parameter
p. In both these cases the mean is p, so that the limit of generation size is
In terms of branching chains, the queueing busy period problem is to
find the probability distribution for the total number of descendants of a
single progenitor. Referring to the discussion of nested generating functions
given in Section 3.12 and Problem 37, Section 3.17, it is only necessary to
substitute the random variable 1 + XI + X 2 + ... + X N for the random varia-
ble XI + X2 + ... + XN to see that the total number of descendants (or
customers in a busy period) up to and including the nth generation has a
probability generating function Kn( s) satisfying


The condition p< 1 guarantees the existence of the limit

lim Kn(S )=K(S).

/1---+ 00

Using an argument completely analogous to that of Section 3.13 (for the

probability of extinction), the required probability generating function for
The Theory of Queues 257

the number of customers in the discrete busy period must satisfy


The MjDjl Queue

K( s) =se -P+PK(S),

leading to
pK(s)e -pK(S) = pse -P,

which by Section 6.10 yields


which is the probability generating function of the Borel distribution.

The M I M II Queue
K(S )=s[1 +p-pK(S)] -I,

leading to the quadratic

with the solution

1 { 1+p-+-
K(S)= 2p _ [ (I +p) 2 -4ps ] 1/2} , (56)

which, as shown in Section 1.11, is the probability generating function of

the Catalan distribution.
Returning to the MIG/I case, it has been shown in Section 6.6 that a
simple relationship exists between B( s) and f3( s); therefore K( s) satisfies the
following functional equation:


The mean discrete busy period for this queue can be shown to agree
with that for the M1M11 and MIDI 1 queues, either by differentiation or
by the following direct argument.
258 Chapter 6

Consider an entire cycle from the instant when the system becomes
empty to the next instant when it becomes empty. This cycle consists of one
busy period and one idle period for the server. In this context "busy period"
means, of course, "continuous busy period." The time spent in equilibrium
in the two states, busy and idle, will be proportional to the probabilities that
the server is busy or idle, and these, from Section 6.6, are respectively p and
I-p. Furthermore, the expected length of the idle period must be I/A,
since it is the mean of a negative exponentially distributed random variable
with parameter A. Thus the mean length of the continuous busy period Q

I/A I-p'

so that

Q=1. _I_
lL I-p'

or, for the discrete busy period, the mean will be


6.13. The Continuous Busy Period and the MIGI1 Queue

Although closely connected with the discrete busy period, the continu-
ous busy period L has a less convenient distribution, even in the simplest
cases. For example, in the M / M / I case, the distribution f( x) of L involves
Bessel functions. It is not difficult, however, to derive a functional equation
in the Laplace transform a(s) of the continuous busy period distribution,
which is similar to Eq. (44) of Section 4.13.
The argument begins with conditioning on a fixed value U for the
service time of the first arriving customer, and then on a fixed value j for the
number of customers arriving during u. The distribution of u is b(x), and
that of j is Poisson with parameter AU. With these quantities fixed, the
length of the busy period equals the combined lengths of each of the j busy
periods induced by the j arrivals. This means that the busy period distribu-
tion, conditional on j and u, is the j-fold convolution of f(x) with itself.
The Theory of Queues 259

However, since x must be at least as large as u, the argument must be x - u.

Thus the distribution of L can be written

Ji'(x-U), conditional onj and u,

00 (AU)i
_.,_ e -AU'ji'( X_U), conditional on u,
)=0 J.

or, unconditionally,

f(x)= 1o b(u) ~ -.,-e-Aup(x-u)du.

00 (AUY


This equation, like so many other similar ones, can best be unraveled
with the assistance of a Laplace transform. Since the transform of fi. is aJ,
the transform of Ji'(x-u) is e-USai(s). Therefore

a(s)= ~

)=0 0

= 1000
exp[ -US-UA+UAa(s)]b(u)du

=,8[S+A-Aa(s)] , (59)

a fairly simple functi.onal equation. Nevertheless, the direct solution must be

deferred to the following section,t where some more general theory will be
developed. Meanwhile, the student should verify the special cases M I Mil
and MIDI 1 as follows.
The techniques of solution in these cases are exactly the same as
already encountered in dealing with the discrete busy period: namely, the
quadratic formula and the Lagrange series, Eq. (45). The results are fairly
easy to confirm: For the MIMII case,

tHowever,students familiar with the Lagrange series [see WHIITAKER, E. T. and WATSON, G.
N. (1927), A Course of Modern Analysis, 4th ed., Cambridge University Press, pp. 132-133)
may be able to obtain the solution directly.
260 Chapter 6

the transform of which yields a Bessel function for f( x), and in the MIDI I

(61 )

which transforms into

I 00 ' j - I
f{x}=- ~ ~pje-pj8{x-jlp.). (62)
P j=1 J.

Thus, as would be expected in an MIDI 1 queue, the distribution of the

continuous busy period is hardly "continuous," being concentrated at the
lattice points which are multiples of the mean service time lip..

6.14. Generalized Busy Periods

This section is concerned with two ways to generalize the basic busy
period distributions h x and f( x), a discrete generalization and a continuous
generalization. Each of the ways of generalizing has some interesting
applications, and each may be applied either to h x or to f( x). Table 6.1 on
p. 228 will help to keep the terminology and notation clear.
Discrete generalization with parameter r, r= 1, 2, 3, .... It is assumed that
the busy period begins not with a single customer, but with an accumulation
of r customers in the system. Thus the basic busy periods are obtained by
setting r= 1.
Continuous generalization with parameter T, O<T< 00. It is assumed
that there is an initial period of duration T during which customers accu-
mulate and wait but are not served. Then the busy period begins with the
number of customers who have arrived during T as the value of r for the
discrete generalization. It is not correct, however, to assume that the basic
busy period distributions would be obtained by setting T=O (or any other
value), since the basic busy periods are started not after any particular
length of time, but rather when the first arrival occurs.
The discussion deals first with discrete busy period distributions (both
generalizations) and then with continuous busy period distributions (both
The Theory of Queues 261

In both cases, however, it is the discrete generalization which provides

the key to the continuous generalization, because the continuous generaliza-
tion for a Poisson input queue requires only that the discrete generalization
be weighted with the number of customers arriving during time 'T, and this
will be Poisson distributed.

The Discrete Busy Period

For the discrete generalization, beginning with r in the system, let h r:

denotet the probability that the busy period will consist of x customers,
x=r, r+ I, r+2, ... , and let 7TJAt) denote the Poisson probabilities with
parameter At, that is, the probability of x arrivals to the system in time t.

Theorem 1. For a MIGII queue,


Proof (Tanner's* Combinatorial Proof). In order for there to be x

customers in a busy period, exactly x - r arrivals must take place during the
x service periods constituting the busy period, and these arrivals must be so
placed in the service times that the queue does not become empty before the
end of the x service periods. The first probability (of exactly x-r arrivals) is
given by the integral in the formula, and so it remains to show that the
probability that these arrivals occur in such a way that the queue never
becomes empty before the elapse of x service periods is rIx. This means that
the total number in the system at the end of the xth service time must be
less than it has ever been before, and this simple observation is the key to
the argument.
Consider a particular pattern of arrivals, say a I arrivals in the first
service time, a 2 arrivals in the second, and so forth. This particular pattern
will be considered together with x-I other patterns formed by permuting
the pattern cyclically, that is,

t Why is this distribution actually the r-fold convolution of h)

*John Tanner, English mathematician, 1927-
262 Chapter 6

together with

The proof of the theorem consists in now showing that exactly r of each
group of x patterns is "admissible" (i.e., leads to a busy period of x
customers), assuming that the total number of arrivals is x - r.
The situation for x = 10, r= 3 is shown in Fig. 4, and the proof is keyed
to that figure. In order to obtain all the cycles, the original pattern is
assumed to be repeated once; then beginning with each of the first x service
periods is equivalent to considering each of the x cycles. It is convenient to
start with a queue of n (a large number) to illustrate all the cycles, since all

I 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 II 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20
0 2 0 I 2 0 0 I I 0 2 0 0 I 2 0 I I

n-I -- f--- - --

Figure 4. Pattern of arrivals and departures from a queue. The upper row of numbers
represents the service times, the lower row, the number of arrivals during a service
time. Arrows indicate admissible patterns. Adapted from TANNER, 1. C. (1961), "A
derivation of the Borel distribution," Biometrika 48, pp. 222-224.
The Theory of Queues 263

that need be shown is whether or not a cycle ends with a smaller number in
the system than ever before.
It is clear that at the beginning of the (x+ l)st service, the number in
the system must be n - r, since there have been x - r arrivals and x
completed services. Similarly, at the beginning of each service period in the
second half of the pattern, the number in the system is just r less than it was
x services earlier.
Therefore, since the number of steps down is exactly r during the first
half of the pattern, it is exactly r during the second half, and must on
exactly r occasions take on a value lower than any previous value at the
beginning of a service period. D
This concludes the proof of the theorem by Tanner's combinatorial
method. In the special cases M1MI I and MIDI I, proofs similar to Borel's
proof (Section 6.11) can be constructed, except for the evaluation of the
coefficients, which must then be done, as Borel did, by integration in the
complex plane, rather than by use of Section 6.10. These special results are
given in the following theorems; the proofs, specializing Theorem I, are left
as exercises for the student.

Theorem 2 (Borel-Tanner Distribution). For an MIDII queue,

x=r, r+ I, r+2, .... (64)

Theorem 3. For an MIMII queue.,

r(2X-r-l) px-r
h r *= - x=r, r+ l,r+2, .... (65)
x X x-I (l+p)2x-r'

Turning now to the continuous generalization, suppose a time T has

elapsed without service starting and then the service mechanism begins to
operate and produces a discrete busy period of x. First, in contrast to the
discrete generalization, there is a Ronzero probability of a zero busy period,
corresponding to the probability that there are no arrivals during 'T, namely.
e ->..~. The following theorems are not difficult to prove and are left as
exercises for the student.
264 Chapter 6

Let the distribution of the continuous generalization be h x( T). Then the

relationship between h x( T) and h~* is given as follows.

Theorem 4. For an MIG II queue,

x e-~T(ATY .
hAT)= ~ ., h{*, x= 1,2,3, ... ,
)=1 J.

Theorem 5. For an MIGII queue,

x=1,2,3, ... ,

The proof consists simply in applying Theorem 1 to Theorem 4.

Theorem 6. For an MIDII queue,

x= 1,2,3, ... ,

Theorem 7. For an MIMII queue,

x= 1,2,3, ... ,

Note. Evaluation of this transformation leads to a rather complicated

function, a modified Bessel function of the third kind.

Continuous Busy Periods

For the discrete generalization based on an accumulation of r customers
before service begins, the continuous busy period distribution, like the
The Theory of Queues 265

discrete busy period distribution, is obviously a convolution of the basic

busy period distribution and can therefore be written r*(x). It is not
difficult to express r"(x) in terms of bj"(x) using Tanner's combinatorial

Theorem 8. For an MIGII queue,

00 (;\ y-r
r*(x)= ~ ~ .x e-Axbj*(x). (70)
j=r] (]-r)!
Proof. The first term of this series represents the probability that there
are no arrivals during the time required to serve the r accumulated customers,
multiplied by the length of the r service periods. It is thus the value of I ro( x)
conditional on no arrivals in the first r service periods. The same remark,
reading j arrivals in place of no arrivals, holds for the jth term, with the
additional factor r Ij being the probability that the arrival pattern is
admissible in the sense of Tanner's combinatorial argument. 0

Corollary 1. The solution to the functional equation (59) of Section

6.13 is
00 1-1
I(x)= ~ ~(;\X)l e-Axb1*(x). (71 )
j=1 ] .

Now, let the continuous generalization of the continuous busy period,

that is, the time to finish a busy period started by an accumulation of
customers during time T, have a distribution denoted by I( x, T).

Theorem 9. For an MIGII queue, I(x, T) is a mixed discrete and

continuous distribution with


Proof. The discrete portion of this distribution is obvious and clearly

corresponds to hoe T). The continuous portion is obtained from the formula

266 Chapter 6

This formula is quite analogous to the statement of Theorem 4, except for

the fact that the upper limit of summation is infinity, rather than x. The
reason for the change is that, beginning with} in queue, no less than} can be
served in a busy period, but beginning with an elapse of time 7, there is no
lower limit on the number which can be served in the busy period and,
therefore, no upper limit on n. Substituting the value of r*(x) given by
Theorem 8 into this formula yields a double sum involving various convolu-
tions of b( x). Collecting the terms involving the nth convolution, it can be
seen without too much trouble that the coefficient of bn *( x) is

which can be simplified to yield

which is equivalent to the statement of the theorem. 0

There is not much profit in investigating the special cases M 1MI I and
MID II into Theorems 8 and 9, since the results do not simplify to any
significant degree. For the MIMII case, however, Theorem 8, with r= 1,
does specify as an infinite series the Bessel function mentioned in Section
6.13. Also, the student would find it instructive to show that the expression
for f( x) in the MIDI 1 case does agree with the similar result from Theorem
8. Hint: For any function Q(x), the functions Q(x)8(x-p) and Q(p)
8(x-p) are identical.

Theorem 10. For an MIG/l queue, the Laplace transform a(s, 7) of

f( x, T) can be expressed in terms of a( s) by the formula

a( s, 7) = e -,"+;\TO(S). (73)


which gives the result. o

The Theory of Queues 267

Note. In the terminology of Section 4.7, the f(x, T) distribution is

obtained by Poisson-mixing (parameter AT) the f(x) distribution.

6.15. The GjMjl Queue

Up to this point the emphasis has been on queues with Poisson arrival
processes. The reasons for this approach are two: (i) In the largest categories
of applications, the assumption provides a good model for reality. Arrivals
to a queue are often uncontrolled-they appear from no organized pool and
can be well approximated by a Poisson stream. (ii) By treating queues of
this type, it has been possible to illustrate a number of the basic techniques:
differential difference equations, imbedded Markov chains, branching
processes, transforms and generating functions, and so forth. By the judi-
cious application of these techniques, it is possible to solve many other types
of queueing configurations suggested by practical problems.
In some respects, the queue with Kendall symbol GI Milt is an image
of MIG I I, but it has one striking difference: The equilibrium probabilities
for the imbedded Markov chain of the number of customers in the system
are geometric, independent of the input distribution. The interarrival as-
sumptions, in fact, determine only the value of the geometric parameter. In
order to show this, it is necessary to go through the usual steps of defining
and solving the imbedded chain.
In a GI Mil queue, the aging takes place between one arrival and
another, and so the regeneration points are instants when a customer
arrives. Suppose the interarrival density function is d( x) with Laplace
transform c5(s) and mean -c5(O) = I/A. Analogously to the qx of Section 6.6,
let rx denote the probability of x service terminations during one interarrival
gap, assuming that the server is never free during this period. This expression
in italics is unnecessary in the MIG/l definition of qx by definition, and
the lack of exact symmetry between the cases first appears here. Let the
probability generating function of the rx be 1/(5). Then it is easy to express
1/(s) in terms of c5(s):

(pt r
=i0 oo --e-P.td(t)dt
x! '
so that

tSome authors use Gt in place of G; this renewal process is also called "Palm input."
268 Chapter 6

The student should check carefully to see where the italicized assumption is
required in this calculation.
In writing the transition matrix for the imbedded chain, every element
can be expressed as one of the 'x' except for those in the first column. The
reason for this is simply that a transition from any value x to zero represents
a period (between one arrival and the next) which contains a certain time
when the queue is empty, and so violates the italicized condition. Neverthe-
less, these probabilities can be filled in simply by assuming normalization of
rows to unity. The student, taking into consideration these principles,
should show that the transition matrix can be written


0 0

~Ij 'I '0 0 0


~Ij '2 'I '0 0


Before writing down and solving for the equilibrium probabilities defined
by this matrix, it is first necessary to take a small excursion. Consider 'x as a
probability distribution. The mean value is easily calculated:

Thus, for the equilibrium condition p< 1, the mean is > 1, and the result of
Section l.l3 shows that the equation

has a unique root < 1. Let this root be denoted by r

Theorem 1. With the definitions given above, the matrix has stationary
vector (l-Ot x , x=O, 1,2, ....
The Theory of Queues 269

Proof. t It is carried out by substitution into the equations defining the

stationary vector. The first equation would be

=(l-nh +ril +n+r3(1 +~+~2)+ ... ]

=(l-nh +(I-~2h +(I-~3h + ... ]

= 1-1)(n


Similarly, for the xth equation,


Px = ~ P/j-x+l


=(l-n ~ ~j'j-X+l

=(l-n ~ ~j+X-l'j


=(l-n~x-l ~ ~j'j

Theorem 2. The asymptotic waiting time distribution is the following
mixed discrete and continuous distribution:

Proof. The proof is left as an exercise. [Note the difference between the
impulse function 8( x) in this theorem and the similarly designated Laplace
transform 8(s).] 0
tWith considerably more difficulty, it is possible to prove this by "discovering" the geometric
probabilities, rather than by verifying them.
270 Chapter 6

This completes the treatment of queues which is based on combinations

of the Kendall symbol. Although many of the basic techniques have been
covered, it must be obvious that there are many types of queues which have
been neglected. In the remainder of this chapter, three important queueing
variants are treated: one altering arrival pattern, one changing service
policy, and the third reversing queueing order. These give a small sample of
how the basic techniques are used to solve the wide variety of queueing
problems suggested by physical situations.

6.16. Balking

The name balkiI?-g is applied to the input to a queue in which a

customer on arrival makes a decision whether or not to join the queue,
depending on his evaluation of whether the queue is too long or not. It is
assumed that, observing the total number in the system X( t), the customer
compares this value with another integer X', which is the longest queue he is
willing to tolerate. If X(tX', he balks, that is, he goes away and does not
return, while if X(t)$X', he joins the queue and waits for service. It is
furthermore assumed that the values of X' are distributed in the client
population by means of some probability distribution

gx =p( X'=x),

This is called the balking distribution.

With this model it is not difficult to build up the differential difference
equations for an M / M /1 queue. Consider terms corresponding to: (i) no
arrivals and no departures in At, (ii) one departure in At, (iii) one arrival
who joins, and (iv) one arrival who balks. Let the parameter ;.\ refer to the
rate of arriving at the queue, including both those who join and those who
balk. Then, with the usual argument,

Px(t+ At)= [1- (;.\ +p,) At] p) t) + P,Px+ l(t) At

x=I,2,3, ... , (75)

The Theory of Queues 271

It is naturally assumed that no customer will balk at a completely

empty system, i.e., Ho = I.
This leads to the system

pb( t ) = - >.. Po( t ) + Jl PI ( t ),

x= 1,2,3, ... ,

which, in equilibrium, gives the recurrence relation

x= 1,2,3, ... ,

with solution


cx = II
Hj ,

Example 1 (Geometric Balking). Let




so that
272 Chapter 6

where t

Example 2 (Deterministic Balking). In some systems each customer has

exactly the same value of X', say, the constant M. Then gM = I and

x=O, I, ... , M,

x=M+ I, M+2, M+3, ....


e, = I, x=O, I, ... , M+ I,

ex =0, x=M+2, M+3, M+4, ... ,

so that

Po= l_pM+2


_ x I-p
Px -p I -pM+2' x=O, I, ... , M+ 1.

It is easy to see in this example that the geometric distribution of X for

an M / M / I queue (Section 6.4) results when M ~ 00. With respect to
parameters, it is important to note that since A is not the joining rate,
p = A/ Jl is not the true ratio of arrivals to departures. This true rate is in fact
the product of p with the probability of joining, that is,

It is left as an exercise for the student to discuss generating functions,

means, and variances. In particular, show that for deterministic balking, the

t This kind of a function is known as a false theta function.

The Theory of Queues 273

mean number in the system in equilibrium is

p(l- pM+ I )-(1- p)( M + l)pM+2

(1 - p )( 1 - pM + 2 )

This too yields the classical result when M ~ 00.

Balking is an example of a structural variant in queueing theory which
relates to the entry process. It is not too difficult to think of various other
assumptions which might be appropriate in specific circumstances, for
example, periods when entry is forbidden. However, in general, the arrival
process is relatively out of the control of the engineer, while the service
process is more subject to application of policy. It is therefore in variants of
service that useful applications can be most often found. Some of these
possibilities are discussed in the following section.

6.17. Priority Service

A number of interesting and useful variations in the service mechanism

of a queue are comprised under the general heading of priority service. The
priority classes may be intrinsic to the customers in some way, or they may
be assigned by a manager of the queueing system in an effort to reduce, for
example, overall delay.
Priority disciplines are classified first as being either preemptive or
head-of-the-line. Preemptive service means simply that an arrival of highert
priority than the customer being served proceeds immediately into service,
while head-of-the-line means that the customer in service is permitted to
finish his service before the mechanism is turned over to the higher-priority
customer. Preemptive systems are further classified as repeat or resume,
depending on whether a preempted customer does or does not lose the
service already acquired before preemption.
There are other servicing systems which might be considered to be
examples of priorities. The student wishing to pursue the question of
priorities, using essentially the techniques developed here, is referred to the
books of Jaiswal or Cohen.:j:

t Itis customary to assign the number I to the highest priority class, 2 to the second highest,
etc. This can lead to curious locution: for class r is "higher" than class r+ I.
*JAISWAL, N. K. (1969), Priority Queues, Academic Press, New York; COHEN J. W. (1969), The
Single Server Queue, American Elsevier, New York.
274 Chapter 6

The present section contains a typical result, the mean queueing time
for the priority classes of an M / G/1 queue. The calculation of the exact
probabilities is not really difficult, but in many realistic queueing situations,
information on expected values is all that is needed, and this is usually
found by a direct argument, such as the one given here.
Consider a queue with priority classes 1,2, ... , N, with arrival rates for
the various classes A" A2 , ... , AN' service time distributions b,(x),
b2 ( x), ... , b N ( x), mean values 1/IL" 1/ 1L2' . ' 1/IL N' and queueing times
V" V2 , , VN The problem is to express E( Vk ) in terms of the other
quantities. It is clear, first of all, that the queueing time is composed of three
parts for a head-of-the-line system, namely, (i) the residual service of the
customer already in service, if there is one, (ii) the time to service all
customers of equal or higher priority who are already in the queue, and (iii)
the time to service all customers of higher priority who arrive before the
customer of priority k can enter service.
Let the mean residual service time be denoted by n. Then, since there is
no contribution to E(Vk ) when the service mechanism is idle, the residual
service conditional on the customer in service being of priority j is given by

according to the results of Section 5.10, where Bj is the distribution function

corresponding to bi" Now the probability of an item of priority j being in
service is the product of the arrival rate Aj and service rate 1/IL j' which will
be denoted by Pj. Therefore

It is worthwhile at this stage to consider the distributions and parame-

ters as they relate to the queue as a whole, disregarding the priorities. It is
first obvious that the total arrival rate is A=A, +A 2 + ... +A N . Further-
more, the service time distribution is given by

The Theory of Queues 275

Hence the mean service time is

- =}:: ~ Pj'
P. j=l

and n can be written in the form


Next, consider the second component of E(Vk ), the service times of all
customers in queue of priorities 1,2, ... , k. The expected number of customers
of priority j queueing, by Section 6.8, is AjE( J-j), and the expected service
time of such a customer is 1/p. j. Therefore the contribution of these
customers to E(Vk ) is
~ PjE{J-j).

Finally, the expected number of arrivals of priority j higher than k

during the queueing time of a customer of priority k is AjE(Vd, and the
time to service such an arrival is 1/p.j. Thus the contribution of category
j<k to E(Vk ) is
E(Vk ) ~ Pj

Combining these terms gives the recurrence equation

Beginning with k= 1, this equation can be solved successively to yield

and so forth.
276 Chapter 6

The general formula

can be verified by the student (using, for example, mathematical induction).

It would also be worthwhile to confirm that neither of the denominator
factors can become negative. Why does the letter N not enter into this
The analysis of preemptive priorities is simpler with respect to the
queueing time, since ~=O, but more complex with respect to the duration of
service, since the service period may be interrupted repeatedly. These
systems are discussed by White and Christie. t

6.18. Reverse-Order Service (LIFO)

Another important variation in servicing procedure is to serve the most

recent arrival first; this is called LIFO (last in, first out). An example
would be an inventory where new items are added to the pile and removed
as needed from the top. Another would be an in-basket, where jobs are
taken from the top for attention. The analysis of LIFO queues is particu-
larly simple in terms of the results of Section 6.14.
As with other service-order permutation problems, the important quan-
tity is waiting time, since the number in the system and the busy period are
not affected. To indicate reverse-order service, the superscript R will be
used: aR(s) for the Laplace transform of the queueing time distribution.
This transform will now be expressed in terms of o-(s), the transform of the
continuous busy period, for an MIGII queue.
First note that if the queue is empty, which has probability I - p, there
is no wait, and so the transform has a term 1 - p. Assuming then that the
queue is occupied when the customer arrives, the wait will consist of two
parts: the residual service time of the customer in service and the continuous
busy period induced by that residual service time. Suppose the residual time
is fixed at the value T. Under this condition, the transform of the queueing
time consists of the two factors e -ST (for the residual service) and e ->"T+>"TC7(S)
(for the continuous busy period induced by T), according to Theorem 10 of

tWHITE, H., and CHRISTIE, L. S. (1958), "Queuing with preemptive priorities or with break-
down," Operations Research 6, 79-95.
The Theory of Queues 277

Section 6.14. The distribution of 7" is denoted by b(x), so that the uncondi-
tional transform of the queueing time can be written, for the case where the
service is occupied on arrival,


Evaluating this integral as a Laplace transform if of b and making allowance

for the empty server case gives the compact result

exR(S)= 1- p+ if [s+X -X(J(s)]. (82)

By Theorem 4 of Section 5.10,

if (s ) = 1!:.s [ I - f3( s )] ,

so that

R _ X[I-f3(s+X-X(J(s))]
ex (s) - I - p + s + X- X(J( S )

Using Eq. (59) of Section 6.13, the numerator can be simplified, giving the

R _ X[I-(J(s)]
ex (s) - I - p + S + X- X(J( s) . (83)

The student should show that for the M / M / I case, this reduces to


In comparing this result for a LIFO queue with the corresponding

result (Sections 6.8 and 6.9) for a FIFO ("first in first out") queue, it is
interesting to see that the means are equal, while the LIFO variance is
greater than the corresponding FIFO variance. The proof will be given for
the means, and the student with considerable time at his disposal may
278 Chapter 6

follow the same general pattern of argument for the variances. It is

convenient to define

U=A+s-AO'(s ),

so that

O'(s )=,B( U)


ds =1-AO"(s).

Then, differentiating the generating function a R ( s) gives

daR(s) A du
-d-'-s-'-= u2 ds [,B(u)-u,B'(u)-l].

This equation must be evaluated at the point s=O. Since 0"(0) is minus the
continuous busy period mean, given in Section 6.12 as

p. I-p'

it follows that

Therefore the LIFO mean queueing time is given by

-A . ,B(u)-u,B'(u)-l
.... o u
2 '

and two applications of L'Hopital's rule give the simple form

.!. _A_,B"(O), (84)

2 I-p

a form corresponding to the Pollaczek-Khintchine formula for the random

variable Y.
The Theory of Queues 279

Recommendations for Further Study

Cooper (1972) gives an elementary treatment of queueing theory,
covering many of the problems discussed here and at about the same level
of mathematical sophistication. A number of special topics in the theory can
be found in this book.
The excellent small monograph by Cox and Smith (1961) treats many
of the topics covered in this chapter with minimal though elegant mathe-
matics. A number of applications are mentioned, with a short chapter on
machine interference.
Takacs (1962) in one of the earliest books on queueing theory provides
a comprehensive but often difficult mathematical treatment of the subject as
it appeared 20 years ago. The companion volume (Takacs, 1967) displays
ingenious combinatorial methods for treating queueing problems, as well as
other stochastic processes.
Fortunately, the best book on queueing theory is also one of the most
comprehensive, Kleinrock (1975). The author manages to treat a variety of
queueing situations in a manner designed to bring out ideas and technique,
without going into every possible variant with its own characterization.
Nearly every topic covered in this chapter will have its counterpart in the
Kleinrock volume, which contains a great deal of additional material.
The small monograph by Newell (1971) attempts to "turn queueing
theory around and point it toward the real world" by providing useful
approximations for realistic problems.
CoOPER, ROBERT B. (1972), Introduction to Queueing Theory, Macmillan, New York.
Cox, D. R. and SMITH, WALTER L. (1961), Queues, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
KLEINROCK, LEONARD (1975), Queueing Systems, Val. 1: Theory, John Wiley and Sons, New
NEWELL, GORDON (\971), Applications of Queueing Theory, Chapman and Hall, London.
TAKACS, LAJOS, (1962), Introduction to the Theory of Queues, Oxford University, New York.
TAKACS, LAJos, (1967), Combinatorial Method in the Theory of Stochastic Processes, John Wiley
and Sons, New York.

6.19. Problemst

I. Find the distribution of the number of arrivals in n service periods, both for- the
MjMjl and MjDjl queues.

tproblem 17 is taken from Lindley (1965) (see p. 132), with kind permission of the publisher.
280 Chapter 6

2. Consider a queue in which arrivals and departures are dependent on the number
in the system, specifically that A and /L are replaced by Ax and /Lx when there are
a number x in the system. Show that equilibrium exists only if the series

converges. Consider the special cases: (i) Ax =A/(x+ 1), /Lx =/L. This would
indicate a queue where new arrivals are discouraged by large numbers in the
system, rather similarly to balking. Show that the equilibrium distribution is
Poisson. (ii) Ax =A, /Lx =x/L for x<N, /Lx =N/L, for x~N. This means that there
are N servers. Obtain the equilibrium distribution for the number in the system.
3. In Problem 2, let A, =pxA, x~O, O<p< 1 and /Lx =/L. (i) Find the equilibrium
probability Px of x customers in the systems in terms of Po. (ii) Evaluate Po.
4. In an M 1M11 queue, there are only two waiting places available; when these
are filled, arrivals are permanently lost. The person in service does not occupy
one of the waiting places. Define the states of the system; obtain the equilibrium
equations for the state probabilities; find the probability generating function,
and by differentiation of this function obtain the mean value of the number in
the system.
5. Consider an MIM/I queue with

Ax=O, x>n,

(i) Find explicitly the equilibrium probabilities for the number in the system in
terms of A, /L, and n. (ii) Show that the expected number in the system is
6. For an MIMln queue, find (i) the expected number queueing, (ii) the probabil-
ity that all servers are occupied, (iii) the probability that there will be someone
queueing, (iv) the mean queueing time for those who queue, (v) the mean
queueing time for all arrivals, and (vi) the probability that x servers are busy.
7. In an MIG/oo queue, the service is empty at time zero. Show that the
probability of x departures in [0, t) is Poisson with parameter
1be Theory of Queues 281

8. Invert a(s) for the MIDII case to obtain

where [x 1denotes the largest integer :5 x.

9. Find the interdeparture Laplace transform for the MIG/I queue, and verify
that it is consistent with the M1M11 result given in Section 6.4.
10. Use the following example to show that the equilibrium distribution of an
imbedded process may not agree with the continuous time equilibrium distri-
bution if the points are not regeneration points. In an M1M11 queue, consider
instants at which a transition takes place. Then the probability of a jump up is
A/(A+J') and that of a jump down is J'I(A+P.). Write down the transition
matrix and show that the equilibrium distribution is

Po=!(I-p ),

p\ =!(I-p)(I+p)pX-I, x= 1,2,3, ....

11. Use the following outline to given an alternate proof for the probability
generating function result of Section 6.6. Let Xn be the number in the system at
the end of the nth service, and let Nn be the number of arrivals in the nth
service. Show that Xn+ 1 =Xn -~(Xn)+Nn+I' where~(x)= l,x>Oand ~(x)=O,
x:50. Form

and using the independence of XII and N,,, express this in terms of </>II(S) and
8(s). Pass to the limit as n-+ 00.

12. Show that the equilibrium mean number in the M1MIn system is

p+ , .
13. Consider an MIG/I system in which no queue is allowed to form. When the
server is occupied, incoming customers are lost. There are two counters for the
server, and when both are empty, customers are sent to counter A with
probability P and to counter B with probability I-p. At each counter the
service is negative exponential with parameters 2J'p and 2J'(1-p), respectively.
(i) Solve for the equilibrium probability of an empty system. (ii) Find the
probability that counter.A is occupied. (iii) Find the probability that both
counters are occupied.
282 Chapter 6

14. Consider an MIEdl system in which no queue is allowed to form. Service is k

phases in series, each with negative exponential parameter J.Lk. (i) Find the
distribution of X, the number of stages of service left in the system, and (ii) the
probability of a busy system.
15. For p> 1, find the probability of a busy period of finite duration by using the
results on the probability of extinction in a branching process.
16. Show that the density function for the length of a single service time, if that
service time constitutes a busy period by itself, is

17. You are in a G1MI I queue. Show that the probability that you will have to
queue for more than three times as long as the person in front of you is i.
18. In a G1M100 queue, let ZI/ be the number of busy servers at the instant of the
nth arrival. Show that

P(ZI/+I=yIZI/=X)= ( -y-
x+1 )1 0
00 _.
e I"U(I-e
_ '-1'+1
I'll). d(u)du.

19. In a DIM11 queue with p> 1 and one person in service and no one queueing,
show that the probability that the server will ever again be idle is lip.
20. In a GI D11 queue, show that

and therefore that

8( s)( 1- s)
.p(s)= 8(s)-s .p(0).

Show that the average number of customers queueing is

ton( I)
21. Work out Section 6.15 for EA arrivals as far as you can. For E 2 , express the
mean E( X) in terms of p.
22. Consider a queue in which arrivals occur in a Poisson process of groups, with gl/
being the probability of a group of size n, n = 1,2,3, ... , and probability
generating function g( s) ='2:g ,Sl. (i) Show that the generating function for the
number of customers arriving in time t is given by exp[Atg(s)-At). (ii) Show
The Theory of Queues 283

that 8(S)=,B[A-Ag(s). Note: in this problem it is assumed that the arrival,

service, and group-size variables are independent.
23. Consider an MIMII system in which customers are impatient. Specifically,
upon arrival, customers estimate their queueing time t and then join the queue
with probability e -kr and go away with probability I-e -kr, where k>O is a
constant. They estimate t=xl/L where the arrival finds x in the system. (i) In
terms of Po, find the equilibrium probabilities Px of finding x in the system. (ii)
Give an expression for Po. (iii) Under what conditions will equilibrium hold? (iv)
For k ~ 00, find p" explicitly. (v) Relate this model to balking.
24. Let X(t) and Y(t) be independent, Poisson random variables with means At and
/Lt, respectively. Show that the generating function z(s) for the difference
Z(t)=X(t}- Y(t) is given by

z(s )=exp{At(s-I)+/Lt[(I-s )Is D

Apply this result to the following problem. Travelers and taxis arrive indepen-
dently at a service point at random rates A and /L, respectively. Let Z(t) denote
the queue size at time t, a negative value representing a line of taxis and a
positive value representing a queue of travelers. Beginning with Z(O)=O, show
that the distribution of Z(t) is given by the difference between independent
Poisson variables of means At and /Lt.
25. A process has two stages of service. Customers arrive in a Poisson process and
are served first by a stage with negative exponential service with parameter /L
and then by a stage with negative exponential service with parameter P. Let
X\(t) and X 2(t) denote the numbers in the stages at time t. Show that the
equilibrium distribution for Xl and X 2 consists of two independent geometric

26. Work Problem 25 with the following modified assumptions. The customer
enters the system only if the first server is free, and on completing the first
service, enters the second service only if that server is free. Customers not
entering either service are permanently lost to the system.
27. Consider an M 1MI I queue in which the server remains idle until the queue size
reaches n. Then the service of these n customers takes place, and also all other
arrivals during this period. When at last the queue is empty, and the server idle,
the process is repeated.
28. Consider an assembly line moving with uniform speed with items for service
spaced along it. A single server moves with the line while serving, and against it
with infinite velocity while transferring to the next item. The line has a barrier at
which service must be broken off and the server is absorbed. A server with
negative-exponential (A) service time starts service on an item when it is time T
from the barrier. The spacings between items form a renewal process with
distribution function B( x). Show that the probability generating function for
284 Chapter 6

the number of items served before absorption satisfies the integral equation

Hint: Let Z( t) be the distance to the barrier at time t, so that Z(O) = T and
Z(t)=T+X(t)-(, where X(t) is the spacing between the first and last item
completed in (0, (). Then the time to absorption

inf( (I T+ X( () - (::;0)

is the continuous busy period of the queue MIG I I.

29. Consider a queue which is MAIM,,.!I for ordinary items, but which has one
priority item which displaces the item in service according to the preemptive
repeat scheme. After being served, the priority item returns after an exponen-
tially distributed time with parameter II.
30. Consider a queue with two priority classes, with independent Poisson arrival
rates AI and A2 (where AI +A 2 = I) and with negative exponential service with
parameters ILl and IL2' Within classes, the service is FIFO, and the priority is
preemptive resume. Let Pxv be the equilibrium probability of x priority and y
nonpriority customers in the system. Show that

where 8xv =0, x*y, and 8xx = I, and any symbol with a negative subscript is
interpreted as being equal to zero. Show that the mean number of nonpriority
customers in the system is

31. In an M 1MI I queue, suppose there are only a finite number n of possible
customers; any customer not in the system at time ( has a constant probability
p!:i. ( of joining the queue during (, (+!:i. (). Find the equilibrium distribution for
the number in the system.
32. Consider a queue with MA arrivals, where service is instantaneous but only
available at service instants, which are separated by equidistributed intervals,
with distribution function H(x), with E=tH. Suppose that the maximum
number that can be served in a service instant is k, and let Z/ denote the
number of customers in the system just before the Jth service instant. (i) Show
The Theory of Queues 285


where Ni is the number of arrivals in the interval between the j th and (j + I)th
service instants. (ii) Show that the probability generating function of ~ is
e( X( I - s)), and find the equilibrium probability generating function for Z. (iii)
Discuss the applicability of the model to a queue of vehicles at a traffic light.
33. An M / M / I queue with feedback has the following defining property: When a
customer finishes service, departure occurs with probability p; with probability
I - p, the customer rejoins the end of the queue. (i) Find the equilibrium
probabilities for the number in the system. (ii) Find the probability that a
customer is served x times. (iii) Find the expected total time a customer spends
in the system.
34. In an M / M / I queue, the service rate is JL only when there are less than three
customers in the system. When there are three or more, another server is
employed, so that the service rate is increased to 2JL. Formulate and find the
equilibrium probabilities.
35. Consider a bulk service system. Whenever the server becomes free, he accepts
two customers from the queue into service simultaneously, or, if only one is in
the queue, he accepts that one. In either case, the service time for the group (of
size 1 or 2) is distributed as b( x) with mean 1/JL. Let X" be the number of
customers in the system after the nth service, with equilibrium probability
generating function </>( s), and let N" be the number of arrivals during the nth
service, with equilibrium probability generating function fJ(s). Define p=X/2JL.
(i) Show that fJ(s)=P(X-Xs). (ii) Find E(X) in terms of var(X) and P(X" =0).
(iii) Express </>(s) in terms of pes), P(X" =0), and P(X" = 1). (iv) Express
P(X" = 1) in terms of P(X" =0).

36. Consider an M/ M/00 queue with batch arrivals; the batch size being geometri-
cally distributed with parameter r. Formulate the number in the system as a
continuous time Markov process and find the infinitesimal matrix of the
process. Find the probability generating function for the equilibrium distribu-
tion of the process.

37. Show that the results of Section 6.5, Eqs. (16) and (17), can be obtained as a
special case of Section 5.6, Eqs. (21) and (22).

Numbers in italics refer to entire sections.

Abelian theorems, 171 Boltzmann's constant, 181

Absorbing barriers, 93 Borel's distribution, 253, 257
Absorbing state, \05 Borel's method, 6.11
Accident proneness, ISS Borel-Tanner distribution, 263
Accidents, IS Branching chain, 3.12
Age, 204 Branching process, as busy period, 6.12
Arrival stream, 225 Busy period, 6.11
Asynchronous counting, 209, 213 as a branching process, 6.12
continuous, 6.13
discrete, 261
Backward differential equation, 192 generalized, 6.14
Backward recurrence time, 204
Balking, 6.16 Car length, 213
geometric, 226 Catalan distribution, 1.12, 255, 257
Bayes' theorem, 2.2 Cauchy distribution, 144
Before-and-after studies, 80 Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, 74
Bernoulli distribution, 42 Causal distribution, 19, 158; see also
Bernoulli trials, 2.4 Deterministic distribution
first passage times, 129 Change of variable, 4.3
Beta-binomial relation, 154 probability generating function, 37
Beta distribution, 4.6 Chapman-Kolmogorov equation, \02, 185
mixing, 156 Chi-square distribution, 181
Beta function, 1.9 Closed set of states, 105
Binomial distribution, 9, 16 Coin tossing, I, 13
in Bernoulli trials, 65 Column vector, 96
distribution function, 153 Compound event, 14
mixed,156 Conditional sample space, 57
probabiIi ty generating function, 34 Conditioning, 2.3
Binomial-Poisson limit, 67, 154 Continuous busy period, 6.13, 264
Birth distribution, 120 Convolution, 2.6
Birth process, divergent, 5.14 of density functions, 147
Birth-and-death process, 194 geometric distribution, 74
linear, 196, 224 n-fold,75
nonequilibrium, 224 Poisson distribution, 74
288 Index

Correlation coefficient, 69 Exponential probability generating

Counting distribution, 152, 5.11 function, 47
Counting process, 183 Extinction probability, 121,3.13,3.15
Covariance, 69 Extinction of surnames, 119
Cumulative probabilities, 25
generating function, 37 Failure rate, 187
False theta function, 272
Dead time, 139,213 Family problem, 60
Deficient distribution, 130 Feedback, 285
Defici t, 204 FIFO, 277
Delta function, 158 Finite storage, 235
method, 168 First passage time, 3.16
Density function, convolution, 147 Fisher distribution, 9
Dependence, 2.4 probability generating function, 35
Deterministic distribution, 19; see also Forward differential equation, 192
Causal distribution Forward recurrence time, 204
balking, 272 Functional equation, 79
Deterministic process, 186
Diagonal distributions, 2.8 Gambler's ruin, 94, 113, 3.14, 3.15
binomial, 79 Gamma distribution, 143
joint probability generating function, 78 distribution function, 150
Discrete busy period, 261 Gamma function, 1.9
Displaced gaps, 5.13 Gap, 152, 184, 5.10
Displaced negative exponential distribution, density, 186
215 distribution, 204
Distribution: see Probability distribution Generalized busy period, 6.14
Distribution function, 1.8, 144 Generalized renewal process, 207
binomial distribution, 153 Generating function, 126
of a bivariate distribution, 2.5 of a bivariate distribution, 2.5
gamma distribution, 150 cumulative probabilities, 37
geometric distribution, 28 Geometric distribution, 9, 125
mixed distribution, 157 balking, 271
Poisson distribution, 150 convolution, 74
rectangular distribution, 28 distribution function, 28
Divergent birth process, 5.14 mean, 23
Doubly stochastic matrix, 137 memoryless property, 86
Ehrenfest chain, 136, 3.11 of Poisson variables, 123
Elementary renewal theorem, 203 probability generating function, 35
Equilibrium, 94, 5.6 variance, 24
Equilibrium renewal process, 207, 211, 213
Ergodic chain, 3.8 Harmonic mean, 222
Erlang loss formula, 6.5 Head-of-line priority, 273
Erlang process, 5.12, 186,222
Event, 1.5 Imbedded Markov chain, 6.6
Excess life, 204 Incomplete beta function, 4.6
Expected value, 19// Incomplete gamma function, 143, 4.5
Exponential distribution, 143, 147 Independence, 2.4
displaced, 215 Indicator, 1.5
memoryless property, 152 Infinite mean, 20
Index 289

Infinitesimal probabilities, 192 Negative aging, 187

Initial distribution, 92 Negative binomial distribution, 1.10, ISS,
Initial vector, 3.4 193
Integral equation of renewal theory, 202 in Bernoulli trials, 66
Inverse Laplace transform, 4.12, 212 mean, 33
Irreducible chain, 105 probability generating function, 34
Negative exponential distribution: see
Jacobian, 147 Exponential distribution
Joint density function, 144 Negative hypergeometric distribution, 156
Nesting, 122
Normalization to unity, 7
Kendall symbol, 225 Null chain, 107

Lagrange series, 259 Ordered sample, 154

Laplace inversion, 4.12 Ordinary renewal process, 207, 212
Laplace transform, 144,4.10,4.11
of Erlang distribution, 211 Palm input, 267
notation, 209 Parameter mixing, 4.7
of renewal density, 201, 211 Periodic chain, 3.7
Laplace-Stieltjes transform, 165// Petersburg paradox, 21, 87
Lebesgue integration, 158 Pochhammer's symbol, 30
Left continuity, 27, 164 Point process, 183
Length bias, 200 Poisson distribution, 8, 12, 16
Lifetime, 186 convolution, 74
LIFO, 6.18 diagonal distribution, 71
Linear birth process: see Yule process distribution function, 150
Linear birth-and-death process, 196, 224 as Erlang loss formula, 236
Loss formula, 6.5 geometric number, 123
Lower incomplete gamma function, ISO mean, 22
mixing, 156
Markov infinitesimal matrix, 5.8 s=</>(s),42
Markov process, 184, 5.5 truncated, 236
Markov queue, 195 variance, 23
Matrix,3.3 Poisson-gamma relation, 152, 188, 189,209
Mean, 144,1.6,1.7 Poisson mixing, 267
recurrence time, 106 Poisson process, 186,5.3, 192
Memoryless property method of marks, 196
of exponential distribution, 152 Pollaczek-Khintchine formula 6.7,244
of geometric distribution, 86 Polya's urn model, 63
Method of marks, 66, 5.7 Positive aging, 187
in renewal theory, 202 Preemptive priority, 273
Mixed discrete and continuous, 147 Priority service, 6.17
Mixed distributions, ISS Probability density function, 4.2
distribution function, 157 Probability distribution, 1.3
Mixed random variables, 140 deficient, or improper, 130
Mixing, parameter, 4.7 see also names of particular distributions:
Moment generating function, 46 Bernoulli, Beta, Binomial, Borel,
Moments Borel-Tanner, Catalan, Cauchy,
of a bivariate distribution, 2.5 Causal, Chi-square, Displaced negative
of sums of random variables, 73 exponential, Erlang, Exponential,
290 Index

Probability distribution (Continued) Riemann integration, 159

Fisher, Gamma, Geometric, Negative Row vector, 96
binomial, Negative hypergeometric,
Poisson, Rectangular, Truncated Sample point, 13
Poisson, Yule Sample space, 2, 1.2
Probability of extinction, 121, 3,13 Scalar, 96
Probability generating function, 1.11, 1.13 Scheduled arrivals, 226
binomial distribution, 34 Schwartz function, 168
change of variable, 37 Service process, 225
of an event, 47 Simple event, 14
geometric distribution, 35 Sojourn time, 184, 198
Fisher distribution, 35 Spread distribution, 204
negative binomial distribution, 34 Stages, 211
rectangular distribution, 34 Stationary probabilities, 94
Probability vector, 96 Stick problem, 60, 200, 203
Pure birth process, 193 Stieltjes integration, 419
Stochastic matrix, 96
Quality control, 17 Stopped distribution, 176
Queueing, 3.10 Stopping distribution, 176
departure process, 233 Sums of random variables, 2.6, 4.4, 4.13
equilibrium, 6.4 moments, 73
with feedback, 285 Survivor function, 186
finite storage, 235 Synchronous counting, 209, 212, 214
saturation, 6.3
table of notation, 228 Tail of a distribution, 25, 144
Tanner's combinatorial method, 261, 265
Random sum, 122,4.13 Tauberian theorems, 171
Random variable, 1.4 Thinning a renewal stream, 197
sums, 2.6 Transient states, 106
Random walk, 99, 3.1, 3.9 Transition, 91
Range, 139 matrix, 3.4
Rectangular distribution, 8, 28, 34 probabilities, 92
Recurrent state, \06 Truncated Poisson distribution, 236
Reducible chain, 3.6 Two-state process, 5.4, 192, 200
Reflecting barrier, 93
Regularity, 3.5 Unit vector, 96
Renewal density function, 202 Upper incomplete gamma function, 150
Renewal function, 5.9
Renewal process, 5.2 Variance, l.{j, 1. 7, 144
equilibrium, 207, 211, 213 Vector, 3.3
general, 207 Virtual queueing time, 6.9
ordinary, 207, 212
thinning, 197
Waiting time, 141,6.8
Renewal theory, integral equation, 202
Repeat preemptive priority, 273
Residual lifetime, 204 Yule process, 193, 221
Residual service time, 247 distribution, 193
Resume preemptive priority, 273
Reverse-order service, 6.18 Zero aging, 184

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