The document summarizes common in situ commercial testing techniques for soils, grouping them into non-destructive or semi-destructive geophysical tests, invasive penetration tests, and combined invasive and non-destructive tests. It lists specific tests, their designations, the measurements they provide, and common applications, such as determining soil stiffness, shear strength, consolidation properties, and profiling soil types.
The document summarizes common in situ commercial testing techniques for soils, grouping them into non-destructive or semi-destructive geophysical tests, invasive penetration tests, and combined invasive and non-destructive tests. It lists specific tests, their designations, the measurements they provide, and common applications, such as determining soil stiffness, shear strength, consolidation properties, and profiling soil types.
The document summarizes common in situ commercial testing techniques for soils, grouping them into non-destructive or semi-destructive geophysical tests, invasive penetration tests, and combined invasive and non-destructive tests. It lists specific tests, their designations, the measurements they provide, and common applications, such as determining soil stiffness, shear strength, consolidation properties, and profiling soil types.
The document summarizes common in situ commercial testing techniques for soils, grouping them into non-destructive or semi-destructive geophysical tests, invasive penetration tests, and combined invasive and non-destructive tests. It lists specific tests, their designations, the measurements they provide, and common applications, such as determining soil stiffness, shear strength, consolidation properties, and profiling soil types.
Table 1.1 Commercial in situ testing techniques (modified from Schnaid et al.
, 2004)
Category Test Designation Measurements Common applications
Non-destructive Geophysical tests:
or semi-destructive tests seismic refraction SR P waves from surface Ground characterization surface waves SASW R waves from surface Small strain stiffness, G0 crosshole test CHT P and S waves in boreholes downhole test DHT P and S waves with depth Pressuremeter test Shear modulus, G pre-bored PMT G, ( ) curve Shear strength self-boring SBPM G, ( ) curve In situ horizontal stress Consolidation properties
Plate loading test PLT (L ) curve Stiffness and strength
Invasive penetration tests Cone penetration test Soil profiling electric CPT qc, fs Shear strength piezocone CPTU qc, fs, u Relative density Consolidation properties Standard penetration test SPT Penetration (N value) Soil profiling (energy control) Internal friction angle, Flat dilatometer test DMT p0, p1 Stiffness Shear strength Vane shear test VST Torque Undrained shear strength, su Combined tests Cone pressuremeter CPMT qc, fs, (+ u), G, ( ) Soil profiling (invasive + Shear modulus, G non-destructive) Shear strength Consolidation properties Seismic cone SCPT qc, fs, vp, vs, (+ u) Soil profiling Shear strength Small strain stiffness, G0 Consolidation properties Resistivity cone RCPT qc, fs, Soil profiling Shear strength Soil porosity Seismic dilatometer p0, p1, vp, vs Stiffness (G and G0) Shear strength