WS-Postpone Your Worry PDF
WS-Postpone Your Worry PDF
WS-Postpone Your Worry PDF
This approach involves postponing your worry to a worry period that is the same time, place, and duration each day. It is important to practice this
approach as it will take some time to develop your skill and gain some benefits. It may be best to start by practicing with minor concerns before
moving onto major worries. Read the information sheet Postpone your Worry before tackling this exercise.
What was the worry ? Were you able to What happened in the worry period? What did you learn from postponing your
(Did you notice any triggers, postpone the worry? (Did you still need to worry? Did you use problem solv- worry? (Was the worry more or less bothersome Basic steps:
such as places, times or (How did you cope?) ing, a thought diary, or mindfulness? How did it work? after you postponed it? Could you control your worry?
events linked to your worry? What feelings or reactions did you notice?) How did you feel after the worry period?)
1) As soon as you become aware of a
worry, postpone it to your worry pe-
2) Briefly write down the topic of
your worry and any triggers on the
sheet so you can refer to it later.
3) Use mindfulness to focus on the
present moment and the activities of
the day to help let go of the worry un-
til your worry period. Then decide
what is the most important and best
thing you can practically do for your-
self right now. Take immediate action
to do something that is either practi-
cal, positive, or nurturing.
4) When your worry period arrives,
use it for problem-solving or thought
diary work on only the worries from
the day that still bother you.
5) Complete the sheet and make any
comments about what you noticed
about the process of postponing your
C Interventions
Psychotherapy Research Training
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