4th Version The Life
4th Version The Life
4th Version The Life
Lets come together and dream of a golden Kendrapara, a golden Odisha and a golden India
Our problem is not that god has not given us, our state is deprived of facilities though we have
everything . Unfortunately whatever we have we do not avail the same. Corruption and
weakness of the administrators and political leaders are the reason
Corruption is deeply engraved into our political and administrative systems. For a common man
even availing essential facilities like Ration Card, Pension and Housing, provided by the state
and central governments, is not possible without paying bribe. Officials who are responsible for
administering these schemes behave as if they are providing them out of their pockets and
doing a favour. Greedy businessmen are looting our forest land, Gochar land, river basins and
other natural resources with impunity in connivance with corrupt administration and political
Liquor, mutton and money as a means to attract vote from the gullible poor voters is a crime
and inhumane
Government , forest, land and river and water bodies utilized for personal convenience with
administrators and politicians is heinous and shameful.
Lack of qualitative elementary education, rat race to secure good grades in examinations and
jobs by any means are ruining the social system. Relation between father-son, siblings, villagers,
classmates, teacher-pupil, etc. is getting disrupted.
Though we have rivers, forests, mineral resources and long coastline, we lag behind the states
like Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Maharashtra, etc. in per capita income, average life span and other
development indicators. The inefficiency of our administration and corruption are destroying
our natural resources. Poor people do not get rations in spite of the fact that our warehouses
are overflowing with food grains. People are forced to go to other states to work as bounded
It is very sad that, the educated and wealthy people are reluctant to support poor people.
Successful people are not interested to move to their villages and think about the development
of their villages.
Some people are running after politicians and Govt. officials for their cheap self interest and
they forget the mass interest.
We dont know the facilities available in Panchayats, Tehesils, Banks, Collectorates, Blocks and
hospitals. We are not aware of our fundamental constitutional rights.
We are forgetting that, our duty is our God. We have to do our duties.
while studying the student has to simultaneously involved in agriculture, sport, sewing, pottery
and should have strong relationship with the local teachers, spending quite a good time
Character building respect for seniors and parents, to become discipline like Arjuna, playing
together ,reading and eating will bring relationship and togetherness. to help people and love
there country should be the moto of the children and the teachers
One should help by identifying the deprived poor for reasonable means of living and amicably
teracting. Help people to avail the facility of the government by coordinating with the local
officers engaging with the local office, engazing the youth brigade in the village
3RD Pg
river , forest , government land mines, coast line water have to be protected and preserved. to
recover the goodness of river from, the effluents discharge from factories making it utterly
polluted is the first priority.
to encourage the villages to involve themselves with gram sabha and address and address on
the problem of the villages rightfully identified on a priority. Execution of work has to be driven
in a timeline and accurately
To aware people about the activities of co operative society and its benefit and enable the
poor people, farmer, day labourers , Ensuring seeds, fertilizers, oils, rice, wheat and soft loan.
they sell encourage and elevate the villagers in the scale of economies
encouraging people to fight for the fundamental rights is important. Rights like
A-19You can present your opinion and congricate people in one place without any weapon and
form organization to protect
A-23: To abolish bonded labor and migration for job through contractors.
A-24: Prevention of child labor for children below the age of 14 years.
Do no become silent spectator to unrighteous act and tourture by people to protect the society
for a better prosperity
Tricolour gives courage, to fight for truth and progress of the nation It provides inspiration and
I believe in work. for me work ship. I do office work, teaching, cooking, work in MNC's abrod,
wash cloths, wash vehicles, pray lord Jagannath etc. Never the less I respect my mother, village,
and the soil in which I leave and all my people
I think good of every body and accordingly I also work. I do not accuse anybody neither
pretend. What I do I say. What I say I always try to do
Our pains will reduce in the community when our leaders of the area will be a good person,
knowledgeable, experienced in India and abroad, tolerant, helpful and respect's truth and
justice. He must be a person from our region and acquainted with the cultural context, who
knows agriculture , knows river and knows the jungle
Rich people may grow richer but should help the poor people a little to grow as well
will fight for our rights. Come let us become friend's shoulder to shoulder, let us know about the
government facilities, Let us know more about our share on rights from center and state and let us share it
amicably with happiness and peace