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C hapter 11


In the previous few chapters we have talked draws diagrams, organises her thoughts,
about ways of describing the motion of collects question papers, attends classes,
objects, the cause of motion and gravitation. discusses problems with her friends, and
Another concept that helps us understand and performs experiments. She expends a lot of
interpret many natural phenomena is work. energy on these activities. In common
Closely related to work are energy and power. parlance, she is working hard. All this hard
In this chapter we shall study these concepts. work may involve very little work if we go by
All living beings need food. Living beings the scientific definition of work.
have to perform several basic activities to You are working hard to push a huge rock.
survive. We call such activities life processes. Let us say the rock does not move despite all
The energy for these processes comes from the effort. You get completely exhausted.
food. We need energy for other activities like However, you have not done any work on the
playing, singing, reading, writing, thinking, rock as there is no displacement of the rock.
jumping, cycling and running. Activities that You stand still for a few minutes with a
are strenuous require more energy. heavy load on your head. You get tired. You
Animals too get engaged in activities. For have exerted yourself and have spent quite a
example, they may jump and run. They have bit of your energy. Are you doing work on the
to fight, move away from enemies, find food load? The way we understand the term work
or find a safe place to live. Also, we engage in science, work is not done.
some animals to lift weights, carry loads, pull You climb up the steps of a staircase and
carts or plough fields. All such activities reach the second floor of a building just to
require energy. see the landscape from there. You may even
Think of machines. List the machines that climb up a tall tree. If we apply the scientific
you have come across. What do they need for definition, these activities involve a lot of work.
their working? Why do some engines require In day-to-day life, we consider any useful
fuel like petrol and diesel? Why do living physical or mental labour as work. Activities
beings and machines need energy? like playing in a field, talking with friends,
humming a tune, watching a movie, attending
11.1 Work a function are sometimes not considered to
be work. What constitutes work depends
What is work? There is a difference in the on the way we define it. We use and define
way we use the term work in day-to-day life the term work differently in science. To
and the way we use it in science. To make understand this let us do the following
this point clear let us consider a few examples. activities:

11.1.1 N OT MUCH WORK IN SPITE OF Activity _____________ 11.1

We have discussed in the above
Kamali is preparing for examinations. She paragraphs a number of activities
spends lot of time in studies. She reads books, which we normally consider to be work
in day-to-day life. For each of these
activities, ask the following questions
Activity _____________ 11.3
and answer them: Think of situations when the object is
(i) What is the work being done on? not displaced in spite of a force acting
(ii) What is happening to the object? on it.
(iii) Who (what) is doing the work? Also think of situations when an object
gets displaced in the absence of a force
acting on it.
11.1.2 SCIENTIFIC CONCEPTION OF WORK List all the situations that you can
To understand the way we view work and think of for each.
Discuss with your friends whether
define work from the point of view of science,
work is done in these situations.
let us consider some situations:
Push a pebble lying on a surface. The
pebble moves through a distance. You exerted
a force on the pebble and the pebble got How is work defined in science? To
displaced. In this situation work is done. understand this, we shall first consider the
A girl pulls a trolley and the trolley moves case when the force is acting in the direction
through a distance. The girl has exerted a of displacement.
force on the trolley and it is displaced. Let a constant force, F act on an object.
Therefore, work is done. Let the object be displaced through a
Lift a book through a height. To do this distance, s in the direction of the force (Fig.
you must apply a force. The book rises up. 11.1). Let W be the work done. We define work
There is a force applied on the book and the to be equal to the product of the force and
book has moved. Hence, work is done. displacement.
A closer look at the above situations Work done = force displacement
reveals that two conditions need to be W = Fs (11.1)
satisfied for work to be done: (i) a force should
act on an object, and (ii) the object must be
If any one of the above conditions does
not exist, work is not done. This is the way
we view work in science.
A bullock is pulling a cart. The cart
moves. There is a force on the cart and the
cart has moved. Do you think that work is
done in this situation?

Activity _____________ 11.2

Think of some situations from your Fig. 11.1
daily life involving work.
List them. Thus, work done by a force acting on an
Discuss with your friends whether object is equal to the magnitude of the force
work is being done in each situation. multiplied by the distance moved in the
Try to reason out your response.
direction of the force. Work has only
If work is done, which is the force acting
on the object?
magnitude and no direction.
What is the object on which the work In Eq. (11.1), if F = 1 N and s = 1 m then
is done? the work done by the force will be 1 N m.
What happens to the object on which Here the unit of work is newton metre (N m)
work is done? or joule (J). Thus 1 J is the amount of work


done on an object when a force of 1 N
displaces it by 1 m along the line of action of
the force.
Look at Eq. (11.1) carefully. What is the
work done when the force on the object is
zero? What would be the work done when
the displacement of the object is zero? Refer
to the conditions that are to be satisfied to
say that work is done.
Fig. 11.4

Consider a situation in which an object is

Example 11.1 A force of 5 N is acting on an
moving with a uniform velocity along a
object. The object is displaced through
particular direction. Now a retarding force, F,
2 m in the direction of the force (Fig.
is applied in the opposite direction. That is,
11.2). If the force acts on the object all the angle between the two directions is 180.
through the displacement, then work Let the object stop after a displacement s. In
done is 5 N 2 m =10 N m or 10 J. such a situation, the work done by the force,
F is taken as negative and denoted by the
minus sign. The work done by the force is
F (s) or (F s).
It is clear from the above discussion that
the work done by a force can be either positive
Fig. 11.2 or negative. To understand this, let us do the
following activity:

uestion Activity _____________ 11.4

Q 1. A force of 7 N acts on an object.

The displacement is, say 8 m, in
the direction of the force
(Fig. 11.3). Let us take it that the
force acts on the object through
the displacement. What is the
work done in this case?

Lift an object up. Work is done by the
force exerted by you on the object. The
object moves upwards. The force you
exerted is in the direction of
displacement. However, there is the
force of gravity acting on the object.
Which one of these forces is doing
positive work?
Which one is doing negative work?
Give reasons.
Work done is negative when the force acts
opposite to the direction of displacement.
Fig. 11.3
Work done is positive when the force is in the
direction of displacement.
Consider another situation in which the
force and the displacement are in the same Example 11.2 A porter lifts a luggage of 15
direction: a baby pulling a toy car parallel to kg from the ground and puts it on his
the ground, as shown in Fig. 11.4. The baby head 1.5 m above the ground. Calculate
has exerted a force in the direction of the work done by him on the luggage.
displacement of the car. In this situation, the
work done will be equal to the product of the
force and displacement. In such situations, Mass of luggage, m = 15 kg and
the work done by the force is taken as positive. displacement, s = 1.5 m.

Work done, W = F s = mg s raised hammer falls on a nail placed on a
= 15 kg 10 m s-2 1.5 m piece of wood, it drives the nail into the wood.
= 225 kg m s-2 m We have also observed children winding a
= 225 N m = 225 J toy (such as a toy car) and when the toy is
Work done is 225 J. placed on the floor, it starts moving. When a
balloon is filled with air and we press it we

notice a change in its shape. As long as we
uestions press it gently, it can come back to its original
1. When do we say that work is shape when the force is withdrawn. However,
done? if we press the balloon hard, it can even
2. Write an expression for the work explode producing a blasting sound. In all
done when a force is acting on these examples, the objects acquire, through
an object in the direction of its different means, the capability of doing work.
displacement. An object having a capability to do work is
3. Define 1 J of work. said to possess energy. The object which does
4. A pair of bullocks exerts a force the work loses energy and the object on which
of 140 N on a plough. The field the work is done gains energy.
being ploughed is 15 m long. How does an object with energy do work?
How much work is done in An object that possesses energy can exert a
ploughing the length of the field? force on another object. When this happens,
energy is transferred from the former to the
11.2 Energy latter. The second object may move as it
receives energy and therefore do some work.
Life is impossible without energy. The demand Thus, the first object had a capacity to do
for energy is ever increasing. Where do we work. This implies that any object that
get energy from? The Sun is the biggest possesses energy can do work.
natural source of energy to us. Many of our The energy possessed by an object is thus
energy sources are derived from the Sun. We measured in terms of its capacity of doing
can also get energy from the nuclei of atoms, work. The unit of energy is, therefore, the same
the interior of the earth, and the tides. Can
as that of work, that is, joule (J). 1 J is the
you think of other sources of energy?
energy required to do 1 joule of work.
Sometimes a larger unit of energy called kilo
Activity _____________ 11.5
joule (kJ) is used. 1 kJ equals 1000 J.
A few sources of energy are listed above.
There are many other sources of 11.2.1 FORMS OF ENERGY
energy. List them.
Discuss in small groups how certain Luckily the world we live in provides energy
sources of energy are due to the Sun. in many different forms. The various forms
Are there sources of energy which are
include mechanical energy (potential energy
not due to the Sun?
+ kinetic energy), heat energy, chemical
The word energy is very often used in our energy, electrical energy and light energy.
daily life, but in science we give it a definite
and precise meaning. Let us consider the
following examples: when a fast moving Think it over !
cricket ball hits a stationary wicket, the wicket How do you know that some entity is a
is thrown away. Similarly, an object when form of energy? Discuss with your friends
raised to a certain height gets the capability and teachers.
to do work. You must have seen that when a


James Prescott
Joule was an
British physicist.
He is best known
for his research in
electricity and
Amongst other
things, he Fig. 11.5
formulated a law
James Prescott Joule for the heating The trolley moves forward and hits the
(1818 1889) effect of electric wooden block.
current. He also Fix a stop on the table in such a
verified experimentally the law of manner that the trolley stops after
conservation of energy and discovered hitting the block. The block gets
the value of the mechanical equivalent displaced.
Note down the displacement of the
of heat. The unit of energy and work
block. This means work is done on the
called joule, is named after him. block by the trolley as the block has
gained energy.
11.2.2 KINETIC ENERGY From where does this energy come?
Repeat this activity by increasing the
mass on the pan. In which case is the
Activity _____________ 11.6 displacement more?
In which case is the work done more?
Take a heavy ball. Drop it on a thick In this activity, the moving trolley does
bed of sand. A wet bed of sand would
work and hence it possesses energy.
be better. Drop the ball on the sand
bed from height of about 25 cm. The A moving object can do work. An object
ball creates a depression. moving faster can do more work than an
Repeat this activity from heights of identical object moving relatively slow. A
50 cm, 1m and 1.5 m.
moving bullet, blowing wind, a rotating wheel,
Ensure that all the depressions are
distinctly visible. a speeding stone can do work. How does a
Mark the depressions to indicate the bullet pierce the target? How does the wind
height fr om which the ball was move the blades of a windmill? Objects in
dropped. motion possess energy. We call this energy
Compare their depths. kinetic energy.
Which one of them is deepest? A falling coconut, a speeding car, a rolling
Which one is shallowest? Why?
stone, a flying aircraft, flowing water, blowing
What has caused the ball to make a
deeper dent?
wind, a running athlete etc. possess kinetic
Discuss and analyse. energy. In short, kinetic energy is the energy
possessed by an object due to its motion. The
Activity _____________ 11.7 kinetic energy of an object increases with its
Set up the apparatus as shown in How much energy is possessed by a
Fig. 11.5.
moving body by virtue of its motion? By
Place a wooden block of known mass
in front of the trolley at a convenient
definition, we say that the kinetic energy of a
fixed distance. body moving with a certain velocity is equal to
Place a known mass on the pan so the work done on it to make it acquire that
that the trolley starts moving. velocity.

Let us now express the kinetic energy of Solution:
an object in the form of an equation. Consider
Mass of the object, m = 15 kg, velocity
an object of mass, m moving with a uniform
of the object, v = 4 m s1.
velocity, u. Let it now be displaced through a
distance s when a constant force, F acts on it From Eq. (11.5),
in the direction of its displacement. From 1
Ek = m v2
Eq. (11.1), the work done, W is F s. The work 2
done on the object will cause a change in its
velocity. Let its velocity change from u to v. 1
= 15 kg 4 m s1 4 m s1
Let a be the acceleration produced. 2
In section 8.5, we studied three equations = 120 J
of motion. The relation connecting the initial The kinetic energy of the object is 120 J.
velocity (u) and final velocity (v) of an object
moving with a uniform acceleration a, and
the displacement, s is Example 11.4 What is the work to be done
v2 u2 = 2a s (8.7) to increase the velocity of a car from
30 km h1 to 60 km h1 if the mass of
This gives
the car is 1500 kg?
v2 u 2
s= (11.2)
2a Solution:
From section 9.4, we know F = m a. Thus,
Mass of the car, m =1500 kg,
using (Eq. 11.2) in Eq. (11.1), we can write
initial velocity of car, u = 30 km h1
the work done by the force, F as
30 1000 m
v2 - u 2 =
W =ma 60 60 s
= 25/3 m s1.
Similarly, the final velocity of the car,
W = m v2 u 2 ) (11.3) v = 60 km h1
= 50/3 m s1.
If the object is starting from its stationary
position, that is, u = 0, then Therefore, the initial kinetic energy of
the car,
W = m v2 (11.4) 1
2 Eki = m u2
It is clear that the work done is equal to the
change in the kinetic energy of an object. 1
= 1500 kg (25/3 m s1)2
1 2
If u = 0, the work done will be m v2 .
2 = 156250/3 J.
Thus, the kinetic energy possessed by an The final kinetic energy of the car,
object of mass, m and moving with a uniform
velocity, v is 1
Ekf = 1500 kg (50/3 m s1)2
1 2
Ek = m v2 (11.5)
2 = 625000/3 J.
Thus, the work done = Change in
Example 11.3 An object of mass 15 kg is kinetic energy
moving with a uniform velocity of 4 = Ekf Eki
m s 1 . What is the kinetic energy
possessed by the object? = 156250 J.


uestions Activity ___________ 11.11
1. What is the kinetic energy of an Lift an object through a certain
object? height. The object can now do work.
2. Write an expression for the kinetic It begins to fall when released.
energy of an object. This implies that it has acquired some
3. The kinetic energy of an object of energy. If raised to a greater height it
mass, m moving with a velocity can do more work and hence possesses
of 5 m s1 is 25 J. What will be its more energy.
From where did it get the energy? Think
kinetic energy when its velocity
and discuss.
is doubled? What will be its
kinetic energy when its velocity In the above situations, the energy gets
is increased three times? stored due to the work done on the object.
The energy transferred to an object is stored
11.2.3 POTENTIAL ENERGY as potential energy if it is not used to cause a
change in the velocity or speed of the object.
Activity _____________ 11.8 You transfer energy when you stretch a
rubber band. The energy transferred to the
Take a rubber band.
Hold it at one end and pull from the band is its potential energy. You do work while
other. The band stretches. winding the key of a toy car. The energy
Release the band at one of the ends. transferred to the spring inside is stored as
What happens? potential energy. The potential energy
The band will tend to regain its original possessed by the object is the energy present
length. Obviously the band had in it by virtue of its position or configuration.
acquir ed energy in its stretched
How did it acquire energy when
Activity ____________11.12
stretched? Take a bamboo stick and make a bow
as shown in Fig. 11.6.
Activity _____________ 11.9 Place an arrow made of a light stick on
it with one end supported by the
Take a slinky as shown below.
Ask a friend to hold one of its ends. stretched string.
You hold the other end and move away Now stretch the string and release the
from your friend. Now you release the arrow.
slinky. Notice the arrow flying off the bow.
Notice the change in the shape of the
The potential energy stored in the bow
due to the change of shape is thus used
What happened? in the for m of kinetic energy in
How did the slinky acquire energy when throwing off the arrow.
Would the slinky acquire energy when
it is compressed?

Activity ____________11.10
Take a toy car. Wind it using its key.
Place the car on the ground.
Did it move?
From where did it acquire energy?
Does the energy acquired depend on
the number of windings? Fig.11.6: An arrow and the stretched string
How can you test this? on the bow.

The potential energy of an object at

More to know
AT A HEIGHT a height depends on the ground level
or the zero level you choose. An
An object increases its energy when raised
object in a given position can have a
through a height. This is because work is
certain potential energy with respect
done on it against gravity while it is being
to one level and a different value of
raised. The energy present in such an object
potential energy with respect to
is the gravitational potential energy.
another level.
The gravitational potential energy of an
object at a point above the ground is defined
as the work done in raising it from the ground It is useful to note that the work done by
to that point against gravity. gravity depends on the difference in vertical
heights of the initial and final positions of
It is easy to arrive at an expression for
the object and not on the path along which
the gravitational potential energy of an object
the object is moved. Fig. 11.8 shows a case
at a height.
where a block is raised from position A to B
by taking two different paths. Let the height
AB = h. In both the situations the work done
on the object is mgh.

Fig. 11.7
Fig. 11.8
Consider an object of mass, m. Let it be
raised through a height, h from the ground. Example 11.5 Find the energy possessed
A force is required to do this. The minimum by an object of mass 10 kg when it is at
force required to raise the object is equal to a height of 6 m above the ground. Given,
the weight of the object, mg. The object gains g = 9.8 m s2.
energy equal to the work done on it. Let the
work done on the object against gravity be Solution:
W. That is,
work done, W = force displacement Mass of the object, m = 10 kg,
= mg h displacement (height), h = 6 m, and
= mgh acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.8 m s2.
Since work done on the object is equal to From Eq. (11.6),
mgh, an energy equal to mgh units is gained Potential energy = mgh
= 10 kg 9.8 m s2 6 m
by the object. This is the potential energy (EP)
= 588 J.
of the object.
The potential energy is 588 J.
Ep = mgh (11.7)


Example 11.6 An object of mass 12 kg is 11.2.6 LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY
at a certain height above the ground. In activities 11.13 and 11.14, we learnt that
If the potential energy of the object is the form of energy can be changed from one
480 J, find the height at which the form to another. What happens to the total
object is with respect to the ground. energy of a system during or after the
Given, g = 10 m s2. process? Whenever energy gets transformed,
the total energy remains unchanged. This is
Solution: the law of conservation of energy. According
Mass of the object, m = 12 kg, to this law, energy can only be converted from
potential energy, Ep = 480 J. one form to another; it can neither be created
or destroyed. The total energy before and after
Ep = mgh
the transformation remains the same. The
480 J = 12 kg 10 m s2 h
law of conservation of energy is valid
480 J in all situations and for all kinds of
h = 120 kg m s 2 = 4 m. transformations.
Consider a simple example. Let an object
The object is at the height of 4 m.
of mass, m be made to fall freely from a
height, h. At the start, the potential energy is
11.2.5 A RE VARIOUS ENERGY FORMS mgh and kinetic energy is zero. Why is the
kinetic energy zero? It is zero because its
velocity is zero. The total energy of the object
Can we convert energy from one form to is thus mgh. As it falls, its potential energy
another? We find in nature a number of will change into kinetic energy. If v is the
instances of conversion of energy from one velocity of the object at a given instant, the
form to another. kinetic energy would be mv2. As the fall of
the object continues, the potential energy
Activity ____________11.13 would decrease while the kinetic energy would
increase. When the object is about to reach
Sit in small groups.
the ground, h = 0 and v will be the highest.
Discuss the various ways of energy
conversion in nature. Therefore, the kinetic energy would be the
Discuss following questions in your largest and potential energy the least.
group: However, the sum of the potential energy and
(a) How do green plants produce food? kinetic energy of the object would be the same
(b) Where do they get their energy from? at all points. That is,
(c) Why does the air move from place potential energy + kinetic energy = constant
to place? or
(d) How are fuels, such as coal and
petroleum formed? 1
mgh + mv 2= constant. (11.7)
(e) What kinds of energy conversions 2
sustain the water cycle? The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy
of an object is its total mechanical energy.
Activity ___________ 11.14 We find that during the free fall of the object,
the decrease in potential energy, at any point
Many of the human activities and the
gadgets we use involve conversion of in its path, appears as an equal amount of
energy from one form to another. increase in kinetic energy. (Here the effect of
Make a list of such activities and air resistance on the motion of the object has
gadgets. been ignored.) There is thus a continual
Identify in each activity/gadget the transformation of gravitational potential
kind of energy conversion that takes energy into kinetic energy.

Activity ___________ 11.15 A stronger person may do certain work in
relatively less time. A more powerful vehicle
An object of mass 20 kg is dropped would complete a journey in a shorter time
from a height of 4 m. Fill in the blanks than a less powerful one. We talk of the power
in the following table by computing of machines like motorbikes and motorcars.
the potential energy and kinetic
The speed with which these vehicles change
energy in each case.
energy or do work is a basis for their
Height at Potential Kinetic Ep + Ek classification. Power measures the speed of
which object energy energy work done, that is, how fast or slow work is
is located (Ep= mgh) (Ek = mv2/2) done. Power is defined as the rate of doing
work or the rate of transfer of energy. If an
m J J J
agent does a work W in time t, then power is
4 given by:
3 Power = work/time
1 or P= (11.8)
Just above
the ground
The unit of power is watt [in honour of
James Watt (1736 1819)] having the symbol
For simplifying the calculations, take W. 1 watt is the power of an agent, which
the value of g as 10 m s2. does work at the rate of 1 joule per second.
We can also say that power is 1 W when the
Think it over ! rate of consumption of energy is 1 J s1.
What would have happened if nature had 1 watt = 1 joule/second or 1 W = 1 J s1.
not allowed the transformation of energy? We express larger rates of energy transfer in
There is a view that life could not have kilowatts (kW).
been possible without transformation of 1 kilowatt = 1000 watts
energy. Do you agree with this? 1 kW = 1000 W
1 kW = 1000 J s1.
The power of an agent may vary with time.
11.3 Rate of Doing Work This means that the agent may be doing work
Do all of us work at the same rate? Do at different rates at different intervals of time.
machines consume or transfer energy at the Therefore the concept of average power is
same rate? Agents that transfer energy do useful. We obtain average power by dividing
work at different rates. Let us understand this the total energy consumed by the total time
from the following activity: taken.

Activity ___________ 11.16 Example 11.7 Two girls, each of weight 400
Consider two children, say A and B. N climb up a rope through a height of 8
Let us say they weigh the same. Both m. We name one of the girls A and the
start climbing up a rope separately. other B. Girl A takes 20 s while B takes
Both reach a height of 8 m. Let us say
A takes 15 s while B takes 20 s to 50 s to accomplish this task. What is the
accomplish the task. power expended by each girl?
What is the work done by each?
The work done is the same. However,
A has taken less time than B to do (i) Power expended by girl A:
the work. Weight of the girl, mg = 400 N
Who has done more work in a given
time, say in 1 s? Displacement (height), h = 8 m


Time taken, t = 20 s

From Eq. (11.8),
1. What is power?
Power, P = Work done/time taken
2. Define 1 watt of power.
mgh 3. A lamp consumes 1000 J of
= electrical energy in 10 s. What is
its power?
400 N 8 m 4. Define average power.
20 s
(ii) Power expended by girl B: The unit joule is too small and hence is
Weight of the girl, mg = 400 N inconvenient to express large quantities of
Displacement (height), h = 8 m energy. We use a bigger unit of energy called
Time taken, t = 50 s kilowatt hour (kW h).
mgh What is 1 kW h? Let us say we have a
Power, P = machine that uses 1000 J of energy every
second. If this machine is used continuously
400 N 8 m for one hour, it will consume 1 kW h of energy.
50 s Thus, 1 kW h is the energy used in one hour
at the rate of 1000 J s1 (or 1 kW).
= 64 W. 1 kW h = 1 kW 1 h
Power expended by girl A is 160 W. = 1000 W 3600 s
Power expended by girl B is 64 W. = 3600000 J
1 kW h = 3.6 106 J.
The energy used in households, industries
Example 11.8 A boy of mass 50 kg runs and commercial establishments are usually
up a staircase of 45 steps in 9 s. If the expressed in kilowatt hour. For example,
height of each step is 15 cm, find his electrical energy used during a month is
power. Take g = 10 m s2. expressed in terms of units. Here, 1 unit
means 1 kilowatt hour.
Weight of the boy, Example 11.9 An electric bulb of 60 W is
mg = 50 kg 10 m s2 = 500 N used for 6 h per day. Calculate the units
Height of the staircase, of energy consumed in one day by the
h = 45 15/100 m = 6.75 m bulb.
Time taken to climb, t = 9 s
From Eq. (11.8), Solution:
power, P = Work done/time taken
Power of electric bulb = 60 W
= = 0.06 kW.
t Time used, t = 6 h
500 N 6.75 m Energy = power time taken
= = 0.06 kW 6 h
= 0.36 kW h
= 375 W.
= 0.36 units.
Power is 375 W. The energy consumed by the bulb is
0.36 units.

How many units are used during
Activity ___________ 11.17
Take a close look at the electric meter Do this activity for about a week.
installed in your house. Observe its Tabulate your observations.
features closely. Draw inferences from the data.
Take the readings of the meter each Compare your observations with
day at 6.30 am and 6.30 pm. the details given in the monthly
How many units are consumed electricity bill.
during day time?

you have
Work done on an object is defined as the magnitude of the
force multiplied by the distance moved by the object in the
direction of the applied force. The unit of work is joule:
1 joule = 1 newton 1 metre.
Work done on an object by a force would be zero if the
displacement of the object is zero.
An object having capability to do work is said to possess energy.
Energy has the same unit as that of work.
An object in motion possesses what is known as the kinetic
energy of the object. An object of mass, m moving with velocity
1 2
v has a kinetic energy of 2 mv .

The energy possessed by a body due to its change in position

or shape is called the potential energy. The gravitational
potential energy of an object of mass, m raised through a height,
h from the earths surface is given by m g h.
According to the law of conservation of energy, energy can
only be transformed from one form to another; it can neither
be created nor destroyed. The total energy before and after
the transformation always remains constant.
Energy exists in nature in several forms such as kinetic
energy, potential energy, heat energy, chemical energy etc.
The sum of the kinetic and potential energies of an object is
called its mechanical energy.
Power is defined as the rate of doing work. The SI unit of
power is watt. 1 W = 1 J/s.
The energy used in one hour at the rate of 1kW is called 1 kW
1. Look at the activities listed below. Reason out whether or not
work is done in the light of your understanding of the term
Suma is swimming in a pond.
A donkey is carrying a load on its back.
A wind-mill is lifting water from a well.
A green plant is carrying out photosynthesis.
An engine is pulling a train.
Food grains are getting dried in the sun.
A sailboat is moving due to wind energy.
2. An object thrown at a certain angle to the ground moves in a
curved path and falls back to the ground. The initial and the
final points of the path of the object lie on the same horizontal
line. What is the work done by the force of gravity on the object?
3. A battery lights a bulb. Describe the energy changes involved
in the process.
4. Certain force acting on a 20 kg mass changes its velocity from
5 m s1 to 2 m s1. Calculate the work done by the force.
5. A mass of 10 kg is at a point A on a table. It is moved to a point
B. If the line joining A and B is horizontal, what is the work
done on the object by the gravitational force? Explain your
6. The potential energy of a freely falling object decreases
progressively. Does this violate the law of conservation of
energy? Why?
7. What are the various energy transformations that occur when
you are riding a bicycle?
8. Does the transfer of energy take place when you push a
huge rock with all your might and fail to move it? Where is
the energy you spend going?
9. A certain household has consumed 250 units of energy during
a month. How much energy is this in joules?
10. An object of mass 40 kg is raised to a height of 5 m above the
ground. What is its potential energy? If the object is allowed to
fall, find its kinetic energy when it is half-way down.
11. What is the work done by the force of gravity on a satellite
moving round the earth? Justify your answer.
12. Can there be displacement of an object in the absence of any
force acting on it? Think. Discuss this question with your
friends and teacher.

13. A person holds a bundle of hay over his head for 30 minutes
and gets tired. Has he done some work or not? Justify your
14. An electric heater is rated 1500 W. How much energy does it
use in 10 hours?
15. Illustrate the law of conservation of energy by discussing the
energy changes which occur when we draw a pendulum
bob to one side and allow it to oscillate. Why does the bob
eventually come to rest? What happens to its energy
eventually? Is it a violation of the law of conservation of
16. An object of mass, m is moving with a constant velocity, v.
How much work should be done on the object in order to bring
the object to rest?
17. Calculate the work required to be done to stop a car of 1500 kg
moving at a velocity of 60 km/h?
18. In each of the following a force, F is acting on an object of
mass, m. The direction of displacement is from west to east
shown by the longer arrow. Observe the diagrams carefully
and state whether the work done by the force is negative,
positive or zero.

19. Soni says that the acceleration in an object could be zero

even when several forces are acting on it. Do you agree with
her? Why?
20. Find the energy in kW h consumed in 10 hours by four
devices of power 500 W each.
21. A freely falling object eventually stops on reaching the
ground. What happenes to its kinetic energy?


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