Applicant Details:: CEFR Master Trainer/ Observer Application Form
Applicant Details:: CEFR Master Trainer/ Observer Application Form
Applicant Details:: CEFR Master Trainer/ Observer Application Form
Applicant details:
Full name:
I.C Number:
Office Address:
Mobile number:
30-39 40-49
Age (Please tick )
Yes No
Do you have any travel restrictions:
If yes, please give details:
B2 C1 C2 Unknown
CEFR language level:
The following questions are for monitoring diversity of participation and do not form part of the selection criteria:
Female Male
Please indicate which qualifications are held, where they were taken and when they were obtained.
Teaching qualifications
Name of qualification Instituition Year
Please list any teacher training experience. This could be either in your own school to colleagues, or to teachers in other schools or at
conferences. Please detail the date of the training, the type of training and focus, the audience or type of teacher who participated and the
number of hours the training lasted:
Length of
Year Type of training and focus Teacher/audience type training
How familiar are you with the CEFR? Select the statement that is most correct for you.
Ive heard of it but Know a little bit Somewhat familiar Very familiar with Extremely familiar
Never heard of it
thats all about it with it it with it
In your opinion, in a class where students successfully learn English, what percentage of class time should a teacher spend on each area of
English in a school year? Makes sure it adds up to 100%
Below are some examples of activities for English classes. In your opinion, how often are these activities useful in a class where students
successfully learn English?
Dictation tests
A B Choice
I prefer to give students what I know they can achieve I prefer to challenge students and risk failure A / B
I am satisfied if I know I taught the material well I am satisfied if students learnt the material well A / B
Pairwork is more effective than whole class recitation for Whole class recitation is more effective than pairwork for
A / B
practicing material practicing material
I prefer to reflect on my teaching alone I seek feedback on my teaching from colleagues A / B
By submitting the form you are confirming that to the best of your knowledge all the above information is correct .