Volume 3 No.4
The End is Nigh
Editorial FEATURES
Giveaways The End of the World in Myth &
News Cinema
Disaster Magnet:
FEATURE REVIEWS The Statue of Liberty
Catastrophe and Disaster Films The Tiger Lillies
A History of Triffids
Camilla d'Errico
The End of the World...well, maybe not ! overload you with pessimistic premonitions of
doom and gloom so there is lots more including
This is one of the stranger issues of Synergy a great feature on Werewolves.
which focuses on The End of the World, Disas-
ter films and related cinema within the catastro- As I reflect on the development of Synergy one
phe genre. thing I recently noted was that our most down-
loaded issue was the one on Sin-ema !
At the same time as dedicated rationalists and
cynical old bastards we are have also included While cult films, horror and world cinema all
an entertaining guide to the insanity of the received a good response, it seems you all
whole End of the World industry from Christian loved our intelligent guide to erotica.
loonies to new age Mayan fanatics, from reli-
gious myths to the latest release films. At pre- So now the truth is out, there are lots of people
sent there seems to have been a rash of these out there who like our approach of treating adult
titles from 2012 to The Road, from The Book of cinema as any other form of entertainment.
Eli to I am Legend, so we thought it would be
fun to give them a critical view. We will certainly consider following up the Sin-
ema issue with another issue in the future but
We have also included a solid Thinking Time for now you will just have to be happy with the
special covering everything from climate Erotica section each issue. We will make sure
change to fundamentalism. we get some choice content in each issue so as
to not to let you down !
Our major article gives a solid introduction to
The End of the World in myth and cinema with We hope you enjoy this issue.
considerations of major works of cinema within Editors
the genre. At the same time we do not want to Synergy
Salo classified
R 18+ upon review
A five-member panel of
the Classification Re- Moon Nazis Are Coming
view Board (the Re- The First Footage from Iron Sky Released!
view Board) has in a majority decision deter-
mined that the film Salo is classified R 18+ Blind Spot Pictures and Energia Productions
(Restricted) with the consumer advice 'Scenes have released the first footage from their up-
of torture and degradation, sexual violence and coming science fiction movie Iron Sky. In the
nudity'. world of Iron Sky the Nazis left for the Moon in
1945 - and in 2018 they are coming back. The
In the Review Board's majority opinion Salo movie is a science fiction black comedy, a Finn-
warrants this classification because the inclu- ish-German co-production shot mainly in Eng-
sion of additional material on the DVD facilitates lish.
wider consideration of the context of the film
which results in the impact being no more than You can see the fresh footage on Energia's
high. YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/
Energiaproductions) and on the Iron Sky web-
The minority were of the view that the film site (http://www.ironsky.net/).
should be Refused Classification. The Review
Board strongly advises consumers to consider The footage - edited into teaser format - was
whether this is a film they wish to see as it con- filmed in Tampere, Finland in March, but the
tains scenes of torture, degradation, cruelty and main shooting of the film will begin later this
sexual violence that may offend some sections year. The soundtrack was provided by Sloveni-
of the community. Films classified R 18+ are an underground music heavyweight Laibach,
legally restricted to adults. Persons aged under who will also create the soundtrack of the mov-
18 years cannot be admitted to films classified ie. The CGI effects were created by Energia
R 18+. Some material classified R 18+ may be Productions.
offensive to sections of the adult community.
Consumer advice is additional information The budget of Iron Sky is 6.5 million euros,
which is intended to help consumers decide if making it one of the most expensive Finnish film
they want to view this type of material. projects to date, and it will be released in 2011.
Iron Sky is the second film project from the cre-
The Review Board convened today in response ators of Star Wreck, an internet phenomenon
to an application from the Minister for Home Af- that has gathered over eight million viewers all
fairs to review the decision made by the Classi- around the world.
fication Board to classify Salo R 18+ with the
consumer advice 'Scenes of torture and degra-
dation, sexual violence and nudity'.
Available now to
view free online
and also as a col-
lector edition hard-
back of 250 copies
Headpress is
proud to announce
its leap into the
digital age with the
launch of its infa-
mous flagship
quarterly, the
Headpress journal,
both online as a
free ezine and also
a collector edition full colour hardback, individu-
ally numbered and limited to 250 copies world-
"We shot this footage mainly to make sure our wide.
workflow works as planned", says the director
Timo Vuorensola. Containing the same cutting edge, provocative
brain-bending content of yesteryear, Headpress
"The visual look and feel is one of the biggest is now accessible to the masses. Anyone, any-
challenges we need to overcome. Shooting this time, anywhere...
footage - which we will also use in the final film
when it comes out - provided us with enough To commemorate each quarterly edition, and
material to test out several options and pin not being one to neglect our publishing roots,
down one. I'm hoping to find a visual combina- the ezine will be accompanied by a collector
tion that's unique: something that looks a bit like edition hardcopy available for purchase no-
a comic book and a bit like concept art, but with where else but here through this website.
a definite photorealistic atmosphere."
Each collector edition contains exclusive con-
The movie is directed by Timo Vuorensola and tent not available online plus facsimile pages
produced by Tero Kaukomaa (Blind Spot Pic- from the original out of print Headpress journal,
tures), Samuli Torssonen (Energia Productions) starting with No 1 and running consecutively
and Oliver Damian (27 Films Production). The thereafter.
main cast includes Julia Dietze (1½ Ritter),
Götz Otto (Schindler's List, The Downfall), Tilo Contents include:
Prückner (The Neverending Story, Die
Fälscher) and Udo Kier (Dogville, Dancer in the Fred West Home Improvements
Dark). The screenplay is written by the ac- The Lighter Side Of Serial Killing by David
claimed sci-fi writer Johanna Sinisalo (Nebula Kerekes
Award nominee 2009, Finlandia Prize 2000) Only the Sky Remains Uncorrupted
and Michael Kalesniko (Private Parts). A Visit to the Castle De Sade with Martin Jones
Mixtape: Analogue NOW!
The first teaser of Iron Sky was released in by Joe Scott Wilson
2008 and it has gathered over 3.7 million views. Ghostmonger! The Wholly Serious History Of
Fake Ghosts as Witnessed by a 1930s Comic
The creators of Iron Sky are very active in the Genius by Jennifer Wallis
social media and have gathered a sizable inter- Project Mogwai
national fan following. Four paintings by Rik Rawling
Online ezine:
Director Éric Falardeau describes the film: “My (…) It has me in line for tickets to the movie
approach follows a famous quote from French right now!”
poet Jean Cocteau: Brian Morton of RogueCinema.com
“You've never seen death? Look in the mirror Thanatomorphose’s crew includes first AD Ma-
every day and you will see it like bees working rie-Josée Lamontagne, artistic director Vér-
in a glass hive.” onique Poirier, stop motion animator Simon
Beaupré (La cité de pierre), make-up and spe-
The film main emphasis is not on the why, but cial effects artists Véronique Dumas (The Day
the how: how she will react to what is happen- After Tomorrow, A Night at the Museum, The
ing to her? Fountain), and Josée Courtemanche.
It is a film about the body as an object, a com- The website will also feature an official produc-
modity. How do we treat our body and discon- tion blog hosted by famous horror culture
nect ourselves of it in the process.” French website Sinistre Blogzine.
Last year, a teaser was shot to help find inves-
Sinistre Blogzine editor Alexandre Duguay: “We
tors and to involve the public in the film concep-
are proud to associate ourselves to the project
tion. It has been screened in festivals all around
of talented director Éric Falardeau by hosting
the world and will welcome visitors of the new the film official production blog. It is a great op-
website. The July 8th launch date coincides portunity to contribute to the ever growing pres-
with the start of 2010 Fantasia Film Festival. ence of Quebec independent genre film here
The trailer will be featured on the festival‘s DVD and in the world.”
and the poster will also be lurking in the pages
of the festival’s program. Visit the website today !
Thanatomorphose‘s trailer has been described http://www.thanatomorphosefilm.com
as having “visual that's incredibly powerful and
really had my imagination working overtime.
A wide range of samples are on the welcome Our shooting schedule currently is over 250
and tour pages at actiongirls.com. days during 2010 with a staff of eight photogra-
phers including names like Chris Thomson, Jus-
Imagine Wendy 4, Jordan Carver and Zemano- tin Price, Alexius Vitaly, Adam Chilson, Joe
va in 3D Boobovision! Venge, Andy Hartmark, Paul Bucetta and of
course Scotty JX. The equipment has been up-
Boobs, Butts and Guns reaching out onto your graded as well using High Speed Cameras, 3D
lounge and into your face like never before. Rigs and New 1080p Chip HD cameras.
Actiongirls welcomes Double H Internet Super- This year will feature videos in 3D, more fantasy
star Jordan Carver to the family of Actiongirls in styled CG Sets, blockbuster movie-like themed
new exclusive videos and pictorials. videos and pictorials, comic book styled sets
and much more.
Never before has one site displayed so many
internet super stars under one umbrella with Please make a visit to the site as Scotty and the
Jordan Carver, Denise Milani, Wendy 4, team haven't stopped working at keeping it fun
Zemanova, Brooke Becker, Aylen Alvarez, Mya and entertaining while featuring only best look-
The End of the World is a myth found within all Of the monotheistic religions Christianity has
the world religions; it is as central to theology as the most developed theology of the End of the
the creation myth since it gives an explanation World known as eschatology. The early disci-
as to how the world has reached its current ples believed Jesus would return in their life-
state and declares its future. To understand the times and most historians believe that it was
significance of this statement we must appreci- only due to St.Paul and his vision of an astral if
ate that religious thinking, in general, is marked not Apollo-like Christ that Christianity survived
by a form of conceptualiza- the difficult hurdle of their
tion which is focused on lord and saviour missing
“moral decline”. Regardless his return appointment.
of whether the religion in The belief that Jesus
question is eastern or west- would return increases
ern, new age or a new reli- around times of crisis. One
gious movement, each posits of these key periods was
a “golden age” when man at the end of the first Mil-
was in union with the divine lennium. During the Middle
(or nature, the cosmos; any Ages there were untold
range of descriptors could be cults which believed in the
used) and a process where- imminent return of Jesus.
by this union was broken and An excellent overview is
history moved inexorably found in The Pursuit of the
away from the creation event and towards the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and
end of creation. This myth is used to imbue his- Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages, Nor-
tory with an artificial sense of meaning and give man Cohn. Oxford University Books, 1970.
religious communities the moral upper hand and
a false sense of authority. It is fair to say, however, that it is with Protes-
tantism that eschatology really ran rampant.
The Rapture
single parent family and its replacement with a mankind has dominated and abused nature ev-
nuclear family unit as the final sign of hope is er since. This sort of “Dominion” theology has
problematic. been central to each of the Mosaic religions
and can be traced directly to global warming via
The Book of Eli (2010) the excesses of the Protestant Work Ethic and
the puritan values of make as much money as
The Book of Eli is a bit you can for God. The vast majority of terrorism
like The Road by with comes from the Islamic terrorism, Christian far
a fundamentalist right nutters and Zionists. Indeed it has been
Christian message. It argued that the world’s first terrorists were the
is bizarre that such a Jewish zealots who declared war against their
film would be made by Roman occupiers. Any book could have been
mainstream filmmak- used to represent Western culture; a scientific
ers and include such text, a work of poetry, even Shakespeare. To
respected actors as use the Bible is an insult to the viewer’s intelli-
Gary Oldman and gence, to say the least.
Denzel Washington. It
is a tale of a post- Central to many end of the world films is the
apocalyptic world motif of the family. With all religious traditions
where Eli is carrying the family unit is a representation of the
and protecting a book “Golden Age” in microcosm. It is the unit “god
which represents the designed” and since most religious people can’t
wisdom of a dead civilization and you guessed remember the Golden Age or the Garden of
it, it is the Bible. This is truly horrid stuff kids, Eden, they project their utopian ideals onto the
simplistic, narrow and stupid. While many media family unit and conservative values. In the west,
critics have tried to “read” the tale as represent- this also results in the idealization of the 1950’s
ing the survival of any religious faith and the and its supposedly idyllic family values. Rang-
“Bible” as any holy book, that is not how the film ing from wife beating, backyard abortions and
communicates. It is the Bible and the Christian overprescribed valium to the constant use of
God which survives the world’s end. It is ironic electro shock and lobotomy, eugenics and
in a sense since it could be argued that it is the chemical castration for homosexuality.
views which the Bible represents which are like-
ly to cause any global catastrophe. Without en- In 2012, the dysfunctional family is broken by
tering too far into polemic, the two major risks to the death of the interloper father and the origi-
modern man are global warming and terrorism nal nuclear family reinstated to help kick-start
and both come from problems caused by the the future. In The Road the ending where the
three ugly sisters of Judaism, Christianity and one parent family is replaced with a nuclear
Islam. Genesis made it clear that God created family seems to have the same message. A
man first, then woman and then the animals and variant of this model is the salvation of the fami-
An early attempt at a
natural disaster film
was the 1933 Deluge.
This film was thought
lost until recently
when an Italian-
dubbed print was
east coast. This turned out to be prophetic as In the 2004 disaster film The Day After Tomor-
far as later films were concerned. Tsunamis be- row, a drama about climate change making the
came a popular theme. Like Godzilla and To- U.S. uninhabitable, the Statue appears almost
kyo, the Statue of Liberty and tsunamis seem to covered in ice following a massive cold snap
go hand-in-hand. and a tsunami. Incidentally the Statue is facing
the wrong way.
The most striking image in film was at the end of
Planet of the Apes (1968). The astronaut Taylor
finds the statue half-buried on a lonely beach.
He realises that he is on a future Earth where
humans are now a lower form of animal life. In
reality the statue’s survival in these circum-
stances is quite unlikely. It is constructed from
thin bronze sheets attached to a steel armature
(skeleton). The steel would have rusted away
long ago, but we aren’t going to let reality stand
in the way of a good story, are we?
Independence Day
The change to a wolf was painless, but the psychosis which results from sexual suppres-
change back to human form was painful and sion and a crisis which causes its eruption in
debilitating. They may also have suffered from violent and chaotic forms.
depression as a result of remembering their
crimes committed while in wolf form. These eruptions are so extreme that they are
seen as bestial and in the past such individuals
Killing a Werewolf would be seen as possessed by the devil and
hunted down and killed by members of their
The earliest legends regarded forgiveness by a own communities. Families would shun a per-
Deity as the only way to become human again. son showing signs of werewolfism as it was as-
sociated with being possessed by the devil and
During the 20th century the legend was expand- reflected on the whole family.
ed, with werewolves being hurt by contact with
silver and being able to be killed by silver bul- In a case covered in The American Journal of
lets, although there appears to be no earlier Psychiatry Vol. 134, No. 10. October 1977 by
mention of this addition to the legend. It is at- Harvey Rostenstock, M.D. and Kenneth R. Vin-
tributed to scriptwriter Curt Siodmak, who also cent, Ed.D. a woman reported werewolf like
emphasised the connection with the full moon. symptoms. These included delusions of were-
wolf transformation under stress, a preoccupa-
Wolfsbane, a herb, was held to be protection tion with religious phenomenology, including
against them. feeling victimized by the evil eye, an obsessive
need to frequent graveyards and woods, primi-
The church, not one to resist hijacking a folk su- tive expression of aggressive and sexual urges
perstition for its own ends, appears to have al- in the form of bestiality and extreme forms of
most missed out on werewolves. Unlike vam- anxiety. She was diagnosed with schizophrenia
pires werewolves were immune to holy relics and treated successfully.
and artefacts like crucifixes and holy water. Ex-
orcism was, however, held to work in some Many of the motifs of the werewolf are related
countries. to madness such as the supposed transfor-
mation occurring on the full moon, the transmis-
The werewolf could be “cured “ in some cultures sion of the disease by familial lines (as with
by surgery. This could involve striking the were- some forms of mental illness) and the obses-
wolf on the head with a knife (you have to won- sion with bestial sex. Some have argued that
der about the survival rate) or driving nails the most primitive use of wolf or animal posses-
through the werewolf’s hands. sion within native tribes represented a healthy
expression of pent up aggression and sexual
There were other less drastic methods. You desire.
could address the werewolf by its real name
three times and it would be cured. A Danish be- However with the advent of Christianity and the
lief held that you could scold a werewolf and it demonization of all forms of paganism and the
would change back to human (“Bad dog!” ?). It suppression of sexuality, the werewolf became
could also be cured if it converted to Christianity an image of great fear. In many ways it is more
(naturally). feared than the vampire since a vampire can be
controlled with a crucifix or holy water and
The Psychology of the Werewolf those infected by it can be returned to normal
life with the death of the master vampire. A
While term werewolf werewolf or "man-wolf" is werewolf infection can only be cured by death,
derived from the Old English wer or man, plus in most cases by a blessed silver bullet.
wolf, the term lycanthropy is used to differenti-
ate the psychiatric condition from the imagery of Werewolves in film
myth and legend and comes from the Greek
works for human and wolf. Werewolves are first known to have appeared
in entertainment in the early 1600s play The
The earliest accounts were found in Pliny the Tragedy of the Duchess of Malfi. A young lady
Elder and Vergil. There are many theories re- is preparing to marry beneath her station and
garding the origin of the myth with it usually be- her two evil brothers, one of whom is a
ing connected to sexual suppression. In psychi- werewolf, plan to stop her or kill her. The play
atric teams werewolfism is seen as a form of becomes a real horror story as the lady, her
own as a horror film. It won the 1981 Saturn the true wolf shape.
Award for best horror film. It deals with two
young American students who are attacked on By the end of the 1990s we saw an occasional
the wild moors by a lycanthrope and one is werewolf film being released that had a decent
turned into a werewolf. As the next full moon budget and high production values. One such
approaches the need for action increases. Sui- (and in my mind one of the better werewolf ti-
cide becomes an option after a night of murder tles) is the 2002 film Dog Soldiers. This brilliant
and mayhem in his new wolf form. piece of British horror is set in the wilds of Scot-
land where someone (something?) is killing sol-
The Howling was a little more thoughtful and diers out on exercise. The best of the British
did much to return the genre to the horror main- army cannot stop the werewolves.
stream. A reporter who has been interviewing a
serial killer finds her way to The Colony, the kill- War Wolves, recently reviewed in Synergy, took
er’s starting point. She doesn’t realise that The an unusual twist. A group of American soldiers
Colony is a werewolf haunt and the serial killer fighting in Afghanistan is attacked by were-
was an outcast. The werewolves don’t want any wolves and themselves become lycanthropes.
more publicity, so she finds herself in danger at Unusually for the genre they have the choice of
every turn. One of the more ridiculous sequels whether to become full traditional werewolves
in The Howling series was Howling III:The Mar-
supials which was set in Australia with werekan-
garoos and some rather cool werewolf nuns.
As they trace the alleged killers, they find the This bringing together of wolf lore with legends
situation far more complex. It seems that there of lycanthropy and a detective/crime story
is a werewolf clan in the vicinity but they are the makes this a very unusual and successful
victims. Modern werewolves live like wolves in werewolf tale. Using cinematography and
the wild, surviving in packs and protecting each presentation similar to traditional animal docu-
other. They have controlled their instincts and mentaries give it a truly credible feel. Indeed
when they transform are controlled by other some reviews claim that during the first airing in
members of the pack and hence only attack the U.S. people believed the show was real and
deer and wild animals. However, occasionally, during the rabies outbreak section rang their
an outsider may be bitten and become a were- local police stations !
wolf by bite rather than blood. These outsiders
are a grave risk as they are not ruled by the tra- The Dark Survivors (below)
before being co-opted by The Tiger Lillies for Welcome to the Carnival of Circus Freaks
1995's Edinburgh Festival. This once serious The Bleeding Lady the blood from her leaks
musician has since then found himself dancing Here is a place where you can buy crack
in leider hosen, making love to inflatable sheep Lobotomised whores who you can slap."
and dressing as a cheap prostitute.
In 1999 The Tiger
Cockatoo Prison Lillies produced a
CD called Circus
Cockatoo Prison is Songs which ex-
their most recent plored the world of
work and has just the outcasts who
been released in CD. live in the circus.
It was created when The Freakshow ex-
The Tiger Lillies pands these themes
were commissioned and explores the
to create a song cy- lives of The Snake
cle of crime for the Woman, Three Legged Jake, Rosa with three
17th Biennale of Hearts, the Fat Lady, Deathless Man, Normo,
Sydney in May 2010. Cockatoo Island is the site Bleeding Lady, Matchstick Man, Flipper Boy,
of a former prison, shipyard and girls reformato- The Bleeding Lady, Ugly Joe, Hairy Man and
ry school and has a terrible past. The cycle of the Sleeper. It is a fascinating excursion into
songs they have created is probably the most the sideshow and is a bit like the classic 1932
confronting of all their work and is a powerful film The Freaks by Tod Browning but in audio
experience. format. The question it asks who is really the
freak, them or you?
Documenting the crimes and lives of the most
reviled members of society from the murderer In 1998 The Tiger
and rapist to the paedophile and shit terrorist (!), Lillies released
it will not be everybody’s idea of a good time. Shockheaded Peter,
However, this is not just misanthropy, while that a bizarre and won-
is not a bad thing, it is an honest appraisal of derful exploration of
those who are “beyond the pale” and a discus- the twisted chil-
sion of how they arrived in their present condi- dren’s stories of
tion. It would be ever so easy to simply write this Heinrich Hoffmann's
off as a sick celebration of the criminal. Yet if Strewwelpeter.
you listen to each song carefully and consider Der Struwwelpeter
the horrifying spectacle presented to you, it is (1845) was a Ger-
soon apparent that the CD is about what drives man children's book
the human species to do such terrible things to by Heinrich Hoffmann. It presented ten illustrat-
each other and offers quite some insight into the ed and rhymed stories, mostly about bad chil-
dark shadow which mankind reflects across the dren. Each has an obvious moral message but
globe. presents the consequences of bad behaviour in
an outrageously exaggerated manner. There is
Another album I some debate about the intent of the book, most
especially enjoyed see it as a satire on the works of moral instruc-
is Seven Deadly tion which were circulating at the time. Literally
Sins which dates translated, Struwwelpeter means Shaggy-Peter
from 2008. It pre- and The Tiger Lillies took this amazing book
sents a selection of and created a truly stupendous series of songs
punkish style caba- from it.
ret songs which
chart man’s fall The Tiger Lillies have produced a wealth of mu-
from grace into the sic as well as some fascinating books, it is well
evils of vice with a worth visiting their website and spending some
new song for every form of sin. All presented time visiting with them:
with the usual dark flair which we may expect
from The Tiger Lillies. The Tiger Lillies
similar lines of thought have arisen at the edges and a deep bond is
of the field of epigenetics, which has even been formed. They see a
called Neo-Lysenskoism by its critics. light in the distance
and find a group of
While later adaptations of the tale focus on is- sighted survivors at
sues relating to genetics and science, the novel London University.
itself has a strongly anti-communist feel. It also
explores the way in which human nature, flawed This group is led by
as it is, contaminates any political system; with Beadley, a social radi-
the totalitarian the most at risk. It also explores cal. He wants to estab-
the human reaction to a disaster focusing on the lish a community in the
themes of self-interest versus cooperativeness. countryside where
sighted men take sev-
A Synopsis of the Book eral wives to rebuild
the population of the
The triffids are really the central figure of the world. Needless to say
book; they were bioengineered in the Soviet Un- this does not impress the religious among the
ion but when a plane is shot down carrying their group especially the devout Miss Durrant who
spores, they spread worldwide. This is both a is another leader of the group. As the clash of
blessing and a curse, their oil is superior to ex- personalities deepens a more serious problem
isting vegetable oils, but they are unpredictable intervenes.
and dangerous. They are marked by an ability
to move about on three leg-like appendages, Wilfred Coker makes a very rash decision; he
have a form of communication and intelligence stages a small fire at the university and kidnaps
and protect themselves with a poisonous sting a number of sighted individuals including Bill
that enables them to kill their victims as food. and Josella. He chains them each to a group of
blind people forcing them to lead their ragtag
Bill Masen has made his living working with bands around London looking for food and sup-
them but is now in hospital as he was splashed plies. This doesn’t work especially well consid-
with triffid venom during a lab experiment. His ering the triffids which are on the loose and
eyes are bandaged and he misses an unusual competing gangs, one of which is led by Tor-
meteor show which lights up the entire sky. (In rence.
the book it is later suggested that this may have
also been a military weapon that was accidently Bill tries to make the most of his situation but
triggered by an “unknown” power i.e. the Soviet soon disease begins to ravage those in his
Union). community so he leaves and begins to search
for Josella. He is accompanied by Coker but
The next morning when he wakes up the hospi- doesn’t really trust him. Their first stop is a
tal is very different from the one he signed into, Christian survivalist community called Tynsham
it is dead silent. He finds the world around him ran by the devout Miss Durrant but they contin-
in utter panic and learns that the meteor show- ue to search to search Josella. Bill remembers
er/weapon of the previous night has rendered Josella mentioning a country home in Sussex,
everyone who saw it blind. He removes the so sets off in search of her, Coker returns to
bandages from his Tynsham.
sensitive eyes and
steps forward into a Bill is joined on his search by a young girl
London he doesn’t rec- named Susan, together they locate Josella at
ognize; filled with pan- Sussex House. Bill and Josella consider them-
ic, destruction, vio- selves a couple and Susan their child. Together
lence and madness. they try and create a self-contained community.
He meets a sighted However even with years of work they find the
novelist, Josella Play- triffids are becoming more numerous and dan-
ton and they band to- gerous and their community is floundering.
gether to help each
other. Soon biology One day they see a helicopter land outside their
takes over and they property and they are invited to join a colony on
take an emotional in- the Isle of Wight. They do not wish to leave the
terest in each other land they have worked on for so long but find
A television ver-
sion was produced
by the BBC serial
in 1981 starring
John Duttine as Bill
Masen. It is still
considered by
many to be the de-
finitive version of
the tale on film and
has been regularly
that the original film was too short for cinema repeated on TV
release! and released on
DVD. One of the
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction Comic reasons the TV
The Day of the Triffids series is so well
Comic Book Style regarded as it is able to explore the plot of the
book in far more detail that the various films. In
In 1975 Marvel Comics adapted the story in the the U.K. it had six episodes of 30 minutes each,
magazine Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction, in Australia, three one hour episodes.
which was Marvel’s attempt to create an adult
oriented science fiction magazine. This serialization really got inside the story ex-
ploring not only the Triffids but the breakdown
It was sadly short lived, only running for six of society and, more importantly, individual re-
actions to societies collapse. While finances
clearly limited the special effects used in the
series, the superb acting, character develop-
ment and the sheer depth of the plot more than
makes up for its limitations.
apocalyptic psychology.
The CGI used throughout the film while signifi- The central tale of course is the story of Bill
cant does not overpower the tale, the catastro- Masen, the triffid biologist and Jo Playton, the
phes in the first episode (Day One) really set the media broadcaster and their quest not only for
stage for the more significant tale of how people survival but to somehow neutralise the triffids.
behave when a worldwide disaster occurs, es- They also offer the love interest in the story but
pecially the opening plane crash. surprisingly this is, for once, not overplayed!
The triffids are stunning and you really do not The Day of the Triffids offers a solid sci-fi expe-
see them in all their glory until the end of the rience, balancing well used special effects with
first episode and this helps develop the sus- character development, thought provoking
pense, the colour depth on the Blu Ray edition themes and a new and interesting adaptation of
is quite superb. a well-worn science fiction classic.
The major focus of the tale is on various charac- It is a fascinating journey to see how a book
ters who represent different responses to the written in 1951 has travelled through numerous
disaster. We have a small team of government editions, comics, films and TV finally to become
officials who work in isolation aiming to relocate a major release in 2009.
Meteor Apocalypse
The Asylum Pictures
Peacock Films
10,000 A.D.
Legend of the
Black Pearl
Indican Pictures
Sleep Dealer
Reel DVD
ian and Spanish colonies under British rule to having seen the invasion of Europe given to
protect their trade routes through the Suez Ca- Eisenhower, was more concerned with his own
nal. No wonder then that Ball points out that the prestige and with having a British commander
British “accepted that they were more unpopular in charge of the Mediterranean – under his con-
in North Africa than the Nazis”. While Churchill trol. He wasted no time in organising an inva-
was sacking his generals, Eisenhower went sion at Anzio which, had it succeeded, would
about doing what Rommel and the British could have cut off many German troops doing a
not – take North Africa. This would also divert fighting retreat up Italy. His record of military
public attention from the British losses and blunders preceded him and the American of-
hopefully give a much-needed victory. ficer in charge of the invasion said “the whole
affair has the strong odour of Gallipoli and ap-
The bickering over who would control what con- parently the same amateur is still on the
tinued and Ball paints a picture of the French coach’s bench”. Although the Anzio landing
assuming they would command the invasions of was unopposed Churchill’s dream of encircling
their former colonies, Britain not telling the the enemy troops to the south failed when the
Americans of the proposed Alamein offensive forgotten Germans to the north encircled the
as they didn’t trust the Americans, and so on. Allies instead. Churchill’s glorious moment once
While Montgomery was winning the battle of El again turned into World War I trench warfare,
Alamein Eisenhower had to deal with the petty
ambitions of the French commander Giraud who What was left of the Mediterranean war turned
loftily declared that as a Frenchman and out- political and, Ball points out, became a training
ranking Eisenhower he would be the one to lead ground for later independence groups like the
the invasion of the French colonies. Haganah. The British didn’t notice this because
they were too concerned with working around
American tactics after the battle were divided. behind the Americans to put their own preferred
There were those urging a complete takeover of Governments into countries like Greece. The
the Mediterranean along the lines of the British outcomes of these blunders sealed Britain’s
preference. These people thought an invasion fate in the Mediterranean in following years.
of north western Europe would be folly. Others They got away with it because the Americans
saw the future as taking over the eastern Medi- were now looking to an invasion of France.
terranean and extending their influence there – Their experience in Italy suggested that the war
rather prophetic in view of the current oil- would be continually bogged down in battles of
powered politics. The final proposal, to invade attrition if they insisted on fighting their way up
Europe from the south through Italy, had its sup- Italy. The Mediterranean was simply unim-
porters as well. In the end the Italian option portant to them. That left the way clear for the
turned into a debacle. Churchill, meanwhile, had British, the French, the Arabs and even the Vat-
his own ideas on where the forces should be ican to squabble over areas of power. It led to
concentrated next. Vichy France still remained a decades of unrest in places like Algeria, Greece
thorn in everyone’s side. and Palestine and ultimately to the displace-
ment of the previous colonial powers.
The breaking point for the Axis came when Sici-
ly was invaded. With sufficient troops and mate- Although Simon Ball has covered the major bat-
riel the Americans were able to make a strong tles in some detail as well as the tactics and
advance. The German forces began to leave logistics, it is his attention to the personalities
the island and the Italians were quick to follow. that makes this book more than just a history.
Even the Italian attempts to surrender Italy were By understanding the motives and background
marred by intrigue and counterplot as the partic- of the leaders involved it gives a wider scope to
ipants tried to get as much power for their own the history of this troubled area. It also helps to
factions as possible. For a while the Allies were explain why the colonial powers did not see the
unsure just who had the power to surrender on arising of the independence movements. There
behalf of Italy. were, it was true, those movements whose mo-
tives were mostly based on a lust for power, but
The disgusting jockeying for power continued at there were also those whose upbringing and
the highest levels and Ball gives us an insight background led them to believe in their own
into the motives of the various world leaders. superiority over the local people. It took World
Roosevelt, for instance, proposed a conference War II to give the local people a chance at self-
of world leaders that would effectively divide the determination.
world into spheres of influence. Churchill,
Clint Eastwood
– Icon
David Frangioni
Insight Editions 2009
Counter Insurgency
David Kilcullen
Scribe Publications 2010
Guildhunter Series
Angel’s Blood and Archangel’s Kiss
Nalini Singh
Published by Hachette Australia
and utterly amoral group. After all, these are the Lonely Werewolf Girl
ones who create vampires as servants. Martin Millar
Piatkus 2009
Angel’s Blood
Elena Deveraux is a Guild hunter. She has Jeremy Kong
acutely developed senses including a sense of
smell that allows her to track vampires and it Cross-dressing were-
also makes for some interesting descriptions of wolves, drug-using
the vampires and angels she comes into contact werewolves, fashionista
with. demonesses, Goths,
werewolves with eating
“ he smelt like sex and pain” disorders – all these
and more. Infidelity,
She is hired by an archangel Raphael to track rock n roll, drugs – it’s not easy being a modern
down a rogue archangel who has gone on a werewolf.
savage killing rampage. She will need all her
skills as a hunter and a woman to fulfil the con- Kalix is the lonely werewolf girl of the title. She
tract. There is as much danger from the posses- has been banished from her clan the Ma-
sive Raphael, who oozes sex appeal, as from cRinnalch for attacking the Thane, the lord of
the rogue. Elena herself is pretty strong with the the werewolf clan, who also happens to be her
sex appeal. father. She has been on the run since then liv-
ing on the streets, trying to starve herself to
Archangel’s Kiss death (she is bulimic in her human form) while
the clan hunts her down. She will, however
Raphael, the gorge herself while in werewolf form then throw
Archangel of it all up when she returns to human. As the sto-
modern-day ry progresses we meet more of her family.
New York, is
now Elena’s There is Thris, a fashion designer sorceress
lover. He has werewolf, and her sister Malveria “the fire
fed her ambro- queen, whose extreme beauty existed some-
sia and turned where between a Babylonian Death Goddess
her into an an- and an Asian supermodel” and is a fashion
gel, but she tragic.
needs time to
adapt to her Kalix has two brothers – one is the traditional
new powers. werewolf warrior who really wants to kill Kalix
The other Arch- for the reward, and the other is Marcus who has
angels may not a penchant for women’s clothing. Then there
allow her that are the two cousins Delicious and Beauty, who
much time. have been kicked out of the clan for their rock n
There is a plot roll lifestyle of booze and drugs.
to kill her be-
cause of what she is. With the death of the Thane Kalix becomes
aware of her powers – she was born on the full
There is constant intrigue between the archan- moon while her mother was in werewolf form
gels, always looking for a weakness in each and has tremendous powers. All she wants,
other. Elena may be Raphael’s weakness. To though, is to be left alone but circumstances
Elena it may be Raphael’s arrogant assumption seem to keep dragging her back into the politics
that love means total possession. She has of the werewolf clan.
enough to deal with just there, but there is a se-
ries of crimes that shake the Angles to the core. It’s an understatement to say that the plot is
complex. It is a massive book and you want to
These books are a great read when you get follow each character, as there is so much go-
past all the lavish erotic descriptions of the male ing on. The characters are well drawn with a lot
characters. These books would be great to give of depth and they carry the plot so it grabs hold
to your girlfriend or wife (or both) if you want to of you. Even the evil characters grow on you
get a bit of action. because of their quirks and oddities.
With Kalix the author has pinned down the typi- Even worse, the couple has to embark on a
cal teenage girl perfectly. family vacation without alerting their children
and grandchildren to the fact that they now
It’s a three course meal of a book and will leave need human blood to survive.
you satisfied.
Nanny & Hank features the talents of writer
Nanny and Hank Mark L. Miller, writer of the company’s Vincent
#1 Price anthology series, and artist Steve Babb.
Comics Blue Water Productions
Web: http://www.bluewaterprod.com/
Nanny and Hank #1 is
an impressive charac- Sun Ra:
ter driven comic. It Interviews and
has a nicely presented Essays
design which is filled Editor
with colour, texture John Sinclair
and style. Headpress 2010
It is only after a while you realize he is a From the mid 1950s until his death in 1993,
vampyre recruiter and that the Council are not Sun Ra led "The Arkestra", an ensemble with
happy with the quality of recruits he is offering.
an ever-changing line-up and name which found her sleeping in the open one night. Au-
sometimes numbered as many as thirty musi- thun takes one boy as his own and leaves the
cians living and playing together under the guid- other with a family far up in the mountains. One
ance, some would say despotic tutelage of Sun day the boy is taken further into the mountains
Ra himself. Their music touched upon the entire by his temporary parents and abandoned to his
history of jazz, from ragtime to swing, bebop to fate. This would usually involve a quick death in
free jazz, while the band also pioneered the use the teeth of wolves.
of new forms, including electronic music, space
music and free improvisation. His wolfman father has left him a legacy – a
small talisman, just a pebble really, with a rune
While Sun Ra’s music have created a legendary scratched into it that identifies the boy as the
reputation, it was his strange worldview which kin of a wolfman. Rather than kill him the
gave him cult status. He claimed to have origi- wolves bring him up as one of their own. Even-
nated from Saturn, and evolved a mystical sci-fi tually following the death of the alpha male he
philosophy which he weaved into both the music becomes the leader of the wolf clan. The old
and Dadaist performances of The Arkestra, male warned him about the dangers of eating
whose performances which inspired artists as human flesh and so far he has avoided it, but
diverse as George Clinton and MC5. the other members of the pack will eat humans
if there is no other food available
By M D Lachlan Years pass and Authun’s son is something of a
Orion Books disappointment. He is not by nature a fighter
2010 and doesn’t take part in the raids that are so
popular among the other Vikings. Finally it
Lachlan has written reaches the point where he must prove himself
a strange, dark tale a man or step aside. He swears that he will
of werewolves, travel to the north of the kingdom and bring
Norse gods and back the wolfman who is terrorising the area
magic. and killing the occasional merchants who pass
Odin may be re-
turning to earth. The two meet and the wolfman is captured and
God of war and brought back.
destruction, if he
returns it will be a In the background the politics of the area are in
dark time for man- flux. The two unknowing brothers are thrown
kind. His favourite closer together in a series of adventures and
form on earth is that of a wolf. treachery and gradually the wolfman learns hu-
man values including love, while his brother
The mountain witches believe they may be able learns some of the wild ways of the wolf. They
to stop him with a rune called the Wolfsangel. are both in love with the same woman and
The Rune is more than a letter, it is the embodi- there will be a showdown over this, but first
ment of a powerful spell. Its drawback is that it they must regain the kingdom. There is also the
can only be used by a werewolf or wolfman, lurking problem of Odin’s return. One brother
someone more wolf than human. with both human and wolf powers may be able
to use the power of the Wolfsangel rune, but
King Authun is without an heir. If he dies his lit- what if that power is divided between two of
tle kingdom will be thrown into civil war as the them?
other lords fight for power. To buy time his wife
is pretending to be pregnant but his time is run- Lachlan has a tight writing style that keeps the
ning out. He has consulted the witches who action moving but somewhere he manages to
have told him where there is a woman with a fit in some excellent characterisation and a
newborn son. He will raid the settlement and good view of the cultures. These make his story
take the son for his own. so credible and tie together the different strands
of the book.
The witches did not look deeply enough. The
woman has had twin boys. They are the sons of
a wolfman who was passing the settlement and
A Single Man
Icon Home Entertainment
The True Story of
Charles Darwin
English subtitles
Gran Torino
Roadshow Pictures
La Femme Nikita
R4 DVD and
Region B Blu Ray
The Martian
Science Fiction
TV series
Icon Film Distribution
The stories as they developed had a lot in com- The third expedition arrives expecting trouble
mon with the exploration of the American West but it comes on them from an unexpected
so they sat comfortably with people. Bradbury source – from one of their own crew. Crewman
didn’t gloss over some of the less antisocial Spender is something of an early greenie and
events of the West, such as the extermination of sees in the Martian artefacts a chance to get to
the native populations by disease or the cancer know what the Martians were like and how their
of exploitative mining on the face of the planet, civilisation functioned. Crewman Briggs gives
but he balanced these with human stories of the nothing for this – he is the uncouth drinking de-
early pioneers of Mars. Some were rough and spoiling redneck that Spender despises. After a
ready, some were interested in the history of the visit to a Martian “city” Spender turns on his fel-
first Martians. As the number of immigrants in- low crew members and tries to kill them. Or is it
creased so did the ones with antisocial habits, Spender’s mind under a Martian influence?
but they were mainly confined to the small
towns. Inevitably the settlers arrive, nervous at the de-
teriorating situation back on Earth. Some adapt
The TV series opens with the first manned flight to Mars, some try to adapt Mars to themselves.
to Mars. They were expecting a dead planet but One such group are two priests who are sent to
Mars had its population, living a low-impact life, provide for the moral needs of the settlers. Fa-
and they were telepathic. They saw the coming ther Peregrine is, however, nursing two prob-
of the men from Earth as a threat and one jeal- lems. He can only be described as a devout
looney and when they meet some of the surviv-
ing Martians who manifest themselves as glow-
ing balls of light he feels he can convert them.
When this fails he seems quite ready to aban-
don all he was taught and worship the Martians
instead. His other problem is a deep desire to
meet Jesus personally. When a young Martian
is accidentally brought into the town the force of
Peregrine’s wishes turn the telepathic Martian
into a tortured, bleeding Jesus and the Father
seems unwilling to let him go in spite of the
Martian’s suffering.
Moment of Truth
not a great actor, but he didn’t have much to women. Character de-
work with in the inane script. What we do get is velopment wasn’t too
a serial so absolutely dreadful that it is hilarious- important. This film has
ly funny. I guess audiences of the time weren’t all those but also man-
so discerning, but in fairness it was aimed at the ages to include a bit of
Saturday matinee crowd and probably met their characterisation and a
expectations quite well. The serial is a piece of look at the theme of
film history and has been lovingly restored, so the white men against
get your popcorn, sit back, and enjoy The Phan- the Indian cultures.
tom Empire. That is not to say it is a
great work of literature,
There is a nice range of extras in the 2-DVD but it does have that
set, ranging from a brief biography of Gene Au- little bit extra over most
try to a couple of his other films. Boots and Sad- films of the genre.
les (yes, that’s how they spelled it on the post-
er) is about turning a smug little English kid into Colonel Connors heads a detachment of caval-
a cowboy. Gene Autry Doe C Does is better ry in Indian country. He is a hard, brutal man
unmentioned. who resents the South losing the war. He takes
out his frustration on the local Indians. He wants
Scalps the daughter of the local chief and is prepared
Cinema De Bizarre to slaughter her tribe to get the girl. She es-
DVD-R capes and finishes up at a local ranch. The
rancher is an ex-cavalry man himself whose
English language with Norwegian subtitles wife was scalped by Indians so there is no love
lost between them but he tends to her injuries
This is a reissue of an old film that is a little unu- out of humanity then helps her into the hills
sual in the genre. Most spaghetti westerns con- where the rest of her tribe is scattered. She re-
centrated on the action, the gunfights and the pays him by saving him from a painful death at
the hands of warriors of her tribe.
Web: http://www.cinema-de-bizarre.com
Shutter Island
Shutter Island is
based on the novel of
the same name by
author Dennis Le-
hane, who is best
known for his myster-
ies Mystic River and
Gone Baby Gone.
above cutting corners to get the result he needs Armed guards on Shutter Island
in a case. He is hard edged and does not re-
treat in any situation, something he learnt dur-
ing his time in the army. at home and has created an elaborate fantasy
to justify the incursion into her reality of people
He arrives with his new partner Chuck (Mark on the island. Without medication she turns vio-
Ruffalo) to find a heavily guarded facility ruled lent.
over by a group of strange psychiatrists include
Dr.Cawley (Ben Kingsley) and Dr. Naehring The more Daniels investigates the less he
(Max von Sydow), to whom he takes an instant knows. He finds his questions are answered
dislike due to his experiences with Germans with more questions and information is being
during the war. He has been called to the Island withheld. He is not given access to the institu-
to investigate the disappearance of Rachel So- tions medical records and one of the doctors,
lando, who seems to have escaped from her Solando’s primary psychiatrist, left on vacation
cell through a barred window and locked door. the morning he arrived.
Rachel is violent and dangerous; she has been
on the Island for some years after drowning her As Daniels explores the island looking for clues
three children in a lake and arranging them he starts to become unstuck. It begins with
around the dinner table. She still believes she is headaches, which then develop into migraines.
He begins to have flashbacks of his experience
in Germany during the war and has visions of
his dead wife. Over time he comes to believe he
has uncovered a major conspiracy, Shutter Is-
land is the front for medical experiments by mili-
tary intelligence. He also comes to believe that
Dr. Cawley knows he is onto the real signifi-
cance of the institution and has set a trap to si-
lence him and that he will not escape the island
alive. His behaviour becomes erratic and at
times he is violent.
Anchor Bay
Suburban Mayhem
Icon Film
Distribution 2006
Then the first blow falls. Her beloved little broth- Katrina by now appears to have lost touch with
er is put in prison for life for a murder carried reality, but she still has her ability to control men
out during a botched holdup. Although Katrina and she finds a likely murderer / scapegoat in a
believes she can get her brother off the life sen- local retarded lad who will do her bidding for
tence if her father will admit to sexually molest- sex. He was her brother’s best friend (he also
ing his son, Dad refuses to do this. The relation- took part in the robbery) and she plays on this
ship between Katrina and her Dad sours alt- friendship to persuade him to carry out the mur-
hough this is probably as much to do with Katri- der. The stage is now set for a dreadful finale
where things do not turn out as she intended.
Alexander Pearce is a
character which has
always captured the
Australian imagination.
While his life was hard
and violent and his
crimes shocking, the
story of an Irish man’s
battle for survival in
the Tasmanian bush dark and foreboding look and with an excellent
has proved a fascinat- score creates a powerful mood. Nature is both
ing tale for literature and cinema. beautiful yet terrifying at the same time and the
Tasmanian wilderness never looked so menac-
Various films have been made of his life includ- ing.
ing The Last Confession of Alexander Pearce
(2008) and a horror comedy based very loosely A group of transported convicts, suffering brutal
around him called Dying Breed (2008). Dying treatment at the Sarah Island penal settlement
Breed explored the descendants of Pearce who on Van Diemen’s Land, tie up their jailer and
were inbred Tasmanian rednecks who ate escape into the Tasmanian wilderness in hopes
strangers and made meat pies of them ! of reaching the settlements to the east. Original-
ly they was going to go by canoe but when fol-
Van Diemen's Land (2009) is a new and power- lowed by prison guards they hightail it into the
ful biographical film which attempts to faithfully bush with only a small amount of meat and
explore the experience of Pearce as he trav- flour.
elled across Tasmania resorting to cannibal to
feed his hunger. Pearce is played superbly by As their food runs out and there is no sign of a
Oscar Redding and the film also includes the settlement, they find their lack of bush skills a
original words of Pearce in Irish with the English detriment of their survival. They are town crimi-
in subtitles. nals with no knowledge of hunting, fishing or
even what plants they can each. As members of
While the hype surrounding this film was quite the group become weakened, the others kill
extreme with reviewers claiming that viewers them off one by one and eat them until finally
were sick or walked from the cinema. The fact only one remains.
is that the film is far more a melancholic reflec-
tion on crime, punishment and the brutal experi- The story is as much about the psychological of
ence of convicts both in captivity and on their survival and the paranoia of a group which
quest for freedom. The depictions of cannibal- knows that most of its number will die as of
ism are subtle, the violence in context and the crime and murder. It is a dark but truly reward
cinematography excellent. The whole film has a journey into Australia’s past.
MTI Home Video
Alex is the son of a local crime lord and is pro- Luke brings the matter to a head by going to
tected by corrupt police. Luke’s activities soon Alex’s own home and taking on his henchmen,
affect their criminal activities as their drug deal- then Alex. The showdown is bloody and violent
as both Alex and Luke are fairly evenly
Wild Target
Second Sight Films
The trio are forced to leave Paris as the other German with English
hired killers close in. At Victor’s home in the subtitles
country they can sort out their personal relation-
ships. Rose finds that Victor is a killer. She runs
away back to Paris straight into the waiting kill- Rainer Werner Fassbin-
ers. A showdown at Victor’s home must sort the der’s dark story of a com-
matter out. puter-generated world
introduces a theme that is still being exploited
today in films like The Matrix. The concept of a
computer-simulaton world is now a reality and
is widely used in video games, but a quarter of
a century ago when computers were new and
the future was uncertain Fassbinder’s film
seemed prophetic – and frightening.
Victor truly adores Logan but resents his desire The ending of the film where Wolverine is shot
with Adamantine bullets which erase his
memory is a little too neat and while it sets the
stage for the original films is a bit of a letdown.
Eagle Entertainment
R4 DVD and Blu Ray
Fashion Victims
Ariztical Entertainment
Icon Film
Distribution 2009
Cooper awakens from an insect induced Some things are worse than death
Bitch Slap
Outer Space
Saint Euphoria
Christopher Mihm is
back with his newest
spoof of the 1950s
budget SF films. This
film marks the return
of Josh Craig as Cap-
tain Mike Jackson
whom we last saw in
Cave Women on Mars. In that film he was work the transport beam. At the end Jackson
forced to leave one of his crewmen behind and faces a choice that may mean he will never see
he has been paying for it ever since. Earth again.
He has turned into an alcoholic, suspended Like all good shows, to be continued.
from the Rocket Command and estranged from
his father and most of his friends. Then out of All very dramatic, but it’s hard to stop laughing
the blue his father offers him a mission in what as Captain Jackson deals with a space suit hel-
may be reconciliation. He is given the chance to met that looks like a lampshade held together
test pilot a new faster-than-light spaceship. The with very obvious duct tape, a spaceship that
mission will be dangerous and Captain Jackson looks like a radio from a 1950s car, dodgy scen-
will need to keep his wits about him. ery, a rubber spider on a string and one-eyed
aliens wearing spherical lightshades on their
Naturally the ship goes off course and he must head.
crash it into a wild but inhabited planet. He is
taken prisoner by a female equivalent of Han The background soundtrack is perfect – that
what’s-his-name in that other movie and is to be brassy distorted sound that was so popular in
sold into slavery. Throughout the film there are the 1950s radio serials suits this sort of film so
passing swipes at both Star Wars and Star well. It’s Christopher Mihm’s best work so far.
Trek. Jackson escapes from the ship in the
emergency pod and is rescued by a robot. Well, We also get the usual blooper reel, commen-
it’s a man with a cardboard box on his head, but taries and a photo gallery.
that’s near enough. He learns that the robot
may have the knowhow to send him back to “Glorious era-appropriate black and white
Earth but the transport beam the robot must use science fiction”
is under the control of an alien race who feel it
is their mission to dominate the galaxy, as they
all do. Saint Europhia Films
Christopher Mihm
It is up to Captain Jackson to penetrate their Web: http://www.sainteuphoria.com/
base, fight off the aliens and let the robot in to
Mega Piranha
The Asylum
Peacock Films
White Lightnin’
Vice Films
Deep Contact
Pink Eiga
young conductor (he composes on a Casio cal- one of the more farcical ones.
culator keyboard) and arranges with him to
move in for a couple of days, pretending to be A learned but naïve Doctor has discovered that
engaged, until the troublesome redneck has Venus is about to enter the house of Jupiter. A
gone back home. couple of hundred years earlier when this last
happened and the conjunction was centred on
This works out well for both of them but the de- the Hawaiian islands a tremendous orgy en-
mented conductor fills in a marriage licence and sued which is still talked about in astrological
gets her fingerprint onto it while she is asleep. circles. This time the conjunction of planets will
She is now married to him. be centred over the little village of Petit Bois in
Denmark. The village has a girls school and
Meanwhile the conductor’s very wealthy father the girls must be saved from themselves as
is dying. He hires the detective to find his miss- their sexual instincts are aroused by the con-
ing daughter who ran off with an ex-convict junction. The Doctor has invented a drug that
some years ago. Back to the Groper Train depresses the libido and he arranges to admin-
where the detective looks for a distinctive dia- ister it to the girls.
mond filling in each girls mouth (while also
working a bit lower down). Meanwhile another mad scientist has invented
another drug that does the exact opposite. He
The ex-criminal decides to have the daughter wants to try it out on a village where there are a
killed so he can inherit her money. The conduc- number of young girls to prove that it works.
tor is killed accidentally by the redneck, who is a
bit careless with his gun. Who gets the blame? The girls themselves are not as innocent as
Who gets the money? Who gets the girl? their headmistress believes. Indeed, some fill in
at the local brothel when their urges overtake
Who cares? It’s a lot of fun and director Jojiro them.
Takita seems to have enjoyed himself making it.
Naturally the two potions get switched, and nat-
Web: http://www.pinkeiga.com urally the girls school gets the horniness potion
in its drinking water. The Doctor goes on to
In The Sign Of The dump the rest of the potion in the village’s
Virgin drinking water thinking he will do the villagers a
Smirk favour as well.
North East Film Group
Web: http://www.bobberdella.com/
2 DVD Set
This TV series
from the early
1980s is very
strongly reminis-
cent of Rod Ser-
ling’s old show
The Twilight Zone.
For those who
never saw it (and
Twilight Zone goes being torpedoed he tries to tamper with time.
back to the days of Never a wise move.
black and white TV) Serling presented a weekly
show with a one-hour mystery. The subjects Needlepoint. A very short story showing why
varied widely but all had a common theme of you shouldn’t dismiss the power of witchcraft,
the unexplained and how it may affect real life. It or murder a witch.
appears to have been duplicated in this series
presented by James Coburn. Unfortunately the Siege of 31 August.
series was short-lived.
Neal is a Vietnam vet and his 10-year old son
The stories presented are of a similar style to Ben wants to follow in his footsteps and go to a
the Twilight Zone. We get two or three stories military academy – at least, it seems so. He
per episode. They seem to be perfectly ordi- may be just doing it to please his father. Neil
nary, but then the mystery starts to creep in. gives him a set of toy soldiers and they seem to
be becoming real in his son’s mind. He has built
Some examples: a toy military camp behind the barn, but it
seems to be growing. The soldiers are now
A television anchor-man finds his company has talking to him. They have told him about a dark
not only been duplicating him in a computer but incident in Vietnam in which Neil was involved.
intends to use the computerised version instead Neil can now hear the soldiers at night, fighting.
of him to present “his” news. He is initially ap- Is he on the edge of madness? Is his past com-
palled but comes to accept it, looking forward to ing back to haunt him? Or are the plastic sol-
having the time to do all the things he never did diers really coming to life?
when he was younger. But there’s always a
catch …. The stories are well written and well-acted.
Charlie buys his son a crystal radio set that has
the ability to tune into broadcasts from 1942. In
an effort to prevent his father’s troopship from
Sony Pictures
It is hard to come up
with a horror film these
days that doesn’t leave
the audience with the
feeling that they have
seen it all before. This
Australian film has a tru-
ly interesting twist to a
rather tired genre. It is
superbly acted and man blood completely unnecessary. He falls in
filmed, not a budget production. with a group of humans, one of whom has been
involved in a road accident. In a strange mix of
A vampire virus has infected the world. Most circumstances he has been cured of his vam-
people have now been “turned” by the virus or pire condition and Dalton thinks this may be the
by being bitten but they manage to continue as breakthrough he needs. If he can replicate the
normal in their usual jobs – just at night now. conditions of the accident he can cure vampir-
Humans are an endangered species but the ism.
vampires depend on the humans for fresh
blood. Drinking vampire blood will cause the Meanwhile the world is falling apart as the
vampire to revert to an older, primitive form and blood runs out. Food riots are becoming com-
these are a menace to human and vampire mon. The ruling powers are deliberately captur-
alike. They are destroyed on sight but their ing the lower Level 4 vampires, the dregs, and
numbers are increasing. exposing them to sunlight to reduce the drain
on supplies and cut the number of reverted
The big pharmaceutical companies are farming vampires. It is at the point where there is less
captured humans in their desperate search for than a month’s blood available. Even the Army
blood but even so the world’s blood supplies are can’t contain the situation – the soldiers are
running out. The companies are also in a race starving too. Will both species perish?
to develop a blood substitute. The first to suc-
ceed will make billions of dollars but success It is common these days to put a big-name ac-
seems elusive. tor in a film to give it a bit of credibility. At first I
thought Sam Neill and Willem Dafoe may have
Ed Dalton is a haematologist involved in the filled this role, but after seeing the film it’s hard
race for a substitute. He has reservations about to imagine anyone else for the cold-blooded
drinking human blood, especially after his boss mercenary corporation head Bromley or the
tells him that the substitute will not suit everyone Elvis-loving human. Ethan Hawke was an early
– there will always be those willing to pay more choice for the lead role of Dalton but it was be-
for the genuine article and may even enjoy the cause he fitted the part so well.
benefits of immortality. Essentially he sees the
blood substitute project as giving his livestock a All the actors stand up superbly in their parts
chance to repopulate. What Dalton needs is a and there is no hint that any particular actor is
cure for the vampire condition that will make hu- carrying the film. The effects are good if a little
unrestrained, courtesy of New Zealand’s Weta
studios, and there is enough action to keep
everyone happy. There are even little comic
touches. Vampires exploding when caught in
sunlight are now the biggest cause of forest
Dead Fury
BlackArro Productions
Unearthed Films 2008
local gangs are having a field day killing zom- Creature From The Hillbilly Lagoon (2005)
bies but they are also outnumbered.
This is the sort of film that gives B grade mov-
A news crew at one of the local TV stations is ies a bad name. It is clichéd, poorly acted and
filming the truth of the outbreak but their report- yes, you have seen it all before. Adding hillbil-
ing is being squashed in the interest of National lies and topless girls and gay references simply
Security. Sherri’s dream is to front a major news can’t save this turkey. The evil genetics corpo-
story for the network. Torch, the cameraman, ration is hiring local rednecks to illegally dump
wants to produce that magic piece of film that toxic genetic waste into the river. One of the
everyone will remember, like the film of the Hin- fish evolves into a man-eating fishy monster. It
denburg disaster. They won’t remember him but starts eating the local rednecks so at least the
his film will live forever. film has one socially redeeming feature. Oh, the
monster’s headgear is pretty good, too. That’s
“Not only are we lucky enough to witness the about all, though.
end of humanity but we’ve got the means to rec-
ord it for posterity”. OK, Torch sometimes hits Listening to actors trying to put on down-south
the recreational pharmaceuticals and doesn’t drawls is painful. Watching them try to act is
always make sense. worse. Admittedly the script doesn’t leave them
much to work with. It’s just very, very bad.
The team is out gathering what real news it can
but it is not going to be broadcast unless some- Necroville (2007)
one can take over the control room, interrupt the
endless feed of propaganda and reruns and Now this is more like it. The town is infested
substitute their live reporting. with undead and Jack and Alex work for a firm
that specialises in removing zombies, vampires
Feeding The Masses is quite a good end of the and loud college parties. They are pretty good
world film, with a credible plot, brief moments of at their job but Jack’s demanding girlfriend Pen-
humour and good acting. It doesn’t concentrate ny does not approve.
on splatter to the exclusion of dramatic values,
but there is enough gore as part of the plot to Now her old boyfriend Clark is back in town. He
keep you happy. is an arch-vampire, he hates Jack, and he
wants Penny back. He is also a very bad DJ at
Ghost Machine
Anchor Bay Entertainment
The Haunting in
This is the latest ghost story based on a “true Matt is plagued with visions and
story” and while it has at its heart a plot which nightmares
has been repeated time and time again it does
do it rather well. sodes begin to increase the truth about the
house becomes clear. It seems that Jonah, the
Matt is suffering from cancer and the long trip young boy was not only a spirit medium but a
for treatment each day is taking its toll on his vessel by which dark forces could enter the
family. They decide to rent an old Victorian world and now he has found a means to return.
home close to the hospital which is surprisingly
economical compared to those around it. While When Matts mental condition reaches such a
his mother Sara is made aware of its strange level he needs to be hospitalized for psychiatric
past, she doesn’t think much of it until unex- treatment, the onslaught really begins.
plained events begin to occur as soon as they
move in. The Haunting is an interesting tale in that it us-
es the emotional story of the Campbell’s and
Matt is plagued by violent and tormented visions their attempt to save the life of their son as its
of a young boy who seems to have acted as a heart and this takes it somewhat outside the
spirit medium for the original owners of the realm of traditional ghost stories. Combining
house. He finds it difficult to take these night- excellent special effects, a solid ghost story and
mares seriously as he is on a cocktail of meds a compassionate tale of suffering and disease
and cannot be sure if it is just the treatment. He makes it an intriguing tale. The constant
is also loathe to discuss it with his doctor since shocks, ghosts in mirrors and windows, bodies
he is part of a clinical trial and doesn’t want to and so on all help to create a dark and edgy
risk his place. However as time progresses his mood. However, the fact that the haunted
mental state starts to deteriorate more and house story has been done so many times be-
more. fore does not help in the originality stakes but
ultimately it does provide an enjoyable if not a
When the family discovers that the house was little predictable horror experience.
originally a funeral parlour and the ghostly epi-
Paranormal Entity
Peacock Films
The twist in the story in relation to child abuse, For those who haven’t seen Paranormal Activi-
repressed memories and the parents vigilantism ty, the plot of Paranormal Entity goes some-
gives the film a little more relevance in the mod- thing like this. A family of three is being terror-
ern period. ised by a presence that they think may be the
spirit of their dead father, but this belief soon
The battle is now on between Freddy in his changes. The presence has become infatuated
dream world and Nancy and Kyle who must with the teenage girl. It starts with the usual
bring him back to the real world and kill him bumps in the night and poltergeist activity but
once again. Freddy is played by Jackie Earle grows worse as the demon grows in power.
Haley who offers a far more menacing version The girl feels a presence sometimes at night
of Freddy than the original. that holds her down in bed and is on top of her.
The demon resents being filmed at night and
There is no room for campy innuendoes here, starts to fight back. It also has a dislike for the
he is a sick puppy and this is made very clear. Christian cross hanging above the girl’s bed.
Certainly the background to his character takes
away from the supernaturalness of his role, but If you don’t mind watching a rip-off plot you will
it also gives a stronger sense of reality to the probably enjoy Paranormal Entity.
Sea Beast
Sony Home
Seventh Moon
A hungry ghost is a
spirit that "eats" the
emotions of living
humans or whose
actions are driven by
emotions leftover
from its previous life.
In Seventh Moon The hungry dead
hungry ghosts are
depicted as able to
more professional, the budget is higher and
cross over into the world of the living during the
hence the special effects are also much better.
Chinese Hungry Ghost festival.
This is an enjoyable horror film which combines
A small village finds itself haunted by an espe-
an eastern sensibility with a Western cinema-
cially virulent group of ghosts which demand the
tography. It is a bit short on plot, but the charac-
sacrifice of one of their number each year. In
ters are believable enough and it does work as
any attempt to “protect their own” they encour-
a ghost tale with a bit extra. The film emphasiz-
age Ping to set up a tour company whereby he
es mood and suspense rather than plot and
can bring outsiders to the village and hence fill
with the addition of an excellent score does cre-
their quota without diminishing their own num-
ate a very dark and foreboding mood. The way
in which a horror tale is given a different texture
through the imagery of a Chinese folk festival is
Some nine years after his first hit, The Blair
innovative and intriguing.
Witch Project, writer/director Eduardo Sanchez
has tapped into Chinese mythology to offer us
In the first scenes there is even some attempt
Seventh Moon. It centres on two newlyweds
to explore the relationship between the average
Melissa and Yul who travel to the countryside to
Chinese villager and tourists who come to gawk
meet Yul’s Grandmother and the problems they
at their traditions.
encounter when Ping, their guide, decides to
take them to his own village to solve his yearly
The hungry ghosts are impressive especially in
“hungry ghost problem”.
that you don’t see them clearly (at least until
later in the film) so your imagination fills in the
The film uses much of the same techniques as
with The Blair Witch Project which will endear it
to some and not to others. The handheld cam-
The Seventh Moon is an interesting take on the
era is not quite used as much and the look is far
Asian horror genre and while not something
you would watch again and again is an enjoya-
ble enough experience to be make it worth the
effort of getting hold of.
The Grudge:
White Ghost and Black
MTI Home Video
This is a remake of a
1970s film by Her-
schell Gordon Lewis.
Lewis is remembered
as the very first
filmmaker to exploit
the world of gore in
film. He originally
made exploitation
films but when these started to become ho-hum
he went on to create the very first cult gore film Bigelow is suspicious. Is Montag working some
Flesh Feast, following these with 2000 Maniacs sort of mass hypnosis or drugging the audience
and The Wizard of Gore. Lewis combined a somehow? Could it be just coincidence? As
sense of flair with an eye for exploitation and more girls die Bigelow starts to question his
lots of violence and gore. own sanity. Could he really be murdering them?
He has strange memories, but gaps are ap-
This is a remake made with a strong sense of pearing in his real memory.
homage to the original.
His girlfriend, far more practical, takes a com-
Edward Bigelow is a reporter running and pro- puter and miniature camera to the show and
ducing his own small newspaper covering the records what Montag is really saying to the au-
underground world in Los Angeles. He finds out dience. The results are terrifying but as Bigelow
about a magic act that is supposed to be a cut closes in on Montag, so Montag is closing in on
above the average, so with his girlfriend in tow Bigelow.
he watches a performance. He is impressed.
Montag the Magnificent (played by a demented The film is thankfully not as much of a gorefest
Crispen Glover) has an act that involves picking as it could have been. I think too much gore
a random girl from the audience, stripping her, would have detracted from the plot, which is
then killing her in a gruesome manner. All the strong enough to stand by itself as a master-
while Montag is running a continuous patter piece of terror. There are some odd bits in the
about the nature of reality and your own percep- film, such as why Bigelow seems to be stuck in
tion of it. Just as the audience is about to leave, a 1930s timewarp in his clothing and dislike of
scared and repulsed, he reveals the girl to the modern electronics, but apart from being slight-
audience perfectly unharmed. ly confusing they don’t detract from the film. It is
a superb piece of suspense and horror as it is.
Bigelow visits the show again and the same
thing happens to a different girl who is killed in a
different way, then is revealed unharmed on
stage once more. The only jarring note is that
the girls are turning up dead the next day, suf-
fering the same sort of injuries that Montag in-
flicted on them during his stage show.
Fish Story
Third Window Films
Japanese subtitled in
Love Exposure
English subtitles
Australian Blu Ray
Eastern Eye 2009
Pepper and Bones
Siren Visual
Radical Media
First Run Features
a number of analyses having been carried out. considered in the documentary and I think this
A Chevron test showed the water the natives weakens it somewhat. That layer of sludge un-
drink and swim in has a very high count of fae- der the surface soil may need closer examina-
cal matter and a low level of petrochemicals so tion to see what it really is. We are not told its
poor hygiene may be partly responsible. extent, either. Is it located in exploration areas
only or is it right across the region? In other
With regard to the skin diseases, about forty words has it been produced by drilling or other
years ago I lived in the Clarence River area of disturbance or is it a result of natural seepage
Australia. Fish in the area were dying in large or another cause?
numbers and the “fish scald” which has a strong
similarity to the Indians’ skin diseases was PetroEcuador itself has a case to answer. They
blamed on farmers and fertilisers. The cause have inherited a worn out infrastructure, sure,
turned out to be altogether different. Under the but they do not appear to have the expertise to
swamps of the area is a layer of “acid sulphate” fix it. Both sides of the debate agree that many
soil built up from decaying organic matter over of the contaminated areas are in places where
millions of years. In the airless environment at Texaco never explored, but where PetroEcua-
the bottom of a swamp they formed chemicals dor did. PetroEcuador doesn’t have much mon-
that were quite reactive. When the swamps ey. Chevron has. Is Chevron simply the most
were drained for agricultural land or otherwise lucrative target? They think so. PetroEcuador is
dried out (and remember, the Amazon basin is treated very lightly in the documentary.
really a huge swamp that is being increasingly
developed) the sulphur compounds reacted with Perhaps the most disturbing point is that the
the air generating huge amounts of sulphuric attempts to gather public support are using up
acid that found its way into the river systems large amounts of money. Even if a decision is
after every storm. The fish in the Clarence River reached in favour of the Indians, how much of
were literally swimming in dilute sulphuric acid the compensation will actually get past the law-
and developed skin diseases, then died in huge yers? The longer Chevron delays the case with
numbers. its own legal tactics the more it will cost the lo-
cal people.
Such possibilities do not seem to have been
And in all this time what have the remaining
local people done to improve their own health?
Nothing. A charity arranged supply of plastic
rainwater tanks so at least 4000 Indians can
now get clean drinking water, but the streams
are still the water supply for stock, the swim-
ming hole for the kids, and the public sewer.
Perhaps a good start would be to persuade the
Indians not to crap in their drinking water?
Earth (1930)
Mr Bongo Films
Although Alexander
Dovzhenko’s Earth
(more correctly
translated as “Soil”)
is regarded by many
as in the same class
as Eisenstein’s Bat-
tleship Potemkin, it
is truly a bad film. It
is dreadfully overact-
ed, its themes are
glaringly obvious as
propaganda, and Dovzhenko lovingly dwelled
on each major point enough to drive me to dis-
Martin Clunes:
A Man and His Dogs
The Mini
Delta Music PLC
Paul McCartney Re- This DVD now rehashes the theory. According
ally Is Dead to the PR material and the cover slick…
The Last Testament
of George Harrison “In the summer of 2005 a package arrived at
Highway 61 the Hollywood offices of Highway 61 Entertain-
Entertainment ment from London (cue picture of tatty looking
MVD Visual envelope with lots of British stamps on it) with
R1 DVD no return address. Inside were two minicassette
audio tapes dated December 30, 999 and la-
The Last Testament belled The Last Testament of George Harrison.
is directed by Joel A voice identical to Harrison (no, it’s not) tells a
Gilbert and not affili- shocking story” and so on.
ated with estate of
George Harrison, Now we switch to conspiracy theory mode. The
Paul McCartney, Wil- tapes were allegedly subjected to three sepa-
liam Campbell, Apple Corp or The Beatles. rate forensic analyses to see if the voice really
was George’s. The results were inconclusive
At first I thought this DVD was a spoof, but the according to the documentary, but nevertheless
further it goes the more obvious that it is meant from here on it is treated as if genuine.
to be taken seriously.
This is a typical conspiracy theory trick - make
Unfortunately it has so many holes that I can’t some wild assertion, hedge it with a few ifs and
do that and spent a lot of my time laughing at it buts, then carry on as if it’s true. It is now up to
instead. the viewer to prove it wrong. This is lost, how-
ever, in the amount of early Beatles history
Let’s start with the basic conspiracy. In 1966 padding out the doco.
Paul McCartney took off from Abbey Road Stu-
dios in his car following an argument. He Now we go for the completely unsupported Big
crashed the car and was decapitated. MI5 Lie. After rambling on about the early history of
(What would they have to do with it? Their job the Beatles “George” tells us of an MI5 opera-
is protecting Britain’s national security – coun- tive called Maxwell who threatened the surviv-
terespionage and so on) instigated a coverup ing Beatles with death if they didn’t go along
and substituted a false Paul. They were con- with the story.
cerned that if the news got out there would be
mass suicides of silly hysterical little girls A substitute “false Paul”, whom “George”
around the world. (Really? It would only in- comes to call “Faul”, was picked, trained and
crease the world’s average IQ). given plastic surgery. He was then carefully in-
serted into the group who had to carry on as
The “conspiracy” was revealed by a U.S. radio normal.
announcer who said he pieced together clues in
the Beatles’ records and cover art to for his con- Conspiracy theorists love to blame organiza-
clusion. The theory was a nine-day wonder, tions like the big corporations, government se-
then fizzled out. curity bodies and especially the CIA. Nothing
they say can be officially denied (well, they
WOULD deny that, wouldn’t they?) or even ig- to words is wishful thinking rather than fact. In-
nored (The CIA remains silent on the issue). cidentally, I am a Beatles fan, I tried this when
They are damned either way. the rumours were first published, and I heard
nothing in reverse. I think the examples on the
One of the silliest parts of the DVD is the Beat- DVD may have been enhanced a little.
les visit to India. There they hoped that the Ma-
harishi Mahesh Yogi would open up Faul’s inner Lennon went to the U.S. following the group’s
consciousness so he could receive the spirit of breakup and according to the doco feigned in-
Paul, lose his false identity and become truly creasing madness to try to convince MI5 that
the Paul they all knew and loved. This, not sur- he was harmless. Or perhaps it was just his
prisingly, didn’t seem to work. regular use of recreational pharmaceuticals?
Either way when he was shot by a crazed gun-
John Lennon was, according to the story, still man the doco blames it on MI5, rather than just
upset at Paul’s death and decided to include the ultimate criticism of Lennon’s music. It also
clues in their future records so fans would real- suggests that Faul knew something about it
ise Paul was really dead. Now we go into a long since he wasn’t surprised.
series of “clues” in record cover photos, sleeve
pics and song titles. All these “prove” the con- “George Harrison” according to the tapes was
spiracy theory. In Sgt Pepper’s, for instance, now in fear of his life and when he was at-
much is made of the “fact” that the photos in the tacked by a knife-wielding intruder in his home
collage are all of people who are dead, or who in Britain, he was convinced that MI5 was be-
experienced a near-death phenomenon, or hind it. He recorded the tapes so the truth could
sang about death (or in fact were still alive?). come out if he died. Then they were sent to
Sometimes they went to close to revealing the some obscure little movie company in the U.S.
truth and got a visit and a hiding from the dread- instead of to a major overseas newspaper or
ed Maxwell and his men. someone who could publish them with impunity.
Joel Gilbert and his company Highway 61 En-
John then turned to “reverse masking”, embed- tertainment are producers of, shall we say,
ding words in the songs that could only be “controversial” documentaries.
heard if the record was played backwards.
Some clue. We hear examples on the DVD and The doco is the classic conspiracy theory of
if they weren’t subtitled with the words that are half-baked facts, irrelevant connections, wishful
supposedly there I would regard them as gib- thinking and unsupported assertions. I had a
berish. Most words start with an “attack” – a good laugh at it until I realised that there are
sudden quick rise in the sound – then fades out people out there who will believe this. Then I
(“Decays”). Say “bang” and you will see what I had another good laugh at them as well.
mean. If these words are played backwards the
decay will be at the start of the word, which will Bonus features on the DVD include Bob Dylan
seem to fade in quickly then finish sharply. Meets The Beatles, the film soundtrack and
MP3s for IPOD.
The “speech” on the records when played back-
wards does not show this – in fact it shows the Web: http://paulreallyisdead.com
decay first leading up to the attack – just as it
should if it was played backwards. Any similarity
Alliance Films
Horizon Motion
Wunder De Schopfung
1925, released on DVD
Film & Kunst GMBH
Filmmuseum Munich
All Regions
Becoming a Jackal off bringing together jazz, funky, soul, Latin and
Villagers of course, rock.
EMI (Australia) They have very devoted fans and each album
brings massive anticipation. They are just as
Villagers is actually successful in the studio as live and having test-
Irish singer- ed a few of their new tracks on JJJ radio, Cine-
songwriter Conor ma finally hit the streets.
O’Brien. While there
are a large number The general consensus about Cinema and I
of singer-songwriters on the market, O’Brien would concur is that while it has the same
takes a darker and more reflective turn and the unique Cat Empire sound it has moved-on into
songs linger in your memory far beyond their a more sophisticated sound. It is not as funky
first unveiling. as their earlier albums nor shows as many Latin
It is an impressive debut album with strange and
wonderful lyrics, a lush atmospheric sound and However once you listen to it a few times it be-
a sweet voice which sounds a bit like the early comes more and more infectious and I have
Peter Gabriel from Genesis. come to like just as much if not a little more
than their last two albums. Many fans have
At the same time the lyrics are not superficial been disappointed and argue it this album has
and offer interesting food for thought including lost the unique funk edge, but I think that it has
the opening I Saw the Dead to the final track a more developed even textured sound which
which reflects on a Pope who is in spiritual cri- will satisfy if given a chance.
sis !
The album opens with Waiting which is short,
It covers the gambit of territory from the lush to sweet and a very typical Cat Empire Sound fol-
the gothic, to the edgy to the uplifting; clocking lowed by Falling which is a bit more poppy.
in at about three quarters of an hour, it is a fas-
cinating journey into the complex dreams and Feelings Gone is an impressive lyrical work fol-
visions of a young man who has a maturity, both lowing by only light.
musically and personally, way beyond his age.
All Hell and Shoulders certainly offers some
amazing instrumentals and are textured and
impressive songs.
The Cat Empire
Painting with
blood, his fin-
gers so red. He
entertains all of
the other Un-
dead! This little
artist loves to
finger-paint with
Vampires are hot at the moment, from TV series blood. He can
to Twilight, cult films to graphic novels. While be moody and
accessorizing the vampire lifestyle has always dark and tor-
been an option with goth clothes and dark gear, mented, so he
the newest items on the block are a series of hangs out with
plush toys known as Vamplets. bats in dark places. His favourite hobby is to
fashion “screamcatchers” out of spider webs.
Vamplets are very cute but creepy baby plush
vampires which measure between nine and ten Midnight Mori
inches in height. They combine the cuddly quali- has a pretty pink
ties of a baby with a nappy and accoutrements bow with a skull,
with the goth look of a vampire. Artist G-Ra was green bloodshot
inspired by the works of Edward Gorey and it eyes and cute
certainly shows. Dark, sweet and slightly kooky. little black skull
There are six in all, each with their own shad- and cross bones
owy persona. nappy tied with a
pink bow !
Lily Rose Shadowlyn has red blood shot eyes,
two black bat bows on her head and a pretty A demon in dia-
pink striped nappy. pers, bossy and
restless. A fanatical leader you don’t want to
Black tiny roses and bats with pink noses. mess with! Don’t let the sweet hair bow fool
Sweet as a thorn the day she was “unborn.” The you—she can be bossy and she always wants
most normal of the Vamplets, she is pleasingly her way, so don’t ever tell her no. Mori is a
well-behaved, shares and plays nicely with oth- leader of the Vamplets and she’s restless, ag-
ers! gressive and annoyed, since she doesn’t like to
But being a vampyre, Lily has a dark side—a
fierce temper that Count Vlad von
flares when she’s Gloom has two
pushed too far. bat bows, green
bloodshot eyes
Burton Creepson and a black skull
Jnr has a single nappy tied with a
bat bow, dark white bow. His
bloodshot eyes mouth looks
and a pretty pur- down in gloom !
ple nappy with a
skull on it. Shucks, So cute but so
he’s a beauty ! cruel, descended
from Drac.
Nightshade has a
lovely spider on
her head, grey
bloodshot eyes, a
sneaky smile and
a grey nappy with
a purple skull tied ter’s name, an “Official Certificate of Posses-
with a black bow. sion of a Baby Vampyre” and instructions on
how to get more items for your Vamplet.
Inventor, dreamer,
dark tiny schemer. You can also purchase a bottle of Vamplets
Building all night Disappearing “Bottle of Blood” - these vam-
to create a big pires need to be fed. Just turn the bottle upside
fright! This little down and the blood seems to instantly disap-
guy never utters a sound because he’s so busy pear.
inventing and thinking. He builds creepy crea-
tions by taking things apart. He has even trained With our delivery came a certificate of Condo-
his pet spider to weave fantastical web struc- lences signed by Beth DeSangus, explaining
tures. the dangers of letting the Vamplets into our
home and how to care for them. Awesome !
Evilyn Nocturna
has two black There is also an interactive website with a store
bows with pink which sells six plus Vampire babies. The inter-
and white skulls active world is loads of fun. There is a Town
attached, she has Hall where you can register your Vamplet and
the look of a download a certificate. A Hall of Horror with
scared cat with loads of lots of background on the Vamplets
eyes raised and including individual portraits, characteristics and
bloodshot. She warnings about their idiosyncrasies. A funeral
wears a cute parlour where you can create your Vamplet’s
black poke a dot tombstone and coffin and a cute animated
nappy with a pick nursery. There is also a blog and forum.
Vamplets are cute, dark, funny, horrid and terri-
Slightly strange and totally bad. You don’t need ble. They are packed with character, beautifully
a hunch…she’d prefer you for lunch! This tiny made and a must have dark pleasure.
sorceress is slightly mad. She’d rather bite you
than drink from her Web: http://www.vamplets.com
bottle of blood.
She’s psychic with
lots of visions and
dreams. Plus she
sleepwalks, so keep
her locked in her
coffin during daylight
Camilla's unique style continues to be in de- This variant follows the original, 15cm Kuro
mand and her client list includes Dark Horse Poodle black plush. Limited to only 1500 piec-
Comics, Image Comics, Random House, To- es.
kyopop, Hasbro, Disney, Sanrio, Neil Gaiman
and she also works with video game and movie If you would like to
companies on character development. Her own carry Kuro and Spec-
characters and properties, Tanpopo and Hel- ter with you everyday
metgirls, are loved by fans and followers and then why not get the
now inspire Cosplay costumes. She has suc- keyrings ?
cessfully merchandised and licensed her beauti-
ful artwork across a variety of categories: cloth- These are nicely
ing, stationery and gift, accessories, art prints, made PVC keyrings
etc. and continues to expand her licensing pro- 2 inch x 1.25 inch
gram. with an attached key-
Her emotive and eloquent paintings have pro-
pelled her to the top of the ranks of the New Camilla’s plush and keyrings are based on
Contemporary art movement, and she is repre- characters in her Tanpopo series. There have
sented by Opera Gallery of New York. been two comics so far and they are visually
powerful, emotionally engaging and beautifully
Camilla can't live without Holbein's "DUO" water drawn.
-soluble oils, green tea lattes, Hello Kitty mer-
chandise, and her daily fix of manga and anime. Tanpopo Volume #1 has been reprinted and is
now in an extended version with additional pag-
"Its about expressing what they feel and feeling es and a new ending that continues and gives
what they express" life to a new series of books.
Joe Merrill graduated from Columbus College customizing, creating fan art, photographing
of Art & Design (in Columbus Ohio) with a BFA their toys, or even creating their own toys - like
in 2006. My major was in Advertising and Joe does.
Graphic design. He knew nothing about sculp-
ture or toy making and had only sculpted once Joe’s love of Henshin Cyborg and all of the arm
in his life, outside of playing with Fimo and silly weapons and attachments lead to developing
putty as a kid. the idea for The Executioner. Joe was inspired
to sculpt and make him, even though he hadn’t
After he graduated Joe got a job at an ad agen- sculpted in seven years. It was just a personal
cy in Columbus. There was a small toy store in challenge, like he had to make him to prove
the city, Anime Palace, and Joe started buying that he was able to do so.
blind box toys to decorate his office. He wasn’t
a serious collector and wouldn’t really get into Joe read some tutorials, bought some sculpey
collecting toys until he moved to New York City. and tools and started work. Joe and his girl-
friend thought about the brand name for a long
Joe moved to NYC about a year after graduat- time, wanting something quite unique. One
ing from college. He got more and more into night during brainstorming and watching Fu-
toys because there were lots of stores around turama - it was an episode about Slurm soda,
like Toy Tokyo, Giant Robot, and Kid Robot, Joe heard Slurm, and liked the direction. Soon
and he could see the vinyls in person. One day after, Splurrt was born.
Joe was researching Pushead toys online and
discovered the Cocobat Joe and Cocoboy vs. Joe liked the word and envisioned
Skullbonz set. They got him really interested in
Henshin and Walder toys, and lead him to dis-
covering the Secret Base cyborg suits. Once he
discovered Secret Base, he also discovered
Mad Toyz, Skull Toys, TWIM, Tokyo Guns,
BxH, Cure and Blobpus and many others.
Peace on Earth ?
(War and Conflict)