QRG - Test Candidate Registration
QRG - Test Candidate Registration
QRG - Test Candidate Registration
Guide Summary The Welcome Page asks for the following information:
The Purpose page is where you will indicate the types of 2. You will also be asked to sign the NDA (non-disclosure
activities you wish to perform under the new account. For agreement) within each individual program
Test Candidates, please checkmark Take an exam or registration page. It is possible to submit your
prepare for an exam and then click Next. information and be shown as registered on the
Program Registration page without actually accepting
the NDA for each program provider. Ensure you have
X completed the extra step of clicking on the NDA link
in order to read and accept it.
Note: Creating a Certiport profile is also the first step to
becoming a Proctor, Teacher, and/or other administrative
roles within the Certiport website which are not covered
within this document.
Exam Program Registration & Note: It will be necessary to maintain additional profiles at
Accepting the NDA some third-party programs sites in order to access certain
certificates and transcripts that are not fulfilled by
You can save time and avoid disruptions when testing by Certiport (e.g. Microsoft). Please contact Customer Service
completing the information on the Program Registration for more information on fulfillment. This guide only covers the User Registration process. For
page now. Each exam program requires additional information on the features and tools available to you
registration except for the IC3, which will automatically be 3. When you have finished registering with each desired under this new role, please visit our Test Candidate
populated from the previous steps. Registration for program provider and have accepted all support page.
programs you will not be testing in may be skipped. corresponding NDAs click Next.
Contacting Support
1. Click on the Register button for each exam provider Note: The profile page can be accessed at any time to
in which you will be taking an exam. You can use your register for additional programs, or to go back and sign an Certiport Support: 888.999.9830 x 9
Certiport profile information to populate and submit NDA prior to testing. Customerservices@certiport.com
for each account, which will then sync all future
certification data with said test provider. 4. The final page in the User Registration pathway is the Technical Support: 888.999.9830 x 9
Summary page. If you have completed all the steps Escalations to Technical Support are facilitated by
in the pathway you may click Finish. Customer Service