Srknews51 MRE - A4 LR PDF
Srknews51 MRE - A4 LR PDF
Srknews51 MRE - A4 LR PDF
Recent advances in
mineral resource modelling
No. 51
SRK Consultings
In this dynamic and challenging time for the mining industry, SRK Consultings mineral resource
consultants continue to stay up to date. Using the latest technological advances and considering
regulatory developments, we can help our clients derive the most value from their mining assets.
Rigorous geological input in gold
mineralisation models
Comparison between
3 third party gold mineralization model (top
SRK model (bottom).
B en Parson, BSc,
concerns in reserve conversion is how
to apply dilution so that the grades
inflated gradeshell to simulate the
predicted over-mining in an open pit
sent to the process facility meet operation. We applied this method in a
(CP), is a Principal
expectations and the metal mined structurally-controlled, epithermal gold-
Resource Geologist
reconciles with the amount produced. silver deposit containing seven mineral
with SRK. He has
In preparing technical prefeasibility domains. The SRK project engineer and
over 15 years
and feasibility studies, SRK commonly geologist worked closely to define the
of international
prepares both resources and reserves. dimensions of the dilution envelope or
Clients benefit from having two skin by considering the geometry
including eight years
disciplines apply the best possible tools and thickness of mineralisation, mining
working on open pit and underground
to complete the task. methods and equipment limitations.
Gold Mines in Africa, before joining SRK in
2008. Bens responsibilities have included PROBLEM: How can dilution be In areas of tabular shallow dipping
the authoring and auditing of mineral determined in a narrow-vein deposit? Is mineralisation, SRK modelled dilution
resource estimates, as part of technical there a more accurate way to estimate with a thin vertical and broad radial
studies, independent assessments, due the amount of mineable ore on the envelope. In more massive areas of the
diligence/technical reviews, Competent perimeter of the model compared deposit, we built the dilution envelope
Persons Reports and Stock Exchange to the full block volume when global to a fixed radius outside the interpreted
listings. He acts as a Competent/Qualified assumptions drop grades below cut-off. mineralised shell. We applied structural
person for a number of commodities and controls and measurements from the
styles of mineralisation. original gradeshell interpretations and
Vein modelling using Leapfrog,
leads into drillhole planning
Modelled narrow mesothermal vein system Columbia 2013
Cut-off grades for Resource Geologists are geologists who A COG is expressed in grade units that
can value the basic underlying economic may require conversion from market
mineral resource attractiveness of a mineral deposit. pricing units. For the COG, the price
This means knowing the costs and needs to be expressed in grams.
reporting: going practicalities of mining and processing for
Ore denominated operating cost 60 $/t
the extra rare a particular product.
Grade denominated revenue 34.7 $/g
= 1.73 g/t
economic extraction using specific studies Using COGs based on complex technical
and generally-held concepts. The COG and economic parameters, SRK
calculation integrates multi-staged costs demonstrated reasonable prospects
and efficiencies from extraction through to of eventual economic extraction which
refining, all of which are required to realise enabled geologists to estimate and report
quoted market prices. REE-project mineral resources using an
appropriate cut-off grade.
Ore operating cost reflects multiple MARTIN PITTUCK
concentrating stages whose unit costs The technical aspects of extracting REE
are measured in different denominations, products are complex and vary from one
such as: process costs per tonne of mill project to the next. Most of the extraction M artin Pittuck,
feed, mining costs per tonne of ore, cost occurs in downstream refining, MSc MIMMM,
transport costs per tonne of concentrate which is mineralogically sensitive. We CEng, is a Director
and refinery costs per kg of product. These conclude that early stage projects should of SRK (UK) and
measures need to be back calculated and not be quoted as Mineral Resources until a Corporate
expressed in terms of cost per ore tonne their mineralogy is sufficiently known to Consultant with
in the ground. conceptualise the extraction method with 18 years of
reasonable confidence. experience in
Revenue is normally derived from several resource estimation
REE co-products, with very different Martin Pittuck: and mining geology, specialising in
individual prices that occur in varying geological modelling, grade estimation,
proportions. The REE basket price mine project evaluation and reporting
is a weighted value per kg of REE co- according to international reporting
products. There may also be by-products codes. He has worked with SRK since
with different process recoveries whose graduating, contributing to the growth,
revenues need to be incorporated in management and mentoring of the
the COG calculation and expressed as 30-strong Cardiff-based resource
recoverable revenue on a REE-equivalent geology team. Martin is particularly
basis. experienced with former Soviet Union
projects, African gold projects and
tantalum/REE-bearing deposits. He
has managed due diligence studies for
debt funding and undertaken resource
estimates for exploration, development
and mining properties.
Multi-element ratios to define
estimation domains: Kvanefjeld
K vanefjeld is the flagship orebody of The host rock for Kvanefjeld metallurgical studies developed from the
Greenland Minerals and Energy Ltds mineralisation is lujvarite a form of resource model.
(GMEL) Northern Ilimaussaq project. nepheline syenite unique to this complex
Kvanefjeld contains the worlds largest in southern Greenland. The lujavrite Early work to establish criteria for
mineral resource of rare earth elements, occurs in a layer about 250m thick, subdividing the lujavrite, based either on
as defined by the reporting standards of shallow dipping, and extending laterally core logging or statistics from the uranium
the JORC Code or NI 43-101. for several kilometres. The visual contrast and REE assays, yielded inconclusive
between the dark lujavrite, and adjacent, results.
In 2011, SRK Australia prepared a
lightly coloured host makes it easy to By the time SRK became involved in the
Mineral Resource estimation for the
identify from surface mapping. project, GMEL had made substantial
project. SRK updated this estimation
in 2015. The resource inventory is A challenge for GMEL was to identify additions to the drill hole database,
1,010 Mt @ 1.1 % Total Rare Earth Oxide higher grade zones within the lujavrite including reassaying historical core and
(TREO): lanthanide series plus yttrium, that could be accessed early in the mining broadening the analyses to include 14 rare
and 266 ppm U3O8. Based on SRKs schedule, to improve the economic viability earth elements, yttrium, uranium, zinc and
resource model, a feasibility study of exploiting a very large but essentially 23 more elements.
was completed and the maiden Ore low-grade orebody. Defining subdomains SRK worked with GMEL to test the
Reserves were reported in June 2015. would also be critical for focusing usefulness of elements, singly or
R obin Simpson,
MSc (Mineral
Resource and
Geostatistics), MAIG,
Principal Consultant
with SRK, has over
combined, to define estimation domains. hard boundaries between them.
15 years experience
SRKs skills using Isatis software for
Of particular financial importance for in resource
statistical analysis and Leapfrog software
GMEL, the upper two layers that will be estimation, mining and exploration.
for 3D visualisation were particularly suited
accessed first when mining starts are In 2004, Robin completed an MSc in
to this task.
the highest grade: mean TREO is about Geostatistics at the University of Leeds
The key breakthrough came when 50% greater than the lower layers. in the UK and graduated with Distinction.
we divided mineralised samples into The improved domain definition in the His dissertation topic was a conditional
subpopulations, based on the ratio of SRK resource update meant that these simulation study of a gold deposit in New
zirconium or hafnium to heavy rare earth high grade zones were not obscured South Wales. Robin is a fluent user of
elements. by the influence of lower grades during Surpac, Isatis and Leapfrog, and has
estimation. substantial experience in setting up and
The hafnium to ytterbium ratio was maintaining grade control and resource
adopted as a geochemical marker for Robin Simpson: databases. Robins specific commodity
dividing the lujavrite into five layers experience includes gold, iron ore,
that became the estimation domains. uranium, rare earths, phosphate, bauxite,
Analysing multi-element ratios justified copper, nickel laterite and nickel sulphide.
estimating these domains separately with
Robin Simpson:
Grade capping for mineral
resource estimates
High grade drill intersects are often necessary. This process usually results
a welcome occurrence for a mining in fewer capped assays than a typical
company, its shareholders and/or process. Any undue influence of high
potential investors. They represent grade assays can be further corrected
the potential for even greater metal during estimating. 6
content in the deposit. However, from
The following procedure is
a resource evaluation perspective,
recommended for treating outliers 5
they may present complications in
during resource estimation:
generating a realistic resource estimate,
by overestimating or underestimating Determine data validity. Are the 4
Estimating bulk density for mineral
resource reporting GILLES ARSENEAU
D r Gilles Arseneau
has over 25 years
of experience in
exploration project
y = 7E06x3 7E05x2 + 0.0078x + 1.8767 management and has
extensive knowledge
of geostatistical
mineral resource
estimations and
reserve audits. He has worked for major
and junior mining companies as well as
with consulting engineering groups in
North and South America, China, and
Europe. He has also served for three years
Bulk density against grade for a typical as manager of geology for the TSX Venture
high grade uranium deposit
Exchange in Vancouver. He has a BSc
from the University of New Brunswick,
10 100 an MSc from the University of Western
U3O8 (%) Ontario and a PhD from the Colorado
School of Mines.
MultiGaussian kriging for grade
domaining an uncertainty based
The place for MultiGaussian kriging for grade domaining
Dr Oy Leuangthong
is a Principal
and has over 10
years of teaching
and consulting
experience in
for resource characterisation and
uncertainty assessment. Prior to joining
SRK, she was an Assistant Professor in
Mining Engineering at the University of
Alberta in Edmonton. Oy has authored
and coauthored 2 books, 18 journal G rade domains are often considered, fast, semi-automatic alternative to the
papers and over 30 conference articles. following the modelling of geologic more traditional manual approach to
Her areas of expertise are resource domains, to further control the wireframing. Unfortunately, modellers
estimation, conditional simulation distribution of grades during must enter parameters that indicate
and uncertainty assessment using resource estimation. This is usually spatial correlations, for which they
geostatistics. achieved by wireframe modelling on either do not have the time and/or the
sections displaying grade assays or expertise to suitably calculate or model
Oy Leuangthong:
composites, indicator kriging, and/ the required variograms.
or implicit modelling using radial
As an alternative to an implicit
basis functions. The latter approach is
modelling approach, we propose the
often facilitated by using commercial
use of MultiGaussian (MG) kriging to
software such as Leapfrog, making it a
establish grade domains. The method
consists of estimating grades using
Grey 20% probability or higher MG kriging; however, instead of back
Cyan 30% probability or higher transforming to obtain a grade estimate
Red 40% probability or higher
at each location, we determine the
A comparison of iso-probability shells for 0.90 gpt gold
probability to exceed certain grade
thresholds and categorise grade
domains accordingly. This block model
approach can then be imported into
any commercial package to generate
iso-probability contours for any grade
thresholds of interest. This permits
the uncertainty assessment of grade
domains by post-processing for various
grade thresholds and iso-probability
shells, and permits the user to assess
confidence in the grade shell for that
Ordinary kriging vs localised
uniform conditioning
Linear Estimators, such as Ordinary north of Chile. The results revealed there
Kriging, can produce smoothed was an improvement in representing the
assessments in the results of your grades pertaining to the distribution group
resource estimation. The conventional close to the average. But, because this
Uniform Conditioning method estimates project had a high amount of information
a tonnage and grade of mineralisation overall, final results are quite similar to the
that can be recovered using the Selective results obtained in the Ordinary Kriging
Mining Unit (SMU) of size at the chosen approach.
cutoff value. A set of grade tonnage
SRK plans to continue using this technique
distributions is constructed for each
in exploration projects with a smaller
panel under study by applying several
amount of information to reduce the
cut-off values. A new method called Local
impact of smoothing that linear estimation
Uniform Conditioning (LUC) enhances
methods produce.
the Uniform Conditioning approach by
localising the model results. The LUC Ernesto Jaramillo:
algorithm then estimates the mean grade
of the grade classes in each panel at the
given SMU support level. The grade class ERNESTO JARAMILLO
is the portion of the panel whose grade is
higher than a given cut-off, but lower than Ernesto is a
the next cut-off. Geologist with
The next step is to rank the SMU blocks more than 25 years
in each panel in their grade, distributed in of professional
increasing grade order. Finally, the mean experience and
grades of the grade class which have a specialist with
This method was applied to the Rainy been deduced from the UC model are wide-ranging
River gold deposit in Northern Ontario, assigned to the SMU blocks whose rank experience
with visual comparisons to grade shells matches the grade class. Thus, the key in geological
used for the previous resource model. advantage of the LUC approach is the modelling, resource estimation,
The resource shells were manually ability to calculate the mean grade of the lithological and alteration modelling,
generated with guidance from Leapfrog grade class and assign these mean grades geologic units, metallurgy and
shells. While results showed the MG to the SMU size blocks, which have been database management for copper, iron
kriging approach to grade domains ranked in each panel in increasing grade and gold projects. He is an expert user
can yield shells comparable to existing order (Abzalov 2006). of Gemcom, Vulcan, Gslib and Leafrog.
implicit modelling methods, they Ernesto Jaramillo:
SRK used a Local Uniform Conditioning
also showed better conformity to the
method to calculate an Iron deposit in the
manually digitised wireframes accepted
for resource modelling.
The MG approach provides a balance Probability Plot, Samples VS Ordinary Kriging VS LUC
between the more time intensive
manual approach to grade domaining Samples
99.9 Ordinary Kriging
and the fast, semi automatic modelling 99.8
using implicit methods. It also provides 99
greater fidelity to the data by requiring
Cumulative Probability
that spatial correlations are calculated
and modelled. Finally, this alternative 70
MG kriging approach is attractive 50
because the method and model 20
parameters are data-driven, tractable 10
and repeatable, with the added benefit 2
of quantifying a measure of confidence 1
associated to the resulting grade shells. .1
Oy Leuangthong: 1.0 10. 100. Fe
Update on geostatistical advances
M ost recent developments in resource Madaouela 1 exploration license of the
estimation have taken place in the GoviEx Uranium Madaouela Project. Scatter plots of optimal kriging against grade
following fields: Since then, the deposit has been drilled control and a single simulation against grade
intensively (from 200m to 50m grid). The control. Note the distributions with respect
Geological modelling: 3D modelling to the misclassification quadrants and the
latest drilling phase, at 50m center grid,
has become much faster and increased dispersion of the simulated values.
delivered the current resources used in
more accurate, by implementing
preparing the preliminary feasibility study
fast interpolation algorithms within
of the complete Madaouela Project. Grade Control v Simulation
specialised software like Leapfrog,
GOCAD, Geomodeller. More traditional The presence of mineralisation linked with
mining packages have added implicit a vertical redox front was confirmed and,
modelling to their capabilities at the 100m center grid, it became clear
(Minesight, Micromine, etc.). The that there was more than one vertical,
advantages of these methods are structurally-oriented redox front.
well known: a true 3D approach (as
After the 50m center grid was completed
opposed to the traditional wireframing
with controls by oblique core drilling,
technique), a very fast creation of
the interpretations showed that the
models, eliminating the tedious tasks of
high-grade zones are related to the
working section by section and allowing
intersection of discrete expansion faulting
for tests of alternative geologically
with favorable sedimentological units,
plausible solutions.
resulting in the Christmas tree aspect of
Simulation 1
Domaining: the definition of these high-grade zones.
homogeneous (stationary) 3D zones
is made easier by the availability of The ore envelope was constructed
good statistical methods and software three-dimensionally, using the interpreted
Grade Control
(clustering techniques, contact analysis, sedimentological controls and the vertical
border effects). interpreted structures. The model was
built within Leapfrog software with two
Geostatistical techniques: while no
cut-off grades defined shells.
radically new techniques have appeared A fundamental concept of
in the last few years, progress in The estimation within the Leapfrog geostatistics that is often overlooked
computing power has led to a significant envelope was carried out using a uniform or misunderstood in resource
increase in the use of non-linear conditioning method, reflecting both estimation during the early project
methods like uniform conditioning and the data density and the potential mine stage is the relationship between
conditional simulations for geological selectivity in an open pit. The method is the global grade tonnage curve and
variables, such as lithology and grades. well adapted to estimating the resource the quality of the local block by block
The combination of the modern 3D for open pit projects at this PFS or FS estimate.
geological modelling approach and stage, particularly in cases of relatively
Kriging, with a properly optimised
powerful geostatistical resource complex geometry.
set of search parameters, will always
estimating techniques is illustrated by
The Miriam deposit appears to be the give the best local block estimate
SRKs recent evaluation of the Miriam
only one of this type in the region and it with the data available. That means
Uranium deposit in Niger for GoviEx.
opens new ideas for further discoveries in misclassification errors resulting from
The Miriam deposit was discovered in a similar geological context. local block selection compared to
2012, at 400m drill spacing, within the reality are minimised.
Daniel Guibal:
The trade-off is that the less data
Control // to discrete Miriam geological model you have, the higher the so-called
expansion corridors smoothing effect on the local blocks
Control // to bottom sets becomes. Consequently, the overall
of sedim sequences tonnages and grades estimated at
higher cut-offs can still be significantly
different from the actual tonnages
Selectivity local vs global
Estimating metallurgical variability:
a case study
Pit Shell
1 kilometre
Block variance validation
Generally speaking, grade interpolation variance shrinks. The only parameter that
can be validated by VMS (visual is not affected is the mean; it should stay
assessment, mean assessment, swath the same regardless of support changes.
Electron Microscopy (QEMSCAN) study. plot validation) and block variance Theoretically, the distribution presented
They analysed 1,420 samples to provide validation. These methods are easily by the sample data should vary more than
detailed mineralogical information on understood and applied, except for the that presented by the blocks. But in actual
mineral assemblages, nickel deportment, block variance validation. practice, the block variance is occasionally
liberation, alteration and the variability larger than the samples variance when all
When applying kriging to grade
of these factors. Mineralogical samples the reasonable interpolating methods and
interpolation, the theoretical block variance
were also taken to characterise the parameters are considered. Therefore, it
adjustment ratio (f) and the actual block
metallurgical domain composites and for is preferable to remove outliers that still
variance adjustment ratio (f*) can differ by
mineralogical mapping. exist in the borehole dataset before re-
a large measure that is not reflected in the
estimating the resources.
The results were used to construct VMS methods. Block variance validation is
estimation models of mineral important for a kriging interpolation, but is Finally, we can answer the question of how
abundances. SRK modelled the not relevant to a non-kriging interpolation, to apply block variance validation:
abundance distribution of awaruite, so, the question is how to apply it?
1. U
se it to decide which result is the most
brucite, coalingite, heazlewoodite, One way is to examine which interpolation robust among kriging interpolations
serpentine, low-iron serpentine, iron- is most robust. As we know, the block
rich serpentine, magnetite, olivine, and 2. Ignore it in non-kriging interpolations
variance is a measure of how far a set of
pentlandite. 3. U
se it to mark the presence of outliers in
numbers is spread out. It is one of several
the borehole dataset
In conjunction with defining the nickel descriptors of a probability distribution,
grade, the models were used by RNC describing how far the numbers lie from Yonggang Wu:
to establish four distinct metallurgical the mean. Usually, different parameters
domains: heazlewoodite dominant, produce almost identical global mean
mixed sulphide, pentlandite dominant, grades, but obviously different variances. YONGGANG WU
and high-iron serpentine. A separate This difference can produce different
regression recovery equation was tonnage-grade curves. All the curves
determined by RNC for each domain, show the same level of confidence at the Y onggang Wu,
minimum reporting cut-off, but different M.Eng, is a Senior
and was applied to the resource on
levels of confidence at increasing cut-offs. Consultant (Mining).
a block-by-block basis to calculate a
Using a kriging method, the most robust He joined SRK after
net smelter return per tonne, which
choice is the one with the minimum graduating from
was subsequently used to support a
difference between f and f*, which Jiangxi University
feasibility study.
indicates that the estimated result follows of Science and
Sbastien B. Bernier: well with the operators expectation. For Technology in 2007.
a non-kriging method, the f cannot be With specialised
calculated, so the confidence levels of knowledge of mining engineering and
f* and tonnage-grade curve cannot be MineSight software; he began training
assessed. mine technical staff in MineSight while
still a student. Yonggangs projects
Another application is to find outliers involve the minerals Au, Pb, Zn, Mn, Cu,
in a borehole dataset. During grade Fe, fluorite, potassium salts, alum, and
interpolation, the smoothing effect more. He has extensive experience in
happens inevitably as the support resource/reserve estimation, pit limit
enlarges. The term support at optimisation and design, underground
the sampling stage refers to the mining design, long-term production
Geometallurgical Domains characteristics of the sampling unit, such planning, and due diligence studies,
Heazlewoodite Dominant as the size, shape and orientation of the with his expertise in modelling and
sample. At the modelling stage, the term specialised software.
Mixed Sulphide support refers to the volume of the blocks.
Pentlandite Dominant As support increases, the data is gradually Yonggang Wu:
distributed more symmetrically, and the
High-Iron Serpentine
spread of the data is reduced, as the
Mapping the Indian Resource
Classification System with the
CRIRSCO Template
External mineral resource audits MARK CAMPODONIC
M ark Campodonic,
BSc, MSc, FGS,
MAusIMM, is Head
Domaining sample
Data validation Geology modelling
data and compositing of the Geology
department, and a
Principal Resource
Geologist with SRK
(UK) and has over 12
Quantitative Kriging Selection of years of international
Geostatistical analysis neighbourhood appropriate
experience. Marks responsibilities have
analysis (QKNA) estimation method
included the authoring and auditing of
mineral resource and ore reserves, as
part of technical studies, independent
assessments, feasibility studies, due
Mineral resource Reporting with Compliant mineral diligence/technical reviews, Competent
classification economic potential resource statement Persons Reports and Stock Exchange
listings. He acts as a Competent/Qualified
person for a number of commodities and
styles of mineralisation.
will be presented in the public domain and procedures (such as selecting Mark Campodonic:
and be reviewed and interrogated by a the composite length, grade capping
third party. The Resource Geologist must theory, interpolation method, etc)
remember that the results of the MRE and built-in validation checks are
are the culmination of an often extensive undertaken to assess the materiality SHAMEEK
and expensive exploration campaign, the and relevance of each step. This is C H A T T O PA D H YAY
results of which mean everything to the critical to the successful completion
success of the client company. of an external audit and enables the
geologist to defend the selected
It is therefore essential that the Chattopadhyay,
methods. Individual geologists will
quality of SRKs work on the MRE is Senior Consultant
have different opinions about the
comprehensive and that the results are (Resource Geology)
correct approach and methodology, so
not influenced by client expectations has over 12 years
these built-in checks make an external
regarding tonnages and grades. In of experience in
audit a smoother process. Remember
reality, additional drilling expenditure exploration and
that these are estimates and not
does not always result in additional mineral resource
precise calculations.
tonnes and metal in the ground. estimation. Since
SRK prides itself on the quality of the joining SRK in 2007, Shameeks
Producing an MRE is a complex
MREs we undertake. We are front responsibilities include producing 3D
process that requires a diligent and
runners in developing and applying geological models using specialised
well structured approach, and SRK has
modern resource estimation practices, mining software, resource estimation,
developed robust process workflows
using cutting edge technology undertaking technical due diligence
to guide the geologist through the
described in this newsletter. studies associated with fundraising and
critical decision points. No two deposits
Stock Exchange Listing, and preparing
and projects are the same and MRE External audits can be daunting, but technical reports following various
workflows allow the geologist to by following the correct workflow to international reporting codes.
consider project-specific requirements, guarantee the quality of the work, they
ensuring that correct data checks are can be stimulating and rewarding. Shameek Chattopadhyay:
undertaken before moving to the next
step in the process. Furthermore, SRK Mark Campodonic:
recognises that multiple techniques
Application of the JORC code to a
complex Mozambique coal deposit
Coal mining in Mozambique
A nna Fardell
is a Resource C lassifying coal deposits in recently Structural interpretation was primarily
Geologist with explored basins to internationally based on remote sensing data and
SRK, specialising in recognised reporting codes requires recognisable coal zones. Intrusions
various aspects of close attention to data quality and a could not be confidently correlated
coal and stratiform comprehensive understanding of the between fault blocks or the quality
modelling, resource geology. and thickness of contained clean coal
estimation and estimated.
The coal basins and sub-basins of
applied geostatistics.
the Zambezi coalfield are structurally SRK used density, ash and thickness
She has 6 years experience in the
complex, affected in varying degrees cut-offs to define the clean coal
resources sector. Since completing an
by intrusive bodies, with centimetre within the zone. This approach
MSc in Mining Geology and joining SRK
scale inter-bedded coal and shale assumes that although the drill spacing
in 2009, Anna has undertaken resource
comprising the target coal zones does not support the delineation of
estimates for various bulk commodities
which are between 5 and 30m thick. individual coal bands, selective mining
and worked on coal projects in Canada,
can separate them from the waste.
Russia, Southern Africa and Colombia A recent Coal Resource Estimate of
Hence, the coal qualities and densities
and assisted in the generation of a Mozambique deposit was sampled
were only counted on the composited
Competent Persons Reports for various with boreholes spaced between 100
clean coal bands.
international exchanges. Key skills and 1000m apart. In well sampled
include knowledge of geological and areas, the coal zones could be Clean coal quality grids show significant
mine planning software including Vulcan, correlated between drillholes and variations laterally across coal zones,
Minex, Datamine and Isatis geostatistical faulted blocks and major structures indicating that coal quality cannot be
software. could be modelled confidently. inferred across sparsely drilled areas. In
Intrusions and the extent of burning terms of sedimentology, the coal zones
Anna Fardell:
were modelled, extrapolated between have high variability vertically but are
drillhole intersections through the less variable laterally. Where the whole
coal zones. However, in poorly drilled coal zone was not sampled, a high level
areas there is high ambiguity and little of variability introduces significant bias
confidence in the interpretation. in the resource estimate.
Block modelling in the CIS and
alignment with the GKZ
Satisfying the reasonable prospects
for economic extraction requirement
Reasonable prospects for eventual
R oger Dixon,
economic extraction (RPEEE) Corporate
Consultant, is
Chairman of SRK
South Africa.
He has 43 years
In defining eventual, the CP might How then does the CP decide what is
experience in
ask: what will the resource price be reasonable? The geological confidence
mining engineering,
30 years from now? Will there be is the primary consideration but not the
with projects
sufficient electrical power to grow the only one. This multi-disciplined decision
relating to engineering studies, mineral
minerals industry? How will power be must consider all the modifying factors.
reserve estimation, due diligence,
generated? The CP has to wrestle with
As Erich Fromm said, in part: and feasibility studies on open-pit
such questions, even at this early stage.
and underground operations. Roger
Why, then, are resources declared What the majority of people consider to helped formulate the Mine Health and
when, at best, they should be in Mineral be reasonable is that about which there Safety Act of 1996. In 2000, he helped
inventory? First, at this stage, the is agreement, if not among all, at least prepare the South African Code for
Resource Geologist usually estimates among a substantial number of people; reporting mineral resources and
resources to meet the stringent QA/QC reasonable for most people, has nothing reserves (Samrec Code), and mineral
requirements and assess the level of to do with reason, but with consensus. asset valuation (Samval Code) in
geological confidence. Would he need After considering the modifying 2008. He represents South Africa on
to involve an engineer or economist factors and geological confidence, the Committee for Mineral Reserves
now? Second, client pressure. With would the decision stand the scrutiny International Reporting Standards
an ambitious exploration target and of the majority of your peers? Thats (CRIRSCO), which represents the major
sizeable investment, the client needs the benefit of a multi-disciplined peer mining regions around the world.
results. The client may suggest the review process in the preliminary Roger Dixon:
chance of follow up work for the stages of declaring a resource.
geologists company are slim without
results. Roger Dixon:
Figure 1
Glen Cole, Principal
Consultant (Resource
Exploration Results Geology) has over 20
years of experience
precious and base
Inferred metals exploration,
resource geology,
Increasing level mine feasibility
of geological Indicated Probable and due diligence. He worked as a Chief
Geologist and Chief Resource Geologist
and confidence
on various underground and opencast
Measured Proved gold operations in South Africa and
Ghana before joining SRK in 2006. He has
worked on multi-commodity projects in
The Modifying Factors* South America, North America and Africa
producing resource estimates, auditing
*The Modifying Factors: mining operations, undertaking due
Consideration of mining, processing, metallurgical, economic, marketing, legal, diligence studies and technical reporting
environmental, infrastructure, social, and governmental factors
for Competent Persons Reports and Stock
Exchange Listings.
SRK project countries SRK offices
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