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I Have A Very Special Pet

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My pet is a cat. My cat's name is bulbul.

She came from nowhere to my house one month

ago.There is a heart-shaped pattern on her body that makes her so unique. Looking her body, I
know that her age is not more than five months. Bulbul has soft brown and white fur. she has
white stripes over his neck. Her eyes are brown. She has a round head and whiskers. Her four
legs have some sharp claws. She uses them to catch and kill rats in my house. But she does not
eat the rats. Everyday, I never forget to feed Bullbul. She likes eating fish and milk. Sometimes, I
also give she special snacks. When I feed her, she will wiggle her tail that shows she is very
happy.I train Bullbul to keep his cleanliness by providing him litter pan. Sometimes, I also wash
him to make him clean.

She usually sleeps in his tiny house. I always ask it to play with me. Bullbul like to play a yarn
ball that I made for it. Besides atractive, Bullbul is also a spoiled cat. Whenever bullbul sees me
home after school, she just comes at me and jumps on my body. Bullbul is a friendly cat. When
I call her by saying "bullbuuul", she comes immediately and meows at me. Sometimes, she is
like having a conversation with me.

I have a very special pet. She is very funny. My pet's name is bullbul. Bullbul came from
nowhere to my house a month ago. In his body, there is a heart-shaped pattern. This makes
Bullbul is so unique. Bulbul has soft brown and white fur. He has white stripes on his neck. His
eyes were brown. She has a round head and a mustache. She has sharp nails on her legs
So what animal is bull bul?
Okay, from the beginning I'm sure you already know that bullbul is a funny cat
Everyday, I never forget to feed Bullbul. She likes eating fish and milk. Sometimes, I
also give she special snacks. If she is very happy, she will wiggle her tail.I train Bullbul
to keep his cleanliness by providing him litter pan. Sometimes, I also wash her to make her
clean. She usually sleeps in her tiny house. I always ask it to play with me. She like play a yarn
ball that I made for it. Bullbul is also a spoiled cat. Whenever bullbul sees me home after school,
she just comes at me and jumps on my body. Bullbul is a friendly cat. When I call her by saying
"bullbuuul", she will comes, she is like having a conversation with me. But now, she was passed
away and i really miss her.

Hewan peliharaan saya adalah kucing Nama kucing saya adalah Wloobie. Dia datang entah dari
mana ke rumah saya satu bulan yang lalu. Ada pola berbentuk hati di tubuhnya yang
membuatnya begitu unik. Melihat tubuhnya, saya tahu bahwa usianya tidak lebih dari lima bulan.
Dia memiliki bulu yang lembut dan putih. Dia memiliki garis-garis putih di lehernya. Matanya
cokelat. Dia memiliki kepala bundar dan kumis. Keempat kakinya memiliki beberapa cakar yang
tajam. Dia menggunakan mereka untuk menangkap dan membunuh tikus di rumah saya. Tapi dia
tidak makan tikus. Setiap hari, saya tidak pernah lupa memberi makan Rosa. Dia suka makan
ikan dan susu. Terkadang, saya juga memberinya makanan kucing kering. Ketika saya
memberinya makan, dia akan menggoyangkan ekornya yang menunjukkan bahwa dia sangat
bahagia. Aku melatih Nunu untuk menjaga kebersihannya dengan menyediakan tempat buang air
untuknya. Terkadang, aku juga memandikannya agar dia bersih.
Dia biasanya tidur di rumah mungilnya. Saya selalu memintanya untuk bermain dengan saya.
wloobie suka memainkan bola benang yang saya buat untuk itu. Selain atraktif, wloobie juga
merupakan kucing manja. Kapan pun Kitty melihat saya pulang sepulang sekolah, dia hanya
mendatangi saya dan melompat ke tubuh saya. Wloobie adalah kucing yang ramah. Ketika saya
memanggilnya dengan mengatakan "Wluuuu", dia langsung datang dan mengayunkan saya.
Terkadang, dia seperti bercakap-cakap dengan saya

Saya memiliki hewan peliharaan yang sangat istimewa. Dia sangat lucu. Nama hewan
peliharaan saya adalah bullbul. Bulubul datang entah dari mana ke rumah saya sebulan
yang lalu. Di tubuhnya, ada pola berbentuk hati. Hal ini membuat Bullbul begitu unik.
Bulbul memiliki bulu coklat dan putih yang lembut. Dia memiliki garis-garis putih di
lehernya. Matanya cokelat. Dia memiliki kepala bundar dan kumis. Dia memiliki kuku
yang tajam di kakinya Jadi hewan apa itu bulunya? Oke, sejak awal saya yakin Anda
sudah tahu bahwa bullbul adalah kucing yang lucu .

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