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Amy Ilp

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School: St Lorens College Canberra Commencement date of ILP: 6 October 2014

Student name: Amy SRKS Number: ****
Review date: (within 6 months) 1 December 2014
Date of Birth: 7th May 1996 Academic year level: 10

ILP team: Head English Teacher, Principal, School Counsellor

DECO: Disability Education Office

Transition facilitator:
(Transition goal required in the ILP)

Additional Information Amy is in year 10, she enjoys horse back riding, picnics, movies, music and all things related to technology, she also has Autism
Spectrum Disorder and a mild intellectual disability. She lives with her mother and her sister, her father is getting remarried and Amy and her sister
regularly stay at his place. Amys behaviour is becoming more apparent with more aggressive outbreak and a greater reliance on pictorial system of

Focus area and Learning goals Adjustments for learning Achievement of short term goal
present skill/level Linked t o s tudents P athways P lan Consider t he A djustment M atrix f or l evel a nd t ype: e nvironment, Comment on learning stage (acquisition,
SMART guidelines (Specific Measurable - Achievable - curriculum, teaching & learning, assessment & reporting, technology, fluency, maintenance, and generalisation)
of achievement Relevant - Timely) communication. and support levels (independence -
Reviewed when appropriate and at least 6 monthly at Consider Access and Participation groupings from the Appraisal prompts).
the In-school Review where relevant. Record date of each entry.

Long term goal; Before the class commences, Amy will be Goal 1 Monitoring;
Academic To improve comprehension of figurative primed with a study guide for the course on The response sheet will be highly
language. Figurative Language as well as example scaffolded and directive,
responses she can follow for her online however it is likely she will
Short term goal; responses. initially need help, identifying
February 2013 ILP ETD Student Engagement Disability Education
Policy link Students with a Disability: Meeting their Education Needs SWD200810 http://www.det.act.gov.au/publications_and_policies/policy_a-z
Goal 1; Written Figurative Language Goal One Adjustments; and evaluating its affect, in order
Amy will respond to a song of her Submission word count will be reduced (100 - to complete the task. By the
choosing each week (for 8 weeks), 200 words). fourth week she should be able
finding one example of figurative Template for the responses provided that to complete the task
language (metaphor, idiom, descriptive includes a Dictionary section that gives independently.
techniques) and explaining its affects on simple definitions of figurative techniques
the songs theme/message. She will post and relevant examples. I will monitor her responses
it to the class forum. Goal Two Adjustments; through the online submissions,
Amy will be able to choose from a also by one-on-one interactions
Goal 2; Oral Figurative Language preapproved selection of scenes where the during class time to gauge her
With the class, Amy will analyse 2 scenes figurative language is more easily understanding.
from an English Text (Film), identify identifiable.
spoken figurative language and provide Amy will only have to analyse two scenes Goal 2 Monitoring;
alternative language for these instances. instead of the whole film. This is a challenge for Amy, as
Amy will create a translation dictionary Provide option for Closed Caption movie so she has trouble with complex
of her translations, and will explain in she has multiple means of access to the language, it is possible that she
(200 words) why she choose the dialogue. will need intense help during the
translation. first 4 weeks.

I will monitor her through talks,
as well as her weekly
submissions of her (200 words)
on which I will give detailed
feedback, and will make time to
discuss it with her.

Long term goal; Create a structured classroom by writing the I will need to ensure I complete a
Behaviour To minimise the number of behaviour class schedule on the board at the beginning daily log including Amys
breaks in the classroom. of the lesson. Give Amy a print out of this behaviour, times she
schedule. A structured classroom should successfully/unsuccessfully uses
Short term goal; make Amy feel more comfortable. alternative strategies in the
Amy will use alternative strategies (Red Show Amy the Red Light System; explore classroom.
Light System, Home Base) as alternatives what each light means and give her a

February 2013 ILP ETD Student Engagement Disability Education

Policy link Students with a Disability: Meeting their Education Needs SWD200810 http://www.det.act.gov.au/publications_and_policies/policy_a-z
for behaviour breakdowns at a 50% laminated print out which she can carry with Organise bi-weekly meetings
accuracy rate for 8 weeks, and 70% her to each class (Have a spare print out on with faculty in order to compare
within the following 8 weeks. hand.). If possible, collaborate with other logs, to analyse what she does
teachers who interact with Amy on a daily effectively with the system as
basis, use the same system in each class. well as what she needs help
Implement a Token Economy. If Amy with.
successfully uses the Red Light System can
listen to music in class. Have a preapproved area for
Home Base, as well as a way of
NOTE; If Amy does, as expected, experience a break notifying other teachers of Amys
a Behaviour Autopsy should be conducted at an state of mind.
appropriate time (After she has calmed down) to
discuss how she felt during the break, what
happened, and what lead up to the break. Provide
her with a template for responses, incorporating her
learned phrases.
Long term goal; Every week, I will retell an appropriate Social Before term begins, I must make
Improve communication with peers and Story, facilitate group discussion of what the sure to organised materials, film
Social/ classmates. key theme or issue is, and highlight key equipment etc.
Communication terms, or Phrases students could use during
Goal 1; the communication. Whilst not a particularly
Amy will add one or two new phrases Each week, as Amy identifies a new Phrase challenging task, this will require
(May be simple) to her Learned Phrases we will create a Video Model to demonstrate repetition on both Amy and Is
Bank each week for 16 week, and reflect the proper usage of the phrase. I hope to be behalf.
on an instance in which she used the able to convert this video to a file suitable for
new phrase, if it worked, why/why not in her IPOD so she has it on hand constantly. I will collect the journal at the
a weekly journal. Provide her with Cards with the phrase and end of each session and return it
a pictorial/cartoon demonstration. to her at the beginning of the
I will provide Amy time in class, to give her next with notes. I must allow
time to complete her Self Assessments. time to answer Amys questions.
I will aim, if possible to increase Peer
Mediated Practices, meaning educating other
students on effective ways to communicate
February 2013 ILP ETD Student Engagement Disability Education
Policy link Students with a Disability: Meeting their Education Needs SWD200810 http://www.det.act.gov.au/publications_and_policies/policy_a-z
with Amy, so that she can practice her
phrases with assistance.

Weekly phone call outlining student progress and what Amy should focus on during her time at home/with carers
Students to have access to online documentation that outlines learning plan/to make comment and for myself to be
Parent/Carer able to respond/justify concerns.
Communication/Feedback Twice throughout the term, we are to meet and readjust the plan as necessary.

Name Signature Date

Nicole Denning
Jonathan Waker

February 2013 ILP ETD Student Engagement Disability Education

Policy link Students with a Disability: Meeting their Education Needs SWD200810 http://www.det.act.gov.au/publications_and_policies/policy_a-z

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