Business Plan
Business Plan
Business Plan
Basanta Adhikari
The objective of this thesis was to make a business plan for Sherpa restaurant
which is located in the town of Kuopio. This thesis talks about the Nepalese
food culture in this region. The aim of this thesis is to carry the Sherpa
restaurant in a correct path towards its objectives and goals. This business plan
is made after research and an investigation as well as suggestions given by
restaurants owner in Helsinki region includes Nepalese as well as other
restaurants. This thesis also clarifies why this particular place was chosen to
provide its services. During the thesis, all the financial projection, inventory
system for restaurant, company webpage, restaurant menu etc. were prepared.
The theoretical background of this business plan was based on number of
business books. The thesis also gives an image of its potential customers and
possible competitors. Porters 5 forces analysis, SWOT analysis, marketing
analysis, competitors analysis were also carried out in this thesis. Qualitative
and Quantitive research methods were also conducted to find out customers
behavior and interest towards Nepalese restaurant.
The outcome of the survey done in Kuopio center gave firsthand information
about peoples interest in Nepali Restaurant. The result of this study shows how
the restaurant came to provide its services in Kuopio. During the opening week
around 4,000 customers visited Sherpa restaurant. Nowadays, the demand of
spicy food at lunch time keeps increasing day by day. This result shows that the
menu for spicy food at lunch time should be increased. Sherpa restaurant has
to consider giving some special discount to attract number of tourist visitors in
Kuopio. One of the key improvements that should be made by Sherpa
restaurant is newspaper advertising.
Table 1: Key difference between qualitative and quantitative research adopted from
Hennink,Hutter,Bailey,(2011) ................................................................................................. 10
Table 2: SWOT matrix adapted from Hay&Castilla,(2006) ............................................... 23
Table 3: Kuopio in Figures adopted from Kuopio,(2013) ................................................... 27
Table 4: Start-up Summary..................................................................................................... 32
Table 5: Start-up expenses..................................................................................................... 33
Table 6: Sales estimation ........................................................................................................ 35
Table 7: Profit and loss accounts........................................................................................... 36
1 Introduction on business plan
A continuous production and distribution of goods and services with the aim of
earning profits under uncertain market conditions is Business (Kalyan-city2011).
Starting a new business venture is like going into tropical forest on a treasure
hunt. There are rewards to be won, in both material wealth and in personal
satisfaction, but there are dangers lurking and you can easily lose your way
(Blackwell, 2008, p. 1.)
Business plan works for business to look ahead, allocate resources, focus on
key points and prepared for problems and opportunities (Tim, 2013)
It is said that most people think business plan are necessary only for loan
application or starting of new business, which is not correct. Business plans are
also needed for running a business with optimized growth and development.
The aim of this thesis is to carry Sherpa Restaurant in a correct path towards its
goals and objectives. Another aim is to build, grow and expand as a healthy
company. Restaurant Sherpa will always be aware of difficulties, problems, risk
with the help of this thesis since there will be a huge number of solutions and
ways. This thesis will help to create a successful business.
There are not enough restaurants in Kuopio town where people are satisfied
with restaurant services, food quality, customer services which are only a
hypothesis that the author invented to make a solution regarding this thesis.
Sherpa restaurant will provide all the needs.
1.3 Research approach
Most restaurants are lacking behind to providedifferent taste of food in the town
of Kuopio. Sherpa restaurant will be a new Nepalese restaurant that can
provide different and unique food taste that people in Kuopio have never tasted
before. They can enjoy ethnic food with soft tune in restaurant.
Different theories from great writers are included regarding business plan,
marketing planning, SWOT analysis, different research approaches, company
laws, and empirical studies. The easy definitions and statements by experts
were chosen.
1.5 Limitations:
The author had to stick only to the Sherpa restaurant which focus to serve only
Nepali dishes. Since the business size of the company was small scale,
survey was done with some questionnaires and interview around Kuopio. The
author had to focus on Finnish business system since the company was going
to start its business in Finland.
2 Business Planning
A business plan is a road map that provides the directions so a business can
plan its future (Entrepreneur magazine 2013).
2.2 Business Plan
Although business plan was created at the beginning of starting the business, it
is necessary to review it from time to time and makes changes according to the
need of company (Hearst 2013).
It helps to make vital business decisions that focus on activities and maximize
our resources.
It helps to understand financial aspects of our business like cash flow,
requirement of break-even.
It helps to gather marketing information.
It helps to avoid difficulties that may arise in the business.
It helps to set a specific goal and measurement.
Helps to expand to profitability directions. (Abrans 1991)
More over business plan can help to make the right decisions in right time.
4 Helps us keep on track
A written business plan gives us a clear course toward the future and makes
our decision making faster.
3 Business plan for restaurant
State the mission of your company. The mission statement is a brief description
of how you want your company to be viewed by its customers. It also states
your companys vision as to future directions toward which it intend to move
(Pinson 2008, p 23.)
This section will provide the information on your company including, who you
are, where you have been, where your plans are going and how your company
fits into industry and market place. It includes following points:
This section should provide the reader with the concept of how the business
works and why it has a unique chance to shine in the market place (Pinson
3.3 Company Finance
Although your hopes and plans for financing your business will be set out in all
the cash flow forecasts which you will attach as appendices, it will be helpful if
you give a brief summary. The following are shown no matter how small the
business is:
This section describes the products and services and what are sold. According
to Pinson (2008, p 34), products and services should explain following things:
3.4.1 Products:
One must describe in depth, what ones product is. Specification of this can be
done with drawing, photos, sales brochures, and other such items.
Explain about the quality of your products, uniqueness and its features.
3.4.2 Services
Tell what the services are. Why it is able to provide, who will be performed. Tell
why this business is unique and what special offer to the customers. If ones
have both the product and services that work together to benefit the customers
one should be sure to mention in the business plan.
4 Research methodology
Research methods in education (and the other social sciences) are often
divided into two main types: Quantative and Qualitative methods.
Key difference between qualitative and quantitative research
Qualititative research Quantitive research
4.3 Primary Data
Primary data means original data that has been collected specially for the
purpose of mind which means someone collected the data from the original
source first hand. Collection of data this way is known as primary data. People
who gather primary data may be an authorized organization, investigator,
enumerator or they may be just someone with clipboard. In this case these
people are acting as a witness so primary data is only considered as reliable as
the people who gather it. This kind of research is referred to as field research,
e.g. questionnaire. (wikibooks 2012)
Secondary data are collected for other purpose. Wikibook, 2012, defines that
when we use statistical method with primary data from another purpose for our
purpose we refer it as secondary data. Meaning of it, is; one purposes primary
data is another purposes secondary data. Secondary data are those data that
is being reprocessed. E.g. Data from books (wikibooks 2012.)
Validity determines whether the research truly measures the results that were
intended to measure or whether the research result is truthful or not. The
questionnaire which was made in the intention to see the response was
measured positively. It shows that a large of people in Kuopio are waiting for
Nepalese restaurant to be open.
6 Management and personnel
A small business company usually starts up with the owners doing most of the
work. As business becomes bigger and sales increase, management and
personnel needs will also change. The companys goal is projected for growth
and the necessary in management and personnel must be planned (Pinson
6.1 Management
6.2 Personnel
Some businesses fail because they hire too many people too soon. Other
business fail because they become too successful too soon and they are not
organizationally ready (Pinsor 2008, P. 39.)
7 Company Law
The chosen legal structure must be described and explained why it is most
advantageous for the business. The owner or corporate officers should be
named. Their strength and weakness should include in the resumes in
supporting documents of business plan.
In Finland, most of the permits are granted on first application. But some types
of business requiring e.g. specific skills or specific case by entrepreneur are
always subject to licensing and permit are required whether to carry out by
Finnish or non-Finnish person.
The owner of the enterprise acts on behalf of the business and concludes its
contracts. The election of auditors is not regulated by law. The business has to
be registered in the trade register with a start-up notification form of private
entrepreneur. It should contain trade name, personal data, nature of trade,
municipality of main establishment and address of the place of the business.
The fee is 75 Euro and it has to be paid in advance (Yrityssuomi 2013)
7.2 General partnership
A general partnership has at least two partners who jointly carry on a trade on
the basis of contract. The partners are personally liable for the debts and other
obligations of the partnerships. The partners can be either natural person or
organizations such as other companies ( PRH 2013.)
7.4 Limited company
The annual General meeting must be held within six months of the end of the
companys financial year, unless the articles provide for a short term
(Rochier 2012).
More than half of members of the board must be present for the meeting unless
a larger proportion is required in the Articles. A limited company may also have
a managing director who is appointed by the board and mustabide by its
instructions and orders. The board of directors is responsible for the
administration and the proper arrangement of the operations of the company.
In general, a limited company has at least one auditor appointed at the annual
general meeting. However, small size companies are excepted from obligation
to appoint an auditor subject to concern conditions. Provisions on auditing
performance, qualifications and the supervision of the auditing profession are
set forth in the auditing act (PRH 2013.)
7.5 Co-operative
Co-operative is one important player in the agricultural sector and in the retail
business in Finland. Under the cooperative Act (1488/2001; FI osuuskuntalaki).
Cooperative is a society whose number of members and amount of capital is
not determined in advance and whose purpose is to carry on business
operations in order to support the finances of its members by having them use
the services of society. The cooperative rules may provide that the cooperative
can issue investment shares, which have many features in common with shares
of limited companies (Roschier 2012.)
The figure below shows the important forms of incorporations for business
Figure2: Characteristics of Forms of Business in Finland ( Yrityssuomi
8 Competitor Analysis
9 Marketing Planning
Marketing plan is based on the overview and goals to establish the company.
The plan defines all the components of the marketing strategy which address
the details of the market analysis, sales, advertising, and public relations
campaigns. The market plan is completed by addressing customer service,
implementation of the marketing strategy and plans for assessing the marketing
effectiveness. (Pinson and Jinnett 2006, p.208.)
9.1.2 Demographics
Demographics refers to the statistical data of population, average age, income
and education. In most cases Government data is a common source of
demographic information.
9.1.3 Psychographics
Psychographics uses demographics to determine the attitudes and tastes of
particular segment of a population. Psychographics determine lifestyles: Where
people spend their vacations, where they shop, how they spend their income
approach to marketing and their financial information. In addition, specifically
investigate the following in depth helps to know more about the competition:
Visiting websites and examine their design, format and contents. To know the
answers like, is the website professional and complete? What features and
benefits do they promote? How do they position their products? What website
do they link to? Do they offers special events? (Linda 2008, p 47-48.)
Public Authorities
Threats of new
Competitive rivalry
withing the industry Bargaining power of
Bargaining power of
Threats of Substitute
Figure 3 Structure of Porters 5 Forces Analysis, The National Agency for Innovation
and Research in Luxembourg, 2008
the company should anticipate coping with this threat (Luxinnovation G.I.E
11 SWOT Analysis
Helpful Harmful
Strengths are internal attributes of the organization that are helpful to the
achievement of the objective.
Weaknesses are internal attributes of the organization that are harmful to the
achievement of the objectives
Opportunities are external conditions that are helpful to the achievement of the
Threats are external conditions that are harmful to the achievements of the
12 The Town of Kuopio
Kuopio, the town was founded in 1653 by the governor general Peter Brahe.
When King Gustav III of Sweden ordered the establishment of the town of
Kuopio in 17th November 1775, then the date is now recognized as the official
foundation date of the city (Kuopio 2013.)
Kuopio has been center of education from the beginning. School that offers
secondary education was founded in 1778, a high school in 1844, industrial
school, commercial school and nursing school in 1890s. Kuopio also obtained
status of University in 1966 and the name was changed from Kuopion
korkeakoulu to Kuopion yliopisto in 1984(Kuopio2013.)
Development of Finnish culture in Kuopio got solid footing by the rise of Finnish
language, improved education and development of economic life in 19th century.
J.V Snellman who lived in Kuopio started to publish Finnish Newspaper named
Maamiehen ystv in 1844. Music, literature and arts thrived in 19th century.
Minna Canth, Juhani Aho, Maria Jotuni, von Wright brothers, family Jrnefelt
and Juho Rissanen made great contribution to Finnish Cultural history.
Todays Kuopio
Kuopio is a town which is at the heart of pure nature. Nature in Kuopio has been
always a great deal and influence to the citizens. Currently, about 105,000
habitants which makes it the 8th largest city in Finland. Here, 85% lives in urban
area and 15% lives in rural area. The proportion of foreigners is 1.9% of all the
citizens. The population in Kuopio is rather well-educated.
The total number of jobs is over 47,500 which gives great economic structure.
Economic life of Kuopio is developing with significant role of business and
industry services. (Kuopio2013.)
Figure below shows the whole map of Kuopio.
Figure 4: Map of Kuopio map google, (2013)
Founded 1775
Total area 3,165 sq km
Land area 2,309
Shoreline 856
Lakes and rivers 856 km
Warmest month July
Mean temperature in July +19.04 degrees Celsius
Coldest month December
Mean temperature in December -11.95 degrees Celsius
Total population 105,000
Men 47.7%
Women 52.3%
Finnish-speaking 98.1%
Swedish-speaking 0.1%
Others 1.8%
Population increase 615
Municipal tax 19.5%
Tax revenues 249 million
Unemployment 10.5%
13 Business Plan for Sherpa Restaurant
13.1.1 Mission
Restaurant Sherpa is a great place to eat, combining a fascinating atmosphere
with excellent, interesting food. The mission is not only to have great tasting
food, but have efficient and friendly service because customer satisfaction is
paramount. They want to be the restaurant choice for all families and singles,
young and old, male or female. Since employee welfare will be important for
success, everyone will be treated fairly. Sherpa wants its employees to feel a
part of the success of restaurant. As the saying goes, happy employees make
happy guests. Sherpas menu will be combining variety and special theme
nights to reach the goal of overall value in dining experience.
13.1.2 Objectives
Restaurant Sherpas objectives would always to keep food cost under 35%
revenue, keeping employee labor cost between 20-25% of revenue, staying as
a small restaurant with excellent food and service, averaging sales between
500,000-600,000 per year promote and expand to other locations in Kuopio
and finally to expand marketing and advertising all over Savo region.
13.2 Company Summary and Finance
These are the start-up requirements to the best of our knowledge and
experience in the industry.
Start-up Funding
Assets 30,000
Liabilities 35,000
Current Borrowing
Long-term Liabilities
Capital 0
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) 0
Start-up Expenses
Start-up Expenses
Legal 500
Stationery 300
Office Supplies (Computer, Printer) 1,500
Uniforms 3,000
Insurance 1,000
Cashier and card reader 1,000
Advertisement 1,500
Furniture 10,000
Alcohol and drinks 5,000
Cash counter and bar 8,000
Phone & Gas Deposit 2,500
Food 5,000
Kitchen Supplies 15,000
Cleaning 1,000
Decorations and lamps 4,000
Website 700
Total Start-up Expenses 60,000
Working capital in this point of restaurant operations includes all the variable
costs and fixed costs. Fixed costs are salaries, gas and electricity, rents, phone
bills, insurances, marketing, etc. Variable costs include ingredients and
beverages costs that vary depending on the flow of customers and actual
business situation. The variable cost calculations are made based on the
wholesale prices from Tukku (a whole sale market).
Description Price per No. Guests Total
Lunch per day 9,00 100 900,00
Profit and Loss
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Sales 530,400 609,960 701,454
Direct cost of sales 120,000 138,000 158,700
Other 0 0 0
Total cost of sales 120,000 138,000 158,700
Gross margin 410,400 471,960 542,754
Gross margin % 77.30% 77.30% 77.30%
Payroll 111,480 137,890 167220
Water and electricity 4,800 5,400 5,600
Depreciation 13,600 13,600 13,600
Sales and marketing 6,000 6,000 6,000
Phone and internet 1,200 1,400 1,500
Insurance 12,000 14,000 15,000
Rent 62,000 62,000 62,000
Gas 6,000 6,200 6,500
Other expenses 12,000 12,000 12,000
Total operating
expenses 229,080 252,490 289,420
Profit before interest
and Ttaxes 181,320 219,470 253,334
Interest expense 6,000 6,000 6,00
Taxes Incurred 47,143 57,062 65,866
Net Profit 128,177 156,408 181,468
Net Profit/Sales 24.16% 25.64% 25.58%
Table 7: Profit and loss accounts
13.2.4 Break-even point analysis
Very common tools in estimating the economic feasibility of a new company is
the break-even analysis. The break-even point is the point at which revenue is
exactly equal to costs where no profit is made and no losses are incurred. The
break-even point can be expressed in terms of unit sales (Horhota, 2009.)
Break-even analysis is found on two different types of costs: fixed costs and
variable costs. Fixed costs are overhead-type expenses that are constant and
do not change as the level of output changes. Variable expenses are not
constant and do change with the level of output (Horhota, 2009.)
Contribution margin per customer = (12.50 - 2.55) 9.95
The break-even calculation shows that the restaurant needs to serve first
22,822 customers to get its break- even point. That means the restaurant gets
its break- even point in 163 days or in 6 months if the flow of customers is as
Sherpa Restaurant will be unique in Kuopio area. Food products will be of the
finest quality and prepared with sensitivity and care. Sherpa will 'go all the way'
to satisfy the guests. Sherpa will change its menu every few months, but will
keep the favorites'. Portions of food will be reasonably sized with attractions.
Sherpas wine list will be modest in size focused on wines from France, New
Zealand and Argentina. Sherpa will also feature a moderate international
(especially Nepalese and Indian) beer selection in cans and bottles. The
comfortable softly-lit bar features a comprehensive selection of the finest
vodkas, Nepalese rum and singles -some Scotches.
Kitchen staff in Sherpa will have the best culinary education and work
experience. Restaurant staff as well will offer the finest services in great
13.4 Price
For lunch hours, business lunches will be offered with average price. The ideal
price will be between, 8.50 to 10.50. The lunch includes salads, main dish
selecting among vegetable, chicken, mutton, fish or prawns, Nepalese style
naan-bread, yogurt drink (lasi), tea or coffee. During lunch hours, people in
general are in a hurry; therefore a set menu is offered on daily basis.
For dinner, the meal is prepared ready when customers order. The meal is
more sophisticated, thus the price level is higher than lunch. The price of the
dinner meal ranges from 12 to 27 depending on the meal. Dinner set menu
includes salads, naan-bread, rice, meat/vegetable/fish or prawns, along with
choice dessert and coffee/tea. The price is different for different meat or
vegetable items. The process of dinner is longer than the lunchs.
The price level of either lunch or dinner is based on market price with value
added specialties of Nepalese cuisine. Restaurant Sherpa believes that the
Nepalese cuisine in Kuopio will be widely accepted by customers with this price
range as they are on the level of average restaurant prices in Kuopio. The price
is affordable for individual customers and for sure still quite economical for
business and family customers and travelers.
Sherpa Restaurant will focus on attracting wide and diverse consumers aged
20-60. Sherpa wants most customers to be businessmen, couples, families,
tourists coming to visit Kuopio. Sherpa focuses on this group because Sherpa
thinks that these people visit restaurant in a frequent way and spend money on
good food and services.
Some demographic factors that Sherpa includes would be:
Income level
Buying habits
Occupancy or industry
Marital status
Family status
Geographic location
Ethnic group
Hobbies and interests
The questionnaires for marketing research were carried out in Alatori, Kuopio
on May 25th 2013. There were 10 respondents, where 9 of them were male and
1 was female. The objective of first question was whether a citizen of Kuopio
was familiar with Nepalese cuisine or not. The results were surprisingly
positive. All the 10 respondents (Finnish) were familiar with Nepalese cuisine.
Among them, 8 people taste the Nepalese cuisine in Helsinki and 2 of them in
Vantaa, Finland.
The second questions goal was to know how often they visit restaurants. Here
all of them responded every week.
The surprising answer was to question number 6 where it was asked what
would you think of Nepalese Ethnic restaurant in Kuopio? Here, all of them
responded as great idea.
The excitement of all the respondents seems to indicate that there is really a
need for an Ethnic restaurant like Nepalese in Kuopio.
13.7 Management and personnel
Restaurant CEO
Normal Chefs
13.7.3 Executive chef
Executive chef monitors cooks, reports to assistant restaurant manager and is
responsible for kitchen work.
13.10 Competition
There are very few fine dining restaurants in Kuopio. There are no other
Nepalese restaurants in Kuopio town which is the 8th largest city of Finland
(Kuopio2013). Restaurant Sherpa will be the one and only authentic Nepalese
restaurant in Kuopio and located in Kuopio Centre. So Sherpa has no
competitors with similar food in Kuopio. However, the potential customers may
visit different nearest restaurants for their dining purposes. The purpose of
Nepalese dining is not just eating and leaving. The customers who seek a real,
healthy and tasty food prepared from organic raw materials enjoy dining in
Nepalese restaurant.
We assume that Sherpa will be one of the fine dining restaurants, where
customers can really enjoy the environment, food and services.
Below can be found information on some of the competitors.
Musta Lammas:
Strength Weakness
Kahvila Kaneli:
Kings Crown
Strength Weakness
Good Location
Excellent lunch
Perfect place for dinner
Friendly place
Live band performance
Nice atmosphere
Bier stube
Strength Weakness
Chicken wings, sauce are good
Quality beer available
Fine atmosphere
Over 70 different beers and wide selection of cider
Quite wide menu
Reasonable price
Cozy place
Ravintola OS
Strength Weakness
Ambitious place
Changing menu weekly basis
Affordable price (8-13) Euro
Excellent lunch place
Best salad in town
Suitably spicy
nice atmosphere
Best food in Kuopio
Strength Weakness
Dark wooden interior Bad steak
Friendly services
Heavy taste
Great terrace
Good food
Muikkuravintola Sampo
Strength Weakness
Excellent fish
Good atmosphere
The classic vendace Restaurant
Worth visiting
Rosso Kuopio
Strength Weakness
Chain restaurant Tasteless fake Italian
Good pizza place Normal Finnish pizza
Family restaurant in a
bad way
Average food
Rude waiter
Is Camillo Restaurant
Strength Weakness
Good food
Nice atmosphere
A pleasant dinner
Good menu
Changing menu
warm and romantic restaurant with simple good food
Strength Weakness
Great cakes
One of the best places in Kuopio
Nice salad, sandwiches
Strength Weakness
Price Quite narrow space
Menu list lunch: different menu each day
Menu list dinner: over 60 different meals
Best for: Everybody
The companys strategy is to develop high quality of food and services that
have authentic flavor of traditional Nepalese cuisine and hospitality. Its vision is
to become a popular Nepalese cuisine service restaurant in Kuopio. Sherpas
all products are beautifully decorated and served to the in-house customers and
take away customers as well. Timely delivery and service with excellence will
make Sherpa a most popular fine dining restaurant in Kuopio. Restaurant
Sherpa has developed a promotion strategy, which if well and consistently
pursued, could enable it to gain visibility in Finnish restaurant industry. In its
local market (Kuopio), it does all sorts of paper advertising through flyers,
newspapers and magazines. Brochures and pamphlets will also be used for
advertising in the local markets. The Internet marketing will also be used
through its own web site and some other sites, such as, and also.
13.12 Products/Services
13.13 Market analysis
14 Word-of-mouth/In-store marketing
15 Local store marketing
16 Local media
16.1 Porters 5 Forces Analysis
The figure below shows the Porters 5 Forces Analysis result for Sherpa
16.2 SWOT analysis
16.2.1 Strengths
The first strength of Sherpa restaurant is, the staff has full knowledge and
culture about Nepalese cuisine. The services are high level and homely
standards. Sherpa restaurant use health enhancing and organic food
ingredients. It is unique, special and new in the market.
16.2.2 Weaknesses
The main weakness for Sherpa restaurant could be language problem as chef
do not understand Finnish language. The difference in culture between Finland
and Nepal might affect Sherpa restaurant. There is little risk as the initial
investment is high.
16.2.3 Opportunities
The main opportunities for Sherpa restaurant is improvement in Finnish
economy and growing dining culture in Finland. Other opportunities could be
Popularity of Nepalese cuisine in Kuopio.
16.2.4 Threats
The threats for Sherpa restaurant could be new competitors around the place,
intensive competitions from other fast food restaurant and potential in lack of
food ingredients.
17 Conclusions
The aim of this thesis is to carry Sherpa Restaurant in a correct path towards its
goals and objectives. The other aim is to build, grow and expand as a healthy
Marketing research was done around the place where the Sherpa restaurant
was supposed to provide its services. The questionnaires were distributed to
some chosen people with different working background. The main objective of
the questionnaires was to know whether people of Kuopio were concerned with
the taste of Nepalese food. The result was surprisingly positive.
This project came to be success on June 27th, 2013 which was an opening day
for Sherpa restaurant. Over 2000 customers visited Sherpa restaurant during
the opening week. Wine festival, dance festival and other summer events
helped more visitors come to Sherpa restaurant.
This business plan was useful and helpful. The author got a chance to get new
experiences and understand the restaurant life. The limitation during the
research was observed when the business plan had to be made in a country
like Finland where the rules were very different than in Nepal. The author had to
learn from basic to the professional rules and regulations in Finland.
The biggest challenge in this project was to find valid and reliable source of
information for Sherpa restaurant. However, the author hopes the finding could
benefit the company.
18 References
Abrans R, 1991 The successful Business Plan: Secrets and Strategies, The
planning shop Palo Alto CA 94301
ult.aspx ( Accessed on 9.14.2013).
Blackwell E, 2008 How to prepare a business plan Fifth edition Kogan page
Limited USA
pdf ( Accessed on 9.14.2013).
iness-plan ( Accessed on 13.9.2013).
Hay G.J & Castilla G., 2006.Object-based image analysis: SWOT Calgary,
Kuopio 2013,( accessed 25 February, 2013)
Pinson L. and Jinnett J, 2006, Steps to small business start up Sixth edition
Kaplan publishing USA
0.pdf,( accessed on 9.14.2013)
Tim 2013
business-plan/33(Accessed on 13.9.2013).
wikibooks April 2012.,
(accessed 24 February 2013)
Yrityssuomi 2013 on
Appendix 1. Questionnaires
__Male __ Female
2. Age
4. Wouldo you go more often to restaurant if there were other restaurant in the same
9. If you were given two different services in lunch, which one would you choose?
10. How much areyou interested in food varieties?
12. Would you like to recommend the restaurant to your friends if you like everything
about the restaurant?
Appendix 2. Sherpa Menu
Lunch Menu
Small pieces of marinated chicken breasts with Onion, capsicum and fresh
tomatoes baked in a traditional oven, tandoor
Laal Mohan
Friteerattuja maitojauhepalloja sokerisiirapissa, maustettu kardemummalla ja
ruusuvedell ja koristeltu kookosjauheella
Deep fried milk powder and flour balls in sugar syrup flavored with cardamom
and rose water, garnished with coconut
2. Chicken Korma9,20
Kananrintaa paloiteltuna cashewphkin, inkivri, kookos, currykastikkeessa
Chicken breast pieces in cashew nuts, ginger, coconut, onion cream and curry
Nepalilaistyyppinen maitopohjainen jdyke jossa pistaasimantelia ja cashew-
phkinit, maustettu kevyesti kardemummalla.
Very popular Nepalese sorbet made of pistachio and cashew, flavored with
cardamom & saffron
3. Lamb Saag9,50
Haudutettuja lampaanpaloja pinaatti, valkosipuli, inkivri, sipuli
Stewed lamb in spinach, garlic, ginger, onion cream sauce
4. Fish curry8,90
Paistettuja kuhaafileepaloja Nepalilainen tomatti, sipuli, curry kastikkeessa
Fried pike perch fish fillet in Nepalese style tomato, onion curry sauce
5. Butter chicken9,20
Tandoori marinoitua kananfilett tomaatti, voi, kermakastikkeessa
Tandoori marinated chicken fillet in tomato, butter, cream sauce
2. Chicken saag9,20
Kananlihapaloja pinaatti, sipuli kermakastikkeessa
Chicken pieces in spinach, onion cream sauce
4. Royal Fish8,90
Paistettuja kuhaafileepaloja tomaatti, kermakastikkeessa
Fried pike perch fish fillet in tomato, cream sauce
5. Butter chicken9,20
Tandoori marinoitua kananfilett tomaatti, voi, kermakastikkeessa
Tandoori marinated chicken fillet in tomato, butter, cream sauce
Kasvispiirakka 2Kpl Fried vegetable samosas 2 pcs
Pruoka/Main course
Chicken Tikka Masala
Tandoori marinoitua kananfilett nepalilaisella masalakastikkeella (Tulinen)
Tandoori marinated chicken fillet in Nepalese masala sauce (Spicy)
Laal Mohan
Friteerattuja maitojauhepalloja sokerisiirapissa, maustettu kardemummalla ja
ruusuvedell ja koristeltu kookosjauheella
Deep fried milk powder and flour balls in sugar syrup flavored with cardamom
and rose water, garnished with coconut
3. Lamb Kofta9,50
Lampaan jauhelihapyrykiyt tomaatti, sipuli, inkivri, masalakastikkeessa
Minced lamb meat balls in tomato, onion, ginger, masala sauce (medium hot)
4. Fish coconut8,90
Paistettuja kuhafileepaloja kookos, sipuli, kermakastikkeessa
Fried pike perch fillet pieces in coconut, onion, cream sauce
5. Butter chicken9,20
Tandoori marinoitua kananfilett tomaatti, voi, kermakastikkeessa
Tandoori marinated chicken fillet in tomato, butter, cream sauce
Sherpa Soup
Kermainen vihannes, kana, bamboaa, herkkusienikeitto (keskivahva)
Vegetable, Chicken, bamboo and mushroom creamy Soup (medium hot)
Pruoka/Main course
Sherpa Special Lamb
Tandooriuunissa paistettua lampaan sisfileet, tuorejuustoa, phkina,sipuli,
Marinated special lamb tenderloin pieces in tandoor oven with cottage cheese
in cashew nuts, onion, cream sauce
Special Menu for one / Erikoismenu yhdelle 27,00
Kasvis Keitto-Vegetable Soup
Pruoka/Main course
Chicken Tikka
Pieneksi kuutioitua marinoitua kananrintaa sipulia, paprikaa ja tuoretta
tomaattiaPaistettu perinteisess tandooriuunissa
Small pieces of marinated chicken breasts with onion, capsicum and fresh
tomatoes baked in a traditional oven, tandoor
Shahi Paneer
Tuore juustoa mantelijauholla maustetussa, voi, tomaattikermakastikkeessa
Cottage cheese in butter, tomato cream sauce.
Laal Mohan
Friteerattuja maitojauhepalloja sokerisiirapissa, maustettu kardemummalla ja
ruusuvedell ja koristeltu kookosjauheella
Deep fried milk powder and flour balls in sugar syrup flavored with cardamom
and rose water, garnished with coconut
(Mys Nepalilainen Tee tai Kahvi / Also Nepalese tee or coffee)
Vegetable Pakauda (2 HL / 2 persons)
Fritterattuja Kasviksia Deep Fried Vegetables
Pruoka/Main course
Chicken Tikka Masala
Tandoori marinoitua kananfilett nepalilaisella masalakastikkeella (Tulinen)
Tandoori marinated chicken fillet in Nepalese masala sauce (Spicy)
Palak Paneer
Tuorejuustoa pinaatti, inkivri,valkosipuli, kermakastikkeessa
Fresh cheese in spinach, ginger, garlic, cream sauce
Laal Mohan (2HL / 2 Persons)
Friteerattuja maitojauhepalloja sokerisiirapissa, maustettu kardemummalla ja
ruusuvedell ja koristeltu kookosjauheella
Deep fried milk powder and flour balls in sugar syrup flavored with cardamom
and rose water, garnished with coconut
(Mys Nepalilainen Tee tai Kahvi / Also Nepalese tee or coffee)
Pruoka/Main course
Vegetable Korma
Vihanneksia ja talon tuore juustoa kookos kerma inkivrikastikkeessa
Mixed vegetables in homemade cheese, coconut cream and ginger sauce
Butter Chicken
Tandoori marinoitua kananfilett tomaatti, voi, kermakastikkeessa
Tandoori marinated chicken fillet in tomato, butter, cream sauce
Fish Chilli
Paistettuja kuhafileepaloja, ja ruskistettua paprikaa, tuoretta tomaattia chili
tulisessa ja mausteisessa valkosipuli, sipuli, inkivri, tomaattikastikkeessa
Deep fried pike perch fillet with capsicum, fresh tomato, chili, garlic, onion,
ginger and tomato sauce (Spicy)
Nepalilaistyyppinenmaitopohjainenjdykejossapistaasimanteliaja cashew
phkinit, maustettukevyestikardemummalla
Very popular Nepalese sorbet made of Milk pistachio and cashew, flavored with
cardamom & saffron
(Mys Nepalilainen Tee tai Kahvi / Also Nepalese tee or coffee)
1. Samosa5,90
Kasvispiirakka 2Kpl Fried vegetable samosas 2 pcs
49. Lasten Annokset/ Childrens Menu 9,00
Alle 12 vuotta (Ei Naan Leip) / Under 12 years (No Naan bread)
Vegetable balls in coconut cream sauce with rice
Butter Chicken
Marinoituja ja tandoori-uunissa grillattuja kanafileepaloja tomaatti, voi,
kermakastikkeessa riisill
Tandoori-grilled marinated chicken fillet pieces in tomato, butter, cream sauce
with rice
Mutton Korma
Lammas kookoskermakastikkeessa riisill
Lamb in coconut cream sauce with rice
Side orders
Raita 2,00
Drinks / Juomat
Karhu III bottle, 4,6% (0,33 L) 4,20
Karhu III can, 4,6% (0,5 L) 5,20
Upcider, apple or pear bottle 4,7% (0,33 L) 5,00
Gin Long Drink bottle 5,5%, (0,33 L) 5,50
Alkoholitonolut / Non-alcoholic beer (0,33 L) 3,50
Tummaolut/Dark beer can 4,2% (0,44L) 5,90
Everestcamp 8,00
4cl Nepali Khukuri rum and honey in hot water topped with dash of black pepper
4cl Nepalilaista Khukuri -rommia ja hunajaa kuumassa vedess. Pll ripaus