U Thet Tin ICSE2017 YTU PDF
U Thet Tin ICSE2017 YTU PDF
U Thet Tin ICSE2017 YTU PDF
Abstract - In smart grid, communication based controlling and positive-sequence component, which is normally of interest
monitoring architecture is used to save power and increase and contains information that can be used to assess the state
stability and reliability. This paper describes the modeling and of the power system.
testing of phasor measurement units with Simulink. Since The signals derived from the secondary winding of the
Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) are costly device so module voltage and current transformer are first converted (via A/D
based analysis is not desired. Thats why software based converters) to voltage signals with a typical range of 10V
analysis are appreciable. These has been done through [5].
MATLAB and results are analyzed and controlled.
The sampling rate must be at least twice of the cut-off
Keywords - Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU), GPS, Sequence
Analyser, Phase Locked Loop(PLL), Positive Sequence. frequency of the filter to satisfy the Nyquist criterion.
Oversampling is used in many systems due to the better
I. INTRODUCTION stability and accuracy that it offers [6]. The GPS (Global
The energy chain contains producing the energy, its Positioning System) receiver normally generates a one pulse
transmission, and delivering the energy to the costumer per- second signal to the phase-locked oscillator to lock the
where the distribution feeders are the last nuts of this chain. phase of the sampling clock. Higher sampling rate is always
The importance of the latter part is no less than the former looking forward so that the accuracy of the estimation can
parts in the electrical power system if not higher. Thus, many be improved [5]. The coordinates of GPS receivers of PMUs
commercial experts believe that the distribution system at measuring points all over the world is determined by the
should be taken into consideration more seriously as all the satellites through GPS system. The GPS receiver also creates
efforts to generate electrical power is with the purpose of time stamps for the output of the microprocessor. The error
delivering it to the customer [1]. of synchronization with modern units is of the order of a few
In any power system some parameters like voltage, hundred nanoseconds [5]. The microprocessor uses the
current, phase angle, balance in active & reactive power digital signal from the A/D converter to calculate the
continuously changes. Sometimes, slight changes in these quantities required, including the magnitude and phase angle
parameters greatly affect the whole system, but remains (calculated by the application of discrete Fourier Transform)
undetected. Therefore, Phasor measurement unit becomes of the voltage and current, the measured frequency and in
the integral part of any existing power system for the study some cases the rate of change of frequency. The quantities
and analysis purpose of their variable dynamic parameters. of different measuring point can be communicated and
This research paper represents modular analysis of PMUs. compared using the time stamps, regardless of any time
This is essential to determine the functioning of individual delay associated with the communication system. Finally,
modules within a PMU. Matlab/Simulink model is the principal output of the PMU is the time-stamped
extensively used to implement the idea. The paper is divided measurement to be transferred over the communication links
into following major sections: Section II brief overview of through suitable modems to a higher level in the
PMU technology. Section III modelling of PMU in Matlab. measurement system hierarchy.
Section IV and V perform case study and results. Section VI One pulse /sec
conclusion and further work to do. Receiver
Inputs Phase Locked Modem
Phasor Measurement Unit has been defined by IEEE as
a device that produces synchronized Phasor, frequency, and
rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) estimates from
Anti Aliasing A/D Phase Micro-
voltage and/or current signals and a time synchronizing
Filters Converter processor
signal[2]. Basically, the Phasor measurement unit (PMU) is
a microprocessor based device that uses the ability of digital Fig. 1. Functional block diagram of a typical phasor measurement unit
signal processor in order to measure 50/60 Hz AC
waveforms (2400/2880 samples per second) [3]. III. MODELLING OF PHASOR MEASUREMENT UNIT IN
Fig 1 shows the function block diagram of a typical MATLAB
PMU. Analogue inputs are derived from the voltage and PMU block is shown in Fig 2, where the voltage feed into
current transformer [4]. A PMU may collect data from the Phase Locked Loop (PLL) and then sequence analyzer.
different locations in the system simultaneously and That is how the three sequence voltage is built. Frequency
normally requires data from all three phases to extract the can be measured through PLL.
= 2f (2)
The magnitude and phase of the fundamental is
calculated by:
Magnitude = a + b Phase = atan b a (3)
To resolve these equations, the block uses the input 1
(Freq) for f0 and input 2 (t) for 0t. These two input signals
are normally connected to the outputs of a PLL block.
The Positive-Sequence (PLL-Driven) block computes
the positive-sequence component (magnitude and phase) of
the input 3 signal over a running window of one cycle of the
Fig 2. Phasor measurement unit Simulink model fundamental frequency given by input 1. The reference
frame required for the computation is given by the input 2.
The PLL(3ph) block models a Phase Lock Loop closed- The first two inputs are normally connected to a PLL block.
loop control system, which tracks the frequency and phase The positive-sequence component of a three-phase signal
of a sinusoidal three-phase signal by using an internal (V1 or current I1) is computed as
frequency oscillator. The control system adjusts the internal 1 2
oscillator frequency to keep the phases difference to 0. Fig 3 V1 = (Va + a Vb + a Vc) (4)
shows the internal diagram of the PLL. a=1120 complex operator
A Fourier analysis over a sliding window of one cycle of
the fundamental frequency (input 1) is first applied to the
three input signals. The block evaluates the phasor values at
the fundamental. Then the transformation is applied to
obtain the positive sequence.
As the block uses a running average window to perform
the Fourier analysis, one cycle of simulation must complete
before the outputs give the correct magnitude and angle.
Fig 9. Circuit simulink model with PMUs for faults on MTU 11 kV feeder
Figure 10. Positive sequence voltage, angle and frequency before, during Figure 10. Positive sequence voltage, angle and frequency before, during
and after line to line fault at X and after 3-ph faults at Y
Electric power grids are increasingly dependent on
information and communications technology for the
operation and control of physical facilities. This paper
describes the phasor measurement unit modeling using
Matlab/Simulink. The traditional power system monitoring,
protection and control measures are based on local
measurements. However, it is quite difficult to maintain the
stability and security of the system on the whole, if only local
measurements are employed in the monitoring, protection
and control schemes. One promising way is to provide a
system wide protection and control, complementary to the
conventional local protection strategy. Solution to the above
can be achieved through dynamic measurement system
using synchronized phasor measurement units. This paper
enlightens the importance and application of phasor
measurement unit in power system. For the study and
analysis purpose, phasor measurement unit is realized in
Matlab and it is shown that how phasor measurement unit
works to gather the phasor data i.e. voltage, current and
phase angle, etc. The PMU simulator is useful for academic
and professionals who would like to understand the concepts
involved in the phasor estimation process carried out by
The authors would like to acknowledge the support
provided by JICA EEHE Project, Japan. Special thanks to
Dr. Sint Soe who gives a lot of incentive and kind support
for this paper to submit in time.
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[2] D. R. Gurusinghe, A. D. Rajapakse, and K. Narendra, "Evaluation of
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measurement unit," in Electrical Power and Energy Conference
(EPEC), 2012 IEEE, 2012, pp. 57-62.
[3] M. Shahraeini and M. H. Javidi, "Wide Area Measurement Systems,"
Advanced Topics in Measurements, pp. 303-322.
[4] F. Ding and C. Booth, "Applications of PMUs in Power Distribution
Networks with Distributed Generation," in Universities' Power
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[5] A. G. Phadke and J. S. Thorp, Synchronized phasor measurements
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[6] A. Phadke, "Computer relaying: its impact on improved control and
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Figure 11. Positive sequence voltage, angle and frequency before, during
and after LALB faults at X and LBLC faults at Y