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Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech.

, 7 (3), 535-544, Summer 2010

ISSN: 1735-1472 M. F. Yassin; S. Almouqatea

Assessment of airborne bacteria and fungi in an indoor and

outdoor environment
*M. F. Yassin; 3S. Almouqatea
Department of Environmental Technology and Management, College for Women, Kuwait University,
P.O. Box 5969 Kuwait, Safat 13060, Kuwait
Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Assiut 71516, Egypt
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, P.O Box 24885, Safat 13109, Kuwait

Received 28 November 2009; revised 5 February 2010; accepted 10 May 2010; availaEOH online 1 June 2010

ABSTRACT: Airborne indoor and outdoor bacteria and fungi were assessed during the spring season using conven-
tional methods to investigate the enumeration and identification of airborne micro-organisms. This was determined
through air quality sampling using the open plate technique. The air samples were collected during the spring season
(March-May) from four different locations. Conventional enumeration of airborne micro-organisms relies on culture-
based or microscopic methods. Although a culture-based analysis is most widely used for bio-aerosol, four public places
located in urban residential areas were selected for indoor/outdoor air bio-pollutant measurement. The public places
included kitchens, classrooms, recreational areas, laboratories. Public parks are an important facility associated with the
environmental exposure of children. Cultivation and total microscopic enumeration methods were employed for the
sample analysis. 26 groups of bacteria and fungi, either of human or environmental origin were detected. Environmental
agents generally predominated while significantly higher counts were detected as the level of hygiene or standard of
housing dropped. Seven genera of fungi, mainly members of the genus Aspergillum, were isolated from all residents.
Bacteria shows higher growth numbers as opposed to the slow growing fungi. Sample collection and pretreatment,
determination techniques and performance results are summarized and discussed.

Keywords: Aspergillum; Bioaerosols; Conventional methods; Microorgansim

Exposure to bio-aerosols, containing airborne micro- metabolites. In the environment spores of molds and
organisms and their by-products, can result in bacteria may become airborne and are therefore
respiratory disorders and other adverse health effects ubiquitous. They can enter indoor areas either by
such as infections, hypersensitivity pneumonitis and means of passive ventilation or by means of ventilation
toxic reactions (Gorny et al., 2002; Fracchia et al., 2006). systems. Many genera are also emitted by indoor
Fungi are common in indoor and outdoor environments sources like animals, flowerpots and wastebaskets. In
and nearly 10 % of people worldwide have fungal most cases, normal flora is not harmful. However,
allergy (Pasanen et al., 1996). In many environments growth conditions like excessive humidity and/or a high
including hospitals, animal sheds, clean-rooms, water content of building materials are encountered on
pharmaceutical facilities and spacecraft environments, a more frequent basis, which in most cases can be
the presence of bio-aerosols can compromise normal described as the limiting factor for microbial growth.
activities, making efficient monitoring crucial This is caused by shortcomings of the buildings such
(Venkateswaran et al.,2003; Gorny, 2004; Stetzenbach, as the lack of thermal insulation, as well as the incorrect
2007; Okafor and Opuene, 2007). Microbial damage in behavior of users of rooms. The relative humidity and/
indoor/outdoor areas, is caused most frequently by or the moisture content of the materials determines that
molds and bacteria. These micro-organisms have a very to what extent different micro-organisms are able to
important role in the biogeochemical cycle, as their task grow on indoor or outdoor materials (Dhanasekaran et
consists of disintegrating organic mass to reusable al., 2009). These may cause destruction, adverse health
*Corresponding Author Email: mohamed_f_yassin@hotmail.com effects and unpleasant odors. Therefore, the task of
Tel.: +965-99820423; Fax: +965-24983123 microbial examinations is to differentiate between
M. F. Yassin; S. Almouqatea

normal indoor micro-organisms, airborne or adherent damage has to be removed. The extermination of micro-
to walls and floors and fast growing species, attaching organisms is often carried out, but this procedure is
itself to building materials and producing microbial not sufficient because non-viable spores for example,
products and ultimately causing adverse health effects keep their allergenic potential. The acuteness of the
(Madukasi et al., 2010). Air sampling of micro- rehabilitation procedures is normally considered
organisms is a popular method of conducting microbial according to the extent of the microbial damage.
examinations, as it allows a direct toxicological Adverse health effects are supposed to be linked with
evaluation. These results can be related to a microbial growth in indoor areas and is mostly related
concentration expressed in colony forming units per with mold growth. Allergies is a predominant condition
cubic meter. Sometimes information might even be which has to be mentioned, followed by toxic alveolitis
available on a particle which allows for an estimation and reactions like (allergic) bronchitis, chronic
of how deep those particles may penetrate into the obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as the
lungs of a human being. Micro-organisms are generally aggravation of asthma. Infections by molds and
not equally distributed in indoor air. They mostly occur bacteria are very rare, but persons with an
in clouds and are often overlooked in air measurements, immunodeficienc are especially susceptible to fungal
especially if the microbial damage is hidden by paneling, infections. It has been found that spores of fungi
walls, etc. Another reason for false-negative results contain fungal toxins (mycotoxins), which are well
obtained by air measurements is that fungal spores are known from food contaminations. It has however not
not released during all the stages of its growth. In this been confirmed whether these mycotoxins show toxic
case, other techniques are helpful, for example, the effects if fungal spores are inhaled. On the whole, the
sampling of household dust, the sedimentation method dose relationship between the concentration of
or direct sampling from surfaces. The differentiation of microbial particles already mentioned and the adverse
bacteria is performed by a biochemical methods as a health effects described, is not very well established.
rule, whereas in most cases the differentiation of molds When sanitary effects are observed, the susceptibility
is done microscopically, especially when the forms of of the individual is very often crucial. The result of
spores need to be detected. On many occasions, the this is that guidelines concerning microbial products
growth behavior and patterns on different nutrient in indoor areas are sparse and mostly not scientifically
agars also have to be evaluated. Non-sporulating sound. In non-industrial indoor environments, the
species have to be triggered to produce spores, most important source of airborne bacteria is the
otherwise sterile mycelium will result, which means presence of human (Stetzenbach, 2007). Specific
they cannot be named by genera or even species. activities like talking, sneezing, coughing, walking,
Methods of genetic fingerprinting are still in their early washing and toilet flushing can generate airborne
stages and only available for some genera or species. biological particulate matter. In addition food stuffs,
In the meantime enzymatic tests have become available house plants and flower pots, house dust, pets and
to decide between mold growth and normal quantities their bedding, textiles, carpets, wood material and
on building surfaces. Searching for hidden mold growth furniture stuffing, occasionally release spores of
can be a very difficult task. An example of this is if Alternaria, Aspergillus, Botrytis, Cladosporium,
adverse health effects like the fungal syndrome is Penicillium, Scopulariopsis into the air (Cox and
observed (Velmurgan et al., 2008; Cuthbertson et al., Wathes, 1995; Maeir et al., 2002). Although indoor
2010). The fungal syndrome is characterized by the environments are considered to be protected, they can
occurrence of unspecific symptoms. The analysis of become contaminated with particles that present
microbial volatile organic compounds or even the use different and sometimes more serious risks when their
of specially trained sniffer dogs are some of the concentrations exceed recommended maximum limits
methods used to detect hidden mold growth. However, than those related to outdoor exposures (Banerjee,
these methods have not been scientifically evaluated. 2008). The recommended maximum limits are: 1000
The odor alone perceived by human beings is not CFUs/m3 for the total number of bio-aerosol particles
reliable enough to detect mold damage. As far as the set by the National Institute of Occupational Safety
rehabilitation of the indoor environment is concerned, and Health (NIOSH); 1000 CFUs/m3 set by the American
it has to be pointed out very clearly that microbial Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

Int. J. Environ.
M. F.Sci.
Tech.,S.7 Almouqatea
(3), 535-544, Summer 2010

(ACGIH) with the culturable count for total bacteria and has the potential to destroy healthy tissue
not to exceed 500 CFUs/m3 (Cox and Wathes, 1995; (Nkwocha and Egejuru, 2008). The output of machines
Jensen and Schafer, 1998). Human beigns build the designed to produce ozone, can also not target the
home to be protected in the environment. Indoor air source to stop the toxidity. Abdul Hameed et al. (2009)
pollution can be as much more worses than that of studied airborne bacterial and fungal composition in
outdoor air, it can cause a wide range of health the industrial town of Helwan in Egypt using a slit
problems. Mold, mildew, fungi, bacteria, viruses, micro- impactor sampler during the period from March 2006 to
organisms, chemical fumes, organic odors, dust pollen February 2007. Airborne bacterial concentrations were
and other floating particles are potential threats in many usually higher than fungi. Bacteria and fungi had similar
households. Most people assume that this particular diurnal variation patterns.
problem is addressed if they filter the air. The truth is The objective of this study was to investigate the
that filters will not remove all the particles from the air. airborne fungi and bacteria collected in indoor and
Even if a high-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) is outdoor environment. The study was carried out in
used, the problem will not be effectively addressed. four areas, using conventional enumeration of airborne
HEPA filters will only remove particles the size of 3 micro-organisms and relied on a culture-based method
microns or larger. Consequently, dust particles smaller for bio-aerosol sampling, aimed at generating an
than 3 microns will pass through unhindered. exposure database and examine the relationship
Unfortunately, filters can also become breeding between the in- and outdoor culturability of fungi and
grounds for mold and bacteria. A filter only collects bacteria. The primary goal of the bio-aerosol sampling
and does not kill toxic particles. For a filter to work was the quantitative evaluation of the viable airborne
effectively, air has to pass through it. If a person bacteria and fungi. Besides the standard enumeration
inhales air prior to it passing through a filter, the of culturable microbes as CFU/m3, this study attempted
particles would have already entered the persons to identify and evaluate the colonies through their
lungs. In addition, if a filter collects only mold spores, specific colour, turbidity or other characteristics that
it does not solve the problem. Effectively, the mold appear when grown on selective media. The qualitative
that created the spores is still alive and continues to assessment was based on the characteristics given in
generate mold spores. A filter is not designed to Mercks Microbiology Manual 2000.
eliminate the source itself. Ultraviolet lights (UV) are
claimed to kill 99.9 % of all organisms. Even though UV MATERIALS AND METHODS
has the potential to kill 99.9 % of all organisms, it will Description of locations
only kill that which passes by the light. In addition not Kuwait is located in the north-east corner of the
all UV rays have the same potential to kill organisms. Arabian Peninsula and is one of the smallest countries
Some UV rays are designed to produce ozone. The in the world in terms of land area. The flat, sandy
amount of ozone produced is in such small quantities, Arabian desert covers most of Kuwait. Kuwait is the
0.01 ppm. (parts per million), that it will not have any only country in the world which has no natural lakes
major effect on indoor air quality. UV lights also present or water reservoirs. There is little difference between
some problems. Certain UV lights have the ability to the countrys highest and lowest points, with the
damage the retina of the eyes especially when a person highest point in the country being 306 m above sea-
gaze directly into it. UV rays burn out or stops creating level. There are nine islands which are part of Kuwait,
the frequency of UV that produces ozone after 10 to 12 all of which with the exception of Failaka Island are
months and it then has to be replaced. Most equipment uninhabited. Bubiyan is the largest island which is part
producing ozone, create oxides of nitrogen (NOx) as a of Kuwait,covers 860 km and is connected to the rest
by-product. Oxides of Nitrogen creates nitrous and of the country by a 2,380 m long bridge. The land area
nitric acids when combined with water vapor or is considered arable and sparse vegetation is found
moisture. Nitric acid is used to etch metals. When the along its 499 km long coastline. Kuwait City is located
upper atmosphere is combined with water vapor, it on the Kuwait Bay, a natural deep-water harbor. Kuwait
manifests as acid rain. If NOx is inhaled, it could has some of the worlds richest oil fields with the
combine with the moisture in your nose, throat and Burgan fi eld wh ich h as a total ca pa cit y of
lungs and create nitrous and nitric acid. This is toxic approximately 70 billion barrels (1.11010 m3) of proven

M. F.outdoor
Indoor and Yassin; bacterial
S. Almouqatea

oil reserves. During the 1991 Kuwaiti oil fires, more 19:00 and 22:00) on weekdays (Monday thru
than 500 oil lakes were created covering a combined Thursday). The classroom samples were collected
surface area of about 35.7 km. The resulting soil during morning class time and break times and were
contamination due to oil and soot accumulation have conducted from the rear of the classroom so as to
made the eastern and south-eastern parts of Kuwait minimize interrupting classes. All the bio-aerosol
uninhabitable. Sand and oil residue have reduced samples were taken without controlling any indoor
large parts of the Kuwaiti desert to semi-asphalt environmental conditions. Petri dish containing a
surfaces. The oil spills during the Persian Gulf War mycological medium was used for fungi test and brain
have also drastically affected Kuwaits marine heart infusion agar (BHI) for bacteria incubation.
resources. Fungi were incubated for 24 h at 25 oC and bacteria
Kuwait has an arid continental climate. Summer were incubated for 24 h at 37 oC. This is illustrated in
season, which lasts from May to September, is Fig. 1. Fungi were identified from microscopic to
extremely hot and dry with temperatures easily genus and bacteria were performed in Gram stain.
exceeding 45 C during daytime. Kuwait has a fairly
high diurnal temperature range (day-night temperature RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
difference). Winter season, from November through The experiments are an investigation into the types
February, is cool with some precipitation and average and numbers of airborne micro-organisms and were
temperatures around 13 C with extremes from -2 C carried out in four varying types of areas. 26 groups
to 27 C. Annual rainfall averages less than 127 mm of bacteria and fungi either of human or environmental
and occurs chiefly between October and April. The origin were detected. Environmental agents generally
spring season in March is warm and pleasant with predominated while significantly higher counts were
occasional thunderstorms. The frequent winds from detected as the level of hygiene or standard of
the northwest are cool in winter and spring and hot in housing dropped. 7 genera of fungi, mainly members
summer. Southeasterly winds, usually hot and damp, of the genus Aspergillus, were isolated from all
spring up between July and October whilst hot and residents. Microbial occurrence and indoor air quality
dry south winds prevail in spring and early summer. in the more affluent areas were similar to that reported
The Shamal, a northwesterly wind which is common in a clean hospital environment.
during June and July, causes dramatic sandstorms. The study showed that fungal spores Aspergillus
The sampling locations are the Kuwait University (KU) niger and Penicillium spp. The indoor and outdoor
classrooms and garden which are located in the Al- median viabilities of fungi were 55 % and 25 %,
khaldiya area. The latter is the second sampling
location (KH), while the third location is at the Kuwait
Institute for Scientific Research Laboratory (KISR).
The fourth location is the Qurain area (QU) which is
located towards the south of the Kuwait city. Outdoor
samples were taken from the Kuwait university

Air sampling
Field measurements include air sampling the in-
an d out door air. Mea sur em ent s wer e t aken
concurrently or consecutively at each measurement
site. As far as recreational facilities and households
are concerned, the majority of indoor air measurements
were recorded from the middle of the facility or living
room at breathing height, while the outdoor air
measurements were taken from outside a window of
the surveyed facility or room. The air sampling was
performed during regular evening hours (between Fig. 1: Incubation of the samples

M. F.
Int. J. Environ. Sci.Yassin;
Tech., 7S. (3),
535-544, Summer 2010

respect ivel y, wh ich indi cates tha t an indoor sampling time in outdoor and indoor, agar type for
environment provides more favorable conditions for measuring the fungal and bacteria species, location,
the survival of aerosolized fungi. The highest in- and and spring survey periods.
outdoor culturability of fungi was observed in the In this experiment, the plate was exposed to air for
spring. Cladosporium had the highest median value a distinct period of time starting from 1 h and ending
of culturability (38 % and 33 % for indoor and outdoor, after 3 h to provide the optimum condition for different
respectively) followed by Aspergillus/Penicillium (9 organisms to grow as illustrated in Tables 1 and 2. In
% and 2 %) among predominant genera of fungi. Tables 3 and 4 the CFU/m 3 were represented where
Increased culturability of fungi inside the homes may high CFU/m-3 were found outdoors in periods of 3 h.
have serious implications because of the potential High CFU/m-3 where found in- and outdoors in the
increase in the release of allergens from viable spores Al-Qurain area.
and pathogenicity of viable fungi on immuno- Brain heart infusion agar is a rich media suitable
compromised individuals. The four parameters for cultivation of a wide variety of organism types.
surveyed in the present study were all found to Samples were collected using BHI agar for the
influence the indoor and outdoor bio-aerosol levels: enumeration of bacterial and fungal colony forming

Table 1: Colony identification for outdoor air open plate technique

Out door 1h 2h 3h
Staphylococcus Aerococcus urinae
Diphtheroids haemolyticus Micrococcus Ietus
5types diphtheroids Staphylococcus haemolyticus
KH (gpb) Acinetobacter haemolyticus
Asperigllus niger 3type diphtheroids
Asprigllus niger

Staphylococcus Diphtheroids Staphylococcus haemolyticus

haemolyticus Micrococcus letus 6types diphtheroids
Diphteroids Escherichia coli Sphingomonas paucimobilis
Leclercia Staphylococous Acinetobacter lowffii
adecarboxylata hominis Kocuria krsitinae
Staphylococcus Diphtheroids Ochrobacterum authropi
warneri Staphy lococcus Diphtheroids (gpb)
Diphtheroids Kocuria kristinae 6 typesdiphtheroids
Stap.haemolyticus Ochrobactrum Antropi Acinetobacter lowffii
KU Diphtheroids Micrococcus letus
Staph haemolyticus
Kocuria kristihae

Table 2: Colony identification for indoor air open plate technique

Indoor 1h 2h 3h
Diphtheroids Staphylococcus Staph. Haemolyticus
KU haemohyticus Aerococus viridous
Asprigllus niger
Staphylococcus Diphtheroids Micrococcus leteus
KISR Haemolyticus Staphylococcus leutus Staphylococcus hominis
Staphylococcus xylocsus
Staphylococcus Lentus Stahpylococcus Lentus Staph. Leutus
Acinetobacter lowffii Strep. Sanguinis Paracoccus yeeii
QU Acinetobacter lowffii Staphylococcus gallinaium
3Streptococcus Sanguinis
Asprigllus niger
Streptococcus Kocuria kristinae Acinetobacter lowffii
Sanguins Ochrobactrum anthrop Kocuria kristinoe
Dipheroids Diptheroids
Staphylococcus lentus

M. F. Yassin; S. Almouqatea

Table. 3: Colony forming unit/ plate for indoor air sampling

Indoor 1h 2h 3h
KH 1 large yellow colony 1large yellow colony 1larg yellow colony
2 fungi colonies 13 small white colonies
1 fungi colony
KISR 2 medium white colonies 1 big yellow colony 3 small yellow colonies
2 small white colonies 3 big white Colonies
5 yellow small colonies
QU 3 medium white colonies 10 white small colonies 13 medium white colonies
1 fungi colony
KU 1 medium white colony 8 medium white colonies 9 medium white colonies

Table. 4: Colony forming unit/ plate for outdoor air sampling

Out door 1h 2h 3h
KH 2 large yellow colonies 4 large yellow colonies 2 large orange colonies
3 large white colonies 2 penicillium spp. 4 small orange colonies
1 large orange colony 1 large yellow colony
3 small yellow colonies 7 medium white colonies
3small white colony 3 large white colonies
12 small white colony 10 small white colonies
KISR 5 small white colonies 3 large orange colonies 1 large yellow colony
8 small yellow colonies 1 large white colony
4 small white colonies 1 medium white colony
1 medium orange colony
4 small yellow colonies
7 small white colonies
QU 7 large white colonies 11 large white colonies 10 large white colonies
10 small yellow colonies 1 large orange colony 1 large yellow colony
1 medium yellow colony 1 medium white colony
10 small white colonies 18 small white colonies
KU 1 large yellow colony 10 large white colonies 1 large orange colony
2 medium white colonies 2 medium white colonies 2 large white colonies
8 small yellow colonies 1 medium yellow colony 6 medium yellow colonies
1 small white colony 10 small white colonies

units (CFU). Figs. 2-4 indicate BHI agar after one, indoors or outdoors. The majority of people in Kuwait
two and three hours. After incubating the plate for spend most of their time indoors as a result of extreme
24 h, a variety of organism species are grown. The weather conditions. All buildings are air-conditioned
levels of occurrence of the bacteria and fungi for most of the year. Ventilation is one of the key factors
identified in the in- and outdoor air from four different which affects particle deposition rates indoors
micro-environments; Khaldya, KISR, Kuwait (Jamriska, 2000; Howard-Reed et al., 2003; Wallace et
University, AlQurain are represented in Tables 1- 3. al., 2004). The guidelines in both the United Kingdom
The numbers of colonies during in- and outdoor air and the United States and also in Kuwait avoid any
pollution are shown in both Figs. 5 - 6 and Tables 3 - discussion of the risks posed by airborne micro-
5. In the four areas different and an abundance of organisms. Instead, the focus is on providing a
bacteria which appeared rapidly in four places were comfortable environment. In this study, the air pollution
detected. A high diversity of micro-organisms indoor and outdoors along with its effects on residents
appeared in the AlQurain area. The in- and outdoor from four different residential areas were investigated.
bio-aerosol concentration measured during spring 3 BHI agar plates are used for each area with different
were si gn i fi ca n t l y h i gher com pa r ed t o t h e lengths of recording time starting from 1 h and
measurement during winter. The reason for this is extending up to 3 h. This is the optimum time that
that temperature and relative humidity are closely different species need to grow other bacteria like fungi
associated with microbial growth. It is essential to (The more the plate is exposed to the air, the more
evaluate the quality of the air we breath whether growth there will be occured).

Int. J. Environ.
M.Sci. Tech., 7S.(3),
F. Yassin; 535-544, Summer 2010

Fig. 2: BHI agar plate after 1 h Fig. 3: BHI agar plate after 2 h

species, including systemic fungi 1 from clinical and

non-clinical sources. BHI Agar derives its nutrients
from the brain heart infusion, peptone and dextrose
components. The peptones and infusion are sources
of organic nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, vitamins and
trace substances. Dextrose is a carbohydrate source
that micro-organisms utilize by fermentative action.
The medium is buffered through the use of disodium
phosphate. When defibrinated sheep blood is added
to the basal medium, it provides essential growth
factors for the more fastidious fungal organisms.
Microbial flora of indoor air depend on several
factors, including the number and hygienic standard
of people present, the quality of the household
Fig. 4: BHI agar plate after 3 h system and mechanical movement within the
enclosed space. In poor quality and crowded
Bacteria occur in most environments; particularly domiciles, the higher number of residents confined
in dusty, dirty places inhabited by human or other to a small space result in the build-up of airborne
animals. Many of the species of bacteria isolated from microbes shed by the human body. For both the in-
the buildings are harmless and frequently include and outdoor air samples, the concentration of total
members of the genera bacillus and micrococcus and bacteria were higher than the concentration of total
also diphtheroids bacillus. Species that have been fungi for all the areas. For individual fungi species
isolated and can cause problem are pseudomonas spp. the concentration order in both the in- and outdoor
Microbial occurrence and indoor air quality in the air was Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus and
more affluent areas were similar to that reported in a Alternaria in descending order. For both the total
clean hospital environment. It was concluded that ba ct er i a a n d t h e tot a l fun gi, t h e out door
although the numbers and types of microbial concentration for the four different areas were
population in domestic homes were high, they have usua l l y h i gh er compa r ed t o t he i n door
little adverse effects on human health. Brain heart concen t ra t i on s. T he outdoor ba ct eri a l
infusion agar is a general-purpose medium suitable concentrations were also significantly higher than
for the cultivation of a wide variety of organism types, the indoor bacterial concentrations. The indoor
including bacteria, yeasts and molds. With the concentrations of Aspergillus and Penicillium were
addition of 5 % or 10 % sheep blood, it is used for the usually higher than the outdoor concentration in
isolation and cultivation of a wide variety of fungal kitchens, the concentration of organism is high and

M. outdoor
Indoor and Yassin;bacterial
of Almouqatea
nine Cr(III)

Table 5: The number of most common bacteria appearance in four places

Organism No.
Diphtheroids(non pathogenic, gram positive bacilli) 31
Staphylococcus haemolyticus (non pathogenic, gram positive coccus) 17
Acinetobaetor(non pathogenic, gram negative bacilli) 13
Kocuria Kristinae (non pathogenic, gram positive coccus) 8
Micrococcus luteus(non pathogenic, gram positive coccus) 8
Ochrobactrum anthropi (non pathogenic, gram negative bacilli) 4
Staphylococcus hominis(non pathogenic, gram positive coccus) 4
Fungi(Asperigillus, penicillum) 15



Numbers of colonies


1 2 3

Time (h)

Fig. 5: Indoor air colony counts for the three hours and four locations


Numbers of colonies





1 2 3

Time (h)

Fig. 6: Outdoor air colony counts for the three hours and four locations

Int. J. Environ. M.
Sci.F.Tech., 7 (3),
Yassin; 535-544, Summer 2010
S. Almouqatea

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Yassin, M. F., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Technology and Management, College for Women, Kuwait University,
P.O. Box 5969 Kuwait , Safat 13060, Kuwait and Facul ty of E ngineeri ng, Assi ut Unive rsity, Assiut 71516, Egypt.
Email: mohamed_f_yassin@hotmail.com

Almouqatea, S., Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, P.O Box 24885, Safat 13109, Kuwait. Email: smouqati@kisr.edu.kw

How to cite this article: (Harvard style)

Yassin, M. F.; Almouqatea, S., (2010). Assessment of airborne bacteria and fungi in an indoor and outdoor environment. Int. J. Environ.
Sci. Tech., 7 (3), 535-544.


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