Hypertension Diagnosis and Treatment: Health Care Guideline
Hypertension Diagnosis and Treatment: Health Care Guideline
Hypertension Diagnosis and Treatment: Health Care Guideline
The November 2014, Fifteenth Edition of ICSIs Hypertension Diagnosis and Treatment Health
Care Guideline incorporates a revision of our previous diagnosis content (2012) as well as an
endorsement of the 2014 Evidence Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pressure in
Adults Report from the Panel Members Appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8).
To access the endorsed Treatment content, click here.
To access the endorsed 2014 Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pres-
sure in Adults Report From the Panel Members Appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee
(JNC 8) content, click here.
Copyright 2014 by Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement
Health Care Guideline:
Hypertension Diagnosis and Treatment
Fifteenth Edition
Diagnosis Algorithm Text in blue in this algorithm
November 2014
indicates a linked corresponding
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Copyright 2014 by Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement 1
Hypertension Diagnosis and Treatment
Fifteenth Edition/November 2014
Evidence Grading
Literature Search
A consistent and defined process is used for literature search and review for the development and revision
of ICSI guidelines.
GRADE Methodology
Following a review of several evidence rating and recommendation writing systems, ICSI has made a decision
to transition to the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system.
GRADE has advantages over other systems including the current system used by ICSI. Advantages include:
developed by a widely representative group of international guideline developers;
explicit and comprehensive criteria for downgrading and upgrading quality of evidence ratings;
clear separation between quality of evidence and strength of recommendations that includes a
transparent process of moving from evidence evaluation to recommendations;
clear, pragmatic interpretations of strong versus weak recommendations for clinicians, patients and
explicit acknowledgement of values and preferences; and
explicit evaluation of the importance of outcomes of alternative management strategies.
(This document is in transition to the GRADE methodology)
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Hypertension Diagnosis and Treatment
Fifteenth Edition/November 2014
Related ICSI Scientific Documents
Diagnosis and Initial Treatment of Ischemic Stroke
Diagnosis and Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Adults
Healthy Lifestyles
Heart Failure in Adults
Lipid Management in Adults
Prevention and Management of Obesity for Adults
Preventive Services for Adults
Routine Prenatal Care
Stable Coronary Artery Disease
Clinicians All health care professionals whose practice is based on interaction with and/or treatment of
a patient.
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Hypertension Diagnosis and Treatment
Fifteenth Edition/November 2014
Algorithm Annotations
1. Screening and Identification of Elevated Blood Pressure Greater
Than or Equal to 140/90
The entry point to this guideline is through the ICSI Preventive Services for Adults guideline. Patients
should receive routine blood pressure screening and identification of elevated blood pressure in the manner
recommended in that guideline.
Return to Algorithm
Confirmation of elevated blood pressure using repeated office blood pressure measurement alone is common
in current clinical practice. Repeating office blood pressure measurement is subject to the following limita-
tions compared with out-of-office methods: 1) lower diagnostic accuracy (Hodgkinson, 2011 [Systematic
Review]), 2) lower prognostic value for predicting future cardiovascular events (National Clinical Guideline
Centre [UK], 2011 [Guideline]) and 3) failure to capture blood pressure variations over time. One explana-
tion for lower diagnostic and predictive value is that 15-30% of individuals have higher blood pressure in
the medical setting and in the presence of medical personnel, a phenomenon named the white-coat effect
or isolated clinic hypertension (McManus, 2012 [Guideline]).
A second method of confirming elevated blood pressure that is gaining increasing acceptance is ambulatory
blood pressure measurement (ABPM). ABPM devices are small, portable machines connected to a blood
pressure cuff worn by patients. ABPM devices record blood pressure using oscillometry at regular intervals
while patients go about their normal activities including sleep. Measurements are typically taken at 20-to-30-
minute intervals over 24 to 48 hours. Results may be reported for 24 hours, day (awake) and night (sleep)
(Ogedegbe, 2010 [Reference]). As noted above, ABPM has better diagnostic accuracy (Hodgkinson, 2011
[Systematic Review]) and predicts subsequent cardiovascular events and target organ damage more reliably
than office blood pressure measurements (National Clinical Guideline Centre [UK], 2011 [Guideline]).
Limitations of ABPM include cost, availability, discomfort and sleep disturbance.
A third method of confirming elevated blood pressure is home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) with
an automated oscillometric device that records pressure from the brachial artery. Although the evidence is
less extensive than for ABMP, HPBM identifies patients with normal out-of-office blood pressure readings,
and home readings are a stronger predictor of subsequent cardiovascular events than are office readings.
(Fagard, 2005 [Meta-analysis]; Ohkubo, 1998 [Low Quality Evidence]; Niiranen, 2010 [Low Quality
Evidence]; Asayama, 2006 [Low Quality Evidence])
Self-monitoring may improve adherence to treatment and has been associated with small improvements in
BP control, even in the absence of additional self-management support interventions (Uhlig, 2013 [System-
atic Review]).
For patients with non-hypertensive levels of blood pressure upon initial screening or confirmatory testing,
re-screening should occur at intervals based on the risk for incident hypertension. Incident hypertension
increases markedly with age, blood pressure level and body mass index, and is highest in African Ameri-
cans. Depending on a number of risk factors, re-screening at one- to two-year intervals is recommended. In
non-African American individuals ages 18-40 with normal BMI (< 25 kg/m2) and normal blood pressure
(< 120/80 mmHg), even less frequent re-screening can be considered due to the low risk of incident hyper-
Return to Algorithm
Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement 5
Hypertension Diagnosis and Treatment
Algorithm Annotations Fifteenth Edition/November 2014
The goal of the clinical evaluation in newly confirmed hypertension is to determine whether the patient has
primary or secondary hypertension, target organ damage, and other cardiovascular risk factors.
The absolute risk of cardiovascular events or other complications of hypertension increases progressively
with the level of blood pressure, the number of non-hypertensive cardiovascular risk factors, and the severity
and extent of target organ damage. Using the 2013 ACC/AHA Pooled Cardiovascular Risk Equation, a
10-year coronary heart disease risk level can be estimated for an individual based on age, sex, race, total
and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels, systolic blood pressure level, smoking status, diabetes status
and whether the individual uses antihypertensive medications (Goff, 2013 [Low Quality Evidence]). This
method of risk assessment makes clear the need not only to control blood pressure but also to control all
cardiovascular risk factors to maximize risk reduction.
Specific approaches to the diagnosis and management of dyslipidemia are reviewed in the ICSI Lipid
Management in Adults guideline.
Accurately Stage Hypertension
This treatment guideline is designed to be used in new or previously diagnosed hypertensive patients
in conjunction with the ICSI Preventive Services for Adults guideline.
Hypertension Stages Systolic Diastolic
(BP mmHg) (BP mmHg)
Prehypertension 120-139 or 80-89
Care should be taken to ensure advanced testing is correctly chosen and done properly to avert the need for
repeat studies. This may require discussion with or referral to a specialist.
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Algorithm Annotations Fifteenth Edition/November 2014
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