250+ Catalog
250+ Catalog
250+ Catalog
1st edition; May, 2017
To my family,
Who were always understanding of my excursions under the stars.
And in memory of my dog Nell, who kept me company many long evenings especially the one just before she passed away peacefully
at the age of fifteen. You will always be my favorite of our dogs.
Below is a list of books that I read (most for the first time) in the last 24 months. They were all deeply influential in helping me
discover many of the toughest objects that fill out my list.
Explore the Night with Bob King, an ongoing series of articles on Skyandtelescope.com, has also been an inspirational source. It
is especially helpful for staying up-to-date on sudden and unexpected celestial happenings.
The map I used to hunt down almost every object was Michael Vlasovs Deep Sky Hunter Star Atlas (2nd release), which is a
free printable PDF available for download at www.deepskywatch.com, along with many other helpful PDF compendiums.