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Audit Expectation Gap in Auditor

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Audit Expectation Gap in Auditor

Responsibilities: Comparison between India and Iran

Some of the relevant definitions on audit expectation gap are presented below.

Liggio (1974) defined it as the difference between the levels of expected performance as envisioned by the
independence accountant and by the user of financial statements.

The Cohen Commission (1978) on auditors responsibility extended this definition by considering whether a gap
may exist between what the public expects or needs and what auditors can and should reasonably expect to

According to Guy and Sullivan (1988:36)], there is a difference between what the public and financial statement
users believe accountants and auditors are responsible for and what the accountants and auditors themselves believe
they are responsible for.

Godsell (1992) described the expectation gap as which is said to exist, when auditors and the public hold different

Jennings et al., (1993), in their study on the use of audit decision aids to improve auditor adherence to a standard,
are of the opinion that the audit expectations gap is the difference between what the public expects from the auditing
profession and what the profession actually provides.

Monroe and Woodliff (1993:62) defined audit expectation gap as the difference in beliefs between auditors and
public about the duties and responsibilities assumed by auditors and the messages conveyed by audit reports.

The responsibility of auditors is an amalgamation of public policy consideration (Chung, 1995) as a result
of the deregulation movement demands for the profession to protect the public interest has grown rapidly.
In addition, business operations have become much more complex owing to global competition and large-
scale industrial restructuring. The investing public has increasingly relied on auditors to monitor and assure
the reliability of financial reporting. The expectation gap emerged as the profession has failed to react
(Gwilliam, 1992; Francis, 1994). As posited by Power (1998), the expectation gap is derived for a loose
coupling between the idealization of auditing and the actual audit practices. However, the expectation gap
in relation to auditors responsibility is mainly a time lag effect.
The responsibilities of auditors and the expectation gap always go together. The expectation gap is due to
over-expectations of the auditing function. The profession has challenged this viewpoint on the grounds
that audits are designed to assure the conformity of financial statements with GAAP and fraud prevention
and detection should be the responsibility of management who bear a legal obligation for truthful financial
reporting [Nair and Rittenberg, (1987); Goldberg, (1988); CICA, (1988); Martens and McEnore, (1991);
Chapman, (1992).
In 1987, the ASB issued for comment 10 exposure drafts of professional standards. After reviewing nearly
1200 comment letters, the ASB approved issuance of nine new statements on auditing standards. The
expectations gap statements on auditing standards are grouped under four statements, such as (i) Detection
of fraud and illegal acts, (ii) More effective audits, (iii) Improved external communications and (iv)
Improved internal communications. The authors conclude that if the existing audit expectation gap is too
narrow the new standards should bring the auditors responsibility and performance closer to public
Another remarkable study on auditors responsibilities involving various dimensions of the attest function
was made by McEnroe et al. (2001), who found that investors had higher expectations for various facts and
assurances of the audit than did auditors in the following areas: disclosure, internal control, fraud, and
illegal operations.
The empirical study by Humphrey (1991) with reference to England was an extension of the above studies
and the main conclusions included expectations gap in auditors role in fraud detection; the extent of
auditors responsibility to this party; the nature of balance sheet valuation; threats to auditors
independence; and auditors ability to cope up with risk and uncertainty. He also adds If any topic can be
classified as going to the heart of the audit expectations debate, it is the issue of auditor independence.
Humphrey et al. (1992) identified auditor independence as a key element of the audit expectations gap. The
authors identified the main elements of the expectations gap: independence; whom auditors were
responsible to; practical abilities; the commercial nature of auditing; and responsibility for detecting fraud.
Monroe et al. (1994) conducted a classical study on the audit expectation gap taking the case study of
Australia. The results of the study suggested that there were significant differences between old reports and
new reports, which were significant to auditors. The major areas of differences in perceptions studied in
this research included responsibility factor, prospects factor and reliability factor. It was found that (i) the
modified wording in the new reports had a significant impact on beliefs about the nature of an audit and
auditors and management; (ii) the modified wording eliminated some of the differences but also created
some new differences between auditors and various user groups; and (iii) the differences in perceptions
were much smaller for sophisticated users than naive users.
The research also suggested that educating the users was one of the approaches to raise the sophistication
level of users to reduce the differences in perceptions. Further, the research indicated that wording changes
did change beliefs about the messages communicated through audit reports. In other words, audit report
wording should become more specific, if the gap was to be decreased.
Fadzly et al. (2004) identified the responsibilities of auditors as one of the factor in the areas, which could
cause gap between auditors and investors. In his study, he formulated eight statements on responsibility
such as the issues of fraud detection and prevention, accounts and financial statements preparation,
auditors objectivity, internal control, scope of auditors legal responsibility and auditors culpability in
fraud-related business failure. The study proved that the users believed that auditors were responsible for
all the above said statements. The largest extent of difference was found in the responsibility to prepare
financial statements. Brokers and investors expected auditors to prepare financial statement instead of
management (directors).

Analysis of Audit Expectation Gap Between Users

of Audit
Reports and Independent Auditors About the
Features of Independent Auditors
Salehi & Nagilo (2008) surveyed the expectation gap between auditors and bank employees as to
the independent auditors' duties. They indicated that despite some agreements, there is a signi
cant gap between auditors and bank employees concerning the independent auditors' duties.
Salehi & Rostami (2009) studied the expectation gap between auditors and users of auditors'
service. They disclosed that users' education and letting them know about auditing objectives
result in reducing the expectation gap. On the whole, they argue that the expectation gap reduces
the auditor independence. Salehi et al.(2009) surveyed the relationship between auditor
independence and the expectation gap. They assert that auditor independence is dominant for
nancial statements users and there is a signi cant difference between auditors and nancial
statements users' perception about independence.
Auditor quality is de ned as auditor`s reputation and his or her professionalcare. Auditor`s
reputation increases the reliability of nancial statements and auditor professional care increases
the quality of nancial statements (DeAngelo, 1981). However, considering that the users
(managers and shareholders) have expectations from independent auditors and based on that they
judge about auditor`s reputation, independent auditors should consider the users expectations and
try to cater thembecause their reputation increases with satisfying the users expectations in
Moreover, considering that the level of users knowledge and study about auditing, auditor and
his or her features may in uence on users expectations concerning independent auditors,
however, users should have more knowledge about independent auditors duties and adjust their
expectations based on it. Although usersacquaintance about the nature and importance of
auditing, auditor and his or her features is time and money consuming, it is possible though
holding seminars and motivating them to acquire more information in this regard.

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