Schlereth - Material Culture and Cultural Research
Schlereth - Material Culture and Cultural Research
Schlereth - Material Culture and Cultural Research
Material Culture
and Cultural Research
Thomas l. Schlereth
historical definitions.2
An early scholar use of the term "material cultute" was by the
nineteenth-entury anthropologist, A. Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers. Writing
"On the Evolution of Culture" in \875, Pitt-Rivers urged fellow re-
Thomas l. Schlereth Material Culture and Cultural Research
surveying the material cultures of the North American Indians. Their For example, only in its tertiary meaning does the word "things"
work was followed by studies such as Robert Redfield's research on connote a sense of inanimate entities distinguishable from living organ-
Meso-America and, still later, by Clyde Kluckhohn's magnum oPus on isms. Yet some scholars such as George Kubler prefer the general term
the material world of the Navaho.a and have attempted to study "the history of things" rather than resort
At the turn of the century, an occasional American folklorist to using what Kubler calls "the bristling ugliness of [the phrase] material
disagreed with the obsession with literary materials of many of his culture."T The word "objects," like the term "things," is another
colleagues and toyed with the potential uses of material data for the highly abstract collective noun, whereas " arttfacts" (artefacts in Britain),
interpretation of folk culture. These mavericks were few but, as Simon coming from the Latin arte, meaning skill, and factum, meaning some-
Bronner has shown, their interests, if not their actual works, prefigure thing done, at least includes an indirect reference to a human being (an
some of the activities of the material folk culture revival that began in the artificer) in its meaning. Objects lack this sense of implied human
1960s.5 agency and, unlike artifacts, can be used as an expansive covering term
I Anxious to be able to make more precise distinctions in their for everything in both the natural and the man-made environment.
examination of human behavior, these early American anthropologists By contrast, the general definition of material culture specifically
and folklorists developed a tripartite division of cultural data. The first includes the factor of human artifice and also aptly circumscribes the
component was ideological (evidence found usually in the form of oral scope of physical data that properly belongs within its research domain.
or written data). The second division was sociological (evidence docu- What is useful, therefore, about the term "material culture" is that it
mented by fieldwork observation of human behavior, such as child- suggests, at least among its current students, a strong interrelation
rearing or kinship patterns). A thfud resource was material (evidence between physical objects and human behavior. Despite its cumber-
found in the work of human hands, such as ceramics, tools, houses, and someness, the phrase continually presses the researcher to consider the
the like). complex interactions that take place between creators and their culture.
In other words, the assumption is that there is always a culture behind
Eolkloristic and anthropological interest in material culture atro-
phied in the 1930s as the evolutionary paradigm with which it was often the material. Moreover, the name has one other asset: it simultaneously
associated fell from favor and was eclipsed by other explanatory models.
refers to both the subject of the study, material, and to its principal
With the exception of its continued use in archaeology and its token purpose, the understanding of culture.
appearance in anthropology textbook surveys,6 the term largely Although scholars roughly agree on the label "material culture,"
dropped out of scholarly discourse until its resurgence, in various fields
they have differing ideas as to how best to define the concept. Defini-
tions often vary by academic field. For, in addition to anthropologists
ranging from art history to social history in the past two decades of
and archaeologists who pioneered in material culture research, scholars
American scholarship.
in art history, history of technology, cultural geography, and folkloristics
now also use the term, often understood within their specialized
perspectives. A sampler of material culture definitions presently in
In both past and present scholarship, "material culture" is often Material culture entails the actions of manufacture and
use, and the expressed theories about the production, use, and
considered a synonym for terms such as "artacts," "objects," or
nature of material objects.8
"things." Such interchangeability is frequently evident in both profes-
sional and popular writing. Flowever, instead of treating the terms about objects external to the
"Ihings," "objects," "arttfacts," and "material culture" as coequals, it ub:"'
:L?: ::'" d3:,x:,
may be more useful to regard them as terms of increasing specificity of
Material culture is the array of artifacts and cultural land-
meaning, with "things" seen as the most general rubric and "material scapes that people create according to traditional, patterned,
culture" as the most specific label when used within the confines of and often tacit concepts of value and utility that have been
scholarly discourse. developed over time, through use and experimentation. These
2 J
Thomas l. Schlereth
Material Culture nd Cultural Research
artifacts and landscapes objectively represent a group's subjec- different meaning-one that anthropologist Marvin Harris has devel-
tive vision of custom and order.ld
oped into a controversial explanation of human
Material culture: the totality of artifacts in a culture; the These obstacles to lexicographic clarity can be partially mitigated by
vast universe of objects. used by humankind to cope with the understanding the two words "material" and "culture" in a wide
physical world, to facilitate soial intercourse, to ielight our perspective. For example, once the culture of material culture is seen to
fancy, and to create symbols tf meaning.ll
' o
include the objects of high culture (for instance , aI. S.Copley painting
s that objects made or modified or Daniel Chester French sculpture) as well as artifacts of popular an
nsciously, directly or indi_
ger society to which they be-
Material culture is that segment of man's physical environ- material culture, since there are many ways to dress an animal. In
ment which is p^urposely shapd by him a..ordirig to culturally Deetz's view, the scientific breeding of livestock should also be included
dictated plans.13 in any definition of material culture since the conscious modification of
What do these contempo an animal's physical form is done according to culturally patterned
they differ in purpose, scope, Kinesics (for instance, the body motions involved in per-
the material, calling it variou forming Aaron Copland's Appalachian Spring ballet or a southern
uct," an "object," a "thing, Indiana clog dance) and proxemics (for instance, the spatial uses and
man-made materials are vital to any concept of material culture. interactions of people in New York's Rockefeller Center or at Anaheim,s
A second axiom is the belief tht a link exists between material and Disneyland) are other culture expressions that assume, if but for a
culture. In some definitions, this linkage is explicit; in others, the limited time, physical form and could be included within the legitimate
interrelation of material and cultu boundaries of material culture.
gestion "material culture entails t Although the scope of the material in material culture continues to
event, each of the definitions reco be expanded in various directions, this does not mean that it includes a
to understanding material culture.
in defining culture as those soc
behavior that entail
idea of culture is e 1!
"concepts of value, ,,
Despite this bas ,,
objects are encountered in a cultural pattern that suggests human
activity-a stone wall in Pennsylvania or a fence row of Osage orange in
an otherwise random Ozark forest, a concentration of pig bones in a
midden site in Arkansas, a pile of oyster shells prepared for the making
of tabby along the Florida coastline-these are examples of natural
materials that have become materials of culture.
Where does all this semantic searching and
leave us? What might be an adequate (but not
definition of material culture that would be useful t
common parlance, there is a tendency to associate the word ,,material,,
research fields? Here is a brief one that will be used throughout this
with base and pragmatic_things, while ,,culture,, is a word usually chapter: material culture is that segment of humankind'J biosocial
connected with noble and eruite things. Moreover, if the
terms are environment that has been purposely shaped by people according to
inverted, as in cultural materialir*, * have a phrase of an
entirely culturally dictated plans.
Thomas I. Schlereth Material Culture nd Culturl Reserch
Some investigators use the term "material culture" not only in the considered a scholarly discipline, it must be established in both a
sense that we have been describing it (that is, as a covering term for all pragmatic and philosophical way. Pragmatically, a discipline exists if it
man-made or man-modified artifacts) but also as a method of cultural can reach an intellectual audience with scholarly works, earn a place in
inquiry employing physical objects as its primary data. In such usage/ accepted fields of learning of its day, preserve and enlarge its area of
material culture stands for both the subject to be researched as well as knowledge, attract converts and young disciples, and perpetuate itself
the method of studying the subject. (The word "history," likewise, for another generation. Philosophically, the discipline exists if it can lay
often stands for both the work of the discipline and also for the content claim to distinctive theoretical methods or empirical data important for
of the discipline.) The possible misunderstanding that this double humankind's knowledge of self and of At this stage of its
meaning can cause can be avoided by using the phrase "material culture historical development, material culture studies performs several but
studies" to describe the research, writing, teaching, exhibiting, and not all of these functions.
publishing of individuals who endeavor to interpret past and Present Material culture research can be best described at present as an
I human activity largely, but not exclusively, through extant physical expanding movement or coalition of individuals (James Deetz calls it
evidence. "an emerging research community") working in museums, historical
The term "material culture studies" is by no means the only societies, and cultural agencies, as well as in academic departments in
nomenclature in current usage. In fact, the eclectic enterprise has often colleges and universities, who are intrigued by the idea of studying the
been identified by several roughly synonymous labels. They and some (possibly unique) explanatory potential of material evidence as cultural
of their practitioners include: "artifact studies" (E. McClung Fleming), meaning. Eschewing any single orthodoxy in methodology, the study of
"anonymous history" (Siegfried Giedion), "material life" (Robert St. material culture seeks to develop the explanatory power of artifact
George), "pots-and-pans history" (Elizabeth Wood), "material history" knowledge in order that such knowledge might ultimately expand
flohn Mannion), "above-ground archaeology" flohn Cotter), "material human understanding. The principal task of material culture studies is
culture history" (Brooke Hindle), "physical folklore" (Richard Dorson), an epistemological one; it is an attempt to know what can be known
"volkskunde" (Andrew Fenton), "hardware history" (Larry Lankton), about and from the past and present creations of humankind.
and "material civilization" (Fernand Braudel).16 What, if anything, do the diverse practitioners of material culture
Material culture studies is deliberately plural because it comprises research have in common? In addition to an obvious evidential concern
several disciplines, among them the triad of art, architectural, and with physical objects as cultural data, the movement works under at
decorative arts history; cultural geography; the history of technology; least four common assumptions. Most studies of material culture, as
folkloristics; historical archaeology; cultural anthropology, as well as Warren Roberts has shown us, usually involve field-work research
cultural and social history. To be sure, not all of these disciplines and during which artifacts are collected, identified, compared, and cate-
subdisciplines use material culture to the same extent. Practically all gorized either in situ or in assorted museums, in private and public
archaeologists and most art historians share a common interest in collections, and in historical agencies where such physical data are
material culture evidence, although not necessarily the same type. housed.le A historical perspective also characterizes most material
Artifact study is important to some, but by no means all, historical culture studies, since (as several of their names indicate-the history of
geographers and cultural anthropologists. Such data are vital to the technology, art and architecture history, historical geography, for exam-
research of a growing number of historians of technology, and to an ple), they seek to measure and understand change over time. In
expanding cadre of folklorists and a widening circle of social and cultural historical analysis, researchers use the culture concept in varying ways.
historians. While some see culture only with a capital C, the majority view it as an
While it now possesses most of the disciplinary accouterments (for anthropological construct.20 Finally, perhaps the hallmark of the current
example, scholarly journals, academic conferences, and tentative plans emphaiis in American material culture studies is an increased quest for a
for a national professional association), the present state of material truly interdisciplinary focus to its work, conceptually and meth-
culture studies does not constitute an academic discipline.lT As Richard odologically, in order to analyze humankind's past artifactual record as a
Dorson was wont to remind us, in order for an enterprise to be concrete manifestation of cultural history.
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Thomas J. Schlereth Material Culture and Cultural Research
THE DISTINCTIVE FEATURES Material culture is not only the most ancient of time's shapes, it is
OF MATERIAL CULTURE EVIDENCE also a tangible form of a past time persisting in present time. We can no
longer hear a sixteenth-century Spanish folk hymn or a seventeenth-
Why should we bother to century New England Puritan sermon as they were once sung or
meaning of cultural? Historical preached, but we can venerate a reliquary at the Mission of San Jose or
ior have long argued that word meditate in the Old Ship Meetinghouse at Hingham, Massachusetts.
for understanding the Past an This tenacious, although not indestructible, durability of the artifact
made for material culture as a distinctive type of empirical data? Or, to affords the researcher a!e!lp_o_!al leltg" of data that enables him or her to
put it another way, does material culture have any special evidential e2<plo1e human behavior over a much wider pallg1n of :g!!gfel.qbe!g_
characteristics in cultural inquiry? ttq-_if onJy written records are consulted.
Before answering these questions, we should emphasize that no The temporal tenacity of material culture evidence should not be
serious student of material culture ignores any extant documentary or exaggerated. All artifacts-like all humans-wear out, break down, are
statistical data that is relevant to his or her investigation. Material damaged beyond repair, destroyed, or lost. This process occurs even
culture invariably involves work with both words and things, and in when the material culture is preserved in historical museums and other
most research the two forms of evidence are used in tandem. Of course, cultural repositories. Numerous artifacts also often go through a succes-
a great deal of material culture research (for example, this book) is sion of alterations, being worn, used, or weathered over time. When a
communicated through words. There are, however, several evidential researcher encounters such objects, he must remember that their current_ , .
qualities that are more prominent in material culture evidence than in state may be only one of their former states. Most likely such objects are
documentary evidence. These characteristics include: (a) evidential not identically the same as when they were first fabricated.
precedence; (b) temporal tenacity; (c) three-dimensionality; (d) wider Yet desplte the fact that wood rots, metal corrodes, and stone
representativeness; and (e) affective understanding. crumbles, material culture enjoys an exceptional longevity among the
Recorded human history based upon written documents goes back other remains of the human past. Many interpreters also argue that suchr t,
in time approximately six thousand years. Yet for many of these physical remains have a remarkably high degree of evidential veracity i '
centuties, the records consist largely of artifacts. In fact, in order to tell nd a relatively low incidence of deliberate duplicity when compared
our full human history (not merely our mislabeled "prehistory"), with other historical data. Anthropologist William Rathje sees this
archaeologists are able to extend the human saga by fifty thousand aspect of material evidence as a data base that is usually nonreactive,
additional years through their analysis of material culture evidence. quantifiable, and largely independent of the biases of traditional inter-
Human beings were making things long before they were speaking or pretive techniques.22 It is claimed that physical objects are less biased
writing about such things. Material culture predates verbal culture by records of past human activity in that they usually suwive not as
several thousand years, since toolmaking, almost universal in all transcriptions or translations or condensations of events but often as
cultures, preceded the invention of writing in practically all of them. events themselves.
Material culture possesses, therefore, evidential precedence in that it is For example, the statue of George Washington that we now see
humankind's oldest legacy of cultural expression. In fact, some scholars displayed in the National Museum of American History in Washington,
argue that it is the oldest manifestation of our humanness. D.C., is fundamentally the same physical artifact sculpted by Horatio
In western cultures, historians normally mark broad stages of this Greenough from 1833 to 1841. The sculpture has, of course, had many
early period of human history by the kind of objects people could make: different settings over the past century and a half-in the mall in front of
the Paleolithic, Neolithic, Brortze, and Iron ages define the times and the U.S. Capitol, at the East Portico of the Capitol, in storage in the
cultures in which things were first molded out of stone and then of Smithsonian's basement, and now on public view in the NMAH-but its
metal. Modern historians continue to use artifactual metaphors to basic physical form remains as Greenough executed it from a block of
explain the past of the industrial revolution, a chromo-civilization, or the Italian marble. The sculpture is, therefore, a different type of historical
atomic era. Our book titles-Engines of Democrcy, The Dynamo nd the evidence (not necessarily a better type) in that its physical composition
Virgin, The Republic of Technology, American Ciailization in the First Machine separates it from, say, evidence such as Greenough's own writing about
Age-also betray our predilection for historical periodization through the sculpture as well as what has been written and said about the art
artifactual symbols.2 | work since the 1840s.
8 9
Thoms J. Schlereth Material Culture anil Cultural Research
Occasionally an object, although itself destroyed, survives in an- historical museums should begin to collect information, not only ob-
other material form to instruct the historian about the past' For example, j ects.2s
archaeologically, the terms "post construction" and "earthfast" are In his 1982 presidential address to his fellow historians of tech-
used to refer to buildings whose wooden structural members are set into nology, Brooke Hindle posed two important questions: "Is there a truth
or laid directly on the ground. Such structures are built without inhering in the three-dimensional survivals that is missed when they
masonry foundations. Although the wooden members of the buildings become mere illustrations, even in exhibits reflecting the best possible
have rotted away, they have left patterns of disconnected dots or molds historical understanding? If so, what is that truth?" Professor Hindle
in the ground. From these residues, architectural historians and archae- answered by suggesting what he considers to be one of the salient
ologists working in Maryland and Virginia have deciphered important characteristics of material culture evidence: its three-dimensionality-a
information about the seventeenth-century vernacular buildings of mode of knowing that entails a nonverbal comprehension of the
which there are but extant traces. In fact, as Dell Upton points out, significance of mass, scale, and amplitude in human history.26
because of the tenacity of this material culture data more is now known Three-dimensionality is common to all material culture, including
about earthfast structures of the Chesapeake region than about earlier, objects such as maps, photographs, and graphics; but it is, of course,
similar buildings in England.23 more characteristic of some artifacts than of others. A Bessemer blast
Barring deliberate alteration or forgery or some other conscious furnace possesses greater dimensionality than a Kodak snapshot; mass
deceit, material culture evidence directly embodies actual historical and proportion are more pronounced in the actual Brooklyn Bridge than
events. Such data can provide the historian with an opportunity to in |ohn Marin's watercolors of the structure.
explore a facet of the past, first-hand as it were, not as translated by The common trait of three-dimensionality, claims Eugene Ferguson,
someone in the past, writing down experiences or orally describing can be best investigated by analyzing the scale, texture, proportion,
what he encountered. The claim here is that certain human activities- style, mass, and workmanship of an artifact. These are evidential
particularly tasks of making and doing-can afford the researcher features usually not found in any parallel way in books, diagrams, or
something like an "encounter of the third kind," providing data that drawings.2T Therefore, three-dimensionality, is, to quote Brooke Hindle
may be only hinted at or totally missing in statistical or verbal commen- again, "a matter of spatial perspective, through sight, sound, and touch
taries on the past.2a of the real tool or machine. The best verbal historian has no possible way
Past human experience is thus given a novel degree of permanency of attaining this except after coming in contact with actual technological
in material culture. Past thoughts and feelings, it is argued, gain a arttfacts."28
special degree of objectivity in things such as tools and chairs that Scholars have only begun to acknowledge the visual or tactile
endure, across time, as historical events. Artifacts are thrust into the dimensions of history. Rhys Isaac's Trnsformation of Virgini, 1740-1790
world and past experience is made solid. In short, artifacts have the and John Stilgoe's Common Landscapes of America, 7598-7845 are recent
power to stabilize experience of the past. To the historical researcher, examples of this realization, but fohn Hale's indictment that "the
they are here in his time; and yet they are also still there in another serious historical imagination is . . . only marginally visual" and that
time-that is, in their time. "the element of visual recreation in a historian's work is very small" still
This dual personality of material culture evidence has at least two characterizes far too much of our scholarship in American history.2e
cultural ramifications. On the one hand, it helps explain the reverence Surviving material culture evidence often provides us with a
and nostalgia that the antiquarian has for past artifacts, enshrining them broader cross section of society and, therefore, extends our sources of
in public and private art galleries, museums, and historical societies cultural information beyond written or statistical records. For many
often designed as classical temples. (Of course, we also do this with students of material culture, this expanded representativeness of much
documents-for example, the public display of the nation's sacred material culture data is one of the most appealing reasons for using
scriptures in a sanctuary we call the National Archives.) On the other objects in their research. Working from the premise that only a small
hand, the extant historicity of material culture data (our obsession with Percentage of the world's past populations has been literate, that even a
only the "real things") will be one of the major arguments continually smaller percentage has left records such as diaries, correspondence, or
used against the proposals of Wilcomb Washburn and others that personal papers, and that a still smaller percentage of such verbal data
10 11
Thomas l. Schlereth Materil Culture and Cultural Research
adequately represents the entire socioeconomic spectrum of society, must feel [emphasis added] their three-dimensionality." Hindle later in
these researchers have turned to artifacts. Material culture is conse- this essay recommends that the historian acquire "fingertip acquaint-
quently seen as one type of historical evidence that might mitigate some ance and fingertip knowledge" of the material culture with which he
of tne biases of verbal data that (in the American historical experience) works.33
are largely the literary record of a small group of mostly white, mostly The basis of this claim for a type of nonrational (not irrational)
upper or middle class, mostly male, mostly urban, and mostly Protes- affective knowledge ascertainable largely through artifacts rests, in part,
tant cadre of writers.30 on the inherent limitations of most written or spoken language. Re-
Material culturists assume, therefore, that extant nonverbal data searchers as diverse as Ptown, Henry Glassie, Clyde Kluckhohn, and
may provide a distinctive way of understanding the past cultural fohn Kouwenhoven have been distressed by the delusive generality of
activities of a larger majority of nonliterate people in a society whose words; that is, by the tendency for verbal evidence to take on an
existence would otherwise remain inaccessible or unknown excePt "averaging-out" quality that reduces human experience (past and
through surviving statistical data such as census tracts, court recotds, present) to overly abstract formulas or symbols.3a One result of the
and the often distorted views of their society's literary elite. In order to generality of verbal symbols such as words is that two people can be in
redress the historical inequity of ignoring a large segment of the verbal agreement without meaning the same thing. For instance, a
farmer or an artist who has never been out of the American Southwest
population who produced no literary legacy, scholars have therefore
and a farmer or an artist born and bred in the Scottish Hebrides could
turned to studying, to use Leland Ferguson's felicitous phrase, "the
not conceivably mean the same thing by the word "sunlight."
things they left behind." In so doing they have taken issue with some
Words, therefore, are useful only to those who share a common
historians who have arrogantly proposed that only a "history of the
core of experience particulars, a fact that translators, diplomats, and
inarticulate" could describe this important cultural strata of the popula-
linguists all acknowledge. People who have not experienced similar
particulars usually have difficulty in understanding, from another's
Finally, some material culturists argue that physical data provides words, the precise meaning that those words are intended to convey.
us with a certain type of knowing that art historian Jules Prown has For this reason they often resort to other methods of nonverbal
called an affective mode of apprehension. By understanding artifacts, communication-making drawings and diagrams, gesturing with their
suggests Prown, "we can engage another culture in the first instance bodies or apparel, or manipulating nearby objects in order to demon-
not with our minds, the seat of our cultural biases, but with our senses." strate their ideas. Such experiences suggest that meaning is not an
As Prown further explains, "this affective mode of apprehension intrinsic property of words; rather, meaning is a process that words
through the senses that allows us to Put ourselves, figuratively speak- sometimes facilitate, a process in which awareness passes from one
ing, inside the skins of individuals who commissioned, made, used, or consciousness to another. As Kouwenhoven points out: "Words do not
enjoyed these objects, to see with their eyes and touch with their hands, haae meaning; they conaey it."3s Things, it can be argued, both embody
to identify with them empathetically, is clearly a different way of meaning as well as convey that meaning.
engaging the past than abstractly through the written word. Instead of The claim for material culture as a resource for affective understand-
our minds making intellectual contact with minds of the past, our senses ing also receives support from researchers who see much of human
make affective contact with the senses of the past."32 creativity as primarily an aesthetic experience. Cyril Stanley Smith, a
While Prown's argument can be criticized epistemologically, its historian of metallurgy, insists that within objects-be they copper
claim for a special sensory knowledge derivable from material culture alloys, type castings, votive figures, coins, or electric generators-exists
data has numerous supporters. Advocates are found not only among "an instance of aesthetic curiosity." It is this characteristic of material
students of the arts (where we might expect to find such devotees) but culture evidence to which Prown, Smith, and others would have us turn
also among historians of technology, cultural geographers, and social in order to have a human history that takes into account not only past
scientists. For example, Brooke Hindle writes: "The historian of technol- cognitive and behavioral activity, but also previous aesthetic and sen-
sory experience.36
ogy has to get inside the machines and processes of which he writes. He
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Material Culture nd Cultural Research
Thomas l. Schlereth
COMMON ERRORS IN MATERIAL CULTURE STUDIES culture reseatchers acknowledge that we must find new methods of
analyzing and verifying artifacts-new methods that are analogous to
Despite the sometimes gradiose claims currently made for material those commonly used with manuscripts and printed sources. In the
culture eidence-folklorist Henry Glassie recently insisted it was "the February 1984 issue of Museum Nes, historian Wilcomb Washburn
be maintained that many scholars made little use of artifacts in their
in research because of the difficulty of obtaining and verifying artifactual
(a) data. Unlike most documentary data, material culture evidence cannot
(c) be easily duplicated, microfilmed, published, and made widely available
exaggeration Progressive deter- to other scholars for further interpretation and verification' Not only are
I minism; and on. surviving artifacts dispersed in institutional and private hands; even
Material acknowledge the within museums they are often inadequately catalogued, stored off site,
and hard to locate for systematic study. Washburn proposed to solve
Material Culture and Cultural Research
Thomas l. Schlereth
molders, movers and shakers of the past. Perhaps more triumphs than they were about, but environmental circumstances transformed most of
tragedies survive in the extant physical record. these.a3 The artifacts analyzed by the BMFA research team of archae-
Exhibition of artifacts in museums often promotes a view of history ologists, decorative arts specialists, and social historians lead to quite
as a story of success and achievement. Such exhibits usually neglect the another conclusion. New Englanders were in control of their lives and
downside of human life, common to us all but not commonly depicted' their actions, artifice, and artifacts show them so.
For example, in many living-history farms in America there is little A belief in progress has been enormously influential in both
material culture that helps a visitor experience something of the isola- American history and material culture research. The latter often sees the
American past as one material success after another in an ever-upward
ascent of increased goods and services for all the nation's citizens.
George Basalla and others have traced this tendency in the history of
technology and in technical museums. Such museums, notes Basalla,
are often dominated by a "technological cornucopia" mentality in their
suicide that also characterize nineteenth-century American rural life?41 celebration of American Progress. Michael Ettema sees the same prob-
In these contexts, the documentary and statistical records (rather lem in the American decorative arts as does Dell Upton in American
than the artifactual) may prove more helpful to the researcher since vernacular architecture.a
Progressive determinism has sometimes pervaded another aspect of
people could and did write about the dark and unpleasant side of their
material culture research that might be called "the national character
xisience; that is, the uncertainties, the false starts, the half-way
focLls," a historiographic tradition so labeled because of its relation to a
measures, the intentions that failed. Nonetheless, in object study we
similarly named and oriented trend in American Studies and, in part,
also need analyses of material culture pathology so that we might know
because its advocates have sought nothing less than a total explanation
more about what things, in various historical periods, did not work, that
of the American national
consistently broke down or were quickly junked in favor of other Beginning with Roger Burlingame's two-volume survey of tech-
products. Inasmuch as most of the American material culture history
nology's impact on American life, through the work of J' C. Furnas,
tudi"d to date has been, like so much of American written history, the
history of winners, a greater appreciation of the losers (people and John Kouwenhoven, Elting Morison, Alan Gowans, and Daniel
Boorstin, there has been a conscious attempt to extrapolate the ideologi-
products) might be a valuable corrective. cal configurations of American history from American artifacts. At
John Demos, in a review of New England Begins: The Seaenteenth present, such metahistory is no long contempo-
Century, an exhibition and catalog produced by the Department of iary students of material culture. Th is currently
American Decorative Arts and sculpture of the Boston Museum of Fine occurring at the local or regional leve macrolevel
Arts (BMFA), suggests as much in his recognition of exaggerated human
efficacy in these two historical publications,a2 Demos notes that both the
material culture exhibit and its impressive three-volume catalog depict
New England settlers as uncommonly active, effective, and forceful in
coping with the circumstances about American artifacts. "a6
experiences presents a sharp
opinion on seventeenth-centur
example, of Bernard Barlyn's Ed
and Oscar Handlin's essay "The Significance of the Seventeenth
Cerrtury," both written in the l-950s and both highly influential on
historical writing ever since. The emphasis in the Bailyn and Handlin without reference to time duration or cultural change. Its antonym,
explanations falls on the element of the unanticipated and the un- diachronic analysis, is a comparative study of objects as historical data-
welcomed effects of seventeenth-century life in a new environment. that is, as resources that can be considered as being both effects and
Americans arrived with plans, expectations, and assumptions as to what causes in history.aT
1.6 17
Mterial Culture and Cultural Research
Thomas l. Schlereth
Few would argue with the claim that material culture evidence of
the past should obviously be used in historical research when it is the
only evidence available. Such historical explanations can be labeled
explanations of singularity. Much of the Native American history of this
continent (for example, that being uncovered at the Koster site in
other scholars for whom the historical is a useful mode of Illinois) has been written-by archaeologists and anthropologists in this
Two forms of the synchronic perspective, one conceptual, the other explanatory mode.s2 Studies of Inca copper objects have also yielded
methodological, migirt be noted here. The first could be called material precise information about complex gilding Processes while the examina-
culture neo-criticism. Here the claim is made that objects can Possess/ as tion of the microstructure of other metals has taught us much about
literary critic Northrop Frye argues, "an imaginative element_. . . that various heating, forging, and quenching processes that we would know
lifts them clean of the bondage of history."4e The arttact, therefore, in no other way. Social history information on such diverse subjects as
exists sui gener time or the rate of consumption of alcohol in the urban workplace and living
place. Material Michel conditions of Chinese immigrants in the American West has also been
Foucault have stance. generated from artifacts used as the primary data.s3
Richard Poulsen, for example , inThe Pure Experience of Order, argues that Here the research on earthfast construction in the colonial Tide-
"it s sychic needs evident in material artifacts water might be cited again. Not only did the careful scrutiny of that
cann chronology." Paulsen sees his approach to material culture provide documentation for a chronological and geo-
mate that "describes movements or conditions graphical distribution of these frontier houses, it also enabled the
that are ahistorical-not explicable by history and actually in opposition researchers to understand the colonial economic context and how such
to it. "50 structures reflected a value system nurtured by single-crop, labor-
The synchronic syndrome also expresses itself in a perennial quest intensive tobacco farming.
for aesthetic uniqueness, special artistic achievement, and Procrustean No documentary statistical, or oral data survives yielding sufficient
information on the history of a distinctive type of Dutch barn in
America. In order to understand both how such barns were built and
who built them, architectural historian john Fitchen had to rely almost
exclusively on the extant structures. His book The New Woild Dutch Barn:
A Study of lts Characteristics, lts Structural System, qnd lts Probble
to a flat, overly generalized, style nomenclature (e.g., Romanic, Neo- Erectional Procedures (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1968) has
Grec, Colonial Revival) in its historical periodizations. such labels are rightly become a classic in material culture research. Henry Glassie
conclusions about material culture, not explanations of the data' Of would later apply a structuralist interpretation to 156 Middle Virginia
course, such approaches may increase our knowledge of a style's houses in a similar attempt to ascertain the architectural competence,
components (that is, provide us with something of the what of the style) community values, and mentality of their
but they are invariably deficient in explaining how a style came to be or In the history of numerous manufacturing processes and technolog-
why it may have changed. ical activities, there are often no documentary resources for us to explain
how such processes were employed or how various manufacturing
techniques were developed. A methodology of material culture studies
EXPLANATIONS IN MATERIAL CULTURE RESEARCH known as experimental archaeology is helping to explain the work force,
the work place, and the work routine of the American worker who
What can material culture research explain about the past? How created such processes. As folklife scholar Jay Anderson explains,
valuable might it be to scholars such as historians, many of whom "experimental archaeology was developed as a means of 1) practi-
traditionally have been either hostile or indifferent to it?s1 \vVhat are the cally testing theories of past cultural behavior, especially technological
levels of its veracity and persuasiveness in cultural inquiry? processes involving the use of tools and 2) obtaining data not read-
18 19
Thomas l. Schlereth Mterial Culture and Cultural Research
ily available from more traditional artifact analysis and historical Such collaboration increasingly characterizes material culture re-
sources."ss Major centers for this type of historical research have been search strategies presently being employed in the exploration of several
the country's outdoor living-history museums such as Old Sturbridge broad explanatory concepts such as modernization, mechanization,
Village, Colonial Williamsburg, and Plimoth Plantation, where experi- urbanization, and consumerism. Modernization theory, for instance,
mental archaeology has been applied to expand the historian's under- guided some of the research of the BMFA investigation of seventeenth-
standing of agricultural practices, metal working, and dietary habits. century New England and presently informs part of the interpretative
While their interpretations to date have been mostly microexplana- program of the Henry Ford Museum's analysis of nineteenth-century
tions, researchers who have produced explanations of singularity from America. The implications of the "consumer revolution" thesis argued
material culture data have often been the very first to establish any tyPe in France by Fernand Braudel and in England by McKendrick is partially
of explanation whatsoever in their area of historical interest. We are in now being explored against the material culture evidence amassed in
their debt for the incremental knowledge they are slowly adding to our places like Colonial Williamsburg and the Strong
portrait of the past. Material culture research, argues social historian Cary Carson,
Artifacts can be used as supporting or supplementary evidence in performs a final supportive role in historical explanation when it assists
research when the available documentary and statistical data for a topic in communicating that explanation in a format understandable to an
are limited, seriously flawed, or problematic in some fashion. We might audience broader than that of the professional history fraternity. Carson
refer to these interpretations as explanations of support. Such explana- maintains that historians have only begun to explore the enormous
tions involve both visual and verbal, artifactual and documentary heuristic potential of artifacts, sites, settings, reenactments, and eth-
evidence. nographic dramas in the communication of their knowledge of the
Scholars use this explanatory mode in two ways. For example, if the past.6o If he is right, material culture may both significantly widen the
historian has formulated his hypothesis initially on the basis of material evidential basis on which American history is explained and play a
culture evidence, he may wish to substantiate or further document his major role in explaining it to a wider audience of the American people.
argument by careful examination of parallel documentary data. Or, in Finally, the third major research strategy in which material culture
reverse, a historian who has developed his hypothesis primarily from evidence can be deployed is to subject established interpretations
statistical and documentary data may wish to scrutinize the material usually based strictly on documentary and statistical data to a careful
culture record that parallels (in time and place) the verbal record he has critique. Here the objective is to revise or overturn an interpretation if
already mastered. there appears to be some discrepancy in the material culture evidence
Harvey Green and Rhys Isaac have done recent studies integrating surrounding the topic. This revisionist perspective subjects long-accepted
both material culture data and documentary materials to explain issues historical generalizations-such as the interchangeability of parts in early
such as nineteenth-century Victorians and eighteenth-century Virgin- American manufacturing, the importance of the fall line in American
ians.56 On certain other topics of interest to contemPorary scholars, historical geography, the introduction of log building by the Swedes, or
material culture research may prove especially supportive in its contri- the superiority of nineteenth-century American agricultural ma-
butions to explanatory theory. For example, if economic historians such chinery-to close scrutiny from another angle and with the aid of
as Neil McKendrick and Mario Szabo are correct in their claim that "the different evidence. We might call these explanations of superiority
way that people spend their money in the consumption of goods, can be simply because they prove material culture evidence to be the superior
said to be the way that they order their lives," then consumerism may data base in explaining a part of the past heretofore interpreted largely
be a historical issue on which we will see increased cooperative research (and mistakenly) through documentary data.
based upon documentary data and material culture evidence.sT So, too, Typical revisions of our understanding of the American past that
on the roles of diet, advertising, childhood, recreation, domesticity, and have been made by comparing material evidence with previously
creativity in the American past. On the last topic, the historical origins, established documentary and statis lude
dimensions, and ramifications of innovation and invention, we are Allan Ludwig's reinterpretation of lysis
already seeing research combining traditional documentation and mate- ot their funerary art rather than has
rial culture evidence.s8 suggested a format for the rewriting of the cultural history of seven-
20 21
Material Culture and Cultural Research
Thomas l. Schlereth
teenth- and eighteenth-century New England (and by inference much of phase (1620-1.660), a localized Anglo-American era (1660-1760), and a
colonial America) based uPon ceramics, architecture, foodways, deco- Georgian period (1760-1830). Although Deetz used all the evidence
rative arts, and household furnishings.62 Ivor Noel Hume, in Martin's available, including census records, cartography, probate inventories,
Hundred, has recreated a nearly forgotten British settlement at Wolsten- and other assorted documentary data, he made a special attempt to
holme that was wiped out by an Indian massacre in 1622. He learned employ "aspects of the material culture record which represented
from the material culture data "mote about the struggles to maintain universals in the lives of people of early Anglo-America: ceramics, since
European standards on the frontier of civilization" than he could have everyone ate; housing, since everyone lived in some kind of a building;
t from all the written records of the time.63 gravestones, since everyone died, although not all were commemorated
In the history of technology, Robert Howard, Merritt Roe Smith, by a memorial."67 To a lesser extent, Deetz also used musical forms,
and other American scholars have suggested that one standard explana- trash disposal, and foodways in his analysis. His conclusions challenged
tion for early nineteenth-century American technological creativity-the the traditional political and diplomatic history interpretation of the
idea of the interchangeability of parts-simply does not square with the American independence movement as the major cultural watershed-
historical reality of the extant museum specimens. For example, the fact the major cultural change, if you will-of American colonial history. The
that Eli Whitney did not achieve true interchangeability, despite his documentary and material data that Deetz assembled and integrated
voiced enthusiasms, was not clear until the parts of his muskets were suggested that the political revolution actually had little impact on
actually examined. Generations of historical writing about the "intet- American cultural history; in fact, the general American cultural pattern
changeability" of the parts in Whitney's muskets was finally confronted before and after the war was closer to British material culture than had
and revised with the empirical fact that, once taken apart, the extant previously been believed.
specimens proved not to be interchangeable at all.6a Such comParative In summary, the formulating of explanations, the testing of expla-
analysis can prompt the historian to seek another explanation for his nations, and the revising of explanations that we have examined afford
data. "seeing devices" only through the written word, suggests Carroll us a typology of how material culture research has been used in cultural
Pursell, puts one in danger of "reproducing old errors of perception, of interpretation. Two caveats, however, are worth noting before reflecting
mistaking rhetoric for reality," and often of completely misunderstand- on the future of material culture studies.
ing complex interconnections of acts, artifacts, and authors in the past.6s First, it would be hubris indeed to assume that we can acquire
Most material culturists have thus far been content to practice a type complete access to a culture's behavioral and belief systems simply
of incremental revisionism, re-evaluating historical explanations within because ample objects have survived. Like explanations written with
the boundaries of their disciplinary or subdisciplinary precincts. Ken- verbal data, our understanding of material culture will always be a mere
neth Ames's critique of American folk art is an instance of this practice;
approximation, a conjecture based at best on fragmentary evidence.
Ruth Schwartz Cowan's perceptive study of the ironies of household Moreover, objects may prove appropriate only to decipher certain kinds
technology is another example. Some have taken on the reinterpretation
of human intentions; it may be that only certain specific patterns of
of a particular historical era such as the seventeenth century, which Alan
thought can be teased from them. In the study of objects, there may be a
Gowans two decades ago labeled as medieval and now Robert St.
spectrum of explanatory potential that extends from one end of a scale in
George and Robert Trent explain as mannerist.66
which material culture is highly revelatory of culture (architecture,
]ames Deetz's tripartite explanation for interpreting cultural change furniture) to the other end where objects have little cultural content for
in colonial American society currently looms as one material culture human activities.
paradigm that seeks to challenge traditional historical explanation on a
Second, we must always remember that it is the culture, rather than
macrolevel. Deetz initially argued his theory and method in a working
the material, that should interest the material culture researchers. As
paper ("4 Cognitive Historical Model for American Material Culture")
Brooke Hindle reminds his fellow historians: "It is the spatial and
that he subsequently elaborated in a small volume called In Small Things
analytical understanding offered by artifacts, not the things themselves,
Forgotten: The Archqeology of North American History (1980).
that is the historian's goal. He has to see through the objects to the
Documentary and material culture evidence suggested to Deetz that
historical meaning to which they relate."68
New England culture evolved through three phases: a Stuart yeoman
Mateial Culture nd Cultural Research
Thomas l. Schlereth
FUTURE DIRECTIONS IN MATERIAL CULTURE STUDIES larly of revolutionary America, to artifacts of the recent past. In addition
to expanding research on the post-Civil War era, there is interest
Most scholarship on material culture in America in the immediate developing in art deco and art moderne decorative arts and architecture,
future will most probably be concentrated on a micro- rather than a in documentary photography since 1900, and in the material culture of
macrolevel. The monograph, the field report, and the specialized exhibit roadside America. Now, for example, a Society for Commercial Archae-
catalog will dominate the field as researchers nibble away at previously ology studies artifacts of the highway strip.zr All of this professional
unexplored topics, artifact genres, time periods, and geographical collecting of the contemporary is paralleled on the amateur level by the
regions. Case studies and tightly focused research will be the norm. growth of flea markets and innumerable house, lawn, and garage sales
Eventually, of course, some audacious soul will initiate a new synthesis where objects of every kind are offered, traded, and bought by an ever-
of all this piecemeal research, and we will see a new array of broad widening public. Nearly everything is fair game today.
interpretations of American culture (past and present) in which physical Along with the collapse of the definition of what constitutes a
evidence will play its relevant and necessary part. Such a new synthesis "historical" artifact has come an absorbing interest in the material
may be wound around any one (or a combination thereof) of several culture of the American Everyman. As Fred Kniffen put it, "There must
cultural theory models (for example, structuralism or modernization) be, for example, less concern for a house because some famous character
presently contending for our attention. Or we may also see a new lived in it and more concern that it is or that it is not typical of the houses
explanatory principle (perhaps one empirically derived from material of its time and place. The study of the unique normally adds little to the
culture data itself) enumerated, documented, and defended. sum of understanding of human behavior. The study of the kinds of
In the age of particularism, we may see more polemics. Heretofore, things used by people during a given historical period reveals a great
intellectual discourse in material culture research has been a rather deal about them."72 This emphasis helps explain the vogue of the social
genteel endeavor. This may change as scholars come to feel more history approach among material culturist as well as why there has been
strongly about their methodological turf. Attacks on and defenses of a slight shift in research interest from the public sector to what Carroll
research technique and evidential usage may become more spirited and Smith-Rosenberg has called "private places"-that is, to the household,
vigorous, serving, as a result, as important catalysts in promoting more the bedroom, and the nursery.T3
rigorous scholarship. Perhaps even an occasional methodological "slay- The new populist emphasis on artifact studies that focus on
ing of the father" will take place as some young scholars in the field vernacular, commonplace, and mass-style objects, as opposed to that
(many of whom are the first to be trained specifically as material which is unique, elite, or high-style, has had analogs in other dimen-
culturists) take on their graduate-school mentors and challenge older sions of the American material culture movement. The historical preser-
research techniques and interpretive positions. It could be a heady vation cause in the United States now seeks more aggressively to save
time.6e whole "historical districts" (even industrial or commercial ones) instead
If the number of conferences, symposia, museum exhibitions, and of simply the home of the town founder. American museums now
publications that have appeared recently on the collecting of contempo- mount more exhibitions devoted to the material culture of varied ethnic
rary material culture is any bellwether, then we can anticipate seeing groups, of workers, of dissidents, and even of people who were the
more research based upon the physical remains of the twentieth counter-culturists of yesteryear.Ta The popular culture movement has
century.To In short, we are seeing a major redefinition of what con- also added to the democratization of American objects studied, arguing
stitutes a historical artifact and what artifacts are suitable for cultural that mass-produced lawn ornaments and suburban garden plots are as
study. This redefinition is concerned with, first, the acceptable antiquity crucial as indices to the American experience as are Tiffany lamps or
of artifacts for study, and, second, their provenance. Duncan Phyfe chairs.7s
The old prescript coined by dealers, collectors, and the U.S. Although the historical profession as rePresented by the American
Customs Office, "one hundred years doth an antique make," no longer Historical Association has been laggard in recognizing material culture
holds among those who now work with American artifacts. Instead scholarship in its journals and at its professional conclaves, there are a
there has been a drift away from the fascination with the colonial few signs that more collaboration is ongoing between those whom E. M.
material culture of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, particu- Fleming once defined as "university historians and museum histo-
24 25
Thoms l. Schlereth Mterial Culture nd Cultural Reserch
tiarts."76In L984 the Organization of American Historians highlighted in Canada, twelve anthropologists participated in detailed discussions
material culture scholarship in a special session ("Interdisciplinary of material culture in contemporary anthropology. By no means is this
Perspectives: Material Culture and History") devoted to new ap- renewed disciplinary interest in material culture among anthropologists
proaches to material culture research of special interest to academic confined to aboriginal or exotic physical data. The work of Mark Leone
historians. A year-long symposium on historical methodology, spon- on structures, Grant McCracken on clothing, and Michael Schiffer on
sored by Indiana University at Indianapolis, makes similar recognition refuse indicates that there is a growing fascination with contemporary
of the growing awareness by historians of material culture's potential.TT North American
If material culture research is to make a difference in historical The renewed interest of anthropologists and the new interest of
studies, it will probably do so because of the discipline's current historians ought to make for a more boisterous and bountiful house of
fascination with social history. If social history's influence continues to material culture students in the next decade. There will probably be
expand within the academic history profession, so too will material some attempts to organize, maybe even domesticate, the inhabitants. In
culture's role. Already common allies, they may be expected to share recent years, there has been talk of a need for a national scholarly
common causes in the future-common causes such as a mutual concern association, but this still awaits its impresario and its institutional home.
for explanations of human behavior over time and place; a willingness to James Deetz thinks we will eventually see interdisciplinary departments
challenge an older view of history as only past politics; a wish to of material culture in the country's colleges and Before
demonstrate the great pluralism of the American people and their this happens on a large scale, it is more likely that we will see a number
lifestyles; and a desire to expand the traditional boundaries of American of American museums vying to become, in concert with neighboring
historical scholarship, thereby actually redefining what constitutes the universities, major research centers in material culture. At such centers,
American historical experience.Ts the continual research agenda will be simply what can we learn about
At the same time that the discipline of history may be turning up as human behavior from the objects that human beings have made or
the newest kid on the material culture block, we may also be seeing the modified.
return of anthropology, the field's parent returning to some of its old Whether or not we see a revival and an expansion of museum-
haunts. Nothing could be more fortuitous: the study of material culture university collaboration such as that which took place in the 1950s with
was, as ]ane Dwyer has argued, "one of the foundations of early the birth of the Cooperstown and Winterthur programs, the material
anthropology." At the turn of the century, the customary ethnographic culture field is ready for another step forward. As Brooke Hindle
report was filled with lengthy descriptive accounts of "tools," "house recently told the Early American Emeriti Conference, "material culture
types," or "body ornamentation." Such data became outmoded as is at an early stage of professional development."s2 The struggle for
ethnologists concerned themselves more with social organization; and, recognition will, of course, continue, but that battle is going well. More
by the early 1930s, material culture studies in anthropology waned. important issues, however, now demand attention. Questions of defini-
Now, a half century later, different theoretical and methodological tion, methodology, verification and documentation of data, and inter-
orientations in anthropology have renewed interest in material data. As pretation strategies need to be addressed in the next decade of
Dwyer suggests, anthropologists are now recognizing"that the range of scholarship. If this is done with the enthusiasm we see demonstrated in
objects which a society creates is the product and residue of the this book, the state of material culture research in future years should
thoughts and behavior of its members."Te continue to be, as Ken Ames recently characterized it, "a new frontier
The re-emergence of anthropology as promoter of and perhaps for scholarship," one worthy of our time and talent.83
major policymaker in material culture studies should give future schol-
arship in the field a stronger social-scientific perspective-an orientation
it has not had in the recent past. Examples of the flavor of this NOTES
perspective can be found in Miles Richardson's The Human Mirror, as
well as in the recent material culture sessions of the International
Congress of Ethnological and Anthropological Sciences. At those meet- ^ The author extends special thanks to Brooke Hindle, David Kyvig, and Ian
Quimby for their valuable critique and useful suggestions on earliei drfts of this
ings, organizedby anthropologists Barrie Reynolds and Margaret Stoff chaptei.
26 27
Thomas l. Schlereth Materiat Culture and Cultural Research
14. Marvin Harris, Cultural Materilism: The Struggle t'or a Science of Culture
(New York: Random House, 1979).
1.5. James Deetz, In Small Things Forgotten: The Archaeology of North American
Life (Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press,1977),24-25.
16. E. McClung Fleming, "History 803: The Artifact in American History,"
unpublished course outline, Winterthur Program in Early American Culture,
7969; Elizabeth B. Wood, "Pots and Pans History: Relating Manuscripts and
Printed Sources to the Study of Domestic Art Objects, " The American Archiaist 30
[uly 1967): 43'1.-42; David Goldfield, "The Physical City as Artifact and
Teaching Tool," The History Teacher 8 (August 1975): 535-56; Charles F.
Montgomery, "Classics and Collectibles: American Antiques as History and
Art," Art Nezus (November 1977): 126-36; Kenneth L. Ames, "Meaning in
Artifacts: Hall Furnishings in Victorian America," lournI ot' lnterdisciplinary
ments, musical instruments, ritual paraphernalia, and exchange currencies, as History 9 (Summer 1978): 19-46; John Cotter, Abooe-Ground Archeology (Wash-
I well as shelter, clothing, and the means of procuring or producing food and ington: Government Printing Office, 1972); Ivor Noel Hume, Historicl Archae-
transporting people and goods." ology (New York: Knopf, 1968), 21,; American Association of Museums, Museum
i. A. Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers, "On the Evolution of Culture, " in The Eaolution Studies: A Curriculum Guide for Unitersities and Museums (Washington: American
of Culture nd Other Essays, ed. J. L. Myers (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1906), p. Association of Museums, 1973); Alexander Fenton, "Scope of Regional Eth-
23. nology," Folklife (1973): 6; Richard Dorson, Intioduction to Folklore and Folklife
4. Clark Wissler, "Material Cultures of North American Indians," American (Chicago: University of Chicago Prcss, 1972),2-3; Siegfried Giedion, Mechaniza-
Anthropologisf 16:3 (July-September 191.4):447-505; Otis F. Mason, The Origins of tion Takes Command: A Contribution to Anonymous History (New York: W. W.
Inaention (London: W. Scott, 1895); Robert Redfield, "The Material Culture of Norton, 1948),2-4.
Spanish-Indian Mexico," Americnn Anthropologist 31 4 (October-December 17. Two American scholarly journals now carry the term "material culture"
1929): 602-19. Clyde Kluckhohn, W. W. Hill, Lucy Wales Kluckhohn, Naaaho on their mastheads. In 1978, Pioneer America, a quarterly that publishes the
Mterial Culture (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971). research of scholars and amateurs alike, assumed the subtitled /ournal of Historc
5. Simon Bronner, "The Hidden Past of Material Culture Studies in American Material Culture. Five years later the organization changed the name of
American Folkloristics," Neut York Folklore 8 (Summer 1982): 1-10. An early its journal to Material Culture: The loumal of Pioneer American Society. l !979 WP
discussion of material culture research in folklore theory can be found in Pliny (begun in 1964 as a clothbound annual devoted primarily to the specialized
Earle Goddard, "The Relation of Folk-Lore to Anthropology," lournal of Ameri- research of professionals in the American decorative arts) became a quarterly
can Folklore 28 (1915): 22. emphasizing the research of several disciplines that seek "to integrate artifacts
6. The persistence of the idea in the theoretical literature can be traced from into their cultural contexts." Significantly, WP has also acquired a subtitle,.4
Clellan S. Ford, "A Sample Comparative Analysis of Material Culture," in lournal of American Mterial Culture.
Studies in the Science of Society, ed. G. P. Murdock (New Haven: Yale University 18. Richard Dorson, "The Fields of Folklore and Folklife Studies," in
Press, 1937), 225-46; to Alfred L. Kroeber, Anthropology (New York: Harcourt, lntroduction to Folklore and Folklife (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1972),
Brace; 1948), 296; to Harry L. Shapiro, Man, Culture, and Society (New York: 2-3.
Oxford University Press, 1956), 176. "Fieldwork: Recording Material Culture," in Folklore
19. Warren Roberts,
7. George Kubler, The Shape ot' Time: Remarks on the History of Things (New An Introduction, ed. Richard Dorson (Chicago: University of Chicago
and Folklife,
Haven: Yale University Press). Ptess,1972), 431-M.
8. Ford, "A Sample Comparative Analysis of Material Culture," 225-46.
9. Cornelius Osgood, IngIik Material Culture (New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1940), 26.
10. Howard W. Marshall, FoIk Architecture in Little Dixie: A Regional Culture
in Missouri (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1981), 17.
11. Melville Herskovits, Cultural Anthropology (New York: Knopf, 1963),
12. Jules Prown, "Mind in Matter: An Introduction to Material Culture
Theory and Method," Winterthur Portfolio (hereafter cited as WP) 17:1, (Spring
13. James Deetz, "Material Culture and Archaeology-What's the Dif-
ference?" in Historical Archeology and the Importance ot' Mterial Things, 10.
28 29
Thomas l. Schlereth Material Culture and Cultural Research
22. William Rathje, "Archaeological EthnograPhy . . . Because Sometimes 35. Kouwenhoven, "American Studies: Words or Things?" 85-86.
It Is Better to Give Than to Receive," inExplorations in Ethnoarchaeology, ed. R. A. 36. Cyril Stanley Smith, "Metallurgy Footnotes to the History of Art," in
Gould (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1978), 5'J'-52. American Philosophical Society Proceedings 116 (1972):128; also see Robert R.
23. Dell pton, "Traditional Timber Framing," in Material Culture of the Armstrong, The Affecting Presence: An Essay in Humanistic Anthropology (Urbana:
Wooden Age (TarryLown, N.Y.: Sleepy Hollow Press, L981), 52; also see Cary University of Illinois Press, 1971); Prown, "Mind in Matter," 9-10.
Carson, orman'F. Barka, William M. Kelso, Garry Wheeler Stone, and Dell 37. Glassie, "Folkloristic Study of the American Ar[lact," 377.
Upton, "Impermanent Architecture in the Southern American Colonies," WP 38. fames Deefz, "The Artifact and Its Context," Museum News 62:1
16:2/3 (Summer-Autumn 1981) : 135-96. (October 1983): 26; Hindle, "Technology thr ," 453; A.
24. Prown, "Mind in Matter," 9. AIso see Yi-Fu Tuan, "The Significance of E. Parc, "History and the History Museum,
the Artifact," Geographical Reuieto 70:4 (October 1980): 463. 39. Wilcomb E. Washburn, "Collecting I " Museum
25. Wilcomb E. Washburn, " Are Museums Necessary?" Museum News 47 Neuts 62:3 (February 1984): 5-15; also see Washburn's earlier statement of his
(October 1968): 9-10. Also see note 45 below. position in "Are Museums Necessary?" Museum News 4T:2 (October 1968):9-19 '
26. Brooke Hindle, "Technology through the 3-D Time Warp," Technology - 40. Hindle cites Wolfgang K. Giloi, Interactiae Computer Graphics: Data
and Culture 243 (luly 1983): 455. Structures, Algorithms, I-anguages (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1978), in
27. Eugene Ferguson, "Technical Museums and International Exhibitions," reference to his argument in "Technology through the 3-D Tirr.e
tv|/arp," 461'.
Technology and Culture 6 (1965): 45; also see Ferguson's "The Mind's Eye: 41. Thomas J. Schlereth, "It Wasn't That Simple," Museum Nezus 56:3
Nonverbal Thought in Technology," Science 197 (1977): 826-27. (|anuary-February 1978): 36-44; a found in "Causing
28. Hindle, "Technology through the 3-D Time Warp," 456. For Hindle's Conflict/Doing Violence," Museum 4):45-52.
extended discussion of "spatial thinking," see pp. 456-57. 42. John Demos, "Words and Discussion of 'New
29. John Hale, "Museums and the Teaching of History," Museum England Begins,' " William and Mary Quarterly 40:4 (October 1983): 584-97.
(UNESCO) 21 (1e68): 67-27. - 43. Bernard Bailyn, Education in the Forming ot' Americn Society: Needs nd
30. Henry Glassie, "Folkloristic Study of the American Artifact: Objects Opportunities for Study (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1960);
and Objectives, " in Hndbook of American Folklore (Bloomington: Indiana Univer- Oscar Handlin, "The Significance of the Seventeenth-Century," in Setenteenth-
sity, 1983), 377. Century America: Essays in Colonial History, ed. james Morton Smith (Chapel Hill:
31. Rhys Isaac, in his The Transt'ormation of Virgini, 1740-L790 (Chapel Hill: Carolina Press, 1959), 3-12.
University'of North Carolina Press, 1982), summarizes this arrogance in this lla, "Museums and Technological Utopianism," in Techno-
footnote manifesto: "Historical understanding has too long been enthralled by the Decortiae Arts, ed. Ian M. G. Quimby and Polly Anne
the assumptions, preferences, and definitions of intellectuals-a high priesthood : University of Virginia, 1974), 360; Michael |. Ettema,
of which historians themselves form a part. In highly literate milieus the "History, Nostalgia, and American Furniture," WP 17:213 (Summer-Autumn
assumption is unquestioned that significant communication is conveyed by 1982): 135-44. See Upton's "The Power of Things," chapter three of this book.
words, especially by written words, and above all by printed words. Yet one 45. Thomas J. Schlereth, "Material Culture Studies in America, 1876-
may ask: How many people in our own society-among the elite even-arrive at 1976," in Mterial Culture Studies in America, 63-68.
articulate verbal statements of the meaning of their own lives? For all Persons 46. Thomas f . Schlereth, "American Studies and Students of American
such statements are most often implied in patterns of behavior. In face-to-face Things," American Quarterly 35:3 (Summer 1983): 236-41..
oral cultures like that of 18th-century Virginia, action in a social context assumes 47. For a review of the merits of synchronic versus diachronic analysis, see
an even more important place in the total Process of communication. Scholars'
feffrey L. Eighmy, "The Use of Material Culture in Diachronic Anthropology,"
predilections have long placed undue emphasis in early American history on in Modern Material Culture: The Archaeology ot' Us, ed. Richard A. Gould and
New England, with its great output of printed sermon commentary about Michael B. Schifler (New York: Academic Press, 1981), 31-50, and Henry
society and the nature of things. In Virginia it was not in words but in vivid Glassie, Folk Housing in Middle Virgini: A Structural Analysis of Historic Artifacts
dance forms that the meaning of life was most fully expressed. Historians must (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1975), vii-vi, 8-9, 11'-12, 17,20,
seek to 'read' these kinds of statements." 36-37.
32. Prown, "Style As Evidence, " WP \5:3 (Autumn 1980): 208. 48. Henry Glassie, "The Nature of the New Worl
33. Hindle, "Technology through the 3-D Time Warp," 456, 458. the Dugout Canoe, " in Festschrift fur Robert Wildhaber,
34. See, for example, John Kouwenhoven, "American Studies, Words or Walter Escher (Basel: Schweizerische Gesellschaft f
Things?" in Mterial Culture Studes in America, ed. Thomas J. Schlereth
(Nashville, Tenn.: American Association for State and Local History [hereafter
cited as AASLHI, 1982), 80-92; Clyde Kluckhohn as quoted in Richard B.
Woodbury, "Purposes and Concepts," n The Teaching of Anthropology, Memoir
94, ed. David B. Menolbaum et al. (Washington: American Anthropology
Association: 1963), 228.
30 31
Material Culture and Cultural Research
Thomas J ' Schlereth
tion, nd
,. 1975); S A
History MIT
Harvey Green, The Light of the Home: An Intimte Viry1 of the Littes of
Women in Vitorian A.merica (ew'York: Pantheon, 1983); Rhys lsaac'
ana Un
58. -'
"on Corner-Timbering," Pioneer Ameica l' (lanuary 1969):
T2. Fred Kniffen,
34 35