BAT Optimization
BAT Optimization
BAT Optimization
(An Association Unifying the Sciences, Engineering, and Applied Research) ISSN (Online): 2279-0055
Abstract: Many applications of wireless sensor networks (WSN) require information about the geographical
location of each sensor node. Devices that form WSN are expected to be remotely deployed in large numbers in
a sensing eld, and to self-organize to perform sensing and acting task. The goal of localization is to assign
geographical coordinates to each device with unknown position in the deployment area. Recently, the popular
strategy is to apply optimization algorithms to solve the localization problem. In this paper, the bat algorithm is
implemented to estimate the sensors position.
I. Introduction
Recent advances in radio and embedded systems have enabled the proliferation of wireless sensor networks.
Wireless sensor networks are tremendously being used in different environments to perform various monitoring
tasks such as search, rescue, disaster relief, target tracking and a number of tasks in smart environments. In
many such tasks, node localization is inherently one of the system parameters. Node localization is required to
report the origin of events, assist group querying of sensors, routing and to answer questions on the network
coverage. So, one of the fundamental challenges in wireless sensor network is node localization [1].
In a sensor network, there will be a large number of sensor nodes densely deployed at positions which may not
be predetermined. In most sensor network applications, the information gathered by these micro-sensors will be
meaningless unless the location from where the information is obtained is unknown. This makes localization
capabilities highly desirable in sensor networks [2]. Theoretically, a localization measurement device such as
GPS can be used for a sensor to locate itself. However, it is not practical to use GPS in every sensor node
because a sensor network consists of thousands of nodes and GPS will be very costly. On the other hand, GPS
does not work at all in indoor environments, so alternative solutions must be employed [3]. To solve the
problem, many localization methods have been developed. Instead of requiring every node to have GPS
installed, all localization methods assume only a few nodes be equipped with GPS hardware. These nodes are
often called anchor nodes and they know their positions. Other normal sensors can communicate with a few
nearby sensors and estimate distances between them using some localization algorithm (e.g. RSS, ToA) and
then derive their positions based on the distances[3]-[5].
This paper proposes the application of BAT algorithm for distributed iterative node localization in WSNs. BAT
algorithm performs quite well in terms of nodes localized and localization accuracy.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Literature Survey on WSN Localization is presented in Section II.
Section III the gentle overview of BAT algorithm used for localization in this study. This is followed with
implementation of above said algorithm in section IV. Section V presents simulation results. Finally, section VI
presents conclusions and makes a projection on possible future research path.
A detailed survey of the relevant literature is available in [6], [7], [8], [9]. An efficient localization system with
Accurate Positioning System (APS) extends the GPS capabilities to non-GPS nodes in ad hoc networks as
anchors flood their location information to all nodes in the networks proposed in [10].Then each target node
performs a triangulation to three or more anchors to find its position. Node localization accuracy is improved by
measuring anchor distances from their neighbors by introducing a refinement phase [11]. The issue of error
accumulation is addressed in [12] through Kalman filter based least square estimation in [13] [14] to
simultaneously locate the position of all sensor nodes. Node localization problem is addressed using convex
optimization based on semi-definite programming. The semi-definite programming approach is further extended
to non-convex inequality constraints. In [15] [16], the gradient search technique demonstrates the use of a data
analysis technique called multi dimensional scaling (MDS) in estimating the position of unknown nodes. The
algorithm localizes an individual patch by first computing all pair wise shortest paths between sensors in the
patch. Then it applies MDS to these distances to get an initial layout. Finally, an absolute map is obtained by
using the known node positions. These techniques work well with few anchors and reasonably high
Soft computing plays a crucial role in optimization problems. WSN is treated as multi-model and
multidimensional optimization problem and addressed through population based stochastic techniques. A few
GA based node localization algorithms are presented in [17] - [19] that estimate optimal node locations of all
one-hop neighbors. A two phase centralized localization scheme that uses SAA and GA is presented in [20].
PSO based algorithm is proposed in [21] [22] to minimize the localization error. In [23] two intelligent
localization schemes for WSNs are introduced for range-free localization, which utilize received signal strength
(RSS) from the anchor nodes. In the first scheme, the edge weight of each anchor node is separately calculated
and combined to compute the location of sensor nodes. The edge weights are modeled by a Fuzzy Logic System
(FLS) and optimized by the GA. In the second scheme, the localization is approximated as a single problem
where the entire sensors locations from the anchor node signals are mapped by a Neural Network (NN) [24]. A
two objective evolutionary algorithm which takes concurrently into account, during the evolutionary process,
both the localization accuracy and certain topological constraints induced by connectivity considerations using
meta heuristic approach, namely SA, is proposed in [25]. Each target node is localized under imprecise
measurement of distances from three or more neighboring anchors/settled nodes. In this paper, BAT algorithm is
described in order to evaluate the precision of node localization problem in wireless sensor networks, and the
experimental results show that the proposed method is a good solution for node localization evaluation.
Recently, a new meta heuristic search algorithm, called bat algorithm (BA), has been developed by Xin-She
Yang (2010a) [26] is explained in section III for the convenience of the readers. Preliminary studies show that it
is very promising and could outperform existing algorithms. Bats are fascinating animals. They are the only
mammals with wings and they also have advanced capability of echolocation. Micro bats use a type of sonar,
called, echolocation, to detect prey, avoid obstacles, and locate their roosting crevices in the dark. These bats
emit a very loud sound pulse and listen for the echo that bounces back from the surrounding objects. Their
pulses vary in properties and can be correlated with their hunting strategies, depending on the species.
If idealize some of the echolocation characteristics of microbats, a bat algorithm can be developed. For
simplicity, use the following approximate or idealized rules:
a) All bats use echolocation to sense distance, and they also know the difference between food / prey and
background barriers in some magical way;
b) Bats fly randomly with velocity vi at position xi with a frequency fmin, varying wavelength and loudness A0
to search for prey. They can automatically adjust the wavelength (or frequency) of their emitted pulses and
adjust the rate of pulse emission r [0, 1], depending on the proximity of their target;
c) Although the loudness can vary in many ways, we assume that the loudness varies from a large (positive) A0
to a minimum constant value Amin. Based on these approximations and idealization, the basic steps of the Bat
Algorithm (BA) [26] can be summarized as the pseudo code shown in Fig 1 as follows.
A. Bat Motion
For the bats in simulations, we have to define the rule show their positions xi and velocities vi in a d-dimensional
search space are updated. The new solutions xit and velocities vit at time step t are given by
fi = fmin + ( fmax-fmin),
vit+1=vit+ (xit x*)fi,
xit+1=xit + vit,
where [0,1] is a random vector drawn from a uniform distribution. Where x * is a current global best location
(solution) which is located after comparing all the solutions among all the n bats at each iterations t. Initially,
each bat is randomly assigned a frequency which is drawn uniformly from [f min, fmax].
The update of the velocities and positions of bats have some similarity to the procedure in the standard particle
swarm optimization, as fi essentially controls the pace and range of the movement of the swarming particles. To
a degree, BA can be considered as a balanced combination of the standard particle swarm optimization and the
intensive local search controlled by the loudness and pulse rate.
x y yi
2 2
di = xi
where as (x, y) is the location of the target node and (xi , yi) is the location of the ith anchor node in the
4) Each localizable target node runs BAT algorithm independently to localize itself by finding its coordinates
(x, y). The objective function (mean of square of error between actual and estimated distances of computed node
coordinates and the actual node coordinates), given as below is minimized.
( x xi
y yi
- d^i)
where M 3 (2D location of a node needs minimum 3 anchors) is the number of anchors with in transmission
range, R, of the target node.
5) BAT evolves the optimal location of target nodes, i.e. (x, y) by minimizing the error function.
6) After coordinate so fall localizable nodes (say, NL) are determined, the mean localization error is computed as
the mean of square of distance so of computed node coordinates (x i yi) and the actual node coordinates (Xi Yi),
for i = 1,2,..NL determined for BAT, as shown below:
x yi Yi
2 2
i Xi
EL = i M 1
(N L )
7) Steps 2 to 6 are repeated until all target nodes get localized or no more nodes can be localized. The
performance of the localization algorithm is based on EL and NNL, where NNL = [N - NL] is the number of nodes
that could not be localized. Lesser the value of NNL and EL, better the performance is.
As the iterations progress, the number of localized nodes increases. This increases the number of references
available for already localized nodes. A node that localizes using just three references in an iteration k may have
more references in iteration k +1. This decreases the probability of the flip ambiguity.
BAT algorithm is stochastic in nature; so one cant expect the same solution in all trials with identical
deployment. This is the reason why the results of many trial runs are averaged. The initial deployment is
random, so, the number of localizable nodes in each iteration is not expected to be the same. The sensor nodes
position is calculated using BA. The true and estimated sensor locations are shown in the Fig. 2.
For both algorithms the anchor nodes and sensor nodes are deployed same initially. The results based on BA and
BBO are summarized in Table II which shows that the BA performs better than the BBO. It can be observed that
BA gives fast convergence and better accuracy than BBO.
The above discussed algorithms are iterative in nature and after every iteration the number of localized nodes is
increasing. The density of anchor nodes improves the performance of localizability of the target node. The BA
has better results than the BBO [28] as shown in Fig 3. As the number of anchor nodes is increasing, the amount
of unlocalized nodes is decreasing.
TABLE II. Summary of iterative simulation results based on BA and BBO [28]
Trial BBO BA
VI. Conclusion
Localization is one of the key techniques of wireless sensor networks. In this paper the localization problem in
WSN is formulated as an optimization problem and Bat algorithm is utilized to solve this problem. The
simulation result shows that the localization accuracy is very high and BA can achieve higher accurate position
estimation than BBO. A hybrid stochastic algorithm may be proposed to achieve more accuracy. The
effectiveness of proposed algorithm may verify on experimental set up of sensor network.
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